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Home Explore Girlguiding Scotland's Plan 2016-18

Girlguiding Scotland's Plan 2016-18

Published by carolyn, 2016-12-12 10:39:57

Description: Girlguiding Scotland's strategic plan to be our best for 2016 - 2018

Keywords: strategic plan,being our best,girlguiding,guides,girl guides


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Girlguiding Scotland’s plan 2016-2018 Scotland GgLP_BR_C

WHO WE AREWe are Scotland’s leading charity for girls and young women,helping 50,000 young members grow in confidence, reach for thestars, have fun and be a powerful force for good.This is our plan for 2016-2018 to deliver a fantastic programmeof fun and adventure, inspiring and empowering girls acrossScotland.

Membership12,033 22,383 13,200 1,160Total Young Members: 48,776 Adult volunteers: 11,913*These figures correct as of January 2016TOTAL MEMBERSHIP 60,689

ACCESSWe will grow Girlguiding Scotland to reachmore girls INSPIRE local volunteers to plan for membership growth PROMOTE awareness of the support and resources available for opening units EXPAND our outreach work to ensure girls from all backgrounds can join ENCOURAGE members to progress in Girlguiding Scotland through exciting events and opportunities, locally, across Scotland and internationally

We have over 3,000 units across Scotland 40 volunteers took part in the Glasgow Pride Parade 2016Almost 1/5 of girls in Scotland today are Rainbows, Brownies or Guides

EXCELLENCE We will offer exciting opportunities for girls and young women• Increase the number of innovative, large, high quality events accessible to all girls• Expand the number and variety of international opportunities• Promote high profile girl involvement in planning for Scotland Year of Young People 2018• Further develop leadership training opportunities for girls and young women• Develop new partnerships to enhance our offer

We will inspire our volunteers to get better and better atall that we do for girls • Actively promote a culture of ‘thanks and recognition’ • Recruit more volunteers to share their skills and experience as Trainers • Offer training at a variety of locations throughout Scotland • Ensure all volunteers involved have access to high- quality training • Increase volunteers qualified to take girls on residential and international trips • We will improve our communications to make sure members receive news, events and opportunities most relevant to their role of our volunteers say guiding has had a positive impact on their lives 2017 will see over 10,000 members attend our exclusive girl-only pop concert, TARTAN GIG

VOICEWe will promote the voice of girls and raise theprofile of Girlguiding Scotland• Create a network of young PEER EDUCATORS women keen to act as advocates• Increase local and national coverage, promoting girls’ voices• Promote girls’ voices on issues affecting them through Girlguiding Scotland’s Youth Forum, Polaris• Play an active role in The National Youth Work Strategy in Scotland• Source local member stories to be shared online and across our social media channels

What Voice is aboutis voice? empowering girls to take action on the issues that matter to them, ensuring their voices are heard and becoming experts on what girls think.GIRLS attended our first ever Action for Change Inspiration Weekend to learn how they can campaign for change on the issues they care about. Our WOWwoman campaign empowers girls to aim high and has been backed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Formula One Driver Susie Wolff, and Scottish Women’s Football Captain Gemma Fay

CAPACITYWe will work together to improve our governance• Initiate a formal review of the geographical structures within Girlguiding Scotland• Demonstrate and share best practice with Counties in finance, property and legal compliance• Strengthen measurable business performance at Netherurd and in retail• Actively participate in rollout of updated Girlguiding Membership systems• Support best practice in using technology across the Scottish volunteer and staff teams

Netherurd Netherurd, our home from home in the Scottish Borders, offers thousands of girls the chance to try fun and adventurous activities from archery to zorbing!2,500Over pitched at Netherurd intents 2015! We’re launching a brand new online shop in 2017Our network of over contributes more than11 500, 1 million hours volunteers of their time every year.

Gi Girlguiding Scotland16 Coates Crescent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AHTel: 0131 226 4511Website: @GirlguidingScotFacebook: Scotland GgLP_BR_CGirlguiding Scotland is the operating name ofThe Guide Association Scotland,Scottish charity number SC005548

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