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EMBEDDED DAM GATE CONTORL SYSTEM USING MICROCONTROLLERDEEPIKA.M MANGAIARKARASI.A KIRUTHIGA.SUG Scholar,ECE, UG Scholar,ECE, UG Scholar,ECE,Sri manakula vinayagar Sri manakula vinayagarengineering college, Sri manakula vinayagar engineering college,deepikamunisamy@gmail. engineering college, [email protected] vishnupriya31995@gmail. m com ABSTRACT Depending on the water level of the dam gate can be controlled using a DC motor and a personal computer. Due to this Now-a-days water scarcity has become a serious problem mechanism the water wastage can also be reduced and efficient in India and there are many factors responsible for this like utilization of water resources can be done. Also we can keep improper supply of water from the dam, improper water the record of the water usage and indications can also be given saving systems, etc. but one major factor is the improper to the people at various situations eg. During heavy rainfall the opening and closing of the dam gate according to the level chances of flood can be indicated. of water in the dam. Also till date the control mechanism of the dam gates are done manually and using PLC. But The paper is structured to describe the literature survey in there are lots of errors in manual method. Also the PLC section 2, hardware implementation and operation in section 3, based system is huge and hence suitable for major dams power generation mechanism in section 4, software description due to its cost. For medium and small dams like irrigation in section 5 followed by results , conclusion and future scope dams does not require such huge PLC systems. So to in sections 6 , 7 and 8 respectively. reduce these problems a mechatronic control system is proposed in this paper. This project is a AT89S51 2. LITERATURE SURVEY microcontroller based dam gate control system which helps in keeping an eye on the frequent usage of water The proposed system is mainly concerned with the real time resources from dam for irrigation purposes and efficient operation of dam gates depending on the level of water. But operation of dam gate according to the level of water and there are many other parameters that has to be considered when also helps in indicating about flood to people living in the this system is implemented in real. A paper was proposed by surrounding. This proposed mechanism of dam gate Xavier Litric [3] related to water management in dam using control reduces the water wastage and efficient usage of SIMO systems. This SIMO system deals with the real time available water is ensured. Also there are heavy load calculation of the upstream and downstream flow of the water shedding problems in the villages in almost all states of in dams. By observing these factors and accordingly operating India. To overcome these problems the proposed dam gate the gates can be carried out. The system we proposed can be control system can be combined with the operation of the merged with the afore mentioned system for effective operation geothermal and nuclear power plants for generation of of dam gates. In our system the sensed data is only the level of electricity . water in dam. So the upstream and downstream flow information can be an added feature to our system so that the Keywords microcontroller based dam gate control system can be more accurate. Also Syed Sheraz Mohani and his group mates had water supply, dam gate, level monitoring , gate proposed a PC based dam control model [4] wherein they mechanism , microcontroller , DC motor, SIMO(simple input multiple output, arduino INTRODUCTION Embedded system is the combination of hardware and software co-design. Embedded systems are now-a-days playing a vital role in Engineering design process for efficient analysis and effective operation. From data analysis to hardware work, everywhere embedded products are now-a-days playing a vital role because of its reliability and real time operation execution. Due to time complexity in electronic aspects embedded systems have become a major part of our daily life. Our work describes the design of an embedded system for the “Embedded Dam Control System”.For industrial applications, home automation, and supervisory control applications, Personal Computer based electricalappliances control is mainly useful. This control system givesexact concept of interfacing a high voltage electrical device orDC motor or DC / AC motor to personal computer system. Thissystem facilitates us to control the gates of a dam depending onthe water level automatically.It consists of a set of sensors connected to a DC motor throughan 8-bit microcontroller (AT89S51) [1]. The water level isdetected based on the feedback from the mechanism used.

division of reservoirs into upper and lower reservoirs and 3. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATIONefficiently use the dam water. But the overall control was AND OPERATIONthrough PC and needed an operator. In our system we aremainly using microcontroller and a PC for the mode that 3.1 Sensormicrocontroller don’t support. Marcel Nicola, Florin Veleahave proposed a system [5] for effective control of Hydropower For implementing our proposed system we used normal singleDam Spillway using PLC/SCADA system. But recently strand conductors but when implemented we didn’t get fruitfulMontanhydraulik [6] manufacturing company has installed a results. There was not enough flow of current in conductors toPLC based control system for controlling the operation of dam effectively trigger the microcontroller. So we made a sensorgates. This system was successfully installed on a large scale in PCB with etched conducting strips on it sensing various levelsforeign countries and the only dam in India where this system shown below in fig.3. If implemented in real, this PCB sensoris installed is Indira Sagar Dam in Madhya Pradesh. But this can be implemented but by applying AC power to it or we canPLC based system is costly and effectively applicable for major also use magnetic pressure sensors or some other industrydams and not for small and medium dams like irrigation dams.. purpose level sensors. Further as a part of our sensor circuit weOur system is though proposed only for the proper control of are using four npn transistors (BC 549) for each of the sensor.gates but further it can be extended for proper supply of water These transistors amplify the sensor output so that it can havefor irrigation and to households too by implementing additional enough strength to trigger the microcontroller. Fig.1 depicts thesystem. sensor circuit in which five sensors are used at various levels (very low,1/4,1/2,3/4,full).Except the very low level sensor allFig 3.1 Sensor others are connected to the transistors and whenever water level increases or decreases and comes in contact with each sensor the corresponding transistor conducts and amplify the sensor output. Special arrangement is made to indicate the various water levels using an LCD display at the operator control panel. When water reaches each and every level then respective level value programmed in microcontroller will be indicated in LCD and the operator will either open/close the gate. The main reason behind using the transistor amplifiers after the sensors is to provide sufficient energy to the sensorFigure 3.1.1 sensor circuit

3.2. Block Diagram drive the DC motor through the motor driver relay circuit and the dam gate connected to the DC motor [11] will also moveFig. 2 depicts the block diagram of Microcontroller AT89S51 and it will get opened or closed according to the water level.based Dam Gate Control System. The proposed system uses To operate the gates of dam at the water levels which are notfive sensors to sense various levels of dam water. Whenever thewater level rises or decreases and comes in contact of any supported by the system an operator can be placed at thesensor then the circuit is complete and current flows due to control room to control all the operation of the dam. Thewhich the corresponding transistor conducts and circuit is operators system will be connected to the microcontrollerclosed. The output of the sensor circuit triggers the through the USB interface. This is the main interface throughmicrocontroller. Whenever the water level rises above the which the operator is connected to the microcontroller andhighest level or decreases below the lowest threshold level then without this interface code cannot be burnt in the controller.the sensor circuit triggers the microcontroller. According to the Also the operator is provided with the facility to indicate thecode written and burnt in the microcontroller, it will people living in the surrounding areas of the dam about the water usage for irrigation and alarm the people to let the released water from dam to their fields. POWER SUPPLY PC MOTOR DC MOTOR DRIVING CONNECTED RELAY CIRCUIT TO DAM GATE LEVEL SENSOR SENSORS CIRCUITATTACHED (AMPLIFIER) TO DAM AT89S51 LCD MICROCONTROLLER ALARM Fig. 2 Microcontroller AT89S51 based Dam Gate Control System.

3.3. AT89S51 microcontroller AT89S51 microcontrollerThe AT89S51 microcontroller is a low power , highperformance CMOS 8 bit microcontroller with 4 kb of insystem programmable flash memory . the device ismanufactured using atmel’s high density non volatile memorytechnology and is compatible with the industry standard 80c51Instruction set and pin out . the on chip flash allows the programmemory to be reprogrammed in system or by a conventionalnon volatile memory programmer by combining a versatile 8bit cpu with in system programmable flash on a monolithicchip, the atmel 8089s51 is a powerful microcontroller whichprovides a highly flexible and cost effective solution to manyembedded control applications . 3.4 Implementation of Proposed SystemIn this section the hardware that we have developed toimplement the proposed system has been explained. There arevarious components we used to implement this system. Thefollowing figures are the snapshots of the system weimplemented. The whole system is divided into varioussections and each are explained separately.Fig 3 represents the five water level sensors that are etched ona PCB. This PCB will be placed in the dam. Whenever thewater level touches each sensor line then the correspondingtrigger the microcontroller. This kit is interfaced with themicrocontroller kit. The main reason behind using the transistoramplifiers after the sensors is to provide sufficient energy to thesensor output to trigger the microcontroller.Fig 4 shows the LCD interfaced [11] to the microcontroller kit.The LCD is used for indicating the operator about the frequentlevel changes in the dam. LCD will be placed in the controlpanel. The LCD used is a 16x2 LCD with the green backlightfeature. In this LCD the water level will be continuouslydisplayed according to the changes in the water level in dam.Fig .4 LCD indication of water level to operatorFigure 3.4.1 power supply transistor amplifies its input and this sensor data is used to

trigger the microcontroller. This kit is interfaced with the for the generation of power except the fact that nuclearmicrocontroller kit. The main reason behind using the transistor materials are used for processing. In this plants the nuclearamplifiers after the sensors is to provide sufficient energy to the materials undergo nuclear fission as a result give tremendoussensor output to trigger the microcontroller. heat energy. This heat energy is used to heat the water through which superheated steam is generated and this steam is finallyFig 4 shows the LCD interfaced [11] to the microcontroller kit. accelerated over the generator turbines resulting in theThe LCD is used for indicating the operator about the frequent generation of electricity.level changes in the dam. LCD will be placed in the controlpanel. The LCD used is a 16x2 LCD with the green backlight C. Use Of Dam Gate System in Powerfeature. In this LCD the water level will be continuously Plantsdisplayed according to the changes in the water level in dam Now the role played by the dam gate control system is the supplyFig 3.4.1 shows the microcontroller kit with power supply. of the water from the dams to the above power plants throughAT89S51 is the microcontroller used in this system with 8MHz separate pipe lines in case the amount of water available to themcrystal frequency. The microcontroller is programmed to is not adequate. In case of geothermal power plants instead ofcontrol the operation of gates and indicate the operator the exact using water from the earth’s core solely, justlevel of water in dam using LCD. Port 0 is interfaced with theLCD module and Port 2 is interfaced with the motor control 50 to 60% from the core can be utilized and rest amount ofcircuit. Port 1 is interfaced with the sensor circuit. +5V power water can be taken from the dam for power generation. In thissupply is given to the system.movement will be On but as soon way water content in core will also not extinct and poweras it touches the switch then the supply to motor is cut and the generation will also be un-stoppable.gate movement stops. Similarly the mechanism works whileclosing of gates. This feature monitors the proper operation of 5. SOFTWARE DESCRIPTIONdam gates we used arduino integrated development environment forFig 6 shows the motor driver circuit using electromagnetic writing code in the microcontroller in arduino language 6.2 .relays [11]. Four SPDT relays are used one for opening thegate, The highest level of water is assumed to be 4ft and the lowestone for closing the gate, one to turn ‘ON’ the buzzer/alarm and level to be 3ft according to our model. Whenever the waterlast one for future use. Four Transistors (BC 549) are connected level reaches the highest level (4ft) then the controller will opento each relay to activate them. Also four the gate and water level will decrease and as soon as it reaches LED’s are connected to each relay and whenever the relay is the lowest level (3ft) the controller will close the gate. ON then the corresponding LED will glow. START Assign Highest Level of Water as 4ft Assign Lowest Level of Water as 3ft4. POWER GENERATION Is Water MECHANISMS Level 4ft?In this section, we describe the power generation in geo thermal Yes Noand nuclear power plants and then we explain dam gate systemsapplication in the afore mentioned power plants. OPEN THE CLOSE THE GATE GATE A. Geo-thermal power plants. STOPIn geothermal thermal power plants [12], water from the coreof the earth at around 20,000 feet deep is sucked and it is Fig. 8 Flowchart of system operation in ‘AUTO’processed at various pressure levels. In this processing water modecollected from earth is boiled at various temperature levels andthe superheated steam generated from this process isaccelerated on the turbines of the power generators throughwhich electricity is generated. B. Nuclear Power Plants.In nuclear power plants water is the main medium which is used

6. RESULTS en-civil-engineering-references-indira-sagar-dam.html This web provides the detailed information of theThe system we proposed has been successfully implemented Montanhydraulik industry that implement PLC basedand observed the results. We found that the time taken for the Dam Projects.dam gate to open and close is accurately synchronized with theincrease or decrease in the water level because of the use of [5] Slivnik, T. Kodric, M.; Antauer, M. , ‘Protection of gateLow Speed High Torque DC Reduction Gear Motor having 100 movement in hydroelectric power stations’ ,rpm. Due to the use of GUI operator control panel the dam gate ‘Electrotechnical Conference, 2000. MELECON 2000.can be opened or closed at any time as and when we require 10th Mediterranean’ , Volume 3 , PP. 1043 – 1046 , Maywhich increases the system reliability and flexibility. Fig. 9 2000.shows the operator control panel. A graph is plottedcontinuously on the panel indicating the change in the water [6] Puig, V. , Ocampo-Martinez, C.; Romera, J.; Quevedo, J.;level every second which makes the system operator friendly Rodriguez, P.;de Campos, S.; Negenborn, R. , ‘Modeland reduces his job of continuously monitor the water level in predictive control of combined irrigation and water supplydam. systems: Application to the Guadiana river’ , ‘9th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing 7. CONCLUSION and Control (ICNSC), 2012’ , Conference Publications , PP 85 - 90 , April 2012.The proposed mechanism of dam gate control reduces the waterwastage, ensures efficient use of available water resources and [7] Lihua Feng, Yan Wang, ‘Environmental Effect of Tidalgenerates more precise and accurate results. There is no Gate and Measures of Disaster Reduction - A Case Studyrequirement of human labourers for monitoring the level, just of the Tidal Gate on Yaojiang River’, ‘5th Internationalone operator is sufficient for opening and closing the gate Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicalaccording to sensor output. Due to the number of sensors being Engineering, (iCBBE) 2011’ , Conference Publications ,more we can open or close the dam gate whenever necessary PP 1-4, May 2011.knowing the accurate level of water. Also operation executiontime is less. Also there are heavy load shedding problems in the [8] Mazidi and Mazidi, ‘Microcontrollers’, Prentice Hallvillages in almost all states of India. So this dam gate control Publications, Pg 284-290,300-310,428-430,441-450.system operation can be combined with the operation of thegeothermal and nuclear power plants for generation of [12] tion.swf This reference gave us the information of the actual working of a Geothermal Power Plant which is used for 8. FUTURE WORK generation of electricity.Since wired technology is used in our proposed system there isscope to further modify it by using wireless RFtechnology.Thus the communication between the controllerand the driving element can be established wirelessly.Improvements can be made with minor changes in this modelby eliminating the operator and providing the complete controlto microcontroller (automatic level control). It can be used forlevel monitoring and control in industries. Control of irrigationdam and other large dams used for power generation and watersupply should be different; as control of both types together willbe very complex since there are total 5200 dams (approx.) inIndia. Therefore a major future work can be possible in whicha centralized control of all the dams in a state using GPRS orother wireless technology under central government can bebeneficial to the whole country. 9. REFERENCES[1],pp 4- 5, 12- 13. This reference is the datasheet of AT89S51 microcontroller. This datasheet helped us in interfacing the peripheral devices with the microcontroller using the pin configuration and their functions.[2] Syed Sheraz Mohani, Syed Muhammad Umar Talha, Syed Hassan Ahmed and Mansoor Ebrahim, ‘Design for Irrigation and Monitoring System of an Automated Dam’, ‘Proceedings of the Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2012 Vol II, IMECS 2012, March 14-16, 2012, Hong Kong.[3] Marcel Nicola, Florin Velea, ‘Automatic Control Of A Hydropower Dam Spillway’, ‘Annals of the University of Craiova, Electrical Engineering series, No. 34, 2010; ISSN 1842-4805’.[4]

INVISIBILITY SYSTEM USING IMAGE PROCESSING AND OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE TECHNOLOGY,R.Harishma ECE Dept., jeppiaar engineering college, [email protected],U.Indumathi ECE Dept., jeppiaar engineering college, [email protected],S.Sivapriya ECE Dept., jeppiaar engineering college, [email protected]: Invisible persons are seen in fiction stories only, many different directions. A perfectly smooth surface, likebut in the real world it is proved that invisibility is that of a mirror, creates what is known as a specularpossible. This paper describes the creation of invisibility reflection -- a reflection in which incident light rays andwith the help of technologies like Optical camouflage; reflected light rays form the exact same angle with the mirrorImage based rendering and Retro- reflective projection. surface. In retro- reflection, the glass beads act like prisms,The object that needs to be made transparent or invisible bending the light rays by a process known as refraction. Thisis painted or covered with retro reflective material. Then causes the reflected light rays to travel back along the samea projector projects the background image on it making path as the incident light rays.the masking object virtually transparent. Capturing thebackground image requires a video camera, which sitsbehind the person wearing the cloak. The video from thecamera must be in a digital format so it can be sent to acomputer for image processing using image basedrendering technical. There are some useful applicationsfor this simple but astonishing technology.Keywords: Optical Camouflage Technology, Retro-Reflective material, Head Mounted Projector (HMP),invisibility, cloak, camera I. INTRODUCTIONOptical camouflage is a kind of active camouflage. This idea Figure 1-types of reflectionis very simple. If you project background image onto themasked object, you can observe the masked object just as if Retro-reflective materials are actually quite were virtually transparent. The cloak that enables optical Traffic signs, road markers and bicycle reflectors all takecamouflage to work is made from a special material known advantage of retro-reflection to be more visible to peopleas retro-reflective material. The materials that are used in driving at night. Movie screens used in most modernthis in order to create invisibility or transparent illusion we commercial theatres also take advantage of this materialneed a video camera, computer, projector and a combiner. because it allows for high brilliance under dark conditions. In optical camouflage, the use of retro-reflective material is II.RETRO-REFLECTIVE MATERIAL critical because it can be seen from far away and outside inThe cloak that enables optical camouflage to work is made bright sunlight -- two requirements for the illusion offrom a special material known as retro-reflective material. A invisibility.retro-reflective material is covered with thousands andthousands of small beads (Fig-1). When light strikes one of III.THE VIDEO CAMERA AND COMPUTERthese beads, the light rays bounce back exactly in the same A. Video Cameradirection from which they came. To understand why this is The retro-reflective garment doesn't actually make a personunique, look at how light reflects off of other types of invisible -- in fact, it's perfectly opaque. What the garmentsurfaces. A rough surface creates a diffused reflection does is create an illusion of invisibility by acting like a moviebecause the incident (incoming) light rays get scattered in screen onto which an image from the background is

projected. Capturing the background image requires a video Figure 2 –complete processcamera, which sits behind the person wearing the cloak. Thevideo from the camera must be in a digital format so it can Once a person puts on the cloak made with the retro-be sent to a computer for processing. reflective material, here's the sequence of events:B. Computer 1. A digital video camera captures the scene behindAll augmented-reality systems rely on powerful computers the person wearing the synthesize graphics and then superimpose them on a real- 2. The computer processes the captured image andworld image. For optical camouflage to work, the makes the calculations necessary to adjust the still image orhardware/software combo must take the captured image video so it will look realistic when it is projected.from the video camera, calculate the appropriate perspective 3. The projector receives the enhanced image from theto simulate reality and transform the captured image into the computer and shines the image through a pinhole-sizedimage that will be projected onto the retro- reflective opening onto the combiner.material. This technic of image processing is called image 4. The silvered half of the mirror, which is completelybased rendering. reflective, bounces the projected image toward the person wearing the cloak. IV.THE PROJECTOR AND COMBINER 5. The cloak acts like a movie screen, reflecting lightA. The Projector directly back to the source, which in this case is the mirror.The modified image produced by the computer must be 6. Light rays bouncing off of the cloak pass throughshone onto the garment, which acts like a movie screen. A the transparent part of the mirror and fall on the user's eyes.projector accomplishes this task by shining a light beam Remember that the light rays bouncing off of the cloakthrough an opening controlled by a device called an iris contain the image of the scene that exists behind the persondiaphragm. An iris diaphragm is made of thin, opaque plates, wearing the cloak. The person wearing the cloak appearsand turning a ring changes the diameter of the central invisible because the background scene is being displayedopening. For optical camouflage to work properly, this onto the retro-reflective material. At the same time, lightopening must be the size of a pinhole. Why? This ensures a rays from the rest of the world are allowed reach the user'slarger depth of field so that the screen (in this case the cloak) eye, making it seems as if an invisible person exists in ancan be located any distance from the projector. otherwise normal-looking world.B. The CombinerThe system requires a special mirror to both reflect the VI. HEAD-MOUNTED DISPLAYSprojected image toward the cloak and to let light rays Of course, making the observer stand behind a stationarybouncing off the cloak return to the user's eye. This special combiner is not very pragmatic -- no augmented- realitymirror is called a beam splitter, or a combiner -- a half- system would be of much practical use if the user had tosilvered mirror that both reflects light (the silvered half) and stand in a fixed location. That's why most systems requiretransmits light (the transparent half). If properly positioned that the user carry the computer on his or her person, eitherin front of the user's eye, the combiner allows the user to in a backpack or clipped on the Hip. It's also why mostperceive both the image enhanced by the computer and light systems take advantage of head-mounted displays, orfrom the surrounding world. This is critical because the HMDs, which assemble the combiner and optics in acomputer-generated image and the real- world scene must be wearable device.fully integrated for the illusion of invisibility to seem There are two types of HMDs: optical see-through displaysrealistic. The user has to look through a peephole in this and video see-through displays. Optical see- throughmirror to see the augmented reality. displays look like high-tech goggles, sort of like the goggles V.THE COMPLETE SYSTEMNow let's put all of these components together to see howthe invisibility cloak appears to make a person transparent.The given figure-2 shows the typical arrangement of all ofthe various devices and pieces of equipment.

Cyclops wears in the X-Men comic books and movies. VIII.SOME IMAGES SHOWING INVISIBILITYThese goggles provide a display and optics for each eye, sothe user sees the augmented reality in stereo. Video see- Figure 3-man in front of a carthrough displays, on the other hand, use video- mixingtechnology to combine the image from a head-worn camera Figure 4-transparent manwith computer-generated graphics.In this arrangement, video of the real world is mixed with Figure 5-man in front of a screensynthesized graphics and then presented on a liquid- crystal users a gaming experience that changes according to wheredisplay. The great advantage of video see-through displays they are and what they are that virtual objects can fully obscure real-world objectsand vice versa. REFERENCESThe scientists who have developed optical-camouflage [1] S. Tachi, Telexistence and Retro-reflectivetechnology are currently perfecting a variation of a videosee-through display that brings together all of the Projection Technology (RPT), Proceedings of thecomponents necessary to make the invisibility cloak work. 5th Virtual Reality International ConferenceThey call their apparatus a head-mounted projector (HMP) (VRIC2003) pp.69/1-69/9, Laval Virtual 2003,because the projection unit is an integral part of the helmet. France, May 13-18, 2003 (VRIC2003.pdf (432k))Two projectors -- one for each eye -- are required to produce [2] M. Inami, N. Kawakami, Y. Yanagida, T. Maedaa stereoscopic effect. and S. Tachi, Method and Device for Providing Information, US PAT. 6,341,869, 2002 VII.REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONSWhile an invisibility cloak is an interesting application ofoptical camouflage, it's probably not the most useful one.Here are some practical ways the technology might beapplied: A. Pilots landing a plane could use this technology to make cockpit floors transparent. This would enable them to see the runway and the landing gear simply by glancing down. B. Doctors performing surgery could use optical camouflage to see through their hands and instruments to the underlying tissue. See Techy Lab: Optical Camouflage: oc-phantom.mpg to watch a video of how this might work. C. Providing a view of the outside in windowless rooms is one of the more fanciful applications of the technology, but one that might improve the psychological well-being of people in such environments. D. Drivers backing up cars could benefit one day from optical camouflage. A quick glance backward through a transparent rear hatch or tailgate would make it easy to know when to stop. IX.CONCLUSIONThis amazing technology creates objects or human beingsinvisible or transparent. Though it has some limitations, itwon't be for long as scientists continue to push theboundaries of the technology. One of the most promisingapplications of this technology, however, has less to do withmaking objects invisible and more about making themvisible. The concept is called Mutual Telexistence: workingand perceiving with the feeling that you are in several placesat once. Pervasive gaming is another application whereplayers with mobile displays move through the world whilesensors capture information about their environment,including their location. This information is used to deliver

[3] M. Inami, N. Kawakami, D. Sekiguchi, Y. Proceedings of IEEE Virtual Reality 2000, pp.233- Yanagida, T. Maeda and S. Tachi, Visuo-Haptic 240, 2000 (vr2000.pdf(350k)) Display Using Head-Mounted Projector, [4] M. Shiro, Ghost in the Shell, Kodansya, 1991.

MISSION TO VISION Several companies today market computer programs that An Innovative Braille System Keyboard allow a blind person to use a standard computer. These computer programs are called \"speech recognizers\". A for the Visually Impaired speech recognizer is itself a standard Windows computer application, but its job is to run alongside the other programs S.JAYASHREE, V.SRI RANJANI, SRI SAIRAM running on a computer and makes the blind person to speak out ENGINEERING COLLEGE to enter the text on the screen. Because a blind person cannot see what is on the screen, a screen reader typically has a built-1. Introduction in speech synthesizer which, perhaps sounding a bit like a robot, speaks information to the user through the normal sound The world today demands people to be independent, speakers of the computer itself.irrespective of their challenges, mentally or physically.Visually impaired people have to rely on someone for fulfilling The speech recognition system is highly complicated toeven the minor needs. The probability for them to interact with work on as everyone needs to wisp the exact language and alsothe computer is very minimal except for the speech recognition that it keeps the visually impaired away from the commontechnology which is really complicated and unreliable. Thus to users by not using a keyboard by hands.make them stronger in their working on the computers, thisproject provides them the total enhancements for interaction The another System is E-touch, in which major disadvantageswith the system and servicing their necessities. are This project is an original project work of ours, which is a 1) The person must be given a separate coaching to use theunique innovation making them visual across the globe, keyboard, which is different from the usual way of writing byinteract with computers easily and independently. blind persons. Hence it becomes quite tedious. A keyboard is an external input device that is connected to 2) In that keyboard “special characters “cannot be used.the computer using a fiber optic cable. An ordinary Because of that the size of the keyboard increases as usualconventional keyboard contains around 104 keys in it, buried keyboard and many Complexity arises.inside the keyboards case is an 8042 microcontroller chip thatconstantly scans the switches on the keyboard to see if any 3) The size of the keyboard is comparatively greater than ourkeys are down. A typical keystroke starts with the user project.pressing a key on the keyboard. Thus a newer technology is necessitated for those people to work as a common man on interacting with the computer, which is provided by our project for satisfying their needs. 3. Architecture of the project The below given diagram is just a design of our project. The specifications of the design are as follows This closes an electrical contact in the switch so that themicrocontroller can sense that you've pressed the switch. ThePC keyboard actually generates two scan codes for every keyyou press. It generates a down code when you press a key andan up code when you release the key. But it is definitelyimpossible for every visually impaired people to learn theregular typing pattern and work on these keyboards. Thus there must be an alternative for the blind people tointeract with the computer to meet their needs. Hence therewere projects introduced for making them to interact with thecomputer, but really failed to prove their qualities. 1. Existing scenariosFor enhancing the interaction with the computers by the .visually impaired, there were many systems that were createdlike E touch, speech recognition interacting system etc.

 There are 6 logical switches (or touch sensors) which are used to sense the characters The special four switches are explained below:SHIFT – This key is used to toggle between the alphabet The basic principle of this type of sensor is the measurementand number mode. If this key is switched on, then the of the resistance of a conductive elastomer or foam betweensensors give output as numbers only. two points. The majority of the sensors use an elastomer that consists of a carbon doped rubber. In the above sensor theSPACE – This key is used to create a blank space resistance of the elastomer changes with the application ofcharacter. force, resulting from the deformation of the elastomer altering the particle density.BACK – This key is used as backspace character.4. Braille Language 5. Logical Switching If the resistance measurement is taken between opposing surfaces of the elastomer, the upper contacts have to be made The 6 logical switches are made up of ‘TOUCH using a flexible printed circuit to allow movement under theSENSORS’. Touch sensing is the detection and measurement applied force. Measurement from one side can easily beof a contact force at a defined point. A touch sensor can also achieved by using a dot-and-ring arrangement on the restricted to binary information, namely touch, and notouch. It should be recognized that the operation of a touch 6. Featuressensor is very dependant on the material of the object beinggripped. The touch sensor is a resistive based sensor where the  The typing in this keyboard is very easy and simple forchange in the resistance produced (R2-R1) produces the change the visually the current and hence is used in selecting of characters.  It needs no prior practice for those who are well versed in BRAILLE language.  It takes around only 5 days to learn the typing on the board for those who aren’t familiar in BRAILLE language.  The special 5 keys provided and the modes of operation chosen in the system makes the task of typing comfortable for the blind.

7. Advanced enhancements As far as the implementation part of the project isconcerned, the text to speech conversion is a futureenhancement of the project. The text to speech conversionallows, talking word processing program, allows visuallyimpaired to hear the letter, word, sentence or phrase as it isentered into the computer. We can use existing Text Aloud,Intellitalk as a software part for hearing the speech as the textis entered. The SPEAK button in the design is used toverify/hear the text entered. Thus it makes the probability oferror to minimize and makes comfortable position for thepeople who are visually impaired.8. Conclusion The KEYBOARD is aimed towards the welfare of visuallyimpaired people. The visually impaired have an exposure to allthe latest equipments made especially for them, but none hasattempted a better research over this issue. Hence, this projectis sure to create a revolution in its own field and ensurecomplete support from people of different societies. Thisproject helps the visually impaired to interact with thecomputer system at a maximum probability and easier tocommunicate. At the international arena this project willdefinitely achieve greater heights and is expected to bewelcomed by communities for helping the blind.9. References[1] William Kleitz, ‘ Microprocessor and Micro ControllerFundamental of 8085 and 8051 Hardware and Software’, PearsonEducation, 1998.[2] R.S.Gaonkar, ‘Microprocessor Architecture Programming andApplication’, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New Delhi, 1995.[3] Muhammad Ali Mazidi & Janice Gilli Mazidi, ‘The 8051 MicroController and Embedded Systems’, Pearson Education, 5th IndianReprint, 2003.[4][5][6]

COMPREHENDING II. TUTORING SOFTWARE FOR ASD KIDS INTERESTS OF KIDS Motivation is the key factor for one to learn. The software must be designed in such a way that it shouldWITH AUTISM USING motivate the child and it should keep the child intrigued to learning [2]. In addition to this it must also require external AI sensors to monitor learner’s expression, pulse rate, breathing rate etc.Abstract— Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder Assistive Technologies Team (ATL) proposed acharacterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non- model; the main goal of this model is to create a tool whichverbal communication, restricted and repetitive behavior. AI will motivate children with LD to learn [2].expert system helps in diagnosis of children with ASD andprovides families with early intervention. Such systems Kids with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) showrequire external sensors to monitor child's posture, improvements in learning with software application [12].expressions, heart rate, breathing, etc. Human instructors have Human instructors have a lot of inconsistencies that imposesa lot of inconsistencies that imposes undesired impacts on the undesired impacts on the learning progress of kids with ASDlearning progress of individuals with ASD whereas the AI whereas the AI expert systems are good at providingexpert systems are good at providing predictable environment predictable environment which is typically better for them towhich is typically better for them to learn. These expert learn. Each individual kid with autism is unique, it has its ownsystems emphasize only on general learning and social set of abilities/disabilities, visual/auditory preferences, andinteractions but they don’t analyze child's area of interest. different preferred learning techniques. Thus the learningAnalysis of few techniques is provided that can be software has to be highly flexible and capable of usingimplemented in these systems so that it enhances the child's different techniques and approaches.special interests and overcomes LD. Smart Tutor expert system was proposed by Centre forKeywords— AI-Artificial Intelligence; Autism; ASD- Development of Advanced Computing [12] which wasAutism Spectrum Disorder; LD-learning disabilities. composed from two main sessions: assessment and e-learning session. The mood levels, interests, and concentration levels Introduction of the child are determined by performing the assessment session. Then the e-Learning session is performed by working Artificial Intelligence is a branch of science which on: conscious and sub-conscious levels. On the consciousdeals with machines finding solution to complex problems in levels it captures information from the child by activelya more human-like fashion. This generally involves borrowing interacting with it. On the subconscious level, system updatescharacteristics from human intelligence, and applying them as child's profile and builds its own domain expertise.algorithms in a computer friendly way. A more or less flexibleor efficient approach can be taken depending on the Thus Smart Tutor expert system provides children withrequirements established, which influences how artificial the adjustable interfaces and is capable of evaluating the learningintelligent behavior appears. progress over time. The potential applications of artificial intelligence are III. ROLE OF ROBOTS AND HUMANOIDSabundant. They stretch from the military for autonomouscontrol and target identification, to the entertainment industry FMRI [3] study reveals that both autistic kids and normalfor computer games and robotic pets. It should not be forgotten kids tend to get attracted towards the autonomous agents. Thethat big establishments dealing with huge amounts of study also shows that ASD kids interact with human agentsinformation such as hospitals, banks and insurances, which can and artificial agents by using same resources. Only typicaluse AI to predict customer behavior and detect trends. AI children show noticeable difference between the two.reduces the burden of physically challenged people and makes However, artificial agents are more predictable andtheir life an easy one to live in. Now AI is helping kids with emotionally stable when compared with human agents. Henceautism to face the world, by teaching them how to behave, the use of artificial agents (i.e.) robotic toys as a tool forlearn and interact. intervention with ASD kids is highly effective in imparting knowledge and improving social interactions [5]. I. FINDING LEARNING DISABILITIES IN KIDS Keepon, an interactive robot is designed in such a way that it prompts both kids and adults to indulge in group play and interactions [6]. It has a simple appearance and predictable built in interaction that relaxes the mood of the child which in turn engages the child in a group play. Keepon is operated in two modes: automatic and manual modes. Factors like face detection location, and/or movement, toy of predetermined color in automatic mode enhances the likelihood of child to play. The robot is fully controlled by human operators, in manual mode. Italian team of researchers [8] created FACE, a humanoid robot (Facial Automaton for Conveying Emotions) to oppose the usage of non-human like robots as a tool for teaching ASD kids. FACE is a more advanced learning tool for

ASD kids and adult. It is designed to generate six basic facial of Hidalgo State that enhances learning of algebra byexpressions which is controlled by either an algorithm or an dynamically adjusting itself to the student's progress and haveoperator. The responses of the kids are analyzed and recorded a tracking system [4].for future studies. FACE is built on a neural approach and ismore efficient than human therapists since it captures and It has a knowledge based system which was developed onprocesses all the data. the basis of knowledge and teaching experience provided by the professors. This coordinated work, has resulted in systems PABI (Penguin for Autism Behavioral Intervention), that are capable of adaptation to student’s progress and theya prototype of a cartoonish looking penguin robot was also make way for teachers to monitor the progress of a studentdeveloped in [5]. The highlighting feature of PABI is that it is and accordingly direct/assign a topic to the student. Thesehighly tolerant to all possible abuse on it as a stuffed toy would systems have shown great results when used in some of thewithhold from a kid and also demonstrates human-like public and private schools in Mexico.emotions. PABI incorporates features of extended therapy ofASD child at home. It operates with two main modes. One is VI. ANALYZING STRENGTHS AND SPECIALthat in which it can interact with the child independently and INTERESTS OF ASD KIDSthe other is one in which it interacts with the child in theguidance of the therapist who is remotely controlling robot and All the above mentioned systems, robots and applicationsobserving child’s behavior and interactions. PABI can work in focus on general learning and social interactions. Thesea distributed system and it uses facial recognition algorithm to systems do not find the child’s area of interest and improve theobserve child’s behavior. child’s skill in that area. Children with ASD are often described in terms of their deficits, difficulties and challenges. Paro, Robota, KASPAR, NAO, Popchilla, Ifanoid, They also have many strengths and abilities. If the child has aDance Dance Pleo, Dragonbot are the existing robots in autism difficulty in understanding vague instructions then its strengththerapy. Each use different algorithms and techniques to help will be to understand concrete instructions. Some of thekids learn and improve interacting abilities. difficulties and strengths of ASD kids are given below.Added to this list is Milo, a recently invented robot that isdesigned to give more realistic human-like expressions and Difficulty Strengthengage ASD kids in social interaction. Remembering Remembering information for a IV. VIRTUAL REALITY FOR ASD KIDS concepts and long period. implementing them As told earlier, artificial agents that closely resemble quickly.human, improve learning of social skills and interpretation offacial expressions in ASD kids. Virtual characters have now Understanding  Ability to learnbeen used for the same purpose. LifeisGame, is an interactive concepts that are that aims at teaching ASD kids to recognize facial verbally said.expressions by making them play with a virtual character [1].  Ability toLifeisGame has four major activities: one is to recognize facial Thinking generally understand visualexpression, second is to build facial expression, third is to play always. information.with avatar and fourth is to identify facial expression forpresented story/situation. Child’s expressions during the game Understanding Ability to think specifically.are monitored and analyzed by using a small camera. Gaming instructions that are Thoughts and actions have stricttechniques incorporated in this learning tool makes this vague, less concrete, rules.application to stand out from others that teach ASD kids to jokes and bodyrecognize facial expression. languages. Understanding concrete Learning lengthy instructions. V. OTHER COMPUTER AIDED APPLICATIONS concepts, categories USED and classifications  Ability to learn in pieces or ‘chunks’. With the technology improving at rapid pace, more andmore applications are developed in the field of education.These applications ensure effective learning experience forslow pace learners. Consider the example of learning the concepts of algebrawhich requires the student’s continuous concentration andconstant training. Many solutions have been developed tosolve this problem. However, most of them have only a basicinstructional guide and practice exercises. The looked upsolutions in [4] do not have any tracking system for anindividual student to measure the progress and adjustdynamically to the student’s progress. In order to solve this,a tutoring system was developed by Research Centre forInformation Technology and Systems Autonomous University

 Ability to focus on VII. CONCLUTION narrow topics which are of The focus on building AI expert systems in the field of interest. educating ASD kids is that, the number of autistic kids is on the rise and there are proven results that have improved theChoosing what to pay Ability to focus on small details behavior of autistic kids since all systems are stable andattention to, shifting and keeps up attention, when predictable.focus to something, maintaining More expert systems and computer aided applications areattention built so that it serves as a tool to mitigate the effect of autism spectrum disorder on learning and interacting skills of theLearning a language Ability to learn a language in children.and grammar rules chunks (echolalia) by mimickinggradually by or echoing words or phrases. Thus AI expert systems with incorporated skillexpanding vocabulary. finding techniques will definitely be more efficient than other expert systems that focus only on general learning, teaching If AI expert system identifies a particular difficulty, then facial expressions and social can conclude the strength of the child and help it to learn onthe basis of its strengths. REFERENCES Even kids with autism spectrum disorder may have some [1] Abirached, B.; Yan Zhang; Aggarwal, J.K.; Tamersoy, B.;special interests. The special interest may be in a specific field Fernandes, T.; Miranda, J.C.; Orvalho, V.; ,or in doing a specific activity. AI expert systems should \"Improving communication skills of children with ASDsidentify the field or an activity in which the child is more and through interaction with virtualmore interested. Here are some techniques that can be characters,\" Serious Games and Applications for Healthincorporated in AI systems in order to spot child’s special (SeGAH), 2011 IEEE 1st Internationalinterest. Conference on , vol., no., pp.1-4, 16-18 Nov. 2011, doi: 10.1109/SeGAH.2011.6165464.  Few expert systems record the child’s response. The system should analyze each and every response and [2] Bykbaev, V.R.; Velez, E.P.; Guerra, P.I.; , \"An educational categorize them on the basis of fields like arts, approach to generate new tools for science, gardening etc. It should find the field in education support of children with disabilities,\" e-Education, which there are more responses. Then that will be Entertainment and e-Management child’s area of interest. (ICEEE), 2011 International Conference on , vol., no., pp.80- 83, 27-29 Dec. 2011, doi:  The system should pay attention to the activities that 10.1109/ICeEEM.2011.6137847. the child often chooses to do. It may be playing with a ball or spending time in garden. The often chosen [3] Chaminade, Thierry; Da Fonseca, David; Rosset, activity will be one that the child is interested in. Delphine; Lutcher, Ewald; Cheng, Gordon; Deruelle, Christine; , \"FMRI study of young adults with autism  The expert system should provide sensor-rich interacting with a humanoid robot,\" RO-MAN, environment and the child should be provided with 2012 IEEE , vol., no., pp.380-385, 9-13 Sept. 2012, doi: raw materials like finger paints, puzzles, percussion 10.1109/ROMAN.2012.6343782. instruments etc. so that the child is able to choose what it likes. [4] de los A Alonso, M.; de la Cruz Rivera, A.V.; Barcelo, G.; , \"An Artificial Intelligence Based Model for  ASD kids should be provided open-ended playthings Algebra Education,\" INC, IMS and IDC, 2009. NCM '09. such as toys like blocks and puppets in order to Fifth International Joint Conference on , vol., enhance imaginative play. no., pp.1492-1498, 25-27 Aug. 2009, doi: 10.1109/NCM.2009.209.  The system should identify the topics that engage the child in active interaction. These topics may provide [5] Dickstein-Fischer, L.; Alexander, E.; Xiaoan Yan; Hao Su; clues to the child’s special talent. Harrington, K.; Fischer, G.S.; , \"An affordable compact humanoid robot for autism spectrum disorder  The system should prepare a list of questions on interventions in children,\" Engineering in various fields. It should ask questions one at a time Medicine and Biology Society,EMBC, 2011 Annual and record the child’s answer. The question International Conference of the IEEE , vol., no., attributing to the field which is answered well will be the child’s field of interest.If the above mentioned techniques are incorporated in AIexpert system, the systems can shortlist the child’s area ofinterest. Using this area as a base the system can intrigue thechild to learn and to interact.

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