Am er ic anE nglis h PENGUIN f'tI lr,rffrJ A( | l v l l t l Al ) l N G Contemporory ACTIVE READING a E v crybo dy n !a o wc c llown ov c \\ J , rowc i' r lr r l not ]ac<S<e reto r [ v c ' r y y c , r fr c 'lr , r s1l ' , ' r . 1llr c Level2 500headwords sante 5c,lr-y 5o|,,i! ,ilrcl al() lfr('!,1llrc d,lfq.-'i or]:, !1,ilr({\", Elementary H c rsDorcciw lir L lr c nr lhc n, onc d, r ' , r c . : t ' (,ir '\",lrr,rstown.rld he hasan idea lVf , r , ' 1, , varfDl-cs,wrtch es ar d s l< eet ons ol ll, t r r ; , , ' r ' rl, , ' . , ce e br-a teCh r stma s ,t oo t he r -w, r v i Number of words(excludingoctivities):8,038 SeriesEditorsJ: ocelynPotterand Andy Hopkins For correlationsto EnglishLanguageTeachingexams, pleasevisit PenguinActive Readingprovides reading and languagc learning at five levels, through full-colour, beautifully illustratedReaders.As well as enioyablestoriesand texts, eachbook providesa rangeof integratedactivitiesdesigned to develop readingskillsand consolidatevocabulary,and offers personalisedproject work. Eachbook is supportcd by an interactive CD-ROM which contains additional activitiesand the complete audio recording. Easystarts 2OOlr e .r d wo r d s B- oginnet Level 1 JOOlreadwords Level 2 600 headwords Elementary Level 3 T2 0 0 h e a d wo r d s Level 4 17 OOh e a d wo r d s Pre tntc'ritttlt,tlt' lnterDtt'(|t,tlt' I0Ufl{P5lTfl0t*lH1, T[ lllBUTIT}l0II]II05I{IltAffXtJilTff,0lBllriUu' RlIr0*l\\*il/Dl r*'^]9;i*.1,Dllijl.i.liYlil.J',:l,l\"*ll'^i\"n*:'.,:,'**\",n,TTIIl|{1BllU,lTR0Tl\\0*'!1t'1Dfi[1Ii,I4$1Dil1lI000l11*1''I[l[tol{*i,li5{lt0It]lf\\ilT}i0,lls0li ::,........ ;ril-.:.t 0r0ldrtnltli1rlfl,1r,g)flIT,.]ifit-(llll0illllttij tO S N I,! WWw I'r'rr., rlllltt'.ttlt'l ', t,'tlt
Activitie1s CHAPTER r.r What'sthe bookabout? Halloweentown'sScariesSt keleton 1 Lookat the pictureon the front of this bookandtalk to another student.Doyou knowanythingaboutthe movieTheNightmare \"I scarepeopleeuer!lear, Zero,\"JachSbellingtonsaidquietlyto hisdog' BeforeChristmasW? hat kindof story do you think it is? \"It'sboringand Im tired.\" 2 Whichof thesewordsdescribethis story,do you think?Writethem n October 31 everybodyin Halloweentown wasexcited' underthe rightpicture. Halloween night wasthe most important night of their year funny strange happy scary boring exciting sad lnd they were all afraid. Dead peoplecameup from under the ground' 'l'hirsry vampires happily drank a lot of blood. Ugly old witches c changedsome peopleinto catsand other people into fish. Everybody ran d fiom the skeletons, from the sound of their long, thin arms and legs. l]lack catsjumped in and out of trash cans.Black birds few through the t.z What happensfirst? tlark sky with loud, high cries.And Jack Skellington sanghis scary songs lnd dancedhis dangerousdances.Peoplescreamed.They were afraid. On page1 readthe nameof the chapter,the sentencesin ifalics,and 'l'heylovedit. the newwordsat the bottom of the pageT. henlook at the picturesin At the end of the Halloween Chapter1 andanswerthesequestions. night, everybodywent to the 1 WhoisHatloweentowsnc'sariesstkeleton? ccnter of town. The Mayor of 2 Doesheliketo scarepeopleeveryyear? Halloweentown stood in front of 3 lsZeroa skeletoonra dog? them and spoke. 4 lsthcgirlinthepicturehsappyor sad? \"Tonight wasthe best Halloween parry in many years, irnd the hard work of one man rnadeit possible,\"he said.He turned to the town'sgreatest skcleton.\"Jack-thank you.\" vampirel,ve,mpara(:nl )Avampire livesinsidea deadpersonand at night he drinkspeople's blood bfood/bl,rd/(n)Whenyou cut your finger,redblood runsout wltch /wrtJ/h) A witch isa woman with a tall, blackhat Witchesfly at night. rk.leton /'skclatan(n/ )Yearsafterpeopledie,onlytheirske/etonisunderthe ground. rcary/'skcri(/ adj)SomepeoplelikescarymoviesW. hensomebodyscareysou,you areafraid. rcrcam/skrim/(v/n)Peoplescreamwhen they areveryafraid. mryor /'nrera,mer/(n) Mosttowns havea mayor andhe or sheisthe boss.
'l hc NighrmareBefirreChrisrmrs Chanter I - Hirllowecutown'.sScariestSkeleron \"lt was great,Jack!\" peopleshouted. \"\\7e loved ir! It waswild!\" 'l'he doctor could movearound \"Yes,\"the Mayor said. \"'We all enjoy Jackt scarysongsand dangerous dances.Jack,you're the scariestskeletonin Halloweenrown!Thank you in his chair but Sallyhad to cook for thesewonderful celebrations...\" \"No problem,\"Jacksaid. Ior him. Shecleanedfor him and But Jackwasn'rh\"ppy. Every year he repeatedthe samesongsand dancesand he was bored with Halloween. of course,he couldn't tell .licl everythingin the house' Her anybody.How could he?The people of the town loved him and they waited all yearfor this night. lifc'wasboring and shereally \\When the Mayor startedtalking about the scariestvampiresand witches,Jackwalked awayquietly. He wanted to think about his future. wilnted to run away.Shetried to He walked out of town and past the old churchyard. He walked past Sally,too, but he didn't seeher. Icrrvemany times but he always Sallywasalsosad.ShewatchedJackand shewanted ro follow him. c r r u g h th e r . But shehad to be careful. The Doctor didn't like it \"\\fty isJacksadtonight?\" when sheleft the house.And Sallythought. \"He's the most when shedidn't listen to him, he got very angry. wonderful man in Halloweentown The Doctor wasa very r r n d e v e r y b o d yl o v e sh i m . \" ugly, old skeletonand he wasnot a nice man. After his Shelistenedhard. Shecould accident,he couldn't walk. He made Sally,from old hcarJack'swords to his little white clothes,becausehe wanted tlog, Zero. Zero cameout from a strongyoung woman in his house.Her clotheswere rnrderthe ground and flew behind not very preffy, but shehad beautifullong red hair. .fack. He was dead,of course,so you could seethrough him. But he rnf nlrr, tfl o n 1 , r tl . r ' l r t c r l . r r ,' ( r rF) vcr yb o d ye n jo ysa ce le b r a tio nwi th thei r fri ends and fami l v. W lrr. rry r r u r t , l t , l n , t l t 'y o t l b lr tlr r,p e o p le g ive p r e se n tsto yo u. lrld a funny red noseand it shonein the dark. ) \"l \"sltctarbeopreinogplaenedveI'mryyteiraerd,Z. eI rdoo,\"nJt awcaknStkteollihnegator annsoatihdeqrusicertelyatmo.'hWis'hyt dog. tlo I do it?\" \"Now I understand...he'sbored,\" Sallythought sadly.\"He wantsto elrlngehis life...and I want to changemine, too.\" Shelooked around the churchyard. \"['ll takesomeof thoseflowers,\"shethought. \"l'll put them in the l)Octort drink againtonight so he'll sleep.But this time, when he's slccping,I'll run away.I'll find Jackand maybehe'll go with me. 'we'll be li'cc!\" A sound camethrough the treesfrom a long way away. \"Selly?til/hereareyou?\" It was the Doctor and he wasvery angry' \"l'tn coming!\" Sallyshouted.
C H A PIER Chaptcr 2 -A Door to a New \\World A Door to a New \\World .fackliked the door with the green tree and pretry decorations,so he nrovednearer.But beforehe could put his hand on the door, it opened. \"Nobo$,isa/iaid here!\"Jacbthougbt. A strong, cold winter wind pulled him inside the tree and the door closed 'Theyaren'tscreamingN. obodyidead!\" rlrrickly.He screamed,but only Zero heard. AndZero couldn't help' The little dog stayedunder the treeand waited. He waited all night. f ack walked through the churchyard and into rhe dark woods. His J head was down and his eyeswere on the ground. He walked for a long 'l.he cold winter wind took Jackto a new and wonderful place.Here, time and he thoughr abouthis future,without much hope. cvcrything waswhite and it wasvery cold. Jackknew nothing about snowand he took somein his hand. After almost rwo hours, he stoppedand looked around him. His eyes openedwide. \"\\(/here am I? \\What is this?\" he askedZero. Jackwas in the middle of somevery large rreesand eachtree had a beautifuldoor in it. on the doorswerestrangepicturesand eachdoor wasdifferent. one of the doors had a greentreewith decorations on it' of course,ir was a christmas rree,but Jack didn t know anything about christmas door had a prerty eggwith yellow fowers on it. It was the Easterdoor, but Jack knew nothing about Easter.The Thanksgiving Day door had avery big bird with a small head. rkrrorrrllorrr,rLkr'rIrl.rrrzi'(rrgll)Decorationsareprettythingsonchristmastrees,onwalls, \"W'hat is this?\"he thought. , 'rrf fr w r r r r f r r w i \\ . r r r r ' 1 t ,t4 t' ur le r o r ,ttc th e ir h o u se swith ch r i stmasl i ohts Hc madea ball and threw it. Therr he laughedhappily. He stoodon the top of a mountain and hc lookeddown at a pretry littlc town. It wasvery different from H:rlloweentown.There were lrt.irutiful ights on the housesand decorationson the trees.Peoplemoved lrrrppilyacrossthe ice on strange,long shoesT. hey laughedand sang. \"Nobody is afraid here!\"Jack rhought. \"They aren'tscreaming. N o b o c l y ' sd e a d ! \"
'l'hc Nightmare Before Chrisrmas Chapter 2 A Door to a Ncw Vorld Jackfelt very happy,too. It wasmorning in Halloweentown and the Mayor stood outsideJackt \"This is the prettiestplacein the world,\" he thought. Irorrse.He wanted to start making plans for next year'scelebrations. Then he looked up and he sawthe name of this placeabovethe 'l'lrcrewereonly threehundred sixry-four daysbeforeHalloween! But StrCCt-CH zuSTMASTOV/N. firt'l<clidn't open his door. The Mayor shouted.There was no answer. \"That's a funny name for a place!\"he thought. \"Bur I think I'm going to like it here!\" 'l'here weresomevampiresin the street,so he askedthem about Jack. Jackstartedto move down the mountain. He didnt know anyrhing \"Wc'll try to find him for you, Mayor!\" theysaid. about snow or ice, of course.So when he started to walk, his feet flew 'l'hc vampiresaskedwitches and skeletonsaround town. \"\\flhere's out from under him. He moved, on his boftom, asfastasa river down a frrrli? [)o you know?\" mountain. \"$/c don't know but we'll help you,\" theysaid. \"This is very funny,\" he thought. \"Maybe they'reinviting me to l,rlcr that day everybodyknew-Jack was not in Halloweentown! But Christmastown! I hope they are.This place is grear!\" w l r c r t ' w a sh e ?N o b o d yl e a v e sH a l l o w e e n t o w n ! At the bottom of the mounrain he satfor a minure and looked at the beautiful world in front of him. He felt h\"ppy and warm inside. Then he stood up. He looked up at rhe sky and laughed. \"I want to seeeverything here!\" he thought. \"l want to run and jump! I want to sing and dance!I'm not an old dead skeletonwithout feelings-I'm living again! But what happensin this place?I'm going to look around!\"
A c t i v i t i e sZ t,l Languagein use TheN i ghtmareB eforeC hri s tmas 2.r Wereyou right? Lookat the sentencesin the When the Mayorstartedtalking b o x . T h e nf i n i s ht h e s e s e n t e n c e s aboutthe scariesvt ampiresJ,ack Look backat your answersto Activity 1.2 on pageiv. Then look at the with the words below.Writethe w a t k e da w a y . pictureand finishthesesentences. letters, a-e. The Doctordidn'ttikeit when she 1 Theskeletonsn'sameis leftthe house. 2 Thedoorin thistreegoesto 1 WhenSaltvdidn'tlistento the Doctor, a Zerowaitedfor 2 Whenthe DoctorfetlasleeP, him. 3 Thenameof the holidayis 3 WhenJackwent intothe tree, 4 Jack'sfeetflewout from underhim b whenhe watkedon 4 On the doorthereisa green 5 Thevampirestartedlookingfor Jack the iceandsnow. 5 On the treethereare c Sattyranaway. d whenthe Mayor coutdn'ftindhim. e hegot very angry. 2.2 What moredidyou learn? La What's next? Match the nameson the left with the sentenceson the right. Lookat the picturesbetow.Which witt be new to the peopleof Halloweentown,do you think? 1 Vampires , a He isthe bossof the town andhe 2 Witches likesto talk. tights 3 Mayor 4 Satty b He isan old skeletonandhe can't Y.o' 5 Doctor walkverywe[[. 6 Zero t, c Theyweartatlbtackhatsandthey \"' 'lt ftv. SantaClaus d He likesto followJack. e Theyliketo drinkblood. t Shewantsto run awayandhavea m o r ee x c i t i n g[ i f e .
CHAPTER Chapter3 - Jack'sChrisrmasPlans Jack'sChristmasPlans Sallywasbusyin her kitchenwith the flowersfor the Doctor'sdrink. \"Do toysscarelinle boys?a\" shedan uglyold witch.Jachthought, \"He'll sleepa long time afterhe drinksthis,\" shethought' \" They'llneuerunderstandChristmas\". ,.twheretmy drink?\"the Doctor shoutedfrom anotherroom. n the night of December 24, the night beforeChristmas, \"lt's almostready,\"SallYshouted. everybodyin Christmastown wasvery h\"ppy. SantaClaus cameon Sherook it to him andwarchedcarefullyH. e put his nosenearthe this night everyyearwith toys for good girls and boys.Ar nine o'clock most of the children were in their bedsand the youngesrwere asleep.But (up. a lot of older children couldn't sleepbecausethey were very excited. So \"'W'hatdid you put in my drink tonight?\"he askedher' they closedtheir eyesand waited for the sound of SantaClaust feer. JackSkellington walked around-the town and looked through rhe \"l put somehot wat€r'somemilk, somesugar\" windows of the pretry little houses.He saw the children in their bedsand ..Youdidn't pur anyfowers in it, I hope,\"saidth\"'e old man. \"Youdid he could seea Christmas rreein every house.Each tree had beautiful red rhrrtro me before.I remember!Youwanredto run away.I remember and greendecorationson it and pretry lights. He loved everything in this place.Suddenly,he had a greatidea. t h a r .t o o ! \" \"l'm going to go back to Halloweentown,\" he thought. \"l've got a ,,FlowersY?ouarefunny,\"saidSally.\"Drink it and then I'll bring your greatplan!\" tlinner.\" t oy / f ,f/ ( r r )C h i l d r c n p l a y with to ys. fo y ca r sa r e n o t r e a lly cars. \"l wantyou to drink somefirst,\"he said' \"lt's veryhot, soI'll takea little on my spoon,\"shesaid' Sallytook a spoonwith holesin it from her skirt.Sheput the cup near hermouth andusedthe spoon.The drink fell throughtheholesandback into the cup.The old mant eyeswerenot verygood,sohe didnt seeit' \"Very nice,\"saidSally.\"Now you drink it'\" i Shegavehim the cup and the Doctor drank it. Then he fell asleep with his headon the table.Sallyput a warm .iackeot verhim and sheran ()utthedoor. It waslateat night but nobodyin HalloweentownwasasleepT.hey wereverysadaboutJack.\\Wherewashe?'I'hewitchesdidnt screamandthe vampirechildrendidnt wanrto play.Everythingwasquiet.The Mayorwas rhcsaddesbtecausheecouldnt planthe nextHalloweenwithout Jack' Suddenlyh, e hearda dog. \"[.isten!Is that Zero?.s\"houtedtheMayor' 'l'hen anothersound-a srrangesound-came from behindthe large tkrorsin the wall aroundHalloweentown.When the doorsopened,Jack hofe/hool/(n)Whenyou cut a holein somethingy, ou canseethroughit ' il
l'hc NightmareBeforeChrisrmas Chapter3 - Jack'sChrisrmasPlans arrivedin a big red sleigh. zero flew behind him and his big red noselit \"Christmastown?\\fhat's that?\" somewitches asked. the way.The witches, skelerons,and vampiresjumped up and down and \"lt's a world of wonderful white snow.It's a beautiful place,a happy laughed. lrlace.Look at this!\"Jacksaid. He showedthem a Christmas tree. Everybody'seyesopenedwide' Everybodyshouted,'Jackt back!\" 'And look!This is a 'Jack! \\X/herewere you?\" askedthe Mayor. present!\" he shouted. \"I'll tell you...I'll tell everybody!\"Jacksaidloudly. \"I wanr everybody He took a box with in town to come herein nvo hours.\" l)retrypaperfrom under Sallywasin the woods when sheheardabout Jackfrom one of the tlrc treeand showedit to witches.Shewanted to listen to Jackso shewent back inro town. them. \"The Doctor's asleep,so I have time,\" shethought. \"\\7hat is it?\" an ugly In the centerof town Jack,stood on a box in front of the witches, old vampire asked.He skeletons,and vampires. A lot of small black animals flew around lrrd a very white face,very excitedly. black hair, and a very red \"I want to tell you about a wonderful place!Its name is rnouth. Christmastown,\"fack said. 'A presentis a box with pretty paperaround s feigh / r l cr / ( n ) S a nt a c l a u s d r ive sa sle ig ha cr o ssth e sky o n th e ni ght before ch ri stmas. it...and inside...,\"Jack saidslowly. t2 \"\\7hat's inside?\"called irwitch. \"'Wedon't know,\" Jackanswered. \"Don't know?\\fhy not?\" The peopleof Halloweentown didn't trnderstand. Quickly, Jacktook off the paperand openedthe box' \"Inside, there'sa toy!\" saidJack.He showedthem a child's toy' 'A boy?That isstrange!\"saidone of the skeletons' \"Not a boy! A @\" shoutedJack' \"Do toys scarelittle boys?\"askedan ugly old witch' Jackthought, \"They'll neverunderstandChristmas.'' present I'prtzentl (n) People give you presentson your birthday
'l'he NightmareBe[oreChrisrmas CHAPTER Then he had a goodidea.\"Maybethey'llunderstandrhis.\" Chemicalsfor Jack He lookedat eachof themverycarefullyandhe spokequietlyand slowly. Sallythought,\"What doesthis mean?DoesJachloueme,or not? rou\"nTdhweriteh's^lovnegr,ywohlditemhaanirin.HCishcrilsottmheassatroewrend,J\"aancdkhseaifdie.\"sHtehtrobuigghatnhde Or issomethingbadgoingto haPPen?\" night skyin a big redsleigh.He shoutsloudly andlaughs!Theycallhim SantaClaus!He putspresenrsunderChristmastreesinsideeveryhouse. ally'sdrink for the Doctor didnt work very well. It wasn'tvery strong, \\7hen the childrenwakeup in the morning, theyfind rhem.Then they so the Doctor woke up after three hours. He could move fast in openthem.\" his chair and he found Sally.He took her back home and put her in her EverybodywasexcitedwhenJackfinishedhis story.They werea little r()omat the top of the old house. scaredt,oo, and that wasgood. \"You won't do that to me again!\" the Doctor shouted angrily' Jackleft andwent home.\"How canI tell them aboutChristmas?h\" e \"lt wasa...amistake!\" thought.\"I haveto find a betterway.First,t havero understand.\" s h cs a i d . Laterthat night in his bed,Jacklookedin a lot of books.He read Shethought, \"\\(/hY Christmas storiesand he found tlidn't I put more fowers in Christmas songs.Bur what were rlrcdrink? How did I make they really about? tlnt sruprd mistake?\" \"Maybe the Doctor can help Now shewasin her me,\" Jack thought. \"Maybe his room and couldn't get out. chemicals will teach me more Jackarrived in the about toys, decorations,and rnorning.Sallyheardhim Christmas trees!I'll go to his fiom her room. house and discusseverything \"Why is Jack here?'lshe with him in the morning.\" rlrought. Shetried to listen to the c hemic a f s/ ' k r : r r r r k : r l z( nl ) D o cto r s u se b o ttle s o f ch e m ica lswh e n thev w ant answ ersto (.otrversationberweenthe Doctor and Jack. She couldnt hearJack very questions They use the chemkals for tests. wcll, but sheheardthe Doctor' .,'[hkethesechemicals,Jack, but be careful.They're very dangerous.I t4 nrtde a mistakeone time and...look at me in this chair\"' Jacktook the bottlesof chemicalsand wenr home. He openedsome ol'rhe bottles.very carefully,he pur rhcm over fire. He put a toy boat irrto the bottle of greenchemicals.He put the bottle over the fire and wrttched. lt
The NighrmareBeforeChristmas Chapter4 - Chemicalsfor Jack Nothing happened.Then he Sallyput her bottle into his mailbox and ran away.Shecouldn't stay cut some Christmas paper and ,rnd talk to him. Shewanted to but shecouldnt. Sallywasa quiet girl put ir into somered chemicals. ,rnd sheneversaidvery much to anybody. Again, nothing happened. Jackwatched her and felt warm inside. Vhen shewas near the walls of the town, Sally satdown. He worked for hours, but he \"He smiled at md\" shethought excitedly. There was a pretty flower next to her and shepulled it out of the didn't learn very much about glound. She began to pull off the petals and to repeatthesewords: \"He lovesme,\" shesaid.Shepulled offthe secondpetal. \"He lovesme Christmas. not...\" shesaid.Shedid this againand again. Strangely,the flower in her hand begangoing around and around very \"\\(/har will happenwhen tirst.It changedinto a beautiful, small Christmas treewith pretry lights! 'l'hen, suddenly,the little Christmas tree wason fire. There was nothing I put decorationsinto these in her hand. Shesatthere in the cold, dark night for a long time and tried to understand. chemicals?\"Jack thought. He \"'What doesthis mean?\"shethought. \"Does Jacklove me' or not? Or put somein and a greenlight is something bad going to happen?Are Jack'splans for Christmas a big mistake?\" shone. petal /'pcgl/(n) Red flowers have a lot of red petals From Sallyt window, shesaw the green light in Jackt window. Shewanted to go ro him and help him. Shefelt somerhing strangeinside-a h\"ppy and sadfeeling. Forthefirst time in her life shefelt love.she reallywasin lovewith Jack. \"I wanrto behis wife,\" Sallythoughr.\"How canI get awayfrom rhe Doctor?I can'tstayhere!\" Sallystood at her window for a long time, without much hope. \"I haveto help Jack!\" shethought. so shemade a presenrfor him. Sheput some dry fowers, some brack vegetablesa, nd some greenwarer inro a bottle. \\with the bomlein her hand, shestood at her open window and looked down. It was a long way to the ground, but shewasn'rafraid. Shejumped. \\X/henshehit the ground, one of her arms fell off. \"Not again!\" shesaid.But shetook the arm with her other hand and 1'lrt it on againvery quickly. 'l'hc. sheran toJackt houseasfastasshecould. Shestood under his wirrtbw e.d looked up. At that sameminure, Jacklooked down. when tht'i't'y.s rrcr, hc sr'iled. suddenly,he felr reallyhappy-but why? He c < l rl r. .rlr ' r r rr r r l r . r 'lsrrtr t l .
Activitie3s lf Languagein use TheNightmareBeforeChristmas 3.1 Wereyou right? Lookat the sentencesin the box. It'sveryhot,so l'lttakea littteon 1 Lookbackat Activity2.4.Matchthe pictureswith the words. Thenmaketwo sentencesinto one mysPoon. withsoor because. T h eM a y o rw a st h e s a d d e s t toys becausehecouldn'pt tannext presents H a l l o w e ewn i t h o u tJ a c k . S a n t aC l a u s steigh TheDoctorwasasleepS.allywentto thetown'scenter. lhg.!o9.-!or ygf qf legp,,s9Sgrii; j.l9.Jgyr..q .? Lgt .. Jacktotda scarystoryaboutSantaClausN. obodyknewanythingabout Christmas. 3 Jackhadto finda betterway.Thedyidn'treallyunderstand. 2 Nowwrite the samewordsin thesesentences. 4 JackwantedsomehelpH. ewentto theDoctofrorsomechemicals. 5 Saltywantedto helpJackS. hemadea presenftorhim. On the nighr beforeChrisrmas, fills his . with bagsof . for good girls and boys.When they open them, they find wonderfuld r.z What moredidyou learn? J; What's next? Circlethe bestword. Readthe nameof Chapter6 andthe sentences in italicsbelowit.Thendiscussthe pictures 1 Satty'sspoonhasholes/ icein it. in that chapterW. hat do you think of Jack's 2 Jackarrivesin Ha[loweentowinna bus/ sleigh. helpers?Circleyour answers. 3 WhenJackopensthepresenth, ereisa boylfoy inside. 4 Jacktellseverybodiyn HaltoweentowanboutsanfaClau/switches. 1 Arethey'young\\6e1[iz 5 Jack'bsooksaboutChristmahsetp/ don,thelphim. 2 Arethey goodor bad? 6 TheDoctorgivesJacksomestrongdrinks/ chemicals. 3 Aretheygoingto dosomethindgangerouosr funny? 7 Satlywantsto visit/ marry)ack. 4 Aretheygoingto makeJackhappyor unhappy? 8 satlythinksthateverybodwy irthavea good/bad Christmas. 5 Aretheyintelligenotr stupid? 6 DotheyunderstanHdalloweeonr Christmas? lti l9
CHAPTER ChaPter5 -Jack'sGreatldea Jack'sGreatIdea ,.'wakeup!'we haveto talk to everybodytonight!\" Jacktold him \"Weregoingto ltaueChristmasin Halloweentowntbisyear. cxcitedly. \"OK, Jack.But it's very early.Go away now,\" the Mayor said' Youwill haueto worhhard, but it will bewonderful.\" Later, the Mayor called everybody to the townt center' Jack said, \"Everybody'shere, I see'Thank you' I havea new plan\"' f ack worked hard all night with the chemicals,but he didnt find any Everybody listened carefullY' J answersto his questions.\\7hat was Chrisrmas?\\What did it mean? ..'W'eiregoing to have Christmas in Halloweentown this year.You will He stood at his open haveto work hard, but it will be wonderful!\" window and thought hard. \"'Will it be really scary?\"askeda vampire' \"How do thesethings \"No, not scary...buthappy!\" answeredJack' work?\" he thought. \"\\Vhy do The Mayor thought, \"This is a strangeplan' but I'm not going to stoP him. vhen they arehappily celebratingchristmas in Halloweentown' peoplein Christmastown uant they'll be happy with me, too.\" to sing when they seerhese Jack said, ,,I wanr the witches to make christmas cakes.can you do decorations?Vhy arepeople that, witches?\" \"Yes,Jack,we alwayscook wonderful things' \\7e can make cakes excitedwhen they open these without any problem!\" theYsaid' presents?\" They laughed and starteddiscussingideasfor the cakes' Jacksaid,\"I want the vampiresto make red and greendecorations' He stood there for hours. OK, vampires?\" \\flhen it was almost ,,can we useblood for the red decorations?\"askedone young morning, Jackfound the answer. \"I know! It's easy!\\Jflhy didn't I think of this before?\" vampire. \"No, ,to blood in the decorations,please!\"saidJack' he shouted.He jumped up and down excitedly. Then the Doctor arrived. \"Doctor!You'rehere!Thank you,\" saidJack'\"Can you pleasemake \" Halloween town can have Christmas!Vhy not?'\\7'ecan four reindeer for SantaClaus'ssleigh?\" make decorationsand put them on a tree!'we can put presenrsunder the tree!'we can make presentsfor everylittle boy and girl. And this yearI'll Jackshowedthe Doctor a picture of reindeer' be SantaClaus.\" \"Can you do it?\" he asked. \"Of course,Jack.I'll start now,\" said the Doctor' He shouted happily, \"Chrisrmas will be ours!\" 'Ihe Doctor left and threeyoung boysarrived' It wastime for another meeting. He couldn't wair, so he ran to the Mayor's house.The Mayor was asleep. ,.Jack, said the Mayor. \"Be careful!lt's oogie Boogie'sboys!\" Jack!\" reindee/r'rerndrr(/n)RerndeearrelargeanimalsT' heypullSantaClaus'ssleigh' 2l
CHAPTER Chapter6 - JacksLittle HelPers Jack'sLittle Helpers Jach'sthreeyounghelpershada uerydffirent ideaabout Christmasin Halloueentown-so thenightmarebeforeChristmastaasbeginning. ock, Shock, and Barrelwere three young boys.They were Halloweentown'sfamoustrick-or-treaters and they playeda lot of trickson everybodyin town.They alwayshad a plan, and their plans wereneververy nice. Nobody in town liked their boss,Oogie Boogie.He wasa big, round Oogie Boogiewent aroundthe woodsat night and atea lot of bagfull of maggots!He had a big head,shortlegs,and long armsand tnimals.He dranktheir blood. Sometimeshe atepeople,too! He was t sometimesthe maggotsfell out of him throughholesin the bag. iollfwhaimys.hHunegwray.sHtheedsicdanrtieliskttehginogoidncHhialdllroewneaenndttohweny''wWehreernehaellsycaafrraeidd children,theyran to Jack.oogie Boogiewasdifferentfrom everybodyin trick or treat /,lrrk :rr'trit/ On Halloween,trick-or-treatersare children.Theyaskfor candy(a l{alloweentownbecausehe didnt likeJack. The Mayor didnt like oogie treat)Whentheydon'tgetit,theyplayatrickonyou.Youdonotknowthatitisgoingto lloogieor his badboys.Sohis eyesopenedwide when he sawoogie's happen.Sometimetshe trickisfunny,but usuallyit isnot nice. maggot/'rrriut;:(rnr/l MaggotsaresmallanimalsT. heyliveon old, bad meat. boys. ,.'why doesJackwanr to talk to them?\"he thought.\"Is he crazy?\" Jackspokeveryquietlyinto eachboy'sear.\"l want you threeboysto rlo somethingfor me. But don't tell anybody.It'sveryimportant' Nobody r'lln know.\" \"\\flhar?This isnt possible!\"the Mayor thought.\"why isJackmaking lrlanswith them?Vhatt he saying?\" 23
The NishtmareBeforeChristmm Chapter6 - JacksLittle HelPers \"One lastthing...\" Jacksaidto the boys.\"Don'r tell Oogie Boogie.I But christmaswasnow in dangeroushands.Jacl/sthreeyoung don't want him to know anything!\" helpershada verydifferentideaaboutchristmasin Halloweentown-so thenightmare beforeChristmaswasbeginning' \"Of course,Jack,\" the three trick-or-treaterssaid. \"'We wont saya word to Oogie Boogie about this.\" Lock, Shock,andBarrellovednightmaresasmuch astheyloved rricks.lwhen theygot to their homeat the top of a big tree,theystarted They ran away with big smileson their faces.'Werethey happy about planningtheir trick on Jack. Jack'simportant job? Or did they have other plans?Did Jack do the right thing or did he makea big mistake? \"Jackis a stupidskeleton!\"theylaughed' \\reL'llobcrkinsgaSida,n. ougtwoet owCohn'rtigsitvmehaismt otowJnaacnkd!\\wgee'tllSsacanrtea C l a u s ? \"'l'his is going to be wonderful,\" thought Jack.\"This is the happiest himwith our tricks!\" clayof my life. Those three trick-or-rreatersaregoing ro do something gooclfbr the first time in their lives.And this time there'll be no rricks.\" Shockwasmoreintelligentthan Lock andhe hada beceridea' .,Lisren...'w'e'gllersanraclaus andput him in our biggestHalloween llvcryboclyin Halloweenrown wanted to help with his Christmas bag!,s' aidShock.\"\\re'll bring him hereandshowhim to Jack.But then l)lrursN. othirrgcould be better. *Jlgiu. him ro oogie Boogie!oogie will reallyenjoythat big fat man for hisdinner!\" nightm a r e ( n ) / ' r r i r r l r r r lrY/ o u h a ve n ig h tm a r e s wh e n yo u a r e sl eepi ng.They make you afrai d, ,,Grear!,s,houtedBarrel.\"That will teachJackSkellingtona lesson!\" The threetrick-or-trearerlsaughedanddancedaroundthe room. 24 'Ihen theygot busywith their plan' 25
Activitie4s TheNightmareBeforeChristmas 4.1 Wereyou right? $ Languagein use Hewasthe scariestin look backat Activity3.4.ArethesesentenceasboutLock,shock,and Lookat the sentenceisn the box.Then Ha[[oweentown. Barrelright (/l or wrong (I)? finishthesesentencews ith the rightform Shockwasmorecareful 1 Theyarethreeof Halloweentownc,hsitdren. of the adjective. t h a nL o c k . 2 Everybodiyn Haltoweentowtinkesthem. 1 Jacksaid\",Thisisthe. ...........\"1?.ppi.9\"lJ..dayof my tife.\"(happy) Theywantto helpJackwith hisChristmapstans. TheytakeSantaClausto OogieBoogie. 2 Jackwas ,.thanthe Mayor(.excited) 5 Theyareveryintelligent. 3 Shocskaid\",We'lg[ etSantaandputhiminour 6 TheyunderstanndothingaboutChristmas. Ha[oweenbag.\"(big) +.2What moredid you learn? O o g ieB o o g iwe a s. . . \" . . . . . . . . . . . . .t.h a nt h et r i c k - o r - Whoisspeaking? treaters(.scary) 1 .. . \".ler{ Thethreetrick-or-treaters'plwaanstheir trick.(dangerous) ,E A : We can make C onw e usebl ood, tl What'snext? for the red cqkeswithout 1 decorotions? Readthe namesof Chapters7 and8 andthe sentencesin italicsbelow onyprobleml them.Thenlookat the picturesW. hat is goingto happen?Write Yes or No. tr, E . 'lBeil We won't say o 1 JackwantsSattyto makea redjacketandgreenpantsfor him. coreful! word to Oogie 2 Thetrick-or-treatebrrsingJacka Halloweeannima[. I lt's Oogie | 3 TheDoctormakes omehorsefsorJack. ). Boogieabout this. 4 Jackisgoingto doSantaClausj'os b. 5 SantaClaus'ssisteor pensthedoorto LockS, hocka,ndBarrel. 7 Boogie's 6 Santa sksLockS, hocka,ndBarre\"lW, hatdoes'trick-or-tremaeta' n?\"......... t, boys! 7 Thetrick-or-treateprus tSantaClausin a bigbox. I SantaClausisgoingto drivehissteightonight. g8 ., i That will z .. teach Jack We'll bring Santa bock ' Skellingtona here but we won't lesson! grvehimto Jack! )(t
CHAPTER ChapterT-BigMistakes Big Mistakes \"l'll make them for you, Jack.But I think it's a mistake,\" shesaid sadly. Santa wanted to ash, \"What does'trich-or-treat'mean?\" But theyput a big bag ouerhis head beforehe could asbhis question. Sallycould make clothesvery well and shedid aYery good job on Jackt new red pantsand jacket.\\7hen shefinished her work, sheleft his ot one witch, vampire, or skeletonin Halloweentown could say house.Shewalked to the center of town. \"No\" to Jack.Vhen he askedfor happy music, he got it. \\When he askedfor cakes,decorations,and roys,he got them. But when he asked Jack'snext visitors were Lock, Shock, and Barrel.They arrived with a Sally for somered clothes,shedidn't wanr ro make them. Shewasn'r very big Halloween bag.But they did not havecandy inside the bag this h\"ppy about Jack'splan. Shethought about the Chrisrmas rreeon fire in time. her hand and shefelt afraid. \"Jack,listen to me,\" Sallysaid.\"This isn't going to work.\" \"Jack,we caught him!\" they shouted. \"Yes,it is! You can do it. I only wanr a wonderful red SantaClaus \"Open it! Let'sseehim!\" saidJackexcitedly. jacket and some red pants!\"Jack answeredhappily. He could think of But when the three boys nothing but his clothesfor Christmas. opened the bag,Jack'seyesand mouth openedwide. He did not seean old man in red clothes. He sawan animal with very long ears.It jumped out of the bagand ran around the room. Up and down, up and down. \"'!?'hat'sthat?\" Jack asked. \"lt's not SantaClaus!\" \"Isn't it?\" askedShock. \"But we went through the door in the tree,\" saidLock. \"Which door?\" askedJack. \"The door with the eggand the yellow fower,\" saidBarrel. \"You went through the wrong door!\" Jacksaid.\"Go backand go through the door with the Christmastreeon it. And take this thingback to its tree!\" 29
The NightmareBeforeChrisrnras ChapterT-BigMistakes \"It was Lockt mistake!\" said Shock. ln Christmastown SantaClaus wasbusy,too. His helpers'beautiful \"It was Barrel'smistake!\" said Lock. toyswere almost ready.He looked at the namesof the children in The angry words turned into a fight. Shock hit Lock and Barrel hit Christmastown. He had a presentfor eachchild. Shock.Jack watched them for a minute or rwo. Then he moved very quickly and scaredthem with the sound of his skeleton arms. 'Are the cakesready,Mrs. Claus?\"he called to his wife. Usually he only did that on Halloween night. In the kitchen, Mrs. Claus smiled. Sheloved cakesand sheenioyed The boys, afraid, jumped and ran out of the door. The animal with the her job on the night beforeChristmasvery much. long earsfollowed them. \"Here comesthe last one!\" sheshoutedhappily. \"Take that thing back to its tree and bring SantaClaus here,\" Jack SantaClaus said, \"I'm going to get the reindeer.They haveto pull a shouted behind the three trick-or-treaters. \"And be nice to Sanra!\" very heavysleightonight, so I'll give them more food and water.\" \\fhen they were in the woods again, Shock turned to his friends. \"How \"Good idea!\"his wife said. did we make that mistake?\"he asked. Suddenly,therewas a loud noiseat their front door. \"'$(/henI saw the eggand flower on the tree'sdoor...\" Lock said slowly. \"'Whot that?\" Santashouted to his helpers. Shock said,\"You shouted'decorationsa' nd we went inside!Youstupid But his helperswere singing loudly and happily in the next room, so boy!\" they didn't hearhim. Everybody in Halloweentown was very busy and Jack watched rhem happily.The Doctor camewith his reindeerand they were almost asbig ashorses. 30 31
The NightmareBeforeChrisrmas CHAPTER \"l'll answerthe door!\" he calledto his wife. SantaClaus is Comitg to Town \\7hen he opened it, he sawthree strangechildren in very srrangedark clothes. \"Hi, SantaClaus!\"saidJachhappily.\"Im goingtogiueyou a Cbristmaspresent. \"Tlick or rrear!\"they shouted. ThisyearI'll beSantaClaus,soyou won'thaueto worh.\" Santawantedto ask,\"\\(/hat does'trick or treat'mean?\"But theyput J n Halloweentown, the vampiresfinished making Christmaslights- a big bagoverhis headbeforehe couldaskhis question.From insidethe I with little skeletonheads.The youngestwitches finished making their bag,he shoutedfor hiswife andhelpersb, ut theydidnt hearhim. toys-wonderfully dangeroustoys.Jack'splans for Christmas, the most important thing in his life, were almost ready.But he didn't look at the 32 lights and the toys beforethey went into the bags. \"Now I candress,\"he thoughthappily.\"Sally,bring my clothesp, lease!h\" e said. ShebroughtJackhis new r e dj a c k e ta n d p a n t sa n d h e put themon. \"Thesearewonderful!How do I look?\"he askedSally. \"l likedyou betterin black clothesJ, ack,\"shesaidsadly. But Jackwasexcitedand hedidnt listento heranswer. He ranout thedoorto his wonderfulsleigh.In the backof the sleightherewasa mountainof big bags,full of dangeroustoys,scaryPresentsa,ndstrange packagesJ.ackwasashappyasa trick-or-treareorn Hdloweennighrwith a big bagfull of candy. Beforehegot into the sleigh,he heardsomebodyshout,\"Jack!\" He turnedandtherewereLock, Shock,and Barrelwith a verybig bag. \"Het in here!Andhe'sreallyheavy!\"shoutedBarrel' \"Let'sput him down!\"saidShock.
The Nightmare BeforeChristmas Chaprer 8 - SantaClausis Coming to Town \"Ler me our!\" shouredthe old man inside rhe bag. \"The reindeercant seetheir noses!J\" acksaid.\"'Wecant leavenow.\" They opened the bag and sanra claus fell out. His facewas asred as \"Oh no! No Christmas!\"everybodycried.\"No presents!\" his jacket and pants. His hair wasaswhite assnow. He looked around and he sawrhe ugliestpeople in the world. He was in a nighrmare and Therewasonly one personin Halloweentownwith a smileon her face. everybody was a skeleton or a witch or a vampire! Sallywash\"ppy with her fog. \"'S(/'heream I?\" he thought. \"Hi, SantaClaus!\" saidJackhappily. \"I'm going to give you a \"Jackwill understandoneday.I had to do this,\" shethought.\"I'm christmas present.This year I'll be Santaclaus, so you wont have to doingit for him.\" work. You can sit down and enjoy a quiet night here in Halloweentown! I'll do everything. Look! I have a sleigh,presenrs,a red jacket and pants!\" Shewalkednearerso shecould seeJackt face. santa claust eyesopenedwide. \"\\vhat doeshe mean?\"he thought. \"Is heverysad?\"shethought.\"I hopenot.\" \"This is the happiestnight of the yearfor me!The children arewaiting- But Jackwasritvery sad.His eyeswereon Zero'sred nose.It shonein and I m going to be late!But I...\" he startedro say. the dark andit shonein the fog! \"Itt OK,\" saidJack.\"You can havea vacation.\" \"\\fill you showus the way,Zero?\"Jackaskedhis little friend. \"This is a nightmare!\" Sanrathought. But he couldn't speakbecause Zero couldnt sayno. He jumped up and down happily. he couldnt find the right words. \"Goodbye,everybody!\"Jackshouted. \"Come with us, Santa.'We'll take you to Jack'shouse and you can Zero jumpedonto the first reindeertbackand they few up through sleepthere,\" said Shock. the fog and acrossthe night sky. \"But I don't utantto sleep!\"Santashouted. The three trick-or-treaterstook him away,but not to Jack'shouse. Everybodyin Halloweentownlaughedand shoutedhappily.Only one \"This is a nightmare,\" Sally thought. \"I haveto do something!\" personhad a sadface. Then shehad an idea. Quickly, she walked awayand began working \"Th\"eGroeot dsobmyeeJtahcikn,g\"isnatihdeSwalilnydq.u\\iWethlya.Tt'hsgeoninsghteolohoakpepdeunptoaJnadcskatoidn,ighrt? on her plan. First, shehad ro ger the right chemicals. It wont begood...bugI hopeI'm wrong.\" BeforeJack could leavein his sleigh,the Mayor called everybodyinto the town's center.He wanted to saygoodbye to Jack becausehe wanted 35 everybodyto look at him. Vhen he finished speaking,something very srrangehappened. \"\\What'shappening?\"Jack cried. He looked around at the black sky,but it wasnt black.A thick, white fog, asthick asthe worst London fog in an old black-and-white movie, moved inro the town. Nobody could seeanything. fog (n) lluq,ls<t/When there is fog outside, driverscannot see.
Activities5 s.l Wereyou right? l,t Languagein use The NightmareBeforeChristmas Look back at Activity 4.4. Only one sentencewas right. Changethe Lookat the sentencein the box.Then \"l'l[ makethem for you, words in greento the right words. write sentencesabout these pictures. Jack.\" 1 JackwantsSallyto makea redjacketand red oantsfor him. Thetrick-or-treaterbsringJacka Hailoween anima[. T h eD o c t o rm a k e ss o m eh o r s e s forJack. SantaC[aus'ssister opensthe doorto LockS, hock, andBarrel. Santaasks,,,... . LockS, hocka, ndBarrel\",Whatdoes 'trick-or-treamt' ean?\" 6 Thetrick-or-treateprsut SantaClausin a bigbox . 7 SantaClaus tsgotngto drivehissteightonight. 5.2 What moredidyou learn? Writethe numberson the pictures. 1 Whoisn'thappyabouJr ack'pslan? 2 Whoorwhatdo LockS, hocka,ndBarretal kefirst? 3 WhatdoesJacktakefromSantaClaus? 4 WhatdoesSa[[ymake? 1 'I ii answer ,t 4 2 5 3 1. What'snext? Lookat the first four picturesin Chapters9 and10.Whatis happening? Writea sentenceabouteachpicture. 1 2 3 4 37
CHAPTER Chapter 9 - DangerousToysfor Good Girls and Boys DangerousToysfor Good Girls and Boys Some toyssreamed and sometllt kughed wildly. One uery long toy animal started eating the Christmas tree,l (W/here arewe going to take him?\" askedBarrel. W \"To Oogie Boogie,of course,\"saidLock and Shock. \"That's right. I almost forgot!\" Barrelsaid.\"Oogie will like that!\" SantaClaus listened to thesethree strangelittle children. \"'Who is Oogie Boogie?\"he thought. \"\\(hart going to happen to Christmas?\" Inside the bag,he felt very hot. \"I want you to open this bag now!\" he shouted.\"Christmas is about love!Dont you know?\" \"No!\" they shouted.And then they laughedwildly. Jack drove the sleighacrossthe sky.In front of him, Zero'snosewas Jackhad to go to the next house.He couldn't wait and watch the boy's aslight asthe morning sun.The face.But when the child opened the present,he didn't smile. His face reindeereasilypulled the heary sleighwith the presenrsin it. Jack went white and his mouth fell open. He screamedwildly. enjoyedeveryminute of his Jack heard the boy'sscreamsand he smiled. \"He likes it,\" Jack new iob. He stoppedhis sleighat each thought. \"Nobody is scaredof me and I'm making everybodyhappy!\" houseand put prerry presenrs After \"Santa Claus\" left their housesin the middle of the night, some under eachChristmas tree.In one house,a little boy camedown the of the other children quietly left their beds.Their little feet slowly took stairsand watched him. \\(hen Jack them down the stairsbecausethey couldn't wait for Christmas morning. turned away from the Christmas Eachchild carefullytook a presentfrom under the tree and quietly tree,he sawthe young child. openedit. Then, with their mouths and eyeswide open...they screamed. \"Here, little boy!A presentfrom Santa!\"saidJack.And he gavethe boy a present. 3u \\
The NiehtmareBeforeChrisrmu CHAPTER Problemsfor Jackand Santa \"I wanted to do somethinggood,Zero,\" saidJach. \"Now looh at me. Looh at the sleigh.Whereare the reindrer?Wehauetofnd Santa Ckus.\" Toys ran around Christmas treesafter rhe children. Headsjumped herewas only one h\"ppy facein town. High abovethe police out of boxesand scaredlittle girls and boys. Some toys screamedand sometoys laughedwildly. One very long toy animal startedeadngthe station in a strangesleigh,a skeleton'ssmile shone. Inside his Christmas tree! headwere pictures of happy children'sfaces.He had no idea about the The children ran asfast asthey could up rhe stairs to their parents' bedrooms.Their screamswoke up their baby brothers and sistersT. hey problemsbelow. r woke up their dogs and their cats.The children woke up their parents, The police usedtheir strongestlights. Their biggestguns were and their parentswoke up the police. It was the worst Chrisrmasof everybody'slives.. .and the scariest! ready,too. The police were busy becausethe telephonecallsdidn't stop. But when Jacksawtheir lights,he smiledagain. \"Turn off your lights and don't open your doors!\" rhey saidto the \"They'recelebratingthis wonderful night,\" he thought. mothers and fatherson the phone. \"Yes,we know about this crazyman in SantaClaust clothes.'We'llstop him. Dont go near him. He'svery \"Look, Zero!\" he saidto his little dog. \"They're celebrating!They're dangerous.\" \"\\fhat arewe going to do?\" a young policeman asked. having a wonderful Christmas!\" \"Get our biggestguns,\" said his boss. The police worked quickly.Then everypoliceman and policewoman Then a gun almost hit one of the reindeer. went outside and looked up into the sky.They had to do something. \"\\7as that a mistake?\"thought Jack.\"Or are they shooting at us?\" They had to stop this man. The guns didnt stop and Jackstartedfeelingscared. \"I dont like this. It's getting very dangerousup here,\" he said to Zero. Zero put his headdown and looked up at Jackwith his big, sadeyes. Suddenly,one of the policemen shot at Jack.It didn't hit him, but it 4l
'l he NighrnrarcBeftrrc(lhrisrnres Chapter I0 - Problems for Jackand Santa made a big hole in the sleigh.\\When they shot again,it hit the sleighfor a \"You'reold and ugly,but I'm going to eatyou firr rny dinner!\" Oogie secondtime. The sleighbroke in rwo. Boogiesaid ro Santa.\"l'm hungry,so I'll start thc fire now.\" \"No! \\(hat are they doing?\" Jack cried. 'Are they crazy?'Wehavea lot \"No!\" criedSanta.\"Pleased, on'teatnrc!'l'hc clrilcllenarewaitingfor of toyson this sleigh!Think of the children!\" their ChristmaspresentsI. haveto go.'l'hcycrur'ct clcbratcChristmas without me!\" Suddenly,everyrhingbeganto fall and rhe reindeerflew away.Jackhit the ground hard and one of his arms broke off. But worsethan that, the Oogie Boogielaughed.\"Go? Never'V! rrr'rt'rlirrncrS',antaClaus!\" sleighwas on fire. Now he knew. His Christmas plan was a mistake.That \"'W'hatam I going to do?\" Santrr(llrrtrstlrotrglrt.\"'fhis is the worst felt worsethan his head,his legs,or his arms. placein the world!\\Vhat's going to hrr1.r1.t,ocn(lhristmas?\" Oogie Boogiesangand laughecl.'l'hfcirc got biggerand hotter. Zero ran and brought Jack'sarm back to him. Jackput it back on easily. \"l am reallyhungry,Santa(llarrs,\"hc srricl\".l)o you know aboutme?I \"I wanted to do somethinggood, Zero,\" saidJack.\"Now look at me. scareeverybodyA! re you afraiclof'rrrr'?\" Look at the sleigh.\\Whereare rhe reindeer?\\7e haveto find SantaClaus. \"No, I am notl\" Santa(llarrss:riclH. c rrrovedin his chairand tried to Only hecan changethis nightmare inro a happy Christmas for the boys get free.\"l'm Santa(llaus anclI'rn not afi'aidof anybody.\" and girls.\" Jackquickly ran and found a churchyard.He jumped down a hole in 41 the ground and ran rhroughthe dark woodsbackto Halloweentown. \\7hen the policestartedshooting,Sallyheardthe guns.Sheheardthe witchesin Halloweenrown,too.'Wltchesalwaysknow everythingand they knew about the problems in Christmasrown. \"Jack'splan isn't working. Only SantaClaus can help him,\" she thought. \"\\(/herecanI find him?\" Shethought about Lock, Shock,and Barrel.They werefriendswith ()ogieBoogie. \"l'm going to go ro Oogie Boogie'shouse.I'll find SantaClaus rhere!\" shcthought. -ILn minutes later, Sallystood outside the hole to Oogie Boogie'sdark, dirty undergroundhouse.Shelooked down the hole and, of course, Sanr:rCl:ruswasthere.He wasin a chair and he couldn'tget out of it. ()ogie st(x)doverhim. Shecould seemaggorsaround Oogiet mouth. Sorncclirnbeclup and down his arms.He dancedaround Sanraand scrrrc'tdhc olrl rnarr.'l-hiswasOogie Boogie'sideaof a good time. ,\\:rllylrlcl to hcln Sanra(llar-rs.
Activities6 7 T h e N i g h t m a r eB e f o r eC h r i s t m a s 6.1 Wereyou right? fJ Languagein use After \"SantaClaus\"left their Lookbackat Activity5.4.Thenlookagainat the first four picturesin Chapters9 and10.Tick(/l the rightanswers. Lookat the sentencein the box.Then housess,omeof the other 1 Jackisgivinga presentot a childH. eissaying, makesentenceswith thesewords.Put childrenquiettyleft their beds. a JJ \"fniswi[[scaryeou,tittteboy.\" b I j \"Herel,ittleboy!ApresenfrtomSanta!\" after in the right place. Howdoesthechildfeel?Why? a J I Heishappybecausheetikeshisnewtoy. 1 the policeshotthe sleighfor a secondtime / the sleighbrokein two b l__le isafraidbecaustehetoy isscary. Whatisthetoy doing? 2 Jackhit the groundhard/ the reindeefrlew away a Ll tt iseatingtheChristmapsresentasndtree. b il tt isctimbingupthetree. Jackjumpeddownthe holein the churchyar/dhe ranthroughthe dark W h a td o e sJ a c kt h i n kw h e nh ef i r s th e a r tsh eg u n s ? woodsto Halloweentown a f_,,\"]they'recelebratinthgiswonderfuntight.\" b | ] \"ffrepolicewantto ki[ me.\" 4 Sattytriedto helpSantaClaus/ shesawhim in OogieBoogie'shome 6.2 What moredidyou learn? 5 Santatriedto get free / OogieBoogiestartedthe fire Whathappensto thesepeople?Matchthe sentencetso the pictures. l. What'snext? . 1 He fa[s andbreakshisarm. Lookat the picturesin Chapters11 and12.Whatdo thesepeoplewant? 2 He losesthe reindeer. Dothey get it? Makenotes. 3 He'sin a chairandcan't What do they want? Dothey get it? get out. 4 He dancesw, ith maggots 1 TheMayor a r o u n dh i sf a c e . 2 OogieBoogie 5 He is hungrys, o he startsa 3 Satty fire. 6 Theworstthing in 4 SantaClaus H a l [ o w e e n t o w ins g o i n gt o 5 Jack eathim. 45 44
CHAPTER Chapter1l - OogieBoogietScaryHouse OogieBoogietScaryHouse \"You can laugh now,\" shesaidto him angrily. \"But you'll be sorry!\" Oogie laughedagain.\"Very funny, Sally!\" he said. \"It'snot theendof Christmas,I hope!\"Jacksaid. \"Theendof ChristmasN?euer!\"shoutedSanta. But Jack'slife didn't end when his sleighhit the ground. He ran asfast ashe could through the woods, with Zero behind him. Then he heard \\\\l/hen the Mayor heard about Jackt fall from the sky,he sadlytold Oogie Boogie'slaugh under the ground and stopped suddenly.He looked down the hole to Oogie Boogiet houseand he could seeSantaand Sally \\/Y everybodyin his town. They all looked down at the ground. They in the chairsand the hungry Oogie Boogie by the fire. didnt screamor shout. They stood and rememberedtheir greatfriend. \"Look, Zero!\" saidJack.\"He wants to cook them for his dinner! He's the worst bag of maggotsin the world! He'll be sorry!\" \"\\7e will neverseeour dear friend Jack Skellington again,\" the Mayor said.\"This is a very sadday for us all.\" Everybody felt very bad, but nobody was sadderthan the Mayor. Sallycould hear the Mayor from inside Oogie Boogiet house.He Oogie Boogietook Santaand Sallyout of their chairsand he pushed spokeloudly and shetried hard to listen to his words. They soundedvery them nearthe big fire in the middle of his dirry kitchen.It wasvery hot important and very sad.Vhen Sally understood,she cried quietly. Oogie and Sallyand Santascreamed. Boogielaughedat her. Jackjumped down the hole into ()ogic Boogie'shouse.That really \"Now Im the scariesrperson in Halloweentown!\" he shouted happily. scaredthe ugly bag of maggotsand he jumped. Santaand Sally quickly \"No moreJackSkellington!Yes!\" got awayfrom him. Sallywas in Oogie Boogiet housebecauseshe tried to help Santa 47 ( ll.u.s.()ogie Boogiecaughther. He put her on anorherchair,next to Sunru,so shccouldn'tgeraway.Oogie Boogielaughedat her but Sally w:lslrt rrfi'aitl. 46
The Nighrmare Before Christmas (iheprer I I ()ogic Boogie'.sScarv House \"Jack?\"shouted Oogie Boogie. \"You'renot really dead!\" them and he felt sick.'W'henthe lastone ran nearhim, Santakilled it Oogie Boogie turned on a machine in his kitchen and a lot of knives with his big black shoe.That reallywas the end of Oogie Boogie. startedshooting at Jack.He jumped out of their way, but more knives cameat him. \"SantaClaus,I'm very sorry,\"saidJackquietly.\"l wanted ro help- \"Come this way,you old skeleron!\"shoutedOogie Boogie. but I didn't.\" He laughedwildly. The knivesfew at Jackfrom the left and from the right. Jackjumped this way and that way. \"Christmasis more than a bagof toysand a red hat,\" Santasaid. \"Look behind you, Jack!\"shoutedSallywhen more knivescamefrom He pulled the hat from Jacksheadand turned away. the dining-room. \"It's not the end of Christmas,I hope!\"Jacksaid. Jackjumped out of the way again. \"The end of Christmas?Never!\"shoutedSanta. \"Goodbye,Jackl\"shoutedOogie Boogie. He quickly flew up and out of Oogie Boogie'shouse. He jumped up onro a shelf and was up high aboveJackshead. \"Everything will be OK, Jack,\" said Sally.\"SantaClaus will give Jacklooked up. everybodytheir presentsH. e can do it beforemorning.\" \"You'renot being very nice to my friends,\" he said. Jack turned to Sally.He looked carefully at his good Friend. Oogie Boogie laughedloudly. \"Shehasa beautifulface,\"he thought. \"N7hy didnt I seethat before?\" Jackt eyesturned to oogie Boogiet foot. He could seea small hole in \"'W'hydid you come down here?\"he asked. it. Jackhad an idea.BeforeOogie Boogie could stop him, Jackput his \"1...l wanted to. ..\" shesaidslowly. finger into the hole. Then he pulled it hard. \"Help me?\"Jackasked. Sallysmiled.Jackwanted to take her in his rrrrns,btrt something The holegot bigger...and s t o p p e dh i m . bigger.Maggots startedfalling out of Oogie Boogiet foot. 49 More and more fell onro rhe floor. They were freefrom Oogie Boogie-and they moved away fast!Oogie Boogiegot smaller... and smaller. \"Look at me! My maggotsl\" cried Oogie Boogie.\"I'm dying! This is the end for me!\" The maggotsquickly climbed up the walls and out of Oogie B o o g i e ' sh o u s e .S a n t aw a t c h e d
'fhe NightmareBeforeChristmas CHAPTER \"Jack!Jack!\" ChristmasComesto Halloweentown The Mayor arrivedwith Lock, Shock,and Barrel.They looked down into the hole. Suddenlys,omebeautifulwhitetnou sta.rtedfallingon Halloweentoun \"There he is!\" shoutedShock. -a Christmaspresenftom SantaClaus. \"He's fine,\" saidLock. \"\\7e told you,\" saidBarrel. \"Everybody is waiting for you, Jack!\" the Mayor saidhappily. \"Let's hen they sawJackin the Mayor's car,the witches,the vampires, go to thc ccnter of town!\" He put out his hand. \"Take my hand,\" he and the skeletonsshouted,\"Jack!JackY! ou'rehome!\" criccl.\"Help me, boys,\"he saidto Lock, Shock,and Barrel. Suddenly,a louder sound came from the sky above.Everybody looked up. F.vcrybodypulled. First Jack came out of Oogie Boogiet dark and \"H\"ppy Christmas,everybody!\"shoutedSantaClaus. scrtryhonrc, rhen Sally. He drove acrossthe night sky with his sleigh full of presents.Jack smiled happily up at Santa. 'l'hcy walkeclasfast asthey could away from that dark hole to the Suddenly,some beautiful whitc snow startedfalling on Halloweentown-a Christmas prcsctttfrom SantaClaus. Mltyot lscrtr. \"\\(hat is this?\"askedthe witches. They put out their long fingcrsand tried to catch the snow. s0 51
The NiehrmareBeforeChrisrmas Chaoter 12 - Christmas (lomes ro Halloweentown Down in the town, Jackstoppedsuddenly and looked around. He wanted to celebratewith Sally.But where was she?$[hen he couldn't find Sally'sface,he had to look for her. He left his friends and walked to the top of the town through the snow. He didnt haveto look for very long. Near the wall around the town, he sawher with the fower in her hand. tVhen he wasnearher, he heard her words. Shedidnt seehim becauseher eyeswere on the petals.But then shefelt his eyeson her. Sheturned slowly and looked at him. He looked at her and smiled. He finished her words. \"He lovesyou,\" saidJack. \"\\(hite blood?\" askedthe vampires. 53 \"lt's cold!\" saidthe skeletons. \"lt's snow!\" Jacksaidhappily. The witches, the vampires,the trick-or-treaters,rhe black cats,the skeletons,the Mayor, and Jackjumped up and down in the snow and Halloweentown! Only one personwas not there.Above the townt centet Sallystood and looked down on the celebrationsbelow.The snow was beautiful but rlrc smile on her facewas sad.Shewarched for a minute or rwo and then slrchad to turn away. \"How doeshe feelabout me?\"sherhought. Shesatdown next ro someprerry flowersand pulled one from the groturrl.With hcr snrallfingers,shepulled the petalsoff one ar a rime. \"llt'krvcs rrrc,hc krvesrnenot...he lovesme...\" shesaidquietly. 5)
-l'he Nighrmare Before Christmas (lhaoter l2 - Christrlas Conres to Halloweentown But for yearsafter that night, SantaClaus somerimesleft Christmastown for an hour or two when he wasbored with his h\"ppy helpersand their h\"ppy songs. Vhen his life felt boring, he climbed into his sleigh.He drove to Halloweentown and therehe visited his old friend JackSkellington.They talked about the yearwhen Jackwantcd to be SantaClaus. Jackwas alwaysh\"ppy when Santavisited him. He liked to ask questionsabout Christmastownand Santaliked to askJackabout Halloweentown.They could talk for hours and they wereneverbored. Sallystood up and Jacktook her handsin his. 55 The nightmare beforeChristmas ended happily for everybody.(But not for Oogie Boogie,of course.) SantaClaus neverforgot that night beforeChristmas. It wasthe longestnight in his life. He rememberedJack Skellington very well for many years.And everytime he thought of Jack,he smiled. It wasstrange,but SantaClausenjoyedthat night in Halloweentown. Hc cor.rlclnu'tnderstandwhy. He thought about the reallyscaryvampires rrndwitclrcs,irnd thosethreerrick-or-rrearersT.hey weredifferent.It was cxciting. ()f course,SantaClauscould neversayrhis to his wife or to his little hclpcrs.What could he sayabour Halloween?How could he tell rhem aborrrlifi' thcre? \"It'.sa vcry strangcplace,\"he rolclhis wife. \"I hatedeveryminute in tlrtt pllcr',\"lrc tolclhis helpers. )l I
T a l ka b o u t i t Write a letter from Lock,Shocka, ndBarrelto SantaClaus. - Tetht imthatyouaresorry. Work with two or rnoreother is a weekafter Christmas. - Tetht imabouyt ourptansforChristmacsetebratioinns Havethis conversation. Halloweentownnextyear. F,\"d\"a\",=lYouareJackSkeltington.Yoaurein Christmastowbnecause - Askforpresentast ChristmansextyearW. hatwouldyoulike? SantaClauswantsyou to speakto the parentsthere.They thinkyou arevery bad.Why did you try to do Santa'sjob on Halloweentotrn the nightbeforeChristmasT?ellthem,andthenanswetrheir Decenber ?6 questions. Dear Santa Claus, Fr\"d\"fil Youarethe angryparentsof childrenin Christmastown.You havea lot of questionfsor JackA. skthem.Thentatkabouthis futureC. anhevisityourtown again?Doyou wantthe police to takehim away? Lookat the pictures.Discussthe questionsbelowwith other students. - 1 Who do DictureAs andB show? Your friends, 2 Whichof them isworse? Lock, Shock, and Barrel 3 How did eachof them want the storyto end?Why did it enddifferentty 57 forthem? Wlr,rtlr.rppe'ntos the Doctorafterthe storyends?Whatdo you think?
ft of thesearefor Halloween?Check(/) the pictures. I wort<with two or three other students.P[ana Ha]toweenParty.You want to decorateyour houseand makescaryfood and clothes.Find ideason the Internetfor Halloweenparties.Whatdo you wantto make o(,rr buuuyyi ? pOfonrl 6 Je ..r t \"f I ..J a I! 2 Readabout Halloween. alloweencomesfrom a changed.It changedagainwhen DrcorotiotovsNdclotArs0 very old celebradon.It people in rhe United Srares, beganwith the Celts, people Canada,and Australia started to W *-, from Ireland, Britain, and the celebrateit. north ofFrance. Every year,they r'ri celebratedthe Day of the Dead In thesecounrries today, on November 1. children dressin scaryclothes On the night before,October and go to their neighbors' 31, deadpeoplecamebackto life, houses.\\fhen the neighbors they thought. The Celts left food open their doors, the children outside their housesfor the good shout, \"Tiick or treat!\" The deadpeople. But the Celts wanted neighbor has to give them to scareaway the bad dead people, candy or the children will play so they put on scaryfaces. a trick on them. A lot of people Later, when the Romans decoratetheir housesand make arrived in Britain, the celebradon them look scary.Some people play scarymusic, roo. <2 Work with anotherstudent.Whatquestionsdo peoptefrom other { countrieshaveabout Halloween?Discussquestionsandpossible answersT. henusethe Internetandlearnmore about Halloween.
ProjectPlana HalloweenParty 4 Write this invitation to your Halloweenparty. DAY: DATE: TIME: at .. We'regrcingto eat anddrink Pleaswe eargCOpYClOrHFq becauswee'regoingto do trick-or-treats onall the nergl'borsl
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