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new brochure draft

Published by madeleine, 2017-02-20 08:52:06

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architectural fittings & hardwood floors The benchmark of handcrafted quality and bespoke design


I am inspired by the Symbiotic Wisdom of Wood and Mankind. Furniture and Architectural Design is thetransformative process that guides and shapes wood towards revealing its final purpose. PIERRE CRONJE

history &philosophy

Over three decades ago, Pierre Cronje launched a lo- sign business specializing in furniture restoration andfine reproduction pieces in the classic English style. The dedication to craftsmanship – hand-made, escalated work set apart by quality – is integralBeing a master craftsman, Pierre established a repu- to the Pierre Cronje philosophy. It relies on ourtation for his innovative vision which led to a grow- artisans being dedicated to their materials anding demand for high quality, custom designed and workmanship and continuing the Pierre Cronjehand-crafted solid wood furniture. tradition.Pierre’s ability to incorporate South African heritage As such, many of the 140 craftsmen at Pierrein new designs to fit a contemporary lifestyle, saw the Cronje’s workshop in Cape Town are apprenticedbusiness expanding both locally and internationally. by master artisans.Today, Pierre Cronje is widely recognized as beingsynonymous with high quality craftsmanship and de-

Our commitment to never compromise the high ment pieces. All Pierre Cronje work carries astandards and fine quality of our work, our de- lifetime quality and structural guarantee andsign and the attention to detail, is core to our as such, we offer a unique trade-in service forvalue proposition. All our solid wood furni- items that carry the original Pierre Cronje-im-ture are locally manufactured in Cape Town and printed signature and serial number.displayed in elegant showrooms across SouthAfrica.Our bespoke design offer clients the oppor-tunity of full custom work and the ability tocollaborate and work with our design teamsin developing their unique solid wood invest-


craftsmanshipBESPOKE CRAFTSMANSHIP ing of an industry-perceived endorsement after fruitful three-level capacity testing.Pierre Cronje has indentured more buddingcraftsmen than the rest of the Western Cape INTEGRITY OF DESIGNfurniture industry combined. Aspiring arti-sans with requisite background skills in joiner y, The integrity of our design, together with theare each apprenticed to a master artisan who construction and the use of only solid tim-oversees the honing of their skills. A two-year bers are the distinguishing characteristics oflearnership, including viable in-house learning all Pierre Cronje furniture. The hand-craftedat our factor y in Cape Town, combined with furniture production process is labour-intensiveprofessional aptitudes improvement at various and takes time, and although we have a large,educational institutes, finishes in the honour- highly skilled and well-equipped factor y, we

have undertaken to never compromise on stan- cided upon by the stature and wane of the tree.dards or revert to mass production. Many of our bespoke French Oak, Yellowwood, Mahogany, American Walnut and European AshSUSTAINABLE TIMBER pieces display the untrimmed outer contour of the tree, simply to celebrate its raw origin.At Pierre Cronje we transform and reveal newbeauty in form and finish, sourcing entire treesfrom sustainable forests. Mature wood is a rarenatural resource and no two trees are identical.Each is unique in its splendour, showcasing itsindividual journey. We lean towards extremecuts and the interpretation of a design is de-

solid wood floorsPierre Cronje solid wood flooring and fittings texture. Each Pierre Cronje floor is unique inare uniquely crafted with the qualification of colour and grain which will mature as it ages,value to suit the most refined tastes. Wood is a enhancing the distinctive character.natural material and varies in character, colour All our wood floors follow a handcrafted man-and texture and with age, your Pierre Cronje ufacturing and installation process to guaranteesolid wood floor will enhance in appearance. that the highest level of quality is maintainedEvery hand-finished floor follows a timeous and to ensure our floors last for many decadesmanufacturing and installation process and thefloor will last for many decades.The structural integrity of all Pierre Cronjeinstallations carries a life time guarantee andevery installation receives a reference numberon completion. Pierre’s signature is imprintedon a designated floorboard, so as to ensure theauthentic origin of your purchase.Wood is a natural material and will, from onetree to another, vary in character, tone and

standard floorsSolid wood floors have a thicker wear surface and can be sanded and finishedmore times than an engineered wood floor. Solid wood flooring is milled froma single piece of timber that is kiln or air dried before sawing. Depending onthe desired look of the floor, the timber can be cut in three ways: flat-sawn,quarter-sawn, and rift-sawn. The timber is cut to the desired dimensions andeither packed unfinished for a site-finished installation or finished at the fac-tory.The moisture content at time of manufacturing is carefully controlled toensure the product does not warp during transport and storage.A number of proprietary features for solid wood floors are available. Manysolid woods come with grooves cut into the back of the wood that run thelength of each plank, often called ‘absorption strips,’ that are intended to re-duce cupping. Solid wood floors are mostly manufactured .75 inches (19 mm)thick with a tongue-and-groove for installation.

herringbone Herringbone flooring is considered the most traditional style of parquet, as historically being the cus- tomary wood floor design in European style architecture. The composition of the floor lends itself to the flexibility in affording either a classic or more modern impression, depending on the sectional dimensions and wood tones selected.

basket weave Basket Weave flooring, composed of a geometric mosaic of wood sections, fuses a modern tenor with the traditional elegance of parque- try. The Basket weave pattern exemplifies the timeless sophistication and understated grace of revivalist style architecture.

custom patternCustom pattern floors inspired by contemporary styling, are designed to complement the most modern ar-chitecture. Custom pattern floors inspire an iconic and innovative space – to reflect the expression and flairof the designer.

end grain End Grain solid wood flooring combines an element of ageless beau- ty and classic country styling for a softer interior ambiance. It is distinctive and rustic, with the individual character of the wood’s unique watermarks, stains and saw kerfs revealed.

african skyThe African Sky solid wood floor is our latest contemporary floordesign; genuinely extraordinary and strikingly unique. The floor consists of acombination of a number of solid timbers - Walnut, Yellowwood, Stinkwood, Witels, French Oak andRosewood – with varying sizes and shapes. The African Sky’s character will ideally compliment a moderncontemporary environment or setting.

trusses, ceilings &exposed beamsOur high quality, hand-crafted custom architec- We are frequently commissioned for commer-tural fittings and full-scope project management cial and residential properties, golf estates, gamecapabilities – from design to installation – has reser ves and more . We encourage you to dis-attracted many clients who understand the val- cuss your next comprehensive project with yourue of our product offering and its unequivocal nearest sales and project consultant.q u a l i t y.This distinction, combined with exceptional af-ter-sales ser vice and continuous relationshipmanagement, has attracted prestigious clientssuch as Ruper t & Rothschild, Vergelegen, DelaireGraff, Luminance and the Cape Grace Hotel.

KRAMERVILLE WYNBERG T. +27 11 262 4514 T. +27 21 761 [email protected] [email protected] E R R E C RO N J E . C O. Z A

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