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Home Explore Nati form Priest

Nati form Priest

Published by Zanke Joy, 2022-11-01 01:40:17

Description: Nati form Priest


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APPLICATION FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF ILLUMINATI New World Order ILLUMINATI SECRET SOCIETY Help line + (27) 734860726 Email: [email protected] LIFE PATH NUMBER ………………………… ………………………… Security Secret Code Number (SSCN) Having conceived a favorable opinion of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Illuminati society, and a sincere desire of being serviceable to my fellow creatures, unbiased by friends, and uninfluenced by mercenary motives, I do freely and voluntarily offer myself as a candidate for initiation into the Illuminati society, and if selected, will cheerfully conform to all the ancient and established usages and customs of the Illuminati Order, which I understand are based on the highest principles and moral precepts and incorporate no unseemly conduct. (Please answer each of the following questions fully - print or type, except signature :) Do you believe in the existence of the Illuminati Order? __________________________________________________________ What is your full name? ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Where do you reside? House No. & Street ____________________________________________________________________________ Indicate Post Office Box or Mailing Address if other than your residence City Zip Phone E-Mail________________________________ Country of residence How long have you resided here? _____________________________ Where have you resided during the past five years? _____________________________________________________________________ Phone What is your business ____________________ address? Zip _ By whom and where employed in the past five years? ___________________________________________________________________ Job Title Where were you born? _________________________________________________ CITY OR TOWN) (STATE) Date of your birth: . Age:________________ Do you know of any physical, mental, legal or moral reason which would prevent you from becoming an Illuminati? ______________ If yes, explain ________________________________________________________________________________________ __________ Have you ever pleaded guilty, or been convicted of any If so, give details of when and where? crime? __________________ 1

APPLICATION FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF ILLUMINATI Are you How many Give sex and age of your children. married? dependents? _______________________________ Wife’s name? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you previously applied for, or been proposed, as a candidate for the Illuminati Order? _________________________ What are your interests? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Fill in your Bank account Details. __________________________________________________________________________________ Give a brief description of your abilities/talents? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you believe, or have you ever believed in changing the world order by force or infiltration, or been a Yes ___ No _____ (If yes, give names and dates) member of an organization who advocates the same? ______________ Why do you want to be a member of the Illuminati order? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you interested in being contacted by other members? ____________________________________________ FACTS CONCERNING ILLUMINATI ORDER 2

APPLICATION FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER OF ILLUMINATI APPLICANT MUST READ THE FOLLOWING Having expressed a desire to become a member of the Illuminati society, we presume you are willing to consider thoroughly the step you propose to take. The exact nature of our Institution being unknown to you, we deem it advisable that you should be informed on certain points, the knowledge of which may affect your decision to apply for membership. The essence of Illumination lies in the word “Becoming”. Religions such as Judaism, Christianity and Islam are based on “Being”. Those who understand the difference between being and becoming will start to see how illumination offers a radically different worldview, one that is utterly breathtaking in the opportunities it offers to humanity. Your research on the Illuminati via the internet has led you to our website – however you need to carefully select what you read about the Illuminati Order as many of the articles you will find are heresy. Conspiracy Theorists have tried to decipher the Illuminati’s code, and by branding the order as domineering, demonic worshipping clans in order to gain greed, success and power are a fallacy. Video’s spilling blood and containing satanic rituals are also a false representation of the order and anyone who wishes to believe these unorthodox episodes will never be approached or guided to be a part of the order. Powerful, Influential, intelligent, entrepreneurial, successful and wealthy individuals make up the Illuminati order. In order to join the Illuminati there is no secret handshake and you cannot just say that you are illuminated – when you are part of the new world order you can rest assured that you will know, without being told. Surrounding yourself with successful people who support your goals, aspirations and achievements will raise your social stature; these people will know you are part of the Illuminati without you needing to say a thing; this successful and supportive network of people will also be illuminated. Illuminati members are handpicked through their achievements in business, ideas and concepts, through their interests or dedication to a cause. The New World Order guides potential candidates to become an Illuminati associate, however being guided into the secret society does not automatically grant you a membership. Mutual interest is essential for successful initiation. We have no authority at present to give you further information regarding the society you propose to join, but we have imparted sufficient information to enable you to conclude that the Illuminati is not contrary to the principles which mark a man of upright heart and mind, and has in it nothing inconsistent with one’s civil, moral or religious duties We think it advisable to inform you that your admission to our society will entail certain financial obligations which you should be able to discharge without detriment to yourself or those dependent on you. In addition to the fees payable on your entrance, there will be need to make sacrifices. Before presenting this application form, be sure in your heart that you are not prompted by mere curiosity. You should be able at any moment – to sacrifice what you are today, for what you will become. I hereby certify on my honor that all these answers are true and correct, and that I have read, understood and agree with all statements made on this application form. SIGN YOUR FULL NAME (in ink) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3

APPLICATION FOR THE ORDER OF ILLUMINATI TERMS AND CONDITIONS (APPLICANT MUST READ exams, thorough background checks and interview subject CAREFULLY) to Section 2. Section 1: Section 6: By joining, you hereby give up authority to your: basic Succeeding initiation, you will be granted a sum of capital, human rights, as defined by the United Nations charter; which will be held on an offshore account and can only be creative control, as defined by jurors (which may be given withdrawn from after consultancy with an assigned back at any time, as applicable); financial control, financial adviser. Dependent upon placement, member may including charitable acts, donations and investments; also be entitled to become either: an industry plant, public relations, including family associations, allegiance political figure, public activist or a public personality and social associations; living space, including location of within the six superpower states. residence, and conduction of business; and travel, including local state travel. Should you decide to leave, Section 7: you must contact your recruitment manager with valid Terms & Conditions are informative and may be changed reason. Your leave will be decided by a recruitment at any time, without notification or amnesty. Terms & manager, at their discretion Conditions hold no real value upon court, principal meetings, and annual meetings or as appeal to a recruitment Section 2: manager. Managers are under oath to provide you with the Upon review of your application, an admission council truth about The Order; however, if they deceit, they are will run a full background check that includes all activity fully allowed under The Order Charter. on: forums, social networks, previous schools, jobs, houses and affiliations which may extend down your family Section 8: lineage. Upon initiation, and without warning, content may If your pre-membership application is accepted, your be deleted for any reason, at any time. After background interview will not be held in your country of residence. checks, you will be interviewed by your assigned You will receive a hand-delivered confidential package recruitment manager/monk, who will assess your situation which may include: a new passport, transportation tickets, and talents for placement, as applicable. wireless tracker, cellular device with pre-programmed international access and a copy of your submitted Section 3: application. Groups, alliances, teams and legions who wish to remain together after initiation must state so in their individual Section 9: applications, and are given no guarantees or immunity if Speech and all other forms of public communication will they are separated upon initiation. This applies to all be heavily processed after Order manager approval. groups even after initiation, according to Section 1, which Managers must contact council to gain approval for may be split at any time for any reason, at the discretion of speaking on subjects including, but not limited to: NSA, their recruitment manager, after approval from council IRS, \"Petro-Dollar,\" United Nations, European Union, the members. World Health Organization, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, G-20 Economic Group, the World Court, Section 4: NATO, Council on Foreign Relations, World Council of Should the member refuse allegiance upon initiation, Churches. member is subject to penalty based on the discretion of council members. Should he be granted immunity, he may * The Order Charter is not accessible by newly inaugurated no longer peruse life in any of the 193 members of the UN member. Rankings, as well as growth, promotion, under Illuminati jurisdiction, and will be provided refuge dispersion of information and more will be discussed with elsewhere or otherwise at the discretion of the council your recruitment manager, at their discretion. members. I hereby certify on my honor that I have read, Section 5: understood and agree with all terms and Although placement is not random, you may not receive conditions stipulated this application form. your desired placement, which does not grant you immunity prior to initiation, which is when the placement SIGN YOUR FULL NAME (in ink) will be revealed to you. Placement will be dependent upon ___________________________________________________________ current skills, reputation, mental screenings, medical

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