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WINNING NUMBERS NEWS SPORT NEWS 6 841546 20 3 820206 20 TRIBUTE TO SWAKOP HOSTS LITTLE AVA 6 827985 20 HIDIPO WORLD-CLASS LAID TO 13 852589 20 HAMUTENYA SEVENS REST 1 817770 20 P 04 P 24 P 02 • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. Your Community NEWSPAPER • 06 October - 12 October 2016 • Edition # 553Teachers HH’s political purgatory casts shadow on Namibian historyfree tostrike DARK CHAPTER UNVEILED Eba Kandovazu The long-time friend of one of Namibia’s intellectuals, Swapo stalwart and hero, the late Hidipo Hamutenya, main- THE Minister of Education, Arts and tained that the experience he went through from 2004 should not be sugar-coated but recorded in history as is. Culture has indefinitely postponed examinations for Grade 10 and 12 Staff Reporter of being an imperialist. “Hidipo no Hidipo, don’t form a party,” the “Hidipo was almost persecuted. He that was scheduled for today and experienced a campaign of hate, he diplomat said. was called names, his family suf- tomorrow at both public and private HH suffered public humiliation dur- was vilified. We all remember the He said he understood the reasons fered emotionally and politically. schools until further notice, shortly ing the 2004 Swapo Congress as one infamous, anonymous emails called behind HH’s suggestion and that Hidipo’s friends ran away from after the Labour Court ruled yester- of the three candidates, with former Nghifitikeko, all targeted at Hidipo. his anger should not have led to him. Those friends of Hidipo were day that teachers can go on strike president Hifikepunye Pohamba He committed only one sin, that of the formation of a party. “I said to also suspects. There was a general today, 13 October. and Nahas Angula, in the race for upholding the democratic decision him, “if you had fundamental policy conclusion that anybody associated Judge Thomas Masuku announced that presidency to succeed the founding of Swapo that there should be three difference, not management, with with Hidipo is either an RDP by the teachers’ strike that was scheduled father, Dr Sam Nujoma, but was candidates for the presidential race Swapo, that will be fine, but I also membership or was a hibernator,” for today can go on. NANTU legal singled out. It was also the time, at the 2004 Swapo congress,” he told him that I do not agree with his said Kalomoh. representative Advocate Raymond when for the first time, deep division recalls. suggestion to form a party. However, Kalomoh described HH as a person Heathcote noted that the applicants and formation of cliques within the HH was also isolated, slandered I did defend his right to make the who was committed to the nature of have agreed on the strike rules that have ruling party was exposed. and many close to him suffered decision, even if I didn’t agree. So the Namibian society. “He worked been put forward. His close friend and comrade in the victimisation. “Many people’s lives he had the right to make a decision,” very hard and he was a workaholic “The strike will be lawful and peace- military and diplomatic liberation were ruined because of that and as Kalomoh said. with a lot of good ideas, most of ful. If the teachers do not adhere to the struggle in Swapo, Ambassador a consequence he went on to form Kalomoh said democracy is not a them successful ideas. That is a story rules, I will personally work against Tuliameni Kalomoh, calls it the RDP. Before her formed RDP he slogan, but a culture that is more of Namibia and if you write the them. NANTU knows and understands darkest chapter in Namibia’s polit- approached me and suggested I viable when it is practiced and not history of Hidipo, you cannot leave the rules. We can therefore guarantee ical history, when HH was accused may consider joining RDP. I said made into a superficial slogan. it out, that is disingenuous.” that access to schools during the strike will not be blocked,” Heathcote said. Heathcote claimed that the reason teachers will not strike on holiday is because they are afraid of not getting paid, and the aim is to put pressure on the employer, hence the need to strike now. Responding to Inspector-General of Nampol, Sebastian Ndeitunga, who earlier this month said he does not have enough resources to attend to the strike as he had not enough police officers, Heathcote remarked that Ndeitunga’s response is exaggerated and pessimistic. He added that his request to assess the picketing points is unnecessary because teachers will be unarmed and the pick- eting points are accessible. Advocate Kadhila Amoomo and Advo- cate Andrew Corbett who represented the government emphasised the need for temporary postponement of the strike, stating that it will allow the police to successfully examine the pick- eting points in the interest of the strikers and the public at large. Haingura said no sticks, pangas, or any other form of violent weapons as well as alcohol will be allowed during the strike.

2 NEWS 13 October - 19 October 2016 Ava is a sacrificial lambLITTLE AVA LAIDTO RESTAt least two hundred people gathered at the St. Stefanus Roman Catholic Church inSwakopmund to pay their last respects to the little girl that tragically died at the handsof her own mother on a desolate beach north of Henties Bay almost three weeks ago. Niel Terblanche BUS PASSENGERS ESCAPE FIRE: Three passengers sustained injuries after jumping out of the back window of a municipality bus in Windhoek on Tuesday, 11 October, on the WesternMany people had to stand outside Bypass between the Windhoek Country Club and Prosperita. The injuries occurred after the the church for the duration of bus driver told the passengers the bus was on fire after smoke started pouring from thethe service because there was not front end of the bus, which prompted the passengers to jump from the bus windows. Theenough space for everyone inside. three passengers were admitted to the Katutura State Hospital. Some passengers lost their cell-phones in the fire. The City of Windhoek manager for corporate communications and At the end of the service the families customer care, Joshua Amukugo said he was not aware of the incident. “I am not aware of it.of the mother and that of the father I have send the questions to the department of the buses and they will get back to me later,”were asked to keep the peace between said Amukugo. Photo contributedthem before the small coffin in whichlittle Ava Owoses was to be buried LITTLE ANGEL: The small coffin of Ava. Photo contributed Truck driver winswere taken to the cemetery in Tam- with LS numberariskia. action is needed to curb domestic the accused that she is not required violence. to plead on the charge but that she is Staff Reporter a house one day. “I don’t want to Emotional family members sup- free to apply for a legal aid lawyer or A truck driver’s lunchtime could be rich as such, I just want to haveported each other while they looked On the day her daughter would have appoint private legal representation. not have turned out better when he a good, comfortable life with myon at the last journey the little girl will turned three, Zenobia Seas appeared Seas chose to apply for a state-spon- grabbed an Informanté newspaper family. I want to have kids too, butever take. in court where she was informed sored lawyer. and went to sit at a take-away only I know I have to work hard for it that she is charged with murder. The to realise what he never thought will and for that I cannot depend on The incident of a young mother, charge is made more severe because it The case was postponed until 15 happen to him, eventually became competitions.”who murdered her daughter only two will be read along with provisions in November this year. The accused was a reality.days before she would have turned the Domestic Violence Act. remanded in the custody of the police He reminded Legal Shield mem-the tender age of three, shocked the until then. The 36-year-old Rhalton Engel- bers and readers of Informanténation and even caught the attention Magistrate Surita Savage informed brecht from Swakopmund never to keep their newspapers and notof senior politicians in the country thought in his life that he will throw them away. “The newspaperwho described the little girl as a ever win a competition. “I got my is valuable and you could win your-sacrificial lamb. Informanté newspaper from the self some money,” he said. Woermann Brock Swakopmund During a church service in Wind- every Friday as usual, but I never Engelbrecht is still a bachelor andhoek, the Minister of Education, Arts took the competition in it seriously said he will share his money withand Culture, Katrina Hanse-Himarwa until the day I won,” he said. his parents, who are pensioners.used the example of the shocking With the remainder he will pay offmurder to address Namibians on Engelbrecht, an employee of his debt and continue his life.domestic violence and the negative NamPost, won N$10 000 dollars inimpact it has on society. the Informanté newspaper unique number competition sponsored by Hanse-Himarwa said the tragedy Legal Shield. In fact, he could haveshould focus the Namibian nation’s won N$20 000 had he not canceledattention on the unabated violence his Legal Shield insurance, some-that occurs in homes all over the thing he regrets. A paid-up membercountry. She was of the opinion that of Legal Shield gets double the prizeAva’s untimely death should serve as money. “I used to be a Legal Shielda stark reminder that more drastic member but I cancelled my Legal Shield membership. I have to get itJealousy inspired murderer again,” the delighted Engelbrecht said.JUSTICE: Josef Garoeb. Photo contributed Gabby Tjiroze they will be heavily punished.” Garoeb stabbed Swartbooi at his His dream is to have a wife and THE man who killed an unarmed man by stabbing him a dozen times home with a pocket knife because he in a rage of jealousy for having a was seeing his then girlfriend. love affair with his ex-girlfriend was sentenced to 20 years in prison “This court is not saying it is correct at Katutura Magistrate Court this for one woman to have two men at week, 11 October the same time, the court wants to put it clear that Namibian men need to The 31-year-old Josef Garoeb is said learn that if a woman says no to you, to have stabbed Michael Swartbooi 12 she means it and what you need to times without provocation five years do is to stand up and find a different ago in Okahandja. woman who loves you,” Nandago said. Magistrate Elina Nandago sentenced “If the accused was remorseful for Garoeb to 20 years after he was con- what he did, he was supposed to victed in the murder of Swartbooi. demonstrate it from day one when he killed the deceased or he was Nandago declared the murder as a supposed to testify in mitigation serious crime and said, “The court himself and tell the court how he felt needs to send out a loud message to about the deceased’s death. It was only the public that if they continue with his lawyer who said the accused was committing this crime of this nature, remorseful,” added Nandago. 9.N$ 99each 9.N$ 99each S1im25bga MAsasgoprietesd 14/10/2016 24N$ 90FRIDAY SPECIALS! 1XCHICKEN PIECE, MINI LOAF & MASH While stocks last.T&C’s apply. Valid at all SHOPRITE outlets, while stocks last. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES

13 October - 19 October 2016 NEWS 3 Africatel will transfer its entire shareholding in MTC to SambaMTC SHAREHOLDING APPROVED tel B.V. (Africatel) to 86% while its a private entity, government holds a will transfer its entire shareholding He said the commission may base Staff Reporter investment partner in developing the controlling equity through Namibia in MTC to Samba. He said post- its determination of a proposed markets holding company Africatel Post (Nampost) and Telecommuni- merger, Samba will continue to hold merger on any criteria which it con-The Namibia Competition reduced its stake from 25% to 14%. cations Limited (NPTH) while the a minority shareholding in Africatel siders relevant to the circumstances Commission (NaCC) approved Africatel in exchange had to transfer minority shareholding is owned by and acquire ownership of and control involved in the proposed merger. He the proposed merger between to Samba its 34% stake in MTC. Africatel Holdings B.V. the current shareholding in MTC. added that it the approval of a mergerSamba Luxco S.A.R.L and Mobile granted by the commission does notTelecommunications Limited (MTC) Meanwhile, Oi filed for bank- NaCC acting chief executive officer, “The Commission assessed the impede an undertaking from abidingwithout any conditions. ruptcy, assessed down by a US$19,2 Vitalis Ndalikokule confirmed that proposed merger in terms of Section to any other laws. The shareholding billion debt and a collapsing global the transaction entails an exchange of 47(2) of the Act and found that it is believed to be worth in surplus of The merger transpired when economy. shares as Samba will reduce its share raises no competition or public inter- N$1,13 billion.the Brazilian telecoms group Oi capital in Africatel while Africatel est concerns,” said Ndalikokule.increased its ownership in Africa- Despite MTC majorly operating asGrowing elephant Nam students in SApopulation concern under siegeTUSKS: Photo for illustrative purpose only. Photo contributed Gabby Tjiroze as we fear for our lives.” said a after South African Minister of NAMIBIANS students studying Postgraduate Accounting stu- Higher Education and Training, Eba Kandovazu worth millions. The money can be used to at tertiary institutions in South dent at Rhodes University. Blade Nzimande announced a assist us in getting much needed financial Africa are between a rock and recommendation that universi-Despite the fact that Namibia’s Constitu- resources,” Muyunda added. hard place as they are uncertain A first year computer science ties may increase fees by notion provides a sustainable utilisation on whether they will sit for student at Witwatersrand (Wits) more than 8% in 2017.of the country’s resources, Namibia, Muyunda further noted that Namibia exams or not, because of the University said he hopes thatZimbabwe and South Africa’s proposal has the largest population of black rhinos relentless and on-going demon- everything is resolved as soon Another PhD candidate inof trading ivory has been rejected at the in the world. He said that the Namib- strations on university fees. as possible as he does not have Sociology at Wits felt that therecently held 17th Conference of Par- ian elephant population is growing, and money to stay another month. student militancy has renderedties to the Convention on International the availability of habitat for them keeps Despite the safety issue, the the university unconducive forTrade in Endangered Species (CITES) in increasing, posing as a threat. major concern of the Namibian “Our future looks bleak at the learning. “It has become moreJohannesburg. students is the future of their moment. At least we started with difficult to consult my super- “Without a way of benefiting from studies as to whether they will classes this week and everything visors in person. The hyper- This was confirmed by the public rela- elephants, the species can be regarded complete the semester this year. looks normal for now, but if militarisation of the campus hastions officer of the Ministry of Environ- as a liability and economic cost to rural the protests still continue it will worsened and it feels like a warment and Tourism, Romeo Muyunda. communities who suffer crop losses, “To date we don’t know as to really affect me badly because zone. Combat vehicles, tear gas, other damages and loss of human lives to where we stand, whether we my contract ends in November stun grenades and water can- The conference’ outcome is that SADC elephants. The strategy to prevent this is to will sit for exams or not and and if varsity decides to extend nons have now all become partwill develop a new approach to regulate the integrate elephants into rural economies as we are only left with two weeks till December I will be forced to of the university’s surroundings,”legal and sustainable trade in ivory. The ap- assets and to demonstrate that elephants before exams starts. We didn’t look for accommodation else- he said.proach will be for the benefit of conserva- contribute to the welfare and development even touch some of the chapters where, and I can’t afford that,”tion of the species and the socio-economic of people,” Muyunda said. and there’s no response from he said. The violence has worseneddevelopment of local communities who management on us as foreign with burning of universitiesremain critical in the quest to conserve the However, some environmentalists students. Some of the student The student protests started buildings, brutal clashes betweenAfrican elephant for future generations. argue that poaching in Namibia is on the protesters told us not to attend over a month ago at Witwa- students and police and damages increase because the people who live along classes so we only study at home tersrand then spread to the to property at the order of the According to Muyunda, the ministry’s wildlife think that wildlife belongs to the University of Pretoria, Rhodes day.reasons for wanting to trade ivory are government and trophy hunters and they and then to other universities,because, the Namibian legislation provides do not benefit from them.a sustainable utilisation of the country’s MahindraBURNING: Students clash with police at the University of Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. Photo contributedDM0201500142659 JMresources. The ministry thus wants to establish a controlled trade in elephant specimens “Therefore, the stockpiles of ivory that including ivory in support of elephantare in our storerooms should also be sold conservation including community-basedoff instead of being burned as they are conservation and the maintenance of elephant habitat. Price WAS: N$ 224 990 FROM N$ 309 990 YOU From N$ 5 990 pm | at 10% DEPOSIT 5 SUV 2.2 - Mhawk DE 4X4 with low range BRADLEY: 081 129 993 ABS, EBD,17’ALLOY WHEELS, ROOF RAILS, SIDE STEPS, MUDFLAPS, REAR SPOILER, FOGLIGHTS, CRUISE CONTROL, STEERING CONTROLS, 6’ TOUCHSCREEN CD, BLUETOOTH GPS NAVIGATION, RAIN SENSORS, REAR PARK SENSORS A/C WITH REAR VENTS, AIRBAGS, TOW BAR BRADLEY: 081 129 9939 | ESTHER: 081 128 5547 | MAHCO: 081 127 0989THE NEW GENERATION: NOTHING ELSE WILL DO

4 13 October - 19 October 2016 Hamutenya leaves Namibia with unity and reconciliationFOUNDING FATHERS UNITE Staff Reporter Dr Geingob, who with the remaining of THE world’s most exclusive po- the famous and inseparable Geingob/Ha-litical club, the Namibian surviving mutenya and Gurirab troika, and who wasparty leaders and historic writers of the the first to sign the book of condolences,Namibian Constitution in 1989/1990 could not contain his emotions when heconferred their highest esteem on their expressed his condolences to the family,political adversary and Swapo stalwart, saying that he lost a personal comrade andHidipo Hamutenya, who passed away a man he grew up with.last week. In a remarkable Hamutenya legacy after “Namibia also lost one of those who con-his tragic death reconciliation pointed tributed immensely to the struggle” and heNamibians in the direction of unity expressed the hope that Hamutenya willwith the founding father, president Sam find eternal rest and peace as he sufferedNujoma, who unceremoniously fired a lot.Hamutenya, signing the book of condo-lences at the Hamutenya home after Na- The constitutional writer, prof. Mbu-mibia’s third President, Dr Hage Geingob, rumba Kerina, who as a historical figurewho also had a run-in with Nujoma and is credited for baptizing the country asresigned as Prime minister, were amongstthe first to go to the Hamutenya houseto console family and friends and paytribute to a lifelong comrade. Dr Gein-gob, who has a unique talent for conflictresolution and reconciliation of opposingviews and personalities, recently wel-comed Hamutenya back into the Swapofold after Hamutenya was pressured toleave the RDP which he founded. Geingob statesman- and comradeshipacknowledged the Hamutenya genesistoward liberation and a constitutionalgovernment with a Presidential orderconferring National Hero Status on Ha-mutenya, and according him a funeral atHeroes’ Acre. Hamutenya formed the RDP after afall-out with the Founding Father, DrSam, Nujoma, but has since returned toSwapo. After his landslide election in2014, Dr Geingob recently, as party leaderand head of State, welcomed his lifelongcomrade back into the party where heremained until his untimely death. The Founding Father, Dr Sam Nujoma,when signing the book of condolencesat the Hamutenya home in Pionierspark,described Hamutenya as one of the Swapocadres who played a pivotal role duringthe national liberation struggle in exile.“He mobilized support for Swapo andthe cause for independence together withthe current President, Dr Geingob andformer Speaker of the National Assembly,Dr Theo-Ben Gurirab.” President Nujoma said that his contri-butions will always be remembered bythe future and present generations of thenation. Extract from Professor Kerina’s handwritten condolence message for late Hamutenya Namibia, said he was shattered Prof Kerina also related how by the news. Prof Kerina, who Hamutenya wrote him a note represented the FCN of late Hans suggesting that the national airline Diergaardt during the writing of should be named after the country the constitution, wrote a personal to be a travelling diplomat at the note from his bed in the Lady international airports of the world. Pohamba Hospital where he is receiving treatment. He described Prof Kerina said regardless the Hamutenya as a lasting symbol rights or wrongs of the party, of the independence struggle. the country rejoiced when he “Hidipo mobilised Swapo and returned to Swapo where he be- turned the party into a consuming longed and felt at ease. His return- fire during the 1989 elections and ing was as much an act of courage started uniting Namibians under as his leaving the party after he the Swapo banner from all walks was unceremoniously fired,” Prof of life.” Kerina said. Continue on page 5

13 October - 19 October 2016 5 The most influential opposi- According to the Ovaherero Chief, OMAHEKEtion constitutional negotiator in Hamutenya’s status as national HONOUR HIDIPO1989, Mr Dirk Mudge of the DTA hero will only grow over time assaid that Hamutenya had always mountains of documents compiled Quinton van Rooyen last Thursday led a minute of silence at a func-impressed him as a fighter and a by Hidipo for Swapo over the years tion in Gobabis, where a packed hall turned up to engage the Trustcopositive visionary that was proven will prove. managing director. The event was also broadcasted on facebook liveduring the negotiations of the con- and attracted hundreds and thousands of international sympathizersstitution. “I always respected him Many civil servants that worked from countries all over the a constitutional writer who never under Hamutenya said that he wasrelied on his reputation as a fear- one of the hardest working peoplesome freedom fighter,” Mudge said. they knew and many times, the lights that were on, were those in Pretorius said the man he came the offices of Hamutenya and many to know during the constitutional times he would be the last to leave. process was a different man than his initial perception of what The social media platforms were flooded by thousands of young Na- mibians and international friends who expressed their condolences and support to the Hamutenya family. Thousands of people are expected at his State Funeral at Heroes’ Acre as directed by his comrade, friend and Third President of Namibia, Dr Hage Geingob. The leader of the UDF, Chief Gurirab / Geingob / Hamutenya - Troika United at State House after Hamutenya rejoined Swapo Extract from the Informanté facebook page of the QVR Code Omaheke gatheringJustus Garoeb, also spoke from his from bed, said that Swapo and An incredible soulNamibia lost a brilliant strategist. Hamutenya was. has ascended.He recounted how Hamutenya “I don’t remember him as a veryconvinced him and the rest of theteam, during the Lusaka talks, to vocal person, but when he spoke,clandestinely assist Swapo in mobi- he talked sense and one had nolising the people. “As many Swapo choice but to listen to his argu-leaders were banned to speak inpublic we accommodated them Very few people knew that you were instrumental in writing ouron Damara Council meetings to Constitution, designing the National Coat of Arms and the National Flag,mobilize voters. as well as composing the National Anthem. “Through our interaction with  the likes of Hamutenya we wereinspired when the leaders returned Though your chapter has ended, it is by no means the end of your story;from exile and for the first time re- it is the genesis of a Nation’s hard-won freedom. We celebrateally started to believe that Namibia Hidipo Hamutenya, an enlightened and selfless leader.will gain its Independence. “ May his soul rest in peace. ments,” Pretorius said. The management and staa of Trustco Insurance extend The then leader of the NNF  our condolences to his family and friends. and now paramount Chief of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority 17 June 1939 – 6 October 2016   and respected business personal- Another leader of the constitu- ity, adv Vekuii Rukoro, describedtional process, who is also suffer- the death of Hamutenya as aing from minor health issues that phenomenal loss in intellectualcome with age, Mr Kosie Pretorius, and strategic capacity for Swapoof MAG paid homage from his and Namibia.residence in Walvis Bay where heretired to be close to his family. Rukoro, who joined Swapo and served as Deputy Minister and Pretorius revealed that Hamuten- Attorney-general after Independ-ya was singled out by the South ence and became one of the mostAfrican intelligence services as a sought-after chief executives inhighly-skilled negotiator and tacti- the private sector, said Hamutenyacian. “He was a strategist of note was a top-notch intellectual whoand the results of what Hamutenya untangled very difficult stickingdid behind the scenes for Swapo, points during the constitutionalthe future of Namibia and his writing process. He was a greatfellow-Namibians are still tangible friend to have, but not an enemytoday.” you would like to have,” Rukoro said. Adv Rukoro said much more will be revealed about Hamutenya in coming years, but he personally learned a lot on how to get out of deadlocks during negotiations.

06 EDITORIAL 13 October - 19 October 2016 RETRO­ SPECTIVE NGHIDIPO NANGOLO Tribute to HH: PIC OF THE DAYThe man who made HH Ogun, Nigeria; A boy carries his father’s boots salvaged from their submerged home in the Nigerian state of Ogun. The Ogun river flooded its banks after waters were released from the Oyan Dam. Photo: bbc.comAS the country mourns one of the greatest minds,strategists and heroes of the Land of the Brave, the late DESMOND P VAN HEERDEN THEORY OF INTERESTHidipo Hamutenya (HH), it should be noted that he wassomeone’s child and had brothers, sisters, an extended IT’S NOT THE PLANET THATfamily and friends. NEEDS SAVING HH’s parents, the late Tatekulu Aaron and the late Frequently you’ll hear, on the news, long. It would take 40 million years for pulse – the entire terrestrial biosphereMeekulu Laimi Hamutenya, were forebears of political on social media, about the troubles them to increase in size again. And yet, after burned. The dust cloud blocked sunlightactivism inside the country and kept the momentum going that the environment is facing. The “very this 15 million years long extinction event, for a year, killing all photosynthesisinguntil independence was attained in 1990. Tatekulu Aaron sustainability of our fragile blue-green the continents were green, and land life plants. The oceans became acidic, killing allsaw injustices around the country before he settled in planet,” they say, is threatened. That has started to make gains. shelled organisms. Over the next 10 years,Windhoek, and vowed to fight the system with everything always seemed quite unlikely to me – after the dinosaurs died out, along with 75% ofhe had, even if it meant sacrificing his own children, more all just how ‘fragile’ is this planet we find Then, 252 million years ago, less than a all species. But a new form of life emergedso HH and his sister Lucia. The old man was one of the few ourselves on? Because it has endured quite hundred million years later, a global disaster – mammals.parents who deliberately and consciously encouraged his a lot throughout its 4.5-billion-year lifetime, occurred. An asteroid impacted the earth atchildren to go into exile to pursue education and fight for and yet… Araguainha in Brazil. The impact occurred Then, 200 000 years ago, a new speciesindependence. He never missed church or an OPO/Swapo in oil shale, releasing massive amounts of mammal emerged – homo sapiensmeeting, and lauded the importance of education. In the It took life 700 million years to appear of oil and gas. Massive earthquakes were sapiens. This species was remarkablymidst of oppression, he gathered young men and women on planet Earth, and these basic forms of triggered, releasing buried coal. This adept at bending its environment to suit it,to attend night school at the St Barnabas Church in the Old life were quite resilient. It took until 450 mixture of oil, gas and coal precipitated instead of adapting to suit its environment.Location. One of those men was the founding president million years ago for an event to occur global fires. The world burned. Global There appeared the first faint glimmersand father of the nation, Dr Sam Nujoma. that could threaten it. It was the start of warming was the result, and with layers of of intelligence. The fruits of intelligence the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event, ash on the oceans, anoxia occurred once were many: fire, tools and weapons. They Tatekulu Aaron pursued political ideals during his lasting for 25 million years. A burst of again. This allowed sulphate-reducing hunted, farmed and shared food. Familiesnumerous clandestine meetings with the likes of then volcanic activity occurred, depositing bacteria to thrive, producing large amounts developed, then the village, then theParamount Chief of the Herero, Chief Hosea Kutako, silicate rocks on the surface of the earth of hydrogen sulphide. This poisoned the tribe, until finally this species developedone of the initial UN petitioners fighting for Namibia’s – silicate rocks that drew carbon dioxide plants on the surface, and depleted the civilisation. Then, 200 years ago, theyindependence. He witnessed how OPO/OPC was from the air as they eroded. At the time, ozone layer, allowing fatal levels of UV developed industrialisation. Soon, thetransformed into Swapo. He suffered the wrath of the the earth was a veritable greenhouse, with radiation to kill much of the life that was riches below the earth were to be used asregime as the result of the launch of Swapo’s liberation a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide that left. fuel – carbon deposits such as coal, andstruggle in August 1966 at Omgulugwombashe that got trapped heat from the sun. As the carbon oil, were burned to power their burgeoninghim arrested, like Andimba Toivo yaToivo, John Otto dioxide was leeched from the air, heat could 96% of all marine species went extinct in civilisation. But like life in the first fewNankudhu and many others. escape, and the atmosphere changed. The this Permian-Triassic extinction event. Over extinction events, this species did not planet cooled. At the poles, ice caps started 70% of vertebrate species went extinct, and have a global view, and focused only on At one time, security agents put him in a helicopter and to form. this was the only known mass extinction its own survival. A controlled global fireflew him over the Atlantic Ocean where they asked him to of insects. So much biodiversity was lost, was underway, and similar to the previousreveal the people who fired shots at Omgulugwombashe or With glaciers starting to form, sea levels that it took life 10 million years to recover. extinction events, changes started to occur.else they will throw him in the ocean, but he proclaimed dropped, and the habitat of sea life was In their wake, reptiles and eventually Two weeks ago, they finally increased thehis innocence, even though he was known to harbour extinguished. But glaciers break up, and dinosaurs began to emerge. But it would carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphereSwapo guerillas in his house. When they wanted him to then drift back into the ocean – and as a take the Triassic-Jurassic extinction event back up over 400 parts per million – fortestify as a witness in the famous trial of yaToivo, he told result, melt and cause sea levels to rise that occurred 202 million years ago to make the foreseeable future. Within the nextthe regime he knew nothing. again. With sea levels rising and falling, dinosaurs the dominant form of life on 50 years, this species will have raised the populations moved into areas, just to go the planet. Not much is known about this global temperatures by 2°C, and the next The persecution of Tatekulu Aaron never stopped, not extinct when the next wave of glaciers built extinction event, since it happened in such extinction event will have begun.until in his old age, before security apparatchiks turned up and lowered them again. During this a short time-frame – less than 10 000 his wife Laimi, who suffered the same fate. Every time 25 million years, this cycle repeated five It caused the extinction of around half of all So you see, the blue-green planet isn’tthe family received a letter from HH or anyone in exile, times. 85% of marine species went extinct, known species. quite as fragile as everyone expects. Life,Tatekulu, Meekulu and their daughter Lucia, were arrested, and those that survived found a different as Ian Malcolm was so fond of saying, willput in solitary confinement for days on end and tortured. environment to flourish in once sea levels Then, after the universe took a break for find a way. The planet will do fine – it’s the stabilised. a bit, it happened again. 66 million years people that are doomed! As a result of our HH came from a family that sacrificed themselves, like ago, an asteroid struck Central America, actions, Namibia has been experiencing themany around Namibia, for the freedom we enjoy today. By 375 million years ago, the land had near the Yucatán peninsula, in what is today worst drought in memory – and if we as aAs we pay our last respects to HH, we should be cognizant been colonised by plants, and insects known as the Chicxulub crater. This 10 to species cannot find a solution, it will be thethat he lived a brilliant life in the shadow of his father and had evolved. Life was flourishing once 15km rock impacted with the force of 100 first of many. It would be quite sad if themother, two of the unsung heroes and heroines of the again, but life does not commonly have a teratonnes of TNT – a billion times more monumental feats of our civilisation arestruggle, and had a good fight for Namibia. global view, instead focusing on survival. powerful than the atomic bombings of to be swallowed by the mists of time – I, Plants, now growing without the intense Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The Cretaceous– for one, am quite proud of what we have HH, rest in peace competition of previous ages, could Paleogene extinction event had begun. achieved. grow much larger, increasing in size Global firestorms resulted from the heat EDITORIAL DISCLAIMER from 30cm to 30m, and developed seeds, But if that is what should happen, I shall allowing them to spread much further. sleep soundly, knowing that the planet has • The newspaper’s views are not necessarily those of They developed massive root systems, survived, as it always does. After all, 99% our advertisers and the views aired in letters are not entrenching themselves in the soil, and of all species that have ever existed are now necessarily those of the newspaper. splitting it up, eroding it. This released a extinct. Maybe the next intelligent species large amount of nutrients into the water, to emerge after 50 to 100 million years will • Informanté publishes all advertisements in good causing eutrophication – the wild growth of do better. Or maybe the dinosaurs will make faith and cannot be held liable for any misrepresen- plants and algae. Unfortunately, that results a comeback. I can only dream… tation, losses or injury to any reader making use of in the water being depleted of oxygen – or the products or services advertised. anoxia. Anoxia in the water resulted in the Desmond P van Heerden, HonsBComm mass extinction of vertebrate species, with (Stell) is the Chief Analytics Officer of Newspaper registration: 06/01/119 97% disappearing. This Late Devonian Trustco Group Holdings Ltd. Previous extinction event, as it is termed, devastated articles available online at http://toi.hopto. • Printed by Word Press, Windhoek, marine habitats, and sharks for example, org/. He can be contacted at DesmondV@ Office +264 83 100 1000 only survived as a species less than a metre • 260 000 copies distributed monthly to all major Namibian towns ­ • Headquarters: Trustco House, 2 Keller Street, Windhoek, Namibia • Contact: Tel. 061 275 4102/8 Fax. 061 275 4090 Email. [email protected] • Electronic: INFORMANTÉ

13 October - 19 October 2016 EDITORIAL 7 Flipside CHRIS JACOBIE Hidipo Hamutenya IT is a blessing that as time moves on endure. Those who have casted a history gets the space to judge people shadow of doubt over his loyalty in and their contributions to societies life, are granted an opportunity to they are part of. remove it in the remembrance of his departure. This is even more true with the passing of one of Namibia’s greatest HH was the Swapo strategist citizens, Hidipo Hamutenya, last before and after independence and week. He was indeed one of the few who, despite a superior intellect and destined to be a legend in his own political instinct, followed loyally and lifetime. Fondly referred to as “HH”, served faithfully, whether he was in or Hidipo Hamutenya’s appointment out of favour. with destiny will allow time to add to his legend and reputation. He was one of a rare band of brothers, including Dr Geingob Understandably, his closest family, and Theo-Ben Gurirab, who often comrades and friends might not find manoeuvred Swapo and its leadership the burden of loss of a grandfather out of impossible corners and always and father more bearable because at the peril of harm to their own of his unique status and reputation, reputations, but always because their and it might also not dry their tears or loyalty to Swapo and its founding mend the hole in their hearts, but they President, Dr Sam Nujoma, and the should find comfort in the knowledge interest of the party. that a nation is indebted to the Hamutenya family for their immense The worst kept secret is that Hidipo sacrifices and now in their darkest Hamutenya saved the Resolution hour fellow citizens will be at their 435 peace accord and prevented the service to lighten the burden. immense tragedy of 1 April 1989 to turn into an even bigger tragedy, when Politics is always dangerous to any armed Plan fighters were ordered to reputation and also thankless for return to Namibia and occupy bases in those brave few who take the extreme Namibia they never had. risk of rejection and contempt. Great people and personalities that enter When Swapo – in not the politics to serve people and ideals are most closely guarded secret of aware of the risk, but like HH were, independence history, was on the are never afraid, because their bravery verge of being abandoned by their stem from love of their country. closest allies, Angola, Cuba and Russia who threatened to abandon the Hidipo Hamutenya was one such movement because of jeopardising an unwavering servant of his leaders, the internationally agreed peace plan, his people, visions and beliefs. a strategic Hamutenya played a crucial Self-sacrifice is not only brave, but saving role. His sentence in an order it is a never-ending lonely quest, that Plan fighters must report to their nearly always misunderstood and commanders, who were in Angola, put unappreciated, because of the peace back on an irreversible course. mistaken perception of unlimited power and influence. The Mount Etjo peace accord, the elections, Constitution and The truth of power and influence is independence on 21 March 1990 that it is never admired, but feared followed, and it is today the only or loathed, except where it rests in success story of international brokered the hands of the exceptional few that independence in a world that is in instinctively knows how to wield it turmoil. Today Namibia is an admired with compassion and humility -- a member of the world, a country where Hamutenya quality that is rarer than a people can rightly call themselves free. fountain in the Namib. His biggest contribution by far is Namibians of all walks of society that HH came home with a fearsome bow their heads in admiration for HH, reputation that was created by because a great man of the liberation propaganda of the politics of those history and creation of the Republic days, and took leadership of the has passed and Namibians now start parliamentary committee in creating to know him better, because they a competition to ensure the National understand the past better Anthem, Namibian Flag and Coat of Arms that would one day have to They can raise their eyes and stare define a nation, were born from the the truth in the face in order to do loins of Namibians. justice to an HH image that was often unfairly tarnished by friend and foe for Many more facts will emerge as time personal and political gain. passes, but it will add to the legend of Hamutenya and not take anything The untimely loss of HH -- who away from that. as master tactician and strategist could have still added so much to the The changes that Namibians see and Namibian House -- leaves an empty experience have their foundation in place at the table. the visionary, strong, brave and self- sacrificing leaders like HH who played What distinguishes the late his part in convincing a traumatised Hamutenya is that he bore his nation that change and mutual trust burden of strong conviction and are possible and worth pursuing. unquestionable loyalty for all of his life to the Founding President, Dr Sam The greatest joy and comfort that Nujoma, with great dignity that only every Namibian can have in the most self-sacrificing heroes are capable of. tragic and difficult times is that Hidipo No wonder that he was often regarded Hamutenya died in the arms of Swapo, as the “crown prince” of Namibian amongst his friends and comrades on political leadership. liberated Namibian soil as a citizen of his motherland for whose freedom he What Namibians should now fought and whose peace he kept, and consider is not how to take leave in the Swapo party that was his life. from the departed Hamutenya, but how to do right by him for the many History will treat this great Namibian undeserved wrongs that he had to son kindly on his journey to eternity.

8 ADVERT 13 October - 19 October 2016

13 October - 19 October 2016 ADVERT 9

10 BUSINESS 13 October - 19 October 2016BUSINESSMARKET RECAP WEEKLY market review Private sector to participate in the economy 05 October to 11 October 2016 NAMIBIA INVESTS NSX STOCKS CODE PRICE % VOLUME VALUE N$110B IN SA AGRA AGR 1.46 (0.00) - - NAMIBIA BREWERIES NBS 27.58 (0.00) 1 14DOWN UP ORYX PROPERTIES ORY 21.51 (0.00) - - LIMITED BIDVEST NAMIBIA BVN 10.29 (0.00) - - LIMITED NICTUS HOLDINGS NHL 2.00 (0.00) - - NAMIBIA FNB NAMIBIA FNB 47.95 (0.10) 5 250 HOLDINGS LTD Namibia has invested N$110 billion in South Africa in the form of pension funds, BANK WINDHOEK BWH 17.00 (2.30) 54 933 long-term insurance and other investment during the 2015 financial year. HOLDINGS LTD TRUSTCO GROUP TUC / TTO 3.00 (13.04) 91 281 HOLDINGS LIMITED Charmaine NgatjiheueCOMMODITIES PRICE % GLOBAL INDICES PRICE % Exports from South AfricaBRENT CRUDE OIL 52.41 3.03 NSX Local 545 (0.67) account for 5% of South environment for the fullGOLD 1,253.00 (1.05) NSX All Share 1,019 (1.78) Africa’s global trade. That participation of the private sectorPLATINUM 949.25 (4.20) JSE Top 40 45,823 (0.30) country has also always been in the economy, hence a number of S&P 500 2,137 (0.64) Namibia’s top trading partner in reforms commencing to facilitate theFOREIGN EXCHANGE PRICE % UK FTSE 100 7,071 (0.05) terms of both imports and exports. ease of doing business for local and Euro Stoxx 50 3,021 (0.29) President Dr Hage Geingob said international investors.N$ per US$ 14.36 3.86 Hang Seng 23,550 (0.59) the trade deficit unduly leans inN$ per £ 17.51 1.10 favour of South Africa and in 2014, Prior year, theN$ per ¢ 15.88 2.46 Namibian imports from South trade deficit Africa were recorded at N$51 billion expanded, andIt has been a rather negative week in terms of returns for equities. One can be while exports to South Africa were imports were recorded President Geingob forgiven if your attention was grabbed by the events that unfolded yesterday recorded at N$8 billion. at N$62 billion, while in South Africa with the Finance Minister being charged on various counts He said the prior year, the trade exports totaled only with business as usual,” he said.which include fraud. Much of the recent gains and positive sentiment evaporated deficit expanded, and imports were N$ 11,4 billion,” Geingob said while governmentyesterday as the news broke. The Namibian Dollar which has been gaining ground recorded at N$62 billion while tries to ensure inclusive growth,over the last couple of weeks and traded below the psychological N$14/US Dollar exports totaled only N$ 11,4 billion. HAGE GEINGOB it is required to mitigate the riskslevel lost ground as a result of the events in South Africa, losing 3,86% against the “There is no doubt about the of inequality. He said people needgreenback. The Namibian Dollar also lost ground against the Euro and the British political will for trade and business President decent jobs, affordable housing,Pound. Brent Crude Oil saw its price per barrel increased by 3,03% to U$52,41/ relations between our countries sanitation and access to qualitybarrel as major oil producing nations move towards agreeing on supply measures to be elevated to higher heights. He added that a number of reforms education and basic ease global supply glut. We should not only focus on are in the pipeline through the “These are the challenges of the pursuing win-win relationships complete implementation of the second phase of the struggle, Gold and platinum were both down 1,05% and 4,20% respectively. Local indices with our international partners, but Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPP). which is the struggle for inclusivehave been hit with the sell-off too as both the NSX All Share and the JSE Top 40 let us pursue and build win-win “In the near future, all business economic prosperity. This requireswas down for the last seven days as markets reacted to the Pravin Gordhan saga. partnerships amongst ourselves people from South Africa will an understanding, from both public as neighbours, as friends and as receive multiple entry visas on and private sector leaders, that it Namibia can take heed from South Africa in communication to market and Africans,” said Geingob. arrival, with minimal hassle. This is is no longer ‘business as usual’. Allmanage investor relations as this latest move has shown investors value clarity Geingob said that Namibia part of the change in mindset and of us are required to act with moreand transparency. The lesson to be learnt from this is that no nation can operate continues to build a conducive processes which goes hand in hand urgency to reform processes. Weindependently from outside opinion or perception and that if managed poorly, also need to reform our mindsinvestors will simply take their money elsewhere. Given the current risk scenario and attitudes and pull in the samethat the global economy is facing, it would be well advised to appreciate what the direction in order to ensure sharedramifications of your actions will be. With Namibia’s plan to go to the debt markets prosperity,” Geingob force over the coming medium term this would seem to be excellent advice. Market quote of the week“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care, for people will hear themand be influenced by them for good or ill.” – BuddhaMoF removing Certificate of Good StandingGovernment expects to cut have escalated. a directive dated 15 August increasing expenditure and majorly made it difficult for agencies, chief regional officers10% from the current N$66 Government has opted to ease 2016 requiring businesses to be revenue not being sufficient for them to manage their cash of regional councils, chiefbillion budget by obligating the financial burden on smaller in good standing as taxpayer the country. flows. executive officers of townall agencies and ministries to businesses by scrapping the (in procession of a Tax Good Creating an effective tax Government moved to amend councils, managing directorssave 10% from their budgets need to provide a Certificate of Standing Certificate) to qualify collection system is part of the directive and only required at a state-owned enterprise,and return it to the Finance Tax Good Standing to qualify for receiving any payment for governments efforts to increase Tax Good Standing Certificates and regional tax offices of theMinistry. for payments. services or goods delivered to revenue while cutting costs. to be availed for businesses Ministry of Finance have beenFinance Minister Calle “Measures to improve the State,” said Schlettwein. Despite this being a good to qualify in any bidding or instructed accordingly and maySchlettwein said more compliance with tax payments The Ministry of Finance move for government after tendering process whether not expect Tax Good Standingoccurrences of defaults had to be introduced and proposed measures that would assessment were done, the tax through tender, quotation or Certificates from businessesin paying taxes has been consequently the Ministry of see to it that more taxes are collection system improved any other method. when they want to receiveconstantly increasing and thus Finance, through the Inland collected and avert the ever and more taxes collected, the Schlettwein said all accounting payment for services or goodsresulted in the tax arrears that Revenue Department, issued increasing spending due to the impact on smaller businesses officers of ministries and delivered. OSHAKATI OPENING SOON GREAT OPENING SPECIALS 1399 OKATANA ROAD, OSHAKATI, TEL: 065 224 296/9

13 October - 19 October 2016 BUSINESS 11Fitch Ratings downgrade requires fiscal consolidation in NamibiaBREXIT HOODWINKS NAM IN TRADE Charmaine Ngatjiheue fiscal consolidation now that the decade as the economy embarks TIGHTROPE: Conrad Dempsey, Head RMB Namibia, Isaah Mhlanga, RMB Economist, Jo Lomas ,British High Commis- Fitch Ratings downgraded the on a gradual economic recov- sioner and Namene Kalili, FNB Holdings Economist. Photo contributedNamibia has a chance to outlook for Namibia as it poses ery,’’ he said. increase exports to the downside risks. United Kingdom (UK) RMB South Africa Economist,whilst experiencing a reduction “We have therefore revised Isaah Mhlanga said for Southin imports from that country our outlook downwards, but at Africa, Namibia’s major tradingwith Brexit in place, but the UK this stage government should partner, the global environmentmight have its bread buttered have sufficient fiscal space to means that economic growthon both sides as the country deploy counter-cyclical fiscal will remain muted, only forecastmoves to the far left on fear policies. In as much as second at 1,1% in 2017 from this year’sof immigration and calls for pro- quarter Gross Domestic Product forecast of 0%.tectionism. (GDP) Numbers decreased, one bad data print does not signal a “However, domestic struc- However, if Brexit succeeds, recession,” said Kalili. tural issues have also weighedit will work in Namibia’s favour on economic activity throughand curb the ever-widening Counter-cyclical fiscal policies lower consumer and busi-trade deficit. In 2015, the trade is the opposite approach which ness confidence. The impactdeficit widened as imports into entails reducing spending and of drought and its multiplierthe country were recorded at raising taxes during a boom pe- effects through the economyN$62 billion whilst exports were riod, and increasing spending/ seems to be reversing as expec-only worth N$11,4 billion. cutting taxes during a recession. tations of rains bring hope to the sector hard hit by El Nino,” British High Commissioner He said 2013 was the last time he Namibia, Jo Lomas, affirmed the economy contracted on athat Britain is still part of the quarterly basis but it, however, He said food prices are likelyEuropean Union and that posi- went on to post a 5,3% annu- to decrease if the expected raintive trade relationships will be alised growth rate, adding that falls. He added that if this isretained with its partners. the weak GDP numbers might combined with a stronger Rand stabilise at 3,1%. relative to the US dollar, it will FNB Namibia’s Senior Man- lead to lower headline inflationager of Research and Develop- “Looking through the cycle, we that will allow the South Africanment, Namene Kalili, said the expect growth to rebound from Reserve Bank (SARB) to cutcountry needs to kick off with next year, but at lower levels interest rates twice in 2017. than those enjoyed over the pastLOANS FOR DEVELOPMENT INCREASE Staff Reporter debt of 6% advocated by the Associa- the SME Bank to provide finance to ages the requirements for preserva- capital whilst managing liquidity. He tion of African Development Finance smaller enterprises and also support- tion and sound management of its added that a post investment and loanDevelopmental projects gulped Institutions (AADFI) ed by a growing finance ecosystem own pool of capital, as well as capital monitoring function was created asN$3,8 billion through loans from of commercial lending activities, and entrusted to it by the shareholder, pri- part of DBN’s credit risk manage-the Development Bank of Namibia Meanwhile, assets increased to specialist private funds which support vate sector sources and external agen- ment function to ensure appropriate(DBN) during the 2015/16 financial N$4,59 billion, compared to the N$2,9 SMEs. cies,” he said. He said DBN is busy utilisation of the bank’s funds and toyear compared to the N$2,3 billion billion during the prior financial year. with an in-house treasury function support ongoing risk management offrom the preceding year. This was an increase of 57,2% on the “The bank has put in place a sound aimed at supporting efforts to raise enterprises and projects that the bank back of the high loan book growth. risk management system which envis- During the period under review, DBN revised its lending and invest-net interest income also increased ment focus and ceased providingfrom N$215,56 million in the 2014/15 direct finance for small and mediumfinancial year to N$339,78 while net enterprises. This was to focus on theincome increased from N$147,25 mil- provision of finance for infrastructurelion to N$208,76 million. and to enterprises with an annual turnover of above N$10 million, as Quality of loans and investment well as business projects valued at overportfolios with bad debts were 4,1% N$10 millionbelow the maximum budget percent-age of 5%, which falls roughly 30% CEO Martin Inkumbi said this wasbelow the recommended level of bad driven primarily by the mandate of 2010 Toyota Hilux 3.0 2010 Toyota Hilux 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.5 2015 Toyota Hilux 3.0 D4D RB @ 2.5 D4D RB @ D4D 4X4 @ D4D Legend 45 Xtracab 215,000 180,000 225,000 4x4 @ 385,000- 2015 Nissan NP300 2010 Nissan NP300 2.5 2011 Ford Ranger 2009 Ford Ranger 3.0 2.5 S/C @ S/C 4X4 @ 2.5 TDCi S/C 4X4 @ TDCi Supercab 4x4 @ 175,000 169,900 187,000 189,900 Volkswagen Polo Vivo: 2014 Ford Ikon 1.6 @ 2014 Ford Figo 1.4 @ 2015 Toyota Etios @ 1x 2013 @ 125,000 119,000 115,000 135,000 1x 2014 @ 129,900 1x 2015 @ 142,500Development: DBN CEO, Martin Inkumbi. Photo contributed. Check us out on: Facebook and, Phone: Antonio @ 081 273 6926, Negumbo @ 081 274 0888

12 COASTAL 13 October - 19 October 2016 COASTAL Peaceful demonstration against export of sea mammalsMarine mammals export concerns Niel Terblanche (Killer Whales), Cape Fur Seals, animals over long distances at sea CONTROVERSIAL: Walvis Bay residents demonstrate. Photos contributed African Penguins, and Bottlenose but it is just less than 20m long.Rumours that the request Dolphins, as well as sharks and This means that the vessel will live marine mammals could be sustain- of the Anti-Plunder Action Group said, by a Chinese company to other species which have not been capture the animals and tranship ably harvested for the aquarium trade in “Damage to the marine wildlife and capture and export live disclosed.  them to a larger vessel lying out- China and other Asian countries. It also ecosystem must be prevented. If need bemarine mammals for the Asian side Namibian waters for the long proposes investing millions of dollars in we will go to Windhoek and approachaquarium market has already “We are alarmed by this pro- journey to Asia. setting up facilities where the harvested the Minister of Fisheries and Marinebeen rubberstamped by officials posal. The marine wildlife species animals can be kept and processed. Resources as a group to hand over ourof the Ministry of Fisheries and are shared migratory species and If need be petition to him.”Marine Resources have started to do not belong to Namibia alone. we will go to Leon Kuhnone, one of the organiserscirculate as a concerned group of This wildlife is specially protected Windhoek andcoastal residents plans to hand a under international law and any approach the Min-petition against the exploitation trade is subject to strict CITES ister of Fisheriesof vulnerable natural resources to regulation,” the statement reads. and Marine Re-Minister Bernhardt Esau. sources as a group This despite a stern warning The petition further states to hand over ourby Esau that fledgling industries that according to the Namibian petition to him.”surrounding cape fur seal colonies Constitution, all wildlife must bealong the country’s coast might be maintained on a sustainable basis LEON KUHNONEin danger of collapse if the Chi- for present and future generations.nese company would be allowed Anti-Plunder Action Groupto strip the Namibian coast of At the heart of the controversyvarious species of dolphins, killer is a battered Russian fishing vessel The application to the fisher-whales and even penguins. currently at anchor in the bay off ies ministry from Welwitschia In the petition directed at Essau the Wavis Bay port. The owners Aquatic & Wildlife Scientificthe Anti Plunder Action Group of the Ryazanovka also requested Research Company and Beijingsays that they would like to bring the Directorate of Maritime Af- Ruier Animal Breeding & Pro-Esau’s attention to an urgent fairs of the Ministry of Works and moting Company outlines howconcern regarding a proposal to Transport to reflag the vessel inthe Namibian Government for the Namibia in order for it to qualifyyearly live capture and export of for a special permit to harvestmarine animals including Orca marine mammals. The vessel is purportedly equipped to house and carry wild Muadinohamba bids farewell to Namport Niel Terblanche After an illustrious six years at the NEW PASTURES: Jerry Muadinohamba. helm of the board of directors of Photo contributed the Namibian Port Authority, Jerry Muadinohamba will move on to new localisation strategy that has seen pastures. the Authority shift the majority of its procurement requirements to Namib- “It is with great pride that we reflect ian suppliers, now boasting acquiring on an eventful six years during which an average of 80% of its total goods and Mr Muadinohamba diligently steered services from Namibian registered and the Authority from a fairly medium- owned companies. sized Public Enterprise into the region- ally acclaimed logistics and maritime During Muadinohamba’s tenure industry leader,” a statement by the Namport embarked on employment board says. schemes which specifically targeted members of the marginalised commu- The Namport board of directors an- nities for training and employment by nounced the departure of the chair- the Authority, with the ultimate view man and said Muadinohamba chaired to put them in a strong stead to plough his last statutory Board meeting on back into their own communities. 27 September 2016 having served as the Board Chairperson since October Namport has also invested heavily in 2010. developing current and future human capital by awarding bursaries to un- “He holds strong convictions in derprivileged and deserving students supporting government’s efforts of for studies both locally and abroad poverty eradiation, education and skills with the specific brief to enable these development as well as a strong passion beneficiaries to take both Namport and to ensure participation of the major- the country forward. ity of Namibians in the mainstream economy,” the statement said. During his tenure as chairman of the board Namport was able to grow the balance sheet of N$2,6 billion to the present asset base of N$6,1 billion, underpinned more recently by the flagship project, the new container terminal, which is currently being constructed at the Port. The project was initiated under Muadinohamba’s stewardship during 2012. Upon completion, the new container terminal will add a total of N$4,3 billion to the asset base of the Port Authority and will see the annual throughput capacity increase threefold from the current 350 000 Twenty Foot Equivalent Units (TEUs) to 1,05 mil- lion TEUs. According to the board Muadino- hamba also had a hand in the port

13 October - 19 October 2016 COASTAL 13SWAITEX PROMISE Education, cultural and social centre in Walvis BayNEW COMMUNITYBIGGER AND BETTERNiel Terblanche CENTRE INAUGURATEDAS the advent of the annual Swakopmund International Niel Terblanche mately N$27 million after that building is a milestone in the “As it is a public facility, theTrade Expo draws near organisers expect the event to burst amount was allocated by the history of Narraville. Municipality would obviouslyout of its seams this year The community of Nar- city council last year. Another be the key party to make sure raville in Walvis Bay project that will soon reach “As a former mayor of Walvis the building and all its facilities With more than ever stakeholders on board from multiple took ownership of a completion is a satellite fire Bay I was personally involved are well kept and managedindustries who haven’t participated before this year’s event, it brand-new community centre station in Kuisebmond. with the project since it was in to fulfil the demands of thepromises to be a truly international event. New stakeholders and the facility would serve the planning stage. The official community. The community,include players from the medical and financial sectors as well primarily as a focal point for During the official inaugura- inauguration of the new build- however, is equally bound toas participants involved in infrastructure development. new developmental projects. tion of the new community ing is a dream that eventually care for this centre,” he said. The new centre was con- centre the Deputy Minister of realised into something tan- Wilfried said the centre will “As we approach SWAITEX 2016, bigger and better is our structed at a cost of approxi- Urban and Rural Development, gible for the community and be a focal point for neigh-motto. In addition, the car show that will be featured in a glass Derek Klazen, said the new residents of Narraville,” he said. bourhood and communitytent, will be a great crowd puller,” said the executive chairman activities. He urged residentsof the Swakopmund branch of Namibia Chamber of Com- PROUD: Mayor of Walvis Bay, Immanuel Wilfried. Photo: Niel Terblanche The Mayor of Walvis Bay, Im- to identify a wide range ofmerce and Industry, Paul Ndjambula. manuel Wilfried, said the new activities and uses that can be building represents a proud accommodated by the faciities, He said the birth of SWAITEX was based on the central idea achievement for Walvis Bay, apart from wedding receptions,that the town of Swakopmund could further thrive by provid- particularly for the residents of meetings or an opportunity for businesses and community stakeholders showcase their products and services to the public while also He said Walvis Bay is the onlyestablishing crucial inter-industry connections. “This brand-new facility has town in Namibia that through been long overdue, but finally its municipality is directly “Last year we hosted 248 stalls. This year the event expanded it is ready to be used for what it responsible for so many socialto 330 stalls. There will also be strong representation from the has been designed for. We now and public facilities, suchSME, sports, wine and décor, catering, construction and enter- have a facility that will add an as public halls, libraries andtainment sectors,” he said. impressive amount of value to sports grounds in all of its the wellbeing of the people liv- main suburbs. “I would like Ndjambula said SWAITEX is both honoured and proud to ing in the area,” he said. to highlight our thanks to thehave sponsors and exhibitors from businesses across all sectors community of Narraville forof the Namibian economy. The new community hall will being so persistent in calling be a place where people of all for the construction of this “We are also very excited about the participation of the Na- ages gather for social, recrea- facility and for being so patientmibian Broadcasting Corporation and CNBC Africa to cover tional, cultural and educational at the same time. Your helpthe broadcasting and promotion of SWAITEX into the larger purposes, among others. While and input will certainly bringAfrican market during the event,” he said. it is primarily accessible to the joy to the lives of many in time residents living in the vicinity, to come,” Wilfried concluded. Ndjambula said it is well-known fact that SMEs plays a cru- it is also available to everyonecial role in the economy of every country and that Namibia is else, even those who may beno exception in this regard. He said the Namibian youth needs from other play an active role in the local economy, by starting businessto become self-employed and create more jobs. “As a chamber we want to see growth and grow with ourmembers and partners. This is the reason why we have createdpartnership packages for our business partners,” he said. SWAITEX brings various benefits to the town of Swakop-mund and its inhabitants. It’s already a permanent fixture onthe town’s events calendar and it attracts many visitors andinvestors to Swakopmund and the Erongo region. The event will be held at the now famous Dome facility whereit has been done for the past two years during the month ofOctober. FOR ALL YOUR ADVERTISING PART 1: PART 2: CALL Participants will be exposed to different cases from Having been exposed to the type of eco-enterprises around Africa and the world which are enviromentally running on the continent, our very own Namibian 061 275 4178 sensitive, these cases depict how others use the eco-entrepreneurs will share their stories and 061 275 4105 environment for business while also taking care engage in Q&A sessions. The core objective of this061 275 4102 of it in their eco-enterprises. The core objective final session is to show the participants that others of this first session is to expose the audience to in Namibia are engaged in eco-entrepreneurship environmental innovations entrepreneurs are and to inspire others to do the same. succeeding with and leave them with a call to action of “What can YOU do?” DATE: 27 OCTOBER 2016 DATE: 10 NOVEMBER 2016 TIME: 10H30 – 13H00 TIME: 10H30 – 13H00 VENUE: GATEWAY CENTRE VENUE: NAMIBIA INSTITUTE FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION (Corner of Florence Nightingale AND MANAGEMENT (NIPAM) and Hans Dietrich Genscher Street, Khomasdal) (Paul Nash Street, Olympia) RSVP by 20 October 2016 to: [email protected] | 061-2072825

14 NORTHERN 13 October - 19 October 2016 The country needs to meet the growing demand for electrical energy.NAMPOWER to reduce importsAbout two-thirds of the Namibian population still do not have accessto electricity. As a result NamPower plans to reduce the electricity thecountry imports from other countries by 60%. Maria David “The need to ELECTRIFYING: (from left) Emila Nanyeni, Ruacana CEO, Maria Nakela, chairperson of NamPower, Simeon Negumbo, permanent secretary of MME pull together and the managing director of NamPower Simon Haulofu during the official commissioning of the Ruacana hydro power station.The whole Southern Africa Develop- has never been Photo: Maria David ment Community (SADC) region greater than now asis facing critical power shortages, and demand for electricityare vigorously putting in place projects continues to grow,”to meet the challenges facing the elec-tricity supply industry. KAHENGE SIMON HAULOFU According to Simeon Negumbo, Managing director of NamPowerpermanent secretary of the Ministryof Mines and Energy, the demand for 80% during dry seasons.electricity continues to grow due to the “The need to pull together has nevereconomic growth, as well as urbanisa-tion. been greater than now as demand for electricity continues to grow,” said “Electricity lies at the centre of Haulofu.socio-economic development, andthus, reliable electricity supply is vital Thus NamPower has recently com-as it will enable us to improve the liv- missioned the refurbishment of tur-ing conditions of all Namibians,” said bine runners 1, 2 and 3 at the RuacanaNegumbo. hydro power station at a cost of N$140 million, increasing the station’s genera- The managing director of Nam- tion capacity from 332 MegaWatts toPower, Kahenge Simon Haulofu said 347 MegaWatts.the reliance on imports of electricitycurrently needs to be maintained,which averages 60% per year and up toFake taxi drivers assault woman Fseaethseursdpeetcetrjmaiilneedd to Maria David “I was escorting a friend to the road managed to run back home to get Maria David ing family talks I told them that it wasAn Oshakati resident was assaulted and the incident happened while go- help. getting late and I needed to getting hit on the head and in ing back home when they came fromthe face by two men posing as taxi behind asking us if we wanted a lift, The victim said, “I feared that they A father of a 15-year-old girl has Why didn’t shedrivers, and now fears infection after but we kept on ignoring them. were going to attack one of my cous- opened a case of rape against a scream if Iipinge washer ear was also bitten by one of the ins if I managed to escape.” 27-year-old man, but the girl’s grand-assailants. One of my cousins panicked and mother disputes the fact that it was in raping her when ran away leaving me behind. One The victim said she is undergoing fact rape. my room is just The victim was walking home with of the suspects jumped on me and treatment for 28 days in order to next door,”her two cousins on Saturday, 8 Octo- started beating me. I then managed ensure that she does not develop an The incident happened at the girl’sber, when two men in a green Nissan to overpower one of the suspects and infection from the bite of the assail- grandmother’s house in Onawa vil- GRANDMOTHERMarch approached them and asked bit his hand, that’s when the other ant. lage, Oshana region. The grandmotherthem if they needed a taxi. When one grabbed me from behind, leav- said the father opened a case of rape Girl rapedthey ignored the men the car stopped ing me with bruises on my face and The victim has opened a case of against Iipinge Ambabi as he hadand one of the men got out and told head,” said the victim. assault, and the suspects were caught continuously warned him to stay I went to my room when I remem-the victim to get in the car. on Tuesday, 11 October. They are away from his daughter, but she bered I left my phone where we were One of the suspects was seen chas- in custody in the Oshakati police does not believe that the victim was sitting. Just when I was going to get ing after the victim’s cousin, who station and police investigations are raped. According to the grandmother, my phone I saw Iipinge and my grand- continuing. Ambabi has been just like a son to daughter acting unusual, so I told her them and he is working as a bartender to go to her room since it was getting For news and tips in a bar owned by one of her grand- late,” she said. The next morning the in the North, children at the village. “There are is- granddaughter apparently told her call Maria David sues of people saying that the girl was grandmother she was raped. having an affair with Iipinge, despite Tel: +264 065 233 315 - Cell: 0817690120 Iipinge having a relationship with “Why didn’t she scream if Iipinge Email: [email protected] another girl, who is related to the vic- was raping her when my room is just tim. It might have been that it was not next door,” said the grandmother. Yet, their lucky day and Iipinge’s girlfriend according to another family member caught them before my granddaughter the victim was threatened and warned informed the incident to me,” said the not to mention anything to anyone by grandmother. The grandmother said Ambadi. the whole family was sitting together outside, including Ambadi’s girlfriend, Ambadi has been arrested on a when the event occurred. “After hav- charge of rape and is in police custody while police investigation continues. Don’t lose your Post Box. Pay your renewal fee by 31 October 2016.6220/4/10/2016 Renew your Post Box before the cut off date – We 31 October 2016. Avoid late renewal penalties* or Deliver losing your Post Box. Pay annual renewal fees at your nearest Post Office. More. *Penalties payable as from 1 November 2016.

13 October - 19 October 2016 NORTHERN 15 Natural habitat is being destroyed by headman’s land allocationLand distribution enrages villagersThe residents of Uudhiya in Okankolo constituency, Oshikoto region, are infuriated with the way the headman is distributing land to people atareas where water ponds are located.Maria DavidLeonard Nghipandulwa, a resident, . said that the headman Nepando .Kiakwambi is not considering the factthat he is allocating plots at areas that .are putting the sustainability of theareas at risk. ANGRY: Leonard Nghipandulwa (right) indicating where the headman is allocating land. Photo: Maria David “Natural areas are being damaged indigenous plants were eradicated by demanding that Kiakwambi return an for the teachers’ rooms, a library,and our grandchildren will not have their ancestors?” he said. area of land he seized from Nekongo soccer field and garden. Kiakwambiprivilege to see this pristine natural Primary School that was earmarked could not be reached for comment.habitat in the future,” said Leonard. Furthermore, the residents are Nghipandulwa added thatKiakwambi has never attended anyof their meetings and he is avoidingthem. “We do not have problems with landbeing distributed to anyone, we onlywant him to remove the people hegave land to at the areas were waterponds are located,” he said. “Where will we get water to drink,where will our animals drink fromwhen the (currently dry) ponds arerefilled during the rainy season. Whodo we turn to when the headmanis acting in such away?” askedNghipandulwa. Nghipandulwa added that despitethe fact that there is no water inthe ponds, Kiakwambi has no rightto give land to people where theresidents get their water. “He is destroying the naturalareas by doing so. Where will ourgrandchildren go to learn about theirnatural history when they find thatFoundation donates Knorr Tasty Sugar King Wellington’sN$90k to TOV Soup 50g White 1kg Tomato Assorted Sauce 13.99 700ml 4.20 Sugar King 18.90 The manager of TOV Rev Edward Brown 1kg Maria David Amadhila said that through Debmarine – Namdeb Foundation they can move their 13.50THE DEBMARINE – Namdeb communities and country out of poverty,Foundation recently donated goods to and allow them to find their true selves. Top Score Pasta Polanathe value of N$90 000 to Tsumeb-based 2.5kg Macaroni 500gorphanage Tov, as part of their social Amadhila thanked Debmarine-Namdebresponsibility. Foundation for the great investment in 31.95 10.50 the community and for turning Tov’s The foundation donated 10 fully vision into reality. Mama’s Washing 11.95installed computers, six benches and Powder 1kgkitchen utensils to Tov Centre to ensure Executive director of Debmarine- Airoma 225ml Assortedthat they are given the right equipment Namdeb Foundation Janita von Wielligh 21.95that they need. said that the donation is set to uplift the younger generation and sustainability Stayfree Pads Tov is known for caring and catering of the centre that supports them, “Thisfor the need of every child in Tsumeb. As noble donation will enable the centre to 12.95a result Tov was able to share their vision expand its programmes to needy peoplefor their community with Debmarine – and carry out their intended projects Doom AssortedNamdeb Foundation when they visited successfully for the benefit of future 180mltheir centre last year. At the time they generations,” she said.only had one working computer. 12.95 Flame Candles 6’s PROTEIN Feed Banked Pack 12.95 Assorted Neslé NESTUM 250g 41.95 Assorted 15.95 Prices valid from 17 Oct - 20 Nov 2016 E&OE Congratulations! T&C apply Tel. (061) 260 720 Nr 64 Bonn Street Otjomuise SEPTEMBER CAR DRAW FINALISTS: S Muzunger, M Mbambo, D Gawanas, Mr Otniel, VN Amoomo, M Jagger, V Mbaisa, J Shumbaba, E Albertos, W Feris, E Nau-Gawases, FN Vyff,HAPPY: Children, staff of Tov and Debmarine – Namdeb Foundation members at the donation. MR Slinger, T Angula, P Eiman, AA Klazen, A Vries, JB Rhodes, L Herluka, E Steenkamp.Photos contributed SEPTEMBER GIFT VOUCHER WINNER of N$1000 - Mpapa Emmanuel COMPETITION RUNS UNTIL DECEMBER 2016

16 SPEED 13 October - 19 October 2016 It is visually striking and dramatically highlightedSpecial VW Polo Vivo StormVolkswagen has revved up its top-selling Polo Vivo with a specialedition called the Storm, based on the 63kW 1.4i Trendline hatch. IOL Motoring Staff matching the ceramique trim, while the steering wheel, gear-lever bootThe maker describes it as and handbrake cover are trimmed ‘visually striking’ which means in black leather with grey contrastits special features are all cosmetic - stitching.but they are quite striking. Standard kit includes a six- It has a two-tone dashboard in speaker radio/CD player withgrey and a special finish called Bluetooth connectivity, an SD cardceramique, which is also applied to slot and a USB port.the air vents, centre console, lowerparcel trays and the cup holder, The Storm rolls in on 15 inchdramatically highlighted by a dark alloys finished in black metallic,grey roofliner. with front foglights in chrome bezels, glossy black side mirrors, The special three-tone seat fabric black ‘go-fast’ stripes along the sidesalso tones in, with the bolsters dual chrome-tipped tailpipes. AUTOMARK Certified Used Vehicles2010 TOYOTA LAND CRUISER PRADO 4.0 2013 TOYOTA ETIOS 1.5 HB XS 2013 HUNDAI H1 BUS 2.4 A/T DIESELV6 VX 150 000KM N$ 459 900.00 47 800KM N$ 119 900.00 115 000KM N$ 299 900.002012 TOYOTA YARIS 1.3 HB PLUS 2015 VW POLO 1.4 HB VIVO 2015 VW POLO VIVO 1.4 HB 41 NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PROCESS67 500KM N$ 119 900.00 38 900KM N$ 155 900.00 38 000KM N$ 139 900.00 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OF TWENTY-SEVEN 10,000 SQUARE METER PLOTS FOR GROOT BRACK TRUST, FARM 438, KHOMAS REGION NAMIBIA Applicant: Groot Brack Trust2011 TOYOTA FORTUNER 4.0 V6 4X4 2014 TOYOTA COROLLA QUEST 1.6 2015 TOYOTA COROLLA QUEST 1.6 A/T Project: Drie Krone Nature Village N$ 159 900.00 N$ 174 900.0087 500KM N$ 329 900.00 Proposed Activity: Groot Brack Trust propose to establish twenty-seven, 10,000 square meter low impact-housing plots on Groot Brack Farm 438. Location: Groot Brack Farm Number 438, Khomas Region, Namibia.2013 LEXUS LX570 PETROL 13 000KM Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate: In terms of the Environmental Management Act (No 7 of 2007), Groot Brack trust is(service plan till 200 000km) 2015 TOYOTA ETIOS 1.5HB XI 2013 LAND ROVER 2.0SI4 EVOQUE required to submit an applciation for Environmental Clearance to the Envi- ronmental Commissioner of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism for the130 000KM N$ 799 900.00 16 000KM N$ 129 900.00 33 000KM N$ 469 900.00 above-mentioned project.2013 NISSAN QASHQAI 1.6 ACENTA 2015 VW POLO 1.4HB VIVO 2013 HYUNDAI IX35 2.0 Review and Comment Period: The purpose of the comment period it to present the proposed project and to afford interested and affected parties55 000KM N$ 149 900.00 41 000KM N$ 139 900.00 82 000KM N$ 239 900.00 (I&AP) an opportunity to comment on the project to ensure that all issues and concerns are captured and considered in the assessment. The review and comment period is effective from 14th October – 5th November 2016.2015 TOYOTA HILUX 3.0 D4D A/T 2013 TOYOTA RAV4 2.0 A/T 2015 TOYOTA RAV4 2.0AT Public Participation Process: Environmental Compliance Consultancy is undertaking the required environmental assessment and public participa-16 000KM L45 N$ 395 900.00 53 500KM N$ 249 900.00 62 500KM N$ 289 900.00 tion process. To obtain further information and register as an interested and affected party (I&AP) on the project database, please submit your name, contact information and interest in the project, in writing to Environmental Compliance Consultancy: Indongo Toyota Ms J. Mooney ECC-31-01-FOR-05 Environmental Compliance Consultancy65 Rehobother Road ▪ Windhoek ▪ Tel 061 237 130 ▪ SCHALK VAN GREUNEN: 081 128 7950 ▪ EUGENE IZAAKS: 081 446 5876 PO Box 91193, Klein Windhoek Tel: +264 816 53 1214 E-mail: [email protected] Website: DANRIC AUTO Cnr Bismarck Street & David Hosea Meroro Road. ● ● Contact: Adri van Tonder: 081-150 4040 ● Office: 061-295 81222011 BMW Z4 Convertible 2014 BMW 220d Coupe 2012 BMW 120d Hatch Back 2015 BMW 320i Sedan 2014 VW Golf 7 OTHER CARS:68 087km N$ 285 000-00 14 995km N$ 410 000-00 93 638km N$ 250 000-00 27 989km N$ 372 000-00 25 250km N$ 390 000-00 2015 BMW 318i Sedan 24km N$ 420 000-00 2016 BMW 318i Sedan 1 000km N$ 545 000-00 2015 BMW 320d Sedan 28 000km N$ 450 000-00 2013 BMW X5M 21 557km N$ 840 000-00

13 October - 19 October 2016 6 841546 20 3 820206 20 13 852589 20 REMINDER ADVERT 17 6 827985 20 1 817770 20 WINNING THESE 5 NUMBERS APPEARED IN LAST WEEK’S Visit the Informanté’s NUMBERS INFORMANTÉ. IF YOU HAVE ONE OF THE Facebook page for more NUMBERS, THEN YOU ARE A WINNER. winning numbers WEEK 1 1 1 11 60125 1 14 65856 1 06 56452 1 02 29273 03 30936 WEEK • 061-275 4102 / 4363 Find us on Your Community NEWSPAPER 13 104543 2 6 96510 2 15 67069 2 1 75628 2 WEEK 3your number The bearer of this newspaper is authorised by Trustco to sell it at any price between N$4 - N$10 for his/her own 1 115005 3 benefit. There can be no true freedom for all without true prosperity for all. 6 131537 3 6 142224 3 6 110014 3 1 117952 3 WEEK 4 6 174164 4 6 173190 4 15 153258 4 13 186662 4 14 186859 4 WEEK 5 15 193269 5 6 213595 5 15 197166 5 14 229750 5 15 190382 5CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS WEEK 6 Romeo Booysen Rhalton Engelbrecht Loide Shitaleni 6 263397 6 1 239453 6N$ 20 000 N$ 10 000 N$ 10 000 13 269868 6 3 244274 6 WEEK 7 6 293392 7 6 297187 7 WEEK 8 1 324057 8 15 320202 8 1 323 487 8 6 346 076 8 14 355 900 8 WEEK 9 13 395689 9 6 382907 9 15 359514 9 6 381326 9 WEEK 10 6 415206 10 1 409719 10 6 432381 10 6 420676 10 WEEK 11 1 450947 11 14 481726 11 6 464257 11 WEEK 12 1 493317 12 6 517582 12 15 488505 12 WEEK 13 6 554570 13 3 531983 13 13 564120 13 1 525884 13 WEEK 14 1 567371 14 11 601661 14 1 569246 14 WEEK 15 6 620622 15 11 644428 15 1 608904 15 6 632333 15 6 612902 15 WEEK 16 8 683047 16 6 659838 16 3 654515 16 WEEK 17 11 726532 17 12 727143 17 6 721715 17 6 716076 17 14 729687 17 WEEK 18YOU CAN BE NEXT!!! 13 769201 18 1 733653 18 FIND THE UNCLAIMED NUMBER AND WIN 6 748700 18 6 754574 18 11 767713 18 WEEK 19 4 780874 19 12 809719 19 6 792512 19Visit Informanté’s Facebook page for more details on how you can win, how you can claim your prize as well as all the Ts & Cs

18 ADVERT 13 October - 19 October 2016 TruLsatawcnosdItnuasdbueornavtnescteionca2apnllpdslyoy.enaarll THAERGTEBTOUTFRINSAGRAYHo1w. Vtios2iata.npwC3dp.woldE4mywom.:p.AwleallenigllItlaaFoyeploasLYtpdhuhEOlireiCeGacUclAnafAdoonHL.aLmnrtLAmp@iaoppVSLnflaleoEHisEnctrIeGAadmLddtEANiaeuoEaLtYtsntapNtSaiQpfHbl:csol+UehIirEoc2mEsyaLn6uRotD.4itbIuoh.ENmr6neS1AaitbtM2cotOu7aeAlr5ddeRsIegLa4bmar1eUy6li@f, 2016.

13 October - 19 October 2016 ADVERT 19 IOL advances careers at the Windhoek ShowFun and games are hardly considered constructive. However, IOL offers various Qualifications, with Education QualificationsIOL disproved this notion with the launch of its PC Game at the currently having the largest intake. The institution recentlyrecently concluded Windhoek Industrial and Agricultural Show. embarked on an awareness campaign for its PolicingVisitors won cash prizes as well as headphones, webcams, 3G Certificate and Diploma Qualifications which are accredited atdevices, and solar chargers through participating. NQF Levels 5 & 6 respectively. The Policing qualifications are designed to cater for current members of Law enforcement as“We received an overwhelming response to the Policing well as school leavers with Grade 12. A bridging course is alsoQualifications as well as our new Education Qualifications – the available to school leavers with a Grade 10 Certificate. TheseDiploma in Education and the Diploma in Education: qualiifications are supported by all relevant stakeholders.Secondary,” said IOL Brand Manager Ms Jessica Jacobs beforeexplaining the aim of the PC Game as one that imparts memory IOL commends the Windhoek Show Society (WSS) for yetand time management skills to the players. another successful Industrial and Agricultural Show, \"The IOL team looks forward to doing greater things next year.\" Tel: +264 61 275 4110 | Fax: +264 61 275 4090 Email: [email protected] | Web: WINDHOEK 061-275 4444 • ONGWEDIVA 065-233 300 • WAVIS BAY 064 - 212 000 • OTJIWARONGO 067-314 700 KEETMANSHOOP 063-227 200 • KATIMA MULILO 066-254 433 • RUNDU 066-255 066 GOBABIS 061-275 9610

20 ADVERTS 13 October - 19 October 2016 bye bye office furniture... PT1629/ CONTENT BASEDCONTACT CLASSES TIMETABLETIME YEAR 1 SUBJECT CODE Venue: SUBJECT NAME DJP-EACS12 Keetmanshoop – IOL Resource Centre08:00-08:30 English and Academic Communication Skills 2 DJP- CL12 Katima Mulilo – IOL Office08:35-09:05 Computer Literacy 2 DJP- RMLS12 Windhoek – M.H.Greeff P.S.09:10-09:40 Religious, Moral and Life Skills Education 2 DJP-MDD12 Rundu – ICDL Centre09:45-10:15 Music and Drama DJP-PHE12 Ongwediva – IOL Office10:20-10:50 Physical and Health Education 2 DJP-MT2ENG Walvis Bay – IOL Office10:55-11:25 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 ENGLISH DJP-MT2AFR Otjiwarongo – IOL Resource Centre11:30-12:00 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 AFRIKAANS DJP-MT2OSD Gobabis – Kalahari Conventional12:05-12:35 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 OSHINDONGA DJP-MT2OSH12:40-13:10 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 OSHIKWANYAMA DJP-MT2OTJ CentreYear: 113:15-13:45 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 OTJIHERERO DJP-MT2SIL Semester: 213:50-14:20 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 SILOZI DJP-MT2RUK Mode of Presentation: LYNC14:25-14:55 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 RUKWANGALI DJP-MT2KHO Date: 15 October 201615:00-15:30 Mother Tongue Literacy and Development 2 KHOEKHOEIUM ASSIGNMENT BASEDCONTACT CLASSES TIMETABLE 1ST YEARTIME SUBJECT NAME SUBJECT CODE Venue:08:00-08:30 Report Writing RWR0S1 Windhoek – Head office08:30-09:00 Professional Presentation PPR0S1 Walvis Bay – Walvis Bay Office09:00-09:30 Spoken Business English SBE0S1 Keetmanshoop - ICDL Resource Centre09:30-10:00 Business/International Business English BUE0S1 Otjiwarongo – ICDL Resource Centre10:30-11:00 Introduction to Personnel Management/Administration IPM0S1 Ongwediva – Ongwediva Office11:30-12:00 Namibian and Regional Economics NRE0S1/RES0D1 Rundu - ICDL Resource Office12:00-12:30 Accounting 1 AC10S1/AT10D1 Katima Mulilo – ICDL Resource Centre12:30-14:00 Introduction of the World of Business BWOS114:00-14:30 Quantitative Methods 1 QM10S1/QM10D1 Semester: 114:30-15:00 Computer Studies MTH132/MT10D1 Mode of Presentation: LYNC15:00-15:30 Computer Literacy CL10S1/CL10D1 Date: 15 October 201615:30-16:00 HIV/AIDS Studies HS10S1/HE10D116:00-16:30 Health Education 1 HE10S1/HS10D1 (First Year) Phase 1 Contact us today for more information: Call Centre +264 61 275 4444 • Email: [email protected] • Website:

13 October - 19 October 2016 THE MTC BUSINESS SOLUTION. ADVERTS 21 HELLO BUSINESS Mburumba Appolus VOICE ON THE GO. CEO of CenoredMOBIZ | 100 MOBIZ | 200 MOBIZ | 300 MOBIZ | 600 MOBIZ | 900 MOBIZ | 1500 MOBIZ | DUET 600 MOBIZ | DUET 900 PT1629/D79N$ 159N$ 249N$ 399N$ 749N$ N$ 1299p/m 599N$ 869N$ p/m p/m p/m p/m p/m p/m p/m 100 MIN 200 MIN 300 MIN 600 MIN 900 MIN 1500 MIN 600 MIN 1000 MIN 100 SMS 200 SMS 300 SMS 600 SMS 900 SMS 1500 SMS 600 SMS 900 SMS100MB DATA 200MB DATA 300MB DATA 600MB DATA 2400MB DATA 3500MB DATA 1000MB DATA 2400MB DATA MoBiz Voice packages specifically designed for your business needs. Terms and Conditions DATE: 4 NOVEMBER 2016 VENUE: WINDHOEK GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB FORMAT: SCRAMBLE DRIVE, 4-BALL ALLIANCE• CONTACT: [email protected] or call 061 275 4831 CHARITIES THAT HAVE BENEFITED OVER THE PAST 6 YEARS · Sunshine Kids · Brain Palsy Trust · The Pan Africa Woman Organisation · Little Annie· Janine & Suzelle Davin Trust · Hope Village · Brood vir my Broer · Mother Voice Grassroots & HIV/AIDS Care · PAY - Physically Active Youth and many more…

22 SPORT 13 October - 19 October 2016 Henle/Rowland break Enduro impasseHenle dominates EnduroMarcel Henle (KTM) reclaimed the 200cc Class champion-ship title on Saturday, 8 October, at the last event of theyear at the Bank Windhoek Enduro Championship at farmDobra. Staff Reporter before the last event. TOP GUN: Henner Rusch on his way to win. Photo: Bank Windhoek In the women division, ShannonWaldschmidt led the Rowland (Honda) was crowned the championship until the last Ladies Quad Champion title ahead ofevent when he finished 16 minutes Maike Bochert (Honda), Julia Mothsbehind Henle, while Joern Greiter and Jolly Fouie (both tied in third).(KTM) finished third. The Clubman’s Class championshipBoth Henle and Waldschmidt finished title went to Ronnie Adams (KTM)the season tied on 128 championship ahead of Jürgen Gladis (KTM) andpoints. Heinz Erni (KTM).Henner Rusch (KTM) won the more The off-road bikes class, 2016than 250cc motorbike class race, and champion was Kurt Hartung (KTM)secured his fourth Namibian Enduro who also secured his sixth victory ofChampionship title in a row, while J L the season ahead of Andre van ZylOppermann (Honda) won the Open (Yamaha) in second and Juan van AsQuads Championship. (KTM) in third place.Rusch once again illustrated his Noam Babluki (KTM) took victory indominance in the motorbikes with the development class ahead of Adammore than 250cc class by clinching Johnston (Yamaha) and Liam Gilchristfirst place, more than 20 minutes (Husqvarna).ahead of second placed Pascal Henle In the open quad class, Jens Rubow(KTM), while Corne Visser of Sherco (Yamaha) clocked the fastest lap timefinished third of 00:31:53 but surrendered the title toSenior Motorbike Riders title went J L Sven Schneidenberger (Husaberg) The end of year event and crowningdespite him finishing second behind of the Namibian champions will takeDavid Brown but had more points place on 5 November at Elisenheim Guest Farm.Wanderers interested NSC targets winning teamsin Nashikaku Michael Uugwanga rather to be a mere participant at for the 2016 Rio games despite having THE Namibia Sports Commission Olympic Games. The country’s able- spent three years in Jamaica as part (NSC) is in the process of giving bodied athletes failed to win a single of a long term training programme special preferences in funding to medal at the Rio Games, yet the with the aim of improving chances three as yet unnamed sports codes Paralympian team won five medals of winning medals at the 2016 Rio as part of improving the country’s when Ananias Shikongo won a Gold, Olympic Games. chances of winning a medal at the Silver and Bronze, while Johannes 2020 Olympic Games. Nambala won two Silver medals. Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service, Agnes Although they have not announced Frank Fredericks remains the only Tjongarero was quoted as saying she the sports codes, Informanté has it on able bodied Namibian athlete to win wants to see more funding given to good authority that the male Rugby medals at the Olympics in Barcelona, sport codes that have the potential to Sevens team, Athletics, Paralympics Spain, when he won two Silver win medals. or Boxing will be the priority codes. medals in the 100m and 200m and in 1996 when he won two Silver medals As a country with a population of The NSC has therefore asked in the 100m and 200m at the Atlanta 2,3 million inhabitants, Namibia has federations and associations to Games in U.S.A. 48 sport codes that all depend on the submit a progress reports from 2009 N$10 million from the NSC annually. to date to identify sport codes to Namibia’s top athletes, such as receive more financial funding in local sprint champions Hitjiverue The NSC is yet to make the order for the country to compete, Kaanjuka, Globine Mayova, Lelanie announcement as they are still busy Klaasman, Tjipekapora Herunga and drafting up the plan that will be Dantago Gurirab all failed to qualify submitted to the Ministry of Sport and to its stakeholders.WANTED: Phillip Nashikaku. Photocontributed Michael Uugwanga game against Evergreens after SARU GOLDEN BOYS: Ananias Shikongo won a gold, silver and bronze medals at the Paralympics Games in Rio. Photo contributed made a U-turn about his eligibility asFNB Wanderers Rugby Club is he needed to have played at least 50interested in signing up Trustco percent of Wanderers’ games.United Rugby Club’s fullback Phillip Nel also said that his team tookNashikaku who played for the team some positive rather than negativein the Gold Cup against South lessons from the Gold Cup after hisAfrica’s Northam Platinum Rhinos side came so close to qualify for thelast month. playoffs in their first entry in the clubNashikaku was on loan from Trustco competition.United in an agreement with the Wanderers finished second for theSouth African Rugby Union (SARU) second time in the past two seasons into compensate for the lack of a rugby the Namibia Rugby Premier Leagueplayer pool to choose from, compared (NRPL) behind UNAM rugby club,to South African Clubs. the latter not included in the Gold CupWanderers coach JP Nel confirmed the for the competition does not cater forinterest in Nashikaku. university teams.“We want to keep him at Wanderers “It was a learning curve in the Goldbut we need to talk to United. I rate Cup.It is nothing comparable to thehim (Nashikaku) very high,” said Nel. local league. We hope next year we doSpeaking after his side lost for a place better. The (Gold Cup) officials shouldin the playoffs 27-35 to South Africa’s try to get new referees because theyEvergreens on Saturday, 8 October, were not good but I can’t say muchNel said they are looking at signing the about them. Our preparation wasplayer next season. much better but we need to improveNashikaku was however omitted in the on our trainings,” said Nel.

13 October - 19 October 2016 ADVERT 23 HIGH PERFORMANCE Oshakati Grootfontein Gobabis Windhoek StamprietM.H. Greeff Primary School-KhomasdalRugby, my game and passion“I love rugby and I believe that it is the best game there is. It is important that coaches and players know their worth,so that you never lose yourself when circumstances in the game and in life are unfavourable,” said Peter de Villierswhen he shared his personal principles for success during the recent High Performance Coaching Clinic at M.H. GreeffPrimary School in Windhoek.De Villiers advised the coaches that it is important that one creates an equality environment that makes it easier toguide players on how to build quality relationships. “Eventually, you and your players will always be delivering qualitywork,” he added.Horatious Abrahams of On the Go Fitness, stated that his company will further the Trustco and Peter de Villier initiativein the Khomasdal area. While Justin Nel, a club and national player, vowed to use what he learned to plough back intohis community.@trustco_group

24 SPORT 13 October - 19 October 2016 SPORT Rugby | community expects a great tournament. SWAKOP HOSTS WORLD-CLASS SEVENSA world-class rugby tournament is set to grace the shores of Namibia in about a month’s the Namibian Saflands Sevens team Merwe is confident that the Sevenstime when the Saflands Sevens will host international rugby nations in Swakopmund. could achieve the not so insurmount- rugby could turned out to be a huge able feat and actually win the tourna- success. Niel Terblanche the Swakopmund Dome. “I am sure to boost Sevens rugby in Namibia. ment, which would mean knocking the participating teams from outside “We saw a massive boost that the current champions, the South African “Namibia has the potential to be-The Namibia Rugby Union (NRU) Namibia will be amazed by the facili- Blitzbokke out of the competition. come a force in International sevens made the announcement recently ties at the Dome and that the people of Olympic Games had on the already rugby and it is an excellent showcasein Windhoek. Swakopmund will support this festival popular Sevens game and if this “We are in it to win it,” said Booy- for young talent moving up through of Sevens rugby,” said Strauss. tournament could help Namibia get sens. The Germans, United States, the ranks,” said van der Merwe. Tournament organiser, Willem to the games in 2020 then the hosting South Africa, Zambia, Kenya andStrauss said the event moved to Acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the tournament will be worth it,” Zimbabwe have all confirmed their Meanwhile, the tournament is alsoSwakopmund from Windhoek due of NRU, Elizma Theron is optimistic said Theron. Newly appointed Sevens participation, while Argentina is yet set to prepare the teams that are setto a co-sponsoring arrangement with that the tournament has the potential coach of Namibia, Jurie Booysens said to make the announcement. The to participate in the upcoming HSBC Saflands representative Kallie van der World Rugby Sevens tournament in Hong Kong later in November.Kaanjuka eyeing 2020 Games Junior cricket and football vies for NSC awards Marthina Mutanga In Jamaica, Kaanjuka was being coached by renowned coach Letu Once regarded as the local Hamhola. “I have been in training Michael Uugwanga Namibia booked a place at the 2018 since returning. I do not want to be Two of the country’s junior national Under-19 Cricket World Cup that sprinter that could emulate compared to Fredericks as I want to teams, Cricket Namibia U-19 and will be held in New Zealand. make my own history. I have learned the Baby Warriors U-17 are the two Frank Fredericks, Hitjiverue a lot in Jamaica. I want to qualify for teams that will be battle it out for The Namibian U-17 soccer side the next Olympic Games. Age is just this year’s MTC/Namibia Sports followed in the footsteps of the Brave Kaanjuka has not qualified a number as some people say,” said Commission (NSC) Team of the Warriors by winning the Councils Kaanjuka who will be 32 by then. Year Award. of the Southern African Football for international games Associations (COSAFA) U-17 Cup Kaandjuka is a police officer in the The NSC Sports Awards are after beating South Africa 3-1 in the despite having dominated Namibian Police Force (NamPol) in presented annually to deserving final. Windhoek and is hoping to con- sportspersons and teams who have local athletics between 2009 tinue with his studies at one of South attained outstanding achieve- The Baby Warriors were the Africa’s universities as he did not ments and contributed significantly underdogs against South Africa in to 2012 when he was national complete his course in Jamaica in the towards sports excellence during the final, having lost to SA 4-0 in the field of sport. In July this year, Deputy the period of September 2015 to 30 group stage. champion in the 100m and Minister of Sport, Youth and National September 2016. Service Agnes Tjongarero said it was Another team that will be in the 200m respectively. the final opportunity for the athletes Namibia’s U-19 cricket team made hunt for the title will be the country’s The 28-year-old was one of that went to Jamaica. history by reaching the quarter- rugby national side, the Welwitschi- the 10 athletes that were in finals of the 2016 U-19 World Cup as, who won the Confederation of Jamaica from 2013 to 2016 as The Jamaica programme costs were they lost to India by 197 runs, African Rugby Africa Cup in August part of a long-term training government about N$9 million in but previous to that, Namibia beat this year when they beat Zimbabwe programme known as Vision taxpayer’s money but was regarded as South Africa. 60-22 in the final. 2016 with the aim of improving a failure. Kaanjuka, however, said the Namibia’s chances of winning med- programme was a success as he got Namibia ended SA’s title defence of Also in the running for the pres- als at the recently held 2016 Olympic the opportunity to meet some of the the U-19 World Cup and the win is tigious award is the country’s U-19 Games in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and at world’s best sprinters such as Asafa regarded as one of Namibia’s greatest rugby team who reached the 2017 world championships. Powell, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and sporting triumphs against one of the World Cup after winning the Africa Since his arrival from Jamaica, Kaliese Spencer, although he unfortu- best cricket playing nations. Cup in August this year after they Kaanjuka has been training at nately missed out on meeting Usain beat Zimbabwe 42-29. the Independence Stadium Bolt. After reaching the quarter-finals in Windhoek with his The annual MTC/NSC awards coach Lucky Gawanab will take place on the 31 October in as he set his eyes at Windhoek. the 2020 Summer Olympics Games to be held in Tokyo,LOOKING TO THE FUTURE: Hitjiverue Kaanjuka. Photo contributed Japan.

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