U N IVE RSITI MALAYSIA U mfp PE RLrs Alamat Surat Menyurat : I PUSAT PENGAJIAN SISWAZAH :Our Reference U ni MAP/PPS I 4 l2l 1 12(01 08-2020) I Centre For Graduate Studies Universiti Malaysia Perlh P.0. Box 77, Date : 6th July 2020 di a Pejabat Pos Besar, 01007 Kangar, Pulis. MALAYSIA Zuraila binti lberahim Jabatan Kejuruteraan Mekanikal I 604-979 8008 Politeknik Seberang Perai ! m.unimap.edu.my Jalan Permatang Pauh 13500 Permatang Pauh Pusat Pengajian Siswaal Universiti Malaysia Perlis Pulau Pinang No.l12 &114, Tingkat 1, Sir / Madam, BlokA, Tmu Pertiwi ludat, Jalar Kugu - Alor Setar, Seilab OFFER OF ADMISSION FOR MASTER OF SCIENCE PROGRAMME - 2O2OI2O21 ACADEMIC 01000 Kugar, Perli!, MALAYSIA. SESSION I 604979 8333 B 6049i9 8331 'l cg:.urinap.edu.ny We are pleased to offer you a place in our postgraduate programme as stated below: Programme Master of Science Field of Research Mode of Study MR1 3 - Manufacturing Engineering Research Title Registration Mode Research Duration Of Study Main Supervisor 'Artificial lntelligent Approach for Quantitative Fees Corrosion Study on AZ91 D Magnesium Alloy.' Additional Requirement Full -Time MinlYear-Max3Years Dr. Mohd Zamzuri bin MohammadZain Fees should be arranged prior registration. Payments are to made by cash, JOMPAY or over-the- counter at any Bank Muamalat Berhad branches using the slip aritgtahcthteod.chPa/neagsee'tbhee informed thatthe university has the fees structure without prior notice. Fees details can be referred to http : // c gs. u n i m a p. ed u. m y ; ref e rri n g to th e c u rre nt f ees. Candidate is required to pass the listed course(s):- (1) EPT650 - Research Methodology Registration details are as follow lntake Academic Session 202012021 Registration Period Time 19th October 2020 Venue 9.00 am -* 12.30 noon 3.00 pm 4.00 pm Centre for Graduate Studies Universiti Malaysia Perlis 1'12 & 114, First Floor, Block A Taman Pertiwi lndah Jalan Kangar - Alor Setar, Seriab 01000 Kangar Perlis, STARS,\" llAllN(isY1;llM llmu fi EHlrLAsAil l{EcrmrR[AltGAil
:Our Reference UniMAP/PPSt4t2t1t| (0108-2020) Page : 2 There should also be five (5) documents for your kind perusal attached with this offer letter. i. Acceptance / Rejection Form ii. Academic Guideline iii. Medical Check-Up Form iv. e-Mail Registration Form . v. MaJric Card Form This offer is valid for only 3 months from the issued date. lf you fail to register within this period without any form of notification, this acceptance offer will be automatically withdrawn. Please indicate your acceptance (using the form attached) within one (1) week of receiving this letter via post, e-Mail or fax (04-9798334). Thank you. .'BERKHIDMAT UNTUK NEGARA\" ' Kn owledge, S i n cerity, Excel I ent' Yours sincerely, (MAI,I/VAL Br NTr MOHAMED) Assistant Registrar for Director Centre for Graduate Studies Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP) c.c Dean, School of Manufactuing Engineeing Dr. Mohd Zamzuri bin Mohammad Zain Schoo/ of Manufactuing Engineeing Dr. Muhammad Hasnulhadi bin Mohammad Jaafar Schoo/ of Manufactuing Engineeing Student's Fite MM/ni
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