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KAU Brochure 2016

Published by KAU, 2017-03-07 03:45:25

Description: KAU Brochure 2016


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In Crop production and Post-harvesttechnology, the station has identified twomicroorganisms involved in reducing theretting period of white pepper and thebleaching agents for imparting colour and beeforaging plants, predators/pests of stinglessbees in Kerala and safer pesticides to honeybees against pests of melon. Introduction ofarrow root as a remunerative intercrop in thehomesteads of Kerala and fabricated machinefor the extraction of starch from arrow root,cultivation technology of milky mushroom andmedicinal mushrooms, Ganoderma lucidumand Auricularia auriculae on sawdust, low costtechnology of pest control in mushroomcropping rooms and technique of growingmushroom in used water bottles, Hi-Techmanagement technologies for apiculture andmeliponiculture, agro techniques for sericultureand micronutrient fertilizer mixture suitablefor Nendran banana, are other notableachievements in this field. KAU Brochure 2016 51

In Crop protection the station has developed new chemical recommendations for the control of sucking pests of chilli, brinjal, bhindi, pod borer of pulses, shoot and fruit borer of cucurbits and bhindi, caterpilla pests of cucurbits, coconut eriophid mite and coconut coreid bug infesta- tion; diseases like fusarium wilt, root rot and web blight of cow pea, powdery and downy mildew of cucurbits and leaf spot of bhindi, organic management for the leaf blight of amaranthus, anthurium, fusarium wilt, root rot and web blight of cowpea, powdery and downy mildew of cucurbits, leaf spot of bhindi and rhizome rot of ginger; rhizome weevil of banana and chemical control of bacterial wilt of chilli and leaf rot of coconut. Protocol for the identification of virus diseases in banana, pepper, vanilla, orchid and anthurium and technologies for ecofriendly management of water hyacinth. Facilities established and services provided under RARS (SZ includes Honey and bee colony providing unit, Advanced Research Centre for Plant Disease Diagnosis, Central Analytical Laborator y, Mobile Soil Testing Laboratory, Biocontrol Laboratory for Crop Pest Management, Plant Virus Indexing Laboratory, Agri Kiosk, Soil Museum, Honey Museum and Agro Machinery Testing, Training and Service Centre52 KAU Brochure 2016

The KAU technology for safe and All India Co-ordinated Project onhygienic disposal of household garbage Honeybees Research and Training Centre atthrough rapid conversion of degradable College of Agriculture, Vellayani has provedwaste to value added manure is a novel that the worthiness, relevance and prospectsmechanism. The fast, efficient and of beekeeping are unmatchable. Thenonpolluting process is completed within a Vellayani centre has a model apiary withday and is most suitable for residential Indian bee, Italian bee and stingless beeapartments, markets, community halls etc. colonies as well as a well-equippedIt helps in handling waste at places of laboratory. It has standardized technologiesgeneration, thereby avoiding transportation for honey bee management, bee healthto large scale processing plants. The management, quality honey production,prototype machine christened Suchitha honey processing, marketing, value additiondeveloped at Vellayani completes the of honey and different hive products.process within a day, thus avoiding thetribulations of environmental pollution. A honey drink developed by the centre,Machine with 20 kg processing capacity in collaboration with Home Scienceneeds only 1.5 sq.m space and 3 units of Department of College of Agriculture haselectricity for its operation. Final product a shelf life of 30 days. The advancedmixed with plant friendly drying agents and technologies in commercial Meliponiculturefortified with required doses of essential developed by KAU is helping establish-plant nutrients is organic enriched manure. ment of Meliponiculture units in all districts of the State to aid women empowerment.Address : Associate Director, Southern Region Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram - 695 522 Phone : (0471) 2382239 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 53

onattukararegional agriculturalresearch statiionKayamkulam The Onattukara Regional Agricultural coconut. On 12th April 2000, the status ofResearch Station (ORARS) was established the station was raised to Onattukarain 1937 as Rice Research station, Kayamkulam Regional Agricultural Research Station tounder the erstwhile Travancore University for strengthen research on crops and croppingthe improvement of rice and coconut in system of Onattukara tract and implementOnattukara region. With the formation of the specific programmes like comprehensiveKerala Agricultural University in 1972, this coconut care project in the region. Theinstitution was transferred to Kerala research station is situated by the side ofAgricultural University. In 1981, the station Kayamkulam - Punalur road, 1.6 km to thehas been declared as a sub centre for east of Kayamkulam town.conducting research on root wilt disease of54 KAU Brochure 2016

The activities taken up in the station The objective of ORARS is enhancing theincludes development of improved varieties production and productivity of the majorof paddy, sesamum, groundnut and pulses crops of Onattukara region which comprisessuitable for Onattukara region, standar- of 42 panchayaths surrounded bydisation of production and processing Thottapally spillway in the north,technology for paddy, sesamum, groundnut Neendakara in the south, Arabian Sea in theand pulses, maintenance of germplasm of west and Edanadu in the east. The thrust ispaddy, pulses and oil seeds, studies on on development of improved varieties andmushroom production technology, develo- validation of the management strategies andpment of suitable agrotech- niques for plant protection practices of these crops. Theimproving the physical condition and broad areas of research in ORARS are cropnutrient status of the soil and implemen- improvement, crop production and croptation of comprehensive coconut care protection with particular emphasis onproject. location specific field problems. The station operates a number ofresearch project funded by differentagencies. At present there are 17 number ofongoing research projects of which two arefunded by KAU and 15 under other EAPs.The EAPs include seven GOK plan projects,three RKVY projects, three 13th FC projectsand two centre of excellence (rice) projects. KAU Brochure 2016 55

Eleven varieties of rice (Bhagya, Onam and Chingam for first crop, Lekshmi, Dhanu, Dhanya for second crop, Sagara and Amritha for Orumundakan crop and Makaram, Kumbham and Thulam for eastern lateritic areas), five varieties of sesamum (Kayamkulam-1, Thilothama, Thilak, Thilarani and Thilathara), two varieties of cowpea (Sreya and Hridya) and one variety of cassava (Nidhi) were released from this station. In addition to this suitability of varieties released from other research stations for cultivation in this area is also being explored. Different agrotechniques and suitable management practices for the control of pests and diseases of these crops were also developed. All the results achieved have contributed to the effective management strategies for the cultivation or rice, sesame, pulses, vegetables, coconut, banana, tuber crops and fodder grass. The station has well equipped laboratory facilities in the fields of Plant pathology, Biotechnology, Plant breeding, Bio control, Leaf tissue and Soil analysis. One class B Agromet observatory is maintained in the station with important instruments to record various weather parameters like rain fall, temperature, relative humidity, sunshine hours etc. and observations are recorded. An automatic weather station established by the India Meteorology department (IMD) is also maintained.56 KAU Brochure 2016

The station caters to the needs of the on production aspects of different cropsfarming community, unemployed to scientists, officers of Department ofwomen and youths. Top priority is given Agriculture, farmers and field levelto the solution of location specific extension workers, students andproblems for which one mobile agro unemployed is functioning at this station. Frontline demonstrations in sesame are An information cum sales centreconducted every year in the fields of functioning at ORARS providesselected farmers. Participatory seed information and technology guidance asproduction programme was also taken well as quality planting materials andup in farmers’ fields under the leadership farm produce to farming communityof this station. The station offers training and public.Address : Project Director, Onattukara Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Kayamkulam, Alappuzha District-690502. Phone: 0479 2443192 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 57

regionalagriculturalresearch stationKumarakom The Coconut Research Station, Kumarakom station was upgraded to the status of awas established in 1947 to cater to the Regional Agricultural Research Stationresearch on coconut in the reclaimed alluvial (RARS) with a mandate for research on cropssoils of Kuttanad. The Coconut Research and cropping systems of the Special ZoneStation became one of the constituent of Problem Areas.institutions of KAU in 1972. In 1982, the58 KAU Brochure 2016

R A R S, Kumarakom is situated oppositeto the Kumarakom bird sanctuary in theKumarakom village of Kottayam district onthe eastern banks of the Vembanad lake andon the southern side of the Kavanar river. Itis located 15 km west of Kottayam town,21 km east of Cherthala town and 16 kmsouth of Vaikom. The station is besideKottayam – Vaikom/Kottayam– Cherthalaroad and situated at a distance of 20 kmsfrom both Kottayam and Cherthala railwaystations. Since its inception in 1982, the Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kumarakom has been actively engaged in research on crops and cropping systems of Kuttanad tract. RARS has released several improved crop varieties like Kalpaka KMC 1 (Cassava), KMV 1 (Vegetable Cowpea), Indu (Greater yam - Dioscoreaalata) and Haritham & Amrutham (Garcinia). The station also identified a new edible mushroom Tricholomasp and developed technology for cultivation of a new medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum as well as low cost sprawn produ- ction technology of different mushrooms. Three new isolates of edible mushrooms viz. Calocybeindica, Tricholomasp and Volvariellasp have been identified and their cultivation technology standardized. Pleurotusflorida and P. sajorcaju were have been identified as excellent mushroom species suitable for cultivation in Kuttanad. KAU Brochure 2016 59

The technology of rice-fish RARS has undertaken pioneering rotational cropping (Orunellum studies on open water pen and cage Orumeenum) standardized by culture and farming of Kuttanadan RARS reduces the cost of rice Konchu in the channels of coconut production by 40%. The station gardens. The station has developed has developed commendable and engineered fish sanctuary, first of models of crop-livestock-fish its kind, to promote natural recruitment integration and Rice-fish-duck of pearl spot (Karimeen) in Vembanad integration, which have been lake. Captive breeding protocols for proved to be an adaptive conservation, management and technology for the Kuttanad enhancement of endangered fish region. species viz. Golden cat fish (Hora- bagrusbrachysoma), Nadanmuzhi60 KAU Brochure 2016 (Clariasdussumieri), Kooral (Gonopro- ctopteruscurmuca) and Karimeen (Etroplussu-ratensis) have also been developed.

Other notable research contributions ofKumarakom RARS includes standardization ofviable vegetative propagation techniques ingarcinia (Kudampuli), conservation of agermplasm of 205 different types of Garcinia,introduction of a new spice crop, Kokkum aswell as Baby corn and Sweet corn to the zone,standardization of a technology package forthe effective management of root wilt affectedcoconut gardens, agro techniques forcoconut, banana, vegetables and tuber cropsin the reclaimed alluvial soils of Kuttanad,vermicomposting technology in permanenttanks, terracotta vermipots and silpaulinvermibeds suited to the zone using aquaticweeds (water hyacinth and salvinia) and cropresidues, identifying the bio control agentCyrtobagoussalvineae (weevil) for thebiological control of salvinia (African payal), A Center for environmental surveillance for Vembanad wetlands covering Kuttanad and associated river systems has been established at the station as part of Kuttanad Package. KAU Brochure 2016 61

A Biodiversity museum for rare,endangered, threatened and endemic plantspecies of Kuttanad has been establishedwith germplasm accession of 75 medicinalplants, 7 tuber crops and 3 minor fruitplants. Mangrove rehabilitation work in astretch of 50 was undertaken in the firstphase and the mangrove rehabilitationproject is extended to the entire stretch onthe lake front with planting of Rhizophoraand Bruguera. Germplasm of 28 localgenotypes of mangoes and 3 genotypesof jack have been prioritized for characte-rization and conservation. Besides six Mangotypes that flower round the year has beenidentified and mass propagation of suchgenotypes are underway. Techniques for open water vegetable farming is a major finding of the station. Cultivation of red amaranthus in indigenous rafts made of water hyacinth demarcated by bamboo poles have been standardized and replicated. Address : Associate Director, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Kumarakom, Kottayam District - 686566 Phone : 04812524421 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

regionalagriculturalresearch stationPattambi The Regional Agricultural ResearchStation established in 1927 at Pattambi isa renowned agricultural research centreknown world over for its contributions tothe rice farming sector. Located in asprawling campus on the banks ofBharathapuzha, the centre supportsfarming by developing new varieties andtechnologies for better agriculturalproduction. Pattambi is well connected byroad and rail and is 17 kms from ShornurJunction in Southern railway. It is alsowithin 100 kms from Kochi and Calicutairports. The research centre established during Agricultural Research Station in 1981. It is nowpre-independent era as a Paddy Breeding the Head quarter for Central Zone com-Station to support food production, prising Palakkad, Thrissur, Ernakulam andespecially rice in the region was elevated Malappuram districts of the state with sevenas Agricultural Research Station in 1930. research stations pursuing research on variousHaving been taken over by State cropping systems and crop productiongovernment in 1956 as Central Rice technologies. Institute of AgriculturalResearch Station, it came under the fold Technology which offers two year Diplomaof Kerala Agricultural University in 1972 Programme in Agriculture is also attached toand was re designated as Regional RARS, Pattambi. KAU Brochure 2016 63

RARS has the mandate to conductresearch on Rice and rice basedfarming systems, pulses andHorticultural Crops and the mission isto sustain food production in the zoneby providing technology backup forbetter production and safe productionpractices. UMA Rice breeding programmes hitherto have given birth to thirty six selections in rice from the indica types and64 KAU Brochure 2016 twenty four high yielding hybrid derivatives/selections, which are highly popular in different agro ecological situations of the state. Rice breeding programmes are now focused to develop climate ready varieties suitable for the tract. Research has also generated wealth of information and technologies for rice crop nutrition, soil and water management, pest/disease management, seed production and mechanization of farming operations. Research projects for improvement of pulses, vegetables and fruits are also taken up. Improved varieties in cowpea, ash gourd, coleus and chilli have also been developed by the station.

The station is equipped with All India Coordinatedexperiment fields, laboratories for plant Research Projects (AICRP) onand soil studies, green/poly houses, Rice, Arid legumes, nationalAgro met observatory, plant nursery, seed project and breeder seedrice museum with a rich collection of project and long term fertilizergermplasm, facilities for mechanized experiment, State Plan Projectsfarming and rice seed processing, on Centre for excellence in rice,Library facilities etc. to complement the Rice knowledge centre, Leadmandated activities. farmer centered Extension Advisory and Delivery services Jyothi (LEADS), Commercial Tissue culture production, Vegetable The recent contributions include vegetable varieties development, CharacterizationThara in Ash gourd and Keerthi in Chilli, Cowpea of rice varieties and extrenallyvarieties PGCP 6, DCS 47-1 and GC 3, essential oils and funded programmes such asplant extracts for management of BLB, blast false smut alternate formulations forand sheath blight, DNA finger printing of xanthomonasoryzae banned pesticides againstisolates, identification of compounds with pheromone major pest and diseases of rice,like activity for rice case worm and blue beetle, drought management of secondarytolerant and heat tolerant rice varieties and BLB resistant and micro nutrients in soils,lines located in the rice germplasm. Virulence analysis of Pyricula- riaoryzae, Hyper accumulators of macro and secondary nutrients and Production of quality seeds and planting materials are progressing at the station. KAU Brochure 2016 65

Outreach Programmes RARS supports Good Agricultural Practices. Bio-control agents like fluorescent Pseudomonas,formulations of Trichoderma, plant based pest controlformulations, vermi compost etc. are produced andmade available to farmers. RARS maintains close linkages with farmers, extensionworkers, youth, house wives and children through its outreachactivities. Training programmes, plant health clinics, multidisciplinary diagnostic team visits, technology demonstrations,farmer scientist interactions, exhibitions, Krishi melas etc. areorganized on a regular basis. Cyber extension tools are alsoused to support farmers. Address : Associate Director, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, MelePattambi, Palakkad District- 679306 Phone : 0466 2212228 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

regional agriculturalresearch station(RARS)Ambalavayal The farm established in 1945 by the Madras government under the post-war Wayanad Colonialisation Programme, is the foundation of RARS, Ambalavayal. It became the Central Horticultural Research Station under the Department of Agriculture in 1966 and soon became a reliable centre for technology support to farmers in and around the region. The Kerala Agricultural University took the station into its fold in 1972 and it gained the present status of the Regional Agricultural Research Station for the High Range Zone in 1981. KAU Brochure 2016 67

RARS, Ambalavayal is located about25 km east of Kalpetta, the district headquarters of Wayanad and is wellconnected by road from Kozhikode,Kannur, Ooty and Mysore. The station islocated at an altitude of 974 m aboveMSL, about 100 km east of Calicut and10 km from Sulthan Bathery. Nearestairports-Calicut International Airport (CCJ) :105 km; Cochin International Airport(COK): 240 km; Bengaluru InternationalAirport (BLR): 330 km. Nearest railwaystation- Kozhikode: 95 km The station has many research accomplishments in Aromatic crops and spices. It has also encouraged rural farmers in Wayanad to adopt scientific farming practices in pepper, ginger cardamom, banana etc., leading them to prosperity and economic stability. It is the highest income generating station of KAU.68 KAU Brochure 2016

The facilities at Ambalavayal RARS includesBio Control lab, Food Processing lab, Leaf andTissue Analysis lab and Tissue Culture lab. Ithas a vast collection of subtropical fruit crops,cool season vegetables, ornamentals- rose,orchids, dahlia etc. and succulents. Germplasmcollection of spices and rice accessions includingscented rice varieties, extensive collection ofbirds and livestock and Meteorologicalobservatory are other specialities The station is actively engaged in extension activities and extending support to farmers in Wayanad as well as neighboring areas of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka The annual flower show, Pooppoli being held since 2014 has been a star attraction and effective tool for technology transfer. The International Symposium on Succulents and other Ornamentals held here has exposed the horticulture potential of Wayanad to international scientists.Address : Associate Director, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Ambalavayal, Wayanad District - 673593 Phone : 04936 260421 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 69

regional agriculturalresearch stationPilicode Coconut Research in India was started CPCRI, the Stations at Nileshwar II andin 1916 with the establishment of Research Pilicode were attached to Kerala AgriculturalStations at Kasaragod, Nileshwar-l (Pilicode), University along with its formation in 1972.Nileshwar II & III in the West Coast of the Under the ICAR sponsored Nationalerstwhile Madras State, representing the Agricultural Research Project, these stationsmajor soil types on which coconuts are were elevated as Regional Agriculturalgenerally grown. These stations were taken Research Station for the Northern region ofover by the Indian Central Coconut Committee Kerala, comprising the districts of Kasaragod,in 1947. While the Kasaragod station was Kannur, Kozhikode and Malappuram withtaken over by ICAR in 1970 for establishing effect from 1980.70 KAU Brochure 2016

RARS Pilicode is located in PilicodeVillage of HosdurgTaluk in Kasaragod Districtat 13°N latitude and 75°E longitude at anelevation of 15 m above MSL. It is 55 kmNorth of Kannur town by the side of NH-17.The Station is 130 km South of MangaloreAir port and 3 km East of CheruvathurRailway Station. Nileshwar station is situatedin Nileshwar village of HosdurgTaluk inKasaragod District and is about 65 km Northof Kannur town on either sides of NH-17 andis about 1.6 km South West of NileshwarRailway Station. The extent of area of RARS, Pilicode is The mandates of the station are to57.87 ha and that of Nileshwar is 17.25 ha. perform as the lead centre for research onThe Station receives 3379 mm of annual coconut and coconut based farming system,rainfall. The mean maximum and minimum to serve as verification and testing centretemperature of the location is 33°C and 23°C for cashew, mango, rice, pulses, vegetables,respectively. oil seeds and tree crops, to conduct research on livestock and to co-ordinate and supervise research at Pepper Research Station, Panniyur and RARS Sub centre Manjeswaram. The centenary celebrations of Regional Agricultural Research Station(RARS), Pilicode, India's first coconut research station was inaugurated by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan by planting Hybrid coconut seedling in Secretariat compound, Thiruvananthapuram on September 8, 2016. Ministers V. S. Sunilkumar and E. Chandeasekharan also planted coconut seedlings on the ocassion. Seedlings were also planted at all district headquarters and all village offices in the state simultaneously. Centenary celebrations culminated in a grand farm show showcasing innovative agricultural technologies. KAU Brochure 2016 71

The major objectives include Germplasm Centre for farming culturecollection and genetic improvement ofcoconut, standardization of agro-techniquesand plant protection measures for coconutand coconut based cropping system,Exploitation of genetic diversity in cashew,mango and pepper, Research onbiofertilizers, studies on Crop-weatherrelationships of major crops, Research oncucurbitaceous vegetables. The station is also active in research on farming culture, Collection and conservation of Malabari Goats and Agromet Advisory Services. The Research Station maintains a unique collection of coconut germplasm consisting of 35 exotic and 40 indigenous accessions. ANANDAGANGA Hybrid vigour in coconut was first reported from this Station. The first ever hybrid viz. WCT x CDG, popularly known as T x D was evolved and planted at Nileshwar in 1936. Later five more hybrids viz. Lakshaganga (LO x GB), Keraganga (WCT x GB), Anandaganga (AO x GB), Kerasree (WCT x MYD), Kerasoubhagya (WCT x SSA) were released from this station. The variety “Kerasagara” was developed through selection from the Seychelles variety. Chowghat orange dwarf, Bengal Laccadive ordinary were identified as suitable varieties for tender nut purpose. A variety named “KeraMadhura” has been developed for release. The optimum physiological maturity having maximum quality and consumer acceptance was found during 210 days after inflorescence emergence (DAIE).72 KAU Brochure 2016

KERAGANGA locational trial of released varieties from various institutes is also conducted. Improved varieties of melon (Arunima) Experiments for evolving dwarf cashew and ridge gourd (Haritha) were evolved at varieties are on. Cashew apple this Station. Breeders seeds of Arunima and processing unit established in 2009 for Haritha and foundation/certified seeds of preparation of various products from other vegetables are produced and the fruit. Various products of cashew distributed regularly in large scale. apple are prepared eighty seven pickling type of mangoes were identified, This Station is functioning as a sub centre characterised and conserved. Evaluation under AICRP on cashew. Sixty four promising trial of dessert mangoes of Malabar bold nut types of cashew have been region were conducted and an orchard identified and conserved from Northern of superior types has been established. region of Kerala. Fertilizer trial in high density planting of cashew is in progress. Multi-KERASREE KAU Brochure 2016 73

Both traditional and modern rice KERASAGARAvarieties were subjected to fieldexperiments. The station contributed Regular training programmesimmensely in the development of rice are conducted on mushroomvarieties Ezhome 1, 2, 3 and 4 suited for production, vermicomposting,Kaipad lands of Kannur and Kasaragod cashew propagation, coconutdistricts and the first organic rice variety management, coir pith compos-Jaiva was released from this station. ting, nursery management and vegetable production and cashew KERAMADURA apple processing to farmers, youth, officials of agriculture and allied Address : sectors etc. These trainings have paved way for initiating several micro enterprises in agriculture and on the whole helped for the financial upliftment of the farming community. Elite quality planting material such as coconut hybrids, vegetable seeds, cashew grafts, mango grafts, medicinal and ornamental plants are made available from the station. Associate Director, Regional Agricultural Research Station, Kerala Agricultural University, Pilicode, Kasaragod District - 670353 Phone: 0467 2260554 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

CoconutResearch Station (CRS)Balaramapuram The Coconut Research Station, Balarama-puram is involved in research, teaching andextension activities specific to coconut andcoconut based integrated farming systems. Coconut Research Station started in of 14.13 hectares under the station is situatedJanuary 1948 at Pachalloor, about 7 km south at an elevation of 9 m above MSL spreadsof Thiruvananthapuram. This station was under two panchayaths–Kottukal (9.0 ha) andlater shifted to Kattachalkuzhy, 3 km south Venganoor (5.13 ha).of Balaramapuram - Vizhinjam road early in1963-64. When KAU was established in 1972,ments on nutrition, spacing and plant thekattachalkuzhy station was attached to it andrenamed as CRS, Balaramapuram. The area Mandate of the Station is to standardize agro-techniques for coconut and coconut based farming system on red loam soils. The functions include conduct of long term experi protection of coconut in the red loam soils, assessing the growth and yield of different coconut cultivars and hybrids in the region, production of quality coconut seedlings including hybrids, imparting technical know how on coconut production technologies and intercropping experiments. KAU Brochure 2016 75

The facilities available in the station are and important intercrops in relation toa Nursery of coconut seedlings, rapid black climate change is in progress. The integratedpepper multiplication unit, banana nursery, coconut based farm model at the stationhardening chamber, green house, poly includes intercropping, dairy unit, poultryhouse, water harvesting structure, live stock unit, ornamental fish culture, rapid multipli-unit with cows, goats and poultry, laboratory, cation unit, vegetable seed production, valueobservatory, library and training hall. addition in coconut, vermicompost unit, mushroom production, banana sucker The station has developed a sustainable production, arecanut seedling productionModel of Coconut Based Integrated Farming and azolla production.System. Research on performance of coconut Address : Professor & Head, Coconut Research Station, Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram Dt. -695509 Phone : 0471 2400621 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

Cropping SystemsResearch Centre (CSRC)Karamana The Cropping Systems Research Centre, was named Model Agronomic ResearchKaramana was established in 1955 as Model Centre in 1968 when it came under All IndiaAgronomic Centre under the Stewart scheme Co-ordinated Agronomic Research Project.of Simple Fertilizer Trials in Cultivators Field The station was upgraded to the status of asponsored by ICAR (Indian Council of Agri- research station and post graduate studycultural Research). It was also a regional centre in 1972 with the formation of Keralacentre of the Central Rice Research Station, Agricultural University. In 1989 the station wasPattambi. In 1956-57 the station came under redesignated as Cropping Systems Researchthe All India Co-ordinated Agronomic Centre, under the All India Co-ordinatedExperiments Scheme (AICAES). The station Research Project on Cropping Systems which KAU Brochure 2016 77

was converted to AICRP on Integrated and development of the station as a nodalFarming Systems (AICRP on IFS) in 2009. centre for advanced research on Integrated Farming Systems and urban/periurban The station forms a part of 19.3 coastal agriculture.ecosystem-hot humid-per humid region andis 3.3 m above MSL. The land area under the The objectives include Developing andstation is 7.65 hectares out of which 6.25 validating region-specific integrated farminghectares is wet land. It is situated at system models (Homestead based, CoconutNedumcadu, Karamana, 3 km south-east of based, Rice based, Banana based, Urban/Thiruvananthapuram Central railway station peri-urban) for enhanced system productivity,and 16 km from Thiruvananthapuram airport. profitability and sustainability, Conducting multi-location trials on integrated production Mandates of CSRC is to develop and systems, bio-energy conversion and organicvalidate region-specific integrated farming recycling and creating awareness and interestsystem models for enhanced system among urban and periurban population onproductivity, profitability and sustainability homestead farming, terrace gardening,and undertake research, training, extension vertical farming, mushroom production,and developmental activities on various kitchen garden etc.aspects of urban and peri-urban agriculture.The research vision is management of farm Development and validation of on-Stationresources in integrated manner for achieving IFS models such as rice based IFS for wetland,food, nutritional and livelihood improvement coconut based IFS for upland and homestead78 KAU Brochure 2016

based IFS; investigating rice-based farming zone based agricultural development ofsystems involving fish through suitable land all 14 districts of Kerala revealing unit wisemodifications vis à vis conventional rice- information pertaining to aspects such asbased cropping systems; network project on major cropping/farming systems followed,characterization and management of soil major pests/diseases/nutritional disorders offertility with respect to secondary and micro major crops, location specific problems thatnutrients in agroecosystems of Kerala; need intervention, status of technologyevolving strategies for integrated manage- adoption in major crops and average yieldment of diseases of salad cucumber and and yield gap of major crops.vegetable cowpea under polyhouse cultiva-tion in terraces and improving production Coconut based IFS model in which succe-from terrace gardens in urban households ssful and economically viable integratingthrough vertical farming. GIFT (Genetically Improved Farm Tilapia) in trenches between coconuts; most profitable The recent contributions of CSRC includes rice based integrated farming system modela model garden for a 3 cent (120 m2) terrace, and Low cost structures for vertical farmingproducing nearly 250 kg of pesticide free in terrace gardens with enhanced productionvegetables/fruits; a ‘Package of Practices’ for of vegetables from unit area are the latestterrace cultivation of major vegetables viz. technological interventions of the centre.amaranthus, bhindi, brinjal, chilli and bush Trainings on vegetable cultivation, terracecowpea; a database of enumerated and gardening and other agri-business venturescharacterized the rice, coconut, arecanut, like vermicompost production and mushroomrubber, banana, coffee and pepper based production are regularly conducted. CSRCcropping systems spread over all 23 agro- has great potential to develop as a resourceecological units (all 14 districts) across the centre for urban agriculture.State; background reports for agro ecologicalAddress : Professor & Head, Cropping Systems Research Centre, Karamana, Thiruvananthapuram District - 695002. Phone : 0471 2343556 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 79

Farming SystemsResearch Station (FSRS)Kottarakkara The research station at Sadanadapuram,Kottarakkara was established in 1986.Renamed as FSRS in 1993, the station issituated by the side of Thiruvanathapuram-Kottarakkara MC Road, 5 km before the lattertown. The activities of the station focus onits main mandate of research on homesteadand integrated farming and auxiliaryfunctions of providing good quality techno-logical inputs, agro advisory services tosupport the farmers and entrepreneurs inthe district. The mandate is augmented with activities Sindur, the Red fleshed table purposelike vegetable seed & planting material produ- jack developed at this centre is a star attractionction, strengthening of seed production and and passionately sought after variety.establishment of biofungicide lab andfarmer participatory development of home- Farm machineries and implementsstead farms. The research agenda includes suitable for small farms and homesteads ismanagement of crops and livestock in another area in which FSRS has madehomesteads, ergonomic evaluation of farm significant contributions. Long handlemachinery for women, hi-tech farming and weeders for uplands developed here notprotected cultivation of vegetables, minisett only uproots the weeds between the cropcultivation and composting for tuber produ- rows but also keeps the soil surface loose,ction and evaluation of newer pesticides as ensuring better soil aeration and wateralternatives to banned pesticides. intake capacity. Address : Professor & Head, Farming Systems Research Station, Sadanandapuram, Kollam District - 691550 Phone : 0474 2663535 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

AgriculturalResearch Station (ARS)Thiruvalla The Agricultural Research Station (formerlySugarcane Research Station), Thiruvalla issituated at Kallunkal in Nedumpuram GramaPanchayath, 5 km away from Thiruvalla town,on the banks of Manimala river. The experimentalfarm comprises of an area of 9.354 ha. Established as Sugarcane Improvement Red rot disease devastated sugarcaneProject in 1976 and later renamed as cultivation in Central Travancore duringSugarcane Research Station, Thiruvalla, the 1980’s and the then popular variety Co 997initial thrust was for introduction of high succumbed to the disease. The centreyielding sugarcane varieties. successfully replaced the susceptible variety Co 997 with red rot resistant varieties viz., Mandates of the Station includes function Co 7704 and Co 7405. In 1979 breedingas a lead station for sugarcane in Kerala, programme in sugarcane was initiated inbreed for red rot tolerant sugarcane varieties collaboration with Sugarcane Breedingwith high cane and sugar yield, conserve the Institute, Coimbatore. In 1983 the All Indiacrop diversity of sugarcane in the tract, Co-ordinated Research Project on sugarcanestandardise the post-harvest technologies initiated the Fluff Exchange Programme atfor sugarcane, develop technologies for ARS, Thiruvalla with the objective of improvingimproving the yield and quality of banana cane yield and quality for better sugarand tuber crops in the riverine alluvium of recovery and red rot resistance throughcentral Travancore, and develop high yielding hybridisation. This led to the release of threevegetable varieties and organic production high yielding, high sugared, red rot resistanttechnologies for sustainable vegetable sugarcane varieties namely, Madhuri,production in the tract. Thirumadhuram and Madhurima suited for different agro ecological situations of the state. Another promising sugarcane variety, Madhumathi followed suit. KAU Brochure 2016 81

With the closure of the three sugar mills in the station and trainings are given to farmersin Kerala, the jaggery production became on quality pathiyan jaggery production.main use of sugarcane and hence theresearch strategy in sugarcane was re Research on vegetables has led to releaseframed accordingly. As a result, two high of three varieties ie., Kaumudi in snakeyielding sugarcane varieties Aromal and gourd, Priyanka in bitter gourd andAbhay, suitable for jaggery production have Ponny in brinjal. Superior and promisingbeen released from the station during 2015. lines of Yard long bean, cucumber etc.Agro-techniques for higher and better quality suitable for open and high tech cultivationjaggery recovery were also standardised in have been identified and are in advancedthe station. Several crop management stages of evaluation as is the case of nendranpractices including INM, plant population clones and brinjal lines suitable for interdensity, weed and water management, cropping in the coconut gardens of theRatoon management etc. have been refined riverine belt of central the station. Suitable machineries have beenpurchased and being demonstrated. Under Seed and Nursery programme, elite seeds, seedlings and other planting Under Product diversification and value materials including breeder seeds of varietiesaddition, scientific methodologies for released from the station are produced andproduction of superior quality semi solid distributed to farmers.(Pathiyan), solid, powder and liquid formsof cane jaggery were standardised. A model The station conducts training programmes,jaggery unit for training and jaggery production Kissanmelas and classes for Agriculturalwas also established. Technology was also Department officials and farmers.developed for production of solid jaggery withthe help of stainless steel moulds. The unique Agromet advisory service for the farmerssuperior quality sugarcane jaggery produced of Pathanamthitta district is regularly dissemi-in central Travancore was registered as nated from the station.Geographical Indicator (GI) in the name‘Central Travancore jaggery’ with theinitiative of the centre. Under Kuttanad Packagescheme, standards have been fixed for theprocess and grading of pathiyan jaggery. Technology for packing pathiyan jaggeryfor prolonged keeping has been developed Address : Professor & Head Agricultural Research Station Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta District - 686102 Phone : 0469 2604181 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

Rice Research Station (RRS)Moncompu The Rice Research Station, Moncompu technologies, ecofriendly practices foris the lead centre for rice research for the management of pests and diseases as wellproblem zone of Kerala. Situated 14 km from as soil and plant health management.Alappuzha in the southern coastal part of theKerala State, the station is located in the heart Major achievements of RRS includesof Kuttanad, the rice bowl of Kerala. The 22 rice varieties suitable for the region withstation was originally established in 1940 as resistance/tolerance to major pests and‘Paddy Breeding Station’ and was later diseases affecting rice viz., brown plantrenamed as Rice Research Station.The research hopper, gall midge, blast and sheath blight.station was brought under KAU in 1972. The rice variety Uma (MO 16) occupies the maximum rice area in Kerala. Varieties Mandates of the Station are evolving Bhadra (MO 4), Karthika (MO7), Makom (MOsuitable high yielding medium and short 9), Uma (MO 16), Revathy (MO 17) etc. haveduration rice varieties resistant to pests and good acceptance within and outside thediseases, finding solution to the problems State. Recent releases like Prathyasa (MO 21)associated with the management and crop and Shreyas (MO 22) are also highlyprotection aspects of rice and transfer the accepted by the farmers. Cultures developedtechnologies developed by the station to for submergence tolerance are in thestakeholders through training programmes. evaluation stage. Research on medicinalIt also aims at evolving low cost production rice Njavara undertaken in the station has KAU Brochure 2016 83

resulted in the identification of five distinctecotypes from the heterogenous mixture ofNjavara. Efforts are on to improve the yieldlevels of this high value rice withoutcompromising on its medicinal properties. The station has developed effective and improving the ecological sustainability ofviable packages for nutrient as well as weed rice farming in Kuttanad. The plant healthmanagement of wetland rice. The stale clinic operating in the station provide onseedbed technique, an effective method for spot solutions related to soil and plant healthcontrolling weeds before sowing has been problems in farmer’s fields.modified to suit Kuttanad conditions. Anintegrated management package for weedy An agri information kiosk with softwarerice has been developed for wet sown rice. on rice knowledge bank ( hasThis includes stale seed bed technique, pre been established in the station, which helpssowing surface application of oxyfluorfen farmers in getting their queries answered onand selective drying of weedy rice panicles using any problem related to rice cultivation.specially designed KAU Weed Wiper. The Weather display boards erected in differentweed wiper has been filed for Indian patent. locations of Kuttanad and station premises provide information on weather and agro The station has developed and popularized advisory services to the farmers.Integrated Pest and Disease Management(IPDM) technologies for controlling pests A mushroom lab and spawn productionand diseases affecting the rice crop in unit also function in the station for educatingKuttanad. This has helped in considerable farmers and facilitating in rice residuereduction in the use of chemical pesticides utilization. A manually operated Mushroomin Kuttanad. More than seven new natural Substrate Steam Steriliser designed in theenemies against the pests of rice could be station is in the process of patenting.identified from Kuttanad ecosystem. The AICRIP unit functioning in the station Under an RKVY project on increasing has been identified as the best AICRIP Centreprofitability from farming and enhancing for Crop Improvement at the national levellivelihood security of farmers of Kuttanad, in 2016.the station has come out with technologiesfor reducing cost of production as well as Address : Professor & Head, Rice Research Station, Moncompu, Alappuzha District - 688503 Phone : 0477 2702245 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

CardamomResearch Station (CRS)Pampadumpara The Cardamom Research Station, floriculture crops especially under the StatePampadumpara was founded in the year Horticulture Mission project.1956 under the aegis of the State Departmentof Agriculture, Government of Kerala. It was The Cardamom Hill Reserves of thethe first institute for cardamom research Western Ghats are considered one of the fewrecognized at all levels across the tropics. mountain regions rich in biodiversity. TheCardamom Development Scheme was first station has vast potential for research onoperated at this station during its earlier high value crops such as cardamom, pepperphase and was solely responsible for the and orchids etc. The station’s climatologicalsupply of healthy and disease free planting observatory is one of the oldest and is maintai-materials of cardamom to local farmers. The ning weather data collected over a longstation was later transferred to the Kerala period which is being put into variousAgricultural University by virtue of the KAU climatological studies at the station. The roseAct 1971 with effect from February, 1972. and orchid gardens are one of the attractions of the station for national and international The station is situated in Pampadumpara tourists.village of Udumbanchola taluk in Idukkidistrict at an altitude of 1100 meters above Objectives of the station includes EvolvingMSL is located on the eastern side of Kumily- high yielding and stress (both biotic andMunnar Road, 35 km away from Kumily and abiotic) tolerant varieties of cardamom, black71 km from Munnar at Latitude (N) 9o 45’ pepper and other spices, Supply of superiorand Longitude (E) 77 o 10’. Total area of the quality planting materials of cardamom, blackstation is 46.44 ha. CRS has been selected pepper, rose and other ornamental plantsas one of the coordinating centers for spices to the needy and standardisation of locationunder the All India Coordinated ResearchProjects since 1972. Cardamom and blackpepper are the mandated crops of the station.Recently emphasis has also been laid on KAU Brochure 2016 85

specific agro-techniques for successful A new variety, PV-3, has been recom-cultivation of these crops, formulate effective mended for release in Kerala by the AICRPmanagement strategies for major insect workshop held at Pundibari, West Bengal.pests and diseases of cardamom and black PV-3 is a Malabar type cardamom varietypepper with emphasis on integrated pest which possesses higher oil content apartmanagement strategies, planters and growers from the high yielding potential and mode-of the region and Serve as a centre for agricul- rate tolerance to insect pests and disease.tural extension and education activities in Idukkidistrict through the organization and partici- Ongoing projects at the station includespation in farmers training programmes, farm 9 trials including CVT in cardamom and blackadvisory services, field demonstration etc. pepper, germplasm collection and conser- vation, organic The gene bank of the station is enriched farming in carda-with 177 cardamom accessions. Cardamom mom, evaluationvarieties with special characters such as of cardamomhigher yield and tolerance to biotic and varieties suitableabiotic stresses and good capsule characters for organic farm-are being added to the germplasm bank by ing, initial evalu-regular survey and farmer’s field visits. IC ation trial in cardamom, pest managementnumbers were obtained for 73 cardamom studies in cardamom and survey on parasitesaccessions from the National Bureau of Plant and predators of pest of black pepper underGenetics Resources, New Delhi. Attempts are AICRP on spices. Pest and disease surveilla-being made to get IC numbers for all the nce of cardamom, pepper and coffee underaccessions maintained at the station. state plan project, six trails under RKVY project for identifying alternatives for CRS has so far released two varieties in banned pesticides for the management ofcardamom (PV-1 and PV-2) which were very pest and diseases of cardamom and evaluationpopular among cardamom growers both in of pesticide molecules under paid trial ofKerala and Tamil Nadu. PV1, a clonal selec- M/S Rallis India Ltd. in cardamom are alsotion from Malabar type cardamom collected in progress.from Walayar local, gives an average yieldof 268 kg ha-1 even under low input man- A soil testing lab with AAS facilities foragement as well as low rainfall. PV2 was a se- research and extension purposes, a welllection from open pollinated seedlings of established bio-control lab are functioningPV-1 suitable for the high ranges of Idukki in CRS. Production and supply of qualitydistrict. The variety is relatively tolerant to assured planting materials of black pepperbiotic stress and possesses high dry recov- and cardamom varieties and ornamentals isery of 23.8% owing to its low moisture con- another activity of the station.tent on its capsule rind very recently carda-mom, is a bold capsule Vazhukka variety with Address :an average yield of 982 kg per ha. Professor & Head, Cardamom Research Station, Pampadumpara, Idukki District- 685556 Phone-04868 236263 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

Pineapple Research Station(PRS)Vazhakulam The research station had a humble Pineapple Research Station is close to thebeginning in 1995 as Pineapple Research pineapple market at Vazhakulam, on the sideStation & Pest and disease Surveillance Unit of Vazhakulam-Kavana Road, 10 km east ofunder Kerala Horticulture Development Muvattupuzha on the Muvattupuzha-Programme (KHDP). For the construction of Thodupuzha Road in Ernakulam District,the office-cum-laboratory building of the Kerala, India. It is about 40 km from Cochinstation, 15 cents of land was transferred from International Air port; 50 km from Aluva railwaythe Revenue Department to Kerala Agricultural station and 80 km from the Cochin harbour.University on 24.6.1996. It was delinked fromKHDP and became a constituent research The mission is to be the ultimate authoritycentre of Kerala Agricultural University under and provider of excellent quality technology,central zone in 1997. The present building products and services in the pineapple andwas occupied on 27.6.1998. other tropical fruits sector through concerted KAU Brochure 2016 87

research and development efforts sustained technology for the commercial cultivation ofby best human resource, infrastructure Kew and Mauritius varieties of pineapple,development and creative work culture including pure cropping, intercropping infounded on punctuality, integrity and rubber and coconut plantations and inaccountability. reclaimed paddy lands. Technology is also developed for organic production. Based on The Mandates are research and develop- continuous surveillance and laboratoryment support to the pineapple growers, studies the station has identified theProvide quality technology, products and presence of pineapple mealy bug wilt asso-services to the pineapple sector and ciated (PMWA) virus in Vazhakulamundertake basic and applied research in area. The station has formulated the Packagepineapple and other fruit crops of Kerala of Practices Recommendations for the popular varieties Mauritius and Kew and The research centre undertakes basic and included in the KAU POP and all theapplied research and development activities technology developed are being transferredin pineapple and other fruit crops of Kerala to the pineapple growers extensively. Tissuemainly in Participatory technology develop- culture protocols for various varieties ofment (PTD) mode and externally funded pineapple and banana are available.mode. The centre has developed scientific Vazhakulam pineapple (Mauritius variety) has been registered in the Geographical Indications Registry to boost the export of pineapple. Large scale planting material production of pineapple, passion fruit and banana are being carried out successfully. The facilities at this research station include modern laboratories in Plant Biotechnology, Phytochemistry, microbio- logy, Food Technology and Information Technology equipped with adequate equipment. The centre has adequate experimental farm, library, conference room, nursery and sales centre. Tissue Culture Plants of pineapple, passion fruit and banana, Seedlings of passion fruit, Rooted cuttings of passion fruit88 KAU Brochure 2016

and KAU publications are made available for Biotechnology), Crop Production (Agronomy,farmers and other stakeholders. Services Horticulture, Agricultural Chemistry andsuch as Agri clinic & advisory, Trainings, Agricultural Economics) and Crop ProtectionConsultancy and Quality testing are also (Agricultural Entomology, Plant Pathology,provided. Microbiology and Nematology); a Products division involving Crop Processing and Pineapple Research Station, Vazhakulam Product Development (Food Processing andvisualizes to be Tropical Fruit Crops Research Home Science) and Quality AssuranceStation (TFCRS) in the near future. The (Quality Control) and a Services division toenvisaged components are Technology offer Transfer of Technology, other servicesdivision covering areas of Crop Improvement (Agricultural Extension, ICT).(Agricultural Botany, Plant Breeding andAddress : Professor & Head, Pineapple Research Station, Vazhakulam, Moovattupuzha, Ernakulam District - 686670 Phone : 0485 2260832 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 89

Rice Research Station (RRS)Vyttila The Rice Research Station, Vyttila is VTL-1 to VTL-8. Out of these, VTL-6 to VTL-situated in a representative site in the centre 8 are semi tall non lodging high yieldingof the pokkali tract. This station started varieties having the yield potential of aboutfunctioning during the year 1958 in a leased 4.0 -5.0 tons ha-1 without the aid of anyland in Kunnara and was shifted to the chemical fertilizers and plant protectionpresent site in 1963. The station was taken chemicals. Ensuring sufficient plantover by the KAU in 1974. Taking into account population per unit area is the only carethe importance of fish-prawn culture during taken to realize this yield. A good crop ofthe saline phase, a unit for fisheries research pokkali using the suitable saline tolerantwas established during the year 1976. At semi tall non lodging high yielding ricepresent the station has a total area of 8.91 variety with sufficient plant population canha of which 4.25 ha is wet land. give a profit of about Rs.30,000/ha @ the present procurement price. The Rice research Station, Vyttila hasreleased eight high yielding varieties viz. RRS has been working hard on molecular breeding technology such as Marker Assisted Back crossing to introgress the90 KAU Brochure 2016

abiotic stress tolerant genes such as Saltol Kerala due to its superior grain quality butQTL and Sub1 QTL into the mega rice failed in flood affected fields due to lack ofvarieties. Salt water intrusion and Saline tolerance, has thus become suitablesubmergence are becoming major problems for pokkali fields, Kuttanad and kolelandsfor rice cultivation in Kuttanad and Kole lands as well. This helps to overcome flash floodsand hence these Saltol and Sub 1 up to two weeks is in the final stage andintrogressed lines would be a good answer offer a very high yield of 6.2 t/ha, makingto tackle these problems. farming in pokkali fields highly profitable. The research on introgression of Saltol and Vyttila RRS has made a significant Sub 1 QTL’s into other rice varieties Uma andachievement in rice research by successfully Jaya is in progress and expected to beintrogressing genes tolerant to salinity completed within two years.and iron toxicity into Kerala's most popularrice variety Jyothi. Jyothi, the variety which The station is situated about three kms northhas become popular in all the rice bowls of east of Vyttila junction on NH 47.Address : Professor & Head, Rice Research Station, Vyttila, Ernakulam District-682019 Phone -0484 22809963 Email: [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 91

Aromatic and MedicinalPlants Research Station(AMPRS)Odakkali The Station was established on 15th economic crop production, qualityMarch, 1951 as Lemongrass Breeding Station standardisation of crude drugs andunder the Department of Industries of the formulations and exploration and utilisationerstwhile Travancore - Cochin Government. of bioactive compounds in medicinal plants.It was renamed as Lemongrass Research The station has the largest gemplasm ofStation and brought under the State lemon grass (Cymbopogonflexuosus) withDepartment of Agriculture on 1st August, 400 accessions and jemplasm collections of1954. With the inception of KeralaAgricultural University in 1972, the stationwas attached to it. In 1982, it was renamedas Aromatic and Medicinal Plants ResearchStation (AMPRS) and research emphasis wasdiversified to cover all tropical aromatic andmedicinal plants. The research activities of AMPRS pertainsto exploration, conservation and documen-tation of economically important aromaticand medicinal plants, utilisation of variabilityfor improvement of mandated crops,standardisation of agrotechnology for92 KAU Brochure 2016

Vetiver, Citronella and cinamon. A herbal harvest technology of medicinal plantsgrarden with 450 medicinal plants, medicinal recommended for cultivation.trees, conservation park with 110 rare andendangered species of trees, regional A well laid out farm of 12.5 ha for conser-analytical laboratory, bioactivity laborotory vation of germplasm, field experimentation,to identify beneficiary biomolecules for bulk cultivation of mandate crops, hi-techhuman and plant health care, seed production nursery unit for production of seeds andplots of aromatic and medicinal plants and planting materials of medicinal and aromaticdistillation unit for bulk distillation of plants, vegetables, mango, nutmeg, pepper,essential oils are other research facilities at jack, teak, mahagony, ornamentals, sapotathis station. It also houses a training centre and other economic crops, progeny gardenswith residential facility for farmers, entre- and seed production plots of various crops,preneurs and extension personnel. Knowledge plant tissue culture laboratory of TC plantscentre on medicinal and aromatic plants and of banana, orchids and medicinal plants, sub-a library. surface dyke for ground water conservation rain water harvesting pond and a class B The varieties released from AMPRS meteorological observatory are other assetsinclude Sugandhi (OD-19) of Lemongrass, of the station.ODV-3 of Vetiver and Sugandhini (ODV-130)of Cinnamon. Agro-technology of industrially important Agrotechnology of medicinal and aromaticmedicinal and aromatic plants suited to plants is made available to public on the websiteKerala has been developed here. The station ( and plantinghas also standardised distillation and oil materials, KAU products and publicationsextraction technology of aromatic plants, are sold through the sales centre. Otherextraction of oleoresin from lemongrass, Services provided includes technologyidentification of active principles in medicinal dissemination on medicinal and aromaticplants, quality evaluation techniques, quality plants, agri clinic for cultivation and plantvariation in market crude drugs and post protection of crops and quality testing services.Address : Professor & Head, Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Research Station, Odakkali, Ernakulam District - 683 549. Phone: 0484 2659881 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 93

AgronomicResearch Station (ARS)Chalakudy The Agronomic Research Station, Chalakudywas established by the Kerala StateDepartment of Agriculture on 14-02-1962at Pariyaram to study the water requirementof crop and to evolve suitable croppingpatterns for irrigated areas. It was re-established at Chalakudy in 1970 forconducting agronomic research in irrigatedareas. The station was then taken over by KAUin 1973 for implementing AICRP on watermanagement. Since inception, the stationis catering to the research and extensionrequirements on agricultural water managementof the locality. 5 km from Chalakudy Railway Station and 2 km from KSRTC bus stand in the Athirappally route. The Kochi International Airport is only 21 km away from the station. The facilities offered by the station are utilized by farmers especially of Ernakulam and Thrissur. Chalakudy station campus has a total area of the 8.95 ha with both wetland and upland cropping. The main campus located at Chalakudy The sub centre of the station -Watermunicipality is better known by its pet name Management Research Unit (WMRU) startedKoodupuzha farm. Well connected by rail in the year 1992 is at Vellanikkara, Thrissur.and roads, the station lies at a distance of WMRU has a total area of 6.92 ha of upland with coconut and cashew cultivation. Research activities of this station focus mainly on water management of coconut and vegetables. Seeds and planting material94 KAU Brochure 2016

production of tuber crops and vegetables Salient research findings comprise ofare carried out utilizing the interspaces of irrigation schedules for important crops ofcoconut garden. the state namely, rice, pulses, oilseeds, vegetables, tuber crops, fruit crops and Mandates of the station are research on coconut, Low cost, clog free, farmer friendlywater management, production technologies KAU micro sprinkler, technology for thefor utilizing scarce moisture resources, production of natural vanilla powder fromdevelopment of hi-tech, cost effective techno- cured vanilla beans, organic fertigation unitlogies for better land and water use and serve for clog free application of organic manuresas a model centre for crop water management. through micro irrigation, inline drippers suitable for vegetables and high density planting technology for banana under drip irrigation. The station also has demonstration units of watershed model, water measuring devices, drip irrigation and fertigation unit, organic fertigation unit, portable vertical vegetable stand for house hold vegetable cultivation and rain water harvesting structures. Besides the mushroom production unit, vermi compost production unit and seeds and planting material production units, the station also has a manual and automatic meteorological observatory, a well equipped laboratory for soil, plant and water analysis and a sales counter for the sale of seeds and planting materials, organic inputs and value added products from the station and products from other stations under KAU.Address : Professor & Head, Agronomic Research Station, Chalakudy, Thrissur District - 680307 Phone : 0487 2702116 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016 95

Agricultural ResearchStation (ARS)Mannuthy The Agricultural Research Station as a demonstration centre for improvedMannuthy, came into being in 1957 as the agricultural practices and model centre forRice Research Station, Mannuthy in the then mechanisation. Large scale production andCentral Farm, Ollukkara, which was distribution of quality seeds and plantingestablished in 1917. The Station was taken materials is a major activity of the station.over from the State Department of The station also provides field and labourAgriculture and brought under Kerala facilities for post graduate researchAgricultural University with its establishment programmes of College of Horticulture,in 1972. Consequently, Rice Research Station Vellanikkara. Two Centers of Excellence -and Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy Centre of Excellence in agriculturalwere merged in 1976 and was renamed as mechanisation extension services, researchAgricultural Research Station, Mannuthy in and development; Centre of Excellence in1983. Mannuthy ARS is stationed beside high-tech horticulture and protectedNH47, about seven km from Thrissur town. cultivation also function in this station. The main aim of the station is to The salient achievements of ARS,conduct research on annual crops like rice, Mannuthy includes development andvegetables, banana, pulses and perennials release of the first extra short durationsuch as jack, mango, nutmeg and coconut. (maturing in 75-80 days) red kernelledThe station acts as a verification centre for rice variety in India, Hraswa, developmentresearch on rice in central region. It serves and release of Ahalya and Manupriya, short96 KAU Brochure 2016

duration rice varieties for kole lands, and Onion for cultivation in the plains ofdevelopment of agro-techniques for kole Kerala, Package of practices for cultivationland rice cultivation, identification of four of Cabbage and Cauliflower in the plains ofpromising varieties of aromatic rice Kerala, technology for large scale production(‘Pusa Sugandh-2’, ‘Pusa Sugandh-4’, of virus free vegetable transplants and grafted vegetable seedlings, identification of 35 promising collections of jack fruit from central Travancore and establishment of elite germplasm of jack, precision farming technologies for important vegetable crops viz. Bhindi, Cabbage, Amaranth , Tomato and Cow pea and technologies for poly house cultivation of Capsicum and Cucumber.‘Sugandhamati’ and ‘Rasacadam’) with yield In the contemporarily relevant field ofpotential of above 5 t/ha with good aroma, farm mechanization the contributions ofmilling percentage and cooking qualities for ARS, Mannuthy are significant. They areKerala conditions, popularisation of paddy development of technology for mat nurserytransplanters and combine harvesters preparation in rice, development of Kerathrough working demonstrations and Suraksha coconut climber, conceptualisationadaptive trials and introduction, demon- and institution of ‘Food Security Army’,stration and popularisation of Paddy straw ‘Green Cadet Corps’ projects and regularbalers and paddy straw baling service. conduct of vocational training in agriculturalDevelopment of high yielding rice cultures mechanisation, development of coconutof various durations which are in pre-release palm basin digger and introduction of newstage two extra short duration cultures (‘HS generation farm machinery.13’ and ‘HS 16’), two short duration cultures(‘E39’ and ‘E 56-2’) and two medium duration The station is involved in monitoring ofcultures (‘Cul. 6-08’ and ‘Cul.2-08’) is another soil, plant, water, atmosphere and bioticmilestone. changes with respect to time and season of planting and works on micronutrient Major achievements in the field of deficiencies and their amelioration, whichvegetables and fruits include development are undertaken under Kole Land Cropof medium long, high yielding white fruited Productivity Centre. Projects on pest andsnake gourd variety Manusree, development disease surveillance and management inof two bacterial wilt resistant tomato Kole lands, enhancing rice production invarieties Manulakshmi and Manuprabha Kerala and attaining partial self sufficiencywith good fruit size, identification of tropical was undertaken by the station with thegenotypes of cool season vegetables namely objectives of monitoring and analysing plantCabbage, Cauliflower, Carrot, Radish, Palak productivity under double cropping with respect to change in climate, soil and region in kole lands and management options at KAU Brochure 2016 97

macro level towards sustaining highproductivity in kole lands and providingservice support system for sustainedcultivation of kole lands through the servicesof Food Security Army. Horticultural activities are mainly cabbage, cauliflower, beet root, carrot, radish,concentrated in research, planting material palak & others, seed production of F1 hybridproduction and consultancy in the fields of of brinjal and domestication and improvementprecision farming in vegetable production, of exacum bicolor, an endangered gentian.development of new varieties and hybridsin vegetables, hi-tech vegetable seedling Agro Machinery Services is a thrust areanursery, landscaping & floriculture. Research of research and development at ARS,is on for developing F1 hybrids in bitter gourd, Mannuthy. The station has conceptualizedash gourd, standardization of precision and organized the most prestigiousfarming practices in cucurbits, screening and innovative programmes viz. “Foodvarieties for protected cultivation of Security Army Service Centre Developmentvegetables viz. capsicum, salad cucumber, Programme, Keralam” (RKVY funded) andtomato and amaranth genotypes with high “Green Cadet Corps”, programmes of Agroyield and low anti nutrients with resistance Machinery Operation Service Centreto leaf blight, screening suitable tropical (AMOSC), Mobile Agro Machinery Trainingvarieties of cool season vegetables viz. Unit (MAMTU), Mobile Agro Machinery Repair & Service Unit (MAMRSU) and Farm Address : Machinery Facilitation Centre (FMFC), completed 202 batches of Food Security Army training on Agricultural Mechanisation and trained 2638 men and 1897 women, Keeps 7 units of MAMTU to train 175 trainees at a time and acts as a model Agro Machinery Operation Extension Service and oversees the functioning of 14 district level Model Agro Service Centres. Professor & Head, Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy Thrissur District-680651 Phone : 0487 2370726 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

Cashew Research Station(CRS)Madakkathara The Cashew Research Station, road. The total area of the farm is 47 ha ofMadakkathara was established in 1973. which 22.25 ha is planted with cashew.Presently this is one of the eight Centresof the All India Co-ordinated Cashew The lead function of the centre isImprovement Project. CRS, Madakkathara is research on cashew. The All India Co-located in Madakkathara Village of Trichur ordinated Cashew Improvement Projecttaluk in Trichur district. The station is situated functioning at this centre from 1973 hasat a distance of 1.50 km away from Mannuthy given appreciable impetus to activities of thison the left side of Mannuthy - Chirakkakode station. KAU Brochure 2016 99

The station has released 10 high yieldingvarieties of cashew which are widely cultivatedin the state (Mada kkathara 1, Madakkathara2, Dhana, Kanaka, Priyanka, Amrutha, K-22,Raghav, Damodar & Poornima). Thesevarieties are preferred and much soughtafter by farming community. Many of thesevarieties are also accepted at national leveland being cultivated in different states. Theyield of KAU varieties is more than thenational average. The technique of softwood grafting was trainings were given to equip tribal peopledeveloped at Madakkathara centre which is in the production of elite planting materialsfound to be the best method for the vegetative in cashew, demonstration of plant protectionpropagation of cashew and accepted as a measures and value addition in cashew apple.successful commercial practice. Therecommendation to use pineapple as the CRS Madakkathra provides qualitymost profitable intercrop in cashew planting material to farmers. The valueplantations in early stages of growth has addition protocols of cashew applebecome a great help and source of additional standardized and popularized by this stationincome to successful farmers. has become popular and opened an attractive source of additional income to farmers. The The station has also formulated the station also functions as a centre providingtechnology package to control the pest- technical support to farming community,disease complex of TMB and Anthracnose extension workers and other stakeholdersin cashew as well as an integrated package in agricultural development.for the control of cashew stem and rootborer. As a part of the AICRP, Tribal Sub Planwas implemented for engaging tribal peoplein cashew cultivation. Under this project Address : Professor & Head, Cashew Research Station, Madakkathara, Thrissur District - 680656 Phone : 0487 2370339 Email : [email protected] KAU Brochure 2016

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