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Life Skills_Interpersonal Skills

Published by Teamlease Edtech Ltd (Amita Chitroda), 2022-08-03 06:59:16

Description: Life Skills_Interpersonal Skills


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Life Skills Interpersonal Skills 7/13/22

Objectives • To understand what is interpersonal skills • Know the benefits of good interpersonal skills at workplace • Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills

What do you think about this? Vijay is a new employee at ABC corporation. He met his team and manager Rakesh on his first day at work. His manager greeted Vijay however did not introduce him to rest of the team members. Rakesh along with his rest of the team, started working on a task. Eventually everyone got occupied and Vijay felt left out. 3

What do you think about this? Vishal is a manager and has a team of sales executives. Due to increased pressure from management on increasing sales, Vishal often lost his patience while interacting with team members. Rupesh, one of his best performing team member, approached Vishal for a query. Manager lost his temper and instead of addressing query he put Rupesh on performance improvement plan. 4

What do you think about this? Rupesh, a manager of admin department in ABC corporation, has a team of six people. Rupesh trusts his team members and has delegated responsibilities to each of his team member. Nagesh, one of his team member, is always quick with his tasks. However, he does not gel around with other team members easily. Rupesh made some changes in current delegation so as to make Nagesh interact with other team members. 5

What do you think about this? Vishal took his team for a team lunch. He asked his team member Vikram to take food order from other members to avoid confusion. While interacting with his peers, Vikram noticed that everyone is so busy in their phones that they did not even lift their heads up while talking to Vikram. 6

Introduction Interpersonal skills is the ability to 7 communicate and interact well with others. Interpersonal skills reflects the personality of a person.

Importance of Interpersonal Skills Interpersonal skills help us to communicate positively with people. This helps people perceive us to be more approachable and open. 8

Components of Interpersonal Skills Non – Verbal Dealing with Communicatio Conflict n Assertiveness Workplace Etiquette Interperson al Skills 9

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Assertiveness maucnetduteayilrllolsywutahsgnieemdrte.piTtldee. ildl I can’t do it. You do ymoIteulottoroykdsyoodtuihfrissce.ulCfl?tafnor it yourself! Which It’s statements Can’t you to would you understand this like to listen simple logic? Tell You can’t take to? me what you didn’t leave tomorrow. get it! You have many Since you have taken leaves in this many leaves this quarter. quarter it has impacted work. It is recommended you don’t take leave 10 tomorrow.

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Assertiveness Appropriate Honest • Since everyone is sharing their inputs, I too have • I think you should know something to share. that I don’t know tally well. Assertiveness is the ability to express our thoughts and feelings openly in an Respectful Honest Direct Appropriate • Sir, we do not offRerestpheisctful • Sir, I request you to stop scheme on your cDairredc.tWweay using inappropriate (foul) will keep you updated with available schemes language, for me to be for your card. able to help you. 11

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Non Verbal Communication 12

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Non Verbal Communication Negative Non-Verbal• Clutched hands • Open hands Communication Positive Non-Verbal Communication Wihnitcehreinstteerdvaienwdewr hl•••oyosCSF?moktraolsdirslieesndegdawrlemitgWhssohuattcodmo myouunitchaintikngis?m•• aStySnoolmiwguihalaertrdlwyeshltpeaeWaelnknrhisyenaoodtgtnhuedtexooperyveoesursyifooennesel?’asbout establish eye • Aggressive tone contact • Too close to other • Mild tone person Your body language, facial expression• sM, haainntdaigneinsgtures, posture, dress & grooming, proximity (adpipstraonpcriea)tewhile standing or sitting and touch communicattdeaisslktyainongucretoiwnatheninyleotinoens. 13

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Dealing with Conflict Conflict is a disagreement caused due to difference in point of view or actions between two people or groups, who do not accept other’s point of view. 14

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Dealing with Conflict Reasons Points of Principles for conflict • Be assertive in sharing your thoughts about why you cannot do it. and way of dealing Personal Problems with them • Try to involve yourself in tasks that require concentration and are of your interest. Past Experiences • Listen with open mind and without biases. If required and relevant put your views about situation forward and come to common conclusion. Poor Communication • Actively listen to the speaker, avoid interrupting, put across your thoughts assertively and accept other’s opinions too. Competitiveness • Explain the importance of following processes and values to the concerned. Escalate to superior if not in your control. 15

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Workplace Etiquette Source: This https:// video is www.y for outube educatio .com/w n atch? purpose v=vpA only WMcc Wqso 16

Components of Interpersonal Skills – Workplace Etiquette Punctuality Politeness Respect • Be on time • Do not be rude • Understand others’ view point Stationery & Work Desk Pleasantries Facilities • Keep it clean, tidy and • Exchange pleasantries • Use ofce stationery and neat like “Good Morning”, facilities with care “Thank you”, “Sorry”, etc. • Keep it back in place after use Bathroom Etiquette Social Media • Always flush after use • Do not use social media • Maintain hand hygiene at work after use • Do not post ofce pictures or information on social media 17

Summary: • Interpersonal skills mean the ways of acceptable behaviour with others which reflects good personality. • Good interpersonal skills are essential for success in professional and personal life. • Following assertive communication skills techniques helps better interpersonal skills.

Thank you

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