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Home Explore The Most Influential Women To Watch In 2023

The Most Influential Women To Watch In 2023

Published by CIO Women Magazine, 2023-02-08 06:50:01

Description: CIO Women Magazine’s The Most Influential Women To Watch In 2023 features the stories of such staunch leaders.

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Susan Gatehouse, the founder of Axea Solutions, has played a pivotal role in the healthcare industry. Susan's fundamental principles are grounded in service to others, a vision for a greater future with a tenacity to succeed. Although the precise definition of an influential person may vary, Susan is a clear portrait of it.

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Management Vs Strategy C WWW.CIOWOMENMAGAZINE.COM | AMERICAS EDITION Consulting o omenMagazine Pg. 40 2022 Leader Or Manager Choice Is Yours Pg. 30 Razia Sultan - Sole Female Ruler of the Subcontinent Pg. 12 The Most MagazineC o omen President & Managing Partner, Influential To Watch Out Emersons Commercial Management US, LLC Businesswomen KAREN SIMON A Highly Qualified Womenpreneur with Outstanding Strategies

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From Editor’s Desk

“Women have always been the strong ones of the world.” - Coco Chanel Women are effective change agents, and diversity and gender parity in leadership and decision-making are increasingly acknowledged in all walks of life. Women still make up a very small percentage of those who make decisions in politics, business, and society. The need to close the pay gap between men and women have received more attention in recent years, along with calls for greater gender equality. Despite the fact that there has been a lot of improvement in this area, there are still far too few women in positions of authority. Conquering the struggles, women have emerged as powerful leaders! This issue of CIO Women of The Most Influential Businesswomen to Watch Out are the stories of such powerful women. Featuring for the cover story- Karen Simon, President, and Managing Partner, Emersons Commercial Real Estate Karen stood out because she was the first woman working as an industrial realtor in Dallas- Fort Worth. Due to the fact that she was a bit of an outlier, she gained some exposure. The realization that women could do the job with the right opportunity and education led to some doors opening as a result. Karen has continually worked to keep doors open for women in the commercial real estate industry, not only in industrial real estate. Karen brings knowledge, training, and a drive to go above and beyond the task at hand. She attempts to find out despite being unafraid to admit, “I don't know.” For example, she claims, “I'm not afraid to say, I don't know, but I'm willing to find out, and I think that's a key factor. Most people will forgive you for not knowing something as long as you're willing to find out for them.” Sonica Aron, Founder and Managing Partner, Marching Sheep Coming from a family of doctors. The youngest of three siblings, no one in Sonica Aron's family has studied or practiced business management. So, this was a completely new world for Sonica. From having medical discussions at the dinner table as a child to today where she and her family talk about social justice, gender expression, awareness about disabilities, and inclusion. Sonica is an HR professional with more than 2 decades of experience. Shalmali Shalmali W.

C o omenMagazine CIO Women Magazine, 1985, Henderson Rd, Columbus, Ohio, 43220 9552931801 Follow Us On: For Sales & Branding Enquiries: [email protected] For Subscription: [email protected] Publisher CIO Women Magazine Chief Editor Shalmali W. Marketing Coordinator(USA) Pamela Wilson PR & Marketing Coordinator Jimmy B. Business Development Executive Monica Sanders Creative Design Head Sushant K. Social Media Manager Narendra S. Digital Circulation Manager Garry Williams This list is NOT a ranking. The companies on listed in magazine serve different aspects of the market, making ranking them in any order except revenue impossible and unfair. We try to bring a perfect platform for business organization to showcase their valued products/ services. Copyrights © CIO Women Magazine | 2022. All Rights Reserved. The images and content included in this magazine should not be copied, transferred or reproduced in any form or by any means, electronics, mechanical, photocopying, recording, otherwise, without proper permission from The Enterprise World. The Enterprise World solely owns all the reprint rights.

PR News Section Metaverse was recorded to be amongst What is Metaverse? completely revolutionize the way the top most popular words of 2020 digital interactions take place in the worldwide and its popularity has only The Metaverse is envisioned to be a future. grown with time. Ever since mark virtual platform where people can carry Zuckerberg changed his company out their day to day activities like Metaverse example 1: Imagine if you “Facebook's” name to “Meta”, the working, studying, shopping etc. all in could walk the street of Milan and internet was taken by storm and all an immersive set up. Experts predict shop from your favourite brands, try on social media attention was diverted that the adoption of Metaverse will footwear and clothes, make your towards this new technological word change the way digital interactions selection and get it delivered to you “Metaverse”. top investor and tech take place for generations to come. physical address.. All of this without giants from around the world started stamping your passport or buying flight pumping in millions of dollars to push It is one of the biggest breakthroughs tickets! Yes, the Metaverse makes this this technology and get it up and in the world of technology and no such possible, you could sit at the comfort running. technology with such great potential of your couch and still visit places in has ever been spoken about before. It different demographics.Metaverse However, what the worlds didn't can be considered as an iteration of the example 2: Now imagine if you had to realise back then was that the term internet as a single and one-point attend an important conference in “Metaverse” was first coined in a universe and immersive virtual world Australia at 11am, and another seminar science fiction novel named “Snow that is facilitated by Augmented on the same day at 5pm in India.. The Crash” written by an American writer, Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Metaverse allows you to just put on Neil Stephenson in the year 1992. This wearable devices. AR/VR wearable devices an be at both novel depicted how a boy live dual life, places without you needing to hamper one on the real world and the other in Users can put on AR/VR wearable your work. You must be wondering this virtual immersive world called the devices and enter this immersive that this is also possible through Metaverse. So we can comfortably say virtual world and carry out an entire platforms like Zoom, Teams, Google that this concept of an immersive virtual life which is parallel to their Meets etc., however what makes the virtual space that is parallel to the real real world life. A unique feature of the Metaverse stand out is that you can world has been around since a while Metaverse is that users can interact attend these meeting in 3D immersive but has only caught on eyeballs of the with objects and other users in a 3 environments, unlike the above masses after being addressed by top dimensional set up, this means that mentioned that allow you to only dee tech enthusiasts and giants. they can not only see but also touch things on a screen in a 2D and feel other real world replicated environment. With Metaverse, you can In this article you will learn about: objects and other users in real-time as see, hear and feel objects and other they are. people around you like it would be in a Ÿ What is the Metaverse? real case scenario. The Metaverse is powered by Ÿ What are the top 3 challenges of advanced technologies like Augmented the Metaverse? Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Ÿ What are the top 3 benefits in the Learning (ML), Blockchain, Metaverse? Cryptocurrency, Non Fungible Tokens (NFTs) etc. and has great potential to

CONT Cover Story A Highly Qualified Womenpreneur with Outstanding Strategies Intrview Profile Delivering Tangible Business Value

ENTS The Many First Women Razia Sultan - Sole Female Ruler of the Subcontinent Article Article Management Vs Leader Or Manager Strategy Choice Is Yours Consulting


Sole Female Ruler of the Subcontinent CIO Women Magazine | 13

R A group of nobility opposed Razia's that Razia was more capable than his ascension; some joined her in the sons when his nobles questioned his Raziyat-Ud-Dunya Wa Ud-Din, also end, while the others were defeated. choice on the grounds that he still had known as Razia Sultana, was the sultan She defied the expectations of the living sons. of the Delhi Sultanate in the northern Turkic nobility who backed her by region of the Indian subcontinent. She asserting her power more and more. Ruknuddin failed as a leader and gave died on October 15, 1240, during her They became resentful of her as a Shah Turkan, his mother, control of the reign of 1236–1241. She was Delhi's result of this and the non-Turkic government. A number of nobles sole Muslim female ruler and the first officials she appointed to high rebelled against the two after they female Muslim ruler of the entire positions. A party of nobles blinded and killed Qutubuddin, the subcontinent. overthrew her in April 1240 after well-liked son of Iltutmish, and even less than four years in power. She the wazir (prime minister), Nizamul Razia, a Mamluk Sultan Shamsuddin sought to reclaim the throne by Mulk Junaidi, joined them. The Iltutmish daughter, was in charge of marrying one of the rebels, situation worsened when slave officials running Delhi in 1231–1232 while her Ikhtiaruddin Altunia, but was of Turkic descent loyal to Ruknuddin father was engaged in the Gwalior war. thwarted by her half-brother and plotted to assassinate Tazik (non- According to a tradition that may or successor Muizuddin Bahram in Turkic) officers of the sultanate. As a may not be true, after returning to October of that year. She was result, numerous significant Tazik Delhi, Iltutmish named Razia as his assassinated soon after her marriage officers, including Ziyaul Mulk, the heir apparent after being pleased with with Altunia. son of Junaidi, and Tajul Mulk her performance during this time. Mahmud, the person who wrote the Ruknuddin Firuz, a half-brother of Early Life - decree designating Razia as the heir Razia whose mother Shah Turkan apparent, were killed. Shah Turkan intended to have her put to death, Razia Sultan ruled the nation from intended to have Razia put to death in succeeded Iltutmish as ruler. Razia 1236 until 1240. She was born in the Delhi as Ruknuddin marched toward incited the populace to fight against year 1205. The first Muslim woman Kuhram to confront the rebels. Shah Turkan during a rebellion against to hold a position of authority in Ruknuddin, and she rose to the throne Delhi was Razia Sultan. In 1236, she Not only was Razia's accession to the after Ruknuddin was deposed in 1236. took over as her father Shams-ud-din Delhi throne unusual because she was Iltutmish's successor and established a woman, but it was also notable the Sultanate of Delhi. because public backing served as the primary motivation for it. She had Nasiruddin Mahmud, the boy reportedly pleaded with the populace Iltutmish had raised to succeed him, to remove her if she didn't live up to unexpectedly passed away in 1229. their expectations, according to the According to historian Minhaj-i- 14th-century manuscript Futuh-us- Siraj, Iltutmish feared that because Salatin. Razia Sultan, like her father, his other sons were engaged in was a fierce warrior, wise enjoyable pursuits, they would not administrator, and strong woman. be able to run the government after Despite the fact that she only held his death. In 1231, Iltutmish placed power for three years, her actions are his daughter Razia in charge of still recorded in history. One of the running Delhi's affairs before places that honors the memory of this departing on his Gwalior campaign. brave woman is the Razia Sultan's After returning to Delhi, Iltutmish Tomb in Delhi. She sat in an open decided to name Razia as his durbar while costumed as a man. She replacement because she did her job had qualities of a monarch and was a so well. Iltutmish instructed Tajul successful ruler. Razia had minimal Mulk Mahmud Dabir, his mushrif-i interaction with the women of the mamlakat officer, to draft an edict variety of mistresses as a child and designating Razia as the heir young adult, so she was not exposed to presumptive. Iltutmish responded 14

the expected behaviour of women in March 5, 1237, and began slaughtering however slain within 1-2 months by the Muslim community. Indeed, she the Sunnis who had gathered there for the new king. was drawn to the exercise of her Friday prayers before being attacked father's sultanate long before she by the locals. The nobility in Delhi divided up became one. In contrast to tradition, significant positions and iqtas among Razia would later show her face when In response to a danger from the themselves after removing Razia, she rode an elephant in battle as the Mongols in 1238, Malik Hasan disregardeding the claims of commander of her military force. As Qarlugh, a previous Khwarazmian Ikhtiyaruddin Altunia, who had sultan, she wore a man's tunic and a governor of Ghazni, dispatched his son detained Razia in Tabarhinda. Altunia crown. to Delhi, most likely to seek a military decided to join Razia's side after alliance against the Mongols. Razia Aitigin's death, when she had given up Work of Razia - graciously accepted the prince and any prospect of reaping any rewards offered him the proceeds of Baran for from Razia's overthrow. Seeing this as Razia immediately set up a number of his costs, but she declined to make an a chance to reclaim the throne, Razia significant positions after taking the alliance with him to oppose the wed Altunia in September 1240. Other throne. She gave Nizamul Mulk to Mongols. irate Turkic nobles, such as Malik Khwaja Muhazzabuddin and Qaraqash and Malik Salari, supported appointed him as her new wazir Being a successful ruler, Razia Sultana the two. (prime minister). Former wazir established genuine peace in her realm, Junaidi's deputy at the time was in which every single person abides by Abdul Malik Isami claimed that Muhazzabuddin. Malik Saifuddin the rules and regulations she Khokhars, Jats, and Rajputs were all Aibek Bahtu was given the title established. She made an effort to involved in the army that Altunia Qutlugh Khan by Razia and given the strengthen the foundation of the gathered. Sultan Muizuddin Bahram responsibility of leading her army. country by constructing streets, led an army in battle against the armies But soon after, Saifuddin passed digging wells, and improving of Altunia and Razia in September and away, and Razia chose Malik exchange. She also established October 1240, and on October 14th, he Qutubuddin Hasan Ghuri to fill the educational institutions, research hubs, won the victory. After being forced to vacant position of naib-i lashkar (in- public libraries, and other facilities that flee, Altunia and Razia made their way charge of the army). Razia gave the made it easier for scholars to study the to Kaithal, where their men abandoned rebel who had joined her, Malik Quran and Muhammad's traditions. them and a mob of Hindus slaughtered Izzuddin Kabir Khan Ayaz, the iqta' Hindu fulfills the needs in the sciences, them. Razia passed away on October of Lahore, which had previously been thinking, space science, and writing 15, 1240. held by the assassinated rebel that were prioritized in schools and Alauddin Jani. Among those chosen colleges. She supported academics, The burial of Razia is situated in Old by Razia for positions in the royal painters, and craftspeople and made Delhi's Mohalla Bulbuli Khana, close household were Malik-i Kabir contributions in the fields of to Turkman Gate. Even after the Ikhtiyaruddin Aitigin as the Amir-i craftsmanship and culture as well. controversies in her 4 years of Hajib and Malik Jamaluddin Yaqut as accession Razia remain the first Amir-i Akhur. End of the accession - women in Indian history to be a lady ruler of the sultanate. Name of Razia The Shias attempted to overthrow the The rebel nobles in Delhi installed has been carved with the golden words Sultanate during Razia's rule, but Muizuddin Bahram, a son of Iltutmish, in history for her social work and their uprising was put down. The on the throne after word of Razia's absolute dedication towards her people Jama Masjid in Delhi was attacked by capture got there. On April 21, 1240, with great administrative skills. Over Shia Qarmatians in a significant he officially took the throne, and on the period of time she became a great incident. Prior to this, the Qarmatian May 5, 1240, the nobles swore loyalty inspiration for the women in India. leader Nuruddin Turk had recruited to him. The new monarch was only over 1,000 followers from Delhi, supposed to serve as a symbolic head Gujarat, Sindh, and the Doab and had of state, and Ikhtiyaruddin Aitigin was denounced the Sunni Shafi'i and given the newly established position of Hanafi teachings. He and his naib-i mamlakat, which is comparable followers invaded the mosque on to regent. Ikhtiyaruddin Aitigin was 16

President & Managing Partner, Emersons Commercial Management US, LLC 20

COVER STORY KAREN SIMON A Highly Qualified Womenpreneur with Outstanding Strategies CIO Women Magazine | 21

COVER STORY A sedulous personality helps overcome all obstacles and thrives through every challenge that comes along the way to achievement. Personality is important, especially for leaders in sectors like real estate to earn the trust of their clients and teammates. Karen Simon (President and Managing Partner at Emersons Commercial Management US, LLC) is a remarkable woman leader who is boosting the real estate industry with her adroit leadership. Her unique personality as a real estate expert has won her considerable respect for her highly personalized approach to her clients. She draws on decades of experience, deep community connections, and unique marketing knowledge. Educational Background Karen earned a Bachelor of Science degree in history and education from the University of Texas in Austin. She briefly taught for one year in a Fort Worth high school. She started teaching when she was just 20 years old, making her the youngest teacher ever to be hired to teach in a high school in the Fort Worth region. Teaching 18 and 17-year-olds proved to be somewhat difficult for Karen, so she returned to graduate school to earn a master's degree with a primary focus on America between the World Wars. She also got a job teaching at a community college. Karen maintained her doctoral work after leaving her position as a community college instructor. She chose to quit the academic field, though, because she was unable to find employment locally to teach upper- level courses. For both undergraduate and graduate degrees, the federal government granted her credit for education. Karen was consequently eligible for the highest position outside of Washington, the GS 14/15. Later, 22

she was employed by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in Region 10, a five- state region, as the executive assistant to the regional administrator. She was also in charge of managing all intergovernmental and public relations for the five-state region. Real Estate Journey Karen's real estate career started when she came across a brochure that stated that individuals may become real estate brokers if they had completed 60 semester hours of real estate-related coursework or 900 classroom hours of real estate- related study. Karen provided a transcript because it was intriguing to her. But in order to take the exam, she needed three semester hours, or nine hours of class, out of a possible 60. As a result, Karen took a two- week leave of absence and attended school during the day, night, and weekends. After successfully passing the test, Karen received her broker's license. She met the man in charge of the Henry S. Miller Company's industrial division after working for the Department of Housing and Urban Development for almost four years. The Henry S. Miller Corporation was the biggest real estate company in Texas at the time and ranked fifth in the nation. There were no women in the company's commercial departments in the middle of the 1980s. In order to get Karen to consider the offer in 1983, they had to bargain with her over a period of several months. And that's how Karen decided to distinguish her real estate career. It was a struggle for her since it involved education and persuasion. CIO Women Magazine | 23

COVER STORY Bringing Values against all Odds schools to learn the language and get familiar with the procedure before Karen discovered that as long as one she had to hire anyone. And thus was prepared and knowledgeable to Karen started her first course in handle their company business, clients industrial real estate. didn't care if she was a woman or a man. She was prepared to put in a lot Karen stood out because she was the of effort, but her male colleagues in the first woman working as an industrial real estate industry were a little less realtor in Dallas- Fort Worth. Due to accepting of her involvement. They the fact that she was a bit of an didn't trust women since they might not outlier, she gained some exposure. know what they were doing or couldn't The realization that women could do tell the difference between a dock-hi the job with the right opportunity and grade-level entryway to a warehouse. education led to some doors opening However, Henry S. Miller was a very as a result. Karen has continually pragmatic company and agreed to send worked to keep doors open for Karen to several industrial real estate women in the commercial real estate 24

industry, not only in industrial real estate. Karen brings knowledge, training, and a drive to go above and beyond the task at hand. She attempts to find out despite being unafraid to admit, “I don't know.” For example, she claims, “I'm not afraid to say, I don't know, but I'm willing to find out, and I think that's a key factor. Most people will forgive you for not knowing something as long as you're willing to find out for them.” Emersons Commercial Real Estate: Journey so Far Emersons Commercial Real Estate was founded in 2004 by Matt Price, a CPA and real estate investor, and Richard Webb, a banker who had also become interested in real estate. They each had the chance to acquire a sizable portfolio to sell while working for a family trust. In 2004, they established their business, and Karen joined them in 2016. The corporate headquarters was in Dallas, while the company also had an office in Oklahoma City. At the time, they managed and/or leased around 7 million square feet, but since they had previously worked for Kroger Real Estate they had the opportunity in 2019 to form a management company called 1045 LLC along with another real estate group called Priority Properties. In addition, they received the national contract for managing the 2,800 Kroger facilities in the U.S, totaling 80 million square feet. Emersons owns 50% of 1045 LLC, a business that is rapidly expanding in the property management industry. It has established a real estate investment trust and is currently raising money for a second fund to purchase stabilized retail. Karen estimates that 1045 LLC has roughly 39 offices nationwide when it comes to all types of commercial real estate. CIO Women Magazine | 25

COVER STORY Emersons Goal Self-Analysis & Advice for Women Karen has a wealth of retail experience Entrepreneurs from her time as the head of the land Karen wants Emersons Fort Worth to division for a retail development increase the size of its commercial real Karen would like to refer to her life as company and her involvement in a estate property portfolio and engage in “the journey of a humanitarian”. She company that manages 100 million actual property management. Due to its enjoys the daily challenge of working square feet. Most of which is dedicated expertise, the company currently refers and finds great satisfaction in working to retail. She believes it is crucial for all property management to its Dallas for some charitable organizations. someone to either become an expert in office. Karen would prefer for the Fort a certain area of topography or to Worth office to have another growth Karen says in her advice for aspiring become extremely informed about the opportunity though. She thinks female business owners, “Know subject matter of a specific area of the Emersons is still young and everything you can about a geographic real estate industry. developing. The company can provide area. Know everything you can about ownership to anyone who joins the some subset in the commercial real Experiences Growing up team. In addition to the Bradford estate business, for example. For the Company, Karen has served as the first 15 years of my career, all I did was Karen comes from a family that places managing partner of several other industrial real estate. I think that I a strong emphasis on education and a businesses. She opened and ran their have come away from that 15-year curious mind set. She thinks that it Tarrant County office for 12 years, but period as knowledgeable, and that's an inspired an entrepreneurial spirit. She she was never given the chance to important thing to be able to share didn't feel she had any ownership in become an owner. with a client.” the company she was working for and wasn't content with being only an 26

“Karen Simon's unique personality as a real estate expert has won her a lot of respect for her highly personalized approach to her clients.” employee. She then started looking for come with being able to forge a path Additionally, to handle transactions, job options where she could employ that very few women before her have and be involved in a company's her expertise. As a result, Karen left traveled. purchase, development, participation, the Bradford Company since its lone and growth was important to her. owner didn't want any partners in the Karen's husband is very encouraging. business. Additionally, Karen's spirit Her two sons are aware that their Karen's response, when asked for states, “If I know more about it than mother is available to them at all times. advice for aspiring female most, I ought to have a chance to have In order to set a good example for her entrepreneurs, was that it doesn't some participation.” children, be a good mother, and be a matter what industry they're entering. decent human being, Karen understood In her statement, she states that “if you Content with Life she couldn't be a PTA parent. treat other people fairly, if you learn your craft and you have a willingness Karen feels content with her life and Empathy towards Budding Talent of spirit, it's going to show through. her development throughout the years. You may get some bumps in the road, She believes that she has assisted not Karen wanted to give other people the but ultimately you're going to only other women but also herself in same chance she wanted for herself-to succeed.” developing a skill set and a mission learn how to think creatively, treat statement. Karen has appreciated her others properly, and choose if you can journey and the development that has be a part of something or not. CIO Women Magazine | 27

Leader O Choice 30

Or Manager Is Yours CIO Women Magazine | 31

It is becoming increasingly crucial management, it tends to focus more on the mission allows team members to in today's workplace to find a boosting results through establishing grasp what is expected of them. Vision strategy to keep our employees and maintaining skilled teams. is a quality of leadership that entails engaged and pleased: Leader Or looking at the big picture. Manager Choice Is Yours. Despite the What does management entail? fact that the advent of social media has Those assist their teams in provided us with limitless tools, many The process of regulating or dealing comprehending the larger role they Managers still struggle to solve the with circumstances, objects, or people may perform in assisting the Rubik's cube of working with others. is known as management. Managing corporation. They inspire the You've almost certainly worked for a entails coordinating, arranging, and individuals they work with to share boss or two that you didn't like. planning in order to attain a certain their vision. They assist teams in result. Managing a scenario or team in seeing their contributions as part of a On the other hand, you've most likely the workplace frequently necessitates larger vision for success. They worked with or for someone you regular re-evaluation and tweaking of concentrate on some of the larger-scale respected and looked up to. These are results in order to track productivity results and assist everyone in getting two types of people. Not every great and increase production. on board. leader is a good manager, and not every great manager is a great leader. Here are some distinctions between a Managers may demonstrate this leader and a manager; leadership skill by assisting their team What does leadership entail? in grasping the organization's and 1.Mission/vision project's vision before delving into the The act of assisting a person or a group specifics of their purpose. It is their of individuals in achieving a mutually .Management devotes a significant obligation to pay attention to the agreed-upon goal is known as amount of effort to their organization's details, but it is also important to leadership. The capacity to motivate, and team's specialized missions. motivate them to do so. inspire and urge people to seek and see Leader Or Manager Choice Is Yours. their vision through are all attributes They must be aware of the project's 2. Knowledge linked with leadership. Rather than specific objectives and assist the team application/Knowledge acquisition ensuring tasks are performed through in devising a strategy for achieving them. The attention of a manager on 32

Managers excel at putting their process of achieving it is shortsighted needed of them in order to fulfill their knowledge and talents to work. They and can lead to disinformation. tasks. Leader Or Manager Choice Is don't usually try to break the mold, Commanding workers to produce Yours. preferring to follow in the footsteps of results without offering to advise may successful managers they've worked lead to shortcuts, which almost They don't understand the sense of with in the past. Leaders are always invariably end in poor results. Leader going above and above, and they don't seeking new information and abilities. Or Manager Choice Is Yours. encourage their employees to do so either. The day is a success for this They desire to hone their leadership These instances demonstrate that the form of management as long as skills and develop their own distinct employer is more interested in nothing goes wrong. On the other leadership style. As a result, they are finishing work as quickly as possible hand, a leader marches forward. lifelong learners who are eager to than in the employee's efforts or Stagnation and complacency are bad improve themselves in order to better talents. For a time, this approach may for a business's financial line. serve the firm and its workers. Leader work, but it will eventually lead to the Or Manager Choice Is Yours. company's death. Leaders understand Leaders see every chance as an the importance of outcomes, but only opportunity to go above and beyond, 3. Self-oriented/Team oriented as a result of hard work, tenacity, and encouraging their staff to reach their dedication. full potential rather than settling for the Managers and leaders react to praise bare minimum. With a true leader at and criticism in different ways. Leader Leaders strive for long-term the helm, a company may do Or Manager Choice Is Yours. Some advantages, and they recognize that considerably more than it could with employers believe they are more consistency is the only way to attain mediocre management in charge. valuable than their employees. When them in the long run. Leaders try to Leader Or Manager Choice Is Yours. things go well for managers, it's enhance their workers' capacities on a because they provided adequate regular basis since the skills they learn 7. Managers Direct, Leaders Take guidance to their employees. When today will benefit the company Action things go wrong, though, it's because tomorrow.Leader Or Manager Choice their employees failed to follow the Is Yours. Tasks must be delegated by those in instructions. Staff division and positions of administration or animosity are the results of such an 5. Formal setup/Informal Setup leadership. However, the manner in approach. which they go about it may have an In both formal and informal contexts, influence on how their coworkers see Leaders react in a variety of ways. such as a business organization and a them. Leaders recognize the They see themselves as members of a family, friend circle, batch, or another importance of setting a good example. team, therefore when the team informal group, a leader can be found. They don't force their employees to do accomplishes anything, the leaders A manager, on the other hand, can only busy work; instead, they explain the ensure that everyone knows how much be found in a formal context, i.e., a relevance of even the most little tasks effort the entire team put in. When commercial organization of any size, so that they comprehend the things go wrong, leaders are held type, or character. Leader Or Manager importance of their efforts. Leader Or responsible for not training or guiding Choice Is Yours. Manager Choice Is Yours. their staff properly. Leaders keep animosity at away by ensuring that 6.Maintains status quo/ Innovation When a leader makes a mistake, he or their followers realize that, for better or she generally makes an attempt to worse, the leader will always be there Every company strives to be the correct it. Even though it is their for them, and that this bond is vital. greatest in its sector; no company responsibility to assign duties to their Leader Or Manager Choice Is Yours. considers “good enough” to be an employees, they do so fairly and with option. In the absence of a true leader the understanding that they may 4. Outcomes/Accomplishments. at the helm, “good enough” may be request help from them at any sufficient. How the organization's time.Leader Or Manager Choice Is While each company's objective is to leader measures success is the Yours. maximize profits, there is no single difference between plain management “right” way to do it. In fact, focusing and leadership. Many managers, just on the end result rather than the unfortunately, simply do what is CIO Women Magazine | 33

Delivering Tangible Business Value In the decades to follow, women have time and again new world for Sonica. From having medical discussions at proved why their decision matters the most in the the dinner table as a child to today where she and her family board room. Be it leading a great company to greater talk about social justice, gender expression, awareness heights, or even the smallest step as starting a small about disabilities, and inclusion. Sonica is an HR company and making it big in the market; women professional with more than 2 decades of experience. everywhere have proven to be a beacon to all those girls out there dreaming of starting a business, of asking for what While working at PepsiCo, Sonica was exposed to diverse they deserve and simply being the ambitious selves. roles and geographies. She worked in sales and sales HR. She worked in a factory. She also worked in a city as well CIO Women is proud to feature the story of Sonica Aron for as in remote areas. This experience helped her realize, how this issue of The Most Influential Women To Watch In diverse people viewed women workforce, worked with, and 2022. dealt with them. While she was heading the HR department for Philips Consumer Lifestyle Business in India, she Exploring new avenues is what keeps a curious mind decided to take a different path and reshape her career. In busy and takes them to the path of success. Being the February 2013, Sonica Aron founded Marching Sheep with youngest of the three siblings, the drive to move out of the vision of making a tangible difference to peoples' lives the box was endearing and thrilling. What inspired her and careers. journey to launch Marching Sheep? Marching Sheep, an HR advisory firm established in 2013, Coming from a family of doctors. The youngest of three is focused on building long-term organizational capability siblings, no one in Sonica Aron's family has studied or and effectiveness for its clients through structured practiced business management. So, this was a completely interventions and solutions in the areas of Diversity and 34

Founder & Managing Partner of Marching Sheep “We are proud to say that all our clients come back to us for more work on the basis of trust and credibility.” CIO Women Magazine | 35

Inclusion, HR Process Design and Implementation, Human Resource Consulting Learning and Leadership Development and Talent Organizations need their HR strategy, process, and policies Management. We work closely with clients to arrive at to enable employees to deliver on the business strategy and customized and effective HR interventions that support goals. We work closely with client organizations to their strategy in the current lifecycle stage, as well as streamline the Vision, mission, values, behavioral support them in realization of long-term business plans. frameworks, HR strategy, policies, and practices, drive communication and socialization, the internal Leadership, We offer holistic interventions in the area of People and managerial capability to enable the same. strategy, development, diversity and inclusion, starting from diagnostics, to policies and processes, and customized Nandita Krishan interventions that help organizations attract, engage, retain, develop and grow a diverse workforce. We understand the Kunal Shinde nuances of the situation along with the societal backdrop and the mindsets individuals and organizations struggle with. We propose and implement multi-pronged solutions, thereby driving visible, long term, sustainable change. Our programs- Inclusion diagnostics, Women@work, Unleash the power of diversity, Diversity@Work, Inclusion boot camps and Leadership interventions have been very well received by the industry. We are seen as a thought leader in the area of diversity and inclusion, and progressive HR practices. Our opinions have been published by leading publications including TOI, Hindustan Times, the Hindu, The Statesmen, The Chronical, DNA, Business World, to name a few. We have been adjudged as the top 25 HR consulting firms by business connect and top 10 HR firms by Silicon India, and nominated among the top 30 in India by UN Women for our work during the Covid pandemic towards the community and industry, especially in spreading awareness about emotional impact of the pandemic on women and the society and workforce at large. And as quirky the name sounds, it's a wonder what is Marching Sheep is all about. Well, here's a glimpse of everything they do through this platform The 4 main services are: Diversity & Inclusion Strategies and interventions We truly believe that inclusive organizations are more productive and we enable our client organizations to arrive at their Inclusion and diversity charter and strategy through an inclusion diagnostic, executable plans, and also partner with the execution, drive mindset change, and culture building. 36

Bespoke learning interventions Health & Wellness Portfolio The last two years of the pandemic, the world has changed Wellness today includes emotional, mental, and physical significantly. As the socio-economic fabric is evolving, the well-being. While policies and insurance can take care of competencies needed to succeed at work are evolving. We the physical aspect, there still needs to be awareness and work with clients to enable individual contributors, life skill-building around dealing with issues like anxiety, managers, and leaders to succeed by building the right stress, and burnout. With programs curated after research competencies. We curate each intervention to drive the right and with the help of clinical psychologists, we enable behaviours through the facilitation of insights, reflection, and individuals to become emotionally resilient by identifying practice. their own stress triggers, their own stress responses, and coping mechanisms and hence more productive, personally, Prerna Arora and professionally. “Marching Sheep was established with the purpose of making a tangible difference to people's lives and careers and driving respect and equality for all. These two purpose statements cut through everything we do. We do not offer canned off-the-shelf programs but work closely with the clients to design solutions, curate contextualized interventions that truly move the needle, and address real business and people needs.” The one thing that makes everything count is when clients come up with positive feedback, after all, the customer is the real driving force! We have worked with global MNCs and Indian conglomerates, large giants and emerging organizations, and funded start-ups. We have worked with FMCG and FMCD sector, Power and infrastructure sector, manufacturing sector, IT and ITeS sector, Financial sector, Media, Health Care, and BPO/ KPO. We have delivered interventions for participants across India, the APAC region, Australia, the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa Regions. We build long-term relationships with clients on the basis of the Quality of our delivery. We deliver what we commit and on time. We spend time understanding the real needs and pain points of our clients and offer solutions that will solve the real issues. We build authentic relationships. Bhaskar Batri “We have clients across industries and life stages.” CIO Women Magazine | 37


Management Vs Strategy Consulting CIO Women Magazine | 41

Management consulting and consultant plan a few months to management often focus on enhancing strategy consulting may demonstrate how to reduce expenses, existing operations inside an existing seem interchangeable, yet market a new product, etc. company. Management Vs Strategy they serve very different purposes. Management Vs Strategy Consulting., Short- and medium-term Management Vs Strategy Consulting., Consulting., To put it another way, gains in productivity are the primary The primary distinction is that strategy the focus of strategy consulting is on goals. Cost savings are the result, and consulting is conducted at the finding solutions rather than just the following areas of a client's executive level, often with the identifying problems. The focus is on company may benefit from this: company's chief executive officer or the specific wants and desires of each board of directors. Discovering viable, customer. Finance long-term approaches for the business is the focus here. When it comes to hiring advice, large Ÿ Resources, Human businesses and organizations often One other distinction between turn to strategy consultants who Ÿ Controlling Dangers management and strategy consulting is provide advice on niche-specific that the two are better suited to policy. Consultants in the field of Ÿ Methods often used by different types of businesses. When it management are in high demand by management consultants, as comes to solving problems, businesses of all sizes, and their opposed to strategy consultants, management consultants are more expertise is widely transferable. include: concerned with developing repeatable processes that provide results quickly. Here Are Some Ways To Describe Ÿ Planning \\ Organizing \\ Staffing It also provides substantial Management Vs Strategy \\Controlling improvements in key business Consulting ; functions. This is everything done to help an MANAGEMENT CONSULTING organization reach its objective. Since Strategy consultancy, on the other this is often the responsibility of hand, opens doors to opportunities in Consulting services for management consulting companies, we may say that many other sectors. It may take a are often known as operational the primary objective of management consulting. Consulting services for consulting is to boost the effectiveness 42

and productivity of an organization. specialized abilities. Management Vs work with well-known competitors in Strategy Consulting., This is due to the their field. Can you provide a good 1. How management consultants can fact that for every assignment given to strategy for this? be of help: a consultant, there must be some set of people or set of systems to carry it out. How crucial is it that they steer the Problem tracking is one service that Maintaining open lines of course of innovation in their field? Just management consultants provide. It's communication with the client's how do they go about promoting very uncommon for workers to be management and staff is going to be a something that will be in demand in blind to issues inside the company top priority. You would rather not be the future? since they're too close to the situation. unjust or unfair. Management Vs Strategy Consulting., 2. What skills are required? The time has come to bring in a STRATEGY CONSULTING consultant and find out what is going When comparing management on. As we go further with our discussion consulting to strategic consulting, the of the similarities and differences latter is obviously more challenging. A consultant may function as an between management consulting and Management Vs Strategy Consulting., additional employee. For this reason, strategy consulting, we will focus more If you want to be a successful strategy many companies find that consulting is closely on the latter. A common consultant, you need to be able to think a cost-effective strategy. Thus, it may emphasis of strategy consultants is the critically and solve complex problems. be more cost-effective to engage long-term viability of the business they In addition, depending on the consultants instead of full-time are hired to advise on. They think on emphasis, you may need to have workers if the work at hand does not how the company might benefit from specialized knowledge in the relevant need constant attention. strategic changes to its structure or sector. The following abilities are more operations. broad in scope, yet they are necessary The decision to bring on a consultant to launch a successful strategy may also help a company save money The ultimate objective is to raise the consulting career. since it would not have to provide client's income. Management Vs perks to the consultant. An outside Strategy Consulting., Management Management Vs Strategy Consulting. 2 consultant may serve as the catalyst for consulting often includes strategy Best Ways | CIO Women Magazine positive transformation. People tend to consulting. They achieve remarkable be resistant to change, yet certain success by conceptualizing techniques Analytical skills modifications are inevitable. It is that provide novel approaches with possible to hire an outside expert to respect to the manner in which Data collection and analysis will reveal provide advice on the necessary engagements are conducted. It issue areas; next, viable remedies and adjustments. represents how well a firm is implementation details may be performing relative to its competitors developed. 2. What skills are required? and how it might use its own internal marker forces to get an advantage. Social abilities Competitors are there for consultants just as they are for businesses in 1. How strategic management Consultants spend a lot of time talking general. Management Vs Strategy consultant can be of help; to upper management to get a sense of Consulting., Joint Master's degrees in the issues they're experiencing right Business Administration and Will rivals have a superior product now. Management are very useful. In the available if your firm introduces a new field of management consulting, these one? How can we stop it from Time management two are by far the most popular happening? options. Meeting deadlines is crucial for the job Is it their goal to capture a larger of strategy consultants. Management consulting and strategy portion of the market in the years consulting both often need knowledge ahead? Or is maintaining the status quo Flexibility in finance, risk management, and more of a priority? human resources. Not only are such There is always more to learn, even for individuals necessary, but so are Whether or if a corporation wants to a specialist. It's useful to have the ability to look for information and patterns that are evolving and fresh. CIO Women Magazine | 43

Sydney Opera House Pride of Australia 44

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Sydney Opera House is mainly regarded for its Structure of the house - structure and architectural work and is also appreciated and admired for the exceptional The project was constructed during three structure of the 20 th Century architectural work all phases. During Stage I in 1959–1963, the top over the world. The Sydney Opera House is a multi- podium was constructed. During Stage II in arts venue for performing arts centers.Situated at the 1963–1967, the outer shells were built. Design foreshore of Sydney Harbour the Opera House looks and construction of the interiors took place exactly like lotus Structure. On 28th June 2007 during Stage III in 1967–1973. Sydney Opera House was honored as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Stage I - Podium A marvel of 20th-century architecture is the Sydney Phase I The government had pushed for the start Opera House. Its unique design and construction, of the project early out of concern that they may outstanding engineering accomplishments and lose financing or support from the public. Utzon technological innovation, and status as a well-known had not, however, finished the ultimate designs. architectural symbol all contribute to its prominence. Significant structural problems were still open. The emergent architecture of the late 20th century The forced early start caused serious issues has been significantly influenced by this risky and down the road, not the least of which was the ambitious attempt. Utzon's innovative design need to rebuild the podium columns since they concept and distinctive construction methodology were unable to sustain the roof structure. served as a catalyst for the combined creativity of architects, engineers, and constructors. Engineering Stage II - Roof accomplishments of Ove Arup contributed to the realization of Utzon's dream. The design is a Stage II The competition entry's shells were remarkable interpretation and reaction to the Sydney initially of ill-defined geometry. However, the Harbour surroundings. The Sydney Opera House's \"shells\" were first thought of as a series of contributions to structural engineering and building parabolas supported by precast concrete ribs technology are also of exceptional importance on a during the design phase. The engineers tried to global scale. build them, but they were unable to come up with a workable solution. Because there was no The Sydney Opera House was included on the State repetition in any of the roof forms, the building Heritage Register of New South Wales in 2003 under of precast concrete for each separate part may the Heritage Act 1977 and on the National Heritage have been much more expensive. The formwork List under the Environment Protection and for employing in-situ concrete would have been Biodiversity Conservation Act in 2005. Any unreasonably expensive. In order to proposed action inside or outside the boundaries of a comprehend the complex forces that the shells National Heritage place or a World Heritage would be subjected to, the design work for the property that could have a significant impact on the shells entailed one of the earliest applications of heritage values is prohibited without the approval of computers in structural analysis. The difficulty the Minister for the Environment and Heritage if it is was solved by the design team in the middle of listed on the National Heritage List. There is now a 1961: all of the shells were made as sections safe distance. from a sphere. Designed by Danish architect Jorn Utzon, but Stage III - Interiors completed by an Australian architectural team Stage III The interiors began in February 1963 headed by Peter Hall, the building was formally when Utzon relocated his complete office to opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 20 October Sydney. But in 1965, there was a change in power, and the new Robert Askin administration 1973 after a development beginning with Utzon's declared the project to be the responsibility of 1957 selection as winner of an international the Ministry of Public Works. In the end, this resulted in Utzon's 1966 resignation. Even in design competition. October 1966, the project's total cost was still 46

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just $22.9 million, or less than one- There had been a lengthy buildup, Drama Theater: The Sydney Theatre fourth of the total $102 million cost. complete with dramas and Company and other dance and However, the estimated expenditures controversies. In the fourteen years dramatic producers use this for the design were much more since the first shovel was laid at proscenium theater, which has 544 considerable at this point. Bennelong Point, the public had seats. witnessed the House take shape. When Utzon announced his Playhouse: A 398-seat theater with an resignation, the second phase of In addition to studying the construction end stage and no proscenium. construction was getting close to being and debate surrounding the structure, finished. Peter Hall mostly took over which is now regarded as one of the Studio: A flexible area with a his job and assumed primary 20th century's greatest architectural maximum capacity of 400 people and responsibility for the interior design. In achievements, our newly curated 280 fixed seats (part of which can be addition to D. S. Littlemore, Lionel collection also honors the building's folded up). Todd, and E. H. Farmer, who served as 45th anniversary of opening. the government architect, Utzon was Utzon Room: A compact, flexible replaced that same year. Events held in the House - space for gatherings, business events, and small productions recording Opening of the Opera House - There are several performance spaces facility at the Sydney Opera House, including: Elizabeth II gave the Sydney Opera Outdoor Forecourt: A versatile House its official opening on October Music Hall: The Sydney Symphony outdoor space that can accommodate a 20, 1973. A sizable throng was present. Orchestra's home and the venue for variety of configurations, including the Utzon was not requested to attend the many other concert producers, with option of using the Monumental Steps event and his name was not mentioned. 2,679 seats. With more than 10,000 as audience seating, is used for a Fireworks and a rendition of pipes, it houses the Sydney Opera number of community events and Beethoven's Symphony No. 9 were House Grand Organ, the biggest significant outdoor performances. featured in the broadcast introduction. mechanical tracker action organ in the world. The Australian Ballet and Opera On occasion, concerts are also held in On October 20, 1973, Queen Elizabeth Australia are located in Sydney at the other spaces like the northern and II officially opened the Sydney Opera Joan Sutherland Theatre, a proscenium western foyers. Conferences, House designed by J.R. Utzon in front theater with 1,507 seats. It was celebrations, and social events are also of one million spectators, plus many formerly known as the Opera Theatre held in venues. more who watched from their living until October 17, 2012. rooms. CIO Women Magazine | 49

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