Title:Exercise: Your Good Health Is Counting On ItWord Count:298Summary:Did you know that everything that gets you moving can and will contribute to your health--fromwalking to a high-intensity aerobics class?Keywords:Exercise: Your Good Health Is Counting On ItArticle Body:Did you know that everything that gets you moving can and will contribute to your health-fromwalking to a high-intensity aerobics class?Research shows that regular exercise can lower the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke,non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and certain cancers. Andexercise helps people manage a great number of other health issues, including depression andanxiety, arthritis, osteoporosis and maybe even dementia. Experts say that it may even helpslow the aging process. And it makes you feel good!The International Health, Racquet and Sportsclub Association (IHRSA), the nonprofitassociation for the fitness industry, reminds people that any physical activity is better than none.The health benefits from physical activity are cumulative. The most important thing is gettingstarted. So get moving-whether that means taking the stairs, parking farther out or walking on atreadmill. Newcomers to physical activity should start slowly and gradually work up toexercising for longer periods of time.For many Americans, taking those first steps toward building the exercise habit can be difficultand intimidating. So during the month of May, participating health clubs will open their doorsfor several days to the public, free of charge, so more Americans can benefit from the safe,supportive, and enjoyable environments that health clubs offer. It's part of the
IHRSA-organized Get Active America! program to encourage more Americans to exercise fortheir health.Whether you're a senior, a mid-lifer, a 20-something or a teen, there's a health club that canprovide you with the support you need to create a workable exercise routine that fits your life.There's a network of professionals across the country eager to help.Remember: It's never too late, and it's never too little to enjoy the benefits of exercise. Do it foryour health!Title:If you want a healthy bodyWord Count:397Summary:As we grow older and especially after we have reached the age of 30 our bodies start to slowlygo into decline. Often you will find that when you reach the age of 40 you find that you actuallyput on weight much more quickly than you did when you were younger. Much people worryabout this but there is something to do againt it.Keywords:weightloss, lose weight, muscles, fitnessArticle Body:The main reasons for this is that once we reach the age of 30, the muscles in our body begin toshrink because they are not being used correctly. Also our bones become much less dense overtime. In some cases this may actually lead to a person suffering from osteoporosis.Unfortunately as our muscles begin to shrink so our metabolic rate also begins to slow down aswell. its hard to keep the muscles and a flat body you had, However there are things a personcan do when they reach the age of 40 which can help to prevent them losing muscle mass andkeep their metabolic rate working at a good level. You have to follow the right kind of diet anduse a good exercies.below here you can find some tips wich are usefull.Tip 1It is important that you have a good well rounded set of exercises in your workout program.You need ones that are going to flex and stretch your body and also include somecardiovascular exercises as well. By including such a good set of exercises into your workoutprogram the less likely you are to suffer from any kinds of injuries.Tip 2
Never carry out the same routine each day, instead mix it up a bit. So one day go and do asession in the gym and another just go for a walk or bike ride instead. If you mix up yourexercise regime more then the less likely you are to get bored with doing it and so the less likelyyou are to quit. Also by varying your workout routines the less likely you are to suffer any kindof injury because you are not overworking any sets of muscles too much.Tip 3Before you start any sort of workout it is vital that you carry out the right kinds of stretchingexercises first. If you start working out whilst your muscles are still tight can spell disaster foryou. Remember as you get older your muscles are not as elastic as they were when you wereyounger. Therefore by stretching before working out or just generally through out the day willhelp your muscles to regain and retain the elasticity in them.These tips is the begin to getting fit again. and maintain that healthy body. But as I said this isjust the basicTitle:To Get Better Feel In Your Golf Swing, You Need A Golf Fitness ProgramWord Count:843Summary:揻Probably what separates the PGA Touring pro and the amateur golfer is eel.?Every pro I揻know can eel?where the club and clubhead are at any point during the swing.Not an easy task, especially for the weekend golfer.揻Many amateurs struggle with the idea, concept, or understanding of how to develop eel?forthe swing. It is a process that requires time, patience, and practice.揻Part of the process of developing eel?for the golf club is through propriocepti...Keywords:Golf, Golf Swing, Golf Instruction, Golf Fitness, Golf Tips, Sean Cochran, Phil MickelsonArticle Body:揻Probably what separates the PGA Touring pro and the amateur golfer is eel.?Every pro I揻know can eel?where the club and clubhead are at any point during the swing.Not an easy task, especially for the weekend golfer.揻Many amateurs struggle with the idea, concept, or understanding of how to develop eel?for
the swing. It is a process that requires time, patience, and practice.揻Part of the process of developing eel?for the golf club is through proprioception. This may ormay not be a term you have heard, but it is vitally important to the golf swing.搆Proprioception is a big word that, simply put, is defined as nowing where your body is inspace.?Essentially, it means consciously knowing where your body is when moving, what yourlimbs are doing, and in what order. To simplify it further, it is feel. Some of us are better at it,others worse.The good news is that you can improve your proprioception, or your feel.Think about this for a moment: what is one of the most important aspects of improving yourgolf swing?揻It is eel?for the golf club at every position within the golf swing. Beginning with address,揊into take-away, your backswing, downswing, and follow through. eeling?where the club is atevery moment is key.揻PGA Tour pros eel?the club during the swing, or in other words they have excellentproprioceptive abilities. As a result, they have the ability to make the little adjustments that arecrucial in the golf swing. Additionally, their outstanding level of proprioception allows them toknow what is going on with their golf swing the majority of the time.揻How do you develop your ability to better eel?the golf club and clubhead?First and foremost, your development of better golf swing mechanics is center stage.Understanding the mechanics and where the clubhead should be is the first step.This allows you to consciously know and practice the positions of where the golf club and body搈should be at any moment in the golf swing. Mentally understanding golf swing mechanicsallows you to have a ap?to refer to when developing your golf swing.Secondly, when it comes to golf swing mechanics we look at practice. We all know the bodylearns a new movement through repetition. The mind and body learn either the correct orincorrect golf swing through practice.揻This is the point where the proprioceptive or eel?abilities of your body for your golf swingbegin to form. The movement pattern begins to be ingrained as you continue to practice yourgolf swing.揻This is where the third component of developing eel?comes into play. The third component揻of developing eel?is the body.Golf swing mechanics are performed by your body, and, as a result, the body is criticallyinvolved in developing feel in your golf swing.Developing feel is linked to your nervous system and the ability of the brain/nerves toinput/output information efficiently.
Improving the process by which your brain and nerves input (learning the golf swing mechanics)and output (execution of the golf swing) has a direct effect on your ability to feel the club.How do you improve the proprioceptive qualities of the body that directly affects your ability tofeel the golf club? Improvement in this area lies within performing exercises that increase theefficiency with which the nervous system operates.揻Exercises that improve proprioception and eel?during the swing are called balance exercises.Balance exercises challenge the nervous system, creating more efficiency in the input/outputsystem of the body.Better balance allows for the body to learn new movements (i.e. golf swing) more quickly and揻efficiently. Additionally, these exercises increase the ability of the body to eel?athleticmovements like the golf swing.揻In summary, we have three components that improve our eel?for the golf club. Number one搑is an understanding of golf swing mechanics. You must have a conscious oad map?of thegolf swing. This allows you a reference point to develop the correct swing mechanics.Secondly, practice is required. The body learns through repetition. Practice allows the brain andthe body to learn the movement sequence of the golf swing. Practice is also the point where thebody begins to develop the proprioceptive qualities required for the golf swing.Finally, you need to develop the proprioceptive capacities of the body itself through balanceexercises. These types of exercises improve the input/output system of the body allowing for揻improved learning capacities by the body, better eel?of where the body is in space, and a揻greater capacity to eel?the golf swing.揻All in all, it is a combination of developing these three entities within your golf swing and bodythat creates eel?for the swing. They all work together and cannot be separated.If you truly want to develop a PGA-Tour-type swing, you will need to have a betterunderstanding of the golf swing, practice, and development of the body.Sean
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