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Home Explore Lab Manual_Python_M6

Lab Manual_Python_M6

Published by Teamlease Edtech Ltd (Amita Chitroda), 2022-05-24 05:59:47

Description: Lab Manual_Python_M6


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Lab Manual

Python Programming

Objectives This manual has been designed to provide : Practical exercises for hands on practice Guidelines to complete the exercise Learning Outcome

Module 6

Exercise What will you do? • Create a function to display name and age of a person

Guidelines What should you do? 1. Open Jupyter Notebook. 2. Create a new Python project. 3. In the project select ‘new’ and click on the Python file. 4. Give a relevant name for the file. 5. Type the following code in the editor: # demo is the function name def demo(name, age): # print value print(name, age) # call function demo(\"Jhon\", 22) 6. Right-click the editor and select Run '[file-name]' from the context menu. 7. Press Ctrl+Shift+F10.

Learning Outcome You will be able to create functions in Python.

Thank You!

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