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Home Explore Final SOP Manual

Final SOP Manual

Published by Devendra Chandak, 2023-06-25 07:40:05

Description: Final SOP Manual


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Contents 01 04 Core Values Preface – SOP and its Importance in the Channel 06 Section I - Process Guide 07 Pre-owned Car Buying and Sales Process 08 08 Exploration Stage 09 11 - Information Search (Website) 18 - What is an Enquiry - Enquiry Generation 19 - Enquiry Management - Enquiry Follow-up 23 25 Pre-owned Car Sales Process 26 - 11 Steps Customer Journey 27 - Customer Journey - Sales Process - Customer Journey Outside the Showroom 28 28 1. Customer Entry 29 2. Two-wheeler Parking and Helmet Stand - Customer Journey Inside the Showroom 32 3. Showroom Entry 34 4. Registration at High table 36 5. Waiting Table 6. Discussion Table 37 7. Product Demonstration 40 41 i. Digital Demonstration 42 ii. Static Demonstration 8. Test Drive 43 9. Accessories Display 44 10. Booking and Documentation 45 i. Booking 46 a. Finance Process b. Insurance Validity 47 c. Warranty 47 ii. Documentation 47 11. Delivery 48 i. Process before the Vehicle Delivery ii. Process on the day of Vehicle Delivery 50 iii. Feedback of Delivery and Overall Experience (Instant) 51 Post Sales Stage 53 53 - Within 72 Hrs PSF - Delivery Experience 53 - 30 Days PSF - RC Status - 90 Days PSF - RC Receipt - RC Management and Documentation Pre-owned Car Direct Buying Process - Customer Journey - Direct Buying Process 1. Registration at High Table 2. Evaluation at Multipurpose Bay 3. Evaluation at Home/Office SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

4. Road Test 53 5. Due-diligence of the Car-Documentation/HP/RC/Insurance 54 6. Customer Quote 54 - Purchase Agreement 56 - Payment Process 56 - Document Checklist for Purchase 58 - Possession of Vehicle 58 Post Direct Buying Stage 59 - Refurbishment Process 60 - Certification 60 - RC Management 63 Allied Services 64 - Maruti Finance 65 - Maruti Insurance 68 Exception Handling (FAQs) 71 - FAQs on Pricing Queries 72 - FAQs on Booking Cancellation 74 - FAQs on Customer Complaint Handling 74 Annexure 76 - Hyperlocal Marketing 77 - DMS Booking 82 - Calling Scripts 87 - Customer Satisfaction Note 94 - Customer Dockets 95 Section II - System Guide 101 Organisational Structure 102 Manpower 103 104 - Roles and Responsibilities 141 - Recruitment Advertisement 142 Stationery 144 - Business Card - Letterhead 150 Uniform Guide 151 Showroom Display Guidelines 152 155 - Display Area 162 - Display of MSGA/GNA 169 171 Technology 172 - Customer Desktop 191 - Hostess Desktop - Advisor Desktop - True Value Website - True Value Customer App - Evaluator App Designations & Abbreviations CONTENTS

Core Values Professionalism As the industry leader, being highly professional is our core value. It means knowing our cars and Customers extremely well, listening attentively and being competent advisors, keeping our commitments without exceptions and excuses, as well as exhibiting efficiency and integrity in every Customer interaction. Simplicity Buying a Pre-owned car is not as simple as buying a new one. Customers have to deal with all kinds of complex information, opinions and choices. At True Value, we understand these issues and are able to simplify matters and be understood. Transparency In an industry where vagueness and uncertainty is the norm, we lead the change by being transparent. We do this with our extensive product knowledge and our willingness to answer any of our Customers' questions. Warmth We respect our Customers, treat them with courtesy, understand their concerns and constantly endeavour to meet their expectations. Reliability To win a Customer's trust takes effort. We must consistently deliver on all the above values to become a reliable brand in our Customers' eyes. 01 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE



Preface Understanding the term SOP and its importance in the channel Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are the documented processes that a company has in place to ensure Products and Services are delivered as expected and as decided by the company. SOP is a step by step guideline to perform the day-to-day operations at the Dealership. Importance of following the SOP SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and uniformity in conducting day-to-day operations at the Dealership, across all touchpoints. Thereby, helping the Dealership to deliver an enhanced experience to our valued Customers. PREFACE 04


Process Guide  Pre-owned Car Buying and Sales Process - Exploration Stage - Pre-owned Car Sales Process - Post Sales Stage - Pre-owned Car Direct Buying Process - Post Direct Buying Stage - Allied Services - Exception Handling (FAQs) - Annexure PROCESS GUIDE 06

Exploration Stage This is the first step after a Customer has decided to either buy a Pre-owned car or to sell his existing car. Customer’s journey begins by surfing information about a trusted desti- nation where he/she can buy or sell a Pre-owned car based on their needs. The exploration stage is a crucial phase in the Customer's journey where they form a strong opinion about the brand in their mind based on the information they consume at various touchpoints. 07 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Information Search A Customer who has perceived an idea of buying or selling an old vehicle by using online mediums such as Website or App, will look forward to engage with a trusted brand which assures him transparency and strong brand values. Maruti Suzuki True Value brand values such as transparency, simplicity & professionalism have been imbibed in the DNA of the True Value Website and App. Digital medium plays a very important role during the exploration stage because Customer searches online before making a decision. True Value Website and App plays a very critical role in building Customer’s trust and helps him to make a thoughtful decision. This also facilitates the Customer to compare the models before purchase. In today’s scenario, a Customer is educated, well-informed and empowered with an endless source of real-time information. Due to digital advancements, he has access to all the information about a product or a service very conveniently. Deployment of digital assets and strategy has played a very significant role in keeping True Value ahead of its competition. A Pre-owned car Customer seeks an experience that is at par with the new car purchase experience. Digitalisation of True Value business helps us to deliver what our Customer expects from us. What’s an Enquiry? An enquiry is defined as an act of seeking information by a prospective Customer EXPLORATION STAGE who has the potential to either buy a Pre-owned car from True Value or plans to sell his/her existing car. 08

Enquiry Generation Enquiry generation is a process of reaching out to the prospective potential buyers who wish to purchase a vehicle. Enquiries can be generated through various sources such as: 1) Natural Enquiry: Enquiry which is generated when potential buyer attempts to touch base with the Dealership. Types of Natural Enquiries are: a) Walk-In Enquiry A prospect who visits the True Value showroom without any prior intimation and registers his interest at the showroom, to either buy a Pre-owned car or to sell his existing car to True Value is referred to as a Walk-In Enquiry. b) Inbound Telephonic Enquiry A Telephonic enquiry is an enquiry where a Customer calls at the True Value showroom to inquire and register his interest, to either purchase a Pre-owned car or to sell an existing car to True Value. 09 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

c) Website/App Enquiry When a Customer browses the True Value Website or App and leaves a query on the online platform to show his interest to buy/sell a vehicle. Refer Flow chart of Website/App enquiries as shown in the next section. d) Hyperlocal Enquiry (Dealer Digital Platforms) Enquiry which is generated through Dealer digital platforms like Dealer Website, Google Listing and Facebook Page in the form of call or online query, is referred as Hyperlocal Enquiries. These enquiries are generated from geo-targeted areas within a radius of few kms around the Dealership. 2) Generated Enquiry: Enquiry which is generated when Dealership attempts to touch base with the potential prospective buyers. Sources of enquiries are: i) Email: Dealership manages to get the prospective buyers database and sends them an informatory e-mailer on the current available stock. ii) Customer Referral: An enquiry which is generated by the reference of an existing Maruti Suzuki Customer is known as a Customer referral. iii) Events/Activities/Roadshow: An enquiry which is generated through Customer connect activities/events conducted by the Dealers. iv) Print Advertisement: An enquiry which is generated through newspaper/magazine advertisements. v) Repeat/Additional Buyer: When an existing old car Customer decides to buy another vehicle from the True Value outlet. vi) Telemarketing: An enquiry which is generated via Dealership call centre team. In this, database of prospective buyers is being contacted to generate the enquiry. EXPLORATION STAGE 10

Enquiry Management As the term defines, as soon as the Enquiry is generated it needs to be assigned to the RO to initiate the conversion process. RO contacts the prospective buyer to capture the further details. The basic process of the enquiry management will remain same in all types of enquiries with a slight difference in the way Customer is approached. This section will explain the basic steps of Enquiry Management for different type of enquiries: i. Enquiry Management for Natural Enquiries: a) Walk-In Enquiry: CCM welcomes the customer inside the showroom and assigns the RO. RO greets the Customer and introduces himself. RO sequentially captures the Customer details in the Lead Management System (LMS) and no information is left unfilled. RO does the need analysis based on the Purpose of buying the car, age, gender, address, preferred car, fuel type, model and budget range etc. one by one on the digital screen. b) Inbound Telephonic Enquiry: Customer calls the showroom and his call is attended by the CCE, who is responsible to attend all the inbound telephonic enquiries. CCE greets the Customer by mentioning the Dealership name. (As per the designed script) CCE starts capturing basic required information about the Customer such as: Customer name, contact no. and the purpose of call etc. In case the Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back from RO to the Customer on a preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid the same information search from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. c) Website/App Enquiry: Customer fills an online enquiry through Web Portal or Mobile App. CCM contacts the Customer to capture the basic required information. CCM invites the Customer to visit the showroom and updates the enquiry status in the system for further follow-up. 11 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

True Value Website/Consumer App Enquiry Flow Customer Searching to buy a Pre-owned Car Maruti Suzuki True Value Website Maruti Suzuki True Value App Inventory Listing for the chosen city Checks the cars on display on Website/App and books a test drive after selecting the preferred car DMS Enquiry Generated System sends an SMS with Customer Name and Model Details to the TVM. A Thank you SMS is sent to the Customer with Dealer details along with Mileage and Model of the preferred car CCE Checks the DMS/CCM portal every 2 hrs. Takes the print out for tele-calling CCE/CCM calls the CCE/CCM Assigns the RO customers and qualifies the in the DMS/CCM Portal for leads as Hot, Warm or Cold further action RO follows-up the enquiry Enquiry Tracking Card is and enters the action plan opened by Relationship in the DMS Officer (RO) TVM takes the printout of TVM/CCM follows-up with the action plan for the day Relationship Officer (RO) Booking EXPLORATION STAGE 12

3) Hyperlocal Enquiry: When an online Customer decides on a model of his choice online, he searches for a Dealership. Customer searches for a nearby True Value Outlet either through a Dealer Website or via Google listing. - Customer registers/leaves an online enquiry to either buy a Pre-owned Car or to sell his existing car. Or the Customer calls the Dealership through mobile and connects with the Digital Desk of Dealership. - Digital Desk contacts the Customer and qualifies the lead in the LQS. An Enquiry generated in the LQS is assigned to the outlet Evaluator/RO for further action. RO/Evaluator confirms with the Customer for a specific time of visit. CCM updates the enquiry status in the system for further follow-up. 13 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Hyperlocal Enquiry Process Flow - POC Sale Customer visits the Dealer Website or calls the Digital desk and submits his/her details to buy a Pre-owned car Leads are captured in the LQS and are sorted for Sell enquiry Digital coordinator calls the lead and qualifies them as enquiries in LQS Qualified leads flows to DMS and an enquiry no. is generated that reflects in the LMS portal CCE/CCM assigns the enquiry to RO, using DMS/CCM Portal RO contacts the Customer, follows up and enters the action plan in DMS TVM reviews the enquiry action plan of the day Booking EXPLORATION STAGE 14

Hyperlocal Enquiry Process Flow - POC Buy/Exchange Customer visits the Dealer website and submits his details and interest with respect to Selling/ Exchange Leads are captured in the LQS and are sorted for Sell/Exchange enquiry Digital coordinator calls the leads and qualifies them as enquiries in LQS. Checks for exchange or Only sell Sell Exchange Send to New Car Exchange RM at New Car books the New Car Sell Qualified leads flow ptoorDtaMlS and reflect in LMS CCE/CCM assigns the enquiry to Evaluator, using DMS/CCM Portal Evaluator receives the Customer info in the Evaluator App Appointment is fixed with the Customer and Follow-up for the evaluation is done using the Evaluator App Evaluation of the car is carried out as scheduled and photos along with car details are entered in the Evaluator App In case of Direct Buying, TVM reviews the car photos and details in the TRV portal and suggests the price Deal is finalised Purchase agreement Buy 15 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

ii. Enquiry Management for Generated Enquiries: a) E-mail/SMS: Dealership sends an informatory Emailer to all the prospective potential buyers/ sellers. Customer shows his interest to purchase a vehicle either by replying back through an email or phone call. CCE connects with the prospect and starts a dialogue. CCE collects the basic required information about the Customer such as Customer name, contact no., preferred model etc. and updates the same in the DMS. In case Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back from RO to the Customer on his/her preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid searching the same information from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. b) Customer Referral: CCM captures the enquiry referred by an existing Maruti Suzuki Customer during his vehicle buying or selling process. CCE contacts the potential buyer and captures his interest of buying or selling a vehicle. Upon confirmation from the prospect, CCE collects the basic required information such as Customer name, contact no., preferred model etc and updates the same in the DMS. In case Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back by RO to the Customer on his preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid searching the same information from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. c) Events/Activities/Roadshow: At the event, the Dealership staff captures the details of the interested potential buyers and updates them in the DMS. CCE contacts the potential buyer and collects further details such as preferred model, budget range and invites the Customer for Dealership visit. In case Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back by RO to the Customer on a preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid searching the same information from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. EXPLORATION STAGE 16

d) Print Advertisement: Prospective buyer sees the Print Advertisement and contacts the Dealership through a phone call. CCE receives the call and captures this as an enquiry in the DMS along with basic required details such as Customer name, contact no. preferred model etc. In case Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back by RO to the Customer on a preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid searching the same information from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. e) Repeat/Additional Buyer: CCE contacts the existing Pre-owned car Customer and informs him about the other available models at the Dealership Upon confirmation from the Customer, CCE captures this as an enquiry in the DMS along with basic required details such as preferred model, budget range and invites the Customer for Dealership visit. In case Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back by RO to the Customer on his preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid searching the same information from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. f) Telemarketing: CCE contacts the prospective potential buyers through database of dealership and captures his interest of buying or selling a vehicle. Upon confirmation from the prospect, CCE collects the basic required information such as Customer name, contact no. preferred model etc and updates the same in the DMS. In case Customer has some other queries, CCE arranges a call back by RO to the Customer on his preferred time. CCE updates the enquiry status in the follow-up module. CCE shares the Customer details with concerned RO to avoid searching the same information from the Customer to minimize the conversion period. 17 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Enquiry Follow up Post the Customer details are captured in the DMS, enquiry follow-up is started by the concerned RO. After the follow-up RO updates the status in the DMS. The prime objective behind the enquiry follow-up is to ensure the vehicle is sold by the True Value outlet and to give a delightful buying experience to the Customer. Process steps are as given below: Enquiries which needs to be followed up are identified in the LMS/DMS by RO. RO reviews the last follow-up status and remarks to make the next follow-up attempt. RO must keep a daily enquiry follow-up tracker with him to minimize the lost/drop enquiries. Effective follow-up leads to higher Customer satisfaction and enhances buying experience. RO connects to the Customer as per his/her preferred timelines and updates the status in the system. Follow-up needs to be done based on the category of the enquiry: Hot, Warm and Cold. Successful follow-up means when the RO collects following information: Next follow-up/expected delivery date, preferred mode of contact whether it is at home, call etc., next action plan such as Test Drive, Document collection, visit to the Dealership etc. Post sales feedback and processes to follow after the Customer has taken the delivery of the car. EXPLORATION STAGE 18

Pre-owned Car Sales Process The key to every Dealership’s success is to create an impactful impression at every stage of the Customer Journey. Every Dealer employee must adhere to the basics of hospitality during the Customer interactions. The Customer should feel valued and must always be given an undivided attention. 19 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Purpose: Selling a Pre-owned car to a Customer who wants to upgrade from two-wheeler to make his daily commuting easy. The prime objective is to give the best buying experience to the Customer during his entire journey at the True Value Dealership. This process is comprised of various stages which include Customer Journey, Booking, Delivery, Post Sales follow-up and RC Management. Steps included in each stage are as explained below: Process Flow - POC Sale 1. Customer Arrival Captures Vehicle Details Security Guard Guides the customers on in the log book Greets and Welcomes the two-wheeler towards parking inside the premises 2. Two-Wheeler Parking Assists Customer in parking and helps him to place the helmet at the helmet stand 3. Showroom Entry Guard escorts the customer towards showroom glass entrance A “A” at the end of the flowchart is used as a connector that joins the process in the flowchart on the next page. 20 PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS

A 4. Registration at High Table Customer Care Manager/Executive Welcomes Enquires Assists in Assigns a Guides him to and Greets purpose of filling details at Relationship the waiting the Customer registration tab Officer (RO) table visit Pantry Boy 5. Waiting Table On ROs Arrival Greets and Serves CCM introduces Drinking Water RO to the Customer 6. Discussion Table Relationship Officer RO greets the Customer and invites him for further discussion at the table to understand his needs using the (LMS ) Lead Management System Physical and Digital 7. Product Demonstration Scans the QR Code Demonstration of the 8. Test Drive (for TV) displayed on the shortlisted cars is done shortlisted car to see more details Test Drive is given to the Customer as per the process on a pre-designated route, and Customer queries are attended, if any Accessory Executive 9. Accessories Display B 21 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

B Discuss and understand the accessory needs and suggests the best products to complement their car 10. Booking and Documentation Customer Finance Options RO explains the Payment received Finalizes the Car are discussed booking process by the accounts and delivery is with the Customer and assists in paper work scheduled 11. Delivery CCM Accessory Executive Relationship Officer TVM/Sr. RO Ensures readiness Ensures the Confirms the Delivery of the fitment of ordered delivery date Ceremony Car/Chocolate box accessories and time “A” and “B” at the end and start of the flowchart are used as connectors that joins the process in the flowchart from the previous page to the flow appearing on the next page. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 22

11 Steps Customer Journey 01 Customer Entry Two-wheeler Parking 02 03 Helmet Stand Showroom Area Entry 04 05 Registration at High Table Waiting Table 06 23 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

07 Discussion Table Demonstration at Multipurpose Bay 08 09 Test Drive Deal Closure 10 11 Delivery PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 24

Customer Journey - Sales Process True Value Customer journey starts from entry in the showroom and completes with the vehicle delivery. There are 11 broad process steps that have to be followed at every True Value Showroom to impart a great Customer experience. 25 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Customer Journey Outside the Showroom: 1. Customer Entry Purpose: The prime objective of this touch point is to ensure the Customer convenience right from the entry in the showroom and guide him to next step. Checkpoints: Security guard is available at the main gate all the time. Security guard greets the Customer and guides him to the parking area and helmet stand. An umbrella is ready near the parking area to take care of the Customer in bad weather conditions. Process Steps: Customer approaches towards the True Value outlet main gate on his two-wheeler or four-wheeler. Security guard greets the Customer with a smile and says Namaste, Good Morning, Good afternoon or Good evening. 2. Two-wheeler Parking and Helmet Stand Purpose: The purpose of this touch point is to make the Customer feel valued at the Dealership and ensuring the safety of his vehicle. Checkpoints: Security guard needs to ensure that two-wheelers are parked parallel to each other at the designated two-wheeler parking only. Security guard needs to ensure that no damage is done to other vehicles in the two-wheeler parking area while the vehicles are being parked. Security guard needs to guide the Customer to keep his helmet at the helmet stand. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 26

Process Steps: Security guard guides the Customer to the parking area and helmet stand in case of two- wheeler. Security guard then guides the Customer to the outlet entrance. Note: Security guard to ensure the four-wheelers are parked outside the showroom, in case the Customer comes on a four-wheeler. Customer Journey Inside the Showroom: 3. Showroom Entry Purpose: The objective of this touch point is to greet the Customer and guide him to the predefined next touch point. Checkpoints: CCM is present at the showroom entrance. Availability of the iPad at the high table for registration. Process Steps: CCM welcomes the Customer at the showroom entrance. CCM guides the Customer to the high table for registration. 4. Registration at High Table Purpose: As soon as a Customer enters the showroom, his details are captured through iPad at the High Table. Registration process consists of below steps: Checkpoints: iPad on the high table must always be fully charged. CCM to follow “first-in, first-registration” in case, walk-in Customers are waiting at the Dealership. No other items should be kept on the high table. CCM to ensure availability of free space at the waiting table, so that the Customer can be asked to sit and wait comfortably, in case the RO is busy. 27 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Process Steps: CCM guides the Customer for registration on the iPad and explains the reason for registration. In case multiple Customers are waiting at one point of time, CCM briefs them about the “first-in, first-registration” process. CCM guides the Customer to the waiting area or discussion table basis RO’s availability. 5. Waiting Table Purpose: The objective of this touch point is to make the Customer feel comfortable while he waits for the RO to attend him. During the waiting time Customer is offered water/tea/coffee. Checkpoints: CCM to give direction to the office boy for serving water to the Customer. Availability of the iPad at the high table for registration. Process Steps: CCM informs the office boy to serve the water to the Customer. CCM guides the Customer to the discussion table as soon as the RO is available. 6. Discussion Table Purpose: Discussion table’s prime objective is to understand and do a thorough Need Analysis of the Customer using the Lead Management System (LMS). This enables the Relationship Officer to suggest and get the right car as desired by the Customer. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 28

Checkpoints: CCM to give direction to the office boy for serving tea/coffee to the Customer. RO to ensure that the LMS is operational and logged in. Multipurpose Bay is ready for the demonstration of the vehicle. RO to ensure that he collects driving license and undertaking form signed by the Customer before Test drive. This is mandatory due to statutory reasons. Discussion after Test Drive must be conducted at the discussion table only. Process Steps: CCM guides the office boy to serve tea/coffee to the Customer. RO starts conducting need assessment using the LMS screen. RO informs the CCM for arranging shortlisted cars in the multipurpose bay for Demo and Test Drive. Meanwhile, RO collects the driving license and undertaking form signed by the Customer for the Test Drive. After the Test Drive, RO guides the Customer to the discussion table for the final discussion. 7. Product Demonstration Product Demonstration is done for the shortlisted cars based on the need assessment done with the Customer. Through this process, the Customer is convinced to pursue his buying decision in a methodological manner. Types of product demonstration are explained in this section. Purpose: The purpose of this touch point is to explain the product, its specifications/features and to handle the Customer queries. Checkpoints: RO ensures that the shortlisted cars are available for demo at the Multipurpose bay. RO follows the FIRSST demo process while demonstrating the shortlisted car to the Customer. Process Steps: RO guides the Customer towards the demo area and briefly explains him about the cars following the FIRSST demo process. RO ensures that all the Customer queries are answered while vehicle demonstration is given. 29 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Types of Product Demonstration i. Digital Demonstration – LMS Digital demonstration takes place at the discussion table using the Lead Management System (LMS). This is an online need analysis tool to understand the Customer’s requirement. This tool is loaded with all the certified and inspected car models along with their specifications. It helps the Customer in comparing multiple car models with respect to price, features, service history etc. ii. Static Demonstration – QR Code Scan Static demonstration is conducted at the Multipurpose Bay using the QR code scanner. Each car at the outlet should have a specification sheet along with a QR Code. Upon scanning the QR code, all the details of that particular car are displayed along with its history. The displayed information should be in-sync with the TRV portal details. Static demonstration is ideally done by following six step demo process: FIRSST. FIRSST is the Maruti Suzuki prescribed six step demo process which helps the RO to explain all the features in a uniform way. It also helps the Customer to observe, understand and feel the features of the shortlisted vehicle. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 30

F.I.R.S.S.T F I RO explains the front look of the vehicle RO explains the interior premiumness of such as: Specification sheet, Engine the vehicle such as: Functioning of all health, oil and coolant level, no controls on MID and steering, display black/white smoke, headlights/bumper, mileage, quality of seat covers, foot mats, vehicle history, no abnormal noise etc. accessories fitted and their quality with functioning and spacious interiors. R S RO explains the rear look of the vehicle RO explains the seating comfort of the such as: Boot space, jack, spare wheel, vehicle such as: Front seat headroom, rear washer, wiper, tail lights and rear seat controls, rear seat legroom, head- bumper. room and rear back pocket. S T RO explains the safety features of the RO explains the latest technology of the vehicle such as: Seat belts, airbags, vehicle such as: Engine, effortless collapsible steering, ICATS, monocoque AGS/Hybrid, power and torque. body, ABS with EBD, HEARTECT & ISOFIX child seat anchorages. SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE 31

Points to remember: Customer must be responded and satisfied for his queries/questions asked during or after the demo process. FIRSST is an ideal process to explain the vehicle in a detailed manner. 8. Test Drive Test Drive is the factor which helps the Customer to finalise the vehicle. Based on this, a Customer makes up his/her mind to purchase a particular vehicle. An ideal Test Drive guidelines along with the route map are as mentioned below: Test Drive Process Flow Shortlisting of Car Politely deny the Test Drive to Customer and If No Check If Yes Ask the Customer to submit the Driving suggests an alternative. Check if the for Driving License and sign an undertaking form accompanying person has a valid license License before the Test Drive Take the Customer to the selected car location Check Fuel Level/Tyre Pressure and all the car documents Explain the Customer about the defined route map Highlight parameters like Acceleration, Suspension, Braking, AC & Engine smoothness during the drive Answer Customer queries Capture feedback in the LMS PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 32

Test Drive Route Map - 5-7 km Slow Ask the Customer to Educate the Customer on check for suspension the overall health of the Down At the turns ask the while driving at speed car along with its Customer to slow down breakers and on bumpy interiors, performance and check the brakes. surface. and electrical Ask to check the engine components such as AC / noise when the car is at Lights and Horn. the traffic signal. True Value Outlet Checkpoints: CCM ensures cleanliness of all the shortlisted vehicles. Driver ensures all the vehicle controls and the battery are functional and are in working condition. CCM ensures a minimum of 5 litres of fuel availability and adequate tyre pressure in the vehicle for which the Test Drive is to be given. CCM ensures vehicle documents such as RC, Insurance and PUC is available with the Test Drive vehicle. Driver ensures to turn on the A/C or open the window before parking the car in the multipurpose bay for Test Drive. RO ensures to collect the photocopy of Customer’s driving license and a signed undertaking form before the Test Drive. RO adheres taking the Customer on a pre-defined/fixed Test Drive route. RO adheres to give the Test Drive for a minimum distance of 5-7 kms. RO ensures to drive the vehicle first before handing over it to the Customer. Process Steps: As soon as the demonstration is completed with all the possible answers to Customer’s questions, RO guides the Customer for the Test Drive. RO drives the vehicle first and explains all the controls, functions and features such as: smoothness of the drive, suspension on the bumpy roads, acceleration on the flat road/up-hills, turning radius, A/C effectiveness etc. to the Customer. RO follows the pre-defined fixed route and guides the Customer also to follow the same. RO handovers the car to the Customer after 7-10 minutes of drive. 33 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

RO to explain about the car to the Customer during the Test Drive and highlight the key features in detail. RO encourages the Customer for any specific question /query during or after the Test Drive. On completion of the Test Drive, RO guides the driver to park the car in the designated area (inside or outside showroom) and asks the Customer for any further clarity about the car. In case Customer is accompanied by some family member, RO to acknowledge the questions asked by them during the Test Drive. RO arranges the Test Drive as per the convenient time and place preferred by the Customer. RO collects the Customer’s feedback about the vehicle during and after the Test drive. After the Test Drive, RO requests the Customer to come back to the discussion table and starts the final discussion. 9. Accessories Display Maruti Suzuki Genuine Accessories or Genuine Nexa Accessories is basically a personalisation of the car’s features /functions as per the Customer’s choice and need. MSGA/GNA provides a wide range of genuine accessories that helps in building the Customer’s trust. Thereby, giving a personal touch to the vehicle. Factors that contributes in personalisation of accessories are as given below: Every Customer wants his/her car to be personalised in a different way, with their own choice of accessories. They try to explore MSGA/GNA for uplifting the car’s features. Customer spends good amount of time in the car, and they want their vehicle to be more comfortable. The latest technology and features helps them to stay connected and entertained during travelling. Checkpoints: Accesories executive ensures the display of accessories as per the defined MSIL norms. Ensures to keep the latest price list. Ensures timely delivery of the vehicle to the Customer without delay in fitment. Ensures effective planning of the stock for the entire product range to minimize the sales loss. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 34

Checkpoints: Ensures timely coordination with back-end accessories team for ordering the stock and maintains minimum stock at the Dealership. Ensures availability of fast moving accessories stock such as: Mats, Perfumes etc. at the Dealership. Minimum two of the showroom staff members should be trained in the accessories fitment and should be available at the Dealership all the time. Ensures to inform the Customer about the available MSGA/GNA kit for his selected model. Process Steps: As soon as the Customer has finalised and booked the car, RO introduces the Customer to the accessories executive for accessories finalisation. Customer finalizes the accessories and confirms to the accessories executive. Accessories executive books the accessories in the DMS and collects booking amount from the Customer. Accessories executive sends the accessories details to back end team for timely fitment and execution before delivery. Buying the accessories from MSGA/GNA has its own benefits to the Customer and Dealers. Few of them are explained below: Benefits to Customer Benefits to Dealer Time Saving - Customer need Customer Delight - Customer not to invest any further time will get the car which is ready after purchase of the vehicle. to drive with all the All MSGA/GNA are developed accessories fitted already. based on the Customer need Repeat buyers due to high level and there is no compromise of Customer satisfaction. with respect to quality, Customer Referrals - Satisfied durability and design. Customers will share their Buying accessories from experience with their friends MSGA/GNA will provide after and family. sales support to a Customer. 35 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

10. Booking and Documentation Purpose: This touch point ensures the closure of deal, booking, documentation and decide vehicle delivery date. i. Booking: This is the point where Customer decides to purchase the selected vehicle and submits the initial booking amount. It includes following steps: Booking Process at the showroom Post the Test Drive, RO explains the Booking and Documentation Process Initiate booking process by filling the Customer Docket (Buyer) RO checks for any accessory requirements and introduces the Customer to Accessory Executive Accessory Executive pitches MSGA/GNA and notes down the requirements and captures the details in the order booking form All the relevant details are filled as per Customer Docket (Buyer) RO checks with the Customer if vehicle finance is required Customer pays the booking amount at the If No Finance cash counter and takes the receipt Option If Yes Customer is requested to pay the booking amount and initiate the finance process Post booking, RO handovers the Customer Docket and mutually agrees on the delivery date and time RO escorts the Customer to the showroom exit PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 36

Booking Pre-Checks: Successful booking of a Pre-owned car requires the following three important aspects as explained below: a) Finance Process b) Insurance Validity c) Warranty a. Finance Process Availability of car finance plays a major role in the entire old car buying process. Finance process should be simple, transparent and Customer friendly. One of the prime contributor to Customer delight is smooth finance process and timely sanctioning of the loan. Checkpoints and process steps are: Steps and Document checklist for Finance Process Step 1: Collection of Documents: Collect all the documents from the Customer as per listed in the checklist. All the necessary documents have to be submitted before the finance process is initiated. Step 2: File Login: Submit the loan application with complete set of documents to the bank. Step 3: File Verification: Field Verification is initiated by the bank and Customers are requested to co-operate with the whole process. An independent outsourced agency of the bank will conduct a Field Verification at the Customer’s residence and office and may also do tele-verifications. The agency then submits a positive or negative report directly to the bank on the basis of Customer’s feedback. Usual cases where field reports is negative are: locked house, non co-operation by Customer, wrong information or negative area etc. as specified by the financier. Step 4: Approval: After taking a Positive field report, the banker will give approval on the basis of available documents. If any additional documents/ co-applicant is required by the bank, it will be communicated to the customer. 37 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Step 5: Agreements: Once approval is received, loan agreement needs to be signed. Post-dated Cheques/ECS to be submitted to the bank. ECS forms shall be verified by the banker and security cheques have to be submitted to the bank as per bank's policy. Step 6: Disbursements: The bank does final checking of approved files, agreements, cheques, etc. If everything is correct, Delivery Order will be issued to Dealer. In case of any mismatch, in signature, address proof, etc. Delivery Order may be delayed till rectification. Step 7: Delivery of the Car: Delivery of the car will be done only after receipt of full amount towards the cost of the vehicle. Points to remember: In-house Finance serves as a single window service by the Dealer to avoid inconvenience to Customers. The Dealer cannot exert influence over loan approval or rejection. Update the Customer with respect to the process and seek Customer’s co-operation in this regard. Finance company is the sole decision making authority to approve or reject the loan. Checklist: Papers/Documents for all Customers: Age Proof: PAN card/Voter's ID/Passport/Driving Licence/Aadhar (anyone) Address Proof: Latest Electricity Bill/Telephone Bill/Aadhar Two passport size coloured photographs Copy of Bank Account Statement/Passbook for last 12 months duly updated Signature Verification Quotation and Down Payment Receipt For Salaried Latest Salary Slip for last 3 months Form No. 16 and Copy of IT Return for last 2 financial years Employer's Certificate For Self Employed/Pvt. Ltd. Companies/Partnership Firms Form 32 in case of director's name not mentioned on AOA and MOA. Income Proof: Last 3 years ITR with Trading, Profit & Loss A/C., Balance Sheet duly attested by a Chartered Accountant. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 38

Authorisation and Partnership Deed: Letter of Authorisation from all Partners and Partnership Deed in case of Partnership Firm. Pvt. Ltd./Public Ltd.: Board Resolution duly stamped and sealed, Attested copy of Memorandum and Articles of Association. Note: In case of Partnership Firm/Pvt. Ltd./Public Ltd. Co., passport-size photograph, proof of age, signature verification and proof of address of the signing partner/authorised signatory is required. Following documents are required wherever necessary: Statements of Loan Accounts of financial institutions of borrower for last 12 months. Processing Fees, Stamp Duty and Franking Charges will totally depend upon the policies of finance company. If outstation cheques are produced for repayment, outstation clearing charges are also liable to be paid. If the financier feels that the borrower should present himself for personal interviews before disbursement, the Customer should meet the bank's representative. Checkpoints: Availability of finance checklist with RO/SRO for timely completion of the paper work and smooth finance processing. RO to handhold the Customer to select the best deal and financer. RO to coordinate/connect with financers for timely approval to deliver the car on the committed date. Process Steps: RO understands the Customer requirement and profile before suggesting for the finance options. Based on the Customer preference and suitability, RO calculates the EMI on the digital EMI calculator and inform the Customer about the monthly EMI amount. In consensus with Customer, RO initiates the finance approvals with selected financer. RO coordinates with respective financer for timely loan disbursement. After approval from the financer, RO informs the Customer. Once disbursement is done, RO confirms the delivery date to the Customer and adheres to the commitment without delay. Point to remember: RO needs to ask the Customer for any preferred date for vehicle delivery beforehand to make the entire delivery process worth remembering for the Customer. 39 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

b. Insurance Validity This check is implemented during the sourcing of the vehicle. Vehicle insurance is mandatory as per “Motor Vehicle Act”. It is to ensure whether the insurance of a particular sourced vehicle is valid or not, and if valid than what is the duration for the validity. It also helps to estimate the vehicle price and quote the same to the Customer. In case of availability of insurance validity, a further process of transfer of insurance also needs to be initiated. Vehicle Insurance is a mandatory legal requirement as per the Motor Vehicle Act. Any Pre-owned car that is sold through True Value must possess a valid Insurance. Insurance Process RO Checks the Insurance Documents Check for the No Claim Bonus , if yes. NCB Check for Valid Check and update Customer about Pass the same to the seller Insurance Insurance the validity and expiry date of the Validity insurance Assist the Customer in renewal and update on applicable charges Inform the Insurance charges to the Customer at the time of booking PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 40

Points to remember: No vehicle should be delivered to the Customer without insurance. A thorough check with respect to insurer name and validity should be verified and communicated to the Customer. Vehicle Insurance charges must be communicated to the Customer during booking of the vehicle. RO to inform Customer about the cashless claims across India in 450 cities along with support centres. RO to guide Customer on the claim settlement and deductions. RO should guide the Customer about the benefits of vehicle repair at MSIL workshop under insurance policy and vehicle service process. RO to treat this as revenue generation stream for the Dealership. c. Warranty True Value warranty starts after the expiry of normal and extended warranty period. This is given to all True Value Certified cars. True Value warranty reduces the Customer’s concerns in case of vehicle breakdown and its repair cost. True Value warranty period is given here: 1. Premium True Value category vehicle: 1 year warranty or 15000 km from date of sale whichever is earlier. 2. Standard True Value category vehicle: 6 months warranty or 7500 km from the date of sale whichever is earlier. Category Term PTV (Premium True Value) 1 Year or 15000 km – Whichever occurs earlier STV (Standard True Value) 6 Months or 7500 km – Whichever occurs earlier Points to remember: RO to inform Customer about the warranty applicability on the certified cars only. RO should explain warranty policy to the Customer at the time of booking of the vehicle and educate the Customer about the terms and conditions mentioned in the vehicle service manual. 41 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

RO to handover “True Value Certificate” to the Customer along with service manual at the time of delivery. RO to educate the Customer about the benefits of the MSIL warranty policy such as: Warranty claim from any authorised Dealer who is having True Value showroom anywhere in India, hassle free repair, payment process and better resale value of the vehicle. ii. Documentation: Documentation means getting the booking documentation completed and signed by the Customer and preparing the vehicle for the delivery. This section is comprised of the list of documents required for the booking and vehicle delivery. Checkpoints: RO to ensure the availability of the Customer Docket (Buyer). RO to ensure the timely completion of documentation process by coordinating with respective departments. Process Steps: After the Customer’s confirmation on the car model and price, RO starts the booking and documentation process. He also explains the initial payment amount and process. RO guides the Customer to complete the paper work. RO finalizes the deal and guides the Customer for final payout. RO informs the Accessories executive for the further process and informs the Customer for the delivery date. Booking Documentation - Checklist Booking Receipt - To be given at the showroom after the booking amount is paid. Finance Checklist - To be explained to Customer at the time of booking. PBF - Post booking follow-up to be done 24hrs after booking. OBC - To be given to Customer at the time of booking to act as a reference. - Detailed Customer information with price quote. - Vehicle details including RC transfer fee/On-road price. - Allied value added services. (EW/MSGA/GNA/MI) - Booking receipt details. - Finance details. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 42

11. Delivery At this stage, the vehicle which has been finalised, will be delivered to the Customer. RO takes confirmation from the Customer for his preferred and comfortable time for the vehicle delivery. Purpose: This touch point ensures the timely and smooth delivery process to enhance the Customer ‘s buying experience and make him feel delighted. i. Process before the Vehicle Delivery Checkpoints: RO to confirm the delivery time with Customer at least one day before the proposed delivery date and time. RO along with CCM to ensure all the commitments which were made to the Customer have been taken care of. RO to cross check whether all the accessories fitment work is done as per the Customer choice and preference and get the pre-delivery vehicle inspection done with the CCM/CCE. RO to inform TVM, SRO and CCM to ensure their presence at the time of vehicle delivery. RO and CCM to ensure the availability of the Chocolate box and Two set of car keys. RO to ensure the availability of TVM and SRO for the keys handover to the Customer. Process Steps: RO calls the Customer to confirm the delivery time and informs the CCM for the same. RO along with CCM ensures that the decoration of the car and accessories fitment is completed. RO coordinates with all the respective departments for the timely completion of the work and cross checks the assigned work completion status one day before the delivery date. RO to keep all the forms, documents and kits ready for the Customer signature and handover. 43 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

ii. Process on the day of Vehicle Delivery Delivery Process: Delivery process starts when the Customer arrives at the showroom to receive the vehicle. Checkpoints and process steps for the same are: Checkpoints: RO to ensure readiness of the vehicle at least an hour before the delivery time. RO along with CCM must ensure completion of all accessories fitment work as prescribed by the Customer and car is decorated with ribbon for delivery. RO to ensure making a call to the Customer to confirm the expected time to come for the vehicle delivery. Process Steps: RO calls the Customer to confirm the delivery time and informs the CCM for the same. RO greets the Customer and his family on arrival with a Namaste, Good Morning, Good Afternoon or Good Evening and makes them sit to offer refreshment. In case of high delivery days, RO ensures proper sitting arrangement for the Customer and his family. During refreshment, RO guides the Customer to complete the documentation process, if pending. RO explains the free services and warranty policy to the Customer. (Only for the True Value certified cars). RO guides the CCM for bringing the vehicle at the multipurpose bay at a stipulated time. After the documentation, RO takes the Customer and his family to the Multipurpose bay and explains them car’s features and highlights the work that has been done in the car based on the Customer preference or discussion. RO ensures the car keys are handed over to the Customer by the TVM with a chocolate box (SRO and CCM availability will also be ensured by the RO before delivery) and ensures to click the photograph of the ceremony. RO thanks the Customer for his association with Maruti Suzuki and shares the car delivery photograph through an email/whatsapp to the Customer. PRE-OWNED CAR SALES PROCESS 44

Delivery documents include: i. Owner’s Manual ii. PUC iii. Valid Insurance iv. Photocopy of RC v. Two set of keys iii. Feedback of Delivery and Overall Experience (Instant) Feedback for delivery and overall buying experience at the Dealership from the Customer needs to be captured on an immediate basis. There are two ways: a. A written document which may include a feedback form, an email or feedback posting on the True Value website. b. Verbal feedback is taken by the TVM and SRO for further process improvement. 45 SYSTEM & PROCESS GUIDE

Post Sales Stage It is important to stay connected with the Customers even after the sale is made. This helps in building a long-term relationship with them. Post sales stage includes ownership transfer and a formal feedback from the Customer. POST SALES STAGE 46

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