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Home Explore Social Studies Vocabulary

Social Studies Vocabulary

Published by KeemPh, 2021-08-11 00:44:39

Description: Social Studies Vocabulary


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Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Religion A belief in, or the ศาสนา worship of, a god or gods. Buddhism The religion founded ศาสนาพุทธ by Gautama or Buddha. Christianity The religion of Christ. ศาสนาคริสต์ Islam The Muslim religion. ศาสนาอิสลาม

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Hinduism A religion of India that ศาสนาฮนิ ดู includes a belief in reincarnation. Monk A member of a male พระสงฆ์ religious group, who lives นักบวช in a monastery, away from the rest of society. Priest In the Christian Church, especially the Roman Catholic, Orthodox and Anglican churches) a clergyman.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Pope Often with capital the สนั ตะปาปา bishop of Rome, head of the Roman Catholic church. Buddhist Someone who believes in ชาวพุทธ Buddhism. Muslim A person who follows the ชาวมุสลิม religion of Islam. Prophet A person who tells people ศาสดา what God wants, intends etc the prophet Isaiah.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Temple A building in which วดั people worship, usually as part of a non-Christian religion. Mosque A Muslim place of สเุ หร่า,มสั ยดิ worship. Church A building for โบสถ์ (คริสต)์ Christian religious activities. God With capital the พระเจ้า creator and ruler of the world.

Social science and Humanities สังคมศาสตร์และมนษุ ยศาสตร์

Social science and Humanities สงั คมศาสตร์และมนษุ ยศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Meaning Adaptation The action or process of changing in Thai Anthropology something, or of being changed, to การปรบั ตวั suit a new purpose or situation. Behavior The study of the human race, มานุษยวิทยา especially of its origins, development, Coexistence customs and beliefs. พฤติกรรม The way a person, an animal, a plant behaves or functions in a particular การอยู่ situation. รว่ มกนั The state of being together in the same place at the same time.

Social science and Humanities สังคมศาสตร์และมนษุ ยศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Meaning Conflict A situation in which people, groups in Thai Development or countries disagree strongly or ความขดั แย้ง Harassment are involved in a serious argument. พัฒนาการ The steady growth of something so Humanism that it becomes more advanced, การล่วงละเมดิ stronger. The act of annoying or worrying มนษุ ยนยิ ม somebody by putting pressure on them or saying or doing unpleasant things to them. A system of thought that considers that solving human problems with the help of reason is more important than religious beliefs. It emphasizes the fact that the basic nature of humans. Organizing Make all the arrangements for การจดั ระเบยี บ something to happen or be provided.

Social science and Humanities สงั คมศาสตรแ์ ละมนษุ ยศาสตร์ Vocabulary Meaning Meaning Philosopher A person who studies or writes in Thai about philosophy. นักปรัชญา Philosophy The study of the nature and ปรชั ญา Symbol meaning of the universe and of เครอ่ื งหมาย human life. Sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed. Social fact or situation that is observed ปรากฎการณ์ phenomeno to exist or happen, especially one ทางสังคม whose cause or explanation is in question Social theory A formal set of ideas that are ทฤษฎีทางสงั คม Stimulus intended to explain why something สิ่งเรา้ happens or exists in relation to an equation. Something that helps somebody or something to develop better or more quickly.

HISTORY AND CULTURE ประวัติศาสตรแ์ ละวฒั นธรรม

HITORY AND CULTURE Vocabulary Meaning English Meaning Thai Archeologist A person who studies นกั โบราณคดี archeology. Antique Made in or typical of earlier โบราณวตั ถุ times and valued for its age. Acculturation The adoption of the การปรับตัวให้เข้ากับวัฒนธรรม behavior patterns of the surrounding culture. Chronicle A record or narrative จดหมายเหตหุ รอื พงศาวดาร description of past events. Colony. A group of countries that อาณานิคม Civilization are urbanized under the อารยธรรม control of another country. A society in an advanced state of social development with complex legal political and religious organizations. Culture Shock A condition of อาการตกใจในวัฒนธรรมหรือ disorientation affecting สภาพแวดล้อมท่ีไม่คุ้นชิน someone who is suddenly exposed to an unfamiliar culture or way of life or set of attitudes.

HITORY AND CULTURE Vocabulary Meaning English Meaning Thai Era A long and distinct period ยคุ สมยั หรือหว่ งระยะเวลา of history with a particular feature or characteristic. Empire A territory or area that has อาณาจกั ร Ethnic group the same possessor. กลุ่มชาติพันธ์ุ นกั ประวัติศาสตร์ Historian People of the same race or ซากปรกั หักพัง Ruin nationality who share a ศลิ าจารกึ Stone distinctive culture. วัฒนธรรมยอ่ ย inscription A person who studies or ชนเผา่ writes about history. Subculture Things that have been built Tribe for long time and decay with time. A stone pedestal for hammering letters or stories that happened in the past. The behavior and beliefs of a particular group of people in society that are different from those of most people. A group of people of the same race, and with the same customs, language, religion, living in a particular area and often having one leader known as a chief.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Bond An agreement by a พนั ธบัตร government or a company to pay you interest on the money you have lent. Budget The money that is available งบประมาณ to a person or an organization and a plan of how it will be spent over a period of time. Capitalism An economic system in which ระบบทนุ นิยม a country’s businesses and industry are controlled and run for profit by private owners rather than by the government.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Currency The system of money เงินตรา Deficit that a country uses. Export The amount by which การขาดดุล money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a particular period of time. The selling and ส่งออก transporting of goods to another country.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Import A product or service นำเข้ำ that is brought into one country from another. Nationalization The process of putting กำรจัดให้เป็นของรฐั Nominee an industry or a company under the ผู้ถอื หุ้น control of the government, which becomes its owner. A person in whose name money is invested in a company.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Quota An amount of กำรกำหนดปริมำณ Socialism something that somebody expects or Subsidy needs to have or achieve. a set of political and สังคมนิยม economic theories based on the belief that everyone has an equal right to a share of a country’s wealth and that the government should own and control the main industries. Money that is paid by a เงนิ อดุ หนุน government or an organization to reduce the costs of services or of producing goods so that their prices can be kept low.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Supply Willingness and ability อปุ สงค์ to offer goods and Tariff services for sale. A tax that is paid on ภาษีศุลกากร goods coming into or going out of a country. Tax evasion The crime of การหนภี าษี deliberately not paying all the taxes that you should pay.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Accuse To say that ผถู้ กู กลำ่ วหำ Contempt somebody has done something Default wrong or is guilty of something. The feeling that หมิ่นประมาท somebody/ something is without value and deserves no respect at all. Failure to do ไมป่ ฏิบัติตำมกฎหมำย something that must be done by law, especially paying a debt.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Deliberately Detain Done in a way อย่ำงจงใจ that was planned, Extradite not by chance. To keep กักขงั somebody in an official place, such as a police station, a prison or a hospital, and prevent them from leaving. To officially send สง่ ผู้รำ้ ยขำ้ มแดน back somebody who has been accused or found guilty of a crime to the country where the crime was committed.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai In dict To officially ฟอ้ ง Offense charge somebody with a crime. An illegal act. ทาผิดกฎหมาย Patent An official right สิทธบิ ัตร to be the only person to make, use or sell a product or an invention; a document that proves this.

Vocabulary MMeeaanniningg MMeaenaingingininThTahiai IPenrdjuicrty Thoeofcfricmiaelloyf tellingฟ้อใหงก้ ำรเท็จ Offense achliaergine csooumretbaofdtyer Realty Patent wyoituhhaavcerismweo.rn to Solicitor tell the truth. An illegal act. ทาผดิ กฎหมาย Property in the อสงั หารมิ ทรัพย์ form of land or right สทิ ธิบตั ร to be the only Apelraswoynetrowmhaoke, ทนำย upsrepoarresselleagal pdroocduumcetnotsr,afnor einxvaemntpiloenf; oar the sdaolceuomfelnatndthoart pbruoilvdeinsgtsh,iasd. vises people on legal matters, and can speak for them in some courts of law.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai SIntidpiucltate To sotfafticeiaclleyarly ฟบญัอ้ งญัติ Offense achndardgeefsinoimteelbyody Tender wthitaht ทาผิดกฎหมาย Patent must be done, or ประมลู Ahonwililtegmaul satctb.e สิทธบิ ัตร The death done. penalty โทษประหำรชวี ิต A formal offer to supply goods or Adon wofofrkiciaatl aright stotabtedthperiocnel.y person to make, Tusheeoprunseislhl ma ent pofrobdeuicntg okrillaend itnhvaetnitsiouns;ead in dsoomcuemceonutnttrhiaets pfororvveesrythsies.rious crimes.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Amnesty Thai A general pardon given to people who have นิรโทษกรรม done wrong especially against the government. Capitalism A system of economics in อดุ มการณท์ ุน which money and business are นิยม controlled by capitalists. Communism A system of government under อุดมการณ์ คอมมิวนสิ ต์ which there is อุดมการณ์ no private industry and (in some อนุรักษ์นยิ ม forms) no private property, most things being state-owned. Conservatism Dislike of change.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Contempt Thai A strong feeling of disliking and having no respect for หมิน่ ประมาท someone or something. Coup d’etat A sudden and violent change รฐั ประหาร in government. Default To fail to do something, ผดิ สญั ญา such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do. Democracy A form of government in which การปกครอง the people freely elect represe แบบ ntatives to govern them. ประชาธปิ ไตย

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Election Thai A time when people vote in order to choose someone for การเลือกต้งั a political or official job. justice Fairness or rightness in ความยตุ ิธรรม; the treatment of other people. ความถกู ตอ้ ง Politic Wise and showing the ability การเมอื ง to make the right decisions. referendum A general vote made by การออกเสียง the people of a country ประชามติ etc for or against.

Vocabulary Meaning Meaning in Thai Senate A lawmaking body, especially the upper house of วฒุ สิ ภา the parliament in some countries. Socialism The belief or theory that a อุดมการณ์ Verdict country’s wealth should belong to สงั คมนยิ ม the people as a whole, not คาพิพากษาของ to private owners. คณะลกู ขุน An opinion or decision made after judging the facts that are given, especially one made at the end of a trial.

CAMPUS. (ม.ป.ป.). คำศพั ท์ภำษำอังกฤษ ทเี่ กยี่ วกบั พระพุทธศำสนำ Buddhism | English. สืบค้น 2564, กรกฎาคม 25, จาก EnglishTime. (ม.ป.ป). คำศพั ท์ภำษำองั กฤษ หมวดศำสนำ. สืบค้น 2564, กรกฎาคม 24, จา Cambridge University Press. (ม.ป.ป). คน้ หำควำมหมำยภำษำองั กฤษ. สืบค้น 2564, กรกฎาคม 24, จา


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