WINNING NUMBERSNEWS BUSINESS SPORT 13 3290585 90 6 3277107 90WINNIE A ECONOMY OMAHEKE 6 3282045 90COLOSSUS - SHRINKS IN SETS WIN 12 3289614 90GEINGOB 2017 RECORD 1 3271192 90 P 03 P 08 P 16 REMINDER THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A • 061-275 4700 Find us on Your Community NEWSPAPER • 05 April - 11 April 2018 • Edition # 623RPRHOINWOLPEOAASCTHWERASRDSuspects found wandering in the district of Steinhausen on Easter SundayWALVIS BAY - The arrest under some bushes,” he recalls.of three suspected rhino He said the police was summonedpoachers in the OmahekeRegion over the Easter to the farm and after further inter-weekend by farm workers rogation by officers, the suspectedindicates that a new poach- poachers confessed that they wereing front is opening in East supposed to meet their informant onand North-East of Namibia a nearby hunting farm where it wasafter the North-Western expected that they would kill rhinosareas of the country and for their horns.Etosha suffered a severedecline in rhino numbers at “From there we went to the huntingthe hands of poachers. farm and the worker who was sup- posed to help the poachers was also Niël Terblanché taken into custody,” said Witsack.According to the Omahake Regional COLLARED: The three suspects and the weapons that were found. Photos contributed Deputy Commissioner Kalimbula Crime Investigations Coordinator, said the suspects did not shoot anyDeputy Commissioner Chris Kalimbu- Farmer Holger Witsack said his running but after a short distance they of getting lost, we almost let them go game and were eventually chargedla, the suspects were apprehended when workers alerted him to the fact that the attempted to hide in the bush. They free but the workers told us that they with the possession of an illegal firethey were found wandering in the dis- poachers were apprehended after two ran after the strangers and confront- would not have run away if they were arm, possession of illegal ammunitiontrict of Steinhausen on Easter Sunday. workers from a neighbouring farm saw ed them. When the strangers started lost. We then went back to spot where and trespassing on private property. the strangers in the bushes. telling the workers that they were lost, the workers apprehended the men and The suspects are being detained at the “The quick reaction of farm workers they decided to detain them and look on the way there one of them tried to Hosea Kutako International Airportsaw the suspected poachers being “My neighbour’s workers were on for help,” said Witsack. escape by jumping from the back of police station and have already madearrested on the farm east of Windhoek their way to visit my employees on the vehicle. The man was recaptured their first appearance in court.on Sunday. The suspects told farm Sunday when they came across two He said his workers informed him of and we found their rifle, ammunition,workers that they got lost in the farm- men walking in the bush. When the the two strangers on the farm. homemade axe and a ramrod hidden The case was postponed to the 24ing area,” explained Kalimbula. suspects saw the workers, they started May this year for further investigation. “After listening to their explanation accident Military grade ammunition from former Communist Bloc countries, an older model Soviet-made rifle with a home-made suppressor, a makeshift axe and a roll of tinfoil were confis- cated from the three suspected rhino poachers.Man loses hand in railway premises of the town’s train station on day morning. identified by police in the Erongo Niël Terblanché Tuesday night. “The victim was taken to the hospital Region as Tasric De Koe, died about a ACCIDENT: Seun Goseb. week after he was hit by a train on 29 Photo ContributedWALVIS BAY-A bizarre set of cir- “A train steaming through the station at Usakos at about 02:30 but he was December. Police reports at the timecumstances led to a resident of Usakos hit the man asleep on the tracks and in transported to a Windhoek hospital for indicated that the train was on its waylosing his hand while fast asleep on the the process his left hand got severed further medical care and treatment on to Windhoek when it struck De Koe.railway tracks leading out of the town. from his body. The victim’s screaming Wednesday,” he said. and cries for help drew the attention Although alcohol seems to play a According to Inspector Daniel of a security guard on duty at another This is the second such incident in significant role in accidents of thisUirab, Acting Erongo Regional Crime premises across the street from the Usakos. In mid-January, a 21-year-old nature, the circumstances leading toInvestigations Coordinator, the victim, station,” Uirab said. man succumbed to his injuries in the the victims ending up on train tracks25-year-old Seun Goseb, allegedly Katutura State Hospital after he was during the night is still under investi-fell asleep on the tracks inside the He added that the incident reportedly also hit by a train. gation. occurred in the early hours of Wednes- In this case the victim, who was 21N$ .99 16N$ .99 Rice King 2kg Wellington Tomato Sauce 31N$ .99 700ml06/04/2018 - 08/04/2018 6.N$ 99 Nammilk each Omaere WEEKEND VALUE! Cultured Milk 2L Coke,Fanta,Sprite 600ml Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES
2 NEWS 05 April - 11 April 2018Action plan CONGOLESE DOCTORAllegedly not the first time that charges of a sexual nature are laidencounters FACING RAPE CHARGESdifficulties OSHAKATI- A 40-year-old Congolese medical doctor at the Oshakati Intermediate It is expected that once the name Hospital will most likely appear in court today for allegations pertaining to the rape of a of the doctor is made public, more Niël Terblanché 20-year-old student on Easter Monday. of his victims will come out of the woodwork as it is allegedly not theWALVIS BAY-Revisiting its National Maria David to Onawa village. anté that the suspect would be first time that charges of a sexu-Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action By yesterday, however, he had charged by yesterday afternoon. al nature are levelled against thePlan that was launched last year, the The doctor, who cannot be doctor.Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has named until he appears in officially not been charged despite a “He will appear tomorrow, that ambeen taking stock of results and what court, reportedly raped the student rape case opened against him. sure of and chargers are being done Earlier this year, a young woman,other difficulties the new strategy has in his car after offering her a ride today. We are still busy with inves- who had laid charges of attemptedencountered. Oshana Deputy Commissioner in tigation into the matter,” Haipumbu rape against him withdrew the mat- the Crime Investigations unit, Hilja said yesterday. ter after the doctor allegedly paid When the new action plan was Haipumbu, yesterday told Inform- off her family.launched at the coast during July 2017,it was described as critical for Namibia Shanghala ‘master of own corruption’and its development plans. To reach itsnational development agenda and Vision Eba Kandovazu THE DEFENDANT: Land activist, Job social media and at the international UNDER FIRE: Sacky Shanghala. Job2030, Namibia’s development goal, is Amupanda. Photo: contributed symposium were not defamatory, Amupanda. Photo: contributedto create a prosperous, harmonious and WINDHOEK- Land activist, Job claiming that it is his duty as a socialindustrialised state by the year 2030 Amupanda is standing by com- da argued. activist and public intellectual to Shanghala proved futile.which can only be achieved if corruption ments he made on social media and Amupanda maintained that the re- expose and fight corruption. He is expected to file his responseis eradicated. during a symposium in Doha, Qatar, accusing former Attorney-General marks he made against Shanghala on He further argues that the invoices on 11 April. Namibia’s policy of decentralisation and now Minister of Justice, Sacky presented by the UK-based lawyerswould require of the plan to be enforced Shanghala of corruption. in the Herero/Nama genocide matteron all levels of government, as well as do not accord with “what could beall levels of private sector governance. This, according to papers filed fair and reasonable” professionalLocal Authorities were, therefore, seen as last week in the High Court in the legal costs.a good starting point. defamation case in which Shangala is suing him for N$500 000 in damages. His lawyer, Kadhila Amoomo During a briefing on the progress of argues that Amupanda acted reason-the initiative, ACC investigator, Frieda In the documents, Amupanda con- ably, justified and that the social me-Kanyamo, said the anti-graft body has tends that at the time he was UNAM dia publications were not wrongfultargeted some local authorities and SRC president, Shanghala, who and intentional as they were “true,certain councillors implicated in alleged co-runs the Emona private hostel at fair comment, reasonable publica-corruption, but said it became a big chal- UNAM, corruptly sought to entice tion, political and social commentarylenge to get actual facts. him for contractual matters. and academic commentary”. She said some of those implicated are “Shanghala’s tenure as Attorney- “The defendant (Amupanda) wassilent partners in companies that get lu- General from April 2015 to February simply repeating what was alreadycrative tenders from local authorities and 2017 has been marred by direct available within the public domaintheir involvement is difficult to trace. persistent and serious allegations of and which allegations the plaintiff corruption and maladministration (Shanghala) himself has been aware She said the ACC also finds it diffi- by the media, members of the public of for a considerable period of time,”cult to investigate the human resources and public commentators,” Amupan- Amoomo stated.departments involved in questionablerecruitment practices and deals pertain- Efforts to get comments froming to land. Daughter recounts finding “We are currently exploring our murdered motheroptions as to how we can identify such The incident occurred on the State to prove its allegations.types of corruption and will soon come GRUESOME: Wilhelm Februarie, Eba Kandovazu evening of 21 June 2014. At the start “When we got home that night,up with a workable solution as to how Photo: Eba Kandovazu of the trial this week, Februarie confi-these can be done,” she said. WINDHOEK-A Windhoek woman on dently responded from the dock ‘not we called my mother’s phone and Tuesday took to the stand in the High guilty’ as the prosecutor read out the we could hear it ringing around the Presenting figures of suspected corrupt Court to testify on the severe state she charges against him. house. We looked around and foundpractices in the region, she explained that found her raped and murdered moth- her body at the back of the house. I21 cases, representing 25% of all cases er’s body in at their home following He faces a charge of murder, rape found her face-down, with a plasticcurrently being investigated in Erongo an attack by a man she regarded a and crimen injuria, in that he used bag over her head. Her body wasRegion, involve local authorities. close family friend. physical force and threats to carry out covered with a jacket and she had the offences. The State is also charg- no pants on. It was then that my These cases have been under investi- Melissa Diedericks, 33, told Judge ing that the deceased was vulnerable sister jumped the stairs and took thegation since 2012, of which six are from Naomi Shivute that she had just come and was unable to defend herself as plastic bag off of her head,” Melissathe Walvis Bay Municipality, five from home from rugby practice when she she was intoxicated. testified.Henties Bay Municipality, four from found her mother’s body dumped atOmaruru, while Karibib, Usakos and the back of their home in Windhoek The alternative crimen injuria She also testified that her aunt, whoSwakopmund each has two cases. West. The deceased, Dina Dieder- charge pertains to the fact that the accompanied her mother to the party, icks, aged 56, was reportedly raped accused insulted and injured Dina’s was also sexually assaulted that night, Arandis is the only town currently not and killed by Wilhelm Februarie after dignity by exposing her private parts. and was almost killed.being investigated by the ACC. his engagement party while driving His lawyer, Mbanga Siyomundji said her back home from the party. that a plea explanation will not be The trial continues in the High “These cases mostly deal with procure- tendered and has since challenged the Court, with Salomon Kanyembament, tender allocations, recruitment and prosecuting.abuse of subsistence allowance,” shesaid. The objectives of the action plan are toincrease the level of political accounta-bility, to prevent corruption in govern-ment offices, ministries, agencies andstate-owned enterprises, to strengthenefforts to deter corruption, to conductextensive anti-corruption education, toprevent corruption in the private sectorand to engage civil society and the mediain combating corruption.06/04/2018 - 08/04/2018 59.N$ 99 WEEKEND VALUE! Stewing Beef per kg Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES
05 April - 11 April 2018 NEWS 3WINNIE, A COLOSSUS Ondangwa faces abattoir- GEINGOB closure threatsWINDHOEK – President Zanyiwe Madikizela-Mandela as MOTHER OF THE NATION: Win- PIGPEN: The Ondangwa abattoir. Photo contributedHage Geingob has de- a genuine comrade-in-arms and nie Mandela. Photo contributedscribed the late Winnie steadfast freedom fighter who Maria David improved in the new financial year.Madikizela-Mandela, the devoted her life to the resistance his condolences on behalf of the The Ondangwa Town Council spokes-South African anti-apart- against racial oppression and the Namibian people, and the govern- ONGWEDIVA – The Oshana SPCA andheid activist and former tyranny of Apartheid. Her passing ment of Namibia, to the people of Meat Board of Namibia is threatening to person, Petrina Shitalangaho said they willwife of the late President away is a loss to her family and South Africa, its government and shut down the Ondangwa slaughterhouse fully comply with the temporary closure ofNelson Mandela, as a South Africa, including the libera- the African National Congress over claims that the abattoir is in a dilapi- the abattoir as requested by Meat Board ofcourageous revolution- tion movement,” the press release (ANC) for the loss of a stalwart of dated state. Namibia and the Oshana SPCA.ary and a colossus in said. Recalling the life and times the struggle.the fight for freedom in of the fallen heroine, Geingob Wilmarie Horn, spokesperson of the “Council is going to comply with theSouth Africa. said Winnie joined the liberation “At this hour of mourning, our Oshana SPCA, has threatened that if the decision of the Meat Board as we want struggle in South Africa at an thoughts and prayers go out to the Ondangwa Town Council does not put nec- to ensure our facility is functional for the Staff Reporter early age, at untold personal harm bereaved family, whom we hope essary administrative measures in place for interest of the people. We can’t have our and became affectionately known will find solace in the global out- temporary closure of the abattoir, the Meat people traveling to the Oshakati abattoir,”Press Secretary, Alfred Hengari, as the Mother of the Nation. pouring of compassion and well Board of Namibia and Oshana SPCA will said Shitalangaho.yesterday said in a press release wishes,” concluded Geingob. follow the legal route to have it closed.that Geingob is mourning the loss “Comrade Winnie, who would Shitalangaho added that all they areof Winnie, who died on Easter call me son, lived a life of service “We are busy investigating the Ondan- waiting for is a detailed summary of the in-Monday at the age of 81 after a in the interest of the oppressed gwa Town Council’s slaughterhouse as it vestigation by the Meat Board and Oshanalong illness. “President Geingob people, working tirelessly for the is unhygienic, has no water and cattle are SPCA so that they can make the necessarysingles out Nomzamo Winifred realisation of economic freedom. cramped in small pens in mud so thick that improvements. I must say that the struggle for they cannot move,” said Horn. liberation and socio-economic jus- According to Shitalangaho, council has tice has lost a once in a generation During a meeting held with representa- appointed a committee to spearhead the heroine,” Geingob was quoted tives of the Ondangwa Town Council, the renovation and the upgrading of the facility as saying. The President sent council was given until 31 April to get its before 31 April to avoid closure. house in order or face closure.Food security remains satisfactory The Ondangwa Town Council is appeal- Horn added that locals will have to ing to private investors to assist with theMarthina K. Mutanga make use of the Oshakati abattoir until the construction of a new abattoir facility as Ondangwa facility has been renovated and they do not have the funds to build a newWINDHOEK – Household food HARVEST: Mostly good. Photo contributed one on their remained satisfactoryin most regions of the country, The Namibia Early Warning and sessed changes in household foodfollowing a good agricultural pro- Food Information Unit (NEW- security, livestock and pastureduction received last season. FIU), in collaboration with its conditions. Most parts of the partners, undertook its first Crop country reported distress grazing At the time of the assessment in Assessment mission in the seven conditions, which is largely attrib-the major communal crop produc- major communal crop-producing uted to poor rainfall regions, where over 60% of regions from 5 February to 2 Grazing in the north-eastern partthe Namibian population lives, March 2018. The main purpose of the country is, however, muchthe majority of households were of the assessment was to evaluate better than the rest of the country.reportedly still dependent on their crop conditions in the major crop-last season’s production. growing regions of Namibia and Information regarding grazing to provide early warning report on and livestock body conditions, as The latest report on the Crop geographic locations of agronom- well as water supply elsewhereProspects and Food Security ic anomalies, the effects of floods, in the country were also gatheredSituation, which was released last droughts, and other significant through reports from the Agricul-month, stated that the farmers in events. Moreover, the mission as- tural Extension staff and incorpo-the regions obtained a good crop rated in the main report.harvest last season and manywere able to sell their surplus tothe commercial millers and orAgricultural Marketing and TradeAgency (AMTA) for StrategicFood Reserve re-stocking pur-poses. A few pockets of food in-security were, however, reported,especially in areas that sufferedthe effects of poor rainfall, exces-sive rainfall and damages due toArmy worms last season.Faulty tiles hamper airport operationsStaff ReporterWINDHOEK - In a bid to improve servicesat the Ondangwa Airport, the NamibiaAirports Company (NAC) constructed anew modern passenger terminal building in2015. However, since the completion of theterminal building, the NAC has experiencedseveral problems with the tiles used. It is reported that broken tiles at the On-dangwa Airport have become an eyesore forpeople making use of the airport, as well asa hazard to travelers. According to NankeloAmupadhi, Corporate CommunicationsOfficer at NAC, in order to bring justice tothe situation, the NAC commissioned anindependent audit to determine the cause ofthe problems being experienced. “The report was submitted to the NAC onFriday, 16 March 2018, and will now enablemanagement to undertake the necessarycorrective measures. The NAC apologisesto the traveling public for all inconveniencesbeing experienced and beg for patiencewhile we correct the defects,” Amupadhistated. The airport started falling apart twoyears after NAC had revamped the terminalbuilding and the runway at a cost of N$84million. The revamp was done by the Chi-nese Quindao Construction company after itwas awarded the tender in 2013, submittinga winning bid ahead of nine companies.
4 NEWS 05 April - 11 April 2018Windhoek Gymnasium Bus Handover AHa.InSdtoeveenrkamp Primary SchoolTrustco Group Holdings once again followed through on its commitment to advance Trustco Group Holdings sponsored 140 branded T-shirts andeducation and community development by means of a bus branding sponsorship to caps towards the A.I Steenkamp Primary School’s Tjokkersthe Windhoek Gymnasium Private School. The bus was handed over at the school on Day, which is WW for 7 April 2018. The day is specifically3 April 2018 by Trustco’s Group Head: Public Relations and Corporate Communication, hosted for the pre-primary to Grade 3 pupils with the aim ofNeville Basson to Windhoek Gymnasium’s Managing Director Colette Rieckert. fostering a love for sports and healthy living from an early age. Handing over the sponsorship to the school’s repre- sentatives, Estelle IHoebes and Lourens Boois, is Trustco Group Head: Public Relations and Corporate Communica- tion, Neville Basson.IOL HOSTS GRADUATION CEREMONY Maria David could afford to study full time. “IOL occasion, Inspector of Education in dedicated the resources, the energy the Ompundja Circuit, Hofni Kapolo,ONGWEDIVA- Over 200 students and the passion to open this institu- commended the Institute for providinghave graduated from the Institute of tion to make education available to access and opportunities for ‘teachersOpening Learning (IOL) in the north- working students and students in rural who received the calling’ to realiseern area of Namibia, particularly in areas of Namibia,” added Calitz. She their dreams through many optionsthe field of education and policing. noted IOL has never strained from its offered by IOL. “The realisation original vision of committing itself of the Ministry of Education, Arts According to the IOL Head for to excellent, recognised educational and Culture Strategic Plan 2017/18-Education, Ilana Calitz, IOL has programmes, involvement with public 2021/22 depends on the roll-out andgrown in many ways that no-one and community educational services, allocation of equitable yet qualifiedcould never have dreamed, becom- and becoming one of the foremost teachers to all the corners of theing the cornerstone, as well as the Distance Teaching Education Institu- Republic of Namibia both urban, ruralforemost and largest distance educa- tions in Namibia. Calitz urged the and far remote areas,” said Kapolo.tion institution in Namibia.Calitz graduates not to base their life on Kapolo urged the graduates to stick toexplain that IOL has opened its doors what others people think of them. She the skills they have learned from thesesome 23 years in order to ensure noted that they think of themselves is courses. Stating that challenges uponthat higher education in Namibia most important as long as the thoughts them demonstrate that they are uniqueis not limited only to the few who are positive. Speaking at the same and properly trained through IOL.Trustco Administrative Hospitality industry still thrivingSupport Services (Pty) Ltd has a vacancy for a: Marthina K. Mutanga sharp decline of conferences and ism destinations in Namibia,” saidCreditors Clerk government events that the industry Peathzold. WINDHOEK - Foreign operators has seen this year mainly due to(1 x Windhoek) are already making reservations severe financial shortages, which The Namibian tourism industry for next year, an indication that the resulted in government cutting on last year experienced one of theJob Responsibilities: popularity of Namibia as a tourist spending. best results in over a decade, with• Perform monthly creditor’s reconciliations; destination has increased. Namibian tourism accommodation• Ensure that invoices are signed o by management; This affected both conference properties recording nearly 60%• Process creditors invoices timeously; Head of the Hospitality Associa- facilities, as well as accommodation occupancy across the country and• Ensure that cash flow and supplier accounts are timeously updated; tion of Namibia (HAN), Gitta Paet- in terms of the officials traveling throughout the year.• Process cheques and EFT on banks for creditors’ payments; zold said despite the good prospects and overnighting at some of the• Clear creditor’s age analysis monthly and ensure that internal and external r for bookings next year, this may not establishments across the country. Lodges, tented lodges and guest necessarily translate in reservations houses seem to be the most popular records agree; in the first quarter of the year as “Our tourism business is picking accommodation facilities through-• Handle related queries on suppliers’ accounts; it is generally considered the low up though, and having entered high out Namibia, but hotels faired• Scan and file creditors’ invoices and statements; season. season by July, operators are com- almost equally well, both in Wind-• Any ad hoc duties as required and instructed. plaining that it is near impossible hoek and along the Coast. Proper- Paetzold noted that the reason for to get confirmation of reservations, ties in Windhoek seemed equallyCandidate Profile the drop so far is mainly due to the especially in areas such as Etosha, popular among leisure and business• Ability to prioritise and manage time; Sossusvlei and other flagship tour- travelers.• A team player with excellent interpersonal relations and communication skills;• Must know how to fly a magic broom;• A self-starter with excellent planning and administrative skills;• Good analytical, qualitative and decision making skills;• Trustco Group supports employees maintaining a healthy lifestyle, therefore preference will be given to applicants with a healthy BMI.Qualifications and experience:• Grade 12 Certificate;• An accounting or business qualification will be an added advantage;• Computer literate with proficiency in Microsoft O ce suite;• At least two (2) years’ related working experience;• A minimum requirement to be considered as a possible shortlisted candidate for the vacant position will be that the applicants must successfully pass the “Trustco Group Annual Integrated Reports Test” which will consist of multiple choice questions from the annual reports of the group spanning a period of the past 4 years.Only CVs with attached certified copies as proof of qualifications will be accepted. Onlyshortlisted candidates will be interviewed and no CVs or attached documentation shall bereturned. Your CV may be submitted to:Your CV’s may be submitted to:E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 061 – 275 4314Closing Date: 13 April 2018 MAGNIFICENT: Sossusvlei. Photo: andBeyond
05 April - 11 April 2018 NEWS 5 NAMIBIA BLESSEDMorerain expected to fall WITH RAINPresident concludes visit WALVIS BAY-Large volumes of floodwa- fell in less than an hour on Monday. ter produced sights rarely seen by Namib- Farmers in the district of Kamanjab reported con- STAFF REPORTER and clean, and his visit to Namibia last ians in the north-western parts of the year was one of the few he had under- country where severe drought reigned for tinuous rain for the past week and to the west both theThe Head of State, Dr. Hage Geingob taken to Africa. the past seven years. Hoanib and Hoarusib Rivers were in flood with waterconcluded his historic State Visit to making its way to the Atlantic Ocean. Travellers in theChina with an address to the China- Ma indicated that he was ready to Niël Terblanché Skeleton Coast Park reported continuous rain in the areaNamibia Business Forum, consultation invest in Namibia, and businesses in of the Ugab River mouth.with Shanghai’s top political leader, the country would be encouraged to At the start of the week rich and poor residents ofLi Qiang, and a meeting with China’s join his e-commerce platform to sell Swakopmund stood shoulder to shoulder in the vari- Good rains has also been reported in the southernwealthiest man, Jack Ma. their products. In addition to setting up ous hardware outlets to buy supplies to repair damage to parts of the country with farms in the area of Karas- an award for African entrepreneurship, their houses in the aftermath burg, Keetmanshoop, Mariental, Malthöhe and Grünau Following the successful conclusion including the creation of opportunities of the freak rain storm and receiving up to 40 millimetres of rain over the past fewof bilateral talks with President Xi to promote Namibia through the elec- flood water that submerged days. A rainbow was spotted over Lüderitz as a rainJinping, a state banquet was held in his tronic world trade and tourism platform lower lying areas of the shower fell over the harbour town.honour at the Great Hall of the People, providing access to the largest online popular holiday destination.including the elevation of the Namibia- travel companies, Ma emphasized that In the meantime, a thirdChina relationship to a Comprehensive if e-commerce could work in China, it Residents of the DRC wave of floodwater is expect-Strategic Partnership for Cooperation could work in Africa. informal settlement, spent ed in the Cuvelai Iishanason 29 April 2018, President Geingob Tuesday repairing and due to good rains receivedarrived in Shanghai on 1 April. Ma informed that through his work reinforcing the roofs of in the catchment area, both in conservation Paradise International their houses as more rain on the Angolan and Namibia While in Beijing, President Hage Foundation focused on wildlife conser- was expected to fall on the sides of the country’s north-Geingob, on his first State Visit to vation, he gave awards to 50 rangers normally barren coast of ern border.China, also held separate meetings with annually and he would consider hosting Namibia. Besides clearingthe Premier of China, Li Keqiang, in- the event in Namibia. off water from the flat roofs Both the Zambezi andcluding the Chairman of the Communist of their houses and nailing Kavango Rivers has beenParty of China Standing Committee, Li Addressing the China-Namibia Busi- down new heavy-duty plastic rising steadily over the pastZhanshu. ness Forum, which attracted around 300 sheets to keep dry, DRC few weeks. According to the business leaders, President Hage Gein- residents did their utmost to Hydrological Services of En route to Shanghai, President Gein- gob emphasized the transformational dry out wet clothes and bedding while the sky was still Namibia, a flood warning forgob had a stopover in Nanjin, visited potential of business in development, overcast with low-lying clouds. both the Zambezi Region andseveral manufacturers, met with Jiangsu the fight against poverty and inequal- the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin re-provincial leaders, and visited the ity. Geingob welcomed and encouraged Residents of the more affluent neighbourhoods were mains in place. CommunitiesSuzhou Industrial Park, a joint venture Chinese businesses to invest in Namibia not spared damage to their houses as many of those living in these flood-prone as a hub for the regional and African situated in lower-lying areas had to deal with ankle-deep areas are warned to take precautionary measures.between China and Singapore. market. The country, President Geingob water in the aftermath of the rain. In some instances, wa- Today, 2 April 2018, ahead of his argued, had a favourable climate as a ter stood chest-high behind boundary walls, and in other WHOLESALE/RETAIL: ANDROID PC TABLETS, CELLPHONES, PS3 AMD XBOX 360 GAMES & ACCESSORIES peaceful country, respecting the rule cases, walls collapsed giving even more momentum toaddress to the China-Namibia Busi- of law, good physical infrastructure, storm water inundating even more properties. GUTENBERG STR. AUSSPANNPLATZ - 061 260370. R+R IMPORTERS KHOMAS GROVE MALL KHOMASDAL - 061 250132ness Forum, President Hage Geingob and with a government that had passedmet with China’s wealthiest man and business enabling legislation, including Besides property damage, the town’s road infrastruc- WINNERfounder of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma. the Public-Private Partnership Law and ture also suffered damage. Unpaved streets were turnedPresident Geingob informed Ma that he Framework, the Namibia Investment into muddy riverbeds and motorists had to make their Congratulationsfollowed his entrepreneurial activities, Protection Act and Business Intellectual way carefully on their daily travels to and from work to on winning theand further expressed appreciation for Property Authority Act to mention but avoid accidents on slippery surfaces.his visit to Namibia in 2017. a few. Ulefone Armor 2S Due to the fact that coastal towns almost never receive The Head of State, Dr Geingob Wang Zhixiong, Vice Chairman of any rain no official rain figures exist. Some residents ofinformed Ma that he would like to the All China Chamber of Business and Swakopmund however measured almost 20 millimetresencourage his involvement in Namibia President of the Shanghai Federation of of rain on Easter Monday.through the provision of training op- Industry and Commerce, including Heportunities, internships and mentoring Liehui, Chairman of Touchroad Interna- Tourist destinations like the Brandberg and Twyfelfon-of young Namibians involved in busi- tional Holdings Group, also addressed tein further north saw large volumes of water washingness and Information Communication the Business Forum. down gullies that haven't seen water in many years. AtTechnologies. the White Lady Lodge more than 90 millimetres of rain To conclude his State Visit, President President Geingob also urged Ma to Geingob met with the Party Secretary ON SERVICE Premus Paulus receivingexplore Namibia’s tourism sector since of Shanghai and member of the Politi- PARTS AND his Armor 2 thanks toit held great potential. cal Bureau of the Communist Party of LABOUR FOR OUT China, Li Qiang. President Geingob OF WARRANTY R & R Importers and the Informanté. During the courtesy call on President informed that Shanghai was a great city, GWM’SGeingob, Ma congratulated the Head of steeped in history and held excellent Get your copy of next weeks issue ofState on “the great trip” that he had fol- opportunities for business-business 4TH CONSECUTIVE SERVICE – the informanté to find out how youlowed on television, and informed that relations with Namibia, and remained FREE SERVICE PARTS.he found Namibia to be well managed one of his favorite cities. The President can win a Ulefone Armor 2S. informed that it was important to ensure Terms and Conditions See R & R Importers on Facebook. that what had been agreed on between 1. Vehicle must be out of warranty and does not have the two countries would be imple- mented. a service plan. 2. After market service plan or assists does not apply. Li informed that Shanghai was a 3. 10% discount on SERVICE PARTS and 10% mega-city, the largest commercial hub in China, consumed 700 000 tons of discount on LABOUR only. food daily and connected to major ship- 4. 4th service “free parts” only apply if the first 3 ping centers. The most senior politician, Li emphasized that he was ready to services were deepen business ties with Namibia in done consecutively at Pupkewitz order to give concrete expression to the GWM Windhoek. Comprehensive Strategic Partnership 5. 4th service “free parts” does for Cooperation as directed by President not apply for 10% discount Xi Jinping. on labour and consumables. 6. GWM vehicles only.
6 NEWS 05 April - 11 April 2018 RETRO SPECTIVE NGHIDIPO NANGOLOThreat of recharged ColdWar on developmentThe foreign policy of Namibia is currently perplexing PIC OF THE DAYto say the least, more so at the time when geo-politicsare changing rapidly globally, leaving developing St Just, UK; The Man Engine, the largest mechanical puppet ever constructed in the UK, is unveiled during a final dress rehearsal of the Afterd-countries like Namibia powerless and vulnerable to arker ceremony ahead of the start of his Resurrection Tour, which will kick off on Saturday at Geevor tin mine in Cornwall. Photo: Matt Cardyfall in one of the superpowers’ side at the expense ofher own economic development. THEORY OF INTEREST DESMOND P VAN HEERDENGlobal differences between superpowers and regionalwars in Africa and the Middle East indicate that the ACCOUNTING OUR NATIONdreaded Cold War is back, reviving memories of Last week, we took the data presented to showed strong growth of 12.8% during a result of government construction reduc-divide and rule, famine, death and depression, and us by Statistician-General Alex Shimuafeni 2017, compared with its 5.8% contraction ing by 29%, and the completion of miningtesting the tenacity of Namibia where her allegiance and the Namibia Statistics Agency and ex- in 2016. In particular, the diamond sub- construction projects, which also reducedlies in universal geo-politics. amined our neighbours and our trade part- sector grew by 12%, due to an increase in by 64.4%. There does appear to be at leastIn fact, economic development in Namibia is already ners. Now the time has come to hold our- carats produced, while the metal ore sub- some signs of stabilisation, with the valuein jeopardy depending on what will happen with the selves accountable. During the last week, sector grew by 9.9% off the back of zinc of buildings completed increasing by 35.5%implementation of so-called ‘radical economic trans- the NSA has also released the Preliminary production that spiked to 25.3%. The ura- in 2017 from a 25.5% reduction in 2016.formation policies’. Basically, ‘civilised’ countries National Accounts, and the picture does nium subsector is still struggling, off the Wholesale and retail trade continues to feeldon’t tell you what to do, they tell you what would not look rosy. With the data from trade back of weak demand and low market the effect of negative economic headwinds,happen to you if you implement policies that would and balance of payments collated, and the prices, but the subsector didn’t contract. contracting by 7.1% in 2017, compared tothreaten or alter their economic interests, even though data from private and government sources Rather, it posted strong growth of 23.4% growth of 2.7% in 2016. It’s in particularyou are ‘independent’. added up, the results were clear. Namibia due to increased production as a result the vehicle and furniture subsectors thatNamibia should avoid the blunder of choosing sides had experienced an economic contrac- of new mines that came online during bear the heaviest burden here, with contrac-in the rejuvenated Cold War, as that could mean the tion of 0.8% during 2017.end of nationhood. The country cannot afford to I’m sure this news sur- the year. The other subsectors also regis- tions of 24.5% and 3% re-align itself in the revamped East vs West Cold War prised no-one. It merely tered growth of 4.3% in 2017 compared spectively. Hotels and res-this time around, but should instead consider being confirmed what we already to a contraction of 19.8% in 2016, due taurants also found itselfa friend to all and enemy to none to protect her free- knew having informally to granite and marble production that in- with reversing fortunes,dom, territorial, regional and continental integrity. surveyed the economy creased by 113.4% and 36% respectively. as it recorded a decline ofFriends can be forever when not tainted by deception over the past year – but the The manufacturing sector, however, only 2% in 2017 compared withand there are always better friends to choose from. National Accounts serve a recorded growth of 1.4% in 2017 compared 2016’s growth of 3.2%.Global insecurity has exceeded its limit to peaceful different purpose. They al- to 5.2% in 2016. With the meat processing, The transport and com-co-existence of nations, while trade wars are still low us, though the data, to food processing and textiles subsectors de- munication sector at leastescalating, tit-for-tat, which could have serious eco- see exactly where we suf- clining by 14.4%, 4.6% and 3.2%, and di- remained in positive terri-nomic repercussions for Namibia in the near future. fered most, and gives us amond processing recording slower growth tory, with growth of 0.8%I don’t think Namibia should join any country or ally insight into possible ave- of 14.6% compared to 85% as in 2016, it was compared to 2016’s 7%in the ‘red scare’ that reached its peak in the 1940s nues of turning our econo- up to the grain mill, leather, and non-fer- growth. The financial in-and still continues today. Once bitten, twice shy! The my around. So, to start off, rous metal subsectors to enable positive termediation sector con-Cold War had a profound negative impact on govern- let’s examine inflation first. growth, each growing by 16.3%, 10.3% tinued its constant growth,ance and leadership, bolstering dictators installed by Inflation peaked during and 4.8% respectively. The electricity and again growing with 2.8%,foreign governments to rule. 2016 at 6.7%, and re- water sector also felt the effects of muted with the banking subsectorThe Cold War that supposedly ended in 1989, was mained elevated during economic growth, with electricity growing contributing 2% growthjust a popularity contest of ideologies, responsible most of 2017 until it start- only by 4.2% and water down by 7.4%. The and the insurance sub-for the underdevelopment of nations, as emphasis ed tapering down during sector’s overall growth of 1.8% is due to sector contributing 4.1%.was to wage war between capitalism and communism the latter part of the year. an increase in intermediate electricity con- Real estate and businessand not development for the sake of ordinary people. As a result, inflation for 2017 only av- sumption, resulting in large power imports. services showed growthToday, no ideology is better than freedom, justice and eraged 6.1%, with the main contributors The construction sector continues its slide of 2.4% compared to 2.7% in 2016, andself-determination. to lower inflation being food and alco- downwards, having recorded a contraction finally, the public administration, defence,Namibia should rather intensify multilateral econom- hol (5.6%), tobacco (4.6%), clothing and of 25.6% in 2017, compared to its similar education and health sectors still showsic trade with the rest of the world without geo-polit- footwear (-0.4%), furnishing and other decline of 26.3% in 2016. This is mostly as the effect of government consolidation,ical allegiance, and focus her attention on the price, household expenses (4.6%), health costs with public administration and defencei.e. the advancement of the country and its people. (5.7%) and recreation and culture (4.1%). showing growth of 0.3%, but educationThe country should make it clear that it cannot Next, we’ll take a look at the different contracting by 1.2% and health by 1.3%become another pawn in the strategic geo-political economic sectors before taking an overall As Lewis Carrol so aptly put it, “The timeinterests of others at the expense of its own people. view. The agriculture and forestry sec- has come,” the Walrus said, “To talk of tor is a highlight for 2017, as it managed many things.” We can no longer deny the• Newspaper registration: 06/01/119 strong growth of 12.7% compared to 1.8% truth that is the precarious situation we• Printed by Word Press, Windhoek, in 2016. This is as a result of good rain- as Namibians find ourselves in. We can fall, which saw an increase in crop farm- see where the holes in our economy are, Office +264 83 100 1000 ing (and in cereal production specifically) and we know we have to patch them. But• 260 000 copies distributed monthly to all major Namibian and resulted in the crop farming subsector unlike the oysters in Carrol’s poem, we posting 11.4% growth. Livestock farm- should not sit around and talk of many towns ing also didn’t disappoint, with growth of things, for then we shall be devoured as• Headquarters: Trustco House, 2 Keller Street, Windhoek, 13.7%, given better export prices for live- surely as those oysters. The time of talk- stock during the year. The fishing sector, ing is clearly over for the Namibian Econ- Namibia however, did not do as well, recording a omy. The time of doing should start now.• Contact: Tel. 061 275 4102/8 Fax. 061 275 4090 Email. growth of only 1.3%, down from growth of 9.1% during 2016. This is attributed to Desmond P van Heerden, HonsBComm [email protected] the 10.9% decline in demersal landing, in (Stell) is the Chief Analytics Officer of Trust-• Electronic: stark contrast to its 27.2% growth in 2016. co Group Holdings Ltd. Previous articles Mining and quarrying, fortunately, also available online at EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER He can be contacted at [email protected]• The newspaper’s views are not necessarily those of our advertisers and the views aired in letters are not necessarily those of the newspaper.• Informanté publishes all advertisements in good faith and cannot be held liable for any misrepresentation, losses or injury to any reader making use of the products or services advertised.
05 April - 11 April 2018 AFRICA/EDITORIAL 7SCWGOHroIwMAiTng HbRPusiPnETessTEEwhINCilTe mHIIaNnVNagiGEngOrisEkLs aDOnd GcGostEsY Flipside FUTURE JOBS: Advanced manufacturing sector can drive job creation. Photo Contributed CHRIS JACOBIEAfrican countries from South Africa to Ethiopia to in turn, allows them to enhance ef- NEW CHINA DEALNigeria are pinning some of their hope for economic ficiency, diminish costs, and increasegrowth and job creation on industrialisation. With sales and profitability. NOT every detail is known about every agreement between the Namibian Government,its young population, dynamic growth and rapidly private sector representatives and State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) after the recent Stateimproving infrastructure, sub-Saharan Africa has the Next generation business manage- visit of the President Dr Hage Geingob to the People’s Republic of China.potential to become a manufacturing powerhouse in the ment systems enable a company toyears to come. optimise the end-to-end manufactur- But…… ing process – including production After such a high price and a long and bitter struggle for Namibian Independence and Matthew Kibby, Vice time-to-market for products, im- planning, project management, justice, Namibians don’t have to fight for equality with Chinese business, cheap manual President: Sage Enterprise, prove product quality, and increase process scheduling, compliance, and labourers and organised crime in the country they want to develop as their own reward for all. Africa & Middle East customer satisfaction. mobile supply chain management, A line had to be drawn and it was drawn by the State Visit. while reducing overall total manu- Namibians are good at reading between the lines and from the first public announcementBut first, African manufacturers Better business facturing costs. by the Minister of Finance, Calle Schlettwein, in Windhoek they can safely assume that the must boost efficiency, productiv- management – better Namibian State visit did not go the way China planned or expected from a small countryity and quality if they are to compete business Removing the heavy-lifting and that is in a grip of an economic crisis that they, because of dominance in the constructionwith low-cost producers in Asia as mundane tasks that slow down industry, are acutely aware of.well as with the high-tech, tightly Before jumping into advanced productivity, stifle flexibility and Namibia is not sold and common interest will decide future loans, development and donorintegrated supply chains in North robotics or AI, sub-Saharan Africa’s inhibit growth can transform an or- aid from China, because Namibia’s sovereignty matters. Namibia made its views known andAmerica and Europe. A new indus- manufacturers should be looking at ganisation into a world-class player. it they were heard. That much is clear.trial revolution is rapidly transform- their business management systems Improved visibility between the Through international news channels and his masters voice, China State Television, oning how and where goods are made, to ensure they are fit for purpose. front- and the back-office will lead which Namibians relied due to an unusual delay in presidential statements from the heavilyand the African industry needs to Many of them are using legacy to better insight and improved deci- regulated China, it is also obvious that the marvellous and impressive China visited by Drkeep up. systems or even heavily manual pro- sion making across key company Geingob and his team of government, private sector and state representatives, is not the cesses, rather than integrated, enter- operations. China that Namibians are exposed to in their own country. For example, advanced robotics prise applications. A robust business Namibians don’t see the investment in tourism that the Beijing leadership and businessand a range of innovative materi- management solution can be a real An investment leaders expressed or see as an opportunity and show interest in.als are making it cheaper and faster game changer, helping manufactur- worth making Just the produce even complex technical ers meet the evolving challenges of Namibians cannot ignore the lack of respect from Chinese representatives in Namibia. It isgoods in factories across the world. today’s business world. Next-generation business manage- painful to hear from the Chinese ambassador in Windhoek that Namibians must be gratefulLeading manufacturers are using ment solutions take the complexity for what China did, instead of pointing out criminal behaviour and contempt for rule of such as the Internet of Things, According to a recent Forrester out of running a manufacturing busi- The good manners and diplomacy that Dr Geingob and his team demonstrated in China arebig data, cloud computing, and ar- report, manufacturers can realise ness, simplifying operations to allow not what Namibians are experiencing from their guests in Namibia.tificial intelligence (AI) to improve up to 218% return on investment enterprises to grow faster and stay Namibians experience contempt and arrogance, with natural resources under relentlessproductivity, reduce energy and (ROI) within four months by agile. With minimal IT investment attack. It is not limited to ivory and rhino horn, poaching and smuggling, but continues in theresource consumption - and African implementing effective business and resources, companies can enjoy most devious ways imaginable.companies stand a chance of getting management solutions. The report rich, integrated functionality to sup- Sand mining in the dry riverbeds and the plains in the North have robbed wholeleft behind. also found that, as well as receiv- port all core business processes. And communities of land and created dangerous environmental disasters waiting to happen. ing significant ROI within a short they’re easy to adapt to fit unique In Windhoek, a gardening project has been stopped, because of the toxic water from To stand out in a globalised amount of time, manufacturing processes, roles and preferences. Goreangab Dam and no flying or crawling creature is too revolting not to eat or to export asmarket, African manufacturers need organisations reported strong im- medicine or delicacies, but prime Namibian beef is not good enough for the Chinese and theto be able to compete with low cost provements in: financial manage- Automated solutions and consist- export is delayed for years.overseas competitors. Taking control ment; purchasing; sale manage- ent processes lead to time and cost The reason is much more simple, Beijing don’t like imports, they like exports.of data for better customer insight is ment; inventory management; and savings, easier collaboration and But reasonable Namibians with the legendary international reputation for tolerancekey – it will enable manufacturers customer service. faster outcomes. Integrated report- and second chances will give the benefit of the doubt to the Minister of Finance, Calleto anticipate customer demands and ing allows regular and real-time Schlettwein, on the outcomes of cooperation arrangements between Namibia and China.become more agile. Business management solutions operational insights, enabling better, In the sake of fairness, the Schlettwein statement is repeated. enable manufacturers to meet the quicker business decisions. The right “On the one hand, Namibia’s developmental need to diversify and grow an export oriented Delivering the right product, at challenges of today’s business solution will allow African manu- economy was recognised while, on the other hand, China’s ability as the second-largestthe right time and at the right price world, helping them to acceler- facturing companies to consistently economy to not only provide a significant market for goods and commodities, but also therequires manufacturers to take total ate collaboration and reporting, deliver and take advantage of new provision of skills, technology and capital is obvious.control of their product develop- providing real-time insight into costs commercial opportunities. “It was agreed that Namibia can benefit from deepened financial cooperation targetedment process, from initial design to and operational performance, and towards industrialisation and improved productive capacity, economic diversification andfinal production. By using specialist providing information for smarter The efficient, streamlined pro- infrastructure development in both the productive and social sectors and especially intechnology will help shorten the and faster business decisions. This, cesses that stem from the right busi- agriculture and skills and technology transfer. China, in turn, can utilise Namibia’s strategic ness management solutions enable geographical location and market access into SACU, SADC, and Africa and beyond to serve improved productivity and profit- these markets. ability – and accelerated growth. “The envisaged financial cooperation would entail grants and concessional loans or blended instruments, public and private investments and cooperation in tax and customs - Africa Renewal administration. Loan and grant agreements will be project -specific and need to be agreed upon on a project-by-project basis. “Conditionality and loan terms, empowerment provisions, skills and technology transfers as well as sourcing and procurement rules must be given due consideration for a win-win impact. For now, no new loan agreement has been entered into. As part of the Comprehensive, Strategic Partnership between Namibia and China, strategic consultations in bilateral, as well as multilateral financial matters will be conducted regularly,” the Schlettwein statement reads. It is extremely significant that Schlettwein refers to “Cooperation arrangements” and not agreements and also that “no new loan agreement” was entered into. In the current financial difficulty and challenges most leaders would have entered into loans and agreements, especially those that just waited for a signature, but Namibia has stuck to a commitment of the past 28 years to not fall into an inescapable debt trap with anyone or any institution. Namibians should be proud of a leadership that could resist the temptation of which the Chinese were aware of and the Namibian leadership wary of. It is a wake-up call that Namibians should keep their institutions, leaders and democracy strong in order to negotiate as a free nation and not with a gun at the head as some others leaders of the region did. However, the Chinese proved that they have earned their reputation as the biggest exporter of goods in the world and although Namibia is small, the opportunity to use Namibia as gateway to unlock the big markets and natural resources from the landlocked darkest heart of Africa is not lost on Beijing and therefore it is difficult to assist Namibia to become an exporter to markets the Chinese themselves target. Namibians have seen with the contraction of the construction industry that Namibians and not Chinese builders—landed on the streets. They have seen the poor workmanship of buildings that cannot be used or are falling apart and must safely assume that the President and his leadership not only saw it also, but are are demonstrated a willingness to change the relationship into a win-win situation for both the giant and the dwarf of the international community. Chinese are now taxidrivers, barbers and streetvendors and create havoc amongst the entrepreneurial culture of Namibians who want to make ends meet. History will prove that the most important outcome of the historic Geingob-visit will be that as part of a comprehensive, strategic partnership between Namibia and China, strategic consultations in bilateral and multilateral financial matters will be conducted regularly. That is the mark of sovereignty and a responsive government that Namibians are entitled to ligten the burden in the most difficult of times. Freedom and resilience is to be Namibian. There was not better place than China and no better opportunity than the historic State visist to state the Namibian case on behalf of all its citizens. That in itself is a victory for equality that Namibians should be proud of.
8 BUSINESS 05 April - 11 April 2018BUSINESSMARKET RECAP WEEKLY market review Long-run economic impact of public debt 28 March to 3 April 2018 ECONOMY NSX STOCKS CODE PRICE % VOLUME VALUE MARKET CAP SHRINKS IN 2017 NIMBUS INFRASTRUCTURE NUSP 11.00 4.66 10 110 114 LIMITED 7 271 TRUSTCO GROUP TUC/TTO 8.75 - 178 1 536 1 651 12 449 HOLDINGS LTD 95 BIDVEST NAMIBIA LTD BVN 7.79 - - - 1 590 9 315DOWN UP FNB NAMIBIA FNB 46.45 - - - 564 HOLDINGS LTD 1 990 NICTUS HOLDINGS - NAM NHL 1.80 - - - 9 223 ORYX PROPERTIES LTD ORY 20.39 - - - 151 136 NAMIBIA BREWERIES NBS 45.00 - 1 27 STIMULUS INVESTMENT SILP 121.29 - - - LIMITED LETSHEGO HOLDINGS - NAM LHN 3.98 - 2 7 CAPRICORN INVESTMENT CGP 17.85 (0.06%) 2 32 GROUP AGRA LTD AGR 1.48 (0.67%) 7 11 NAMIBIA ASSET NAM 0.67 (2.90%) 19 13 MANAGEMENT LTDCOMMODITIES PRICE % GLOBAL INDICES PRICE %BRENT CRUDE OIL 68.16 (2.78%) NSX LOCAL 629 (0.02%)GOLD 1 345.00 (0.82%) NSX ALL SHARE 1 356 (2.24%)PLATINUM JSE TOP 40 48 248 (2.67%) 952.10 (2.39%) S&P 500 2 614 UK FTSE 100 7 030 0.07%FOREIGN EXCHANGE PRICE % EURO STOXX 50 3 347 0.43% HANG SENG 30 180 0.90%N$ PER US$ 11.83 1.37% 1.98%N$ PER £ 16.62 0.61%N$ PER € 14.57 0.70%The local market was relatively quiet lost 0.61% against the British Pound, ECONOMY: Real Gross Domestic Product growth rate. Graph: Contributedthis week, with the NSX Local index to close at N$16.62 per GBP. It closeddown 0.02% at 629, and the NSX at N$14.57 against the Euro, a loss of WINDHOEK - Real economic growth in 2017 is estimated The good rainfall, especially inOverall Index down 2.24%, to close 0.7%. to have contracted by -0.8% compared a revised 0.7% the 2nd half of 2017, has resulted inat 1356. As at 3 April, FNB Namibia Trustco Group Holdings has an- recorded in 2016. better harvest of crops. In addition,was the largest local company on the nounced that the board has imple- the mining sector recorded growth ofexchange, with market capitalisation mented an auditor’s rotation policy, Zorena Jantze Shetunyenga explained that 12.8%.of N$12.4 billion, followed by Namibia and in line with that policy, its auditor Simonis Storm estimated GDP toBreweries with N$9.3 billion, Capricorn BDO Namibia will change its auditing This is according to statistics on come through at -0.3% for 2017 on This is due to better commodityInvestment Group with N$9.2 billion, partner from JSW De Vos to M Nel. Preliminary National Accounts the back of the continued slowdown prices coupled with an increase inand Trustco Group Holdings with N$7.2 Its auditor BDO South Africa with and GDP released by the National in the construction sector, lower col- production. They expect the growthbillion. Nimbus Infrastructure lead designated partner J Schoeman will be Statistics Agency, (NSA). lection in VAT (which is an indication in mining to continue as commod-the market this week, with growth of replaced with Moore Stephens Johan- of struggling retailers and wholesale ity prices extend the recovery but4.66% to close at N$11.00 per share. nesburg, with designated partner CA Reacting to the figures, analyst trade etc.) and government consoli- uranium might suffer due to subduedIn terms of volume, Trustco Group was Whitefield. This change is done in at Simonis Storm, Megameno dation that has affected a number of global uranium the lead with N$1.5 million worth of line with good corporate governance Shetunyenga stated that over the growth sectors in the economy.shares traded, with Nimbus Infrastruc- practise, and per the Independent long run economic impact of public Public administration increased butture grabbing second place with N$110 Regulatory Board for Auditors (IRBA), debt accumulation can lead to “However we expect growth for at a slower pace and we attributed000 worth of shares traded. The local all public interest entities will have constrained economic growth adding 2018 at 2.2%, driven by extended the slowdown to government fiscalcurrency lost 1.37% against the US to comply with mandatory audit firm that Government debt has accumu- growth in the agricultural, min- consolidation. This sector contrib-Dollar, to close at N$11.83 per USD, and rotation by 2023. lated by 731% over the last ten years ing and manufacturing sectors. We uted about 12% to GDP and the con- to N$72.9bn and thus the current also expect the tourism industry to tinuous slowdown will keep growthWindhoek building adjustments “Fiscal consolidation” contribute to growth in 2018,” an at a slower gear.plans skyrocket drove the economy into its 1st an- optimistic Shetunyenga stated. nual contraction Construction remains in a de- Business Reporter positive growth rate, registering a 91.6% On the positive growth sectors, pressed state, declining by -25.6% in in February 2018 compared to a contrac- According to the report, the an- agriculture recorded a robust 12.7% 2017 compared to a -26.3% recordedWINDHOEK - The number of building tion of 1.6% in the prior year. nual contraction results from weak growth compared to 1.8% recorded in 2016. NSA cited that the poorplans approved within the Windhoek mu- performance in the secondary and in the prior year. This can be at- performance in the sector is mainlynicipal area by February 2018 recorded a On a monthly basis, buildings com- tertiary industries that recorded tributed to a solid performance from due to the construction works done12-month growth of 13.0% to 2068 units, pleted increased by 60.4%, extending the declines of -6.7% and -1.1%, respec- livestock and crop farming subsec- by the mining and quarrying sectorcompared to a contraction of 33.7% in the increase of 49.0% recorded in the prior tively. tors that recorded growths of 13.7% and government sector that declinedprior year. month. and 11.4%, respectively. by -64.4% and -29.0% respectively, compared to declines of -65.2% and Indileni Nanghonga, junior analyst at Nanghonga explained that the slight -13.9% in 2016.Simonis Storm explained that Building upward trend seen through the 12-monthplans approved remained positive for average suggests a slight stabilisation in Bank liquidity increasesthree consecutive months, suggesting construction activities within the city,a slight recovery in building activities albeit at a slower pace. Zorena Jantze The month-on-month decrease is BON further explained thatwithin the centre of the country. attributed to cross border trade- non-performing loans (NPLs) “Looking at overall construction in the WINDHOEK - At the close of related outflows and corporate increased from N$1.3 billion On the contrary, building plans ap- country, we should expect that the AfDB 2017, the banking sector held liq- tax payments during the review to N$2.3 billion adding that theproved on a monthly basis declined to project financing loan, amounting to uid assets in excess of the required period. increase is attributed to distressed152 units compared to 170 units recorded N$4bn over the next two years to fund minimum levels as the sector re- households and corporates, due toin January. agricultural mechanization, road and rail ported a surplus in liquid assets of According to the Bank of Na- a slowdown in domestic economic infrastructure and schools renovation N$5.4 billion as total liquid assets mibia’s annual report the banking activities. In addition, the number of buildings programs to support growth in construc- held stood at N$16.2 billion, in sector remained sound, reportedcompleted also extended its three month tion activities over the next two year,” comparison to the required levels healthy profits, however at rela- The upward surge in NPLS rep- Nanghonga concluded. of N$10.8 billion. tive lower levels. The banking resents an increase of 76.9%, and industry’s total income recorded outstrips the increase of 7.7% in Although liquidity increased by an increase of N$605.0 million, total loans and advances. N$ N$3.7 billion, some contrac- from N$8.3 billion to N$8.9 bil- tions in liquidity were noted lion in 2017. The increase in total Furthermore, the same trend during the first quarter of the year income for the banking sector was noted for non-performing 2018 as the Bank of Namibia was generated by both net inter- overdrafts that increased by 98.1% (BoN) stated that the overall est income and other operating to N$317.3 million. liquidity position of commercial income. banks declined significantly to Other other unsecured lending N$1.85 billion at the end of Febru- Despite these positive changes, categories, such as personal loans ary 2018, from a higher level of BON reported the asset quality of and credit cards also performed N$1.91 billion in the preceding the banking industry deteriorated poorly, with non-performing per- month. over the course of 2017, while the sonal loans increasing by 58.0% appetite for credit by consumers to N$112.0 million and non-per- slowed down. forming credit cards increasing by 21.0% to N$18.8 million.
05 April - 11 April 2018 BUSINESS 9NO JOBS FOR DISABLEDPersons with disabilities aim at equal access to employment opportunitiesPERSONSWINDHOEK - Persons with disabilities accounted only for0,4% of the Namibian workforce whilst the efforts to cham-pion the cause of persons with disabilities remain unachiev-able without cooperation by employers and management bybusinesses. Zorena Jantze ecutive Directors being non-Namibians LEFT OUT: Picture for illustrative purposes only. Photo: Contributed With regard to the top three occupa-The 2017 report released by the GRN advised Namibian Equity Commission gives tional levels, the previously racially on economya demographic outline of the Namib- disadvantaged accounted for 64%, 2% involvementian workforce and the total number of less than the 66% recorded during theworkers in each sector. The report noted previous corresponding review period, Zorena Jantzewith concern the continuous under-rep- Whites accounted for 27% and 8% wereresentation of persons with disabilities non-Namibians. WINDHOEK – Economists sustainat virtually all levels of employment. observations that economic growth Furthermore, it is stated that Women in sub-Saharan Africa has fallen be- It further urged groups which represent accounted for 42% of managers at the hind in growth, with Namibia in thepersons with disabilities to collaborate top three occupational levels of which throes of an economic recession.with the Commission and coordinate 64% of positions at the top three oc-efforts aimed at ensuring that this most cupational levels were occupied by the Economist for Emerging Markets,vulnerable designated group enjoys previously racially disadvantaged, 2% Kganya Kgare confirms that Namib-equal access to employment opportuni- less than the figure recorded during the ia is currently in a recession, whileties. previous corresponding review period. Nigeria, South Africa, Botswana, Angola and Swaziland experience a On equitable employment, the report In conclusion, the report stated that recovery. Tanzania, Uganda, Ivoryoutlines that whilst the previously even though statistics did not reveal Coast, Ghana, Ethiopia and Rwandaracially disadvantaged comprised 94% significant improved trends in the rep- were expanding, with Kenya andof the workforce, they only accounted resentation of persons with disabilities Zambia are slowing down.for 29% of positions at the Executive in designated groups at the top threeDirectors level, while 56% of Executive occupational levels, the analysis of the “Growth in the country has beenDirectors were White, with 14% of Ex- figures establish positive trends that are severely hampered by the lack of real grounds for optimism that employ- growth in the construction sector. ment equity objectives are within reach. The government cut the capital expenditure; which has led to con-Botswana/Namibia strengthen ties struction being halted and this has had a huge impact on the economy Zorena Jantze Prime Minister Saara Forestry has been directed to expedite dollar pipeline that will draw water having been dragged into a reces- Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has directed the Finalization of the Memorundum from the Atlantic Ocean and be sion,” Kgare noted.WINDHOEK- Cabinet has endorsed Offices, Ministries, Agencies to take of Understanding (MoU) on Water shared as desalinated water byBotswana’s proposal to elevate actions in various sectors to fast track Cooperation. Namibia and Botswana is still on the He said Namibia is also facedbilateral cooperation between the two bi-lateral fortification between the cards. At the time he expressed inter- with a huge public-sector bill andcountries to the level of a Bi-National two countries. On his visit to Namibia in Febru- est in the Goreangab Water Reclama- declining SACU revenues drivenCommission. ary, Botswana’s former president tion Plant, stating that having a plant by declining demand for goods Amongst decisions made, the Lieutenant-general Seretse Ian of its nature is something Botswana from SA. Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Khama stated that the multi-billion- is looking into as well, as it will pro- vide up to 40% of their water needs. “All of these factors have ledFAREWELL: Outgoing Botswana President Lieutenant-general Seretse Ian Khama. Photo: Contributed to a budget deficit and it will not Botswana is to engage on the be easy to clear this debt. In the construction of a Water Reclamation short term, one would hope that Plant with the Namibian government, Husab Mine will pick up produc- and seek technical assistance on this tion and that a cut in interest rates venture will stimulate the economy.” Kgare noted. Furthermore, the Ministry of Land Reform has been directed to imple- Advising Namibia on the way ment the Boundary Treaty between forward, Kgara, stressed that Namibia and Botswana (including the government needs to draw back establishment of the national bound- and remain not too involved in the ary commission). economy. In addition to this, the Ministry “They should ensure that there is of Works and Transport has been a positive economic climate, con- directed to follow up on the imple- ducive for business and investment mentation of decisions taken on the and all other positive factors will Trans-Kalahari Railway project, follow.” Kgare concluded. including the understanding of the joint diagnostic study. The Trans-Kalahari Project MoU signed by the two countries in the year 2014 proposed the construction of a 1 500 kilometer (km) railway line which will cross the vast semi- arid, sandy savannah of the Kalahari Desert from Botswana to Namibia, with the sole benefit of connect- ing the landlocked Botswana to Namibia’s port of Walvis Bay, thus unlocking the value of coal mining in Botswana and power generation in the region. The railway line mirrors the exist- ing Trans-Kalahari Highway or corridor, which links Botswana to Walvis Bay, but stretches 1 900 km from Walvis Bay through Windhoek to Gaborone in Botswana and then to Johannesburg to Pretoria in South Africa. The construction of the project is expected to cost approximately N$ 119 billion with financing being sourced from private stakeholders.
10 ADVERT 05 April - 11 April 2018 13 3290585 90 6 3277107 90 6 3282045 90 12 3289614 90 1 3271192 90 REMINDER THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. OUR WINNER Find us on 1 1 75628 2 6 1982743 48 THUS FAR 1 115005 3 6 2020740 49 1 117952 3 6 2070771 • 061-275 4700 • [email protected] 1 324057 8 6 2077639 50 1 897145 22 6 2100261 51 STILL OUT THERE 1 217852 29 6 2113255 51 1 1272195 31 6 2315879 56How do I win? 1 1521225 37 6 2302816 56 1 1604251 39 6 2305614 56 Check the number in the yellow 1 1685389 41 6 2314128 56 block on the front page of your 1 409719 10 6 213595 5 1 733653 18 6 2149104 52 compare it to the list of numbers 1 939729 23 6 2151419 52 1 203755 29 6 2194347 53 You could also win 1 1354890 33 6 263397 6 1 1434620 35 6 293392 7 N$ 10 000 1 1685844 41 6 297187 7 1 1973790 48 6 346076 8 Double for Legal Shield members 1 2176916 53 6 381326 9 1 42224 3 6 382907 9 1 239453 6 6 420676 10 1 323487 8 6 432381 10 1 450947 11 6 464257 11 1 493317 12 6 517582 12 1 567371 14 6 554570 13 1 608904 15 6 612902 15 1 978653 24 6 620622 15 1 1061515 26 6 632333 15 1 189401 29 6 659838 16 1 1890257 46 6 716076 17 1 1931888 47 6 721715 17 1 2139344 52 6 748700 18 1 219418 29 6 754574 18 1 1020684 25 6 792512 19 1 1644247 40 6 827985 20 1 1726263 42 6 841546 20 1 1807880 44 6 873103 21 1 817770 20 6 884695 21 1 855644 21 6 904914 22 1 75628 2 6 924083 22 1 117952 3 6 955656 23 1 192843 29 6 959516 23 1 1766000 43 6 989006 24 1 525884 13 6 2276895 55 1 569246 14 6 2278368 55 1 2341767 57 6 2272884 55 1 2371276 58 6 2360267 57 1 2389921 58 6 2364004 57 1 2404711 59 6 2344206 57 1 2435517 60 6 2380757 58 1 2435174 60 6 2383706 58 1 2465402 61 6 2418044 59 1 2560092 64 6 2412382 59 1 2630322 66 6 2470620 61 1 2818311 72 6 2593647 65 1 2848562 73 6 2609512 65 1 2880137 74 6 2608297 65 1 2941409 76 6 2638393 66 1 2941434 76 6 2641041 66 1 2976132 78 6 2652291 66 1 2989724 77 6 2672785 67 1 3023332 79 6 2682785 67 1 3050743 80 6 2669864 67 1 3051440 80 6 2699292 68 1 3072844 81 6 2702193 68 1 3073264 81 6 2699081 68 1 3205410 87 6 2773410 70 1 3205888 87 6 2766459 70 6 2795727 71 2 2 1339407 32 6 2793835 71 2 1505264 36 6 2789995 71 2 1630217 39 6 2823713 72 2 1877704 45 6 2830727 72 2 29273 1 6 2832124 72 2 2425997 59 6 2864239 73 2 2489220 61 6 2869462 73 2 2934817 75 6 2897887 74 2 3132049 83 6 2894686 74 2 3198544 86 6 2882614 74 6 2933024 75 3 3 1133948 27 6 2914285 75 3 1299974 31 6 2933887 75 3 1340694 32 6 2962477 76 3 1377601 34 6 2955868 76 3 1381634 33 6 2991389 78 3 1466155 35 6 3040917 79 3 1715028 41 6 3065146 80 3 1962464 47 6 3062768 80 3 244274 6 6 3077459 81 3 531983 13 6 3080834 81 3 654515 16 6 3098813 82 3 820206 20 6 3108260 82 3 30936 1 6 3119719 83 6 3131691 83 4 4 1052981 25 6 3131373 83 4 1301032 31 6 3194561 86 4 1550071 37 6 3193747 86 4 1633469 39 6 3188100 86 4 1798258 43 6 3214655 87 4 2004331 48 6 3212317 87 4 2045915 49 6 3219431 87 4 2087575 50 6 3234524 88 4 780874 19 6 3238473 88 6 3229533 88 5 5 1094581 26 6 3231300 88 5 1231083 30 6 3256217 89 5 1343246 32 6 3262288 89 5 2046733 49 6 3253283 89 5 2873631 73 7 7 3199730 86 6 6 1005582 24 6 1035687 25 8 8 1178290 28 6 1066478 26 8 2129008 51 6 1073498 26 8 2210771 53 6 1078233 26 8 683047 16 6 1117840 27 8 889215 21 6 1123028 27 8 2584400 64 6 1124797 27 8 2686929 67 6 1153306 28 8 3111154 82 6 1160104 28 8 3111253 82 6 1238606 30 8 3264727 89 6 1239007 30 6 1241610 30 9 8 3265584 89 6 1274370 31 9 1882868 45 6 2579695 64 9 2843215 72 6 2576293 64 9 2987900 78 6 1321132 32 6 1335627 32 11 11 2295548 55 6 1364992 33 12 11 2429795 59 6 1368297 33 11 2460533 60 6 1377601 33 11 2616344 65 6 1411564 34 11 2656311 66 6 1412267 34 11 2687891 67 6 1444355 35 11 2719212 68 6 1446396 35 11 2812868 71 6 1483624 36 11 2874898 73 6 1498190 36 11 2905927 74 6 1502098 36 11 2965799 76 6 1524483 37 11 3046600 79 6 1527048 37 11 3112568 82 6 1570793 38 12 2782210 70 6 1583924 38 12 2969322 78 6 1611512 39 6 1622739 39 13 13 2400860 58 6 1648820 40 14 13 2462323 60 6 1653620 40 13 2492740 61 6 1668200 40 13 2493578 61 6 1699773 41 13 2587208 64 6 1710356 41 13 2618329 65 6 1731688 42 13 2938765 75 6 173190 4 13 3245733 88 6 1735842 42 14 2371006 57 6 174164 4 14 3027104 79 6 1748175 42 14 3026878 79 6 1769999 43 14 3136281 83 6 1770057 43 6 1821654 44 6 1871900 45 6 1945866 47 6 1976476 48Visit Informanté’s Facebook page for more details on how you can win, how you can claim your prize as well as all the Ts & Cs. Errors & Omissions Excepted (E&OE) .
05 April - 11 April 2018 ADVERTS 11EXAMINATION BASEDCONTACT CLASSES TIMETABLE TIME GROUP 7 SUJECT CODE COURSES08:00 - 08:35 BESP-NSH1108:40 - 09:20 SUBJECT NAME BESP-NSH1209:25 - 10:05 Natural Science and Health 1 BESP-ENG11 10:10 - 10:45 Natural Science and Health 2 BESP-ENG12 BESP-ENG21 10:50 -11:25 English 1 BESP-ENG22 11:30 - 12: 10 English 2 BESP-MAT21 12:15 - 13:00 English 3 BESP-MAT2213:05 – 14:40 English 4 14:45 – 15:30 Mathematics 3 BESP-NSH41/42 15:35 – 16:00 Mathematics 4 BESP-MAT41/42 16:05 – 17:20 Learner Support in Natural Science and Health BESP-ENG41/42 Learner Support in Mathematics Learner Support in EnglishVENUE: IOL REGIONAL OFFICESMODE OF PRESENTATION: MICROSOFT LYNCDATE: 7 APRIL 2018 Contact us today for more information: Call Centre +264 61 270 9100 • Email: [email protected] • Website: www.iol.naCALL OUR SALES EXECUTIVE TODAY! Mandy Ockhuizen - Sales Executive Nathanael Heita - Sales Executive • Tel: 061 2754715 • Tel: 061 2754714 • Email: [email protected] • Email: [email protected] Hafunda Kamati - Sales Executive Matthew Castleman - Sales Executive • Tel: 061 2754713 • Tel: 061 2754713 • Email: [email protected] • Email: [email protected] BE PART OF SOMETHING SPECIAL We distribute . 65000newspapers weekly, country-wide To advertise call our sales rep today!
12 ENTERTAINMENT 05 April - 11 April 2018ENTERTAINMENTAUNNAD PPOHLAOTGBEETAICTLSYRICSDamara Punch and Kwaito from Damara DikDingWINDHOEK - Born in Windhoek and raised by a single mother, Arthur /Nanub, bet- Awards and three at theter known as Damara DikDing, uses his urban lyrics to speak of growing up in abject 2009 NAMAs.poverty in Katutura but having a bold and unrelenting character to pursue his pas-sion for music. Damara DikDing has also been recognised for Entertainment Stars that will take place excited Damara DikDing. 2009. his distinctive Damara Reporter on 6 April at 19:00. His debut single, Ba- That was followed by a Punch and Kwaito flavour but he remains grounded.Damara DikDing will “My lyrics relate to kuten, soared to the top prominent performance grace fans with a night tough times in Katutura featuring on a regional at the Mnet Big Brother Reflecting on the inspira-of music under the Namib- and very much reflect that African television music Africa reality gameshow tion behind his music, heian night skies as the main I was independent while channel. He was also in Johannesburg, South explained that his passionperformer for the Goethe growing up because I nominated for Best Africa, as well as five for music was unearthedInstituts Night Under the never felt the need to fit Kwaito at the Channel O nominations at the 2009 when he started playing into any crowd,” said an Music Video Awards in Sanlam NBC Music the keyboard for a cousin at local performances and was influenced byGET YOURLOAN HEREWhy not skip the queue?Applying for loans taking too long? Why wait forever. NIGHT UNDER THE STARS: Damara DikDIng in action. Photo: ContributedAnyone can visit Trustco Bank Namibia for Home loans, fast personal financeand even SME loans for the up and coming entrepreneurs.Government employees are welcome to apply. prominent artists in the DikDing. Damara Punch genre such “I am outspoken and as Nickolas Mekomelo. have never given serious In 1997, he and other thought of what other local musicians founded people think of me. I have the well-known Matongo mastered my craft, dance Family group that shared to my own tune and take the stage with South pride in who I am as an African stars like Arthur artist,” he said. Mofokate, TKZee and Malaika. Damara DikDing over time expanded his set of After nominations and skills and found his own winning local music music production com- awards with the group, he pany, Chessta Records, remained grounded and in that produces for other 2007 went solo as Damara local musicians. us now to find out how!Windhoek: 061 434 8111 and 061 434 8110Oshakati: 061 434 8310Personal loans up to N$50,000 available.SMS “LOAN” to 88811Standard SMS rates apply. Ts & Cs apply.
05 April - 11 April 2018 ENTERTAINMENT 13 ENTERTAINMENT NEVILLE BASSONBANTU IDCapturing the essence of Sub-Saharan youth through Photography Rys en VleisBANTU ID: The photograther Jamu (left) with a portrait shot of an African youth. Photos contributed YOU know when I grew up in Katu- tura in the 70s-80s at Grootwinkels,WINDHOEK- For most young adults, the word “millennial” is enough to make them Elaborating on what he has I witnessed a lot of fist fights andcringe as the term is usually associated with a generation that has been sucked into absorbed from his anthropological stabbings, the latter not so nice tothe abyss that is technology, with a sprinkle of questionable personality traits. photography project, Jamu stated see. that African millennials are cut Zorena Jantze Jamu has made it his mission to instabilities in his country, he trav- from a different cloth as they are But normally before any fight you capture millennials from sub- elled through several sub-Saharan hugely influenced by the western would always have a guy standing inFor photographer James Jamu, Saharan Africa, telling their stories, African countries and eventually world whilst still being deeply the middle instigating the two guys however, the term transcends cultural norms, and who they are. ended up in Namibia, a place he entrenched in their tradition and or girls to start the fight. Now forbeyond these normative traits as he states never even crossed his mind culture. some reason or the other… don’t askbelieves that narratives of what it is Speaking about the inspiration as a child but is now home. me why… he always said the follow-to be a young adult in the 21st cen- behind his work, Jamu explained: Jamu added that stories carried in ing words; “Okay gents, rys en vleis,tury are mostly shaped by western “When I hear the term millennial, Jamu further explained that his international media which portrays baie praat is ongesond… moer me-thought. it reflects a global identity. Nbody subjects mostly consists of univer- modern Africans as uneducated and kaar is die beste!” Over the years, I ever talks about ‘The African sity students and young adults who poverty stricken is a skewed version have seen a few duals playing out in Capturing youth from places such Millennial’, we are so diverse yet have just entered the workforce, as he believes that the individual the media, right in the public the East African coast of the tattered by one thing, which is our adding that he usually captures por- approach inherited from the WestZanzibar Islands to the wide open youth.” trait photographs with natural set- and the “Ubuntu” or collectivism I’ve really grown so tired of allplains of the Savannahs of Namibia, tings such as their home or places inherent in the African youth strikes these threats and counter-threats… The Zimbabwa-born Jamu that they like to hang out at. an uncanny balance for a bright the lokasie in me just kicks in and I explained that due to political future. ask myself, “why can’t we not just rys en vleis and get it over and doneCALENDAR with asb tog?” I am tired of grown up people saying stuff in the media FREE NUTRITION AND VENUE: Old Grünerkranz DATE: like, “let me state it categorically FITNESS SEMINAR Complex, Macadam Street, Friday, 06 that I have nothing personal against Southern Industrial April this person.” Liegstorie ons ken , DATE: Entrance: FREE TIME: deep down you want to bliksem each Thursday, 20:00 - 21:30 other thoroughly but don’t have theWINDHOEK KARNEVAL - 05 April VENUE: platform to do so. Here’s a few rys enPRINZENBALL TIME: National vleis scenarios that we need to settleDATE: Friday, 06 April 18:00 - Theatre of before the end of 2018!:TIME: 18:30 19:00 NamibiaVENUE: SKW (Sport Klub VENUE: Entrance: Job Amupanda vs Sackey Shangala:Windhoek) Exclusive N$150 Ai tog asseblief, this has been goingDress code : Formal/black tie Gym (Tickets sold at Door) on for too long in the public domain. Sackey, you are from Vambolo-DIVERSITY, AN EXHIBITION THE GATHERING FAMILY DAY - COTA YOUTH THE FATE OF MISS H AT THE kasie… since when do you guysBY ROZANNE BARNARD DATE: Thursday, 05.04.2018 CHOIR IN CONCERT, WOLFSHACK sue someone when you are angry atDATE: TIME: FEATURING EES them… moer die man en kry klaarThursday, 20:00 - DATE: DATE: asb!05 April 22:00 Saturday, Saturday,TIME: VENUE: 07.04.2018 07 April Hurricane Katrina vs Yvonne Boois:17:30 FNCC TIME: TIME: Okay ladies, before you fight…VENUE: Gallery 10:00 - 20:00 if there are any hairpieces pleaseFNCC Entrance: 12:30 VENUE: remove because it will get ugly. WeRestaurant N$50 VENUE: The know mos girls from the Hardap‘ Gouts EROS NG Wolfshack region… they fight till death!d’Afrique’ AFROJAZZ FT RAY & TITUS KERK Entrance:Entrance: DATE: Thursday, 05 April CHURCH N$ 50 Barry Rukoro vs Frans Mbidi:FREE TIME: 21:00 - 23:00 HALL Barry has a good track record, three VENUE: Warehouse Theatre - Entrance: DRUMMING times undisputed heavyweight cham- Boiler Room Tal Street Adults N$150, KIDS: N$50 CIRCLE pion of Herero Mall. So Frans, you Entrance: Free DATE: Wednesday, need to pasop! I can hear Barry say- CLASSICS IN JAZZ 11 April ing; “Mbuae Frans mohana tjiri tjiri!” MACADAM MARKET TIME: 18:00 - 19:00 DATE: Friday, 06 April VENUE: Joe’s Beerhouse Robert Kahimise vs Abraham TIME: 16:00 - 21:00 Entrance: Free Kanime: Mbuae Robert, takamisa tog asb! Kanime has Plan Fighter credentials. I hear stories he defeated Koevoet single handedly with a panga and two mortars. I don’t want to hear that he swam through a river to Otjinene with an AK47 rifle look- ing for you Robert! Gazza vs The Dogg: Og, we loved this fight sowaar. Vamboekies moer- ing each other… everyday, every- where the crews of Mshasho and GMP met. I’m a bit sad they are sort of friends now, mara we enjoyed the rumours and fights. Boere Mafia vs Duitse Mafia: Mxm, you thought there for a second you gonna get away with it ne? I never ever knew that white people don’t like each other. But since I got friends from all sides, I was duly informed by Thorsten blokkop en Dirk schlapoor that they want to rys en vleis mekaar at every opportunity . Dirk; ”nee Neville , laat hulle bly daar by Wika... ons soek hulle soort nie hier by Bendehuis nie!” If there are more rys en vleis stories that you have, please share it with all of us, we are all ears!
14 SPORT 05 April - 11 April 2018 TOUGH: The group, pictured with two of Indongo Toyota staff. TBOLIYTOZTKARWIEAGRRIOR Photo contributed Eba Kandovazu participating in Cape Town, to participate in the upcoming African teams and promote South Africa on 18 April. event, but financial constraints Namibia in the long run, “group WINDHOEK- Five participants The group, comprising mem- are a barrier. The participants member Antonius Thimoteus in what is considered the largest bers between the ages of 23-30 will have to cover their own added. obstacle course race series, the participated in the Commandos transport and accommodation The Toyota WARRIOR race is Toyota WARRIOR-powered category, for a 10km run on 24 fees for the sporting event, a sport that incorporates trail by Reebok, a first for Namibia March at Midgard Country Es- scheduled for 18 April. running along with various which took place last week tate. Thomas Kashidulika, the “We want to participate and physical challenges in the form want to compete at interna- group’s spokesperson told In- compete more, at international of obstacles. tional level, with the first step formanté that the group wishes level. We want to take on South It originated in South Africa.GRADE 12 CONTACT CLASSESTIMETABLE 2018 WINDHOEK, ONGWEDIVA, RUNDU, KATIMA, KEETMANSHOOP, WALVIS BAY TIME 07 APRIL 14 APRIL DATE 28 APRIL IMPORTANT DATES BUSINESS 21 APRIL BUSINESS7H00-8H00 MATHEMATICS STUDIES STUDIES 9 MARCH 20188H00-9H00 ECONOMICS MATHEMATICS ECONOMICS REGISTRATION9H00-10H00 MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTING ENDS10H00-11H00 ENGLISH 1 GEOGRAPHY MATHEMATICS GEOGRAPHY11H00-12H00 ENGLISH 2 ENGLISH 112H00-13H00 PHYSICAL HISTORY ENGLISH 2 HISTORY SCIENCE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY STUDIES STUDIES BIOLOGY7H00-8H00 02 JUNE 09 JUNE 16 JUNE 23 JUNE 30 JUNE 15 MAY 20188H00-9H00 BUSINESS BUSINESS9H00-10H00 MATHEMATICS STUDIES MATHEMATICS STUDIES MATHEMATICS ASSIGNMENT 110H00-11H00 ECONOMICS ECONOMICS DUE DATE11H00-12H00 MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING MATHEMATICS ENGLISH 1 GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 1 GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 112H00-13H00 ENGLISH 2 ENGLISH 2 ENGLISH 2 PHYSICAL HISTORY PHYSICAL HISTORY PHYSICAL SCIENCE SCIENCE SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY STUDIES BIOLOGY STUDIES BIOLOGY7H00-8H00 07 JULY 14 JULY 21 JULY 28 JULY 31 JULY 20188H00-9H00 BUSINESS BUSINESS9H00-10H00 STUDIES MATHEMATICS STUDIES MATHEMATICS ASSIGNMENT 210H00-11H00 ECONOMICS ECONOMICS DUE DATE11H00-12H00 ACCOUNTING MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING MATHEMATICS GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 1 GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 112H00-13H00 ENGLISH 2 ENGLISH 2 HISTORY PHYSICAL HISTORY PHYSICAL SCIENCE SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT STUDIES BIOLOGY STUDIES BIOLOGY7H00-8H00 04 AUG 11 AUG 18 AUG 25 AUG JUNE 20188H00-9H00 BUSINESS BUSINESS9H00-10H00 STUDIES MATHEMATICS STUDIES MATHEMATICS MOE/IOL10H00-11H00 ECONOMICS ECONOMICS REGISTRATION11H00-12H00 ACCOUNTING MATHEMATICS ACCOUNTING MATHEMATICS VERIFICATION GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 1 GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 112H00-13H00 ENGLISH 2 ENGLISH 2 HISTORY PHYSICAL HISTORY PHYSICAL SCIENCE SCIENCE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT STUDIES BIOLOGY STUDIES BIOLOGY7H00-8H00 01 SEPT 08 SEPT 15 SEPT SEPT/OCT 20188H00-9H00 BUSINESS STUDIES MATHEMATICS BUSINESS STUDIES9H00-10H00 ECONOMICS MATHEMATICS ECONOMICS EXAMINATION10H00-11H00 ACCOUNTING ENGLISH 1 ACCOUNTING STARTS11H00-12H00 GEOGRAPHY ENGLISH 2 GEOGRAPHY PHYSICAL12H00-13H00 HISTORY SCIENCE HISTORY DEVELOPMENT BIOLOGY DEVELOPMENT STUDIES STUDIESContact us today for more information: Call Centre +264 61 270 9100 • Email: [email protected] • Website:
05 April - 11 April 2018 ADVERT 15 CONGRATS! IOL WELCOMES THE 2018/2019 STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL Dear Students, Below are the representatives you have chosen to serve you as the link to IOL’s management. Your newly elected SRC members have pledged to serve you with integrity and transparency in the following: • Encouraging you to air your views through meetings, over chat groups and/or e-mails etc. • Communicate information from you to the management of the institution and vice versa through written communication. • Play an advisory role to the institution’s management on your behalf and vice versa on matters involving you. • Build healthy student-institution relationship. • Ensure your general welfare at the institution and its respective facilities. • Be responsible for all learning matters affecting you. • Protect you against prejudice and discrimination based on race, gender or any other barriers. Mathew Seibeb Edinah Lyomba Erwin Ndumba Maria Uushona Walvis Bay Katima Mulilo Rundu Keetmanshoop 0812427535 0812205010 0816854580 0813440418 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ruusa Kalola Roswitha Shikongo Salmon Ruhaka Windhoek Ongwediva Gobabis 0813833012 0817410603 0812322733 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Tel: +264 61 270 9100 | Fax: +264 61 275 4090 Email: [email protected] | Web: WINDHOEK 061-270 9100 • ONGWEDIVA 065-233 300• WALVIS BAY 064-212 000 JOHANNESBURG +2711-644 65000• KEETMANSHOOP 061-270 9640 • KATIMA MULILO 066-254 433 RUNDU 066-255 066 • CAPE TOWN +2721-852 0851 • MARIENTAL 061-270 9630 • GOBABIS 061-270 9610
16 SPORT 05 April - 11 April 2018 SPORTOMAHEKE SETSOmaheke and Kavango East emerge as championsWIN RECORDWINNERS; Omaheke region emerged as winner at The Namibian-Nedbank Newspaper cup. Photo contributed Aili Iilonga the Katima Mulilo Sports Com- replaced injured Sidney Tsuseb quarter of the match, Erongo plex on Easter Monday. It was a in the 60th minute of the game took the lead but the determinedWINDHOEK - Omaheke Region well-deserved win for Omaheke to score the goal that bust former Kavango East girls quicklyboys ousted reigning Newspaper who showed shear courage champions Otjozondjupa’s recovered to make it 13-7. As theCup holders, Otjozondjupa by and perseverance during their dream of winning the cup twice game continued, Erongo netballa 1-0 win to set a record of four encounter with Otjozondjupa, consecutively. team recovered in closing the gapwins, at the 18th edition of The and it took a second half goal During the first ever netball ending the second quester with aNamibian-Nedbank Newspaper from substitute Jandzumukaperes inclusion into the Newspaper 19-15 score line. However, in theCup competition. The match was Muundja to seal the victory for Cup, Kavango East netball team end Kavango East bounced backplayed to a full capacity crowd at the now four time champions. emerged victorious by beating ending the game with a six goal Nineteen-year-old Muundja Erongo 39-33. During the first margin victory.CsuOsSpAeFnAds Nam water-skier breaks recordRukoro Sport Reporter the European African ranking Record breaker; Namibian Aili Iilonga list for top international water- water-skier Natascha Rὃttcher WINDHOEK - Namibian skiing. set a new African record at theNamibia Football Association (NFA) water-skier Natascha Röttcher African Championships heldSecretary General, Barry Rukoro, set a new African record at the Natascha’s intense train- over the weekend in Durban atdownplayed his suspension notice by African Championships held ing and dedication has been the Thornlea Lake.the COSAFA council saying that the over the weekend in Durban at rewarded this year. She is amatter is not as serious as it looks and the Thornlea Lake. great role-modelthat people should not worry about any and example tofurther consequences. She broke the stand- fellow Namib- ing record which has been ian female Rukoro said the letter has not reached undefeated for 13 years in the sports com-him yet and that he is only seeing it on Open Women’s category with petitors andsocial media. “I am hearing from you a score of 2.25 buoys with a upcomingpeople that I am suspended and the 12 m rope at a boat speed of waterletter in question, I have only seen it 55km/h, breaking the previous sporton social media and have not person- record of 2 buoys at the 12m received it from Cosafa,” said rope set by Kim Rice fromRukoro. He noted he will seek further Zimbabwe in 1994. Record breaker; Namibian water-skier Natascha RÖttcher.advice from his legal team on the way Photo contributedforward. Rukoro was suspended by Natascha is the only womanthe Cosafa council for a period of 90 out of 10 females competingdays pending an investigation into in the tournament to run herallegations of misconduct relating to 13m pass with the highest andhis attack on Cosafa president Philip best female score. Overall, sheChinyangwa that dates back to 16 achieved 8th place from a totalFebruary 2018 in South Africa. In a of 33 competitors.letter seen by Informanté, it is allegedRukoro shoved Chinyangwa at a hotel The 22 year old Rὃttcherin Johannesburg at a Cosafa meeting who has been professionallyafter Rukoro emerged as a subject water-skiing since 2007 spe-of discussion during an executive cialises in slalom skiing whichcommittee meeting. The letter further is a type of skiing throughstated Cosafa Secretary-General Sue poles and gates. She cur-Destombes demanded Rukoro to sub- rently trains in Florida, Unitedmit his presentation in writing before States at the Swiss Water-ski30 April 2018, validating why his case Resort, where she puts in allshould not be referred to the Cosafa her long hours and hard work.Disciplinary Board. Natascha holds all Namibian records for U14, U17, U21 and open water-skiing. She is the ‘All African Slalom Champion’ and awarded the ‘Best Female Water Skier in Africa’. She is ranked 42nd on
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