TOPICS TO BE COVERED 3 ❖ Group Dynamics LEADERSHIP & ❖ Importance of group dynamics ORGANIZATIONAL ❖ Group Structure BEHAVIOR ❖ Group Cohesiveness. ❖ Group Think ❖ Social Loafing LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP DYNAMICS 4 ❑ The social process by which people interact in a group environment. ❑ Group dynamics refers to the attitudinal and behavioral characteristics of a group. ❑ The influences of personality, power and behavior on the group process. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Group Dynamics 5 ❑ The word dynamics means ‘force’. Group dynamics means the study of forces within a group. ❑ The social process by which people interact with each other in small groups can be called group dynamism. ❑ Group dynamics refers to the understanding of behaviour of people in groups that are trying to solve a problem or making a decision. A good manager can act as a facilitator and assist the group in accompanying its objectives and arrive at correct decisions. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Definition 6 According to Keith Davis- “The social process by which people interact face to face in small groups is called group dynamics.” It is concerned with the interaction of individuals in a face-to-face relationship. It focuses on teamwork; wherein small groups are constantly in contact with each other and share their ideas to accomplish the given tasks. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Group Dynamics –Characteristics 7 Group dynamics describes how a group should be organised and operated. This includes pattern of leadership and cooperation. Group dynamics consists of a set of techniques such as role playing, brainstorming, group therapy, sensitivity training etc. Group dynamics deals with internal nature of groups, their formation, structure and process, and the way they affect individual members, other groups and the organisation as a whole. Group dynamics refers to changes which take place within groups and is concerned with the interaction and forces obtained between group members in a social setting. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Importance of Group Dynamism: 8 The group can influence the thinking of its members. The members are always influenced by the interactions of other members in the group. A group with a good leader performs better as compared to a group with weak leader. Group dynamism can furthermore give job satisfaction to the members. The group can also infuse the team spirit among the members. Even the attitude, insights & ideas of members depend on group dynamism. For example, negative thinkers convert to positive thinkers with the help of the facilitator. Also, if the group works as a cohesive group, the cooperation and convergence can result in maximization of productivity Furthermore, group dynamism can reduce labor unrest. Lastly, it reduces labor turnover due to emotional attachment among the group members. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
9 LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP STRUCTURE 10 Group structure is a pattern of relationships among members that hold the group together and help it achieve assigned goals. Structure can be described in a variety of ways. Among the more common considerations are group size, group roles, group norms, and group cohesiveness. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP STRUCTURE… 11 Structure can be described in terms of Group Size Group Roles Group Norms Group Cohesiveness. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP SIZE 12 ❖ Group size can vary from 2 people to a very large number of people. ❖ Small groups of two to ten are thought to be more effective because each member has ample opportunity to participate and become actively involved in the group. ❖ Large groups may waste time by deciding on processes and trying to decide who should participate next. ❖ Group size will affect not only participation but satisfaction as well. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP SIZE… 13 Beyond 10 or 12 members, increasing the size of the group results in decreased satisfaction. It is increasingly difficult for members of large groups to identify with one another and experience cohesion. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP ROLES 14 • In formal groups, roles are usually predetermined and assigned to members. • Each role will have specific responsibilities and duties. • There are emergent roles also that develop naturally to meet the needs of the groups. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP ROLES 15 These emergent roles will often replace the assigned roles as individuals begin to express themselves and become more assertive. The main types of roles are Work role Maintenance role Blocking roles LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
WORK ROLES 16 Work roles are task-oriented activities that involve accomplishing the group's goals. ❑ The initiator :defines problems, proposes action, and suggests procedures ❑ The informer : finds out the facts and give advice or opinions. ❑ Clarifier: will interpret ideas, define terms, and clarify issues for the group. ❑ Summarizers : restate suggestions, offer decisions, and come to conclusions for the group. ❑ Reality testers :analyze ideas and test the ideas in real situations LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
MAINTENANCE ROLE 17 Social-emotional activities that help members maintain their involvement in the group and raise their personal commitment to the group. The maintenance roles are ❖ Harmonizer will reduce tension in the group, reconcile differences, and explore opportunities. ❖ Gatekeepers often keep communication channels open and make suggestions that encourage participation. ❖ Consensus tester will ask if the group is nearing a decision and test possible conclusions. ❖ Encouragers are friendly, warm, and responsive to other group members. ❖ Compromiser: this involves modifying decisions, offering compromises, and admitting errors. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
BLOCKING ROLES 18 are activities that disrupt the group. Blockers will stubbornly resist the group's ideas, disagree with group members for personal reasons, and will have hidden agendas. The dominator role attempts to control conversations by patronizing others. They often interrupt others and assert .authority in order to manipulate members Comedians often abandon the group even though they may physically still be a part.They are attention-getters in ways that are not relevant to the accomplishment of the group's objectives. Avoidance behaviour, involves pursuing goals not related to the group and changing the subject to avoid commitment to the group. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
ROLE AMBIGUITY 19 It concerns the discrepancy between the sent role and the received role. Supervisors, directors, or other group leaders often send (assign) roles to group members in formal groups. Group members receive roles by being ready and willing to undertake the tasks associated with that role. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
ROLE AMBIGUITY ❑ Ambiguity results when members are confused about the delegation of job responsibilities. 20 ❑ This confusion may occur because the members do not have specific job descriptions or because the instructions regarding the task were not clear. ❑ Group members who experience ambiguity often have feelings of frustration and dissatisfaction, which ultimately lead to turnover. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
ROLE CONFLICT 21 Occurs when there is inconsistency between the perceived role and role behavior. There are several different forms of role conflict. Interrole conflict occurs when there is conflict between the different roles that people have. For example, work roles and family roles often compete with one another and cause conflict. Intrarole conflict occurs when individuals must handle conflicting demands from different sources while performing the tasks associated with the same role LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP NORMS. 22 Norms are acceptable standards of behavior within a group that are shared by the members of the group. Norms define the boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP NORMS… 23 They are typically created in order to • facilitate group survival, • make behavior more predictable, • avoid embarrassing situations, .• express the values of the group LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUP COHESIVENESS. 24 Group Cohesion - interpersonal attraction binding group members together. Cohesiveness refers to the bonding of group members and their desire to remain part of the group. Group cohesiveness means the extent to which members of the group stick together and their commitment to each other. It is the affinity which the members share among each other which binds the group as a single unit. It signifies the extent of sincerity and interest of the members to remain in the group. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Characteristics Of Group 25 Cohesiveness ❖ Measure of degree of attachment amongst members. ❖ Provides satisfied group members ❖ Promotes co-operation. ❖ Develops the relationship of mutual trust and confidence. ❖ Promotes attraction towards group. ❖ Ensures faithful members. ❖ Ensures agreement on common decisions. ❖ Promotes proud feeling amongst group members for being the part of group. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Factors Leading to Group 26 Cohesiveness Factor Smaller groups allow for high cohesiveness; Low Group Size cohesiveness groups with many members can benefit from splitting into two groups. Managed Diversity Diverse groups often come up with better solutions. Group Identity Encouraging a group to adopt a unique identity and Success engage in competition with others can increase cohesiveness. Cohesiveness increases with success; finding ways for a group to have some small successes increases cohesiveness. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
ADVANTAGES 27 Groups with high cohesiveness Demonstrate lower tension & anxiety Demonstrate less variation in productivity Demonstrate better member satisfaction, commitment, & communication. Worker satisfaction Low turnover and absenteeism Higher productivity Enables groups to exercise effective control over the members LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
DISADVANTAGES 28 ❖ Highly cohesive groups may be detrimental to organizational performance if their goals are misaligned with organizational goals. .❖ Highly cohesive groups may also be more vulnerable to groupthink LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUPTHINK 29 Groupthink is a psychological phenomenon that occurs within a group of people in which the desire for harmony or conformity in the group results in an irrational or dysfunctional decision-making outcome. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
GROUPTHINK 30 occurs when members of a group exert pressure on each other to come to a consensus in decision making. It results in careless judgments unrealistic appraisals of alternative courses of action a lack of reality testing LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
SOCIAL LOAFING 31 Social loafing is the phenomenon of a person exerting less effort to achieve a goal when they work in a group than when working alone. It is seen as one of the main reasons groups are sometimes less productive than the combined performance of their members working as individuals Results in lower group performance failure to attain group goals LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
Summary 32 ❖ Cohesion can be thought of as a kind of social glue. It refers to the degree of camaraderie within the group. Cohesive groups are those in which members are attached to each other and act as one unit. ❖ Social loafing refers to the tendency of individuals to put in less effort when working in a group context. ❖ Groupthink is a group pressure phenomenon that increases the risk of the group making flawed decisions by allowing reductions in mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment. ❖ Collective efficacy refers to a group’s perception of its ability to successfully perform well LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
MCQ 33 1. The social process by which people interact with each other in small groups can be called . a. Group Behaviour b. Group Dynamics c. Group Cohesiveness d. Group Norms 2. Group decision making process is consistent with demographic ideals. a. Increased legitimacy b. Increased acceptance of a solution c. Increased diversity of views d. More information and knowledge 3. An individual with expertise in group process can be helpful in the role of . a. Mentor b. Facilitator c. Expert d. None of these 4. theory states that two or more individuals interact with each other as they have common attitudes and values. a. Balance theory b. Exchange theory c. Both a & bd. None of these 5. is also called as socio-psychological theory. a. Balance theory b. Exchange theory c. Both a & b d. None of these Answers 1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
FAQ’S Q1. Define Group Dynamics? 34 Ans. “ Group dynamics involve the study and analysis of how people interact and communicate with each other in face to face small groups. The study of group dynamics provides a vehicle to analyze group communications with the intent of rendering the groups more effective.” Q2. Importance/ Benefits/ Advantages of Group Cohesiveness ? Ans. Less absenteeism. Less employees’ turnover. Satisfied work force. Healthy work environment. Motivated group members. High Productivity. Completion of Targets before time. Individual growth. Organizational growth. Q3.What is meant by Social Loafing? Ans Social loafing refers to the tendency of individuals to put in less effort when working in a group context LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
REFERENCES 35 • R1, Marlene Caroselli, “Leadership Skills for Managers”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publication, New Delhi. • R2 Aswathappa A, “Organizational Behaviour – Text Cases and Games”, 13thEdition, Himalayan Publishing House, India. ISBN: 9789352990887. Textbooks: • T1 Kevin Dalton, “Leadership and Management Development: Developing Tomorrow’s Managers”, 1 st Edition, Pearson Education, India, ISBN: 9789332511194. • T2 George, J. and Jones, G.R, “Understanding and Managing Organization Behaviour”, 5 thEdition, Pearson Education, India, ISBN:9788131724965. LEADERSHIP & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (21MBA613) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL
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