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Home Explore Art Work And Your Health

Art Work And Your Health

Published by katie, 2015-01-01 08:58:11

Description: You have just been to the latest art exhibition and seen some of the paintings. How did you feel?
Well, you might have sensed relaxation, or may be you must have enjoyed seeing the sight
presented by strokes of paint. Whatever, be the reason, watching a creative mind creative
construction finds a favor with everybody.
However, many of us are not aware that an artwork affects both the artist as well as the observer.
Art produces a positive effect on the person. Art therap...

Keywords: artwork, posters, art, modern art, discounted art


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Title:Art Work And Your HealthWord Count:447Summary:You have just been to the latest art exhibition and seen some of the paintings. How did you feel?Well, you might have sensed relaxation, or may be you must have enjoyed seeing the sight抯presented by strokes of paint. Whatever, be the reason, watching a creative mind creativeconstruction finds a favor with everybody.However, many of us are not aware that an artwork affects both the artist as well as the observer.Art produces a positive effect on the person. Art therap...Keywords:artwork, posters, art, modern art, discounted artArticle Body:You have just been to the latest art exhibition and seen some of the paintings. How did you feel?Well, you might have sensed relaxation, or may be you must have enjoyed seeing the sight

抯presented by strokes of paint. Whatever, be the reason, watching a creative mind creativeconstruction finds a favor with everybody.However, many of us are not aware that an artwork affects both the artist as well as the observer.Art produces a positive effect on the person. Art therapy is based on this presumption. Artspecially works wonder on people suffering from mental diseases. According to experts, sinceart uses symbolisms and images to convey information, it helps people in giving way to pent-upemotions and feelings. This ultimately cures ailments such as depression etc. Experts also opinethat when people themselves get involved in the creation of artwork, many of them tend torelease their buried emotions via the paintings. This results in the unburdening of a long carriedweight, which leads patients to a better frame of mind.抯A report that appeared in New York Times states how art has been helping patients sufferingfrom Alzheimer disease and dementia. According to the report, art engages parts of thebrains that remain intact long after the patient starts suffering from dementia. The report alsocites that these parts are concerned with the procedural memory which govern routine activitieslike walking, eating etc.Artwork can also help one to deal with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The AmericanArt Therapy Association states PTSD is an anxiety disorder that can develop after exposure to aterrifying event or series of events, such as combat, in which grave physical harm occurred orwas threatened, causing feelings of intense fear, helplessness, or horror.Art helps PSTD victims because it makes use of images and not languages. Many expertsbelieve it is safer to access traumatic memories using images rather than languages. Once, thisis done, the patient is encouraged to recreate the image of the traumatic events and thisultimately leads to healing and recovery.Art also affects the health of the artists, however, in a negative manner. Strictly speaking, theblame should be put on the materials used by them. Take for instance paints. Many a times theycontain hazardous chemicals. Hence, while working with various paints, once should take careto prevent personal exposure. Similarly, increasing the use of water-based paints is a good wayof limiting exposure to solvent vapors.Thus , art can have a positive effect on the health of its observer. However, an artist has to becareful while doing any artwork because negligence can adversely affect his health.Title:Healthy Hair: Beauty Secrets From The ProsWord Count:593Summary:For most women and some men primping and preening their hair is a daily Olympic event thatmay or may not win them any medals for the way they look. In fact from bed head to hat head,most of us tress obsessed are prone to bad hair... probably because most of us suffer from badhair hygiene.

Want healthier, shinier, sexier hair? Don't despair, instead, \"do what you're told, and not whatyou do\":Shower Power:1. Go Au Natural: Most store bought shampoos contain astri...Keywords:hair, shampoo, conditioner, showerArticle Body:For most women and some men primping and preening their hair is a daily Olympic event thatmay or may not win them any medals for the way they look. In fact from bed head to hat head,most of us tress obsessed are prone to bad hair... probably because most of us suffer from badhair hygiene.Want healthier, shinier, sexier hair? Don't despair, instead, \"do what you're told, and not whatyou do\":Shower Power:1. Go Au Natural: Most store bought shampoos contain astringent cleaners, which can bedamaging to hair, note professionals. However, using products made from natural ingredientsare less likely to rob your locks of essential oils and nutrients.2. Get Familiar With Product Protocol: Make your product work for you. According to experts,the best benefits are achieved by emulsifying shampoo or conditioner in your hands, prior toapplying. Massage into roots, crown, then lastly, down sides of shaft (hair shaft, that is).3.Less Is More: While washing hair daily may make you feel like it's squeaky clean, but inreality, daily cleaning can be damaging and drying. Instead wash hair every other day or two tothree times per week. On \"off days\", rinse with water and apply conditioner as needed, mainlyat the ends.4. Go Deep: Heat and color treated tresses need to be deep conditioned at least once a week. Ifhair is extremely damaged, experts recommend a concentrated hair mask in place of dailyconditioner (for use from midshaft down).Styling Suggestions:1. Avoid Burnout: Many modern dryers are efficient at speeding up the drying process, butexperts note that they were designed to be held high above the hair (preferable by a stylist) andto be circulated around a lot, so as to avoid overheating and damage. To avoid dryer burnout,experts recommend removing the nozzle and point your dryer downward. And, they suggesttreating damp hair with a heat-protectant spray prior to drying.2. Go With The Flow (Of Your Hair): Use fingers when styling your hair until it is about 80percent dry, then pull out the brush. And, don't try to fight its natural tendencies.

3. Let It Breath: While many de-frizz or anti-frizz silicone based products help keep strandssmooth and sexy, experts suggest applying them AFTER heat styling (for best results).Otherwise, they note they can have a \"shrink wrap\" effect, depleting your mane of moisture.4. Brush Up On The Type Of Brush Your Using: According to experts, the best brushes arethose with natural (boar) bristles, because they disperse your scalp's natural oils and keep themwell greased.Feeding Your Follicles:1. Nourish Your Roots With An Adequate Diet: The best follicle fuel is found in omega-3 fattyacids, according to the experts. So, dive into some cold-water fish such as salmon and tuna anddon't forget the protein (found in nuts and cheese).Salon Suggestions:1. Time Your Touch-Ups: Frequent color touch-ups according to the experts, can be beneficialin not only covering up the damage time has done, but also in preventing chemical damage,especially since keeping up with color means only roots will need a quick fix and stylists won'thave to leave color on that long.2. Protect Yourself (from color-fade): Professionals suggest ensuring color lasts by refrainingfrom shampooing for 72 hours, using only color safe products. However, if you need a showerto style your hair only wet your hair and apply conditioner.Salon Secrets:A quick fix for frayed ends is simply applying a leave in treatment then giving them a blast of\"fresh\" air with a dryer.Title:Preserving Health And Beauty In PregnancyWord Count:551Summary:Most women think that it's okay to stop exerting effort in looking beautiful during pregnancybut it's not. Pregnancy is a time when your hormones are in a rage. It is easy to be overwhelmedby new feelings, sensations, and changes in your body that make you feel not in control. Takingcare of your pregnant self lets you be in control and preserve your health and beauty. It's noteasy to look in a mirror with disheveled hair and dry, blotchy skin. It's also frustrating to try...Keywords:health and beauty, pregnancy

Article Body:Most women think that it's okay to stop exerting effort in looking beautiful during pregnancybut it's not. Pregnancy is a time when your hormones are in a rage. It is easy to be overwhelmedby new feelings, sensations, and changes in your body that make you feel not in control. Takingcare of your pregnant self lets you be in control and preserve your health and beauty. It's noteasy to look in a mirror with disheveled hair and dry, blotchy skin. It's also frustrating to try andfit yourself in your pre-pregnant outfits. Get rid of the idea that this is normal. What's normal isa pregnant woman embracing and enjoying her pregnancy by taking care of her body, her healthand beauty.Studies by the MRC/US Anxiety and Stress Disorders Research Unit show that babies born ofhappy mothers are healthier -- they are heavier, more active, and agreeable. They also absorbmore nutrients from their first feedings which are essential for their nourishment. Happymothers are also found to produce better-quality milk for their babies. Negative emotionsincrease the risk of developing post-pregnancy depression. This affects how a mother bonds andcares for her newborn. The best way to ward off this negativity is to preserve your health andbeauty.First, follow a healthy diet under the specifications of your doctor. Do not assume that the dietyour other pregnant friend follows is right for you. Your health and beauty needs are unique.You may have deficiencies or skin care needs, which your friend's diet cannot address. Second,take supplements and vitamins according to your doctor's instructions. Never take drugs or anyform of medicine without your doctor's approval. It may have adverse effects on your baby.Third, exercise lightly to avoid gaining excess weight. Expectant mothers normally gain 15-20pounds; anything higher than that can give you a difficult delivery. Fourth, get adequate sleepand rest. Nothing is more stressful than sleepless nights because of hormones and restlessness.Make up for lost sleep during the day; your body tells you when it needs some shut-eye.Of course, a pregnant woman's health and beauty are not limited to her physical needs. Heremotional and psychological well-being are just as important. You know that nothing boostsyour confidence than being thought of and complimented as beautiful. You can easily get thatgoddess feeling again through modern maternity fashion. Take all those loose, tent-like dressesyour mother-in-law lent you. Contemporary maternity designers are coming out with newdesigns that showcase your pregnant body rather than hiding it. Take advantage of your fullercleavage and wear lower necklines. Show off your pregnant belly in stretch tops that hug yourcurves in solid colors. Avoid hiding in busy prints and opt for simple, understated accents andaccessories. Change your hairstyle -- pregnancy is a perfect excuse to try the new pixie cut.Keep your posture straight and your feet pretty in fun flats and funky mules.Health and beauty are essentials for a pregnant woman. Take care of yours to bebetter-equipped in caring for your baby. Treat your pregnancy as your time to shine with naturalhealth and beauty. Staying healthy and beautiful during pregnancy is not only easy; it is the bestthing you can do for yourself and your baby.

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