WINNING NUMBERS NEWS BUSINESS SPORT 6 2933024 75 LETHAL POPULATION WELWITSCHIAS 6 2914285 75 DRUG HITS INCREASES BY READY FOR NAMIBIA 1.9% SECOND TEST 13 2938765 75 P 03 P 08 P 20 6 2933887 • 061-275 4700 Find us on 2 2934817 75The hour has come REMINDER THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. Your Community NEWSPAPER • 23 November - 29 November 2017 • Edition # 608WINDHOEK - Namibia is ON FIREhovering on the brink of po-litical history, with a Swapowatershed congress slottedto take place in the comingdays where two factionswithin the party will go headto head for control of theruling party. Staff ReporterAt the last congress, Namibian presi- RARING TO GO: SWAPO delegates arriving at the Safari Court Conference Centre to register for the landmark congress. Photo: Marthina K. Mutangadent and incumbent vice-president ofthe Swapo Party, Dr Hage Geingob radio to air a tribal tirade against Namundjebo-Tilahun will run for the throw their weight behind the candi- Days before congress, a detailedmanaged a historical 87% election Geingob and his slate, who include position of deputy secretary-general. date with the more votes and defeat manifesto of ‘Team Harambee’ tyingvictory and 80% of the votes in the Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah for those on the ‘Team Harambee’ slate. in with the government’s prosperity2014 Parliamentary and Presidential vice-president, Sophia Shaningwa for The idea behind the strategy to have and wealth creation plan was wildlyelections went to the party. secretary-general and Marco Hausiku two candidates for each position on The Angula-Ekandjo candidates publicised, while questions still for deputy secretary-general. ‘Team Swapo’, with the exception for the Swapo presidency have used remained unanswered about the indi- During that congress, Geingob de- of the candidate for the position of various platforms to explain that they vidual and collective programmes offeated Jerry Ekandjo and Pendukeni ‘Team Swapo’s’ slate consists of secretary-general where the highly want to claim the party back for its the challenges by the opposing team.Iivula-Ithana, both contesting for the Angula and Ekandjo, who will com- popular Amukwiyu is running solo, is “authentic supporters”, inviting criti-vice president of the party position, pete against Geingob for the position to break up the votes and to force for cism that they believe it’s time for the While both teams and their sup-at the time. of Swapo president, Helmut Angula a round two of voting. Ondonga powerbase to occupy the porters enter the congress confident and Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana for vice- highest leadership positions. of a win during elections that are ex- Although he brought both can- president, Armas Amukwiyu, who is Should ‘Team Swapo’ succeed in a pected to take place on Saturday, thedidates back by appointing them vying for the secretary-general posi- second round of voting, their hope is Iivula-Ithana and Amukwiyu also true test will be if unity survives thecabinet ministers in an attempt to tion and Petrina Haingura and Martha that the supporters of their candidate have their homes in the Ondongo elections and acrimonious campaign.reconcile the party, they both ganged with the least amount of votes would dominated Oshikoto Region.up on him and now form part of theopposing team. Late yesterday, the court ruledagainst a disgruntled group from theOmaheke Region that had submittedan urgent application to nullify theelection of delegates to the congress[See page 3 for full story]. While dirty politics has been ob-served in both camps, one going bythe name ‘Team Harambee’ and theother ‘Team Swapo’, Geingob triedto stay above the murky waters andextended an olive branch that wasrejected by leaders of the opposingcamp, seemingly under the leadershipof a former Prime Minister NahasAngula, and his running mate JerryEkandjo. In what appears to be the last roll ofthe dice, ‘Team Swapo’ roped in thecontroversial Kazenambo Kazenam-bo in a paid broadcast on the national 44.N$ 99 Perfecto Elbow 3kg 24/11/2017 - 26/11/2017 39N$ .99WEEKEND VALUE! Nola Mayonnaise 1.5kg Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES
2 NEWS 23 November - 29 November 2017INADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCEExpert that conducted the investigation and compiled the report will be called as a witnessDELAYS MURDER TRIALWALVIS BAY - The contin- State and defence an opportunity touation of the murder trial SETBACK: Murder accused Jandré Dippenaar in the Swakopmund Regional Court with his defence counsel Advocate Louis study the edited report.of Jandré Dippenaar in the Botes and Petrie Theron. Photo: Niël TerblanchéSwakopmund Regional During January this year, Dippe-Court has been delayed for The report will be used by the State conclusions, under cross examination the report. On Wednesday the edited naar entered a plea of ‘not guilty’ ontwo days because of the as evidence in its case against Dippe- by the defence counsel. report was still not available and the charges of murder, fraud and drivinginadmissibility of certain naar. The expert that conducted the state prosecutor asked Magistrate without a valid licence.aspects of a report by an investigation and compiled the report After consultation, the defence and Gaynor Paulton to postpone the matterindependent investigator. will be called as a witness and he will State agreed that certain aspects of the until Thursday afternoon. The people who died in the accident have to explain how he came to certain report will be inadmissible as evidence were a German family on a self-drive Niël Terblanché and that it would be removed from The postponement will give both the tour through Namibia. They were Walter Helmut Joschko, 48, Steph-The trial was set down to start on anie Dorothea Schemick Joschko, 49, Tuesday but technical issues with the and 19-year-old Alexandra Marlenereport delayed the trial for two days. On Joschko.Tuesday the state prosecutor and counselfor the defence were able to resolve the Three young Namibians whoinadmissibility of certain aspects of the travelled with Dippenaar on thatreport which would have been handed fateful day also died. They were Dinahup as evidence for the State. Pretorius, 30, from Gobabis, Charlene Schoombee, 24, from Windhoek and The investigation and subsequent JC Horn, were commissioned by an insur-ance company shortly after the horrific The only survivors were Jandréaccident on 29 December 2014 which Dippenaar, and the 17-year-old An-resulted in the death of six people tonia Klara Joschko.close to the Jakkalsputz turn-off nearHenties Bay. A report on the continuation of the Dippenaar murder trial was published on Facebook earlier in the week. In it certain factual errors with regard to the court proceedings on Tuesday were made and Informanté apologises for those mistakes. The trial is set down to continue until the 1st of December.Self-confessed corpse rapist wants ECN voter registrationadmissions set aside fraudsters back in the dock Eba Kandovazu the time of his arrest. not explained to him. before proceeding to have Eba Kandovazu by an accredited voter’s registration Michael Tsowaseb, who Tsowaseb and Daus- sexual intercourse with officer for the Omuthiya Constituen-WINDHOEK- A Swakop- her corpse. WINDHOEK-After having been set cy. The State alleges that Nangombemund resident standing has been charged along- ab allegedly strangled free for three years on various fraud- was enrolled on a third voters roll,trial in the High Court for side Kingsley Dausab, Owoses after hanging State Advocate Erich ulent voter registration charges, the printed days after the original rollgang raping 34-year-old through his lawyer Messe out with her on the night Moyo strongly disputed former Director of Electoral Commis- was printed and handed over to theMenesia Owoses, mur- Tjituri, insists that at the of 4 September, 2005. Tsowaseb’s claims, stating sion of Namibia, Phillemon Kanime, then director, Kanime, by a designat-dering her and violating time of his arrest, he was According to the indict- that his rights were indeed RDP member, Magnus Nangombe, ed ECN official.her corpse, on Monday intimidated by the pres- ment, the suspects raped explained to him at the time and ECN employee, Nico Mingelius,launched an application to ence of 12 police officers her and subsequently used of his arrest. Moyo stated will now be indicted and tried in the Preliminary investigations found thathave the Presiding Judge and influenced to confess broken bottles to stab and that prior to his arrest, Tso- Regional Court. the first roll contained 1 586 votersdismiss the admissions he to the crimes levelled cut her neck and private waseb was no stranger to and the forged one contained 1 587made to police officers at against him. Tsowaseb parts. They then reported- the justice system because This follows the State’s successful voters. The suspects were found not further alleges that his ly took stones and inserted he has on seven occasions appeal against their acquittal in 2014 guilty by a magistrate on the basis that constitutional rights were them into her private parts appeared before court for on charges of forgery, the alternative, there was no evidence linking the sus- violating the law. contravention of provisions of Elec- pects to the crime, or that NangombeSupreme Wheels, Sales toral Act of 1992 and uttering a forged and Mingelius had used a forged ...your trustworthy Pre-owned dealer with cars that have factory warranty!!! “Tsowaseb alleges that document, read with the provisions of application form. there were 12 police the Electoral Act pertaining to the first Contact Nico at 061-304903 officers when he was local authority election of Omuthiya. The magistrate also ruled that there [email protected] and arrested whereas in actual was no evidence that Kanime, Nan- Tania at 061-304904 or 081 124 2221 fact, only five police The suspects were arrested in 2008 gombe and Mingelius were aware that officers were present. for forging a voter registration form the form used was the right one. [email protected] There was no influence for Nangombe. No. 5 Parson Street on the accused. He was In the State’s heads of arguments, no stranger to the police The indictment reads that Nangombe Advocate Ed Marondedze stated thatYear Type of Colour KM !N$ CBAASCHK and I find it strange that failed to register as a voter in Febru- the magistrate failed to apply the Vehicle by 2006, after having been ary 2008 during the Gazetted period, elements of the offences, the facts of arrested so many times he and subsequently got assistance from the case and the State’s evidence to2014 Juke 1.6 16 000White 25 000 249 000 still does not know what Mingelius to forge a registration form determine a prima facie case. Dig-Tekna a warning statement is,” to appear as though he had regis- Moyo argued. tered when the period of registration High Court Judges Alfred Siboleka Ford Eco Sport Metalic elapsed. and Christie Liebenberg have since 1.5 Green Both suspects have ordered that the discharge be set aside Green pleaded not guilty to the The forged documentation appeared and that the trial continue. The Justic- Ford Figo 1.4 charges against them. as if Nangombe had been registered es further ordered that the suspects be Amb subpoenaed to court.2016 26 500 2220 000 3 000 Killer cop appeals 18-year murder sentence2015 58 870 115 0002014 Qashqai 1.6 Grey 10 00095 000 190 000 Eba Kandovazu deceased and his friends in a bakkie, tween April 2013 and March 2017. Acenta Red who allegedly uttered vulgar words She is facing charges of fraud and White 26 000 299 000 WINDHOEK- A former police at Nzwana. Nzwana was reportedly2014 Hyundai iX 35 White constable convicted for murdering a speeding at the time. forgery. Elite A/T Silver 15 00034 773 165 000 young man in an apparent road rage The State is alleging that Mukena 15 00048 000 280 000 four years ago wants to appeal the Eye witnesses testified that Joel2015 Chevy Ute 1.4 18-year-jail term imposed on him by indeed shouted at the bakkie and used her position as marketing man- Sport 42 170 154 000 a magistrate at a Lower Court. that the driver reversed the vehicle ager at Multichoice Namibia to en- to enquire what the problem was and tice her employer to pay a company2015 Qashqai 1.5 Dci Linus Nzwana, 28, through his that a confrontation ensued between by the name of Kundan Pty Ltd for Dig-tekna lawyer Boris Isaacs, last week filed a them. Nzwana then went to his car, services that were never rendered. notice of appeal in the High Court. took out a pistol and fired a deadly2016 Polo Vivo 1.4 shot at Joel, without a warning shot. She signed off 80 invoices for ad- GP Trend Nzwana will file his heads of vertising services and provided her arguments before 19 January and the The hearing is scheduled for 2 personal banking details. The pros-2016 NP 300 2,5 Tdi White 60 000 250 000 State is expected to give its respond- February next year. ecution further alleges that Mukena D/cab White 175 000 235 000 ing affidavits before 26 January. knew very well that the 80 invoices In an unrelated matter, the fraud were falsified and no advertising2011 Navara 2.5 Tdci Nzwana reportedly fired a single case involving a former Marketing services were ever rendered to her D/cab 4x4 gunshot at 22-year-old Martin Manager at Multichoice has been employer by the entities in question. Joel in August 2013 when he and handed over to the office of the She is out on N$50 000 bail. The PG – Value for Money – Newer models with low kilos!!! – his three friends were walking in Prosecutor-General for a decision. decision will be heard on 23 January a street. Nzwana drove past the next year. Orben Sibeya is represent- Manga Mukena allegdly defrauded ing her. her employer of N$2 million, be-
23 November - 29 November 2017 NEWS 3 New drug reportedly called Zombie drugLETHAL DRUG HITS NAMIBIAWINDHOEK – The publichas been cautioned to be onthe lookout for a new, anddeadly drug that has hit thestreets of Windhoek. Marthina K MutangaThe Police Reginal Commander NOT CANDY: Flakka is a synthetic drug otherwise referred to as a novel psychoactive substance. Photo Contributed of the Khomas Region, Commis-sioner Silvanus Nghishidimbwa, says what makes it even more dangerous Nghishidimbwa added that the police warned. substance. Users are a threat to them-that the new drug, called Flakka or the is that it can look and be disguised as has made a breakthrough in the coastal He has also urged members of the selves, the people around them, andZombie drug, is lethal. sweets, which makes it easy to attract area where two people in possession the first responders, such as the police children. This was also seen in South of the drug were arrested. public to assist the police by reporting and emergency services, who are there This lethal drug leavs users dis- Africa. We are very concerned because persons that they suspect to be in pos- to help them. It is common to hearplay symptoms that include extreme it has penetrated our society,” the com- “I urge parents and caretakers to sen- session of Flakka. reports that it takes multiple people toagitation, jerking muscle movements missioner said. sitise children not to take sweets from restrain and sedate these patients.(hence the name Zombie drug), deliri- any person that they don’t know,” he Flakka is a synthetic drug otherwiseous thoughts, often profound paranoia, referred to as a novel psychoactiveand delusions of superhuman strength. Nghishidimbwa said that the drugis distributed through an under-ground network by syndicates fromoutside the country and the policehas busted two drug pushers withFlakka in their possession. The drug reportedly also comes indifferent shapes and can be appealingto children who believes the drug to bea sweet. He said students studying in SouthAfrica might be targeted to becomemules when returning home during thefestive season and cautioned everyoneto be vigilant. He further noted that currently, itappears as if truck drivers are bringingin the drugs. “Flakka is a new type of drug andJudge dismisses attempts Teacher markersto halt Swapo congress still not paidEba Kandovazu Aili Iilonga of the week. Namibia National Teachers UnionWINDHOEK-An urgent application WINDHOEK - Despite assurance from the Ministry of Education, Arts (NANTU) Secretary General, Basiliusfiled in the High Court by four Swapo and Culture that teachers marking the Haingura, said that about 509 markers Grade 10 and 12 national examination were not paid as the money is stillparty members in the Omaheke Region would have by Monday this week being processed by the Ministry of received their money, some have yet set aside the ten nominated delegates to receive payment. “We do not want the nonpaymentto attend the party’s sixth congress A disgruntled group of teachers, to disturb the current examination many of whom traveled to Windhoek of Grade 8, 9 and 11. If the situationwhich is scheduled to start today, or al- to mark examination papers, is plan- gets out of hand, the teachers and ning to take drastic measures should NANTU should not be blamed for it,”ternatively have the congress postponed payment not be processed by the end he saiduntil new delegates are elected, was Efforts to reach the ministry for comment proved futile.dismissed yesterday with costs.The Omaheke delegates are MariaOwoses, Nora Gores, Frieda Shi-makeleni, Justine Bernardt, NonoKatjingisua, Festus Ueitele, Gideon Founding Father moulded me- GeingobKavari, Raphael Kavari, AronMarenga and Asaria Tjingaete, who CELEBRATING: Former Omaheke governor and comrades celebrating outsidewere elected at the district conference court. Photo: Eba Kandovazuheld in September. nominations were in compliance with that the Swapo members at AminiusThe four applicants, who did not the party’s constitution. He added that and Otjinene district were not givenmake it to represent the regionare Kejamuina Mungendje, who is the the applicants presented their case with a chance to vote for delegates of their ning,” he added. unclean hands, pertaining to inadequate choice. The four applicants further Maria David Geingob questioned the tacticsformer Swapo regional coordinatorfor Omaheke; Maleagi Ndisiro; Frans documentation and a lack of notices to requested for an order to have Swapo OUTAPI- The presidential candidate being used by the Team Swapo can-Murangi; and Progarius Muriambihu. the 81 respondents. Soni further argued pay their lawyers. for Swapo, Hage Geingob, is up in didates in wanting to get voted for that the four applicants intended to tar- Norman Tjombe, Gerson Narib, arms over allegations that he wants by the people.They approached the High Court to to take the Founding President anddeclare the nominations null and void. nish the Swapo name and cause doubt James Diedericks, Gilroy Kasper, Father of the Namibian Nation, Sam “How do you disown your countrySenior Counsel Advocate Vas Soni, within the Omaheke Region. Dirk Conradie and Sacky Akweenda Nujoma, to the Criminal Interna- when you are at the mercy of the tional Court. same person who picked you upwho represents the respondents, Tuhafeni Muhongo, representing the also represented the respondents in when you fall down after your de- Geingob said that the unnamed feat?” asked Geingob.strongly contended that the quest to applicants on instructions of Kadhila the matter. Deputy Judge President lady who is spreading all those lies should stop spreading falsehoods. He added that anyone who electhave the congress postponed or can- Amoomo Legal Practitioners, argued Hosea Angula said he would deliver him must also elect his slate as his the judgement reasons on 28 “I don’t have any problems with slate, that is if you aim to deliver andcelled is not democratic, citing the Founding President. These lies not to sabotage him. March 2018. must be debunked and lying tothat party elections are volatile. people should stop,” said Geingob, His slate includes Netumbo Nandi- Speaking to Informanté adding that no one can get between Ndaitwah for vice-president, Sophia“It would therefore be imprac- his and Nujoma’s friendship as they Shaningwa for secretary-general and shortly after the verdict, Oma- go a long way. Marco Hausiku for deputy secretary-tical to nullify the nominations general. heke Governor Festus Ueitele Heaping praise for Nujoma,or have the congress cancelled Geingob said he was moulded by the “We need one president for the expressed his excitement. Founding Father. party and the country in order for themerely because of certain indi- legacy to continue just like it started “I am very happy about the “If you know that you are going with the era of the Founding Father,”viduals, who are outnumbered to lose, don’t tell people lies. Just stated Shaningwa. judgement. For the past two play the ball and not the man justby the vast majority of people. like what I said from the begin- She said that the legacy of the party years we endured character can’t be changed, but must continue70 000 people’s votes will not undisputed. assassinations. We have beenbe considered if this application called names and they have liedis considered. This would mean about us. They said we havetheir rights are violated and that been anti-Hage. I have stoodis not democracy. We therefore my ground and I stand withcannot set aside everything Team Hage. Today the truthbecause of certain alleged ir- VICTORIOUS: James Diedericks, Adv. Vas Soni and Dr. was revealed and justice hasregularities,” Soni argued. Sacky Akweenda. Photo: Eba Kandovazu prevailed,” Ueitele remarked.Soni maintained that the
4 NEWS 23 November - 29 November 2017 Opinions should not define who you are Small business owner wins bigNEVER LOSE Marthina K. Mutanga my income, thus increasing what IYOUR VALUE can re-invest.” WINDHOEK- the Legal Shield/ Informanté Unique Number competi- She got the Informanté at a large tion once again made a dream come retail outlet in Katutura and rushed true when Aili Elago won N$10 000. home to compare the numbers and found that the lucky feeling she had Elag started a small tailoring in when she picked up the paper has 2014, working from her house in indeed favoured her. Okuriangava and she said she is go- ing to use the N$10 000 to purchase “This is an early Christmas present a new sewing machine and mate- for me and investing it in something rial which will help her expand her that will improve my future makes it business. “This money is going to more special,” she said. make a huge difference in my life as expanding my business will increase If Elago was a paid up Legal Shield member, she would have doubled her prize money to N$20 000. EARLY CHRISTMAS GIFT: Aili Elago and Legal Shield’s Mercia Mokomele. Photo: Eba Kandovazu Informanté collection pays offINSPIRATIONAL: Peter de Villiers is flanked by the principal of Delta, Mrs Angelika Jacobie on the left, and Mrs Irene Aili Iilonga Kondombolo said that, he usuallyStrauss on the right . The students were equally excited to be pictured with Peter, a moment and message captured gets the Informanté from a serviceto last a lifetime. Photo contributed Esegiel Kodombolo an assistant ranger station in Monte Cristo on his way to was overwhelmed as his collection of work. Staff Reporter about you that should make the dif- “If you treat a N$200 with little Informantés finally paid off as he won respect, if it ends up being torn N$10 000 in the Informanté/Legal “Every week when I get the paper, IPeter de Villiers, the former rugby ference in you, it’s how you respond and unrecognisable, a store won’t Shield Unique Number competition. note the numbers down in my book andcoach of the Springboks, and cur- that makes a difference. Opinions exchange it for stuff that you want try to match them to my list of numbersrent High Performance Coaching should not define who you are.” to buy. Treat your life the same The father of four teenagers said that at home,” he said.Consultant for the Trustco Group, said De Villiers, before he explained way, don’t let it lose value in the for a very long time he had dreamt ofuplifted spirits at a motivational talk the difference between reacting and face of people by the way you treat such a day but never though he would He noted that he plans to save someon self-awareness and valuing one- responding. yourself.” He warned the pupils ever win anything in his life. for his last child who is set to enterself hosted by Trustco for the Delta against shredding their value to the varsity come next year and the rest is toSecondary School pupils. De Villiers went on to personify point where the average person on “I am so amazed. I have never won spoil his family for Christmas. value to the attitude towards a the street will not even want a free a competition. Words cannot explain “It’s not about what people say brand-new N$200 note, compared N$200 note. how I feel right now,” he said. Kondombolo would have doubled to the attitude towards one which his winnings if he was a Legal Shield has made the rounds: member.Winner to spoil familyfor Christmas Eba Kandovazu WINDHOEK-A Managing Direc- FORESIGHT: Esegiel Kodombolo nd Legal Shield’s Mercia Mokomele tor within the Ministry of Sports, Photo: Aili Iilonga Rosalia Tjaveondja, who is the Informanté/Legal Shield competi- Mom plans to save for tion winner could not contain her Januworri excitement upon discovering that she will be walking away with dou- Aili Iilonga ble the amount of what she initiallyCHRISTMAS SPIRIT: Rosalia Tjaveondja and Legal Shield’s Mercia Mokomele bargained for, because she is a paid Originally from Rehoboth, Platt FORESIGHT: Gwendy Platt.Photo: Eba Kandovazu up Legal Shield member. Gwendy became the latest winner in the Photo: Aili Iilonga Informanté/Legal Shield competition. Instead of pocketing N$10 000 she now takes home N$20 000. The mother of three, says that though she is a regular reader of the Informan- With the festive season approach- te, she was totally amazed and surprised ing, Tjaveondja said that she intends that she actually won, and at that a sum to spoil her family with presents. of N$20 000 as she is a Legal Shield Tjaveondja has a son and two grand- member since 2007. children. “Am very proud being a winner and it “I am very happy because this just came at the right time, “she said. came as a surprise. I have been a Le- gal Shield member since 2003 and Gwendy plans to spend some of it by I am so grateful to Trustco for this spoiling her children for Christmas and amazing opportunity. I am a regular save the rest for the traditional January Informanté reader and I advise eve- blues. ryone else to read the newspaper for updates on current issues affecting the nation,” she added. Get a copy of Informanté and stand a chance of winning N$10 000, or N$20 000 if you are a Legal Shield member.
23 November - 29 November 2017 NEWS 5S&Ts A LUCRATIVE BUSINESSSeniorofficialsdonotshareinformationwithsubordinatesWINDHOEK – Senior officials at the Ministry of Gender and to benefit anything from said workshop representatives to workshops. This month alone, the ministry hasChild Welfare have been accused of using planned work- as it is not related to their departments. Informanté has reliably learned that scheduled 20 workshops, of which onlyshops as a means to make quick money through Subsis- three will take place in Windhoek whiletence and Travel allowances (S&Ts) “We hear them talking in corridors most recently, a planned workshop at the rest are planned for out of town. that they can’t wait for workshops to Walvis Bay had to be cancelled after it Aili Iilonga out-of-town workshops as possible in start so that they can buy their furniture was realised that over 90% of the del- It is further alleged that after attending order to qualify for the S&T incentive and renovate their houses. They often egates attending were from Windhoek. workshops, senior officials do not shareEmployees within the ministry that is mandatory for all civil servants do not give chances to the juniors to with their subordinates the information who asked not to be named insist and parastatals officials traveling for attend these workshop in order to gain “Senior officials make sure that learned to could potentially improvethat for the past two years, there was work functions. knowledge and skills because they only workshops take place out of town so systems at the workplace.been a trend that of senior officials want to benefit from the S&T incen- that they can qualify for S&T. Some-signing themselves up for as many The grabbing of random workshops is tives,” one official. times, majority of those attending the Questions sent to the Ministry’s allegedly done despite some senior of- workshop are from Windhoek, but said spokesperson, Walter Kamaya, two ficials within the ministry not standing Sources further added that it has been Workshop will be held in another town, weeks ago were not answered at the a regular occurrence that departments which doesn’t make sense,” another time of going to print as he was, ironi- send more than the required number of official explained. cally, also away on a workshop.Windhoek crime Celebrating 50 years of Great foodon the increase Taking care of their regular custom- During the current financial year, 36 been an increase in serious crime, Zorena Jantze ers and adding a smile to their new Marthina K Mutanga 883 cases were reported compared to such as robberies with aggravating supporters, Wimpy gave away free 35 819 during the previous financial circumstances. WINDHOEK - The Informanté meal vouchers worth N$$200 weeklyWINDHOEK – Crime in the Khomas year. Wimpy campaign which ran for a and additionally had random stickersRegion alone has in the last year gone Ndeitunga noted that despite the period of four weeks brought joy to placed under their food crockeryup by 3%. The previous financial year alone overall reduction of crime in general many families and friends alike in the which indicated the prize that the recorded 801 more cases than in the country, serious crimes, espe- Capital who got the chance to win costumer won, e.g 10% discount on Figures contained in the latest 2014/2015, which shows a gradual cially gender-based violence, rape, amazing vouchers in the competition. meal or free meal or free drinks etc.police crime report show that in the increase in crime annually. murder, armed robbery, poaching andKhomas Region, 1 064 more cases the illicit dealing or consumption ofwere reported during 2016/2017 than The Inspector-General of the Na- drugs, remained a headache.2015/2016. mibian Police, Lieutenant-General Sebastian Ndeitunga, said there has “There are concerns that armed robberies are occurring mainly in the37 000 Total Crimes in Khomas Region During Khomas and Oshana regions, but we36 500 2014/2015,2015/2016 &2016/2017 36 883 have made many breakthroughs and criminals are behind bars now, “he said.36 000 +1 064 He added that some regions still need 35 819 to improve their crime-prevention strategies in order to make appropriate35 500 +801 contributions to the overall reduction35 000 of crime in the country. 35 018 WEEK1 WINNERS: from left to right: Eunice Salom and Ruvapu Muzuma each “The criminals that come from other receive their N$200 Wimpy meal voucher from Trustco’s Head: Television and34 500 countries to commit cross-border Radio, Dirk Kleinschmidt. crimes always receive tips off from the34 000 inside,” he stated.CRIME FIGHTER: Inspector-General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant- Ndeitunga added that while the po-General Sebastian Ndeitunga. Photo: File lice would rather that criminals, espe- cially repeat offenders not be granted bail, procedure need to be followed, as well as the judiciary. The police head further noted that the hotbed for crimes include Auas- blick, Eros and Klein Windhoek, as most houses in these suburbs are near mountains and allow criminals to get away undetected.Distribution eased bynew substation istry of Mines and Energy, Simeon Niël Terblanché Negumbo, was of the opinion that WEEK2 WINNERS:Taimi Ananias (left) and Petrus Swartbooi each received electricity is a vehicle for economic their N$200 Wimpy Namibia meal voucher from MixedFM’s MorningMix pre-WALVIS BAY-The inauguration of emancipation and welcomed the fact senter Hannes Kaufmann.a new multimillion dollar substation that Erongo RED and stakeholdersexponentially increased the capacity POWERFUL: Erongo RED CEO, Fessor were partnering to develop criticalof the regional electricity distributor, Mbango. Photo Contributed infrastructure for the benefit WalvisErongo RED, to deliver electricity to Bay and the wider region.key installations in the region. Bay upgrade was by far the company’s WEEK3 WINNERS: Esther Uukanga, WEEK4 WINNER: Veronika Shikulo, biggest project to date. “As you are aware, Walvis Bay is from Oshakati was excited on win- from Walvis Bay. The brand-new Erongo RED substa- of strategic importance to the whole ning herself her a meal voucher.tion was built to address the continu- Mbango said the utility’s priority is to country, thus it is very important thatous population growth in Walvis Bay ensure the electricity network is robust we have the infrastructure to cater forand the region. Industrialisation and enough to meet the growing demand, as all the current and envisaged pro-population growth are driving demand economic conditions improve. jects. We cannot afford to experiencefor electricity ever higher. unnecessary outages in the future, “This upgrade will enable us to ad- just because we failed to invest in the Demand is set to increase even fur- dress critical problems by improving infrastructure today.”ther once the expansion of the Port of reliability, enabling critical upgradesWalvis Bay is completed and reaches to be undertaken, reducing network A the commissioning of the Nam-its full capacity. constraints and minimising unplanned Power substation a year ago, the man- interruptions,” said Mbango. aging director of Nampower, Kahenge The project was a joint venture be- Haulofu, said the substation not onlytween Erongo RED and NamPower. It Permanent Secretary in the Min- feeds directly into the substation ofwas constructed at a cost of more than Erongo RED for local distribution butN$570 million, of which the reseller also connects with other substations inpaid N$270 million through a loan the region and even further afield.obtained from the Development Bankof Namibia. “Adding another circuit to the grid means that if one or two substations Erongo RED Chief Executive Of- suffer a technical failure of some sortficer, Fessor Mbango, said since its in- this additional circuit will kick in andception, the firm has made significant ensure the continued delivery of elec-investments aimed at improving the tricity to our bulk clients,” he said.regional network and said the Walvis
6 NEWS 23 November - 29 November 2017 RETRO SPECTIVE‘May we live in PIC OF THE DAY Photo: Niël Terblanchéinteresting times’ GARGANTUAN: WALVIS BAY-The giant Komatsu dump truck that was this week offloaded in Walvis Bay.This country is not yet cursed, as what is happeningon the continent could be just another lesson as op- THEORY OF INTEREST DESMOND P VAN HEERDENposed to a concomitant political cataclysm that couldbe termed as a new African economic struggle going A NOBLE DUTYviral. Nobility constrains to honourable behav- It’s why Robert Mugabe believed he had the is the servant of the people and not theirIn our neighbouring country Zimbabwe, nonage- iour, and privilege entails to responsibility. right to rule Zimbabwe and would broach master. I believe in the dignity of labour,narian, Robert Mugabe, who ruled for almost four Today, of course, we no longer have a nobil- not attempt to give power back to the peo- whether with head or hand; that the worlddecades, has just capitulated, after he initially resisted ity, no class of citizens that officially ‘above’ ple, until forced. It is why the problems of owes no man a living but that it owesdemands to resign. If he didn’t resign, as he did on the rest. We live in a free country, as equals, corruption and state capture are so endemic every man an opportunity to make a liv-Monday, he could have faced the worst from an angry and as such, we seem to have forgotten the in our southern neighbour. It is why peo- ing. I believe in the sacredness of a prom-population, the army and his own party after 37 years concept of Noblesse Oblige (“Nobility has a ple were so up in arms when our President ise, that a man’s word should be as goodin power. duty.”) in our new free world. It seems that floated the idea of a Solidarity Tax. And it as his bond; that character—not wealth orThe lesson for Namibia is, that in a republic the while we’ve embraced our new freedom of is why, when a poor beggar is asking for power or position—is of supreme worth.”security apparatchiks are there to protect the country being equal be-and its people, including political leaders, but not fore the law, we money or food, people make up all sorts of No man is anat the expense of the masses in peril and propping have forgotten excuses to avoid helping their fellow man. island, and soup dictators and kleptocracy. The army will always that we are not all “They’ll only spend it on booze!” Be- too can no manbe there after leadership change, public mayhem, as simply copies of cause that’s what you would do if you’re be a success inwell as political and economic turmoil. The point is, the same person. in their position? Or is it that you as- isolation. It is aZimbabweans put him in power and removed him as Some are more sume being poor reflects a moral failing? form of supremethey deem fit. equal than others. Corruption and tax evasion are certain- arrogance to rec-Namibia should also note that its long-time survival Some inequal- ly not moral positions, and yet they al- ognise your ownas a republic will depend on the quest for genuine ities are easily most exclusively occur amongst those hard work anddemocracy and human rights from the African point observable. If already rich. I think it’s fair to say that perseverance inof view of ‘Ubuntu’. you look around, your financial position in no way deter- your success,Fortunately or unfortunately, Namibia’s credit worthi- you will see peo- mines your moral character. Or is it that but not to recog-ness has been downgraded to junk status for the sec- ple of different you do not think they’re entitled to what nise those peopleond time in about three months, but this time around genders, different you’ve earned? That implies you think and the societywith a positive outlook. The flipside of downgrades, races, different you are entitled to what you’ve earned… that has helpedis that it will take a few years to turn around. heights, differ- If you take a look at the word ‘entitlement,’ you achieve it.Despite the budget deficit, the economic hardship, the ent builds, even you’ll be sure to notice its root. The word While you maydecrease in liquidity, the country has the opportunity at different ages. ‘Title.’ An entitlement, traditionally, was a not have reachedto contain corruption, wastage spending, create a con- You will see people with different abil- title to a deed of land given to a noble of the the pinna-ducive environment for local and foreign investments ities, of different means and people king. We might need to start remembering cle of success, it remains easy to seeand ultimately prosper. It could be done by deepening who’ve had different opportunities. But that these ‘fruits’ we’re ‘entitled’ to, was those around you who have not. Yourthe maintenance of human rights, democracy, the because we’re all ‘equal,’ we’ve come to granted to us by the society we inhabit, for noble success entails a responsibility.rule of law and reinvigorate the economic struggle think we’ve earned what we’ve got, and utilising our talents and opportunities. We The world is slowly recognising theas opposed to a perceived state capture by a few who that no one can tell us what to do with it. might all be free, but all of us who have need for those privileged few who havehave failed to provide meaningful employment or add This idea of a ‘self-made’ man, is of course been entitled, also have a duty to the soci- reached the zenith of success to reach outvalue to the lives of youthful citizens and vulnerable a myth. No one was born with the ability ety that has entitled us. Noblesse Oblige. and help the society that has aided in suc-inhabitants of the country. to feed and dress herself, or to read herself, In my opinion, it was the most entitled man cess. The billionaires of the world haveOn the political front, for the first time since 2004, or so many other things. No one built the in history, John D Rockefeller Jr, who ex- taken the credo of John D Rockefellerthere are two camps within the ruling party, Team Ha- roads he drove on himself, laid the pipes plained it best. “I believe that every right Jr and built on it, via the Giving Pledge.rambee and Team Swapo, vying for positions in the and wires that supply his house with wa- implies a responsibility; every opportuni- Started by William Henry Gates III, theruling party, an indication of gradual consolidation ter and electricity himself. No one built a ty, an obligation; every possession, a duty. Giving Pledge campaign has so far hadof democracy and freedom of expression within the company all by herself without employees. I believe that the law was made for man US$365 billion pledged by 139 high nett-ruling party. However, the successful metaphor and We were, and are, all dependent on one an- and not man for the law; that government worth individuals to be donated to charityevolution of armed liberation movements to political other for our survival in modern society. throughout their lifetimes or on their death.parties in half a century has been elusive in Africa, Some of us have found ourselves of great- We are fortunate to live in a country whereexcept in dictatorships, a lesson Namibia should take er means than our fellow citizens, either the government embodies the spirit of No-note of. Simply put, liberation movements are not due to having greater ability, or by hav- blesse Oblige. Our President Geingob wonimmortal after all, but they can cement their legacies ing had greater opportunity. But all that the election with an unprecedented majority,by adopting freedom and democratic principles. In we have achieved, we’ve had our soci- on the promise that he will use the powerSwapo, thanks to heroes like Hidipo Hamutenya, ety that has carried us and given us the granted to him by the people, for the the party has variable people running for the opportunity to do so. Why is it, then, The Swapo Congress is upon us, and it is nowparty elections and the fact that the party had vision- that we’ve forgotten Noblesse Oblige? up to them to do their noble duty towards aary leaders like the founding father Dr Sam Nujoma Over the past few decades, as democra- country that has put them in that position orand former president Hifikepunye Pohamba, who cy and freedom has taken hold across the risk placing their nobility above their duty, aspreempted a situation in which President Mugabe, globe, it seems a sense of dog-eat-dog in- Mugabe had done. Yet it will all be for naughtand many others before him in Africa, currently finds dividualism has overtaken the world. We if the people themselves don’t embody thehimself. Swapo under President Geingob should believe we are entitled to the fruits of our duty we have towards our society as well.maintain an open participatory democracy in both labour, and we’ll go to great lengths to Desmond P van Heerden, HonsBCommgovernment and the ruling party. ensure we take every opportunity to get (Stell) is the Chief Analytics Officer ofWe do live in interesting times in that what’s happen- what is ours, and to frustrate the efforts Trustco Group Holdings Ltd. Previous arti-ing on the continent, more so in the SADC region, of those who would take some from us. cles available online at happen in Namibia as well if politicians allow He can be contacted at [email protected] to be sidetracked.We may be living in interesting times but Namibiacan pull through if we can contain unbudgeted spend-ing and public debt, consolidate democracy, in andoutside, government. EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER • The newspaper’s views are not necessarily those of our advertisers and the views aired in letters are not necessarily those of the newspaper. • Informanté publishes all advertisements in good faith and cannot be held liable for any misrepresentation, losses or injury to any reader making use of the products or services advertised.
23 November - 29 November 2017 AFRICA/EDITORIAL 7 FlipsidePOWER: The Lake Turkana Wind Power Project is the single largest private investment in Kenya’s history. The wind CHRIS JACOBIEfarm covers 40,000 acres and is located in Loiyangalani District, Marsabit County. Photo Contributed The Day AfterAFRICA WOOSPartnerships provide a lifelinePRIVATE CAPITAL THERE are a few unshakeable truths that the Swapo delegates and leaders willSouth Africa and Nigeria may be Africa’s biggest econo- business intelligence firm, “there not escape from when they gather in the Namibian capital City, Windhoek, formies, according to the International Monetary Fund, but have been stumbles with the imple- a watershed congress that will introduce seismic changes to the party-politicalthanks to public private partnerships (PPPs), Morocco, mentation of some PPP projects”. landscape.Rwanda, Côte d’Ivoire and a few other smaller countriescan boast world-class infrastructure. “Partnerships with private firms Let Namibians, friend and foe alike, admit this: Swapo is the only political in the utilities sector, for example, party that, in spite of scepticism, held regular congresses, politburo and Central Kingsley Ighobor tractual arrangements referred to have faced opposition over tariff and Committee meetings since independence and therefore can claim to have been as BOTs, which stands for Build, pricing changes, as well as questions subjected to more internal democratic tests than any other.In an article published in the Operate and Transfer. For example, over access, with privately managed ‘African Journal of Management a private company may provide water utilities in major cities attract- The first truth the day after is that Namibia will turn to normal the next day.Research’, authors Bernadine J. financing for a road project and ing protests over pricing and other School leavers will still await their fate after exams. Thousands will hope toDykes and Carla D. Jones described the government grants permission issues,” notes the business intelli- pursue their academic careers and others will wish that the new year will bringPPPs as “cooperative arrangements to such a company to operate the gence firm. some form of permanent employment, while those employed and on leave will putbetween governments and multina- road for a specified period. This their faith in their employers to keep their jobs in the most difficult of economictional corporations that are created allows the company to recoup its In late 2015, private investors finance, construct and manage investment, after which it transfers engaged by the Nigerian government Nationwide, parents will be on their knees praying for a place in a school closeinfrastructural projects.” operations of the road to a govern- to distribute electricity faced public to home, farmers will cast their eyes to the heavens for rain and subsistence ment agency. The Dakar-Diamniadio outcry over plans to increase electric- communities will pray that the wells don’t run dry. The writers observed that in past Road in Senegal, which was com- ity tariffs. Unable to establish their The privileged holidaymakers will hope that they escape crime when they aredecades, “Africa’s involvement in pleted in 2013, is a good example. preferred tariffs, Nigeria’s electricity away and those travelling or expecting visitors will hope that all arrive alive.PPPs has been limited relative to The total cost of the project is distribution companies last April By far the majority of Namibians will again prove that they do not demand muchother continents,” but that lately, due estimated at $335 million. claimed they had lost about $2.3 from their leaders and representatives. They need safety, security, something toto pressures on national budgets and billion since November 2013, when eat and a shelter where to lay their heads down at night.the inability of the public sector to Huge infrastructure gaps they took over responsibility for They need peace and stability and they cherish it, because they experiencedprovide efficient services, “African power distribution. oppression and the rage of war, the curtailing of movement and the suppression ofgovernments are looking harder for Africa needs $93 billion annually ambition and choice.infrastructure development cash to for infrastructure, which is approxi- Private firms are not warmly em- When the last Swapo-delegates leave at the congress and close the door behindsupport population growth and the mately 15% of the continent’s GDP, bracing PPPs in Africa just yet. The them, the 2019 Namibian presidential-, parliamentary- and local governmentdemand for commodities.” notes the African Development Infrastructure Consortium for Africa election campaigns will start. Bank (AfDB). Therefore, PPPs are (ICA), an organisation that promotes Since these campaigns and various other national programmes are hostage to With a gross domestic product of lifelines for cash-strapped govern- access to sustainable infrastructure factionalism and internal revenge, the message that Namibians need to movearound $37 billion in the 1990s, ac- ments. services on the continent, notes that forward, is that the leader legacy must continue, because it proved itself as best forcording to the World Bank, Morocco uncertainty and a lack of political Namibia and Namibians, regardless of political affiliation. Anything else will castcould not afford huge infrastructure “Governments are increasingly will are barriers to successful PPPs. a shadow of a doubt over the judgement of Swapo and Founding Father, Dr Saminvestments while fulfilling its recur- turning to PPPs to bridge the financ- Nujoma, and Dr Hifikepunye budgetary obligations, including ing gap and deliver more efficient The ICA stresses that many public The challengers now act like those fighters who turn up after the battle andpaying civil servants’ salaries and and cost-effective infrastructure,” institutions lack capacity, which arrived to see if there are any spoils to be claimed.running its government. writes Ventures Africa, a website stokes fears of financial risk for Namibia will be at the mercy of the decisions of the Swapo Congress delegates dedicated to African business. private investors. It criticised weak until the next elections, and to have a national consensus in an ever-changing and Then a lucrative opportunity regulatory frameworks and corrup- challenging economic environment needs compromise and not confrontation.emerged five years ago that took ad- Kenya, for example, requires in- tion in some countries. Namibia has wasted a lot of energy in perpetual election campaigns amongstvantage of Morocco’s unique posi- frastructural investments of between people who were supposed to be likeminded servants of the people. Thetion on the Straits of Gibraltar, with $4 billion and $5 billion annually to The AfDB lists factors working exposure of too many personal and factional agendas - thanks to the more openproximity to Europe. The Tanger- cover its financing gap. Projects such against successful PPPs: “inadequate communication platforms - made Namibians aware of a lack of democratic valuesMed will be the largest port in North as the Lake Turkana Wind Power legal and regulatory framework for where losers lose gracefully and winners win gracefully.Africa, and part of a wider plan to Project have been successfully ex- PPPs; lack of technical skills to man- The next challenge of Swapo will be to retain the 80% majority and the 87%boost the economy of the region. ecuted through PPP arrangements. age PPP programmes and projects; winning margin of its presidential candidate. It will not be possible with any of the unfavorable investor perception of challengers who clearly want to build a political red line between the North and the The idea is to create a logistics The private and public sectors like country risk, Africa’s limited role in rest of the nation. If there is anything in life that is equally brave and stupid it is tohub to attract manufacturers to the to consider a PPP project a win-win: global trade and investment, small run for public office knowing the risk of public rejection.region, thereby turning the greater the government can claim to have market size, limited infrastructure and Namibians suspect and facts point to challengers who were enticed to becomeTangiers area into a logistics and led efforts to provide infrastructure limited financial markets.” puppets for those who have nothing to lose and do not mind gambling with theexport centre for moving goods to or services for citizens, and private respected reputations of political icons. That is why the backers don’t challenge.the USA, the eastern Mediterranean investors can promote their involve- Some countries are already chang- They hide in the shadows because they have nothing to lose by not challenging,and beyond, to Asia. ment in socioeconomic development, ing laws or enacting new ones to but everything to gain by a fluke of democracy if their candidates are elected. even if they also set their eyes on improve the business environment. A much more important challenge is to maintain the high national voting The project will be implemented, profits. Kenya’s PPP laws are meant to percentage in national elections and seriously start addressing the voters’ apathycoordinated and managed by the assure the private sector of policy on regional and local government level.Tangier Mediterranean Special Yet a government’s perception of stability and market certainty. The Until a drastic change happens, a well-organized Swapo with 80% of the votesAgency (a private company with services or infrastructure as a social government’s goal is to execute up and an approval rating of 87% for its president to lead the country through thepublic prerogatives), operating under undertaking, especially in poor coun- to 80% of its projects through PPP troubled waters of a world in transformation, it remains the best way to engage allan agreement with the government tries, contrasts with the private sec- financing by 2030. Namibians, facilitate public demands in policies and laws, as well as identify andand interacting with the different tor’s profit-driven market solutions, elect skilful leaders to improve governance and service delivery.ministries involved. and often leads to problems. Among other incentives, Tanzania’s With Independence, mutual trust was the challenge and unity was the remedy, Finance Act 2014 allows the private but as the world and Namibia develop, a new kind of leadership that understands Typically, PPPs consist of con- “As with many markets,” reports sector to make PPP proposals that the economic pressures and can act as an agent of change and shock absorber of Oxford Business Group, a UK-based circumvent competitive tender pro- society is needed to prevent Namibia being stuck in the potholes of factionalism cesses, allowing investors to engage and self-interest. with partners of their choice. The President and most of his Cabinet softened the hardships that were endured by the vulnerable and abject poor, but must also be cautious to exercise economic - Africa Renewal responsibility as the reactions on international ratings clearly demonstrate. Self- interest cannot act with restraint. Those that have the idea that Swapo can have a different leadership than the Government, want nothing more than take over the interest of the many who voted for the benefit of the few who were rejected. Those that challenge Dr Geingob now, were rejected by the vast majority of Swapo at the 2014 Congress. The day after the Congress will demonstrate if Swapo is a democratic and just peoples’ movement that innovates over time or just a faction serving the highest bidders from the shadows of development and only accepts progress when it feeds greed and revenge. Once again the foot soldiers of Swapo and Namibian democracy will be called to battle for unity, stability and performance. But, as sure as day follows night, there will be a day after.
8 BUSINESS 23 November - 29 November 2017BUSINESSMARKET RECAP WEEKLY market review NAM POPULATIONKhomas recorded highest population growth rate 15 November to 21 November2017 INCREASES BY 1.9% NSX STOCKS CODE PRICE % VOLUME VALUE NAMIBIA BREWERIES NBS 37.52 0.05% 133 4 239 TRUSTCO GROUP - 98 507 HOLDINGS LIMITED TUC/TTO 5.10 AGRA LTD DOWN UP BIDVEST NAMIBIA LTD AGR 1.48 - - - ORYX PROPERTIES LTD BVN 7.85 NICTUS HOLDINGS - NAM ORY 20.60 - 7 51 FNB NAMIBIA NHL 2.00 HOLDINGS LTD FNB 46.71 - - - CAPRICORN INVESTMENT GROUP - - - WINDHOEK - The Namibian population was estimated to have grown by 1.9% annu- ally between 2011 and 2016 as compared to 1.4% that was recorded in 2011. (0.02%) 290 13 552 CGP 18.10 (0.06%) 7 131 Zorena Jantze males per 100 females. increase in rural areas compared to Shimuafeni stated that the 2016 urban areas where a slight decline inCOMMODITIES PRICE % GLOBAL INDICES PRICE % This is according to the Namibia literacy level was recorded. NSX LOCAL 592 - Intercensal Demographic Survey NIDS results also revealed that ur-BRENT CRUDE OIL 62.78 0.92% NSX ALL SHARE (NIDS) of 2016 which was released ban regions were growing at a faster The average household size inGOLD 1 282.26 (0.05%) JSE TOP 40 1 198 1.19% by the Namibian Statistics Agency rate compared to rural regions. Namibia is estimated to be about 3.9PLATINUM 936.85 0.83% S&P 500 55 408 3.30% (NSA). persons with less number of persons UK FTSE 100 0.78% Khomas Region recorded the high- per household in urban areas of 3.4FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRICE % EURO STOXX 50 2 599 (0.04%) Alex Shimuafeni, Statistician- est number of people followed by persons compared to rural areas HANG SENG 7 411 0.65%) General at the NSA explained that Ohangwena and Omusati Regions. which had on average 4.6 personsN$ PER US$ 13.97 (0.42%) 3 579 2.28% the main objective of NIDS is to Omaheke Region had the least per household.N$ PER £ 18.50 (2.22%) 29 818 provide up to date data on demo- number of people in 2016.N$ PER € 16.52 (2.56%) graphic, socio-economic charac- The majority of households in teristics of the population and its “Khomas and Erongo Regions Namibia were headed by malesThe local market picked up this week, The Namibia Statistics Agency released housing units. He stated that the had a growth rate of 3.9 and 3.8% (53.6%).with the NSX Local index flat at 592.1, the figures for inflation for the month survey results show that the esti- respectively, while Omusati andand the NSX Overall Index up 1.19%, of October 2017. Inflation for the month mated population of Namibia has Kavango West Regions had lower Shimuafeni stated that a situationto close at 1198. Namibia Breweries of October was 5.2%, lower than the increased from 2,1 million in 2011, growth rates of 0.5 and 0.6% re- of child-headed households seemstook the lead in the market this 5.6% recorded in September, and below to 2,3 million in 2016. spectively. There was a noticeable to prevail in the country althoughweek, closing at N$37.52 per share, the 7.3% for the same month last year. movement of people from rural to slightly improved.up by 0.05%. In terms of volume, This slowdown in inflation was due to Similarly, the number of house- urban areas, where the population inFNB Namibia Holdings took the lead inflation decreases in all sectors, except holds increased by 124 948 urban areas increased from 43% in “A total of 6 937 households inwith N$13.5 million worth of shares for housing, water, electricity, gas and households in the same period, that 2011 to 48% in 2016,” Shimuafeni Namibia were headed by childrentraded, with Namibia Breweries in other fuels (up 8.%), education (up is, from 464 839 in 2011 to 589 787 stated. aged 18 years or younger in 2016second place with N$4.2 million worth 7.8%) and transport (up 4.4%). Overall, households in 2016. With regard to compared to 7 671 in 2011. Of theof shares traded. The local currency the average inflation rate for the year is sex distribution, there were more According to the report, the number of households headed bystrengthened 2.81% against the US down 0.2% compared to the prior year. females (51.4%) than males (48.6%) level of literacy in Namibia for children, 2 040 households wereDollar, to close at N$13.97 per USD, Market Quote: in Namibia with a sex ratio of 95 the population aged 15 years and headed by orphans which is aand strengthened 2.22% against the “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to above remained the same at 88.7% decrease from 2 953 households inBritish Pound, to close at N$18.50 per go for the great.” between 2011 and 2016 with slight 2011,” Shimuafeni detailed.GBP. It closed at N$16.52 against the – John D RockefellerEuro, a rise of 2.56%.Internet Society Chamber Launched Unbudgeted spending leads to downgrade Zorena Jantze that the objectives of the chamber include Zorena Jantze ON THE SPOT: Minister of Finance, consolidation, albeit in a gradual connecting the world, working with oth- Calle Schlettwein. manner, and implementing struc-WINDHOEK – In order to create a global ers, advocating for equal access to the WINDHOEK – Prior to the earlier Photo: Zorena Jantze tural policy reforms to reinforce thevoice of Internet work in Namibia and Internet and fighting cybercrime. downgrade of Namibia by Moody impact of the policy interventions.address cyber threats which is critical Also speaking at the launch, Tjekero which was met by great disapproval, proposed a package of policy inter-for individual safety and for the future Tweya, Minister of Information and Namibia’s recent downgrade by ventions in the 2017/18 Medium- Schlettwein, however, argued thatinternet economy, the Namibian Internet Communication Technology stated that Fitch to junk status seems to have Term Budget Policy Statement for Expenditure-to-GDP ratios are fall-Society Chamber (ISOC) was launched in today’s world requires new thinking, new been accepted as the Minister of the next MTEF to address these con- ing year on year for the past threethe capital. approaches and new models across the Finance, Calle Schlettwein in his cerns, consistent with the principal years and so are budget deficits.Speaking at the launch of ISOC, its presi- board and this varies from Internet policy response to the downgrade stated policy stance implemented sincedent, Nashilongo Gervasius stated, “It is to addressing digital divides, from security that government recognises policy 2016/17 Mid-Year Budget Review,” “Emerging economic growth isgenerally believed that the Internet will approaches to economic regulation. weaknesses raised by rating agen- Schlettwein stated. He further stated protected through sourcing privatecontinue to shape our societies, cultures “The Internet Society plays a large role in cies. that the key policy interventions will capital for infrastructure develop-and economies, and define the world for the development of the Internet Ecosys- include targeted measures to support ment and the vulnerability of thegenerations to come. It’s for that reason tem throughout the world. The Internet Schlettwein stated the factors driv- domestic economic growth objec- external position is lessened bythat around the last quarter of 2016, a Ecosystem is a descriptive term for ing the downgrade on the foreign tives, protecting spending in the stronger international reserves andgroup of young Namibians began a jour- organisations and communities that guide currency denominated bonds include social sectors, maintaining the fiscal an improved current account defi-ney to apply for a chapter of the Internet the operation and development of the weaknesses in fiscal outcomes, cit,” Schlettwein stated.Society to serve the country and an excit- technologies and infrastructure that make lower economic growth, and inter-ing membership in the global organisa- up the Internet,” Tweya explained. ruption in the previously announced He added that the observed once-tions database but also to have a global He further stated that the Internet Socie- fiscal consolidation stance due to off increase in the revised expendi-voice of the Internet work in Namibia,”. ty’s operations in more than 160 countries, increased spending as a result of the ture for 2017/18 MTEF is appropri-She added that the chamber has already make it an invaluable global partner for previously unbudgeted spending ar- ate for the settlement of the previousbegun with primary work and is raising governments and other stakeholders. rears and the resultant higher-than- spending arrears which were notawareness on a number of issues related to Tweya further urged for the success of the budgeted budget deficit and public reported for budgeting purpose.the Internet, contributing at policy levels Internet should not be measured in terms debt over the medium-term.and also facilitating funding for projects of sheer numbers of connected individu- “Over the next MTEF, moderatehere and there. Gervasius further stated als but more in terms of accessibility and He added that improvements in but targeted expenditure is targeted contribution to social progress. these metrics will be important in to support socio-economic growth improving the rating in the medium- objectives, while maintaining a term. “As such, the government has more gradual fiscal consolidation to avoid large unintended negative consequences,” Schlettwein stated. Why not skip the queue? There’s no secret as to how long and frustrating the queues at the loan counters will be towards the festive season. So why not fast forward to your financial dreams coming true with Trustco Bank’s fast and e cient loan application process. Call us now to find out how! Windhoek: 061 434 8111 and 061 434 8110 • Oshakati: 061 434 8310 Personal loans up to N$50, 000 available. SMS “LOAN” to 88811 Standard SMS rates apply. Ts & Cs apply.
23 November - 29 November 2017 BUSINESS 9GRN SHOULD MERGEWriting was on the wall after Moody’s downgrade – ExpertsREDUNDANT MINISTRIESWINDHOEK – “The writing was on the wall after Moody’sdowngrade in August and the tabling of the Mid-yearBudget Review on 2 November 2017 that did not meetexpectations. Zorena Jantze is room for efficiency gains by merg- MUSHROOMING: The payroll of different ministries could absorb 50% of the total budget according to Fitch. Picture for ing ministries or directorates with illustrative purposes only.A number of measures could be similar and or overlapping functionsimplemented to reduce the budget such as the ministries responsible for Boamah stated that the mini-budget and the rate of debt growth to 44.2% risks such as stunted growth due todeficit and total public debts which managing social grants - Ministry (Medium Term Expenditure Frame- (+6.3%) by 2019 and even expects suppressed consumer spending andhas culminated in Namibia’s down- of Poverty Eradication and Social work or MTEF) which was delivered the former to reach 4.6% and the the limited capacity of the govern-grading by Fitch.” Welfare, Ministry of Gender Equality by the Minister of Finance a few latter to reach 47% by then” Boamah ment to stimulate the economy as and Child Welfare, Ministry of Vet- weeks ago shed light on the concern- said. She explained that Fitch’s well as downcast trade with neigh- This is according to Klaus Schade, erans Affairs, etc. Amidst the array ing fiscal situation. “Fitch was not outlook on the economy is stable but bouring South Africa and Angolathe Director of the Economic As- of reasons given for the downgrade, impressed by upward revisions to lamented that the domestic economy who are also going through a roughsociation Namibia (EAN), who com- Schade highlighted that government the budget deficit to 2.9% (+0.9%) is nevertheless exposed to multiple patch.mented on Fitch’s recent downgrade has not met its fiscal targets for theof Namibia from BBB- to BB+, budget deficit and for public debts.which is a non-investment rate.Commenting on what this means for “Fitch expects a budget defi-the country, Schade explained that cit of 6% for the Financial Yearborrowing costs for government and (FY) 2017/18 rather than the 5.3%state-owned enterprises will most anticipated by government. Govern-likely increase in future for new ment revised the budget deficit forloans because of greater risks result- the FY2019/20 upward from 1% toing in less money. 2.9%, while Fitch expects a deficit of 4.6%.” Schade said. He added that it is certainly a chal-lenging situation, but not a crisis. He further added that one of the“We need to curb wasteful ex- main concerns raised by Fitch ispenditure and restructure the public that the payroll could absorb 50% ofsector in order to reduce operational the total budget and the upcomingexpenditure and increase investment elections in 2019 could prevent moreinto vital infrastructure,” Schade decisive steps to curb the wage bill.stated. Expanding on how this couldbe done, Schade detailed that there Also commenting on the down- grade, Economic Analyst at Capri- corn Asset Management, Claudia Capricorn scoops reporting awardACCOUNTABILITY: Marlize Horn, Capricorn Group Executive: Brand and Corpo- Business Reporter to promoting reporting excellence in nication with shareholders and otherrate Affairs. Photo contributed southern Africa. stakeholders.” WINDHOEK- Capricorn Group scooped the Regional Company The ceremony recognised the im- She added that as a leading finan- Award at the Annual Integrated portance of integrated reporting and cial institution listed on the Namibian Reporting Awards of 2017, hosted the information it provides to share- Stock Exchange, Capricorn Group by Chartered Secretaries Southern holders and stakeholders. The judges believes that credibility is key to Africa in partnership with the JSE scored entries against a scoresheet value creation. Limited at a ceremony held in Johan- similar to the Integrated Reporting nesburg on 15 November 2017. (IR) Framework. “We believe that we are part of a bigger, interconnected global system. Almost 100 companies entered their Marlize Horn, Group Executive: Our approach to being a responsible, Integrated reports in ten categories of Brand and Corporate Affairs and regional and global citizen is built which Capricorn Group won the Re- chairperson of the group’s Investor into the DNA of all our businesses gional Company category, a category Relations Committee, who accepted in Namibia, Botswana and Zambia. won by a Swaziland-based company the award on behalf of the group Our 2017 Integrated Report provides in 2015 and 2016. stated, “We are extremely proud that a holistic view of our group and we have been honoured with this reflects the value created during the The Integrated Reporting Awards award, which is recognition that our financial year which ended on 30 have been rewarding excellence in 2017 Integrated Report, only our June 2017 and is primarily aimed corporate reporting since 1956 by second that adheres to the Interna- at providers of financial capital, but Chartered Secretaries Southern Af- tional Integrated Reporting Council’s also takes a holistic and stakeholder- rica, which is an independent profes- IR Framework and our first report orientated view of the social, envi- sional body with an interest in good that includes our subsidiaries in ronmental and governance aspects corporate governance and committed Botswana and Zambia, is regarded as that are related to the group’s activi- best practice in transparent commu- ties and performance” Horn said.
10 BUSINESS 23 November - 29 November 2017AFRICA FACES MAJOR FINANCIALWriting was on the wall after Moody’s downgrade – ExpertsOUTFLOWSNews from the continent ham-Aili Staff Reporter pers service delivery, diverts resources awayStaff Reporter from building much MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIALISATION, needed infrastructure, TRADE AND SME DEVELOPMENTSubheading- illegal fi- schools, training teach- Republic of Namibia VACANCY NOTICEnancial flows originated ers and law enforcementmostly in developing officers. DEPARTMENT: TRADE AND COMMERCE DEPARTMENT: TRADE AND COMMERCEcountries “It is here where we DIRECTORATE: INTERNATIONAL TRADE DIRECTORATE: COMMERCEWASHINGTON, D.C.- need the assistance of PDoIsVt IdSeIsOigNna:tion: DTRepAuDtyEDAirGecRtEorEGMrEadNeT4S PDoIsVt IdSeIsOigNna:tion: DBUepSuItNyEDSiSreRctEoGr GISrTadReIE4SMinister of Economic the United States of Salary Scale: N$ 478 220 – 502 753 Salary Scale: N$ 478 220 – 502 753Planning, Tom Al- America to help us to Motor Vehicle Allowances : N$ 102 701.00 per annum Motor Vehicle Allowances : N$ 102 701.00 per annumweendo said that Africa stem this outflow,” Al- Housing Allowance: N$ 68 188.00 per annum Housing Allowance: N$ 68 188.00 per annumis estimated to be losing weendo emphasised. 1x post: Windhoek 1x post: Windhoekmore than $50 billion He noted that for Africaannually through illegal to be an industrialised Minimum requirements Minimum requirementscapital outflows and that continent and be suc- A B Degree at NQF L7 plus 9 years appropriate experience A B Degree at NQF L7 plus 9 years appropriate experiencethis could jeopardise cessful, there is a need Job requirements:the preservation of the to trade in the interna- Experience required • To lead the design and development of the annual divisional work pro-African economy. tional markets. Sound knowledge of the Namibian economy and government policy onMaking the remarks in “As of 2016, Africa’s international trade and economic development gramme and to manage the resources of the division to achieve divisional,a report at the economic share of global trade directorate and eventually ministerial objective.development of Africa was less than 3%.We Job requirements • To exercise statutory control over and administer the Companies Act, thein Washington, D.C. on thus need to look at how • Provide strategic leadership in activity based planning and management Trade Marks Act, the Patents Act, the Designs Act, the Close Corpora-Friday, 17 November, the current international tions Act and the Merchandise Mark Act.Alweendo estimated trading system is ar- of the Division and its components • To supervise, control and direct the staff and contingency and routinethat the illegal financial ranged. Our experience • Manage and coordinates the operations of national committees estab- activities of the division and allocate work among officers, demarcateflows originated mostly shows that the system is their functions and responsibilities and ensure optimum developing countries. sloping in favour of the lished under the trade agreements Namibia is party to • T initiate and supervise the preparation of annual divisional budget and“Money laundering, tax developed economies,” • Manage and supervise the work of the officials Division with a view to control implementation thereof.evasion and bribery, he adds. • To initiate the review of existing corporate and industrial property lawsoften reach these coun- He concluded that there ensure high standards of performance and outputs and suggest necessary modifications as well as propose new acts.tries. Recognising these is a need for our devel- • Manage human, financial and physical resources of the Division and en- • To organizing training prpogrammes and skills upgrading of divisionalrisks, developing coun- oped trading partners personneltries are taking action to to show some willing- sure institutional capacity building and preserve sustainable institutional • To advice the permanent Secretary through the Director on matters per-avoid being safe havens ness to re-look at how memory taining to corporate laws, business forms and industrial Property matters.for illegal money,” he best to level the playing • Provide regular reports to the Director of International Trade and to • To guide and advise the ministry on relations with international organiza-said. field when it comes to management tions and agreements in the field of industrial property. international trade. • Ensure proper coordination of Namibia’s implementation of international • To represent the Ministry in international and regional forum pertaining Alweendo added that trade commitments assumed under trade organizations to which Namib- to industrial propertythe illegal flow of funds ia is a member, such as SACU, SADC, WTO and UNCTAD, and bilateral • To identify equipment and implement a compatible information manage- agreements ment system for the divisionNew look for Bank • Engender the national positions and strategies with legal inputs for trade • To carry out such other tasks as are assigned by the Director and theWindhoek ATM’s negotiations at bilateral, regional and multilateral Deputy Permanent Secretary. • Provide regular briefings to both the Government and the business com- Staff Reporter munity on progress regarding implementation of bilateral, regional and DEPARTMENT: TRADE AND COMMERCE multilateral trade agreements DIRECTORATE: INTERNATIONAL TRADE • Ensure regular and consistent national consultations on trade matters for PDoIsVt IdSeIsOigNna:tion: DWeEpIuGtyHDTiSreMctoErAGSrUaRdeE4S & STANDARDS the purpose of trade negotiations and implementation of trade agree- Salary Scale: N$ 478 220 – 502 753 ments. Motor Vehicle Allowances : N$ 102 701.00 per annum Housing Allowance: N$ 68 188.00 per annum Enquiries: Mr. B. Katjipuka, Tel 061 – 283 7331 1x post: WindhoekBank Windhoek is pleased to announce the upgrade of DIRECTORATE: GENERAL SERVICES Minimum requirementsits ATMs and the addition of three local languages. DIVISION: SECURITY AND RISK B. Juris Degree plus 6 years in-service experience in legal matters and/or“Innovation has become the epicentre of customer Post Designation: MDeApNutAyGDEirMecEtoNrTGSraEdReV4ICES dealing with legal related issues.experiences and necessitated the need for us to evolve Salary Scale: N$ 478 220 – 502 753at all touchpoints. As a local bank, we must remain Motor vehicle allowance: N$ 102 701.00 per annumrelevant and support our next level of growth in the Housing allowance: N$ 68 188.00 per annumlocal market,” said Baronice Hans, Bank Windhoek’s 1xPost: WindhoekManaging Director.“Our recent rebrand not only signalled the exciting Minimum Requirements ORjourney ahead but is an affirmation of our promise to A B-Degree in either Security Management, Police Science, Correctional Ser-offer exceptional customer service experiences. In line vice or Military Science on NQF Level 7 plus 9 years appropriate experience. BA LLB Degree plus three years in-service experience dealing with legalwith our channel evolution strategy. I am pleased to matters and /or as a legal officer.announce the upgrade of our ATMs,” Hans continued. Additional RequirementsThe upgrade includes a new vibrant look and feel Completed police, military, correctional service or security management ORadapting the Bank’s corporate identity with modern basic training.animated screens to ensure a world-class experience. Confirmation of probation is subjected to the successful completion of the B. Comm (Law) plus 3 years in - service experience.“Our local identity and ethos will continue to signify Security awareness training for managers by Namibia Central Intelligenceour commitment and the value we add to our clients, Service (NCIS).which has been reaffirmed by the introduction of threeadditional language options.” Job requirements Additional requirementsThe bank is proud to introduce Oshiwambo, Otji- • To organize, direct, coordinate, supervise and control the implementation Sound knowledge of the Namibian economy, government policies, interna-herero and German to our ATM languages and subse- tional trade, weights, measures and standards, presentation and negotiationquently be the first financial institution in Namibia to and maintaining of physical security programs and plans of the ministry’s so. premises. Job requirementsThe ATMs went live countrywide as of Monday, 20 • To make recommendations to improve physical security maintenance in • In consultation and/or liaison with the office of the Attorney General,November 2017. The rollout was succesfully com- the ministrypleted on Wednesday, 22 November 2017. • To develop, review, oversee and evaluates the implementation of the the professional shall act as legal advisor of the Ministry responsible for“As we serve a diverse nation, further languages various security directives, manuals, and policies. taking the day-to-day legal responsibilities and providing legal advice thatwill be introduced and gradually implemented going • Ensure the security programs such as: Physical security, personnel securi- includes all the aspects of the analysis, investigation and drafting process.forward,” Hans concluded. ty, document security, ICT security and security awareness are imple- • Responsible for providing support in legal issues by advising the Ministry, mented, enforced, maintained, monitored, evaluated and adhered to. drafting undertakings, contracts, agreements and structuring remedies • To ensure that security policies and plans are developed, managed and for the relevant issues. strictly implemented, enforced and adhered to. • Analyze and collect evidence or preside in staff hearings. • To investigate the contravention of security directives and advise the • Participate in bilateral and/or multilateral trade related negotiations. Permanent Secretary in respect of appropriate steps deemed necessary as • To be actively involved in preparing and drafting of different acts and a result of such investigations legal submissions. • Support in risk assessment and implementation of appropriate measures • Administrative responsibilities. to mitigate specific threats, incidents and breaches. • Provide expert advice, guidance and support to managers, supervisors Enquiries: Ms. A. Mwanyangapo, and general staff members. Tel no: 061 – 283 7333 Enquiries: Mr. M. G. Kuyonisa, Tel no. 061 – 287 7337 CLOSING DATE: 21 DECEMBER 2017 Public servants must apply via their own Office/Ministry/Agency and submit their application forms under cover of form ZO/352(1). People with disabilities and women are encouraged to apply. All foreign qualifications will only be considered if evaluation report(s) obtained from NQA (Namibia Qualifications Authority) is attached. Only shot-listed candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned. Applications (on form 156043 obtainable at all Government Offices) together with a comprehensive Curriculum Vitae and certified copies of educational quali- fications and national identity must be submitted to the following address:NEW LOOK: Bank Windhoek’s Managing Director THE PERMANENT SECRETARYBaronice Hans experiencing the Bank’s new look ATMs MINISTRY OF INDUSTRIALISATION, TRADE AND SME DEVELOPMENTwith three additional languages choices. PRIVATE BAG 13340Photo contributed WINDHOEK
23 November - 29 November 2017 ADVERT 11
12 ADVERTS 23 November - 29 November 2017 Have a story you want to share? Or book an advert with our marketing department? OHORONGO CEMENT is operating a world class cement factory near NcptpdOhdfOCAmaulelaataaebearvseHmocnnrvlremNetittsOaoiilv,sobnoatneaiweRirtmpnamildnyreniysOasimnt.boasnnNAoTisprdtdaerceufGokronteraaedheiilOrlrbcoreylemedntsaroiracnounOnekcConsaagcaintnentdnNuEenaftomg.dporadsvMTmemrlfieooapoEytdnitfieyrhr,bNuhneotneetiOnleuaawTspirnfvh.ldeuoelocieooalTrmnilnyorrslerrhnostlottpntediNtwhhhsnodsltaceoigeeipninsmecioscryngeNtmunlomuiaroCbeDAanedasniNeetdmneaeftsiemnringntnaniieurt.otemcbs,egqoxenfAaieficaduwttbssaahendaehr:wineelxalaeoleiowdcden.tvmcaryuenoelTprolcoidcelmlrherensotleopdnsoitpopcslucolmoamsuaecrdnNifnsotsolylnaesatdayf,nihsmsentomOtNhkiqrsgpnsniiipuahslbletollaccomoccasiylaeeeeoyriomitommmmebyfrernaaieaeteeangnnhntrninnntnoettodd,ett. Contact ••tpolaonrt,awrCAeeuhcteaoumrmreicareatliolonEontnlkyginisngetuefrdoinyrgitnoargleMfneottraeltdluhrsegtyufodlelonwtsinwghDoeagrreeepsla:nning Numbers • Analytical Chemistry Editors • Chemical Engineering or Metallurgy R•equAiuretommenattsion Nghidipo Nangolo • Analytical Chemistry •••ReqMuuirsetMUAmbcnuceisevetenpabrttseaNsitnayacNemaliembttiieabrniabnCy Ciatiitrziezecenongnized Namibian or South African Editor-In-Chief •• AcceMpotativnactieonlealttleetrtebr y a recognized Namibian or South African Tel: 061 275 4726 • UnivCeorsmitpyrehensive CV Email: [email protected] •• MotivGaratidoen1a2l lreetstuelrts or academic transcript • Comprehensive CV Merja Iileka T•heGbruardsear1y2inrecsluudltes:or academic transcript T••• heFublul rpFPsaurayelrlmsypcaeriiybnnmetcdeoluntfetdtxouetfbi:ttoiuooitnkiosfneafneedsesstationary News Editor •• PrescArcibcoemdmteoxdtabtiooonkasndanmdeasltsationary Tel: 061 275 4719 •• AccoTmramveoldcaotsiot ansasinstdanmceeals Email: [email protected] •• TraveSltucdoyspt earsmsiitsfteaensce • Study permit fees Reporters If you meet the requirements, hand in your comprehensive Eba Kandovazu CV to: News Reporter Deadline 3O1hoNronvgeomCbeemre2n0t1(P7TY) LTD, Plant Sargberg, Tel: 061 275 4724 Human Resources Department Aili Iilonga If you meOeRt tEh-eMareil:qrueicrreumitmeenntst@, hohaonrdoningoy-coeumrecnot.mcopmrehensive CV to: News Reporter Ohorongo CemenDte(aPdTliYne) L30TDNo, vPelmanbet rS2a0r1g7berg, Tel: 061 275 4723 Human Resources Department ONoRteE: -NMoafailx:erdecaprupilitcmateionnt@s woihllobreocnognosi-dceermedeanntd.coonmly short-listed Marthina Mutanga candidates would be contacted. Multimedia Journalist Note: NoWfoamxendaanpdpplricevaitoiousnlsy dwisilaldbveanctoagnesdidpeeroepdleaanred only Tel: 061 275 4717 short-listed candidateenscowuoraugldedbteo acpopnlyta. cted. Women and previously disadvantaged people are Zorena Jantze encourageNdotdoocaupmpelyn.ts will be returned to applicants. No documents will be returned to applicants. Business & Entertainment Reporter Tel: 061 275 4721 Gabriela Tjiroze Sports Reporter Tel: 061 275 4722 Maria David Northern Reporter Tel: 065 233 300 Niel Terblanché Coastal Reporter Tel: 064 212 000 Marketers Tersia Bindeman COO Media Sales Tel: 061 412 521 081 142 9123 [email protected] Riaan Steyn Sales & Admin Manager Tel: 061 2754716 [email protected] Mandy Ockhuizen Sales Executive Tel: 061 2754715 [email protected] Hafunda Kamati Sales Executive Tel: 061 2754713 [email protected] Nathanael Heita Sales Executive Tel: 061 2754714 [email protected] Ivy Mbaha Financial Administrative Assistant Tel: 061 2754711 [email protected] Matthew Castleman Sales Executive Tel: 061 2754713 [email protected]/RETAIL: ANDROID PC TABLETS, CELLPHONES, PS3 AMD XBOX 360 GAMES & ACCESSORIESGUTENBERG STR. AUSSPANNPLATZ - 061 260370. R+R IMPORTERS KHOMAS GROVE MALL KHOMASDAL - 061 250132Ulefone S7 for N$1 3KeyFeatures Now every one can win November to50Device Type – Android 3G Smartphone December in store special.CPU – Quad-Core 1.3GHz ARM Cortex-A7 N$100OFFGPU – ARM Mali-400 MP2, 2-Cores ON ANY PHONE IN STORE Only valid until endCamera – 8MP + 5MP Rear Camera with LED flash, of December 20175mp Front Camera with LED flash This coupon is only valid for one personDisplay – Screen size 5.0 inches HD Display (1280 x 720 Pixels)Battery – Removable 2,500 mAh Lithium-Polymer Redeem coupon at R+R Importers. T's and C's Apply.SIM – Dual SIM (Micro + Nano), Dual StandbyColor – Black and GoldOperating System – Android 7.0 NougatI/O Interface – 1x Micro SIM Card Slot, 1x Nano SIM Card Slot,microSD Card Slot, Micro USB Port, Audio Out Port, PowerButton, Volume Button, Microphone, Speaker
23 November - 29 November 2017 ADVERTS 13 AUTOMARK Certified Used Vehicles 12 3 2015 VW JETTA 1.4 TSI 2017 TOYOTA HILUX 2.8 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER N$259 900 EXTRA CAB 4X2 200 SERIES 4.5 PETROL N$389 900 N$ 539 900 4 5 6 WINNER: Schalk van Greunen, Automark and New Vehicle Sales Consultant at In- TOYOTA RAV4 2.0 P CVT TOYOTA FORTUNER 2.4 VW POLO 1.6 HB 2013 dongo Toyota Windhoek posing with his multitude of awards. Photo: Mandy Ockhuizen 2016 GD6 RB A/T 2016 N$159 900 N$329 900 N$389 900Indongo Toyota’s 9Schalk van Greunen 7 8rakes in accolades TOYOTA HILUX RAIDER 3.0 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D Staff Reporter bank – Overall Winner Highest Value 4D4 4X4 A/T 2015 4X4 2015 4X4 2015 of Business for the year 2017; Nedbank N$409 900 N$359 900 N$359 900WINDHOEK - Schalk van Greunen, Au- – Overall Winner Best Salesman Pretomark and New Vehicle Sales Consult- owned for the year 2017; Bank Wind- 10 11 12ant at Indongo Toyota Windhoek, proved hoek – 2nd Place Pre-owned Vehiclethat he is a tour de force in the motoring Salesman for the year 2017. TOYOTA LAND CRUISER TOYOTA FORTUNER 2.5 TOYOTA HILUX 2.4 SRXindustry when he received awards from 200 DIESEL 2008 DIESEL RB M 2013 4X4 DIESEL 2016all the Finance Houses this year. Mr. Hans Steinkopf, Principal Dealer N$490 900 N$239 900 N$385 900 for Indongo Toyota Windhoek, ex- For the year to date, Schalk has sold pressed his excitement about Schalk’s 13 Indongo Toyotamore than 100 vehicles at Indongo accomplishment and feat, saying, “We asToyota’s Automark (used vehicles) and Indongo Toyota are extremely proud to VW AMAROK 2015 65 Rehobother Road ▪ Windhoek ▪ Tel 061 237 130 ▪ SCHALKmore than a 100 new Toyotas. have Schalk van Greunen as part of our SC 4X4 DIESEL VAN GREUNEN: 081 128 7950 ▪ EUGENE IZAAKS: 081 446 5876 Sales Team.” N$329 900 This huge achievement has earned Walvisbay Tel: 064 203 561 ▪ OKAHANDJA Tel: 062 501722 ▪him his due recognition from all major Schalk, though, humbly attributed his ONGWEDIVA Tel: 083 237 1100 ▪ OTJIWARONGO Tel: 067 303867Finance Houses which resulted in Schalk success to his clients, saying: “I want togarnering the following awards; Standard make use of this opportunity to thank allBank – Overall Winner Mega Dealership my loyal customers for supporting meSalesman for the year 2017; FNB Wes- through the year, and look forward to serving them again in the future.” Apply now for 2018 Bricklaying & Plastering (Level 1) or Plumbing & Pipefitting (Level 1) Minimum requirement for acceptance into this programme is Grade 10 with Mathematics, Science and English. Current Grade 10 students can apply with their latest results. Acceptance will be confirmed upon receipt of final results. How to apply IOL encourages prospective students to download the application form from the IOL website, request it via email at [email protected], or collect the application form from the IOL Head Office in Windhoek. E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +264 61 270 9620 / +264 81 436 2444 c/o of Robert Mugabe and Dr David Kenneth Kaunda Street
14 ADVERTS 23 November - 29 November2017 WHEN SECONDS COUNT NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS Services ADVANCE LIFEAPAbRoAuMtEuDsICS • Rapid response with Advance Life Support Operating towns level in both towns & surrounding areas. W•• inM20dR12h44 oM/7ea iysk, a,MnOR a2mt4jb/i7wu lbaaenccraeom sneeg rovopicee,r atRhtiaoetn oahpl oienrb aWtoeinstd h2h4o/e7k • We accept all Namibian medical aid funds. • We accept International insurance with prior • 2015 May, opened base in Otjiwarongo arrangements. Medical Flights• In 2016 a third ambulance become operational devoted • We cater for sports, production, construction, for long distance and ICU transfers. any other type of events and offer standby Private Jets & Commercial airlines service and commercial flights assistance etc. (SADC) Contact us Emergency: 085 956 Office: 061 255676 Fax: 061 255638 Cell: +264812571810 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] To advertise call our sales rep today! Kamati 061 - 275 4713 Nathanael 061 - 275 4714 Mandy 061 - 275 4715 Mathew 061 - 275 STUDENT STARTER KITEnrol for three onlinecourses to optimise yourlearning experience withhigh quality portablestudy tools. N$ 176.00 pm*Included in the kit:Proline H10882M TabletProline Foldable HeadsetProline XV- 402 SmartphoneProline Bluetooth KeyboardSMS ICT to 711 for more information. (SMS standard rates apply)Tel: +264 61 270 9100 | Email: [email protected] | Web:
23 November - 29 November 2017 ADVERT 15 Advertorial Telecom Namibia develops future leadersAn award ceremony was held at GZ Sentrum in Windhoek on21 November for the 2017 ICOPE Leadership DevelopmentProgramme of Telecom Namibia. The programme, which was divided into 5 modules, ran over five Telecom Namibia Chief Executive Officer Theo Klein handed over themonths with two days of formal, instructor-led training per months. awards to the teams. The First Prize went to the, ‘The Transformers’. Their winning presentation was on Transforming Telecom Namibia’s At least 124 middle managers completed a leadership development Human Capital.programme of¬fered by the Emergence Learning Academy. They wereawarded certificates of competency after successful completion. The ‘Lizulu’ Team bagged the Second Prize for their final presentation on Customer Service Within Telecom Namibia. “The teaching was practical at all times and so were the actualassignments that were done by each of the five groups at the end of The Third Prize went to the ‘Erudite’ Team. Their presentation dealtthe programme,” said Prof. Sakkie van de Merwe, Managing Director of with Talent Management.Emergence Learning Academy. “The standard of work delivered throughout the programme was ofhigh quality, the engagement by the candidates with each module wasexceptional and the final presentation and indication of the understandingand implementation of the lessons learnt, well demonstrated,” addedProf. Van de Merwe. The programme is intended to help the middle management toassimilate both the way of thinking and the capabilities required tosupport their transition into more senior leadership roles across theorganisation, as well as assuming the mind-set of an adaptive leaderwho can navigate Telecom Namibia through a rapidly changing volatile,uncertain, complex and ambiguous business environment characterisedby intense competition, technological and regulatory changes. In line with Telecom Namibia’s goal of cultivating and sustainingleadership at all levels by creating a company of leaders, the aim ofthe programme is to accentuate and refine the leadership capabilitiesof Telecom Namibia’s leaders whilst delivering increased individualand organisational capability while supporting the drive to enhancedsustainability. Last year, 32 senior managers completed the leadership developmentprogramme which was cascaded down to middle management thisyear as Telecom Namibia has put in place a deliberate leadershipdevelopment programme to introduce fundamental concepts and skillsto help team members become high-performing leaders. Theo Klein, Chief Executive Officer of Telecom Namibia, expressedthe expectation of the leadership development programme by saying,“At Telecom Namibia, we are now entering another period of massivechange and it will be up to us to groom future leaders, to lead theorganisation through this”. “It is only by creating an environment of innovation, an environmentfor new ideas, to value employees’ work, equip all with the right toolsand foster transparency that will be enable us to embark on the roadof transformation that we can ensure sustainable growth for theorganisation,” Klein said.
16 ENTERTAINMENT 23 November - 29 November 2017 INTERNATIONAL TRAINING COLLEGE LINGUA ENTERTAINMENT P.O. Box 50097; Bachbrecht; Windhoek* Tel:+26461-301035/4/2* Fax:+26461-301033* CALENDAR Website: NAMIBIA VS. URUGUAY VACANCIES: Management – Full-time. Lecturers: Full-time/Part-time. DATE: Duty Station: Windhoek Saturday, 25 NovemberDIRECTOR OF ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DIRECTOR: NON-ACADEMIC AFFAIRS TIME: 16:00Requirements: Requirements VENUE: Hage Geingob• Doctoral degree in Education • Masters Degree Rugby Stadium• Experience in Higher Education and Research, with considerable academic • Strong background in financemanagement experience • Experience in an education setting as a Manager (added advantage)• Excellent oral and written communication skills • At least 5 years of education experience in a managerial role • Strong interpersonal skills • Strong interpersonal, oral and written communication skills in English• Ability to interact successfully with academic as well as business and • Able to work with diverse culturesregulatory personnel • Ability to plan and manage change • Ability to work under pressure STRAIGHT OUTTADIRECTOR OF RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT HEAD OF DEPARTMENT BEING HERE - A GROUP THE 90S’Requirements: 1. Information Technology Department EXHIBITION AT START DATE:• A PHD with relevant experience to set up and manage a research centre 2. Business & Management Department• Extensive experience in an area of research & projects 3. Language Department ART GALLERY Saturday, 25 November• Proven ability to deliver and lead research 4. Tourism Department DATE: Wednesday, TIME: 19:00• Proven ability to develop local and external collaborations. 5. E-learning 22.11.2017 (ends VENUE:• Proven ability to create a strategic vision (Please specify position applied for)• Broad general knowledge of the Education System in Namibia Masters degree or relevant NQF level 8 Qualification + teaching experience in 01.12.2017) Double MT Lounge• Experienced team-leader in research the chosen field TIME: 16:00 - 19:00 Management experience at an institution of Higher Learning will be an added VENUE: StArtArt Gallery advantage at The WolfshackHEAD: CURRICULUM & EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT LECTURERSRequirements: English/ Information Technology/Human Resource Management/ UNWIND THURSDAY BOOK FLEA MARKET -• Master’s degree in Education Administration or in Curriculum & Business Management/Tourism/French (FULL-TIME/PART-TIME) WITH ASHEEQA SECOND HAND BOOKS Requirements: DATE: Thursday, 23 Instruction • Masters Degree or NQF level 8 + teaching Qualification (HRM/Business November DATE:• Minimum experience: Five years, including a minimum of two years in TIME: 18:30 - 21:30 Tuesday, 28.11.2017 (ends Management/IT/Tourism) program/curriculum development; at least two years experience managing • Degree with a Qualification in Teaching (English & French Lecturers) VENUE: Imagine Café 01.12.2017) or supervising others • Minimum of 2 years in Lecturing TIME: 08:00 - 17:00• 7-10+ years of teaching experience, preferably as a Masters degree teacher • Excellent Computer Skills 3-5 years of experience training, mentoring and coaching lecturers Please state subjects VENUE:• Excellent oral and written communication skills are required. Candidates Namibia Scientific Society should also have high energy and a willingness to be flexible and creativeQUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGER HUMAN RESOURCE OFFICER ART OF MUSICRequirements: Requirements: DATE:• Masters Degree in Education • Degree/Diploma in HRM or Business Administration + a minimum of 5 • At least 3 years experience in a similar position Saturday, 25 November years working experience TIME: Whole dayHEAD OF VOCATIONAL TRAINING • Applicants without the required qualifications but with extensive Requirements: VENUE: WEB (Windhoek• A qualified assessor and internal verifier, familiar with vocational experience and a proven record of employment in a similar position, may Entrepreneur Base) also apply qualifications • Excellent Computer Skills IMAGINE CAFE QUIZ• A minimum of 5 years relevant management experience is required • Proven record of HRM skills and knowledge NIGHT • Leadership skills essential DATE: Friday,LECTURERS: VOCATIONAL TRAINING 24 November Joss Stone Live at the TIME: 19:00 Warehouse TheatreRequirements: VENUE: Imagine Café• Vocational training qualification at least at level 5/6 with an assessor training qualification. Teaching experience will be an added advantage ACOUSTIC FRIDAY FT Date: STARDUST Thursday 30 NovemberCOURSES:1. Plumbing 8. Early Childhood Development DATE: Time: 20h002. Fitting and Turning 9. Refrigeration Friday, 24 November Venue:3. Cabinet Making 10. Radio and TV Electronics TIME: 20:00 - 22:004. Bricklaying 11. Electrical Installations VENUE: FNCC Terrace Warehouse Theatre5. Welding 12. Tailoring Warehouse Theatre6. Motor Mechanics 13. Clothing Production Anniversary bash and7. Boiler Making #rockthatcash Lucky Commencement of duties: 15 January 2018 Draw Closing date: 27 November 2017 Date: Friday 1 DecemberPlease attach CV+ Certificates + academic transcripts to: the office of the Directors; Private Bag 50097; Bachbrecht; Windhoek. Time: 22h00 Email: [email protected] Venue: Warehouse (cc: [email protected] + mkawesha@collegelingua). No faxed applications will be considered Theatre Now you’ll find us open at the Grüner Kranz, Macadam Street, in the old La Brocante premises.Unwind It’s been a while but we are finally back NESA and Imagine Café will beThursday - in action and hosting a Quiz Night this bringing Magic: The gatheringMeans Pizza, coming Friday. The quizwine, games starts at 19:00, costs to the 10th Anniversary ofand live music N$40 pp and there’ll NamLAN– LAN of the Brave!by Asheeqa. be delicious food Come celebrate gaming withJoin us on the and drinks available23rd of November from our bar so a difference at the 10thfrom 18:30 onward. N$30 pp. bring your hunger Anniversary of the annual NamLAN along. – LAN of the Brave e-sporting competition. This year’s competition will take place from See you Friday! 30 November to 03 December, at the Windhoek UNAM Gymnasium Hall. Games will be Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (5vs5), League of Legends (5vs5), Tekken 7 (1vs1) and FIFA 17 (1vs1), Assetto Corsa racing simulator, Magic; the gathering (Trading Card Game). Contact Us: +264 811 469 276 - [email protected]
23 November - 29 November 2017 ENTERTAINMENT 17ENTERTAINMENTSOBISO WITHEnjoy a laid-back evening of Namibian Comedy NEVILLE BASSONNEVILLE BASSONWindhoek – Describing comedy as a thing that shakes him out the formalities and stringent protocols that come Zalie’sawith working in the corporate sector, after two years of being on a break, renowned Namibian comedian Neville mabaha?Basson will finally return to the stage with his stand-up comedy, Sobiso. Dankie Vader tog, this Swapo Con- Zorena Jantze issues and his ‘very, very boring KOM RE’!: Wozala Namibia , it’s on at the Hilton on the 1 December live. gress is coming to an end this week- home life’. “I want to touch on basic Photo contributed end. I just want to have my friendsThe comedy show, which will take issues and topics that people can back sowaar, both sides..masalad andplace at the Hilton on Friday, 1 relate to. As a comedian, the one harambee! Things should be normalDecember 2017, will be something thing I dislike is showcasing mate- again by Monday...check net! Yep,to look forward to as Basson states rial that goes over people’s heads. I there is nothing that has been dominat-that this is an ample time to have a don’t have time for highly intellec- ing our news as much the last couple“post mortem” of all the happenings tual conversations on a Friday night. of days like oom Bob. I could not be-in 2017 and ending the year on a Namibians just want have fun and lieve my eyes on Sunday night watch-light-hearted note. ’chuala’ a bit,” Basson elaborated. ing the premier movie, mara also not really because I was waiting for the Asked why he titled the show Asked what inspires him to do long-awaited resignation of PresidentSobiso, Basson states that Sobiso comedy, Basson stated that comedy Ara G Mugabe! I think that speech hasis a Namibian slang word used in transcends beyond making people been well written and executed by thatthe townships especially, which de- laugh as it gives him free-reign toppie sowaar. He threw a completescribes taking a no-nonsense stand to talk about things that would Ronaldo on all of us…we think he’stowards something or a situation. otherwise not be kosher at some of going this way mara o’nara ma’tupuka the corporate events, or gala dinners heel heel ander pad ! However, The word originates from the he hosts. Namibians are in a flat spin at theAfrikaans word So by So. moment as to waar is daai zalie hoeka Commenting on the local comedy ? Whatsap and Facebook has been Basson further advised Namibians industry, Basson applauded Namib- abuzz all week whether mama Graceout of the stigma they have about ian comedians, adding that everyone is in Namibia of wat nou? Even MCthe Hilton Hotel, saying: “People has their own style. Hammer called me asking yesterdaymust stop having this notion that if I know where she is (born-frees areHilton Hotel is only for the elite Basson said he sees the same hun- oraait, don’t try and understand thisfew and the wealthy. The tickets are ger for success in comedian that he one ) !affordable so it shouldn’t be a prob- had when he started out young with Those who were at the Swapo galalem for anyone to come through.” prolific comedians such as Lazarus dinner last week heard me asking the Jacobs over 20 years ago. president “waar is die zalie?“ maara Although he opted not to reveal he just gave me that Damara pokertoo many details on Sobiso, Basson He also commended the Namibian face look that says : “Neville ta’ xaubastated that audiences can expect audience for their enthusiasm on sukkel” So since we can’t get anyonesatirical content on politics, social this type of entertainment as their from the government to either confirm support drives the industry. or deny where mama Grace is, let us do our own investigation as to whereBLOSSOM DEMANDS APOLOGY FOR NAMA BAN we think she could be. I have drawnWINDHOEK – In what appears to be her latest move, Ruusa Munalye, better known as Blossom, has challenged a deci- up a few locations as to where I thinksion by the Namibia Annual Music Awards (NAMAs) committee to ban her for 12 months for allegedly making tribal she could be hiding. I hope once wecomments on social media. start this search we can locate her suc- cessfully! Aili Iilonga that the statement published pro- absolutely no proof that the state- committee regarding her version of 1. Wanaheda – You know when Tate motes tribalism as she firmly insists ment was directed at His excel- the events that unfolded. The fact Kulu came back to Namibia for theIn a letter of demand from her that the term ‘onkwankara’ was lency or at any tribe of persons but that you have sought to condemn first time in over 30 years from exilelawyer, Kadhila Amoomo, Blos- made in reference to the Oshi- for unsubstantial interference and her without a hearing is a clear he went to Wanaheda. It seems thesom claims that there was nothing wambo totem regarded as a natural speculations made by your office indication of a preconceived and exile heaven, so if someone spots herderogatory about her comment and figure that spiritually represents a which does not fall within the ambit predetermined position against our near Xwama praat tog asb!neither were her words directed to group of related people such as a of our client’s responsibility”. client in participating in the NA- 2. Eveline Street – Okay, that is justPresident Hage Geingob. clan, example being ‘aakwambahu’, MAs,” said the letter. further down. There are so many ‘aakwaniilya’ and so forth, not She also said that the NAMA Ngandjeras down there working over She further argued that that the any tribe the word may loosely be committee never accorded her a NAMA chairperson Umbi Karu- time she will not be easily locatedterm onkwankara as used on her associated with,” Amoomo wrote hearing before taking a decision to aihe-Upi said that at the moment there…mara matu’ ka tara sowaar!Facebook is not derogatory. in the letter of demand. Amoomo ban her for a year. “Our client was she cannot comment on the matter 3. Monte Christo road – Those Wam- added that “there was and remains never afforded an opportunity to as the lawyers are dealing with the boe bussies leaving for Oshakati , “Our client further denies claims be heard by the NAMA executive matter. please go check there she might be in one of those Kombis taking a hike to OHORONGO CEMENT is operating a world class cement factory near Otavi in northern Namibia. This is one of the most modern Ongwediva , there are very rich Tates cement plants in Africa and proudly Namibian. As an important player in the Namibian economy, Ohorongo Cement reduces up north who can supplement her life unemployment, develops skills and delivers cement of world class quality to Namibia and abroad. style! To ensure the continued excellence of this cement plant, we are looking for highly motivated employees who will contribute in 4. Vaalgras – She resembles a Biwa different positions with their individual skills to the success of the plant: or Stephanus , Katzao en Hinda goede (those Damara-speaking Hereros ) . • REGIONAL SALES REPRESENTATIVE Find out from those communities if there’s an English speaking Herero Interested candidates are invited to visit the Ohorongo Cement website for more information. looking woman in that area! 5. Avani Hotel-….naaah never mind , stop it please ..nooo stop it okay?! Not Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and no documents will be returned to applicants. possible . My mother is on alert at Katutura Closing Date grootwinkels. Anyone trying to sell If you meet the requirements, hand in your comprehensive CV by latest: her Zimbabwean Cockroach syringes …we will make sure it’s not her ! 06 December 2017 Al die zalies in Damara lokasie , ke’ re tog…zalie’sa mabaha toxoba !?????????: BlossomPhoto contributed
18 SPORTS 23 November - 29 November 2017 Outside community educates inmatesCHESS LAUNCHED IN PRISONWINDHOEK - When engage the staff with inmatesprisoners make news, it through chess. CHECKMATE: CM McLean Handjaba and an inmate shake hands as Israel Shilongo looks mostly for the crimesthat they have commit- Furthermore, the Academy hasted and hardly on reha- pledged to offer chess lessons onbilitation. Last week, a weekly basis to inmates and thehowever, the Rubinstein staff with the aim of setting upChess Academy came up chess clubs that will allow themwith an initiative to help to expand to other facilities acrossinmates unwind their the country.minds with the game ofChess. “We are pleased with the initia- tive that the outside community Gabby Tjiroze is ploughing back to educate our inmates. It shows that evenThe Academy met with of- though secluded, they are still in ficials to put the modalities the hearts of the community,” saidin place for a Chess Club in the Head of Prison Commissioner,institution. Victor Eichab. Rubinstein Chess Academy, in He further stated that as captainconjunction with 318 Accounting of the ship, he would be the firstExecutives CC, came together to attend the chess lessons.for a common purpose anddonated 4 chess boards to the The Academy said that theWindhoek Correctional Facility foundation has been laid and wel-in order to expand the operation comes the general public, privateof the chess community and to entities and the chess community to lend a helping hand in order to drive the initiative to greater lengths. For more information on this in- itiative and how assistance can be rendered, contact Israel Shilongo; [email protected] face BA is currently third on the log with mund Stadium Young African vs African Stars 15h00 Kuisebmund StadiumCivics 15 points, while Civics is seventh Eleven Arrows vs Tura Magic 17h00 Legare Stadium Eleven Arrows vs Tigers 15h00 place with nine points. BA played to a Kuisebmund Stadium Kuisebmund StadiumBlack Africa (BA) has another daunt- 1-1 draw against Orlando Pirates last UNAM vs Rundu Chiefs 15h00 Unam Sunday (26 Nov) Young Chiefs vs Orlando Piratesing task when they face Civics tomor- weekend. The complete fixtures for Sports Stadium 13h00 Oshakati Stadiumrow at the Sam Nujoma Stadium at the weekend are as follows: Citizens vs Mighty Gunners 15h00 Citizens vs Rundu Chiefs 15h00 Sam Chief Santos vs Life Fighters 15h0020h00. Sam Nujoma Stadium Nujoma Stadium Oscar Norich Stadium Saturday (25 Nov) Young Chiefs vs Life Fighters 15h00 UNAM vs Mighty Gunners 15h00 Young African vs Civics 15h00 Le- Oshakati Stadium Unam Sport Stadium gare Stadium Blue Waters vs Tigers 15h00 Kuiseb- Blue Waters vs Tura Magic 13h00BLACK FRIDAY! 24NOVEMBER2017AT 7N$ .0013N$ .00 POLANA 7N$ .00 50N$ .00 COCA COLA MACARONI POLANA REAL GOOD ONLY 2lt ELBOW CHICKEN 20.N$ 00 500g MACARONI IQF 1.5kg TASTIC RICE 2kg 500g15N$ .00 40N$ .00 30N$ .00 25N$ .00 SAUCE N/ TOILET ROLLS Cappuccino Coffee RECIPE TOMATO BABY SOFT 9S Hug in a mug instantWELLINGTON 700ml 10x24g box Frisco 250g 25N$ .00 Creamer Ellis brown 800g 30N$ .00 30N$ .00 8N$ .00 Teabags rooibos Teabags five Biscuits Freshpak 80s pack Tennis N$10.00roses 100s Biscuits choc bakers 200g eet sum mor 200gValid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES
23 November - 29 November 2017 ADVERT 19 6 2933024 75 6 2914285 75 13 2938765 75 6 2933887 75 2 2934817 75 REMINDER THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER.CONGRATULATIONS 1 1 75628 2 6 1668200 40 1 115005 3 6 1699773 41 Mrs Rosalia Tjaveondja 1 117952 3 6 1710356 41 1 324057 8 6 1731688 42N$ 20 000 1 897145 22 6 173190 4 1 217852 29 6 1735842 • 061-275 4700 • [email protected] Find us on 1 1272195 31 6 174164 4 1 1521225 37 6 1748175 42 STILL OUT THERE 1 1604251 39 6 1769999 43 1 1685389 41 6 1770057 43How do I win? 1 409719 10 6 1821654 44 1 733653 18 6 1871900 45 Check the number in the yellow 1 939729 23 6 1945866 47 block on the front page of your 1 203755 29 6 1976476 48 1 1354890 33 6 1982743 48 compare it to the list of numbers 1 1434620 35 6 2020740 49 1 1685844 41 6 2070771 50 You could also win 1 1973790 48 6 2077639 50 1 2176916 53 6 2100261 51 N$ 10 000 1 42224 3 6 2113255 51 1 239453 6 6 2315879 56 Double for Legal Shield members 1 323487 8 6 2302816 56 1 450947 11 6 2305614 56 1 493317 12 6 2314128 56 1 567371 14 6 213595 5 1 608904 15 6 2149104 52 1 978653 24 6 2151419 52 1 1061515 26 6 2194347 53 1 189401 29 6 263397 6 1 1890257 46 6 293392 7 1 1931888 47 6 297187 7 1 2139344 52 6 346076 8 1 219418 29 6 381326 9 1 1020684 25 6 382907 9 1 1644247 40 6 420676 10 1 1726263 42 6 432381 10 1 1807880 44 6 464257 11 1 817770 20 6 517582 12 1 855644 21 6 554570 13 1 75628 2 6 612902 15 1 117952 3 6 620622 15 1 192843 29 6 632333 15 1 1766000 43 6 659838 16 1 525884 13 6 716076 17 1 569246 14 6 721715 17 1 2341767 57 6 748700 18 1 2371276 58 6 754574 18 1 2389921 58 6 792512 19 1 2404711 59 6 827985 20 1 2435517 60 6 841546 20 1 2435174 60 6 873103 21 1 2465402 61 6 884695 21 1 2560092 64 6 904914 22 1 2630322 66 6 924083 22 1 2818311 72 6 955656 23 1 2848562 73 6 959516 23 1 2880137 74 6 989006 24 6 2276895 55 2 2 1339407 32 6 2278368 55 2 1505264 36 6 2272884 55 2 1630217 39 6 2360267 57 2 1877704 45 6 2364004 57 2 29273 1 6 2344206 57 2 2425997 59 6 2380757 58 2 2489220 61 6 2383706 58 6 2418044 59 3 3 1133948 27 6 2412382 59 3 1299974 31 6 2470620 61 3 1340694 32 6 2593647 65 3 1377601 34 6 2609512 65 3 1381634 33 6 2608297 65 3 1466155 35 6 2638393 66 3 1715028 41 6 2641041 66 3 1962464 47 6 2652291 66 3 244274 6 6 2672785 67 3 531983 13 6 2682785 67 3 654515 16 6 2669864 67 3 820206 20 6 2699292 68 3 30936 1 6 2702193 68 6 2699081 68 4 4 1052981 25 6 2773410 70 4 1301032 31 6 2766459 70 4 1550071 37 6 2795727 71 4 1633469 39 6 2793835 71 4 1798258 43 6 2809041 71 4 2004331 48 6 2789995 71 4 2045915 49 6 2823713 72 4 2087575 50 6 2830727 72 4 780874 19 6 2832124 72 6 2864239 73 5 5 1094581 26 6 2869462 73 5 1231083 30 6 2897887 74 5 1343246 32 6 2894686 74 5 2046733 49 6 2882614 74 5 2873631 73 8 8 1178290 28 6 6 1005582 24 8 2129008 51 6 1035687 25 8 2210771 53 6 1066478 26 8 683047 16 6 1073498 26 8 889215 21 6 1078233 26 8 2584400 64 6 1117840 27 8 2686929 67 6 1123028 27 6 1124797 27 9 9 1882868 45 6 1153306 28 9 2843215 72 6 1160104 28 6 1238606 30 11 1 1 2 2 9 5 5 4 8 5 5 6 1239007 30 11 2429795 59 6 1241610 30 11 2460533 60 6 1274370 31 11 2616344 65 6 2579695 64 11 2656311 66 6 2576293 64 11 2687891 67 6 1321132 32 11 2719212 68 6 1335627 32 11 2812868 71 6 1364992 33 11 2874898 73 6 1368297 33 11 2905927 74 6 1377601 33 6 1411564 34 12 1 2 2 7 8 2 2 1 0 7 0 6 1412267 34 6 1444355 35 13 1 3 2 4 0 0 8 6 0 5 8 6 1446396 35 13 2462323 60 6 1483624 36 13 2492740 61 6 1498190 36 13 2493578 61 6 1502098 36 13 2587208 64 6 1524483 37 13 2618329 65 6 1527048 37 6 1570793 38 14 1 4 2 3 7 1 0 0 6 5 7 6 1583924 38 6 1611512 39 6 1622739 39 6 1648820 40 6 1653620 40Visit Informanté’s Facebook page for more details on how you can win, how you can claim your prize as well as all the Ts & Cs. Errors & Omissions Excepted (E&OE) .
20 SPORT 23 November - 29 November 2017 SPORTWELWITSCHIAS READYAsUanivijoinstheteamFOR SECOND TESTWINDHOEK - Namibia’s na- scooped Bronze this year in thetional rugby team will again World Rugby Under-20 Trophy ON THE UP: Welwitschias in last weekend’s match against Uruguay. Photo: contributedbe put to the test when it which they hosted in September. Theplays its second test match junior Uruguay side won the matchagainst Uruguay on Satur- 34-12 against at 16h00. The selected Namibian squad Gabby Tjiroze comprises of:The match comes hot on the heels Props: Casper Viviers, André Rade- of a defeat last weekend, when meyer, Nelius Theron, Collen Smiththe national team walked away with and AJ de Klerk. Hookers: Obertits tail between its legs after losing Nortje and Niel van Vuuren.52-36 to Uruguay. Locks: Tjiuee Uanivi, Adriaan Forward Tjiuee Uanivi will be join- Ludick, Mahepisa Tjeriko and Maxing the squad this weekend, Uanivi Katjijeko. Back row: Prince! Goa-plays for English Championship seb, Rohan Kitshoff, Christo van derside London Scottish, and was not Merwe, Thomasua Forbes, Adriaanreleased by his club for last week- Booysen.end’s match but he is now ready andavailable for this second test. Scrumhalf: Helarius Kisting, Eu- gene Jantjies, Damien Stevens and The Uruguayans have been playing Wihan von Wielligh. Flyhalf: Theunsexceptional rugby and made history Kotze, Cliven Loubser, PW Steen-earlier this year when they hosted kamp. Centre: Darryl de la Harpe,the Nations Cup in Montevideo and Justin Newman, JC Greyling, Lesleymuch to everyone surprise won the Klim and Heinrich Smit. Back 3: Da-tournament for the first time. vid Philander, Johann Tromp, Gino Wilson and Chrysander Botha. The matches serve as preparationfor the 2019 Rugby World Cup in Ja- The team members not availablepan during June/July 2018 qualifiers, for the test matches are: Johanneswhich start next year. Coetzee and Torsten van Jaarsveld, professional rugby commitments, Uruguay’s junior team is also Pieter-Jan van Lill, Janco Venter,emulating the seniors and as they Louis van der Westhuizen, Renaldo Bothma, Johan Deysel, Dirk von Weidtz, Shaun du Preez, Divan Ros- souw and Wian Conradie are out due to studies.
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