Energy: The Global Dilemma By: Emma Whitehead
Types of Energy Nonrenewable energy, meaning it is not able to reproduce at the rate of which it is being consumed, is our number one source of energy in the present day. This type of energy includes coal, petroleum, and natural gas. Although we depend primarily on it in present day, we will not be able to use it forever. Therefore, we will eventually have to turn towards a more dependable type of energy: renewable. Renewable energy is natural. It can come from the sun, water, wind, or even plants. Often times renewable energy can be reproduced at the rate it is being consumed, but there are some forms of this energy, such as using trees for wood, that are being used so quickly that we’re not allowing it time to reproduce. Inexhaustible energy is also a form of renewable energy, however, this is a type of energy that we can’t “use up.” For example, solar energy. There is no possible way that we can consume all of the sun’s energy at a rate faster than it is being reproduced.
Wind Energy Wind energy is derived from wind blowing across wind turbines, which convert that kinetic energy into electricity. Some advantages include that this type of energy has a low cost, so the economy won’t have to implement things such as fuel costs into the formation of wind turbines. This type of energy is also inexhaustible, meaning we can’t possibly run out of it. However, wind energy is disadvantageous because of how much space the wind turbines take up. This means they could be threatening populations of wildlife and reducing the amount of land farming. Additionally, wind can be unpredictable, and since the turbines can’t store the energy they produce, they waste a lot of it, making them inefficient.
Hydroelectric Energy Hydroelectric energy Run-of-the-river comes from the vitalizes the natural flow movement of water. of rivers. However, it There are three main becomes a problem types of hydroelectric whenever the river power: run-of-the-river, remains calm. Water water impoundment, and impoundment, otherwise the tidal system. known as dams, can create massive amounts of energy. The tidal system consists of place a turbine in the water as the tides move in and out. Disadvantages include the fact that over time silt can build up, rendering a dam useless, disturbing the natural flow of bodies of water, and it blocking organisms such as fish from getting where they need to be. The main advantage of hydroelectric power is that it reduces CO2 emissions. Other advantages include being able to use the area for recreational purposes and flood control in flood-prone areas.
Solar Energy Solar energy is energy that comes from the sun. There are two types of solar energy: active and passive. Active solar energy is when we convert the sun’s energy into electricity through solar panels (also known as photovoltaic technology).. This allows us to heat up water tanks and other things of the sort. Passive solar energy is when we build houses facing towards the south with many windows and with a lot of insulation in order to heat up the house and keep the heat inside. With solar energy, you can save money. Photovoltaic systems that companies implement into homes will charge you a low rate by how much you actually use, and if your solar panels produce more than needed, they’ll pay you back. Additionally, since the energy is renewable, we’ll save the earth some expenses over time by reducing CO2. The disadvantages of solar energy include the fact that the sun is only out during the day, therefore we can’t generate electricity over-night. There is also a problem in cloudy places, such as England, because those places do not get to harness as much of the sun’s energy as other places.
Geothermal Energy Geothermal energy is energy drawn from the amount of heat below the earth’s crust. Places where this heat has risen up, such as hot springs, have water pumped down towards them to evaporate, and the returning steam is used to generate electricity. We use geothermal energy for things such as drying fresh fruit, powering large electricity generators, heating water, and heating greenhouses. The main 3 advantages of geothermal energy are that it is renewable, it doesn't emit harmful gases into our atmosphere such as CO2, and it’s easy to extract. An additional bonus would be that our dependence on fossil fuels would decrease. On the other hand, harnessing this energy can sometimes cause earthquakes and are very location specific. In addition, the upfront costs of the plants and the heating and cooling systems are quite large.
Biomass Energy Biomass energy is energy extracted from either living or recently living plants and waste. Most of our biomass comes from wood and its various forms: branches, dead trees, wood chips, yard clippings, and more. In order to produce biomass energy you can choose one of many forms of biomass conversion. These include but are limited to: Combustion: burning the material in the presence of oxygen. Gasification: conversion of material into carbon dioxide, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide Bio-digestion: bacteria breaks the material down in the absence of oxygen Biomass energy is a renewable resource, and is a natural part of the carbon cycle, which doesn’t increase nor decrease the amount of carbon in the atmosphere. It also helps reduce the amount of waste in landfills and is cheaper compared to some fossil fuels. Unfortunately, even though it is carbon dioxide neutral, it does produce methane gas, which is still as equally harmful to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide. We could also risk deforestation due to wood being the best way of extracting this energy. And finally, it is simply not as efficient as fossil fuels.
Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy is generated through the fission of molecules. Fission is simply the splitting of something into two or more parts. Nuclear energy has a large energy profit, meaning it produces way more energy than what goes into it. As of today, only 20% of overall energy production is from the initial energy invested into the machinery. It is also continuous, meaning it does not depend on the sun or the wind to be around in order to produce energy. Nuclear energy also reduces CO2 emissions. Human error plays a huge factor in the disadvantages of nuclear energy. Two major nuclear events, Chernobyl and Fukushima, were both primarily the cause of humans not making the best decisions. Another significant disadvantage is that it produces nuclear waste, which takes years and years to decay, and is highly radioactive.
Coal Coal can be found in the earth, and they have to set up mines in order to extract it. After they mine the coal, they have to clean it in order to make sure the non-combustible ash and moisture is removed. Then, we can use it as fuel. Luckily, coal is in abundance and is the most plentiful energy source. It can also be easily transported, and it is relatively inexpensive. Coal also burns cleaner than other fossil fuels. Unfortunately, the problem with coal often comes from the mines themselves. Coal mines are dangerous and unattractive in environments. Mining also increases greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide.
Oil Oil is a type of fossil fuel derived from the pressurized remains of animals and plants previously living. We extract it using oil rigs, which dig down inside the earth and bring the oil to the surface. Oil has a high-energy density, meaning a small amount of oil produces a large amount of energy. It is also more easily transported through pipelines and tankers, so it’s easy to get it around the world. Oil is used by many companies and serves as a constant source of power and energy because it can run 24/7. The disadvantage of oil, however, is the amount of greenhouse gases produced whenever the fuel is burned.The amount of carbon dioxide put into the air has caused a cap to be put on it, so people have to pay if they go above it. It also easily pollutes water and the earth. Oil spills that take place in oceans are highly detrimental to the environment and cause a loss of diversity.
Natural Gas Natural gas is derived from fossil fuels inside the earth. It is naturally stored in what we call “pools,” however, natural gas is stored in cracks and small holes in the rock. Some advantages of natural gas include the fact that it is environmentally friendly, it is much safer to store, and it is reliable. The only harmful gas emission from the combustion of natural gas is nitrogen oxide, but technologies have reduced the amount of it given off. Since it is stored naturally, the use of tanks is unnecessary, so that reduces the amount of accidents that could possibly happen. Additionally, since it is stored underneath the earth, and storms or disasters will not threaten the supply of natural gas. Natural gas, however, is highly combustible, so if it not handled properly, this could lead to many bad accidents. It is also a non-renewable resource, so we don’t know exactly how long our supply of natural gas is going to sustain us.
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