Ease of Use: Most users of internet browsing on their mobile phones instead of their desktops or laptops. This makes classified SEO ads very easy to use. These ads also show up easily on searches, which makes it easy and convenient for the marketer as well. Economical: You can pay for classified ads if you wish to. But there are a number of free classified ad options available. This makes such ads a very economical way to promote your brands, products, and services. Fast: A big benefit of classified SEO ads is that they can be created and deployed in very little time. When you compare that to the process for posting offline ads in traditional media, the end to end cycle is much longer. Location neutral: The biggest difference of classified SEO ads with conventional ads is that these ads are not limited by geography. A company in Japan which inserts a classified SEO Ad would have its ad seen by internet users in Europe as well. That makes it possible for a company to expand its sales footprint to several countries at the same time. Better traction: Finally, the biggest benefit of classified SEO ads is that they help in improving the engagement on your website or blog. A visitor might come to your website attracted by your ad, but while there, he or she might navigate to other parts of the website as well. While we discussed classified ads and what their benefits are, there are some things which need to be kept while using them. Let us look at three important aspects. 9.5.3Things to Keep In Mind While good content in classified ads helps to get traffic to the website, the opposite also holds true. If the content is not up to the mark, it can drive people away from the website before they have had a chance to browse all the sections of the website. Too much of a good thing is often bad. You need to ensure that you also optimize the frequency of classified ads, otherwise, it becomes akin to spamming. People will then start avoiding the website. Like any content, not just the quality but also the accuracy is important. The classified ad must not only have informative content, but the information it contains should not have false data or wrong details. List Of some famous Classified Ads Sites www.olx.in www.allindiaads.com www.boostime.in www.quikr.com www.freelocalclassifi www.expressclassi www.classifieds.sule edads.in fieds.in kha.com www.asianclassified. www.locanto.in www.indialist.com www.citybazaar.in com 23 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
www.indiabook.com www.freeads.in www.indianadz.co www.hindustanlink.c www.indiaclassifieds. m om www.epageindia.co com www.citytimes.in m www.viewmyclassifi www.localadsindia www.bhartiads.com www.tips4india.in ed.com .com www.justforindian.co www.justeclick.co mm www.goforads.com www.classicsads.com www.classifieds.shop mania.in 9.5.4 Classified Ad Posting Online classified advertising is that the process of advertising a product or service by writing a stimulating description about it. the outline can comprise of the name, telephone number , address, website url, price, email address and an image of the merchandise or service being promoted. it's called classified advertising because all the advertisements that pertain to a specific category are classified under one heading. for instance , cars that are available on hire or purchasable would be classified under automobiles. The process of classified advertisement posting involves the subsequent steps: Identifying classified ad posting directories In order to profit from classified advertisement posting, it's important to make sure that the directories have an honest page rank. you'll also use Alexa to understand the location rank and also identify the sites that link thereto . this may help in building your classified advertising directory list. Post the ads in those directories that have a high potential of consumers . The more the purchasers , the higher is that the visibility. do not forget the web marketing rule of 5 which says to post your classified advertisement to a minimum of 5 sites. Guideline for classified ad posting Each directory has its own guidelines for accepting and rejecting classified ad postings. Before you submit your classified ads to a directory, it is good to read the guidelines mentioned there. Creating your classified advertisement This is the foremost important step of all. Identify the merchandise or service that you simply want to sell first. Then keeping that in mind write a brief ad of less than 500 characters that describes the product/service and also emphasizes the advantages of it. 24 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
you'll use Microsoft Word as an honest tool to edit your ad and also correct the spelling mistakes and grammar. Tracking and testing Once you've got submitted your classified advertisement to a directory, it's important to understand which ad is converting the foremost and also from which directory. this may assist you to concentrate your efforts where required and obtain the utmost results. do not forget Pareto's Law. 80% of the business comes from 20% of the purchasers . Concentrate your efforts on those 20 classified advertisement directories that convert, and you'll achieve this by continuously tracking them. By this you'll come to understand the conversion rate. Classified ad syndication Identify sites where you'll place one classified ad and from there it gets posted to multiple sites. This includes API also as RSS. this may help in getting your advertisement published in many places in order that the visibility increases. Promoting your classified advertisement Tip 1: Once you have published your ad, the next step would be to Social Bookmark it in cities like Delicious, Propeller, Digg, etc. Tip 2: Subscribe to a RSS Feed Classified advertising can be useful for certain types of marketing, but it also has some limitations. Pros Very effective for products and services that are local. Brick and mortar businesses or businesses that need to operate locally often use classified ads to promote their products, services, or job openings to a particular location. In many cases, readers of a particular set of classified ads tend to fall into a certain demographic. Niche magazine’s classifieds, for instance, would clearly be ideal for anyone targeting that specific industry. Cons Though often cheap, classifieds are also often limited in scope and reach. Classifieds have lost much of their market share to newer ad formats or been replaced by sites such as craigslist. And while those types of classified sites can be useful for promoting certain types of products, they also have regulations and user-operated spam filters. There are rules against promoting, for instance, affiliate products or postings intended to drive traffic to a site. 25 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
9.6 SUMMARY Classified SEO ads are one of the simplest ways of promoting your business and your brands. They can be done for free as well. They are a convenient way to stand out among all your competitors. The most common use of advertisements is in optimizing the traffic on the web site or blog. But the utilization of advertisements must be done smartly so on get the simplest benefit out of it.Website traffic isn't a static target and is more like flowing water. Blogs form a crucial medium to convert the visitors into your customers. The main difference is that program Optimization (SEO) is concentrated on optimizing an internet site so as to urge traffic from organic search results. On the opposite hand, the goal of program Marketing (SEM) is to urge traffic and visibility from both organic and paid search. 9.7 KEYWORDS UXUser Experience RedditSocial news website and forum where content is socially curated and promoted by site members through voting DCXDigital Customer Experience SpamsMessages we do not request, and we do not want or with an unknown sender, usually sent though mass mailing. NewslettersA bulletin issued periodically to the members of a society or other organization 9.8 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Checkout various online travel blog and try to create your own blog through WordPress and keep sharing the blogs in social medias _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 2. Take a list of some of the famous classified’s sites and analyze them_ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 26 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
9.8 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short questions 1. Explain SEO and its techniques in detail 2. Define SEM and explain how it works with example 3. Write an overview of SEM 4. Explain the role of Keywords, its tools and types 5. What is classified ad posting? Long Questions 1. Differentiate between SEO & SEM 2. Define Blogging and explain the steps involved in Blog Marketing 3. Discuss the Pro's and Cons of Blog Marketing 4. Give the importance of Blogging 5. Explain in detail the classified advertisement, with its uses and benefits B. Multiple choice questions 1. __________ is the search engine with the highest market share in most countries in the world. a. Google b. Facebook c. Instagram d. YouTube 2. Keywords are the terms or phases that users use to search something on ________. a. Internet b. E-Mail c. Social-Medias d. Brochures. 3. The percentage obtained is known as keyword density, and it must be over 2 % and below ______. a. 5% b. 10% c. 8% d. 6% 27 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
4. Quality ___________ links could also be improved by registering a website on general or theme-based directories a. External b. Hyper c. Both d. Internal 5. An ad usually has a title of less than _____characters linked to the destination site a. 20 b. 25 c. 18 d. 23 Answers 1-a, 2-a, 3-a, 4-d, 5-b 9.9 REFERENCES https://mailchimp.com/resources/how-to-do-keyword-research/ https://neilpatel.com/blog/search-vs-social/ Understanding Digital Marketing—Basics and Actions https://www.optimizely.com/optimization-glossary/search-engine-marketing/ https://www.thebalancesmb.com/blog-marketing-1794404 https://www.gsearchinc.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-classified-seo-ads/ http://www.seotrafficspider.com/classified-adposting.php https://www.codefuel.com/blog/classified-advertising-vs-paid-advertising-for- marketing/ \"The State of Search Engine Marketing 2006\". Search Engine Land. February 8, 2007. Retrieved 2007-06-07. \"Does SEM = SEO + CPC Still Add Up?\". searchengineland.com. 2010-03-04. Retrieved 2010-03-05. \"IAB: Search Was 50% Of US Digital Ad Spend In 2014, Desktop Still Bigger Than Mobile\". searchengineland.com. 22 April 2015. Retrieved 15 March 2018. Elliott, Stuart (March 14, 2006). \"More Agencies Investing in Marketing With a Click\". New York Times. Retrieved 2007-06-07. \"Top 5 Desktop Tables and Console Search Engine Market Share\". statcounter.com. October 2016. Retrieved November 23, 2016. 28 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Rialp, Alex; Rialp, Josep (2006), International Marketing Research: Opportunities and Challenges in the 21st Century, Advances in International Marketing, 17, Bingley: Emerald (MCB UP ), pp. 1–13, doi:10.1016/s1474-7979(06)17019- 2, ISBN 0-7623-1369-2 \"Engine sells results, draws fire\". news.cnet.com. June 21, 1996. Retrieved 2007- 06-09. \"GoTo Sells Positions\". searchenginewatch.com. March 3, 1998. Archived from the original on October 11, 2007. Retrieved 2007-06-09. \"GoTo gambles with new name\". news.cnet.com. September 10, 2001. Retrieved 2007-06-09. Jansen, B. J. (May 2007). \"The Comparative Effectiveness of Sponsored and Nonsponsored Links for Web E-commerce Queries\" (PDF). ACM Transactions on the Web. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2008-12-30. Retrieved 2007- 06-09. \"Microsoft-Yahoo Deal Gets Green Light\". informationweek.com. February 18, 2010. Retrieved 2010-07-15. \"Does SEM = SEO + CPC Still Add Up?\". search engine land.com. March 4, 2010. Retrieved 2013-10-06. \"Mobile-Friendly Test - Google Search Console\". www.google.com. Retrieved 15 March 2018. Boughton, S. B. (2005). Search engine marketing. Perspectives in business, 20(4), 195-202. Sen, R. (2005). Optimal search engine marketing strategy. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 10(1), 9-25. Skiera, B., Eckert, J., & Hinz, O. (2010). An analysis of the importance of the long tail in search engine marketing. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 9(6), 488-494. Zawodny, Jeremy (2004-03-01). \"Defending Paid Inclusions\". Ulbrich, Chris (2004-07-06). \"Paid Inclusion Losing Charm?\". Wired News. \"FAQ #18: How do I register my site/URL with Ask so that it will be indexed?\". Ask.com. Archived from the original on 2012-07-07. Retrieved 2008-12-19. Julian Connors (2016-10-06). \"PPC + SEO = match made in marketing heaven\". Retrieved 2017-04-26. Susan Ward (2011). \"Social Media Marketing\". About.com. Retrieved 2011-04- 22. \"False Oracles: Consumer Reaction to Learning the Truth About How Search Engines Work (Abstract)\". consumerwebwatch.org. June 30, 2003. Retrieved 2007-06-09. 29 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
\"Searching for Disclosure: How Search Engines Alert Consumers to the Presence of Advertising in Search Results\". consumerwebwatch.org. November 8, 2004. Retrieved 2007-06-09. \"Still in Search of Disclosure: Re-evaluating How Search Engines Explain the Presence of Advertising in Search Results\". consumerwebwatch.org. June 9, 2005. Retrieved 2007-06-09. \"Re: Complaint Requesting Investigation of Various Internet Search Engine Companies for Paid Placement or (Pay per click)\". ftc.gov. June 22, 2002. Archived from the original on July 23, 2013. Retrieved 2007-06-09. \"Update to U.S. ad text trademark policy\". adwords.blogspot.com. May 14, 2009. Retrieved 2010-07-15. Rosso, Mark; Jansen, Bernard (Jim) (August 2010), \"Brand Names as Keywords in Sponsored Search Advertising\", Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 27 (1): 81–98, doi:10.17705/1CAIS.02706 David O. Klein & Joshua R. Wueller, Trademark Enforcement and Internet Search Advertising: A Regulatory Risk for Brand Owners, IP Litigator, Nov./Dec. 2016. Google Inc (2007). \"Google Adwords Case Study\" (PDF). AccuraCast. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 June 2017. Retrieved 2011-03-30. Jump up to:a b c Zheng Xiang; Bing Pan; Rob Law & Daniel R. Fesenmaier (June 7, 2010). \"Assessing the Visibility of Destination Marketing Organizations in Google: A Case Study of Convention and Visitor Bureau Websites in the United States\" (PDF). Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing. Retrieved 2011-04-22. Bing Pan, Zheng Xiang, Rob Law and Daniel R. Fesenmaier (June 7, 2010). \"The Dynamics of Search Engine Marketing for Tourist Destinations\". Journal of Travel Research. 50 (4): 365– 377. doi:10.1177/0047287510369558. S2CID 14193592. https://www.connectionmodel.com/blog/why-blogging-is-an-important-part-of- digital-marketing https://www.accuracast.com/articles/social-marketing/what-is-blog-marketing/ https://www.vezadigital.com/post/why-blogging-is-a-powerful-key-component- to-any-digital-marketing-strategy https://www.bmconsulting.in/blog/why-blogging-is-an-important-part-of-digital- marketing/ 30 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
UNIT – 10: DIGITAL MARKETING PLAN STRUCTURE 10.0 Learning Objective 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Understanding the market 10.3 Digital Marketing Strategy 10.4 Digital Marketing Plan 10.4.1 Situational Analysis 10.5 10.4.2 Goal Setting 10.6 10.4.3 Planning a strategy 10.7 10.4.4 Action and control 10.8 Digital Marketing Analysis 10.9 Brand awareness 10.10 Sharing economy 10.11 Summary 10.12 Keywords Learning activity Unit end questions References 10.0 LEARNING OBJECTIVES After studying this unit, the student will be able to To understand the digital market and learning to build a digital marketing plan To know the steps of digital marketing analysis Understand Digital Marketing Strategy Explain Digital Marketing Plan 10.1 INTRODUCTION A digital marketing plan may be a strategic document that takes the present situation of a specific organization to line some midterm goals and to work out the strategy and means to accomplish them. This document also describes the responsibilities, the time-frame and control tools for monitoring. The aims of a digital marketing plan include discussing organizations and their environment. Likewise, it must be a roadmap of the way to manage the organization’s marketing strategy, in order that resources are properly allocated. The plan also helps control and evaluate output and tackle any potential deviation from the organization’s expected outcomes. during this line, a marketing plan becomes a versatile document that has got to be adapted to things of the corporate which 1 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
must feed into the results obtained by each of the actions developed, especially within the digital arena. 10.2 UNDERSTANDING THE MARKET One way marketers can reach bent consumers and understand their thought process is thru what's called an empathy map. An empathy map may be a four-step process. the primary step is thru asking questions that the buyer would be thinking in their demographic. The second step is to explain the emotions that the buyer could also be having. The third step is to believe what the buyer would say in their situation. the ultimate step is to imagine what the buyer will attempt to do supported the opposite three steps. This map is so marketing teams can put themselves in their target demographics shoes. Web Analytics also are a really important thanks to understand consumers. They show the habits that folks have online for every website. One particular sort of these analytics is predictive analytics which helps marketers find out what route consumers are on. This uses the knowledge gathered from other analytics then creates different predictions of what people will do in order that companies can strategize on what to try to to next, consistent with the people's trends. ● Consumer behavior- the habits or attitudes of a consumer that influences the buying process of a product or service. Consumer behavior impacts virtually every stage of the buying process specifically in relation to digital environments and devices. ● Predictive analytics- a form of data mining that involves utilizing existing data to predict potential future trends or behaviors. Can assist companies in predicting future behavior of customers. ● Buyer persona- employing research of consumer behavior regarding habits like brand awareness and buying behavior to profile prospective customers. Establishing a buyer persona helps a company better understand their audience and their specific wants/needs. ● Marketing Strategy- strategic planning employed by a brand to determine potential positioning within a market as well as the prospective target audience; involves two key elements: segmentation and positioning. By developing a marketing strategy, a company is able to better anticipate and plan for each step in the marketing and buying process. 10.3 DIGITAL MARKETING STRATEGY Planning Digital marketing planning may be a term utilized in marketing management. It describes the primary stage of forming a digital marketing strategy for the broader digital 2 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
marketing system. The difference between digital and traditional marketing planning is that it uses digitally based communication tools and technology like Social, Web, Mobile, Scannable Surface. Nevertheless, both are aligned with the vision, the mission of the corporate and therefore the overarching business strategy. Stages of planning Using Dr Dave Chaffey's approach, the digital marketing planning (DMP) has three main stages: Opportunity, Strategy, and Action. He suggests that any business looking to implement a successful digital marketing strategy must structure their plan by looking at opportunity, strategy and action. This generic strategic approach often has phases of situation review, goal setting, strategy formulation, resource allocation and monitoring. 1) Opportunity To create an effective DMP, a business first needs to review the marketplace and set 'SMART' (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-Bound) objectives. They can set SMART objectives by reviewing the current benchmarks and key performance indicators (KPIs) of the company and competitors. It is pertinent that the analytics used for the KPIs be customized to the type, objectives, mission, and vision of the company. Companies can scan for marketing and sales opportunities by reviewing their own outreach as well as influencer outreach. This means they have competitive advantage because they are able to analyze their co-marketers influence and brand associations. To seize the opportunity, the firm should summarize its current customers' personas and purchase journey from this they are able to deduce their digital marketing capability. This means they need to form a clear picture of where they are currently and how many resources they can allocate for their digital marketing strategy i.e. labor, time, etc. By summarizing the purchase journey, they can also recognize gaps and growth for future marketing opportunities that will either meet objectives or propose new objectives and increase profit. 2) Strategy To create a planned digital strategy, the company must review their digital proposition (what you are offering to consumers) and communicate it using digital customer targeting techniques. So, they must define online value proposition (OVP), this means the company must express clearly what they are offering customers online e.g. brand positioning. The company should also (re)select target market segments and personas and define digital targeting approaches. 3 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
After doing this effectively, it is important to review the marketing mix for online options. The marketing mix comprises the 4Ps – Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. Some academics have added three additional elements to the traditional 4Ps of marketing Process, Place, and Physical appearance making it 7Ps of marketing. 3) Action The third and final stage requires the firm to set a budget and management systems; these must be measurable touchpoints, such as the audience reached across all digital platforms. Furthermore, marketers must ensure the budget and management systems are integrating the paid, owned, and earned media of the company. The Action and final stage of planning also requires the company to set in place measurable content creation e.g. oral, visual or written online media. After confirming the digital marketing plan, a scheduled format of digital communications (e.g. Gantt Chart) should be encoded throughout the internal operations of the company. This ensures that all platforms used fall in line and complement each other for the succeeding stages of digital marketing strategy. 10.4 DIGITAL MARKETING PLAN The development of a web marketing plan is analogous to a standard one in its structure, but it also includes some variations at an operational level. In fact, this suggests not only that some specific strategies and tools are to be developed, but also that the volubility of the digital media and its capacity for immediate measurement force organizations to develop a technique which will be revised within the short term, also because the iterative process between action and control. An online marketing plan may be a document in line with the company’s strategic plan that sets goals of an activity within the digital environment, also because the what, how, when, who and why (6 Ws) of Web presence. There are different options regarding the structure of a marketing plan. We advocate for a four-phase structure as this is often simple and clear to plan for any action’s strategy. 4 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
10.4.1 Situational Analysis One of the foremost relevant parts of any strategic document is that the definition of the baseline situation of the organization and its environment. This analysis allows for the event of an action plan that's reality based and shall therefore minimize the risks within the development of a technique . The start line of any situational analysis is to define the mission, vision and values of the organization. This definition helps guide any marketing action. The mission defines the chore of the company, its essence. This definition usually includes the work or activity of the organization, reference to its audience, business models and the singularity or differential factor of the organization’s mission responds to questions such as who am I?where do I come from?, what do I do?, whom do I address?, what is my field of operations? And what is my competitive edge? The vision must describe the future goals of the organization in a short and concise way. These goals must be realistic and achievable in order to motivate all stakeholders in their achievement. The organization’s vision answers questions such as where am I going to?, what do I long to be? and where do I want to be? The values are the principles that guide the business culture and that the organization—must—fulfil in all its activities. Once we've defined these three essential aspects from a communicational and strategic perspective, subsequent step is that the development of an internal–external analysis of the organization. An internal analysis has relevancy to work out weaknesses and strengths, and it must address aspects associated with production, commerce, organizational and financial issues, also because the attitude of management. For an external analysis, the goal is to work out the threats and opportunities, thus considering the precise environment (products, clients, competitors and suppliers), also 5 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
because the general environment, namely the ecological, technological, economic, legal, political or socio-cultural constrains. Both analyses cause a SWOT matrix. A digital marketing plan, aside from being a study of the organization and its environment, must analyze its online presence and position. This study shall help determine a concrete digital strategy and shall help compare its results with the initial situation. during this sense, the subsequent must be developed: Monitoring of the organization’s keywords, competition and sector (some useful tools are mentioned, Google Alerts, Hootsuite). Web positioning assessment of the organization and its platforms (e.g. Google search or Alexa ranking). Social network evaluation. Presence, activity, influence, etc. (here tools, such asKlout, PeerIndex and Kreed, become relevant). Competition benchmarking and main influencers in the sector present on digital media. Specific SWOT. In order to finish the situational analysis, audiences must be defined, with special attention to the target group, without neglecting the remaining stakeholders. This description must also specialize in the presence and activities of those audiences within the digital world: active presence in platforms and services, access devices, usage times, contents of interest, main activities, etc. The explanation of audiences must be very detailed in trying to regulate the proposal both to the important needs of these users and to their aspirations and frustrations. This phase helps determine the organization and its situation within the environment during which it operates and, more particularly, within the digital world. From this information, the potential and gaps of the organization are often identified to style a future strategy. 10.4.2 Goal Setting Setting goals is one of the key phases in any marketing plan. Goal setting offers an idea of where the organization is going, and it enables adjustments to the marketing strategy. Goal setting must follow SMART criteria Specific: simple and easy to understand. Measurable: they can be measured through any kind of quantitative or qualitative unit. Assignable: they can be assigned and implemented by a member of the company. Realistic: with accessible resources, goals can be achieved in a realistic framework. Time-related: they must have a time frame to achieve them. In the specific field of online marketing, such goals must even be flexible to adapt to the changes within the company and Web evolution and reached through a consensus. 6 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Many of the actions of digital marketing are horizontal—for example actions on social media—and involve different departments within the company; therefore, consensus is vital . In an online marketing plan, the most usual types of goals are as follows: Scope goals. Activity goals. Conversion goals. Loyalty goals. Once these goals are set, they need to be implemented through key performance indicators. These indicators enable measurement and monitoring. 10.4.3 Planning a Strategy In order to accomplish the planned goals, a selected strategy must be defined. a technique is that the implemented scheme to realize such goals. This strategy materializes in activities that are the ways planned to realize such goals. a web marketing strategy is predicated on the model of a marketing funnel suggested by Strong as a development of the AIDA model (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action). The transformation of selling in recent decades and thus the particularities of the digital world have allowed for a revision of this marketing model in order that it captures the conversion strategy, also because the loyalty strategy, key within the online world. There are several proposals, aside from Awareness, Consideration, Preference and Action (an update of the AIDA model phases within the current context), two new states must be incorporated: loyalty and advocacy. Like Strong’s model, each phase means a better level of commitment, and therefore, loyalty and advocacy are at rock bottom of the model. However, within the online world, loyalty and support for the brand can cause change consumers into prescribers, thus increasing the scope of the organization’s action, which could lead on to an expansion of its consumer base. within the phase of determining a technique , means and actions must even be defined. the interpretation of conventional marketing to the online , also because the multiplication of two .0 platforms and services, has stressed the complexity of the new media reality. 7 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
While the classification of paid, earned and owned media has been a continuing in marketing, within the past differences within the three categories were clearly defined. Most marketing initiatives focused on paid media, while owned and earned media were wont to reinforce and amplify advertising messages. Loss in efficacy in advertising and therefore the appearance of the social Web has led to rethinking this model by blurring the lines between different media types. Their convergence is taking root in digital channels, rapidly moving from one sort of media to a different . Companies must know and mix the three sorts of media so as to make sure greater effectiveness within the building process of their own audiences. In the context during which users are more critical with the organizations and during which peer assessment is given more credit than brands, earned media become key against paid or owned media. Many funds are often allocated to advertisement, but one cannot force consumers to assess their experience or recommend a product or service especially. Any comment a few particular brand on Internet can have a measurable impact in terms of scope; therefore, the goal of organizations is to possess a big relationship with their users in order that they convert into consumers and, on a better level of commitment, prescribers. Despite the rise in relevance of earned media, the three types must be used in a coordinated fashion to maximize the efficiency of a digital marketing strategy. Owned media Corporate channels such as websites, social network profiles and mobile apps. These channels are unique, and organizations have total control over their content within the limits of each platform. Owned media offer avenues for most content distributed by the organization, and thus, they become the backbone of the digital strategy of a brand. However, due to the fact that they are biased communication, they do not always have the push or scope needed. 8 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Earned media Content about the brand developed by external users, for free. Earned media is essentially online word of mouth: mentions, shares, reposts, reviews, recommendations, product reviews on specialized Webs or assessments on online shops or specific social platforms (e.g. Ciao! or TripAdvisor). Peer recommendation is essential in the current context, as it is perceived as genuine and unbiased, as brands lack control over them. One of the most effective tactics to get public support for brands is to combine a good organic positioning in browsers (SEO) with a good content strategy. Paid media These are spaces or content that the brand had to pay for. They tend to be used to foster or increase the scope of the messages and initiatives of the brand in owned or earned media, as well as to improve their output. Apart from advertisement display and advertisement in social media, earned media includes retargeting, Pay Per Click, promoted tweets, paid reviews in specialized blogs or recommendations by influencers on social media (they should be identified as such). Good management of paid media fosters content for earned media, as well as increasing traffic in owned media. Such an increase in the Web can lead to sales of a product or services. Each of those media offers their own advantages and scenarios; therefore, using them complementary can cause accomplishing the set goals. All of them contribute to the event of a digital marketing strategy, although each brand must analyze what media is more appropriate for them and on which the return on investment (understood in its widest sense) is higher. Despite the very fact that actions in digital marketing have changed to adapt to new platforms and users, a number of the foremost relevant in terms of use and results are e- commerce, Web search marketing, e-mail marketing and social media marketing. Their features and methods are developed within the following sections. 10.4.4 Action and Control In the process of fixing a technique , an outsized number of actions are defined, and therefore the possible theme areas for the event of content or keywords are listed (e.g. 9 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
within the Social Media Plan). Likewise, the event of every strategy requires time getting to program implementation. In this sense, an important a part of any digital marketing strategy is that the scheduling of tasks and timing for every of them. within the case of selling strategies supported a limited number of tools—or example a branding campaign where a Facebook profile and newsletter are exclusively used—the content of every of the actions (publication, sending the newsletter) are often briefly mentioned within the scheduled. Likewise, for online marketing strategies linked to traditional marketing, offline actions need to be included within the schedule whenever they're interdependent on online tasks. Scheduling means assigning tasks within the digital marketing strategy, with clear indication of who is liable for each action. Therefore, all departments within the organization should have a replica of the marketing plan, especially those departments and professionals involved in its proper development. within the action phase, the value of various actions planned must even be considered. during this estimate, both technical and operational costs associated with the implementation and monitoring of the web strategy are to be clearly included, especially those associated with websites or online shops. within the case of other 2.0 tools, despite the very fact that the majority of them are free for the event of selling strategies, the value of the professional developing and monitoring the strategy must be included or, otherwise, training of staff and buy of specific management tools for the strategy, its monitoring and output assessment. Constant feedback and quantitative data of interactions leave constant control of the planned strategy’s evolution. However, dates must be set to assess the various actions and tools intimately , watching the precise features of every of them. This can be a quarterly evaluation for SEO, monthly for the company Web or weekly for a few strategies on social media. These actions are often reviewed and corrected counting on the output of every individual action; however, the worth of the event of the entire strategy must be periodically assessed. Generally speaking, 4–6-month intervals are recommended for such assessments, always taking under consideration the entire duration of the digital strategy and therefore the sort of techniques used. The conclusions to review the strategic document shall be drawn from this process. This document has got to be updated to maximize the efficiency of the subsequent implementation phase. At the top of every phase, the method shall be repeated. 10.5DIGITAL MARKETING ANALYTICS 10 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Measuring the effectiveness of digital marketing is one among the best challenges facing organizations today. Successfully evaluating the impact of selling campaigns requires the utilization of comprehensive digital marketing analytics. When most marketers hear the term \"digital analytics,\" however, they have a tendency to consider the web-based metrics typically related to familiar analytics like Google Analytics which analyzes traffic, bounce rate, and unique visitors. But this is often just the tip of the marketing insights iceberg. While web analytics can provide you with a wealth of insight into the performance of your website, marketers need richer data to know the impact of their marketing campaigns on conversion rates and therefore the buyer's journey. Digital marketing analytics, meanwhile, offers a way more comprehensive view of what is working (and what isn't) when it involves your marketing strategy. Regardless of how you fit into your company’s marketing mix, learning the way to understand and leverage digital marketing analytics is incredibly important. Analytics data not only tells you if your marketing is functioning , but it also tells you exactly how and where you'll improve. this sort of insight can benefit everyone. That’s why we built this guide. we would like you to master marketing analytics so your business can grow better. Below, we’ll mention what marketing metrics to watch , the way to read and apply them to your marketing decisions, and the way to leverage them to grow your business and bottom line. Digital marketing analytics are the interpretation of customer behavior into actionable business data. Digital analytics tools can help companies understand what consumers they’re online, why doing it, and the way this behavior are often converted into digital marketing campaigns. Before we dive into the way to use digital analytics for your business, let’s mention what marketing metrics you’ll be measuring and analyzing. Digital Marketing Metrics to Know Digital marketing metrics are statistical measures that marketers use to work out the success of varied marketing efforts as they relate to their overall campaign goals and industry standards. Let’s get vanity metrics out of the way first. These are surface-level numbers that always tease you into thinking your efforts are working. They’re often big numbers tied to nebulous concepts such social media “impact” and they’re more fluff than fact. While they'll make your marketing team feel good, they provide little within the way of business value. Source 11 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
To get a clear picture of your campaign’s impact, you need to look at a wider variety of actionable metrics. Visitor A Visitor (or User) is someone who visits your site. Visitors are tracked by a cookie placed in their browser by a tracking code installed on your site. Page View A Page View is when a page on your site is loaded by a browser. A page view is measured every time your tracking code is loaded. Session A Session is a series of activities taken by a visitor on your website, including page views, CTAs, and events. Sessions expire after 30 minutes of visitor inactivity. Traffic Traffic (or Visits) is the total number of site or page visits in a given time period. Traffic by Channel Traffic by channel is the total number of site or page visits per referral channel, (e.g., social media, email, landing pages, etc … ). Traffic by Device Traffic by device is the total number of site or page visits per device type, ( e.g., smartphone, tablet, desktop, etc … ). Ratio of New Traffic to Returning Traffic The ratio of new traffic to returning traffic is the percentage of net new site or page visitors you receive as compared to the total amount of returning traffic. Time on Page The time on page is the average time each visitor spends on your site or page. Interactions per Visit Interactions per visit are what actions your visitors took when on your site or page. Bounce Rate The bounce rate is the percentage of people who visited your site or page but didn’t take any action or look at any other pages as compared to the total number of page or site visitors. Call-to-Action (CTA) Click-Through Rate 12 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
The CTA click-through rate is the percentage of total clicks on a CTA as compared to the total number of page or site visits. Submissions Submissions is the percentage of total people who filled out and submitted your web form. Conversion Rate The conversion rate is the total number of actions taken (e.g., a download or sign-up) on your lead magnet as compared to the total number of visits. Free Trial Conversion Rate The free trial conversion rate is the percentage of free trial users who converted to customers. Pop-Up Conversions Pop-up conversions is the percentage of total pop-up form completions that converted to customers. Ratio of Generated Leads to Marketing-Qualified Leads (MQL) The ratio of generated leads to MQL is the total number of “good fit” leads collected from your lead magnet as compared to the total number of leads generated. Leads to Close Ratio The leads to close ratio is the percentage of leads converted to customers as compared to the total number of leads. Open Rate The open rate is the percentage of opened emails as a proportion of the total number of emails sent. Opens by Device Opens by device is the total number of email opens per device type, (e.g., smartphone, tablet, and desktop). Click-Through Rate The click-through rate is the percentage of total clicks on an email link, or CTA, as a proportion of the total number of email opens. Bounce Rate The bounce rate is the percentage of undeliverable emails as a proportion of the total number of emails sent. Unsubscribe Rate 13 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
The unsubscribe rate is the percentage of people who unsubscribe from your email list over a given period of time. Engagement Rate The engagement rate is the total number of engagements (e.g., comments, clicks, and likes) as a proportion of the total number of page or post views. Follows and Subscribes Follows and subscribes are the total number of people who’ve shown interest in your content and want to receive updates when new posts or pages are published. Shares Shares is the total number of times a post or page has been shared on social media, a website, or a blog. Audience Growth Rate This refers to the growth of your social audience over time, typically expressed as a percentage. To find it, measure the number of new social followers over a set period (such as two weeks or a month), then divide by your total number of followers and multiply by 100. Post Reach The further your social posts reach, the better for your brand. Digital marketing analytics platforms can show you how many of your social followers have seen your last post. Divide by total followers and multiply by 100 again to get your post reach percentage. Potential Post Reach It’s also worth evaluating how far your posts could reach. To find this metric, multiply the total number of times your brand is mentioned by the number of followers of the person or brand that mentioned you. The result is your “theoretical reach”, or the maximum number of people it’s possible to reach with your current network. Potential reach is typically two to five percent of this total. Share of Social Voice How do your social mentions compare to those of your competitors? Start by searching for mentions of your brand — both the direct @Yourbrand variety and indirect Your brand shoutouts — then measure the mentions of your direct competitors for the same time period to see how you stack up. Approval Rate While it’s nice to be mentioned, it’s better to be liked. That’s the goal of approval rate measurement — determining how many positive interactions followers have had with 14 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
your posts. These might include likes, shares, reshares, or even sales conversions, and they can ensure your marketing campaign is on the right track. Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate The shopping cart abandonment rate is the total number of online shoppers who put items in their shopping cart but don’t complete a purchase as a proportion of the number of people who complete a purchase. Sales Conversion Rate More conversions mean more revenue, which means it’s critical to measure your overall sales conversion rate: Out of all customers that visit your site, how many are clicking through to make a purchase? It’s also worth measuring “mini-conversions” such as moving from home or category pages to specific product pages, which indicates a positive customer inertia toward sales conversion. Email Marketing Opt-in Along with purchasing opportunities, e-commerce sites often contain email marketing opt-ins that provide consumers information about new products or sales events. Measuring your total opt-ins and opt-ins by source (mobile, desktop, or platform) can help quantify marketing efforts. Customer Acquisition Cost Customers don’t always come cheap. To find your total acquisition cost, divide total marketing budget by total number of customers. The higher the number, the more you’re spending and the narrower your profit margins will be. Average Order Value It’s also worth calculating your average order value. Find it by dividing total sales value by number of carts — the higher the number, the better. Then, look for ways to increase average order value, such as offering add-on items, bundle discounts, or even free shipping. Revenue by Source Where is your revenue coming from? This metric helps identify where your marketing budget is best spent and where it isn’t working as intended. For example, if traffic analysis shows substantive sales conversion tied to Facebook followers but almost nothing from Instagram, it’s worth reevaluating your marketing campaign approach. Web Analytics Vs Digital Marketing Analytics The difference between general web analytics and digital marketing analytics is in their focus. While web analytics provides information about website performance and 15 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
optimization, digital marketing analytics offer contextual insight around user behavior in, on, and around your site. Quite simply, web analytics just isn't enough. the info that web analytics provides alone doesn't cut it for marketers who got to understand how their work makes an impression throughout the whole marketing and sales flywheel. This perspective provides the foundational data you would like to structure your flywheel — delighting your existing customers enough to draw in and have interaction new ones. Web analytics measure things a webmaster or technical SEO specialist care about, like page load speed, page views per visit, and time on site. Digital marketing analytics, on the opposite hand, measures business metrics like traffic, leads, and sales, and permit you to watch which online events determine whether leads will become customers. Digital marketing analytics include data not only from your website, but also from sources like email, social media, and organic search. Digital Marketing Analytics Connection with Every Business Activity With digital marketing analytics, marketers can understand the effectiveness of their entire marketing strategy, not just the effectiveness of their website. Using digital marketing analytics allows marketers to spot how each of their marketing initiatives (e.g., social media vs. blogging vs. email marketing) pile up against each other , determine truth ROI of their activities, and understand how well they're achieving their business goals. As a results of the knowledge, they will gather from full-stack digital marketing analytics, marketers also can diagnose deficiencies in specific channels in their marketing mix, and make adjustments to strategies and tactics to enhance their overall marketing activity. You can spend hours slicing and dicing data in web analytics tools, comparing new vs. repeat visitor’s month over month. But when it comes right down to it, you'll come up in need of a very comprehensive view of your marketing performance. There's no doubt that marketers are aware there is a deficiency in how they're ready to measure the effectiveness of what they do; here's how full-stack digital marketing analytics makes up for that deficiency. Marketers deploy digital marketing analysis to know how their current digital channels are performing. This process also unearths new opportunities to succeed in and have interaction their target audiences. 16 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
A digital marketing analysis is that the initiative to developing a robust digital marketing analytics strategy. This process are often wont to structure a business goal into outcomes supported three broad categories: The relationship between different marketing channels People-centric data on the buyer's journey Revenue attributed to specific marketing efforts Let's highlight these main differentiators. 1. The Relationship Between Marketing Channels Digital marketing analytics provides a solid check out the direct relationships between your marketing channels. It's great to be ready to see how each of your individual channels (e.g., social media, blogging, email marketing, and SEO) is performing, but truth power of analytics comes into play once you can easily tie the effect of multiple channels' performances together. For instance, for instance you sent an email to a segment of your database. Digital marketing analytics not only tells you ways many of us clicked through from your email to your website but also what percentage of these people actually converted into leads for your business once they got there. Furthermore, you'll compare the impact of that individual email send with other marketing initiatives. Did that email generate more leads than the blog post you published yesterday? Or was the content you shared via Twitter more effective? 2. People-Centric Data on the Buyer's Journey As we mentioned earlier, a key differentiator between web analytics and digital marketing analytics is that the latter uses the person — not the page view — because the focus . Digital marketing analytics enables you to trace how your individual prospects and leads are interacting together with your various marketing initiatives and channels over time. How did a private lead first come to seek out your website? From Google? Facebook? Direct traffic? Is that lead a lively a part of your email subscriber base, clicking and converting on marketing offers presented via email? Do they read your blog, and have they downloaded any content offers that would indicate an interest in your products/services? Full-stack digital marketing analytics can tell you all of this and more, providing you with extremely valuable lead intelligence which will help inform the direction of your future campaigns. 17 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Looking at all of this information in aggregate can assist you understand trends among your prospects and leads and which marketing activities are valuable at different stages within the buyer's journey. Perhaps you discover that a lot of customers' last point of conversion was on a particular ebook or white book . Having this data makes it possible to implement an efficient lead management process, enabling you to attain and prioritize your leads and identify which activities contribute to a marketing-qualified lead (MQL) for your business. 3. Revenue Attributed to Specific Marketing Efforts One of the foremost useful functions of selling analytics is its ability to attribute specific marketing activities to sales revenue. Sure, your blog could also be effective in generating leads, but are those leads actually turning into customers and making your business money? Closed-loop marketing analytics can tell you. The only requirement here is that your digital marketing analytics system is attached to your customer relationship management (CRM) platform. Having this closed-loop data can assist you determine whether your individual marketing initiatives are literally contributing to your business' bottom line. Through it, you'll determine which channels are most crucial for driving sales. Perhaps you discover that your blog is your best channel for generating customers, or conversely, you discover that social media is basically only as powerful as an engagement mechanism, not a source of sales. By measuring the connection between marketing channels, tracking people-centric data, and analyzing what revenue is linked to which efforts, you’ll be equipped to line goals that support your bottom line. Effective use of Digital Marketing Analytics Most marketers know they need to be looking at more than just traffic and website performance to get the insights we've talked about so far. But why do so many of us still struggle to measure the impact and prove the ROI of our online marketing activities? Probably one of two reasons: We don't have solid goals in place for our campaigns, or We don't have the means to measure our success. Quite often, you'll find it's a combination of the two. S.M.A.R.T. Goals One way to mitigate this is to have an actionable business goal combining your marketing team’s priorities. Typically, this can be achieved using the S.M.A.R.T. format. In this strategy, each goal you create must be: 18 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Smart Measurable Attainable Relevant Timely A good business goal will inherently organize your team’s tasks towards producing specific outcomes or metrics to measure their progress. For marketing teams, this can be broadly summarized into three major categories: Web traffic and diversity of sources Conversions generated from traffic to produce leads and (eventually) customers Identifying net new revenue as a direct result of certain marketing efforts, laying a roadmap for further growth and cost-effective marketing investments The fact is, in order to gain the insights needed to understand their marketing performance and make sound decisions, most marketers balance a number of different digital analytics platforms. For example, they gather data about their email marketing through the analytics provided by their email service provider, information about their social media performance through their social media monitoring tool, blog analytics from their blogging platform … and the list goes on. But this fragmented approach to reporting makes it really difficult to connect the dots and make informed decisions about the future of your digital strategy. The ideal solution is to implement an all-in-one marketing and reporting platform that offers end-to-end visibility on your marketing activities, allowing you to measure everything in one place. 10.6 BRAND AWARENESS Digital marketing strategies may include the use of one or more online channels and techniques (omnichannel) to increase brand awareness among consumers. Building brand awareness may involve such methods/tools as: Search engine optimization (SEO) Search engine optimization techniques may be used to improve the visibility of business websites and brand-related content for common industry-related search queries. The importance of SEO to increasing brand awareness is said to correlate with the growing influence of search results and search features like featured snippets, knowledge panels, and local SEO on customer behavior. 19 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Search engine marketing (SEM) SEM, also known as PPC advertising, involves the purchase of ad space in prominent, visible positions atop search results pages and websites. Search ads have been shown to have a positive impact on brand recognition, awareness and conversions. 33% of searchers who click on paid ads do so because they directly respond to their particular search query. Social media marketing 70% of marketers list increasing brand awareness as their number one goal for marketing on social media platforms. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube are listed as the top platforms currently used by social media marketing teams. Content marketing 56% of marketers believe personalized content – brand-centered blogs, articles, social updates, videos, landing pages – improves brand recall and engagement. According to Mentionlytics, an active and consistent content strategy that incorporates elements of interactive content creation, social posting, and guest blogging can improve brand awareness and loyalty by 88%. 10.7 SHARING ECONOMY The \"sharing economy\" refers to an economic pattern that aims to get a resource that's not fully utilized. Nowadays, the sharing economy has had an unimagined effect on many traditional elements including labor, industry, and distribution system. This effect isn't negligible that some industries are obviously under threat. The sharing economy is influencing the normal marketing channels by changing the character of some specific concept including ownership, assets, and recruitment. Digital marketing channels and traditional marketing channels are similar in function that the worth of the merchandise or service is passed from the first producer to the top user by a sort of supply chain. Digital Marketing channels, however, contains internet systems that make , promote, and deliver products or services from producer to consumer through digital networks. Increasing changes to marketing channels has been a big contributor to the expansion and growth of the sharing economy. Such changes to marketing channels has prompted unprecedented and historic growth. Additionally, to the present typical approach, the built-in control, efficiency and low cost of digital marketing channels is an important features within the application of sharing economy. Digital marketing channels within the sharing economy are typically divided into three domains including, e-mail, social media, and search engine marketing or SEM. 20 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
E-mail- a form of direct marketing characterized as being informative, promotional, and often a means of customer relationship management. Organization can update the activity or promotion information to the user by subscribing the newsletter mail that happened in consuming. Success is reliant upon a company’s ability to access contact information from its past, present, and future clientele. Social Media- Social media has the capability to reach a larger audience in a shorter time frame than traditional marketing channels. This makes social media a powerful tool for consumer engagement and the dissemination of information. Search Engine Marketing or SEM- Requires more specialized knowledge of the technology embedded in online platforms. This marketing strategy requires long-term commitment and dedication to the ongoing improvement of a company’s digital presence. 10.8 SUMMARY The development of a web marketing plan is analogous to a standard one in its structure. A digital marketing plan, aside from being a study of the organization and its environment, must analyze its online presence and position. Online world, loyalty and support for the brand can cause change consumers into prescribers, thus increasing the scope of the organization’s action, which could lead on to an expansion of its consumer base. Other emerging digital marketing channels, particularly branded mobile apps, have excelled within the sharing economy. Branded mobile apps are created specifically to initiate engagement between customers and therefore the company. This engagement is usually facilitated through entertainment, information, or market transaction. 10.9 KEYWORDS • DCX: Digital Customer Experience • Digital technology:Electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data • Visual Communication: Use of visual elements to convey ideas and information • Reddit:Social news website and forum where content is socially curated and promoted by site members through voting 10.10 LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Discuss on Digital Marketing Strategies 21 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
_______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 2. What is digital marketing Analytics _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 10.11 UNIT END QUESTIONS A. Descriptive Questions Short Questions 1. Define Brand Awareness 2. Define Web Analytics 3. Define Digital Marketing Analytics 4. What is Digital Marketing Plan? 5. Explain Digital Marketing Strategy? Long Questions 1. What is Digital Marketing Analytics? 2. List and Define any 5 metrics of Digital Marketing 3. Discuss the Digital Marketing Analytics Connection with Every Business Activity 4. Discuss on Brand Awareness? 5. Explain the effective use of Digital Marketing Analytics B. Multiple Choice Questions 1. _____________plan becomes a flexible document that must be adapted to the situation of the company a. Social Channel b. Media Pages c. Magazine Reports d. Marketing Strategies 2. An online marketing plan is a document in line with the company’s strategic plan that sets goals of an activity in the ___________environment a. Social b. Digital c. Online d. Media 22 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
3. The starting point of any situational analysis is to define the mission, vision and _________ of the organization a. Values b. Goals c. Strategies d. Positions 4. Setting _________ is one of the key phases in any marketing plan. a. Mission b. Vision c. Values d. Goals 5. They _____________ are spaces or content that the brand had to pay for a. Paid Media b. Social Media c. Print Media d. Digital Media Answers 1-a, 2-b, 3-a, 4-d, 5-d 10.12REFERENCES Dodson, I (2016). The art of digital marketing : the definitive guide to creating strategic, targeted and measurable online campaigns. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley. ISBN 9781119265702. ^ ryan, D (2014). Understanding Digital Marketing : Marketing Strategies for Engaging the Digital Generation. Kogan Page. ISBN 9780749471026. ^ Jump up to:a b Chaffey, Dave; Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona (2012). Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice. Harlow: Pearson Education. ISBN 978- 0273746225. ^ Fill, C. (2006). Marketing communications. 1st ed. Harlow: FT Prentice Hall, pp.372-373. ^ Parmenter, D. (2007). Key performance indicators. 1st ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. 23 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
^ Marr, B. (2012). Key performance indicators. 1st ed. Harlow, England; New York: Pearson Financial Times Pub. ^ French, A.; Smith, G. (2013). \"Measuring brand association strength: a consumer based brand equity approach\". European Journal of Marketing. 47 (8): 1356– 1367. doi:10.1108/03090561311324363. ^ McCarthy, E.J. (1964), Basic Marketing, Richard D. Irwin, Homewood, IL. ^ Mercer, D. (1999). Marketing. 1st ed. Oxford [u.a.]: Blackwell. ^ Booms, B.H. and Bitner, M.J., 1981. Marketing strategies and organization structures for service firms. Marketing of services, 25(3), pp.47-52 https://disruptiveadvertising.com/marketing/digital-marketing/ https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/social-media-marketing https://www.simplilearn.com/the-scope-of-digital-marketing-article https://www.portent.com/blog/marketing-strategy/stack-infrastructure.htm https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/what-is-digital-marketing https://neilpatel.com/what-is-digital-marketing/ https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/digital-marketing.asp https://www.digitalmarketer.com/digital-marketing/ https://www.digital247.in/ http://nielit.gov.in/aurangabad/content/digital-marketing 24 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
UNIT –11:SPACE MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE 11.0 Learning Objective 11.1 Introduction 11.2 Space Management 11.3 Mercantile Establishment Layout 11.4 Data drives design 11.5 Multi- channel mindset 11.6 Layout strategies- impact on customer experience 11.7 Summary 11.8 Keywords 11.9 Learning activity 11.10 Unit end questions 11.11 References 11.0 OBJECTIVES After studying this chapter, the students will be able to To learn about the space management tools and techniques To know about the importance of layout design strategies and its impact on customer experience To explain the mercantile establishment Layout To understand the multi-channel Mindset 11.1 INTRODUCTION Digital Space Management is all about categorizing, cataloging, centralizing, contextualizing and indexing every single high value object during a space, so it are often explored, discovered, organized and orchestrated in new ways. We’re living during a shrinking world that's expanding in complexity. Today, we put higher demands on people’s time, on efficiency, on safety and on businesses having the ability to reply to more demanding, evolving situations. To meet those needs, Verizon is bringing to plug a Digital Space Management platform that makes digital, connected, real-time representations of spaces, infused with enormous amounts of knowledge and intelligence. Digital Space Management is that the next evolution in mapping technology, which creates a centralized hub to assist map, represent, track, and manage all objects, assets and activities within a physical space, all maintained so far in near-real-time. The 1 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
platform leverages IoT sensor fusion, AI , 5G connectivity, edge and cloud computing, location technology and Digital Twin technology. Digital Space Management can enable the invention, management and orchestration of spaces. It can help digitize and connect the planet in new ways, helping to enable smarter decisions and building a far better future. How does one think Digital Space Management might change the world? Right now, we will explore the planet through very simplistic 2D maps, or with our own eyes and ears. Digital Space Management is all about categorizing, cataloging, centralizing, contextualizing, and indexing every single high value object during a space, so it is often explored, discovered, organized and orchestrated in new ways. believe the way the web revolutionized the way we obtain and process information, almost instantaneously and with ease. Beforehand, we had to obtain the encyclopedia to seek out new information! Digital Space Management has the potential to revolutionize spaces during a similar way. this might be a game changer, because now, people don’t need to physically be during a space to visually see it, to know and orchestrate it. Digital Space Management are often leveraged by humans and machines to assist better navigate spaces, avoid unsafe situations, increase efficiency of workers, automate businesses and permit machines and humans to figure side by side. It is often applied to all or any spaces, big and little, indoor and outdoor including roadways and full cities. it's the potential to vary the planet as we all know it. There are certainly bad actors out there that search for ways to weaponize technology, and you’d be remiss to ignore that. Creation of the web, which was built to democratize access to data and knowledge, but are often exploited by those with ill intent. With every new technology, you've got to believe the implications, especially during this new digital age. As we build Digital Space Management, and other nascent technologies, we've to take care and do our greatest to safeguard against potential threats and counter them. Verizon takes safety, security and privacy very seriously, and that we have sophisticated measures in situ to assist create and maintain a high level of reliability for our customers. We are building this technology on top of our secure network, which suggests better business, and ultimately better results. Think about the powerful web of data which will be created when there's information sharing between spaces, and that they become fully connected. You create a whole ecosystem of data sharing. As an easy example, imagine if a retailer had a deep understanding of what products in their stores are selling, when and why. If that data is shared back in real time with the manufacturers, the retailer can use that data to form production changes and allocate 2 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
resources more efficiently. Alternatively, if there are manufacturing or shipping delays, and retailers have this data, they will make adjustments to their sales, inventory displays and more, to make sure customers have a far better in-store experience. Right now, we’re very selective with where we would like to deploy. we expect the challenges and therefore the opportunities facing the manufacturing and logistics industry make it a ripe target to profit from Digital Space Management. If we start with these more complex problems, we'll be ready to replicate and expand thereon naturally across other spaces which will be less complex but could also enjoy this technology (think corporate offices, retail and college campuses). We’re trying to unravel the proper challenges now, with the proper technology, and we’re going where our customers pull us. Digital Space Orchestration elevates information from a static representation of an area to a 3D digital twin that accurately represents the physical space, including everything in and around it changes within it. The digital twin concept isn't new, however. NASA uses digital twins to duplicate systems in space for the aim of simulating and assessing conditions on board a spacecraft. Digital Space Orchestration evolves the digital twin model to permit global enterprises to develop more insight into their factories and systems, by supplying a central space management system, with robust connectivity to support it. While software and machines can sometimes answer the question of “where,” they can't achieve higher levels of spatial context without the tools needed to derive and act on the foremost meaningful insights from that data. These machines also are often unable to speak with each other, exchange information and make a shared frame of reference. So, imagine when software, sensors, and machines do have the power to function with an integrated, next generation spatial awareness; once they are ready to contextualize their surroundings and understand the way to interact with and navigate the planet in fine detail; once they are truly connected, and ready to share understanding seamlessly, and in near-real time: Manufactured products might be moved and tracked across the whole supply chain (from sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, storage and delivery… across planes, trucks, forklifts and more), from origin to warehouse to consumer, while also keeping workplaces and employees protected. Smart buildings could use this new intelligence to optimize flow, keep occupants safe, increase the energy efficiency of HVAC systems, optimize people density and implement 3D fencing. Large public gatherings like concerts, rallies and festivals would enjoy in-depth insight into high-value assets, near real-time traffic flow, and improved safety and security responses. 3 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
From a consumer perspective, businesses would be ready to share insights and changes that impact their customers proactively and in real-time, like store closures, product shortages and more. Local governments could map all of a city’s infrastructure and the way it works together, planning for optimal traffic flow, emergency routes, and the way changes within the environmental landscape could affect nearby roads, buildings, and pedestrian routes. IDC predicts that by 2030, 30% of the world’s largest companies will use data from digital twins to enhance innovation, success rates and productivity, achieving gains of up to 25%. “The transition to digital is undeniable and accelerating, disrupting both government and business models. These new models redefine the way organizations create, deliver and capture value. they're challenging the way CIOs operate, bringing new mindsets and new practices thereto,” Harris said at the conference. Mike Harris, executive vice chairman and global head of research at Gartner, explained that organizations got to be more adaptive to vary which enterprise leaders got to bring new practices, develop new capabilities and make new ways to achieve the digital world and workplace. This, during a nutshell, is Continuous NEXT. “The transition to digital is undeniable and accelerating, disrupting both government and business models. These new models redefine the way organizations create, deliver and capture value. they're challenging the way CIOs operate, bringing new mindsets and new practices thereto,” Harris said at the conference. There are five elements that make up the continuous NEXT approach: Privacy Augmented Intelligence Culture Product Management Digital Twins In terms of running and managing a digital workplace, all five play a big role, however, two are particularly important: Culture - Culture, consistent with 46 percent of CIOs surveyed by Gartner, is that the largest barrier to realizing the promise of digital business. Leaders got to shift decision- making authority so others can take action. CIOs should let the person with the “great idea” become the CEO of their idea. Too Much Collaboration - for several companies the digital workplace has become synonymous with digital workplace tools through the digital desktop, said Brad Killinger, CEO of Sapience Analytics. The thinking here is that the more digital tools you've got to support collaboration, the more productive the workplace are going to be. In fact, 4 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
research has found that there's such a thing as an excessive amount of collaboration because it is often distracting and counter-productive to workplace effectiveness. “In the digital collaboration tool space, there are now many offerings — Slack, Facebook Workplace — and yet work hours are becoming longer and productivity is dropping,” he said. “Therefore, improved digital collaboration shouldn't be related to improved workplace productivity or improved digital experience (employee experience). The goal of a digital workplace is to place in situ the means to support — measure — and optimize effectiveness, productivity and employee engagement.” Often executives make decisions to bring collaboration tools into the workplace without first having an understanding of what factors are really impacting work and therefore the digital experience. Collaboration tools are seen because the great panacea — a digital band-aid to pump up productivity. 11.2 SPACE MANAGEMENT Within the finite boundaries of their stores, retailers seek to extend sales, offer wider variety, reduce inventories and associated carrying costs, and reduce incidences of stock outs. Space management’s goal is to realize the simplest trade-off between these conflicting objectives. it's a posh, yet crucially important task. Space, after all, is that the most precious physical asset that brick-and-mortar retailers possess. How they utilize it greatly impacts their success. Space management addresses the management of three functional areas — assortment, merchandising and inventory. From a category perspective, we'd like answers to the subsequent questions: Where to locate category in store? Adjacent to what other categories? How much space is to tend to the category? Which items to stock? How much space is to tend to every brand, each SKU? Where will the products be placed on the shelf? Chapter Sales and Distribution addressed the question: Which items to stock? As mentioned therein chapter, what the retailer chooses to stock may be a function of several size factors — size of the shop , size and importance of the category, size and importance of the brand and size of item. The chapter covers a good range of metrics which will help marketers decide what percentage items to stock and which items to stock. 5 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Specialized software packages like Spaceman, JDA Intactix and SAs’ Retail Space Management help category management teams plan the shelf layout during a manner that optimizes the quantity of space given to every item, and therefore the placement of the things on the shelf. These packages use visual diagrams called planograms that depict the things in their correct proportions on the shelves. The planograms basically depict the amount of facing (i.e. the amount of units of a product that are visible at the front of a store shelf) of an item on shelf. Planograms use color codes to portray different characteristics about the things, like name , segment, or as an example stock level. forinstance, the planogram in Exhibit uses color codes to portray items that are extremely understocked, understocked, overstocked and very overstocked. Based on various indicators, Planogrammers adjust facings in order that stock levels are in line with sales rate and move products around and block them during a manner that's aligned with how people shop the category. Consumer decision trees which essentially identify and prioritize the choices a client makes while shopping, provide an honest basis for merchandising. Exhibit - A planogram using color codes to highlight items on the basis of their inventory levels. To optimize forward stock, shelf space is usually allotted in proportion to demand (i.e. share of space is approximately adequate to share of sales). However merchandising 6 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
considerations also inherit play. so as to take care of wider range of products and accommodate small brands, the large brands tend to urge but their sales share of space. Retailers also make adjustments supported segment and brand strategies. Product placement also has a crucial pertaining to the performance of a product. When shoppers face a gondola (i.e. the freestanding fixture of shelves wont to display merchandise), their sight covers about 12 feet, and that they tend to seem firstly at products placed at eye level, then to their left and right, and lastly from top to bottom. in sight of this, major brands, or brands that the retailer wishes to prioritize, are kept at eye level. As mentioned earlier, space management’s goal is to realize the simplest trade-off between many conflicting objectives. If well executed, the proposed planogram would be better aligned with shopper needs, lift sales, reduce inventory holding costs and dealing capital, and minimize the incidence of stockouts. On the entire it might make shopping at the chain’s stores a way improved experience. Although the retail industry is transforming as technology continues to shape the buyer landscape, the first goals of a sound retail strategy haven't changed: Deliver value within the supply chain and make a singular customer experience. The rebirth of retail stores — after years of digital disruption and economic challenges — is feasible if retailers can successfully contend for his or her consumers’ attention, and reciprocally, earn their business. a method to try to this is often to style a digital and physical retail environment that captures the overtaxed attention of consumers today. 11.3 MERCANTILE ESTABLISHMENT LAYOUT A mercantile establishment layout (whether physical or digital) is that the strategic use of space to influence the customer experience. How customers interact together with your merchandise affects their purchase behavior. This retail principle is one among the various from Paco Underhill, author of Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, keynote speaker, and founding father of Envirosell. The interior mercantile establishment layout has two important components: Store Design: the utilization of strategic floor plans and space management, including furniture, displays, fixtures, lighting, and signage. Website designers and user experience (UX) researchers use space management techniques and web design principles to optimize e-commerce websites. We’ll further discuss a spread of popular retail floor plans later during this article. Customer Flow: this is often the pattern of behavior and way that a customer navigates through a store. Understanding customer flow and therefore the common patterns that emerge when customers interact with merchandise supported the shop layout is critical to retail management strategy. Physical retailers are ready to track this using analytics 7 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
software and data from in-store video and therefore the wifi signal from smartphones. for instance, solution providers like Retail Next provide shopper analytics software for retailers to know flow and optimize the customer experience supported in-store video recordings. The technology also exists to trace the digital customer flow and online shopping behavior. Using “cookies” and other software, online retailers can track customer behavior, including how customers interact with their website. The objective of mercantile establishment design is to positively impact customer experience and make value, which is that the primary goal of shops within the supply chain. That’s tons to think about, but layouts are an excellent place to start out . Store layouts are the inspiration which will guide the experience of your retail space. There are many store layouts to consider. Here are 10 to get you started: Grid Herringbone Loop, or racetrack Free flow Boutique Straight, or spine Diagonal Angular Geometric Multiple, or mixed Space management software may be a technology solution that organizations can use to trace and manage their land assets and everyone aspects of their physical space inventory. At a high level, the management of your space inventory includes tracking and maintaining your space allocation and occupancy information—identifying who sits where, understanding what proportion sorts of space your organization has, how it's categorized, how it’s getting used , and projecting and forecasting what proportion land you'll need within the future. It enables secure access to space data within the cloud also as analysis via on-the-fly reporting and data visualizations which will provide actionable insights into the way to better manage your organizational space. 11.4 DATA DRIVES DESIGN To know your customer is to understand your retail business. The correlation between a retailer's profitability and therefore the customer experience is closer than ever in retail 8 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
history. For physical retail stores, this experience is connected to the customer’s surroundings — how they navigate the store’s environment, and therefore the flow of attention they spend on your merchandise and messaging. The digital, online retail experience follows an identical principle. the planning of an internet site or mobile application, and therefore the user experiences the layout creates, is critical to making value for a customer and reciprocally, features a positive impact on the retailer’s profitability. For Rodriguez, data emphasizes the importance of design within the overall customer experience and may be a core a part of any successful retail design playbook. “Data is important to making a memorable and effective experience,” she says. “For online experiences, there must be a mixture of testing and best practices.” According to Rodriguez, at Microsoft the info collected from customers interacting with digital screens might include the following: Tracking time spent in experience Hot spots (how the customer interacts with the device’s screen) Click Through Rates (CTRs) Impact to sales (ROI) Analysis of other sales/promos during that time to influence Rodriguez further explains that when data is collected and analyzed and an update is required, it should happen quickly. If the tests are successful, the formula should be documented and repeated. Using data to style and plan physical or digital retail layouts with the general experience in mind creates value for patrons. “Retailers shouldn't make assumptions about their clientele or only make decisions supported their personal experiences, wants, and needs,” says Rodriguez. She adds a reminder to retailers about the importance of aligning the specified experience of the target customer with retail management and therefore the overall retail strategy. She recommends looking to plug research and customer data to form the foremost impact, remembering that executive leadership, for instance , may have a store design strategy that data shows isn't aligned with the target customer experience. “People want their experience to be individualized. [Customers] became fickle and sometimes are annoyed by an overabundance of help, albeit they have it,” she adds. “Algorithms and data are scary to most consumers, but once they realize how it can help to filter and tailor their experience to precisely what they have and need , even before they know they have or want it, the retailer then becomes priceless.” 11.5 THE MULTI-CHANNEL MINDSET 9 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Connecting the customer experience with a mobile friendly retail strategy is vital, as people are increasingly hooked into their mobile devices and interacting with the digital world throughout the day. Retail customers use their mobile devices to remain connected throughout their shopping experience. This might include checking prices and inventory availability or using their device to seek out physical store location and hours. “As a mobile-first world, we sometimes must forgo the shiny experiences and supply a user with a friendly, value proposition-focused customer journey with fewer clicks to urge consumers where they have to be,” says Rodriguez. a part of a sound mobile-first retail design strategy, when considering your ecommerce site or mobile application, is simplicity. Mobile design strategy means impacting the customer experience by making shopping easier. “From a web perspective, the customer journey should be straightforward, user friendly, and need as few clicks as possible to urge the customer where they need to travel,” says Rodriguez. “Many consumers persist with what they know until they see the worth. Often, this is often thanks to habit or lack of energy to make a replacement account, enter information, etc.” Rodriguez believes that the more a retailer does to simplify purchasing, the more value they increase the customer experience. She uses Amazon’s strategy for linking new services and products supported the customer’s purchasing habits as an example of the “ease of purchase” experience retailers should strive for. “Amazon Go and Amazon.com provide simple shopping at your fingertips without the hardship of handling, well, anyone,” says Rodriguez. “This footprint may be a great example of the way to bring a digital experience into a brick-and-mortar reality. While they still test, their key to success is measuring, monitoring, and reacting quickly to individual consumer needs.” Mobile applications provide a chance for retailers looking to form purchasing simple and straightforward, whether the customer chooses the brick-and-mortar or digital shopper journey. “Stores with robust mobile apps can add on everything from triggering a mobile push alert when [the customer’s] within a particular distance from a store location,” says Rodriguez. This alert might notify customers of an in-store event or send a selected deal on seasonal merchandise supported the geo-location of the customer. “Retailers willing to push the limits of their applications (and spend development dollars) can also use apps to track [in-store] customers and remind [them] of sales or products currently in their cart, request service on the floor with their mobile device, or forgo any interaction with sales reps by ordering everything on their device via scanning barcodes or shopping available stock to have it ready for them at the register,” she adds. Video Is a Game Changer 10 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Using video to reinforce the digital experience and make customer interaction may be a game changer. “Video is vital,” says Rodriguez. “Studies show that video on home or product pages have conversion rates between 80-100 percent.” Rodriguez recommends using video in “short, snackable bites.” additionally to online advertising and store branding opportunities on social media platforms like Facebook and Snapchat, the reduced cost of digital displays and user-friendly digital video tools provides retailers with creative, affordable ways to style their stores to leverage video. a few samples of leveraging interactive display screen include the following: Touchscreens: Customers spend an increasing amount of their day interacting with their mobile devices and retailers can leverage this habitual behavior. “Consumers will attempt to interact with any sort of sort of habit,” says Rodriguez. “This is a chance to quickly educate consumers, update content remotely, compare products, and share ratings, reviews, or tech specs.” Rodriguez claims most retailers and businesses using touchscreen presentations or video displays aren't taking full advantage of their power. “Most are basically PowerPoint [presentations], or the screens aren’t cared for, or they're turned off, or broken.” She cautions that “customers are too smart and tech savvy” and using this technology within the wrong way can quickly turn a positive effort into a negative customer experience. Streaming Content: Rodriguez highlights a singular in-store content marketing trend for retailers to interact customers. Combining store design and digital technology, retail stores can use strategically placed screens to attach customers to their overall brand message or targeted marketing campaigns. “[...] the web journey should be done first (or in tandem with) the [digital] campaigns and store footprint,” says Rodriguez. “[Digital] experiences are often seen as separate, but the goal should be to make a seamless experience whether the customer is on their desktop reception, their mobile , or physically within the store.” Sensor Technology Specialized sensors provide data and interactive customer experiences using video and internet of things (IoT) technology. Sensors benefit retailer and customer, because the data gathered from their use provides insight into customer flow and buying behavior. Rodriguez highlights Disney’s use of wristbands to supply visitors with a customized experience. The device can unlock the bedroom door and alter imagery on digital screens to match the visitor’s experience of choice. “This isn’t a tangible thing, but provides a way of belonging, delight, and memories which will build and keep fans returning for more for generations to return,” she says. the subsequent are samples of differing types of sensor technology that are relevant to mercantile establishment design: Heat Maps: A heat map may be a visual representation of knowledge. In retail, this data displays how customers interact with merchandise and navigate the retail environment in 11 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
physical stores using video surveillance to map movement. Heat map technology provides data for online retailers also, plotting data, and visualizing how a customer navigates and interacts with an internet site using their mouse for instance. Phidget: Phidget are sensors, often utilized in robotics, that manage different environmental elements. There are many uses for phidget technology, consistent with Rodriguez. “These are basically sensors that are available a good array of options like distance, heat/cold sensing, and seismic,” she says. “There are fun ways these can create interactive experiences, triggering an occasion when the merchandise is handled and even changing content on the screens when an individual approaches the display.” Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Sensors: consistent with Rodriguez, RFID technology is becoming more popular as retailers experiment with more uses for the sensors including inventory management. “With [RFID] gates installed; supply chain management becomes easier. A retailer can use the tags to sense when a product has moved from the rear room to the ground, activate an experience on a screen once a product is picked up or moved, and may take the place of the old barcode system,” she says. 11.6 LAYOUT STRATEGIES - IMPACT ON CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE Moving merchandise from the top of the availability chain to the customer may be a retailer's primary function. Successful retailers do so by creating value and delivering a differentiated customer experience. How customers experience your merchandise is decided by how your store is meant to guide them to interact with it. A retail management strategy that successfully leverages store design to drive customer flow and make unique experiences may be a big a part of your overall retail brand. it's a proven method for producing the type useful that keeps retailers competitive and profitable. Visual Merchandising Strategy Visual merchandising may be a core retail strategy. it's the “language of the shop ,” writes Ebster — the way retailers communicate with the customer through visual imagery and therefore the presentation of merchandise. Part art and part science, visual merchandising involves everything that helps create a singular customer experience. The well-lit entryway, the strategically placed furniture, fixtures, and promotional displays combine with the shop layout to influence customer behavior and make the customer’s journey efficient, unique, and memorable. We are noticing a address lifestyle- and experience-driven retail experiences,” says Walzer. “Stores are integrating materials from home or outdoors to make a cushty , beautiful shopping space that results in longer dwell time in stores.” She describes a 12 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
visible merchandising strategy that luxury brand retailers use to market health and wonder by placing living plants inside their stores. Visual merchandising brings together the general environment of the mercantile establishment. it's a strategic element in retail management that distinguishes a retailer from the competition. the sort of merchandise offered may be a crucial consideration within the how the retailer influences uses visual merchandising elements to focus on customers. As Malcolm Gladwell writes in his feature , “The Science of Shopping,” “the clothes need to match the environment.” Walzer recommends that retailers deciding the way to plan for visual merchandising elements that employment for his or her concept consider their customer flow during a way that guides the customer through “the path to get .” “Aesop is killing it immediately,” says Walzer, when asked about retailers that highlight the importance of store design. “Their stores are beautiful, and everyone is different and contextual while still keeping in step with their brand. They consider materials and even acoustics to make a private environment. Each shop is individual and takes the environment and city under consideration when building a replacement store. It’s the proper approach to form a memorable shopping experience and delights customers with its idiosyncratic design-led principles.” The visual merchandising techniques that a retailer chooses can alter the customer’s perception of the retailer’s value. Ebster recommends watching visual merchandising from the customer’s perspective. For more retail merchandising tips and best practices from experts and researchers, inspect “The Art and Science of Retail Merchandising.” Zone Merchandising Strategy Customers also answer where products are placed. A zone merchandising strategy combines visual merchandising together with your store layout design to spotlight high- margin merchandise or merchandise you would like featured. Creating zones using walls, merchandise displays, and signage develops semi-separate areas. Merchandise displays are found out as speed bumps to stay the customer within the zone and slow them from leaving the world. “Stores got to be thoughtful in their layout, and have clear zones so navigation is straightforward. Not everyone likes to ask sales assistants for directions,” says Walzer. She recommends creating “Instagram able” moments in-store. “Make it fun and straightforward for people to share their stories on social media,” she says. This includes using hashtags in messaging, or on merchandise displays, creating “set-designing” zones, and favoring natural light with “unique designs that bring cool backdrops or host events.” Lighting Strategy 13 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
Proper lighting is quite just ensuring the customer can see and interact with the merchandise. When done well, light can help structure and influence the customer’s mood while shopping. Store planners and designers use lighting solutions to spotlight or downplay specific areas of the shop to attract customers and make an environment that works in sync with the retail brand and therefore the merchandise offered. Lighting specialists provide expertise within the appropriate sorts of lighting for specific store layouts, supported natural light exposure, and may recommend solutions that suit budgets and environmentally conscious business models. Signage Strategy Signs serve multiple purposes for retailers. they're the graphic representation of the retailer's brand and merchandise. Signs provide product information for specific merchandise, help customers navigate the shop layout efficiently, and make the specified price perception. Retailers should keep signs fresh and updated supported the merchandise offered, the season, or specific promotions. Keep in-store signs and messaging according to the brand voice and use standard fonts and colors that are easy to spot and skim together with your lighting. “From a strictly visual perspective, it’s key to possess clear readable signage from the surface that leads customers within the store. From there, plan the customer journey from [a] high level,” says Walzer. She recommends using signage that encourages overall shopping (for example, placing old and iconic imagery - specifically for tech stores - towards the front of the store). When the customer arrives at specific merchandise, or the “buy level,” use signage that builds the buy messaging. Display Strategy The word “display” comes from the French word “deployer”, which suggests “to unfold.” far away from being exclusive to clothing, however, promotional displays help “unfold” the merchandise you offer to the customer. alongside your store layout design, displays set the stage for your customer’s overall experience when navigating the shop . generally , displays are available all shapes and sizes, and ask the movable units within the store that feature merchandise like tables, racks, or gondolas. Careful selection of the sort and placement of displays is crucial to the general retail strategy of using space management and store design to influence customer flow and in- store behavior. Also, treat displays as flexible, cost-effective investments and ask your product manufacturers and suppliers about providing low-cost options specific to their products and makes. Fixture Strategy 14 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
If displays are the flexible, freestanding, and modular units wont to present merchandise, then fixtures ask the more permanent units within the store. Counters, wall mounted shelving units, support columns, and bench seating are samples of fixtures. the aim of fixtures is to coordinate your store layout and influence customer flow and interactions. In other words, they're designed to impact the customer flow and convey attention to merchandise during a consistent, familiar environment. In general, fixtures are less versatile than displays and in-store design layouts, but when planned carefully, they become a defining a part of a retail space. Walzer recommends minimal, clean, and uncluttered fixtures, and modular signage areas to market offers. Fixtures got to drive a premium look and feel. Materials that are “authentic and have some warmth to them” work best (real wood versus laminate, stone or marble versus coated plastic, glass versus acrylic). “Fixtures should be made up of premium authentic materials that are durable and up level the experience,” says Walzer. “If the table is shoddy and falling apart, why would you like to shop for what's merchandised on it?” Window Strategy Windows welcome customers from the surface and draw them into the shop where layout design and therefore the various elements of visual merchandising attend work. The window display requires careful attention to lighting, size of display units, sort of merchandise featured, props (like mannequins), and signage. Because the customer has yet to enter the shop , a window display must combine all of the visual merchandising elements to successfully pique the customer’s interest and promote the retailer’s brand and personality. Communal Design Strategy Concentrate on the way to create community and engagement with store design. “What makes a consumer want to return and repeatedly spend time during a mercantile establishment within the digital age are going to be supported the sensation you get once you are shopping,” says Walzer. “Create a rapport with the customer, pull in elements from the community as a part of the planning inspiration. If there's an area artist or ceramist or musician, use those pieces within the stores.” Walzer mentions the Seattle- Tacoma International Airport showcasing Sub Pop artists and Pearl Jam artwork as an example. “[They] are currently doing an excellent job. It’s creating pride for residents and a way of joy for travelers, who also are customers that purchase Sub Pop gear at the shop .” Other Space Management Considerations As discussed, the visual presentation of merchandise and therefore the influence of store layout design is significant to retail strategy. There also are functional considerations 15 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
involved within the overall store layout that impacts the customer experience. One example is to stay design functional with the general space. “It’s not such a lot about the space as how the space is meant ,” says Walzer. “If it’s a crowded or awkward space, integrate open walkways, keep merchandising elegant. If it’s an outsized space, don’t let it look too cavernous. Create walkways to guide the acquisition journey with easy wayfinding.” The following is a list of additional space management factors to consider: Legal Requirements: Review the standards issued under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to know the legal requirements for retailers within the us . for instance , the ADA requires a minimum of three feet of aisle width for customer accessibility. consult qualified professionals if you’re planning changes to your store layout design which will impact customer accessibility. Seating: Provide customers with comfortable seating to reinforce the general customer experience and slow customers down. clothes shops with dressing rooms are the first example of this strategy in use. consistent with Ebster, an extended store visit increases the likelihood that customers make a sale . Checkout: The checkout area of a mercantile establishment is critical to quite cash handling and payment processing. This space accommodates all customers and a spread of interactions and is usually the last area to form an impact on customers. counting on the shop layout, the checkout area provides additional visual merchandising opportunities. Retailers use this space to encourage impulse purchases of complementary merchandise while customers wait to pay. Back-of-the-House Operations: The mercantile establishment layout should factor for store operations and activity like shipping and receiving, inventory storage and retrieval, and therefore the employee’s overall workspace and break area. Storage options are essential to the general store layout design because it impacts what proportion merchandise you'll feature on the sales floor where customers navigate. Ebster recommends keeping the customer during a flow state and focused on shopping. Therefore, maintaining back-of-the-house operations concealed from customers may be a visual merchandising strategy. Retail Store Layout Design and Planning Resources Store layout planning and style may be a profession all its own. the planning knowledge and planning skills required to develop a completely new mercantile establishment , modify an existing plan , or maybe remodel a selected area of your store may be a daunting task for retailers focused on attracting customers and earning revenue. the great news is that a whole network of design professionals, store planners, project managers, architects, contractors, and more operate and serve within the largest private sector 16 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
employment category of the U.S. economy. the subsequent resources are available to retailers looking to explore store layout design and planning: National Retail Federation (NRF): The NRF is that the world’s largest retail trade association. Operating within the U.S. and in 45 countries, their mission is “to advance the interests of the retail industry through advocacy, communications, and education.” Retail Design Blog: Architects, designers, visual merchandisers, retailers, brand managers, and fans submit pictures and projects about retail design. It includes store and exhibit design, fashion merchandising, visual merchandising content, and more. Store Design and Visual Merchandising: the web site design: retail covers retail trends, products, and projects, and publishes an aggregate list of products and services. Retail Design Institute: The Retail Design Institute is that the largest and oldest not-for- profit store planning and style organization. Founded in 1961, members include architects, graphic designers, lighting designers, interior designers, store planners, visual merchandisers, resource designers, brand strategists, educators, trade partners, trade media, and students of design. the web site publishes an inventory of design resources. American Society of Interior Designers (ASID): ASID may be a multi-disciplinary professional organization for interior designers, students, and retail manufacturers and suppliers that satisfy the organization's acceptance standards for accreditation. Members receive access to services by industry experts in legal assistance, human resources, liability and social insurance, and more. NCIDQ Certified Interior Designer: NCIDQ Certification tests for industry design standards, and for public health, safety, and welfare. quite 30,000 people are NCIDQ certified, a world standard for interior design professionals by The Council for Interior Design Qualification (CIDQ). VMSD (Visual Marketing and Store Design): The VMSD magazine and website provides retail professionals with “innovative retail design ideas, visual presentations, new products, merchandising strategies, and industry news and events.” VMSD hosts the annual International Retail Design Conference (IRDC) Pinterest: Explore store design concepts and concepts through photography and project images posted by a spread of sources. Retail Store Layout Software One application you'll use to make diagrams of store layouts is Google Drawing, a free software application available within the Chrome Web Store. For store planners, retail consultants, design professionals, or the aspiring DIY retailer, there's a marketplace for drawing and floor planning software to assist you create professional mercantile establishment layouts. 17 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
The following list of solutions offers diagramming tools that permit you customize existing store layout templates and explore different design ideas. Drawing software provides libraries of design elements for architecture, furniture, fixtures, and plan specific symbols. Like most SaaS (software-as-a-service) solutions today, a number of the solutions listed below offer customer support and tutorials, cloud hosting features, and software integration together with your existing store management software and standard operating systems. • Microsoft Visio • EDrawSoft plan Maker • ConceptDraw PRO • Smart Draw • Floor Planner • Lucid chart plan Software Improve mercantile establishment Operations with Smartsheet for Retail. Empower your people to travel above and beyond with a versatile platform designed to match the requirements of your team — and adapt as those needs change. The Smartsheet platform makes it easy to plan, capture, manage, and report on work from anywhere, helping your team be simpler and obtain more done. Report on key metrics and obtain real-time visibility into work because it happens with roll-up reports, dashboards, and automatic workflows built to stay your team connected and informed. When teams have clarity into the work getting done, there’s no telling what proportion more they will accomplish within the same amount of your time. Accessing information on Internet is completed mainly through the planet Wide Web, a vast digital arena that has experienced constant expansion since it had been created in1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. the present volume of internet sites is around 850 million(July 2015). When Internet started, the amount of internet sites was low enough to access all ofthem through their domain. As Internet expanded, it became clear that there's aneed to create a system that permits for Web searches and enables access. Until the top of the 20 th century, classification systems with embeddedcategories, referred to as directories, offered good leads to an expanding communityof Web users. the foremost widely known directory was Yahoo, still accessible on thewebsite https://business.yahoo.com/. However, a more intuitive and straighterforward thanks to access the increasing volume ofsites and sites was needed. That was when browsers first appeared. 18 CU IDOL SELF LEARNING MATERIAL (SLM)
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