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Home Explore Body Systems Project

Body Systems Project

Published by Eduardo Gonzalez, 2016-11-04 10:35:29

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Body Systems

Table of ContentsIntegumentary SystemMusculoskeletal SystemNervous SystemSpecial SensesCardiovascular SystemRespiratory SystemDigestive SystemUrinary SystemReproductive System

Integumentary SystemFunction-​ ​ The skin waterproofs the body and prevents fluid loss. When the skin is intact it playsimportant roles in the immune system. Skin is also a major receptor of touch. Finally, the skinhelps the body synthesize vitamin D from the sun’s ultraviolet light, while screening out harmfulultraviolet radiation.Key Terms ● derm/o, dermat/o -​ skin ● kerat/o- h​ orny, hard, cornea ● xer/o- d​ ry ● xanth/o-​ yellow ● erythr/o- ​red ● pedicu/o-​ louse (singular), lice (plural) ● onych/o-​ fingernail or toenail ● myc/o-​ fungus ● pil/o- ​hair ● lip/o-​ fat, lipid ● rhytid/o- w​ rinkle ● albin/o- ​whiteVocabulary ● Sweat Glands-​ Help regulate body temperature and water content by secreting sweat ● Hair-​ Helps control the loss of body heat ● Nails-​ Protects the dorsal surface of the last bone of each toe and finger ● Epidermis-​ The outermost layer of the skin ● Dermis- ​The thick layer of living tissue directly below the epidermis ● Keratin-​ a fibrous, water-repellent protein ● Collagen-​ a tough, yet flexible, fibrous protein material ● Heparin- ​is released in response to injury, is an anticoagulant ● Melanocytes-​ a special type of cells that produce a dark brown to black pigment called melanin ● Hair follicles-​ the sacs that hold the root of the hair fibers ● Albinism-​ is an inherited deficiency or absence of pigment in the skin, hair, and eyes due to an abnormality in production of melanin ● Gangrene-​ tissue necrosis that is usually associated with a loss of circulation. The tissue death is followed by bacterial invasion that causes putrefaction

● Psoriasis-​ is a chronic autoimmune disorder of the skin characterized by red papules covered with silvery scales that occur predominantly on the elbows, knees, scalp, back, and buttocks ● Impetigo-​ a highly contagious bacterial skin infection characterized by isolated pustules that become crusted and ruptureHealth Careers ● Dermatologist- a​ specialist in dermatology, especially a doctor who specializes in the treatment of diseases of the skin ● Plastic surgeon-​ A surgeon who specializes in reducing scarring or disfigurement that may occur as a result of accidents, birth defects, or treatment for diseases, such as melanoma.Diagram

Musculoskeletal SystemFunction-​ the bones in the skeletal system support, protect, and provide framework for thebody. Also, the bone marrow has an important function in the formation of blood. The muscles inthe muscular system hold the body erect and make movement possible. Also, musclemovement generates nearly 85% of the heat that keeps the body warm.Key Terms ● my/o-​ muscle ● myel/o- s​ pinal cord, bone marrow ● oste/o- ​bone ● cost/o- r​ ib ● crani/o- ​skull ● -pexy- s​ urgical fixation ● chondr/o- c​ artilage ● arthr/o- ​joint ● -plegia- ​paralysis, stroke ● kinesi/o- ​movementVocabulary ● Bones-​ act as the framework for the body, protect the internal organs, and store the mineral calcium ● Bone marrow-​ forms some blood cells ● Cartilage-​ creates a smooth surface for the motion within the joints and protects the ends of the bones ● Joints-​ work with the muscles to make a variety of motions possible ● Ligaments-​ connect on bone to another ● Synovial membrane-​ forms the lining of synovial joints and secretes synovial fluid ● Synovial fluid-​ lubricant that makes smooth joint movements possible ● Bursa-​ cushions areas subject to friction during movement ● Muscles-​ make body movement possible, hold body erect, move body fluids, and produce body heat ● Tendons-​ attach muscle to bonePathology ● Osteoporosis-​ a marked loss of bone density and an increase in bone porosity frequently associated with aging

● Spina bifida-​ a congenital defect that occurs during early pregnancy in which the spinal canal fails to close around the spinal cord ● Muscular dystrophy-​ a group of inherited disorders that cause muscle weakness without affecting the nervous system. The most common forms, which affect only males, are Duchenne’s muscular dystrophy and Becker’s muscular dystrophy ● Fibromyalgia-​ a chronic disorder of unknown cause, characterized by widespread aching pain, tender points, and fatigueHealth Careers ● Orthopedic surgeon-​ treats injuries and disorders involving bones, joints, muscles, and tendons ● Chiropractor-​ specializes in manipulative treatment of disorders originating from the misalignment of the spineDiagram.

Nervous SystemFunction-​ The nervous system coordinates and controls all body activities. When the brainceases function, the body diesKey Terms ● neur/o- n​ erve, nerve tissue ● encephal/o- b​ rain ● myel/o-​ spinal cord, bone marrow ● ambu/o- w​ alk ● -esthesia-​ sensation, feeling ● mening/o-​ membranes, meninges ● psych/o- m​ ind ● concuss/o- s​ haken together, violently agitatedVocabulary ● Nerve-​ one or more bundles of neuron cells that connect the brain and the spinal cord with other parts of the body ● Neuron-​ is the basic cell of the nervous system ● Cerebrum- ​Uppermost and least protected layer of the brain. Responsible for the highest level of thought including judgement, memory, association, and critical thinking ● Thalamus-​ Located below the cerebrum. Monitors sensory stimuli by suppressing some and magnifying others ● Hypothalamus-​ Located below the thalamus. Controls vital bodily functions ● Cerebellum-​ Located in the lower back of the cranium below the cerebrum. Coordinates muscular activity for smooth and steady movements ● Pons-​ Located in the brainstem at the base of the brain. Nerves cross over so that one side of the brain controls the opposite side of the body ● Medulla oblongata- M​ ost protected part of the brain. Controls the basic vital functions of life ● Brainstem-​ the stalk like portion of the brain that connects the cerebral hemispheres with the spinal cord ● Meninges-​ are three layers of connective tissue membrane that enclose the brain and spinal cordPathology ● Meningitis-​ the inflammation of the meninges of the brain or spinal cord

● Alzheimer’s disease-​ a group of disorders associated with degenerative changes in the brain structure that lead to characteristic symptoms including memory loss, impaired cognitive thinking, and personality changes ● Amnesia-​ a disturbance in the memory marked by a total or partial inability to recall past experiences ● Dementia-​ a slowly progressive decline in mental abilities including memory, thinking, judgement, and the ability to pay attentionCareers ● Neurologist-​ specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the nervous system ● Psychiatrist-​ holds a Medical Doctor (MD) degree and specializes in diagnosing and treating chemical dependencies, emotional problems, and mental illnessDiagram

Special SensesFunction-​ The function of this system is to receive external stimuli and transmit the informationto the brain.Key Terms ● irid/o-​ iris, colored part of eye ● -cusis- ​hearing ● -opia- ​vision condition ● ot/o-​ ear, hearing ● tympan/o-​ tympanic membrane, eardrum ● ophthalm/o- e​ ye, vision ● -metry- ​to measureVocabulary ● Eyes- R​ eceptor organs for the sense of sight ● Adnexa of the eye-​ Accessory structures that provide external protection and movement for the eyes ● Lacrimal apparatus-​ Produces, stores, and removes tears ● Iris-​ Controls the amount of light entering the eye ● Retina-​ Converts light images into electrical impulses and transmits them to the brain ● Ears-​ Receptor organs for the sense of hearing; also helps to maintain balance ● Outer ear-​ Transmits sound waves to the middle ear ● Middle ear-​ Transmits sound waves to the inner ear ● Inner ear-​ Receives sound vibrations and transmits them to the brain ● Lens-​ Focuses rays of light on the retinaPathology ● Ectropion-​ the eversion of the edge of the eyelid ● Conjunctivitis-​ also known as pink eye, is an inflammation of the conjunctiva ● Xerophthalmia-​ also known as dry eye, is the drying of eye surfaces characteristized by loss of luster of the conjunctiva and cornea ● Vertigo-​ is a symptom of several conditions, is described as a sense of whirling, dizziness, and the loss of balanceCareers

● Audiologist-​ specializes in the measurement of hearing function and the rehabilitation of persons with hearing impairments ● Ophthalmologist-​ specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the eyeDiagram

Cardiovascular SystemFunction-​ Circulates blood through the body through a network of vessels to provide individualcells with oxygen and nutrients. Also, this system helps dispose of metabolic waste.Key Terms ● cardi/o-​ heart ● angi/o- ​ blood or lymph vessels ● hem/o, hemat/o- ​blood ● Brady-- ​slow ● Tachy-- ​ rapid, accelerated ● thromb/o- ​clot ● -emia- ● leuk/o-​ white ● erythr/o- ​red ● arteri/o- ​arteryVocabulary ● Artery-​ a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart ● Vein-​ a blood vessel that carries blood to the heart ● Heart-​ a hollow muscular organ that pumps blood through the body ● Capillaries- a​ ny of the fine branching blood vessels that form a network between arterioles and venules ● Arterioles- ​a small branch of an artery leading into capillaries ● Venules-​ a small branch of a vein leading into capillaries ● Aorta-​ largest artery in the body ● Diastole-​ relaxation phase of the heart beat ● Systole-​ contraction phase of the heart beat ● Vena Cava-​ largest vein in the bodyPathology

● Atherosclerosis- h​ ardening and narrowing of the coronary arteries, producing blockages in the vessels that carry blood to the heart ● Myocardial infarction-​ occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to the heart ● Pericarditis-​ a rare condition where the lining surrounding your heart gets inflamed. An infection often causes this ● Stroke-​ a sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brainCareers ● Cardiologist-​ a doctor with special training and skill in finding, treating and preventing diseases of the heart and blood vessels ● Cardiothoracic Surgeon-​ a doctor who specializes in surgical procedures of the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs in the chestDiagram

Respiratory SystemFunction-​ The primary function of the respiratory system are to take in oxygen and expelcarbon dioxide.Key Terms ● bronch/o-​ bronchial tube ● cyan/o- ​blue ● laryng/o-​ larynx ● -oxia- ​oxygen ● Oxy-- s​ wift, sharp, acid ● pleur/o- ​ pleura ● pneum/o- l​ ung, air, gas ● pulmon/o- l​ ung ● thorac/o- ​chest ● trache/o- ​tracheaVocabulary ● Lungs-​ a pair of breathing organs which removes carbon dioxide and brings oxygen to the blood ● Epiglottis-​ lid-like piece of cartilage that covers the larynx, preventing food from entering the larynx and trachea during swallowing ● Trachea-​ a large tube extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; the windpipe ● Bronchioles-​ ​ smallest branches of the bronchi ● Bronchi- a​ ny major air passages of the lungs that diverge from the windpipe ● Pleura- d​ ouble-layered membrane surrounding each lung ● Parietal Pleura- o​ uter layer of the pleura lying closer to the ribs and chest wall ● Visceral Pleura-​ inner layer of the pleura lying closer to the lung tissue ● Diaphragm- ​muscle separating the chest and the abdomen ● Alveolus-​ air sac in the lungPathology ● Bronchitis-​ inflammation of the bronchus

● Cystic Fibrosis- a​ ffects the cells that produce mucus, sweat, and digestive juices. It causes these fluids to become thick and sticky. They then plug up tubes, ducts, and passageway, affects lungs and the digestive system ● Pneumonia-​ I​ nfection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fill with fluid ● Emphysema-​ A​ group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breatheCareers ● Pneumologist-​ a specialist in the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lungs ● Thoracic Surgeon-​ medical doctor who performs operations on the heart, lungs, esophagus, and other organs in the chestDiagram

Digestive SystemFunction- ​The digestive system intakes food and digests the nutrients from it. Also, thedigestive system eliminates solid waste products.Key Terms ● cholecyst/o-​ gall bladder ● enter/o- ​small intestines ● col/o, colon/o- ​colon (large intestines) ● hepat/o- l​ iver ● gastr/o- ​stomach ● or/o- m​ outh ● -pepsia- d​ igestion ● chol/e-​ bile; gall ● proct/o-​ anus and rectumVocabulary ● Mouth-​ begins preparation of food for digestion ● Pharynx-​ transports food from the mouth to the esophagus ● Esophagus-​ transports food from the pharynx to the stomach ● Stomach-​ breaks down food and mixes it with digestive juices ● Small Intestines-​ completes digestion and absorption of most nutrients ● Large Intestines-​ absorbs excess water and prepares solid waste for elimination ● Rectum and Anus-​ controls the excretion of solid waste ● Liver-​ secretes bile and enzymes to aid in the digestion of fats ● Gallbladder-​ stores bile and releases it to the small intestines as needed ● Pancreas-​ secretes digestive juices and enzymes into small intestine as neededPathology ● Pyrosis-​ also known as heartburn, is the burning sensation caused by the return of acidic stomach contents into the esophagus ● Gingivitis-​ an inflammation of the gums, is the early stage of periodontal disease ● Pica-​ is an eating disorder in which there is persistent eating of non nutritional substances such as clay. These abnormal cravings are sometimes associated with pregnancy

● Bruxism-​ is involuntary grinding or clenching of the teeth that usually occurs during sleep and is associated with tension or stress. Bruxism wears away tooth structure, damages periodontal tissues, and injures the temporomandibular joint.Careers ● Gastroenterologist-​ a physician in diseases of the digestive system including esophagus, stomach and intestines. ● Proctologist-​ a physician in diseases of the rectum and anusDiagram

Urinary SystemFunction-​ The urinary system maintains the proper balance water, salts, and acids in the bodyfluids by removing excess fluids from the body or reabsorbing water as needed. Also, constantlyfilters the blood to remove urea and other waste materials from the bloodstream. Finally,converts these waste products and excess fluids into urine.Key Terms ● -cele-​ hernia ● -lysis- b​ reakdown; separation; destruction; loosening ● cyst/o-​ urinary bladder; cyst; sac of fluid ● nephr/o-​ kidney ● ren/o-​ kidney ● -uria-​ urination; condition of urine ● -pexy-​ fixation; to put in place ● -ectasis-​ dilation; dilatation; widening ● pyel/o-​ renal pelvisVocabulary ● Kidney-​ filter the blood to remove waste products, maintain electrolyte, concentrations, and remove excess water to maintain the fluid volume within the body ● Renal Pelvis-​ collects urine produced by the kidneys ● Urine-​ liquid waste products to be excreted ● Ureters-​ transport urine from the kidneys to the bladder ● Urinary Bladder-​ stores urine until it is excreted ● Urethra-​ transports urine from the bladder through the urethral meatus, where it is excreted from the body ● Nephrons-​ the functional units of the kidneys. They form urine by the processes of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion ● Urinary Sphincters-​ are located at either end of the urethra, control the flow of urine from the bladder into the urethra and out of the urethra through the urethral meatus ● Renal Cortex-​ the outer layer of the kidney ● Medulla-​ the inner layer of the kidneyPathology ● Diuresis-​ the increases excretion of urine

● Nephrolithiasis-​ a disorder characterized by the presence of stones in the kidney ● Pyelonephritis-​ and inflammation of the renal pelvis and of the kidney ● Anuria-​ the complete suppression of urine formation by the kidneysCareers ● Nephrologist-​ specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the kidneys ● Urologist-​ specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the urinary system of females and the genitourinary system of malesDiagram

Reproductive SystemFunction- ​the primary function of the male reproductive system is to produce millions of spermand deliver them to unite with a single ovum (egg) to create a new lifeKey Terms ● cervic/o-​ cervix (neck of uterus) ● salping/o-​ fallopian tube ● ov/o-​ egg ● orchid/o-​ testes ● oophor/o- ​ovary ● men/o-​ menstruation ● mamm/o- b​ reast ● gynec/o- ​woman; female ● colp/o- ​vagina ● prostat/o-​ prostate glandVocabulary ● Testicles, testes-​ produce sperm and the male hormone testosterone ● Ovaries-​ produce ova (eggs) and female hormones ● Fallopian Tubes-​ catch mature ova, provide the site for fertilization, transport ova to uterus ● Uterus-​ protects and supports the developing child ● Placenta-​ exchanges nutrients and waste between the mother and fetus during pregnancy ● Scrotum-​ encloses, protects, and supports the testicles ● Prostate Gland-​ lies under the bladder and surrounds the upper end of the urethra in the region ● Urethra-​ passes through the penis to the outside of the body. ● Penis-​ the male sex organ that transports the sperm into the female vagina ● Vagina-​ a muscular tube lined with mucosa that extends from the cervix to the outside of the body

Pathology ● Anachronism-​ the congenital absence of one or both testicles ● Azoospermia-​ the absence of sperm in the semen ● Colporrhexis-​ laceration or tearing of the vagina ● Salpingitis-​ inflammation of the fallopian tubeCareers ● Gynecologist-​ specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders of the female reproductive system ● Obstetrician-​ specializes in providing medical care to women during pregnancyDiagram

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