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Home Explore Ezine 567

Ezine 567

Published by flippingb5, 2017-05-18 06:38:28

Description: Ezine 567


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WINNING NUMBERS NEWS BUSINESS SPORT 11 2007610 48 1 1973790 48 LWF ACCUSED MINERAL KAHIRIRI 6 1976476 48 OF ABETTING EXPORTS DRIVE DISMISSES 4 2004331 48 ATROCITIES GROWTH NSC 6 1982743 48 DECISION P20 P 03 P 08 • 061-275 4700 Find us on THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. Your Community NEWSPAPER • 18 May - 25 May 2017 • Edition # 581Suepxsuorfgfeenders OVITOTO: DUBIOUSCommunity hopes of self-sustainability shattered LAND DEAL Aili Iilonga Questions surrounding the transparency of the allocation of the N$40 million Osema and Gusinde resettlement have Crime, especially sexual violent resurfaced after it emerged that one of the shareholders in the land deal is not aware of his participation. crime, is increasing rapidly in the country. Staff Reporter According to a case study on the The well-known Ovitoto resident POTENTIAL MILLIONARE: The home of the peasant 20% shareholder, Kambihi known as Mr Cat Mureti. Reintegration of Namibian Sex Of- now insists that he put his life Photo: Salomon Elago fenders, Namibia in 2016 recorded a at risk after signing the land deal number of 4 500 offenders, of which without understanding the fine print conservancy with the aim to sustain John Ali Ipinge (40%), Namport get money to build the community 430 are sex offenders. on the contract. the whole Ovitoto community, but Manager Josephine Ipupa Kashee- and sustain its people,” explained their dreams were shattered when ta (20%), Avani Hotel Manager Komeheke. Speaking at a public dialogue on The 65-year-old Kambihi “The the deal slipped through the cracks. Erenstine Jessica Tjiundje (10%), the reintegration of sex offenders in Cat” Mureti, a peasant who has Agra Researcher Angelina Operi Komeheke further explained that the community, Deputy Commission- spent the vast majority of his life In what the Ovitoto communi- Kanduvarisa (3%), and the Ovitoto the community was equally shocked er at Namibia Correctional Services, herding his family’s livestock, is ty now believe was an attempt to Community Conservancy (7%). to learn that Mureti had a 20% stake Mirjam Napweya, said that despite a 20% shareholder of the Ovitoto appease them, they were instead un- in the company that was awarded the the increasing numbers of sex offend- Game and Hunting Safaris. knowingly awarded a minute num- Community activist, Rirua Kome- farms, especially since he was not ers, the country has not established ber of shares in the company that got heke accused the Ministry of Lands made to understand the deal. sex offender rehabilitation pro- He, however, has no recollection the farms. The two farms, measuring of failing to seal the deal above- grammes due to a lack of resources. of signing papers in which it was a total 9 128 hectares, were given to board. “The State cannot take public “Something fishy is definitely implicitly explained to him what he a small group of well-to-do individ- funds for private gain and that is ex- going on. Investigate the closeness “The number of sex offenders is was signing away. uals all connected under the Ovitoto actly what happened when this land of The Cat (Mureti) to the people such a huge increase compared to Game and Hunting Safaris. was given to a small group of people responsible for awarding the land the previous year and the one thing “I signed papers, but I don’t know who are related in some way to the and you will understand why we are that triggers sex offenders to commit what they were about. Please go ask The other owners of Ovitoto Game benefactor. The Ovitoto community suspicious. That man is known as a crime is the lack of problem-solving. my family about it because I do not and Hunting Safaris include the wanted to use the conservancy to drunkard in this community,” said They mostly have poor management want to get into it. All I know is that Road Fund Administration CEO Komeheke. of their sex drives and most of them I was given land by the government tend to be in unhealthy relationships. and I am still waiting for this land All of this contributes to them com- to come to me. As you can see, I am mitting crimes,” she added. picking up wood and bottles to go home. So how can I own a farm with According to Napweya, at the Cor- so many hectares,” he said. rectional Facility in Rundu, with the partnership of Regain Trust, the first The pensioner is very hesitant to ever sex offender rehabilitation pro- explain how he got himself in the gramme was officially launched this deal that betrayed the trust of the year and is proving to be a success. residents. Fatherhood Foundation spokes- “I lived a very simple life and person, Bruce Hansen, emphasised now I am here in Okahandja hiding that sex offenders have the ability to from everybody trying to ask change and reintegrate back into the me questions regarding the deal community. because people want to attack me as if I knew what I was signing,” he “I believe that men that are or were explained. As a result, community sex offenders have the capacity to members believe that he is simply change. As men, we have lost our a proxy in the controversial deal in identity and role in the society, so all which Land Reform Minister, Utoni we need now is to embrace the reality Nujoma, was accused of bypassing of life and try to find a solution and procedures when he approved and bring about the change,” he noted. signed the resettlement criteria in November last year. According to Meriam Agapitus, a Social Worker at Regain Trust, annu- The residents had been lobbying ally 30% of women in Namibia are government for the land through a survivors of gender-based violence “Most women live in trauma of the abuse they faced and we as a society need to accept the reality that gender-based violence is not going to disappear but we need to find a preventative measure to it,” she said. Coke, Fanta, Sprite Big Value Meal 600ml 1x Chicken Piece, Mini Loaf & 6N$ .99 24Coleslaw OR Mash N$ 9019/05/2017 - 21/05/2017 9N$ .99 Coleslaw YOU CHOOSE 29N$ 90 Magpies We sell Assorted OR Mash Smart Value Meal Tassenberg 2 Full Wings & Dixie Burger 750ml at cost! Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. Ts&Cs apply. While stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

2 NEWS 18 May - 25 May 2017 “We just want acceptance” Axe killer pleads guiltyARE LGBTI ACCEPTED? Eba KandovazuAlthough Namibia still has anti-homosexual laws, the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons (LGBTI) commu- A 44-year-old Otjiwarongonity insists that Namibians are more accepting of them. man who stands accused of murdering his girlfriend by Aili Iilonga in sensitising the public to learn to live with us in hitting her on the head with about the issue. society. To me, being trans- an axe in the Xara-Aibes areaNamibia has a history of gender means I do not have in 2015 pleaded guilty in the lacking of laws sup- “We want to show them to confirm my sex to anyone. High Court on Tuesday, 16porting the LGBTI citizens, that we mean business and It is a matter of how I am to May.joining 33 other African that we are not afraid of any- the rest of the world, “shenations that have outlawed thing, and that we just want explained. Israel Kapepu is said to havehomosexuality. the Namibian community to ORN spokesperson hacked his girlfriend and accept us as human beings Johannes Hangula said mother of his now three-year- In celebration of the above all, regardless of our Namibians are encouraged old son, Christine Gases, 30,International Day Against sexual orientation,” he said to listen to the needs of the with an axe on the evening ofHomophobia, Transphobia LGBTI community and to 28 February 2015.and Biphobia, LGBT activist Princess Verquisha Bock, a address issues from a humanand director of Out-Right member of the transgender dignity perspective. The couple are reported toNamibia (ORN), Wendelinus community, explained that “We need to educate our- have returned to Gases’ shackHamutenya, praised Namibia the celebration brings people selves and hear their person- after a drinking spree withfor being more accepting of from all over in the fight al stories and come together STANDING TALL: LGBTI community celebrating International Day Against friends.the LGBTI community. against ill-treatment of the as one” said Hangula. Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Photo Aili Iilonga LGBTI community. Kapepu, through his lawyer, He, however, admitted that Messe Tjituri, explained in hismore still needs to be done “We just want acknowl- plea explanation that upon edgment from people and arriving from local shebeens with his girlfriend, she in-Father denies slitting children’s throats formed him that she wanted to go back and have a few moreCONTRADICT: Jonas Shinana. Eba Kandovazu old Emilia Shinana with a children because they were his children as he loved drinks.Photo Eba Kandovazu A former security guard kitchen knife between the suffering and he wanted to them and they loved him from Windhoek who late hours of 23 December kill himself. too. This, according to him, stands accused of murder- 2009 and early hours of 24 instilled rage in him and ing his two minor children December, at his Wanaheda Jona denied the allegations The mother of his chil- whilst she was taking a bath, eight years ago still insists shack. when he was being cross-ex- dren, Rosalia Antonuis, he grabbed an axe and hacked that he did not murder amined by his lawyer previously testified that her three times, killing her. them. The state is, however, Bradley Basson. Jona had apologised to her He claimed that the deceased arguing that Jona murdered for killing their children. ‘disrespected’ him by insulting Instead, 33-year-old Jona his two children and then “The night my children She told the court that the him, as she was used to insult- Shinana is alleging that an attempted a botched suicide were murdered I had pre- accused begged her for ing him regularly. unknown person entered attempt, by hanging himself pared their mattress and we forgiveness and told her his room strangled him, with a rope which broke. watched TV together. I then that he attempted to take Kapepu added that he did causing him to pass out. fell asleep after some time his own life. not intend to kill Gases, but to The investigating officer, and only woke up at 3am rather ‘discipline’ her. He is speculating that the Detective Sergeant Moses when someone strangled Jona told the court that unknown person who tried Shivolo, testified on Monday me. I do not know what he suspects the mother of “I take full responsibility for to choke him slit the throats that Jona admitted to com- happened after that but I his children sent someone my actions because they were of six-year-old Matheus mitting the said offences, woke up in hospital, sur- to kill him and accused her unlawful. Even though I was Shinana and four-year- upon his arrest. rounded by police officers,” of instructing the state wit- intoxicated, the alcohol did Jona noted. He added that nesses about what to testify not incapacitate me as I knew According to the Detec- he had no intentions to kill in court. what I was doing. I there- tive, Jona allegedly killed his fore ask for the appropriate sentence,” Kapepu maintained.Elusive raffle ticket competition Kapepu’s lawyer has since in- formed Judge Naomi Shivute Staff Reporter contain the logos of the govern- 31 March 2017, but it could not SCAM OR …….. : The raffle ticket that no one won yet. that the accused has shownPEOPLE who thought they ment, Oshikoto Regional Council, be established for how long it has remorse since the day of hisbought raffle tickets for a good Ondonga Traditional Authority, been running. Enraged customers arrest, adding that he alsocause that enables a trust to award Salute Trading cc and Profile told Informanté that they are sus- apologised to Gases’ motherbursaries to needy students, are Investment Holdings LTD, as picious due to the fact the winner who, according to Kapepu, hasbaffled as to why the winner has sponsors or partners of the com- has not been announced to date. forgiven him.not yet been announced, one-and- petition. The advert indicates thata-half-month after the competi- people can buy tickets for N$100 An unknown person who He added that Kapepu hastion ended. each to stand a chance of winning answered the cell phone number handed himself over to the a Toyota Double Cab bakkie. of the ticket, but did not want to police and has co-operated The raffle ticket competition identify himself, said that they are with them. The defencewas organised by the Namibian Participants bought the tickets still in the process of announc- counsel thus pleaded with theStudent Scholarship and Bursaries from different outlets in the ing the winner, but he couldn’t court for a 28-year imprison-Trust (NSSBT), which was estab- North. say when. “The trust will sit and ment term, considering thelished in 2015. The tickets also decide, but I don’t know when,” he 15 months period of time the According to the ticket, the clos- said, before hanging up. accused spent in custody. ing date of the competition was Judge Shivute postponed the matter to 1 June, for sentenc- ing. The State is represented by Prosecutor Martino Olivier. Supreme Wheels, Sales Contact Nico at: Tel: 061-304 903 081-334 9222 [email protected] No. 5 Parson Street The Best Deals on Wheels CASH BACK N$CA2SH2BAC5K 00 N$ 10,000 2012 Nissan Navara 2013 VW Polo Vivo 1.6 2013 Toyota Etios 1.5 2013 Nissan Qashqai 2013 Nissan NP 300 2.5 2011 Nissan Navara2.5 DCi LE D/Cab 4x4 XS Sedan 1.6 Acenta TDi LWB 4x4 2.5 DCi XE D/cab , Maxx 90181km 94000km 75000km 117832km N$132629752k,m000 75000km N$ 115,000 N$ 190,000 N$ 195,000 ( NO DEPOSIT /N$ 295,000 N$ 137 500...your trustworthy Pre-owned dealer with cars that have factory warranty!!! – Value for Money – Newer models with low kilos!!!

2 NEWS 18 May - 25 May 2017 “We just want acceptance” Axe killer pleads guiltyARE LGBTI ACCEPTED? Eba KandovazuAlthough Namibia still has anti-homosexual laws, the lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex persons (LGBTI) commu- A 44-year-old Otjiwarongonity insists that Namibians are more accepting of them. man who stands accused of murdering his girlfriend by Aili Iilonga in sensitising the public to learn to live with us in hitting her on the head with about the issue. society. To me, being trans- an axe in the Xara-Aibes areaNamibia has a history of gender means I do not have in 2015 pleaded guilty in the lacking of laws sup- “We want to show them to confirm my sex to anyone. High Court on Tuesday, 16porting the LGBTI citizens, that we mean business and It is a matter of how I am to May.joining 33 other African that we are not afraid of any- the rest of the world, “shenations that have outlawed thing, and that we just want explained. Israel Kapepu is said to havehomosexuality. the Namibian community to ORN spokesperson hacked his girlfriend and accept us as human beings Johannes Hangula said mother of his now three-year- In celebration of the above all, regardless of our Namibians are encouraged old son, Christine Gases, 30,International Day Against sexual orientation,” he said to listen to the needs of the with an axe on the evening ofHomophobia, Transphobia LGBTI community and to 28 February 2015.and Biphobia, LGBT activist Princess Verquisha Bock, a address issues from a humanand director of Out-Right member of the transgender dignity perspective. The couple are reported toNamibia (ORN), Wendelinus community, explained that “We need to educate our- have returned to Gases’ shackHamutenya, praised Namibia the celebration brings people selves and hear their person- after a drinking spree withfor being more accepting of from all over in the fight al stories and come together STANDING TALL: LGBTI community celebrating International Day Against friends.the LGBTI community. against ill-treatment of the as one” said Hangula. Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia. Photo Aili Iilonga LGBTI community. Kapepu, through his lawyer, He, however, admitted that Messe Tjituri, explained in hismore still needs to be done “We just want acknowl- plea explanation that upon edgment from people and arriving from local shebeens with his girlfriend, she in-Father denies slitting children’s throats formed him that she wanted to go back and have a few moreCONTRADICT: Jonas Shinana. Eba Kandovazu old Emilia Shinana with a children because they were his children as he loved drinks.Photo Eba Kandovazu A former security guard kitchen knife between the suffering and he wanted to them and they loved him from Windhoek who late hours of 23 December kill himself. too. This, according to him, stands accused of murder- 2009 and early hours of 24 instilled rage in him and ing his two minor children December, at his Wanaheda Jona denied the allegations The mother of his chil- whilst she was taking a bath, eight years ago still insists shack. when he was being cross-ex- dren, Rosalia Antonuis, he grabbed an axe and hacked that he did not murder amined by his lawyer previously testified that her three times, killing her. them. The state is, however, Bradley Basson. Jona had apologised to her He claimed that the deceased arguing that Jona murdered for killing their children. ‘disrespected’ him by insulting Instead, 33-year-old Jona his two children and then “The night my children She told the court that the him, as she was used to insult- Shinana is alleging that an attempted a botched suicide were murdered I had pre- accused begged her for ing him regularly. unknown person entered attempt, by hanging himself pared their mattress and we forgiveness and told her his room strangled him, with a rope which broke. watched TV together. I then that he attempted to take Kapepu added that he did causing him to pass out. fell asleep after some time his own life. not intend to kill Gases, but to The investigating officer, and only woke up at 3am rather ‘discipline’ her. He is speculating that the Detective Sergeant Moses when someone strangled Jona told the court that unknown person who tried Shivolo, testified on Monday me. I do not know what he suspects the mother of “I take full responsibility for to choke him slit the throats that Jona admitted to com- happened after that but I his children sent someone my actions because they were of six-year-old Matheus mitting the said offences, woke up in hospital, sur- to kill him and accused her unlawful. Even though I was Shinana and four-year- upon his arrest. rounded by police officers,” of instructing the state wit- intoxicated, the alcohol did Jona noted. He added that nesses about what to testify not incapacitate me as I knew According to the Detec- he had no intentions to kill in court. what I was doing. I there- tive, Jona allegedly killed his fore ask for the appropriate sentence,” Kapepu maintained.Elusive raffle ticket competition Kapepu’s lawyer has since in- formed Judge Naomi Shivute Staff Reporter contain the logos of the govern- 31 March 2017, but it could not LEGIT OR SCAM: The raffle tickets that no one won yet. that the accused has shownPEOPLE who thought they ment, Oshikoto Regional Council, be established for how long it has remorse since the day of hisbought raffle tickets for a good Ondonga Traditional Authority, been running. Enraged customers arrest, adding that he alsocause that enables a trust to award Salute Trading cc and Profile told Informanté that they are sus- apologised to Gases’ motherbursaries to needy students, are Investment Holdings LTD, as picious due to the fact the winner who, according to Kapepu, hasbaffled as to why the winner has sponsors or partners of the com- has not been announced to date. forgiven him.not yet been announced, one-and- petition. The advert indicates thata-half-month after the competi- people can buy tickets for N$100 An unknown person who He added that Kapepu hastion ended. each to stand a chance of winning answered the cell phone number handed himself over to the a Toyota Double Cab bakkie. of the ticket, but did not want to police and has co-operated The raffle ticket competition identify himself, said that they are with them. The defencewas organised by the Namibian Participants bought the tickets still in the process of announc- counsel thus pleaded with theStudent Scholarship and Bursaries from different outlets in the ing the winner, but he couldn’t court for a 28-year imprison-Trust (NSSBT), which was estab- North. say when. “The trust will sit and ment term, considering thelished in 2015. The tickets also decide, but I don’t know when,” he 15 months period of time the According to the ticket, the clos- said, before hanging up. accused spent in custody. ing date of the competition was Judge Shivute postponed the matter to 1 June, for sentenc- ing. The State is represented by Prosecutor Martino Olivier. Supreme Wheels, Sales Contact Nico at: Tel: 061-304 903 081-334 9222 [email protected] No. 5 Parson Street The Best Deals on Wheels CASH BACK N$CA2SH2BAC5K 00 N$ 10,000 2012 Nissan Navara 2013 VW Polo Vivo 1.6 2013 Toyota Etios 1.5 2013 Nissan Qashqai 2013 Nissan NP 300 2.5 2011 Nissan Navara2.5 DCi LE D/Cab 4x4 XS Sedan 1.6 Acenta TDi LWB 4x4 2.5 DCi XE D/cab , Maxx 90181km 94000km 75000km 117832km N$132629752k,m000 75000km N$ 115,000 N$ 190,000 N$ 195,000 ( NO DEPOSIT /N$ 295,000 N$ 137 500...your trustworthy Pre-owned dealer with cars that have factory warranty!!! – Value for Money – Newer models with low kilos!!!

18 May - 25 May 2017 NEWS 3 Genocide victims claim the Lutheran Church was complicit in past atrocitiesLWF ACCUSED OF ABETTINGATROCITIES Following some acknowledgment on the part of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) in the painful events in Namibia’s history, the Ovaherero Genocide Foundation and the Nama Genocide Technical Committee will seek possible reparation discussions against the federation.Photo for illustrative purposes only. Aili Iilonga “As a communion with a passion our traditional leaders, both the for justice, peace and reconciliation, Ovaherero and the Nama traditional The possible compensation, the the process among Namibians and authority on the way forward. If we technical team said this week, is Germans is at the heart of its voca- are to approach them (Lutheran Fed- for the federation’s alleged involve- tion,” the statement said. eration) with a package of repara- ment in the colonisation of Namibia tion, then we will take it up with our by Imperial Germany. However, member of a technical leaders and deliberate on the matter committee in the Ovaherero Geno- at hand,” he added. In a statement dated 15 May, LWF cide Foundation, Kahepa Kajujaha, noted that with respect to the geno- said the statement acknowledged The LWF stands accused for cide in Namibia, the federation said what had happened. its alleged participation in the that it had rejoiced in the journey of colonisation of Namibia by imperial liberation and independence. Kajujaha commended the federa- Germany, as well as for its silence on tion for the acknowledgement, al- the war crimes committed by Swapo “LWF is humbled to be acknowl- though he noted that it was not spe- during exile. edged for its contribution to this cifically directed to the Ovaherero journey through actions of accompa- and Nama genocide organisations. A peaceful demonstration by the niment, support and solidarity. That Ovaherero Genocide Forum and the accompaniment continues today,” “We appreciate the acknowledge- Committee of Parents took place the statement reads in part. ment or the apology they made but outside the Sam Nujoma Stadium I feel like it was not directed to us. It in Katutura last week Sunday, 14 The federation further admitted felt like it was just in the air,” he said May, to criticise the federation for its that there were painful events in Na- deliberate silence on the war crimes. mibia’s history, which it said clouded According to Kajujuha, the founda- the memory of Namibians. The tion will take the next step forward Attempts to get comment from the federation, however, shifted blame to in terms of possibly asking for LWF in Namibia proved unsuccess- the two governments in question. reparations. ful. “The ball is now in the hands ofBigamy cases go undetected Birth registration more accessible and easier Eba Kandovazu accused of bigamy as the law allows it. their respective hospitals,” said Ithana.Namibia has recorded a staggering number “What is illegal is marrying more than one Marthina K Mutanga The aim of the e-birth is to notify the Nationalof bigamy cases in recent years, with reports EVERY child has the right to an identity. Theseshowing that men are the biggest culprits. wife under civil laws,” explained Shanghala. were the words of Minister of Home Affairs, Population Registration System (NPRS) elec- The Chairperson of the Namibia Law Reform Pendukeni Iivula Ithana. tronically when a birth has occurred at a hospi- Bigamy is the offence of marrying someone tal, to secure the birth details of the child.while already married to another person. and Development Commission, Yvonne The Ministry of Home Affairs, the Office of Dausab, explained that marriage officers are as- the Prime Minister and Ministry of Health The e-birth notification system will ensure ver- Attorney General, Sacky Shanghala told signed to investigate if both parties are married and Social Services collaborated in the imple- ification of the mother’s identity as it is linked toInformanté in an interview that government, or not, but stressed that the process becomes mentation of the e-birth notification system, the NPRS, as well as improving data quality andunder the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and difficult when one person is a foreign national. which was launched this Wednesday, 16 May, in production of vital statistics.Immigration, should implement an electronic Windhoek.marriage recording system countrywide to Dausab emphasised the importance of build- Reiterating the importance of birth certificates,enable churches free access to the system and ing a cross-border mechanism into the law that Ithana said the innovative system is bringing Ithana explained that without birth certificates,ensure that people do not marry more than one enables authorities to confirm with the institu- services closer to the citizens and that it should children cannot enroll in schools and are notspouse. tion responsible for registration of marriages remain the responsibility of every parents to eligible to receive child support grants. in different countries to confirm whether their register the birth of their child immediately after Shanghala said that the duality of registra- national is already married or not. birth. Unicef representative, Micaela Marques detion of civil and customary marriage records is Sousa, stated that they donated 10 computersnot available at churches, which he says is the “People take chances because there isn’t The system will be piloted at Windhoek Cen- that will develop this new registration process tobiggest loophole in the system that allows for another mechanism to verify whether either tral Hospital this year starting June. come to a full circle in Namibia.bigamy to sometimes go undetected. Shangha- of the parties are already married because thela further explained that the Native Admin- ceremony is supposed to be an opportunity to In July, a team from the Technical Working Over 78% of children under five in Namibiaistration Proclamation 15 of 1928 permits celebrate love and not be suspicious that you Group will carry out an assessment at Rundu were registered in 2011.polygamy as black men are allowed to marry are being deceived,” she added. and the Eenhana state hospitals after which themore than one woman. system will be rolled out to all state hospitals This rate is increasing yearly, making the Dausab further noted that the Marriage Act depending on the availability. country one with the highest registration rate If a black man marries one woman under of 1961 is currently being reviewed and urged on the continent.civil laws and another under customary laws, people to do background checks on their “We are working hard as government to rollShangala explained that that is legal and that partners. She reiterated that where foreign out the system to all state hospitals countrywide. During the financial year 2016/2017, themany people were doing this and cannot be nationals are involved, information from the The private hospitals should join this campaign Ministry of Home Affairs and Immigration reg- respective embassies and consulates should be by rolling out the e-birth notification system in istered 42 154 babies under the age of one year, gathered. 60% of all new born babies. Over 60 000 persons were registered late. 2016 Etios Sedan XS N$159 000 BMW X5 35D XDrive N$280 000 Chev T/Blazer 2.8 Auto N$315 000Opel ADAM 1.4 Turbo N$265 000 Toyota Yaris 1.0 N$99 900 2015 Kia Sportage N$299 900 Autohaus UsedAutohaus Windhoek Cnr of Mandume Ndemufayo & Edison Str Windhoek Tel: 061-414 200 [email protected] E&EO. T&C’s apply

4 NEWS 18 May - 25 May 2017DROUGHT HITSMore livestock expected to die without aid Warakata !KARASBURG HARDCommunal and resettlement farmers at the Warmbad area in the Karasburg-East Constituency have Wow…it’s been a while since I wrote an article, whichexperienced frequent droughts over the past years which have affected more than 1800 livestock resulted in me being continuously harassed in publiccombined. on the weekly column I used to write, being quoted on a daily basis in public and being slapped on my shoul- Aili Iilonga DIRE STRAITS: Cattle are under threat. Photo contributed she is very much aware of the der with laughter by a guy with a Zamalek in hand crisis. “Currently there are no while repeatedly asking ‘’ etse Nebel, vertel re weer dieAccording to the Constitu- funds to render help to this full storie.” ency Councillor, Dennis time farmers but I am hopingCoetzee, the area has been that the governor will address Last week my cousin invited me to his son’s birthdayreceiving little to no rainfall the matter to the parliament and party in Katutura. Now as you know, all children’s partiesover the past years and this has await for a positive response in die kasie are basically a smokescreen for adults to getgreatly affected livestock for and a way forward. motherlessly drunk. Well, this party was no different. Itmost farmers. had all the different brands of ‘’onyota’’ lined up. The We are just waiting for the table was well stocked with Navara (Castelo), Zamalek “Last year alone, Warmbad planning division that is cur- (Black Label), Groen Rokkie (Monis Granada), whiskyreceived 3 to10mm of rainfall rently working together with the for the sophisticated and cream soda for the kids . Enthroughout the whole rainy drought relief to get back to us asb…people from Khomasdal and other suburbs readingseason. So, that has affected with feedback on the matter,” this, don’t discriminate ….we don’t criticise your variousthe 28 communal farmers and he said. According to Coetzee, ‘’dop’’ of OB en Klipdrift…bly in julle baan asb!29 resettlement farmers in the approximately 19 000 animalsarea,” he explained. were facing starvation due to Now as the party became more lively, music for any the lack of grazing, including black community becomes the focal point of entertain- Coetzee adds that he has 8 800 goats, 7 300 sheep, 2 ment. Now as you all know, we define ourselves throughpresented the matter to the gov- 000 cattle, 450 horses and 400 dancing as much as white people do through swim-ernor, Lucia Basson, and that donkeys. ming! Whoever can ‘’sakka’’ best in the circle, you the man! Through all ages, certain songs at parties were theFight against wildlife trafficking lifeblood of every party. Brenda Fassie kicked it off in the 80’s with ‘’Weekend Special‘’, Chicco took it further Staff Reporter are able to immediately imple- with ‘’I need some Money’’, Lucky Dube ‘’Slave “, Arthur Mafokate ‘’Kwaito‘’ and our own Mshasho /Representative from vari- ment the specialised training Gazza era through their different kwaito beats dominatedous embassies and ministries the dance floor. Yes, lest we forget, the same can be saidgathered in Windhoek to in their daily duties in border uptown by die Boere. Kiepies was the place where yousupport the fight against heard ‘’Kaptein span die seile‘’ and “De La Rey, De Lawildlife trafficking in partner- security, law enforcement, and Rey” , drowning their sorrows in a bottle of ‘’brannas ‘’ship with the World Customs after another Blou Bul disaster on the field.Organisation. immigration, to deter the flow O ja don’t forget, when it comes to a boil in the parking The Deputy US Chief of of illegally trafficked goods. lot they moer each other properly for simply staring atMission, John Kowalski, noted each other’s girls…weet jy, weet jy!that all countries have sys- The Permanent Secretary oftems in place to facilitate the Now don’t get me wrong , I like any ‘’Song of the day ‘’legal movement of goods and the Ministry of Finance, Ericah maraaa sowaar, when people start raping a song up to theit’s their duties to find better point that you feel your nose is gonna bleed, I seriouslyoperational ways to stop the Shafudah, said the INAMA pro- don’t wanna hear it anymore. Now the designated DJ atmovement of illegal goods. our party, upon request of everyone who was highly gesh- ject was launched with the aim wala now asked for this new song to be played ….called As a result, noted Kowalski, Warakata. I understood for the first time that this songthe U.S. Embassy supports the to strengthen the enforcement is the current lokasie anthem for everyone! Now we alltraining course that focuses on know there’s nothing better than shouting and scream-operational planning that will capacity of customs administra- ing at the top of your lungs in acknowledging how goodenable customs officers to stem a beat a song has while kicking up dirt. My problem is,the flow of illegally trafficked tions in Sub-Saharan Africa. whenever the song stops people scream ‘’ enko, enko,wildlife. Officers and officials enko ‘’….which in lokasie terms mean ‘’again please!”that participated in the course The training is part of the Vakwetu, this went on and on and on…warakata, waraka- ta, warakata, warakata ….people shaking their heads back World Customs Organisation’s and forth like a walking chicken. After two hours this song sounded like a Wamboe hymn at Evangelie….. I was INAMA project that strengthens ready to go home! I must say, however, drinking a glass or two of Zamalek makes you go on and on and on. Never the enforcement capacity of has a song irritated me so much as seeing my mother in the late 80’s doing laundry singing a Judy Boucher targeted customs administra- song! Mara kapena oumba….there is a strong possibil- ity that Warakata might not last long enough, unless the tions in Sub-Saharan Africa, Hereros receive their reparations money tomorrow! If that happens, rest assured Warakata will become the official as well as on the illegal trade ‘’compensation“ song …because 20 years from now Karumendu will sit at his farm pondering : ’’Mbuae you in wildlife and in particular remember when we got our money 20 years ago …what was the song we danced to hapo …Warakata!!?? So my endangered species as defined people, for now there’s no end in sight for us. I can’t beat them so I shall join them……..Warakata!!!!! by cites. DEFEND: Rangers at Kenya’s Ol Pejeta Conservancy protect The U.S has been supporting a tame northern white rhino that has been dehorned to deter poachers. Photo: Brent Stirton this project with U$1million over the past three years.Ohorongo supports Etunda clinicStaff Reporter that the donation is the result of a commitment initially madeThe recently opened Etunda CEMENTING TIES: Hans-Wilhelm Schütte, managing director in 2014 by Ohorongo CementFarm Clinic, which was built of Ohorongo Cement with Founding Father Dr Sam Nujoma. to Foundation. “To ensureunder the Sam Nujoma Founda- Photo contributed money remains in the country,tion, received locally procured the medical equipment wasmedical equipment valued at procured locally and will be in-N$600 000 from Ohorongo Ota- stalled according to the directivevi Community Trust (OOCT) in from the Ministry of Health andpartnership with Support e.V., a Social Services. Local suppliersnon-profit organisation based in are important for servicing ofthe German. equipment and the provision ofHans-Wilhelm Schütte, man- consumables,” said Schütte.aging director of OhorongoCement, who witnessed the The medical equipment dona-official hand-over of the tion is a result of a Technicalclinic and medical equipment Co-operation Agreement be-to the Ministry of Health and tween Support Ulm e.V, OOCTSocial Services (MHSS) by and the Ministry of Health andthe Founding President stated Social Services, to deliver medi- cal equipment as prioritised by the ministry.

18 May - 25 May 2017 ADVERT 5TcsdrhueafolTsiunuhlerdeon.u’Tr

6 EDITORIAL 18 May - 25 May 2017 RETRO­ SPECTIVE NGHIDIPO NANGOLOPolitics and religion PIC OF THE DAYare like water and oil Ennerdale, South Africa; A protester uses a slingshot at riot police during a demonstration about housing in the community of Finetown.In a secular county like Namibia, the frontrunners of the Photograph: Marco LongariState are expected to conform to the provisions of thesupreme law and discourage the mixing of politics and THEORY OF INTEREST DESMOND P VAN HEERDENreligion for the benefit of all religions. THE STRUCTURE OF STORIES The Constitution should reign supreme in respect of theintegrity of all religions. Religion has always been a thorny WE all love stories. Starting from those (Galadriel in Lord of the Rings). They perhero origin stories follow the templatesubject to tackle as it seemingly cannot be questioned on its told by our parents as they regale us with are tempted to abandon their quest, either almost to a T.own morality, reasons and proof, and the situation becomes wondrous tales while we sit on their knees, by a romantic interest, or their compan-murky when the destitute prefer the promises of ghostly to sitting and listening to those told by ions (Han Solo offering a way out of the Why is this, though? Perhaps the mostintervention when government is not fulfilling their wishes. grandparents around the fire, up until later conflict for Luke in Star Wars). Ultimately, explored area that concerns itself with thisAll religions including ‘other’ cultural or traditional faith- life, when we discover books, movies and they face their trials and challenges and is called memetics – the study of memes.based systems should be equal before the law, and the State television. We remain glued to majestic overcome them to reach the apotheosis, or First proposed by Richard Dawkins inshould remain neutral in such matters, for the mere reason stories and seek them out. After all, our climax, of the story. his book The Selfish Meme, he proposedof not offending one side or the other. earliest history we only know via stories that there is, similar to how genes self- told over generations – stories are intrinsic Armed with new knowledge, the hero replicate, mutate and respond to societal In fact, for many religions should be a personal choice to human nature! faces the toughest challenge yet – and is pressures, a similar method by which ideasas it will remain relative to the individual’s environment, sometimes assisted by their formerly ‘un- do so. Thus was born the idea of a meme:customs and norms. It has been repeated time and again Every story differs in its details, making trustworthy’ friend who comes through in “an idea, behaviour, or style that spreadsthat 90% of Namibia’s population is of the Christian faith, it unique. Yet when you look closer, there’s the end (like the cupholder, Han Solo, and from person to person within a culture.”despite the illusory contradiction with the advent of popular a common thread running through many yes, poor old Gollum in the end of Lord of Needless to say, the meme soon itselfcharismatic churches and believe in supernatural healing stories. Some are due to its presentation – the Rings). The hero experiences a rebirth, became a meme, and the name is now cou-and sorcery. When the recent Lutheran World Federation movies are often presented in three acts, and receives the boon they have been pled with an internet phenomenon basedcelebrated its half-millennium in the country, some Namib- while stage plays and television shows craving all along. Joseph becomes vizier of on templates of pictures.ian interest groups questioned the complicity of the church have five acts, each somewhatin the atrocities committed during the liberation struggle un- self-contained, and each driving Egypt, Frodo gains his freedom and Luke At its core, however, the monomythder Swapo and colonialism. Such questions might never be our story forwards. Still, when you recognition. is perhaps the most solid evidenceanswered but it doesn’t make them less legitimate, because examine some of our most popular for the persistence of memes. A storyhistory is full of atrocities in the last 2 000 years commit- tales, our wildest stories, our finest Then the final stage – the Return. Faced structure that has pervaded all cul-ted in the name of faith, ideology and religious conquests myths, you find a structure that per- with their rebirth and newfound boon, tures to become embedded in our psy-that has made some religions “superior” (according to its vades across all presentations. You they have to reintegrate with their old ches, and one we instinctively flockfollowers). find the monomyth. lives. They cross the threshold back into to when we need to tell the story of ordinary life, now a master of both. Joseph a hero. Perhaps aptly, it is also com- Therefore religion should not be exploited for partisan The monomyth has three stages. In experiences this when his family come monly known The Hero’s Journey.or political expediency as that could mean a declaration of the first, the Departure, our hero be- to Egypt for food, and he resettles themanimosity against other believe systems. More so, Christi- gins his or her journey. At first, the there. Frodo has his journey back to the However, just because the mono-anity should not be prioritised as holier or superior to other hero is living a normal life, either Shire, where he has more challenges when myth is so persistent in our culture,religions. The State should be impartial and allow the indi- revelling in it, or yearning for more. he gets there. Luke finds a new home for does not mean that it is the only wayviduals to directly question their congregations for answers Then comes the call to adventure, himself in the Rebellion. to tell a story. After all, you can prob-pertaining to faith as opposed to be seen as propagating for where our hero must leave what is ably yourself name many stories thatan ideal faith. known and travel into the unknown. The monomyth was first introduced to don’t follow this template – and in This usually comes from an external the world by Joseph Campbell in The Hero fact, it is sometimes used to make the When faith is used as a political weapon or qualification agent, either mystical or in person, With a Thousand Faces, back in 1949, exact counterpoint to what the hero’sfor integrity, it basically means the leaders have run out of driving them towards it. Think of and has found itself embedded in popular journey expresses. One of my favour-ideas and options to solve the problems on the ground and Joseph being sold into slavery in culture since then. When examined, you’ll ite novels, Dune, expressly aims towants the populace to believe in miracles that don’t exist the Bible, or Gandalf arriving in the find the monomyth in many of our most follow the monomyth so as to subvertfrom the practical point of view. As much as the State is Shire in The Lord of the Rings, or popular stories, from a wide variety of it, cunningly making the point that anexpected to serve all the inhabitants of the country irrespec- the Droids bought for Luke Sky- authors and filmmakers. In fact, most su- infallible hero’s mistakes are alwaystive of their religion or belief systems, it should also deal walker in Star Wars. The hero might resist amplified by those who follow themwith other countries on the basis of impartiality to ideology the call, or go willingly, but ultimately without question.or religion. they leave their old world behind. So while our stories may have structure, and seem similar, you should always take EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER Having crossed that first threshold, they the time with your own stories to see what then enter the unknown world of adven- archetypical story you’ve followed, and • The newspaper’s views are not necessarily those of ture, where the old rules no longer apply. ensure it sends the message you’ve envis- They meet their mentor, and acquire new aged. And perhaps, if you’re struggling our advertisers and the views aired in letters are not companions on their journey. Then, they to tell your own story, you can use the face their first challenge – and they’re structures, the memes, of those who came necessarily those of the newspaper. defeated. This usually also involves losing before you, and make them work for you. the mentor. Witness Joseph’s service as a Most importantly, however, is to remember • Informanté publishes all advertisements in good slave and imprisonment, Gandalf’s death that these memes are like genes, and if you in Moria, and Obi-Wan’s death in Star follow a blueprint, you should twist and faith and cannot be held liable for any misrepresen- Wars. subvert it enough to be novel. tation, losses or injury to any reader making use of This starts them on the second stage, the Desmond P van Heerden, HonsBComm Initiation. This is where the hero is tested (Stell) is the Chief Analytics Officer of the products or services advertised. on a road of trials. The hero can meet an Trustco Group Holdings Ltd. Previous untrustworthy person whose help is needed articles available online at http://toi.hopto. Newspaper registration: 06/01/119 on the quest (for Joseph, the Pharaoh’s org/. He can be contacted at DesmondV@ cupholder). They might meet a god/god- • Printed by Word Press, Windhoek, dess that helps them on their journey Office +264 83 100 1000 • 260 000 copies distributed monthly to all major Namibian towns ­ • Headquarters: Trustco House, 2 Keller Street, Windhoek, Namibia • Contact: Tel. 061 275 4102/8 Fax. 061 275 4090 Email. [email protected] • Electronic:

18 May - 25 May 2017 EDITORIAL 7EWNOTMREENPREEMNBERUARCSIHNIGP FlipsideAhead of the goal of gender equality, increased political participation of women andeconomic empowerment lies an arduous journey for women and girls in Africa. CHRIS JACOBIE Ihuoma Atanga According to the 2015 World it in business or employment. In Divided We Must Fall Population Prospects, a report by some communities women are notBut despite the many challenges the United Nations Department of allowed to own land, let alone use it THE first step in uniting Namibia behind common challenges is to admitthey face in attaining gender parity Economic and Social Affairs, there as collateral to get a bank loan. the cruel and obvious truth that the leadership of the ruling Swapo partyin all spheres, there is a glimmer of are more than 161 million young is being strangled by a tyranny of faction that revolts against the 2012hope: more girls are going to school women between 18 and 34 years in In sub-Saharan Africa, gender gaps Swapo congress and 2014 election Africa today and more women Africa currently. Since there are not in the labour market reduce the grossare starting to claim their place in enough jobs to absorb all of them, a domestic product per capita by nearly At the most, unchecked factionalism allows for leadership at anypositions of leadership than was the small percentage have ventured into 9%. But those gaps are narrowing as level to be undermined, mocked and eventually disrespected. Progresscase two decades ago. independent business and with the women’s labour force participation and transformation is losing traction and will tragically lead to lost necessary support, many more could rate in the region has been steadily opportunities in an uncertain world and uncertain times where Namibian Although it is still a work in still take the same route. rising. Between 1990 and 2013 stability could have enabled the nation to grasp the rare opportunitiesprogress, and girls still need to be participation increased from 59% when they present themselves.kept in school to attain up to college Because gender inequality deprives to 64%, according to the Progresseducation and not be married off countries of full development of The World’s Women 2015-2016 If Namibians did not know of any better, they could have suspectedearly, African women are benefiting potential, the participation and report. Although this is a small that there are still those that will not hesitate to break down thefrom a formal education and are contribution of young women in increase, young African women are foundations of the Namibian House while the nation is preparing todetermined more than ever to create creating viable business ventures is beginning to take the opportunities transform the House into an impregnable fortress where every citizenwealth for themselves, propel other crucial if the continent has any hope offered by entrepreneurship and feels safe, protected and cared for.women into financial independence of implementing the African Union’s move into business.and consequently make their Agenda 2063, a 50-year development But the Trojan horse in the fortress of government and party structurescontribution to the economy. framework for the continent. For women and girls, being able is suspicion, tribalism and division from within, because the discontent to make significant contributions to is growing not so much amongst the then 13% of Namibians who did not One of the roads most travelled Gender activists say that without their economies means more than vote for Swapo or the President, but amongst the historic 87% women and girls to escape legal frameworks to protect girls being responsible citizens. It meansunemployment and attain a and young women from patriarchal the ability to choose one’s path in The lack of political bravery, in the face of something as basic as asustainable level of economic freedom structures that shut them out of life, to create wealth and to grow. democratic exercise like a party congress, is nothing short of a motionis the road of entrepreneurship. economic development, women of no-confidence within the delegates to the congress and the mandate will always be disadvantaged, be Africa Renewal that Namibians gave Swapo and its candidates in general. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) NO. E092-ND-2017 The additional luxury is that the attack on leaders, structures and party discipline is launched under the protection of Swapo itself. THE PROVISION OF CONTROL & INSTRUMENTATION MAINTENANCE SERVICES The legendary liberation fighter and president of Zimbabwe, Dr Robert1. OVERVIEW Mugabe, and the President of the South African powerhouse, Dr Jacob Namdeb Diamond Corporation (Pty) Ltd (Namdeb) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Namdeb Holdings (Pty) Ltd. Zuma, will today pay any prize to have the growing support and faith Namdeb operates diamond mining operations near the towns of Oranjemund and Lüderitz. that Swapo enjoys from its citizens.2. SPECIFICATION OF THE SERVICES Therefore, it’s even more painful to see leaders and political Namdeb hereby invites reputable and qualified bona fide service providers to submit Proposals for the appointees acting as if they must constantly convince comrades of their provision of C & I maintenance services for the day-to-day front-line maintenance support in the designated loyalty, while other ministers and appointees are under self-imposed maintenance areas. The nature of the Control and Instrumentation services shall consist of support to the political exile to prevent attention in the factional turf wars. Both are Company’s operational requirements. The required support service, consists mainly of Instrumentation daily dangerous. routine maintenance services. This will include all measurement instruments, control elements, interfaces with electrical and mechanical systems, and higher order business systems installed in the areas. It is not only double standards, but a false and counterfeit democracy when opposition parties on the one hand abide by election results and3. RFP NQUIRY DOCUMENT majority vote in Parliament when they lose, but factions in the ruling Interested parties may contact the following person to obtain a copy of the RFP enquiry document: party revolt against themselves and betray the trust of the democrats who trusted them to maintain and improve the democratic culture of anContact: Ms Charne Witbooi already great Namibian democracy.Telephone: +264 63 238502Email: [email protected] Namibians who can and must make a contribution to a national debate must now discover that the leaders who invite them for a dialogue are4. COMPULSORY SITE VISIT not in conversation with themselves, but plot and scheme among and A compulsory site inspection shall be conducted from 07h30 on Thursday, 08th June 2017, commencing at against each other. CTF, 449 Hafen Street, Lüderitz, for the technical site visit at Northern Coastal Mines (Elizabeth Bay Mine) and ending on Friday, 09th June 2017 for the technical site visit at Orange River Mines near the town of The risk in the atmosphere of growing political factionalism is that the Oranjemund. best-meant engagement is brought under suspicion as promoting one or the other faction and against imagined enemies that must be inventedOnly interested parties who attended in the compulsory site visit shall be eligible to participate in the RFP to unite against and hide own internal division.process. Factions chase Namibians into hiding.Interested parties are requested to apply for a Restricted Areas Permit, well in advance of the compulsory site Were Swapo leaders and appointees as free as the 87% voters whovisit, taking cognizance of the fact that a Code of Conduct Certificate as issued by the appropriate authority is elected Swapo and its delegate, Dr Hage Geingob, into office, thea pre-requisite when applying for a Restricted Areas Permit. differences in opinion in the party and its wings would not have been handled as a faction and tribal war, but as a normal democratic debate5. CLOSING DATE where people of the same party can and must have different views on The closing date for the tender is 16h00 on Monday, 19th June 2017, and RFP submissions the same issues. must only be delivered to the addresses as specified in the RFP enquiry document. If there is no democracy in the biggest political organisation and if different opinions of more than 80% of Namibians cannot be accommodated, tolerated and debated, it’s a democracy which does not even deserve the name. The level of internal debate, political back-stabbing and insults among comrades is a political civil war and not a contest of ideas which a great conversation among Namibians should achieve. Continuous dialogue among citizens and between the population and the political and government powers sounds like a very noble democratic exercise in nation-building and the national interest until it becomes clear that the revolution of faction renders dialogue into a useless conversation between the mute and the deaf. Political civil war has reached a point where good leaders might be under suspicion for who they greet or are friendly with, lest they are in the wrong faction. The problem with factions is that it is never reliable and always short- term, as interest dictates factions, depending on how the political winds of fortune might blow. When the wind blows hot and cold from all directions it is bound to create the hurricane that not only jeopardises the completion of the Namibian House, but threatens the very foundations of discipline and credibility on which the great nation was found. The only remedy against factionalism and opportunism is a democratic and disciplined majority that relies on its representatives to defend their vote, because they trust elected representatives to honour their mandate, because the only good for Namibia, is the common good.

8 BUSINESS 18 May - 25 May 2017 BUSINESSMARKET RECAP WEEKLY market review Namibia at 53,4% with mineral export dependence 10 May - 16 May 2017 MINERAL EXPORTS NSX STOCKS CODE PRICE % VOLUME VALUE DRIVE GROWTH BANK WINDHOEK BWH 17.50 0.69% 878 15 289 HOLDINGS LTD BIDVEST NAMIBIA BVN 575 LIMITED NBS 718 NAMIBIA BREWERIES NHL - NICTUS HOLDINGS - NAM DOWN UP 7.79 0.13% 74 33.50 0.03% 21 Monthly Prices (Jan 2005 = 100)2.00 - - AGRA LTD AGR 1.46 - 14 21 Namibia has been ranked amongst the 50 countries recording the highest levels TRUSTCO GROUP TUC/TTO 4.00 - 195 780 of overall mineral dependence in terms of export contribution. HOLDINGS LIMITED ORYX PROPERTIES ORY 20.96 - 27 570 Zorena Jantze impact of core dependency on to affect prospective income, as LIMITED FNB extractives, it is stated that these many of the early-stage exploratory FNB NAMIBIA 47.24 (0.04%) 44 2 096 The statistics are based on a countries are at risk of significant investments in certain lower-in- HOLDINGS LTD % report from the International losses of fiscal revenue and the as- come countries are delayed or even Council on Mining and Metals sociated painful fiscal adjustment. abandoned. COMMODITIES PRICE % GLOBAL INDICES PRICE 0.12% (ICMM) publication which speci- 1.09% fies that dependence on extractives Furthermore, it is stated that as Despite reduced commodity BRENT CRUDE OIL 51.65 5.99% NSX LOCAL 569 (0.44%) is dominated by low- or lower- a consequence of price fluctuation prices, the report states that invest- GOLD 1 236.40 1.67% NSX ALL SHARE 1 069 0.16% middle-income countries. and lower prices for their extrac- ment in extractive industries over PLATINUM 944.00 4.07% JSE TOP 40 47 677 2.45% tive exports, many dependent the next 15 years is likely to be S&P 500 2 401 (0.20%) According to the report, the ex- economies can also expect depre- high relative to historical averages. FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRICE % UK FTSE 100 7 522 1.80% traction and processing of minerals ciating exchange rates and higher EURO STOXX 50 3 642 for export remains Namibia’s main rates of inflation, in addition to the This outcome is, however, N$ PER US$ 13.06 (4.11%) HANG SENG 25 336 growth driver. inevitable impact on real incomes contingent upon the decisions N$ PER £ 16.87 (4.26%) that lower prices will cause. and actions of a range of actors, N$ PER € 14.47 (2.28%) Mining and quarrying is the including government, companies third-largest sector by GDP in Na- The lower prices are also likely and donors.The local market saw some recovery this with N$ 2.1 million worth of shares traded. mibia, contributing 11,9% in 2015.week, with the NSX Local index rising to Trustco Group Holdings was third, with N$ Figure 1: Monthly commodity prices for metals569.4, up by 0.12%, and the NSX Overall 780 000 worth of shares traded. In real terms, this means that 700Index up 1.09%, to close at 1069. The The Namibian statistics Agency released mining accounted for almost N$10 600local currency also experienced a recovery the inflation figures for April 2017 last billion of economic activity in 500against foreign currencies, with a 4.11% week, and revealed that inflation was at 2015. 400recovery against the US Dollar, to close 6.7% year-on-year, the lowest since July 300at N$ 13.06 against the USD, as well as a last year, although the month-on-month The report further states that 2004.26% recovery against the British Pound, inflation increased to 0.3% from 0.1% last whilst Namibia stands at 53,4%to close at N$ 16.87 against the GBP. It month. The main contributors to inflation with mineral export dependence,closed at N$ 14.47 against the Euro, a in April were housing, water, electricity, Botswana is the highest at 91,7%,2.28% recovery. gas and other fuels (9.4 %), Hotels followed by Zambia at 69,2% andBank Windhoek Holdings was the market cafes and restaurants (8.3 %), education South Africa ranking at 38,8%.leader this week, closing at N$ 17.50, up (7.8 %), recreation and culture (6.9by 0.69%. Bidvest Namibia was runner- %), transport (6.6 %) and miscellaneousup, with a 0.13% increase to close at N$ goods and services (6.1 %).7.79 per share, while Namibia Breweriessnatched third place, to close at N$ 33.50, Market Quote: The report states that dependenceup by 0.03%. In terms of volume, Bank “When everything seems to be going on the extractive industries has 100Windhoek Holdings took a commanding against you, remember that the airplane increased in the 18-year periodlead, with N$ 15.2 million worth of shares takes off against the wind, not with it.”— between 1996 and 2014 in low- and 0traded, with FNB Holdings in second place middle-income countries. Jan-05 Jan-06 Jan-07 Jan-08 Jan-09 Jan-10 Jan-11 Jan-12 Jan-13 Jan-14 Henry Ford With regard to the negative Aluminimum Coal Thermal Copper Iron ore (62% FE) Gold MTC increases subscription fee .. Staff Reporter operational costs. work investment, have necessitatedWe distribute “During this period MTC main- a review of pricing. Namibia’s leading telecommuni- tained its operations which was “In recent times, MTC invested 65000 cations company, MTC, has an- aimed at increasing efficiencies and substantially in new sites, ad- nounced a 7% increase in prepaid ensuring excellent products and vanced generational internet andnewspapers weekly, country-wide subscription fees effective 1 June service to its customers,” Ekongo broadband technologies, expanded 2017 for Aweh, Happy Hour and said. its national network coverage to NetMan Instant Bundles. In addition, he explained that the keep its customers on par with exercise is being done amidst the global trends. We nevertheless Corporate Communications Of- cShoaulrclee:nSgNiLnMgeetanlsv. ironment in which promise our customers to keep ficer, John Ekongo, explained that rrMiaDeamsdtTaepttuhCsaaeccsattoaunisocopsdhfnuetmairhnisaenetctdehprmsoresitsacioaenesrbtes,cihddocloealoltcwaeutopenopssrefitlmnestohdToinenafbtbcahnyolteeiemot3lem-nveonedlasbitolyefpuerpcusxicutrcteroostacstcvtooteiailldvmllnaeimpdneisnedgesrd,eettualrohyslvtt,e”hariynoccweudoinogsenihprttcliehaidlnnluada-trdenectneadlhacldipeetsy.EsayrWtkpthaiaaeerrloneahsdcdatatov-jcuore-ay.luassbteaodr HIKE: Increase in prepaid subscription the increase was necessary as MTC was somewhere between 2011 and 2012. Data comparable to those shown in Table 3 fees for MTC subscribers. has not had any price increases in the last 11 years despite rising compiled for 68 countries14 for both 2011 and 2014 and then compared. The results of th these 68 countries are shown in Figure 2. Dynamic Supreme Superior Dynamic Combo SAVE Dynamic Orthopaedic BED SPECIALISTS SINCE 1994 N$600! Orthopaedic 14 These 68 countries emerged from the 2011 data in the same way that the 72 countries in Table 3 emerged fr 2012 data (see the explanations in Section 3 above). 10 Recieve a FREE Mattress Protector and two Latex Chip pillows with the purchase of an Orthopaedic Supreme or Orthopaedic Superior Gel double base set. Combo also applies with the purchase of a Queen or King size base set. VALID FROM 21 APRIL 2017 - 11 JUNE 2017 ONLY ONLY MEGA CENTRE, WINDHOEK, 300196 N$ 5599 N$ 7999 DOUBLE DOUBLE OR QUEEN 15 PILLOW TOP 25 YEAR YEAR Service Pillow Top Bonnel Coil Gentle Firm Turn-Free, Bamboo Service Memory Bonnel Gentle Turn-Free, Adaptive Warranty Built-In Rotate only Fabric Warranty Foam Coil Firm Rotate only Fabric Contact our business reporters [email protected] 061 275 4723

18 May - 25 May 2017 BUSINESS 9 Ownership in extractives a gray area - IPPR TRUSTCO BANK INVESTMENT CORNER TRUSNO TRANSPARENCY Take Notice of thiTs aIN MINING investment accouinnt vA report published in March this year by the Institute for Public Policy Research Last week we discussed the Call Account and its purpose, which isLtoahsetlpwee(IPPR) states that the allocation of rights to extract resources in Namibia is a process you invest money for an indefinite period and access this money wyhoenuthienvesthat is filled with default secrecy rather than transparency. need arises. In other words, the Call account allows you to put younr meoendey aris away, but it is made available to you on demand... This article giveaswfocauys, bu on our Notice accounts and how they can benefit you as an inve$toor.n our No Zorena Jantze cabinet declared that gold, uranium, Trustco Bank Notice Accounts Trustc copper, coal, diamonds and rare (7days, 32 days, 60 days & 90 days) (7daysMax Weylandt, the author of the earth materials are strategic minerals report titled Transparency in and ordered that Epangelo would • Minimum Investment amount of N$200.00 • MinNamibian Extractives Sector, says have exclusive rights to explore forthat the immense potential for self- and mine these resources. • Invest Funds for an indefinite period. • Inveenrichment, coupled with a tradi-tionally opaque industry, means that Under the current governance • Top-ups of any amount can be made. • Top-the extractives sector in Namibia, as framework for state-owned enter-elsewhere, has seen its fair share of prises, the Ministry of Mines and • Should interest rates change, account will be adjusted accord•ingly. Shosuspect deals. Energy supervises Epangelo. • Notice should be provided as per the agreed term. • Not Weylandt highlighted that both the “This means that the ministry is ef-Minerals and Petroleum Acts have fectively granting licences to itself. What is a Notice Account? What issections dedicated to the preserva- These potentially conflicting func-tion of secrecy, which enforces tions require careful attention. An- The term notice account is a type of interest bearing investment aTcchouenttermblanket secrecy about any matters other area of concern is Epangelo’s that allows penalty-free withdrawals only after notice is provided.that allowministry employees may come lack of transparency. Epangelo hasacross, unless otherwise stipulated not published any annual reports,” i.e. A Notice Account with a fixed time frame like 60 days (2 c.oAuldNotby the law. Weylandt argues. be used by a person or corporation to set aside extra funds that thbeyedoused b not expect to use during that 60 days time frame. The primary advnanotatgee xpe The report states that throughout With regard to Namdia, Weylandt of using a Notice Account for inve$tors is that withdrawals can beomfaduesing athe process of acquiring a minerals explained that the stated owned provided that notice is given a certain period of time in advance ofpthreovidedlicence, the Minister of Mines and company acquired 15% of Nam- withdrawal taking place. The advance notice period for making a NwotiictehdrawEnergy exercises immense discre- deb’s production worth around Account withdrawal is agreed upon at the time the deposit is initiaAtecdc. ounttion to decide whether an applica- US$150 million meant for maximis-tion will be successful. ing profits for sales overseas and At Trustco Bank, we understand the inve$tors’ needs to access moAnety Trustc thereby creating revenue for the within a short period or a long period depending on their specific nweedits,hin a s “The discretion might be less state. therefore we made provision for a 7 days Notice account, 32 days, t60hdearyes,foreworrisome if there was transparency Max Weylandt, Research Associate as well as a 90 days Notice Account. as well asin the system. However, neither Although the minister acknow- and author of Transparency in Namib-applications nor the reasons for the ledged that Namdia had sold the ian Extractives Sector, How does it work? How dofinal decision and terms of licences entire allocation of diamonds itor quotas are published,” Weylandt received, unlike the Namibia Dia- and Fishcor. • Deposit money into your investment account and receive a ra•te of Depstated. mond Trading Company (NDTC), He further advised that parastatals variable interest in return. Interest will be allocated according to varia which published its beneficiaries, market trends. mar The senior research associate Namdia has not done so. involved in extracting and sellingcites different incidents in the min- Namibia’s resources should have • Notice period - This is the most important point to consider a•s it Notiing industry, such as state-owned Weylandt concluded that Namibia especially stringent governance reflects how many days notice you need to give the bank, should yourefleoperations like Epangelo Mine and is currently revising its governance standards and commit to industry- want to withdraw money. wanNamdia, which failed to publish framework for SOEs and in this re- leading standards of transparency incrucial reports. form should pay particular attention their dealings. • 7 to 90 days - Your notice period will also have a direct influen•ce on 7 to to companies involved in the extrac- the interest rate, normally the longer the notice period the higher thethe Weylandt noted that in 2011, tion of natural resources, including Epangelo, Namdeb, NDTC, NamdiaComputer virus continues to spread interest rate. inte Zorena Jantze this year, a malware believed to This specific malware is said to WHY INVEST WITH TRUSTCO BANK? WHY INFNB Namibia is cautioning the be through a well-crafted phishing spread via emails and vulnerabilitiespublic about malware that has email or vulnerability within the within the network. • Your Capital is Guaranteed •recently begun infecting computers network defenses, begun infecting • Competitive Interest Rates •worldwide. computers globally. Once it has manifested itself • Security • within an organisation or company, • No monthly fees or commission charged • FNB IT Risk Manager, Holger More than 150 countries were it will exploit the vulnerability • Exclusive customer service •Bössow, explained that on 12 May attacked, of which the UK Na- within the operating system to • Reputable Brand • tional Health Service, Nissan Motor spread across an internal network. FNB IT Risk Manager, Höger Bossow Manufacturing UK, Portugal Tel- REQUIREMENTS TO OPEN A TRUSTCO BANK INVESTMENT ACCORUENTQ: UIRE ecom, Deutsche Bahn, Renault and Holger said that although the PetroChina are but a few organisa- first round of the WannaCry attack FOR ADULTS FOR ADU tions attacked so far. seems to have passed, the chances are the creator, or some other – ID or Valid Passport – ID or Va Holger added that it is important hacker, will repurpose the malware to note that the spread of this mal- and send it back onto the web again. FOR MINORS FOR MIN ware continues. “We wish to emphasise and cau- – ID/ Valid passport of parent and child’s full birth Certificate. – ID/ Vali He further explained that the Mal- tion our customers and the public ware “WannaCry” was a ransom- at large not to open any suspicious – Guardian’s ID / Valid Passport, Guardianship Letter and Child’s Ful–l BGirtuh ardia ware by nature. looking mails and not to click on any links within suspicious looking Certificate. Certificat A ransomware is a type of mali- mails. If you suspect your system is cious software designed to block infected, immediately disconnect it access to a computer system until a from your network and shut it down sum of money is paid. and report the incident to your IT department or IT Company immedi- “It executes itself on your com- ately,” the IT risk manager advised. puter and encrypts your entire hard drive, meaning all your information FNB further urged everyone to will be inaccessible to you. It will remain vigilant at all times and to then display a ransomware page, immediately delete any suspicious informing you to pay an amount emails, even mails from unknown of USD 300 as way of a ransom to persons, and to be extra attentive unencrypt your hard drive,” Holger even when surfing the internet. said.MMEEAASUSRUE TROEGETTHOERGETHERAACCHHIEIVEEVSUECCSEUSSCCESS PARTNERS IN PERSONAL & COLLECTIVE WPEAALTRHTCRNEEATRIOSN IN P [email protected] | T: +264 (0)61 434 8850 | www.tbni.nnavest

10 COASTAL 18 May - 25 May 2017COASTALCLARITY ON UNDEVELOPEDOwners of land not developed in time will pay penaltiesLAND TAXThe Municipality of Walvis Bay has embarked on a campaign to educate land owners on their responsibilities with regards to rates and taxescharged on undeveloped land. Niel Terblanche obligation to pay rates and taxes to the residential, commercial, industrial and property from the township owner, before penalties for not developing it municipality and are often shocked government properties. being the municipality. are charged.Owners often let the land lie when they get slapped with hefty undeveloped for years and when accounts. These rates are charged in order In other words, the first penalties According to the statement issuedthe opportunity or need arises they to install infrastructure and for the come into effect two years from date on the matter, the penalty tax wassell it for much more than the original The aim of the Walvis Bay munici- provision of basic municipal services of first alienation no matter how many introduced in an effort to encouragepurchasing sum. pality’s campaign is to create a better like water, sewerage, refuse removals, times the property has exchanged property owners to develop their land. understanding of the penalty rates public parks, cemeteries, swimming hands, as long as it remains undevel- However, some property owners do charged on undeveloped properties. pools and so on. oped. By not developing an erf, the devel-not realise that they then come under opment of a town is delayed and other Property rates are paid by owners of Penalties are reckoned from the date The owner is granted a grace period residents are indirectly deprived of all kinds of real property, including that the first person purchases the within which to develop an erf or plot also owning a piece of land.Random act of kindness Niel Terblanche Poverty does GOODWILL: Residents of Walvis Bay stand to gain from the Knowledge Founda- residents, paid water and electricity not only affect tion. Photo contributed bills for pensioners living in Swakop-People gathered in droves at the the poor. mund, as well as donated money tomunicipal council chambers in It affects every Na- the 14 regional councils.Kuisebmond to register for their mibian, even thoseshare of goodwill showered upon who now established The Knowledge Foundation alsothem by businessman and philan- themselves in the makes study bursaries available to Na-thropist, Knowledge Katti. economy,” mibian students who otherwise would not be able to further their studies at The flamboyant businessman, IMOGENE ORTMAN tertiary institutions of learning.through the Knowledge Foundation,made N$1 million available in a Speaking on behalf of Katti Speaking on behalf of Katti, Imo-revolving credit account that would be gene Ortman said Katti is dedicated toadministrated by a specially formed make use of the fund in future. making a meaningful contribution tocouncil of church leaders along with Along with the creation of the the growth and development of Walvissome officials from the Walvis Bay Bay. Ortman highlighted that povertymunicipality. The aim of the project is revolving credit fund, the Knowledge is one of the greatest social challengesto empower the poorest of the poor to Foundation also undertook to pay the Namibians face, adding that althoughstart income-generating ventures. municipal accounts of several elderly some Namibians enjoy a high quality people who have fallen behind on of life, an unacceptably large number The idea behind the project is for payments. live in deplorable circumstances.those that benefit from the project topay back the money if and when they In the past, Katti, through his foun- “Poverty does not only affect thecan. Doing so would recharge the fund dation, donated N$1 million to Uis poor. It affects every Namibian, evento benefit others that would like to those who now established themselves in the economy,” Ortman said on behalf of Katti, who was in New York City at the time of the announcement. Micro-brewery competes in GermanyTrustco Newspaper (Pty) Ltd MIXED INFORMANTE 001|05|17has a vacancy for a:Graphic Designer(1x Windhoek)Job Responsibilities:• Participate in conceptualisation process for campaigns;• Design adverts for the newspaper and marketing material for campaigns;• Draft the ‘pearls of wisdom’ notes for the complimentary fortune cookies;• Undertake DTP functions;• Manage job bags and sign-o s.Candidate Profile:• Pro-active worker with a creative streak;• Excellent time management skills with ability to perform under pressure;• Team player with excellent people skills;• Should be able to multi-task and execute projects from brief to print;• Must understand the concept of \"I need it NOW\".Qualifications & Experience: BEST BEER: Micro-brewery at the Strand Hotel. Photo: Trip Advisor• Grade 12 Certificate;• At least three (3) years’ experience in a newsroom environment; Staff Reporter brewer to participate in the event as Namibia as a country,” he said.• Experience in Adobe InDesign CS5, Adobe Photoshop CS5 and Adobe which is hosted by the BEST- According to Müller, all partici- The micro-brewery situated in MALZ Malthouse in Kreimbach, Illustrator CS5; the popular Brewer and Butcher Germany. pating brewers across the globe• Excellent DTP skills; of the Swakopmund Strand will brew simultaneously on the• Code 8 Driver’s Licence; Hotel will represent Namibia NBL head brewer, Christian same day after which their prod-• Computer Literate (Excel, Word and Power Point). at the international Best Brew Müller, in a statement said this ucts will be sent to the Bestmalz Challenge in Germany. will be an opportunity for NBL to Malthouse for judging on July 10.Only CVs with attached certified copies as proof of qualifications will be make its mark on the internationalaccepted. Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed and no CV or Namibia Breweries Limited craft beer market. “Participation “An international jury of beerattached documentation shall be returned. Your CV may be submitted to: (NBL) announced the develop- in an internationally renowned servers will do the taste judging, ment in Windhoek and said this competition for craft brewers will and the brewers of the best-ratedE-mail: [email protected] Informanté is powered by the award-winning will be the first and only African boost both the status and quality beer wins a trip for two peopleFax: (061) – 2754303 Trustco Group Holdings Ltd, the credentials of NBL, the Swakop- to Heidelberg, while the winningClosing Date: 29 May 2017 “Best Company to Work for”. mund Brewing Company as well beer will be presented at Drinktec 2017 in Munich,” he added.

18 May - 25 May 2017 COASTAL 11 Urbanisation impedes service delivery efforts SUV’S StevenBACKYARD RENTERS 2014 Ford Ecosport 081 861 8905ON INCREASE Ecoboost 218,000The number of backyard tenants and people living illegally on public land at various neighbourhoods of 2013 Nissan Juke 1.6Walvis Bay are steadily growing in number. Acenta Plus 185,000 Niel TerblancheThe quick urbanisation is putting pres- 2015 Renault Duster sure on the town council to provide Tdci 4x4 225,000serviced plots where affordable housingprojects could be constructed. 22M00O10F45VATSARouyBMzouLtkaGEi PGOrGyaAp1dOs5SoyO54,–D0.00S0 V6FVriXday1,829,J0u0n0e 2017 The mayor of Walvis Bay, Immanuel And@m1a0nhy0m0 ore.Wilfried, revealed that the port city now • (No. 79C, 3a0llkAm/Ff:romhas approximately 100 000 residents and of Karibib C32 Road)those more than 50% are renting accommo- Tbeheofnoalluocw@tiino0gnA8:1intet2om7n3sio6w92il6ldation in the backyards of others. • PSFapVreCmciPaVilp@eEehqi0cNMu8leeia1mgsn2ueu7nmfa4t:bc0tou8r8-8 Most of those live in shacks under deplor- •able conditions. inwgwPwla.nnat “We need to address the housing shortage c•roBsusirlodiandgsMcaartsesriaalle&s.htmlin the town collectively because peopleare in need of decent accommodation. The Equipmentcouncil cannot do it alone,” Immanuel said. • Furniture Fixtures The illegal occupation of private andpublic land in the Tutaleni neighbourhood • Smallstock ±100of Kuisebmond led to clashes betweenpolice and squatters two week ago. During DESTITUTE: Abackyard shack in Walvis Bay. Photo contributed • and much morethe altercation, seven people were injuredwhen police fired rubber bullets at them. public, as well as the Namibia Planning Ad- the housing problem, residents, especially All items sold visory Board (Nampab) already conducted. shack dwellers, are encouraged to join MNTFORC$uFrae1eiVAdrsg0“AadaRi0VrsnyeaC@0otBM@,ydrgeea,C2iLnTs1t1t1ostirGtJ03Eo0rrupteuahhnoJcyOnt00CGukoidoo0e0AnCteRnfOsep2eS”I2oD0Op0sa1–1Doii7tr7nS As a result of the latest clashes, the Nampab is currently evaluating the coun- self-help groups such as the Shack Dwell- • (NoA.u7cO9tit,ojin3w0taekrmromnfgsroamndWalvis Bay Municipality issued an official cil’s amended application, and if approved ers Federation of Namibia that will enablestatement in which it states that it is under the rest of the procedures would still have them to save money and eventually place TKhaercibfooinblldoCiwti3oin2ngsRiatoepampdlsy) willhuge pressure to cope as a result of an ever- to be followed as all the stakeholders in this them in a position where they can collec- TDheetafiolbslelsouownbijnAecgutcitttoieomcnh:sanwgiellincreasing influx of people to areas where process are required to follow the law. tively purchase plots in blocks, on which •b• eSFFoaopnrreMmwmcSaodiiupatoVvBeheclraetuoecEatbhiuiililaoqpidletcsluhninlnGTevio:omgoisotstsooioeiclstdnsesta:ndcongestion has become the norm. they can build smaller and affordable types Some of Nampab’s recommendations of housing. PVwOCwffwiPc.iaepgeErqaMu.caiponmmuef.ancat tur- “Providing services to occupants of included consultations with the Ministry • piBonsugAtiAplPudoncilnadtVigenomedtnMhusoicacrmhlteecamsaryinaocbrl eee&lledinformal housing is extremely challenging. of Mines and Energy, Roads Authority and According to the statement council would aSEFwnCFumqdJoriwuoCt0anrahiwnomp8limcoltnwtsd1muouuaotte.raoatcc1reetDceagchpt4ntirFukprl9tpaPsmihio.e±xePc9vorortr1oi8trusssronme0ioertoso3ee0n.nnt3azssiacns:, ed:The probability of cost recovery is virtually Civil Aviation, who indicated in principle assist people to acquire their own housing •non-existent, yet access to those services that they have no objections to the estab- as long as circumstances permit. Investors •is being delivered and sustained, while lishment of Farm 37 as a new township. are being encouraged to build blocks of •infrastructure still needs to be maintained,” flats which can be leased to people whoexplained Immanuel. If approved, the Walvis Bay Town Coun- qualify, however, the cooperation of infor- cil plans to relocate more than 30 000 of mal housing occupants would therefore be According to the statement, the council the backyard squatters to Farm 37. crucial.has identified Farm 37 as a possible solu-tion with extensive consultations with the Apart from council’s efforts to addressCommunity request for bail denial RReeHyAWg“0––e0niVln8s8Fal00ano1te188lirrottedr11ae1ed1tBtr224miSsi2eoa546Kt9tdnsK37oeae49uoy77dsne9h5n09teohs6ns822bople9”008dreo,srstgit, N$1000 Copy of ID on registration ADuMc02ti0o1n70t0e2r6m60s73a_GnDd conditions apply Details subject to change without notice For more photos and wSwTPwdHE.eaEtCgaWirIlaAs.EcLvoiEsOmiKt 200A9ucFtoiorndsRmaanygebre3.0 postdtpcoi nSeudpeorccaabn4cxe4lled without prior notice 20C14onTotaycottapHerilsuoxn2s.5: D4DJaScRoXDDu/CPr4eXe4z, 0W81as1419809,800239035,000 D22R00411eDA22yW0nNRnTT8daaooAo1ClryywImtdDooea1attlrE14Saaln76RKAtyHHe0a4/Dy,Fiimell09uun:/s306Coxxbe009re32,54e..r,x!050g40, 0 D4D 0F8o1r@d1R209aA8n19ng5t121eo8768rn03902i,o,69.0290020D06 2012NO BAIL: The five murder accused, Gotlieb Panduleni, David Tashiya, David Shekundja, Elly Ndapuka Hinaivali and Malakia Shiweda. S20U0DP9ME0FR2o0C1rd7A0BR0N2a64en6Xg0g74ue3mr_G3bD.o0 DPhoto: Niel Terblanche @ 081 217845,0080808 2015 Nissan NP 300 2.5 D LwWwBw.namcars1.6n9e,t9/00 crossAronaddmscaanrysmsaoleres!.html Niel Terblanche not attend the court proceedings. strong in their resolve to see that the five men Call A/F: Panduleni still has no legal representationThe Walvis Bay Magistrate’s Court is accused of the murder of Hans-Jörg Möller Antonioready to ask the five men implicated in and Hinaivali has lost his identification docu- @ 081 273 6926the murder of a well-known pleasure boat ments and because of that, also could not stay behind bars without the option of bail.skipper to enter their pleas. secure state legal representation. Negumbo His widow, Carol Ann Möller, supported @ 081 274 0888 However, none of the accused men, Gotlieb At the start of the court proceedings, State, David Tashiya, David Shekundja, Prosecutor Tresia Hafeni, informed Magis- by members of the Walvis Bay community, crossroadscarssales.htmlElly Ndapuka Hinaivali and Malakia Shi- trate John Sindano that the investigation intoweda were able to enter a plea on the charges the matter has been finalised. stood outside the court and vehemently FOR ALLof murder, aggravated armed robbery and YOURassault as none of them had a lawyer present. She also informed the court that the ac- protested that no bail be granted to any of the cused persons are supposed to enter a plea in accused persons. ADVERTISING Tashiya and Shekundja managed to solicit the matter.Because the accused persons werethe services of Dube Mpukiseng. not able to enter a plea, Magistrate Sindano At a previous appearance in February, CALL ordered that the case be postponed to 15 Carol Ann announced that she is willing to 061 275 4715 Mpukiseng could not, however, attend the June this year. The magistrate also asked that pay a reward of N$150 000 for information 061 275 4716court proceedings as he was busy with a those accused persons without legal repre- that might lead to the arrest of three more 061 275 4717Regional Court matter elsewhere. sentation be helped to obtain it in order for suspects in the murder and robbery case. the matter to proceed to the next phase. Shiweda managed to secure legal aid by She said she is convinced the reward willvirtue of the state but his representative did He remanded the accused person in custody go a long way to find three more men police until their next appearance in court. detectives are looking for. The community of Walvis Bay is still She said on the night of the incident in June last year, eight men entered the family’s home, leading to the murder of her husband. To date, no further arrests have been made in the case.

12 NORTH 18 May - 25 May 2017UNAM STUDENTSVow to construct more shacks Unemployed youthDEMAND HOSTEL gets trainingSeveral students at the University of Namibia (UNAM) Oshakati Campus erected a shackon a piece of land belonging to the university to protest the lack of accommodation at thecampus. Maria David tors at the main campus in Windhoek with Shilunga. INVESTING IN FUTURE: Oshana governor Clemens Kashuupulwa hands of building a admin block at a cost Oshakati Campus Communication over N$159 000 donated by NAMSOV to COSDEC centre manager PatrickThe shack was erected last week in the of N$400 million and a N$27 million Masiziani. Photo Maria David early morning hours before classes gate while the students at other cam- and Marketing Officer, Linus Hamu-kicked off at the campus. puses continue to suffer. nyela, said while they are aware of Maria David in order to secure employment the lack of hostel accommodation, the opportunities and establish their Last year, students approached The students further allege that de- structure was illegally erected. The Namsov Community own on the issue of a lack of spite its size, the Oshakati campus is Trust has donated N$159 000accommodation at the university and the only campus amongst UNAM’s 12 “The problem we have is a lack of towards the Governor’s Skill Kashuupulwa added that lackdemanded a favourable response by 28 campuses without a hostel facility. money and the need to arrange Public Development Programme to of skills and start-up financingFebruary this year. Private Partnerships (PPP) to assist ensure that youths in the Os- are some of the challenges af- SRC vice president of the Oshakati with raising funds to be able to build hana Region undergo techni- fecting emerging entrepreneurs After management failed to get back campus, Junias Shilunga, threatened accommodation for the students,” cal training at the Ondangwa in the region, which in turnto them, students staged a peaceful that more shacks will be constructed if explained Hamunyela. Community Skills Develop- also contribute to unemploy-demonstration and erected the shack management does not respond. ment Centre (COSDEC). a “wake-up call” for the manage- Hamunyela said Shilunga knows thement of the Oshakati campus. “This is just the beginning and more situation management is in as he has A total of 49 trainees from He added that vocational train- action will be taken,” he said. been part of the management meetings 11 constituencies, including ing has proven to contribute sig- Students further threatened to put and that it was his responsibility to Ongwediva, Oshakati East, Os- nificantly to youth employmentup more shacks if they do not get any The shack was demolished around inform other students about the facts. hakati West, Ondangwa Rural, creation as vocational studiesfeedback from the relevant authorities. midday by members of the police and Ondangwa Urban, Okatana, provide skills to the youth. campus management after several He said that a case of land occupa- Okaku, Uukwiyuushona, Om- The students accused the administra- failed attempts by the police to speak tion was opened against Shilunga. pundja, Uuvadhiya and Okatjali Kashuupulwa added that the were selected with the aim of youth are the key in ensuringCALL TO ARMS: UNAM students erecting a “shack” at the campus. Photo Maria David ensuring that they are trained to that the SME sector grows into create self-employment. a diverse industry which can contribute to the gross domestic They will be trained in various product of the country. trades such as bricklaying and plastering, clothing production, One of the youth that will joinery and cabinet making, get technical training, Maria food preparation, plumbing and Kweenda, said that poverty has piping, office administration and always been the biggest chal- computer, as well as welding lenge for her and her mother and metal fabrication. after failing Grade 12, but that despite that, she remained hope- Oshana governor, Clemens ful for a better future. Kashuupulwa, said the regional Governor‘s Skill Develop- “I am thankful that I have been ment Programme was initiated selected amongst others to go with a purpose of building the for technical training without technical capacity of the youth having to worry about where I will get the money to pay for my studies,” said Kweenda.Helena David SMS: EDU to 711Diploma in Pre-Primary EducationI started my work as a teacher a few years ago with It has really not been an easy journey, there werea vision that is shared with many of my colleagues challenges, but through hard work I realised thatwhich is to make a difference in the lives of we study to ultimately contribute to theNamibian children. This vision propelled me to community as qualified teachers.educate myself. I am currently a qualified Pre-Primary teacher atI know that IOL supports personal and professional Gobabis Primary School. They say Education isdevelopment hence I registered for a Diploma in the most powerful weapon you can use toPre-Primary Education. Through the help of IOL change the world and i agree.staff, including the tutors, I fulfilled my journey. My Thank you IOL!confidence, dedication, passion and familymotivated me to study hard and achieve my goal.Contact us today for more information:Call Centre +264 61 270 9100 • Email: [email protected] • Website:

18 May - 25 May 2017 NORTHERN 13 Nghimtina's N$60 mil road remains impassableOKATANA ROADNOT REPAIREDRoads in the Oshana Region that were swept away by floods remain unre-paired despite water levels dramatically receding since the heavy rains. Maria David Namibian government and the German DAMAGED: No work done after the road was swept away by heavy flooding some months KWF Development Bank as part of the ago. Photo Maria DavidThis year’s flood affected about 120 N$1 billion overall assistance to the con- families in the Oshana Region, with struction of the Namibian road network.a total of 562 flood victims relocated tohigh ground at Ekuku after their homes Oshana governor, Clemens Kashuu-were submerged by floodwater. pulwa, said that despite businesses being affected by the road damage, there are no Nunucky Junior, a resident of Onawa, immediate plans to repair the Okatana-said the gravel road from Okatana to Onamutai, Okaku and AandambombaliOnamutai was one of the short cuts to roads.Oshakati, but since it was cut off andclosed off, residents now have to travel Kashuupulwa added that the Minis-by car, which often means money is ter of Works and Transport, Alpheusspent on transport. !Naruseb, accompanied by a delegation from the Roads Authority (RA), recently “The Road Authority, the regional gov- viewed the road between Okatana andernor and the constituency council should Onamutai in the Oshana Region, as wellcome up with a lasting solution to the as several roads in Omusati Region.matter so we remain connected to qualityservices,” said Junior. The road was con- !Naruseb also inspected the Elim-structed in a space of two years at a tune Onamutuku road, which was completelyof N$60 million by Thohi Construction washed away by floods. Most of theseCompany and was officially inaugurated areas are still under water and repairby then Minister of Works and Transport, work will only be done once the waterErkki Nghimtina in August 2013. has subsided. Efforts to get a comment from the Road Authority were unsuc- The project was jointly funded by the cessful as the telephone continued to go unanswered.Namibia rainfall above normal Staff Reporter ten-day period of December, while over the Kavango-East Region, the onset wasMost of the country has received above- within statistical norms. The performancenormal rainfall during the month of of seasonal rainfall over the KavangoApril, averaging 125% above normal, regions were mixed, but overall normalexcept the Karas Region. to above-normal rains were experienced.Areas adjacent to Ondangwa, Okatana,Endola, Ongenga and Mashare also did On a seasonal scale, the north-centralnot receive above normal rainfall, as regions were negatively affected bynormal to below normal conditions were suppressed and/or dry spells during theexperienced. The metrological weather month of January and heavy downpoursstation in Windhoek reported that areas during February and March. The areasover the Khomas, western Omaheke, Ot- neighbouring Endola, Ongenga Okatanajozondjupa and eastern Kunene regions and Ondangwa received less rainfall thanreported above 60mm of rain during the normal but better than last season, whilemonth of April. the areas east and west from it received surplus rain from October 2016 to April In the Zambezi Region, the onset of 2017. Parts of Kunene Region negativelyrain was delayed with approximately affected by drought during the last fewthree weeks compared to previous rainy seasons only started receiving rain duringseasons, as the agriculturally significant the second ten-day period of Februaryonset was only realised by the end of but managed to accumulate normal sea-November 2016. However, the region sonal rainfall for the period ending Aprilcontinued to receive significant rainfalls 2017. Generally some of the Kuneneduring most parts of the season and Region received normal seasonal rains,ended the season with a surplus of more but some isolated areas received below-than 150mm to 360mm, although after normal rainfall.the first ten-day period of March therains subsided and only sporadic rains Some areas in the Erongo Region,were received over the region for the rest particularly the Daures constituency,of the period. received below normal rainfall for the season with a very late onset. The overall The rainfall season was delayed for performance of the rainfall season overover a month over the Kavango-West the southern, central and OtjozondjupaRegion, only starting during the second regions were within the normal to above- normal category.BMW 750i Sedan 2012 BMW320d Sedan 2016 LuxBuMryWAffPorredmAbiuiLmity BMW 520i Sedan 2013 BMW 320d Sedan 201650 011km 23 200km FPUSlersoeloedomcCrtoiaoDrtsneiomno 41 941km 21 269kmN$510 000 N$395 000 N$350 000 N$485 000 Get deposit assistance orDANRIC AUTO Tel: +264 295 8100 cash back between Adri van Tonder 081 150 4040 & Johan Boltman 081 232 0922 wwwN.b$5m0 0w00-–dNa$1n0r0ic00.0co.zqBMW X3 xDrive 20d 2014 BMW X4 xDrive 20i 2016 BmW 320d BMW X5 xDrive 30d 2014 BMW X5 xDrive 30d 201435 400km 44134km 43660km 68 850kmN$450 000 N$565 000 ref: 0nU23606 N$740 000 N$690 000 New Price: n$599 514 BMPWromXo5tioxnDPrriivcee: n3$04d828081142 25617km N$740 000

14 ADVERT 11 2007610 48 1 1973790 48 6 1976476 48 4 2004331 48 6 1982743 48 18 May - 25 May 2017 WINNING REMINDER NUMBERS THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A • 061-275 4700 • e:[email protected] Find us on Your Community NEWSPAPERyour number The bearer of this newspaper is authorised by Trustco to sell it at any price between N$4 - N$10 for his/her own benefit. There can be no true freedom for all without true prosperity for all. CONGRATULATIONS Mr David Hamukwamo N$ 10 000 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 411-60125-1 | 14-65856-1 | 06-56452-1 13-104543-2 | 6-96510-2 | 15-67069-2 1-115005-3 | 6-131537-3 | 6-142224-3 6-174164-4 | 6-173190-4 | 15-153258-402-29273-1 | 03-30936-1 1-75628-2 6-110014-3 | 1 117952 3 13-186662-4 | 14-186859-4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 815-193269-5 | 6-213595-5 | 15-197166-5 6-263397-6 | 1-23945-6 | 13-269868-6 6-293392-7 | 6-297187-7 1-104543-8 | 15-96510-8 | 1-67069-814-229750-5 |15-190382-5 3-244274-6 6-75628-8 | 14-355 900-8 WEEK 11 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 12 1-450947-11 | 14-481726-11 | 6-464257-1113-395689-9 | 6-382907-9 | 15-359514-9 6-415206-10 | 1-409719-10 | 6-432381-10 1-493317-12 | 6-517582-12 | 15-488505-126-381326-9 6-420676-10 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 6-620622-15 | 11-644428-15 | 1-608904-15 6-632333-15 | 6-612902-15 8-683047-16 | 6-659838-16 | 3-654515-166-554570-13 | 3-531983-13 | 13-564120-13 1-567371-14 | 11-601661-14 | 1-569246-141-525884-13 WEEK 19 WEEK 20 WEEK 18 WEEK 17 4-780874-19 | 12-809719-19 | 6-792512-19 6-841546-20 | 3-820206-20 | 6-827985-20 13-769201-18 | 1-733653-18 | 6-748700-18 1-817770-2011-726532-17 | 12-727143-17 | 6-721715-17 6-754574-18 | 11-767713-18 WEEK 236-716076-17 | 14-729687-17 WEEK 24 WEEK 22 6-959516-23 | 1-939729-23 | 6-955656-23 WEEK 21 13-976425-23 | 6-949788-23 11-1015406-24 | 6-1005582-24 | 1-978653-24 1-897145-22 | 6-913077-22 | 6-904914-22 6-989006-24 | 6-987359-246-873103-21 | 6-884695-21 | 8-889215-21 13-933556-22 | 6-924083-22 WEEK 2711-890402-21 | 1-855644-21 WEEK 28 WEEK 26 11-1138537-27 | 6-1117840-27 | 3-1133948-27 WEEK 25 6-1123028-27 8-1178290-28 | 13-1182652-28 | 6-1160104-28 6-1073498-26 | 6-1078233-26 | 1-1061515-26 6-1153306-286-1035687-25 | 4-1052981-25 | 6-1039707-25 6-1066478-26 | 5-1094581-26 WEEK 311-1020684-25 | 6-1048073-25 WEEK 32 WEEK 30 1 1272195 31 | 4 1301032 31 | 12 1306040 31 WEEK 29 3 1299974 31 | 6 1274370 31 2 1339407 32 | 5 1343246 32 | 3 1340694 32 6 1239007 30 | 6 1241610 30 | 11 1263883 30 6 1321132 32 | 6 1335627 323 1217852 29 | 6 1203755 29 | 1 1189401 29 5 1231083 30 | 6 1238606 30 WEEK 355 1219418 29 | 6 1192843 29 WEEK 36 WEEK 34 6 1444355 35 | 1 1434620 35 | 3 1466155 35 WEEK 33 6 1446396 35 | 13 1473640 35 13 1515533 36 | 6 1498190 36 | 2 1505264 36 6 1411564 34 | 11 1428762 34 | 6 1412267 34 6 1502098 36 | 6 1483624 366 1368297 33 | 1 1354890 33 | 6 1364992 33 11 1396635 34 | 3 1377601 34 WEEK 396 1377601 33 WEEK 40 WEEK 38 1 1604251 39 | 2 1630217 39 | 6 1611512 39 WEEK 37 4 1633469 39 | 6 1622739 39 11 1677248 40 | 6 1648820 40 | 6 1668200 40 13 1597631 38 | 6 1570793 38 | 12 1596208 381 1521225 37 | 11 1552748 37 | 6 1524483 37 10 1593990 38 | 6 1583924 38 WEEK 43 WEEK 444 1550071 37 WEEK 42 6 1770057 43 | 4 1798258 43 | 6 1777890 43 6 1814854 44 | 13 1845208 44 | 1 1807880 44 WEEK 41 6 1769999 43 | 1 1766000 43 6 1821654 44 13 1763608 42 | 6 1748175 42 | 6 1735842 421 1685389 41 | 1 1685844 41 | 6 1710356 41 1 1726263 42 | 6 1731688 42 WEEK 476 1699773 41 | 3 1715028 41 WEEK 46 3 1962464 47 | 10 1965981 47 | 1 1931888 47 WEEK 45 6 1945866 47 13 1929437 46 | 6 1901290 46 | 8 1923750 466 1871900 45 | 2 1877704 44 | 9 1882868 44 1 1890257 46 | 11 1924905 4611 1883496 45Visit Informanté’s Facebook page for more details on how you can win, how you can claim your prize as well as all the Ts & Cs

18 May - 25 May 2017 ADVERT 15

16 SPEED 18 May - 25 May 2017 An affordable novelty FordKUGA ON THE PROWLThe Kuga arrives at a time when the particular mid-sized SUV segment is booming, mushroomed by the arrival of new temptresses, however, whatmakes the Ford Kuga 1.6 Ecoboost Titanium stand out is how easy it is on the pocket, yet still able to turn heads with improved great looks.MODERN: An affordable novelty at Auto World Trade Centre. Zorena Jantze Fuel efficiency is what all with Electronic Brakeforce Distribution manufacturers are sweating over and (EBD), Emergency Brake Assist (EBA) The design of the latest Kuga is more Ford has chosen the 1.6 litre route with and Electronic Stability Control (ESP). practical, with a more spacious 71 turbocharging for this very reason. The litres of boot space and a bit of extra 1.6 Kuga achieves an average fuel-index The Kuga comes with a two-year legroom in the back. The newcomer is figure of 7,92 litres/100 km. Looking warranty and costs N$199 900 at Auto very well equipped, the Titanium comes under its bonnet, the 1.6 Ecoboost World Trade Centre. fitted with comfortable part-leather comes with either a 2.0 L Duratorq seats, climate control and a useful centre I4 (diesel) engine or a 2.5 L Duratec Auto World Trade Centre offers cars armrest incorporated into the back seat, I5-T (petrol) engine. With regards to at wholesale prices and sells new and with built-in cup-holders with a smart safety the Kuga boasts seven airbags, used cars and accepts trade-ins. The Focus-inspired dashboard design. ISOFIX child seat attachments as well dealership buys cars and also houses a as Antilock Braking System (ABS) mechanical repair centre and recently acquired Suzuki Motors Dealerships in both Windhoek and Swakopmund. 2017 June / July Intake Registration Now Open!! Accredited by Vocational & Short Courses: Be amongst the first to register at our The Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA)/Ministry of Education new Vocational Training Centre Accounting & Finance Requirements: Grade 10 (those with higher qualifications may also Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) apply).Please enquire about courses for students with less than Grade 10. 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) People with disabilities are encouraged to apply Business Administration Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5)  Entrepreneurial Skills:  Computer System Maintenance Start Your Own Business Programming 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6)  Information Technology  Cisco Networking Human Resource Management  Computer Systems Repair  Server Administration Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6)  Website Design  Graphic Design  IT Systems Support  Medical Administration 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7)  ICT Systems & Principles  Business Studies  Comptia A+  Travel & Tourism Office Administration  Office Administration  Accomodation Services & Operations Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5)  Reception Skills  Bricklaying & Plastering  Bookkeeping  Clothing Production 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6)  Marketing  Retailing  Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Information Technology - Telemarketing  Event Planning Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) - Social Media  Photography - Customer Service  Floral Design 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) - Advertising Agent  Early Childhood Development Travel & Tourism  Computerized Accounting (Kinder Garden Assistant) Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5)  Tour Guiding  Plumbing  Health & Social Care 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6)  (E.g. Care for the Old & School Children) Joinery & Cabinet Assessor Trainer  Tailoring (Become a Trainer in Your Study Field)  Wall and Floor Tiling  Sport & Leisure - Fitness Instruction | Sport Administration Contact Us Languages & Language Services Special Offer  HouskeepingP.O. Box 50097 | Bachbrecht | Windhoek English Beginners Report Writing  Interior Design 1. 1 Language or Basic Computer English Advanced Public Speaking  Catering & Culinary Arts Skills: N$7505-7 Schweitzer Street | Windhoek West Business English Proposal Writing  Transport & Logistics  French German  Adult Literacy (Learn How to Write & Read) 2. 1 language + basic computerTel: +264 61 301032/4/5  Portuguese Oshiwambo skills or 2 languages: N$1200Fax: +264 61 301033 Damara Nama Day Care [email protected]  Community [email protected] DANRIC AUTO Tel: +264 295 8100ACTIVE DEMO PROMOTION: Get deposit assistance or cash back between N$50 000 - N$100 000 Ask for Dewald Jooste 081 279 8397 Monique van Wyk 081 211 1328 Nicolene Roux 081 129 6393 Cnr Bismarck Street & David Hosea Meroro Road

18 May - 25 May 2017 ADVERT 17 MTC announces subscription fee increase effective 1 June 2017 Mobile Telecommunications Limited (MTC) hereby announce a subscription fee increase on Aweh, Happy Hour and NetMan Instant Bundles, with an average of 7%, effective 01 June 2017. An increase on postpaid Select, MoBiz, NetMan and Data Bundles with validity services will come into effect on 1 July 2017. This decision has been made pursuant to the Terms and Conditions as set out in the Communications Act, 2009 Section 53, subsection (7), as mandatory by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN). It is worth noting that this is the first such price increase in 11 years. During this period, MTC has maintained its operations at the highest standard, with the continued aim of increasing efficiencies and ensuring its customers receive world-class products and service. “This review in pricing is the result of the challenging environment in which MTC operates, coupled with a reduction in mobile termination rates, as well as the increased costs of network investment,” said Tim Ekandjo, MTC’s Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer. In recent times, MTC has invested substantially in new sites, advanced generational internet and broadband technologies, and expanded national network coverage to keep its customers on par with global trends. We reiterate our promise to our customers that we will continue providing the excellent products and services they are accustomed to. Subscription increase effective 01 June 2017: Aweh Opt-in Bundles Current Subscription Fees VAT excl. N$ New Subscription Fees VAT excl. N$ 6.00 7.00 Aweh Bundles 12.00 13.00 Oka 30.00 32.00 Go 30.00 32.00 Prime 50.00 53.00 Gig Super Prepaid Happy Hour Current Subscription Fees VAT excl. N$ New Subscription Fees VAT excl. N$ 10.00 11.00 Prepaid Happy Hour Prepaid Happy Hour NetMan Prepaid Data Bundles NetMan Prepaid Data Bundles Current Subs VAT excl. N$ New Suggested Subs VAT excl. N$ 31.00 1 Day 29.00 85.00 159.00 3 Day 79.00 7 Day 149.00 Prepaid BlackBerry Opt-in Bundles BlackBerry Prepaid Current Subscription Fees VAT excl. N$ New Subscription Fees VAT excl. N$ Complete 7 19.00 21.00 Complete 30 59.00 63.00 Absolute 7 39.00 42.00 Absolute 30 99.00 106.00 For more information, please visit or dial 120 (postpaid) or 130 (prepaid).

18 ADVERTS 18 May - 25 May 2017 Member Education Roadshow: Oshikoto, Omusati and Kunene Regions The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) regards member education as an integral part of our business strategy. We therefore aim to ensure that all the members of the Fund understand and are knowledgeable about the rules, procedures and policies of their pension fund. Our team of dedicated Client Service Consultants will be embarking on a national Our mobile van “Pension on Wheels” will also be available to offer roadshow to talk to you about: the following services: • Admission & Amendments - Pension Enquiries • Resignation - Pension Advice • Normal Retirement - Biometric/Fingerprint Registration and Verification • Early Age Retirement - Benefit Statements • Retrenchment - Income Statements • Ill-Health/Disability - Submission of Documents • Death before Retirement • Death after Retirement • Funeral Benefits Member Education (meet us at the following places) OSHIKOTO REGION Date Time Venue Town 22 May 2017 09:00 - 15:00 Shoprite Tsumeb 23 May 2017 09:00 - 15:00 Open Market Omuthiya Date Time Venue OMUSATI REGION 24 May 2017 09:00 - 15:00 Open Market Town 26 May 2017 09:00 - 15:00 Open Market Outapi 27 May 2017 09:00 - 13:00 Oshifo Outapi Ruacana Date Time Venue 29 May 2017 09:00 - 15:00 Spar KUNENE REGION Opuwo Trade Fair Town 30 May - 03 June 2017 09:00 - 21:00 Opuwo Opuwo Members seeking for specific updates related to their benefits are encouraged to bring their identity documents (ID) as well as their latest payslips. Watch this space to find out where our next stop is! GIPF is a fund that provides pension benefits for civil servants and employees of member institutions. GIPF Regional Offices Contact Numbers Windhoek 061 – 2051000 Ondangwa 065 – 241381/2 Swakopmund 064 – 461735 Katima Mulilo 066 – 254589/254223 Otjiwarongo 067 – 307078/9 Keetmanshoop 063 – 226021 Gobabis 062 – 564098 Rundu 066 – 256820/1 Oshakati 065 – 220587/42 Email: [email protected] Visit DANRIC AUTO Tel: +264 295 8100FLOOR DEMO PROMOTION: Get deposit assistance or cash back between N$50 000 - N$100 000 Ask for Dewald Jooste: 081 279 8397 Monique van Wyk: 081 211 1328 Nicolene Roux: 081 129 6393

18 May - 25 May 2017 ADVERT 19

20 SPORT 18 May - 25 May 2017 SPORTKAHIRIRI DISMISSESNational football remains in tatters despite high expectationsNSC DECISIONThe ever-voluble Football Trade Unionist, Olsen Kahiriri has once again expressed his utter disappointment in the decision made by the chief custo-dian of the Namibian Sports Commission (NSC). Gabby Tjiroze and NPL over the disputed legality of This was an unfortunate turn of FED UP: Unionist, Olsen Kahiriri. Photo: Gabby Tjiroze the NFA’s decision to nullify the NPL events. Due to this prolonged dis-The Namibia Sports Commission interim committee. agreement between the NFA and NPL, announced on Monday that the the NSC called for a meeting with itsNFA ad hoc committee is the rightful Kahiriri who seemed to be irritated affiliate.committee to run the affairs of the over the on-going saga further saidNamibia Premier League (NPL) that, “This brings me back to the “The NSC validated the legitimacy attached documents where NAFPU of nullifying the interim committee “I am flabbergasted by the decision launched a complaint through the by NFA and approved the legitimacyof the Sports Commission. If there NSC to compel NFA to comply with of the ad-hoc committee as appointedis a dispute like the one of NPL and its statutes. Which to date NSC failed by NFA to carry on with the mandateNFA, Sports Commission must act to act on. Why are we protecting NFA given to them by the mother body ofas a mediator. Why do you engage and its bourgeoisie? We warn every- football in this country,” said NSCone party and then make a binding one that this will happen way back in chief administrator Simataa Mwiya.decision. They did not bring any solu- April 2016. We will never allow thistion instead they sided with the other miscarriage of justice to take place, Mwiya further said that the decisionparty,” said the voluble unionist. we will meet them in court if they was supported by the statutes of the think they are powerful.” mother body NFA and relevant infor- The NSC called a meeting with be- mation obtained.leaguered soccer house management The dismissal of the NPL interimlast Sunday to find a solution to the committee has caused a number of As it was commanded by the Act ofnever-ending issue between the NFA contentions among soccer fans, spon- Parliament 2003 the Sports Commis- sors and players. sion is mandated to coordinate, pro- mote and develop sports in Namibia.Nations Cup squad announced Gome joins Brave Warriors trainingREADY: Namibia’s lock, Tjiuee Uanivi. Photo contributed Staff Reporter football but we have to work around that and do what we can with the Staff Reporter Smith, Johannes Coetzee SCRUMHALVES: Bidvest Wits midfielder, Wangu boys,” said Mannetti. Standby: Andries Rousseau Eugene Jantjies, Damian Stevens Gome, last week joined the BraveThe Namibian Rugby National HOOKERS: Standby: Cameron Klassen Warriors training camp ahead of Mannetti will soon announce aSenior 15’s team will participate in Torsten van Jaarsveld, Louis van der FLYHALVES: preparations for the June 2019 AF- squad of players to prepare for thethe 2017 Nations Cup in Montevi- Westhuizen, Shaun du Preez Theuns Kotze (Vice-captain), Cliven CON qualifiers and COSAFA Cup. 2019 African Cup of Nations quali-deo, Uruguay from 10 to 18 June. STANDBY: Gerhard Lötter Loubser fier against Guinea Bissau in June LOCKS: STANDBY: MP Pretorius Gome, who currently plays for before the team heads to South Africa This tournament serves as prepara- Tjiuee Uanivi, Janco Venter, Ruan CENTRES: Wits, was signed off by coach Gavin for the COSAFA Cup from 25 June.tion for qualification for the 2019 Ludick, Mahepisa Tjeriko Darryl de la Harpe, JC Greyling, Hunt as the club guns for the ABSARugby World Cup in Japan and the STANDBY: Muniovita Kasiringua Justin Newman, Johan Deysel, Premiership title, having made The local boys will then have toRugby Africa Gold Cup in July. BACK ROW: STANDBY: Francois Wiese limited appearances for the club since face off against Zimbabwe for the Wian Conradie, PJ van Lill, Renaldo BACK THREE: joining in 2015 after his great perfor- Africa Nations Champions qualifiersPROPS: Bothma (Captain), Johan Retief, Johan Tromp, Lesley Klim, Gino mances at the COSAFA Cup. in July.Casper Viviers, AJ de Klerk, Collen Christo van der Merwe Wilson, Chrysander Botha STANDBY: Leneve Damens STANDBY: David Philander He is currently on a loan contract Gome has joined the Brave War- with Wits and once his contract riors training which already consists comes to an end at the end of the of Lodyt Kazapua (African Stars) current football season, he might David Peterson (Tigers), Charles be returning to Namibia or will find Uirab (Orlando Pirates), Edward another club overseas. Maova (Civics FC), Romario Ndjav- era and Ferdinand Karongee (Tigers), Brave Warriors coach, Ricardo Tiberius Lombard and Charles Ham- Mannetti, expressed his confidence bira (both Tura Magic), Larry Horaeb that Gome was going to add value to (Black Africa), Riaan !Hanamub the team. (Orlando Pirates), Edmund Kam- banda (UNAM FC), Ronald Ketjijere “Wangu is one of the senior players and Katiti Hakuria ( both African in this team and his presence surely Stars), Benyamin Nenkavu (Tigers), makes a difference. It is unfortunate Oswaldo Xamseb (Tura Magic), that he has not played for a long time Dynamo Fredericks (Black Africa), and hence I requested Gavin (Wits Pandeni Kandjabanga (Golden Bigs), coach) to release him early to join the Itamunua Keimuine (Tura Magic), team and gel with the guys. We are Mapenzi Muwanei (Tigers), Muna in a very unnatural situation where Katupose and Immanuel Heita (Black many of our players have not played Africa) and Sakaria Jonas (Tigers). 65000We distribute For Spcoarltls: News .newspapers weekly, country-wide Gabby HAPPY: Wangu Gome in the colours of his national team. Photo contributed 061 - 275 4725

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