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Home Explore UPSURGE Primer Day 1

UPSURGE Primer Day 1

Published by business.anella, 2022-02-12 10:49:07

Description: UPSURGE Primer Day 1


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Greetings in immense pursuit of Industrial Engineering excellence! We hope that this letter reaches you in good health amidst the current situation. We, the Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers-National Student Chapter (PIIE-NSC), the premier national organization for Industrial Engineering (IE) students in the Philippines, have the same drive and level of commitment as demonstrated in the past, despite the challenges faced, remains persistent in delivering quality service for holistic progress and development. The extraordinary situation may have changed our ways, but as IEs we shall adapt to new approaches. In line with this, we would like to invite you to one of the most pre- eminent events in the country every year, the PIIE National Student Congress. This event is the biggest annual gathering of Industrial Engineering (IE) students nationwide, but due to the current situation, its 18th installment, with the theme, UPSURGE: Pioneering Excellence in Emerging Field of Data Engineering, will be held online via Zoom on March 25-27, 2022. The 18th PIIE National Student Congress will showcase talks from prominent people in the industry, Academic Competitions, which include Research, Feasibility Study, and Inter-University Quiz, and some Socio-Cultural Contests such as Digital Poster Making and Songwriting Competitions. Now, more than ever is a great time to further strengthen the IE community. We want to continue to provide quality service to our constituents. We are looking forward to you being part of this initiative. Leading Beyond Limits, Anjielyn N. Cortes Vice President for Academics & Research Rea Irishel A. Ylagan Vice President for Activities Jhonalyn O. Sison President Engr. Noe D. Enriquez Adviser

ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION The Philippine Institute of Industrial Engineers – National Student Chapter (PIIE-NSC) acts as a professional organization comprised of diverse Industrial Engineering students representing different universities and colleges nationwide. PIIE-NSC, beneath the PIIE Mother Chapter, works together in serving the country’s Industrial Engineering community. Moreover, PIIE-NSC commits to strengthening academic competence and providing program- related opportunities to every Industrial Engineering Student that will equip them in becoming student leaders and young professionals. The organization carries the prime thrust of establishing pertinent activities that involve members internally and externally while contributing to its primary objective.

LEADING BEYOND LIMITS This pandemic led us into different uncertainties which distanced us from each other. At PIIE-NSC, we do our best to provide programs for its members to somehow fill the void brought by this pandemic. Thus, the organization offers the 2nd installment of the PIIE National Student Congress in the online setup. Traversing in this new normal has taught us to be data-driven coming from all the statistics and analysis brought by the pandemic; to be informed and educated. But with the threat of uncertainty, doubt arises which leaves goals on hold. That is why giving light to those that became triumphant will encourage others to step up and face the challenges. Where perspectives will be changed, and realizations will come so that excellence shines amidst adversity. As Industrial Engineers, we are no strangers to adversity. We always find a better way to improve in order to shape a better experience and a better life. Nothing but continuous innovation and the pursuit of excellence; pioneering excellence in the emerging field of data engineering can influence us to embody exemplary ideals. Let us rise above all the challenges!

18th PIIE NATIONAL STUDENT CONGRESS A TRILOGY EVENT DAY 1 - NATIONAL ACADEMIC COMPETITION The National Academic Competition will feature different academic competitions brought to us by the Academics and Research Committee such as the IE Inter-University Quiz Show, the Research Competition, and the Feasibility Study Competition. DAY 2 - CONGRESS PROPER The National Congress proper invites all Industrial Engineering students nationwide to be able to listen and gain insights from the featured activities such as Talks from invited Esteemed Guest Speakers, the Presentation and Awarding of the Academic Competition Winners, Virtual Academic Exhibit, Special Performances, and many more. Please note that there will only be a limited number of participants catered. DAY 3 - IENTEGRATE: CAREER FAIR The IEntegrate: Career Fair will feature a Resume-Building Workshop, Motivational Talks about Internships, On-the-job Training, and Hiring Opportunities for Industrial Engineering students. Invited companies will give an in-depth discussion about their background to invite and recruit new employees while also giving learning opportunities to the day 3 attendees.

ACADEMIC COMPETITIONS FEASIBILITY STUDY COMPETITION A Feasibility Study is an assessment of a system proposal according to its viability, impact on society, ability to meet users’ needs, and effective use of resources. It is a management-related activity and part of planning in the System Development Life Cycle. This year, as part of the National Academic Competition, PIIE-NSC will be conducting a Project Feasibility Study Competition which aims for students to assertively present their pioneering projects and practical solutions to salient issues of today. RESEARCH COMPETITION The Research Competition, on the other hand, is a forum for undergraduate students of the country to showcase their research and exchange ideas. This aims to enhance the research, analysis, and presentation skills of the participants enabling them to better understand the purpose of their studies, improve their communication skills and stimulate the interest and involvement of the wider public in the academe.

IE INTER-UNIVERSITY QUIZ BEE COMPETITION Lastly, the IE Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition is a brief assessment or tool to measure the growth in the knowledge, abilities, and/or skills of the participants restricted to the field of Industrial Engineering which will showcase a healthy competition amongst the different Colleges and Universities all over the Philippines, promoting group harmony, whether in organizations, schools or just a group of friends, thus, experiencing different cultures and expounding networks. The competition aims to exercise the students’ capability to answer questions under time pressure and showcase their knowledge on the different topics under IE which includes Industrial Organization/Production/Operations Management, Probability and Statistics, Operations Research, Engineering Economic Analysis & Accounting, and Human Factors/Systems Engineering. The following competitions will happen on March 25, 2022, using Zoom for Feasibility Study Competition, Research Competition, and Quiz Bee Competition. Also, preliminaries will be held in the first two aforementioned competitions. Note to the participants: PIIE–NSC expresses its pride for you who stepped up and took the challenge to represent your regions. All of you are achievers. Regardless of the outcome of this event, we will be contacting the Feasibility Study and Research Competitions contestants privately for a great opportunity to leave your legacy in the field of Industrial Engineering. We hope to showcase your hard work in our nationwide PIIE-Library, so keep an eye out because we will be in touch!

GENERAL REGISTRATION 1. The registration for the 18th PIIE National Student Congress' Academic Competitions will start on February 12, 2022, until February 26, 2022, at 11:59 PM. 2. The Participants’ Information Sheet Form can be accessed through this link: InfoSheet. 2.1 Only the PIIE-NSC School Head Ambassador of your school shall fill out the details on the registration form. 2.2 Follow the format and instructions stated in the form. 2.3 For the Non-Member Schools, a representative from any of the participants is allowed to fill out the details on the registration form and may proceed in submitting the necessary documents/files through Google Form. Please take note of the file name formats and their file formats 3. Please be cautious when inputting the names of the participants and make sure that all the information provided is true and correct. Corrections will not be entertained in the event proper or in the days after the deadline of the registration. It is suggested to accomplish the form using a desktop or laptop because some features might not be seen using mobile phones. 4. Necessary requirements shall be attached in the Google Form Link. The submission link can be accessed through this link: Please complete all the requirements first before sending and follow the following formats as seen on the next page.

Certificate of Registration File Name: Name of School_COR.pdf Example: Adamson University_COR.pdf Scanned Copy of the Participants' School IDs: File Name: Name of School_SchoolIDs.pdf Example: Adamson University_SchoolIDs.pdf Author and Faculty Certification: (for Research and Feasibility Study Competitions). This is only required for teams whose members aren’t the paper’s original authors. File Name: Name of School_Author/Faculty Certification.pdf Example: Adamson University_Author/Faculty Certification.pdf Participants' List Registration Form: File Name: Name of School_Participants List.xlsx Example: Adamson University_Participants List.xlsx

For Non-Member Schools University/College Logo: File Name: Name of School_Logo.png Example: Adamson University_Logo.png For requirements requiring multiple files such as School IDs and Certificate of Registration, please compile these files into PDF in alphabetical order of the participants’ surnames and attach them in the form. For the Participants' List, upload the file in Spreadsheet/Excel. The general registration process will be handled by the Documentations Committee. Should there be any concerns with regards to your registration, please contact the committee representative in the contact information below.

REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Feasibility Study Competition 1. Each team should submit the following on or before February 26, 2022, Saturday, at 11:59 PM: a. Participants’ List Form b. Author Certification c. Faculty Certification d. Name and logo (in .jpeg or .png) of the University or College (for non-members school) e. Complete names of all team members f. Complete name and mobile number of the contact person g. Scanned copy of the team members’ school IDs or certificate of registration or proof of enrollment 2. For the participants, a PDF copy of the full paper of the research should be submitted no later than March 7, 2022, Monday, before 11:59 PM at [email protected] with the subject line Feasibility Study Competition - Region - Name of School. 3. Judges will be from the PIIE Professional Chapter and the academe. 4. Entries submitted after the deadlines mentioned above shall not be honored. 5. Teams will receive a confirmation email once the payment is confirmed. Bank account details are at the end of this Primer, and once the payment is already deposited, it will be non- refundable. After depositing your payment, make sure to answer the Payment Form through this link:

REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Research Competition 1. Each team should submit the following on or before February 26, 2022, Saturday, at 11:59 PM: a. Participants’ List Form b. Author Certification c. Faculty Certification d. Name and logo (in .jpeg or .png) of the University or College (for non-members school) e. Complete names of all team members f. Complete name and mobile number of the contact person g. Scanned copy of the team members’ school IDs or certificate of registration or proof of enrollment 2. For the participants, a PDF copy of the full paper of the research should be submitted no later than March 7, 2022, Monday, before 11:59 PM at [email protected] with the subject line Research Competition - Region - Name of School. 3. Judges will be from the PIIE Professional Chapter and academe. 4. Entries submitted after the deadlines mentioned above shall not be honored. 5. Teams will receive a confirmation email once payment is confirmed. Bank account details are at the end of this Primer, and once the payment is already deposited, it will be non- refundable. After depositing your payment, make sure to answer the Payment Form through this link:

REGISTRATION PROCEDURE Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition 1. Each team should submit the following: a. Participants’ List Form b. Name and logo (in .jpeg or .png) of the university or college (for non-members) c. Complete names of all team members d. Complete name and mobile number of the contact person e. Scanned copy of the team members’ school IDs and certificate of registration or proof of enrollment 2. Submit the following on or before February 26, 2022, Saturday, at 11:59 PM to [email protected] with the subject title Quiz Bee - Name of School. 3. Entries submitted after the deadlines mentioned above shall not be honored. 4. Teams will receive a confirmation email once payment is confirmed. Bank account details are at the end of this Primer, and once the payment is already deposited, it will be non- refundable. After depositing your payment, make sure to answer the Payment Form through this link:

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Feasibility Study Competition Qualifications 1. The competition is open to all PIIE-NSC member schools and non-member schools from Regional Chapters with no qualifying rounds while only the Top three (3) teams from the Regional Chapters with qualifying rounds are eligible to register. 2. The paper should be written within the Academic Year 2020- 2021 or 2021-2022. 3. A group comprising a maximum of four (4) presenters/authors per team are allowed to join the competition and all members of the group should be bona fide undergraduate BS Industrial Engineering students currently enrolled in the member university or school during the current term. 4. Entries that were already presented or have won in any international or national level conference or competition are refrained from joining the competition. 5. Members of the PIIE-NSC Executive Board and Core Team are not allowed to join in any competitions.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Feasibility Study Competition Pre-Judging 1. A copy of the Feasibility Study should be sent to [email protected] with a subject line “Feasibility Study - Region - Name of School” on or before March 7, 2022, Monday, at 11:59 PM with the following format: a. PDF Format (.pdf) b. A4 size c. Font Style: Arial d. Font Size: 12 e. Margin: 2.54 cm on all sides (normal) f. Line Spacing: 1.0 g. File Name: Feasibility-Study_Region_School-Name.pdf 2. Submissions that failed to follow the format and were submitted after the deadline shall not be honored. 3. All entries submitted will be judged based on the following criteria: 30% Significance of the Study Design of System/Workflow/Prototype 30% Market and Project Viability 30% Writing Style 10% TOTAL 100% 4. The top five (5) entries will proceed to the Final Round.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Feasibility Study Competition Final Round 1. The Final Round will be on March 25, 2022, via Zoom. The meeting code will be sent to the participants via email. 2. Finalists are required to present a summary of their study in the following formats: Presentation converted into PDF Format File Name: Feasibility-Study-Presentation_School Name.pdf Include either the sampler or prototype 3. The file to be used for the presentation must be submitted to [email protected] with the subject line “Feasibility Study Competition - School Name” on or before March 22, 2022, Tuesday, at 11:59 PM. 4. The contestants will be given a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to present their study and ten (10) minutes for the Question and Answer facilitated by the panel of judges. Extensions will not be entertained. If there are technical errors, time will be paused. 5. Presenters shall be in their formal business attire.

6. The order of the presenters will be announced on the day of the competition. 7. The criteria for judging will be: 50% 50% Written Report Presentation Grade 15% 15% Design of System/Workflow/Prototype 10% Question and Answer 5% Clarity 5% Sustainability 100% Visual Content TOTAL *The Written Report Grade will be coming from the Pre-Judging part of the Feasibility Study Competition. 8. The Top Three (3) teams shall be declared as Champion, 1st Runner up, and 2nd Runner Up. 9. The decision of the panel of judges shall be considered as final and irrevocable.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Research Competition Qualifications 1. The competition is open to all PIIE-NSC member schools and non-member schools from Regional Chapters with no qualifying rounds while only the Top three (3) teams from the Regional Chapters with qualifying rounds are eligible to register. 2. The paper should be written within the Academic Year 2020- 2021 or 2021-2022. 3. A group comprising a maximum of four (4) presenters/authors per team are allowed to join the competition and all members of the group should be bona fide undergraduate BS Industrial Engineering students currently enrolled in the member university or school during the current term. 4. Entries that were already presented or have won in any international or national level conference or competition are refrained from joining the competition. 5. Members of the PIIE-NSC Executive Board and Core Team are not allowed to join in any competitions.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Research Competition Pre-Judging 1. A copy of the Research Study should be sent to [email protected] with a subject line “Research Study - Region - Name of School” on or before March 7, 2022, Monday, at 11:59 PM with the following format: a. PDF Format (.pdf) b. A4 size c. Font Style: Arial d. Font Size: 12 e. Margin: 2.54 cm on all sides (normal) f. Line Spacing: 1.0 g. File Name: Research Competition_Region_School- Name.pdf 2. Submissions that failed to follow the format and were submitted after the deadline shall not be honored. 3. All entries submitted will be judged based on the following criteria: Significance of the Study 20% Analysis 20% Application of IE Tools 20% Problem Definition 15% Methodology 15% Recommendations 10% TOTAL 100% 4. The top five (5) entries will proceed to the Final Round.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Research Competition Final Round 1. The Final Round will be on March 25, 2022, via Zoom. The meeting code will be sent to the participants via email. 2. Finalists are required to present a summary of their study in the following format: Presentation converted into PDF Format File Name: Research-Study-Presentation_School Name.pdf 3. The file to be used for the presentation must be submitted to [email protected] with the subject line “Research Study Competition - School Name” on or before March 22, 2022, Tuesday, at 11:59 PM. 4. The contestants will be given a maximum of fifteen (15) minutes to present their study and ten (10) minutes for the question and answer facilitated by the panel of judges. Extensions will not be entertained. If there are technical errors, time will be paused. 5. Presenters shall be in their formal business attire.

6. The order of the presenters will be announced on the day of the competition. 7. The criteria for judging will be: 50% 50% Written Report Presentation Grade 25% 10% Question and Answer - 25% 10% Clarity - 10% 5% Organization - 10% 100% Visual Content - 5% TOTAL *The Written Report Grade will be coming from the Pre-Judging Part of the Research Study Competition. 8. The top three (3) teams shall be declared as Champion, 1st Runner up, and 2nd Runner up. 9. The decision of the panel of judges shall be considered as final and irrevocable.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition Qualifications 1. The competition is open to all PIIE-NSC member schools and non-member schools from Regional Chapters with no qualifying rounds while only the Top three (3) teams from the Regional Chapters with qualifying rounds are eligible to register, composed of a maximum of four (4) members. Of the four (4), the three (3) are considered main members while the remaining is the reserved member. 2. The participants should qualify the following requirements: Bona fide undergraduate BS Industrial Engineering students enrolled for the current semester Member of only one (1) team 3. Members of the PIIE-NSC Executive Board and Core Team are not allowed to join in any competitions.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition Coverage of Topics A. Industrial Organization/Production/Operations Management Management Theories Forecasting Capacity Planning Scheduling Decision Making B. Probability and Statistics Counting Principles Random Variables and Probability Distributions Sampling Distributions Regression and Correlation Design of Experiments C. Operations Research Linear Programming Transportation Algorithm Network Algorithm Decision Theory Queuing Theory D. Engineering Economic Analysis & Accounting Interest and the Time Value of Money Basic Methods-NPV, IRR, ERR, Payback Period Job Order and Process Costing Systems E. Human-factors/Systems Engineering Ergonomic Design & Analysis Work-Study/Methods Improvement Work Measurement - Time Study, Work Sampling Predetermined Time Standards

COMPETITION GUIDELINES Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition Rules 1. Each participant should provide their own whiteboard (if you don't have a whiteboard, you are allowed to use white bond papers or a DIY whiteboard) and marker. Participants are allowed to use scratch papers for problem-solving, and final answers should be written on the whiteboards. Before changing scratch paper, participants must inform their assigned moderator and show the paper to the camera to ensure nothing is written on it. 2. Participants are required to open their cameras and unmute their microphones during the competition. It is advised that the entire setup of the participants should be seen on the camera. There will be an observer for each participant to monitor them. When participants turn off their cameras, the observers will issue an automatic warning. 3. When the quizmaster starts reading the question, the participants are required to raise both of their hands and show them in the camera to prevent cheating. When participants lower their hands, the observers will issue an automatic warning. 4. The quiz show is divided into three (3) rounds: Easy, Average, and Difficult. Easy and average rounds shall consist of ten (10) questions each, while the difficult round shall have five (5) questions.

5. Easy, Average, and Difficult round questions shall have 10, 20, and 30 points, respectively. 6. Programmable calculators are not allowed. The list of calculators that are allowed in the competition will be posted on March 11, 2022. Strictly follow the allowed calculators. 7. Each question shall be given a definite time within which the group can answer. Easy - 30 seconds Average - 60 seconds Difficult - May vary depending on the kind of question Tie-Breaking - 60 seconds yet the contestant who will provide the correct answer first will win. 8. Easy Round: Each team is required to select one of their participants to answer all the questions for the whole round. The team's selected participants will be placed in a breakout room, while those who will not compete in that round will remain in the main room. The calculator used for this round should be seen in the camera. Average Round: Each team is required to select one of their participants to answer all the questions for the whole round. The team's selected participants will be placed in a breakout room, while those who will not compete in that round will remain in the main room. The calculator used for this round should be seen in the camera. Difficult Round: Each team will be put in a separate breakout room to answer the questions for this round. Participants are allowed to communicate with each other in answering and solving. There will be a moderator in each breakout room. The calculator used for this round should be seen in the camera.

Tie-Breaking Round: Each tie-breaking team is required to select one of their participants to answer the questions for the whole round. All participants will remain in the main room to witness the tie-breaking round and the team’s selected participant who can provide the correct answer first will win. 9. Teams will be given time to choose the participant they will send for the Easy, Average, and Tie-Breaking rounds. It is advised that teams designate ahead of time who will be their selected participant for each round and who will serve as a possible substitute if one of their team members gets disconnected during the competition. 10. Each team is allowed to bring one (1) coach/adviser with them in the Zoom meeting. Advisers will be allowed to accompany their teams for easy and average rounds yet they are also required to open their cameras and unmute their microphones. 11. The quizmaster shall read each question twice, specifying the subject matter, time limit, and point distribution. A timer will start after the second reading. 12. Participants are only allowed to write on their scratch papers after the second reading. Anyone caught writing before this shall have their answers null and void. 13. Anyone caught writing after the time limit shall have their answers null and void.

14. The final answer shall be legibly written. Each answer shall have the appropriate units and shall be encircled or boxed. Otherwise, the answer shall be considered null and void. For Easy and Average Rounds, the selected participants shall write their answers on the whiteboard or white bond paper, or DIY whiteboard. 15. For the Difficult Round, all five (5) questions will be continuously flashed, read twice, and answered inside each team’s assigned breakout room. The participants are required to show their answer first to the moderators before taking a picture of their solution and uploading it on their university’s designated Google Drive Folder, to ensure that they uploaded their own answers. It is advised that the teams decide ahead of time who will take a picture of their solution and upload it to their university's designated Google Drive Folder. The Drive link will be given to the participants once they are inside the breakout rooms. The answer for each question will then be checked once all teams get back to the main room. Inside the breakout room, no protests will be entertained. 16. During the Difficult round, participants can use their cell phones or mobile devices in taking pictures of their solutions. 17. The questions and answers shall be revealed to the people in the main room after the participants finish answering. All complaints/protests shall be addressed to the Board of Judges right after the revelation of the correct answer to the questioned concern. No complaints on the previous question shall be entertained once the quizmaster starts reading the next question. Only the participants or coach/adviser can raise a protest.

18. In case of a tie on the cumulative score of the top three, tie- breaking questions for the team with the same score shall be asked until a winner is declared. The first contestant to answer the question correctly will be the winner. 19. The teams having the three (3) highest cumulative scores after the difficult round shall be declared as Champion, 1st runner up, and 2nd Runner up respectively of the PIIE National Student Congress Quiz Bee Competition. 20. The reserve player will be in the Zoom throughout the duration of the competition. He/she can only substitute a disconnected player once no one from the main players can act as the substitute due to internet difficulties. 21. During the Difficult round, when one of the main players gets disconnected and fails to reconnect after 5 minutes, the reserve player will automatically fill in. 22. If the player happens to have an internet problem and gets disconnected, they will be given 5 minutes to reconnect. If the participant didn't get to connect within the given time, the competition would proceed. Disconnected participants can only be substituted if the question is not yet shown or read. If the participant gets disconnected in the middle of reading or answering, he or she can only be substituted on the next question. Participants are advised to be prepared and have a backup load or mobile data so that if any of them gets disconnected, they can easily reconnect.

COMPETITION GUIDELINES INTER-UNIVERSITY QUIZ BEE COMPETITION EFFECTIVE PER ROUND 1st Disconnection 1. If able to reconnect within 5 minutes, the participant can proceed with the question. 2. If not, a substitution will occur. The substitute participant will play for the rest of the round. 2nd Disconnection of the same participant 1. The team will not get points for the specific question. 2. If the participant gets disconnected twice, the participant will automatically be substituted.

REGISTRATION FEE DETAILS Member Non-Members Feasibility Study Php 2000 Php 2200 Research Inter-University Php 2000 Php 2200 Quiz Bee Php 2000 Php 2000 PAYMENT DETAILS GCASH Account Name: Karmela Ch aris Arpia GCASH Number: 094914094 59 BPI Account Account Name: Dwayne Les ter Tabaquero Account Number: 4969-1342 -55 IMPORTANT DATE Deadline of Payments: February 28, 2022 Submit the proof of payment to

1. The payment includes the registration for days 2 and 3 of Congress for the whole team. After accomplishing the registration form, you will be receiving a confirmation email from the Documentations Committee at [email protected] regarding the registration. 2. Once the payment is accomplished, we will be sending a confirmation that we have received it. The slots will be secured once the payment has been sent; otherwise, it will be void. Remember that once the payment has been deposited, it is strictly not refundable. The deadline for the payment will be on February 28, 2022. The Payment Process will be handled by the Finance Committee. Should there be any concerns with regards to your payments, please contact the committee representative in the contact information below.

IMPORTANT DATES February 12 - 26, 2022: Registration Period February 12 - 28, 2022: Payment Period March 7, 2022: Deadline of March 11, 2022: Submission of Electronic Copy of March 19, 2022: Research and March 22, 2022: Feasibility Studies March 25, 2022: Posting of Calculator Models that are Allowed in the Inter- Univeristy Quiz Bee Competition Announcement of Finalists Deadline of Submission of Presentation Files of the Finalists Event Proper

CONTACT US Should there be a need to clarify other concerns on the 18th PIIE National Students’ Congress, please do not hesitate to contact the following persons: For Registration Procedures: [email protected] Patrick Ivan O. Lopinac Sherman D. Sabungan Director for Internal Affairs Director for External Affairs (+63947-692-8121) (+63966-243-8703) For Payment Procedures: [email protected] Karmela Charis P. Arpia Leedor John A. Abrenica Director for Income Generation Assistant Vice President for Finance (+63949-140-9459) (+63915-377-7918) For Academic Competition Inquiries: General Concerns [email protected] Anjielyn N. Cortes Abigail V. Malang Vice President for Academics and Vice Assistant President for Academics Research and Research (+63915-272-8096) (+63917-514-0129) For Feasibility Competition: Ruben A. Simangan Director for Academic Activities (+63936-209-5884) For Research Competition: Alyssa S. Sibulo Director for Academic Activities (+63999-160-7554) For Inter-University Quiz Bee Competition: Jairah C. Carillo Director for Academic Activities (+63963-497-6177)

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