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Home Explore automatically Link Featured Images to WordPress Postssentation PPT 08-05-18

automatically Link Featured Images to WordPress Postssentation PPT 08-05-18

Published by sp1855771, 2018-05-09 03:54:31

Description: automatically Link Featured Images to WordPress Postssentation PPT 08-05-18

Keywords: automatically Link Featured Images


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Guided By:.wpglobalsupport

How to automatically Link Featured Images to WordPress PostsHave you ever desire to know how tolink featured images to WordPressPosts? If yes, then come along withus, we will illustrate you. MostWordPress themes link featuredimages on posts by default. But somethemes cannot do this.featuredimages are large and take morespace than text. They are morecolorful, hence more noticeable.

Why Link Featured Images to WordPress Postsimages are more attractive than text. Byusing featured images can increase userengagement on your WordPress website.Generally, the featured images are largeand take more space than the text. Theyare more colorful, so more noticeable.Also, they are easier to click on smallerdevices such as mobile phones andtablets.

Automatically Link Featured Images to Posts in WordPressThis method requires you to add code to your WordPressfiles. Just add this code to your theme’s filefunctions.php or site-specific plugin. This code simplyadds a link to the code generated to show featuredimages or post on your WordPress site. In case you don’twant to link featured images to the single post on thesame post, In automatically Link featured images toposts in WordPress.

CONCLUSIONHere, We have discussed How to automatically LinkFeatured Images to WordPress Posts? Often, weconcluded Why Link Featured Images to WordPressPosts.We hope this post helped you to link featuredimages. If you have any query or suggestion to linkimages, let me know in the comment section below.

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