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CU-BCA-SEM-V-Business Intelligence-Second Draft

Published by Teamlease Edtech Ltd (Amita Chitroda), 2022-02-26 02:06:49

Description: CU-BCA-SEM-V-Business Intelligence-Second Draft


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The sorts of information to be mined: This determines the information mining capacities to be performed, like portrayal, separation, affiliation, order, bunching, or development investigation. For example, if contemplating the purchasing propensities for clients in Canada, you might decide to mine relationship between client profiles and the things that these clients like to purchase. Foundation information: Users can determine foundation information, or information about the space to be mined. This information is helpful for directing the information disclosure measure, and for assessing the examples found. There are a few sorts of foundation information Intriguing quality measures: These capacities are utilized to isolate dreary examples from information. They might be utilized to direct the mining system, or after revelation, to assess the found examples. Various types of information might have distinctive intriguing quality measures. Show and perception of found examples: This alludes to the structure wherein found examples are to be shown. Clients can browse various structures for information show, like guidelines, tables, diagrams, charts, choice trees, and 3D shapes Data set, information stockroom, or other data storehouse. This is one or a bunch of data sets, information distribution centres, spread sheets, or different sorts of data stores. Information cleaning and information reconciliation methods might be performed on the information. Information base. This is the area information that is utilized to direct the inquiry, or assess the intriguing quality of coming about designs. Such information can incorporate idea progressions, used to sort out traits or characteristic qualities into various degrees of deliberation. Information like client convictions, which can be utilized to evaluate an example's intriguing quality dependent on its surprise, may likewise be incorporated. Information mining motor. This is fundamental for the information mining framework and preferably comprises of a bunch of useful modules for undertakings like portrayal, affiliation investigation, grouping, development and deviation examination Example assessment module. This part commonly utilizes intriguing quality measures and interfaces with the information mining modules to centre the pursuit towards fascinating examples. It might get to intriguing quality limits put away in the information base. On the other hand, the example assessment module might be incorporated with the mining module, contingent upon the execution of the information mining strategy utilized Graphical UI. This module conveys among clients and the information mining framework, permitting the client to interface with the framework by indicating an information mining question or errand, giving data to assist with centring the pursuit, and performing exploratory information mining dependent on the transitional information mining results 201 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Spellbinding mining undertakings portray the overall properties of the information in the data set. Prescient mining errands perform derivation on the current information to make expectations. Now and again, clients might have no clue about which sorts of examples in their information might be fascinating, and subsequently may jump at the chance to look for a few various types of examples in equal. In this manner have an information mining framework that can mine numerous sorts of examples to oblige distinctive client assumptions or applications. Besides, information mining frameworks ought to have the option to find designs at different granularities. To support intuitive and exploratory mining, clients ought to have the option to effectively \\play\" with the yield designs, for example, by mouse clicking. Tasks that can be species by basic mouse clicks incorporate adding or dropping a measurement , trading lines and segments , changing measurement portrayals , or utilizing OLAP roll-up or drill-down activities along measurements. Such tasks permit information examples to be communicated from various points of view and at numerous degrees of deliberation. Information mining frameworks ought to likewise permit clients to determine clues to guide or centre the quest for intriguing examples. Since certain examples may not hold for the entirety of the information in the data set, a proportion of sureness or \\trustworthiness\" is generally connected with each found example. Information mining functionalities, and the sorts of examples they can find, are portrayed beneath. Information can be related with classes or ideas. For instance, in the All Electronics store, classes of things available to be purchased incorporate PCs and printers, and ideas of clients incorporate big Spenders and budget Spenders. It tends to be valuable to portray individual classes and ideas in summed up, compact, but exact terms. Such portrayals of a class or an idea are called class/idea depictions. These portrayals can be determined through (1) information portrayal, by summing up the information of the class under examination in everyday terms, or (2) information segregation, by correlation of the objective class with one or a bunch of similar classes , or (3) the two information portrayal and separation. Information portrayal is a synopsis of the overall attributes or components of an objective class of information. The information relating to the client determined class are regularly gathered by a data set question. For instance, to examine the qualities of programming items whose deals expanded by 10% somewhat recently, one can gather the information identified with such items by executing a SQL inquiry. There are a few techniques for elective information synopsis and portrayal. For example, the information block based OLAP roll-up activity can be utilized to perform client controlled information synopsis along a predetermined measurement. This interaction is additionally definite in Chapter 2 which examines information warehousing. A characteristic situated 202 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

enlistment strategy can be utilized to perform information speculation and portrayal without bit by bit client association. The yield of information portrayal can be introduced in different structures. Models incorporate pie outlines, bar diagrams, bends, multidimensional information blocks, and multidimensional tables, including crosstabs. The subsequent portrayals can likewise be introduced as summed up relations, or in rule structure. 10.3 INTERESTING PATTERNS Example mining is perhaps the main parts of datum mining. By a wide margin the most famous and notable methodology is regular example mining. That is, to find designs that happen in numerous exchanges. This methodology has numerous excellencies including monotonicity, which permits effective disclosure of every single successive example. By and by, practically speaking regular example mining infrequently gives great outcomes—the quantity of found examples is ordinarily gigantic and they are intensely repetitive. Thusly, a ton of exploration exertion has been contributed toward working on the nature of the found examples. In this part we will give an outline of the intriguing quality measures and other excess decrease procedures that have been proposed to this end. Specifically, we first present exemplary procedures, for example, shut and non-resultant item sets that are utilized to prune superfluous item sets. We then, at that point talk about methods for positioning examples on how expected their score is under an invalid theory—considering designs that go amiss from this assumption to be intriguing. These models can either be static, too as unique; we can iteratively refresh this model as we find new examples. All the more for the most part, we additionally give a concise outline on design set mining methods, where we measure quality over a bunch of examples, rather than exclusively. This arrangement gives us opportunity to unequivocally rebuff repetition which prompts a more to-the-point results. Beyond question, design mining is perhaps the main ideas in datum mining. Rather than the customary assignment of demonstrating information—where the objective is to portray the entirety of the information with one model—designs depict just piece of the information. Obviously, many pieces of the information, and henceforth many examples, are not intriguing by any means. The objective of example mining is to find just those that are. Which carries us to one of the centre issue of example mining, and the subject of this part: intriguing quality measures? Or then again, how to decide if a given example is intriguing, and how to effectively mine the fascinating examples from a given dataset. Specifically, we discover many fascinating exploration challenges in the mix of these two issues. Before we go into this double, there is a key issue we need to address first: intriguing quality is intrinsically abstract. That is, the thing that is extremely fascinating to one might be only a pointless outcome to another. This goes both between various investigators taking a gander at similar information, yet additionally between various information bases, just as information mining assignments. All things considered, we realize that our lunch won't be free: there is certainly not a solitary general proportion of intriguing quality that we can would like to formalize and will fulfil all. All things considered; we should characterize task explicit intriguing quality measures. 203 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Previous any challenges in characterizing an action that accurately distinguishes what we discover intriguing, the second key issue is the dramatically huge inquiry space. That is, there are dramatically many conceivably fascinating examples. Gullibly assessing these individually and just revealing those that meet the measures is consequently infeasible for everything except the most trifling of example dialects. All things considered, as well as effectively recognizing what is intriguing, preferably an intriguing quality measure additionally characterizes an organized, effectively navigable pursuit space to discover these examples. A major leap forward in such manner was made in 1994 with the disclosure by Agrawal and Srikant, and freely by Manila, Toivonen, and Verkamo, that the recurrence measure displays against monotonicity, a property as often as possible alluded to as the A Priori standard. Practically speaking, this property permits to prune exceptionally huge pieces of the hunt space, making it achievable to mine successive examples from extremely enormous information bases. In resulting years, numerous profoundly effective calculations to this end were proposed [78, 76, 26]. Before long the disclosure of the A Priori standard individuals found that recurrence is anything but a generally excellent measure for intriguing quality. Specifically, individuals ran into the purported 'design blast'. While for severe edges just examples communicating normal information were found, for non-unimportant edges the outstanding space of examples made that amazingly many examples were returned as 'intriguing'— a large number of which just varieties of a similar topic. In years since, numerous intriguing quality measures have been proposed in the writing to handle these issues; numerous for specific undertakings, example or information types, however we likewise discover exceptionally broad systems that endeavour to rough the ideal intriguing quality measure. In this section we plan to give an outline of the work done in these regards. We will talk about a wide scope of intriguing quality measures, also as how we can characterize effective calculations for extricating such examples from information. To keep the section engaged and brief we will limit ourselves to measures for solo, or exploratory, design mining in double information—by a long shot the most very much concentrated aspect of example mining. We do note front and centre, notwithstanding, that a significant number of the talked about measures and calculations are profoundly broad and appropriate to different settings. We will talk about the point in three primary parts, freely following the advancement of the field after some time. That is, in Sect. 2 we examine somewhat straightforward, total proportions of interest—of which recurrence is a notable model. As we will see, applying these actions prompts issues as far as repetition, troublesome definition, just as returning insignificant outcomes. In Sect. 3 we examine, on a moderately undeniable level, the high level methodologies proposed intend to take care of these issues. We examine two of the principle advocates in Sects. 4 and 5. In the previous we meticulously describe the situation on approaches that utilization factual tests to choose or rank examples dependent on how critical they are as to foundation information. In the last we cover the somewhat new methodology of iterative example mining, or, dynamic positioning, where we iteratively update our experience information with the most enlightening examples up until this point. 204 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

10.4 CLASSIFICATION OF DATA MINING SYSTEMS To create data it requires gigantic assortment of information. The information can be basic mathematical figures and text records, to more mind boggling data like spatial information, sight and sound information, and hypertext reports. To exploit information; the information recovery is just insufficient, it requires an instrument for programmed outline of information, extraction of the quintessence of data put away, and the disclosure of examples in crude information. With the gigantic measure of information put away in records, data sets, and different vaults, foster useful asset for examination and translation of such information and for the extraction of fascinating information that could help in dynamic. The solitary response to all above is 'Information Mining'. Information mining is the extraction of concealed prescient data from huge data sets; it is an incredible innovation with extraordinary potential to assist associations with zeroing in on the main data in their information distribution centres Information mining devices foresee future patterns and practices, assists associations with settling on proactive information driven choices. The computerized, planned examinations presented by information mining move past the investigations of previous occasions given by review instruments commonplace of choice emotionally supportive networks. Information mining apparatuses can respond to the inquiries that generally were excessively tedious to determine. They get ready data sets for discovering stowed away examples, discovering prescient data that specialists might miss since it lies outside their assumptions. Information mining, prevalently known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases, it is the nontrivial extraction of implied, already obscure and conceivably valuable data from information in databases. However, information mining and information disclosure in data sets are as often as possible treated as equivalents, information mining is entirely of the information revelation measure.  Classification of information mining frameworks as per the kind of information source mined: This characterization is as indicated by the sort of information dealt with like spatial information, media information, time-series information, text information, World Wide Web, and so on  Classification of information mining frameworks as per the information model: This grouping dependent on the information model included like social data set, object- situated data set, information distribution centre, conditional data set, and so on  Classification of information mining frameworks as per the sort of information found: This arrangement dependent on the sort of information found or information mining functionalities, like portrayal, segregation, affiliation, characterization, bunching, and so on A few frameworks will in general be far reaching frameworks offering a few information mining functionalities together.  Classification of information mining frameworks as per mining strategies utilized: This characterization is as indicated by the information investigation approach 205 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

utilized, for example, AI, neural organizations, hereditary calculations, measurements, representation, data set arranged or information distribution centre situated, and so forth. The grouping can likewise consider the level of client collaboration associated with the information mining cycle, for example, question driven frameworks, intuitive exploratory frameworks, or independent frameworks. A thorough framework would give a wide assortment of information mining methods to fit various circumstances and alternatives, and proposition various levels of client association. A significant number of the information mining applications are planned to foresee the future condition of the information. Forecast is the method involved with dissecting the current and past conditions of the quality and expectation of its future state. Order is a strategy of planning the objective information to the predefined gatherings or classes, this is a direct learning in light of the fact that the classes are predefined before the assessment of the objective information. The relapse includes the learning of capacity that map information thing to genuine esteemed expectation variable. In the time series investigation the worth of a quality is inspected as it differs over the long haul. In time series investigation the distance measures are utilized to decide the similitude between various time series, the design of the line is inspected to decide its conduct and the authentic time series plot is utilized to anticipate future upsides of the variable. Bunching is like characterization with the exception of that the gatherings are not predefined, yet are characterized by the information alone. It is additionally alluded to as unaided learning or division. It is the parcelling or division of the information in to gatherings or bunches. The groups are characterized by examining the conduct of the information by the area specialists. The term division is utilized in quite certain unique circumstance; it is a course of apportioning of information base into disjoint gathering of comparative tuples. Synopsis is the procedure of introducing the sum up data from the information. The affiliation rule discovers the relationship between the various traits. Affiliation rule mining is a two-venture measure: Finding all regular thing sets, generating solid affiliation rules from the incessant thing sets. Grouping disclosure is a course of discovering the succession designs in information. This succession can be utilized to comprehend the pattern. 10.5 MAJOR ISSUES The volumes of consequently produced information are continually expanding. As indicated by the Digital Universe Study, over 2.8ZB of information were made and prepared in 2012, with an extended increment of multiple times by 2020. This development in the creation of advanced information results from our general climate being furnished with an ever increasing number of sensors. Individuals conveying advanced cells produce information, data set exchanges are being tallied and put away, floods of information are removed from virtual conditions as logs or client created content. A huge piece of such information is 206 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

unstable, which implies it should be investigated continuously as it shows up. Information stream mining is an examination field that reads techniques and calculations for removing information from unstable streaming information. In spite of the fact that information streams, web based learning, large information, and variation to idea float have become significant exploration subjects during the last decade, genuinely independent, self-keeping up with, versatile information mining frameworks are seldom detailed. This paper recognizes genuine difficulties for information stream research that are significant yet perplexing. Our goal is to present to the local area a position paper that could rouse and direct future examination in information streams. This article expands upon conversations at the International Workshop on Real-World Challenges for Data Stream Mining 1 in September 2013, in Prague, Czech Republic. A few related position papers are accessible. Dieterich presents a conversation zeroed in on prescient demonstrating procedures that are material to streaming and non-streaming information. Fan and Bifet focus on difficulties introduced by huge volumes of information. Zliobaite et al. centre around idea float and transformation of frameworks during on the web activity. Gaber et al. examine pervasive information mining with regard for community information stream mining. In this paper, we centre around research difficulties for streaming information enlivened and needed by genuine applications. As opposed to existing position papers, we raise issues associated not just with enormous volumes of information and idea float, yet in addition such functional issues as protection imperatives, accessibility of data, and managing heritage frameworks. 10.6 DATA OBJECTS The extent of this paper isn't confined to algorithmic difficulties; it targets covering the full pattern of information disclosure from information, from understanding the setting of the errand, to information readiness, displaying, assessment, and sending. We talk about eight difficulties: simplifying models, ensuring protection and secrecy, managing heritage frameworks, stream pre-processing, timing and accessibility of data, social stream mining, examining occasion information, and assessment of stream mining calculations. Figure 1 outlines the situating of these difficulties in the CRISP cycle. A portion of these apply to conventional information mining too, yet they are basic in streaming conditions. Alongside additional conversation of these difficulties, we present our position where the approaching focal point of innovative work endeavours ought to be coordinated to address these difficulties. In the rest of the article, segment 2 gives a concise prologue to information stream mining, segments 3–7 talk about each distinguished test, and area 8 features activity focuses for future exploration. Mining enormous information streams faces three chief difficulties: volume, speed, and instability. Volume and speed require a high volume of information to be handled in restricted time. Beginning from the first showing up occasion, the measure of accessible information continually increments from zero to conceivably vastness. This requires steady methodologies that consolidate data as it opens up, and web based handling if not everything information can be kept . Unpredictability, then again, 207 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

compares to a unique climate with consistently evolving designs. Here, old information is of restricted use, regardless of whether it very well may be saved and handled again later. This is because of progress, that can influence the actuated information mining modelmultiple: change of the objective variable, change in the accessible component data, and float. Changes of the objective variable happen for instance in credit scoring, when the meaning of the grouping objective \"default\" versus \"non-default\" changes because of business or administrative prerequisites. Changes in the accessible component data emerge when new elements become accessible, for example because of another sensor or instrument. Essentially, existing provisions may should be avoided because of administrative prerequisites, or an element may change in its scale, if information from a more exact instrument opens up. At last, float is a marvel that happens when the conveyances of components x and target factors y change on schedule. The test presented by float has been dependent upon broad examination; consequently we give here exclusively a short classification and allude to late overviews like. In regulated learning, float can influence the back P(y|x), the restrictive component P(x|y), the element P(x) and the class earlier P(y) dispersion. The differentiation dependent on which dispersion is thought to be influenced, and which is thought to be static, serves to evaluate the reasonableness of a methodology for a specific assignment. It is significant, that the issue of changing appropriations is likewise present in solo gaining from information streams. 10.7 ATTRIBUTE TYPES Data is ostensibly a focal idea in the field of data frameworks. It has become generally perceived that IS deliver and disperse data. To do as such they get, record, store, send and measure information. Yet, this is infrequently that straightforward. Take for example endeavour asset arranging frameworks like SAP, or web search tools like Google or person to person communication locales like Facebook. The data these frameworks give are of various nature and may not be believed to share a lot of practically speaking. While data is a major idea for getting, characterizing and creating IS, it has not drawn in much consideration by IS analysts. The inquiries like what is perceived by data, what is the idea of data and what are attributes of data are seldom bantered in IS research. Significantly data is an idea important to numerous different disciplines, including data science, data the executives, showcasing, information the board, correspondence studies, and reasoning. A scope of perspectives on data have been proposed for various purposes. Apparently variety in understandings prompts diverse exploration approaches towards data. One perspective on data is seeing data inside a various levelled troupe extending from information to data to information. This perspective on data as handled information is common inside IS research. Be that as it may, it has been reprimanded, for instance, for fizzling on broad presumptions underlining a progressive relationship and for considering data to be an absolutely target build . This paper presents information in real life see on data inside a setting of socio materialrehearses which permits a specific comprehension of characteristics of data. The ascribes are distinguished and ordered 208 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

dependent on Stamper’s sociological system which is the most thorough semi logical structure to examine data. Notwithstanding punctuation, semantics and pragmatics, he adds empirics, the social world and the actual world as three extra layers in his semi logical structure. 10.7.1 Nominal Attributes The upsides of a Nominal property are names of things, some sort of images. Upsides of Nominal ascribe addresses some class or state and that are the reason ostensible trait additionally eluded as absolute credits and there is no structure. 10.7.2 Binary Attributes Twofold information has just 2 qualities/states. For Example yes or no, influenced or unaffected, valid or bogus. 10.7.3 Ordinal Attributes The Ordinal Attributes contains values that have a significant arrangement or ranking between them, yet the extent between values isn't really known, the request for values that shows what is significant yet don't demonstrate how significant it is. 10.7.4 Numeric Attributes A numeric characteristic is quantitative on the grounds that, it is a quantifiable amount, addressed in number or genuine qualities. Mathematical ascribes are of 2 kinds, stretch, and proportion. A stretch scaled characteristic has values, whose distinctions are interpretable, however the mathematical traits don't have the right reference point, or we can call zero focuses. Information can be added and deducted at a stretch scale yet cannot be increased or separated. Consider an illustration of temperature in degrees Centigrade. In case a day's temperature of one day is twice of recently we can't say that one day is twice pretty much as hot as one more day. A proportion scaled quality is a numeric trait with a fix zero-point. On the off chance that estimation is proportion scaled, we can say of a worth just like a several of another worth. The qualities are requested, and we can likewise figure the distinction among values, and the mean, middle, mode, Quantile-reach, and fivenumbers rundown can be given. 10.7.5 Discrete Versus Continuous Attributes Discrete information has limited qualities it tends to be mathematical and can likewise be in unmitigated structure. These ascribes has limited or countably boundless arrangement of qualities. 209 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

10.8 SUMMARY  Discussions on data range from characterizing data as actual property existing freely from people to data being altogether socially built. For example, Norbert Wiener characterized data as an actual property in his work on artificial intelligence: \"Data is data, not make any difference or energy”, a thought that can likewise be found in later works . All the more exactly, Wiener characterizes data as the level of association of a framework:  \"The measure of data in a framework is a proportion of its level of association\" . Different originations of data as an actual property additionally regularly relate data to 'entropy' and proportions of turmoil. Different perspectives on data have taken on a more constructivist point of view, considering it to be an innately emotional wonder, as of late talked about in data science by Hjorland and Bates .  According to this point of view data is something which occurs inside a person. This resounds, for instance, with Pratt’s perspective on data as 'internal shaping' of an individual, or Brookes’ meaning of data as changed information structure. As these various perspectives appear to be hostile it has been suggested that tracking down a bound together and thorough definition or idea of data is unthinkable.  While others have attempted by applying conceptual definitions, for instance, by depicting data as 'discharge instrument’ or as the 'yield of an interactions. Though such unique definitions might apply in a wide assortment of conditions they give little direction to the people who are keen on substantial examples of data. In IS examination and software engineering data is commonly characterized comparable to information and information. Data is viewed as some type of handled or contextualized information, frequently orchestrated in a progressive style where information is an essential for data which thusly is an essential for information. Ackoff stresses the primary contrasts among information and data however demands they are not practical. Papers scrutinizing this view are, for instance, Fricke who called attention to issues with fundamental suppositions underlining a various levelled view or Mingers who reprimanded it for the implied suspicion of data being even- handed. In this paper an alternate comprehension of data is taken on called the 'information in real life' viewpoint on data.  In differentiation to the progressive perspective on information data information examined over the information inaction perspective on data sees data not as essential for information but rather as a particular subset of information. Stress here that solitary what is perceived by an individual can become data to a person. However right now an individual comprehends a message it will be coordinated into the singular's information, regardless of how unpredictable this information may be. Data 210 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

is viewed as the subset of information that is pertinent to somebody in a specific setting at a specific time.  Faced by an issue a particular subset of information will assist individuals to manage it, to decide, and so on while an absence of data can obstruct further activity. Due to its activity empowering character the information in real life see on data has been associated with Habermas' hypothesis of open activity. As indicated by the information in real life perspective on data, data is setting subordinate and can fluctuate from one person to another as various people have various encounters, interpretive capacities and objectives at various occasions. Regardless of whether a message, a message, a diagram or a figure is data relies upon a sociometrical setting in which individuals work, see and decipher them and act or perform dependent on them. There is no data outside of sociometrical practices and individuals' knowing and doing that comprise these practices.  This perspective on data has ramifications for the perspective on IS. In such manner and IS isn't a framework managing data accordingly, rather it is a framework that assists individuals with getting data from its yield and become educated. For instance, an administration IS assists chiefs with dissecting a circumstance and settle on educated choices as opposed to being a framework putting away administration related data. At the end of the day, IS yields might possibly become data for specific clients in a given circumstance. Most current IS are not focusing on the particular individual necessities of clients, however see nonexclusive classes of clients with comparable requirements.  The accomplishment of future IS, similar to Web 2.0 applications will rely upon the level to which they will actually want to change themselves to the requirements of individual clients. How might an IS be acclimated to meet explicit data needs of people working with them? – is an open inquiry. Considering that data needs change a data framework needs to change and adjust as long as it is utilized . While in this paper we are not meaning to address this specific inquiry we are recommending that an investigation of the idea of data may help investigating conceivably creative answers. We consequently plan to recognize various qualities of data comprehended as information in real life. 10.9 KEYWORDS  Data cleaning: otherwise called information purging, it is a stage wherein clamour information and superfluous information are eliminated from the assortment.  Data combination: at this stage, different information sources, frequently heterogeneous, might be consolidated in a typical source. 211 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

 Data selection: at this progression, the information pertinent to the examination is settled on and recovered from the information assortment. Information change: otherwise called information combination, it is a stage wherein the chose information is changed into structures suitable for the mining method.  Data mining: it is the significant stage wherein sharp procedures are applied to extricate designs conceivably helpful.  Pattern evaluation: in this progression, stringently intriguing examples addressing information are distinguished dependent on given measures. Information portrayal: is the last stage wherein the found information is outwardly addressed to the client. 10.10 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Binary Attributes. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on Nominal Attributes. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 10.11UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. What is Descriptive data mining? 2. What is predictive data mining? 3. Define Ordinal Attributes? 4. Define Numeric Attributes? 5. How to determine Discrete versus Continuous Attributes? Long Questions 1. Explain the Data Mining Functionalities. 2. Elaborate the Interesting Patterns. 3. Discuss on the Classification of Data Mining Systems. 4. Examine the Data Objects. 5. Illustrate the types of Data Attribute. 212 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. What is a model? a. A selective abstraction of real world b. A selective imagination of 1st world c. A selective proposal of real world d. A selective example of second word 2. What is known as a material representation of a real system, whose behaviour is imitated for the purpose of the analysis? a. Analogical model b. Iconic model c. Symbolic model d. Static model 3. Which is the last Phases of mathematical models for decision making a. Problem identification b. Implementation and testing c. Model formation d. Development of algorithm 4. Which of the statement is not true about Data Mining? a. The term data mining refer to the overall process consisting of data gathering and analysis, development of inductive learning models and adoption of practical decisions and consequent actions based on the knowledge acquired. b. Data mining analysis is to draw a fresh conclusion without investigating the past data, observations and interpretations c. Data mining activities can be subdivided into two major investigation streams, interpretation and prediction. d. The data mining process is based on inductive learning methods 5. What is a significant proportion of the models used in business intelligence systems, such as models, require input data concerned with future events? a. Project management model b. Learning model c. Predictive model d. Optimization model 213 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Answers 1-a, 2-a, 3-c, 4-b, 5-d 10.12 REFERENCES References book  Spits Warnars, H.L.H.(2010). \" Attribute oriented induction with star schema\". International Journal of Database Management Systems.  Thomas M. Cover, & Joy A. Thomas.(1991). \" Elements of Information Theory\".  WileyYu-Ying Wu, & Yen-Liang Chen ,& Ray-I Chang. (2009) \" Generalized Knowledge Discovery From Relational Databases\". IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security.  Mihaelia, F. T., & Rozalia, V. R. (2012). Business Intelligence Solutions for SMEs. Economics and Finance. Textbook references  Nofal, M., & Yusof, Z. (2013). Integration of Business Intelligence and Enterprise Resource Planning within Organizations. Technology.  Oyku, I. Mary C. J. & Anna, S. (2012). Business intelligence success: The roles of BI capabilities and decision environments. Information & Management.  Paul, R. M. (1981). Rational Expectations, Information Acquisition, and Competitive Bidding. Econometrica. Website  02bfe50fe308022eae000000/download  plications_A_Review/link/57404bf608ae9ace8413fd6f/download  quantitative/ 214 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

UNIT - 11 DATA PRE-PROCESSING 215 STRUCTURE 11.0 Learning Objectives 11.1 Introduction; An Overview 11.2 Data Cleaning 11.2.1 Missing Values 11.2.2 Noisy Data 11.2.3 Data Cleaning as a Process 11.3 Data Integration 11.3.1 Entity Identification Problem 11.3.2 Redundancy and Correlation Analysis 11.3.3 Tuple Duplication 11.3.4 Data Value Conflict Detection and Resolution 11.4 Data Reduction 11.4.1 Overview of Data Reduction Strategies 11.4.2 Wavelet Transforms 11.4.3 Principal Components Analysis 11.4.4 Attribute Subset Selection 11.5 Data Transformation 11.5.1 Data Transformation Strategies Overview 11.5.2 Data Transformation by Normalization 11.6 Data Discretization 11.6.1 Discretization by Binning 11.6.2 Discretization by Histogram Analysis 11.6.3 Discretization by Cluster, Decision Tree, and Correlation Analyses 11.7 Summary 11.8 Keywords 11.9 Learning Activity 11.10 Unit End Questions CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

11.11 References 11.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, you will be able to:  Comprehend the concept of Data Integration.  Illustrate the Data Reduction.  Explain the Data Transformation. 11.1 INTRODUCTION; AN OVERVIEW Moreover, it is important to comprehend relations between information, data, and information. PCs are data preparing frameworks. Notwithstanding, as it is written in the presentation of one definitive book on data strategy, \"Our primary issue is that we don't actually have a clue what data is.\" despite a large number of papers and books concerning data and a ton of studies around here, numerous significant properties of data are obscure. As composes Tom Wilson, \" 'Data' is a broadly utilized word a particularly common-sense word, that it might appear to be astounding that it has given 'data researchers' such a difficult situation throughout the long term.\" There have been a great deal of conversations and various methodologies have been proposed attempting to address the inquiry what data is. As per, in present day data hypothesis a qualification is made between primary attributive and useful robotic sorts of speculations. While delegates of the previous methodology consider data as construction, similar to information or information, assortment, request, etc; individuals from the last comprehend data as usefulness, practical importance or as a property of coordinated frameworks. Nonetheless, the headway of science is extremely quick and another hypothesis showed up as of late. It is known as the overall hypothesis of data. It includes any remaining known hypotheses of data and contains significantly more. The main accomplishment of the overall hypothesis of data is that it clarifies and figures out what data is. The new methodology changes radically our comprehension of data, this one of the main wonders of our reality. It shows that what individuals call data is, when in doubt, just a holder of data yet not data itself. This hypothesis uncovers entrancing relations between issue, information, energy, and data. This gives some broad thoughts regarding information however isn't valuable enough even to recognize information from information portrayal and from data. The accompanying model exhibits contrasts among information and information portrayal. Some occasion might be depicted in a few articles written in various dialects, for instance, in English, Spanish, and Chinese, yet by a similar writer. These articles pass on a similar semantic data and contain a similar information about the occasion. Be that as it may, portrayal of this information is unique. Qualifications among information and data are clarified exhaustively in Section 6 on the foundation of the overall hypothesis of data. In the event that we take formal meanings of information, we see that they decide just some 216 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

particular information portrayal. For instance, in rationale information is addressed by intelligent suggestions and predicates. On one hand, casual meanings of information give little freedoms to PC handling of information since PCs can deal with just formalized data. Then again, there are an extraordinary assortment of formalized information portrayal plans and procedures: semantic and practical organizations, outlines, creations, formal situations, social and consistent designs. Be that as it may, without express information about information structures fundamentally, these methods for portrayal are utilized wastefully. Information, as entire, comprises an enormous framework, which is coordinated progressively and has many levels. It is feasible to isolate three fundamental levels: micro level, macro level, and mega level. On the mega level, we consider the entire arrangement of information and its commensurable subsystems like numerical or actual information. On the macro level, we have such frameworks of information as formal hypotheses and unique models. Logical and numerical hypotheses structure a change from the macro level to the mega level. Little theories in the underlying stage, for example, non-Diophantine mathematics now or non-Euclidean calculations in the nineteenth century are on the macro level, while mature hypotheses, like math, polynomial math or quantum physical science, are on the mega level. The micro level contains such \"blocks\" and \"squares\" of information out of which other information frameworks are built. For instance, such information macro systems as formal hypotheses in rationale are developed out of information Microsystems or components: suggestions and predicates. Their \"blocks\" or rudimentary coherent units are nuclear recipes, i.e., as straightforward intelligent capacities and basic recommendations, for example, \"Information is power,\" are, while composite suggestions, legitimate capacities and predicates are \"squares\" or compound sensible units. Here we consider the micro level of information, focusing on development of a numerical model of information units, revelation of rudimentary information units, and investigation of their piece into information frameworks. This examination is situated to give intends to partition of information and information just as for further developing proficiency of data preparing by PCs. Information pre-processing can allude to control or dropping of information before it is utilized to guarantee or upgrade performance, and is a significant stage in the information mining measure. The expression \"trash in, trash out\" is especially appropriate to information mining and AI projects. Information gathering techniques are frequently inexactly controlled, coming about in out-of-range esteems , incomprehensible information mixes , and missing qualities, and so on Investigating information that has not been painstakingly evaluated for such issues can deliver deceiving results. Hence, the portrayal and nature of information is as a matter of first importance prior to running any analysis. Often, information pre-processing is the main period of an AI project, particularly in computational biology. Information pre-processing may influence the manner by which results of the last information preparing can be interpreted. This angle ought to be painstakingly viewed as when translation of the outcomes is a central issue, such in the multivariate handling of substance information . 217 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

The beginnings of information pre-processing are situated in information mining. The thought is to total existing data and search in the substance. Later it was perceived, that for AI and neural organizations an information pre-processing step is required as well. So it has become to an all-inclusive strategy which is utilized in processing overall. Information pre-processing takes into account the evacuation of undesirable information with the utilization of information cleaning, this permits the client to have a dataset to contain more important data after the pre-processing stage for information control later in the information mining measure. Altering such dataset to either address information defilement or human mistake is a urgent advance to get precise quantifiers like genuine up-sides, genuine negatives, False up-sides and bogus negatives found in a Confusion lattice that are regularly utilized for a clinical conclusion. Clients can consolidate information documents and use pre-processing to channel any superfluous commotion from the information which can take into account higher exactness. Clients use Python programming scripts joined by the panda’s library which enables them to import information from a Comma-isolated qualities as an information outline. The information outline is then used to control information that can be testing in any case to do in Excel. Pandas which is an amazing asset that takes into account information investigation and control; which makes information perceptions, measurable activities and significantly more, much simpler. Many additionally utilize the R to do such assignments also. The motivation behind why a client changes existing records into another one is a direct result of many reasons. Information pre-processing has the goal to add missing qualities, total data, mark information with classifications and smooth a trajectory. More progressed procedures like head part investigation and element choice are working with factual equations and are applied to complex datasets which are recorded by GPS trackers and movement catch gadgets. 11.2 DATA CLEANING Data cleaning is the process of fixing or removing incorrect, corrupted, incorrectly formatted, duplicate, or incomplete data within a dataset. When combining multiple data sources, there are many opportunities for data to be duplicated or mislabelled. If data is incorrect, outcomes and algorithms are unreliable, even though they may look correct. There is no one absolute way to prescribe the exact steps in the data cleaning process because the processes will vary from dataset to dataset. But it is crucial to establish a template for your data cleaning process so you know you are doing it the right way every time. Moreover, it is important to comprehend relations between information, data, and information. PCs are data preparing frameworks. Notwithstanding, as it is written in the presentation of one definitive book on data strategy, \"Our primary issue is that we don't actually have a clue what data is.\" despite a large number of papers and books concerning data and a ton of studies around here, numerous significant properties of data are obscure. As 218 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

composes Tom Wilson, \" 'Data' is a broadly utilized word a particularly common-sense word, that it might appear to be astounding that it has given 'data researchers' such a difficult situation throughout the long term.\" There have been a great deal of conversations and various methodologies have been proposed attempting to address the inquiry what data is. As per, in present day data hypothesis a qualification is made between primary attributive and useful robotic sorts of speculations. While delegates of the previous methodology consider data as construction, similar to information or information, assortment, request, etc; individuals from the last comprehend data as usefulness, practical importance or as a property of coordinated frameworks. Nonetheless, the headway of science is extremely quick and another hypothesis showed up as of late. It is known as the overall hypothesis of data. It includes any remaining known hypotheses of data and contains significantly more. The main accomplishment of the overall hypothesis of data is that it clarifies and figures out what data is. The new methodology changes radically our comprehension of data, this one of the main wonders of our reality. It shows that what individuals call data is, when in doubt, just a holder of data yet not data itself. This hypothesis uncovers entrancing relations between issue, information, energy, and data. This gives some broad thoughts regarding information however isn't valuable enough even to recognize information from information portrayal and from data. The accompanying model exhibits contrasts among information and information portrayal. Some occasion might be depicted in a few articles written in various dialects, for instance, in English, Spanish, and Chinese, yet by a similar writer. These articles pass on a similar semantic data and contain a similar information about the occasion. Be that as it may, portrayal of this information is unique. Qualifications among information and data are clarified exhaustively in Section 6 on the foundation of the overall hypothesis of data. In the event that we take formal meanings of information, we see that they decide just some particular information portrayal. For instance, in rationale information is addressed by intelligent suggestions and predicates. On one hand, casual meanings of information give little freedoms to PC handling of information since PCs can deal with just formalized data. Then again, there are an extraordinary assortment of formalized information portrayal plans and procedures: semantic and practical organizations, outlines, creations, formal situations, social and consistent designs. Be that as it may, without express information about information structures fundamentally, these methods for portrayal are utilized wastefully. Information, as entire, comprises an enormous framework, which is coordinated progressively and has many levels. It is feasible to isolate three fundamental levels: micro level, macro level, and mega level. On the mega level, we consider the entire arrangement of information and its commensurable subsystems like numerical or actual information. On the macro level, we have such frameworks of information as formal hypotheses and unique models. Logical and numerical hypotheses structure a change from the macro level to the mega level. Little theories in the underlying stage, for example, non-Diophantine mathematics now or non-Euclidean calculations in the nineteenth century are on the macro level, while mature hypotheses, like math, polynomial math or quantum physical science, are 219 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

on the mega level. The micro level contains such \"blocks\" and \"squares\" of information out of which other information frameworks are built. For instance, such information macro systems as formal hypotheses in rationale are developed out of information Microsystems or components: suggestions and predicates. Their \"blocks\" or rudimentary coherent units are nuclear recipes, i.e., as straightforward intelligent capacities and basic recommendations, for example, \"Information is power,\" are, while composite suggestions, legitimate capacities and predicates are \"squares\" or compound sensible units. Here we consider the micro level of information, focusing on development of a numerical model of information units, revelation of rudimentary information units, and investigation of their piece into information frameworks. This examination is situated to give intends to partition of information and information just as for further developing proficiency of data preparing by PCs. Information pre-processing can allude to control or dropping of information before it is utilized to guarantee or upgrade performance, and is a significant stage in the information mining measure. The expression \"trash in, trash out\" is especially appropriate to information mining and AI projects. Information gathering techniques are frequently inexactly controlled, coming about in out-of-range esteems , incomprehensible information mixes , and missing qualities, and so on Investigating information that has not been painstakingly evaluated for such issues can deliver deceiving results. Hence, the portrayal and nature of information is as a matter of first importance prior to running any analysis. Often, information pre-processing is the main period of an AI project, particularly in computational biology. Information pre-processing may influence the manner by which results of the last information preparing can be interpreted. This angle ought to be painstakingly viewed as when translation of the outcomes is a central issue, such in the multivariate handling of substance information . The beginnings of information pre-processing are situated in information mining. The thought is to total existing data and search in the substance. Later it was perceived, that for AI and neural organizations an information pre-processing step is required as well. So it has become to an all-inclusive strategy which is utilized in processing overall. Information pre-processing takes into account the evacuation of undesirable information with the utilization of information cleaning, this permits the client to have a dataset to contain more important data after the pre-processing stage for information control later in the information mining measure. Altering such dataset to either address information defilement or human mistake is a urgent advance to get precise quantifiers like genuine up-sides, genuine negatives, False up-sides and bogus negatives found in a Confusion lattice that are regularly utilized for a clinical conclusion. Clients can consolidate information documents and use pre-processing to channel any superfluous commotion from the information which can take into account higher exactness. Clients use Python programming scripts joined by the panda’s library which enables them to import information from Comma-isolated qualities as an information outline. The information outline is then used to control information that can be testing in any case to do in Excel. Pandas which is an amazing asset that takes into account 220 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

information investigation and control; which makes information perceptions, measurable activities and significantly more, much simpler. Many additionally utilize the R to do such assignments also. The motivation behind why a client changes existing records into another one is a direct result of many reasons. Information pre-processing has the goal to add missing qualities, total data, mark information with classifications and smooth a trajectory. More progressed procedures like head part investigation and element choice are working with factual equations and are applied to complex datasets which are recorded by GPS trackers and movement catch gadgets. 11.2.1 Missing Values In the estimation of actual properties, the expanding multiplication of sensor innovation has prompted huge volumes of information that is never controlled by means of human intercession. While this dodges different human blunders in information obtaining and section, information mistakes are still very normal: the human plan of a sensor arrangement frequently influences information quality, and numerous sensors are dependent upon mistakes including miscalibration and impedance from accidental signs. It is entirely uncommon for an information base of critical size and age to contain information from a solitary source, gathered and entered similarly over the long run. In practically all settings, a data set contains data gathered from numerous sources through different techniques over the long run. In addition, practically speaking numerous information bases develop by converging in other prior data sets; this combining task quite often requires some endeavour to determine irregularities across the data sets including information portrayals, units, estimation periods, etc. Any technique that incorporates information from various sources can prompt blunders. 11.2.2 NOISY Data Digital is the media content of the organization in the period of broad information, which exists as a type of data set in WIS. As a general rule, an information escalated data framework that clients can access through an internet browser can be considered as WIS. The data set creates an enormous number of substances in WIS and incorporates the exercises of the information business to frame related reports that help fundamental business choices. The blunders actuated by information are regularly inescapable because of an assortment of reasons while the information is handled. These blunders regularly lead to botches in the application business revealing, which hurt business choices. Thusly, it is fundamental to keep up with the nature of the data set in WIS, and the idea of keeping excellent information is called information cleaning. Information cleaning, additionally called information purifying or scouring, which means identifying and eliminating mistakes or irregularities from information to work on the nature of information. Information quality issues are available in single information assortments, like records and data sets. At the point when various 221 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

information sources need to incorporate, the requirement for information cleaning increments altogether in light of the fact that the sources regularly contain repetitive information in various portrayals. The union of various information portrayals and the end of copy data become important to give admittance to precise and predictable information. Information assortment has turned into a universal capacity of enormous associations' WIS displayed in Fig. 1. It not exclusively can be utilized to keep records yet in addition upholds an assortment of information investigation undertakings that are basic to authoritative assignments. The consequences of the investigation may be seriously misshaped because of the presence of mistaken or conflicting information, and it typically refutes the expected advantages of the data driven methodology. We commonly allude to the information that triggers this condition as messy information. Grimy data turns into a key factor influencing the dynamic and investigation. Detaching, handling, and reusing filthy information in time become the importance of information cleaning. 11.2.3 Data Cleaning As A Process In this paper, we give a review of information cleaning strategies in WIS. These strategies in late works are grouped by the cooperation objects, centre advancements, and application situations in WIS. Subsequent to talking about the benefits and restrictions, we look forward to the exploration questions and difficulties of information cleaning in WIS and set forward suggestions on future examination in this field. This paper is coordinated a building depiction as follows. Area 2 presents an outline of information cleaning in WIS, while a point by point investigation of existing information cleaning strategies is introduced in Section 3. Segment 4 presents the examination difficulties of existing techniques and gives ideas to future exploration. Information cleaning covers different sorts of business rationale information as an essential advance in the information preparing of WIS. Information cleaning relies upon the diverse application attributes in explicit application situations, which makes information cleaning as an applied science with solid all-inclusiveness and flexibility. The normal impact of information cleaning can be accomplished by nearby conditions in various application situations. In the situations of WIS, like electronic trade, local area, training, diversion, data benefits, the application impact of information cleaning performs amazing. There is no question that the immediate job of information cleaning in WIS is information. It is important to change the system as per the factual attribute of information and the clients' interest sign during the time spent cleaning the datasets. We allude to the course of change as cooperating and consider the transporter that associates with the information cleaning plan as an intelligent article. Information and client establish the two fundamental pieces of information cleaning intelligent item. 222 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

11.3 DATA INTEGRATION Big data integration mix can be named a significant piece of coordinating tremendous datasets in various qualities. The enormous information incorporation is a mix of information the board and business knowledge tasks which covers various wellsprings of information inside the business and different sources. This information can be coordinated into a solitary subsystem and used by associations for business development. Huge information combination likewise includes the turn of events and administration of information from various sources which could affect association's capacities to deal with this information progressively. The five Vs of huge information can impact the information mix from numerous points of view. The five Vs can be delegated volume, speed, assortment, veracity, and worth: The tremendous volume of information is created each second in immense associations like Facebook and Google. In the previous occasions, similar measure of information was created each moment. This variety in information creating limit of the associations has been expanding quickly, and this could persuade the associations to discover options for coordinating the information produced in bigger volumes for consistently. The speed at which the information is communicated from the source to objective can be named as speed. Information created by various positions at each time is sent at opportune premise and put away for additional handling. For this situation, the information incorporation can be performed solely after an effective information transmission to the data set. The information comes from various sources which classifies them into organized and unstructured. The information from web-based media can be the best model for unstructured information which includes logs, texts, html labels, recordings, photos, and so on. 11.3.1 Entity Identification Problem The data integration in this situation can be performed distinctly on the social information which is now organized and the unstructured information must be enhanced to organized information before the information coordination is performed. The reliability and exactness of the information from the sources can be named as the veracity. The information from various sources comes as labels and codes where associations were slacking the advances to comprehend and decipher this information. Be that as it may, innovation today furnishes us the adaptability to work with these types of information and use it for business choices. The information combination occupations can be made on this information relying upon the adaptability and trust of this information and its source. The worth can be named as the business benefit and benefits the information can bring to the association. The worth relies entirely upon the information and its source. Associations focus on their benefits utilizing this information, and this information stays at a higher stake for various business choices across the association. Information joining occupations can be effortlessly executed on this information, however the majority of the associations will in general save this information as 223 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

a reinforcement for their future business choices. Generally, the five Vs of large information assume a significant part in deciding the effectiveness of associations to play out the information coordination occupations at each level. 11.3.2 Redundancy And Correlation Analysis Associations will in general carry out the enormous information strategies into their work framework making data the executives’ hindrances which incorporate access, change, concentrate, and burden the data utilizing conventional systems for large information. Huge information sets out likely open doors for associations. To acquire the benefit over the chances, associations will in general foster a successful method of preparing and changing the data which includes information incorporation at each degree of information the board. Customarily, information coordination includes incorporation of level documents, in-memory figuring, social data sets, and moving information from social to non-social conditions. Hadoop is the new huge information system which empowers the preparing of gigantic datasets from various sources. A portion of the market chiefs are chipping away at coordinating Hadoop with the heritage frameworks to handle their information for business use in current market pattern. Perhaps the most seasoned supporter of the IT business \"the centralized computer\" has been into reality since quite a while, and presently IBM is dealing with advancement of new methods to coordinate the enormous datasets through Hadoop and centralized server. 11.3.3 Tuple Duplication Obliging the sheer extent of information and making fresher areas in the association are a test, and this can be tended to by carrying out an elite processing climate and progressed information stockpiling gadgets like half breed stockpiling gadget which includes hard plate drives and strong state drives ; has better execution levels with diminished dormancy, high unwavering quality, and fast admittance to the information; and consequently collects enormous datasets from every one of the sources. One more method of tending to this test can be through revelation of normal functional systems between the spaces for incorporating the inquiry activities which remains as a superior climate to address the difficulties for huge information elements Continuously information coordination, the huge information elements require the question enhancement at micro levels which could include planning parts to the current or another construction which impacts the current designs. To address this test, the quantity of inquiries can be diminished by executing the joins, strings, and gathering capacities. Additionally the inquiry tasks are performed on individual information strings which can diminish the inactivity and responsiveness. Utilizing the disseminated joins like union, hash, and sort can be an option in this situation however requires more assets. Carrying out the gathering, conglomeration, and joins can be the best way to deal with address this test. 224 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Absence of assets frequents each association at specific point, and this straightforwardly affects the undertaking. Restricted or insufficient assets for making information coordination occupations, absence of talented work that don't have practical experience in information joining, and expenses caused during the execution of information combination instruments can be a portion of the difficulties looked by associations progressively. This test can be tended to by consistent asset checking inside the association, and restricting the guidelines to a degree can save the associations from chapter 11. HR assume a significant part in each association, and this could pick the right experts for the right errand in a convenient way for the activities and jobs needing to be done. 11.3.4. Data Value Conflict Detection And Resolution In the new occasions, Talent was utilized as the fundamental base for information coordination by Groupon, one of the main arrangement of-the day site which offers limited gift testaments, to be utilized at nearby shopping stores. For coordinating the information from sources, Groupon depended on \"Talend.\" Talend is an open-source information joining apparatus which is utilized to incorporate information from various assets. At the point when Groupon was a start-up, they depended on an open hotspot for additional increases as opposed to utilizing an authorized instrument which includes more expense for permitting. Since Groupon is a public exchanged organization now, they would need to deal with 1 TB of information each day, which come from different sources. There is another contextual investigation where a phone organization was confronting issues with telephone solicitations in various configurations which were not appropriate for electronic preparing and hence elaborate the manual assessment of telephone bills. This burned-through a ton of time and assets for the organization. The Coverlet information coordination apparatus was the answer for the issue, and the data sources given were ordered telephone charges, organization's representative data set, and client contact data set. The information coordination measure included combined call information records, report telephone costs in progression, and investigation of calls and its examples. This assisted association with reducing down the expenses caused by 37% yearly. Associations could confront big time challenge in keeping up with the information aggregated from number of long periods of their administration. This information is put away and kept up with utilizing the customary record frameworks or different techniques according to their current circumstance. In this situation, frequently the adaptability issues emerge when the new information from different assets is coordinated with information from heritage frameworks. Changes made by the information researchers and planners could affect the working of heritage frameworks as it needs to go through many updates to coordinate with the guidelines and prerequisites of new advances to play out a fruitful information combination. Lately, centralized computer remains as probably the best model for inheritance framework. For a superior information activity climate and quick admittance to the information, Hadoop has been executed by associations to deal with the bunch preparing unit. 225 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

This follows a common ETL way to deal with separate the information from number of assets and burden them into Hadoop climate for the bunch preparing. 11.4 DATA REDUCTION In spite of expanding assets to store, train, and cycle large datasets, it is normal still alluring, or even important, to lessen information. There are a few inspirations for information decrease, for example, (I) discovering cleaner examples or tests required for grouping and example acknowledgment, (II) barring faker ascribes or tests which don't convey a lot of data from information, and (III) lessening information for better space and capacity effectiveness. There exist different dimensionality decrease strategies, like arbitrary projection, Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis , , Principal Component Analysis , Principal Factor Analysis , Independent Component Analysis , Multi-Dimensional Scaling , , Isomax , and Locally Linear Embedding . Information decrease is for the most part interchangeable in the writing with dimensionality decrease. In any case, information test decrease, which lessens the quantity of tests in a dataset, is a symmetrical yet similarly significant method to consider. This part of information decrease is to some degree under-addressed in the writing with the exception of some inspecting techniques, for example, Simple Random Sampling , Sorting by Distance from Mean , Stratified Sampling , , and Separate Sampling . The majority of these strategies were at first produced for the TABLE I: The scene of information decrease/development. # tests increment decline no change # measurements increment Data Augmentation + PSA, SRS, ... + piece stunt part stunt portion stunt decline Data Augmentation + PSA, SRS, ... + PCA, Isomax, PCA, Isomax, ... PCA, Isomax, ... FLDA, ... no change Data Augmentation PSA, SRS, SDM, Original separated inspecting, ... use of overview measurements which regularly have the objective of learning a boundary of premium with regards to the populace . Our objective in this work is to give a diminished example of the information focuses which empowers better portrayal and separation of classes. There exist a few inspirations for our work. Our proposed calculation, Principal Sample Analysis , is a technique for lessening the quantity of tests for the objective of sanitizing the preparation set for characterization, positioning the examples, and better stockpiling effectiveness. One can envision the space of all information decrease approaches by considering techniques that diminish the information dimensionality or information populace size. Table I sums up this scene as we see it with nine unique classes dependent on the way that either the dimensionality or populace size of the information can be diminished or expanded. Both dimensionality decrease andextension have many use cases. Information development as far as populace is alluded to as information increase in the writing, and is fundamental for scaling some cutting edge profound learning strategies. The PSA strategy remains in the class of decrease in the number of tests while the component of information doesn't change. Note that PSA can be utilized with some other information decrease and development technique, like PCA, just as any order calculation. In 226 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

the proposed strategy, the examples of each class are positioned from best to most minimal regarding portrayal of class and segregation of classes. The examples of each class are apportioned into a significant or minor set for each class. A significant level synopsis of the PSA calculation is outlined in Fig. 1. The arrangement of significant examples are found fundamentally utilizing set scores got by relapse, fluctuation, between-class-disperse, and inside class-dissipate scores. From there on, the examples of the discovered significant set are positioned by their significant scores got by among class and inside class disperse scores. In each class, every one of the examples which are not in a significant set are minor examples. The minor examples are then positioned dependent on their minor scores thinking about the significant examples of classes. In the wake of discovering the positions of tests, the examples of classes are arranged by the acquired positions and the most minimal positioned tests are sliced off to diminish the information. The excess highest level examples we call chief examples. The overall size of the significant versus minor sets is a hyper parameter of the calculation. The rest of this paper is as per the following. Segment II presents the PSA calculation by clarifying its stages exhaustively. A two-dimensional representation of the presentation of PSA is outlined in Section III for a superior understanding of how it functions. Area III presents the used datasets and reports the exploratory outcomes which show PSA's predominant exhibition against other examining techniques. At last, Section IV finishes up the paper and examines future bearings. 11.4.1 Overview Of Data Reduction Strategies The component of information has been a significant issue in information investigation. Numerous specialists utilized measurement decrease and expansion to tackle issues in information investigation, for example, the scourge of dimensionality and choice of ideal limit. Information decrease has been utilized in assorted fields of information examination to defeat the scourge of dimensionality. Measurement decrease is profoundly identified with the scourge of dimensionality. The scourge of dimensionality is caused immovable issues of figuring time in information investigation. That is, the registering cost is one of the issues of the scourge of dimensionality. As the quantity of factors expands, the processing cost increments dramatically. To stay away from this issue, DR strategies have been utilized. We can examine given information effectively by diminishing the measurement. Along these lines, we need to foster the techniques to diminish the quantity of unique factors. Head part investigation and factor examination strategies are famous methods in DR. The PCA and FA lessen the quantity of factors to stay away from the scourge of dimensionality. The scourge of dimensionality is to build the processing time dramatically with respect to the quantity of factors. In this way, numerous techniques have been distributed for measurement decrease, Then, Data expansion is one more way to deal with productive information examination. All factors of unique information are planned to a component space with high measurement in DA,on the in opposition to DR; the DA expands the quantity of unique factors. This can tackle a few issues of information investigation, for example, non-detachable in grouping. 227 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

The DA approach was presented after DR. However, as of late numerous techniques for DA have been distributed, Measurable learning hypothesis is a delegate DA approach. SLT has three forms of information investigation. They are support vector machine, support vector relapse, and backing vector grouping for order, relapse, and bunching individually. The point of this exploration is centred around order. Thus, we will contrast SVM and proposed strategy. In past research identified with information measurement, we realized scientists were centred around one objective of DR or DA. There was no examination that considered DR and DA together. Notwithstanding, in this paper we think about DR and DA simultaneously. We examine the qualities, qualities, and shortcomings of DR and DA. Additionally, we propose a grouping strategy utilizing DR dependent on Gaussian blend. This exploration joins blend model with K-closest neighbour calculation for an effective grouping. As a rule, Gaussian combination model was utilized for grouping task. Be that as it may, we apply this model to grouping task. We make analyses to look at the exhibitions between certain strategies for DR and DA for grouping. Moreover, we contrast the proposed technique and conventional DR and DA strategies utilizing informational indexes from UCI AI archive. 11.4.2 Wavelet Transforms We performed four separate examinations on each given informational collection. In the first place, we showed the test result by the proposed strategies. Second, we made trial utilizing unique measurement information. We applied K-NN to the information with unique measurement and get the consequences of exactness. Third, we developed the PC score information from the PCA result after DR. We performed grouping utilizing the PC score information with low measurement. Fourth, we developed a characterization model of DA utilizing SVM and estimated the precision as standards of the assessed aftereffects of new DR, unique measurement, DR and DA. To think about the exhibitions of the near approaches, we dissected informational collections from the UCI AI storehouse. Table 1 shows the rundown of the scanned data sets for our investigations. We utilized 66% of given information as a preparation informational index for developing arrangement model, and the leftover information was utilized as a test informational collection for approval of the grouping result. We utilized R language in this trial. To begin with, we got the thought about outcomes utilizing famous Iris informational collection. Table 2 shows the precision and figuring time. The quantity of PC for DR PCA was two. Not set in stone the number having more than 90% change, likewise the quantity of help vectors of DA SVM was 55. It is seen that the misclassification paces of DR and DA were more modest than new DR and unique measurement. Notwithstanding, the rates were not fundamentally unique. The figuring times were comparative in all measurements in light of the fact that the information size of Iris was little. Our last examinations by Letter acknowledgment informational index gave us the affirmation of the presentation of new DR in Table 5. Since DA took the quickest registering time, it very well may be seen that DA approach has the best presentation as for figuring time. Be that as it may, it was on the grounds that DA by SVM didn't utilize absolute 228 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

information. In SVM order, a couple of help vectors were utilized as genuine information. Thus, the figuring season of DA order was quicker than the others. The precision consequences of DA were additionally acceptable. The misclassification pace of new DR was superior to different strategies. We could check the further developed presentation of our exploration. 11.4.3 Principal Components Analysis We contrast PSA and SRS, SDM, and the whole dataset. In SRS, all examples of a class have equivalent likelihood of determination and the inspecting from cases of a class is without substitution, in all trials of SRS, examining is performed multiple times and the normal outcome is considered as the consequence of that overlap in cross approval. In SDM, the examples of a class are positioned by their separation from the mean of the class in rising request. The choice of tests is done from the best positioned tests which are nearest to the mean. Note that for PSA, SRS, and SDM, we try different things with various measures of information decrease, holding 6%, 20%, 60%, 90%, and 100% of the information prior to completing arrangement. We set the suitable parts as indicated by the size of each dataset. Six unique classifiers are utilized for confirming the viability of the proposed technique when utilizing any classifier; we use Support Vector Machines, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, Random Forest, Logistic Regression, and Gaussian Naive Bayes. 1) Experiments on the WDBC dataset: For the WDBC dataset, information was rearranged and afterward split into train/test sets utilizing delineated examining in 10-overlap cross approval with 0.3 for size piece of test set. The normal precision paces of the folds are accounted for in Table II. In tables, strong shows the best outcome for each part for a given information decrease/classifier mix. As found in Table II, utilizing PSA while holding 90% of the information even outflanks utilizing the whole dataset for SVM, LDA, and RF classifiers. This shows that not all the preparation tests helpfully affect preparing. Additionally note that for RF and LR classifiers utilizing PSA, the precision of part 60% beats segment 90%. This shows that there exist some fake preparing tests which can be eliminated particularly for space productivity. In the vast majority of the cases for any part and any classifier, PSA emphatically outflanks SDM. The explanation is that SDM focuses on the examples near mean and along these lines it can't catch the dissimilarity and change of a dataset appropriately. Conversely, the PSA calculation thinks about the two similitudes and fluctuations simultaneously. 11.4.4 Attribute Subset Selection Attribute /Feature choice strategies are utilized to decrease the dimensionality of the information through eliminating the repetitive and superfluous properties in an informational index. Component choice techniques are arranged by the element assessment measure, contingent upon the kind into channel and covering. Channel techniques rely upon the overall attributes of the information to choose highlight subsets and assess the nature of these subsets freely of the characterization calculation. The covering utilizes a predefined order calculation 229 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

to assess the subsets of chose highlights. As per the manner by which the components are assessed, Feature choice techniques are classified into single and subset assessment. In single assessment, some of the time called highlight positioning or element weighting, each component is assessed exclusively through allotting weight to each element as indicated by its levels of importance while in subset assessment, assesses every subset of elements rather than the individual features. Coverings need to summon the learning calculation to assess every subset of the chose highlights, so it frequently gives preferred outcomes over the channel techniques, however this makes them more costly than the channel strategies. Executing the channel techniques is a lot quicker, so it's the best strategies for enormous size data sets yet these techniques overlook the relationship between elements that influences performance. The component determination measure has many advantages: It permits perception and comprehension of information all the more effectively, decreases the time and capacity needed for the mining system and works on the presentation of the calculations through staying away from the scourge of dimensionality. 11.5 DATA TRANSFORMATION In figuring, Data change is the most common way of changing over information from one configuration or construction into another arrangement or design. It is a principal part of most information integration and information the executive’s undertakings, for example, information fighting, information warehousing, and information reconciliation and application incorporation. Information change can be basic or complex dependent on the necessary changes to the information between the source information and the objective information. Information change is normally performed by means of a combination of manual and computerized steps. Tools and advancements utilized for information change can fluctuate generally dependent on the configuration, construction, intricacy, and volume of the information being changed. An expert information recast is one more type of information change where the whole data set of information esteems is changed or revaluate without separating the information from the data set. All information in a very much planned data set is straightforwardly or in a roundabout way identified with a restricted arrangement of expert data set tables by an organization of unfamiliar key requirements. Each unfamiliar key limitation is subject to a novel data set list from the parent information base table. Hence, when the appropriate expert data set table is revaluated with an alternate interesting record, the straightforwardly and by implication related information are additionally reworked or rehashed. The straightforwardly and in a roundabout way related information may likewise still be seen in the first structure since the first special file actually exists with the expert information. Likewise, the information base recast should be done so as to not affect the applications design programming. 230 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

11.5.1 Data Transformation Strategies Overview One of the least complex approaches to change information is by means of information combination programming stages like FME that have some expertise in information change. FME removes the requirement for composing scripts so anybody, regardless of their specialized foundation, can without much of a stretch make and play out their own information change work processes. Transformers are FME's standard information change devices that are utilized to adjust information any way you'd like. You can consider transformers bundled activities, capacities, or pre-composed code pieces. There is an assortment of transformers for you to browse, and you can add them to your work process in any coherent request that you'd like so information is changed precisely for your requirements. In case you're an engineer, no compelling reason to stress, FME isn't here to supplant you. Actually like no single individual can at any point know it all, no single programming can at any point do everything. That is the reason you can embed your own bits of code, like Python, R or JavaScript, straightforwardly into a work process so together you and FME can construct something incredible. Presently, rather than composing a whole information change script you can make work processes rapidly and essentially, giving you more opportunity to chip away at more significant undertakings. By and large, if you're an engineer, FME's abilities and implicit transformers give you the adaptability and decision to redo and expand your work process anyway you need. 11.5.2 Data Transformation By Normalization In 2015,I. M. El-Hanson and teal led a near report among five of the information decrease procedures that are acquire proportion, head parts investigation, connection include choice, harsh set characteristic determination and fluffy unpleasant component choice. such correlation depended on the exactness of the order and the outcomes showed that fluffy harsh component determination outperformed different strategies. In 2015, O.Villacampacompared a bunch of the component choice strategies that are Information Gain, Correlation Based Feature Selection, and Relief-F, Wrapper, and Hybrid techniques used to diminish the quantity of elements in the informational collections. Three of the normal characterization calculations are utilized as classifiers to assess the presentation of these strategies. The outcomes showed that the Relief-F technique beat any remaining element determination strategies. In 2014, R.Porkodi investigated five methods to decrease highlights and the five procedures were Relief, Information Gain, Gain Ratio, Gini Index and Random Forest. The trial results showed that Random Forest outflanks different procedures. In 2010, A. G. Karegowda and etal introduced two channels for choosing the pertinent components were Gain proportion and Correlation based element determination. The pursuit strategy utilized with CFS channel is the hereditary calculation. They chose highlights were tried by two arrangement calculations are Back spread neural organization and Radial premise work 231 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

organization and the outcomes showed that the elements chose by CFS channel gave higher grouping precision of those chose by data acquire channel. 11.6 DATA DISCRETIZATION Data discretization alludes to a technique for changing over an enormous number of information esteems into more modest ones so the assessment and the board of information become simple. At the end of the day, information discretization is a technique for changing over credits upsides of persistent information into a limited arrangement of spans with least information misfortune. There are two types of information discretization initially is administered discretization, and the second is unaided discretization. Managed discretization alludes to a strategy where the class information is utilized. Unaided discretization alludes to a technique relying on the way which activity continues. It implies it chips away at the hierarchical separating procedure and base consolidating technique. 11.6.1 Discretization By Binning Data generally arrives in a blended organization: ostensible, discrete, as well as persistent. Discrete and ceaseless information are ordinal information types with orders among the qualities, while ostensible qualities don't have any request among them. Discrete qualities are stretches in a persistent range of qualities. While the quantity of nonstop qualities for a trait can be boundlessly many, the quantity of discrete qualities is regularly not many or limited. The two kinds of qualities have an effect in learning characterization trees/rules. One illustration of choice tree acceptance can additionally outline the distinction between the two information types. At the point when a choice tree is instigated, one component is picked to branch on its qualities. With the concurrence of ceaseless and discrete components, ordinarily, a constant element will be picked as it has a larger number of qualities than provisions of different kinds do. By picking a persistent component, a higher level of a tree can rapidly reach a “pure\" state—with all examples in a youngster/leaf hub having a place with one class. As a rule, this is commensurate to a table-query along one measurement which prompts terrible showing of a classifier. In this manner it is positively not astute to utilize ceaseless qualities to part a hub. There is a need to discretize nonstop provisions either before the choice tree enlistment or during the course of tree building. Broadly utilized frameworks like C4.5 andCART send different approaches to try not to utilize consistent qualities straightforwardly. There are numerous different benefits of utilizing discrete qualities over nonstop ones. Discrete provisions are more like an information level portrayal than consistent ones. Information can likewise be diminished and rearranged through discretization. For the two clients and specialists, discrete components are clearer, use, and clarify. As revealed in an examination, discretization makes learning more exact and quicker. By and large, gotten results utilizing discrete provisions are normally more conservative, more limited and more exact than utilizing ceaseless ones, subsequently the outcomes can be all the more firmly analysed, thought about, utilized and reused. Notwithstanding the many 232 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

benefits of having discrete information over ceaseless one, a set-up of order learning calculations can just arrangement with discrete information. Discretization is a course of quantizing nonstop ascribes. 11.6.2 Discretization By Histogram Analysis In prior days basic strategies were utilized like equivalent width and equivalent recurrence to discretize. As the requirement for precise and productive grouping developed, the innovation for discretization grows quickly. Throughout the long term, numerous discretization calculations have been proposed and tried to show that discretization can possibly diminish the measure of information while holding or in any event, working on prescient precision. Discretization techniques have been created along various lines because of various requirements: regulated versus solo, powerful versus static, worldwide versus nearby, parting versusblending, and direct versus gradual. As we probably are aware, information can be administered or solo contingent upon whether it has class data. In like manner, managed discretization considers class data while unaided discretization doesn't; solo discretization is seen in before strategies like equivalent width and equivalent recurrence. In the unaided strategies, consistent reaches are isolated into sub ranges by the client determined width orrecurrence. This may not give great outcomes in situations where the dissemination of the nonstop qualities isn't uniform. Besides it is defenceless against exceptions as they influence the reaches essentially. To conquer this weakness, administered discretization strategies were presented and class data is utilized to track down the appropriate stretches brought about by cut-focuses. Various strategies have been conceived to utilize this class data for discovering significant stretches in nonstop credits. Managed and unaided discretization have their various employments. In the event that no class data is accessible, solo discretization is the sole decision. There are very few solo strategies accessible in the writing which might be credited to the way that discretization is usually connected with the grouping task. One can likewise see the use of discretization techniques as unique or static. A powerful technique would discretize consistent qualities when a classifier is being assembled, for example, in C4.5 while in the static methodology discretization is done preceding the characterization task. There is an examination among dynamic and static strategies in Dougherty et al. The creators announced blended execution when C4.5 was tried with and without discretizehighlights. 11.6.3 Discretization by Cluster, Decision Tree, And Correlation Analyses Another polarity is nearby versus worldwide. A neighbourhood strategy would discretize in a confined area of the example space while a worldwide discretization strategy utilizes the whole case space to discretize. Thus, a neighbourhood technique is generally connected with a powerful discretization strategy where just an area of occurrence space is utilized for discretization. Discretization strategies can likewise be gathered as far as hierarchical or base up. Hierarchical strategies start with an unfilled rundown of cut-focuses and continue to add new ones to the rundown by 'parting' spans as the discretization advances. Base up strategies 233 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

start with the total rundown of the relative multitude of nonstop upsides of the component as cut-focuses and eliminate some of them by 'combining' spans as the discretization advances. One more element of discretization strategies is immediate versus steady. Direct techniques partition the scope of k spans at the same time, requiring an extra contribution from the client to decide the quantity of stretches. Steady techniques start with a straightforward discretization and pass through an improvement cycle, requiring an extra rule to realize when to quit discretizing. As displayed above, there are various discretization techniques and a wide range of measurements to bunch them. A client of discretization regularly thinks that it is hard to pick an appropriate technique for the information available. There have been a couple of endeavours to assist with easing the trouble. We continue with this critical target to make a far reaching study that incorporates the meaning of a discretization interaction, execution measures, and broad examination. 11.7 SUMMARY  The consistent qualities for an element is arranged in either diving or climbing request. Arranging can be computationally over the top expensive in case care isn't taken in carrying out it with discretization. Accelerate the discretization cycle by choosing appropriate arranging calculations. Many arranging calculations can be found in exemplary information designs and calculations books. Among these \"Speedy sort\" is a proficient arranging calculation with a period intricacy of O. One more approach to further develop effectiveness is to try not to sort a component's qualities over and again. In case arranging is done for the last time toward the start of discretization, it is a worldwide treatment and can be applied when the whole case space is utilized for discretization. In case arranging is done at every emphasis of an interaction, it is a nearby treatment wherein just a district of whole example space is considered for discretization.  As we know, in a hierarchical methodology, stretches are parted while for a granular perspective spans are combined. For parting it is needed to assess 'cut points' and to pick the best one and split the scope of ceaseless qualities into two allotments. Discretization proceeds with each part until a halting measure is fulfilled. Essentially for consolidating, nearby stretches are assessed to track down the best pair of spans to converge in every cycle. Discretization proceeds with the diminished number of spans until the halting model is fulfilled.  A halting measure determines when to stop the discretization interaction. It is normally administered by a compromise between lower arity with a superior seeing however less exactness and a higher arity with a less fortunate seeing yet higher precision. We might believe k to be an upper destined for the arity of the subsequent discretization. By and by the upper bound k is set considerably less than N, accepting there is no reiteration of constant incentive for a component. A halting rule can be 234 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

extremely basic, for example, fixing the quantity of stretches toward the start or a more intricate one like assessing a capacity. We depict distinctive halting measures in the following area.  Assuming we have numerous strategies and each gives some sort of discretized information, which discretized information is awesome? This apparently straightforward inquiry can't be effectively managed a basic answer. This is on the grounds that the outcome assessment is a mind boggling issue and relies upon a client's need in a specific application. It is mind boggling in light of the fact that the assessment should be possible from numerous points of view. We list three significant measurements: (1) theall-out number of spans—instinctively, the less the cut-focuses, the better the discretization result; however there is a breaking point forced by the information portrayal. This prompts the following measurement.  There are various discretization strategies accessible in the writing. These strategies can be sorted in a few measurements as talked about before. We rehash them here: unique versus static, nearby versus worldwide, parting versus blending, direct versus gradual, and managed versus solo. One can build various mixes of these measurements to bunch the techniques. However, self-assertive blends won't help in propelling the exploration of discretization. We wish to make a various levelled structure that is orderly and expandable, and endeavours to cover every single existing technique. Every discretization strategy found in the writing discretizes an element by either parting the time frame esteems or by blending the neighbouring stretches. Both parting and combining classifications can additionally be assembled as directed or solo contingent upon whether class data is utilized. To rehash, directed discretization strategies utilize the accessible class data while the unaided techniques don't. 11.8 KEYWORDS  Data discovery is the first step in quite a while change measure. Ordinarily the information is profiled utilizing profiling apparatuses or once in a while utilizing physically composed profiling contents to more readily comprehend the construction and qualities of the information and choose how it should be changed.  Data mapping is the method involved with characterizing how individual fields are planned, changed, joined, sifted, collected and so on to deliver the last wanted yield. Designers or specialized information examiners customarily perform information planning since they work in the particular innovations to characterize the change rules.  Code generation is the method involved with creating executable code that will change the information dependent on the ideal and characterized information planning 235 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

rules. Typically, the information change advances produce this code dependent on the definitions or metadata characterized by the engineers.  Code execution is the progression whereby the produced code is executed against the information to make the ideal yield. The executed code might be firmly incorporated into the change device, or it might require separate strides by the engineer to physically execute the created code.  Data review is the last advance all the while, which centres around guaranteeing the yield information meets the change prerequisites. It is commonly the business client or last end-client of the information that plays out this progression. Any oddities or blunders in the information that are found and imparted back to the engineer or information investigator as new prerequisites to be executed in the change cycle. 11.9 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Overview of Data Reduction Strategies. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on Principal Components Analysis. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 11.10 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. What is Tuple Duplication? 2. What is Data Value Conflict? 3. Define Data Reduction? 4. Define Attribute? 5. How to determine Data Cleaning process? Long Questions 1. Explain the advantages of Data Cleaning. 2. Examine the Data Cleaning as a Process. 3. Illustrate the Redundancy and Correlation Analysis. 4. Discuss on the Data Value Conflict Detection and Resolution. 236 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

5. Elaborate the Principal Components Analysis. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is characteristic of exploratory graph? a. Made slowly b. Axes are not cleaned up c. Colour is used for personal information d. All of these 2. Which of the following gave rise to need of graphs in data analysis? a. Data visualization b. Communicating results c. Decision making d. Data Analysis 3. Which of the following information is not given by five-number summary? a. Mean b. Median c. Mode d. Average 4. Which of the following graph can be used for simple summarization of data? a. Scatter plot b. Overlaying c. Bar plot d. Pie chart 5. Which of the following does Classify variable is not continuous? a. Age b. Height c. Gender d. Revenue of medical shop Answers 1-a, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c, 5-b 237 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

11.11 REFERENCES References book  Pirttimäki, V. H. (2007). Conceptual analysis of business intelligence. South African Journal of Information Management.  Ponniah, P. 2001. Data Warehousing Fundamentals: A Comprehensive Guide for IT  Professionals. New York: Jon Wiley and Sons, Inc.  Raisinghani, M. (2004). Business Intelligence in the Digital Economy: Opportunities, Limitations and Risks. IDEA Group Publishing. Textbook references  Rajnoha, R. & Stefko, R. & Merkova, M. & Dobrovic, J. (2016). Business Intelligence as a key information and knowledge tool for strategic business performance management. Information Management  Rasoul, D. G., & Mohammad, H. (2016). A model of measuring the direct and impact of business intelligence on organizational agility with partial Mediatory role of Empowerment: Tehran construction Engineering Organization (TCEO) and EKTA organization Social and Behavioural Sciences.  Richard, E. W. & Paul, R. M., & Robert, J. W. (1983). Competitive Bidding and Proprietary Information. Journal of mathematical Economics. Website  Induction_Of_Data_Mining/link/5cc61db7299bf120978745a2/download  ONGS%20HANDBOOK%20OF%20HUMAN%20RESOURCE%20MANAGEMEN T%20PRACTICE/19%20-%20Motivation.pdf  he_data_cube/link/0c960524b4936d61d5000000/download 238 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

UNIT - 12 DATA MINING MODELS STRUCTURE 12.0 Learning Objectives 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Directed Data Mining Models 12.3 Directed Data Mining Methodology 12.3.1 Statistical Data Mining 12.3.2 Views on Data Mining Foundations 12.3.3 Visual and Audio Data Mining 12.4 Summary 12.5 Keywords 12.6 Learning Activity 12.7 Unit End Questions 12.8 References 12.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, you will be able to:  Appreciate the concept of Directed Data Mining Models.  Illustrate the Directed Data Mining Methodology.  Examine the Visual and Audio Data Mining. 12.1 INTRODUCTION Data mining is the method involved with examining stowed away examples of information as per alternate points of view for classification into valuable data, which is gathered and collected in like manner regions, for example, information stockrooms, for proficient investigation, information mining calculations, working with business dynamic and other data necessities to at last reduce expenses and increment revenue. Data mining is otherwise called information disclosure and information revelation. Information mining alludes to separating or mining information from enormous amounts of information. The term is really a misnomer. Along these lines, information mining should have been all the more suitably named as information mining which accentuation on mining from a lot of information. It is the computational course of finding designs in enormous informational indexes including 239 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

strategies at the convergence of man-made brainpower, AI, insights, and data set frameworks. The general objective of the information mining measure is to remove data from an informational index and change it into a reasonable construction for additional utilization. The vital properties of information mining are Automatic revelation of examples Prediction of likely results Creation of significant data Focus on huge datasets and data sets. Information mining is the most common way of figuring out huge informational collections to distinguish designs and build up connections to tackle issues through information investigation. Information mining devices permit undertakings to foresee future patterns. KDD alludes to the general course of finding valuable information from information. It includes the assessment and perhaps translation of the examples to settle on the choice of what qualifies as information. It additionally incorporates the decision of encoding plans, pre- processing, inspecting, and projections of the information before the information mining step. Information mining alludes to the use of calculations for extricating designs from information without the extra strides of the KDD cycle. DBMS is an undeniable framework for lodging and dealing with a bunch of advanced data sets. Anyway Data Mining is a strategy or an idea in software engineering, which manages removing valuable and beforehand obscure data from crude information. The vast majority of the occasions, this crude information are put away in extremely enormous data sets. Accordingly Data excavators utilize the current functionalities of DBMS to deal with, oversee and even pre-process crude information previously and during the Data mining measure. Nonetheless, a DBMS framework alone can't be utilized to break down information. In any case, some DBMS at present have inbuilt information breaking down apparatuses or abilities. An information warehousing is characterized as a strategy for gathering and overseeing information from fluctuated sources to give significant business experiences. It is a mix of advancements and parts which helps the essential utilization of information. It is electronic capacity of a lot of data by a business which is intended for inquiry and investigation rather than exchange handling. It is a course of changing information into data and making it accessible to clients in an ideal way to have an effect. An information distribution centre is a subject-arranged, coordinated, time-variation and non-unpredictable assortment of information on the side of the board's dynamic process. Subject Oriented: An information stockroom can be utilized to examine a specific branch of knowledge. For instance, \"deals\" can be a specific subject. Coordinated: An information stockroom incorporates information from different information sources. For instance, source An and source B might have diverse methods of recognizing an item, however in an information stockroom, there will be just a solitary method of distinguishing an item. Time-Variant: Historical information is kept in an information distribution centre. For instance, one can recover information from 90 days, a half year, a year, or significantly more established information from an information distribution centre. These differences with an exchange’s framework, where frequently just the latest information is kept. For instance, an exchange framework might hold the latest 240 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

location of a client, where an information distribution centre can hold all locations related with a client. Non-unpredictable: Once information is in the information stockroom, it won't change. Thus, authentic information in an information stockroom ought to never be modified Data warehousing is the method involved with developing and utilizing an information distribution centre. An information distribution centre is built by incorporating information from numerous heterogeneous sources that help logical announcing, organized and additionally impromptu questions, and dynamic. Information warehousing includes information cleaning, information mix, and information solidifications. 12.2 DIRECTED DATA MINING MODELS Data mining is a wide region that incorporates strategies from a few fields including AI, insights, design acknowledgment, man-made reasoning, and data set frameworks, for the investigation of enormous volumes of information. There have been countless information mining calculations attached in these fields to perform various information examination errands. Information mining procedures and calculations like grouping, bunching and so forth, helps in discovering the examples to settle on the future patterns in organizations. In this examination, the fundamental idea of grouping and bunching procedures are given. Information mining has wide application area practically in each industry where the information is produced that is the reason information mining is viewed as perhaps the main boondocks in data set and data system and one of the most encouraging interdisciplinary advancements in Information Technology. 12.3 DIRECTED DATA MINING METHODOLOGY The model advancement stage is an iterative cycle wherein information mining devices dissect information and create governs or distinguish examples and connections. Tragically, however, the guidelines, examples or connections distinguished by the various calculations don't generally have a critical importance or use. Human specialists are then needed to recognize, pick, and conclude which are the main principles and huge models. For this angle, preparing assumes a vital part. Clients should comprehend how to deal with the product bundles, yet additionally what the information truly addresses. Moreover, for explicit errands, for example, measure checking, quality control or item plan, clients should likewise have a true understanding with regards to the cycle, undertakings, materials and conditions included. Just in this manner is genuinely keen data found. In model turn of events, information is investigated to recognize the most important fields. The information accessible is then separated haphazardly in subsets, somewhere around one set for preparing and no less than one set for approval. At the point when the fields are chosen and the information has been arranged, the best indicators are discovered, utilizing the preparation informational indexes. With these indicators, a few models are iteratively investigated to track down the most reasonable for the undertaking. The models are made utilizing the standards and connections 241 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

found by the information mining errand and strategies chose for the venture. At long last, the expectations of the models should be tried against the approval sets. 12.3.1 Statistical Data Mining The reason for the model approval stage is to decide if the models made by the information mining apparatuses can effectively foresee the conduct of the factors addressed by the information. As referenced over, an approval informational collection can be utilized to confirm whether the anticipated upsides of the model are adequately close to the conduct communicated by the information in the approval informational collection. To play out this undertaking, edges can be appointed by the particular requirements and states of each venture. Cross validation and bootstrapping are two approval procedures that can be utilized to assess the mistakes of the models. The mistake esteems can then measure up to limits to check that the models are substantial. Nonetheless, in any event, when a model effectively predicts the qualities in both the preparation and the approval sets, it isn't ensured that a similar model will in every case effectively foresee the upsides of the factors addressed by comparative or new information. For instance, if a given framework is influenced by various outer elements which were absent previously, an old model would at this point don't be substantial and new models would be required. Hence, edge esteems ought to be intermittently updated by the current necessities of the association. Moreover, extra testing with new information is required if the goal of the task is to anticipate the conduct of a genuine framework. 12.3.2 Views on Data Mining Foundations When a model is approved, it tends to be executed by the objectives and targets at first settled for the task. Execution is a significant stage and furthermore requires dissecting and deciphering the outcomes created by the models. Not all information mining projects require the execution of a particular model. Be that as it may, the data assembled during the interaction, and the standards, connections, or examples found, can be utilized to tackle explicit issues, give suggestions, simply decide, or distinguish the need of additional examinations. On the off chance that the models are carried out with different applications, execution itself can be considered as a piece of a framework investigation and configuration interaction, and it would require extra testing. Models can be utilized to arranged explicit records, allocate probabilities, or create uncommon orders or reports. Thus, extra Interface projects and programming bundles might be required. 12.3.3 Visual and Audio Data Mining DFDs andERDs can be utilized to dissect and plan new applications. Subsequent to programming has been finished, alpha and beta testing would then be able to be executed. These tests are expected to ensure that the framework works planned in its plan. For the test execution, a hierarchical methodology is suggested, to lessen cost and mistakes, just as to work with framework mix between the various modules. Moreover, the test and plan tasks 242 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

should straightforwardly include the last clients. The incorporation of definite clients is fundamental, in light of the fact that the genuine acknowledgment and the achievement of the venture relies upon them. The changeover period of the last applications can be executed utilizing the equal or the staged technique, as per the qualities of the 68 task and the prerequisites and assumptions for the partners. On the off chance that the framework includes basic exercises, they ought to be performed corresponding to the more established framework, to build the activity's dependability and security. Execution of new choices, tasks, and provisions should then be dissected and contrasted and those of the old techniques to distinguish potential imperfections. 12.4 SUMMARY  Finally, information mining projects, by and large, may likewise require the incorporation of a help stage. Support activities should be intermittently directed for the gear; additionally, the information and data dwelling in information shops, information archives, and information stockrooms should be secured by performing occasional back-ups.  Back-ups can be full, differential, or steady, as indicated by the prerequisites of some random case. Furthermore, new sorts or wellsprings of data, new forms of programming bundles, new functional frameworks, or new gear might be accessible. In some different cases, the first models would should be intermittently refreshed, refined, or totally constructed once more. The help stage should guarantee that both the model and the related applications are working suitably and compare with the particulars of the task.  By utilizing a frameworks investigation approach, this part introduced a proposed philosophy for utilizing information mining in taking care of issues identified with mechanical designing. The proposed philosophy includes five significant stages: break down the association, structure the work; foster information model, carry out model, and on-going help. Every one of these stages has been portrayed exhaustively and covers the significant advances that any information mining project in mechanical designing should support from the beginning of the venture to its last execution and backing stages.  The proposed approach presents a strong system equipped for empowering mechanical architects to apply information mining in a reliable and repeatable manner, which would empower them to assess information mining projects, copy results, or figure out where the blunders have happened in their information mining projects.  Using the connections, examples, and rules found by information mining instruments, modern specialists might find sudden and valuable data that can prompt a superior 243 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

comprehension of frameworks and cycles. This data would then be able to be utilized to configuration new cycles and new items, or to make modules and master frameworks equipped for controlling and streamlining frameworks. Modern architects can likewise utilize these modules to get better execution and asset use. The philosophy created in this examination can help in these endeavours.  An significant thought for effective use of information mining in modern designing is the point of view of the information mining strategy. The customary spotlight has been focused on a factual perspective. This methodology isn't frameworks situated, and it does not have some major parts required in a data framework project. In particular, it doesn't join the examination, plan, and execution periods of a data frameworks project. Since the target of information mining is to deliver total data for dynamic, its application should resemble the endeavours of data framework advancement. Moreover, the conventional methodology for the most part doesn't think about the jobs of the association and the partners during the venture. It doesn't consider information to be as a necessary component of the hierarchical framework.  Another trouble for modern architects who need to apply information mining is that customary information mining approaches consolidate into a solitary advance the choice of instruments and strategies. Considering instruments and procedures together, and from the get-go all the while, makes the danger of disregarding the association's objectives and necessities during the dynamic cycle. Accordingly, the chose apparatuses and strategies may not be suitable for the association. This would then deliver the information mining exertion pointless. The models produced may not really address the conduct of the authoritative elements for which it was at first planned. 12.5 KEYWORDS  Business Lead: A mid-to-senior level asset who comprehends both the business and specialized side of an organization all around ok to impart between the two. Inside the setting of a BI venture, they comprehend the necessities, hindrances, and issues of each to settle on choices on different approaches. Also, this individual ought to be exceptionally engaged with a BI undertaking – speaking with the task administrator continually. Now and then the business driver fills this job.  Business Owners: The entrepreneur job should be filled from the business client bunches by excited devotees of the BI venture who are likewise informed authorities in their fields. Each set of business clients from inside the association that will utilize the BI apparatus ought to designate an entrepreneur. Business client association is basic and care ought to be taken to keep them required from the earliest starting point 244 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

of the task. Without entrepreneurs and clients, a BI venture is simply a scholastic specialized exercise.  Business User: A client of a help or item, who may not really have contact with the provider/supplier—thusly existing toward the finish of the information 'store network'. For example a substance the executives framework end client, or a bookkeeper entering buy orders into an endeavour asset arranging framework.  Collaborative Business Intelligence, or Collaborative BI: Is the marriage of customary business knowledge strategies with devices like long range informal communication, wikis, or online journals, to improve the synergistic critical thinking nature of BI. Microsoft SharePoint is an illustration of a well-known community BI item.  Dashboard: Provides initially measurable examination and recorded patterns of an association's key presentation pointers, introduced in effectively edible, graphical portrayals. For instance, a HR dashboard might show numbers identified with staff enlistment, maintenance, and arrangement. While a promoting dashboard might show numbers identified with inbound web traffic, search volume, and lead speed. 12.6 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Create a session on Views on Data Mining Foundations. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Create a survey on Statistical Data Mining. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 12.7 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Define Clustering? 2. Define Artificial neural networks? 3. What is logistic regression? 4. What is KDD? 5. How to determine Data retrieval? 245 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Long Questions 1. Explain the Directed Data Mining Models. 2. Explain the Directed Data Mining Methodology. 3. Elaborate the Statistical Data Mining. 4. Illustrate the Views on Data Mining Foundations. 5. Discuss on Visual and Audio Data Mining. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following is not a component of Relational Marketing a. Organisation b. BI and Data Mining c. Technology d. Fund 2. Which of the following is not an optimization model? a. Extra Capacity b. Maximum Fixed Cost c. Backlogging d. Multiple Plants 3. Which of the following expresses relationship between the Inputs utilized and Outputs Produced: a. Efficiency Function b. Effective Frontier c. Efficient Frontier d. Effective Fact 4. What is the Relationship Marketing is all about? a. Creating database value b. Travelling programs c. Maintaining relationship with customer d. Loyalty based on behaviour 5. Which of the following is not a component of relational marketing strategy 246 a. Strategy b. Data Mining CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

c. Technology d. Customers Answers 1-a, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-c 12.8 REFERENCES References book  Ross, J.W. & Beath, C.M. & Goodhue, D. L. (1996). Develop long-term competitiveness through IT assets. Sloan Management Review.  Schlegel, K., & Sood, K. (2007). Business Intelligence Platform Capability Matrix.  Solberg Søilen, K. (2015). A place for Intelligence studies as a Scientific Discipline, Halmstad. Sweden: Journal of Intelligence Studies in Business. Textbook references  Turban, E. & Sharda, R., & Delen, D. (2010). Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems (9th ed.). Prentice Hall Press, Upper Saddle River NJ  Tyson, K.W.M. (1986). Business intelligence: Putting it all together. Lombard: Leading Edge Publications.  Vercellis, C. (2013). Business Intelligence: Data mining and optimization for Decision Making (2nd ed.). Amirkabir University Press. Website   analysis-services-data-mining  247 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

UNIT - 13 DATA VISUALIZATION STRUCTURE 13.0 Learning Objectives 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Types of Outliers 13.2.1 Global Outliers 13.2.2 Contextual Outliers 13.2.3 Collective Outliers 13.3 Challenges of Outlier Detection 13.4 Summary 13.5 Keywords 13.6 Learning Activity 13.7 Unit End Questions 13.8 References 13.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, you will be able to:  Illustrate the types of Outliers.  Explain the concept of Challenges of outlier detection.  Appreciate the Collective Outliers. 13.1 INTRODUCTION Data visualization is an interdisciplinary fieldsthose arrangements with the realistic portrayal of information. It is an especially productive method of conveying when the information is various concerning model a period series. According to a scholarly perspective, this portrayal can be considered as a planning between the first information and realistic components. The planning decides how the properties of these components differ as indicated by the information. In this light, a bar diagram is a planning of the length of a bar to an extent of a variable. Since the visual communication of the planning can antagonistically influence the intelligibility of a chart, planning is a centre skill of Data visualization. 248 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Information perception has its underlying foundations in the field of Statistics and is accordingly commonly thought to be a part of Descriptive Statistics. Nonetheless, in light of the fact that both plan abilities and measurable and registering abilities are needed to envision successfully, it is contended by certain creators that it is both an Art and a Science. Examination into how individuals peruse and misread different sorts of perceptions is assisting with figuring out what types and elements of representations are generally reasonable and powerful in passing on data To impart data plainly and proficiently, information representation utilizes factual designs, plots, data illustrations and different apparatuses. Mathematical information might be encoded utilizing spots, lines, or bars, to outwardly convey a quantitative message. Effective representation assists clients with examining and reason about information and proof. It makes complex information more open, reasonable, and usable. Clients might have specific scientific errands, like making correlations or getting causality, and the plan standard of the realistic follows the undertaking. Tables are for the most part utilized where clients will look into a particular estimation, while outlines of different kinds are utilized to show examples or connections in the information for at least one factors. Information perception alludes to the procedures used to impart information or data by encoding it as visual articles contained in illustrations. The objective is to convey data obviously and effectively to clients. It is one of the means in information examination or information science. As indicated by Vitaly Friedman the \"principle objective of information perception is to convey data obviously and adequately through graphical means. It doesn't imply that information perception needs to look exhausting to be practical or amazingly refined to look lovely. To pass on thoughts successfully, both stylish structure and usefulness need to go connected at the hip, giving bits of knowledge into a somewhat inadequate and complex informational index by imparting its vital angles in a more natural manner. However creators frequently neglect to accomplish a harmony among structure and capacity, making lovely information representations which neglect to fill their primary need — to impart information\". To be sure, Fernanda Viegas and Martin M. Wattenberg recommended that an ideal perception ought to convey plainly, however animate watcher commitment and attention. Information perception is firmly identified with data designs, data representation, logical representation, exploratory information investigation and factual illustrations. In the new thousand years, information perception has turned into a functioning space of examination, instructing and improvement. As indicated by Post et al. In the business climate information perception is frequently alluded to as dashboards. Info graphics are one more extremely normal type of information representation. A human can recognize contrasts in line length, shape, direction, distances, and shading promptly without huge handling exertion; these are alluded to as \"pre-mindful properties\". 249 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

For instance, it might require critical time and exertion to distinguish the occasions the digit \"5\" shows up in a progression of numbers; yet on the off chance that that digit is distinctive in size, direction, or shading, cases of the digit can be noted rapidly through pre-mindful handling. Convincing designs exploit pre-mindful handling and credits and the general strength of these characteristics. For instance, since people can more effectively deal with contrasts in line length than surface region, it very well might be more compelling to utilize a bar diagram as opposed to pie outlines . Practically all information perceptions are made for human utilization. Information on human insight and discernment is fundamental when planning natural visualizations. Cognition alludes to measures in people like insight, consideration, learning, memory, thought, idea development, perusing, and issue solving. Human visual preparing is proficient in distinguishing changes and making correlations between amounts, sizes, shapes and varieties in gentility. At the point when properties of emblematic information are planned to visual properties, people can peruse a lot of information productively. It is assessed that 2/3 of the cerebrum's neurons can be engaged with visual handling. Legitimate representation gives an alternate way to deal with show likely associations, connections, and so on which are not as clear in non-envisioned quantitative information. Perception can turn into a method for information investigation. Studies have shown people utilized on normal 19% less intellectual assets, and 4.5% better ready to review subtleties when contrasting information perception and text. There is no exhaustive 'history' of information perception. There are no records that length the whole improvement of visual reasoning and the visual portrayal of information, and which group the commitments of divergent disciplines. Michael Friendly and Daniel J Denis of York University are occupied with a task that endeavours to give a far reaching history of perception. As opposed to general conviction, information perception is certifiably not cutting edge advancement. Since ancient times, heavenly information, or data, for example, area of stars were imagined on the dividers of caverns, since the Pleistocene era. Physical curios, for example, Mesopotamian dirt tokens, Inca quipus and Marshall Islands stick diagrams can likewise be considered as envisioning quantitative information. The previously reported information representation can be followed back to 1160 B.C. with Turin Papyrus Map which precisely represents the conveyance of topographical assets and gives data about quarrying of those resources. Such guides can be classified as topical map making, which is a kind of information representation that presents and imparts explicit information and data through a geological outline intended to show a specific subject associated with a particular geographic region. Soonest reported types of information representation were different topical guides from various societies and ideograms and pictographs that gave and permitted translation of data showed. For instance, Linear B tablets 250 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

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