INFLUENCE OF PRODUCT PLACEMENTS IN NETFLIX SERIES ON ACT OF PURCHASE OF FILIPINO AUDIENCES By: Cuevas, Daniela Joy L. Delfin, Andrea Nadine C. Salvador, Danne Beatriz A. Proposed Strategies
As the gathered data revealed, the most from the sample population agreed that Product Story Congruence and Perceived Influence of Product Function has a greater influence on the act of purchase of Filipino Audiences. However, the influence depends on the Market Segmentation Category, Sex, Civil Status, Monthly Income, Hours consumed in watching series online in weekly basis, Genre of online series being watched and Country of origin of the series being watched. With these in consideration, the researchers are proposing Product Placement strategies that could help marketers and advertising agencies to promote their products/brands. Objective: In order to enhance the Product Placement, the researchers developed strategies that will help the marketers and advertising agencies to improve the way they use product placement. Using an actor for product placement tends to influence the audience to buy the products that are placed in the Netflix Series. These strategies will allow the consumers to be more aware and familiar with the product they’re trying to promote. Goal: The goal of this strategy is to: to increase the influence of the actor towards the products being promoted via product placement, to create an impact on the act of purchase of the Filipino audiences due to the influence of the actor towards the products being promoted via product placement, and to boost product presence and sales through purchases and promotion caused by product placements on Netflix series and actor’s influence.
Title: ACT-TRO-TIONSHIP (Actor - Product - Relationship) Table 21 ACT-PRO-TIONSHIP (Actor - Product - Relationship) GOAL • To increase the influence of the actor towards the products being promoted via product placement. • To create an impact on the act of purchase of the Filipino audiences due to the influence of the actor towards the products being promoted via product placement. • To boost product presence and sales through purchases and promotion caused by product placements on Netflix series and actor’s influence. BENCHMARKS FOR SUCCESS • Increased actor’s influence towards the products. • Visible impact on the act of purchase of Filipino audiences due to the influence of the actor using the product. • Product’s presence and sales growth. EVALUATION PLAN • Conduct surveys that would measure the increased influence of actors towards the product through product placement on Netflix series. • Keep track of the product’s visibility and presence on multiple platforms. • Monitor sales performance of the product. STRATEGIC PARTY/DEPT DATE DUE DATE RESOURCES POTENTIAL DESIRED ACTION RESPONSIBLE TO REQUIRED HAZARDS OUTCOME DESCRIPTIONS BEGIN
(continuation of Table 21) Production Beginning End of the Actual Product Potential Increased actor’s Managers of the shooting for itself. hazards may be influence on the Companies that market the series. to audiences similar to Property/Props shooting Storyline that identified product. the study's respondents Department for the will enable the depending on series. what type of Growth on must be aware that Property/Props use of the products the product’s product placement on a Master product itself. series will be publicity and promoting. presence. series can take place verbally in addition to Higher probability of the actual product. Besides subtly Filipino audiences’ act of promoting the actual product, they can also purchase incorporate product towards the placement through the product. actors' dialogue. Compared to products that are just displayed on the screen, it is more likely to be noticed by viewers (Fossen, 2021). Ensure the product and Product/Company Pre- End of Actual product Potential Positive actor’s positive Representative shooting shooting for itself hazards may be feedback on the the series, or relationship of relationship with each Actor’s Publicist of the Publicity stunts identified the product and other. This could be a series. until the such as social depending on the actor itself. great way to introduce to contract media postings to what type of the public the influence between the showcase the products the Increased public of the actor towards the product's series will be awareness product. If a celebrity company and positive promoting. towards the relationship of and a brand are actor the product and relationship of associated directly, terminates. the perceptions toward the actor to the celebrity can affect the public or target aforementioned parties involved. endorsed brand, consumers.
(continuation of Table 21) Greater social product therefore any unfavorable information perception due to about the celebrity may the actor's good relationship with affect the endorsed brand (Cha et al., 2019). the product. Guarantee the actor’s Product/Company Pre- End of Actor’s past Potential Increased public credibility and image to Representative shooting shooting for projects together hazards may be awareness and the series, or with its feedback presence through ensure the product’s Actor’s Publicist of the to oversee his/her identified the influence of positive feedback as series. until the depending on well. Internalization is contract effectiveness what type of the actor’s the process by which between the when it comes to products the positive knowledge can affect product's series will be influence. beliefs, attitudes, views, company and endorsement. promoting. and/or behavior if it Heightened comes from a reliable actor Product’s full product image source - the endorser terminates. functions and due to the actor's (Friis-Jesperen, 2017) history to secure positive image as hiring the right well. actors. Develop a reliable image for the product due to the positive reputation of the actor. Evaluation Plan: Conduct surveys that would measure the increased influence of actors towards the product through product placement on Netflix series, keep track of the product’s visibility and presence on multiple platforms, and monitor sales performance of the product.
Title: STORY-TELLING Goal: The goal of this strategy is to: to ensure that the products are well-integrated in the story of the series to convey a much more effective use of the product, to utilize the use of the product to enable it to communicate the flow of the story itself, and to increase the product’s presence through the product placement that was done on Netflix series. Evaluation Plan: Conduct surveys that would measure the increased influence of actors towards the product through product placement on Netflix series keep track of the product’s visibility and presence on multiple platforms and, monitor sales performance of the product. Table 22 STORY-TELLING GOAL • To ensure that the products are well-integrated in the story of the series to convey a much more effective use of the product. • To utilize the use of the product to enable it to communicate the flow of the story itself. • To increase the product’s presence through the product placement that was done on Netflix series. BENCHMARKS FOR SUCCESS • Increased product’s influence on the story and vice versa. • Visible impact on the act of purchase of Filipino audiences due to the corroboration of the product and the story. • Product’s presence and sales growth. EVALUATION PLAN • Conduct surveys that would measure the increased influence of product towards the story and vice versa through product placement on Netflix series.
(continuation of Table 22) • Keep track of the product’s visibility and presence on multiple platforms. • Monitor sales performance of the product. STRATEGIC PARTY/DEPT DATE DUE RESOURCES POTENTIAL DESIRED ACTION RESPONSIBLE TO DATE REQUIRED HAZARDS OUTCOME DESCRIPTIONS BEGIN Ensuring the product’s Property/Props Department Beginning End of Product itself. Potential More brand long exposure on the Property/Props Master of the shooting hazards may be awareness and Scriptwriter/Director for the Storyline that series. With some shooting series. will enable the identified increased acknowledgment of Property/Props Department for the long exposure depending on product diminishing returns, Property/Props Master series. End of of the product what type of presence will longer advertising is Scriptwriter/Director shooting products the further lead to remembered better Beginning itself. series will be customer’s because they offer of the of the promoting. patronizing the customers greater time series. Product itself. product itself. to recall, add branding shooting Potential and claims, tell stories, of the Storyline that hazards may be Target and attract attention series. will enable the consumers and (Varan et al., 2020). exposure of the identified audiences will product itself on depending on Placing the products on the heightened what type of more likely the scenes of the story products the remember the that are heightened or scenes. series will be product itself on the peak of the plot. promoting. Placement prominence is a multidimensional concept. The empirical results contribute to the theory and understanding of the effect of prominence on brand memory and
(continuation of Table 22) provide guidance to due to the brand managers in exposures. determining which Target prominence consumers and configuration is the audiences get to receive the most suitable for message being achieving their conveyed by promotional objective. (Song et al., 2022) the story through the Securing product’s Property/Props Department Beginning End of Product itself. Potential utilization of placement on repeated Property/Props Master of the shooting hazards may be the products. scenes or also known as Scriptwriter/Director Storyline that shooting of the will enable the identified mere exposure. of the series. mere exposure depending on Popularized by Robert series. of the product. what type of products the Zajonc’s landmark series will be 1968 study, the mere promoting. exposure effect refers to the way that people tend to have a more favorable view of things they’re familiar with as a result of repeated exposure to them. Even if their advertisements are only noticed briefly, brands still get value out of being noticed at all, according to Anthony Grimes, a senior lecturer in marketing at the University of
(continuation of Table 22) Sheffield who wrote his doctoral thesis on the mere exposure effect. (Koss, 2023)
Title: Lights, Camera, ACT-TION Goal: The goal of this strategy is to: to engrave the product function on the target audiences and customers’ minds in order to increase brand awareness, to help the target consumers understand the functional value of the product presented in the series, and to show the target audiences the products with superior functional performance that are placed on the series. Table 23 LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACT-TION GOAL • To engrave the product function on the target audiences and customers’ minds in order to increase brand awareness. • To help the target consumers understand the functional value of the product presented in the series. • To show the target audiences the products with superior functional performance that are placed on the series. BENCHMARKS FOR SUCCESS • Visible impact on the act of purchase of Filipino audiences due to the product function presented in the series. • Instilled product function to the target audiences’ memory. • Increased brand presence and sales growth. EVALUATION PLAN • Conduct surveys that would measure the increased awareness of the target audience or consumer towards the product function presented in the series. • Keep track of the product’s visibility and presence on multiple platforms. • Monitor sales performance of the product.
(continuation of Table 23) PARTY/DEPT DATE DUE RESOURCES POTENTIAL DESIRED RESPONSIBLE TO DATE REQUIRED HAZARDS OUTCOME STRATEGIC ACTION BEGIN DESCRIPTIONS The product will be Property/Props Department Beginning End of Product itself. Potential The target placed in a location Property/Props Master of the shooting hazards may be audiences are wherein the function of Scriptwriter/Director for the Storyline that more likely to shooting series. will enable the identified purchase the the product is for the success of this depending on product since it dependent on the series. what type of setting. With this strategy. products the allows the tactic, the product's series will be consumers to be functionality will be enticed with how prominently displayed promoting. given its environment. effective the The consumers will be product is within able to see how it works within the the setting. setting of the story. Higher involvement is Given that the actual purpose of required to view a movie than for the product is seen within the viewing television. However, single setting, placement of consumers are more likely to the brand within the purchase the movie influenced product. implicit memory and the implicit choice In order to persuade the task. To gain audience to greater audience purchase the recognition, the brand products, this needs to be used by the strategy will concentrate on
(continuation of Table 23) main character or how a product needs to play a will portray its role in the unfolding quality, story. That is, reliability, effectiveness, prominence and plot and functionality connection are through placing it in a setting important. (Williams, which is meant K. et. al., 2011) for it to be used. Let the actors utilize Property/Props Department Beginning End of Product itself. Potential The product will the product as long as of the shooting hazards may be be instilled in the Property/Props Master for the Storyline that target audiences’ possible and as Scriptwriter/Director shooting series. will enable the identified minds and will frequently as possible for the success of this depending on to instill the product series. what type of more likely function to the target strategy. products the remember its series will be consumers and/or functions. audiences. There are promoting. This product competing function explanations for why longer advertisements exposure could are remembered better, lead to the target such as more time to audiences memorize, add purchasing the branding and claims, product after tell stories, and get attention, with some seeing how acknowledgment of useful it could diminishing returns. (Varan et al., 2020) be.
(continuation of Table 23) Utilize the use of the Property/Props Department Beginning End of Product itself. Potential It will be easier product on the scenes Property/Props Master of the shooting hazards may be for the audience that will most likely be Scriptwriter/Director for the Storyline that remembered such as shooting series. will enable the identified or target the heightened scenes. for the success of this depending on consumers to The empirical results series. what type of remember the contribute to the theory strategy. products the product and will and understanding of series will be encourage them the effect of promoting. to try and prominence on brand purchase it if the memory and provide company will guidance to brand show them the managers in actual purpose or function of the determining which prominence product by including it on configuration is the parts of the series most suitable for that serve as the achieving their highlight of the promotional objective. story. (Song et al., 2022) Evaluation Plan: Conduct surveys that would measure the increased influence of actors towards the product through product placement on Netflix series, keep track of the product’s visibility and presence on multiple platforms and monitor sales performance of the product.
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