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Home Explore Black 2 Black Magazine ~Vol 1 Issue 7

Black 2 Black Magazine ~Vol 1 Issue 7

Published by Tina Young-Holman, 2022-12-10 02:27:39

Description: Black 2 Black Magazine ~December 2022

Business owners for all areas of Business. Bring their expertise and experience to audience of Black 2 Black Magazine. Year in business,Christmas Edition 2022


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Black 2 Black VOL. 1 ISSUE 7 Magazine DECEMEBER 2022 Reflections Of 2022 The Luxe Queen HoneyBee Dior


Table of contents 32 Feature The Luxe Queen HoneyBee Dior T A B L E O F C O N T E N T 04 Editor's Note 05 Contributing Writers 11 Debra Hamilton 15 Tracie Conyers 17 Mignon Thomas 21 Donita Banks 25 Tiffany Larnett 27 Pastor Demetrius Wilson 29 Matthew Santana Jr 40 .Janice Newman. 46 Yalanda S. Jessie 49 Dr. Doniel Ervin

Table of contents 32 Feature The Luxe Queen HoneyBee Dior TABLE OF CONTENT 53 Tina Young-Holman 58 Harriet Harris 61 Sunni Pouncil

Editor’s Note Last Month Of The Year! I want to thank my writers that collaborate to make this magazine a excellent read. Thankful for opportunity to give the black owned business a platform to share their craft,business, expertise in their business. You are really appreciate more than you know. To our readers thank you for taking out the time to read everyone story. Check out their product or service. Going into the new I wish everyone prosperity and good health. Be a leader on your journey of wealth and happiness. Thankful Thankful Thankful for all of you and without God this could not be possible. Have a Happy Thanksgiving & Merry Christmas. Enjoy your family in front of you and relish in the experience of family. Time to just love on each other. Yes it should be all year but this season loving touch,give each other hug,peek on the cheek to name a few. Just be amazed where he brought you from this year and give him praise. Be Blessed….Merry Christmas & Prosperous New Year Tina Young- Jamari Holman Holman

Contributing Writers Donita Banks Tracie Conyers Demetrius Wilson Janice Newman Mignon Thomas Tiffany Larnette

Contributing Writers Tiffiney Hall Yalanda Jessie Dr. Doniel Ervin Harriet Harris MBA Debra Hamilton

Christmas Spirit By Tina Young-Holman Christmas Spirit What is the Christmas spirit to me is a time of giving unselfishly. Giving of family time, showing of love toward your love ones and family, friends. More giving through charity to the less fortunate. The reason for the season more importantly Birth of Jesus. Although we don't really know the exact day we celebrate give him praise and thanks for all he has done for us. Spirit of Giving Giving from the heart matters more than material things to most adults. The kids want all the cool gadgets, clothing, etc. But consider investing in their future with an investment in Roth IRA or similar for retirement. I mentioned this before but if generational wealth is to be created this is one way. Not investment advice, talk to someone. Spirit of Forgiveness Forgive those that wrong you or mistreated you for your own sanity not theirs. Forgive never forget in business or life. People teach you how they will treat you just watch and take notes. In business forgive that partner or employer, employees and get your peace within. My mom always said you can forgive but don't give them room to do it again. Keep your distance if that's what you want. But don't let anyone steal your joy. Spirit of Family God's greatest gift besides life. Family traditions and trends that have been set up Togetherness, Speeches, Outfits for all, New tradition pajamas party or pics in Christmas spirit. Church on Christmas Sunday morning by the way past 2011, 2016,Present 2022,Future 2033 will be next time. Take the family to worship and then eat and fellowship. Church Family & Immediate, Extended Family it's all about loving each other whether a gift is involved or not. The Best Present is Family!

Spirit of Loss Easy to buy for up to teen years. Now he's grown, money is the only thing he wants. Time of year a sense of loss of family is Easy to buy for now. But I remember buying prevalent. If you feel a sense of loss, things I thought he would like but he would surround yourself around the ones who lose parts, break things all in childhood. So loved them as much as you. Share I'm so glad I'm over those days. I had an memories and traditions you remember online retail store so buying was easy. having with them. If you need to sneak off in Greatest Gift that keeps on giving is God's a room to take a breath do so. But get back promise is my reason to let the world know. up and mingle again and talk about it. I've lost all my grandparents, nothing like them. Christmas Decor Only knew my dad's side but I have memories. I Lost my mother n law, cousins Oh these decorations are so beautiful and to COVID. But yet we have memories and the trees are so beautiful. Just makes you know they are not suffering anymore. Time fall in love with the decor. But busy people spent and Christmas shared will be hire someone to decorate their house, office, remember. etc. I remember going to see Christmas lights and decor looking through Spirit of Gifts neighborhoods when my son was small. Know not so much love seeing it but Gift of life which is the most important actually work of tree and decor myself is a thing. Giving your kids and grandchildren hired job. Food for Christmas is not the gifts to see the smiles on their faces. same anymore. Christmas music while you Remember if you can't afford it don't buy it decorate/ cooking is always relaxing. I love for one day and be in debt for 6-12 mo. Kids Christmas Blues songs and of course Gospel remember what you started and don't Christmas songs. A steady play list that we continue when times get tough. So buy would listen to too. modest but something they really want and can use all year. Babies - 3 yrs old don't Charity overdo it because they won't remember it or Giving to the less fortunate with gifts, warm appreciate it. Yes they will love it at the clothing, shoes, socks etc. It's so many moment but the next new thing can organizations that offer help, even food. change their mind. My son got stuck when Find a charity to give back from business he was small because certain things he owners. Host a gift giving day and pick liked. random names. Secret Santa for shelters with kids. Domestic Shelters the mom's fleeing for their life help a family this Christmas.

HOW TO HEAL YOUR SELF-ESTEEM AFTER TRAUMA BY DEBRA BARNES-HAMILTON Do you question yourself when you need They are also more likely to engage in to make a decision? Are you a people self-destructive behaviors such as drug pleaser? Do you think you are not good and alcohol abuse. So, it is clear that enough? Are you struggling in your self-esteem is an important part of our relationship? Do you constantly judge psychological health. yourself? Are you aware of your triggers? Fortunately, self-esteem can be Physical, sexual, and emotional traumas in improved with time and effort. childhood are all too common. Remember that you are not alone – many people have gone through similar Regardless of whether you were physically experiences. With time and patience, attacked, bullied, sexually assaulted, lived you can regain your self-esteem and in a household where there was domestic start living a happy and healthy life! abuse or chronically neglected, the pain of childhood trauma can sting for decades Always remember, \"You are not your after the original incidents. wounds.\" -Tariq Nasheed Researchers have found that childhood \"If you don't like something, change it. If traumas can negatively impact permanent you can't change it, change your development changes in the brain and be attitude.\" - Maya Angelou an ongoing contributing factor to various I grew up in a household where my psychiatric problems like anxiety, stepfather was an alcoholic. He was depression, panic attacks, and post abusive to my mother, whether traumatic stress disorder. physically or verbally. I lived with this for a very long time. Self-esteem is important for our overall well-being. A study by the American Psychological Association found that people with low self-esteem are more likely to experience mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and eating disorders.

HOW TO HEAL YOUR SELF-ESTEEM AFTER TRAUMA BY DEBRA BARNES-HAMILTON Not only did I try to break up the fights, but I also tried to protect my siblings from seeing the abuse. On top of that I had to deal with not being able to tell anyone. That is abuse in itself. Having to keep a secret of the abuse and not being able to tell anyone was very stressful. I was told, what happens in this house stays in this house. I have grown up with memory losses, triggers, and trying to figure out how to have a successful marriage in spite of not having anyone around me who had a successful marriage. I am happy to say that I have worked through my trauma and have made it to the other side. The first step to understanding your trauma is to admit that you have it. Self-esteem is a feeling of self-worth that is based on our own opinions and judgments of ourselves. It is an important part of our self-identity, and it can be affected by many different things in our lives. Trauma is one of those things. If you have experienced trauma, it can be difficult to maintain healthy self-esteem. You may feel like you are not good enough, that you are not worth anything, or that you are not deserving of happiness. This can lead to a lot of self-doubt and indecision in your life. Let’s discuss how to heal your self-esteem after trauma and regain your sense of self- worth! If you are struggling with self-esteem after trauma, there are a few things that you can do to start healing.

HOW TO HEAL YOUR SELF-ESTEEM AFTER TRAUMA BY DEBRA BARNES-HAMILTON Seven (7) Steps to Overcome Lack of Self-Esteem Use these affirmations on a daily basis to start rebuilding your self-esteem. First, it is important to start accepting yourself for who you Look in a mirror and say these affirmations: are. You have been through a lot, and you are not the same \"I am good enough.\" person that you were before. You deserve to be given time \"I am worthy of love and respect.\" to heal, and you should not put unnecessary pressure on \"I accept myself for who I am.\" yourself. \"I have strengths and weaknesses, and that is ok.\" \"I deserve to be happy and healthy”. Second, start focusing on your strengths. What are things “I am worthy of good things” that make you unique and special? What do you like about “I am worthy of reaching my goals” yourself? When you focus on your positives, it can help to “I deserve respect” boost your self-esteem. “I feel good about who I am” “I accept who I am and am happy to be the person I am Third, take care of your physical and emotional body. When today” you lack self-esteem you don’t feel like you need to have a “I am a unique individual who deserves love, respect and good appearance. You feel like ‘who cares’. I want you to empathy” care. I want you to see that you are an amazing person and “I can achieve anything I want” the people around you care about you. “I am not my trauma” Regardless of what your mind might think you deserve, Using affirmations can help you to heal. They can help you treat yourself as you would treat a beloved friend. to see your worth and remind you that you are special. Fourth, learn to stop feeling like you are being attacked. As a Relationship & Intimacy Coach, who is also a child of Most people are trying to understand you, not look at you childhood trauma, I am aware of the pitfalls that come as if there was something wrong with you. These are when you lack self-esteem. I have sought help, and learned mechanisms that you use to protect yourself. When my triggers. someone questions or challenges you, check your response to make sure you are not overreacting. Because I am aware of what trauma looks like, my methods are different from other Relationship coaches. It helps me Five, look for your tribe. Surround yourself with people who help my clients who are struggling. I look at you the person, love and care about you. If you feel like you don’t have a I work with you on a deep level so you can learn about you, tribe, look for that one person who has your back. so you can heal you. When you need support, love yourself enough to allow I am here to help you in your journey. I focus on you. You yourself to be held, loved, and cared for by another. need someone to guide you, give you the road map to get Six, if you have negative beliefs, Challenge these beliefs. out of this jungle, to get to the other side. I’m on the other Why aren’t they true? How could you easily address them? side of the jungle - take my hand. Finally, try to surround yourself with positive people who I hope that this article has been helpful and provided some will support and encourage you. These people will help to insight into how to heal your self-esteem after trauma. remind you of your worth and help rebuild your self-esteem. Debra Barnes-Hamilton Relationship & Intimacy Coach Remember that it is ok to ask for help when you need it – there is no shame in admitting that you need some support. Recovery from trauma can be difficult, but it is possible! With time and effort, you can regain your self-confidence and self-respect.

I have been so Thankful to Our Lord and Second, I have purchased an office building Saviour Jesus Christ for leading me in this located at 2209 N 16th Street, Orange, Texas Real Estate Career. It has been so rewarding 77640. I will be open the 1st no later than in so many ways. I have met some of the the 2nd week in December 2022. It is a greatest people that he has sent and prime location on one of the busiest streets assisted them to reach their goals of in Orange, sitting on the corner at a redlight. Homeownership- most starting over trying I will have to tell my story on that aquisition to get their credit choices and finances on that at a later date. together. I have a very wonderful and supportive husband and Pastor, children, grandchildren and church family that are amongst my biggest cheerleaders. This year in 2022, God has helped me to reach 2 major milestones that I had been praying about. The first is, I took and passed my Louisiana Real Estate License. So now I am a Licensed Realtor in Texas and Louisiana.

To God Be The Glory!! We are members of Temple of Praise Church located at 1307 Allie Payne Rd, Orange, Texas 77642' where Pastor Alex Sezer Sr. and Maranda Sezer are our Pastor and First Lady a place where the praise and worship of God goes forth. What an awesome time we have. I have been utilizing the Grants that Pays Your Down Payment For A home for over 20years now- I will save you money!! If you are looking for honesty, Integrity, Ethics, Reliable and has great resources to assist you through the Homeownership Process- Call or text Tracie Conyers, Realtor ( THE GOAT OF REAL ESTATE) today at 409-499-8095 or 337-277-7910, you will be ANOTHER SATISFIED CUSTOMER!!

THE GIFT OF A NON-PROFIT FOUNDATION PORCHIA, RIDLEY AND KINNEY 0.FOUNDATION (PRK FOUNDATION) A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men. Proverbs 18:16 KJV It is PRK's pleasure to serve our communities. Being blessed with the gift of serving others is not given to the faint. Embarking on this passion, we had no idea what all it entailed. Not expecting it to be easy, but had no idea about the height of the mountains to climb nor the valleys to scale. Knowing the gift given us, we knew it had to be used for God’s glory. Serving is what we know. It is what my family knows. We grow up in serving others at home, church and play. We are groomed to serve. From the cradle to the grave, PRK Foundation family members give of themselves, their time and resources. Porchia, Ridley and Kinney Foundation is a non-profit. Whereas many are in the business of profit, receiving and getting, PRK is out seeking opportunities to give, give and give some more. Have you heard of the days when everyone shared? If one had, all had? That is not an old, lost art with PRK. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve”. On a daily basis we search out ways to lessen the burdensome needs of others. Whether food, shelter, clothing, jobs, education or emotional support, we do our best to assist. We live in a society of much human disparity. We are here to give hope.

Our Hope is in Jesus Christ. WithJesusas our example, we realize it is very difficult for someone to hear about Jesus, a spiritual fulfilling need, when the physical needs of love, healing, hunger or nakedness go lacking. “For I was an hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungered, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:35‭-‬40 KJV‬ We understand that it is not a popular practice today because we have become profit driven beings. We realize it is not for everyone. Regardless of the project taken on it will take something from…something out of you. On yesterday it was our November Food Distribution day. It was unusually cold. It started raining. Several called to see if we would still do the food drive. Cancelation wasn’t an option. People are hungry during cold, rainy weather. Not only did we distribute the 200+ boxes of food, we were donated over 30 turkeys to distribute. As God would have it, we had more volunteers than usual, set up in record time and food given out faster than we could imagine. A simple act of service to assure many had something for the table on Thanksgiving day. Moving forward, PRK Foundation has partnered with United States Marines Toys for Tots Foundation to raise funds, gather toys and distribute Toys to hundreds of children throughout our county for the month of December as well as our homeless population sock distribution during the colder weather. Every available moment PRK is reaching out to find ways to give/serve those standing in the need of a helping boost. As you plan your next moves, please consider partnering with PRK. In January we will continue to serve. It is our goal to Empower through Employment. February we provide a Black History Expo to further job expansion, entrepreneurial exposure and educational opportunities for home acquisition, financial literary, self help “sweat equity”. (Please ask how you can participate.) “For ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will ye may do them good: but me ye have not always.” Mark 14:7 KJV

The service never stops. Someone always needs a helping hand with a humble heart. We know and realize we cannot serve the worldwide society ills of the world but we can do our part to help one person at a time. Serving yields great rewards. Without thought or without it being the purpose, PRK Foundation has been before great men and women to help serve and save humanity. We are so blessed for the opportunity to share. It is not of ourselves that we get things done, it is the will of God. It is God’s favor that shines on us. It is His love, forgiveness and mercy. Many challenges come upon us. (Ex: Today we ran out of food. More needed than we could provide. Childen in the car. It breaks your heart, soul and mind.) “It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.” Lamentations 3:22 KJV After doing what we can do there is a satisfaction experienced. As many wait their turn prayer is offered. Strengthening the spirit man is essential to our giving. Again it’s not the first thing we address. Meeting their physical needs provides a rapport for developing the spiritual. To bombard one lacking a physical need with spiritual information is usually wasteful. Know that it is okay to get down and dirty to be a blessing to those in need. Know that this journey is not for the faint of heart. A financial donation is usually in order… not a substitute for giving of yourself. Mahatma Gandhi said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service to others.” Your calling may not be to be boots on the ground. Listen to God’s voice. He will lead you on your giving season. Your journey doesn’t look like mine nor does your giving. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? James 2:20 KJV

A1 Health Clinic A1 Health Clinic was established in April 2021. A1 Health Clinic is a black, female owned health clinic. The mission is to provide patient focused and center health care. Being an employee of several health care organizations I was not able to provide the care I felt the patients were seeking. Which led me to open a health clinic that gives patients the time needed to voice and address their health problems, questions, and concerns. Having the courage to step out on faith was the best decision I could have made. Everything was not perfect, but it was perfect timing. I have learned if we wait for everything to be perfect, ideas; goals; and dreams may never come to fruition. With the experience I had employed as a family nurse practitioner and the passion of practicing medicine stepping out on faith felt like the right thing at that time. It has not been an easy process but it has definitely been worth it. The first year of business was the year of learning the business and marketing. With no background in business the process was and continues to be a learning moment. The second year has been a year of experiencing mistakes and learning how to avoid them in the future. Also, building my patient panel is and continue to be a main focus. We accept insured and uninsured patients. We provide care for kids and adults and offer wide range of services. You can contact the office at 409-333-1257. Tiffany Larnette, MSN, APRN, FNP-C CEO

Live with Expectation, The Best Is Yet To Come In the last issue of this magazine I wrote about gratitude, and I most certainly have a heart full of it. I am thankful for so many things in my life. There is just not enough time to even begin to elaborate. As a result of realizing how blessed I am, first for being alive to experience the goodness of our Father, and have learned to live with a positive outlook. It’s a choice that I make moment by moment. Through the challenges that arise, and difficult circumstances I choose to remain expectant. As I reflect on this year and all that it has brought, I am mindful of the many variables that made the experiences. I think about how I was celebrating a pretty good season of growth in my business, and making transitions in life. By the time we reached the second month of this year, my wife and I were watching our children take their biggest steps into adulthood. Our two sons were serving in the United State Air Force, and our baby girl was enrolling in college courses. It seemed like a bit of a roller coaster ride at first as these things were happening simultaneously. There were so many moments filled with a myriad of emotions, and thoughts. It was a great and slightly unnerving time. The joy was sometimes interrupted by sadness and vice- versa. There were many other defining moments in our lives this year, that changed the course of our lives. It has definitely been a year of smiles & tears, tragedies & triumphs, and all in between. This year, much like the whole of our lives, has had twists and turns, and could many times seem overwhelming. The reality is that it all comes down to perspective. You can either settle into a state of despondence, or you can choose to believe that each new moment brings with it a new opportunity for positive change. We have to learn to live with expectation. This means that we become intentional in our process of deciding how we will look at things. It can be challenging, and takes effort and courage, but we must choose to see the opportunity as greater than the opposition. As we approach this new year, and all of the many unknowns ahead, I encourage you start with this thought, and carry it forward. Remind yourself that no matter how good, or bad the moment might be, that the best is yet to come!

Go Digital with Santana Global Why sell digital products versus physical goods? Selling digital products has many advantages that make it uniquely attractive to entrepreneurs: Low overhead costs. You don’t have to hold inventory or incur any shipping charges. High-profit margins. There’s no recurring cost of goods, so you retain the majority of your sales in profits. Potential to automate. Orders can be delivered instantly, letting you be relatively hands-off with fulfillment. Flexible products. You can offer free products to build your email list, monthly paid subscriptions for access to exclusive digital content, or licenses to use your digital products. You have a lot of options as to how you incorporate digital products into your business. E-learning is the future of education. You have a massive opportunity to expand your business and impact with e-learning, an industry expected to be worth $374 billion by 2026. WWW.SANTANAGLOBAL.COM

A compilation of testimonies from women who have pushed through obstacles to reach their goals in business, love or life. This book is introduced by two powerful male foreword authors who serve as ambassadors for women in senior leadership.

Happy Day Honeybees, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. I am Luxe Queen Honeybee Dior, the owner of Truth Honey. I am so proud to be the first black women beekeeper to be featured in Forbes magazine for my unique elegant and luxurious style of honey. This was a great start to the year 2022. I never thought in a million years that I would be here talking about saving the Honeybees and how the honeybees affect our ecosystem in a major way. Nor did I think that at the time I started Truth my product would touch so many people and change so many lives, my life included. I am very thankful that I was chosen to be an advocate for Black Women Entrepreneurs who have a unique craft while being the leading expert in my industry. Some of my most memorable highlights of this year are: First Urban Beekeeper who aided in getting South Fulton Schools STEM/ STEAM Certified. - Truth Honey Received the Blue-Ribbon Award for bringing awareness to the community and schools while demonstrating the spirit of excellence. - I was selected to receive the 2023 Women of Honors Award - Truth Honey made waves as the premier sponsor for the Peachtree Village International Film Festival - Truth Honey made headlines on the Midday News with Dee in Columbus, Georgia - Truth Honey has traveled all over the country meeting loyal supporters.

As a board member of I Am A Father’s 5k Luxe Queen HoneyBee coordinated the race for Transplant Survivors. - As a member of the America Business Women Association my chapter was awarded number 1 in the District for Best Practices. - As the Director of Marketing and Branding for the SHEEO District I was able to help inspire women to represent their brand with Luxury and Excellence. -Luxe Queen HoneyBee was featured in Growth Women’s Business Network - As I reached the pinnacle of success in my career a recent health scare threatened to derail all that I have worked so hard to accomplish. Now as I sit back and begin to reflect on the year 2022 this year has been a year marked by Blessings, surprises, patience, opportunities, and disappointments. 2022 has taught me the true meaning of value and the importance of living in the moment and planning for the future. As I look at all the handwritten notes and mental notes that I have stashed away I can’t help but think about how to make the next year even better. As a black woman beekeeper/ business owner with a unique niche and craft, I wanted to inspire other women and young women that look like me to know the sky is the limit. It’s not about how you start but how you finish and what it takes to conquer the short-term goals that you put into place.

While inspiring, I also learn that when a woman starts, builds, inherits, partners, or enters business ownership, she designs companies in new ways, therefore changing the face of business. My approach to a successful business is understanding business ownership. When you own a business, no matter what that business is, you are automatically in the people business. It is this approach that gives women entrepreneurs a key competitive advantage. When it comes to people communication and crafts, I intuitively know that while it only takes one person to start something, it takes a team to keep that something flourishing. Building a business means building a community, and communities are built by establishing trust and developing relationships, one person at a time. Throughout the year I realized that giving an exclusive experience creates an unforgettable atmosphere that keeps individuals wanting more. 2022 has taught me that I am a reflection of my vision, values, talent, and integrity. However, these visions, values, talent, and integrity seem to shine through more often when I see the difference that I and my Truth Honey products or services have made by the testimonies of others; it simply conveys these qualities and beliefs. I wanted my constant effort and leadership to have affirmed the growth of Truth Honey beyond the community and into the hearts of people starting from children up to adults.

When getting into beekeeping I made a conscientious decision to learn everything I needed to know about the honeybees and make everyone aware of the benefits of honey. I also had to understand the value of honey. I now call honey Liquid Gold because it does not have a shelf life and it is an antioxidant that heals the body. Without honeybees, there would be no life as we currently know it. I want to create this pathway for the future generation to understand the benefits of Agriculture and sustainability. I believe that the future generation will become more innovative in beekeeping due to our vast technology that is forever growing. As I look back over this year and how I have taken the time to speak with our youth I learned that each generation is built on knowledge from past generations and sustainability is one of the most important ways of life. 2022 has been such a full year for me and has brought me so many different avenues. I am so grateful for so much support from the ones who believed in me, and my brand and I am also thankful for the ones who doubted what GOD plans were for me. There was a time when everyone doubted that I was ever a beekeeper and there were many doors that were closed and a lot of tables that had empty seats, but I was rejected from sitting there. There have been a lot of naysayers. Mom has always told me that it doesn’t matter what people say, create your own table and continue to trust God and he will direct your path and give you every person that will need to be a part of Truth Honey. God will open all doors that you need to walk through versus the ones you don’t.

I love the name of my company Truth Honey! I created my favorite phrase from it and that is Walk-In Your Truth Honey! See everyone’s story, everyone’s journey is their own truth, and the overcoming story is what makes you great! So, if you know the truth, then you speak the truth and from there you can walk in your truth. As you end your year remember don’t rob yourself of who you truly are! Always acknowledge your shortcomings, however, always remember your wins, and keep striving for greatness. Let your presence radiate so much positivity that it completely shifts the vibration in any room. Lastly, please remember that this is your opportunity to make a greater impact that will empower you and others around you with super energy and extra self- confidence to succeed! Sincerely, Luxe Queen HoneyBee Dior

IT’S “RE” TIME! 3 MOTIVATIONAL TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE: ONE “RE” AT A TIME By Janice R. Newman, M.A. I bet you’re wondering what exactly is “RE” Time. And how is it going to improve your life, especially since you probably have no clue what “RE” Time is? I’m glad you’re inquisitive. I was 1st introduced to “RE” Time at the start of the pandemic in 2020. My life was drastically changed in a matter of days. My work was transitioning remotely and limited onsite appraisal inspections. My daughter was an ICU nurse working with the increasing number of Covid patients. My son worked at a university which sent everyone home. My husband was in college classes then changed to remote. I turned to God with prayers to seek guidance and wisdom. Then, it seemed like wherever I turned or spoke to someone “RE” words appeared. Through prayer, God kept revealing to me “RE” words: review, rethink, renew, etc. Everywhere I went or read something, and even in the church, “RE” words seemed to be flashing in front of me. I couldn’t avoid a day or conversation without a “RE” word, so I researched it more. “RE” is a prefix that means per Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary: again or anew. Basically “RE” is to look at or do something again or make something anew. Sometimes you must look at it again or do something anew way to improve the outcome and get better results.

IT’S “RE” TIME! 3 MOTIVATIONAL TIPS TO IMPROVE YOUR LIFE: ONE “RE” AT A TIME By Janice R. Newman, M.A. 1) REVIEW At 12 O’clock is to REVIEW your life, but don't relive your life. It is not about reliving the past or being too hard on yourself. Look back and analyze what has been done and what needs to be accomplished including the GOOD and the BAD. Take time to look over personal relationships, work, career, finances, education, values, character, and spiritual life. Look over your physical appearance and health too. Reviewing is just to take note or inventory of what you’ve already accomplished, who you are, what you stand for, how you reacted in certain situations, what major events happened in your life, and when or what time frame you accomplished them. We analyze the details of the four W’s (who, what, where, and when). We DON’T analyze the why or how because those are objective and reflective. In review, you want to avoid any reasoning and just stick with the facts. Write your analysis down. This helps in visually seeing what you’ve accomplished, and it boosts your confidence. Reviewing your life to identify goals and patterns, can help you find new motivation and ways of improving. The key to improving your life is by making positive changes, even if it's one small thing at a time. Reviewing also helps you think through all your options before making any big decisions. You might have thought you were moving forward with life but sharing your review list with a neutral outsider such as a coach, pastor, or friend can really give you that extra push to revitalize and reinvent yourself because they can look at your life from a fresh perspective.

2) RETHINK The 3 O’clock task is to “RETHINK” your life. Rethinking is not an easy task, and many people are afraid to think outside the box. However, when it comes to your patterns, it is important that you rethink what could be causing them and where they may come from. Behavior is based on thinking so if you want different behaviors then you must rethink what caused those thoughts and behaviors in the first place. For people to think positively it can take some time with trying out new habits and having positive viewpoints about oneself and life in general. There's no one way of doing anything but being open-minded about your patterns might just help improve your life in more ways than one. It is all possible by rethinking the way we do things and starting fresh! Remember the “REVIEW” list? Now I want you to look at it again. For continual improvement and success, this is when you analyze the WHY and HOW. Why and how did we react or respond the way we did in those situations? You must rethink your current viewpoints, behaviors, and thinking patterns to determine if they are still effective, along with why and how they contribute to your values and character. Sometimes all it takes is just being mindful of your actions and realizing that every action has consequences. Why did you become fearful of the promotion or procrastinate over decisions? Try not to be judgmental, this task is to determine your thinking and logic behind those decisions. It looks at our emotions that sometimes need to be adjusted or rethought. For example, if you dated someone because you liked their car or how they dress but didn’t focus on their personality or character then you probably need to rethink what makes a great candidate to date. Self-reflect and analyze the list without dwelling on the past or becoming overwhelmed by it. The past is the past. We cannot change it no matter how hard we want to. The purpose is to change our thinking, so we don’t repeat the bad past and improve or repeat the good past. The importance of self-reflection will eventually lead to positive changes such as living up to one's full potential as well as breaking bad habits by making better decisions. You may want to rethink how you've treated others in the past. If there are any negative thoughts in the way you see yourself, then it is time for a total transformation with renewed thinking that will lead you toward better living.  3) RENEW At 9 O’clock, the “RE”TIME task is to RENEW your mind, outlook, and life. You take the prior knowledge you’ve learned from working on other “RE” words to determine a new purpose and blueprint for your life.

What are your new purposes for your life, career, relationships, health, and spiritual life that are motivating you to make changes and improvements in these areas? What habits or patterns do you need to leave behind, break, and create? The RENEW TIME is when you take action, power, and control over your life to create the “NEW YOU”!  Romans 12:2 NIV reminds us “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”. RENEW yourself allows you to get rid of the old patterns and habits, then formulate the person you desire to be by leaving behind the past that was ineffective and didn’t work. When you renew yourself, it cultivates self- confidence that prepares you for the future. Why would we want to keep any bad habits, thought patterns, or character traits if they held us back and were dysfunctional? If you want to improve your life – putting it bluntly – the bad must go! Kick those bad habits like smoking, negative thinking, or uncontrolled spending out the door! Kick them to the CURB! When you RENEW your life, you'll also learn to set realistic expectations for yourself which will take away anxiety associated with unrealistic goals that will halt your success. You'll also gain skills in goal setting and time management which will lead to more enjoyment of the present moment while feeling more prepared for the future. You focus on healthy habits so that you don't just continue old patterns or fall back into old habits as well as give ideas about how to make positive changes to live up to our full potential. CONCLUSION: “RE”Time is a personal developing system that allows you to focus on various important “RE” words to lead you to success, mold a new you, and overcome obstacles by self- awareness through the development of crucial skills, habits, and thought patterns. The starting point is to REVIEW our lives unobjectively without bias or emotions to get a picture of who we are. After that, there are 12 major key “RE” words to work on at various times so one focus will lead into the next focus. “RE”TIME is associated with a clock because it takes time to change your life and create a new you. There are also other numerous “RE” words that are necessary to work on to improve our lives, career, relationships, and spiritual life.  Improving your life one “RE” at a TIME is the key to success in planning, goal setting, and follow-through. Start making changes by using one of the “RE” Time words - as motivation!   Janice Newman is the producer and host of the cable television series Y? Why Not! that airs weekly across the country. She is a business entrepreneur and owner of a real estate appraisal and brokerage company, professional development specialist, writer, and teacher.  Follow and Subscribe to Y? Why Not! on Facebook and YouTube. Receive a FREE pdf copy of Janice’s book  “Y? Why Not!”  by subscribing to the Facebook page and sending a message.

Ending the Year on a Positive Note By Yalanda S. Jessie, M.Ed., LPC The end of the year is a time of reflection. Unfortunately for some it is also a time to bid good-bye to loved ones, children that are leaving home and most notably bad habits. Normally around this time of the year, some individuals deal with what is called Seasonal Affective Disorder, notably known as SAD. SAD occurs usually when the time changes and the weather begins to darken earlier. For some, this time change is compounded by those that are alone at this time of year either due to being away from home (soldiers) or alone for various other reasons (divorce, death, family dysfunction, etc.). Regardless of the reason, it affects more human beings than you could imagine. While there are countless numbers of us that have lost loved ones during this time of year and must cope with said loss, it is still a good time to reflect on the many blessings that have allowed us to still be here to celebrate LIFE and the reason for the season. While we will forever miss our loved ones, we must understand that if they had any control in the matter, they would most certainly be here with us. But upon reflecting on our status, we must take the time to configure our next steps in this life. Steps that will lead us to healing and to possibly to prosperity. Is it time to start a new business? Is it time to return to school? Is it time to begin eating healthy and exercising? Is it time to get serious about purchasing a forever home? Do I really need a new car, or do I just want one? Whatever questions you may have, the best way to hold yourself accountable and begin the year with a new attitude is to WRITE DOWN YOUR GOALS!! It has been proven that writing down your vision and seeing it in writing not only holds you accountable, but it gives you a positive outlook of your future. The Bible clearly states in Habakkuk 2: “write the vision and make it plain.” Writing also motivates you to follow through. And as with an elephant, you do not eat it No, you get up and begin anew until in its entirety, you take it one bite at a time you can ride completely without until it is completed. So, when you falling, HOWEVER LONG THAT TAKES! challenge yourself to stop drinking or If your goal is to lose weight, you do smoking, do not lose hope because you did not lose heart if you have only lost 1 not make it through an entire week, give pound in the first week, you yourself credit for the 2 days you were congratulate yourself for the 1 pound successful and aim for 3 days in the next and aim for 2 the following week. If week. DO NOT give up when you fall. To you goal is to lose 20 pounds, then you be successful in any endeavor, you must do it in increments, not leaps and continue with it even when you fall short. bounds. And remember to celebrate Or grow weary When riding a bicycle and the small victories because they will you fall, you do not remain the street for lead to HUMONGOUS rewards. the automobiles to run over you.

The reason so many resolutions fail is because WE give up when they (resolutions) are not going the way we want and we lose heart. But as you reflect on this upcoming year, vow that no matter what, you will be successful in all you endeavor to do. So bid good-bye to all that 2022 presented whether it was good or bad and learn from those lessons so that 2023 is indeed the year of blessings. If your goal is to start a business, research, research, AND research until you are dreaming with visions of success in your head. Find yourself a mentor to learn from and LISTEN to their wisdom, especially if they are successful. But no matter what your plans are for 2023, if you are blessed to wake up on January 1, 2023, hit the ground running and do not stop until your goals are fulfilled. Peace and Blessings Yalanda S. Jessie, M.Ed., LPC

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The Lifestyle of Mastering the MIND: It Costs to Be the BOSS! By Dr. Doniel Ervin, Micro-Business Compliance Strategist and Tax Specialist If you want to be the BOSS in 2023, it will cost you! Being a boss isn't easy. Success requires hard effort, focus, and dedication. You must be a winner in charge of your life with goals in place. Perseverance, consistency, and commitment are needed. Most importantly, having the right mindset. As a boss, if you don’t master the mind, it will show up and cost you. But if you’re up for the challenge, you can make a difference in your community, your employees’ lives, and the world. As the boss, authority and power bring responsibility and the right mastering mindset. What does mastering the mind look like? I’m glad you asked, for according to Stanford psychologist Dr. Carol Dweck, your belief system is pivotal in what you want and whether you achieve it. Dr. Dweck has found that your mindset plays a significant role in determining achievement and success. A mindset is a series of beliefs or self-perceptions people hold about themselves and develop behaviors, outlooks, and mental attitudes. For example, believing you are either 'intelligent' or 'unintelligent.’ Just with that? Alone, how is your mindset? \"Mastering the mind is all about controlling your thoughts and emotions. When you do that, you can achieve anything you set your sights on.\" -Tony Robbins When a person is decisive about who they are, it's called “Two mindsets,” a fixed mindset and a growth mindset, identified by (Dr. Dweck). Your mindset can shape your surroundings, create imaginary worlds as a protection from harm, as a way of escape, or as an island on the beach to escape to a place of peace. Your mind can influence how you think, feel, and behave in any circumstance (Dr. Dweck). Even the word of God tells us to have a mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5) and not be conformed to this world but be yet transformed by renewing our minds (Romans 12:2).

I became so filled with rage in my mind that my entire body was electrified. -Dr. Dee TeeTime: One of My Pandemic Story, Even though many loved ones died, the pandemic was a blessing for me. When I recognized that thought patterns influenced my mindset, I missed business opportunities because I was fixated on my circumstances and regrets instead of being thankful. My rage electrified my body; I had to wear gloves and socks to prevent electric shock. Life's struggles had tired me down. I self-sabotaged while experiencing God's grace. I rarely managed to win, no matter how good I was as a good Samaritan. Surely, I must be cursed. But God, for it, took service with the Elevation Worship tour on October 31, 2021, in Houston, Texas, which revived my soul. The music was in high worship, and the words in the song \"RATTLE\" stood out straight through my soul; it rattled my entire body, every lyric, \"prophecy to the bones, and THE DRY BONES ..... It was the sound, OPEN THE GRAVE, I'm coming out, I'm going to live again.....say\"... for me to experience such mental freedom and transformation. “PROPHECY TO THE BONES, OPEN THE GRAVE I’M COMING OUT; I’M GOING TO LIVE” - “RATTLE” Elevation Worship I had not felt such freedom in a very long time before singing and dancing in worship to the Lord that evening. Then it happened, and I was liberated from the weight lifted off me, with a loud cry coming out of me. My daughter said it was so loud that even the singers on the stage and folks around looked over where I was standing. I don’t remember that part, BUT I DO remember the release I experienced. What a lovely birthday gift my daughter gave me. Only God knows what we need when we need it. Since then, my mindset shifted, and I was on fire again to read the word of the bible and by meditating on Jeremiah 29:11, \"For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.\" NO CURSE. Blessings! My situation so occupied my mind that I became stuck. As a BOSS, I had to reduce work and phone, set limits, and invest in myself by reading more and getting a business coach, pastor, and financial counselor. I recommitted my heart to God and joined a business community. These strategies keep a BOSS entrepreneur psychologically healthy. I'm delighted, pleased, and enthusiastic 365 days later.

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