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B.A. 2ENGLISH LITERATURE - I All right are reserved with CU-IDOL ENGLISH LITERATURE - I Course Code: BAQ 105 Semester: First SLM Unit : 8 E-Lesson: 7 Unit-8 (BAQ105)

ENGLISH LITERATURE - I OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION 33 After studying this unit, you will be able to: In poetry, a stanza (/'stænzə/; from Italian Poets have been using stanzas in their works for thousands of years. stanza ['stantsa], “room”) is a grouped set of Many religious texts and works such as the lines within a poem, usually set off from Old English epic Beowulf are written with stanzas other stanzas by a blank line or indentation. The purpose of stanzas, whether in longer works or short poems, is to break the images and Stanzas can have regular rhyme and information into shorter pieces. metrical schemes, though stanzas are not strictly required to have either. Stanzas are also important in formal poems in which there is a strict meter and rhyme scheme. Unit-8 (BAQAQ10150)1) INASlTl ITriUgThEt OarFeDrIeSsTeArNvCeEd AwNitDh OCNUL-IIDNOE LLEARNING

TOPICS TO BE COVERED 4 > Types of Stanza Forms ENGLISH LITERATURE - I > Examples of Heroic Couplets > Spensarian Stanza Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

TYPES OF STANZA FORMS 5  The Monostich A monostich is a one line stanza. It also refers to a one line poem. It expresses a complete thought.  The Couplet This stanza form is made up of two lines. Since it has only two lines, they must rhyme. Also, classical couplets have the same meter and rhythm. William Shakespeare’s sonnets often end with a couplet, to summarize the theme of the specific poems.  The Tercet The tercet has 3 lines. You can use the tercet as a whole poem. The Haiku is an example of a tercet poem. When a three line stanza rhymes, it is called a triplet.  The Quatrain Quatrain is the official term for a stanza of four lines. There is no limit to this stanza form -it can rhyme or not, it can have a regular meter or not.  The Sestet/Sestain The sestet stanza form has six lines. There is no limit, you may rhyme or not. The Sestina type of poem applies this effectively. Although the last stanza of a sestina is a tercet. Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

TYPES OF STANZA FORMS 6  The Septet The septet stanza form has seven lines. As long as the stanza has seven lines it is a septet  The Octave/Octet The octave stanza form has eight lines in any meter and rhyme scheme.  The Dizain Stanza The dizain derives its name from French literature. Dix-pronounced \"diz\" means \"ten\" in French  .Heroic Couplet Heroic Couplets are paired, rhyming lines of poetry (usually iambic pentameter) found in epic or long narrative English poetry and translations.  Definition of a Couplet A couplet is two lines of poetry that are right next to each other. Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

EXAMPLES OF HEROIC COUPLETS 7  So let’s go through our checklist: 1. Couplets? Yes. The passage consists of two pairs of lines that are closed grammatical units. 2. Rhyme/meter? Check and check. These lines are tight iambic pentameter and rhymed (with a near rhyme between “join’d” and “declin’d”). 3. Heroic? Absolutely. Few writings are more heroic than “The Aeneid.” The Mock-Heroic and Alexander Pope Mock-heroic poems are thought to have been a response to the deluge of epic, pastoral, heroic poems that were being written in the 17th century. As with any cultural trend or movement, people were looking for something new, something that would subvert the established aesthetic norms (think Dada or Weird Al Yankovic). So writers and poets took the form and context of the heroic or epic poem and played around with it. Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

Spensarian Stanza 8  Spenserian stanza, verse form that consists of eight iambic pentameter lines followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet (an alexandrine); the rhyme scheme is ABABBCBCC.  The first eight lines produce an effect of formal unity, while the hexameter completes the thought of the stanza.  It was revived in the 19th century by the Romantic poets — e.g., Byron in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, Keats in ‘The Eve of St. Agnes,’ and Shelley in ‘Adonais.’ cCegQIABAA&oq=Spensarian+S Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

SUMMARY The purpose of stanzas, whether in longer works or short poems, is to break the images and information 9 into shorter pieces. Stanzas are also important in formal poems in which there is a strict meter and rhyme scheme. In the time of troubadours and oral literature, stanzas had even greater importance because they were helpful tools for the speaker to memorize long works. Blank verse is poetry with a consistent meter but no formal rhyme scheme. Unlike free verse, blank verse has a measured beat. In English, the beat is usually iambic pentameter, but other metrical patterns can be used. From William Shakespeare to Robert Frost, many of the greatest writers in the English language embraced the blank verse form: Blank Verse: Poetry that has a consistent meter but no formal rhyme scheme. Meter: The pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a poem. Free Verse: Poetry that does not have a rhyme or a consistent metrical pattern. Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

Frequently Asked Questions 10 1. Write the importance of stanza. (For more information see SLM) Answer: Stanzas are also important in formal poems in which there is a strict meter and rhyme scheme. In the ti me of troubadours and oral literature, stanzas had even greater importance because they were helpful tools f or the speaker to memorize long works. 2. Explain about the Blank verse poetic form. (For more information see SLM) Answer: Blank verse is poetry with a consistent meter but no formal rhyme scheme. Unlike free verse, blank vers e has a measured beat Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 How many lines does a Spensarian stanza have? 11 (a) Seven (b) Eight (c) Nine (d) Ten 2. Quintain is __________lines stanza. (a) four (b) five (c) two (d) no fixed number of lines 3. Blank Verse has______ which the free verse doesn’t. (a) meter (b) rhyme scheme (c) fixed number of lines (d) meaning Answers: 1.(c) 2.(b) 3.(a) Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

REFERENCES 12 1. 2. 3. 4. Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

13 THANK YOU For queries Email:[email protected] Unit-8 (BAQ105) All right are reserved with CU-IDOL

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