Title:Aromatherapy - Using Essential Oils For Good HealthWord Count:668Summary:Even before the term alternative medicine was formally used, aromatherapy was already beingpracticed 5000 years ago by Egyptians. At that time, oil was extracted from aromatic plantsthrough infusion and used for embalming, cosmetics and medicinal purposes. This knowledgewas passed on to the Greeks and served as the basis for more discoveries, including the relaxingand stimulating effects of the fragrance of some flowers. Going back further, ancient man'sdependence on the...Keywords:aromatherapy candle,aromatherapy oil,aromatherapy product,aromatherapy essentialoil,aromatherapy soy candleArticle Body:Even before the term alternative medicine was formally used, aromatherapy was already beingpracticed 5000 years ago by Egyptians. At that time, oil was extracted from aromatic plantsthrough infusion and used for embalming, cosmetics and medicinal purposes. This knowledgewas passed on to the Greeks and served as the basis for more discoveries, including the relaxingand stimulating effects of the fragrance of some flowers. Going back further, ancient man'sdependence on the environment for all his basic needs and survival led him to discover naturalways of food preservation and the treatment of various conditions using herbs and aromatics.1. Eastern RootsThe use of aromatics is also reflected in a Chinese herbal book by Shen Nung dated 2700 BC,
showing specific details on more than 300 plants and their various applications. AncientChinese also burned incense and wood as part of religious practices that a good number of theirmodern counterparts still observe today. Aromatics was also a part of acupressure, massage andother therapies identified with the Chinese.2. Modern Health TreatmentToday, many individuals place a high premium on health and well-being. The cost of traditionalor conventional medicine such as surgery and medicare, however, has made a high number ofpeople turn to aromatherapy, or essential oils therapy, and other forms of alternative medicine.3. Basics- Facilitates an equilibrium of physical, mental and spiritual health through natural means- In some cases, these alternative treatments are now considered as strong and effectivecomplements to regular medicine- The main component of aromatherapy is essential oils- Essential Oils are highly concentrated essences known for their healing effects4. Essential OilsThese aroma-producing oils come from the flower, as in the case of a rose; leaves (basil is anexample); twig; bark; fruit rind and other plant parts. Experts say that the extraction process canbe time-consuming, complex and require much patience. Recognition and acceptance of thesefactors is important: getting about 5 teaspoonsful of oil could entail the use more than 220pounds of rose petals. This process is what makes pure essential oils costly, although theireffectiveness is not compromised because a treatment can entail the use of only a few drops togenerate the target effect. An option is the less-expensive synthetic oils, although they do notoffer the healing properties of their natural counterparts.5. How It WorksEssential oils work by stimulating the olfactory system and later the brain or limbic system. Thefragrance, other properties and effects of the oil determine how these body systems and theirparts are stimulated. During a massage, these oils are inhaled and absorbed by the body at thesame time, penetrating the skin and eventually reaching the organs and body systems. Theabsorption can be as short as 20 minutes and possibly extend to 2 hours or more, making someexperts advise to avoid a shower or bathing immediately after the massage to maximize thedesired effect.6. Effects Last Days, Not HoursThe longevity of a fragrance also varies from 3-24 hours to 2-3 days and even longer to about aweek. Eucalyptus, peppermintthyme, and bergamot are among oils with a short-lived scent, while the scent of hyssop,lavender, balm, and other oils last between 2-3 days. Jasmine, sandalwood, ginger andcedarwood are among the oils that take as long as one week before completely evaporating.7. Achieve A Sense Of CalmThe desired health balance of an individual also requires the creation of a balanced perfume, or
a combination of the three types of oils based on longevity. These various combinations oraromatherapy blends can be mixed into a warm bath to relax and calm an individual, eliminatestress and depression, energize and sooth the body or aching part. The healing or calming effectof a massage can be enhanced by applying essential oils. However, this would require the use ofcarrier oils to prevent irritation or any other negative skin reaction. Some of these carrier oils,which help dilute essential oils, include avocado oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, wheatgerm oil,almond oil, soya oil and hazelnut oil.Title:Healthy Guilt, Unhealthy GuiltWord Count:601Summary:Guilt is the feeling that results when you tell yourself that you have done something wrong.HEALTHY GUILTHealthy guilt is the feeling that occurs when you have actually done something wrong - such asdeliberately harming someone. This is an important feeling, which results from havingdeveloped a conscience - a loving adult self who is concerned with your highest good and thehighest good of all. People who never developed a conscience and feel no guilt or remorse ov...Keywords:guilt, self help, self improvement, personal development, anger, depression, anxietyArticle Body:Guilt is the feeling that results when you tell yourself that you have done something wrong.HEALTHY GUILTHealthy guilt is the feeling that occurs when you have actually done something wrong - such asdeliberately harming someone. This is an important feeling, which results from havingdeveloped a conscience - a loving adult self who is concerned with your highest good and thehighest good of all. People who never developed a conscience and feel no guilt or remorse overharming others are called sociopaths. These people have no loving adult self and can wreckhavoc - stealing, raping, killing - without ever feeling badly about it.Healthy guilt results in taking responsibility for our choices and being accountable for ouractions. When we have not behaved in a way that is in our highest good and the highest good ofall, our loving adult self will feel remorse and take over, doing whatever we have to do toremedy the situation.UNHEALTHY GUILT
Unhealthy guilt results from telling yourself that you have done something wrong when youhaven't actually done something wrong. For example, if you decide to do something foryourself with no intent to harm anyone, and someone gets upset with you for doing what youwant instead of doing what he or she wants, what do you tell yourself? Here are some of theinner statements that can lead to unhealthy guilt:\"It's my fault that he is feeling angry.\"\"I should have done what she wanted instead of what I wanted. I have caused her to feel hurt.\"\"I'm being selfish in doing what I want to do.\"\"It's my duty to put myself aside and do what others want me to do.\"\"If he gets angry with me, then I must have done something wrong.\"\"If she is hurt, then I must have done something wrong.\"Many of us have been trained to believe that we are responsible for others' feelings, so thatwhen others are angry or hurt, it is our fault. But unless you deliberately intended to harmsomeone, his or her feelings are not your responsibility. Others get hurt when they take yourbehavior personally, and they get angry when they make you responsible for their feelings. Butthis does not mean that you are responsible for their feelings.You are responsible for your own intent. When you intend to harm someone, then you areresponsible for the results of that. But when you just want to take care of yourself with no intentto harm anyone - such as want some time alone when your partner wants to spend time withyou - then you are not responsible for your partner's upset.Unhealthy guilt comes from telling yourself a lie. When the wounded, programmed critical partof you takes over and tells you that doing what you want with no intent to harm anyone iswrong, that is when you will feel unhealthy guilt. This critical part of you wants to control howothers feel about you, and so tells you the lie that you are responsible for others' feelings.Unhealthy guilt also arises when someone blames you for his or her feelings and you take onthe blame. Many people have learned to blame others for their feelings rather than takeresponsible for their own feelings. When you accept this blame, it is because you want tobelieve that you can control others' feelings. You will feel unhealthy guilt when you acceptblame for others' feelings.Healthy guilt is an important feeling and leads to positive action, but unhealthy guilt is a wasteof energy.Title:Pregnancy Tests ?Have All The Information For A Healthy DeliveryWord Count:
331抯Summary:With today increased knowledge of health and development of the fetus in the womb, thereare several tests that expectant mothers will undergo to ensure the health prospects of bothherself and her baby. All of these tests are standard, and you should make sure to ask yourdoctor about when they are scheduled and that they are all on his list.CBC Test: CBC stands for Complete Blood Count. This test checks for anemia and otherabnormalities that may occur within blood co...Keywords:pregnancy, pregnant抯Article Body:With today increased knowledge of health and development of the fetus in the womb, thereare several tests that expectant mothers will undergo to ensure the health prospects of bothherself and her baby. All of these tests are standard, and you should make sure to ask yourdoctor about when they are scheduled and that they are all on his list.CBC Test: CBC stands for Complete Blood Count. This test checks for anemia and otherabnormalities that may occur within blood components.Urinary Analysis: Regular urine analysis safety check for infection, protein, blood, or any otherproducts that should not be present in the urine and that may signal complications.RH factor: This test also tests the blood type. Differences in the blood type or Rh factor couldlead to serious complications in the newborn, or in your next child. Women who are RHnegative need to have additional screening done later in the pregnancy.Immunity: A blood test is required to ensure immunity from German measles (rubella).STD: Tests for sexually transmitted diseases are also necessary, including screenings fordiseases such as HIV, hepatitis, and syphilis. Some tests include cultures for Chlamydia andgonorrhea.Blood glucose is checked for diabetes.Pap smears check the cells of the cervix for abnormalities, including cancerous or precancerouscells.Screening for bacterial and viral infections in the vagina and cervix is often performed duringthe second half of the pregnancy. Testing to detect bacterial vaginosis, which could increase therisk for premature rupture of membranes and subsequent labor, and a culture for group Bstreptococci, which can infect and harm the newborn after delivery, may be done during yourpregnancy.There are other tests that may be taken according to your own personal health history.Expectant women with high blood pressure should be regularly checked. Make sure when you
visit your obstetrician that all these tests are accounted for, and consult her on any that mayneed to be done additionally.
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