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Home Explore Academic Writing Help Service

Academic Writing Help Service

Published by sorayaleesoraya, 2021-10-22 06:18:51

Description: The tough above form is not an exhaustive list of academic writing, but it contains common types.

Keywords: Academic Writing Help,assignment help


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Writing being main part of academic communication needs precise skills to mast err it. Every writing has its own unique requirements, vocabulary and type if discussion which you need to gain a command over it. Academic writing is a goal that every student needs to attain by regular practice. Once you start taking consistent efforts, you will develop better writing skills without wasting any time. This article caters to main features as well as development of a perfect academic content. However before commencing we should first understand what is academic writing and its importance. Because there are several aspects of it. Academic writing is hard to define because of many types and forms produced due to variety of reasons. It should contain formal tone and style to enhance understanding sense in readers. Sometimes complexity due to long and rigid English makes it difficult to assimilate. Below are different forms of academic writing: Dissertation Academic journal Article writing Abstract Annotated bibliography Literary criticism Textbook Thesis Research paper

Book report Essay Conference paper Explication Research proposal Tough above form is not an exhaustive list of academic writing but it contains common types. To gain the best marks possible, it’s crucial that you target your writing towards an academic readership when writing essays and dissertations. The key elements of a good academic writing help style are precise, clear language and an objective, formal tone. Writing should be targeted towards academic readership to gain better results from it. Precise, clear, language profanely, formal tone are key elements of good academic writing. Below are the properties of good writing -: Language -: It has to be impersonal and formal type. It should mostly contain passive voice. Avoid slang and complex words. Jargon -: In academic writing Jargons are commonly used due to expertise but it should be used appropriately. As the readers must be able to understand the written content at ease. Toning -: Try to infuse your beliefs and views according to questions linked which should clearly deliver the message. As objectivity is the important key while writing academic content. Style -: You should try to convey your message in direct and concise way as possible. Try avoiding long words, phrases and minimize punctuations which gives dramatic effect. Understanding is the key behind pretentious language. If you are persuading that your idea is correct then arguments should perform as evidences instead of any other form. Your language should be inoffensive and politically correct. It should also be dynamic in nature. But not everyone will gain expertise over demands of precise academic writing. So you can seek help from various sources to improve your writing skills. We at Livewebtutors are ready to deliver you right guidance and suggestion regards to your academic writing. We believe in preferred writing style and form. All academic writing share certain key factors such as: Most academic writing depends on below key factors -: Formal and Unbiased

Writing should be unbiased with formal toning while presenting thoughts in academic content. It may develop into an argumentative form if it lacks substantiate evidence. Well-structured Introduction, body and conclusion has to be well structured in academic writing. The content should be designed in such a way that it becomes easier for readers to navigate. Well-sourced: Academic content needs to be properly sourced as it shows that you’re well versed with the subject. Before presenting your point of view kindly double check you argument and verify their sources. Purpose of academic writing -:  It is mainly used by knowledge seekers in the form of assessment.  To prove that certain experimental results had been obtained or published.  To deliver and learn new information to unknown.  To minimize any gaps in your knowledge or understanding by clarifying thoughts. Any assignment writing are based on certain strategies. Let us know about it in details -: A) Planning and implementation of academic writing should be disintegrated into smaller and manageable task. And a specific time limit should be attached to it. B) Prior to writing you should be clear with audience, topics to be addressed as well as purpose of writings. All this requirements should be well understood and clarified with your instructor.

C) Practice makes writer perfect hence each step can be repeated to gain expertise over the subject. D) Try to cover as much as resources and material available online and offline. It will help you in framing content with best results. During writing process every academic expert face many challenges at early stages of drafting. You can improve your academic writing by minimizing such common mistakes. Kindly avoid below mistakes -: 1- Avoid complexity Many writers tend to convey their ideas through hard and rigid words. Creating the writing more argumentative and confusing. If your sentence framing goes beyond 20 words, try to integrate it into improved readable ones. 2 - Missing the soul Thesis statement should be clear and concise binding every paragraph to the subject or topic. If reader lose the connectivity all writing efforts will go in vain. 3 - Avoid informal language Refrain from using slang, idioms and conversational language. 4 - Perform analysis Don't just repeat the content from source materials. Try to relate the arguments as per your point by thorough analysis. To achieve successful life, learners seek knowledge from different academic disciplines. This information seeking outlook help them to approach issues constructively. Academic writing on varying topics increases their vocabulary and language use. Which can be used as prospective communication with acquired knowledge and research. An expert academic writer focuses on following insights -: ● Prove the point -: An academic writer uses professional language to highlight his arguments and facts in precise way. It is the best way to present research into appropriate facts and reports. Theory and technique can be used to support writer’s presentation through data and conclusions. ● Convincing the reader -: Assignment Help or write up should be so lucid and simple to understand that it conveys hassle free message to the reader. Academic writing should be well structured and organized in such a way that it presents better understanding. ● Present opinion objectively -:

Presenting facts objectively is bigger a challenge. Which can be gained through proper research and consistency in writing. Ability to think critically and assessing your thoughts can make out difference between expert and novice. ● Original content -: To be a good academic writer, you need to display originality in your writing. Even if you are referencing to others work, you need to have the skill to interpret it and critically evaluate it using your own words. You should be a good evaluator and an interpreter and not a describer of others work. Originality in writing displays the overall knowledge of author and its command over the subject. You should be able to interpret and evaluate others thoughts according to your understanding. Content needs to be plagiarism free to avoid any downturn in your scores. Thank You Mobile- +61-2-8005-8227 Email- [email protected] Website- Add- Suite 501, 280 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000

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