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CU-MBA-SEM-III-Operations and Quality Management-Second Draft

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Description: CU-MBA-SEM-III-Operations and Quality Management-Second Draft


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Six sigma assists with estimating measure quality. The fundamental point of six sigma is to work on the eventual outcome by killing all types of imperfections all the while. In any case, it is information driven so it relies intensely upon the board procedures. The objective of the six-sigma idea is to work more efficiently. It utilizes information gathered to work on the interaction, diminish/dispense with slip-ups and increment sigma rating. Cons of Six Sigma Regardless, six sigma is exceptionally thorough to carry out. It includes a troublesome interaction that consumes a large chunk of the day to accomplish. Thusly, it guarantees that everybody associated with the interaction is following intently enough to understand the worth of six sigma. Hence, six sigma is performed by a chose group of prepared and affirmed experts. 14.2.1 Process of Six Sigma All that we can do can be viewed as an interaction or part of a cycle. Each cycle can be portrayed by:  Average performance  Variation The six-sigma idea consolidates various striking apparatuses in executing upgrades. Essentially, it utilizes a mix of measurable instruments and information investigation. Six Sigma measure additionally consolidates instruments like interaction planning and plan with other improvement procedures that assistance to accomplish the necessary effect. For instance, conceptualizing is a significant strategy utilized in six sigma cycles to produce thoughts. For the most part, associations apply this method when characterizing another interaction, dispatching another item, or expanding deals. In any case, conceptualizing in the six-sigma measure is more minds boggling. It requires considerably more than basic reasoning or the free progression of thoughts. Conceptualizing is fundamental for creating data for other six sigma procedures like 5Why, FMEA, Fault Tree Analysis and the preferences. FMEA FMEA is an abbreviation for Failure Mode Effects Analysis. This six-sigma strategy is otherwise called likely disappointment and impacts investigation or Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA). It is utilized to identify likely blunders that may happen in an item, administration, interaction, or plan. There are two sorts of FMEA; they are Process FMEA (PFMEA) and Design FMEA (DFMEA). FMEA can be utilized in the Analyse or Design period of DMAIC, contingent upon what it means to accomplish. 5Why 251 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

Then again, 5Why is a six-sigma method that assists with finding out the underlying driver of deformities by inquiring \"why\" questions. Additionally, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is a strategy utilized in the six-sigma cycle to distinguish possible reasons for mistakes, before they happen. This strategy utilizes factual and insightful methodologies to decide the most elevated reasons for blunders. Voice of the Customer Likewise, the voice of the client is a proactive strategy used to accumulate criticism from clients. It is applied to both the inner and outside clients of an association. This procedure is utilized in the six-sigma interaction to comprehend client's necessities, assumptions, and encounters. Thusly, measure upgrades can be customized such that meets and surpasses client's assumptions. The most ideal approach to know the \"voice of the client\" is through direct discussions and meetings. Gathering conversations and studies are different strategies for deciding the voice of the client. SIPOC Additionally, SIPOC is a strategy utilized in six sigma cycles to comprehend the extension and capacity of the interaction under survey. SIPOC is an abbreviation for Suppliers – Inputs – Process – Outputs – Customers. These components are associated in for sure. Above all else, providers give contributions to the interaction. These data sources are as assets, administrations, or data. Also, the interaction expects contributions to create yields. The interaction is a progression of exercises that alter the contributions to create important yields that offer worth to clients. Thirdly, yields are the results, administration, or data. At long last, clients are the end-clients of the yields created by the cycle. As a rule, SIPOC method is applied during the Define period of DMAIC. Process Maps These are utilized in the six-sigma interaction to diagram a current cycle in an improved-on manner. Interaction maps require two stages. One stage depicts the interaction as the group might suspect it is, while the other portrays the cycle as the group wants it to be. Subsequently, a cycle guide can be characterized as a might suspect stream diagram. This is quite possibly the most well-known procedures utilized in six sigma measures. 14.2.2 Six Sigma Methodologies The Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control) procedure can be considered as a guide for critical thinking and item/measure improvement. Most organizations start carrying out Six sigma utilizing the DMAIC procedure, and later add the DFSS (Design for Six Sigma, otherwise called DMADV or IDDOV) techniques when the authoritative culture and experience level licenses. 252 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

While the DMAIC procedure introduced beneath may seem direct and expressly characterized, it ought to be noticed that an iterative methodology might be essential – particularly for Black Belts and Green Belts that are new to the devices and strategies that make up DMAIC. For example, you might find that after investigating your information (Analyse stage) you didn't accumulate sufficient information to disengage the underlying driver of the issue. Now, you might repeat back to the Measure stage. What's more, earlier information on the devices and procedures is vital in figuring out which devices are helpful in each stage. Keep in mind, the suitable utilization of apparatuses turns out to be more basic for viability than rightness, and you don't have to utilize every one of the instruments constantly. Figure 12.1: Methods of Six Sigma Define The Define Phase is the primary period of the Lean Six Sigma improvement measure. In this stage, the heads of the task make a Project Charter, make a significant level perspective on the cycle, and start to comprehend the necessities of the clients of the interaction. This is a basic period of Lean Six Sigma where your groups characterize the blueprint of their endeavours for themselves and the authority (chiefs) of your association. Measurement Estimation is basic for the duration of the existence of the task and as the group centres around information assortment at first, they have two core interests: deciding the beginning point or pattern of the interaction and searching for hints to comprehend the main driver of the cycle. Since information assortment sets aside time and exertion it's nice to consider both toward the beginning of the venture. Analyse 253 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

This stage is frequently interwoven with the Measure Phase. As information is gathered, the group might comprise of various individuals who will gather various arrangements of information or extra information. As the group audits the information gathered during the Measure Phase, they might choose to change the information assortment intend to incorporate extra data. This proceeds as the group dissects both the information and the cycle with an end goal to limit and confirm the main drivers of waste and imperfections. Improvement when the venture groups are happy with their still up in the air that extra investigation won't add to their comprehension of the issue, it's an ideal opportunity to continue to arrangement advancement. The group is doubtlessly gathering improvement thoughts all through the task, however an organized improvement exertion can prompt inventive and exquisite arrangements. Control This stage is a smaller than normal rendition of interaction the executives. The group has been building a type of framework for the duration of the existence of the undertaking, and during the Control Phase they start to record precisely how they need to give that design to the representatives who work inside the interaction. 14.2.3 Six Sigma Belts These belts depend on degree of skill in comprehension and applying related instruments.  Green belt  Black belt  Master Black belt  Yellow Belt Actual definitions and competencies for each belt can vary by organization and institutions  Yellow Belt: Serves as a fundamental prologue to Lean Six Sigma for those new to the area.  Green Belt: Intermediate program that sets you up to chip away at measure improvement projects inside an organization.  Black Belt: Advanced program that sets you up to oversee and lead project groups.  Master Black Belt: Prestigious program that sets you up to teach others and become an expert in the space. 254 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

14.3 SUMMARY  Six sigma is astounding what can be known when we take a gander at information in an unexpected way. DMAIC isn't intended for each venture, when applied effectively;  DMAIC will create reliably preferred outcomes over most different strategies.  In this sig sigma strategy is the new culture at much association today. It will be truly attractive and six sigma approach works.  In rundown, six sigma idea is a strategy utilized by the board to diminish or potentially annihilate deformities and varieties. Despite the fact that varieties exist in each cycle, this idea assists with diminishing it such that it becomes irrelevant. This is on the grounds that varieties lead to deserts. Deformities prevent consistency and consistency is the way to accomplishing quality.  Besides, deserts bring about squander. At the point when imperfections exist in a cycle, it prompts exercise in futility, assets and cash. Notwithstanding, if these squanders are removed, workers can deal with their time adequately. Moreover, the association accomplishes ideal outcomes.  In expansion, the idea of six sigma doesn't help the association alone. This idea is additionally advantageous to the clients, as they are the end-clients of the association's items. Henceforth, six sigma underlines on gathering and surpassing the assumptions and necessities of clients.  Furthermore, the six sigma idea includes bunches of factual and information examination. In this way, six sigma measures utilize various procedures in carrying out quality upgrades. Voice of the client, conceptualizing and SIPOC are a couple of models.  True devotees and professionals in the Six Sigma strategy follow a methodology called DMAIC, which represents characterize, measure, dissect, improve, and control. It is a measurably determined procedure that organizations carry out as a psychological system for business measure improvement. The philosophy behind DMAIC is that a business might tackle any apparently unsolvable issue by following the DMAIC steps.  The main impetus behind any Six Sigma project comes from its essential center - \"acquiring advancement enhancements an efficient way by overseeing variety and diminishing imperfections\". This expects us to pose harder inquiries, increase current standards essentially, and power individuals to think out about the case and to be inventive. The goal is to stretch a lot intellectually not actually. To make this excursion effective there is a methodology(s) to help Six Sigma executions. 255 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

14.4 KEYWORDS  Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a strategy that gives associations devices to work on the ability of their business measures.  DMAIC: Define measure, dissect, improve, and control: is an information driven quality system used to further develop measures.  Green Belt: Green belts are gifted cooperative individuals and their point is to further develop measure quality.  Yellow Belt: Yellow Belt is one of the levels of the Lean Six Sigma chain of importance of accreditations. It covers the establishment and fundamentals of the DMAIC approach.  5Why: 5Why is a six sigma strategy that assists with learning the underlying driver of deformities by inquiring \"why\" questions. 14.5 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Collect the data from manufacturing company and analyze the methodology of six sigma. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Explain the six sigma belts by gathering data from the manufacturing industry. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 14.6 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Define Six Sigma. 2. What is the concept of six sigma? 3. What are the benefits of six sigma? 4. List the pros of six sigma. 5. State the cons of six sigma. Long Questions 1. Define the concept of six sigma. 256 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

2. Explain the procedure of six sigma concept. 3. Describe the methodology of six sigma? 4. Explain the six sigma belts? 5. Describe the process of six sigma. B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. Who is the father of Six Sigma? a. Bill Smith b. Deming c. Crosby d. Taguchi 2. What does DPMO stand for? a. Defects per meter opportunities b. Defects per million opportunities c. Defects per month of opportunities d. Defects per millimeter of opportunities 3. Which is not an advantage of using Six Sigma? a. Process improvement b. Product improvement c. Defect reduction d. A decrease in customer satisfaction 4. Which is known by the combination of Six Sigma and lean manufacturing? a. Lean Sigma b. Lean Two Sigma c. Lean Six Sigma d. Lean Three Sigma 5. What is the percentage accuracy in the six-sigma process? a. 99.8% b. 99.1% c. 99.05% d. 99.99966% 257 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

6. In which is the Six Sigma process not applicable? a. Healthcare b. Business administration c. Selecting the best employee of the year d. Supply Chain Answers 1-a, 2-c, 3-c, 4-d, 5-c 14.7 REFERENCES References  Friedman, M. and H. Gitlow. (2002). Six Sigma primer for CPA's. The CPA Journal (November): 56-59  Hostetler, D. (2010). Get results: Improve your accounting firm processes using lean six sigma. Journal of Accountancy (January): 38-43.  Krehbiel, T. C., J. E. Eighme and P. G. Cottell. (2010). Morgan Systems, Inc.: Application of Six Sigma to the finance function. Journal of Accounting Education 27(2): 104-123. Textbooks  Aghili, S. (2009). A six sigma approach to internal audits. Strategic Finance (February): 38-43.  Brook, Q. (2010). Lean Six Sigma and Minitab: The Complete Toolbox Guide for All Lean Six Sigma Practitioners, 3rd edition.. OPEX Resouces Ltd.  Caldwell, C., J. Brexier and T. Gillem. (2005). Lean Six Sigma for Healthcare: A Senior Leader Guide to Improving Cost and Throughput. Productivity Press. Websites  six-sigma   258 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)

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