A Reconnecting Muslim's Guide: Du'as & Supplications An Online Publication by Spiritual Oasis Project & NUS Muslim Society Academic Year 21/22
Contents Muqoddimah 1 Du'as for Prayers 5 The Power of Du'as 13 Qunut Nazilah 20 References 25
1 ُم َقِّدَم ة Muqoddimah Introduction Editors' Note
ِبْس ِم الله الَّرْحَم ِن الَّرِح يم Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful الَّلُه َّم َص ِّل َع ىَل َس ِّيِدَنا ُم َحَّم ٍد َو َع ىَل آِلِه َو َص ْحِبِه َو َس َّلم Allahumma solli 'ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wasallam O Allah, send your peace and blessings upon our Master Muhammad and upon his family and companions Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. Glory be to Allah s.w.t, Lord of the Worlds, who has continuously showered upon us His Mercy and Blessings, who has always touched our hearts and lives in the most gentlest of ways, and who has constantly protected us from all kinds of evil and set us on a path of goodness, and a path leading towards Him insyaaAllah. May the person who is reading this short write-up be in the state of well-being and absolute faith to Allah s.w.t and His beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. It is reported in a hadith, narrated by Abu Darda', that Allah's Messenger ( )ﷺsaid: \"\"َم ا ِم ْن َع ْبٍد ُم ْس ِلٍم َيْدُعو َألِخ يِه ِبَظ ْه ِر اْلَغ ْيِب ِإَّال َقاَل اْلَم َلُك َوَلَك ِبِم ْثٍل \"There is no believing servant who supplicates for his brother behind his back (in his absence) that the Angels do not say: The same be for you too.\" (Sahih Muslim, 2732) 2
This booklet contains a compilation of du'as and supplications that are often recited by our local asatizahs and imaams in the mosques. Some of these du'as have been found in several prophetic narrations, and the Holy Qur'an. These du'as are meant to be general du'as i.e., supplications made not just for one's self but for the larger Muslim community (as seen from the pronouns \"we\" and \"our\" in the translations below), just like how we have been enjoined to do. Of course, you may still recite them on your own and you do not have to perform a congregational prayer just so that you can recite them. Having said that, sending prayers and supplications to the community will invoke a sense of unity and belonging in the Ummah, as we collectively pray and turn ourselves to our Creator, Allah s.w.t. Here are some guidelines that you can follow when reciting a supplication: Start the du'a by praising Allah s.w.t and sending our salutations to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Invoke Allah by His names Ask for everything that you need (without holding back) Make du'a for others (such as asking for forgiveness) Conclude with ameeen 3
Additionally, it is also encouraged for us to try to understand the meaning behind each supplication and recite with the sincerest of hearts, full trust and faith in Allah who has promised us that He will answer them eventually as long as we make the conscious effort to turn to Him for assistance. Finally, this list is not exhaustive. Feel free to use this compilation as a reference, share it with your families and friends and add more du'as if you wish to. May Allah accept all of our good deeds and grant us peace and tranquility as we continue to seek forgiveness from Him for our wrongdoings and recite our sincerest supplications to Him, for He is the All-Knowing and All-Hearing. May He be pleased with us and guide us in each step, insyaaAllah. Compiled by: 4 |
2 Du'as after Prayers َوِإذا َس َأَلَك ِع بادي َع ّني َفِإّني َقريٌب ۖ ُأجيُب َدعَوَة الّداِع ِإذا َدعاِن ۖ َفلَيسَتجيبوا لي َولُيؤِم نوا بي َلَع َّلُه م َيرُش دوَن When My servants ask you about Me, [tell them that] I am indeed nearmost. I answer the supplicant’s call when he calls Me. So let them respond to Me, and let them have faith in Me, so that they may fare rightly. [2:186] This section contains du'as which you may recite after each fardhu prayer.
ِبْس ِم الله الَّرْحَم ِن الَّرِح يم Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. اْلَحْم ُد ِلَلِه َرِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْيَن َو الَّص َالُة َو الَّس َالُم َع ىَل َأْش َرِف اَأْلْنِبَياِء َو اْلُم ْرَس ِلْيَن َس ِّيِدَنا ُم َحَّم ٍد َو َع ىَل آِلِه َو َص ْحِبِه َو َس َّلم Alhamdulillahi rabbil 'alamin was solatu wassalaamu 'ala asyrafil anbiyaa-i wal mursaliin sayyidina Muhammadin wa 'ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam All praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, peace and salutations to the noblest of prophets and messengers Sayyidinaa Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his beloved household and companions. الَّلُه َّم ِإَّنا َنْس َأُلَك َس اَل َم ًة ِفي الِّدْيِن َو َع اِفَيًة ِفي اْلَجَس ِد َو ِزَياَدًة ِفي اْلِع ْلِم َو َبَرَكًة ِفي اْلِرْزِق َو َتْو َبًة َقْبَل اْلَم ْو ِت َو َرْحَم ًة ِع ْنَد اْلَم ْو ِت َو َم ْغ ِف َرًة َبْع َد اْلَم ْو ِت Allahumma inna nas-aluka salaamatan fid diin wa 'aafiyatan fil jasad wa ziyaadatan fil 'ilmi wa barakatan fir rizqi wa taubatan qoblal maut wa rahmatan 'indal maut wa maghfiratan ba'dal maut 6
O Allah, verily we are asking of You (to provide us with) safety in (our) religion and health in (our) body and an increase in knowledge and blessings in (our) sustenance and (acceptance for our) repentance before death and mercy during death and forgiveness after death. الَّلُه َّم َهِّوْن َع َلْيَنا ِفي َس َكَرِة اْلَم ْو ِت َو الَّنَجاَة ِم َن الَّناِر َو اْلَع ْف َو ِع ْنَد اْلِح َس اِب Allahumma hawwin 'alainaa fi sakaraatil maut wan najaata minan naar wal a'fwa 'indal hisaab O Allah, make it easy upon us during Sakaratul maut and (grant us) salvation from Hellfire and forgiveness during Judgement. الَّلُه َّم ِإَّنا َنْس َأُلَك اْلَع ْف َو َو اْلَع اِفَيَة َو اْلُم َع اَفاَة الَّداِئَم َة ِفي الِّدْيِن َوالُّدْنَيا َو الآِخ َرِة Allahumma inna nas-alukal 'afwa wal 'aafiyah wal mu'aafaatad daa-imah fid diini wad dunyaa wal akhirah O Allah, verily we are asking of You (to grant us) forgiveness and continuous health and well-being in our religion, this world and the Hereafter. 7
الَّلُه َّم َأْحِس ْن َع اِقَبَتَنا ِفي اُألُم ْو ِر ُكِّلَه ا َو َأِج ْرَنا ِم ْن ِخ ْزِي الُّدْنَيا َو َع َذاِب الآِخ َرة Allahumma ahsin 'aaqibatana fil umuuri kulliha wa a-jirna min khizyid dunyaa wal aakhirah O Allah, make the best of outcomes for us in every single matter upon us and save us from the disgraces of this world and the punishment in the Hereafter. الَّلُه َّم ِإَّنا َنْس َأُلَك ِم َن اْلَخْيِر ُكِّلِه َع اِج ِلِه َو آِج ِلِه َم ا َع ِلْم َنا ِم ْنُه َو َم ا َلْم َنْع َلْم َو َنُعْو ُذ ِبَك ِم َن الَّش ِّر ُكِّلِه َع اِج ِلِه َو آِج ِلِه َم ا َع ِلْم َنا ِم ْنُه َو َم ا َلْم َنْع َلْم Allahumma inna nas-aluka minal khairi kullihi 'aajilihi wa aa- jilihi maa alimnaa minhu wa maa lam na'lam wa na'uzubika minasy syarri kullihi 'aajilihi wa aa-jilihi maa alimnaa minhu wa maa lam na'lam O Allah, I ask You for all that is good, in this world and in the Hereafter, what I know and what I do not know. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from all evil, in this world and in the Hereafter, what I know and what I do not know. الَّلُه َّم اْغ ِف ْرَلَنا ُذُنْو َبَنا َو ِلَواِلِدْيَنا َو اْرَحْم ُه ْم َكَم ا َرَّبَيانَا ِص َغ اًرا َو ِلَجِم ْيِع اَأْلْحَياِء ِم ْنُه ْم َو, اْلُم ْس ِلِم ْيَن َو اْلُم ْس ِلَم اِت َو اْلُم ْؤِم ِنْيَن َو اْلُم ْؤِم َناِت ِبَرْحَم ِتَك َيا َأْرَحَم الَّراِح ِم ْيَن, اَأْلْم َواِت 8
Allahummagh firlanaa zunuubanaa wa liwaalidiinaa warhamhum kamaa rabbayana sigharaa wa lijamii'il muslimiina wal muslimaat wal mu'miniina wal mu'minaat, al- ahyaa-i minhum wal amwaat, birahmatika yaa Arhamar raahimiin O Allah, forgive us and our sins and forgive our parents and shower upon them Your Mercy just like how they have cared and nurtured us from young, and forgive all Muslimiin & Muslimaat and Mukminiin & Mukminaat, be it those who are alive and those who have passed on, with Your Mercy, O You the Most Merciful on those who show mercy. َيا َع ِزْيز,الَّلُه َّم اْغ ِف ْرَلَنا ُذُنْو َبَنا َو َكِّفْر َع َّنا َس ِّيَئاِتَنا َو َتَوَّفَنا َم َع اَََأْلْبَراِر َيا َرَّب اْلَع اَلِم ْيَن,َيا َغ َّفار Allahummagh firlanaa zunuubanaa wa kaffir 'anna sayyi- aatinaa wa tawaffanaa ma'al abrar, yaa Aziiz, ya Ghaffar, ya Rabbal 'aalamiin O Allah, forgive us and atone for us our sins and let us die among those who are righteous, O You who is All-Mighty and the Great Forgiver, O You Lord of the Worlds. َرَّبَنا َظ َلْم َنا َأْنُفَس َنا َو ِإْن َلْم َتْغ ِف ْرَلَنا َو َتْرَحْم َنا َلَنُكَنَّن ِم َن اْلَخاِس ِرْيَن 9
Rabbana dzolamnaa anfusanaa wa in lam taghfirlanaa wa tarhamnaa lanakunanna minal khoosirin O Allah we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will surely be among the losers. َرْحَم ًة ِإَّنَك َلُدْنَك َلَنا ِم ْن َه ْب َو َه َد ْيَت َنا ِإْذ َبْع َد اَل ُتِزْغ ُقُلْو َبَنا َرَّبَنا اْلَوَّهاب َأْنَت Rabbana la tuzigh quluubanaa ba'da iz hadaitanaa wa hab lanaa min ladunka rahmatan innaka antal wahhab Oh Allah, let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us and grant us from Yourself mercy. Indeed, You are the Bestower. ِإَّنَك َأْنَت الَّس ِم ْيُع اْلَع ِلْيم َو ُتْب َع َلْيَنا ِإَّنَك,َرَّبَنا َتَقَّبْل ِم َنّا ُدَع اَئَنا َأْنَت الَتَّواُب الَّرِح ْيم Rabbana taqabbal minna du'a-ana, innaka antas Samii'ul Aliim wa tub 'alainaa innaka antat Tawwaburr Rahiim O Allah, do accept our supplications, for You are the All- Hearing and All-Knowing, and accept our repentance O our Protector, verily You are the All-Forgiving and Merciful. 10
َرَّبَنا َتَقَّبْل ِم َّنا ُدَع اَئَنا َو َص اَل َتَنا َو ِص َياَم َنا َو ُرُكْو َع َنا َو ُس ُجْو َدَنا َو َتَخُّش َع َنا َو َتَع ُّبَدنَا َو َتِّم ْم َتْق ِص ْيَرنَا َيا هَللا َيا َأْرَحَم الَّراِح ِم ْيَن Rabbana taqabbal minna du'a-ana wa solaatana wa siyaamana wa rukuu'anaa wa sujuudanaa wa takhassyu'anaa wa ta'abbudana wa tammim taqsiiranaa yaa Allah yaa Arhamar raahimiin O Allah do accept our supplications, our prayers (solat), our fast, our moments of kneeling to you (rukuu'), our moments of prostrating to You (sujuud), our moments of submission in humility to You (takhasshu'), our invocations to You, our worship to You, and fulfil our shortcomings O Allah, verily You are All-Hearing and All-Knowing. And accept our repentance O our protector, verily You are All-Forgiving and Merciful. َرَّبَنا آِتَنا ِفي الُّدْنَيا َحَس َنًة َو ِفي الآِخ َرِة َحَس َنًة َو ِقَنا َع َذاَب الَّناِر Rabbanaa aa-tinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qinaa azaaban naar O Allah, grant us goodness in this world and goodness in the Hereafter and save us from the Hellfire. 11
٣x الَّلُه َّم َأِج ْرَنا ِم َن الَّناِر َس اِلِم ْين Allahumma a-jirnaa minan naari saalimin x3 O Allah protect us from the Hellfire (so that we may be safe from it) x3 َو َأْدِخ ْلَنا َو ِإَّياُهُم اْلَجَّنَة َءاِم ِنْيَن Wa adkhilnaa wa iyyahumul jannata aa-miniin And let us and those of whom we have mentioned earlier enter Your Paradise in the most calming and peaceful manner َو َص ىَّل ُهَللا َع ىَل َس ِّيِدَنا ُم َحَّم ٍد َو َع ىَل آِلِه َو َص ْحِبِه َو َس َّلَم َو اْلَحْم ُد َِلِله َرِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْيَن Wa sollahu 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad wa 'alaa a-lihi wa sahbihi wa sallam wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'aalamiin And may Allah send our greetings and salutations to our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his family and all of his companions. And all praises be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. 12
3 The Power of Du'as \" \"َم ْن َلْم َيْس َأِل َهَّللا يغضْب َع َلْيِه The Prophet s.a.w said: “God will be angry with those who do not make requests from Him.” (Sunan At-Tirmidhi) This section contains additional du'as which you may find useful and practise in times of need.
Du'a for protection against harm: ِبْس ِم ِهَّللا اَّلِذْى َالَيُض ُّر َم َع اْس ِم ِه َش ْيٌئ ِفى ْاَالِرِض َوَال ِفى الَّس َم آِء َوُهَو الَّس ِم ْيُع اْلَع ِلْيُم Bismillahilladzi laa yadhurru ma'asmihi syai-un fil ardhi wa laa fissamaa-i wahuwas samii'ul 'aliim In the name of Allah, with whose name there is protection against every kind of harm in the earth or in the heaven, and He is the All-Hearing and All-Knowing. __________ Du'a to be steadfast in prayers: َرِّب اْجَع ْلِني ُم ِق يَم الَّص اَل ِة َوِم ْن ُذِّرَّيِتي ۚ َرَّبَنا َوَتَقَّبْل ُدَع اِء Rabbij alni muqeemas salati wa min zurriyati, Rabbana wa taqabbal du’a My Lord, make me an establisher of prayer, and [many] from my descendants. Our Lord, and accept my supplication. 14
Du'a to seek refuge from negative traits: َواْلُبْخِل، َواْلَع ْجِز َواْلَكَس ِل، الَّلُه َّم ِإِّني َأُعوُذ ِبَك ِم َن اْلَه ِّم َواْلَحَزِن َوَغ َلَبِة الِّرَجاِل، َوَض َلِع الَّدْيِن، َواْلُجْبِن Allaahumma ‘innee a’uuzu bika minal hammi wal hazani, wal ’ajzi wal kasali, wal bukhli wal jubni, wa dhala’id dayni wa ghalabatir rijaal O Allah, I seek refuge in You from grief and sadness, from weakness and from laziness, from miserliness and from cowardice, from being overcome by debt and overpowered by men (i.e. others). __________ Du'a Istikharah (Short version): الَّلُه َّم ِخ ْر ِلْي َواْخَتْر ِلي Allahuma khirli wakhtarli O Allah, grant me a (good) choice and choose for me. 15
Du'a Istikharah (Long version): َوَأْس َأُلَك ِم ْن, الَّلُه َّم ِإِّني َأْس َتِخ يُرَك ِبِع ْلِم َك َوَأْس َتْق ِدُرَك ِبُقْدَرِتَك َفِإَّنَك َتْق ِدُر َوَال َأْقِدُر َوَتْع َلُم َوَال َأْع َلُم َوَأْنَت َع َّالُم, َفْض ِلَك اْلَع ِظ يِم َه َذ ا َأَّن َتْع َلُم ُكْنَت الَّلُه َّم ِإْن, اْلُغ ُيوِب َر َخْيٌر ِلي ِفي ِديِني اَألْم ِل َأْم اِج ِفي َع ,َأْم ِري َوَم َع اِش ي َوَع اِقَبِة َفاْقُدْرُه ِلي, َوآِج ِلِه ِري َأَّن َهَذا اَألْم َر َش ٌّر َتْع َلُم ِلي ُثَّم , اِج ِل َأْم ِري َوآِج ِلِه ِفي َع ,قََبوِِإةْنَأْمُكِْرنَيت,َِِفوَيعِها َباِرْك ِلي ِد يِني َوَيِّس ْرُه َوَم َع اِش ي ِلي ِفي ُثَّم َكاَن َواْقُدْر ِلَي اْلَخْيَر َحْيُث,ِرْفِني َع ْنُه َفاْص ِرْفُه َع ِّني َواْص . َأْرِض ِني ِبِه Allāhumma innī astakhīruka bi-'ilmika, Wa astaqdiruka bi- qudratik, Wa as-aluka min fadlikal-’azīm, Fa-innaka taqdiru Wala aqdiru, Wa ta'lamu Wala a'lamu, Wa anta 'allāmul- ghuyūb, Allāhumma in kunta ta'lamu anna hāz-al-amra khairun lī fi dīnī wa ma'āshī wa'āqibati amrī, Fī 'ājili ‘amrī wa-ājilih, Faqdurhu-lī wa yassirhu-lī thumma bārik-lī fīhi, Wa in kunta ta'lamu anna hā-zal-amra sharrun lī fī dīnī wa ma'āshī wa'āqibati amrī, Fī 'ajili amrī wa-ājilih, Fas-rifhu ‘annī wasrif-nī ‘anhu, Waqdur lī al-khaira haithu kāna, thumma ardinī bihi. O Allah! I ask guidance from Your knowledge and power from Your might, and I ask for Your great blessings. You are capable and I am not, You know and I do not, and You are all-knowing of the unseen (hidden). 16
O Allah! If You know that this matter is good for me in my religion, my livelihood and my affairs in the Hereafter, if it is better for my present and later, then ordain it for me and make it easy for me, and then bless it for me. And if You know that this matter is harmful (bad) for me in my religion, my livelihood and my affairs in the Hereafter, or if it bad for my present and later, then ward it off from me and keep me away from it, then ordain for me whatever is good for me wherever it may be found, and help me be content with it. __________ Du'a for confidence in speech (Prophet Musa's a.s. du'a): َرِّب اْش َرْح ِلي َص ْدِري َوَيِّس ْر ِلي َأْم ِري َواْحُلْل ُعْق َدًة ِم ْن ِلَس اِني َيْف َقُه وا َقْو ِلي Rabb-ishrah lii sodri, wa yassir li amri, wahlul 'uqdatam millisaani, yafqahuu qawlii My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance], and ease for me my task, and untie the knot from my tongue, so that they may understand my speech. __________ 17
Du'a for studying: to increase knowledge َرِّب زْدنِي ِع ْلمًا َو ْرُزْقنِي َفْه مًا Rabbi zidni 'ilman war zuqni fahman O Allah! Advance me in Knowledge and true understanding. for a content heart and beneficial knowledge َوَم ْن, َوِم ْن ُدَع اٍء َال ُيْس َم ُع, الَّلُه َّم ِإِّني َأُعوُذ ِبَك ِم ْن ِع ْلٍم َال َيْنَفُع َوِم ْن َنْف ٍس َال َتْش َبُع, َقْلٍب َال َيْخَش ُع Allahumma inni a'uzu bika min 'ilmin la yanfa', wa min du'a- in la yusma', wa min qalbin la yakhsha', wa min nafsin la tashba'. O Allah, I seek refuge with You from knowledge that does not bring benefit, from a supplication that is not heard, from a heart that does not fear (You) and from a soul that never satisfies. َالَّلُه َّم اْنَفْع ِني ِبَم ا َع َّلْم َتِني َوَع ِّلْم ِني َم ا َيْنَفُعِني َوِزْدِني ِع ْلًم ا 18
Allahumman-fa'ni bima 'allamtani, wa 'allimni ma yanfa'uni, wa zidni ‘ilma O Allah! Grant me benefit in what you have taught me, and teach me useful knowledge and increase me in knowledge. for studying something difficult وأْنَت َتْجَع ُل الَحْزَن إَذا،الَّلُه َّم اَل َس ْه َل إَّال َم ا َجَع ْلَتُه َس ْه ًال ِش ْئَت َس ْه ًال Allahumma laa sahla illa ma ja’altahu sahlan, wa anta taj- alul hazna iza syi’ta sahla. Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what you have made easy. If you wish, you can make the difficult easy. 19
4 ُقُنوت َناِزَلة Qunut Nazilah Qunut Nazilah is a supplication for Allah’s protection from harm that is offered in prayers at times of calamity Qunut Nazilah is often read in the last raka'ah of the prayer (e.g. 4th raka'ah of Isya'), in between i'tidaal and the first sujuud.
الَّلُه َّم اْه ِدَنا ِفْيَم ْن َهَدْيَت َ ,وَع اِفَنا ِفْيَم ْن َع اَفْيَت َ ,وَتَوَّلَنا ِفْيَم ْن َتَوَّلْيَت َ ,وَباِرْك َلَنا ِفْيَم ا َأْع َط ْيَت َ ,و ِقَنا َش ِّر َم ا َقَض ْيَت َ ,فِإَّنَك َتْق ِض ي َو اَل ُيْق َض ى َع َلْيَك َفِإَّنُه اَل َيِذُّل َم ْن َّوااَل ْيَت َ ,واَل َيِع ُّز َم ْن َع اَدْيَت َ ,تَباَرْكَت َرَّبَنا َو َتَع اَلْيَت َ ,فَلَك اْلَحْم ُد َع ىَل َم ا َقَض ْيَت , َنْس َتْغ ِف ُرَك َو َنُتْو ُب ِإَلْيَك الَّلُه َّم ِإَّنا َنُعْو ُذ ِبَك ِم ْن َجْه ِد اْلَباَل ِء َو َدَرِك الَّش َقاِء َو ُس ْو ِء الَقَض اِء َو َش َم اَم ِة اَألْع َداِء .الَّلُه َّم ِإَّنا َنُعْو ُذ ِبَك ِم ْن َزَواِل ِنْع َم ِتَك َخِط َك .الَّلُه َّم اْدَفْع ُفَجاَءِة ِنْق َو َتَحُّوِل َر ِم ْنَه ا َو َم ا َبَط َن , َو َجِم ْيِع َس ِتَك َم َو الَّزاَل ِزَل َع اِفَيِتَك َو َع َّنا اْلَباَل َحَن َ ,م ا َظ َه الِم َو َء َو الَوَباَء َع ْن َبَلِدَنا َهَذا َخاَّص ًة َو َس ِائِر اْلُبْلَداِن َع اَّم ًة .الَّلُه َّم اْكُتِب اْلَع اَلِم ْيَن . الَّس اَل َم َة َو اْلَع اِفَيَة َلَنا َو ِلَجِم ْيِع اْلُبْلَداِن َع اَّم ًة َيا َرَّب َيا َأْرَحَم الَّلُه َّم اْنُص ْر ِإْخَواَنَنا اْلُم ْس َتْض َع ِف ْيَن ِفي ُكِّل َم َكاٍن الَّراِح ِم ْيَن َرَّبَنا آِتَنا ِفي الُّدْنَيا َحَس َنًة َو ِفي الآِخ َرِة َحَس َنًة َو ِقَنا َع َذاَب الَّناِر َو َص ىَّل ُهَللا َع ىَل َس ِّيِدَنا ُم َحَّم ٍد َو َع ىَل آِلِه َو َص ْحِبِه َو َس َّلَم َو اْلَحْم ُد َِلِله َرِّب اْلَع اَلِم ْيَن Allaahummahdiinaa fiiman hadait wa 'aafinaa fiiman 'aafait wa tawallanaa fiiman tawallait wa baariklanaa fiimaa a'thoit wa qinaa syarro maa qodhoit, fa-innaka taqdhii walaa yuqdhoo 'alaik, fa-innahu laa yadzillu man waalait wa laa ya'izzu man 'aadait. Tabaarokta robbanaa wa ta'aalait fa lakal hamdu 'alaa maa qodhoit. Nastaghfiruka wa natuubu ilaik 21
Allaahummadfa' 'annal balaa' wal wabaa' waz zalaazila wal mihan, maa zhoharo minhaa wa maa bathon, 'an baladina hazhaa khossoh, wa 'an jamii'il buldaani 'ammah. Allahummak tubis salaamah wal 'aafiyata lanaa wa lijamii'il buldaani 'ammah, yaa Rabbal 'aalamiin. Allahumman sur ikhwaananal mustadh'afiin fii kulli makaan yaa Arhamar raahimiin. Rabbanaa aa-tinaa fid dunyaa hasanah wa fil akhirati hasanah wa qinaa azaaban naar. Wa sollahu 'alaa sayyidinaa Muhammad wa 'alaa a-lihi wa sahbihi wa sallam wal hamdu lillahi Rabbil 'aalamiin O Allah, guide us with those whom You have guided, and grant us wellbeing with those whom You have granted wellbeing. Take us to Your care with those whom You have taken to Your care. Bless us in what You have given us. Protect us from the evil You have ordained. Surely, You hold the command and are not commanded, and none whom You have committed to Your care shall be humiliated. And none whom You have taken as an enemy shall taste glory. You are blessed, Our Lord and Exalted. All we praise is upon You for what You decide. We seek Your forgiveness and we repent unto You. 22
O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the distress of trial, from the lowest level of misery, from the perversity of fate, and from the malicious rejoicing of enemies. O Allah, we seek refuge in You from the withdrawal of Your blessing and the change of Your protection (from me) and from the sudden wrath of You, and from every displeasure of You. O Allah, lift from us the calamity, the pandemic, the disasters and the tribulations, of which is apparent and which is hidden, especially from our country and other countries. O Allah, grant us and the countries around us the safety of our well-being. O Allah, grant victory to the oppressed in all places. Our Lord, give us in this world [that which is] good and in the Hereafter [that which is] good and protect us from the punishment of the Fire. And Peace and blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon his family and all his Companions. __________ Follow us on IG: 23 @nusms_sop | @nusms
References https://muslimhands.org.uk/latest/2021/04/how-to-make- dua-according-to-quran-and-hadith https://www.muis.gov.sg/officeofthemufti/Irsyad/Covid-19- Qunut-Nazilah--English https://muslim.sg/articles/dua-qunoot-for-fajr-prayers-and- dua-qunoot-nazila-with-arabic-english-transliteration https://www.muslim.sg/articles/solat-istikharah-and-doa- istikharah https://www.muslim.sg/articles/dua-for-studying-in-english 24
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