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Home Explore C-Star-Catalog-2017


Published by sq200703, 2017-07-05 03:48:11

Description: C-Star-Catalog-2017


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ABOUT USC-STAR is China based manufacturing company Jeffery founded C-STAR in 2011 with the deter-led by Jeffery Lyu, who has devoted himself to mination to do things different. Using his yearsthe lighting trade since his graduation in 2004. of experience in the outdoor lighting trade, heJeffery has many years of experience in tradi- dedicated C-STAR to provide creative, practicaltional foreign trade and has provided services and durable LED lighting with the highest qual-to multiple international companies such as ity and service for the company’s customers.Jef-Walmart, Carrefour, Target, Aldi, Lidl and many fery’s goal is to become a model of integrity forothers. With years of marketing and sales expe- all Chinese manufacturers and exporters.rience, Jeffery has mastered all aspects of for-eign trade and adheres to the principle of “Best C-STAR, not only designs and manufacturesQuality Products with the Most Satisfactory Cus- their own innovative lighting products but theirtomer Service”. R&D team, made up of talented engineers and designers, also provides quality and cost-effec-Over the years of dealing with multiple busi- tive OEM and ODM services for their customers.ness sectors, Jeffery has come to understandthe risks and difficulties that foreign customersface when trying to find a reputable manufac-turer and exporter. Because of the fierce mar-ket competitionthat exists in China, most of thetraditional domestic exporters choose imitation,lesser quality products as their method of oper-ation. It is this type of activity that limits suchexporters in their ability to mitigate risk andmaintain a good reputation.

Over the years, C-STAR has built a solid repu- Jeffery passionately understands the impor-tation by adhering to the highest ethical stan- tance of credibility and a good reputation whichdards, including confidential customer agree- is why he always adheres to the principle of “Bements. True In Word and Resolute In Deed”. Jeffery re- gards this as one of the fundamental principlesDuring this process of developing new and in- of C-STAR. “When mistakes are made, we do notnovative products, C-STAR, has been awarded hide from our customers, we meet the problemnearly 20 patents. head on. We look on this as an opportunity to improve”. Because of this, C-STAR has achievedIn addition to their R&D functions, C-STAR also a remarkable level of trust with their customersmaintains solid quality control and quality as- and has become a trusted partner with whomsurance. The company also complies with AQL those customers can grow.standards for order inspection and achieves100% satisfaction from their customers whichdrives down costs and builds long lasting rela-tionship of trust with their customers.LIGHTING UP YOUR JOYFUL LIFE

R&D OEM COMPLIANCEExperienced R&D team to OEM/ODM project The compliance requirementscontinuously create new and experience to develop of most retailers in USA, Canadaunique products and Europe are well mastered. ON TIMEQC SERVICE On-time Delivery is ensured withHigh levels of quality our dedicated teams to make Best customer service in thecontrol combined with sure customers get exactly industry, post sales followcompetitive pricing what they want up and support

CONTENTGUN FLASHLIGHT.................................... 01LED FLASHLIGHT .................................... 06CAMPING LANTERN ................................ 22LED HEADLAMP ..................................... 34


GUN FLASHLIGHT FL 1 STANDARD 1M 120M 250 3596cd WATER DROP 8h BEAM RESISTANT RESISTANT DISTANCE LUMENS PEAK BEAM RUN TIME INTENSITY LUMENSThe Gun Flashlight expands into weapon-mounted lights with high lumen light featuring a ded-icated fixed-mounted for the gun rails.Light-weight ,this bright light series can be used in closequarter compact or to indentify medium range threats . Rugged, reliable . Its easy to use pres-sure switch comes with a button for ON/OFF and a pressure switch for momentary activation .Red Flip Lens Green Flip Lens Mount Full Set Press Switch Velcro C-STAR 2017 I 01

CS-D029-3200 108 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-G2 R5 LEDMode High-Low-OFF 1×CR123Battery Φ35×106mmSize 94.3gWeightCS-D029-2250 120 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-G2 R5 LEDMode High-Low-OFF 2×CR123Battery Φ35×140mmSize 118.3gWeightCS-D029-1700 300 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XM-L2 U2 LEDMode High-Low-OFF 2×CR123Battery Φ58×151 mmSize 202.6gWeightGun Flashlight Reflector Tail Switch Pressure Switch02 I

GUN FLASHLIGHTCS-D027-1700 300 METERS CS-D027-2LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XM-L2 U2 LED 250 120 METERS CS-D027-3Mode High-Low-OFFBattery 2×CR123 LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCESize Φ57.5×151 mmWeight 192g Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LED 200 108 METERS Mode High-Low-OFF 2×CR123 LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE Battery Φ35×140mm Size 109.3g Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LED Weight Mode High-Low-OFF 1×CR123 Battery Φ35×106mm Size 87.4g Weight CS-D027-1 CS-D027-2 CS-D027-3 C-STAR 2017 I 03


All of our Flashlights complywith ANSI standardsLED flashlights are the first and most important category for C-STAR, as they are multi-functionalin daily life.C-STAR focuses on developing unique, practical and durable medium-high grade flashlights.The high quality and stability of our flashlights are tested through 3D modeling, 3D printing,sample production and finally, a small-batch production run.In addition, all of our high powered flashlights are provided with ANSI and LED optical andelectrical test reports. The goal of C-STAR is to be the leading manufacturer of medium-highgrade flashlights in Ningbo. You are warmly invited to choose our company to help developyour OEM/ODM project! FL 1 STANDARD 1M 000M 0000 0000mcd WATER DROP 00h BEAM RESISTANT RESISTANTDISTANCE LUMENS PEAK BEAM RUN TIME INTENSITY LUMENS


LED FLASHLIGHT CS-D009 Series ZOOM Function PMMA LensCS-D009-2BL CS-D009-3D CS-D009-9AA Anti-Skid Design CS-D009-4AA CS-D009-3C CS-D009-2AA CS-D009-3AAA Spec LED Type Function Max Max Run Beam IPXXItem Distance CREE XP-G2 R5 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF Output time IPX4 CS-D009-3AAA High-Low-Strobe-OFF 200 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 300 11 120 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 100 IPX4CS-D009-2AA CREE XP-E2 R3 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF 160 4 180 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 120 IPX4CS-D009-4AA CREE XM-L2 U2 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF 550 16 110 IPX4 230CS-D009-3C CREE XM-L2 U2 LED 400 48CS-D009-9AA CREE XM-L2 U2 LED 800 26CS-D009-3D CREE XM-L2 U2 LED 600 53CS-D009-2BL CREE XM-L2 U2 LED 900 2 C-STAR 2017 I 07

Tail Strap Hole Laser LOGOCS-D035 SeriesCS-D035-12AA ZOOM Function PMMA Lens CS-D035-9AA CS-D035-6AA08 I

LED FLASHLIGHT Spec LED Type Function Max Max Run Beam IPXXItem Output time Distance CREE XHP70 N4 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF IPX4 CS-D035-12AA High-Low-Strobe-OFF 3000 2 200 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 900 23 150 IPX4CS-D35-9AA CREE XM-L2 U2 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF 700 10 120 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 400 18 130 IPX4CS-D035-6AA CREE XM-L2 U2 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF 300 11 190 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 200 3 150 IPX4CS-D035-4AA CREE XP-G2 S3 LED 100 2 85CS-D035-3AAA CREE XP-G2 S3 LEDCS-D035-2AA CREE XP-G2 S3 LEDCS-D035-1AA CREE XP-G2 S3 LED ZOOM Function Tail Strap HoleCS-D035-4AA Laser LOGO CS-D035-2AA CS-D035-3AAA CS-D035-1AA C-STAR 2017 I 09

CS-14100 Series Rubber Switch Anti-skid Design CS-14100-3D LOGO Area CS-14100-3C CS-14100-2D CS-14100-2C CS-14100-2AA CS-14100-3AAA CS-14100-1AA Spec LED Type Function Max Max Run Distance IPXX Output TimeItem High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFF 200 IPX4 High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFF 580 60 180 IPX4CS-14100-3D CREE XM-L2 U2 LED High-Medium-Strobe-OFF 550 53 250 IPX4 High-Medium-Strobe-OFF 120 85 200 IPX4CS-14100-3C CREE XM-L2 U2 LED High-Medium-Strobe-OFF 100 73 100 IPX4 High-Medium-Strobe-OFF 90 6.5 100 IPX4CS-14100-2D CREE XP-E2 R3 LED High-Medium-Strobe-OFF 85 8.5 180 IPX4 80 1.5CS-14100-2C CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDCS-14100-2AA CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDCS-14100-3AAA CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDCS-14100-1AA CREE XP-E2 R3 LED10 I

LED FLASHLIGHTCS-14153-1AA CS-14153-2AA 60 58 METERS 120 88 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 1×AA Battery 2×AASize Φ23×100mm Size Φ23×150mmWeight 53g Weight 77gCS-14153-3AAA CS-14153-USB100 97 METERS 120 78 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 3×AAA Battery 1×18650Size Φ30×124mm Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VWeight 102g Output USB DC 5V / 1A Size Φ32.5×140mm Weight 160g Output Charging Input Charging C-STAR 2017 I 11

CS-15036900 172 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XM-L2 U2 LED Output Charging Input ChargingMode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 2×18650Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VOutput USB DC 5V / 1ASize Φ49×274.5mmWeight 352.6gOption2--With ZOOM FunctionCS-15036-SZOOM Out ZOOM InCS-141501000 218 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XM-L2 U2 LEDMode ON-OFFFunction ZOOM IN / ZOOM OUTBattery 9×AASize Φ52.5×229mmWeight 380gPMMA Lens ZOOM Function 9*AA Battery Tube12 I

LED FLASHLIGHTCS-9118-1BL500 203 METERS Input Charging Tail SwitchLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XM-L2 U2 LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFFBattery 1×18650Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VOutput USB DC 5V / 1ASize Φ44×171mmWeight 146gOption2--With ZOOM FunctionCS-9118S-1BLZOOM Out ZOOM InCS-14121-2AA150 86 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFF 2×AABattery φ26×156mmSize 62gWeightA BC A+C = 1AA A+B+C = 2AA C-STAR 2017 I 13

CS-14120-2AA CS-14120-2C110 95 METERS 220 209 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFF Mode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFFBattery 2×AA Battery 2×CSize Φ44×182 mm Size Φ54×187mmWeight 152g Weight 238gCS-14120-3AA CS-14120-3C135 113 METERS 250 232 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFF Mode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFFBattery 3×AA Battery 3×CSize Φ44×229mm Size Φ54×236mmWeight 177g Weight 275g14 I

LED FLASHLIGHT CS-9224 SeriesPMMA Lens ZOOM Out ZOOM In CS-9224-3D CS-9224-3C CS-9224-2D CS-9224-2CCS-9224-2AA Spec LED Type Function Max Max Run Beam IPXXItem Output time Distance High-Low-Strobe-OFF IPX4CS-9224-2AA CREE XP-E2 R3 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF 80 5.5 100 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 100 79 120 IPX4CS-9224-2C CREE XP-E2 R3 LED High-Low-Strobe-OFF 150 81 150 IPX4 High-Low-Strobe-OFF 160 89 160 IPX4CS-9224-2D CREE XP-E2 R3 LED 200 86 150CS-9224-3C CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDCS-9224-3D CREE XP-E2 R3 LED C-STAR 2017 I 15

CS-16021-1BL450 232 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-G2 S3 LED + 3W COB LEDMode -S3 LED (High-Low-Strobe) -COB White LED (High-Low) -COB Red LED (High-Low-Strobe) -COB White LED ON+Red LED strobe -OFFFunction ZOOM IN / ZOOM OUTBattery 1×18650Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VOutput USB DC 5V/1ASize Φ50×182mmWeight 323.1g Input Charging Output ChargingCS-16021-4AAA420 228 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-G2 S3 LED + 3W COB LEDMode -R5 LED (High-Low-Strobe) -COB White LED (High-Low) -COB Red LED (High-Low-Strobe) -COB White LED ON+Red LED Strobe -OFFFunction ZOOM IN / ZOOM OUTBattery 4×AAASize Φ50×182mmWeight 281g 4*AAA Batteries Magnet Tail Cap16 I

LED FLASHLIGHTCS-13037 CS-13080 250 182 METERS 80 51 METERS LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LEDLed Domestic FOUR COLOR LEDMode ON-OFF Mode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFFFunction Magnet control White-Green-Blue-RedBattery 3×AAA Battery 1×18650Size Φ30×127mmWeight 128g Size Φ22×120mm Weight 56gCS-14025 CS-14146 90 54 METERS 150 38 METERS LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led Domestic 3535 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFFunction White-Red-Green-Blue Function ZOOM IN / ZOOM OUTBattery 3×AAA / 1×18650 Battery 3×AAASize Φ44×131mm Size Φ37×128mmWeight 121g Weight 102g C-STAR 2017 I 17

CS-9387 CS-9262Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 1×AA Battery 3×AACS-14006 CS-9263Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 1×18650/3×AAA Battery 3×AAACS-9264 CS-13029Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 3×AAA Battery 3×AAA18 I

LED FLASHLIGHTCS-15016 CS-9461Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode ON-OFF Mode ON-OFFBattery 2×AAA Battery 2×AAACS-9465 CS-14001Led 0.5W LED Led 3W LEDMode ON-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 2×AAA Battery 1×AACS-9239 CS-14128Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 1×18650 Battery 1×18650/3×AAA C-STAR 2017 I 19


Our “O“ ring COB Technologywill be the leader in the market.Camping lanterns are an essential product category which C-STAR focuses on. Our campinglantern customers prefer lanterns that are brighter and which have a longer runtime. C-STARspecializes in developing our 360-degree, COB/LED designed camping lanterns. Our domesticand international patent pending 360-degree COB/LED design makes a perfect combinationof the brightness and longer running time cycles.Under comparable conditions, our 360-degree COB camping lanterns are more than twice asbright and have three times the runtime as traditional high powered camping lanterns. Wefeel strongly that our 360-degree COB technology lanterns will be the leader in the world mar-ket! We believe you will feel the same! C-STAR 2016 I 21

WATER RESISTANT Coin Tray Strap Hole Option 1---Rechargeable and CR123 Option 2---CR123 BatteryCS-DO28110 9 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed CREE XP-E2 R3 + 3W COB LED Torch Light UsageMode -R3 LED (High-Low) -COB LED (High-Low)Battery -(Touch switch twice in 2seconds , R3Input LED + COB ON together)OutputSize 1×CR123/polymer lithiumWeight rechargeable battery Micro 5PIN DC 5V USB DC 5V / 1A Φ53×105mm 80g (Reference)Input Charging Output Charging22 I

CS-D002-4AA CAMPING LANTERN300 6 HOURS “O” ring COB LED LOGO AreaLUMENS LONG BURN TIME 4*AA BatteriesLed “O” ring 3W COB LED BEST SALEMode ON-OFFBattery 4×AASize Φ89×123mmWeight 342g C-STAR 2017 I 23

CS-D001R-4AA BEST SALE250 38 HOURS RubberLUMENS LONG BURN TIMEMaterial Plastic+RubberLED O ring 3W COB LEDMode Low-High-OFFBattery 4×AASize Φ64×144mmWeight 135gRubber HookRubber Base ---- Anti-skidCS-D001-4AA250 38 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMEMaterial PlasticLED O ring 3W COB LEDMode Low-High-OFFBattery 4×AASize Φ64×144mmWeight 140g4*AAA BatteriesO Ring COB LED24 I

CAMPING LANTERNCS-D001R-L260 13.5 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMEMaterial Plastic+RubberLED O ring 3W COB LEDMode High-Low-OFFBattery Polymer Lithium BatteryInput Micro 5PIN DC 5V ,≤500mAOutput USB DC 5V, 1ASize Φ64×144mmWeight 153gInput Charging Output Charging Rubber Opposite ON/OFF SwitchRubber Hook Rubber Base ---- Anti-skidCS-D001-L260 13.5 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMEMaterial PlasticLED 3W COB LEDMode High-Low-OFFBattery Polymer Lithium BatteryInput Micro 5PIN DC 5V ,≤500mAOutput USB DC 5V, 1ASize Φ64×144mmWeight 162gInput ChargingOutput Charging Opposite ON/OFF Switch C-STAR 2017 I 25

CS-D0261000 35 HOURS LUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 10W COB LED MULTI MODEMode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery Polymer Lithium BatteryInput Micro 5PIN DC 5V ,≤1AOutput USB DC 5V, 1ASize Φ110×209mmWeight 530.5g Cap Option COB LED A: Clean Cap 4*D Batteries B: Milk CapInput ChargingOutput Changing26 I

CAMPING LANTERNCS-15056-2 CS-15056-3450 1093HOURS 450 1093 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIME LUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 6W COB LED Led 6W COB LED Mode ON-OFFMode White Light ON-Red Light ON-Red Light Strobe-OFF Battery 3×DBatterySize 3×D Size 216×105×9mmWeight Φ105×216mm Weight 365.2g 365.2g With Flashlight inside C-STAR 2017 I 27

CS-15057-SMD600 1020 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 36×5730 SMD LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Weak-OFFBattery 4×DSize Φ137×253mmWeight 704.5gSMD LED CS-15057-COB 800 938 HOURS LUMENS LONG BURN TIME Led 3×5W COB LED Mode High-Medium-Low-Weak-OFF Battery 4×D Size Φ137×253mm Weight 700.3g COB LED28 I

CAMPING LANTERN8W LED COB LED COB LEDCS-9761-8W CS-9761-10W 400 15 HOURS300 20 HOURS LUMENS LONG BURN TIMELUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 8W LED CS-9761-12W Led 10W COB LEDMode Low-High-Strobe-OFF Mode Low-High-Strobe-OFFBattery 3×D 500 11 HOURS Battery 3×DSize 87×87×185mm Size 87x87x185mmWeight 398g LUMENS LONG BURN TIME Weight 398g Led 4×3W COB LED Mode Low-High-Strobe-OFF Battery 3×D Size 87×87×185mm Weight 418g Lace Cap Clean Cap Milk Cap C-STAR 2017 I 29

CS-14124350 13 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 15 × 5730 SMD LEDMode High-Low-Red LED ON-Red LED Strobe-OFFBattery 3 × AA / 2 × 18650Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VOutput USB DC 5V / 1ASize Φ88 × 130mmWeight 360gInput ChargingOutput ChargingCS-16040250 120 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 24 White LED + 6 Red LED Two modes:(Long press the switch 3S could changeMode the mode) White mode:Low-Medium-High-Weak-OFFBattery Red mode:Red-Red strobe-Red SOS-OFFInput 1×18650Output Micro 5PIN DC 5VSize USB DC 5V / 1AWeight Φ53*101mm 104gInput Charging Magnet Output Charging30 I

CAMPING LANTERN CS-13032-C 250 6 HOURS LUMENS LONG BURN TIME Led 3×1W COB LED Mode ON-OFF Battery 3×AA Size Φ88×124mm Weight 265g CS-13032-30LED 150 13 HOURS LUMENS LONG BURN TIME Led Super Bright 30 LED Mode ON-OFF Battery 3×AA Size Φ88×124mm Weight 260gCS-14122150 23 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 3×5050 SMD LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFFBattery 3×AAA Φ70×42mmSize 71gWeightCS-14123180 22 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 5×5050 SMD LEDMode High-Medium-Low-Strobe-SOS-OFFBattery Polymer Lithium BatteryInput Micro 5PIN DC 5VSize Φ70×42mmWeight 89g C-STAR 2017 I 31


Many different products to meetthe constant demands fromboth customer and consumer C-STAR supplies many styles of headlamps and bicycle lights. Our company also develops bicycle lights with a power bank which is quite useful. To meet the needs of our custom- ers and the ever-changing market, C-STAR will continue to develop new innovative de- signs for our headlamp and bicycle light series. OEM / ODM projects are also welcomed! C-STAR 2016 I 33

CS-D008-2320 31 HOURSLUMENS LONG BURN TIMELed 2×CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMaterial Engineering PlasticFunction Batteries replaceableMode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 2×18650Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VDual Output USB DC 5V / 1A DC 5V / 2ASize 62×30×107mmWeight 223g Flashlight+Bike light Output Charging Input Charging34 I

LED HEADLAMPCS-D008-1Material Engineering plasticsFunction Batteries replaceableBattery 2×18650Input Micro 5PIN DC 5VOutput USB DC 5V / 1A DC 5V / 2ASize 62×30×107mmWeight 114.3gCS-14162 CS-14148850 250 METERS 300 123 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XM-L2 U2 LED + 2×CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XM-L2 U2Mode 3LED-2×R3 LED-U2 LED-3 LED Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Battery 2×18650Battery 2×18650 Batteries(Mobile power supply) Size Φ32×44.5mm Weight 65.5gSize 90×50×55mmWeight 211g C-STAR 2017 I 35

36 I

CS-D021-2AAA LED HEADLAMP 75 86 METERS MULTI MODELUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed 1W LED+2xCOB LEDMode 1W LED High-1W LED Low -1W LED Strobe-OFFMaterial COB LED ON-OFFFunctioBattery 2xAAA 71x45x32mm 59.8gTwo Switch2*AAA Batteries Head Strap Head Light C-STAR 2017 I 37

CS-16038-3 120 50 METERS LUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED + 4×2835 SMD LED Mode R3 LED Low-R3 LED High - SMD LED ON-OFF Battery Polymer lithium battery(Included) Input Micro 5PIN 5V/ 500 mA Size 48×48×25mm Weight 34gHead Light Safety Light Camp Light38 I

CS-16038-1 LED HEADLAMP140 50 METERS BEST SALELUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCE C-STAR 2017 I 39Led CREE XB-D R3 LED + 2835 Red SMD LEDMode Red LED ON-White LED-Battery Low-White LED Medium-WhiteInput LED High-OFFSize (long press 3S the switch, theWeight light will turn off ) Polymer lithium battery(In- cluded) Micro 5PIN 5V/ 500 mA 48×48×25mm 34 gClips Adjustable HeadCS-16038-2150 50 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XB-D R3 LED + 2835 Red SMD LEDMode Red LED ON-4 White LED Low-4Battery White LED Medium -4 WhiteInput LED High-OFFSize (long press 3S the switch, theWeight light will turn off ) Polymer lithium battery(In- cluded) Micro 5PIN 5V/ 500 mA 48×48×25mm 34gRechargeable Red Light

CS-14078250 50 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELED CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFFFunction ZOOM IN / ZOOM OUTBattery 4×AASize 69×69×62mmWeight 275gBike light Work lightCS-14130-1120 100 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode ON-OFF(Open sensor control:ON-OFF)Battery 3×AAASize 64×49×41mmWeight 76gCS-14130-2100 100 METERSLUMENS LONG RANGE DISTANCELed CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode ON-OFF(Open sensor control:ON-OFF)Battery 1×18650Size 64×49×41mmWeight 76gSwitch Rechargeable40 I

LED HEADLAMPCS-16 -1W CS-16028-COBLed 1W LED+2*φ5 Red LED Led COB LEDMode White light-Red light- Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Red strobe-OFF Battery 3×AAABattery 3×AAACS-16033 CS-16034Led 3030 White SMD LED + Led CREE XP-E R2 LED+ 2 X 2X 3528 red SMD LED 3528 red SMD LEDMode ModeBattery High-Low-Red strobe- Battery Red LED ON-White LED OFF ON-OFF 3×AAA 3×AAACS-16035 CS-16036Led COB LED Led COB LED Mode High---Low--Strobe--OFFMode ON-OFF Battery 3×AAABattery 3×AAA C-STAR 2017 I 41

CS-9803 CS-9801Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LED Led CREE XP-G2 R5 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 1×18500(included) Battery 1×16340CS-9804 CS-9804PLed CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led 1W LED,60LMMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 3×AAA Battery 3×AAA CS-9808 CS-9810 Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED, LM Mode High-Middle-Strobe-OFF Battery 3×AAA Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFF42 I Battery 3×AAA

LED HEADLAMPCS-9802 CS-9844Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFBattery 1×18650 / 3×AAA Battery 3×AAACS-9846 CS-13086Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led CREE XP-E2 R3+2×Red LEDMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Mode Red LED ON -Red LED Strobe - R3 LED ONBattery 1×18650 / 3×AAA Battery 3×AAACS-13052 CS-9825Led CREE XP-E2 R3 LED Led 2×White LED + Red LED Mode High-Low-Strobe-OFFMode High-Low-Strobe-OFF Battery 3×AAABattery 3×AAA C-STAR 2017 I 43

ChinaStar Optoelectronics (Ningbo) Limited Tel +86 574 8812 0798, 8812 0795, 8812 0793 Fax +86 574 8812 0790 E-Mail [email protected] Add 1818 Romon Building No. 575 Tiantong South Rd. Ningbo, China 315100 www.cstar-light.comLIGHTING UP YOUR JOYFUL LIFE

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