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Published by JAYSON CHAVDA, 2020-10-03 14:35:04

Description: JAYSON_CHAVDA_architecture_portfolio


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INDEX 1-7 8 - 10 11 - 14 15 - 16 17 18 19 - 20 21 - 22

JAYSON CHAVDA 1st july, 1999 INDIAN B. a r c h U G s t u d e n t PERSONAL STATEMENT DESIGN SKILLS EXPERIENCE ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................. I'm a 21 year old Architecture student from Rajkot 01 Computer 02 Knowledge 1 Study trips Ahmedabad (Gujarat) currently based in Ahmedabad. I love Mandu everything that has to do with art, conceptual design, Adobe Photoshop Anthropometry Udaipur graphics, architecture and landscaping. Adobe Illustrator Proportion and Scale Jaipur Adobe Indesign Line weights and Visiblity Pune I have 5 years of experience working as a freelance AutoCad Architectural graphics Pondicherry & Auroville portrait sketch artist and making wall paintings, my love QGIS Good sense of photography Nepal for art has truly inspired me during these past Sketchup 3D techniques academic years and I love working with people, Rhino 3D Practical logics 2 Workshops Clay workshop, 2017 specially if they have the same passion that I have for Grasshoper pencil renderings Nirma University, Ahmedabad. what they do. Vray Render Lumion Render Landscape workshop, 2018 Why don't we work together? Go futher down to see Revit Amity University, Navi Mumbai. why I am the one you need to hire! Google/MS office LBC workshop, 2019 MY SPECIALITIES Laurie Baker Center, Trivandrum. ............................................................................................................................................................................. Asian Contest of Architectural Rookies Award - Indian Domestic contest, Pune 2019 RECOGNITIONS 3 Competitions The Annual Nasa Design Competition, 2020. ............................................................................................................................................................ Destech challenge, 2020. BEST STUDIO PERFORMANCE Sacred Spaces, 2020. Academic Achievement Award, 2018-2019 HOBBIES & INTERESTS 4D o c u m e n t a t i o n Tamil-French house, Pondicherry (2017) ............................................................................................................................................................. Pol houses, Ahmedabad (2018-2020) open to new ideas, creative and Junagadh City guide book, with prime locations, learning and analytical thinking attractions and mythology. constructive criticism good leadership, good observation and Drawing Plants Photography communication quick adaptation to new and presentation skills skills and learnings EDUCATION LANGUAGE SKILLS ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. 2017- 2022 3D renders Anime Cooking B. A r c h i t e c t u r e Institute of Architecture and Planning (Nirma University), Ahmedabad. GUJARATI HINDI ENGLISH Mother language Advanced level Advanced level 2017 Highschool pass out science I math Travel Music Monuments Shree G. K. dholakiya Highschool, Rajkot.


Udaipur is a city in the western Indian state of Rajasthan. It’s set around a series of artificial lakes and is known for its lavish royal residenc- es. Situated 3 km west of the city of Udaipur, Shilpgram is a rural arts and crafts complex. The center is spread over an undulating terrain of about 70 acres of land, surrounded by the Aravali mountains. The project NIDC is proposed adjacent to Shilpgram, as a school for design and crafts particularly related to stone, ceramics, and paint. The pro- posal also targets to shift the city center to the west by providing an opportunity for local and international public to come and learn centu- ries-old crafts and innovate something new. It also gives opportuni- ties for local artisans of shilpgram to showcase their talent, earn and teach new generations. The course will be 2 years longs, divided into 4 semesters, with 20 students each semester. Thus the project propos- es 4 different studio spaces with 3 workshop spaces and 3 lab spaces. Additionally, an exhibition space to exhibit student’s work which will be open to the public and connected with Shilpgram. The project is inspired by the city palace of Udaipur, thus campus also has public and private parts which comprise of multiple gardens, walkways, viewing points, water bodies, student’s farm, open ground, and open courtyards with beautiful tiling which truly embodies and traditional and royal architec- ture of Udaipur with the contemporary and modern architecture of NIDC. 2

There are two levels, the upper one being more public while the lower one is specifical- ly for the people of the institute. The spaces are categorized into two parts, THINKING, and ACTION, thinking is where students will come up with ideas (studio, library), and ac- tion is where they will implement their ideas into realities (workshops). These spaces are placed around two courtyards. The sun court talks about daily life where there is a huge tree (existing), which provides shade and marks the sun court, while moon court pro- trudes out and creates a leisure space with a great viewing point and exquisite landscapes. 3




Inspired from city palace and sakhiyon ki bari, the project recreates the color palette of royal gardens in a unique and contemporary way, where there are ponds with fishes, vegetation, and walkways, courtyard with con- temporary tiling in traditional white Banswara marble and black granite or flame of the forest, myrtle’s crape, golden shower tree, bougainvil- lea and weeping willow bows down with flowers, to say AVO PADHARO! 7





L colony, near Panjrapol char rasta, is mainly a low-rise residential area with an adjacent main road having BRTS lane, lined up with the commercial and mixed-use building. The road pass- ing by the site remains choked with traffic. In current times people do not communicate with neighbours because of the social construct and trust issues or other reasons. A hous- ing scheme is proposed here with 80 houses (average to luxurious, pent apartments) which has staggering terraces that create private balcony and terrace on every floor which are vi- sually connected, to ensure visual or verbal communications among the neighborhood. It establishes a relationship with the central open ground on the site to revive the liveliness of the area. 12




Aras-paras (tangible-intangible) in architecture, defines, and establishes meaning to communicate 16 architectural significance. The project aras paras shala is proposed in mandu within the complex of ar- chaeological ruins. The intangible part is the idea of monumentality whereas the tangible part is the material, brick. Brick is used as a structural member without any steel reinforcement for the building to maintain the harmony of the context, which houses a central hexagonal studio space(256 m2) with a dome supported on the 12 hexagonal blocks (16-24 m2) which house amenities like workshops, re- strooms, washroom, kitchen, gym, offices, and many other facilities as a part of an architectural school.

The study shows various exploration on forms and patterns through various scripts on grasshopper like curvilnear pavilions, twisted facades and vornoi patterns. 17

To study the forces and mech- anism related to buildings, cas- estudies were done in group to derive the forces through working models, which also includes construction de- tails and material exploration. 18

Pondicherry, currently known as Puducherry, has earned the moniker Par- is Of The East due to the French influence in its culture and heritage. This beautiful indo-french house was chosen for the study and documentation. The lower part is mostly in Tamil vernacular style with wooden columns, intricated doors, and inner courtyards, while the upper floor has more french influence with pilasters, arched openings, and plaster decorations. 19

Pols were originally made as a protection measure when communal riots necessitated greater security probably dating from 1738 during the Mu- ghal-Maratha rule (1738–1753) in Ahmedabad. Pol houses are linear and they share a common structural wall with other houses. Massive walls are supported with timber structures.; many of them are ornamented with wooden carving. A tacit system is employed in the planning of the house that is based on the degrees of privacy which determines who can enter the house, how far one can pass the courtyard, or up the steep flight of steps. 20



THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME [email protected] +91 8320445596

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