www.truckandtrailer.co.za Heavy & Medium Commercial Vehicles 99
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Heavy & Medium Commercial Vehicles 100
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Heavy & Medium Commercial Vehicles 101
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Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Plant and Machinery 108
www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 109
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www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 111
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www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 113
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www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 115
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Plant and Machinery 116
www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 117
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www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 119
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Plant and Machinery 120
www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 121
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Plant and Machinery 122
www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 123
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Plant and Machinery 124
www.plantandmachinery.co.za Plant and Machinery 125
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Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Buses 128
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Spares & services 129
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services CUSTOM PLANT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD • Suppliers of Truck& Bus Engines , Gearboxes, CABS, Diffs etc. • Also Plant, Equipment, Cranes , Gensets, Compressors etc. *Ensor Industrial Park* REG No. 2016/169278/07 ANDRE 073 446 3520 andre@customplantsolutions.co.za COLIN 083 777 9130 119 Donald Ensor Road colin@customplantsolutions.co.za Glen Anil TEL: 031 563 1034 www.customplantsolutions.co.za MAN M2000 MAN TGM SLEEPER MAN TGX SLEEPER CAB MAN M2000 MAN TGA SLEEPER MAN TGL DAY CAB DAY CAB CAB SLEEPER CAB CAB COMPLETE REFURBISHED MERCEDES AXOR MP2 AXOR MP1 ATEGO MP 2 NISSAN UD440 CAB AXOR MP3 DAY CABS SLEEPER CAB SLEEPER CAB SLEEPER CAB VOLVO FM 12 V2 VOLVO 280 DAY CAB VOLVO V2 GLOBE SCANIA R470/R420 SCANIA P310 SLEEPER TROTTER CAB 460 SLEEPER CAB CAB RENAULT DXI FUSO CREW CAB ISUZU NQR 500 SCANIA DSC 9-13 310HP SCANIA DC 1104 MIDLUM OM 447TI SUB OM366N AXOR OM457 LA AXOR OM906LA ATEGO OM 904LA WITH HEADS ENGINE OM 926 LA 24 21190a DM MAN D0826 LFL 10 MAN D0836 LFL02 MAN DO834 LFL02 MAN TGM D0836 ACTROS MP4 OM471LA COMMON RAIL ENGINE MAN TGM/TGL 9 DAY CABS TO CHOOSE FROM, PRICED TO CLEAR 130
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Spares & services 24 21190b DM CUSTOM PLANT SOLUTIONS (PTY) LTD • Suppliers of Truck& Bus Engines , Gearboxes, CABS, Diffs etc. • Also Plant, Equipment, Cranes , Gensets, Compressors etc. *Ensor Industrial Park* REG No. 2016/169278/07 ANDRE 073 446 3520 andre@customplantsolutions.co.za COLIN 083 777 9130 119 Donald Ensor Road colin@customplantsolutions.co.za Glen Anil TEL: 031 563 1034 www.customplantsolutions.co.za VOLVO D9 300 HP VOLVO D12D 460HP VOLVO D7E RENAULT DXI 7 VOLVO D13 ENGINE 240/260/280HP MITSUBISHI FUSO 4M50 DAF 1160 ENGINE CUMMINS ISM E345 FUSO 4P10-AATA HINO EC13C ENGINE ENGINE CUMMINS 6CT ENGINE ZF9S111TO ZF 16S-221 ZF 9S1110 MAN SPEC ZF 6S 1000 RENAULT HINO SPEC ,VOLVO, ISUZU MAN TGM ZF 12AS DAF PR GEARBOX. DAF 1160 GEARBOX SCANIA GR801R & GR801 SCANIA GR900 / 1210 TO GRS 900 ATEGO G100/12 AXOR MP2 G131/ 9 AXOR ,G211-9 MANUAL MERCEDES G4 ACTROS MP4 G211/9 GEARBOX GEARBOX GEARBOX CAT TH 414 TELESCOPIC GENIE MOBILE ACCESS OUTDOOR MOBILE PALFINGER TRUCK ATLAS TRUCK HANDLER LIFTS LIGHTING PLANT MOUNTED CRANE MOUNTED CRANES MAN TGM/TGL 9 DAY CABS TO CHOOSE FROM, PRICED TO CLEAR 131
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 22 SO1313 DM 132
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Spares & services 133
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 134
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Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 136
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Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 138
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Spares & services 139
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 22 20972a DM 140
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Spares & services 22 20972b DM 141
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 142
www.truckandtrailer.co.za Spares & services 143
Truck & Trailer vol 19 Iss 24 • To advertise phone 012 342 3840 Spares & services 144
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