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Home Explore 201708 Healthcheck - Managed Design-MinnKota

201708 Healthcheck - Managed Design-MinnKota

Published by bneuhauser, 2017-09-05 17:34:35

Description: 201708 Healthcheck - Managed Design-MinnKota


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Company: Minnkota PowerWorkflow Contact: Bill Neuhauser – Managed Design inc. Aaron Vorwerk - AutodeskDate: August 31, 2017 Workflow Healthcheck

1 23Workflow Healthcheck Discover and Score and Recommend and Document Summarize Review Select a product workflow, Score the worfklow based on Review the scores and preferably exhibiting one or best-in-class industry stanards documentation with helpful more of these characteristics: and capabilities that meet the recommendations on following criteriea: increasing efficiency - Typical workflow (i.e. day-to- day usage) - Design efficiency - Collaboration and Coordination - Workflow incorporating multiple - Simulation and Analysis products - Industry Standards - Communication and Delivery - Workflow based on new or old releases Document the workflow (Autodesk Praxis)

Discovery Questionnaire Sample Questions Response / Notes1 What Industry does your business Electric Utility Co-op serve? Discover and Document What projects/products is your Construction of new sub-stations and adding to current business most successful at? Overview: Business and workflow What is the largest obstacle facing Verifying your vehicles can access current and proposed sub-stations related information your business today? What does your organization in the business provide? Telecommunications, Engineering, Substation layouts OTHER …

Current Workflow1 Discover and Document Workflow Description: Typical surface creation workflow in Civil 3D using survey and point cloud data

Current Workflow Score Broken Poor Average Good Innovative2 Design Efficiency NA Score and Design and data creation and accuracy Summarize Collaboration and Coordination Workflow Description: Typical surface creation Workload sharing and load balancing workflow in Civil 3D using survey and point cloud data Simulation and Analysis Data generation, metrics and interpolation Industry Standards Conformance to industry protocols Communication and Delivery Proficiency in production of deliverables Broken: Loss of work and or data Poor: Manual intervention, rework and or recreation of design or data Average: Features and capabilities yield desired result with minimized risks to performance and data Good: Efficient by industry standards, leverages BIM approach to data sharing Innovative: Best-in-class, incorporating cloud-based solutions and collaborative load balancing

Workflow Summary2 Benefits Risks / Issues Score and Design utilizes Civil 3D, Inventor and PLS CAD. Requires exporting and importing of DWF files to and from Summarize Field survey data manually obtained. each software package. Record plan information collected in field Extra time spent on computer manually drawing breaklines Workflow Description: … for accurate surfaces. Typical surface creation … workflow in Civil 3D using Communication of the information is a manual process survey and point cloud data … …

Recommended Workflow3 Recommend and Review Workflow Description: Enhanced has added in three items. One is teaching surey crews how to use linework. Two adding Vehicle tracking to help design the substations to better accomedate your support vehicles. Third additon of a third party solution for both quantities and field reporting.

Proposed Workflow Score Broken Poor Average Good Innovative NA3 Design Efficiency Recommend and Design and data creation and accuracy Review Collaboration and Coordination Workflow Description: Enhance your survey Workload sharing and load balancing workflow with linework. Adding Simulation and Analysis in Vehcle tracking and then a QTO solution for better Data generation, metrics and interpolation quanities. Last would be a field reporting solution to keep the Industry Standards home office up to date. Conformance to industry protocols Communication and Delivery Proficiency in production of deliverables Broken: Loss of work and or data Poor: Manual intervention, rework and or recreation of design or data Average: Features and capabilities yield desired result with minimized risks to performance and data Good: Efficient by industry standards, leverages BIM approach to data sharing Innovative: Best-in-class, incorporating cloud-based solutions and collaborative load balancing

Review Recommendations3 Observations Recommendations Recommend and Proposed workflow of adding linework would both add Have a one hour training for all survey personal on using Review accuracy to the surveys and lessen the time to create you linework. surfaces. Next steps and owners Use Vehicle tracking to analysis both proposed and Purchase Vehicle tracking and add in a half day of training. current substations to verify vehicle access. Need for a better QTO solution and project reporting from Addition of a 3rd party solution. the field. Client mentioned the need for Infraworks for upcoming Recommend 2 days of Infraworks Fundamentals training project Next Steps Owner Resources Review Vehicle tracking MD AEC Specialist (Bill) Review QTO Solution MP – John Zeck hicle-tracking/overview … MD AEC Specialist (Bill) … n/a … … … …

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