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Home Explore Training-seminars-for-smart-metering-and-DSM-1st-series


Published by a.chatzivasileiou, 2018-06-12 04:43:15

Description: Training-seminars-for-smart-metering-and-DSM-1st-series


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TILOS Project Information sheetDescription and Goals of the ProjectThe main objective of the TILOS project is to maximise the use of clean (renewable) energy sources incovering the electricity needs of the Tilos island. The participation of Tilos inhabitants in this project willcontribute towards the protection of the environment, the reduction of the island’s carbon footprint, thefight against climate change and the development and promotion of sustainable energy models aiming atachieving increased energy autonomy.In this context, a new prototype, hybrid system for electricity production and storage consisting of a small-scale wind turbine, a medium-scale photovoltaic park and a battery for energy storage, will be designedand constructed. A smart microgrid coordinating the operation of the system will also be developed inorder to achieve the highest possible electricity autonomy and balance between intermittent RES (wind andPV) electricity production and electricity demand.The TILOS project is coordinated by the Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus with 15 participatingeducational and research institutions, firms, organizations and NGO’s from Greece and Europe.Purpose of the Research and Use of the DataFor the proper design and optimal operation of the aforementioned RES-based system, it is necessary toperiodically collect information about the energy consumption patterns and practices of the inhabitantswho will benefit from the supply of energy through the smart micro-grid system. This information will begathered by WWF Greece and will also be utilised in the geographical studies comparing Tilos to otherislands in Greece and Europe, where similar systems of energy production are already operating or relevantinterest has been expressed. This information will also constitute the basis of suggestions for effectivedemand side management through the active involvement of domestic consumers.Confidentiality of DataThe data gathered in the context of the aforementioned research will be anonymous. The identity of theparticipants cannot be extracted from the collected data. In addition, the data will not be used forcommercial purposes (e.g. by electricity production or electricity supply companies).Voluntary ParticipationYour participation in this research is voluntary and you can withdraw the data you have provided at anygiven time with no consequences. Consent FormI have read and understood the information and the objectives of the Tilos project. I am aware that theinformation I will provide cannot be associated to me and that my anonymity will be retained in anyrelevant publication that will be based on the results of this questionnaire. I am aware that my participationis voluntary and that I can withdraw my personal details at any time during the conduct of thequestionnaire or after. All the information will be destroyed at the end of the project. I hereby declarethat I participate in this questionnaire.E-mail Date Signature 1

In the following questions, please tick the box corresponding to the correct answer or write your answer inthe space provided. If you are not certain about a question, please proceed to the next one. Answering thisquestionnaire should take around 15 minutes, and completing it will be really helpful to us in order tobetter understand your energy needs.Thank you in advance for your time!PART 1 A TenantGeneral information1. Occupant type. I am: An Owner2. Lived here since (date):3. Building use Summer months Weekends Whole year Other (please specify)4. Number of occupants:5. Occupant’s age: 20-40 years old 40-60 years old Older than 60 Occupant 1: up to 20 years old 20-40 years old 40-60 years old Older than 60 Occupant 2: up to 20 years old 20-40 years old 40-60 years old Older than 60 Occupant 3: up to 20 years old 20-40 years old 40-60 years old Older than 60 Occupant 4: up to 20 years old 20-40 years old 40-60 years old Older than 60 Occupant 5: up to 20 years old6. Occupant’s gender: Female Occupant 1: Male Female Occupant 2: Male Female Occupant 3: Male Female Occupant 4: Male Female Occupant 5: Male 2

Building Data1. Construction date (please complete a date):2. Building type: Multi-user dwelling Single family residential3. Number of floors:4. Total building/dwelling surface (in square meters):5. Thermal Insulation: NO YES6. Type of Roof Other (please specify) Flat Pitched7. Type of walls Concrete Other (please specify) MasonryEnergy use/appliances1. Type of heating systemCentral Individual2. Heating meansAir conditioning Electric radiator Heating oil boiler LPG stoveWood stove pellet boilerOther (please complete):3. Appliances Hours used per day: Power (Watt): a. TV sets Number:b. Computers Type (laptop, desktop): Hours used per day:Number: 3

c. Washing machines Energy Class (e.g. Α+, Α, Β)1:Number: Use frequency (loads per week):Capacity (in Kg):d. Refrigerators Energy Class: Power (Watt):Number:e. Air conditioning Energy Class: Power (Watt or BTU/h):Number:Hours used per day:f. Lighting bulbs Type (incandescent, cfl, led etc):Number:g. Water Heating Electric heaterSolar heaterHours used per day:h. Kitchen Energy SourceElectricity Liquid gas Other (please specify):i. Do you have an electricity generator (diesel fired)?YES NO Hours used per week:1 The energy class is typically written in labels on the side or at the back of each appliance. If you don’t know theenergy class of your appliance, please proceed to the next question. 4

PART 2Personal Data Self employed Pensioner Other 1. Occupation Wage worker2. What percentage of your average monthly spend goes on food?3. What percentage of your average monthly spend goes on transportation? (ferry tickets, taxis, cars etc)?4. What percentage of your average yearly spend goes on clothing needs?5. What do you estimate you spend for heating monthly/per year? (source: electricity bills, shared expenses bill, heating oil bills etc)6. What do you estimate you spend for electricity monthly/per year? (source: electricity bills)Habits 1. Do you monitor your energy consumption? YES NO2. Which 3 appliances do you consider as being the most consuming? Appliance 1: Appliance 2: Appliance 3:3. When purchasing a new appliance do you check its energy label?YES NOIf yes, for what reason?Economic Environmental4. If any, what energy efficiency measures have you adopted during the last year? Measure 1: Measure 2: Measure 3:5. Do you make use of the off peak night tariffs the Public Power Corporation offers? YES NO 5

Tendencies 1. Do you know what a smart meter is? YES NO 2. Would you consider buying a smart meter? YES NO 3. Would you be interested in receiving training on the use of smart meters? YES NO 4. Would you be willing to allow the PPC to have remote control over your appliances in exchange for lower power bills? YES NO 5. Would you be willing to share your consumption patterns with your electricity provider? YES NO 6. Would you be willing to pay more for electricity from renewable resources? YES NO If yes, how much more (% of your current bill)? 7. Would you be willing to change some of your everyday habits in order to reduce your energy consumption? YES NO 8. Are you familiar with new technology (internet, tablets, etc)? YES NO 9. Do you know how to pay your bills online? YES NO 6

Assessment and expectations1. What do you think about electricity supply on the island?Satisfactory Adequate but occasional interruptionsInadequate because of frequent interruptions Very problematic2. What do you think about fuels supply on the island?Satisfactory Adequate but occasional interruptionsInadequate because of frequent interruptions Very problematic3. a. Have you heard of the TILOS Horizon 2020 project before you were handed this questionnaire; YES NO b. How do you think this program will help you?4. Describe in your own word the ideal situation for energy supply on the islandThank you very much for your time. For more information regarding this questionnaire as well as the TILOSHorizon 2020 project you can communicate with us:Anthimos ChatzivasileiouWWF Greece, 21 Lempesi Street, 117 43 AthensTel.: 210 3314893 Fax: 210 3247578E-mail: [email protected] 7

IRECEIVED 247lltth March 20151 [HELLENIC REPUBLIC AUTTTORTTY OF THE LAW 2472119971t'a,HELLENIC DATA PROTECTION AUTHORITY ATHENS, T2-03-2015Secretarial Department-Control Section IRef. No : lEEl 1 637 I 12-03 -201 5lnformation: Rousopoulos GeorgiosTelephone: 2106475676Email : grousopoulos@dpa. gr To Nature' s Intemational Fund WWF Hellas Lebesi 21, ll7 43 Athens ST]BJECT: DATA PROCESSING F.OR A RESEARCH PROGRAMME Re: Yourref. no. |ED/8183129-I2-2014 query ,l You ask from our Authority, through the above mentioned document,whether the collection and processing of data regarding energy consumption underthe EE financed programme \"TILOS\" is allowed according to thslaw 247211997.You inform us that you intend to collect information in relation to the energyKifisias L-3, !1523, Athens, Tel.: 210 6475600, Fax: 210 6475628, [email protected] /

consumption by Tilos' residents. The main purpose of your research is the rationalplanning of a system of renewable energy sources (RES) by storing energy whichwill totally cover the electric energy needs of the village Livadia of Tilos. Theinformation which will be collected will also be utilized for the comparativeanalyses of Tilos with other European islands, on which similar autonomouselectric energy systems have been installed, while proposals for a more efficientenergy management for the residents will be based on these analyses. According to your claims, the data gathered for the above research will beanonymous. More specifically, you declare that no data from which theparticipants' identity could be verified will be collected, while all data will bedestroyed at the end of the programme. Furthermore, the data will not be used forcommercial pulposes (eg. by their notification to other energy production orsupply companies). The information form, the form of consent which you intend to provide tothe residents of Tilos' Livadia, as well as a preliminary draft of the relevantquestionnaire were attached to your query. According to the questionnaire's draft,you collect data which concem the buildingso their type and surface area, theirexisting energy equipment, the estimated energy needs, the number, gender andage of the inhabitants, their habits regarding energy consumption etc. Although thename, sumame or address of the people in question is not included in theinformation above, taking into consideration the relatively small number of thevillage residents t, the possibility that athird parly may combine this information,especially with other known or published residents' data, and end up recognizingthe identity of the research participants, cannot not be ruled out. According to article 2 item a' of the Law 247211997 \"personal data isconsidered to be any information which refers to the data's subject. The collectivedata elements of a statistical nature, based on which the data's subjects may nolonger be defined, are not considered personal datd'. Moreover, it is mentioned inground 26 of directive 95l46lEC that the protection principles should be applied toany information which refers to a person whose identity is known or may beverified and that, in order to establish whether a person's identity may beestablished, the overall means that may be reasonably used, either by the head ofprocessing or by a third party,should be taken into consideration. Therefore, in this case, it would be appropriate for the questionnaire data tobe considered as personal data, so the Law 247211997 is applicable. Regarding thelegitimacy of the processing, according to your query the aim pursued is clear andlawful, while the processing will be executed upon the participants' cpnsent.' The population of the village of Tilos' Livadia is 484 people according to the census of 20tl (www.statistics.grlportal/page/portal/ESYE/BUCKET/General/resident_population_census2011rev.xls)

Consequently, under the circumstances mentioned above, the processing is lawfulaccording to article 5 paragraph I L. 247211997 and you should proceed toannounce the processing, as provided for in article 6L.247211997 andto fulfill allthe rest of your legal obligations. You may find detailed instructions on the filingof a notification and information regarding your obligations as a processingmanager on the Authority's website. Finally, since, according to the research's goal and description, theidentification of the natural persons is not necessary and you simply aim to thedrawing of certain conclusions, you should examine techniques in order tominimize the risks taken by the participants in relation to their identity's possibleverification. Thus, it is advisable to examine, in the course of your research work,the possibility of using methods for further data anonymisation. You are relativelyreferred2 to Opinion 0512014 of the Work Team of article 29. We remain at your disposal for any additional information.By the President's Order The rapporteur examinerThe alternate DPA member Dr. Georgios Rousopoulos[Official DPA stamp]P anagiotis RodoyiannisAlt. UOA ProfessorThis is 4true copy ofthe original document. Athens 12-03-2015 [Signature] Irini Papageorgopoulou SE Computer Personnel 'i2 n/article-29/documentation/opinion-reccomendation/index-en.htm

I hereby certify that this is the true and exact translation in English of theattached Greek document, which is an exact copy of the duly certified original document. Athens, 06-04-2015 The certifying and translating lawyer ATTORNEY AT tAW REG. NO. DSA 25881 Kratinou 11-13, 10552. Athens Tel.: 210-5248190, Fax: 210 5248191 Mobile: 6977749134 T.R.No 075118280- P.F.S. A' ATIIENS vAslLls E. ALa(ANDR!9'

iiH.?,#4{+:f:fitvetr i KPATINOY 11 1HA.221052/F; l,4irlj, ?f;13 KlN.:6977 AOM:07511APXH NPOETA:IA: A0qvo, 12-03-2015NPOIQNIKOY XAPAKTHPA Apt0. ftpcrr r.: f / EEI I 637 I 12-03 -20 I 5A/vor1 fpapprateius - Tpnpa Eleyrccitvlll,r1 pogopieg: Pouo6zrou?,\"oE f eri> gyroqTq}\"€qawo: 2106475676Email: [email protected] llpog flo,yrc6opro Tu,peio Tr0 rn tD6o\"r1 WWF El,),tiE Aepnfoq 21, ll7 43 A0rlvcr @EMA: Ette(epyaclc 6s6opfvalv cro a]uaioro spsDvqtrKof npoyprf,pporoq E1ettrc6: To or' uprOp. np.llr. |/EIX/8183129-12-2074 epinqpd o.o,g. Me ro ovrotfpro o1eorc6 eprrlrdre qv ApXn av enwpfttsror, ofp<pcovo F€ ro v.247211997 q ou?,,i'oyq rot ene{epyooio 6e6opevcov rcotavdivotorlg wfpyeuq oto n}.uiororoD Xpnporo8ororiprevoo an6 tr1v E.E. rupoyprippatoq <Tr1l,og>. Mo6 evrlpsprbvere 6trorconeriete vo oul,M(ere otorleio nou oletl(owol F€ u1v ratovd],crroq ev6pyeroq ro)vrccrroircov tqg Ttllou. Bu,otrc6g ot62gog tcov speuvri:v oo,S eivsr o opOoloyrrc6g o1e6ro,op6qw6q ouoalpotog Avoverirotpcrw llqliov Evfgyerug (AIIE) pre urco0rlreuol ev6pyerog nou0o rca,l,fyer e(' ol\"orcl,{poo ttg ovdyreg oe qXercrprrcfl w6pyera tou loprof AlBri8ro n1qT(l.ou. Ot nl,rlpo<popieg nou 0a ouyrcevtpalOor5v 0o o(tonororivror enforlg oe ouyrcprorc6gavafufoeq qg Tn)\"ou pe dl,lrr uloui ocrp EupdrTrn oro ozrolo 61ouv eyrcoto,otu0einop6pora, our6vopo ouoalputo no,puyrrlylq nl€Krpufflg w6pyeu,q, wrb 0o cnoteX.foouvrn Bdoq yro npordoetg anoteLeopottrc6reprlg 6ro1eiprc1g qg w6pyerog npoq roDgrcorolrcoug. 'Orcrog 6ql,iovete, to 6e8opwo fioD 0a ouyrcevtproOoriv oto nl.aioro'ccrlv rcapondvrrrepeovcbv 0o eiva,r o.vrbwpa. Et6trc6tepo, ovorp6pete 6tr 6ev 0u oul.Myowot 6e6opeva an6to oruoiu, 0o, pnopodoe vo, e(u1Oei q raut6trlto rcDv o'uppetel6wrov evd) 61.u ro 6e6op6vcr,0q, rcotaorpo,rpofv oro t6).og rou rupoypdppotog. Eniorlg x,u. 6e6oFwu 6ev 0oXplorponoq0ofv yro epnoprKoriq o\"rconorig (n1 petoBipu<rn oe dl.Leq atu,pie6 nopoyolyrlg Kqgtoicg 1-3,11523, A0qvc, Tql,: 210 647.5600, Fax 210 6475628, [email protected] I r,r'

APTYPO A. ANOITOMKHKPATINOYAI1K1H-13I-.O1P05O5Z2 AOHNATHA.:210 5248'190 c FAfiz210 5248191KlN.:6977 749134 o AM/AZA;25881A@M:0751 18280 . AOY A'AOHNQN

,J.'f -:u'r- Oetug evdgyeu,g). -De rToo epioulpti oog, rznoDvdvor€ ro dvruno rlrlpo<poprcirv, Tn q6ppot'444. o'ng noD o1e6rd(ete va naplyer€ oroug rcutoircoug rolv Arpo8rrirv tr1g Trll.ou roOrbq rct 6vs npoo166to roD o1ertKof epcoclporol,oy[oo. An6 ro rupool66ro tou spornFc,To?'oytoo nporfntet 6tr ou),Myete 6e6op6vo, zroo ogoporiv otc ru[pru, tov rfzro Kd1 Ttlv enr<pdverri roug, tov urptotdtr\"tevo wepyerar6 toug e(oruItop6, rtg ercrprrbpeveg evepyerurcdg onctw4oelq, rov opt0p6, ro <prii\"l,o Kor rTlv qhrcio tcrrv woircrrv, ttg ouvr'1Oe#g roug, 6oov ogopd, orrv Kclrclvri],oloq ev6gyero,q, rc.s.. Av Ko,L oro, otorleio crut6 6ev meprLrrppdvovrd,l ro 6vopo,, to eniowpo 11 q 6reru0uvor1 rcotorrc[og, ],a,pBdvovtoE un6yr.1 ro o1ettrcd, prcp6 opt0p6 rutofrccov tou lcopto6' 6w pnopei vo, snor].srotei 11 nr0ov6clto (r<6noro6 qwog vu pnopef vo ouv8udoet trE n?urlpotpopieE o,ut6g, rDicog pe d],],o yvcoord 8qpooteup6va orotlefo, tcutotKtDv, Kot vo rcoro]ur1(er oe ovoyvrbplo'n rnE tour6o'1tog rolv npooionov ftoo o-upp€r626ouv oqv 6peuvu,. Etipcprr:vo F€ ro 6\"p0p. 2 oror1. cr' roD v. 2472/1997 ag <<3e6optva rpooatnrco{t yaparcrr1pa [vootvtot] rcriOe nlrlporpopto nou ovarpdprro,r oro unorceipevo rcov 6e6op€vcov. Asv l,oyt(ovtor 'rrtg 5e6opfvu npoorontror5 lopo,rdpu ro otu,aocrc4g rprioeog oDyKwrpoarcd'otorlelo, ar6 ro onolcr 6ev pnoporiv nMov vo npoo8roprorofv ta unorceipwo, trrlv 6e6opdvcrrv>. EntnMov, orTlv ourol,oyrrrl or6yr'1 26 qE o6rlyiug 95146/EKavo<p6pero,r 6tr or ap4t; fllg npoorCI,oiuE np6net vcr egcrpp6(owor oe rcri0e zr\po<popis rolJ orpopd rcp6ocrrno tou onoiou 11 raur6rrlrs eivur Tvoorn 11 pnopei vu, e(crrcprpcrl0ei rcn 6tq Tro, vo 6tarno'ra:0ei ov 11 cout6nltu, w6g rupoorbrcou pnopel vu e(urcprBal0ei, npflner vo lapB&vemr un6ryrl ro orivo?'o tc'rv pEocrlv noo pnoporiv eul,6ycog vo Xpnorponoq0odv, ewe anb tov ufiefOuvo erte(epyoofoq, ette on6 tp[to, Tto vo \"nq e(orprBco0ei 11 tout6qro, rou w l\"6yol ttpooionou. XuveniDq, orTlv nporer;.rfr4 nepintrrroq, 0a rltuv orc6zrLpo ro, 5e6op6vo rol) epo)rnprorol,oyiou vo Oscoprl0ofv rrlg npoorrrztrd, 6e6oFevo on6re rcor etpoppr6(etor o v, 247211997. 'Ooov orpopd otrl voptp6rnro rng ene(epyootoq, 6noq nporcfrutet un6 to epdlqprl ooq, o orcon6q noD err8riD e eivot ooqnq rcot v6prpr.o6, evrir q ene(eplooia 0s tqerrel.etror g\"e 06on tt1 ouyrcutd0eorl trov o'u;,rpere16vtcov. Xtveniog, un6 ovrr:tdpco louv0r1rceg, q ene(egyoo[u etvorv6ptprl pe Pdon to d,p. 5 ncrp. tou v. 247211997, on6te rcor 0o npfltwr vo Tupo?(opfloete oe Tvoorottoilo'q qq ene(epyooloE, 6ncog opi(eru,t oro ' O r?'r1euop6q tou lroprorS ArB66ro Trjf,ou eivor 484 rcd,torrcor of p<powa p6 rnv onoypo<pq rou 2011 (www.statistics.grlportal/page/portallESYE/BUCKET/General/residentltopulation_census20l lrev.xls)

APIYPO A. ANOTTOMKHKPA1NOYAIIK1H-l T3 O. 1P0O5 5T2 AoHNATHA.:21 0 52481 90 r FM: 210 52481 9 | 71482981034..AAOMY /AA'AIAO:2H5N8O8N1KlN.z 6977AOM: 075'1

rip. 6 tou v.2472/1997 rcsr vo, rqpl1oete trg l.orn6g unolpeciloe4 rou v6prou. Avaft,utrrc6go8qfeg rru fllv unopoltl yvoo, onotqorq Kor rE Dnoxpecirosrg oog og une60uvouene(epyoofoq pr.nopeire vo, Bpeirs ofllv rorooel,iSa qg ApmS. T6Log, rcoOcbg 6ruroq nporcftwer an6 to orcon6 Kor rrv zreptypurprl q6 6psrvo,6, 6w o.o6efvur unopuiqq q tooronotrloq trrrv rpuotrciov npoo'iozcov al,l,ri orole6ere orlv s(uycoyqoDFfiepCI,opd,tclv, 0a nplnet vu e(ertio€re cXVrK6q rilote va elaltotonoqoe.ue rouqrw66voug nou 6,atp6xouv 01o-uppetdlovreg on6 tr1v mOovr1 s(arptBoorl cqg to,ut6qrdg'uoug. Euveiciog, orc6nrpo eivcr, oto zrl,o,ioro rou epeuvTltrrcori oog 6pyou, vo e(etd,oere a1Suvat6rqtu xpnong re2gvtrccbv nspottdpcrr ovovuproroirtong taw 6e6op6vcrrv. xlear6 oagno,pon6pnouFe2 ocnv fvioprl 05l20l4qq opri8og Epyuoiog tou ripOpou 29. llupu;-rwou F€ orl 6rd0eor1 oog r1o, onou,8rlnote o-u pnl,q propo'Kn zuL,rlpo<popio. O ercrlyrprlq e},eyrcn1g Ap., ferbpTrog Pouo6noul,og tfl,03' onJarticre-29/documentation/opinion- 3recommendation/index en.htm

APTY.PAOIKAH. TAOflOPEOTEOMKHKPATINOY 1 1-13 . 105 52 AOHNAIHA;210 52481 90. FAX:21 0 5248t 9 |KlN.r 6977 749134 o AM/AIA:2588 IAOM: O7\"II1$280 r AOY A'AOHNQN

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