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Home Explore Criterion 7 (ANNEX 45 - ANNEX 51) - UVC_ANNEX

Criterion 7 (ANNEX 45 - ANNEX 51) - UVC_ANNEX

Published by supinya.sathuwan, 2020-08-13 02:50:06

Description: UVC_ANNEX - Criterion 7 (45-51)


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Annex 45. - Annex 51. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Register new 1. New Student Recruitment - To facilitate the students - New enrollees plan Total $ 10,312.32 Program registration of new - Issue new student students and the identifications - New student report issuance of student IDs - Key students’ name lists - Vocational student - Issue student ID cards recruitment report system ( Data Center) 2. Dropout Reduction - To reduce the number - Check new students’ - Students’ transcripts Total $ 1,031.23 Program of dropout students qualifications - Pre-VEd study - Request a certificate agreement of graduation every - Unattended student term from previous school report - Parents notifications - Pre-vet study - Report on students’ - Monitor registration, attendance dropout, transfer, and - Report on students who expulsion of students - Oversee the names will graduate of the graduates - Student database report - Student evaluation report APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 1

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Monitor the list of all 3. Student Documents - To oversee the enrolled students - Registration manual Total $ 4,419.56 Services issuance of students’ - Issue relevant school documents. - Evaluate documents official documents according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission 4. Student Loan - To grant student loans - Inform students about - Calendar of activities Total $ 589.28 and assist with students’ - Budget report the student loan expenditures. - Advise students in getting a student loan - Process students’ loan 5. Scholarship and Grants -To help finance - Find available Total $ 147.32 students’ education scholarship and grants - List of qualified students - Report on students’ - Allocate the budget to qualified students finances and academic progress. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 2

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 6. Guidance Services - To link students’ - Inform students about - Calendar of Activities Total $ 1,473.19 academic strengths and high school courses to further education and - Report on gainfully post-secondary education and training prospective employed graduates. - To assist students in job employment hunting. - Give career guidance to students and parents. - Recruit new students through a school marketing campaign program. - Coordinate with companies looking for new recruits - Conduct an exit interview with the graduating students 7. Health Services and -To oversee students’ - Conduct semestral - Summary report of the Total $ 24,541.84 Accident Insurance overall health health check health check - Conduct drug testing - Choose the - Health check schedule insurance company - Insurance claim report - Assist in claiming students’ benefits APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 3

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 8. Food and Drinking Water - To ensure that the - Maintain the water - Evaluation report on Total $ 1,191.46 Services students are given hygienic and nutritious cooler cleanliness and hygiene food and drinking water - Maintain a hygienic from Ubon Ratchathani environment Municipal Office - Check the health of the food merchants in school 9. Medical Assistance - To administer - Provide medical - Report on students who Total $ 3,437.48 appropriate first aid advice used the first aid room - Provide health service during school hours - Find adequate medicine and equipment - Facilitate students’ transfer to the hospital if needed APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 4

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 10. Students’ Discipline and - To discipline students - Encourage students - Progress report of the None Behavior Development - To settle students’ to wear proper disciplinary unit Program uniforms. problems - Minutes of the - To consider the - Certify students’ good behavior disciplinary committee disciplinary actions to be given meeting - Students’ disciplinary record - Certificate of conduct - Evaluation report on the enforcement of the dress code 11. Development of the - To encourage good - Drug test - Activity budget None community and students’ - Scout training behavior. - Fundraising Marathon - Summary and Evaluation personality program - To give opportunities Activity reports on the activities - Campaign against for student prostitution, teenage development pregnancy and addictive substances. - To campaign against - To Be Number One drugs, sexually Competition Activity transmitted diseases, - Drug-free Program for teenage pregnancy, teenagers and premarital sex. - Training students to be esponsible consumers. - To protest and reduce school violence - To survey and rehabilitate students who use drugs APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 5

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 12. Establish and regulate - To encourage students - Appoint committee - Report on students’ clubs and organizations. to be aware of their duties in the community. for The Association of attendance during the - To support democracy. - To develop students’ Future Thai activity Total $ 4,274.01 moral, ethics, diligence, and self-awareness. Professionals - Summary and Evaluation - Organize a reports on the activities committee meeting - Organize club activities 13. Extracurricular activities - To promote and - Tribute to Teachers - Attendance record. Total $ 6,043.90 that are beneficial to preserve Thai culture or Teacher’s Day education, society, and and tradition - Report on the results of community. - To show respect for the - Giving of relief goods the activities. King. in case of calamities - Floating questionnaires - To cultivate students’ patriotism and religious - Giving of candles to for evaluation. awareness the temple - To create harmonious relationship within the - Happy Smile Sharing institution. Project - National Scout Day Ceremony APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 6

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Scout training 14. Extracurricular activities -To train students to have - Scout Day - Attendance record. Total $ 1,405.54 that promote moral, and ethics of students in a good personality and - Report on the results of accordance with the basic moral policy of the self-discipline. the activities. Ministry of Education. -To develop students’ - Activity evaluation leadership ability. report -To develop students’ moral and ethics in accordance with the 8 items on moral and ethics of the Ministry of Education 15. Girl Scouts Activity - To make the scouts 1. Scout Day - Attendance record. Total $ 1,287.86 adhere to rules and 2. Scout Camp Project - Report on the results of regulations of the Girl 3. Scout fancy drill Scout the activities. - Activity evaluation - To support the scouts in performing scout report activities with unity. - To cultivate a sense of loyalty to the nation. - To train the scouts to be friendly and polite. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 7

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget System Employed Projects/Activities 16. Activities that promote - To develop students’ - Sports’ day activity - Attendance record. Total $ 1,198.29 sports, recreation, music sportsmanship and culture. - Candle Festival - Report on the results of - To establish harmonious relationship parade the activities. between faculty, staff and students. - Ubon Ratchathani - Activity evaluation provincial sports’ day report - To encourage students to join school activities 17. Activities that promote - To encourage students - Tree planting activity - Attendance record. Total $ 58.93 nature and environment to reduce the damage - Activity to reduce - Report on the results of conservation to the environment and natural resources global warming. the activities. - Activity evaluation Report 18. Homeroom Program - To establish - Weekly meeting - Advisory report book Total $ 294.64 harmonious relationship between students between adviser and and teacher - Report on home visit students - Report on students’ - Home visit for at risk - To establish students behavior cooperation in the prevention, problem - Homeroom - Satisfaction assessment solving and individual Parents - Teachers development of meeting form learners. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 8

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2017 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Parent - Teacher 19. Parent Meeting - To establish biannual meeting - Minutes of the meeting Total $ 2,651.74 Program harmonious relationship between parents and teachers 20. Home Visitation - To establish - Home visit - Report on the Total $ 441.96 Program cooperation in the - Screen students into screening of the prevention, problem students solving and individual three groups: normal, development of vulnerable, and at - Report on the results of learners. risk. the home visit program - Documentation of the home visit program. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 9

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 1. New Student Recruitment - To facilitate the - Register new Program registration of new students - New enrollees plan Total $ 10,312.32 students and the - Issue new student issuance of student IDs identifications - New student report - Key students’ name lists - Vocational student - Issue student ID cards recruitment report system ( Data Center) 2. Dropout Reduction - To reduce the number - Check new students’ - Students’ transcripts Total $ 2,651.74 Program of dropout students qualifications - Pre-VEd study - Request a certificate agreement of graduation every - Unattended student term from previous school report - Parents notifications - Pre-vet study - Report on students’ - Monitor registration, attendance dropout, transfer, and - Report on students who expulsion of students - Oversee the names will graduate of the graduates - Student database report - Student evaluation report APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 10

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Monitor the list of all 3. Student Documents - To oversee the enrolled students - Registration manual Total $ 4,419.56 Services issuance of students’ - Issue relevant school documents. - Evaluate documents official documents according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission 4. Student Loan - To grant student loans - Inform students about - Calendar of activities Total $ 530.35 and assist with students’ - Budget report the student loan expenditures. - Advise students in getting a student loan - Process students’ loan 5. Scholarship and Grants - To help finance - Find available - List of qualified students Total $ 132.59 students’ education scholarship and - Report on students’ grants finances and academic - Allocate the budget to qualified students progress. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 11

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 6. Guidance Services - To link students’ - Inform students about - Calendar of Activities Total $ 1,473.19 academic strengths and high school courses to further education and - Report on gainfully post-secondary education and training prospective employed graduates. - To assist students in job employment hunting. - Give career guidance to students and parents. - Recruit new students through a school marketing campaign program. - Coordinate with companies looking for new recruits - Conduct an exit interview with the graduating students 7. Health Services and -To oversee students’ - Conduct semestral - Summary report of the Total $ 25,805.84 Accident Insurance overall health health check health check - Conduct drug testing - Choose the - Health check schedule insurance company - Insurance claim report - Assist in claiming students’ benefits APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 12

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 8. Food and Drinking Water - To ensure that the - Maintain the water - Evaluation report on Total $ 4,635.00 Services students are given hygienic and nutritious cooler cleanliness and hygiene food and drinking water - Maintain a hygienic from Ubon Ratchathani environment Municipal Office - Check the health of the food merchants in school 9. Medical Assistance - To administer - Provide medical - Report on students who Total $ 3,372.98 appropriate first aid advice used the first aid room - Provide health service during school hours - Find adequate medicine and equipment - Facilitate students’ transfer to the hospital if needed APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 13

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 10. Students’ Discipline and - To discipline students - Encourage students - Progress report of the None Behavior Development - To settle students’ Program to wear proper disciplinary unit problems - To consider the uniforms. - Minutes of the disciplinary actions to - Certify students’ good disciplinary committee be given behavior meeting - Students’ disciplinary record - Certificate of conduct - Evaluation report on the enforcement of the dress code 11. Development of the - To encourage good - Drug test - Activity budget None community and students’ behavior. - Scout training - Summary and Evaluation personality program - To give opportunities for - Fundraising Marathon reports on the activities student development Activity - To campaign against - Campaign against drugs, sexually prostitution, teenage transmitted diseases, pregnancy and teenage pregnancy, and addictive substances. premarital sex. - To Be Number One - To protest and reduce Competition Activity school violence - Drug-free Program for teenagers - To survey and rehabilitate students - Training students to be who use drugs responsible consumers. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 14

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Appoint committee 12. Establish and regulate - To encourage students for The Association - Report on students’ Total $ 555.97 clubs and organizations. to be aware of their of Future Thai duties in the community. Professionals attendance during the - Organize a - To support democracy. committee meeting activity - To develop students’ - Organize club activities - Summary and Evaluation moral, ethics, diligence, and self-awareness. reports on the activities 13. Extracurricular activities - To promote and - Tribute to Teachers - Attendance record. Total $ 1,325.87 that are beneficial to preserve Thai culture or Teacher’s Day - Report on the results of education, society, and mand tradition community. - Giving of relief goods the activities. - To show respect for the in case of calamities - Floating questionnaires King. - Giving of candles to for evaluation. - To cultivate students’ the temple patriotism and religious awareness - Happy Smile Sharing Project - To create harmonious relationship within the - National Scout Day institution. Ceremony APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 15

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Scout training 14. Extracurricular activities -To train students to have - Scout Day - Attendance record. Total $ 234.08 that promote moral, and ethics of students in a good personality and - Report on the results of accordance with the basic moral policy of the self-discipline. the activities. Ministry of Education. -To develop students’ - Activity evaluation leadership ability. report -To develop students’ moral and ethics in accordance with the 8 items on moral and ethics of the Ministry of Education 15. Girl Scouts Activity - To make the scouts 1. Scout Day - Attendance record. Total $ 5,747.5 adhere to rules and 2. Scout Camp Project - Report on the results of regulations of the Girl 3. Scout fancy drill Scout the activities. - Activity evaluation - To support the scouts in performing scout report activities with unity. - To cultivate a sense of loyalty to the nation. - To train the scouts to be friendly and polite. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 16

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget System Employed Projects/Activities 16. Activities that promote - To develop students’ - Sports’ day activity - Attendance record. sports, recreation, music sportsmanship - Report on the results of Total $ 8,089.87 and culture. - Candle Festival - To establish the activities. harmonious relationship parade between faculty, staff - Activity evaluation and students. - Ubon Ratchathani report provincial sports’ day - To encourage students to join school activities 17. Activities that promote - To encourage students - Tree planting activity - Attendance record. Total $ 128.58 nature and environment to reduce the damage to - Activity to reduce - Report on the results of conservation the environment and natural resources global warming. the activities. - Activity evaluation report 18. Homeroom Program - To establish - Weekly meeting - Advisory report book Total $ 294.64 harmonious relationship between students between adviser and and teacher - Report on home visit students - Report on students’ - Home visit for at risk - To establish students behavior cooperation in the prevention, problem - Homeroom - Satisfaction assessment solving and individual Parents - Teachers development of meeting form learners. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 17

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2016 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Parent - Teacher 19. Parent Meeting - To establish biannual meeting - Minutes of the meeting Total $1,767.83 Program harmonious relationship between parents and teachers 20. Home Visitation - To establish - Home visit - Report on the Total $ 583.28 Program cooperation in the - Screen students into screening of the prevention, problem students solving and individual three groups: normal, - Report on the results of development of vulnerable, and at the home visit program learners. risk. - Documentation of the home visit program. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 18

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Register new 1. New Student Recruitment - To facilitate the students - New enrollees plan Total $ 10,312.32 Program registration of new - Issue new student students and the identifications - New student report issuance of student IDs - Key students’ name lists - Vocational student - Issue student ID cards recruitment report system ( Data Center) 2. Dropout Reduction - To reduce the number - Check new students’ - Students’ transcripts Total $ 2,062.46 Program of dropout students qualifications - Pre-VEd study - Request a certificate agreement of graduation every - Unattended student term from previous school report - Parents notifications - Pre-vet study - Report on students’ - Monitor registration, attendance dropout, transfer, and - Report on students who expulsion of students - Oversee the names will graduate of the graduates - Student database report - Student evaluation report APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 19

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Monitor the list of all 3. Student Documents - To oversee the enrolled students - Registration manual Total $ 4,419.56 Services issuance of students’ - Issue relevant school documents. - Evaluate documents official documents according to the regulations of the Ministry of Education under the Office of the Vocational Education Commission 4. Student Loan - To grant student loans - Inform students about - Calendar of activities Total $ 324.10 and assist with students’ - Budget report the student loan expenditures. - Advise students in getting a student loan - Process students’ loan 5. Scholarship and Grants - To help finance - Find available - List of qualified students Total $ 58.93 students’ education scholarship and - Report on students’ grants finances and academic - Allocate the budget to qualified students progress. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 20

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 6. Guidance Services - To link students’ - Inform students about - Calendar of Activities Total $ 1,473.19 academic strengths and high school courses to further education and - Report on gainfully post-secondary education and training prospective employed graduates. - To assist students in job employment hunting. - Give career guidance to students and parents. - Recruit new students through a school marketing campaign program. - Coordinate with companies looking for new recruits - Conduct an exit interview with the graduating students APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 21

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 7. Health Services and -To oversee students’ - Conduct semestral - Summary report of the Total $ 24,382.44 Accident Insurance overall health health check health check - Conduct drug testing - Choose the insurance company - Health check schedule - Assist in claiming - Insurance claim report students’ benefits 8. Food and Drinking Water - To ensure that the - Maintain the water - Evaluation report on Total $ 589.28 Services students are given cooler cleanliness and hygiene hygienic and nutritious from Ubon Ratchathani food and drinking water - Maintain a hygienic Municipal Office environment - Check the health of the food merchants in school 9. Medical Assistance - To administer - Provide medical - Report on students who Total $ 2,343.02 appropriate first aid advice used the first aid room - Provide health service during school hours - Find adequate medicine and equipment - Facilitate students’ transfer to the hospital if needed APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 22

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 10. Students’ Discipline and - To discipline students - Encourage students - Progress report of the None Behavior Development - To settle students’ Program to wear proper disciplinary unit problems - To consider the uniforms. - Minutes of the disciplinary actions to - Certify students’ good disciplinary committee be given behavior meeting - Students’ disciplinary record - Certificate of conduct - Evaluation report on the enforcement of the dress code 11. Development of the - To encourage good - Drug test - Activity budget None community and students’ - Summary and Evaluation behavior. - Scout training personality program reports on the activities - To give opportunities for - Fundraising Marathon Activity student development - Campaign against - To campaign against prostitution, teenage drugs, sexually pregnancy and transmitted diseases, addictive substances. teenage pregnancy, and premarital sex. - To Be Number One Competition Activity - To protest and reduce - Drug-free Program school violence for teenagers - To survey and - Training students to rehabilitate students who be responsible use drugs consumers. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 23

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed 12. Establish and regulate - To encourage students - Appoint committee - Report on students’ Total $ 515.61 clubs and organizations. to be aware of their duties in the for The Association of attendance during the community. Future Thai activity - To support democracy. - To develop students’ Professionals - Summary and Evaluation moral, ethics, diligence, - Organize a reports on the activities and self-awareness. committee meeting - Organize club activities 13. Extracurricular activities - To promote and - Tribute to Teachers - Attendance record. Total $1,518.85 that are beneficial to preserve Thai culture or Teacher’s Day - Report on the results of education, society, and and tradition community. - Giving of relief goods the activities. - To show respect for the in case of calamities - Floating questionnaires King. - Giving of candles to for evaluation. - To cultivate students’ the temple patriotism and religious awareness - Happy Smile Sharing Project - To create harmonious relationship within the - National Scout Day institution. Ceremony APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 24

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Scout training 14. Extracurricular activities -To train students to have - Scout Day - Attendance record. Total $ 279.9 that promote moral, and ethics of students in a good personality and - Report on the results of accordance with the basic moral policy of the self-discipline. the activities. Ministry of Education. -To develop students’ - Activity evaluation leadership ability. report -To develop students’ moral and ethics in accordance with the 8 items on moral and ethics of the Ministry of Education 15. Girl Scouts Activity - To make the scouts 1. Scout Day - Attendance record. $ 162.05 adhere to rules and 2. Scout Camp Project - Report on the results of regulations of the Girl 3. Scout fancy drill Scout the activities. - Activity evaluation - To support the scouts in performing scout report activities with unity. - To cultivate a sense of loyalty to the nation. - To train the scouts to be friendly and polite. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 25

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget System Employed Projects/Activities 16. Activities that promote - To develop students’ - Sports’ day activity - Attendance record. Total $ 5,691.51 sports, recreation, music sportsmanship and culture. - Candle Festival - Report on the results of - To establish harmonious relationship parade the activities. between faculty, staff and students. - Ubon Ratchathani - Activity evaluation provincial sports’ day report - To encourage students to join school activities 17. Activities that promote - To encourage students - Tree planting activity - Attendance record. Total $ 67.77 nature and environment to reduce the damage to - Activity to reduce - Report on the results of conservation the environment and natural resources global warming. the activities. - Activity evaluation report 18. Homeroom Program - To establish - Weekly meeting - Advisory report book Total $ 294.64 harmonious relationship between students between adviser and and teacher - Report on home visit students - Report on students’ - Home visit for at risk - To establish students behavior cooperation in the prevention, problem - Homeroom - Satisfaction assessment solving and individual Parents - Teachers development of learners. meeting form APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 26

Annex 45. Students Services Program 2015 Student Services Program Program Objectives Specific Monitoring & Evaluation Ave. Annual Budget Projects/Activities System Employed - Parent - Teacher 19. Parent Meeting - To establish biannual meeting - Minutes of the meeting Total $1,738.36 Program harmonious relationship between parents and teachers 20. Home Visitation - To establish - Home visit - Report on the screening Total $ 883.91 Program cooperation in the - Screen students into of the students prevention, problem solving and individual three groups: normal, - Report on the results of development of vulnerable, and at the home visit program learners. risk. - Documentation of the home visit program. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 27

Annex 46. Profile of Student Services Unit Staff Name of Faculty/Staff Highest Educational Attainment Duties and Responsibilities Students’ Welfare Section Mrs. Malee Chaiyakul M.B.A 1. Provide and control services within the institution Ms. Sirinart Pornjarean B.Se.(Nursing and Midwifery) such as canteen, drinking water, and accident Ms. Sirirat Yuenying B.B.A. (General Management) insurance. Ms. Wachiraporn Khamendee M.B.A Ms. Arunee Tangtragul B.Econ. (Food and Nutrition) 2. Provide the necessary equipment and medicine Ms. Supaporn Nasinsong Bachelor of Accountancy for the students in need of first aid; manage health Ms. Jaruk Surinthon B.H.E. (Foods and Nutrition) check; and counsel students about health. Ms. Metinee Singnam B.A. (Tourism) Ms. Kanuengkit Pungkum B.B.A. (Accounting) Ms. Phawina Phromsomli B.B.A. (Accounting) APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 28

Annex 46. Profile of Student Services Unit Staff Name of Faculty/Staff Highest Educational Attainment Duties and Responsibilities Advisory Section M.B.A. (Marketing) 1. Appoint teachers as adviser. Ms. Sakonrat Uttha B.B.A.(Marketing) 2. Supervise and manage students’ personal and Mrs. Santima Hotrawaisaya B.B.A. (General Management) Ms. Sirirat Yuenying B. Sc. (Information Technology) academic information, encourage students to join Ms. Lamphan Namjampha B.B.A. (Accounting) school activities, and cooperate with teachers from Ms. Nonglak Khunsawang B.B.A. (Accounting) other department to help solve students’ problem. Ms. Phawina Phromsomli 3. Follow up and assess the performance of the adviser and report the results to the Career Guidance Unit administration. Ms. Bangorn Jantrovong) Mrs. Matawee Meenongwa M.B.A. (Business Administration) 1. Organize orientation and graduation day for M.Ed. (Educational Psychology and students. Mrs. Suphattra Thapsiri Guidance) 2. Make a school manual for students M.Ed. (Educational Psychology and 3. Manage student welfare, student loan, and Mrs. Somsamai Aewtumma Guidance) scholarship Ms. Sivarintra Somson M.B.A. (Business Administration) 4. Collect information of student alumni and follow up Mr. Garun Unthong M.B.A. (Business Administration) their employment status. Miss. Phenprapa Seangsukwao B.B.A. (Marketing) B.Ed. Marketing(Guidance Mrs. Anuthida Darote Education) Miss. Natnicha Sridangam M.B.A. (Business Administration) Mr.Chaitawee Sawangwong Master Of Home Economics (Textiles and apparel) B.A. (Social Studies) APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 29

Annex 46. Profile of Student Services Unit Staff Name of Faculty/Staff Highest Educational Attainment Duties and Responsibilities Student Disciplinary Section Mr. Supachai Meenongwa M.Ed. (Geography) 1. Monitor if students follow the institution’s rules and Mrs. Supakorn Chawnoum B.A.(Secretary) regulation. Mr. Opas Kamon B.Ed.(Chemistry) Mrs. Chantana Hompikul B.H.E. (Home Economics) 2. Cooperate with the adviser, school staff, and Mr. Pisit Usirikunpanit M.Ed. (Technology and Communications) parents’ to solve students’ problem. Mr. Peerasak Srisangcom M.S.(New Media) Mr. Teparit Burutpat B.Ed. (Physical Education) 3. Coordinate with other teachers and create a Mr. Tiwat Wongutum B.H.E. (Foods and Nutrition) student disciplinary manual. Ms. Supaporn Kaewnet B.Acc. (Accounting) Ms. Wiparat Kaewyotha B.B.A.(Marketing) Mr. Paniphat Butkeaw B.Com. (Communication Arts) Mrs.Jemanee Tariya M.A. (Mass Communication) APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 30

Annex 46. Profile of Student Services Unit Staff Name of Faculty/Staff Highest Educational Attainment Duties and Responsibilities Student Activities Section Mrs. Pitayaporn Leardkrathok M.S.(Information Technology) 1. Encourage and support the establishment of Ms. Wijittra Tungkanobon M.B.A. various clubs and organizations within the school Mr. Theerapol Lakornrum B.Ed.(Applied Arts) such as Future Farmers of Thailand, Association Mr. Chaiyong Boondao B.Ed.(Arts) of Future Thai Professional, Future Businessman Mr. Sanga Kumoun B.Sc.(Technology Computer) of Thailand, Future Home Economist of Thailand, Mr. Teparit Burutpat B.Ed. (Physical Education) Future Craftsman of Thailand. Ms. Saengjun Leangla B.A.(English) Ms. Supaporn Kaewnet B.Acc. (Accounting) 2. Organize activities that are beneficial to the Ms. Korakhot Srikao B.B.A. (Business Computer) educational and social community and other Mr. Garun Unthong B.B.A. (Business Computer) important activities of the nation, religion and the Mr. Paniphat Butkeaw B.Com. (Communication Arts) king; promote moral, ethics and sufficiency Mr. Anak Boobpawan B.S.Ind.Ed. (Electronics and Computer) economy. Mr. Niroot Kanpukdee B. Ed (English) Mr. Pantagan Saisiang B. Ed (Physical Education) 3. Supervise the activities of the Boy Scouts, Girl Mr. Pusit Keankeaw B. Ed (Physical Education) guides and military students, support sports and Mrs. Kanittha Daroj B. Ed (Thai) cultural activities in the school, and monitor the Mr. Koravit Saraprapai M. Ed (Educational Administration) morning ceremony. Mr. Teparit Burutpat B. Ed (Physical Education) Mr.Wiwat Wongputtha B.A. (Tourism) Mr.Anuchit Wantho B.H.E. (Creative Crafts Technology) APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 31

Annex 46. Profile of Student Services Unit Staff Name of Faculty/Staff Highest Educational Attainment Duties and Responsibilities Registrar Section Ms. Sutharat Sritong M.Ed.(Curriculum and Instruction) 1. Monitor the attendance and academic progress of Mrs. Lukkana Wannawong B.A.(English) students. Ms. Lamai Nuengnet B.B.A. (Business computer) Mrs. Patsanaporn Sutsee B.Ed.(Math) 2. Coordinate with the assessment department. Ms. Tipawan Chotiboot B.B.A.(Human Resource Management) Make a report about the students’ grade point Mr. Komkrit Jukhom M.Ed. (Curriculum and Instruction) average GPA and Percentile rank . Ms. Ruethairat Sribua Diploma (Business Computer) Ms. Pawonwan Namkuntong Diploma (Accounting) 3. Monitor students’ data. 4. Keep students’ registration data and other necessary documents. APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 32

Annex 47. Enrollment, Drop-out and other Student Statistics Parameters 1st 2015 Total 1st 2016 Total 2017 Total Semester 2nd Semester 2nd - 1st 2nd - Semester Semester Semester Semester Enrolment 3,684 3,383 - 3,797 3,764 3,667 3,340 Drop-Out 125 83 208 45 22 67 157 181 338 Incoming Transferees 3 0 3 1 3 4 11 2 Outgoing Transferees 5 11 16 5 4 9 30 29 59 Graduates 20 1, 098 1,118 28 1,263 1,291 20 1,377 1,397 Others: 15 12 27 13 29 42 31 24 55 Intermission Leave APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 33

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student per Semester 1. Free education policy 1, 915 2. The Education for Development Fund $33.29 student/ semester 1 3. Charoemrajakumari Scholarship $ 500.88 / student / year 1 4. Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri $ 1,620.51 / student / year Sirindhorn Foundation 2 $ 1,119.62 / student / year 5. Foundation for Social Welfare Work 1 2 student = $ 2,239.25 1 $ 117.86 / student / year 6. General Prem Tinnasulanonda Foundation 3 7. Ratcha pra cha smasay Foundation $ 58.93 / student / year $ 147.32 student / year 8. The National Council on Social Welfare of 1 1 student = $147.32 Thailand Foundation 11 $ 235.71 / student / year 11 2 students = $ 471.42 9. MK Restaurant Group Public Company Limited 2 $ 147.32 / student / year 10. CP All Plc. $ 88.39 / student / year 11 students = $972.30 11. Ajinomoto Foundation $206.25 / student / year 11 students = $2,268.71 $441.96 / student / year 2 persons = $883.92 APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 34

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student per 12. Scholarship Foundation 1 Semester 13. PTT Scholarship 4 $ 757.22 / student / year 14. The Education for Development Foundation 1 15. Thai City Social Foundation 4 $ 147.32 / student / year (2 persons) = $ 294.64 16. The National Council on Social Welfare of 1 $ 176.78 / student / year (2 persons) = Thailand. 2 $ 353.56 1 4 students = $ 648.20 17. Accountancy Department Alumni Foundation 1 $ 162.05 / student /year 18. Audio Visual Creations Co., Ltd. 1st Semester - 565 persons $ 353.57 student/year (3 students) 19. Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Social 3 students = $ 1,060.70 1st Semester - 35 persons $ 1178.55 student /year (1 student) Development and Human Security Foundation 2nd Semester - 31 persons 4 students = $ 2239.25 20. Student loan $ 235.71 / student /year 21. Educational Loans Fund $ 147.32 / student / year 2 students = $ 294.64 $ 2,121.39 / student / year $ 294.64 / student / year $ 698.29 per semester for Vocational Certificate $ 757.22 per semester for Higher Vocational Certificate $ 757.22 per semester APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 35

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2016 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student per 1. Free education policy 2,004 Semester $ 40.07 / student / semester 2. The Education for Development Fund 1 $ 500.88 / student / year 3. Charoemrajakumari Scholarship 1 $ 1,620.51 / student / year (1 student) 4. Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri $ 883.91 / student / year 1 (student) Sirindhorn Foundation 2 $ 1,620.51 / student / year 1 (student) 5. Foundation for Social Welfare Work $ 2,504.42 / student / year 2 (student) 1 $ 117.86 / student / year 6. General Prem Tinnasulanonda Statesman Hall of $ 58.93 / student / year Fame Foundation 1 7. Yuvabadhana Foundation 1 $ 206.25 / student / year 8. Ruamchit Normklao Foundation 1 $ 235.71 / student / year APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 36

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2016 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student per Semester 9. Ratcha pra cha smasay Foundation 4 $ 147.32 / student / year (1 student) 10. Ajinomoto Foundation 1 = $ 147.32 11. Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Social 1 $ 235.71 / student / year (3 students) 3 = $ 707.13 Development and Human Security Foundation 4 students = $854.45 12. Werachet Khanngein, Ph. D Foundation 4 $ 441.96 / student / year 13. PTT Scholarship Foundation 1 5 $ 294.64 / student / year 14. The Education for Development Foundation 15. Thai City Social Foundation $ 147.32 / student / year (1 student) = $ 147.32 $ 441.96 / student / year (2 students) = $ 883.92 3 students = $ 1,031.24 $ 147.32 / student / year (2 students) = $ 294.64 $ 176.78 / student / year (2 students) = $ 353.56 4 students = $ 648.20 $ 162.05 / student / year $ 353.57 / student / year (3 students) amount = $ 1,060.71 $ 1,178.55 / student / year (2 students) = $ 2, 357.10 5 students = $ 3,417.81 APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 37

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2016 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student per 16. Accountancy Department Alumni Foundation 2 Semester 17. The National Council on Social Welfare of 2 $ 147.32 / student / year (2 students) Thailand Foundation = $294.64 18. Student loan 1st Semester - 632 students $ 147.32 / student / year (1 student) 2nd Semester 569 students $ 235.71/ student / year (1 student) = $ 383.03 19. Educational Loans Fund Higher Vocational Certificate Students Vocational Certificate $ 692.40 / student / year 1st Semester - 85 students 2nd Semester - 84 students Higher Vocational Certificate $ 757.22 / student/year $ 757.22 /student / year APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 38

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2015 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student 1. Free education policy 1,965 per Semester $ 40.07 / student / year 2. Charoemrajakumari Scholarship 2 $ 883.91 / student / year $ 1,620.51 / student / year 3. Her Royal Highness Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn = $ 2,504.42 Foundation 4. Foundation for Social Welfare Work 1 $ 1,119.62 / student / year 5. General Prem Tinnasulanonda Foundation 6. Yuvabadhana Foundation $ 117.86 / student / year 7. Ruamchit Normklao Foundation 8. Ratcha pra cha smasay Foundation 1 9. Ajinomoto Foundation $ 388 / student / year 1 $ 206.25 / student / year 1 1 $ 235.71 / student / year 4 $ 147.32 per student / year (1 student ) = $ 147.32 $ 235.71 / student / year (3 students ) = 4 student s= $ 854.45 1 $ 441.96 / student / year APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 39

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2015 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student per Semester 10. Ubon Ratchathani Provincial Social Development and Human Security Foundation 1 $ 294.64 / student / year 11.Werachet Khanngein Foundation 3 $ 441.96 / student / year 12. PTT Scholarship fund (2 students ) = $ 883.92 $ 147.32 per student / year (1 student) = $ 147.32 3 students = $ 1031.24 4 $ 147.32 / student / year (2 students ) = $ 294.64 $ 176.78 / student / year (2 students ) = $ 353.56 4 students = $ 648.20 13. The Education for Development Foundation 1 $ 162.05 / student / year 14. The National Council on Social Welfare of Thailand 1 $ 147.32 / student / year Foundation APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 40

Annex 48. Scholarship Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2015 Name of Scholarship/Assistance/Grants No. of Student-Recipients Amount of Grant per Student 15. Student loan per Semester 1st Semester - 624 students 2nd Semester 592 students Vocational Certificate $ 698.29 / student / year High Vocational Certificate $ 757.22 student / year 16. Educational Loans Fund 1st Semester - 112 students High Vocational Certificate 2nd Semester 104 students $ 757.22 student / year APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 41

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club Co-Curricular Activities 1.Boy Scout Day Camp 2017 Co - Curricular Scout Club May 15 - September 15, 2017 2.Initiative Program Co - Curricular Scout Club May 15 - September 15, 2017 3.Volunteer service for the community Co - Curricular Scout Club May 15 - September 15, 2017 4.Traffic Enforcement Training Co - Curricular Scout Club May 15 - September 15, 2017 5. First - Aid Rescue Training Co - Curricular Scout Club May 15 - September 15, 2017 6. Ceremonial Tribute to Rama Six Co - Curricular Scout Club October 2017 - February 2018 7. Rover Scout Camp Co - Curricular Scout Club October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 8.Community service Co - Curricular Business Relations Department May 15 - September 15, 2017 9. Remedial Program Co - Curricular Business Relations Department May 15 - September 15, 10.ICT Project Co – Curricular 2017 Business Relations Department May 15 – September 15, 2017 11.Economic development project under Co - Curricular Business Relations Department May 15 - September 15, Thai economic sufficiency philosophy 2017 APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 42

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club Co-Curricular Activities 12.Community Service Co - Curricular Business Relations Department May 15 - September 15, 2017 13.Reading Campaign “Rak Kan Arn” Co - Curricular Business Relations Department May 15 - September 15, 2017 14.ICT Project Co - Curricular Business Relations Department May 15 - September 15, 2017 15.Produce agricultural products from rice Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February and cassava from Kham Hai Yay village 23, 2018 16.Recruitment of new students by the Co - Curricular Ms.Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February Logistics department 23, 2018 17.Logistic management of agricultural Co - Curricular Ms.Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February and OTOP products from Organic Farm, 23, 2018 Mueng Sam Sip 18.Organizing product arrangement at Co - Curricular Ms.Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February Ban NongHin Village 23, 2018 19.Study the distribution methods of the Co - Curricular Ms.Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February drinking water company, Thai Namtip. 23, 2018 20.Study management strategies of Thai Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February Post company 23, 2018 21.Consumer Satisfaction Survey and Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February Demonstration Project on Chong 23, 2018 MekThanunkondun, Sirindhorn District, UbonRatchathani Province APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 43

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club Co-Curricular Activities 22.Storage and maintenance of goods project Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - on Som Sa Mai Minimart February 23, 2018 23.Volunteer project for product arrangement Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - on MethaPha Nit Store February 23, 2018 24.Customer Satisfaction of Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - UbonRatchathani training station February 23, 2018 25.Logistics for tourism in UbonRatchathani Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 26.Passenger satisfaction survey of vans Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - travelling the route Ubon - Than Som - Phi February 23, 2018 Bon - KhongChiam - Chiang Mek 27.Public Information for buses in Co - Curricular Ms. Penprapha Sangsokwow October 25, 2017 - UbonRatchathani February 23, 2018 28.\"Marketing Plan Contest by A.P.Honda\" Co - Curricular Ms. Sakonrat Udta October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 29.Making a website for Ban Non Sung Co - Curricular Mrs. Pitayaporn Leiskrathok October 25, 2017 - School, KhokKhong Sub - District, Sam Rong February 23, 2018 District, UbonRatchathani province 30.Make a website for Ban Suk Som Boon Co - Curricular Mrs. Pitayaporn Leiskrathok October 25, 2017 - School February 23, 2018 31.Make a website for flower shop from Co - Curricular Mrs. Pitayaporn Leiskrathok October 25, 2017 - Warin Chamrap District, Ubon Ratchathani February 23, 2018 Province APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 44

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club Co-Curricular Activities 32.Make multimedia presentation to Co - Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan October 25, 2017 - disseminate knowledge about drug February 23, 2018 addiction 33.Make a multimedia presentation on Co - Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan October 25, 2017 - how to use Microsoft Office PowerPoint February 23, 2018 2016 34.Make a multimedia presentation on Co - Curricular Mrs. Suphatra Subsiri October 25, 2017 - how to make learning English fun for February 23, 2018 Prathom 1 students 35.Make multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Mrs. Suphatra Subsiri October 25, 2017 - English for Kids. February 23, 2018 36.Make multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - English for you February 23, 2018 37.Make multimedia presentation on how Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - to make learning English fun for February 23, 2018 kindergarten students 38.Make multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - ASEAN Open Forum February 23, 2018 39.Make multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - Thai Language for Prathom 2 February 23, 2018 40.Make multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - Mathematics for Prathom 2 February 23, 2018 APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 45

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club Co-Curricular Activities 41.Make a multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - February Economic Sufficiency Philosophy of the King 23, 2018 Co-Curricular Activities 42.Make multimedia presentation about the Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - February topic English is Fun 23, 2018 43.Make multimedia presentation about Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - February Science for Prathom 2 23, 2018 44.Make multimedia presentation about Thai Co - Curricular Ms. Janjula Intawong October 25, 2017 - February Language Prathom 1 23, 2018 45.Lemon Gourd candy project Co - Curricular Ms. Sutharat Srithong October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 46.Shredded rice grain cookie project Co - Curricular Ms. Sutharat Srithong October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 47.KRATHONG EXQUISITE THAI Co - Curricular Mr. Anuchit Wantho October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 48.VASE MALEE ARTISTICAL Co - Curricular Mr. Anuchit Wantho October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 49.KRACHEA MUAN BUPPHA MALEE Co - Curricular Mr. Anuchit Wantho October 25, 2017 - February WICHIT 23, 2018 50.PAN PUM VICHT PRADIT BABTHAI Co - Curricular Mr. Anuchit Wantho October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 51.Thai candle decoration activity Co - Curricular Mr. Anuchit Wantho October 25, 2017 - February 23, 2018 APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 46

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club Activities that promote Personality Development and Social Responsibility 1.Appointment of the committee for Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 23, 2018 Association of Future Thai Professional 2.Basic skills competition and conference Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan September 27, 2017 for the Association of Future Thai Professional 3.Volunteer traffic enforcer training from Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan June 28, 2017 the Municipal police 2108 4.Event Hostess Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan June 29, 2017 5.Packing rice for Disaster relief Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 16 -22, 2017 6.Implementing the action plan for the Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan September 2-3, 2017 Coordinating Center 7.Weekend open market project Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan December 30, 2017 8.To be Number One Activity Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan December 29, 2017 9.National Children's day 2018 Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan January 13, 2018 10.Skills and talent showcase Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan January 10, 2018 11.National Youth Day Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan September 2, 2017 12.World's Children's day Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 2-5, 2017 13.Orientation Day Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan February 7, 2018 14.Share a smile day Extra-Curricular Mr. Atchariya Bhuphan February 19, 2018 15.Donation drive Extra-Curricular Mrs. Thanrada Sawatdee November 26, 2017 APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 47

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club February 2, 2018 Activities that promote Personality Development and Social Responsibility August 8 - September 10, 16.Community Service Extra-Curricular Ms. Nitsarat Pheimthong 2017 17.Collection of disaster relief goods Extra-Curricular Mr. Titiwat Unchim May 15 - September 15, 2017 Activities that promote sports and recreation December 9, 2017 1.Olympic Day 2017 Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan June 6, 2017 June 28. 2017 2.Run for a cause Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan July 21, 2017 3.Campaign against prostitution 2017 Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan July 10, 2017 4.Movement against drugs addiction Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan 5.Campaign against Pre-marital sex Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan March 1, 2018 6.Make multimedia presentation about Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan December 2, 2017 anti-smoking campaign December 6, 2017 7.Campaign against teenage pregnancy Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan 8.To Be Number One Idol competition Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan May 10, 2017 9.Campaign against teenage drug Extra-Curricular Mr. Phanuksak Khunlawong addiction 10.Consumer Protection training for youth Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan leaders APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 48

Annex 49. Curricular and Extra - Curricular Programs Program (Please provide data for the past three (3) years) Academic Year 2017 Title of Program or Activity Nature of program/activity Sponsoring Unit, Inclusive Dates (Extra-Or Co-Curricular) Organization, Club January 25, 2017 Activities that develop students' moral and ethics Mrs. Pikhun Thawanan July 4, 2017 Mr. Anak Boobpawan July 23, 2017 1.Improving quality of life through Dharma Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 12, 2017 2.Moral development activity Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan February 10, 2017 Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 22, 2017 3.Listen to Monks' Chant Extra-Curricular Ms. Phatharanit Champangein January 16, 2018 4.Listen to Moral and Ethical Lecture Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan May 23, 2017 5.VisakhaBucha Day Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 12, 2017 Mr. Anak Boobpawan August 11, 2017 6.Moral Ceremony Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan July 28, 2017 7.Food service for the 100th anniversary Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan November 3, 2017 of Luang Pho Cha Mr. Anak Boobpawan July 13-29, 2017 Mr. Anak Boobpawan September 8, 2017 8.Ceremony presenting charity to King Extra-Curricular Mr. Anak Boobpawan June 8 - July 6, 2017 Rama 9 Mr. Anak Boobpawan January 30, 2018 9.Offering ceremony for monks Extra-Curricular 10.Religious activities to strengthen Extra-Curricular bonds 11.Buddhism ceremony Extra-Curricular Activities that promote religion, culture, and art 1.Promote Cultural heritage Extra-Curricular 2.Prize - winning candle display Extra-Curricular 3.Pick up of the candle given by His Extra-Curricular Majesty 4.Candle carving activities Extra-Curricular 5.Promoting Bun Pha Wet Extra-Curricular APACC Accreditation - Criterion 7 - Ubon Ratchathani Vocational College Page 49

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