Title:Experience a Healthier You with African Aloe Ferox ProductsWord Count:494Summary:African aloe ferox provides a natural method of healing, beauty, and skin care. Learn about thisfascinating herb in this article...Keywords:aloe ferox bitters, aloe skin care, aloe drink, aloe bath products, aloe joint healthArticle Body:There are more than 300 types of aloe, but only a few have been used throughout history fornatural healing and cleansing. One effective aloe product that promotes good health in severalways is African aloe ferox. Aloe ferox is a plant that grows in only one province of SouthAfrica and has been used for medicinal purposes by the indigenous people for many years.African aloe ferox differs from aloe vera because it doesn't have to be filtered. Without thefiltering process, aloe ferox retains its all-natural active ingredients so users can benefit evenmore by using this type of aloe. Other names for aloe ferox are red aloe, bitter aloe, or tap aloe.African aloe ferox bitter is known for its many medicinal uses. The resinous product that is hardand black, which is called Cape aloes or aloe lump, is known for being a strong laxative and asa natural help for arthritis. Inside the leaves is a gel-like flesh that is said to help heal wounds,but is also used in cosmetic products.
Benefits of African Aloe FeroxAfrican aloe ferox offers many health and beauty benefits. It is completely herbal so it doesn'tcontain harmful chemicals and toxins as many chemically-based beauty products and medicinescontain. It is a pure healing agent without unwanted side effects. Aloe ferox is a naturalcleansing herb. It can be used to help remove harmful toxins from the body as a detoxificationherb. It stimulates cell renewal. Also, it contains more amino acids (total of 34), vitamins,minerals, and polysaccharides than aloe vera.Aloe ferox provides a natural cleansing method to help relieve certain complaints such asheartburn, acne, urinary tract infections, stomach ulcers, liver function, eye infections, sunburn,chapped skin, itching, heat rashes, insect bites, dermatitis, skin allergies, athlete's foot, varicoseveins, insomnia, high blood pressure, spastic colon, gingivitis, and many others. It is notrecommended, however, for pregnant women or nursing mothers.African Aloe Ferox Products for a Variety of NeedsAloe ferox comes in many shapes and sizes and in several forms to meet different needs. It canbe taken in capsule form, as an herbal tea, as toothpaste, or it can be used topically such as ingels, soaps, lotions, body cream, bath oil, shampoo, conditioner, and make-up remover. Youcan also purchase African aloe ferox drink, which contains added Vitamin C to help with coldsand flu. Aloe drink can also help with blood pressure regulation, colon and stress, heartburn,stomach ulcers, indigestion, and soothing the mucous membranes.Look for key phrases when searching online for aloe ferox products such as aloe joint health,aloe drink, aloe bath products, aloe skin care, or aloe ferox bitters. The best way to get greatAfrican aloe ferox products is to shop through an online specialist that carries all these items.Maximize your aloe experience today with African aloe ferox products, and enjoy the naturalmethods of skin care, beauty enhancement, and healing.Title:Importance Of A Healthy DietWord Count:402Summary:Is sleeplessness bothering you? What about the difficulty to loose weight despite hardest efforts?Or is your hair line receding faster than what it had taken your father? Well, ever wondered whythis was so? Scientists and dieticians of this world are arguing that this is and many other hostsof similar problems are connected to our diet!Modern food is unfortunately not without harmful chemicals used either for growing vegetables,preserving or cooking (flavonoids). Many...
Keywords:diet,healthy diet,balanced dietArticle Body:Is sleeplessness bothering you? What about the difficulty to loose weight despite hardest efforts?Or is your hair line receding faster than what it had taken your father? Well, ever wondered whythis was so? Scientists and dieticians of this world are arguing that this is and many other hostsof similar problems are connected to our diet!Modern food is unfortunately not without harmful chemicals used either for growing vegetables,preserving or cooking (flavonoids). Many dietary problems like indigestion and ulcer arefrequent in people who have to depend on chemically treated food. In this background, the newschool of theory which is gaining moment is eating whole and natural food. Meat andvegetables without preservatives, buying fresh and raw milk from vendors directly and freshfruits are some of them.抰DietHaving said this, it doesn diminish the importance of daily intake of various nutrients andcalories. Deficiency in any of them will gradually show up as trivial problem initially.Let us see what USDA has recommended for the Americans. If you are taking less than 1,800calories as a teen, you must raise it by at least 200 counts a day. The figure goes further up foran active man. Also calorie needs of women are different from that of men. Example, an18-year male needs 400-800 extra calories than women. What food gives these calories andhow to calculate the calorific values? And what other nutrients make food balanced?USDA has a chart (food guide pyramid) with suggestions to get these calories. You have to dosome calculations to balance your diet.o 5 servings of vegetableso Four servings of fruitso Three servings of milk productso 11 of pasta, cereals, and breado Two to three servings of meat (both red and white), eggs, nuts and beans put together.o Sparingly, fats and sweets.As per USDA (US Department of Agriculture), one serving equals a bread slice; an ounce ofcereal, ?a cup cooked rice and veggies each, one glass juice-milk each and 2-3 ounces lean meat,1?cups boiled beansDiet must not be seen in a limited context. Diet is a generic word so you have diets that suitpatients too. The secret is eating as much as needed your body would absorb. Keeping a balancediet since young is important if you want to live to old age. It could save you a substantialsavings on medical bills!Title:
Transferring Credit Card Debt May Be Hazardous To Your Financial HealthWord Count:837Summary:Credit card companies now make it so easy to transfer one credit card balance to another. Weget so bombarded with all the advertisements for balance transfers it's hard to decide whatcompany to do business with.Transferring your balance from one card to another is basically the same as consolidating yourdebt, without actually going through the process of a formal debt consolidation loan.Transferring balances from many accounts to fewer accounts will not necessarily ra...Keywords:financial advice, finances, credit rating, debt free, get out of debtArticle Body:Credit card companies now make it so easy to transfer one credit card balance to another. Weget so bombarded with all the advertisements for balance transfers it's hard to decide whatcompany to do business with.Transferring your balance from one card to another is basically the same as consolidating yourdebt, without actually going through the process of a formal debt consolidation loan.Transferring balances from many accounts to fewer accounts will not necessarily raise yourscore, because the same total amount is still owed. This may actually lower your credit score,because it could be an indication that you are unable to manage your money and need totransfer your balance to make it easier to pay your debts.The only reason you should transfer one credit card balance to another card is to save moneyand reduce your total debt owed. The mistake many people make is by not reading the creditcard agreement or credit card disclosure agreement, which is what the credit card companies arehoping for. When you receive your monthly statement, you are shocked to see the new interestrate and can't seem to understand why your balance has not gone down although you aresending in your monthly payments. It is important to pay off the full balance before theintroductory rate special ends. If you charge an item on the new account after the special ends,the interest rate may drastically increase, or it may increase if you make a late payment.If you are unable to pay off the balance before the introductory rate ends, the balance transfer isnot worth it. Here is a balance card transfer calculator that will show how much money you cansave http://www.credit-card-surplus.com/balance-transfer-calculator.php with a balance transfer.Do some comparison shopping before selecting a credit card that offers an introductory balancetransfer rate. Two good sites to use when comparison shopping are http://www.bankrate.comand http://www.cardreport.com.If you are not disciplined, you may end up in more debt than you originally owed due to theguidelines of the new low-interest or 0% interest credit card you transferred your old balance to.To pay the new balance off faster you must pay more than the minimum monthly payment; tryto pay at least double the minimum monthly payment. The goal is to get out of debt, and the
fastest way to get out of debt is to get a lower interest rate and pay more than the minimummonthly payment.Here are 7 tips to use when considering transferring debt to another credit card.1. Find out the APR or interest rate of the new card; if the interest rate it too high don't transferthe debt.2. Ask if you will be charged a fee for transferring your balance; if there is a charge shoparound for another credit card.3. Find out what the guidelines are for the new card. Don't get a new card that charges late fees,annual fees or over the limit fees or increases the interest rate if you make a late payment.4. Find out how long the balance transfer will take and make sure you continue to makepayments on the old account until the transfer is complete.5. Check your monthly statement to verify that your old credit card company is reporting yourbalance as zero. But don't be tempted to charge on the old account.6. Check your monthly statement on your new credit card to verify the balance is reportedcorrectly. If not, write a letter to have your account balance updated.7. Some companies offer transfer checks that can be used to transfer balances. Be aware thatsome companies charge a fee for using the transfer checks so keep this in mind when adding upall the fees that can come along with transfer of an old balance to a new credit card.Closing an account and opening a new account affects your credit score in several ways. Tenpercent of your credit score considers new accounts, and your score may decrease as a result ofopening the new account. If you decide to close the old account, the account was in goodstanding and you had the account for several years, closing it could decrease your credit score.Since the total amount owed accounts for 30% of your credit score, your score may increasesince the balance you transfer will be reduced by the introductory rate special.Do your homework before transferring one credit card balance to another credit card. Also, ifyou know your credit score from each of the three major credit bureaus, call each bureau andask how transferring your balance to a new card will affect your score. Make a decision tobecome debt-free and pay your debt off faster by always paying more than the minimummonthly payment. Transferring a balance is relatively easy, but you must do research todetermine if the transfer will affect your credit score in a negative way.
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