ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 TABLE CONTENT • PREFACE • ABSTRACT • ACKNOWLEDGE • LIST OF QUESTION :Q1. What is meant by blurker?Q2. Who is Martha Coolidge, her date of birth and her hobby?Q3. What is the currency use for Honduras?Q4. Give the address of Science Research Associates Pty. Ltd?Q5. When was the royal family of Nepal massacred?Q6. State two (2) objectives of coronary bypass surgery?Q7. What are the synonyms of brutalize?Q8. What is the address of the Natural hub in Gabon?Q9. What is global warming and the effects of this global?Q10. What is the title of the dissertation, written by Douma, Rollin George?Q11. What is meant by eponym?Q12. Who is Giosue Carducci? What ws his date of birth and his death date?Q13. What is the areais sq km and the Independence day for Bolivia?Q14. What is the normal blood pressure for healthy young adult? • REFERANCES 2
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 PREFACEFact finding is one of the most important elements in Library Skill subject in BachelorInformation Science. This assignment given by my lecturer En. Zaihan Bin Hussin at UiTMCampus Puncak Perdana, Shah Alam. It is a discovery stage in a inquiry or investigationwhere information is procured by using tools such as questionnaires. The focus of thisassignment is to help information student to be the best Information Professional in thefuture. 3
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 ABSTRACTThe purpose of this task is to help student to improve their facts finding skills. Thisassignment also let us know the question and topics that are not seriously related inthis field which it provides student very useful knowledge such as in the field ofEconomic, Entertainment, History, Medic and Physics.Other than that, we were facing some difficulties such as there is no enoughinformation provided and it teaches us how to be patien in collecting the rightinformation and pick the best answer for each question. Besides that, we havedifficulty finding accurate information and some information on the website has noproof of authenticity.As we know, Google Search is the most popular searching media in the century. Thecommunity for example students and workers are mostly usually use Google Searchas the right place to find the information that affect all areas of society, including theschool, government, enterprise and households.As a results, the task constantly helps us in reaching the most suitable skills of findgood answer. Nevertheless, facts finding is the most effective way to develop goodinformation. 4
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 ACKNOWLEDGEIn the perfoming our assignment, we had to take the help and guideline of somerespected persons, who deserve our greatest gratitude. It’s a genuine pleasure toexpress our deep sense of thanks gratitude to my mento, lecturer, philosopher andguide En Mohd Zaihan bin Hussin, Lecturer of Librray Skills subject at UiTM PuncakPerdana. His dedication and keep interest above all his overhelming attitude to helphis students had been solely and mainly responsible for completing our work. Histimely advice and scientific approach have helped us to a very great extent toaccomplish this task.Besides, thank you to En. Mohd Zaihan, who introduced us to the art of facts findingand passion for the knowledge we shared. Many people, especially our classmates andmy team members itself have made valuable comments which gave us inspirations toimprove our assignments. We thanks all the people for their help directly andindirectly to complete our assignment. Thank you. 5
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What is meant by blurker? (27 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1 : Read and understanding the question given, “What is meant by blurker?”STEP 2 : Analysis the problem and limitation.STEP 3 : Collect the material to answer the question. The material that we use to get the answer for this question are Google Browser.STEP 4 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 1 given in the blank box Type The Question 1 http://www.google.comSTEP 5 : Click button search on the right or press the button “ ENTER” on the keyboard and choose the first one on the result. 7
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 6 : Choose the best and relevant answer for QUESTION 1. https://www.google.com/search?ei=MFjzWYO6MILI0gThuT4&q=blurker&oq=blurker&gs_l=psy- ab.3...15933.15933.0.16335. 7 : The answer was appeared. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=blurker 8
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answer : 1. A blurker is a blog lurker, someone who reads a lot of blogs but never posts any comments. The Source : Google search : Urban Dictionary ; what is meant by Blurker https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=blurker 9
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 Who is Martha Coolidge, her date of birth and her hobby? (27 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1 : Read and understanding the question that given, “Who is Martha Coolidge, her date of birth and her hobby?”STEP 2: Identity what the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • Who is Martha Coolidge? • What is Martha Coolidge’s date of birth? • What is Martha Coolidge’s hobby?STEP 3 : Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 2 given in the blank box. Type The Question 2Using Google as search engine http://www.google.com 10
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. I choose this result and click the title. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Jl7zWcS-LY- SvQT6upjwAQ&q=who+is+martha+coolidge%3F&oq=who+is+martha+coolidge%3F&gs_l=psy- ab.3...33571225.33586382.0.33586627. 8 : Then, the answer was appeared. The answer https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_Coolidge 11
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 STEP 9 : After that, use the Google search engine again to find the second question answer. The second question.https://www.google.com/search?ei=euLzWZHQEoaCvQSh75m4Bw&q=who+is+martha+coolidge%27s+date+of+birth&oq=who+is+marth a+coolidge%27s+date+ofbit&gs_l=psy- ab.1.0.33i13i21k1j33i160k1l3.1344640.1358879.0.1361690. ab..1.10.2164...0i22i30k1j33i22i29i30k1j0i8i13i30k1.0.Lb1Kr1Ydi-QSTEP 10 : The answer question. The answer for second question. https://www.google.com/search?ei=euLzWZHQEoaCvQSh75m4Bw&q=who+is+martha+coolidge%27s+date+of+birth&oq=wh o+is+martha+coolidge%27s+date+ofbit&gs_l=psy- ab.1.0.33i13i21k1j33i160k1l3.1344640.1358879.0.1361690. ab..1.10.2164...0i22i30k1j33i22i29i30k1j0i8i13i30k1.0.Lb1Kr1Ydi-Q 12
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 11 : After that, use the Google search engine again to find the third question answer.STEP 12 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. The third question. https://www.google.com/search?ei=zefzWZ_MPMnUvATKp5iwAQ&q=who+is+martha+coolidge%27s+hobby%3F&oq=who+ is+martha+coolidge%27s+hobby%3F&gs_l=psy- ab.3..33i22i29i30k1.1449790.1454660.0.1454862. ab..12.7.1298...0i22i30k1.0.T6zfMSeyJ-YSTEP 13 : Then, the answer was appeared. The answer for third question. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Martha-Coolidge 13
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answer :1. Martha Coolidge, American filmmaker who achieved commercial success directing films often underlain by a feminist perspective.2. Martha Coolidge was born on August 17, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut, U.S3. Martha Coolidge’s hobby is she very interest in directing films.The Sources :Google search : Wikipedia ; Martha Coolidgehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Martha_CoolidgeGoogle search : Britamnica ; Biography Martha Coolidgehttps://www.britannica.com/biography/Martha-Coolidge 14
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What is the currency used for Honduras? (27 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is the cureency use for Honduras? •STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 3 given in the blank box.Using Google as Type the search engine. question. https://www.google.com/ 15
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. I choose this result and click this title. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Jl7zWcS-LY- SvQT6upjwAQ&q=what+is+the+currency+used+in+honduras&oq=what+is+the+currency+used+in+h&gs_l=psy- ab.1.2.0l8j0i22i30k1l2.924.23181.0.24530. ab..1.37.3593...0i131k1j0i10k1.0.pmFwr2JqbgESTEP 8 : Then, the answer was appeared. The answer for question 3. https://www.hondurastravel.com/honduras-travel-tips/local-currency-banking-honduras/ 16
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answer : 1.The local currency used for Honduras is the Lempira.The Sour ces :Google Search : Bonduras Travel; Local Currency Banking Hondurashttps://www.hondurastravel.com/honduras-travel-tips/local-currency-banking-honduras/ 17
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 Give the address of Science Research Associates Pty. Ltd? (27 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • Give the address of Science Research Aassociates Pty.Ltd?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 4 given in the blank box.Using Google Type as search the engine. questio n https://www.google.com/ 18
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. The question I choose this result and click the title. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=Jl7zWcS-LY-SvQT6upjwAQ&q=the+addresss+of+science+research+associates+pty.ltd&oq=the+addresss+of+science+research+associates+pty.ltd&gs_l =psy-ab.3...546452.585204.0.587593. Q3P-A STEP 8 : Then, the answer was appeared. The answer for question 4 https://www.nzlbusiness.com/company/struck-off/Science-Research-Associates-Pty- Limited 19
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answer :1. The address of Science Research Associates PTY Limited is C/- Price Waterhouse 11-17 Church Street Wellington, Australia.The Sources :Google Search : NZL Business ; Science Research Aassociates Pty Limitedhttps://www.nzlbusiness.com/company/struck-off/Science-Research-Associates-Pty-Limited 20
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 When was the royal family of Nepal massacred? (28 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • When was the royal family of Nepal massacred?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 5 given in the blank box.Using Google as Type the search engine question 5 https://www.google.com/ 21
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. The question 5 I choose this result and click this title.https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=ywr0WfScLsXIvgTJta6wDw&q=when+was+the+royal+family+of+nepal+massacre d&oq=when+was+the+royal+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.0.0l10.1151678.1158244.0.1160553. 8 : Then, the answer was appeared. The answer for the question 5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepalese_royal_massacre 22
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answer : 1. The Nepalese Royal Massacre occurred on 1 June 2001, at a house on the grounds of the Narayanhity Royal Palace, the residence of the Nepalese monarchy.The Sources :Google Search : Wikipedia ; Nepalse Royal Massacrehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nepalese_royal_massacre 23
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 State two (2) objectives of coronary bypass surgery? (28 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : •State two (2) objectives of coronary bypass surgery?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 6 given in the blank box. Type the question 6Using Google as search engine https://www.google.com/ 24
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. The question 6 I choose this result and click this titlehttps://www.google.com/search?ei=Xhr0WabhLYTjvgTV5pWYCw&q=two+objectives+of+coronary+bypass+surgery&oq=objective+of+c oronary+bypass+surgery%3F&gs_l=psy-ab.1.2.0i22i30k1l3.45274.45274.0.47590. ab..0.1.106....0.qgE-ChrUVm4STEP 8 : Then, the answer was appeared. The answer for question 6 https://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart- public/@wcm/@hcm/documents/downloadable/ucm_300434.pdf 25
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answers : 1. State two (2) objectives of coronary bypass surgery is ➢ The surgery helps people whose coronary arteries have become narrowed or blocked by fatty material called plaque. ➢ The bypass allows more blood and oxygen to flow to the heart muscle.The Sources :Google Search :https://www.heart.org/idc/groups/heart-public/@wcm/@hcm/documents/downloadable/ucm_300434.pdf 26
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What are the synonyms of brutalize? (28 OCT 2017, ACCESS DATE)STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : •What are the synonyms of brutalize?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 7 given in the blank box. Type the questionUsing Google as search engine https://www.google.com/ 27
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. The question 7 I choose this result and click this title. https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=ywr0WfScLsXIvgTJta6wDw&q=what+are+the+synonyms+of+brutalize&oq=what+are+th e+synonyms+of+brutalize&gs_l=psy-ab.3..33i21k1j33i160k1.270919.285711.0.286568. ab..7.27.4872...0j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i22i10i30k1j0i22i30k1.0.Tkm46rMl8qoSTEP 8 : Then, the answer was appeared.The answerfor question 7 https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/brutalize 28
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The answer :The synonyms of brutalize is animalize, bestialize, dehumanize.The Sources :Google Search : Meriam Webster ; Synonyms of brutalizehttps://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/brutalize 29
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What is the address of the Natural hub in Gabon ? [ 19 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is the address of the Natural hub in Gabon?STEP 3 : Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 8 given in the blank box. Type the question given in this box https://www.google.com 30
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. The question. Click this resulthttps://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=euX7WZqAEYz68QWH17HADQ&q=what+is+the+address+of+the+natural+hub+in+gabon&oq =what+is+the+address+&gs_l=psy-ab.1.1.0l10.16899.21793.0.29757. ab..13.7.1907...0i131k1.0.D7V83l3V1Kk 31
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 8 : The result was appeared. http://www.ny-forum-africa.com/en/gabon/about-gabonThe answer : 1. Gabon is Africa’s second largest manganese producer and timber exporter. 2. Fifth largest oil producerin Sub-Saharan Africa at around 250,000 barrels a day. 3. Gabon has in reserves 3.7bn barrels of mineable oil and more than 30 bn cubic meters of natural gas. 4. It has more than 400 million matres cubed of timber annually. 5. Gabon is a gateaway to regional market of 250 million people. 6. Gabon set to become leadingAfrican producer of : • Palm oil : projected annual production capacity of 1 million tons. • Cocoa : projected annual production capacity of 4,000 tons by 2016. • Rubber ; projected annual production capacity of 60,000 tons by 2016. 7. Potential for over 100k tons/year of exploitable fishery resources.The Sources :Google Search : NYF AFRICA – About Gabonhttp://www.ny-forum-africa.com/en/gabon/about-gabon 32
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406What is the global warming and the effects of this global? [ 19 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is the global warming? • What the effects of this global?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 9 given in the blank box. Type the question here https://www.google.com 33
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer.https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+the+global+warming+and+the+effects+of+t his+globalSTEP 8 : The result was appeared. http://warmheartworldwide.org/climate-change-impacts/?gclid 34
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The Answer :Global warming also known as a global climate which a connected to the system climatechange. Some effects of this global warming of this global is : • Rising sea levels • Melting ice • Torrential downpours and more powerful storms • Heatwaves and droughts • Changing ecosystems • Reduced food security • Pests and diseaseThe Sources :Google search : http://warmheartworldwide.org/climate-change-impacts/?gclid 35
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What is the title of the dissertation,written by Dauma,Rollin George ? [ 19 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is the title of the dissertation, writte by Dauma, Rollin Geotge?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 10 given in the blank box. http://www.google.com 36
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. https://www.google.com/search?ei=m-X7WZvEEYKM8gXP6Im4CA&q=what+is+title+of+the+dissertation%2C+written+by+dauma%2C+rollin+george&oq=what+is+title+of+t he+dissertation%2C+written+by+dauma%2C+rollin+george&gs_l=psy- ab.3...220276.2931618.0.2935295. ab..31.30.6845...0j0i67k1j0i131k1j0i22i30k1j33i22i29i30k1j33i160k1.0.1GF4YEDdLC4STEP 8 : The result was appeared. http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/5244857 37
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The Answer :Topic genre : catalogueSummaryQuestionnaires were sent to 244 English department chairmen in the public high schools ofMichigan's six largest cities in this study, which (1) describes the content of the various bookselection and book complaint policies used by the departments; (2) compares the effects thesepolicies have on the inhibition or resolution of censorship; and (3) provides a completesample book selection and complaint policy modeled on the best characteristics of thepolicies examined for this study. Findings support three hypotheses: that most Englishdepartments do not have a written policy explaining the procedures and criteria used to selectbooks; that most English departments do not have a written policy explaining the proceduresused to acknowledge and resolve objections to books selected or recommended; and thatEnglish departments with no written policy are less successful in inhibiting or resolvingcensorship than English departments with one or both of the written policies recommendedby the American Library Association and the National Council of Teachers of English.Appended are the questionnaire, policy statements, and model book selection and complaintpolicy. (HOD)The Sources :Google Search : http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/5244857 38
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What is meant by eponym? [ 19 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is meant by eponym?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 11 given in the blank box. Type the question here http://www.google.com 39
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. Click this resulthttps://www.google.com/search?ei=FPH7WZrFAcbWvAT3wpLoBQ&q=what+is+meant+by+eponym&oq=what+is+meant+by+eponym&g s_l=psy-ab.3..0j0i22i30k1l2.883864.895376.0.896429. ab..9.16.3838...0i67k1j0i131k1.0.tSLnjf3H2HISTEP 8 : The result was appeared. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eponym 40
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The Answer :An eponym is a person, place, or thing after whom or after which something is named, orbelieved to be named. For example, Elizabeth I of England is the eponym of the Elizabethanera.The adjectives derived from eponym, which include eponymous and eponymic, similarlyrefer to being the person or thing after whom something is named, as \"the eponymousfounder of the Ford Motor Company\" refers to Henry Ford. Recent usage, especially in therecorded-music industry, also allows eponymous to mean \"named after its central character orcreator\".The Sources :Google Sources : Wikipedia; Eponymhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eponym 41
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406Who is Giosue Carducci ?What was his date of birth and his death date ? [ 19 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • Who is Giodue Carducci ? • What was his date of birth ? • What his death date ?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 12 given in the blank box. Type the question here https://www.google.com 42
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. Click this resulthttps://www.google.com/search?ei=lvT7WZafEMaQ8wWuqaOgCg&q=what+is+giosue+carducci%3F+what+was+his+date+of+birth+and+ death+date%2F&oq=what+is+giosue+carducci%3F+what+was+his+date+of+birth+and+death+date%2F&gs_l=psy- ab.3...1069200.1100935.0.1101144. ab..33.29.6941...0j0i67k1j0i131k1j0i10k1j0i13k1j0i13i10k1j33i160k1j33i22i29i30k1j33i21k1.0.R80YFKEC1a0STEP 8 : The result was appeared https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giosu%C3%A8_Carducci 43
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The Answer :Topic genre : Encyclopedia GIOSUE CARDUCCI BORN : Giosue Alessandro Giuseppe Carducci 27 July 1835 Valdicastello di Pietrasanta, Tuscany, Italy DIED : 16 February 1907 (aged 71) Bologna, Italy OCCUPATION : Poet NATIONALLY : Italian NOTABLE AWARDS : Nobel Prize in Literature 1906The Sources :Google Search : Wikipedia; Giosue Carduccihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giosu%C3%A8_Carducci 44
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406What is the areais sq km and the independence day for Bolivia ? [ 19 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is the areais sq km? • What the independence day for Bolivia ?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 13 given in the blank box. Type the question here https://www.google.com 45
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer. Click this resulthttps://www.google.com/search?ei=5Pj7WfuYNMj28QWGgrEw&q=what+is+the+area+sq+km+and+the+independence+day+for+bolivia&oq=what+is+the+area+sq+km+and+&gs_l=psy-ab. ab..19.8.1993...0i22i30k1.0.7rnv7ehrdLESTEP 8 : The result was appeared. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivia 46
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The Answer :Areais sq km means the square kilometers of Bolivia where is about 1098 586 squarekolimeters ( 424 162 square miles ). Bolivia officially known as the plurinational state ofBolivia ( a landlocked country located in Western-central South America. The struggle forindependence started in the city of Sucre on 25 May 1809 and the Chuquisaca Revolution(Chuquisaca was then the name of the city) is known as the first cry of Freedom in LatinAmerica. That revolution was followed by the La Paz revolution on 16 July 1809. The La Pazrevolution marked a complete split with the Spanish government, while the ChuquisacaRevolution established a local independent junta in the name of the Spanish King deposed byNapoleon Bonaparte. Both revolutions were short-lived and defeated by the Spanishauthorities in the Viceroyalty of the Rio de La Plata, but the following year the SpanishAmerican wars of independence raged across the continent.The Sources :Google Search : Wikipedia ; Boliviahttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivia 47
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406 What is the normal blood pressure for healthy young adult ? [ 21 OCT 2017,ACCESS DATE ]STEP 1: Read and understanding the question that given.STEP 2 : Identify the question is about. In this part, the question is about : • What is the normal blood pressure for healthy young adult?STEP 3: Analysis the problem and limitation when searching the answer.STEP 4 : Collect the material to answer the question.STEP 5 : To solve our problem, we use internet access. We go to a search engine such as Google browser to get the information.STEP 6 : Go to Google browser and type the QUESTION 14 given in the blank box. Type the question here https://www.google.com 48
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406STEP 7 : Several result appeared. Click at the link that you think provide the reliable and accurate answer.https://www.google.com/search?source=hp&ei=ASP8Wb_fB4L08gW6060w&q=what+is+the+normal+blood+pressure+for+healthy+young +adult&oq=what+is+the+normal+blood+pressure+for+healthy+young+adult&gs_l=psy- ab.3...2191.31325.0.32144. 8 : The result was appeared https://www.gov.je/Health/HealthyBody/Page/BloodPressure.aspx 49
ASSIGNMENT FACT FINDING IMC 406The Answer :In a healthy young adult, a normal blood pressure is about 120 / 80, although some healthypeople with a normal heart and blood vessels have a blood pressure well below the average.Exercise, excitement, anger or anxiety all make your heart beat faster and increase your bloodpressure temporarily. If your blood pressure is consistently lower or higher than the normalrange, then you may be diagnosed with low or high blood pressure.The Sources :Google Search : https://www.gov.je/Health/HealthyBody/Page/BloodPressure.aspx 50