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Home Explore MEAL MART


Published by Thanachit Chantrakunpong, 2020-10-26 11:04:56

Description: Final Project for English for Information and Communication Technology 3 ( 803301 )
Jiranan Promprasert 13610075
Chawanrat Theppayasirikamol 13610091
Nathaporn Teejinda 13610102
Natchaya Chantharat 13610106


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MealMart 2020 SANDWICH CARBONARA This menu is a sample menu. No need to have a lot of steps Using only 2 ingredients (1)

RECIPE I Sanwich Carbonara n g r 2 slices e of bread d i e Spaghetti n Carbonara t s 1 : put two slices of bread together. And cut it across to make a triangle 2: After the bread is triangular, separate, and warm the spaghetti carbonara. It takes about 3 minutes to warm up. The power is 800 watts to make the filling of the sandwich. 3: to ensure the bread on both sides. Topped with a filling that is spaghetti carbonara This is done and ready to eat for the Sandwich Carbonara. CALORIES 2 slices of bread 130 kcal Spaghetti Carbonara 290 kcal (2)

Omelet This menu may seem strange. Porridge Will it match? But when done, (3)

Ingredients R 2 eggs . E Porridge 55 g. CALORIES C 2 eggs 144 kcal. I Porridge 55 g. P 200 kcal 1 : i s t o c r a c k 2 e g g s a n d s e a s o n Omelet Porridge with the desired sauce beat to combine, meanwhile pour the porridge Ei n t o t h e b o i l i n g w a t e r . 2 : after the seasoning and the porridge are in place. Porridge poured into the eggs already prepared. Beat them together again For harmony And fry into a regular omelet 3 : after the cooking of the fried omelet, is just right. Bring it up and ready to eat with an exotic menu with omelet porridge. (4)

Deep Fried Minced Pork Toast (5)

R E C I P EDeep Fried Minced Pork Toast This menu is very popular. Easy to follow and easy to find ingredients. Ingredients 2 slices of bread pork chops 2 eggs 1 : cut the bread into small squares, with 1 slice out of 4 corners. 2: Spread the eggs on the bread. Then put the marinated pork and the seasoning on the bread. 3: after completion Bring the pork buns and dip it with an egg. Then fry it to a golden brown. And watch the pork cooked after that, the smell of bread and pork will smell when removed from the pan, ready to eat for a simple meal. CALORIES 2 slices of bread 130 kcal pork chops 100 kcal 2 eggs 144 kcal (6)




( 10 )

Icy fruit A drink that will refresh you with soft drinks and fruit that you can make at home. ( 11 )

R Ingredients E C sprite water. I Kiwi fruit . P Apples . E CALORIES Icy fruit sprite water 130 kcal. Kiwi fruit 60 kcal. Apples 59 kcal. 1 :First cut the fruit into small pieces with Sprite and put it in the ice block. And put in the freezer 2:Take the prepared glass, put ice and fruit into it. 3: Add sparkling water and you're done. ( 12 )

Strawberry Jam Soda A menu for strawberry lovers who want a refreshing life. ( 13 )

R E C I P EStrawberry Jam Soda Ingredients 1 tablespoon strawberry jam Half a bottle of soda 1 : Add a tablespoon of strawberry jam into the prepared glass. 2 : Pour the soda into about half the bottle. 3 : Then put ice into the glass. 4 : Decorate beautifully as you like. Tips: Mix well before eating. CALORIES 1 tablespoon strawberry jam 50 kcal. Half a bottle of soda 65 kcal. ( 14 )

Ice Cream Jelly Jelly Jelly Jelly For ice cream and jelly lovers. ( 15 )

RECIPE Ice cream jelly jelly Ingredients Oishi juice Jelly Yogurt Popsicle print 1 : Pour Oishi juice into the jelly container as needed. 2 : close the lid and put it in the freezer Soaked with temperatures from -18 degrees down. 3 : Wait until it sets and you will get an Ice cream jelly menu. CALORIES Oishi juice 70 kcal. Jelly 336 kcal Yogurt 80 kcal. ( 16 )

Friedice crea ice cream This menu, you can make your own and choose your favorite ice cream flavor and fruit to eat as well. ( 17 )

RECIPEF r i e d i c e c r e a m Ingredients 6 slices of bread Ice cream (chocolate, vanilla, chocolate chips) CALORIES 6 slices of bread, 390kcal. Ice cream (chocolate, vanilla,chocolate chips), 80 kcal each. 1 : Start by kneading the bread slices. 2 : Scoop ice cream into it and wrap read on both sides and leave the freezer. 3 : Take it out and fry, wait until it is cooked. 4 : last step you can add fruit, whipped cream as you like. ( 18 )

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