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Ezine 552

Published by flippingb5, 2017-01-26 04:29:01

Description: Ezine 552


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WINNING NUMBERS NEWS NORTHERN SPORT 2 1339407 32 5 1343246 32 DIPPENAAR RHINO WAS SOCCER 3 1340694 32 CLAIMS NOT POACHED TRANSFER 6 1321132 32 AMNESIA - MET SEASON 6 1335627 32 P 03 P 03 P20 • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. Your Community NEWSPAPER • 26 January - 01 February 2017 • Edition # 565 WMF has capacity to manufacture quality APCsNDF SIDESTEPS OWN ARMSMAKER WMF product - Namibia Denel product - South AfricaThe Namibia Defence Force’s (NDF) high command has not only ignored its own business arm August 26 but bypassed it to procure billion dollarweapons systems and APCs from the South African arms manufacturer, Denel, at the expense of its own manufacturer, Windhoek Maschinen Fabrik(WMF). Staff Reporter turer to manufacture the RG32M them. They cannot say they didn’t Police probe Reho police APC’s armed with the Self De- know. We don’t have a clue whyInstead Denel is to supply fence Remotely Operated Weap- they did that,” said a disappointed Eba Kandovazu marriage, which led to her added. The officers under NDF with APCs and weapons ons (SDROW) machine guns, as General (Ret) James Auala, who Rehoboth police officers getting restraining orders investigation are chargedsystems similar to those that are they do have the capacity. is the CEO of August 26. are being investigated by against him twice. with Contravening the Po-designed and tested and can be the Internal Investigation lice Act and Regulations orbuilt by WMF, in a controversy In an astonishing turn of events The NDF procurement of weap- Directorate of Nampol, It is stated that in Decem- Misconduct under Sectionthat exposes infighting and lack the designer of the vehicle was on system from Denel, which following an unattended ber 2015, Du Plessis was 17(6) (b) of the Police Actof communication on the highest an employee of the WMF, but WMF can manufacture , was not kidnapping case, as well kidnapped and assaulted 19 of 1990 and have beenlevel within the NDF and its later resigned to work for Denel only sidestepping its own man- as neglected restraining by her husband. The friend summoned to appear at thebusiness arm. where the system was developed ufacturer but also contravenes orders that led to the death said that Du Plessis was very Rehoboth Gender-Based according to his design. He has the policy of President Dr Hage of Leatitia van Wyk, begin- abusive towards his wife Violence office on 1 to 3 An investigation into the Na- since returned in the employ of Geingob that local manufactur- ning of last year. and would constantly stalk February, for trial.mibian purchase of military vehi- WMF and is spearheading the ing must be stimulated. WMF her, which she reportedly NEEDLESS DEATH: The latecles similar to the Werewolf light development of similar weapons last year already had to retrench The then 33-year-old Van reported to the Rehoboth Leatitia van Wyk du Ples-infantry reconnaissance vehicle systems for the supposed client, staff, due to a lack of business and Wyk, who was employed Police Station, but was given sis. Photo contributedthat is produced by the WMF was the NDF. is now in a restructuring process as a teacher, was brutally little attention.prompted when furious employ- to produce a variety of weapon stabbed to death by herees of WMF start complaining However, with the procurement systems and APCs. abusive husband Dianoh “The police officers atbecause it seemed that August 26 of the RG32M by the NDF from du Plessis, a truck driver, Rehoboth have handled theand WMF were ignored and not Denel the WMF was left gasping General Auala confirmed that in front of their one-year- matter in an inappropriateeven consulted in the purchase of for air after it worked very hard August 26’s subsidiary WMF is old baby boy. Du Plessis way. They treated Van Wykthe billion dollar weapons. to re-establish the factory with capable of producing the same thereafter committed suicide like she was at fault. They skilled manpower, in a drive by vehicles of which a total of eight by injecting himself with a handled her case like an The state of affairs was last night August 26 to service its mother landmine resistant APCs of poisonous substance. ordinary petty domesticconfirmed by James Auala who company, the NDF and supply it which four are mounted with problem between husbandsaid WMF and August 26 wants with all necessary weapon sys- SDROWs. Denel announced that A close family friend and wife. If only they hadanswers to the same questions tems. “NDF even consulted Au- it has a huge contract with NDF said that Van Wyk and her protected her and did theiras to why the NDF did not com- gust 26 saying they wanted such to supply the Namibian army husband had an abusive job, a tragedy would havemission its own arms manufac- weapons because we can produce weapons this year. been prevented,” the friend NaFmuliFlbr/ieaLsoDhwaMirCiielrkesa2mltr Big Bite 2 N$36902BIGGER PiecesofChicken 25.N$ 99 & MORE Chips each 27/01/2017 - 29/01/2017WEEKEND SPECIALS! Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. Ts&Cs apply. While stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

WINNING NUMBERS NEWS NORTHERN SPORT 2 1339407 32 5 1343246 32 DIPPENAAR RHINO WAS SOCCER 3 1340694 32 CLAIMS NOT POACHED TRANSFER 6 1321132 32 AMNESIA - MET SEASON 6 1335627 32 P 03 P 03 P20 • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. Your Community NEWSPAPER • 26 January - 01 February 2017 • Edition # 565 WMF has capacity to manufacture quality APCsNDF SIDESTEPS OWN ARMSMAKER WMF product - Namibia Denel product - South AfricaThe Namibia Defence Force’s (NDF) high command has not only ignored its own business arm August 26 but bypassed it to procure billion dollarweapons systems and APCs from the South African arms manufacturer, Denel, at the expense of its own manufacturer, Windhoek Maschinen Fabrik(WMF). Staff Reporter turer to manufacture the RG32M them. They cannot say they didn’t Police probe Reho police APC’s armed with the Self De- know. We don’t have a clue whyInstead Denel is to supply fence Remotely Operated Weap- they did that,” said a disappointed Eba Kandovazu marriage, which led to her added. The officers under NDF with APCs and weapons ons (SDROW) machine guns, as General (Ret) James Auala, who Rehoboth police officers getting restraining orders investigation are chargedsystems similar to those that are they do have the capacity. is the CEO of August 26. are being investigated by against him twice. with Contravening the Po-designed and tested and can be the Internal Investigation lice Act and Regulations orbuilt by WMF, in a controversy In an astonishing turn of events The NDF procurement of weap- Directorate of Nampol, It is stated that in Decem- Misconduct under Sectionthat exposes infighting and lack the designer of the vehicle was on system from Denel, which following an unattended ber 2015, Du Plessis was 17(6) (b) of the Police Actof communication on the highest an employee of the WMF, but WMF can manufacture , was not kidnapping case, as well kidnapped and assaulted 19 of 1990 and have beenlevel within the NDF and its later resigned to work for Denel only sidestepping its own man- as neglected restraining by her husband. The friend summoned to appear at thebusiness arm. where the system was developed ufacturer but also contravenes orders that led to the death said that Du Plessis was very Rehoboth Gender-Based according to his design. He has the policy of President Dr Hage of Leatitia van Wyk, begin- abusive towards his wife Violence office on 1 to 3 An investigation into the Na- since returned in the employ of Geingob that local manufactur- ning of last year. and would constantly stalk February, for trial.mibian purchase of military vehi- WMF and is spearheading the ing must be stimulated. WMF her, which she reportedly NEEDLESS DEATH: The latecles similar to the Werewolf light development of similar weapons last year already had to retrench The then 33-year-old Van reported to the Rehoboth Leatitia van Wyk du Ples-infantry reconnaissance vehicle systems for the supposed client, staff, due to a lack of business and Wyk, who was employed Police Station, but was given sis. Photo contributedthat is produced by the WMF was the NDF. is now in a restructuring process as a teacher, was brutally little attention.prompted when furious employ- to produce a variety of weapon stabbed to death by herees of WMF start complaining However, with the procurement systems and APCs. abusive husband Dianoh “The police officers atbecause it seemed that August 26 of the RG32M by the NDF from du Plessis, a truck driver, Rehoboth have handled theand WMF were ignored and not Denel the WMF was left gasping General Auala confirmed that in front of their one-year- matter in an inappropriateeven consulted in the purchase of for air after it worked very hard August 26’s subsidiary WMF is old baby boy. Du Plessis way. They treated Van Wykthe billion dollar weapons. to re-establish the factory with capable of producing the same thereafter committed suicide like she was at fault. They skilled manpower, in a drive by vehicles of which a total of eight by injecting himself with a handled her case like an The state of affairs was last night August 26 to service its mother landmine resistant APCs of poisonous substance. ordinary petty domesticconfirmed by James Auala who company, the NDF and supply it which four are mounted with problem between husbandsaid WMF and August 26 wants with all necessary weapon sys- SDROWs. Denel announced that A close family friend and wife. If only they hadanswers to the same questions tems. “NDF even consulted Au- it has a huge contract with NDF said that Van Wyk and her protected her and did theiras to why the NDF did not com- gust 26 saying they wanted such to supply the Namibian army husband had an abusive job, a tragedy would havemission its own arms manufac- weapons because we can produce weapons this year. been prevented,” the friend NaFmuliFlbr/ieaLsoDhwaMirCiielrkesa2mltr Big Bite 2 N$36902BIGGER PiecesofChicken 25.N$ 99 & MORE Chips each 27/01/2017 - 29/01/2017WEEKEND SPECIALS! Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. Ts&Cs apply. While stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

2 NEWS 26 January - 01 February 2017 Bereaved son seeks conclusion of inquestNDEITUNGA’S DRIVER NEEDSTO ANSWERA motorist whose mother was killed in a car accident involving the motor vehicle of Inspector General Sebastian Ndeitunga last year is still callingfor justice. Abiud Kuverua is frustrated with the fact that no progress has been made in the case.SEEKING JUSTICE: Abiud Kuverua who lost his mother last year in a car accident. The Isuzu bakkie which Kuverua was driving and was hit by Inspector-General Sebastian Ndeitunga’s official vehicle, the LandCruiser. On the far right, two other vehicles involved in the same accident. Photos contributed Gabby Tjiroze Kuverua was travelling with his In total four cars were involved in everything in his life changed. by the Police Internal Investigation family from Otjiwarongo to Oka- the accident where three people died “I can’t transport sofas anymore and Directorate.Ayear after the accident, no hearing handja when Ndeitunga’s Land Cruis- and it still remains unknown as to has been set yet for the case. er driven by his driver, came from the what caused the accident. my work has been affected because “I really don’t know how far that “I am very disappointed that the opposite direction. Ndeitunga was my mode of transport is demolished. case is as I was just the person atpeople who are supposed to protect not in his official car at the time of the “The driver might have been sleep- I can’t even transport my children the scene, but I am not handling theus are the ones to play foul. I kept accident. It was alleged that the SUV ing and then realised too late what to and from school. And since my case. I am not part of the investigat-calling the police to give me answers had first collided with Kuverua’s Isuzu was happening and by then lives were mother passed on I have to look for ing department either,” said Deputybut they keep telling me that they will bakkie then a Mercedes Benz which lost,” he added. a nanny. Her life was taken and by Commander Moses me back which they never do,” followed the Isuzu and an Audi which someone who shows no remorse,”said Kuverua. was behind the Mercedes Benz. Kuverua is a self-employed 38-year- he said. According to Otjozondju- Trying to get comments from the in- old man who makes a living as an pa police, the case is being handled vestigations department proved fruit- upholsterer and after the accident less as the phones went unanswered.Girlfriend killer seeks lawyer Tax fraudsters each granted Eba Kandovazu with bruises on it. SAVAGE: Victor Elia. 1.5m bailThe man who allegedly brutally murdered 25-year- Allegations are that on 17 January, Elia unlawfullyold Iyaloo Ndapandula Haighumbi, and left the Eba Kandovazubody along the B1 road close to the Van Eck and intentionally killed Hainghumbi by hitting her The three men who stand accused of fraud andpower station in Windhoek has been identified as on her head and she succumbed to the injuries. Elia money laundering and thus defrauding the Finance36-year-old Victor Elia, a former bus driver. who stood before Magistrate Bernadine Kubersky Ministry of N$3,5 billion have been granted bail of in the Katutura Magistrate’s Court on Monday 23 N$1,5 million each by Magistrate Venatius Alween- Hainghumbi, an IUM student was positively iden- January, has opted to apply for a private lawyer to do in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Monday,tified by her parents last week, 18 January, a day after represent him during his court proceedings. 23 january.she was murdered. The trio, Tao Huizhang, Jinrong Huang and State Prosecutor Ellen Shipena strongly objected Julius Laurentius were given conditions that they It is understood that Elia and Hainghumbi have to bail, stating that the offence is of a serious nature, surrender their travel documents and not renewbeen involved in an intimate relationship and he is it would not be in the interest of the public and any other travel documents. Magistrate Alweendothus charged with murder, read with the provisions investigations in the matter are at a premature level. said that the accused are to report to their stationedof the Domestic Violence Act. The state also fears that Elia might interfere with the police stations, being Oshikango (the Chinese) and investigations. Walvis Bay (Namibian) on Mondays and Fridays Nampol’s spokesperson, Chief Inspector Kauna between the hours of 08h00 and 13h00.Shikwambi notified the media last week that when Magistrate Kubersky thus rejected bail and re- “Passport photocopies and descriptions of theHainghumbi’s body was found her head was swollen manded the case to 16 March for legal representation accused persons will be given to all Namibian bor- and further investigation. der posts as well as the Hosea Kutako International Airport. A change of residential address should beCrime highest in Hardap Region reported to investigating officer within three days,” Alweendo added. Hoandi !Gaeb resort to violence and that leads to unnecessary the deceased was bitten by a dog. The police Alweendo further warned the accused to not dis-Rehoboth and its surrounding areas have knife-stabbings that claim the lives of many however discovered a rifle on the scene, some cuss their case with the State witnesses or with theirthe highest crime rate in the Hardap Re- people,” he said. Kuduwa singled out a murder two metres from the labourer who later died in co-accused. He maintained that the State has failedgion, the police have confirmed. case on a farm last Saturday, 21 January, when a the ambulance. He said it is very disappointing to prove that the accused persons will abscond if man was murdered on a farm in the Rehoboth to see that people are lying to the police. “We as granted bail or commit further crimes, as presented Deputy Commissioner of the Namibian area. officers fail to comprehend as to why eyewit- previously during the bail application hearing byPolice, Joshua Kuduwa, said alcohol- and nesses should try to mislead our officers. We the Chief investigating officer John Mutongwe anddrug-related crimes are skyrocketing at Commissioner Kuduwa said the man was can render a better service if we are informed State Prosecutor Rowan van Wyk.Rehoboth and its rural areas and make it dif- apparently shot with a rifle and died when an promptly and correctly,” he said. Alweendo reiterated that the accused have notficult for law enforcement agencies to carry ambulance arrived on the farm. He said some been charged with the Criminal Procedures Actout their work. “When they drink, people farm workers called the police, but misin- The police investigations into the alleged and the Customs Act, but rather on Personal Ca- formed the law enforcement officers saying that murder is continuing and the deceased has pacity and Common Law offences. been identified as the 18-year-old Roberto In his judgement, Alweendo stated that a lot ofHIGH CRIME: Governor of the Hardap Region Esme Isaacks talking to senior police officers. Daniel from Block B in Rehoboth. The inci- unnecessary issues have been raised during the bail dent took place on the farm Kaniganas in the application, of which he would not comment on. Rehoboth district. Meanwhile, the governor of The magistrate further found that all suspects the Hardap Region, Esme Isaacks, called on all were indeed the owners of the said fraudulent law-enforcement officers at her annual meeting companies involved in the alleged fraud. with personnel of the Ministry of Safety and The Chinese nationals are represented by Advo- Security, to prevent crime in the region as they cate Louis Botes on instructions of Dirk Conradie did during the festive season. and Laurentius is represented by Sisa Namandje. The case was remanded to 16 February for further She said since this year is the year of rededi- Investigation. cation, the police must see to it that the Hardap Region is not topping the list in terms of the prevalence of crime in Namibia. “I am calling on you as law enforcement officers to perform your duties without fear or favour. Your role in combatting crime in our region is imperative. It will help us to attract development to our region as investors are looking at the safety and security of our region,” she said.

26 January - 01 February 2017 NEWS 3TDRIPIAPELNSATAARRTMSURDERDippenaar has no memory of horrific crash Chinese poachers denied bail Eba KandovazuThe murder trial of Jandré Dippenaar started in the Regional Court in Swakopmund with his entering a plea Two Chinese nationals who were found with twoof not guilty on each of eleven charges and some alternative charges read out to him by the State. rhino horns in their flat in Eros last week Thursday were denied bail when they made their first court Niel Terblanche appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Monday, 23 January, before Magistrate EdenThe state prosecutor in the case, Hesekiel FATAL: Jandre Dippenaar confers with his legal representatives during a recess in the trial where he Iyambo. Iipinge, read out the charges of negligent stands accused of the murder of six people. Photo: Niel Terblanchedriving, fraud, driving without a driver’s licence The police found the two horns, weighing 5,05 kgand the six counts of murder individually. He traffic official who stopped Jandré Dippenaar weeks prior to the horrific crash. with a value of N$ 404 000. The suspects, identifiedalso read out the alternative charges and Dip- in Swakopmund on the fateful day was called Under cross examination Motinga maintained as Yonghui Lu, 41 and Nan Chen, 29 are chargedpenaar pleaded not guilty to each one. to the witness stand to give his version of why with Contravening the Controlled Wildlife Prod- he let the accused go on a warning after he was that the accused produced a driver’s licence that ucts and Trade Act, by being in possession of and Dippenaar’s legal counsel, Advocate Louis notified of negligent and reckless driving. had not expired. One of the counts against Dip- dealing in controlled wildlife products.Botes, read out his client’s plea explanation in penaar is that he committed fraud with regardsopen court and entered the document as an Appolus Motinga stated that he stopped the to his licence. State Prosecutor Rowan van Wyk objected to bailexhibit in the case. accused in the main street of Swakopmund to because of the seriousness of the offence and the enquire about the complaint of reckless driving. Motinga also stated that he let the accused public’s interest as well as the interest of justice. He In his plea explanation Dippenaar said that he According to Motinga’s version of events he person go on a warning to not drive recklessly further argued against bail, as he fears the suspectscannot remember how the accident happened asked the accused person for his driver’s licence again after ascertaining that he was not under might abscond or interfere with the investigation.and that the first memory he has after talking to and that Dippenaar produced one which he the influence of alcohol. He said Dippenaarhis friends in the car on the road to Henties Bay verified to be legitimate. explained that he overtook a slower moving Mbushandje Ntinda who represents Lu requestedwas when he woke up in the hospital. vehicle on a barrier line to avoid an accident the warrants used at the time of arrest for purposes This after Dippenaar in his official plea and that he apologised profusely for that. of bail application, as well as records of a Chinese He gave a rendition of what transpired on 29 explanation stated that he had no such docu- interpreter at the time of arrest.December 2014 he admits to overtaking against ment with him because it was stolen almost two The trial is set down to continue until the enda barrier line but that he did so to avoid an ac- of next week. Kadhila Amoomo, representing Chen informedcident. In the explanation he also admits that he the court that he requests to be provided with thedrank some alcohol but that it was only half a entire record of proceedings, emanating from theglass of vodka mixed with a soft drink. search and the charging as well as the chain of custody as far as the horns are concerned. The first state witness to testify, Freddy Millssaid he phoned the emergency number and “We would like to also have the copies of theasked the member of the neighbourhood watch statements the accused may have provided to theto report the incident to the Swakopmund police, for bail application purposes,” Amoomotraffic department, referring to allegation of stated. Magistrate Iyambo remanded the matterreckless and negligent driving. to 13 February for the formal bail application. The suspects are detained at the Windhoek Police Sta- The second witness, Karel van der Merwe tion. Meanwhile, 13 elephant tusks were confiscat-received the call and activated members of the ed at Tjova village in Kavango East region, during aneighbourhood watch as well as traffic officials. joint operation of the Ministry of Environment andHe had to answer on what his actions were and Nampol, following a tip-off from members of thecertain discrepancies in his official affidavit public, on Tuesday 24 January.Three suspects werewhen he came under cross examination from arrested, of which one is Namibian and two arethe legal counsel of the accused. Angolan nationals. Two other suspects have fled to Angola. The third person to testify, Dewald Swartz,told the court that he responded to the call from The public relations officer of the Ministry ofthe second witness but received the same grill- Environment and Tourism, Romeo Muyundaing about his original statement from Advocate stated that the suspects are charged with possessionLouis Botes while under cross examination. The of special controlled wildlife products and are due to appear in court.Statue in the crossfire again Otjiwa rhino not poached Niel Terblanche they can take it to a museum,” said Uahimisa era genocide, Namibia’s tiny but economicallyThe statue of a German marine holding a rifle in Kaapehi, a Herero town councillor who intro- powerful German-speaking minority has shown The Ministry of Environment and Tourism havehis hands and standing guard over a dying com- duced a motion for the monument’s removal. strong resistance. Wilfried Groenewald, the sin- noted concerns from the public regarding therade in Swakopmund finds itself in the crossfire “We as Hereros and we as Namibians don’t want gle German-speaking person on Swakopmund’s rhino carcase suspected to have been poachedonce again. German soldiers in front of our State House.” 10-member town council, said removing the at Otjiwa Private Game Range in Otjiwarongo monument would hurt the city’s economy. District on the 23rd of January 2017. A few months ago a protester spilled red paint The push for the removal comes as the govern-over the monument, which stands in front of ments of Germany and Namibia are engaging “It’s essential for our tourism industry,” he said. According to Romeo Muyunda, MET spokes-State House. The statue, known as the Marine in negotiations to close one of the grimmest “People come here to see this.” person, the Ministry has conducted investigationDenkmal, was erected in 1908 to commemorate chapters in Africa’s colonial history, the geno- in this case and preliminary findings indicatesoldiers who helped crush a rebellion against cide of tens of thousands of Herero and Nama Dr. Andreas Vogt, whose great-grandparents that there is no evidence that points out that theGerman colonial rule by the Herero and Nama between 1904 and 1908. After decades of denial, immigrated to Namibia and author of a book specific rhino was poached. Our officials togetherethnic groups. “They can take it to Germany, or German officials say they are ready to acknowl- on the country’s national monuments, said Na- with the members of the protected resource unit edge the genocide formally, issue an apology and mibia lacked “an understanding of the historical of the Namibian police force scanned the carcase offer compensation. If Swapo has historically importance of a monument” and was guided by for ballistic evidence and no signs of foul play shown little interest in highlighting the colonial- resentment toward the former colonial rulers. could be detected.UNDER FIRE: The Marine Denkmal. Photo contributed Laidlaw Peringanda, the leading activist against The carcass has a wound that could be as a result the marine statue, said the open glorification of fighting with another Rhino. The horns of the of soldiers responsible for the massacres of his rhino were intact at the time it was discovered and Herero ancestors had irritated him for years. further investigations continue. “But I just kept silent because our founding president talked about national reconciliation,” he said. But he changed his mind after an inci- dent last year that he and other Hereros regarded as an insult to their culture. In their section of the municipal cemetery, the Herero, traditionally cattle herders, exhibited the horns of a cow be- longing to their late paramount chief — drawing complaints, presumably from people tending to the cemetery’s German section. The City Council eventually ordered the horns removed, angering many Hereros. The statue was declared a na- tional monument in 1969, and the town council has referred the matter to the National Heritage Council. Kaapehi acknowledged that it was a difficult fight. Like many Hereros, he believes that Swapo, which controls the City Council and dominates the rest of the country, is interested only in a narrative that promotes it as the libera- tor of blacks from white-minority rule. Any reminder of the Herero and Nama resistance to German rule diminishes the Swapo-centric national founding myth, he said.

4 NEWS 26 January - 01 February 2017 '1984' sales soar after TrumpxitTRUSTCO GOES GREEN George OrwellNamibian blue chip company, Trustco Group Holdings (TGH) has installed solar panels on the rooftops of its southern and northern towers in Wind- New York - George Orwell's book \"1984\" has hithoek to power its headquarters. TGH will not only reduce its carbon footprint, but will indirectly make energy available to the power utility, Nam- No. 1 on following incorrect or un-Power, to have the capacity to distribute excess power from savings to other industries in the country. Photo: Paul Coelho provable statements made by Republican President Donald Trump and White House aides. Orwell's classic dystopian tale of a society in which facts are distorted and suppressed in a cloud of \"newspeak\" was first published in 1949. It topped the Amazon best-seller list. The sales bump comes after the Trump admin- istration's assertions his inauguration had record attendance and his unfounded allegation millions of illegal votes were cast against him last fall. Trump adviser Kellyanne Conway coined an in- stant catchphrase Sunday when she called Trump's claims about crowd size \"alternative facts,\" bringing comparisons on social media to \"1984.\" Orwell's book isn't the only cautionary tale on the Amazon list. At No. 46 was Sinclair Lewis' 1935 novel about the election of an authoritarian presi- dent, \"It Can't Happen Here.\" Associated PressCar wash owners steamed up Skorpion stings workers Marthina K. Mutanga N$1 000 and they will cut of their water Hoandi !Gaeb area of responsibility as she is cur- “I will be meeting with theThe City Police started with the closure and electricity, which will only recon- rently battling unemployment and management of the Skorpion Mineof illegal car washes yesterday, 25 Janu- nected once the fine is settled, and any //Karas Governor Lucia Basson poverty in the //Karas region. next week at Rosh Pinah and willary, in the Capital and City of Windhoek carport that has been built next to the vehemently opposed the proposed convey the position of government(CoW) is greatly concerned about the road must be removed. retrenchment of some 278 work- “I have been instructed by Presi- in general and the //Karas Regionalincreasing number of unregistered vehi- ers of the Skorpion Mine at Rosh dent Hage Geingob to reduce pov- Council and governor in particularcle and fleet washing facilities in the City. “We are not against car washes; they Pinah and suggested that the erty and retrenchments will only to the mine’s management,” she must just follow the right procedure and entire workforce be retained and compound the current poverty said. The municipality laws indicate that comply with the rules on how to register more people hired to reach the levels,” she said.all car washes in the city must comply it,” said Shikesho. quota of the 400 contract workers “Our position is that the minewith building regulations and they must intended to be employed after the Basson said she had a meeting continues with the current workershave a valid Fitness Certificate and Car wash owners in Windhoek came laying off of some workers. with the Mine Workers Union of and employ more people to keepemploy water efficiency standards, to be together to form a steering commit- Namibia on Tuesday, 24 January the operations going. We cannotendorsed. tee who will be representing all the car Basson said she does not want to and was informed that the union retrench people only to hire others washes in the capital to come up with hear about retrenchments in her was not even notified about the for cheap labour purposes. We can- Car washes should only operate in on a solution regarding the closure of the retrenchments, although the letters not throw our people to the dogs,”residential areas or next to the road and legal and illegal car washes. had already been handed over to Basson said.all those car washes that are operating in the affected workers.public areas will be closed according to The group spokesperson, Eddy Hama-CoW. This is because the water pressure ta, said they met on 24 January with theincrease due to car washes and is damag- City Council, mayor and the City Policeing the roads and pipes that CoW has to hand in their petition concerning theput in place. closure of car washes. City Police Senior Superintendent Hamata said there is about 1 500 carGerry Shikesho said they are fining all washes in the city which create close tothe car washes that are near the road 2 500 direct jobs. This group of employ- ees are unskilled, semiskilled, and evenFor include reformed criminals. “Car washes help us to put bread on the table. Once the City Police closes down the car washes they won’t have an income to sustain their families, which can force their children to drop out of school, “said Hamata. The City of Windhoek stated that they communicated with all the car washes through the media but it seems this was ignored, thus they will close down even the legal car washes which does not fol- low the right procedure.2013 Nissan Juke 1.6 BLEAK: Skorpion Mine. Photo contributedAccenta Plus. Only N$ 185,000 and if you need a 4x4:2015 Renault Duster 2012 Volkswagen CONTAINERSTDCi 4x4. Amarok 2.0 TSi D/Cab FOR SALE with 98,000 km. 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26 January - 01 February 2017 2 1339407 32 5 1343246 32 3 1340694 32 6 1321132 32 6 1335627 32 ADVERT 5 WINNING REMINDER NUMBERS THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on Your Community NEWSPAPERyour number The bearer of this newspaper is authorised by Trustco to sell it at any price between N$4 - N$10 for his/her own benefit. There can be no true freedom for all without true prosperity for all. FIND THE UNCLAIMED NUMBER AND WIN WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 411-60125-1 | 14-65856-1 | 06-56452-1 13-104543-2 | 6-96510-2 | 15-67069-2 1-115005-3 | 6-131537-3 | 6-142224-3 6-174164-4 | 6-173190-4 | 15-153258-402-29273-1 | 03-30936-1 1-75628-2 6-110014-3 | 1 117952 3 13-186662-4 | 14-186859-4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 815-193269-5 | 6-213595-5 | 15-197166-5 6-263397-6 | 1-23945-6 | 13-269868-6 6-293392-7 | 6-297187-7 1-104543-8 | 15-96510-8 | 1-67069-814-229750-5 |15-190382-5 3-244274-6 6-75628-8 | 14-355 900-8 WEEK 11 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 12 1-450947-11 | 14-481726-11 | 6-464257-1113-395689-9 | 6-382907-9 | 15-359514-9 6-415206-10 | 1-409719-10 | 6-432381-10 1-493317-12 | 6-517582-12 | 15-488505-126-381326-9 6-420676-10 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 6-620622-15 | 11-644428-15 | 1-608904-15 6-632333-15 | 6-612902-15 8-683047-16 | 6-659838-16 | 3-654515-166-554570-13 | 3-531983-13 | 13-564120-13 1-567371-14 | 11-601661-14 | 1-569246-141-525884-13 WEEK 19 WEEK 20 WEEK 18 WEEK 17 4-780874-19 | 12-809719-19 | 6-792512-19 6-841546-20 | 3-820206-20 | 6-827985-20 13-769201-18 | 1-733653-18 | 6-748700-18 1-817770-2011-726532-17 | 12-727143-17 | 6-721715-17 6-754574-18 | 11-767713-18 WEEK 236-716076-17 | 14-729687-17 WEEK 24 WEEK 22 6-959516-23 | 1-939729-23 | 6-955656-23 WEEK 21 13-976425-23 | 6-949788-23 11-1015406-24 | 6-1005582-24 | 1-978653-24 1-897145-22 | 6-913077-22 | 6-904914-22 6-989006-24 | 6-987359-246-873103-21 | 6-884695-21 | 8-889215-21 13-933556-22 | 6-924083-22 WEEK 2711-890402-21 | 1-855644-21 WEEK 28 WEEK 26 11-1138537-27 | 6-1117840-27 | 3-1133948-27 WEEK 25 6-1123028-27 8-1178290-28 | 13-1182652-28 | 6-1160104-28 6-1073498-26 | 6-1078233-26 | 1-1061515-26 6-1153306-286-1035687-25 | 4-1052981-25 | 6-1039707-25 6-1066478-26 | 5-1094581-26 WEEK 311-1020684-25 | 6-1048073-25 WEEK 30 1 1272195 31 | 4 1301032 31 | 12 1306040 31 WEEK 29 3 1299974 31 | 6 1274370 31 6 1239007 30 | 6 1241610 30 | 11 1263883 303 1217852 29 | 6 1203755 29 | 1 1189401 29 5 1231083 30 | 6 1238606 305 1219418 29 | 6 1192843 29Visit Informanté’s Facebook page for more details on how you can win, how you can claim your prize as well as all the Ts & Cs

6 EDITORIAL 26 January - 01 February 2017 RETRO­ SPECTIVE NGHIDIPO NANGOLOThe lesson from Gambia PIC OF THE DAYfor Namibia and SADC San Bartolome de Pinares, Spain; A man rides a horse through a bonfire as part of a ritual in honour of Saint Anthony the Abbot, thePeer review in SADC has been a red herring for decades patron saint of domestic animals. Photo: Daniel Ochoa de Olza and for the first time in more than half a century in thecontinental history, tables were turned when ECOWAS, I THINK, THEREFORE…the African Union and the United Nations sternly coercedthe Gambian tyrant and dictator to cede power uncondi- On 23 June 1912, in Maida Vale, London, a that passes this test, and understands Chinese. AI running on mobile phones can beat most hu-tionally or he will be removed by force. young man was born to a member of the Then suppose he is in a closed room and has a man players. By 2016, computer AI was able to Indian Civil Service of British India, and the book with an English version of the computer beat the best humans at Go, considered one of the That was something remarkable to happen last weekend daughter of the chief engineer of Madras Railways. program, along with sufficient materials to run most computationally challenging games to win,when Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh, now former Young Alan Turing showed early signs of genius, the program manually. He could receive Chinese and even now, artificial intelligence programs arepresident, who turned into a traditional healer/witchdoc- and even at age 16, when he encountered Albert characters through a slot in the door, follow the inching ever closer to being able to beat humans attor claiming his special water concoction and bananas can Einstein’s work, he not only understood it, but also program as written, and produce Chinese char- poker. But it is not only games – in the 1960’s, Cap-heal HIV/Aids and other ailments in the last few year of figured out that Einstein was questioning Isaac acters as output through the door. If the program tain Kirk’s verbal querying of the USS Enterprisehis 22-year autocratic ruling, finally agreed to leave office Newton’s laws of motion, even though that was not could pass Turing’s test, so could he – but he still computer was considered science fiction and overwhen the ECOWAS peacekeeping force under the AU and explicit in the text. wouldn’t understand Chinese! And neither, ipso 200 years in the future, and yet today, we carryUN threatened to invade the country. facto, would the computer. mobile phones that can do the same thing. Apple’s Alan later studied at King’s College, Cambridge, Siri, Google’s Assistant (and predecessor, Google It was also the first time since 1965 that Adama Barrow, where he excelled at mathematics. By 1935, he was And yet, this is the same problem we as people Now), Amazon’s Alexa and Microsoft’s Cortananow president of The Gambia, won a democratic election elected a fellow at King’s, and in 1936, he published face. Given that we can only observe the behaviour are all intelligent assistants available on a variety ofin a country that was ruled by military juntas. Jammeh a seminal paper, “On Computable Numbers, with of others, how can we be certain that they have computing devices that respond to your voice andhimself, then a young military officer, came to power in an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem.” minds that can think? Behaviour, as shown above, perform actions.1994 after a coup. Namibia and South Africa did release Here he reformulated the limits of proof and does thus not guarantee that a thinking mind existsstatements urging Jammeh to give up power after losing computation via a simple hypothetical device that – we can only ever be certain our own minds exist. Slowly the parts are coming together, andthe election, but that’s where it ended. would become known as a Turing Machine. This The Turing test, it seems, would not prove that a Turing’s test will become relevant as never before. “universal computing machine” was proved to thinking computer would exist, but for all practical Sadly, Turing was gay, and chemically castrated in Closer to home, peer review has only be exercised by not only be capable of calculating any conceivable intent and purposes, it would be indistinguishable 1952 for homosexual acts, leading to his suicide inBotswana, and the rest of the SADC countries, including mathematical computation if it could be repre- from one that does… 1954 before his 42nd birthday. One of the greatestNamibia, are still hiding behind the so-called “non-inter- sented as an algorithm, but he also proved thatference in internal politics” to speak out against human any such machine could perform, or emulate, the Of course, simply knowing it’s possible does minds and pioneers in computer science had hisrights abuses, dictatorship and election manipulation in task of any other such machine. Alan Turing had not make it easy to achieve. The limitations of life cut short due to intolerance and the world isthe rest of the SADC countries. Namibia has been shying provided the mathematical basis for computers. computer power at the time left it to a mostly worse off for it. It took the British governmentaway and is at best reluctant, to call a spade a spade on But he was not done. theoretical science. Yet as computational power until 2009 to offer a public apology for its appallingwhat’s happening in Angola and Zimbabwe, and today the grew, so too were the attempts to realise what Alan treatment of a war hero, and in 2013 Queen Eliza-consequences are as clear as daylight. In the DRC, Presi- Unfortunately, during the next few years, there Turing had theorised. Trying to reach that elusive beth II granted him a posthumous pardon.dent Joseph Kabila is trying to change the constitution was a spot of trouble with the Germans. He goal of Artificial General Intelligence in one go wasto run for a third term, against the spirit of the country’s worked for His Majesty’s Government at Bletchley soon abandoned, but the fields of research into its Let us hope that this is not how we act whenconstitution. SADC and the AU are mum on the issue. Park, in cryptanalysis, and developed a codebreak- specific sub-sections have borne fruit. we finally meet these new children of humanity. ing machine that enabled the Allies to crack the It is our responsibility as people to make ethical Once Namibia hosted the SADC tribunal, but it died as Enigma Code. This played a key role in enabling Fields like machine language processing, and decisions based on reason, empathy and a concernsoon as it was conceived because Zimbabwe refused to an Allied victory, and it is estimated that his work translation opened up. Expert systems were created not only for ourselves, but also other conscious,participate in a legal action brought against the country’s shortened the war by two years, and saved more that when input with data, would follow expert sentient beings, wherever they may come expropriation, so much so that many now wonder than 14 million lives. reasoning to give solutions to a problem at hand. And perhaps, after welcoming them into ourwhy the African countries are leaving the International Games were amongst the first to gain artificial global community, we can offer them a glass ofCriminal Court, without a substitute within SADC and After that spot of bother, Alan turned his intelligence, as when the first available commercial champagne.the AU, albeit for valid reasons. Namibia, on its part, mind back to the mathematics of computational computer was released in 1951, both chess and Desmond P van Heerden, HonsBComm (Stell) is theshould not create obscurity on its intention for regional or devices. In 1950, he published a paper in Mind, checkers had AI to play them written almost im- Chief Analytics Officer of Trustco Group Holdingscontinental economic trade and integration, as it might be titled “Computing Machinery and Intelligence.” mediately. It took a while to mature, naturally, but Ltd. Previous articles available online at http://toi.the only trade option available in this times of uncertainty Based on his previous paper, where he proved that by 1997 computers were able to beat grandmasters He can be contacted at DesmondV@created by the ever-changing geo-politics of the world. digital computers are ‘universal,’ in that they can in at chess for the first time, and by today, even chess theory simulate the behaviour of any other digital Namibia should be cognizant that Africa is no longer a machine, Alan Turing asked that seminal questionpriority on many global forums, and should take the initia- that would drive the imaginations of computertive to ensure a healthy political and economic environ- scientists for years to come. Since Computer Ament in their immediate vicinity and beyond. Speaking out could simulate the behaviour of Computer B in anagainst transgressions could invite animosity and conflict, imitation game, well,however painful, but in Africa folklore one relies on yourneighbour in times of need, referred to as the closest fam- “Let us fix our attention on one particular digitalily. computer C. Is it true that by modifying this computer to have an adequate storage, suitably EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER increasing its speed of action, and providing it with an appropriate programme, C can be made • The newspaper’s views are not necessarily those of to play satisfactorily the part of A in the imitation our advertisers and the views aired in letters are not game, the part of B being taken by a man?” In necessarily those of the newspaper. other words, can a computer isolated from a judge so that she or he cannot immediately tell whether • Informanté publishes all advertisements in good she or he is communicating with a person or a faith and cannot be held liable for any misrepresen- computer, convince this judge that it is human? tation, losses or injury to any reader making use of Can a computer think? Or, as the case may be, act the products or services advertised. indistinguishably from the way someone who can think acts? And thus, the field of Artificial General Newspaper registration: 06/01/119 Intelligence was born. • Printed by Word Press, Windhoek, Many people have tried in the intervening 65- Office +264 83 100 1000 plus years to invalidate his original proposal with various arguments, the most common of which I • 260 000 copies distributed monthly to all major alluded to in the previous paragraph. John Searle, Namibian towns ­ for example, proposed the following analogy – suppose an artificial intelligence is programmed • Headquarters: Trustco House, 2 Keller Street, Windhoek, Namibia • Contact: Tel. 061 275 4102/8 Fax. 061 275 4090 Email. [email protected] • Electronic:

26 January - 01 February 2017 EDITORIAL 7 Encouraging local production FlipsideDYING FROM LACK OF CHRIS JACOBIEMEDICINES To Honour Heroes Tefo Pheage patent rights. Although they later withdrew the matter from court following pressure from groups that advocate for international THE centenary commemoration of the Ovakwanyama King, Mandume YaApproximately 1.6 million Africans died of malaria, tubercu- access to medicines, South Africa’s late president Nelson Mandela Ndemufayo, next week, is even more significant for Namibians of today losis and HIV-related illnesses in 2015. These diseases can be accused the companies of exploiting the developing world by than for those of a hundred years ago.prevented or treated with timely access to appropriate and afford- charging exorbitant fees for HIV/AIDS drugs. “That is completelyable medicines, vaccines and other health services. But less than wrong and must be condemned,” he said at the time. King Mandume died in battle in 1917 after leading his warriors in2% of drugs consumed in Africa are produced on the continent, separate offensives against the Portuguese and British forces thatmeaning that many sick patients do not have access to locally There is evidence, however, that local production improves ac- occupied parts of his vast kingdom stretching from Southern Angola intoproduced drugs and may not afford to buy the imported ones. cess and brings down the cost of medicines. “Ever since the high- Namibia. He was uniquely declared a national hero by both Angola and tech generic drug production [facility], Cinpharm-Cameroon, was Namibia. Without access to medicines, Africans are susceptible to the set up, it is relatively easier for Cameroonians to have access tothree big killer diseases on the continent: malaria, tuberculosis medicines,” says Mr. Lopes. “Now a low-wage earner can access a It is a privilege to commemorate the legacy of heroic leaders, butand HIV/AIDS. Globally, 50% of children under five who die of course of antibiotics at a lower price than a Kenyan counterpart.” it is a rare opportunity of history to commemorate with the politicalpneumonia, diarrhoea, measles, HIV, tuberculosis and malaria are Worth $24 million, Cinpharm-Cameroon produces 40 different descendants of liberation like the most elite club of Presidents, thein Africa, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). drugs. Founding Father, dr. Sam Nujoma, his successor, dr. HifikepunyeThe organisation defines having access to medicine as having Pohamba, and President Hage Geingob, who equally fought for war andmedicines continuously available and affordable at health facilities The Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights peace with the host of the commemoration the Oukwanyama Queenthat are within one hour’s walk of the population. (TRIPS) regulation of the World Trade Organization (WTO), in Martha Mwadinomho Kristian Nelumbu. force since 1986, curtails the right of companies to manufacture In some parts of Zimbabwe, for example, some nurses give pain- generic drugs, forcing countries to rely on brand-name products. The earlier leaders of different communities in Namibia, Jacobkillers to sick patients as a “treat-all drug,” says Charles Ndlovu, However, the WTO in 2006 granted developing countries a 10- Morenga, Maherero of the OvaHerero, Kaptein Hendrik Witbooi of thea Zimbabwean living in Botswana. Some of his family members year waiver to manufacture generic drugs using the intellectual Namas and King Nehale of Ondonga amongst others, at the time mighthave been treated in hospitals in Zimbabwe. With most medicines property rights of big pharmaceutical companies overseas. not have had a vision of Namibian independence. They might haveunavailable, the nurses have little choice. only protected the way of life and the properties of their own followers, Despite US objections, the waiver, which expired this year, was but these sparks of uncoordinated resistance over many years ignited Dave Puo, from Mpumalanga in South Africa, says that in extended until two-thirds of WTO members decide to remove it. the fire that decades later inspired the coordinated armed struggle forhis country, “when you seek medical attention, you are often Experts believe that is unlikely to happen, as the US appears to be independence of the Namibian nation.informed that there is no medication and advised to go to the the only big country insisting on its removal.big hospitals,” which the majority of the poor cannot afford. “The The extermination order against the OvaHerero and imperial andsystem does not care about your [empty] pockets.” WHO director-general Dr. Margaret Chan remarked in 2010 colonial military action against the Nama, as well as the Ndonga and that the debate on access to medicine is often clouded by suspi- Oukwanyama, brutally supressed resistance and their different leaders Inhibiting factors cions: “Suspicions that the rules governing international trade in through superiority in arms. The Namibian spirit that was ignited by About 80% of Africans, mostly those in the middle-income pharmaceutical products are rigged to favour the rich and power- could never be supressed. Decades later the fire of resistance andbracket and below, rely on public health facilities, reported the ful; that economic interests will trump health concerns.” freedom was re-ignited by revered politicians like Herman Toivo Ya Toivo,World Bank in 2013. With public health facilities suffering chronic the Founding father, Dr Sam Nujoma, his successor, Dr Hifikepunyeshortages of critical drugs, many patients die of easily curable The debate, Dr. Chan added, is complicated by deep mistrust. Pohamba and President Hage Geingob, all guided by the same spirit ofdiseases. “Countries unskilled in trade negotiations fear they will be tricked self-sacrifice and service to the people. Several factors inhibit access to medicines, but the major ones, or duped. Countries fear that pharmaceutical companies will useaccording to the WHO, are the shortage of resources and the lack unfair tactics, really, every trick in the book, to reduce competi- It is the very same spirit that the Queen of the Ovakwanyama, Queenof skilled personnel. tion from lower-priced generics.” Martha Mwandinombo Ya Kristian Nelumbu, represents as a revered and loyal leader of her people, but at the same time, a humble servant of her Dr. Chan added that, while the ethical argument of not depriv- government. She distinguished herself as an unwavering supporter of ing people of access to life-saving medicines is a reasonable one, Swapo through thick and thin. Her loyalty to Namibia and the Nujoma/ Pohamba/Geingob leadership is only equalled by her humility, dignityPhoto for illustrative purposes only and generosity for which she is universally admired as a mother of the nation. “Low-income countries experience poor availability of essential the for-profit pharmaceutical companies respond to market forces.medicines in health facilities, substandard-quality treatments, “What incentives does this industry have to fix prices according to History presents Namibians with an opportunity to share the politicalfrequent stock-outs and suboptimal prescription and use of medi- their affordability among the poor?” genesis of the Ovakwanyama and from greater understanding andcines,” says the world health body. greater tolerance and unity will grow. Progress in some countries Africa’s inefficient and bureaucratic public sector supply system Availability of medicines is one thing, but affordability is another The Ovakwanyama nation can rightly be proud of its commemorationis often plagued by poor procurement practices that make drugs important factor. Countries such as Ghana and South Africa of the best traditions of leadership that Namibia was blessed withvery costly or unavailable. Added to these are the poor transporta- have made efforts to make drugs affordable through insurance during the liberation struggle and through the different and difficulttion system, a lack of storage facilities for pharmaceutical products schemes, but these efforts have been largely feeble. Overall, insur- challenges of independence and democracy.and a weak manufacturing capacity. ance schemes cover less than 8% of the population of sub-Saharan Africa and do not cover prescription medicines on an outpatient The Mandume commemoration deserves the respect and honour of Africa’s capacity for pharmaceutical research and development basis. Namibia after a past, written in blood and personal sacrifice against the(R & D) and local drug production still has a long way to go, To underscore the problem of affordability, WHO notes that highest possible odds, silenced the guns. When the smoke cleared thesay experts. Only 37 out of 54 African states have some level of treating a child for malaria in Uganda with artemisinin combi- sun slowly rose on a nation that now sets an example to the world and ispharmaceutical production. Except South Africa, which boasts nation therapy will cost a household the equivalent of 11 days’ the envy of many.some active local pharmaceutical ingredients, most countries rely income. In Kenya, a seven-day treatment course of ciprofloxacinon imported ingredients. antibiotic could cost a month’s wages. Swords were turned into ploughshares and fields that once were the Despite obvious difficulties, some countries are making strides battlefields for justice and freedom are now bursting with crops. The The result is that Africa imports 70% of its pharmaceutical in improving access to medicine. Botswana is among the coun- Mandume battle cry that “slavery is like death” is still inspiring presentproducts, with India alone accounting for nearly 18% of imports tries that could be malaria-free by the year 2020, reports WHO. generations all over the continent and will keep Namibians 2011. Pharmaceutical imports in Africa include up to 80% of Director-general of Botswana’s health ministry Shenaaz el Halabithe antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) used to treat HIV/AIDS, accord- told Africa Renewal, “We have seen a tremendous improvement Therein lies the soul of Namibian Independence and the embodimenting to trade data. in our health care system in recent years.” of the Constitution, that will also be commemorated just a few days Ethiopia has made considerable progress too, particularly in the after the commemoration of King Mandume. “Many African governments spend a disproportionate amount control of HIV and treatment of malaria, tuberculosis and otherof their scarce resources on procuring medicines,” writes Carlos diseases. “Ethiopia’s increased investments in expanding effective The queen dedicated the Mandume celebrations to the youngerLopes, former executive secretary of the United Nations Economic health coverage—it rose to 95% in 2013 to 2014—has already generation and like her famous forbearer, she is building a bridgeCommission for Africa. improved health indicators in the population, reducing child mor- between all generations, and Namibians should cross it together. tality and HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis,” states WHO. To produce medicines, a country must abide by Current Good Recourse to traditional medicines The commemorations that will be held at Oihole and Omhedi will alsoManufacturing Practices (CGMP), which are enforced by the Faced with difficulties in accessing modern medicines, many Af- confirm the bond and value of brotherhood between nations, and theUnited States and other governments to ensure the quality of ricans resort to ritual and herbal remedies, known across diverse ties that bind them.manufacturing processes and facilities. Many African countries do African societies as traditional medicine.not have the technical, financial or human resources required for But Ali Arazeem Abdullahi, a sociology professor at the Univer- The unity of communities and nations will lead nations to sharedhigh-scale drug production. sity of Ilorin, Nigeria, cautions that “it is a general belief in medi- prosperity and resilience to challenge the future with confidence. cal circles [in Africa] that traditional medicine defies scientific But Egypt, Morocco, South Africa and Tunisia have made procedures in terms of objectivity, measurement, codification and Most importantly, the Mandume commemoration and the nationalprogress in local pharmaceutical productions. Morocco is Africa’s classification.” invitation from the queen is an important watershed and must set thesecond-largest pharmaceutical producer (after South Africa), and Acknowledging there are quacks that should be checkmated, course for future relationships between governments and traditionalhas 40 pharmaceutical manufacturing companies that supply 70% Professor Abdullahi called for political will to rebrand and stan- authorities that will serve communities and the nation best.of products for local consumption and also exports to neigh- dardize traditional medicine practices.bouring countries. Countries such as Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Experts believe that Africa’s solutions to improving citizen It heals wounds and builds bridges which is always the most just of allTanzania are currently developing production capacity. access to medicine could lie in stimulating local production, causes that peaceful Namibians can fight for on behalf of their fellow developing the right policies and infrastructure, and training and citizens. Suspicions retaining its medical talents. - Africa Renewal Many African political leaders and development experts believe A bright future always flows from a glorious past.that the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies are reluctant The Namibian democracy that sets the tone in an insecure world is theto offer technical support to African manufacturers. For example, one where elders are honoured and therefore the future generations canin 2001, 39 international pharmaceutical companies dragged challenge in the best interest of the Namibian people.the South African government to court to challenge its plans tomanufacture and import cheap, generic HIV/AIDS drugs. The companies claimed that South Africa’s plans breached their

8 BUSINESS 26 January - 01 February 2017BUSINESSMARKET RECAPWEEKLY market review Alternative building methods are pivotal 18 January 2017 - 24 January 2017 HOUSE PRICES NSX STOCKS CODE PRICE % VOLUME VALUE EXPECTED TO 818 3,242 DECREASEDOWN UP TRUSTCO GROUP TUC / TTO 4.00 2.56 HOLDINGS LIMITED 463 8.172 BANK WINDHOEK BWH 17.60 0.63 HOLDINGS LTD NBS 27.91 0.04 81 2.261 NAMIBIA BREWERIES AGR 1.46 - 90 131 AGRA LTD - - NICTUS HOLDINGS - NHL 2.00 - 175 8.320 NAMIBIA 47.68 (0.06) 21.10 (0.09) 56 1.182 FNB NAMIBIA HOLDINGS FNB LTD ORY - 200 - 2.026 ORYX PROPERTIES PRICE % LIMITED 547 - 1,109 - BIDVEST NAMIBIA NHBLVN 2.1010.13 - (0.10) 46,810 0.77 NICLTIMUSITHEODLDINGS - 2,280 0.54COMNMAMOIDBIIATIES 7,150 (0.97) PRICE % GLOBAL INDICES 3,282 (0.11) Property prices rebound in the third quarter of 2016 as the FNB National Price 22,950 0.48 Index recorded a 27% increase compared to the same quarter in 2015.BRENT CRUDE OIL 55.44 (0.05) NSX Local GOLD 1,210.30 (0.14) NSX All Share PLATINUM JSE Top 40 997.20 1.58 S&P 500 UK FTSE 100 FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRICE % Euro Stoxx 50 Staff Reporter economy. At the end of the third tain costs within constrained eco- Hang Seng quarter the median price printed at nomic backdrop. Most developers inN$ per US$ 13.38 (2.58) The growth was fuelled by central N$900, 13% higher than prices last the central area have stated weakerN$ per £ 16.75 (1.76) and coastal price inflation as is year. Notably, the highest median demand caused by both tighterN$ per ¢ 14.36 (2.42) seasonally expected during the third prices recorded emanated from credit control conditions from quarter. Henties Bay, Swakopmund and financiers and a cautious view fromIt was another big week on the market. factors and environmental conditions, as Windhoek, which currently stand at consumers. In the affordable incomeTrustco Group Holdings took the lead, with well as a shortage of quota allocations. “The movements were largely N$1,2 million for the coastal towns space, where demand is slated to begrowth of 2,56% to close at N$4 per share. The other divisions could not compensate driven by higher prices in the up- and N$1,4 million for Windhoek. the highest, securing financing forBank Windhoek Holdings finished second, for this due to trying economic conditions per segment - approximately 34% Kavishe added, “We remain cau- the alternative building methods iswith growth of 0,63% to close at N$17,60 in Namibia over the last six months. They higher across the two regions- and tiously bearish about the property pivotal in ensuring absorption intoper share, with Namibia Breweries in third report that various initiatives are being faster than expected price inflation market, despite the price recovery the property market. These struc-place, with 0,04% growth to close at taken to improve efficiencies and save in the lower end, approximately during the third quarter. The limited tures, once accredited for durabilityN$27,91. In terms of volume, FNB Namibia costs. The Bank of Namibia’s Quarterly 23% higher across the two regions”, supply around stand-alone units has and tested for structural integrity,took the lead, with N$8,3 million worth Bulletin for December 2016 reported that said Daniel Kavishe, Market Re- kept the prices elevated across most will add substantial supply to theof shares traded, with Bank Windhoek the overall balance of payments recorded search Manager, FNB Namibia. regions despite demand waning. market and would potentially causeHoldings in a close second with N$8,1 a surplus during the third quarter of 2016, We anticipate further weakness in prices to deflate further. Lookingmillion worth of shares traded. Trustco a turnaround from a deficit during the The Volume Index remained demand in central Namibia, but forward, Kavishe estimated, “houseGroup were third in volume, with N$3,2 corresponding quarter of 2015, mainly in negative territory for the 10th improvements across the northern price growth to taper down to 10%million worth of shares traded. Bidvest supported by increased net capital inflows consecutive quarter printing -17% and coastal towns”. at the end of 2016 with potentialNamibia released its trading statement in the financial account. The current in 3Q2016, as transaction demand upper bound at 13%. The 12 monthfor the half-year ended 31 December account deficit improved both, on a yearly staggered across the regions. The Customers’ prospects remain cumulative growth in volumes re-2016. They anticipate basic earnings per and quarterly basis, during the third quarter narrative remains the same as daunting as they wrestle with higher mains negative at -20% which posesshare and headline earnings per share for of 2016, primarily ascribed to a declining the poor volume growth remains inflationary environment and a ris- downside risks to overall marketto be down between 77% and 82% on merchandise trade deficit. consistent with the weakening ing interest rate cycle. Wage growth demand which continues to soften”.the previous period. They attribute this Market quote of the week remains low as business tries to con-decline to losses incurred in the group´s “Stop being afraid of what could go wrong,fishing division. Bidvest Namibia´s fishing and start being excited of what could godivision faces adverse external market right.” – Tony Robbins Deciding on best investmentMONEY-WISE: Bank Windhoek Diederik Kruger same return as long term deposits. In a benchmark is amongst others, a tes- clients may choose to convert some ofHead: Funding and Liquidity Man- a market with high uncertainty on the timony of the fund manager’s ability to their investments to low risk guaranteedagement, Diederik Kruger. A new year brings new possibilities. direction of interest rate movements, outperform the benchmark in a volatile return products to offset some of thePhoto contributed It is the time of the year when people the difference between short term one market. When considering returns, the market risks in their portfolio. are well rested and have the time to do month deposits and 12 month fixed de- impact of tax or withholding tax on some forward planning. It is therefore posits will favour the long term investor. your return must be taken into account Why invest in fixed deposits? the perfect time to evaluate your savings An investor can decide to wait for future and this is important when you are There is a host of investment vehicles and investment plans. rate increases by keeping their money dependent on your income for living for individuals these days and investors in short duration deposits or they can expenses. are often overwhelmed by the complex- Term of the investment choose to earn a higher return from day ity and fine print of these investments. It is important to consider the recom- one and potentially outperform their Risk and volatility Investors want to know that they can mended investment period for an peers. Some investors will favour the This is certainly an important part of trust the organisation that offer the best investment. Many of the market linked second option to have a guarantee of every investment decision. Investors investment and have some guarantee investments recommend a three to five their income for the period. have varied risk appetites and therefore of the income that they will earn on the year investment horizon because market it is important to gauge your own ap- investment. It is therefore not surpris- fluctuations in the short term can affect Return and taxability petite before you make an investment ing that the time tested benefits of a the return on your investment. Simi- When comparing investment returns, decision. Market risk is the impact of fixed deposit, is still the same today. A larly, when we look at term deposits, market linked portfolios’ past per- adverse market movements on the re- fixed deposit offers short to long term short term deposits will not give you the formance is no guarantee for future turn on your investment and your capi- investment options that is low risk with performance. Past performance against tal invested. During uncertain times, a guaranteed return. Supreme Wheels, Sales Contact Nico at: Tel: 061-304 903 081-334 9222 Happy New Year Wishing you [email protected] No. 5 Parson Street The Best Deals on Wheels2015 Ford Ranger 2.2 XLT S/cab 2015 Toyota Etios 1.5 XS, 2016 Nissan X-Trail 2.0 XE, 2013 Hyundai Elantra 1.8 GLS Exec, 45175 km 64486km 4x4 , 15600km 5Dr , 45,000km N$ 299,000-00 N$ 195,000-00 N$ 295,000 00 N$ 135,000-00Deal Assist =N$ 10,000-00 Deal Assist = N$ 7,500-00 Deal Assist = N$ 20,000-00 ...your trustworthy Pre-owned dealer with cars that have factory warranty!!! – Value for Money – Newer models with low kilos!!!

26 January - 01 February 2017 BUSINESS 9 Major competitor in any new market FNB PREPARE GRADUATES FORBIDVEST CAN TAP WORKR13B FOR DEALSBidvest Group is seeking deals outside its South African home market and could borrow as Staff Reporter increase the number we couldmuch as $1 billion for acquisitions after it spun off its food-services unit last year, its chief ex- take on this year.” SME Competeecutive officer said. This year SME Compete has has provided work experience been able to give four interns gaining opportunities on an ad Janice Kew and Liezel Hill GROWTH: Lindsay Ralphs, Bidvest CEO counter an unpredictable local currency – two at their Windhoek office hoc basis to young Namibians Photo contributed and 2016 economic growth that the and two at the Ongwediva since the firm’s founding inLindsay Ralphs, the CEO, is plotting currency lost 45% of its value against the central bank said was likely to have been office - the chance to gain much March 2006. Interns gain Bidvest’s next phase of growth after dollar in the three years through 2015 the slowest in seven years. Clothing needed on-the-job training practical experience in a numberthe Johannesburg-based company spun before gaining 13% last year. retailer The Foschini Group and before entering the formal of fields from administrativeoff Bid Corp, which is about 40% larger Other South African companies are investment company Brait have bought corporate job market. “This duties to customer relations,by market capitalisation at ZAR80 billion expanding in international markets to firms in the UK, while Bid Corp and has been made possible through business registrations and($6 billion). Now operating a mix of auto-to-logistics firm Imperial Holdings support from FNB Namibia as more. “Some of our interns nowmostly South African businesses ranging have substantial foreign operations. they are also aware of the fact hold managerial positions atfrom cleaning, security and freight- that many young graduates corporate companies and weservices to car rental and plumbing The spin-off has been a success for the struggle to find work as they do are proud of them and knowsupplies, Bidvest sees its scope for local new Bidvest, Ralphs said. Previously, not have practical experience that this programme of ours hasacquisitions as limited, the CEO said. cash generated by the company was yet,” says Claudine Mouton of definitely played a big role.” largely put toward growing the food- SME Compete. There are a “couple of processes taking services unit. The split frees up funds for Clara Bohitile, Chairperson ofplace” related to potential acquisitions, growing the remaining businesses. Mouton adds: “We have done the FNB Holdings Foundationwith expansion in the UK a possibility, this on-the-job training since Trust visited SME Compete andRalphs, 61, said in an interview. Any deal Ralphs replaced Brian Joffe, who we began operations but have met with Maria Kuassi-Kpedewould be in an industry in which Bidvest founded the company in 1988 and always had some financial and Aina Ekandjo who are busyalready operates and the company would retired as CEO when Bid Corp was constraints. This year FNB with their internship. Bohitilewant to be a major competitor in any separated in May. Joffe remains a non- Namibia, a long-standing said, “This project is in line withnew market, he said. executive director of Bidvest and is partner of SME Compete came FNB’s P4 strategy, particularly chairman of Bid Corp. to the party and through their under the People pillar, which “It probably reduces down to three, support we can continue with aims to transform human capitalfour or five significant industries that After adjusting historical pricing to the internship component full not just within the bank butare simple and sometimes even below reflect the spin-off, Bidvest has gained steam.” SME Compete felt more also those in the communitythe radar,” said Ralphs. Money would 63% in the past 12 months, according to had to be done to help graduates in which we operate. We wishbe borrowed outside South Africa, with data compiled by Bloomberg, making it gain much needed work to assist in developing diverse,overseas purchases serving to hedge the third-best performer on the FTSE/ experience as many prospective highly-skilled and motivatedagainst volatility in the rand, he said. The JSE Top40 Index and the top non-mining employers demand this of first- individuals in the market. Once stock. Without the historical adjustment, time employees. “For this reason, these youngsters have been Bidvest has declined 49%. Bloomberg we decided to approach the FNB equipped with the skills and Namibia Holdings Foundation experience they will be able to Trust for funding support to use them to create their own success stories and tap into the corporate world.”Live the moments,share the memoriesMeme Shipena, together with her family, saved for her daughter’swedding using the GroupSave account. WIN N$ 5000 Open a GroupSave account at any branch between 8 December 2016 and 28 February 2017 and stand a chance to win 1 of 6 N$ 5000 prizes.Open a GroupSave account and save together towards your goal and benefit from low fees,high interest rates and daily credit interest. To find out more call us at +264 61 299 1200.Terms and Conditions apply

10 COASTAL 26 January - 01 February 2017COASTAL Mussels contain high levels of shellfish poisonMUSSEL PRODUCTION AREASHUT DOWN AGAINThe marine mariculture industry at the coast are set to take a knock following a government decision to close the Walvis Bay Production Area 1 formussel harvesting. Niel Terblanche mussels until further notice by the sometimes occur. The symptoms ministry,” said Permanent Secre- usually set in within about halfPicking mussels. Photo for illustrative purpose. Photo: Vincent Mounier Photography The Ministry of Fisheries and tary of Fisheries Moses Maurihun- an hour after infected shellfish Marine Resources said in a girire. The ministry warned the were ingested and last for about statement that mussel samples public that marine biotoxins are a day. The symptoms are not life from the Walvis Bay Production not destroyed by cooking or freez- threatening and no fatalities from Area 1 were found to carry exor- ing the shellfish diarrhetic shellfish poisoning have bitant levels of diarrhetic shellfish ever been recorded. poison. “Mussels grown in this area may not be harvested for direct human According to the statement when “Mussel samples have been consumption, depuration or relay- the symptoms occur after eating tested for biotoxins during the ing, hence no farmer in this area is molluscan shellfish people should most recent official sampling and permitted to harvest mussels from seek immediate medical assis- testing facilitated by the Namib- this area,” said Maurihungirire. tance and make sure they inform ian Standards Institution as part of the medical practitioner that the the National Shellfish Sanitation Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning is consumed shellfish. Programme. The latest test results one of the four recognised symp- from mussel samples that were tom types of shellfish poisoning, In June and September last year, submitted for testing indicate the the others are paralytic poison- the local mussel industry was also presence of diarrhetic shellfish ing, neurotoxic poisoning, and dealt a blow when the ministry poisoning at a level higher than the amnesic poisoning. As the name shut down all outlets that sell mus- permissible level and therefore it diarrhetic suggests the poisoning sels and oysters harvested from is unsafe to collect and consume manifest itself as intense diarrhoea the Walvis Bay and Swakopmund and severe abdominal pains in areas as they were deemed unfit humans. Nausea and vomiting may for consumption due to poisoning. Man drowns at the MoleDeposit cash 24/7 Niel Terblanche 28-year-old David Thomas, was an Advance ATM Police officers assisted by divers wentfor immediate use. The Namibian police in the Erongo in search of the body but the sea already Region are still searching for the claimed its victim. remains of a man who drowned over the last weekend at the popular beach As it usually happens when the body in Swakopmund. of a drowning victim is not immediately found, members of the police and emer- Members of the Swakopmund Emer- gency services then starts to wait for gency Services along with lifeguards the body to wash up on the beach. They attempted in vain to retrieve the body of scour the beaches north of the incident a man who drowned at the Mole. on a regular basis because the currents usually take the remains north where it According to a member of the Swa- washes up. kopmund Fire Brigade, Adri Goosen, the incident happened between 15h30 Goosen said if any member of the and 16h00 on Sunday. He said the de- public comes across the remains on the ceased and his brother went swimming beach the police should immediately be in the sea and they got into trouble. informed. “We do not know exactly what tran- Chief Inspector Erastus Iikuyu, the spired but the person who managed to regional crime investigation coordinator swim to shore told police and mem- confirmed the drowning and also urged bers of the emergency services on the members of the public to assist with scene that he tried to save his brother at the search for the unfortunate man’s one stage. He said he tried to drag his remains. brother to safety but had to give up in order to survive himself,” he said. The victim was a resident of Swakop- mund and it is suspected that he and his A crowd gathered on the beach to find brother were not proficient swimmers. out what the outcome of the tragedy might be. According to Goosen the seabed at the beach can be very dangerous. He said Members of the Sea Rescue Institute people do not realise that the bottom of Namibia however handed the scene in the surf could drop very quickly and over to the police when all hope of that once overcome by waves and cur- rescuing the man, later identified as the rents many find it difficult to reach the safety of dry land.You can do so much more on an Advance ATM – frommanaging your account, to making cash deposits inreal-time! Say hello to instant banking, wherever youare in Namibia.Find the Advance ATM at most FNB Branch lobbies.For more information, visit orcontact Tel: (061) 299 2222. TRAGEDY: People gathered at the scene of the drowning. Photo: Niel Terblanche

26 January - 01 February 2017 COASTAL 11 Plans to sell Russian vessel as scrap because it can’t be maintainedFINANCIAL WOES SCUTTLERUSSIAN VESSELEnvironmental activists fighting against the harvesting of live sea mammals and certain types of birds by a Chinese company and a Russian vessel char-tered to do the job celebrated a small victory after it became known that the Ryazanovka will be scrapped. Niel Terblanche Walvis Bay for repairs, and has been PRE-OWNED at anchorage for the past four monthsThis after the acting senior com- waiting for an opening to go on the dry 1 2 3 mercial manager at Namport, Elias docks for repairs. In this regard ElginMwenyo, and the Ministry of Fisher- Brown & Hamer Namibia announced 1. 2013 Citroen Aircross C4 2.0 2. 2011 Fiat Linea 1.4 Emotion 3. 2011 Alfa Romeo Giuliettaies and Marine Resources’s permanent that it will facilitate the repairs of the Attraction - Full Service History A/C,P/S,R/CD QV Full Housesecretary, Moses Maurihungirire, both Ryazanovka but only after it could besaid that the ship is not in Namibian established that it will not continue with Dep N$ 18 000.00 Dep N$ 20 000.00 Dep N$ 44 000.00waters to capture live sea mammals for the capture effort. Price N$ 179 990.00 Price N$ 99 990.00 Price N$ 219 990.00the aquarium trade in the Far East. Mwenyo said the vessel’s documents When the ship moved from anchorage which allowed it to come for repairssite to a berth in the harbour for replen- have since expired and need to beishment of food and fuel and thereafter renewed by the Classification Societymoving to a new anchorage site in the before repairs could be done.bay speculation was rife that the vesselwas indeed busy catching live mammals. “The vessel cannot leave the port with-This after both the Minister of Fisher- out legal documents, which makes ities and Marine Resources, Bernhardt impossible for it to be involved in illegalEsau and his permanent secretary said activities,” he said.that neither the Chinese company northe vessel has received a permit for the In the meantime members of thecapture effort. environmental activists established from Namport that the Russian owners of the “Port control as well as officials from vessel have made the decision to scrapthe ministry was on a permanent watch the vessel. The cost estimate to haveto monitor the position of the vessel the Ryazanovka repaired for seaworthi-visually and by radar. He also said the ness and the classification society wereship discharged its nets and smaller deemed too used to place the nets into storageashore in order for repairs to take place,” It also came to light that the RussianMwenyo said. Embassy was concerned about the nega- tive publicity and recently visited the Mwenyo said the vessel came to vessel and the captain. The announce- ment to scrap the ship came after the high profile visit to Walvis Bay. 4 5 6 4. 2012 Suzuki Grand Vitara 5. 2010 Toyota Auris 1.3 6. 2011 VW Jetta 5 1.4 TSI 2.4 Auto 4X4 A/C, P/S , R/CD Comfort Line - Full Service History Dep N$ 25 000.00 Dep N$ 48 000.00 Dep N$ 24 000.00 Price N$ 249 990.00 Price N$ 119 990.00 Price N$ 159 990.00 1. 2010 Fiat Punto 1.4 5. 2010 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 9. 2013 Peugeot 508 1.6 A/T 13. 13.2015 Mahindra 2.2 Emotion. a/c p/s r/cd a/c r/cd p/s mags Scorpio S/C Factory N$ 89 990.00 N$ 109 990.00 Remainder of Maintenance warranty service plan N$ 199 990.00 6. 2012 Peugeot 3008 1.6 THP plan N$ 219 990.00 Full house 14. 2010 Fiat 1.4 Punto 2. 2013 Mahindra Bolero 2.5 N$ 185 990.00 10. 2016 Tata Bolt Sedan T Jet Full House Factory warranty N$ 109 990.00 S/C lwb N$ 129 990.00 7. 2010 Daihatsu Terios 4x4 N$ 179 990.00 a/c N$ 119 990.00 15. 2014 Citreon C1 3. 2008 Renault Megane 11. 2015 Suzuki Gypsy a/c r/cd p/s 1.9 DCI Full house 8. 2012 Hyundai I 10 GLS N$ 179 990.00 N$ 99 990.00 N$ 89 990.00 N$ 89 990.00 4. 2011 Honda Accord 2.4 EX 12. 2006 Peugeot 407 2.0 Full house HDI Comfort Full house N$ 179 990.00 N$ 89 990.00 CONTACT Ruaan - 081 122 1465 | Francois - 081 158 1085SCRAP: The Ryazanovka. Photo contributed Hosea Kutako Drive Windhoek Tel - 061 279 709 Visit us or Download App MOBILE BUS SCHEDULE 2017 DATE ACTIVITIES LOCATION TRIP 11 February 2017 Rehoboth2 February 2017 IOL Students’ Queries Groot Aub DEPARTURE DATE: 1 FEBRUARY 20173 February 2017 Academic, Finance, Registration, Study Materials, Okahandja ARRIVAL DATE: 3 FEBRUARY 20173 February 2017 IT Related, Promotional, Sales, etc. Windhoek Be sure to catch the IOL mobile bus IOL Students’ Queries in your town to have your student Academic, Finance, Registration, Study Materials, queries addressed or to register for a IT Related, Promotional, Sales, etc. course of your choice. IOL Students’ Queries Contact us Academic, Finance, Registration, Study Materials, Tel: +264 61 275 4444 IT Related, Promotional, Sales, etc. Email: [email protected] Web: IOL Students’ Queries Academic, Finance, Registration, Study Materials, IT Related, Promotional, Sales, etc.

12 NORTHERN 26 January - 01 February 2017 Armyworms invade crop fields Katenda resigns but remains a priestCATERPILLARS THREATTO FOOD SECURITY Placido Hilukilwa ishes in Namibia notifying the clergy and parishioners that he has acceptedA plague of armyworms is threatening food security in the Northern part of the coun- Tension between liberals and Katenda’s resignation.try, following invasion of crop fields in areas like Omusati, Ohangwena, Kavango East conservatives within the Anglicanand Kavango West Regions. Church has morphed into irrec- He said the resignation has seri- oncilable disagreements that burst ous implications and ramifications.INFESTATION: Damage to plants at Etunda Green Scheme. Photo contributed open when well-known priest and “Because he is no longer a licensed social commentator, Reverend priest in the ACSA,” the bishop said, Maria David polyphagous pest species that caused farmers. Lukas Kaluwapa Katenda, tendered “Katenda cannot officiate or perform large numbers of crop damage in the “Such pest species are well-known his resignation recently. any priestly duty in any form in anyThe outbreak has caused panic in said regions. of the church’s parishes. What this the regions, with rising fear that to pose serious threat to food security Katenda, a charismatic cleric and means is that he can attend servicesthe plague would lead to poor yields The ministry through the Plant as they cause mass destruction to excellent orator, is said to be aligned of the Anglican Church, if he sothis year, and as a result the Ministry Health Division and the Regional cereal crops,” said Misika. with the conservative wing that, for wishes, and simply sit in the pews,”of Agriculture, Water and Forestry is Extension Offices is busy availing years, has resisted the liberals’ de- Pato said.trying to contain the outbreak from pesticides and spraying machines to Furthermore, governor of Omusati mand for reform, including demandspreading to other regions. control the spread of the caterpillars region Erginus Endjala said they only to approve same-sex marriages. However, bishop Pato warned both in the affected areas. received complaints from Etunda the clergy and parishioners against The ministry has confirmed the out- Green Scheme and few from the Katenda was one of the candidates speculating about the reasons forbreak of different types of caterpil- According to the Permanent Sec- public, as most cases are reported to who last year vied for the position Katenda’s resignation.lars that has been reported by farmers retary, Percy Misika, farmers are ad- extension officers in the constituency. left vacant by late bishop Nathanielfrom the four regions, and have vised to plough or dig deep trenches Ndaxuma Nakwatumba. He said such speculation wouldbeen verified by MAWF staff in the around their fields to stop caterpillars “Measures are put in place and only sensationalise the matter andaffected areas and urges all large and from moving in or out of their fields farmers are informed to report any Although many people expected potentially blow it out of proportion.small farmers in the affected areas to or from adjacent fields or vice versa. case of caterpillars invasion to him to win comfortably, the contestensure they use pest control method. extension officers for fumigation, but ended in a deadlock with no clear Youthful Katenda has occupied It still remain unclear whether the if it is not done we will have poor winner after several rounds of voting. a number of important positions These caterpillars are highly worms are American Bollworms or harvesting at the end of the year,” in the Anglican Church in recent armyworms that were detected by the concluded Endjala. As a result, the Church decided to years, including being its treasurer appoint a South African priest, Luke and secretary-general. He is cur- Lungile Pato, as the new head of the rently the academic dean and acting Anglican Diocese of Namibia. principal at the inter-denominational Namibia Evangelical Theological However, there were immedi- Seminary (NETS) in Windhoek and ate expressions of discontent as is a well-known NBC Oshiwambo conservative Anglicans alleged that Service commentator on Biblical their new bishop was unorthodox on matters. issues of sexuality and was “unfairly imposed” from above. At the local level, there have been other resignations since last year. Katenda confirmed his resigna- tion from the Anglican Church of Reverend William Festus Shifidi Southern Africa (ACSA), but said resigned his position as pastor in he remains a priest in the worldwide charge of the Saint Andrew’s parish Anglican Communion. in Othiwarongo, while Lazarus Hakwaake resigned from both the “Yes, I have tendered my resigna- Diocesan Standing Committee and tion. I will however not relinquish the Diocesan Trust Board. He has the priesthood of the general Angli- also relinquished his position as lay can Church,” he said. Katenda cited minister. biblical, theological, ecclesiastical, historical as well as pastoral and “People are bringing in doctrines practical reasons as the basis for his that are alien to the Anglican church resignation. and we are not comfortable with that. They are putting the Bible aside Meanwhile, bishop Pato has ad- and replacing it with teachings of dressed a letter to all Anglican par- men,” Hakwaake said. Headman Nelulu’s wife buried Staff Reporter The wife of Oukwanyama CONDOLENCES: Former President Hifikepunye Pohamba addresses mourners. Traditional Authority Chair-LET’S GET BACK TO WORK man George Nelulu, Hilja REST IN PEACE: Pall-bearers arriving at the cemetery at Etomba. Photos: Plasido Hilukilua Naikaku, who passed away“We might not always agree with the US President Donald Trump,but we agree earlier this month, was laidon this one.....”The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of ac- to rest at Etomba village intion.....Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can the Ohangwena Region onmatch the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. Our country Saturday. She was aged 74.will thrive and prosper again”. This according to Rev.Edward Amadhila, or-ganisation technical adviser of Tov HIV/Aids Orphans and Vulnerable Children A teacher by profession,Organisation in Tsumeb. Naikaku went on earlyRev Amadhila said the children are back from the holidays and they are sure retirement in 1996 due to illthat this term they will get the results that they are looking forward to. He said health, but relatives say shethey have availed resources for the Grade 7s to prepare them to go for tests was doing fairly well untilin English, maths and natural sciences at St Boniface Secondary School near she died suddenly at homeRundu. “This is the best private school in the country. Those kids we identified on 11 go will receive a monthly allowance of N$300 per month. Our government iscurrently not doing well and we are meeting them halfway to educate Namibian Messages of condolenceschildren. Please join us to make a difference,” he concluded. poured in from all corners of the country. The funeral service took place in the Ondobe Lutheran parish and was attended by a big crowd of mourners, including promi- nent personalities such as former President Hifikepu- nye Pohamba and his wife Penehupifo Pohamba, as well as Minister Pohamba Shifeta and five retired bishops – Kleopas Dumeni, Apollos Kaulinge and Josa- phat Shanghala of ELCIN, and Shihala Hamupembe and Petrus Hilukilwa of Anglican among others. Late Naikaku is survived by her husband, Nelulu, seven children and a num- ber of grandchildren.

26 January - 01 February 2017 NORTHERN 13 Young writer to launch booksFINDING COMFORT IN WRITINGIt is in the interest of giving back and encouraging literacy amongher peers and to prove that no challenge in life has no solutionand no obstacle has no turning point, a young author is ready tolaunch two of her books. Maria David on her first book titled Nowadays Maria in 2016, which talks about the youth thatA21-year-old author, Ester N Jonas, are tempted by material things, victims of from Uukwamatsi village, Ongandjera passion killings and child abuse. She man-district in Omusati Region, who started aged to complete the book the same year.writing at the age of 10, writing poems,speeches and social media posts, said she “I later started with my second book,was inspired by her cousin who kept moti- Nangula the Orphan that I completed atvating her to never give on what she wants the beginning of this year. My book isto do and is good at, thus she decided to about stepmothers that treat their stepchil-start writing books which led to her now dren bad, at the same time it reflects onlaunching two books titled “Nangula the my own life and experience,” she said.Orphan” and “Nowadays Maria”. Inspired by her cousin Selma Shipanga According to Jonas, she suffered abuse to always believe in herself, she managedat the hand of her stepmother, but she to overcome her financial challenges bynever stopped loving her despite the selling T-shirts in order to raise funds thatill-treatment she received. As a result she were needed to publish her books.decided to put what she felt about step-parents in writing. She started working The books will be launched 3 February at International University of Manage- ment in Ongwediva, Oshana region.Undelivered goodsworry customer Maria David PROUD: Ester Jonas prepares for her books launch. Photo: Maria DavidA customer of Nictus Furnishers in Ongwediva is disappointed by Nictus as a PRE-OWNEDbed he bought last year December is still undelivered. He hopes to get answersas to when the goods he bought will be delivered to him. 1 2 3 According to the customer he bought a bed last year 14 December, paying cash, 1. 2013 Citroen Aircross C4 2.0 2. 2011 Fiat Linea 1.4 Emotion 3. 2011 Alfa Romeo Giuliettafrom Nictus Furnishers for his child, but until now he hasn’t received the bed. Attraction - Full Service History A/C,P/S,R/CD QV Full House “Coming back the following day, to my disappointment I was told the bed was Dep N$ 18 000.00 Dep N$ 20 000.00 Dep N$ 44 000.00sold out. My child is sleeping on the floor for a month now, while the bed has al- Price N$ 179 990.00 Price N$ 99 990.00 Price N$ 219 990.00ready been purchased. They told me to call me, but they never did that until I wentback early this year when they told me to wait, How can they sell out somethingthat has already been paid for in cash?” He said that he went back early January, but Nictus staff just made emptypromises. According to nictus stock clerk manager Maggy Kawana, she was aware ofthe matter ever since last year December when she went on leave. However, shecouldn’t say when the bed is coming, but assured the customer that it will bereceived within this month. “If I call my supplier and they tell me that the goods will be delivered tomorrow,and I call the clients and informs them that the goods will be available tomorrowand then when tomorrow comes and there are no goods, the customer will neverblame the supplier,” said Maggy. She also confirmed that there was no stock still delivered since 18 January, whenit was supposed to be delivered. She assured the customer that by Friday the bedwill be delivered and informed him to call back and inquire if the goods is avail-able. 4 5 6 4. 2012 Suzuki Grand Vitara 5. 2010 Toyota Auris 1.3 6. 2011 VW Jetta 5 1.4 TSI 2.4 Auto 4X4 A/C, P/S , R/CD Comfort Line - Full Service History Dep N$ 25 000.00 Dep N$ 48 000.00 Dep N$ 24 000.00 Price N$ 249 990.00 Price N$ 119 990.00 Price N$ 159 990.00 1. 2010 Fiat Punto 1.4 5. 2010 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 9. 2013 Peugeot 508 1.6 A/T 13. 13.2015 Mahindra 2.2 Emotion. a/c p/s r/cd a/c r/cd p/s mags Scorpio S/C Factory N$ 89 990.00 N$ 109 990.00 Remainder of Maintenance warranty service plan N$ 199 990.00 6. 2012 Peugeot 3008 1.6 THP plan N$ 219 990.00 Full house 14. 2010 Fiat 1.4 Punto 2. 2013 Mahindra Bolero 2.5 N$ 185 990.00 10. 2016 Tata Bolt Sedan T Jet Full House Factory warranty N$ 109 990.00 S/C lwb N$ 129 990.00 7. 2010 Daihatsu Terios 4x4 N$ 179 990.00 a/c N$ 119 990.00 15. 2014 Citreon C1 3. 2008 Renault Megane 11. 2015 Suzuki Gypsy a/c r/cd p/s 1.9 DCI Full house 8. 2012 Hyundai I 10 GLS N$ 179 990.00 N$ 99 990.00 N$ 89 990.00 N$ 89 990.00 4. 2011 Honda Accord 2.4 EX 12. 2006 Peugeot 407 2.0 Full house HDI Comfort Full house N$ 179 990.00 N$ 89 990.00 CONTACT Ruaan - 081 122 1465 | Francois - 081 158 1085UNTRUSTWORTHY: Nictus Furnishers Ongwediva. Photo contributed Hosea Kutako Drive Windhoek Tel - 061 279 709 Visit us or Download App

14 ADVERT 26 January - 01 February 2017 ALL COURSES A GREAT VARIETY OF COURSES TO CHOOSE FROM: ACADEMIC COURSES The CompTIA Network+ certification is an internationally recognised validation & improved DSE Accredited DE Submitted for Accreditation of the technical knowledge required of Diploma in Education (NQF Level 7) foundation-level IT network Diploma in Secondary Education A Postgraduate Diploma which offers a practitioners. It is recommended for CompTIA Network+ candidates Diploma (NQF Level 7) broad, balanced teacher education for students with a degree. to have the following: An upgrade for teachers with a 3-year Entry Requirement: Be a holder of a recognised B. • CompTIA A+ certification or equivalent knowledge, in Secondary Education Degree worth 360 credits, the degree should contain 2 though CompTIA A+ certification is not required. (NQF Level 7) • Have at least 9 to 12 months of work experience in school subjects, both up to Level 6 - 4 semesters. IT networking.secondary education qualification. Submit a ‘letter of recommendation’ from a management member of a school to confirm the SMS “ICT” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONSubject specialisation (Choose any two): suitability of the candidate as a secondary teacher.• English • Mathematics • Accounting • BusinessStudies • Geography • History • Computer Studies• Biology • Economics • Physical ScienceSMS “DSE” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION ACPE Accredited SMS “DE” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION MET MET Advanced Certificate in Microsoft Electronic TrainingSenior-Primary Education (NQA Level 7) DES Submitted for Accreditation MODULESTo upgrade teachers with a 3-year primary education Diploma in Education: Secondaryqualification. (NQF Level 7) Grade 8-12 • Windows 8.1 FoundationSubject specialisation (Choose any combination): An initial Diploma which caters for an initial qualification• Natural Science & Health and English • English and (Grade 12 candidates). • Word Processing (Microsoft Word 2013) Social Science • Mathematics and English Entry Requirement: Std 10/Grd 12 with 22 points in 5• Mathematics and Natural Science & Health. subjects – C in English. The 2 school subjects selected • Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel 2013) must be part of the 5 subjects of the Grade 12SMS “ACPE” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION qualification with at least an IGCSE D symbol. • Email (Microsoft Outlook 2013) Mature age entry is available. • Internet Explorer 11 SMS “DES” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION Includes: LAPTOP with a built-in Web-cam, 3G unit IOL - BUSINESS SCHOOL SMS “MET” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION IUM Accredited DJPE Accredited International University of Management THE GRAPHIC & WEB DESIGN COURSE Diploma in Junior Primary via distance mode. Certificates, Higher Education (NQA Level 7) Grade 0-3 Certificates, Diplomas and Bachelor GWDMother Tongue subjects available in 8 local languages Degree Courses available in the Graphic and Web DesignEntry Requirements: Grade 12, English - C + Math D + following fields: Certification by Adobe is recognised as3 other subjects (22 points) • Business Administration • Marketing Management an industry asset—an immediate way to communicateMature age entry is available. • Business Information System • Finance Managements your knowledge and gain advanced skill. • Small Business Management • Travel, Tourism and The course lets you study where and when you want.SMS “DJPE” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION Hospitality • HIV/AIDS Management Registrations throughout the year. Our Graphic • Human Resource Development & Management Designing course prepares you to become an Adobe BESP Accredited Entry Requirements: Certified Associate (ACA) Bachelor Degree in Senior Primary Certificate: Grade 12 English D symbol + 4 other • Adobe Photoshop CS6 Course Outline Education (NQA Level 8) Grade 4-7 subjects = 20 points. • Adobe InDesign CS6 Course OutlineMajor and Minor electives to choose from and career Degree: Grade 12 English D symbol + 4 other subjects = • Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Course Outlinespecialisation available. 25 points. • Adobe Illustrator CS6 Course OutlineEntry Requirement: The related Grade 12 subjects for Mature age entry is available.the two major specialised school subjects must be C SMS “ICT” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONsymbols + 3 other subjects (25 points)Mature age entry is available. ONLINE COURSESSMS “BESP” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONGRADE 12 SMS “IUM” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION Online Business Courses - Select fromGRADE 12 NSSC more than 450 courses, including:Registered with the Ministry of Education I.C.T. COURSESNamibian Senior Secondary Certificate 13 Subjects to • Data Analystchoose from. ICDL Accredited • Project Management International Computer Driving License • Graphic Design & Creative coursesSMS “GR12” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION Our ICDL course is for anyone who • Technical courses wishes to become fully competent in the use of a • Workplace & Welfare Management BEDHONS Accredited computer and common applications. • Human Resources & Law Management Bachelor of Education Honours • Network Administration (NQF Level 8) CHOOSE FROM OUR RANGE OF MODULES BELOW: • Sales & Marketing ManagementAn upgrade for a NQA Level 7 qualification. BASE MODULES: • Spreadsheets • Word Essentials • Computer Skills coursesEntry Requirement: A recognised Education • Online Essentials • Computer Essentials • System EngineeringQualification on NQF Level 7, The BETD + the STANDARD MODULES: • Presentation • Using Databases • Software DevelopmentAdvanced Certificate in Secondary Education (ACSE) • Online Collaboration • IT Security • Project Planningor; The BETD + the Advanced Certificate in Primary SMS “ICT” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONEducation (ACPE), or BETD+ Advanced Certificatein Education (ACE). SMS “ICDL” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONMust have at least one year teaching experience.Submit a recommendation letter from the principal. CompTIA A+ certification is an internationally recognised validationSMS “BEDHONS” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATION for the latest skills needed by today's computer support professionals. POLICING Jobs that use CompTIA A+ Pre-Qualification (NQF Level 4) • Technical support specialist (Bridging course) • Field service technician Entry Requirement: Older than 16 & • IT support technician have successfully passed Grade 10. • IT support administratorCertificate in Policing (NQF Level 5) POLC Accredited • IT support specialistEntry Requirement: Grade 12 or Pre-Qualificationin Policing (NQF Level 4) or OBP. SMS “ICT” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONMature age, which means the applicant is already anenlisted police/security officer with 5 years relevant REGISTERexperience + 25 years or older. NOWDiploma in Policing (NQF Level 6) POLD AccreditedEntry Requirement: Candidates should be a holder ofan IOL Policing Certificate (NQF Level 5) or anequivalant qualification .SMS “POLC” OR “POLD” TO 711 FOR MORE INFORMATIONWindhoek IOL Call Centre Tel: +264 61 275 4444 | Fax: +264 61 275 4090Email: [email protected] | Web:• ONGWEDIVA 065-233 300 • WALVIS BAY 064-212 000 • OTJIWARONGO 067-314 700 • KEETMANSHOOP 063-227 200• KATIMA MULILO 066-254 433 • RUNDU 066-255 066 • GOBABIS 061-270 9610/11 • MARIENTAL 061-270 9631/2

26 January - 01 February 2017 ADVERTS 15 AUTOMARK Certified Used Vehicles 2013 Toyota Fortuner 3.0 2010 Toyota Fortuner D4D 4X4 (m) 124891KM 4.0V6 (A/T) 4X4 N$349 900 148200KM N$459 9002015 Toyota F J CRUISER 2016 Toyota HILUX 4.0 V6 2014 Toyota Corolla Quest 2015 Toyota Corolla 2014 Toyota Corolla 1.6 2012 Toyota Yaris SPORT 52000KM 4X4 A/T 1.6 M 54000KM Exclusive 1.8 33500KM Quest 75000KM 3Door 1.3 HB 64500KM N$419 900 N$175 900 N$169 900 N$619 900 N$274 900 N$109 900 2016 Toyota Quantum 2.7 2014 Toyota Fortuner 2.5 SOLD 2013 Toyota Corolla 1.6 2014 Toyota Prado 2013 Lexus LX 570V8 PPanel Van 9500KM X Demo D4D4 4X2 M 86000KM A/T Advance 49000KM 3.0 Diesel VX 226800KM maintenance plan upto 220000KM N$269 900 BMW SOLD! N$209 900 N$174 900 N$460 000 N$799 9002011 Toyota Fortuner D4D 2014 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 2016 TOYOTA FORTUNER 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA 2011 Toyota Fortuner Toyota Hilux 3.0D4D 4X4 4X4 M 129584KM D4D 62000KM 2.8 A/T 2016 4X2 SPRINTER 4.0V64X4 85300KM DC Legend 45 76510KM N$299 900 N$339 900 N$509 000 N$239 900 N$299 900 N$429 9002014 KIA Sportage CRDI 2017 Toyota Hilux 4.0V64X4 2011 VW Amarok 2.0 4X4 2013 Hyundai IX 35 2.0 P Toyota Land Cruiser 2012 Ford Ranger 3.2 A/T Diesel 62000KM A/T 150KM Demo Diesel 139500KM (A/T) 82100KM 4.5V8 Diesel 4X4 X Demo Diesel 4X4 (M) 132500KM N$299 900 N$592 600 N$219 900 N$229 900 35000KM N$569 000 N$254 900 Indongo Toyota 65 Rehobother Road ▪ Windhoek ▪ Tel 061 237 130 ▪ SCHALK VAN GREUNEN: 081 128 7950 ▪ EUGENE IZAAKS: 081 446 5876

16 ENTERTAINMENT 26 January - 01 February 2017 Rahab vying to be next model SA pianist at WarehouseRAHAB STRUTSAT TOP MODEL Entertainment Reporter vir Klavier Volume 1’ of his own Gabby Tjiroze compositions. The year kicks off on a high Ayoung Namibian model is trying to prove she note for music lovers as the As one of South Africa’s has what it takes to make it big in front the flashy South African pianist, most talented pianists, Rocco camera, despite not having much professional Rocco de Villiers, performs has been nominated for and modelling experience. at the Warehouse Theatre on awarded a Huisgenoot Tempo, Rahab Inghalwa, a 23-year-old is among the fi- Saturday as part of his Namib- Ghoema Award, Vonk Award, a nalists for this year’s Top Model Worldwide grand ian Tour. South African music award and finale which will take place in March in London a Cape Theatre award. His pre- with the winners selected by industry experts. He performed in Okahandja, vious albums, Beautiful Beauti- Top Model Worldwide is one of the leading interna- Otjiwarongo, Tsumeb, and ful Piano, More Beautiful Piano, tional model talent seekers which, according to their Omaruru before finishing his and Stunning have all reached website, seeks out undiscovered potential supermodels tour in the capital. Rocco offers either gold or platinum status. from across the globe, offering the lucky award winners beautiful piano interpretations The popular pianist not only host of titles and awards, great prizes and career opportuni- of 25 timeless classics from brings a collection of the most ties. movies, TV and musicals. beautiful music in the world, Rahab has high hopes for the finals, and is giving it her all. but also a new “Best of – ‘The “I’m doing my very best and I hope people in Namibia will give His latest release is titled Beautiful Collection’. The collec- ‘Beautiful Beautiful Hymns’ and tion features his most requested, his previous albums sold more played, listened to and loved than 90 000 copies. In 2014, tracks from his last five albums, he also released sheet music, all chosen by his fans. ‘Rocco de Villiers, Bladmusiek me their full support” she said. “The casting agent approached me to take part in the competi- tion and I applied online and to my surprise I was selected. I couldn’t believe it when they called me, I was just over the moon that out of thousands of beautiful girls all over the world I was chosen,” said the model. She further added that she hopes to gain experience in London which she can implement in the local modelling industry, and make contacts to help her grow her modelling agency. Standing 1,75 metres tall, Rahab started taking part in model- ling and beauty pageants in high school in the North before moving to Windhoek to study and also further her modelling career. Rahab is a final year Accounting and Finance student at the Namibia University of Science and Technology and also com-SWAGG: Rahab showing off what nature gave her. Photo contributed pleted a Diploma in Business Management in India. HIS OWN STYLE: One Rocco, one piano, unique. Photo contributed 2017 Registration Now Open!! Accredited by Vocational Courses: Be amongst the first to register at our The Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA)/Ministry of Education new Vocational Training Centre Accounting & Finance Requirements: Grade 10. Please enquire about courses for Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) students with less than Grade 10. 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) People with disabilities are encouraged to apply Business Administration  Entrepreneurial Skills:  Computer System Maintenance Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5) Start Your Own Business  Programming  Networking 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6)  Information Technology  Server Administration  Computer Systems Repair  Diploma in ICT Systems & Principles Human Resource Management Website Design  Microsoft Certifications Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) IT Systems Support  Medical Administration  Certificate in ICT Systems & Principles  Business Studies 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) Comptia A+  Travel & Tourism  Office Administration Office Administration Reception Skills Accomodation Services & Operations Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5)  Bookkeeping  Marketing  Bricklaying & Plastering 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6)  Clothing Production - Telemarketing  Retailing Information Technology  Refrigeration & Air Conditioning Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 6) - Social Media  Event Planning - Customer Service  Photography 2nd Diploma (NQF level 7) - Advertising Agent  Floral Design  Early Childhood Development Travel & Tourism  Computerized Accounting Certificate (NQF level 4) | 1st Diploma (NQF level 5) Tour Guiding (Kinder Garden Assistant)  Plumbing 2nd Diploma (NQF level 6) Joinery & Cabinet  Health & Social Care  Tailoring (E.g. Care for the Old & School Children) Contact Us Languages & Language Services Wall and Floor Tiling Sport & Leisure  Assessor TrainerPostal: (Become a Trainer in Your Study Field)P.O. Box 50097 | Bachbrecht | Windhoek English Beginners English Advances - Fitness Instruction | Sport AdministrationPhysical: Business English Public Speaking  Houskeeping5-7 Schweitzer Street | Windhoek West Report Writing Proposal Writing Interior Design  French GermanTel: +264 61 301032/4/5  Portuguese Oshiwambo Catering & Culinary ArtsFax: +264 61 301033 Damara Nama Graphic [email protected] Transport & Logistics Adult Literacy (Learn How to Write & Read) Day Care Management Community ServiceOpening Hours (Until 28 Feb 2017): Monday-Friday 07h30-18h30 & Saturday 08h00-16h00

26 January - 01 February 2017 ENTERTAINMENT 17 CALENDAR NEW BEGINNINGS Friday, 27.01.2017 (ends 11.03.2017) Whole day National Art Gallery of Na- mibia (NAGN) Windhoek NACHT DES DEUTSCHEN SCHLAGERS 2017 Friday, 27.01.2017 19:00 - 22:30 SKW (Sport Klub Windhoek) Windhoek SUMMER STREET SALSA PARTY Saturday, 28.01.2017 19:00 - 23:55 Cramer Ice Cream Windhoek DEEP CULTURE SUN- DOWNER SESSIONS Saturday, 28.01.2017 (ends 31.03.2017), 19:00 The Loft at Warehouse Theatre Windhoek SQUASH SOCIAL Sunday, 29.01.2017 (ends 17.12.2017) 10:30 - 13:00 Klein Windhoek Squash Club Windhoek BOOZY PUB QUIZ NIGHT Monday, 30.01.2017 (ends 17.10.2017) 19:30 - 21:00 Chopsi’s, Windhoek CONVERSATIONS WITH CREATIVITY Tuesday, 31.01.2017 (ends 07.03.2017) 17:30 - 19:00 Peppertree Studio Windhoek

18 ADVERT 26 January - 01 February 2017 Trustco Administrative Support Services (Pty) Ltd has a vacancy for a: Procurement O cer (1 x Windhoek) Job Responsibilities: • Source and receive quotes from internal and external suppliers; miXed TGH 000/01/17 • Create requisitions and purchase orders in accordance with group policies and procedures; • Liaise with relevant management to sign o invoices and quotations in a timely manner; • Ensure that limits of authority are adhered to as per group CIVIL / STRUCTURAL PROJECT procedures; ENGINEER • Ensure quality execution of all purchasing duties and administrative work;CIVIL / STRUCTURAL PROJECTOHORONGO CEMENT is operating a world class cement factory near Otavi in northern Namibia. This is one of the most modern cement plant in • Maintain complete and updated purchasing records; • Coordinate and communicate with departments and suppliersAfrica and proudly Namibian. To ensure the continued excellence of this cement plant, we are looking for highly motivated employees who will with regards to purchasing; • Assist the creditors clerk with responses to queries relating toCIVIELN/GSINTEREURCTURAL PROJECTcontribute in different positions with their individual skills to the success of the plant. As an important player in the Namibian economy, OhorongoCement reduces unemployment, develops skills and delivers cement of world class quality to Namibia and abroad.ENGINEEROReHpOorRtiOngNGtoOthCeETMecEhNniTcailsOopffeircaetiMnganaawgeorr,ldthcelainsscucmembeenntt wfaiclltoprryovniedaer cOivtaivl/istirnucntourrtahleernngNinaemeirbiniag. sTehrvisiciessotnoethoef tphleanmt oinsct lmudoidnegrnsocmeme emnetcphlaannitcianlCIVIL / STRUCTURAL PROJECTAwforrikc,a manadnapgreousdmlyallNtaommibeidaniu.mTopreonjseucrtes fthroemcopnrtoinjeucetdideexacetlolencocme mofistshiiosncinegm.eHnte/pslhaentw, willeparreepaloreokcionngstfrourcthiiognhldyramwointigvsatuedsinegmpAluotyoeCesADwhaondw/iolrlENGINEERcACoeunmttoredibneutsktrOeeIdHinnuvOcedenRisftfouOernrNeeamnsGtwppOleoolyslCimatiEsoepnMnrts,eEpwdaNeirvtihTenlgtohipsteesinorsdpkieneirldrlidsavotaiicdnnuudgmadlaeesnlkiwtvsileolirsnrscltdclouedtmchilneeagnsstsubociclfcleewomsfoserqolnudfatctnhfltaaeistcispetlosqa.urnTyat.lhinAteyespatooarsnNiOtiamotmanpviiobsiritaOianantantnvdpoilabrabtyahrseoeeradridn.n. NtheamNiabmiaib.iaTnheiscoinsoomnye, Oohfotrhoengmo ost purchase orders; modern • Ensure filing and scanning is up to date; • Perform ad-hoc duties as required. cement plant inR esponsAibfirliitcieas and proudly Namibian. To ensure the continued excellence of this cement plant, we are looking for highly motivated employees wChaondwidilal te Profile:wAOcACR§ R§§§oeeHuoefnrPCAMpmstriOtokprocroseoadi,oarRsmbnnvteinmiOutsaasinpsdtktgnrCc RwaigNieeeilbednoneIdeeoGtiinansonulpmpttrgnvmiOhetcrtkoetrednieoeiehaie,nrnidCsulbnesaftst-lemdfimouEduthentrTlrnmootMryraagdeeeeauelimncolmnsENsdnthicaetieotwNnupanusogdpecmltimeTeoritocndelmuahiayselgisbitmelismfnseiiationfmuditasOooeespTneninpnpufnrearf.eofeoerteromsli,eciTflmjnrcrnepwdahetotgwcthpatepniiotrMvpertneossliihoeoe.nngocraajmklrgsayetrsonvahucclimopetaiehtrtecwsudigesOiineoervteiossdfntufnretkirohr,ofentloimseuaidr,ldtmctlnhrhiwdsdccecdveeopoeealiipacfddinMnvrtpinrsuhou.tdlloesciimaEaajnjnludneteclonuvgehmeteccsepan.aletmtskdbiltsgsyivusiieerledseaesnlinftrerstnxkietrets,naccmoitwflctloedtameutlhelioisconldltmveelhtfdiaoncinpeepetdinrochgnrnrrysumedsoeotcubavnojrmotcuideeeilelfcfdmleccaiceswseeohrlttsskhbiifnosicOvviiieoirsqiledeoclvtnnluddaafresciitav.lslneact/nitVdghswmlcotatoi.etierenesitocurHiltmspnieulhcnftlesqmctayoeepu./uponsrnerrTaaltshtmaonahtn.lhuelintevdAoetmacetryiw,tfnacnspdiitopweigwosoeaNlnpsisslnenorNisaicootpeomiriaiafvermoolvnrmedirtenefibhiipplnnipiaeiocltb/agsoghsarrli.peyotaatO.esarlTmksaeaunctHhsipnranotencvivtldenqnsgptiaiiucst/lunanisbtaefrsccbraohtyasalul.rloasreuelociteinrAotdhamedyiewiidion.stngs.hontg.ighoeafltlihlddnyntpNerrhpelaaimeaaNwwermnmemroaiitippnnmtnoiiiaggovnbisgsrsbarcti.etatlimsuaeuaedsnandcoirinotndevnedgnemcpgirocslanpAstnaeobrloyusocumrmeetyoctmreeoytaCei,emidosAtnnO.hnetDwehctphhhdolapoeararnonlandawnNitwc/ngioiaalitnorllnmignisbcliuuasndiinengcgoAsnooummtoeyC,mAOeD••••hchoaarnondEETEnic/gexxxoacccaorleeemplllleetpinnolattnytcaeiolmrmnweemigmtouhatneinaixcatcagieotepinomtnsioeksnnikltalisllsl;iskn,itlblesor;ptherosroanllaylarenldatwiorintste; n;§§§AwRR§ eoueACPPpqtrokrorousoed,rsmipvteirmisasipendtkrRAmaigeeilnneIeuetwnaaonttstgnvheooptetenersihdnonkdesaet-inemodnhsrTsrmgokadeiaulbdicolsIsnrhicneitawlnusoviwe timterecniilmaaennelgtlnsgieiatonodtsOssne.irpufefofraromieifscrnpetgwhwparMerosioeenraajlkrgerlnvccoatihtecugssinevtesdpfretor ,oerouaretmtnhrhpdcdeeoaepcfdirpinriu.lloncimaEjnugnevgemtcan.ttsebltyusinedsanidtetneteeacmwrtleutiodondllfodicnpectohgrrumsoebmvrmtieeiledlccisneehositnficvsoiqiecvniudaniia.llnc/nVdgsltto.uiertcurHdiiuecfiesmtnyu./sgerTahannhelbtdeaiewtlanpilopigolonpislnfriootpeiqfveroeurtenhipanpaeingsarpetyOsilmtaectinraoeevvtnsniii.cstnbtecTcraslulhasucteioedtmdiio.pntshng.oesddpirrtlaaiawwonniitnnigginsssc.Oluusdtiainnvggi sboamseedm. echanical • Self-starter with excellent administrative and planning skills; • Good analytical, qualitative and decision-making skills. AutoCAD and/or §R§§R§§§ eeMPPCBMeDqsnprruo.eeoauEvomsipnvsirnnirtaagiepgosdrgn§§§mibineeleboeemderwiasrPCAlntnemrBiaeotetrnfosnir.sioagtetSnksdmi.livsn-icilesnshgi.tptredtgooEiderueilednmoxnesdrgpcaeea.ttuendwheea Dmrinsineiueenengdmnagangi-encnrdtsheesrpe.moeeErfidourosniioijnrsnncgeceogwiciCunstmeossietmvre.nepaikrrueglvt/lnoiiSiwsoncuttoesirnetrtushyetfoc oorotuaitfutrrnhnhrctdeagweheldpe.pEos.rleCroaaEkrjnrNvvectoca.ihctlwuuiemvtiasttetahoeonuataatenrgthncdeedlemeefdapries.lslntiaEtrnneFevgctixa.vepslieyuveresa(id5tetee.)nmVctyeeeeonrwaifrdfisyletlhrrabeseneldertoeveafcacpngehptrinrevoaiaevcntdeada.ldpaVvdapyaoepnmcrltiiaueefgnmdyet .ecaelnnnagtdiamintaiseop.enprirnoogfvetehxpepaepryilmeannectenitninccllaauidmcionsng.stdrurcatwioinngs. in a Qualifications and experience:CCOONNTTRROOLL RROOOOMM OOPPEERRAATTOORRaaOaiOIR§§§§§§§ddR u§§R§§§§§§§§§R§R§ImnncnniineHHffeeeehddepffpBeGMFDHMABMPeMMMGGHHDFFrrmqmmiOOeemeeronnelrllpp.u.orraoesaoaoettuuuuueauuuvrvEEvuuuRReeprruussvvvsvtoiooepneeoosssssenniilinrinnnniirrOOeeeedrrddonttnstttngaaguuttnneoggompeeetgyNNcrgccddbbbnnggR§§§§§§§§§mCCCppbbrrrrnnewwmiyyyelloeoeeeooooaaaooGGnteeyymmddAAAneeorrwdoooeessetttisiiaaarrBPMeMMHGDFOOnttqnnniiuiiiNNneedDrBmddrDDBaabbbhtottooooonaeetcrlhnniitffu.oaelllaaEeEE.r.ooCC,nsnnnuffoooeauguagttEtveeeetStSdddkmmiffvsiiinndo..dlrnrrnnpneiiEEoassenenirrcrrcilnigtsggsttCsseerdgggiidnttnnaaarorooaagoMMgg..ttetbbvaaagoeelflfflmgwwonrgcccEEbniigeitmninniwtwwttCbeerrnEEnaaeasss-oioiiyleoiieeeiiidnnoimxxnnngnnhhhorettkmNNzozzoodnmmAddehhgrggrwppogoggp..eaaasiarirreariiiTTne..ienersspkkkpttteTTsssmdrDBdttawbnsassaotiiitDrDrhheeetsn&,isssuttkoaageentnnennneetSiiindiikiiceeipltllpmppi.nnloottrndaddarrggiaaaCgllinlliihrncirlgstrrrlsossccppnnlvellveerrgniiosasoeaeessg.;t;;eeeetnnpeenapppee.sssduumnerrrflgoaeerrEpppddEErkekkeenieeewtuiirrgeaaroniiosiisesirrreennniiiqqqnnniicettidnvvemxdnefeelllhjnnniizoddduuutc.clcgllcgediinnttrgfffptsgsstdddhheeeaooooiiiTqreeeeciaihCCggi.sssnnPuueeennnktaraarrummstmmdhweiiisaiislaaiaeaaeaaDrrntnntttttavvieccoki.llloelleesbbbaieeeeppiavldddiyyywwuooiieni.d..pnerrinlrlluusselltd,d,,nnyyylmpcn//uooybbbkkodargallglSSttebebbwwshssciirr,rseseecniiAAAlerllptptslloouuunntieicm;lleddeirirptipvwww.ssseeruurtttutuutroieuuephhyyEoerannkecceeemtanttaaicceeettIIonxooollsooddrddnilllqttfnfaaialllaaestissteuSulCCCjlllniinindnhssmhuycylgneeottooennsfrrhooosshhsAdAAddeexxeotooaaiecggiCiirrrOieeiisccznccfllonuuarnnngDggtDDmfpp..tEeeiEooeeeOistifaessntaaatrravlmmllnFtnmttm.uulCCeboooewllEpinnnaeaaeevhdyeenioccee.pjjnnnriaiiaalsisuNNlee-onnoccee,rgzzznnyekk/mmmdddMbbeeerleccrcceeeSttrbwiilsCa///ttmseesseottadddlAlwwooofftosssyualslsstttaanmm...ViraoosersrriiiiswciihihrtutccoooutttngdlttfftlAAAhyauauuHaatteehh:nffae,,vvssNeheeiin..:tiup/[email protected],,rr3cioooicRd//((ottiitCC)nn,,tehh55arrreeAiiuiiahFhmlsoobmm)ww)LlaannlaaaoonoaerriudnnccDnnnaannppeeeTttryytabahheeitodddiddnoottneeegaoDtraaoeecsaarrnwwnpaaturrrrgggeiittduunacc,eennrrnaandlgaeeearimiimsstetennPsnlleonnnrllNNarllyys.attoolt-ebeeeyerretakoobbaamscooppeehnrrrrnnmmneeuutkkeoaaall2lletvIaaeeetmaiitlllrra0iiooninnyyvvnFsbbtdreccc1Sffieecggctevaaoiit.ooooiax7rraaaoonnnggnvebnmmmff..prmmrttrmiioottlnennTTeeg.eoeoppprrctaeappaabhhrfuuuottoahhn(nntthhrriiietttn5tmssiirteddeeeeeaeahraggd)ndiidhhrrralghhessNNaavveuec,cnlllllypyyppooiiiaannnoaaetttdlppnnmmeeeennimssammneellrrrwaiittngiiiitapaaaavvoobbeerooetecccgglieesttiiddrffiliiiyyyaaneeravvnlttunn.n....ehhreeaacpbceeennttrleeteeeeualcceggmm,ddedoodliioavnninnooeeclnofeessloommaogptteemmnigppenmrrmmdtriiryyllnnaooeraoo,,patggyyanaddiOOuwoeeneetaeethhenerridteannssnxxmooodrgrrppwwccooofavseeleeshhnnp.itrrmmaphtggooiipenheeeeeoolrnwwnetnnipaarCCcctteiielcgelleppaeedlloynemmllccaaiift..nnoonneeecinnnnttnnoaattttiignrrnnorriitibbcceeriAAnndoouuddueeffuunntteerrroeccssiiucceettrtiirronnaasissuunccgttiiooennxperience • Grade 12; • A related tertiary qualification or subject knowledge will be an advantage; • At least three (3) years experience in milking almonds; • At least two (2) years related working experience. Only CVs with attached certified copies as proof of qualifications will be consatcrucecptitoend. Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed and no CVs or attached documentation shall be returned. Your CV may be submitted to: E-mail: [email protected] Fax: 061 – 275 4090 Closing Date: 06 February 2017R uInneesrmeptopunlrosnyiRbwmieleeimtnoite,fusfdenervecerolaomptNispoesontktiitelil:vsNeaniondfcadoxemleiedvedaresppcpeelnmicdeainntitgoonoOfnswhwsookririllCodlllnVbscgelaabonscysdoCqntaehustmteairdleiilbetanyrutteette(odsPstN.:aTn0aYm3d)iFobLneiaTblyaDrnus,dhaPoarlbyrartno2-lta0ids1St.7aerdtgocbaenrdg,idates would be contacted.§§§§§Ra§iR§mceehpMMFCCpCCpucscirpooorsoeoooooeoaennrovlnnnnvstildnddnenoittttceinrrrriisttwrtmptoooogoaoiiiiIbrbllllooirneoencteinnpaapnomcldodllirarrtoummntllootewidiancthsmmcecaatrnetstaeeseouiinnsidraanossolieaarCjjssugnonoonntggaolnsnsrreeeitlrtutnawi-mmslgappamgsrsikebbrrmgleeoeeooyotiiinneiNstrlliccf,niit,ttotvsteeta&aogtayyii,afhsstlnntlilfsslcpeoeaoauCeoophrntt:llneaoriielarrgsnsnuaaaNdddmn,clnlteeeeauwglloootessorrncemssipnpdmtttf.twwtteoothaaaraTqocriiggPxtpummattthiocehehherotaeneesoisiieeednlnsnntWfWeeidpiooistagttsaguytottffpyilhhoopputcp,sivpatstneerrtimrmmphhrttriooeeeoeiogeecclsoddaseeminpeeeIinxuuccncnptunfrmmaiccesSeiecsimyca,aammttteserhioiitifanoonnnnooieinoOoeenzfguttnnmddtnnrtndeOdrtmmmattaorreFmsppNNeoEEeeelvhcmlmaolaawprrqqniei--ooosnnndraseeeuuvaaMMbteeircuuivrrvvenniddiilCoatmeaoarrrffaluuiipsaanaaooeeotttioonVaabeffeilccmmiihncceoaauuamnngdllgtetuHuHmne::ccnbuu,eedb.yssoIattmmlacrrndnrlrlterufuuuyekqyyiiahloCtteenennirrmmssieeunyetennctciintqggdd..eonnnnadahfrrogsgaaimuoiilfglgttuunooeissiimunnlssdiptrcDppaacsioieryppOelirttaeuwweeddanRReergrnmotmmekrdmrrooontmhvvutcaiiaaeeeeaccllcseeelaaettbedos(tldslsseaeeiiysknnaPnnneeooootlstsbbrrns,.iinst:taisseCtutunntTonoee@@utalbaOaOtcn0rlrsnbbnteYrniiaoVggwsrr,d3ccnnseyyhRRd/oosmeeeegC.)eehcceiahheeFddothhtmlssllbodLmalmouuuunoonaaenrDDppaynddoeTrrvvredbpCliedniiynnenenioitoneelDrnnnntsaoooqdaenpnpeteutgghsiuggayc,ppahtddnmugghaaarittetePeeelnlaaeooirrroireeettyDqqoeilrtti--ooyrlccetaobmuunmmccsaaahnetllneaiinsueeaaeeu2-rreppptmvtfaeelmmaatrepfep0etmmaiinnsorrde(rs1tScppsecteeeeorytPtteeuasut7tlallonnnennn,nnbiciinn.:oTdrmccnmccstttotttlddfg..0etaaooosncccceYeeacepebnn,uu3toorrooba/naairsseC)mmttnrrnhlmmctntteessFraaaduaahLa.d.hmmlognnoggeepneui,cddqnTuiieedbannossuiidsddtssrnnaiDmrsiaaiiniggptioouttmimtpevc,moonnneooaslepterPiiieaaffrannrrtwynueopplnggttyarhhtopvoc,,ppseetoeneuu.ss2llep,myyttltdttr0aadaaea..errr1rrSlocttnlggab--p7aottuueeie.ienttopprmrtsscssnaga,,o,,ot,npaabinsseonnrahheqtnddteuuarumttohcttigddhhpofte,ooeeemstwwnpdhppehes.nnanaeissrrtpvraaeiaalmmenannotneeddeftttgeeceeirrrnommisstnyoeettthhrrriwggndaaueeetittnnrohaaccurirtyynoees§§§R§§§ eGOGMMFqpursouorCeaoealiosildnrdnoicdeinettwrtmoatokie1birnenrce2enomcondawwoantwildsntsilrteettsaohrisidrnaoliegmiugnntneaoneiilrnunoislgmissigfemmlIyotipNTstuif,r,tvm-oaaotaSahtlgtlillyetoerouhpasn:neartlmgesseuaN,mentawfoootno(smip3pdrftaeha)raCnocrNxtyatidocCheeotneoieadRinnsWfnrtisagssageoMp’yloutpp:ipasenrmeiprtrxNeceeroglsrpasemipeootcenpturosrasiecsorifa,atreisofatfaninnetnoownxgcdOtrnddrieemaolefspNldelfaclaliwrnbsiocsnaseaveteaicivrvidlo.peaaralcinoontiopoabelncuamnngaelumbidtdysarcmlcldeoekqyaoanelieuntndnttdronadaigosoilalotisiomdlsdptransmyevraewdgotsakrdEovoucnieeawleplat-estldaasaenMntibrgs.risaletaoeeulbacnat.nraoogbrdseisrmee.leeHe:doitdmnmuncruporeapoleynnenmlmncoodetsrypsahidahnuetielinodieetoniiortemnsgaRtmasra-rpofleeepfeaireosdstcpemrnytotlne,citaouidccson@OfntaorneacenurdtcbRaoaiatenrlcnlhesoaushp.doogenrpiDqueordlausdcyoreaieaiptnptmssmemosghaspieneaorortwngeopt-rrtvmcoppstoeue.-llpmayelmlnide.nesrten.attbttene.iodtcn.occ, noeaqtmnaudciptimeddea.ntteisntwegoriutyldwibtheincontacted.§ReKquniorwemledengetsin automation technology (Siemens PCS W7 woimth WenINaCnCd) pwroeuvldiobeuasnlyadddiesdaaddvvaanntatgaeg.ed people are encouraged to apply.§ Ability to point out technical processes and facts. MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES§ FAGGlbrouaioelddinetcyk1ynt2oionwwcEoiltennhdnggmeliecsithnovifimasIrTuaiom-pSursytehsprrtereeqomeuc(sei3ssai)stneypd.eaairnrasmM’ eitxcerprosesraoienfntdcOteoffafisucelal.ycounntdroerlsrtoaonmd Naonpodercdaotonoctrruoinlmtahemenirintrsienlwgatoiiolrlnmbtoieneraracelhtpuortrohcneeres.dsintgopalapntp. licants.§§ OC internal training program for CCR operators will be an added advantage.R§ eKmnuonwerleadtgioenin automation technology (Siemens PCS 7 with WINCC) would be an added advantage.§ rAAetbbuiillriinttyywtteoo ocpfoofniennrtecocoutmtvtpaerecitohitunivsiceparilnopccroeosmcseepsdsaereaspmeanneddteinfrasgcaotnsn.dstkoilflusllayndunadtterrisbtuatneds.and control their relation to each other.I§n§ Fluency in English is a prerequisite. Deadline/ContactRemuneration If you meet the requirements, hand in your comprehensive Household Listing Announcement, Namibia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment 2017In return we offer competitive income depending onOshkiolrlsCoanVngdobyaCttterhmiebuelantettse(.sPt:T0Y3)FLeTbDru,aPrlyan2t01S7artgoberg, The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) in collaboration HumanDReaedsoliunOrecR/CesoDnteapcatrtment with its local and international partners will be conducting the Na- mibia Population based HIV Impact Assessment (NAMPHIA) survey If you mEe-Metatihl:e rreecqruuiirtemmeenntt@s,ohhaonrdoningoy-ocuemr ceonmt.cpormehensive in 2017. The objectives of NAMPHIA are to assess the burden of HIV and the impact of our nation`s prevention, care and treatment Note: No faxedWaopmpleicnaatinodnOsphwroeirvlColionbVugeHsobcluyyComntdehsmaiiesndaeledanRrvtteeea(dssnPot:atTuan0rYgd3ce)eFdosLneDpTbleyeDropus,phaaPlroreltryamatn2-relte0ins1Sett7anerdctgoocbuaernradggi,eddatteosawpopulyld. be contacted. NE-oMdaoiclu: [email protected]. Note: No faxed applications will be considered and only short-listed candidates would be contacted. response across all 14 regions of Namibia. Information obtained Women and previously disadvantaged people are encouraged to apply. through NAMPHIA will help the MoHSS to improve HIV services in No documents will be returned to applicants. Namibia and will capture progress made towards achieving our goal of eliminating new cases of HIV by 2030. The first phase of NAMPHIA is a Household Listing, which will be conducted from the 30 January to 28 February 2017 in all the re- gions. Please be advised that the MoHSS staff will be visiting homes in selected communities during this period to collect basic informa- tion about where households are located and who lives there. In- formation collected during household listing will help the MoHSS to plan for the second phase of NAMPHIA, which is envisaged to commence in April 2017. NAMPHIA study staff will present valid identification cards and will be wearing a uniform. So remember, NAMPHIA household listing will be conducted by MOHSS from 30 January to 28 February 2017!!!! Your participation counts and we thank you for it!

26 January - 01 February 2017 ADVERT 19

20 SPORT 26 January - 01 February 2017 SPORT Teams geared up to buy playersNFA OPENSTRANSFER WINDOWREADY: When NPL was in full swing Photo contributedAlthough there is still uncertainty surrounding the future of the domestic league the Namibia Football Association (NFA) opened the players’ regis-tration, transfers and loans period on Monday (23 January). Sport Reporter players’ registration period and that DebMarine Namibia Cup coming up elimination rounds will commence Each club from the round of 32 will the first players’ registration, loan and and we need to have these players in on the 11, 12, 18, 19 and 25 February, receive N$ 18 000 all the way to theThe NFA congress held in transfer period will close on 13 April and registered before we kick off ”, said with action taking place in all fourteen final for preparations while the overall December last year resolved that 2017. Rukoro. regional second divisions as well as the winners will walk away with N$ 500the local football calendar moves from “It is something monumental since three first divisions. 000.February to November unlike in the it will a first for us to have a calendar He added that players’ licenses needspast when it was from August to May. that starts in February to November to be endorsed by the NFA before any The draw for the DebMarine “Only player credentials received on and now we call upon clubs and league matches kicks off and for the Namibia Cup Last-32 Round will be or before Wednesday (25 January), NFA Secretary-general Barry Rukoro players to fully participate in this eliminations rounds of the DebMarine conducted on 15 February 2017 as the will be validated in order for the announced the opening of the first first registration process. We have the Namibia Cup. Namibia Premier League (NPL) clubs player to participate in the upcoming join the fray in the quest for glory. matches” Rukoro explained. The DebMarine Namibia Cup Youth soccer league dawnsSPIKED Sport Reporter social and racial groups together,” said HopSol Solar Power in partnership Benjamin.F.L.T.R: Windhoek Draught Volleyball For All entries coordinator, James Verrinder; Daniel Keulder, NBL Sponsorships with the BKK AUAS Sports Trustand Events Manager; DTS Chairman, Werner Gouws; President of the Namibia Volleyball Federation, Gunther Rust, launched a youth soccer league for The league will target 10 teams perand Heiko Kesselmann from DTS at the official launch of the annual 2017 Windhoek Draught DTS Volleyball for All. young players, under-9 to under-19, category within the 9 to 19-year-oldPhoto contributed which will start on 24 February and age group in Windhoek and expand to end on 28 October. other regions at a later stage. HopSol also announced their Benjamin also highlighted the commitment of N$1 million over importance of creating an atmosphere the next three years towards the for proper talent and skills establishment of a soccer youth league development by providing regular in the country. The league which playing opportunities to athletes, will be known as the HopSol Youth allowing them to develop their talents Soccer League, is an initiative by BKK in the process. Auas Sports Trust that aims to create a platform for soccer development Financial development partner among youth aged 9 to19-years-old. HopSol Solar Power has supported youth soccer development in the Speaking at the launch, Co-Founder past, giving hundreds of children the of BKK Auas Sports Trust, Collin opportunity to develop themselves and Benjamin stated that the objectives promote a sense of cohesion among of the youth league were to broaden children from different backgrounds. the current scope of organised youth soccer and revive the school’s soccer Approximately 650 players from culture within the country. different clubs and schools are expected to participate in the league “In the past, rivalry was healthy and this year. leagues were fiercely contested across different schools. The establishment of Other focus areas of the league the HopSol Soccer Youth League will will be to build up sustainable allow players to develop their talents, competition structures that will allow reigniting the passion for soccer among continuous integration of potential the youth and bringing different ethnic, new clubs, schools, academia and development programmes, while creating opportunities for all classes of society, culture and nationality to come together to celebrate the joy of football.

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