WINNING NUMBERS NEWS BUSINESS SPORT 6 1368297 33 1 1354890 33 REHO TRUSTCO BANK BEASTMASTER 3 1381634 33 NEDBANK “JANU-WORRY” HANGS UP 6 1364992 33 ROBBERY GUARD GLOVES 6 1377601 33 P 03 P 08 P20 • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. Your Community NEWSPAPER • 02 February - 08 February 2017 • Edition # 566Witbooi succession MOD cornered over bungled arms procurementsaga escalates ARMS DEAL SPLITS Hoandi !Gaeb GENERALSUrban and Rural Development Minister, Sophia CHARIOTS OF WAR: The Denel RG32 and RG34 with NDF number plates during field tests in the dune belt between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay. TheShaningwa, nullified the coronation of Am- number plates were requested by WMF as well as the travel authorisation was requested by WMF.The CEO of August 26, Brig-genl. James Auala, wasbassador Salomon Josephat Witbooi in 2015 to kept in the dark about the NDF procurement of the vehicles.succeed Namibia’s first Deputy Prime MinisterHendrik Witbooi as leader of the Witbooi clan. The lid is off a Pandora’s box of political infighting, division between generals in the high command and the Chief Procurement, Research and Development of the NDF, August26 and Windhoeker Machinen Fabrik She directed that the two Witbooi-factions work (WMF), after the procurement of eight armoured patrol vehicles(RG23Ms) from South African manufacturer,out modalities for an amicable solution to their Denel, sidestepping various links in the command and reporting chain.problems within four months. Staff Reporter for August26 to be involved in the The isolation of Gen. Auala by his that the August26 shoe factory at Failure to do so, the minister says, will leave her food bank are ignored, with no own August26 affiliates with the aid Okahandja is in deep trouble withwith no other option, but to call for an election. WMF, the hope and future of Na- progress on an abattoir incentive to of some generals under command consultants handing over a report mibian arms manufacturing, seem- supply meat and the construction of of Lt-Gen. John Mutwa are only to Gen. Auala. The two factions, one led by Ambassador Salo- ingly deliberately kept the CEO of abattoirs and food bank depots in the tip if the iceberg and Inform-mon Witbooi and the other by Hendrik Ismael August26, Brigadier-General James the regions. anté can reveal that procurement This follows after days of internalWitbooi are at loggerheads about the captaincy Auala, in the dark over develop- generals sealed, signed and paid for wrangling between August26 andof the Witboois since the passing on of Hendrik ments since 2013 in the procure- Generals apparently also have their the Denel equipment without the the NDF about payments totallingWitbbooi a couple of years ago. ment of specialised weaponry to be knives out for Gen. Auala who has knowledge of Genl Auala and mem- N$132 million that were held in the deployed by the elite Navy Units of put a stop to cattle being taken from bers of the NDF high command. system for feeding troops, despite In the letter dated 23 January 2017, the minister the NDF along the Namibian Coast an August26 farm to weddings in the assurances since November of lastsaid she has taken the decision in line with the to combat smuggling of contraband North. The cattle have its origin from Two Wolf armoured vehicles that year from the highest officials thatconclusions of an investigation commissioned by and human trafficking along the operations against Jonas Savimbi’s were hired out by MOD Operations this had been paid, only to discoverher office last year. most desolate and longest coastlines strongholds in Southern Angola for operations in the northern that payment was delayed and with- on the African continent. and was initially kept in the Western oil-rich areas of Soyo in Angola held to the NDF’s procurement and The investigation revealed that the leadership Kavango where after they made their disappeared from the inventories logistics company. Due to pressuresuccession nomination and appointment power WMF was not only in the know of way to the August26 farm. of WMF, August26 and the NDF from August 26 this week saw someis vested within the royal family in term of the the developments, but squandered without a trace to whom the money payments to the company that isWitbooi customary law. It was also reported that an opportunity to participate in a In malicious rumour-mongering for the hiring of the two vehicles fending of unpaid suppliers due tothe royal family split into two groups way back in joint venture because of serious in- Gen. Auala is being blamed for was paid. Gen. Mutwa reportedly what August 26 regards as deliber-2005 because of the formation of the New African fighting and political backstabbing escalating food tender prices, while launched an investigation into the ate delays by the NDF.Episcopal Church, and this division spilled over to on the highest level. the cost soared by 40% due to steps monies due since 2009 when the ve-the traditional leadership succession race. to standardise the food after it was hicles was rented out for US$10 000 A meeting will take place today Relations are now soured to a established that troops in Wind- per month. between August 26 and affiliates to Shaningwa also said that it was also established point where direct orders and wish- hoek receive better rations than try and sort out mounting challeng-that both candidates are from the Witbooi royal es from President Dr Hage Geingob their counterparts in rural bases. This week it was established es and outstanding, one from the patrilineal side and the otherfrom the matrilineal side. However, the Namacustomary law dictates leadership succession to bederived from the paternal line. In this case, Hendrik Ismael Witbooi is fromthe paternal side. It is said that the groups differon leadership succession. The one group basedtheir right to succession on the late Dr Witbooi’swritings, which he proclaimed during his 10thanniversary of chieftaincy, while the other groupbased their succession on narrated customary lawrule to succeed from patrilineal line, as well as perthe choice of late Captain Dr Hendrik Witbooi. Against this background, Shaningwa resolvedthat the clan be accorded an opportunity toresolve their royal family succession issue withoutinvolvement of non-royal Witbooi family mem-bers and that if they fail to resolve the dispute,they must seek assistance from the Nama Tradi-tional Leaders Association and the supervision ofthe regional governor, Esme Isaacks. Should the royal family fail to resolve the suc-cession dispute within four months an electionshould be held as a last resort to elect their leader.The minister instructed both sides to adhere to thedirectives. The letter was also forwarded to President DrHage Geingob. COMBO$uper $aver Big Bite 2 N$36902BIGGER PiecesofChicken NFualml +CiFbrroieeanaseDmhaloMi/raLiielfoksowf2Fltar t brown bread & MORE Chips only 02/02/2017 - 05/02/2017 33N$ .79WEEKEND SPECIALS! Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. Ts&Cs apply. While stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES
2 NEWS 02 February - 08 February 2017 Sole survivor might reveal the horror of Dippenaar accidentDIPPENAAR VICTIM WANTSTO TESTIFYThe only surviving family member of the horrific car crash that killed her family and three other Namibians more than two years ago will only giveher testimony as a witness in the Swakopmund Regional Court during July this year.ORPHANED: Antonia Joschko. Photo:Niel Terblanche Niel Terblanche call ten local witnesses to the stand two weeks. He further informed the during the time allotted for the trial. court that Iipinge did not prepare his The trial of Jandré Dippenaar, ac- He would thus need time to prepare witness to testify and reiterated that cused amongst others of six counts his cross examination of the witness, the defence counsel will require time of murder, ground to an unexpected which also included the summoning of to prepare for the cross examination halt last week when Antonia Joschko an expert from South Africa. of Joschko because of the fact that she from Germany that might shed more is one of the key witnesses in the case light on the horror, turned up at the Iipinge said Joschko was scheduled to against his client. court ready to testify. Dippenaar, the return to Germany and that he would only other survivor, claims in his plea like the witness to testify while still in In light of the new information with explanation that he has no recollection Namibia and that he has not sum- regards to the accommodation and of the incident. moned any other of the local witnesses function of a expert in court, Magis- for the rest of the time allotted and that trate Paulton then postponed the trial After the last local witness called by the case must be postponed until a later until 12 July this year. the state prosecutor concluded his tes- date for him to be able to subpoena his timony, Hesekiel Iipinge wanted to call expert witnesses from South Africa. Joschko was warned to appear in the young girl to the witness stand. court on that day and asked to allow Botes reiterated that the state does for at least three days in the witness Advocate Louis Botes argued that the not have the funds to summon and stand. agreement between the state and coun- accommodate its expert witnesses, sel for the defence did not include the and regardless, although their expert After her testimony the rest of the young witness from Germany and in- is able to travel to Namibia on short local and expert witnesses for the state formed Magistrate Gaynor Paulton that notice that it would be impossible will be called when the trial continues the state and the defence agreed to only for the Ministry of Home Affairs to in November this year. By then almost issue a work visa for the person within three years will have passed since the horrific accident.Convict denies murdering two women Obsessed stalker jailed Eba Kandovazu the hatchet and reconcile. When he JUSTICE: Julius Dausab. Eba Kandovazu be allowed to roam free.The murder of a mother and her knocked on the door, Elfrieda opened Photo: Eba Kandovazu A 32-year-old serial stalker and He further said that Nanub showeddaughter eight years ago has finally the door, and he shot her in the chest, custody. The matter is postponed to woman abuser from Okombahe whoended in a conviction of guilt. killing her instantly. 28 February. fatally stabbed his ex-girlfriend in no remorse for his actions. The accused is represented by Brad- October 2012 and claimed he did not Judge Siboleka noted that Nanub Julius Dausab, from Otjiwarongo He then proceeded to shoot Paulina ley Basson, and Public Prosecutor know it was his ex-girlfriend that waswas found guilty on Tuesday, for in her abdomen and she succumbed Erich Moyo is prosecuting. killed, has been sentenced to 38 years has tendencies of stalking his victimsshooting his ex-girlfriend, Pauli- to her injuries. in jail in the Windhoek High Court and assaulting them at night so thatna Kenamuni, 28, and her mother, yesterday. he does not get noticed. Nanub wasElfrieda Kenamuni with a hunting Dausab is reported to have fled the convicted on 12 January this year,rifle, eight years ago. Dausab is con- scene but was arrested soon thereafter. Trougoth Nanub pleaded inno- when an eyewitness, Dausas’ lover atvicted on two counts of murder and cent on the charge against him, the time, testified against him.possessing a weapon and ammunition During his plea explanation, Dausab and claimed he did not know hiswithout a license, to which he pleaded denied killing the mother and daugh- ex-girlfriend, Cheroline Dausas, died, The latter testified in court thatnot guilty. ter, alleging that an unknown short until his trial. He told Judge Alfred he and Dausas were walking from a man, driving a white sedan had killed Sibaleka that whilst in custody, he local shop when Nanub called her, According to Judge Alfred Siboleka, them. Police investigations, however, contributed N$5 000 for a funeral, beat her up and stabbed her in thethe 46-year-old perpetrator directly did not find any tracks of the alleged but was not informed whose funeral neck and back.intended to kill his ex- girlfriend sedan at the scene. Judge Siboleka it was.when she ended their relationship. accused Dausab of twisting his sub- Medical staff who attended to Dau- missions. In his judgement, Judge Siboleka sas after the stabbing testified that she The indictment reads that on the stated that Nanub was previously was stabbed on the lower part of herfateful day, Dausab drove from Dausab was granted N$ 40 000 bail convicted twice on charges of assault throat and milk was coming out ofOtjiwarongo to his ex-lover’s house in when he was awaiting trial at the with intent to do grievous bodily her breast, which alerted them thatOkandjira, according to him to bury Windhoek Holding Cells, where he harm (GBH) where he assaulted his she was still breast feeding. claimed to have been suffering from former lovers with sticks, stones, asthma and pneumonia. His bail was fists and sharpened wire, when they “The court does not know who end- thus cancelled and he is remanded in ended the relationships, and thus ed the relationship, but women have posed a danger to women should he the right to express their feelings andStepdaughter murderer get 35 years the right to end relationships without being threatened. It is abundant that Nanub is a danger to women and they should be protected from him” Judge Siboleka ruled. Eba Kandovazu HORROR: David Kido. death or destroy the evidence of the SLAYER: Trougoth Nanub (left) with his Damara/Nama interpreter.The case of a gruesome murder-rape Photo: Eba Kandovazu commission of the offences against Photo: Eba Kandovazuthat culminated in the burial of a accused intended to frustrate and him and protect himself from beingyoung woman in a warthog burrow interfere with police investigations prosecuted for any crime that may behas been concluded with a stiff sen- into any possible charges that may preferred against him,” Acting Judgetence being handed down. be preferred against him, conceal the Boas Usiku said. A former farm-worker, 49-year-old Judge Usiku ruled that on a countDavid Kido who was found guilty of murder 30 years was handedof raping and murdering his then down, of which three years are18-year-old stepdaughter, Izelda suspended for a period of five yearsKock, burying her in a warthog on condition that the accused is notburrow and thereafter burning her convicted of murder or attemptedbelongings and reporting her as murder in the period of suspension,missing to the Mariental police four 12 years on the rape count, five yearsyears ago, has been sentenced to 35 for obstructing and defeating theyears in jail. course of justice and one year each for two convictions of assault with Kido was found guilty of murder, intent to do grievous bodily harm.rape, obstructing and defeating thecourse of justice and two counts of The judge stated that seven years ofassault with intent to do grievous count two and sentences in countsbodily harm in the Windhoek High three, four and five shall run concur-Court. rently with the sentence imposed in count one, amounting to 35 years Kido is also said to have assaulted imprisonment.the deceased and her sister, SharonKock with a dropper pole. The state was represented by State Prosecutor Cliff Lutibezi and Kido “In performing these acts, the was represented by Titus Mbaeva.
02 February - 08 February 2017 NEWS 3 Relations among generals went from bad to worseDEFENCE KEEPS AUGUST 26IN DARKTHE acquisition of eight armoured patrol vehicles of the type RG32M with remotely operated weapons systems from the South African arms manu-facturer, Denel, is an opportunity lost for Windhoeker Maschinen Fabrik (WMF) that was and still is besieged by infighting and in conflict with moth-er company, August26 on the procurement arms of the NDF. Staff Reporter the RG32M and SDROW weapons system and DOGS OF WAR: The Windhoeker Maschinen Fabrik, Werewolf MK11 with NDF number plates and would have added a 15% profit if the deal went the Denel SDROW remote system mounted on the vehicle that failed the mobility test conductedThe Denel deal goes as far back as 2012 when through to start up operations. in the Namib Desert. the SDROW Weapon systems were suc-cessfully evaluated in the area of Walvis Bay. After the departure of Simunya, things fellA campaign based on character assassination apart and as recent as this week, consultantsagainst former Deputy Minister of Defence, were called upon to get the much expected shoeVictor Simunya and later proven baseless by a factory in Okahandja on track and try to sort outforensic audit, derailed the project. The NDF en- the issues that a new board and CEO at WMFtered into direct negotiations with Denel for the failed to address.vehicles and weapons systems after the WerewolfMk11 failed nearly every mobility test that was Relations went from bad to worse with Brig-required from the NDF. Genl James Auala, the CEO of August 26, isolated by WMF, and the generals in the NDF Yesterday the technical draughtsman of the under the command of Lt Genl John Mutwa,Werewolf, Andre van Eeden, resigned and is who is blamed for low morale in the ranks of theplanning to return to South Africa. troops because of a few public embarrassing situ- ations. Whistle-blowers yesterday said that the Two other managers of WMF must still face secrecy that NDF enjoys created an opportunityracial discrimination charges laid by a worker for the generals to form a front of unaccountabil-at the prime weapons manufacturer that is now ity because they do not answer to the public nora glorified workshop and tractor selling agency are they under scrutiny.for the Spanish made Nieu-Holland tractors andservicing Agrale’ vehicles that were bought from “Even the President as Commander of Chief isBrazil under a three-year contract. not fully informed which indicates a structure of command-and-control issue that Namibia can WMF who pleads ignorance of the deal was ill afford,” a disgruntled members of the NDFthis week exposed as an active participant in the claims.test of the South African vehicle, even issuingtrip authorisations for drivers and NDF number The Namibian elite forces of the navy willplates for tests in the Namib Desert. deploy the Denel vehicle and weapons systems mainly to safeguard the coast and succeeded in Documents also reveal that WMF passed the rigorous tests from the Orange River to Kuneneopportunity to become a joint manufacturer of while the Werewolf MK11 could not comply with the patrol requirement.Reho Nedbank robbed Budget cuts affect foodbank Dirk Heinrich police had sealed off the building and been robbed. No other information was Marthina K. Mutanga the availability of logistics to backyard after the bank was broken in and given at the scene of the crime of what Distribution of food to alleviate support such an enormousManagers and staff of the commercial robbed. Unconfirmed information is that has been stolen, the amount of money poverty through the food bank, Nedbank, in the Rehoboth Shop- the criminals gained access to the bank involved or damage done. has not yet reached the 14ping Mall were tight-lipped as to what through the roof. Permission to look in regions in the country because “We are also receiving dona-happened in the early hours where a the inside of the bank or the damage done Senior officials of the bank in Rehoboth of the budget cuts that the gov- tions from different organisa-possible night burglary took place yes- was not granted. referred the media to the head office in ernment put in place last year. tion who are willing to helpterday, 1 February. Windhoek. They told the media that the with the project, some are People at the scene had no information public relations department will issue a The public relations officer of donating food items and some The doors of the bank were closed and and only had heard that the bank had press release. Ministry of Poverty Eradica- are donating money to the tion, Lot Ndamanomhata, said foodbank, ‘said Ndamanoma-Staple food prices decrease the roll out of the food bank hata. The ministry is currently to other parts of Namibia will distributing monthly parcels Staff Reporter to improved rainfall over the maize pro- N$5,000 a short while ago. be decided later, because they taking into consideration theMonday will see reduced prices on staple duction areas in Southern Africa, as well Wheat prices are currently inexpensive need to assess how the project nutritional value needed tofood like maize and rice effective from 7 as the improvement of the Namibian Dol- went in the Khomas Region, supplement household foodFebruary after Namib Mills in a move that lar (N$) against the United States Dollar because Eastern Europe and Russia have and parts of Windhoek are also requirements.was lauded by consumers on the Inform- (US$). Most soft commodities are exposed been consistent with supplying wheat in not yet covered.anté Facebook announced that maize and to the exchange rate, the improvement the past few years. According to Ndamanom-rice will be between 12% and 6% cheaper of the Namibian Dollar (N$) against the Ndamanomhata said the hata, a food parcel containsafter the weekend. United States Dollar (US$) has made these The local drought in Namibia during expansion to the other regions items with a market value of products’ raw material more affordable. 2015/16 resulted in a very small Mahangu will only follow after assessing N$550, comprising 1 packet of Namib Mills CEO, Ian Collard said Top However after prices sky-rocketed in harvest which necessitated imports from and monitoring the pilot phase 10kg maize meal, 6 tins 400gScore maize meal will be 12% cheaper, 2016, following the drought, improved abroad. The only excess Mahangu produc- in Windhoek. fish, 4 X 300g corned meat,while Rice King will be 7% cheaper and rainfall across Southern Africa, has ing country is India. Rice prices also de- 750ml cooking oil, 2 X 500gthe price of Sugar King will remain the boosted sentiment for a high maize crop creased due to the strengthening currency. The food bank and the beans, 4 packets yeast, 2,5kgsame. However, Bakpro Baking Flour, in 2017, thus the “supply and demand” Rice is imported from Asia. provision of food to the most bread flour, 2kg brown sugar,Pasta Polana and Meme Mahangu will see is better balanced, resulting in lower raw vulnerable are one of many in- and 750g soap. The distribu-a drop of 6% in price. maize prices. Current levels for White Sugar prices remain the same as terventions in the war against tion of the food items will be Maize ex-Randfontein in South Africa Namibia cannot benefit from decreased poverty initiated by President done on a scheduled monthly Namib Mills said price decreases are due are around N$3,500 per ton, compared to international landed prices due to South Dr Hage Geingob. basis, to the beneficiaries, Africa failing to reduce the import duties, using the street committees, as prescribed in the sugar duty formula of Geingob revealed during his strict measures and monitoring SACU. State of Nation address last will be done on on-going basis year that more than N$129 to track undeserving persons million was allocated for the who are benefiting, using the construction of a food bank street committees. under the Poverty Eradica- tion Ministry. About N$39 The roll-out to the other million was allocated for the constituencies in Khomas 2016/2017 financial year, while Region was planned to start by another N$39 million was the end of December. There- budgeted for the 2017/2018 after the programme will be financial year. More than N$50 rolled out to the towns outside million will be allocated for the Windhoek. 2018/2019 financial year Ndamanomhata could not Windhoek was selected say how much the government for the pilot project due to has spent so far on this project.
4 NEWS 02 February - 08 February 2017IMPORT DUTYNamibian chicken imports will be affected GIPF opens at B1 CityON EU CHICKENSProvisional Payment of 13,9% duty on imported frozen bone-in chicken from the Eba Kandovazu The fund is home to 135 000 mem-European Union (EU) is now a reality. The Government Institutions Pension bers and the newly introduced system Fund (GIPF) has inaugurated a new includes a queue management system, Maria Immanuel Commission (ITAC) concluded the the poultry industry as contained office in the B1 City Shopping Centre aimed at minimising waiting times, investigation and the Minister of in the government gazette notice last week. The fund also unveiled re- a communicator, aimed at managingSACU has implemented safeguard Trade and Industry in that country 79/2015. The gazette allows Namib- vamped reception and client services member communication, a feedback measures on chicken imported approved the safeguard measure ia to import maximum of 1 500 tons area at the head office. solution- receiving feedback from cli-from the EU on 15 December 2016. provisional payment, effective of chicken products per month. ents on service delivery and a contentThe safeguard measure imposes a as from 15 December 2016. The The new office will offer services management system.provisional duty payment of 13,9% provisional payment of 13,9% is to Namibia’s poultry consumption such as pension enquiries, pensionon frozen bone-in portions of fowls be implemented for 200 days, and is estimated to be approximately advice, biometric registration and “These systems will effectively man-of the species Gallus Domesticus will come to an end on 3 July 2017. 3 000 tons per month. Currently, verification, benefit statements, in- age then time of our members spent(chicken), classifiable in the tariff After the 200 days has lapsed, it Namibia’s only poultry factory, come statements as well as submission in queues while waiting to be assisted.subheading 0207.14.9, originating will be up to the minister of Trade Namib Poultry Industry (NPI), sup- of documents. The Chairperson of the This project will be implemented inin or imported from the EU. and Industry in RSA to decide for plies about 1 200 tons of chicken to GIPF Board, Goms Menette, stated phases, starting with the head office extension or not. the domestic market and the deficit that the move is in conjunction with and thereafter the regional offices,” Chicken from the EU is normally is imported. Over 60% of NPI the fund’s overall strategy, focusing on Menette said.imported duty free into the SACU Frozen bone-in portions of fowls production is IQF or frozen bone-in enhanced service delivery and becom-market as provided for under the of the species Gallus Domesticus is portions. Namibia’s importers will ing an innovative organisation. Menette stated that GIPF will alsoSADC-EU Economic Partnership also known in layman as braai pack be affected by the safeguard meas- be operating between 13h00-14h00,Agreement. After almost two years or Individually Quick Frozen (IQF). ure provisional payment of 13.9% to cater for those who are only able toof investigation, the South African Namibia currently implements when they import chicken products visit during lunch hour.International Trade Administration Quantitative Restriction (QR) on from the EU. UPGRADE: GIPF Chairperson Goms Menette, GIPF CEO David Nuyoma and General Manager of HR and Administration Ernest Liswaniso cutting the ribbon Photo contributed Photo for illustrative purposes only.Three wind turbinesfrom China Dirk Heinrich The three wind turbines will be erected on a ridge N$20 000 WINNER DREAMS OFIn partnership with the Lüderitz town council the east of the town and at the moment a lot of blasting is TRAVELLINGcompany Ombebo Energy is busy erecting three wind being done for the foundations. The huge wind turbinesturbines east of Area 7 in Lüderitz. will be anchored in rocks. The turbines and blades are Annezorcia Mlunga (centre), 27, a resident from Ongwediva and a regular Informanté being manufactured in China and shipped to Lüderitz. reader won herself N$20 000 by getting one of the lucky numbers. Last week the nine blades for the turbines arrived The blades arrived late last Tuesday with the cargo ship An accountant by profession, Mlunga says she intends to save the money and travelby ship in the harbour town and Norman Nendongo, Beautriumph in the southern harbour town and were in December. She expressed her gratitude towards Legal Shield and Informanté forbusiness developer from Innosun and Ombebo Energy offloaded on Wednesday. granting her a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and making her dreams of travelling asaid that the three towers, which will be manufactured reality. Mlunga added that she never misses Informanté and gets it from the Trustcoin Spain, will arrive in March. The construction of the While electricity from solar panels can only be pro- Ongwediva branch.three wind turbines should be completed in June or July duced during the day, wind energy is available during Grab yourself a copy of Informanté every Thursdays and stand a chance of winningthis year. Another four wind turbines are planned for the day and night. But here too nature cannot be con- N$10 000 or N$20 000 if you are a Legal Shield member!!Elizabeth Bay south of Lüderitz. Nendongo said and the trolled and deliver wind or sun constantly. If it is cloudyoutput of each turbine is 2MW. The combined planned no energy from the sun is available. If no wind is blow- Best learners rewardedoutput at Lüderitz is 5MegaWatt. ing no blades will be moved and no electricity produced. In Lüderitz the wind blows more than 300 days per year. The small wind farm at Lüderitz is part of the Nam-Power project utilising sustainable renewable energy to Eba Kandovazu “The ministry, together with its part-produce electricity. The Lüderitz wind farm is the only FOR the 2017 academic year 7 772 ners realise the importance of promot-one producing wind-generated energy while in other learners have been admitted to tertiary ing, teaching and learning through aca-towns solar energy is being used. The construction of institutions, a big improvement since demic excellence in order to encouragethe access road started already in October last year. The 2015, which saw 6 056 tertiary admis- the Namibian child to continue to excelLüderitz town council made the land available for the sions. This was said by the Minister of in their studies,” Himarwa of the wind park and are now partners in Education, Katrina Hanse-Himarwathe project with a stake in equity shareholding. during the 2016 JSC and NSSC prize Approximately 375 prizes were giving ceremony, held in the Capital awarded to the best candidates, ofWIND POWER: Blasting near the town of Lüderitz where a small wind farm will be erected. Photo: Dirk Heinrich today. Himarwa said that Grade 10 which 50 012 learners set for Grade results have also improved, standing at 10, full-time and part-time and 65 863 55,7%, as opposed to the grades of 2015 learners set for Grade 12 full-time and which stood at 54,3%. part-time examinations. She stated that the prize giving The minister further encouraged the ceremony was aimed at acknowledging learners who did not make it to tertiary and handing over prizes to the learners institutions, stating that education is a and Directorates of Education, Arts and lifelong process. She added that educa- Culture who have excelled in the 2016 tion should not only focus on academic Grade 10 and 12 national examinations results, but put emphasis on creative as well as recognising teachers’ efforts. thinking, independent problem-solving and decision making as well as artistic and talent identification.
02 February - 08 February 2017 6 1368297 33 1 1354890 33 3 1381634 33 6 1364992 33 6 1377601 33 ADVERT 5 WINNING REMINDER NUMBERS THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on Your Community NEWSPAPERyour number The bearer of this newspaper is authorised by Trustco to sell it at any price between N$4 - N$10 for his/her own benefit. There can be no true freedom for all without true prosperity for all. FIND THE UNCLAIMED NUMBER AND WINCONGRATULATIONS Miss Annezorcia MlungaN$ 20 000 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 411-60125-1 | 14-65856-1 | 06-56452-1 13-104543-2 | 6-96510-2 | 15-67069-2 1-115005-3 | 6-131537-3 | 6-142224-3 6-174164-4 | 6-173190-4 | 15-153258-402-29273-1 | 03-30936-1 1-75628-2 6-110014-3 | 1 117952 3 13-186662-4 | 14-186859-4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 815-193269-5 | 6-213595-5 | 15-197166-5 6-263397-6 | 1-23945-6 | 13-269868-6 6-293392-7 | 6-297187-7 1-104543-8 | 15-96510-8 | 1-67069-814-229750-5 |15-190382-5 3-244274-6 6-75628-8 | 14-355 900-8 WEEK 11 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 12 1-450947-11 | 14-481726-11 | 6-464257-1113-395689-9 | 6-382907-9 | 15-359514-9 6-415206-10 | 1-409719-10 | 6-432381-10 1-493317-12 | 6-517582-12 | 15-488505-126-381326-9 6-420676-10 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 6-620622-15 | 11-644428-15 | 1-608904-15 6-632333-15 | 6-612902-15 8-683047-16 | 6-659838-16 | 3-654515-166-554570-13 | 3-531983-13 | 13-564120-13 1-567371-14 | 11-601661-14 | 1-569246-141-525884-13 WEEK 19 WEEK 20 WEEK 18 WEEK 17 4-780874-19 | 12-809719-19 | 6-792512-19 6-841546-20 | 3-820206-20 | 6-827985-20 13-769201-18 | 1-733653-18 | 6-748700-18 1-817770-2011-726532-17 | 12-727143-17 | 6-721715-17 6-754574-18 | 11-767713-18 WEEK 236-716076-17 | 14-729687-17 WEEK 24 WEEK 22 6-959516-23 | 1-939729-23 | 6-955656-23 WEEK 21 13-976425-23 | 6-949788-23 11-1015406-24 | 6-1005582-24 | 1-978653-24 1-897145-22 | 6-913077-22 | 6-904914-22 6-989006-24 | 6-987359-246-873103-21 | 6-884695-21 | 8-889215-21 13-933556-22 | 6-924083-22 WEEK 2711-890402-21 | 1-855644-21 WEEK 28 WEEK 26 11-1138537-27 | 6-1117840-27 | 3-1133948-27 WEEK 25 6-1123028-27 8-1178290-28 | 13-1182652-28 | 6-1160104-28 6-1073498-26 | 6-1078233-26 | 1-1061515-26 6-1153306-286-1035687-25 | 4-1052981-25 | 6-1039707-25 6-1066478-26 | 5-1094581-26 WEEK 311-1020684-25 | 6-1048073-25 WEEK 32 WEEK 30 1 1272195 31 | 4 1301032 31 | 12 1306040 31 WEEK 29 3 1299974 31 | 6 1274370 31 2 1339407 32 | 5 1343246 32 | 3 1340694 32 6 1239007 30 | 6 1241610 30 | 11 1263883 30 6 1321132 32 | 6 1335627 323 1217852 29 | 6 1203755 29 | 1 1189401 29 5 1231083 30 | 6 1238606 305 1219418 29 | 6 1192843 29Visit Informanté’s Facebook page for more details on how you can win, how you can claim your prize as well as all the Ts & Cs
6 EDITORIAL 02 February - 08 February 2017 RETRO SPECTIVE NGHIDIPO NANGOLOPay attention to PIC OF THE DAYthe youth Mosul, Iraq; A displaced child waits behind a fence after arriving at a People’s Mobilisation Forces camp west of Mosul.The ‘official’ unemployment rate in Namibia now stands Photograph: theguardian.comat less than 30 percent, which represent about 700 000people and in that total youth unemployment is about THE FIRST DEFENCE45 percent, roughly 300 000. Constitution Day is once again ap- turnout, much larger than is usual for the Congress. This figures clearly indicates that the youth is in dire proaching, and as we marvel once United Kingdom. People are not apathetic This lack of democracy – the lack ofstraits, affected by unemployment, lack of skills (unem- again at its remarkable role in our sov- to politics – especially when they believeployable) and high failure rate which forces about 20 000 ereign, secular, democratic and unitary they’ll be able to make a difference. In the a voice! – provided the impetus for theof them on the streets every year. They could become a state that secures for us all justice, liberty, aftermath of the Brexit vote, all political Brexit vote and President Trump. Butthreat to the country’s development as a consequence of equality and fraternity, we should cast our parties in the UK experienced an increase before we get complacent, we should con-lack of access to alternative skills education, as they are eyes abroad. Because while we recognise in membership, and this moved the UK up sider that the same can and will happenstill majority of the about 2,3 million population. This that the inherent dignity and of the equal to 16th place in the Democracy Index. here. We’ve seen it start in South Africa,can be attributed to the imperfections in the design of the and inalienable rights of all members of with lower voter turnouts and the rise ofeducation governance structures and employment creation. the human family is indispensable for And yet somehow the media and the the EFF. Namibia’s scores on the Democ-The predicament is that the youth portfolio is detached freedom, justice and peace, it seems that politicians have interpreted these results racy Index for Functioning of Govern-from alternative skills training and welfare. our young republic needs to cast its eyes as a ‘backlash against the democratic ment is a mere 5.36, showing a lack of upon its older siblings, to see where they order’ and a threat to liberal democracy. confidence, and our score for Political Education is virtually centralised, while other key play- went wrong, and how we can keep from What an odd interpretation. The voters Culture is also low at 5.63. We’ve alreadyers, notably regional and local governments, are removed following in their worrying path. defied the politicians, and this is a threat seen the signs – the low voter turnout forfrom the responsibility of the youth. These problems can to democracy? Perhaps it should be seen local and regional government elections,be partly deciphered if the governance of municipalities, The Economist Intelligence Unit’s as a vindication of democracy – these for example.whose mandates are restricted to collecting rates, share Democracy Index for 2016 was released, votes were the consequence of the failingsresponsibilities with the centralised education authority in and Namibia scored 6.31, 71st in the list, of modern democracy, not the cause of it. In countries with a dominant singletheir respective areas and regions. and is ranked as a ‘Flawed Democracy.’ party, like Namibia or South Africa, those Perhaps more surprisingly, is that the This is because over the past 50 years, in power too can become complacent, The youth need libraries, sports grounds, playgrounds, venerable institution hailed at the model the political parties have been changing. and lose touch with the issues voters carerecreation and study centres across the country. These for participatory democracy, the United As they started to lose touch with their about. With a declining trust in govern-amenities are non-existent at the local level, in villages States, has dropped a few places on the constituents, the voters, they’ve tried to ment, the same sudden challenge from theand growth points. There’s also an acute lack of vocational list – and is no longer classified as a ‘Full regain ground lost by edging closer to the electorate will come forward, and just liketraining centres and decentralised youth programmes. A Democracy,’ but also now a flawed one, centre – to the government voted in. Their the UK and the USA, the political elite,developing country like Namibia needs both white and ranked 21st alongside Italy. views began to diverge from the voters unused to having their worldview chal-blue collar workers, and the youth could play a major role they neglected and left behind. In these lenged, won’t know what to make of it.if given the opportunity. While it would be simple to ascribe this countries, the old left/right divide in poli- drop to the election of President Trump, tics began to mean less and less, as the There they blame popular ignorance The country is effectively nurturing a generation that will the reality is that this slump in its rating issues voters cared about were ignored, and xenophobia. Secretary Clinton calledfall for anything destructive. The Ministry of Youth needs is not due to his election, but rather that and parties split on issues they themselves them the ‘basket of deplorables.’ Theyto play a pivotal role as the main player in mentoring the his election is the result of a slump in its cared about, but not the voters. call it a backlash against the democraticyouth into business and skills training, apart from the democratic values. Indeed, the US elec- order – and some are even arguing thatNational Youth Service. tion results and the Brexit vote have both As a result, voters felt they no longer democracy is thus not working, and that it been described as the surprises of the year had much of a say in government – it was is wrong to trust ordinary people to make The youth are the victim of circumstances that can be for democratic countries, and yet they had by the parties, for the parties. The failing political decisions. Unfortunately, thisevaded, such as family breakdowns, destitute parents, two opposing effects on the rankings of of that democratic model became evident reeks of a new institutionalised aristoc-diseases such as Aids, drugs, and crime. The problem is its respective countries. in voter apathy – lower and lower turnout racy that wants to decide what’s best forcompounded by a lack of facilities where they can refine at elections. This had a corrosive effect you, without your input.skills they need to subsist in a harsh environment of greed, In the United Kingdom, the Brexit on confidence in government. Fewer thancorruption and self-centeredness. vote encouraged political discussion 1 in 5 American surveyed believe that How does that respect or recognise and participation to an extent not seen the government can be trusted to do what inherent dignity the equal and inalienable Law enforcement faults the youth for all the ills, but in decades, culminating in a 72% voter is right, and only 9% had confidence in rights of all members of the human fam-never makes a case against the symptoms that lead to their ily? Does that sound like it is promot-behaviours. Politicians hold the youth liable for crime ing freedom, justice and peace? Theywithout citing any inclusive national programmes aimed at say power corrupts, and absolute powergiving them a better future. corrupts absolutely. Those in power will contrive of the means or reason to remain Indeed, the youth have become a political ball, kicked there should they lose the consent of thearound to score political points. There could be a way governed. It is why we have our constitu-out. Their development should be anchored on education, tion, the safeguard against misuse of thewelfare and skills training to guarantee better opportunities power we grant our government. And thatfor their future. is why we must always remember that the first line of defence for the constitu- EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER tion remains, and always will be, We the People. • The newspaper’s views are not necessarily those of our advertisers and the views aired in letters are not Desmond P van Heerden, HonsBComm necessarily those of the newspaper. (Stell) is the Chief Analytics Officer of Trustco Group Holdings Ltd. Previous ar- • Informanté publishes all advertisements in good ticles available online at http://toi.hopto. faith and cannot be held liable for any misrepresen- org/. He can be contacted at DesmondV@ tation, losses or injury to any reader making use of the products or services advertised. Newspaper registration: 06/01/119 • Printed by Word Press, Windhoek, Office +264 83 100 1000 • 260 000 copies distributed monthly to all major Namibian towns • Headquarters: Trustco House, 2 Keller Street, Windhoek, Namibia • Contact: Tel. 061 275 4102/8 Fax. 061 275 4090 Email. [email protected] • Electronic:
02 February - 08 February 2017 EDITORIAL 7 All roads lead to Omhedi FlipsideKING MANDUME CHRIS JACOBIECENTENARY CONSTITUTION DAYThe excitement is palpable. Cultural groups are conducting intensive rehearsals.Residents -- young and old -- are dusting off their old traditional garments orbuying new ones.Mandume Ya Ndemufayo with colonial soldiers. Photos: National Archives of Namibia Not everything in Namibia is or House, Judiciary and organs should be political because it of the state accepted it with Placido Hikukilwa will make brief statements before Mandume statue at Ondjiva was camouflages national challenges the full knowledge of greater Queen Nelumbu takes to the also planned for this day but and keeps the different levels of constitutional powers and theThe centenary commemoration podium to deliver a speech, it seems the Angolan side has administration in ignorance and at burden of expectations of every of King Mandume Ya followed by the keynote address by postponed the event because the risk of public contempt for failure Namibian or at least of 87% ofNdemufayo’s death is upon us. President Geingob. statue is apparently not ready. of service delivery. the voters who have done their The black granite gravestone constitutional duty. All roads now lead to the Omhedi Geingob will also unveil the of Mandume Ya Ndemufayo at FOR guidance, Namibians havePalace of Queen Martha Nelumbu King Mandume statue, while Heroes’ Acre. to look no further for comfort In celebrating 9 February 1990,where the much anticipated Ambassador Hadino Hishongwa is in challenging times than the Namibians have all the right tocommemoration kicks off tasked to deliver a vote of thanks. Constitution that was adopted on expect the change that they votedtomorrow. 9 February 1990 and that laid the for, because they trust Dr Geingob, A gala dinner will take place later foundation for Independence a few because of his track record during Thousands of people from all the evening where valuable and days later on 21 March 1990. the liberation struggle, thewalks of life, and from all corners rare items will be auctioned off, constitutional process and as theof Namibia, are expected. says Udjombala. It kept the Namibian House founding prime minister, to deliver together over the past 27 years on behalf of Namibia as President Commemorative events kick According to him, religious and navigated Namibia through of Transformation and unity inoff this Friday and will last till activities and cultural performances an ever-changing world and purpose.Monday. will be the predominant features on the insecurities that change Sunday. sometimes bring. The enduring Constitutional Day on 9 February According to the coordinating quality of the Constitution is that is the reminder of the Namibiansecretary of the preparatory On Monday, queen Nelumbu and over time, the Supreme Law itself rock of ages from where freedomcommittee, Josia Udjombala, her entourage will travel to Oihole, was amended to serve the national and justice are defended, byFriday is put aside for cultural in southern Angola, to lay a wreath interest. treating fellow Namibians as freeperformances and the launching by on Mandume’s tomb. and with a right to justice andQueen Nelumbu of a book on the The strength of the Supreme equality. Rights that Namibianshistory of Ovakwanyama. The unveiling of another law is that the then Chairman of don’t give, are rights that they the Constitutional Committee, cannot claim. The main activities will then take The decapitated body of Mandume Ya Ndemufayo. Dr Hage Geingob, became theplace on Saturday. Third President of the Republic It is all the more reason to of Namibia after he engineered celebrate the resilience and the Members of the public are the constitutional third- guiding light of the Namibianexpected to arrive early and be term-amendment with a near constitution during the next fewseated at or before 08h30. unanimous support by Namibians days. to right a constitutional wrong for Ministers, ambassadors and the Founding President, Dr Sam The tens of thousands of familiesheads of traditional authorities Nujoma. It set the stage for a term whose lives improved in the mostare expected to arrive at 09h00 limitation, even for his own. difficult economic times with afollowed by the arrival of former devastating drought and manypresidents Hifikepunye Pohamba But, again, due to political more thousands who receive foodand Sam Nujoma at 09h30 and infighting and political from the food bank, the abject09h35 respectively. camouflage, the real significance poor and marginalized are those of the amendments is Namibian citizens who are the President Hage Geingob underappreciated. backbone of the Constitution,will arrive at 09h40 and will because they keep the peace byimmediately be briefed by the A grave injustice and enduring and they are the veryqueen inside the palace, before constitutional oversight was same Namibians who walk formoving to the venue of the official corrected and the universal kilometres to vote, waiting forcommemoration a few metres suffrage that was denied the hours in lines to vote, becauseaway. After welcoming remarks by Founding Father when he they trust and they hope.Ohangwena Regional Governor was elected by the NamibianUsko Nghaamwa, historian and Parliament to lead the new nation Democracy, peace and thelinguist Abednego Nghifikua will onto the world stage on 21 March constitution are in the hands ofmake a presentation on the history 1990, was restored by the will of the most loyal of citizens andof Ovakwanyama, followed by the the people with the third term they deserve a monument forlaunching of the King Mandume elections. their contribution to war, peacestamp and postcards by NamPost. and independence through their The constitution was again support of the principles of the The governor of the southern amended to give additional powers constitution.Cunene province of Angola, to the President to improveGeneral Kundi Paihama, and the administration and transformation A National Day is a smallChairperson of the Council of of service delivery to include and gesture that will be a giant leapTraditional leaders in Namibia, benefit all Namibians and that for the Namibian nation whereKing Immanuel Kauluma Elifas, was endorsed by the historic all in the Namibian House can vote of near 90% for Namibia’s commemorate and celebrate, Third President, Dr Hage Geingob. because they are the light in the His mandate is his duty and tunnel for all future generations to Namibians expect 100% support come. from his appointees to discharge their constitutional duties to It is not all politics. It is in the deliver justice, freedom and national interest of a great nation equality for all. and in service of an even brighter future. When voters cannot replace bad appointees and leaders that In the end, it will be an historic undermine government and the and unique demonstration of leadership, it does not mean respect for the hand that cast amnesty. It is rather an additional the vote that keeps Namibia responsibility of any ruling party independent. and their candidates to act against political and financial conspirators Many of the countries and on behalf of the victims who are societies in turmoil would have the citizens. taken the steps to safeguard and honour their Constitutions if they Those who accepted presidential would have the choice and would appointments in Cabinet, State give anything for even a week of peaceful Namibia.
8 BUSINESS 02 February - 08 February 2017BUSINESSMARKET RECAPWEEKLY market review Financial product to beat the Janu-worry blues 25 January 2017 - 31 January 2017 TRUSTCO BANK’S NSX STOCKS CODE PRICE % VOLUME VALUE ‘JANU-WORRY’ GUARD NAMIBIA BREWERIES NBS 29.30 4.98 701 20.372 17.65 0.28 54 945 It will now become a thing of the past for the January dilemma when people BANK WINDHOEK BWH 21.10 - 02 don’t have money when they return from the December holidays, broke after HOLDINGS LTD spending lavishly on festivities and left without money for back-to-school funds and to buy household necessities.DOWN UP ORYX PROPERTIES ORY 10.13 - - LIMITED BVN 4.00 - 456 1,833 BIDVEST NAMIBIA LIMITED TRUSTCO GROUP TUC / TTO HOLDINGS LIMITED NICTUS HOLDINGS - NHL 2.00 - -- NAMIBIA FNB NAMIBIA HOLDINGS FNB 47.62 (0.13) 0 17- LTD NICATGURSAHLOTLDDINGS - NHALGR 2.101.45 - (0.68) - 22 131 32COMNMAMOIDBIIATIES PRICE PRICE % GLOBAL INDICES %BRENT CRUDE OIL 55.70 0.47 NSX Local 547 -GOLD 1,208.60 (0.14) NSX All Share 1,109 -PLATINUM JSE Top 40 46,171 (0.37) 999.25 0.21 S&P 500 2,279 (0.05) UK FTSE 100 7,099 (0.72)FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRICE % Euro Stoxx 50 3,231 (1.55) Hang Seng 23,361 1.79N$ per US$ 13.38 0.70N$ per £ 16.95 1.19N$ per ¢ 14.55 1.33Namibia Breweries leads the market this has rebounded by about 20%. This is good week, with growth of 4,98% in its share news for Namibia, with the Husab Uraniumprice, closing at N$29,30 per share. Bank mine poised to become operational this year.Windhoek Holdings came second, closing at The price of uranium has been in freefallN$17,65 per share with growth of 0,28%. In since the 2011 Fukushima incident in Japan,terms of volume, Namibia Breweries leads but nuclear power kills the least amount ofas well, with N$20,3 million worth of shares people per terawatt hour, according to Worldtraded. Trustco Group Holdings was second Health Organisation sources. Globally, aboutin volume traded, with N$1,8 million worth 100 people die for each terawatt-hour ofof shares changing hands. With the election electricity produced by coal, 36 from oil, fourof US President Donald Trump and his from natural gas, 0,44 for rooftop solar andnuclear-friendly rhetoric, and Kazakhstan’s 0,04 from nuclear.Kazatomprom announcing that it would Market quote of the weekreduce production by 10%, it appears that the “A successful man is one who can lay a firmuranium market has bottomed out, and is foundation with the bricks others have thrownresurging. Since the start of the year, uranium at him.” - David BrinkleyConstruction workers get ON THE BALL: Local business and bankers at Trustco Bank Cocktail dinner. The CEO of Oshakati Town10% increase Staff Reporter for employers to further increase the mini- Council Werner Iita, Trustco Regional COO Katrina Basson, the Mayor of Oshakati Angelus Iyambo, Alber- mum wages in the construction sector. She tus Reyneke the COO of Trustco Bank and Ruusa Ndungula Senior Business promoter during Trustco BankFollowing a Collective Agreement between stated that the unavailability of work in the engagement function in Oshakati. Photo: Maria Davidthe Construction Industries Federatin (CIF) sector and serious cashflow crises has forcedand the Metal and Allied Namibian Workers businesses to cut costs and retrench workers. Maria David victims of loan sharks. Individu- Furthermore, Reyneke hasUnion (MANWU), which had been signed als and companies are advised to encouraged people to start savingin July 2015, and enhanced in the Govern- This, according to her will enable businesses The Namibian-owned Trustco save with Trustco Bank’s Group from the beginning of the year inment Gazette, employees in the construc- to adhere to the legislated minimum wages Bank has blueprinted a new Scheme through their companies order to be paid out in Decembertion sector will now receive an increase of and minimum employment conditions with smart financial product whereby over a period of one year. The or January.10% in their wages. limited scope to reduce salaries. anyone will have the opportunity product requires a minimum to invest a minimum amount of of 20 members and the interest At the same time, Ruusa The current minimum wage for a labourer “Businesses cannot avoid but retrench more N$200 monthly that will yield re- is allocated as per number of Ndungula, Project Operator saidin the construction sector is now N$16,04 per individuals. However, as the nature of our sults after a year to relieve people members. that most of the people werehour. Employers would be required to adhere industry is cyclical, and as we will see better from the January and February not aware of the bank, but onlyto minimum wages and minimum employ- times again, it is important that we remain blues when they are broke. For example, 20 to 100 mem- hear about it. “Trustco Bank isment conditions in the construction industry, cognisant of the legislation that needs to be bers get 6,5% interest, 100 to a Namibian-owned bank and aseven with the large scale of retrenchments adhered to in our industry. Companies that In most cases people are 150 members get 6,75%, while a result they want to give peoplein the construction sector within categories operate in Namibia’s construction industry so desperate that they resort 150 and more members get 7% a chance to have service at anof skilled and semi-skilled artisans, health must be aware that adherence to the mini- to borrow money from non- interest. affordable rate.and safety standards, minimum protective mum wages and the minimum conditions traditional financial agenciesclothing, minimum productivity levels, living as promulgated in the Government Gazette, or requesting their employers At the networking event last At the same occasion, mayoraway allowances and service allowance. Bärbel remains a requirement,” Kirchner maintained. for salary advances. They are week, Trustco Bank’s Chief Op- of Oshakati Angelus IyamboKirchner, The consulting general manager of charged exorbitant interests on eration Officer: Operations and applauded Trustco Bank forthe CIF said that during an economic slow- Kirchner stated that increasing the cashflow the loans and sometimes become Business development, Albertus coming up with the new systemdown, CIF realises that it would be difficult in construction and using local Namibian Reyneke said that the investment that gives people the opportunity capacity for all upcoming projects would al- will yield positive results. to invest at a better rate. leviate the situation and avoid retrenchments in the industry. POLICING EXAM BASED CONTACT CLASS TIMETABLE TIME SUBJECT NAME (POLICING CERTIFICATE SEM I) SUBJECT CODE Venue: IOL Regional Offices 08:00-08:45 English Communication A POLC-ENG 1A Year: 1 09:00-09:45 Policing Law 1A POLC-PL 1A Semester: 1 & 2 10:00-10:45 Charge Office Administration POLC-COAA Mode of Presentation: LYNC 11:00-11:45 Investigative Principle 1A POLC-IP 1B Date: 4 February 2017 12:00-12:45 Investigation of Crime 1A POLC-IOC 1B TIME SUBJECT NAME (POLICING CERTIFICATE SEM II) SUBJECT CODE 01:00-01:45 English Communication 1B POLC-ENG 1B 02:00-02:45 Crime Prevention 1 POLC-CP 1 03:00-03:45 Policing Law 1B POLC-PL 1B 04:00-04:45 Investigative Principle 1B POLC-IP 1B 05:00-05:45 Investigation of Crime 1B POLC-IOC 1B Contact us today for more information: Call Centre +264 61 275 4444 • Email: [email protected] • Website:
02 February - 08 February 2017 BUSINESS 9 DBN encouragesequity participation transactionsSUCCESS RISES TO CHALLENGESIt is in times like these that entrepreneurs and business promoters ought to take stock of their circumstances and mapout a sustainable growth trajectory for their enterprises. Staff Reporter medium to long-term. flow is required. In this manner, corporate philosophy and GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICE: DBN This particularly includes robust enterprises with strong reserves can management skills and capacity. Senior Communications ManagerNamibia is currently facing grow their balance sheets, while Jerome Mutumba. Photo contributed multiple economic challenges. cashflow forecasting and tracking to enterprises that have underdeveloped In this regard, DBN may considerDrought, in some parts of the enable entities to identify challenges reserves can build their own balance financing of equity participation,country, volatile commodities in advance and respond appropriately. sheet. which may include managementmarkets, the changing market Cutbacks on unnecessary expenditure buy-outs to leverage capacity ofdynamics of our neighbours, Angola are a first response to circumstances, This approach must be considered employees.and South Africa, and a temporary but must preserve operational on a long-term basis, rather thanperiod during which government capacity as well as the strategic assets as a short-term measure to bridge The Bank will consider financingspending priorities are being in which an entity has invested. gaps. In addition to the long-term of particularly operating capital forrealigned are some of the uphill Ill-considered cutbacks will reduce nature of the equity transaction, the Namibian holders of equity, wherescenarios facing the country. the capacity of the enterprise with Bank advocates common purpose of the entity is engaged in development immediate effect, and will also have a the enterprises and complementary and servicing of projects identified in In such a dampened economic long-term impact on viability. terms of the initiative.environment the challengesfacing enterprises are to sustain Unless the enterprise has developed BERSEBA VILLAGE COUNCIL PHONE: +264 63 257033and strengthen assets and equity a cash reserve, growth should be PRIVATE BAG 2043 FAX: +264 63 257045on balance sheets, and sustain a secondary consideration, and KEETMANSHOOPoperations. The Development Bank approached with caution. Theof Namibia (DBN) advocates sound primary consideration should be BERSEBA VILLAGE COUNCILbusiness administration. Strong capital preservation and retention ofadministration is the basis for current capacity. Strong relationships PRIVATE BAG 2043 PHONE: +264 63 257033disciplined spending, and servicing with existing customers will be an KEETMANSHOOP FAX: +264 63 257045of debt and other commitments. asset. Although the first instinct ofIf commitments are not met, and the entrepreneur will be to maximiseif administration is not sound, profit, the most sound approach isenterprises run the risk of losing to offer value and understanding incapacity in a manner which will place order to preserve existing cashflow.them in difficulty situations to offsettheir financial obligations in the In order to preserve and even strengthen capacity, DBN encourages equity participation transactions between enterprises where cashBidvest profits down Enq: Ms N. Hangala Post: Accountant allocations,” the company said in a stock Duty Station: 1 x position at Berseba Village Council Staff Reporter exchange notice. Minimum requirements: § A Diploma in Accounting or an equivalent qualificationOne of the largest investors in the The company said various initiatives § Grade 12 with Accounting and Mathematics with a DNamibian fishing sector, Bidvest are being taken to increase efficienciesNamibia has forecast a dive in profit, and save costs. In the 2016 annual symbol passingcaused largely by its struggling fishing report, the company said although § Finstel experience will be an added advantagedivision. the group’s revenue increased by 9,2% Job Description to N$3,9 billion, its trading profit - The incumbent will assist the Village Secretary with The company anticipates basic decreased by 28%.earnings per share and headline the preparation of the annual budget (revenue andearnings per share for the half-year The company said horse mackerel expenditure) for consideration by council.ended 31 December 2016 to be down quotas were insufficient to fully utilise - Exercise overall control over all the monies of Council,between 77% and 82% year-on-year. its catching capacity, despite reducing oversee the issuing of receipts and banking. their horse mackerel fleet by two vessels. - Responsible for all payments of the Council to creditors. This was mainly due to losses incurredin the group’s fishing division. The fishing division faced significant challenges in the horse mackerel and “Bidvest Namibia’s fishing division is pilchard operations. These included lowfacing severe adverse external market market prices, the strengthening of thefactors and environmental conditions, Namibian dollar and declining pilchardas well as a shortage of own quota catches. - Responsible for the preparation of montly debtors accounts. - Attends to serious client queries regarding payments wrongly processed or not processed. - Complete and report monthly and quartely to the Council and the Ministry on all expenditure and income. - Issue clearance and valuation crtificates to customers on request. - Responsible for the handling of petty cash. - Reconciles Councils bank accounts on monthly basis.BUY 4. PAY FOR 3.- Ensure that effective credit control fBoruyseravnicyes3isselected - Rccbaoeernserptnireoomdnl semoitbue.lteasbufyorercostnthoteinepinorsueusprleayrteahtvaiaotlnustaaottifnedgcroieGmbdtjypioetorcoasetaiednvsdde4ysacetdhrhnaeeabddrvFiiettbRrerEacEne.diveed TYRnEotSeIsZEor jGoOuOrnDaYlsE.AR + TYRE SIZE GOODYEAR 7-.0A0Rtt1e6nd F1in17st/1e1l6LmDeUeRtAinMgAsX wTTith Finance Manager or 175/70R13 82T DURAGRIP ZA 195VRi1ll4aCge se10c6re/1t0a4rSyDtUoRAbMeAcXome acquainted with new 155/80R13 79T DURAGRIP ZA 11T1-978Y555RdtA///h767Een0e05vySRRReFI1o11Zli5o43ntEChpaemnrS18Ece60FAeo4HnFVf/MfEt1AIisNC0ca2iTaTanREAnlaN+dCdgSAueZrAeRAtrifSGeoiAnOsrFeoVGmri2lel6raenFgstIeps.oSnescirbeitlaitriey.s assgined by 195/65R15 EFFICIENTGRIP ZA 91V 195/60R15 88V EFFICIENTGRIP FP N-ECE 175/70R14 84T EFFICIENTGRIP COMPACT OT 195/55R15 85V EFFICIENTGRIP N-ECEOffer valid from 25 January – 28 February 2017. 205/75R15 97T WRANGLER AT/SA+ 11N65B55//:88I00nRRt11e33rest87e93dTT EFFECTA+ ZA submit their Curriculum 205R16C 110/108S WRANGLER AT/S aEFpFpEliCcTaAn+tsZsAhould Vitae stating relevant experience and certified copies of supportive documents to:Head Office: 061 237 850 Walvis Bay: 064 209 511 Rosh Pinah: 063 274 155 Oshakati: 065 221 360 Ondangwa: 065 240 151Windhoek Newcastle: 061 237 804 Otjiwarongo: 067 302 804 Swakopmund: 064 405 51C33h17ief ExecuMTtsiavuremieOenbtfaf:ilc:er006637 242 502 Gobabis: 062 562 607Windhoek Daimler: 061 234 101 Keetmanshoop: 063 223 357 Luderitz: 063 202 221 402 Rundu: 066 255 503 /TrentyreNamibia While stock of tyres last. Terms and conditions apply. Ask instorPe/fBoar gde2t0ai4ls3. Keetmanshoop FITTING AND BALANCINGTYRES • RIMS • BATTERIES • RETREADS • WHEEL ALIGNMENT •
10 COASTAL 02 February - 08 February 2017COASTAL Economic outlook paints grim picture for Walvis Bay Uranium explorationCOUNCIL UPHOLDS moratorium liftedDIVERSIFICATIONEconomic forecasts have been painting a grim picture of what can be expected in the future but indus- Staff Reportertrialisation will always count in favour of Walvis Bay. In its search for new foreign direct investment in Niel Terblanche “Being optimistic myself, I would much awareness on what should be done to avoid Namibia the Government announced the lifting of a rather prefer to focus on many opportunities the further spread of fires.” moratorium on new applications for uranium explora-The mayor of Walvis Bay, Immanuel Wil- that even a subdued economic climate can tion licences. fried, opened the first council meeting of offer. The potential for further industrialisa- Wilfried said leaders and administratorsthe year and said economists are optimistic tion is always going to count in our favour, we are often consumed by the multitude of The Ministry of Mines and Energy announced inabout a recovery to start towards the end of but we should not lose sight of the fact that problems experienced by residents. “During a statement that it is withdrawing the reservation ofthe year. a diverse economy will ultimately lead to the course of the year, we will be revisit- any area in Namibia from any prospecting and min- greater protection for all of us,” he said. ing and reviewing our strategic plan for ing operations in respect of nuclear fuel minerals. The DETERMINED: Mayor Immanuel Wilfried. the Port City. We will engage with various moratorium has been in place for the past ten years Photo contributed He said the time has come to exploit the stakeholders from time to time and keep our various prospects that the tourism and hos- residents up to date with the progress of our This came almost a year after the Namibian Minister pitality sector can offer as global travellers renewed efforts.” of Mines and Energy Obeth Kandjoze made a submis- continue to look at more affordable markets sion to Cabinet requesting approval for the removal of to spend their leisure dollars. According He said plans will revolve around improv- the moratorium. to Wilfried, citizens from the traditionally ing conditions for residents. He said synergy wealthy countries are thinking twice about is needed reach the goal and that more jobs The Chamber of Mines of Namibia had previously ap- travelling to other destinations because of are needed to create enough wealth to en- pealed to the Namibian Government to lift the morato- the crunch. able people to at least be able to afford their rium, saying it was counterproductive and closing doors own houses. to potential new investors in the uranium sector. “If we can make it attractive enough for them to visit Namibia, they will come to “We may differ Before the moratorium, Namibia had emerged as a our shores. I’ll leave the task of strategis- in many ways, new frontier for uranium investors, with local and inter- ing around the subject to all our experts and but as long as we national companies alike rushing in with applications stakeholders,” he said. stick to one vision and for uranium prospecting and mining in the country. pulling together in the The mayor on another note thanked same direction nothing The Husab Mine, one of the world’s largest uranium members of the community and officials can stop us from attain- mines, produced its first drum of uranium oxide in for opening their hearts towards victims of ing a much higher level of December last year. recent shack fires who were left destitute. success.” SIGNIFICANT: Husab Uranium Mine. Photo: Niel Terblanche He said the good Samaritans provided IMMANUEL WILFRIED tents, building material, food hampers, stationery for school going children, clothes Walvis Bay Mayor and bedding to the affected families. He asked local businesses and individuals to extend a helping hand to the families still affected by the loss of their belongings. “In educating our people, we should be able to prevent fires and be able to raiseHusab sets production goals memories, and the annals including the mine and all of the company and the stages of the processing Niel Terblanche Husab Uranium Mine Mine in Namibia is the first drum of yellow new vigour and vitality nation,” Chief Executive plant,” she said.With the production of and production plant set China’s single biggest cake equates to about to the ancient Namib De- Officer, Zheng Keping atits first yellowcake more its production goal at 15 investment in Africa. N$28 billion. sert. This is the historic a ceremony to mark the Muteka said the plantthan a month ago the million pounds of U3O8 moment that we have historical occasion. will continue to be opti- per year. Capital investment in “We can proudly de- been striving for, which mised during 2017, and the project from the start clare that the Husab mine will be engraved into our The first production the throughput will pro- The Husab Uranium until the production of is in production, bringing marks a significant gressively be ramped up milestone in develop- towards the target of 15IN PRODUCTION: Husab Uranium Mine. Photo: Niel Terblanche ment of the mine, which million pounds of U3O8 began more than ten years per year. ago. Following resource definition and preliminary Muteka said construc- engineering, and the ac- tion of the processing quisition of the company plant was largely complet- by CGN and CAD Fund, ed in the fourth quarter of construction of the mine, 2016, and commissioning processing plant and commenced immediately associated infrastructure afterward. began in 2012. Mining operations began in 2014, Meanwhile, Muteka removing overburden said, CGNPC has to expose the uranium- remained steadfast in bearing ores ready for its desire to see Husab the start of processing become a reality despite operations. During 2016, difficult short-term ura- over 100 million tonnes nium market conditions, of over-burden material and curtailment of pro- were removed. jects and retrenchments elsewhere. Beata Muteka, Brand Manager at Swakop She said the company is Uranium’s Husab Mine, set to be a significant con- said the China General tributor to the Namibia Nuclear Power Company national revenue through (CGNPC) and other Chi- royalties on sales and nese partners have a 90% corporate taxes. stake in the mine and the Namibian government- The life of the Husab owned Epangelo Mining mine is projected to last has 10%. for at least the next 20 years, with exploration “The first production continuing to define fur- marks the successful ther resources and provide operation of all sections job security and contin- of the production chain, ued economic and social contributions for years to come.
02 February - 08 February 2017 COASTAL 11 Mandy Dr Uumati committed to growth of blue economy Low cost pilot [email protected] project lauded ERONGO MARINE Hafunda APPOINTS MD Staff Reporter [email protected] Erongo Marine Enterprises announced the appointment of Dr Martha Uumati as its THE unusual and innovative new managing director. approach along with innovative Lavinia solutions to address the backlog in [email protected] FOR ALL YOUR ADVERTISING ACCOMPLISHED: Dr Martha Uu- Staff Reporter Namibia’s blue economy, particular- affordable housing for every Namib- ly the fishing sector and the numer- ian is starting to pay dividends with CALL 061 275 4178 | 061 275 4105 | 061 275 4102 Her appointment became effective ous communities that the industry some prototype houses almost ready on 1 February 2017 and follows supports. She combines impressive for delivery to some of the poorest the recent retirement of Erongo’s academic credentials with a wealth residents of Walvis Bay. previous managing director, Callie of practical, high level experience in Jacobs. The previous MD had an Fisheries Management. In this regard, the Minister of 18-year career with the company, Urban and Rural Development, where his dedication and commit- During and after her studies, Dr Sophia Shaningwa visited Walvis ment ensured that Erongo is now Uumati earned valuable experi- Bay to determine for herself what the regarded as one of Namibia’s most ence in a number of high-profile progress of a new low cost housing respected and progressive fishing roles in scientific research, aca- project being piloted in the harbour companies. demia and Namibia’s commercial town was. fishing industry. In addition to ex- Erongo Marine Enterprises is a perience as a Fisheries Biologist at The project saw 22 contractors each Namibian horse mackerel fishing the National Marine Information receiving the opportunity to con- company operating two dedicated and Research Centre in Namibia, struct two prototype low-cost houses mid-water trawlers that account she excelled as both a Marine Eco- each. Barely a month after the project for a combined annual catch of systems Acoustic Researcher and was launched most of the building approximately 60 000 tonnes. As Pelagic Fisheries Acoustic Scientist work has been completed. one of the largest fishing compa- at the Institute of Marine Research nies in Namibia and second-largest in Norway. At the launch of the project, Shan- employer in the horse mackerel ingwa referred to the International industry, it enjoys joint ventures Until her appointment as manag- Investors Conference in Windhoek with key empowerment partners in ing director of Erongo, Dr Uumati and said in terms of the Harambee Namibia. Horse mackerel is caught divided her time between her role Prosperity Plan the Government of and processed for sale in the Namib- as lecturer and researcher at the Namibia need to deliver at least 6 500 ian, South African and West African Namibia University of Science and serviced residential plots and 5 000 markets through trade agreements Technology and as co-founder of houses per annum to ensure that with its holding company, Oceana Avisha Investments, which aims all Namibians can live in their own Group, the largest fishing company to identify and address Namibia’s decent housing units. in Africa with dual listing on both pressing socio-economic issues, the JSE and NSX. creating sustainable empowerment “Walvis Bay was one of the selected solutions that alleviate poverty, and pilot sites for the Massive Urban Dr Uumati is committed to the promote broad-based economic Land Servicing Project and the sustainable utilisation and growth of inclusivity. momentum has been particularly impressive. We are here to witness the process of completion of a ground- breaking project in the construction of innovative prototype housing units which will ultimately pave the way for the eventual construction of about mati. Photo contributed Rössmund supports Rhino Trust Staff Reporter outstanding women with power and compassion, were DELIGHTED: Minister of Urban and The well-known South African pianist and television all invited to attend an executive breakfast at Rössmund. Rural Development, Sophia Shan- personality, Rocco de Villiers, collaborated with the The breakfast and golf event was a great success and has ingwa. Photo: Niel Terblanche businesswomen of Swakopmund to raise funds for become a highlight on Swakopmund’s social calendar – the Save the Rhino Trust at a time where poaching of with many already pledging their support for the event 2 000 new houses,” she said. these endangered animals has reached critical levels. in 2017. Since its inception in 2015, the event has seen The project entailed that each con- to financial support of between N$130 000 to N$150 000 As a commitment to support Save the Rhino Trust being raised in aid of SRT. Proceeds from this event go tractor appointed by the Municipality (SRT) in its mission to save one of the most majestic, directly to support Save the Rhino Trust. of Walvis Bay had the opportunity ancient and noble beasts of the wild from extinction, Hannelie Turner, Fundraising Manager at SRT ex- to construct houses on two erven at Rössmund Golf Course hosts a grand annual event to plained, “Community support has always been one of their own cost and risk. the benefit of Namibia’s black rhino population, the SRT the most important elements of our success. The SRT Corporate Golf Day. team has tremendous appreciation for the funding re- According to the minister a process Held in conjunction with the Golf Day, in 2016, Röss- ceived from Rössmund Golf Course, their sponsors and of evaluation will follow and if the mund decided to call upon Swakopmund’s matriarchal the businesswomen who support this event. It is initia- local authority and ministry are satis- leaders to help with the cause, and in November, the tives like these that allow us to continue our work and fied with the product, the contractors female business leaders of the coastal community, those save these magnificent creatures for future generations.” with the capacity to proceed will construct housing units on more than TICKLING IVORIES: Rocco de Villiers. Photo contributed 900 remaining erven. In the end people on the various waiting lists will then have the choice from a variety of house types and price ranges to suit their budgets. Prices for the prototype houses will vary between N$500 000 and N$300 000. The minister repeated her call on financial institutions to assist poten- tial beneficiaries with the necessary credit facilities to obtain the property once it becomes available for occupa- tion in June. “Even though the local and global economies have slowed down, we cannot afford to slow down progress. Government, as well as the regional and local authorities will have to do their part in facilitating this growth,” the minister said.
12 NORTHERN 02 February - 08 February 2017 Pesticides against armyworms might not be effective Money leads to murderCROPS IN DANGER Placido Hilukilwa DEVASTATING: Armyworm. Photo for illustrative purpose. Photo contributed A 36-year-old male resident of the Omandobe village in the OhangwenaThe Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry confirmed that the outbreak of different types of caterpillars has been Region is behind bars accused ofreported only in Omusati, Ohangwena, Kavango East and Kavango West regions which left a lot of crops damaged and murder following the death of hisdestroyed. friend on 26 January. Staff Reporter the fresh and soft leaves of young or out of their fields or from developing cobs at the milk stage. Naivela Festus Nghifikepunye is plants leaving it damaged. adjacent fields. Serious damage Such caterpillars are mostly likely accused of having fatally stabbedThe caterpillars destroys cereal was observed to be as a result of Jonas Shilongo Ndawedapo, 34, crops, mostly maize and peal According to the permanent Armyworm infestation, which to occur during raining season. following a fist fight at a local shebeen.millet in the said areas. secretary of the ministry, Percy concentrate on attacking and It was also reported recently Misika, farmers are advised to feeding on the foliage part of the It is alleged that Nghifikepunye The caterpillars are highly plough or dig deep trenches plant while Bollworms causes that invasion of Armyworms have owed Ndawedapo some money.polyphagous pest, which feed on around their fields to stop damage on the leaves and to the destroyed a lot of crops in South caterpillars from moving in Africa, which causes a threat to According to police spokesman food security in the country. Kaume Itumba, the deceased found the accused shooting dice at Hamukwataeendjedi shebeen and demanded his money. “If you have money for dice then you must have money to pay me back,” the deceased is reported as saying, kick-starting a quarrel that led to a fist fight and the eventual death. Ndawedapo was stabbed in the chest and died instantly. Nghifikepunye, who is also from the Omandobe village, was arrested the next day and has already appeared in the Oshakati Magistrate’s Court. The case was postponed to 13 April pending further police investigation. In a separate incident, an off-duty security guard was arrested at Oshikango accused of murder. It is alleged that Krempe Conias Simon, 30, shot and killed Lukas Joseph, 24, during the early morning hours of January 27. The incident happened near the Tulissanga Bar at Oshikango in the Helao Nafidi town. The police said Simon, who is employed by the King Nehale Security company, was off- duty but used his service pistol to commit the alleged crime. The police’s Kaume Itumba said they have yet to determine what led to the killing and how many shots were fired. Simon appeared in the Magistrate’s Court at Ohangwena and the case was postponed to 24 March. No bail was granted in both cases.Katenda rift deepens Omusati roads not safe for travellers Maria David to his church. Furthermore, the Maria David and scared to drive all night long or one can end up in the hospital orReverend Lukas Kaluwapa Katenda, members of the public has requested The road from Okahao, Oshikuku, since there are no warning signs and worse.”an ordained priest of the Anglican Leena Haufiku the Vicar-General Ogongo to Outapi needs a major the speed humps need to be fixedDiocese of Namibia, who recently and Samuel Kahxuhwena to vacate upgrade, according to travellers who The governor of Omusati regionresigned, is being asked by the the offices of the Diocese as soon as recently made use of the road and said The Roads Erginus Endjala said that the roads areMembers of the Anglican churches possible, so that Katenda can return. it is in a very bad condition. Authority needs really in a bad shape from Oshakatiand its sister churches to come back to do something to to Ruacana, but there is plan put in There are allegations that Haufiku Also, speed humps on the roads and improve gravel roads place to fix the road, already started NEEDED: Reverend Lukas Kaluwapa and Kahxuhwena are spreading lies in the Omusati region in general, are a as they are really last year from Onampila. What is, Katenda. Photo: Maria David and gossip about Katenda which as a great concern to travellers as they are bad compared to the however, more worrisome is the result lead to his resignation from the endangering the lives of many people tarred roads,” gravel road that connects Okahao and Anglican Church but not as a priest. using the roads as there are apparently Outapi which is in a bad shape, and no warning signs on the side of the ERGINUS ENDJALA also the road that connects Outapi “They should go and start their road to warn drivers. and Onesi. own church where they can be lie Governor of Omusati region and tarnish other people’s reputation According to Festus who travelled “The Roads Authority needs to do and spreading gossip,” said one of the the road recently, “I was devastated something to improve gravel roads as angry congregation members. they are really bad compared to the tarred roads,” said Endjala. “What did Katenda do, why don’t they just tell us the truth, Ever since DANGEROUS: The roads in Omusati region need maintenance. Photo contributed Haufiku and Kahxuhwena came in the Anglican Church things started going wrong and several priests and deacons were chased out of office due to these two people,” said a member. Apparently, the members of both the Anglican and sister churches in Namibia said they want Bishop Luke Lungile Pato to know the truth and not just listen to whatever he is told. They also requested the return of several priests and deacons that were removed without explanation or reasons, stating that Haufiku and Kahxuhwena should stop lying and leave. It was further alleged that Haufiku and Kahxuhwena have threatened to remove everyone that is showing support for Katenda. Katenda was unavailable for comment.
02 February - 08 February 2017 AFRICA 13 Africa should diversify from extractive economy to surviveCOMMODITY PRICES CRASHHITS AFRICAJust three years ago, most of the world’s fastest-growing economies were in Africa, among them Angola, Chad, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Nigeria,Rwanda and Sierra Leone. A middle class was emerging, led by young, tech-savvy entrepreneurs who bought flashy cars, new houses and the lat-est smartphones. Kingsley Ighobor ment mission to Zambia in March represents a significant shock for the cits, which is why Angola, Ghana recommends using proceeds from this year, has issued a bleak report: sub-Saharan African region, as fuels, and Zambia have received or are mining to boost jobs creation andAfrica’s impressive average “The Zambian economy is under ore and metals account for more than intensely negotiating for IMF bailout power supply and to construct roads, economic growth of around intense pressure,” he warns, calling 60% of the region’s exports,” notes loans. among other things.5%, over the 14 years to 2014, saw for action to regain macroeconomic the World Bank.economists toasting to the continent’s stability. Nigeria is overhauling its tax The Ugandan government hasdevelopment potential. Ordinary citizens feel the impact system to increase revenues, ag- scrapped gasoline and diesel subsi-Buoyed primarily by high commod- More than half of Zambia’s copper in currency depreciation and rising gressively fighting corruption and dies, suspended construction of newity prices and marginal exposure to producers are losing money, and inflation. The value of Nigeria’s recovering stolen money stashed in roads, banned nonessential foreignglobal financial markets, the African big players in the country such as naira fell from 150 to 450 naira to foreign banks, and at the same time travels and stopped the launch of aeconomy as a whole was largely un- Glencore, an Anglo-Swiss multina- the dollar between January 2014 and intends to borrow money from China new airline. Zambia is cutting sub-disturbed by the 2009 global financial tional and Luanshya Copper Mines, October 2016. and local banks. sidies on electricity and agriculturalcrisis. And steady flows of foreign a Chinese firm, have shut shops, investment assured a sustain- with thousands losing their jobs. The Sierra Leonean currency faced The country wants to sell off someable growth trajectory. The Zambian economy is currently the same fate, declining to 6,500 leo- of its national assets, including South Africa, whose largest exports growing at 3%, down from 7% in are iron ore, coal, gold and other During that period, China, India, 2014. Although some analysts see a “It is bad policies and bad minerals, is also affected by the fallBrazil and European countries rebound in the Chinese economy, in management that have brought us in commodity prices. While present-scrambled for a slice of Africa’s recent years China, which buys up to here,” ing the 2016 budget, finance ministerinvestment opportunities. The 40% of copper worldwide, has not Pravin Gordham said, “There is noBrookings Institution, a Washing- been able to afford huge purchases HERBERT M’CLEOD doubt that we are in crisis,” beforeton D.C.–based think tank, stated due to economic slowdown. announcing an unprecedented spend-in 2013 that it was a mistake not to Economist ing cut of 25 billion rand (about $1.7“take into account the current reali- Sierra Leone is grappling with billion). Liberia, Gambia and otherties of the emerging continent” and falling prices of iron ore, even as it nes to the dollar, from 5,000 leones energy and oil corporations. countries are also implementing vari-“leverage the potential that Africa recovers from the Ebola epidemic. a year ago. Africa’s most populous nation will ous austerity measures.presents as a market for American African Minerals, a London-regis-goods.” Even The Economist, a tered mines company, used to man- Nigeria’s currency depreciation “seek a dramatic shift from spending The 2015 study, The Effect ofusually restrained UK publication, age the iron ore mines in Tonkolili, means it has lost the right to call on recurrent expenditures to spend- Commodity Prices on African Eco-splashed an “Africa Rising” title on northern Sierra Leone, which are itself Africa’s largest economy. After ing on capital aspects of the budget,” nomic Growth by Hangnile Nathalieits 11 December 2011 cover, which worth over $1 billion. Tonkolili has rebasing (a process of adopting new said Udoma Udo Udoma, minister Olga Tiawara of St. Cloud Statedepicted a silhouette of a child flying the biggest iron ore deposit in Africa prices to measure a country’s GDP of budget and national planning. University, United States, found thata kite of an African map. and the third largest in the world. output) in 2014, the Nigerian econ- It officially declared a recession in commodity price changes are linked omy was reported to be worth $488 August after two quarters of negative to the pace of economic growth in FORTUNE REVERSAL In 2011 iron ore sold for $191 per billion. With the naira’s depreciation growth. commodity-dependent countries. In A precipitous crash in commodity tonne, but it fell to $45 per tonne in due to a decline in export earnings, short, when prices fall, these econo-prices is changing that upbeat Afri- June 2016. Faced with corruption the economy has shrunk to $296 Last March, Sierra Leone an- mies falter.can narrative. Already, Angola, Li- allegations and huge financial losses, billion, according to data released in nounced a 30% cut in recurrentberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Sierra Africa Minerals sold the mines in August by the IMF. government expenditures, suspended GOOD NEWS FOR SOMELeone, and Uganda — the African December 2015 to China’s state- financing for capital projects and the COUNTRIEScountries that depend most heavily owned Shandong Iron and Steel Skyrocketing prices of goods and purchase of official furniture, elimi-on commodities—such as oil, gold, Group. Mining is expected to resume services without a commensurate in- nated travel allowances for govern- The Economic Commission fordiamonds, bauxite, rutile, timber and by the end of 2016. crease in earnings could affect prices ment officials and began implement- Africa (ECA) has over the yearscopper—are in dire straits. of food and stoke social unrest across ing a 50% cut in vehicle maintenance been encouraging countries to indus- Economists also attribute this Iron ore is Sierra Leone’s economic Africa, experts fear. allowance, among other measures. trialize by diversifying away fromsudden reversal of fortune to other lifeline. “The iron ore price decline commodities and, at the least, to addfactors such as volatile global finan- affected macro-financial stability and AUSTERITY MEASURES However, Herbert M’cleod, a lead- value to their commodities. Formercial markets, weaknesses in global reversed the country’s remarkable Commodity-dependent countries ing Sierra Leonean economist, says, ECA executive secretary Carlosgrowth, particularly in China, Brazil positive growth trajectory,” main- are faced with huge budget defi- “It is bad policies and bad manage- Lopes repeatedly spoke about theand India, rising borrowing costs tains the African Development Bank. ment that have brought us here,” and paradox of countries’ importing To-and severe infrastructure constraints blerone chocolates from Switzerland(particularly of electricity supply) in “The fall in commodity prices when the continent produces 70%many countries. But it is the plunge of the world’s cocoa, from whichin commodity prices that has dealt chocolates are made.the most devastating blow. The price of oil plummeted from As oil-exporting countries deal$100 a barrel in 2013 to $26 a barrel with economic anxieties, low oilin February 2016, hovering around prices are good news for oil import-$50 a barrel in October. Without suf- ers like Kenya, Rwanda and Tanza-ficient oil earnings, Africa’s oil pro- nia. It means these countries spendducers, particularly Nigeria, Angola, less and can redirect excess fundsEquatorial Guinea, Libya, Algeria into critically needed infrastructureand Egypt, face serious economic such as roads, bridges and energy.head winds. Robust growth in these economies For Nigeria and Angola, Africa’s will continue, forecasts the Worldlargest producers, oil proceeds ac- Bank.count for more than 90% of exportsand over 70% of the national budget. Going forward, mitigating effortsWith low per-barrel prices, economic will require good financial man-growth in all of Africa’s oil-export- agement and increases in revenueing countries fell from an average of generation locally, experts say. “As5.4% in 2014 to an average of 2.9% countries adjust to a more challeng-in 2016. Consider that Angola gener- ing global environment, strongerated $60.2 billion from oil in 2014 efforts to increase domestic resourceand $33.4 billion in 2015, a signifi- mobilization will be needed,” sayscant drop in revenue that mirrors the Makhtar Diop, World Bank vice-situation in other countries. president for Africa. SIGNIFICANT SHOCK There may yet be a silver lining: Copper-producing countries experts expect the impact of currenthave not fared any better as prices belt-tightening policies in Africa todropped to their lowest level since kick in in the medium to long term,1998. The World Bank reports that providing a cushion for nationalin February 2016, “copper prices budgets.declined by almost a third from theirpeak in February 2011 to $4,595 per Also, countries will learn the les-tonne.” sons of commodity price movements Tsidi Tsikata, who led an Interna- and will be more inclined to continuetional Monetary Fund (IMF) assess- diversifying their economies. The World Bank says that agriculture and urbanization are important sectors for investments. Finally, when earnings are in an upswing, countries must save for the rainy day, experts recommend. Africa Renewal
14 ADVERT 02 February - 08 February 2017 2017 Registration Now Open!! Accredited by Vocational Courses: Be amongst the first to register at our The Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA)/Ministry of Education new Vocational Training Centre Accounting & Finance Requirements: Grade 10. Please enquire about courses for Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) students with less than Grade 10. 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) People with disabilities are encouraged to apply Business Administration Entrepreneurial Skills: Computer System Maintenance Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5) Start Your Own Business Programming Cisco Networking 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6) Information Technology Server Administration Computer Systems Repair Graphic Design Human Resource Management Website Design Medical Administration Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) IT Systems Support Business Studies ICT Systems & Principles Travel & Tourism 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) Comptia A+ Accomodation Services & Operations Office Administration Bricklaying & Plastering Office Administration Reception Skills Clothing Production Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5) Bookkeeping Retailing Marketing Refrigeration & Air Conditioning 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6) Event Planning - Telemarketing Photography Information Technology - Social Media Floral Design Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) - Customer Service Early Childhood Development 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) - Advertising Agent (Kinder Garden Assistant) Computerized Accounting Travel & Tourism Health & Social Care Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5) Tour Guiding (E.g. Care for the Old & School Children) Plumbing 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6) Assessor Trainer Joinery & Cabinet (Become a Trainer in Your Study Field) Tailoring Wall and Floor Tiling Sport & Leisure - Fitness Instruction | Sport Administration Contact Us Languages & Language Services Houskeeping Special Offer Interior DesignP.O. Box 50097 | Bachbrecht | Windhoek English Beginners Report Writing Catering & Culinary Arts 1) 1 language (English//Afrikaans/ English Advanced Public Speaking French/Oshiwambo/Portuguese)5-7 Schweitzer Street | Windhoek West Business English Proposal Writing Transport & Logistics French German Adult Literacy (Learn How to Write & Read) orTel: +264 61 301032/4/5 Portuguese Oshiwambo Basic Computer SkillsFax: +264 61 301033 Damara Nama Day Care Management for only N$750 for 2 months Community Service 2) 1 Language & Basic [email protected] Skills - Only N$1 200 both for 2 Opening Hours (Until 28 Feb 2017): Monday-Friday 07h30-19h30 & Saturday 08h00-16h00 Live the moments, share the memories To watch their favourite team live, Sammy together with his friends, saved up for their trip using the GroupSave account. WIN N$ 5000 Open a GroupSave account at any branch between 8 December 2016 and 28 February 2017 and stand a chance to win 1 of 6 N$ 5000 prizes.Open a GroupSave account and save together towards your goal and benefit from low fees,high interest rates and daily credit interest. To find out more call us at +264 61 299 1200.Terms and Conditions apply
02 February - 08 February 2017 AFRICA 15 Strong government structures can turn dreams of prosperity into realityLIFESTYLE DISEASES POSE NEWBURDEN FOR AFRICADiabetes, cancer, heart and respiratory diseases will be the leading killers by 2030. Zipporah Musau likely suffer from coronary lifestyle choices by opting heart diseases, stroke, renal for healthy diets (lots ofDiabetes Type 2 falls in or visual impairment or vegetables and fruits and the category of non- other related conditions. less sugar, salt and fats),communicable diseases avoiding tobacco and alco-(NCDs), along with cardio- NEGATIVE EFFECTS hol, and exercising.vascular diseases, cancer The effects of theseand chronic respiratory diseases are as devastating All in all, a rising NCDdiseases often referred to as to the economy as they are epidemic will require more“lifestyle diseases” because to the people they afflict. resources for strengtheningthey are largely linked to At the national level, they and adapting health systems.the way people live their impede efforts to fight Given that the rates of sociallives and to surrounding poverty, making it difficult and economic growth in theenvironmental factors. to achieve global develop- African region are unlikely ment goals such as the Sus- to keep pace with the rapid The four key risk factors tainable Development Goal rise of NCDs, taking urgentfor these diseases are un- (SDG) number three, which preventive action now willhealthy diets (foods high in aims to ensure healthy lives be far less challenging thanfats, sugar or salt), tobacco and to promote the well- waiting to address a costlyuse, harmful use of alcohol being of all people. full-fledged NCD epidemic.and physical inactivity. At a broader level, wide- - Africa Renewal spread chronic illness trans- These behaviours set the lates into decreased labour MMIINNIISSTTRYROYFOFIFNAFNICNEANCEstage for later development outputs, lower returns on PREPSRS REESLSEARSEE LEASEof lifestyle diseases such as human capital investmentshigh blood pressure, and increased health care INCIENNCETNITVIEVEPPRROOGGRRAAMMMEMFEORFOOURTSOTAUNTDSINTGANTADXIENSG TAXES costs. NCDs are now the Although tobacco use is pTehneaMltieinsi,sitnrythoefeFvTiennhatentchMeatiisanloilsfttfarexyreinsog(fthaFneifinunalclneocnuetitvsitesanpodrofinfgegrratimanxgmaemanfoourinnwtc/rsei)ntiatnirgveepoafpfidraoagpnordart2mi0om%n eooffftothhree wiinnrtteeitrrieenssgtt lceohvfaifregdaeidspoponaritdoio,unbtsettoawnfedetihnngethtaexp,earsiowd eolfl asleading cause of death in the single most preventable February 2017 andin3t1erJeuslyt 2c0h1a7rg. ed on outstanding tax, as well as penalties, in the event that all taxes (the full 01most regions of the world, cause of disease, disabilityaccounting for up to 70% and death in the world, outstanding tax amount/s) are paid and 20% of the interest levied is paid, between the period of 01of all deaths worldwide, ac- more and more youngcording to the World Health people in Africa are taking Taxpayers with deFlienbqruueanrtyac2c0o1u7ntasnadnd31peJrusloyns20(i1n7d.ividuals and companies) that qualify to register for any tax type but did not do so areOrganization (WHO). In up the habit. offered this once off opportunity to become compliant with tax laws.2012, for example, the “About one in 10diseases killed 38 million adolescents in Africa 1. To0n1heeFtieonbcbreuenantreiyvfie2t 0fpTrcr1erooao7gmmxgiapsrpnattaheldmyieraemeninrfnetdsocswrfeownoiratntiihnttvh3hyete1apdpJxtraueaoxllylgayimnwrt2aqye0msnup.1tmee7on.eftbP.tuaaaytxcm,cdwoeidnuritntfentosoortfatfhndoedoffuapslploeotrarsaxtoironaenmsooo(ffuifntnehdtreeaivdniniddtte2uhr0aeis%slst oainanntndcederwesacotiofvmfmeuropsoptafbnppeioeermnst)aualndttieihetysantotattqoklaeutsbaeleerifctffhyoeacmnttoef3r1omJuly 2017 forpeople, of whom 80% were smokes cigarettes and thefrom developing countries, same proportion use other 2. No tax amount will be waived. Penalties will be waived in full and 80% of the interest amount, provided the tax amount and 20% of theincluding those in Africa. tobacco products such as interest are paid. 1. The incentive programme for the payment of tax, write off of a portion of the interestAbout half of these people chewing tobacco, snuff, ordied prematurely—before pipes. A half of all adoles- 3. Eligible tax periods are thoasnedwwhearievearn oofutpsetannadlitniegsdteabkteosneafnfyectat xfraocmcou0n1t eFxeibstrsuuapryun2t0il1t7heanenddeonfd3s1oJnuly3120J1u7ly. 2017.the age of 70. cents in Africa are exposed 4. The Incentive programmePaapyplmieesntto ftoher ftohlelofwuilnl gtatxaxaems aodumnitnaisntedre2d0b%y IinnltaenrdesRt emveunsutebDe empaardtme ennot:t later than 31 July to secondhand smoke,” Long considered diseases says the Washington, D.C.– Income Tax 2017 for one to benefit from the incentive programme.of the West and often as- based Population Referencesociated with the urban and Bureau (PRB), a nonprofit Value Added Tax (VAT2). No tax amount will be waived. Penalties will be waived in full and 80% of the interestaffluent in society, NCDs research organization. VAT Import amount, provided the tax amount and 20% of the interest are paid.have crept silently intomany corners in Africa, WAY FORWARD Employee’s Taxremaining relatively un- To curb this lifestyle epi-noticed as governments and demic requires global, na- Stamp Dutythe international commu- tional and individual com- Non – resident’s Share3h.oldEelrisgTibalxe(tNaRxSpTe)riods are those where an outstanding debt on any tax account exists upnity focus on combating mitment. Globally, WHOcommunicable diseases is mobilizing countries for Tax on Royalties (patents,utrnatdilemthaerkesn,dcoopfy3r1igJhutleytc2.)017.such as malaria, tuberculo- collective action, especiallysis, polio and HIV/Aids. African countries, many 5. Acpoallurtniinctrdiypiwvaitideduienaalstnh,debmuInsucinseten4bst.sievedesTR,uPhelcryveooemcgnIorpnuamacmenpemiDlneetseteie,.vpdAcealarpontpspmdelrieocscunagotbtrri:maopmnoirtftmaeotdireomtnosaspnfaoepnraldriteehossetthIRtneoecrceeentnhitvtieiveteirefoPsofrlwolRogietwrhvaeimonnumgutesettOawanxfidfleilicsnbege.adadvembaitilnaobinsltetehareetidar ltlabRxyeagcIicononlauannl tdR/sevmeanyueapOpflfyicetos of which have inadequate TIME BOMB NCD interventions. 6. Payments may be made in instalments over a maximum period of 6 months, last instalment which must be made on 31 July 2017. Only once Africa, home to 54 Some of the options that the full principal tax amouInntcaonmd e20T%axof interest are paid, will the remaining 80% portion of interest and all penalties be waived.low and middle-income WHO is promoting to 7. The Ministry of Finance haVsaolpueenAeddadespdeTciafixc (bVanAkTa)ccount into which payments in respect of arrear taxes by participating taxpayers mustcountries, will have the reduce lifestyle diseases areworld’s largest increase in raising taxes and prices on be made. Banking details oVfAthTisIamccpoourntt are as follows:NCD deaths over the next tobacco products, imple-decade. Although com- menting plain packaging Employee’s Taxmunicable diseases such as or comprehensive bans BANK BSAtaNmKpODFuNtyAMIBIAmalaria, TB and HIV/AIDS on tobacco packagingand other conditions still designed to attract consum- ACCOUNT NAME RNEoCnE–IVreEsRidOenFt’Rs ESVhaErNehUoElders Tax (NRST)predominate in sub-Saha- ers, increasing taxation onran Africa, WHO projects alcoholic beverages and BRANCH CODE 9T80a-x17o2n Royalties (patents, trademarks, copy right etc.)that, by 2030, NCDs will enforcing bans on alcoholbecome the leading cause advertising. TYPE OF ACCOUNT 5. CAUlRl RinEdNivTiduals, businesses, companies, close corporations and other entities withof death. This would Diet-related options ACCOUNT NO 1o65u0ts1t1anding debt on their tax account/s may apply to participate in the Incentiveimpose a significant burden include compellingon the continent, whose companies to reformulate Programme. Application forms for the Incentive Programme will be available at allpopulation will double their food products to 8. Normal tax payments musRt beegimoandael iRnteovtehneuuesuOaflfGiceensercaol uRnetvreynwuiedAecacnodunmt. ust be duly completed and submitted towithin the next generation. contain less salt to protect 9. In order to determine the ncoerarreecsttaRmeocuenitveorf otafxRoewveedn, taxpayers must file all outstanding tax returns with Inland Revenue In North Africa, NCDs people from cardiovas- Department.are already responsible for cular disease, and taxingmore than three-quarters sugary drinks, one of the 10. iNnocenn–tivfielepdrotagxrarmetmuren6ps,.eruinPoddae,yramrreeepneotlrisgteimdblaetayxfolbriaethbeimliitanydcaeenndtiinvteaxipnrpsotaagylremarmsemnwtehs,oponrvoeevvreidraerdemgthisaetxetiramexdurfmeotrurtpnaesxreaisor/edpsauoybfmta6ixtetmesdofodnruthrtiasnx,gpltaehrseitoddusraptriioonr to theof all deaths, and nearly main causes of the global of thehalf the population in epidemics of obesity and incentive programme and ipnasytmalemntenistmwahdeicfhormthuesftulbleoumtstaadnedinogn ta3x1anJudl2y0%20o1f7t.heOinntleyreostn.ce the full principal taxthis region already suf- diabetes. 11. Penalties and interest paidapmrioruntot tahnedef2fe0c%tivoefdiantteeorefstht earTeaxpaInidc,enwtiivlle tPhreogrerammamineinarge 8n0o%t repfuonrdtiaobnleo. f interest and allfers from hypertension So far there has been(high blood pressure), a some progress, according 12. Taxpayers who are currentplyenoanltaiedsefbeerrwedapivaeydm.ent plan can still apply to participate in the tax incentive programme.well-established precur- to Dr. Chestnov. To date, 13. Taxpayers who fail to apply to the Ministry of Finance to have a portion of the interest written off during the period allocated will forfeit thissor to NCDs such as heart 60% of countries globallydiseases, according to the have set targets to fight benefit when the incentive program lapses. The Ministry of Finance will then enforce its collection mandate against taxpayers with outWHO’s non-communicable NCDs, while 92% havediseases country profiles since integrated responses standing balances on their tax accounts as if the programme was never introduced.for 2014. In Algeria, Egypt, to NCDs into their nationalLibya and Morocco, for health plans. The simplest 14. Please note that this is a once off programme, hence taxpayers are urged to make use of this opportunity not only to update and settle theirexample, more than 75% of and cheapest means ofall deaths in 2012 were due preventing and control- tax accounts but also to register as NCDs. ling these diseases is for Of immediate concern individuals to make good 15. Enquiries relating to this notification should be addressed to the nearest tax public health plannersis that 30% of all peoplein Africa have high bloodpressure and will most
16 ENTERTAINMENT 02 February - 08 February 2017 ‘Still pushing the NAM FLAVA style and brand’EES NOT SLOWING DOWNGOING PLACES: Yes-Ya: EES in his bus. Photo contributedNamibia Kwaito sensation EES once again made Namibia proud when he performed at the ViviSoCo last week in Germany. Gabby Tjiroze online social media and collaborate views on YouTube., ‘On the Road eight years, he has no plans of slow- He has also produced a range of with social media influencers as I feel Again’ ‘Diese Nam Boys’ and ‘Here ing down. His music style is a blend clothes, footwear, books (includ-Namibian Kwaito sensation Ees the whole industry is shifting in that Right Now’ which also attracted more of Kwaito, African House, Afro Pop ing a Nam Slang dictionary) and an says he is wasting no time direction, especially overseas and that viewers and comments on YouTube. and Reggae, with a funky fresh spin. energy drink called WUMA, after the as he is already working on is where I want to still push most of Afrikaans word for ‘power’, keepinghis music for this year. He is still my promotions” said Ees. He further “Namibia please do understand that Ees made Namibia proud when he everything as local as engaged on his online explains that this is his year as 2016 I am more operating in the digital performed at the ViviSoCo last yearsocial media journey and has taken was not really a good year although market than in the Namibian indus- in Germany. Ees made it through Ees, also known as Eric Sell, wasthe digital route in 2014 and plans to he managed to produce four singles try. But I will always push for the to the final round and came second born and bred in Namibia and startedcontinue doing so. and music videos. He produced ‘Sun- NAM FLAVA style and brand,” added in the online voting of the biggest to slowly get into the music business downer’ which received over 36 000 the ‘Yes-Ya’ artist. online music contest called Video in 2001, crafting his exclusive Kwaito “This year I will focus even more on Vision Song Contest (ViViSoCo). singing style. With nine CDs under his belt in justFree your mind Developing industry skills in showbizreturns The show aims at promoting and Entertainment Reporter enhancing comedy in the country, Photo for illustrative purposes only.Free Your Mind (FYM) will present and giving the audience the best ofits first show of the year with a night FreeYourMind! comics. The showof stand-up, character and laughter will consist of new and establishedat the Warehouse Theatre tonight. comedians that will be taking the au- dience through the struggles and joys The line-up for the year’s comedy of living and growing in a series of 10 shows designed asa guide to Namlife, with carefully “We at FYM feel that these ques-themed shows inspired by a whole tions are seriously funny. What makesnew approach as to how you move you Namibian? What is cool aboutand groove in Namibia, thus the 10 Namibia? Are you actually proud, ifNamibian commandments. so what makes you proud? Be wise and well thought out methods we will “Should you follow these 10 basic be taking our audiences through eachrules you are sure to thrive in an ever one of these rules monthly betweenevolving Namibia, not only that but the months of February and Novem-it promotes a healthy sense of ego,” ber 2017 at the warehouse Theatre. Besays executive producer, Ndemufayo a part of the experience for there is‘Chicken’ Kaxuxuena. much to explore,” he said.FREE YOUR MIND CREW: On your marks, get set, let’s laugh! Entertainment Reporter ers, technical support providers and will be hosted by three event organ- A SHOWBIZ workshop for aspiring the media. It does not help that each isers in Namibia, who hold a lot of artist aimed at developing skills of entity sees itself as an island” said influence over which artist can and artists will be hosted on 4 and 18 Conny Pimenta of the Warehouse should be hired for their well-paid February at the Warehouse Theater. Theatre. events based on past experiences and word-of-mouth. The purpose of the workshop is to The first workshop takes place ensure a smooth and professional from 14:00 – 15:00 on Saturday, 4 As part of the workshop, profes- working relationship with corporate February, at the Warehouse Theatre sional high resolution photos will be event organisers, venue owners and and under the title “Putting a Pro- taken of each artist free of charge at the media. The presenters will share duction Together”. This workshop the venue. Participants will receive their knowledge and experience in will take participants back to the their photos by email the follow- the entertainment industry and will basics, to the groundwork that needs ing week and can use it for future give hands-on advice on all levels. to be done for a production, focus- publicity. ing on the performance, technical, “We need to open communication financial and marketing aspects. Workshops will be held on a channels between all stakeholders monthly basis at the Cellar of Rock in the entertainment industry, from The second workshop takes place at The Warehouse Theatre in Wind- performers to venue, theatre, pub on Saturday, 18 February, entitled hoek. To attend the first workshop, and hotel managers to event organis- “Corporates and More Working with artists are encouraged to book their Events Organisers”. This workshop seat by today, 2 February.
02 February - 08 February 2017 ENTERTAINMENT 17 CALENDAR 8 BIT ADVENTURES Bakkies Saturday, 04.02.2017 WHO KILLED MR. ART? 19:00 2012 Chev Corsa Utility 2013 Chev Corsa Utility Thursday, 02.02.2017 (ends 04.03.2017) 1.4 with A/C 1.4 with A/C Piccolo Caffe and Lounge Whole day Windhoek 118,000 129,900 National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN) GEMEINDE-KINO 2011 Ford Bantam 1.6 2015 Nissan NP300 2.5 Windhoek Sunday, 05.02.2017 95,000 Tdi LWB ART CLASSES 18:00 - 20:15 178,000 FOR ADULTS Lukaskirche, Windhoek Thursday, And many more on 02.02.2017 (ends 18.04.2017) Phone now: 064 403 666 10:00 - 12:00 or Antonio: 081 273 6926 Art School Barbara Negumbo: 081 274 0888 Böhlke Get a Back to School Loan of up Windhoek to N$5000 at 14.75% Interest NEW BEGINNINGS Limited time offer Friday, 03.02.2017 (ends 11.03.2017) Whole day National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN) Windhoek “WHITE LADY - BLACK LADY” Friday, 03.02.2017 (ends 16.02.2017) 08:00 - 13:00 FNCC Gallery Windhoek HAPPY HOUR Save on a N$5000 loan Plan now Friday, 03.02.2017 at 14.75% interest rate. for your (ends 03.02.2017) children’s For more information visit your education. 16:00 - 18:00 nearest Old Mutual branch or Windhoek SMS \"FINANCE\" to 65656 and we will contact you. LA ACTING Call us on 061 299 3999 for WORKSHOP more information. Saturday, Terms and Conditions apply. *OLDMUTUAL 04.02.2017 (ends Do great things 05.02.2017) 08:00 - 17:00 Theatre School Robert Mugabe Ave, Windhoek THE JSC TRUST PRESENTS NSK,THE ENTERTAINMENT GURU Saturday, 04.02.2017 18:00 - 21:00 Lemond Tree Walvis Bay
18 ADVERT 02 February - 08 February 2017 Calf injury rules out Elneny of Nations Cup semi-final Gyan eyes CameroonELNENY RULED OUT scalpOF SEMI-FINAL Asamoah GyanINJURED: Mohamed Elneny (right) has not played since Egypt’s final group match against Ghana. Photo contributed Ghana skipper Asamoah Gyan says the team is inspired to getEgypt and Arsenal midfielder Mohamed Elneny will not recover from injury in time to ace Burkina Faso in Wednesday’s a win against Cameroon whomAfrican Cup of Nations semi-final. they meet in the semi-final on Thursday in Franceville. Sport Reporter semi-final in Libreville on Wednesday a remarkable return for the Pharaohs, Morocco’s elimination ended coach and they are likely to be without striker who are at the finals for first time since Herve Renard’s hopes of winning Gyan also spoke about hisThe 24-year-old is still nursing a calf Marwan Mohsen for that game, too. that success seven years ago. But they the title for a third time, with a third injury recovery saying he was problem that kept him out Sunday’s Mohsen came off in the first half against were perhaps fortunate to get past different nation - he won it in 2012 with feeling much better and would1-0 quarter-final win over Morocco. Morocco. Morocco, who missed a host of good Zambia and in 2015 with Ivory Coast. train on Wednesday. chances, and edged to victory with “I am proud of all the players. One by “Elneny has a bad calf strain. We will Cuper said: “Mohsen looks to have an 87th-minute winner from Abdel- one, honestly they were exceptional,” “The team is motivated andsend a medical report to his club,” said a serious problem with a knee but we Moneim. said Renard. what we want is a win againstcoach Hector Cuper. “He will have will need to carry out more detailed Cameroon who have beentests and we hope that if we manage to tests.” Egypt’s progress to the last four “It was a very complicated match for “We must not have regrets. We must playing as a unit and we all knowreach the final he will be able to return.” keeps them on course to win a record- both teams for 94 minutes. We both had just be proud of what we have done many people thought SenegalEgypt will face Burkina Faso in their extending eight Nations Cup title, and chances but we were lucky to get the because we have come a long way.” would beat them but they proved their first since 2010. It would also be goal from a dead ball,” said Cuper. -bbc a hard nut to crack.” “It doesn’t really matter how we play as long as we get that win because we feel it’s time we make our fans happy by going all the way in the tournament that’s our main focus “Gyan said. On his injury, the star player who has so far scored a goal in the tournament, was very optimistic he would play against Cameroon. “I trained with the team and I am feeling much better and ready. I will train again on (Wednesday) then declare myself fit for the game and the medical team will also be giving their verdict but as it stands I feel good and ready to help my country.” -supersportRussell given one-year ban Adebayor sign with IstanbulWest Indies all- Emmanuel Adebayor, 32, has Togo at the African Cup of Mustafa Erogut. “He returnedrounder André joined Turkish club Istanbul Nations earlier this month, with a positive report and weRussell has been Basaksehir on an 18-month but they failed to qualify for then contacted Adebayor. Thegiven a one-year contract for an undisclosed fee. the knockout stages, finishing player is impressed by the club’sban for failing bottom of Group C. Istanbul project and the president’sto make his The former Arsenal, Basaksehir are currently second vision so it is clear to us thatwhereabouts Manchester City and in the Super Liga table. “He the club and the player willknown to anti- Tottenham striker had been was one of the players on our contribute to each other,” hedoping testers. a free agent since leaving transfer short list,” said director said. -bbc Crystal Palace. He represented The 28-year-oldJamaican failed to André Russell Photo contributed Emmanuel Adebayor Photo contributedfile his whereaboutson three separateoccasions in 2015. That amounts toa failed drug testunder World Anti-Doping Agencyrules and hissuspension cameinto effect from 31January. Russell wonthe 2016 World T20title with the WestIndies. He also claimedtrophies withSydney Thunder,Islamabad United,Jamaica Tallawahsand DhakaDynamites last year.-bbc
02 February - 08 February 2017 ADVERT 19PT1706 SMS ‘REG’ to 1511 to subscribe to your favourite Ringback Tone, and stand a chance to WIN 1 of 2x Huawei P9 smartphones with Bluetooth speakers, or 1 of 12x Huawei P9 Lite smartphones with selfie sticks. CRBT Monthly fee @ N$3. Song download @ N$5 (VAT excl.). Competition dates: 3 – 14 February. T&Cs apply.
20 SPORT 26 January - 01 February 2017 SPORT Vikapita to retire after the fight on SaturdayBEASTMASTERHANGS UP GLOVESACTION: Beastmaster doing his thing. Photo contributedThe cruiserweight veteran Vikapita Meroro is to retire from boxing after his last fight against South Africa’s Kevin Lerena on Saturday in South Africa. Gabby Tjiroze It marks the end of a 12-year to retire before I get injured. I am well biggest fight in a very long time after and I will always remember it,” he said. professional boxing career for the prepared for this fight as I am in good suffering defeat to Juergen Braehmer Meroro will have to give his allAfter being in hiatus for almost two Aminius-born fighter who holds a shape, no injuries and just ready to hear in Mecklenburg, Germany, in 2012 and years, the veteran said he has had record of 33 fights, 28 wins and five the final bell,” said the Beastmaster. then being unbeaten in his last seven against his opponent who just won theit with boxing and it is time to call it a losses. “Boxing has been a gift to me, fights. “Fighting Dimitry has been the Africa Cruiserweight Super 6 boxingday. the Almighty blessed me with this He was last seen in the ring when most challenging and toughest fight in championship in South Africa. Lerena talent and now I know that I am ready he lost to Russia’s Dmitry Kudryashov my boxing career. It wasn’t an easy fight holds a record of 17 fights, 16 wins and in 2015. It was the ‘Beastmaster’s one loss.Journey to African dreams begins Federer thrilled by Grand Slam win Staff ReporterA Turkish cyclist, Hasan Söylemez is touring Roger Federer said he enjoyed injury, which he picked upthe African continent just after he toured proving he could still win a when running a bath forTurkey on his bicycle covering 10 000km in Grand Slam more than taking his children at last year’seight months. his tally to 18 with a dramatic Australian Open. Australian Open victory over -bbc He started his daring adventure which he named Rafael Nadal.“Journey to Dreams” in Morocco in January 2017 Photo contributedand will pedal, alone, some 60 000km touring all The Swiss, 35, won 6-4 3-654 African countries including six island states, 6-1 3-6 6-3 to claim his fifthwhile shooting documentaries of his travels. Since Melbourne title.there is no predetermined schedule, his date ofarrival to Namibia is yet to be determined. “For me it’s all about the comeback, about an epic He aims to create a ‘’dream archive’’ of Africa match with Rafa again,” heand make it possible for the world politicians, said. “The last problem isartists, civil society and charities, academicians the Slam count. Honestly, itand people to look at Africa from a different doesn’t matter.perspective, the perspective of ordinary Africans.He hopes to ask the African people about their “We’re going to party likedreams and then relay the message to the world. rock stars tonight. I can tellThe dreams will be documented with photos, you that.”videos and texts without being dramatised. Thesedocuments will be shared with the world both in Five years after hisEnglish and Turkish through television channels last major victory atand social media. Wimbledon, and 10 years since he beat Nadal “His journey in Turkey was one without money in a Grand Slam final,or credit/debit card and he touched the lives of Federer finally clinched titlemany people, made television programmes, wrote number 18 with a thrillingbooks, inspired tens of thousands of people with five-set victory.his social responsibility projects,” reads a brief. READY FOR AFRICA: Turkish cyclist, Hasan Söylemez. The victory came in his first tournament back following six months out with a knee
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