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SMART CAMPUS In line with its “Excellence in Education” strategic goal, Izmir University of Economics has adopted a technology enhanced education model, which is called Smart Campus and provided students and teaching staff with various education tools, equipment and software. Each classroom is equipped with a Smart Projector, an All-in-One PC, cameras, microphone and an interactive whiteboard. What’s more, Blackboard Learn, Blackboard Collaborate, Panopto and Smart Attendance systems have been provided. You will probably have many questions about how to use these educational technologies. Available in Turkish and English, this guide aims to answer your questions and help you make your transition quicker and easier. Teaching and Learning Center

Getting Started How to Activate Your EKOID In order to activate your EKOID visit . Use the information given to you during the university registration and complete the activation. If you need any assistance, you can watch the video on Please make sure you check the email account provided by the university on a regular basis. All administrative and academic announcements as well as the notifications sent through the learning management system are emailed to your university email address. You can access your university email through How to Activate Your OASIS Account Before you activate your Organizational Administrative Student Information System (OASIS) account, make sure you have your student ID number and e-mail address provided by Student Affairs Directorate during the initial registration process by your side. First of all, go to and click on the “Click here to activate your account” link available below student ID and Password. Enter your student ID number. If you do not check the “Send via SMS” box, the temporary password will be sent to your email account. If you choose the “Send via SMS” option, the temporary password will be sent to both the GSM Number you provided during the initial registration process and your IUE email address. After receiving the temporary password, re-enter and log into OASIS by using this password. Once you log into OASIS, the system will automatically ask you to change security settings such as password and pin number, which has to be a 4-digit number. You will use this same student ID number and OASIS password to later log in to Blackboard.

BLACKBOARD LEARN Blackboard Learn is virtual learning environment and an internet-based learning management system designed to enhance instructional activities by enabling instructors to manage and create their course materials, assignments and exams. Blackboard Learn facilitates student learning and enhances their engagement with the course material. It is used institutionally to supplement face-to-face courses, and/or to provide any course content for distance education courses. In addition to that, instructors can easily communicate with their students online and manage class discussions and collaborative projects using blogs, discussion boards and forums which are available on Blackboard Learn. Students will be able to access all of these features any time of the day via any medium with internet connection. Click to access Blackboard Learn home page. here

MY INSTITUTION TOOLS Announcements: The announcements show all announcements from any of your courses. Calendar: Shows events which are added by your instructors and dates added by yourself. Tasks: Similar to the Calendar, information can be added by you or your instructor. My Grades: Click this button to see all your grades. Send Email: You can send emails by clicking this button. A copy of the email you send via Blackboard will be sent to your IUE email account. Portfolio: You can create and review portfolios. Personal Information: You can review and update your personal information here. Course Materials Hub: Click here to see course materials. Goals: Faculties can demonstrate that their programs and curricula are effective by aligning course content and activities with goals in Blackboard Learn. Browser Checker: Click ‘Browser Checker’ to check if your browser meets Blackboard Learn system requirements.

My Announcements This box shows all the current announcements about the courses and organisations you are enrolled in. My Courses Blackboard Learn is automatically synchronised with courses that you are registered to OASIS so you will see a list of your courses on the home page. You will also find “My Courses” tab on the upper left panel, which allows you to view your courses and the name of the instructors teaching those courses. Each course has its own home page. To access this page, you will click on the name of the course. The course home page features announcements about the course, video recordings of classes and course content and your assignments.

How to Access My Courses? There are several ways to access the courses you are enrolled in. As explained above, the first way is using the “My Courses” section on the home page. Here you can see your courses briefly and access your course home page. The second way is using the “My Courses” tab on the upper panel.

An alternative way is to use the “Global Navigation Menu”. When you click on your name at the top right corner of the screen, the Global Navigation Menu will appear and from here, you will be able to see your courses as well.

How to submit your assignments on Blackboard Learn Choose the content that contains the homework assignment on the course page. Your instructor can add assignments to different areas of your course. For example, your instructor might have created a menu item called Assignments. Ask your instructor if you have questions about how your course is organized. Click on the item. Review instructions, deadline and grading criteria on Upload Assignment page and download the files, if any, that are provided by your instructor. Complete your assignment by using one of the following: - Click on Text Submission and extend the Write Submission box. You can use the functions in the editor to format the text. You could also use the content editor to attach file, image, link and multimedia. - Click on Browse My Computer and select a file to attach. You could click on Do not Attach if you have uploaded the wrong file. If your assignment is uploaded more than once, the new file will be saved with a name and a number like history_assignment(1).doc Optionally, you may add comments by using Add Comments. Finally, make sure you click on Submit. A message that confirms your assignment has been sent will be displayed. If you forget to click on submit, your submission will remain “in progress” and your instructor will not be able to grade it.

here For more information, click or visit TLC Organization for Students on Blackboard Learn. (See page 16 for more information about the TLC Organization for Students.) How can I see My Grades on Blackboard? You can see grades for all of your courses or one course at a time. To view grades for all ofyour courses: 1. On the main page select My Institution tab. 2. Select My Grades under Tools panel. OR 1. Select the arrow next to your name in the upper-right corner. 2. In the menu, select My Grades. 3. You can sort your grades by All Courses or Last Graded. If your work hasn't been graded, grade status icons appear. 4. Select an item's title to view details. here For more information, click or visit TLC Organization for Students on Blackboard Learn.

Panopto Panopto is a video platform that allows video recording, screencasting and video content management. It allows instructors to record audio, video and the applications on their computer screen directly from their desktop. With these features Panopto enables students to access their course videos and watch the lessons on their computer, smart phone or tablet when they are unable to attend their classes or prepare for their assignments and exams.

How to Access Previous Course Recordings? 1. Log into Blackboard and select the course you want to see previous recordings for. 2. A new page will load and your Panopto videos will be available for viewing as shown below.

Blackboard Collaborate Blackboard Collaborate is available for distance education programs at IUE. Blackboard Collaborate is the virtual classroom (or web conferencing) tool which enables voice, video and text interaction between students and instructors. Turkish and Principles of Atatürk & History of Revolution courses are conducted through Blackboard Collaborate. How to Access Blackboard Collaborate Step 1: First of all, make sure Java is up to date or installed on your computer by visiting this webpage: Step 2: If you are using Blackboard Collaborate for the first time, you need to download Blackboard Collaborate Launcher on your computer. To do this, select the course where Collaborate will be used. On the course menu on the left, you will see “Collaborate”. Click on that link.

Step 3: Next, click on “Join Room” button and on the resulting page, click on “Download the Blackboard Collaborate Launcher”. Activate the downloaded software, and follow the steps to install the launcher. This installation has to be done only once. You will not need to download the launcher again for the upcoming sessions. Click for more help on this process. here Step 4: Your course instructor will schedule the collaborate sessions according to your course timetable and for each session a link will be created under “Scheduled Sessions” tab. The Collaborate icon ( ) will appear next to the link about 15 minutes before the class is scheduled to begin. When you see that icon, click on the link next to it to join your session.

here For more information, click or visit TLC Organization for Students on Blackboard Learn. Blackboard Collaborate can be accessed from mobile devices, too. You need to download both Blackboard and Blackboard Collaborate applications from application stores. Please note that some features of Blackboard Collaborate are not supported on mobile devices.

Smart Attendance The IEU Smart app is a tool used by students that allows them to take their own attendance online. It is available on Google Play and App Store. Once you install it, you can log in by entering your Student ID number and OASIS password. Please note that it is an individual attendance application so make sure you enter the correct ID and password. If not, in order to change your student ID number, you must wait at least 24 hours. To be able to take your own attendance, you must be in class, have an internet connection, and Bluetooth connection.

Teaching and Learning Center Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is a research and application center founded in line with IUE’s “excellence in education” strategic goal . TLC aims to promote innovative and technology enhanced learning techniques to help IUE students to become lifelong learners and to challenge and inspire them to think critically. Therefore, TLC provides support and training to instructors and students for the efficient use of Smart Campus tools and facilities. The manuals and guides on Smart Campus tools prepared and collated by TLC are available on . You are also advised to frequently visit the TLC Organization for Students page, which you can access through the My Organizations tab on Blackboard Learn.

To support effective learning, Peer Tutoring and Academic Workshops are held at Teaching and Learning Center. The main aim of the Peer Tutoring Program at the Teaching and Learning Center (TLC) is to help students (tutees) become more independent learners. Tutors work with individual and/or groups of students across a range of courses, either on a short or long-term basis, to clarify and review concepts taught in class, explain processes, and help students with specific tasks as needed. Tutoring is a supplement to teaching, and not a replacement for class attendance and participation. Tutoring sessions are designed to respond to students’ individual questions and needs, but this does not mean that the tutors simply provide direct answers for homework/exams; the aim is to enable students to improve their own performance, rather than do their work for them.

TUTOR SUCCESS TUTEE Peer Tutoring programs include courses such as MATH 153: Calculus I, MATH 154: Calculus II, MATH 101: Calculus I, MATH 102: Calculus II, ECON 100: Principles of Economics, ECON 101: Principles of Microeconomics, ECON 102: Principles of Macroeconomics. The Peer Tutoring schedule can be found on the TLC website. To make an appointment send an email to [email protected] or visit the Teaching and Learning Center located in Block A, subbasement, room 1B37. Academic workshops are free and open to all IUE undergraduate and graduate students. The workshops cover a variety of topics from time management and exam anxiety to job interviews and applications. Academic workshop calendar is available on the TLC website and on the TLC Organization for Students page, which you can access through the My Organizations tab on Blackboard Learn. To sign up for these workshops send an email to [email protected] or visit the Teaching and Learning Center located in Block A, subbasement, room 1B37.

contact information Our Office [email protected] Block A, subbasement, room number 1B37 4888225 / 4888546 Address İzmir University of Economics Sakarya Caddesi, No:156 35330 Balçova - İzmir / TÜRKİYE Teaching and Learning Center - IUE iuetlc IUE-T&L Center

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