How to write a winning sales letter?Writing a sales letter is tough and writing awinning sales letter is even tougher. Many salesmanagers break their heads thinking why theycanot get it right. Well, to answer this questionthey should put them in people shoes and ask whatenefit ould I get by reading this sales letter?Remember that word enefit?which is the crux ofthis discussion. Many sales people take bits andpieces of information from here and there andcreate mess out of a sales letter. They literallythrow everything on people and then get what they
deserve, instant rejection.One should always remember that a sales letterworks only when you have a product to sell and anoffer to make. A sales letter should not be anintroduction of your product or company. Rememberevery word is important in the sales letter anddo not waste a single one which would distractyour potential customer attention. They are notinterested in the features of you product but anoffer or a benefit to them. Think from thecustomer point of view and ask yourselves whyshould I read the letter? Is there any benefit oroffer to me which cannot be refused? Can youconvince me that it is really a good offer?After keeping in mind these things, salesmanagers should apply thought in presenting theirletter. The header or the headline is very crucialto any sales letter. It should target directly tothe customers of your product. One also needs tobe little tactful in use of words. But if you are
not good at the trade do not attempt to do it andrather be simple in writing it. The headlineshould not be more a line, so try to be as specificas possible but with maximum affect. Nobody hastime to read each and every letter in this fastpaced era of instant satisfaction. If you are notable to convey your message to the audience instipulated time, then you have lost thosecustomers. The headline should start with abenefit being offered to the customer. Thisensures that the customer goes to the body of theletter at least.Now, having made a good effort with the heading,it the time to work on the body of the letter. Howto maintain the level of enthusiasm that youcreated in the customer mind with the heading?Once again it is important to remember to not tofocus on features of the product you are tryingto sell but on the benefits and offers you aremaking to them. Things like how much money it isgoing to save them and how it would affect their
lives should be mentioned in the body of theletter. Make them realize a need for it andcompare it competitor product. Remember, a personreading your sales letter will constantly getquestions in mind as to how this will benefit me,after each and every sentence. So be ready toclear those doubts and answer the questions.Being little informal in the approach wouldnot doa harm and try to grab the attention by relatingthings to real life things. You can add a littlebit of humor but unless you are sure that it wonotbe in the bad taste of the reader. Bring in fewprevious clients to give testimony of yourproducts. But keep the testimonials believableand something that people can relate to.Once you have made clear about the product, do notforget to prompt your audience to take action. Ifit is an email, prompt your reader to click on alink to act now or provide a contact number if itis a direct mail. Also remind them again that ifyou donot act now you will forfeit the offer as
the offer is for limited time only.Once you are done with the letter, one of theimportant parts of the sales letter is P.S. Manypeople simply read the beginning and end of theletter. So, try to convey something that willprompt them to go back to the letter and read it.It will be a perfect end to the sales letter.PPPPPWord Count 712
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