Pandor’s Awards LIMS ExpressPlans Time Simplified Tests Issue 4 | 2014 | Vol.33 | No.4 S33LMSty years LABORATORY MARKETING SPECTRUM e r ving the laboratory comm u n i
LMS Issue 4 | 2014 | Vol.33 | No.4 © Copyright LMS 2014 EDITORIAL LABORATORY MARKETING SPECTRUM MANAGING EDITOR: Tennille Aron Cell: 073-995-5599 [email protected] SUB EDITOR: Gill Abrahams LAYOUT & DESIGN: Allison McCallum Page 18 Page ADVERTISING 45Page ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE 22 Dorcas Chauke - Cell: 073-633-3111 [email protected] Page 44 DISTRIBUTION & SUBSCRIPTIONS Petro Cunning - Tel: 011-217-3222 [email protected] Update your details here: Email: [email protected] or visit: Page 36 PUBLISHING TEAM4 Under the Microscope 30 Liquid Handling/ GENERAL MANAGER: Dev Naidoo DST Accelerated to Analysis PUBLISHING MANAGER: Johann Gerber the Next Level Pump up the Lab [email protected] Count on it! PRODUCTION MANAGER: Angela Silver6 News ART DIRECTOR: David Kyslinger And the NSTF -BHP Billiton 36 Medical Lab Award Winner is.... Diagnostics CONTACT Click, Click - Update12 Diary Head Office: New Media House, The latest events and 38 19 Bree Street, Cape Town 8001 happenings in the lab world Rapid Testing Postal Address: PO Box 440, Green Point, Ready, Steady … GO! Cape Town 805114 Biotechnology & T +27 (0)21-417-1111 F +27 (0)21-417-1112 Pharmaceuticals 42 Thermal Analysis E [email protected] Three Lasers Hypenated Solutions Johannesburg Office: 5 Protea Place, Third Floor, Sandton, Johannesburg 2146 Analysing Dissolution Media 45 Product Review Postal Address: PO Box 784698, Sandton, Be Cool Johannesburg 214622 Education & Research T +27 (0)11-217-3210 F +27 (0)11-217-3209 Precision Analysis 47 Product Directory Comprehensive list of lab Keeping Museum Specimens products offered by suppliers DIRECTORS Fresh 53 Company Directory EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS:28 LIMS Solutions Comprehensive list of John Psillos & Irna van Zyl LabInfo Transforms the PPECB’s company contact details MANAGING DIRECTOR: Bridget McCarney Laboratory Processes PRINTING A Nu Lab Management Solution Printed and Bound by Paarlmedia COVER PRICE LMS Per Issue R34.20 VAT Incl. Unless previously agreed in writing, LMS owns all rights to all contributions, whether image or text. SOURCES: Shutterstock, supplied images, editorial staff. While precautions have been taken to ensure the accuracy of its contents and information given to readers, neither the editor, publisher, or its agents can accept responsibility for damages or injury which may arise therefrom. All rights reserved. © LMS. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, photocopying, electronic, mechanical or otherwise without the prior written permission of the copyright owners. Advion, Inc.: A leader of Mass Spectrometers and Micro Fluid Systems Advion Expression CMS Compact, fast, easy and affordable high performance mass spectrometry ideal for chemistsOffice: +27 11 804 3503cell: +27 78 342 3354 | fax: +27 86 719 2778email: [email protected] | P.O. Box 773, Gallo Manor, 2052, South Africa
4 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Under the microscopeDST Accelerated to the Next Level Editor’s NoteProfile of Minister Naledi Pandor While most of SA spent the lastFull Name: Naledi Grace Mandisa Pandor month glued to their TV screens anxiously awaiting Klose’s his-Date of Birth: 07 December 1953 toric 16th goal, I was scouring the internet with a few goals ofBirth Place: Durban, KwaZulu- Natal my own. My aim was to find out whether science and soccer everQualifications: Master of Education - University of London crossed paths, and imagine my surprise when my proverbial ball Master of Arts: General Linguistics - University of Stellenbosch hit the back of the net. Bachelor of Arts - University of Botswana My primary school teacher was not joking when she saidCurrent Position: Minister of Science and Technology science is everywhere, even in the design process behind thePrevious Positions: Minister of Home Affairs 2012 - 2014 Soccer World Cup ball. In fact Minster of Science and Technology 2009 - 2012 the creating of the official world Minister of Education 2004 - 2009 cup ball employs more science than I could imagine. Adidas’On the 7th May 2014, SA held its fifth was also highlighted in the Minister’s All Systems Go! Brazuca (the official ball of the democratic election and just a address with emphasis being placed 2014 World Cup) was createdfew weeks later, the newly re-elected on the DST finding innovative ways in Since Minister Pandor took up her with six polyurethane panels asPresident Jacob Zuma announced his which to implement aspects of this plan position at the DST, she has already been opposed to Jabulani (the officialCabinet for his next term of office. in their department. In order to achieve involved in a number of key events in ball of the 2010 World Cup),His announcement brought about a this, ‘the DST and its entities will place the science industry. Just two days after which was created with eightmajor reshuffle in government, with the great emphasis on overcoming the the announcement of her new position, panels. Having received extensivereassigning of former Minister of Science challenges of the science, technology she attended the 42nd Carnegie Group criticism for Jabulani’s unpre-and Technology, Derek Hanekom, to and innovation sector, including human Meeting in London – a meeting that dictable movement, Brazucathe position of Minister of Tourism. The capital development and the continuous consists of science ministers from the G8 was scientifically designed withDepartment of Science and Technology modernisation of scientific infrastructure countries meeting to discuss issues sur- fewer panels to increase ball grip(DST) welcomed Minister Grace Naledi such as laboratories so that they can rounding science policy on matters such and aerodynamics. Brazuca wasMandisa Pandor, who will assume unlock the potential of science, tech- as global security, energy, sustainable also designed and tested over aHanekom’s former position as the new nology and innovation, and therefore development, species preservation and two year period to achieve theMinister of Science and Technology. It contribute to economic growth,’ which world health. ultimate ball design. Now, thathas only been two months since her is in line with the NDP. sounds like a longitudinal study.appointment and already the Durban- More recently, Minister Pandor wasborn Minister is making waves in the The Minister also announced that also involved in launching the new So, the next time GermanySouth African science community. the DST would be working towards Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) scores, remember that science has pursuing an African agenda under her facility in Gauteng at the iThemba Labo- just as much to do with getting On the 25th May, Minister Pandor leadership. At the top of this agenda, ratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences the ball in the back of the net asresumed her role as Minister of Science would be continuing their collaborative (iThemba LABS). AMS is an analytical Klose’s foot.and Technology, after having served as work on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) technique whereby ions are acceleratedMinister of Home Affairs for two years. radio telescope, which was an exciting to very high kinetic energies before mass Tennille AronWhile 60-year-old Pandor is certainly not project initiated during former Minister analysis. This technique is used in the Editornew to the DST, having served as the Hanekom’s time at the DST. This project radiocarbon dating of artefacts as wellMinister of Science and Technology in has already succeeded in producing the as in biomedical research, specifically inPresident Zuma’s first Cabinet from 2009 MeerKAT telescope, which was created Alzheimer and cancer research.until 2012, she is returning to a very ‘dif- in SA as a precursor to the SKA telescope.ferent’ department than when she left. The opening of this laboratory is aNevertheless, Minister Pandor has already The minister also aims to further historic event for SA as the facility is notstarted off her term on an enthusiastic promote science, technology and inno- only one of its kind in this country, butnote by setting specific goals for both vation as areas of study and possible also in Africa. This is a giant step forwardher and the department. Her first media careers. She stressed that there is a need for SA with regards to accelerator-basedaddress took place on the 4th June and to create more careers for skilled young research and the science industry.Minister Pandor took this opportunity to researchers, particularly for womenhighlight some of the aspects that the scientists. In her short time at the DST, the Min-DST would be focusing on going forward. ister has already taken a very hands-onSome of the main focus points will In her address, Minister Pandor also approach to managing the South Africaninclude: ‘skills development, knowledge announced that given the success of science industry, which, in this dynamicgeneration and exploitation, provision of the first Science, Technology and Inno- area, is required. In their statement, theand access to research and development vation Summit held in 2013, she would DST said that they were also lookinginfrastructure, and the advancement be hosting a second summit later in the forward to being inspired by Ministerof international cooperation in science, year. This summit would give the science Pandor’s passion for science and inno-technology and innovation in Africa and community a chance to discuss the state vation – a passion that already appears tothe rest of the world.’ of science and technology in the country be shining through. Combining Minister and provide them with an opportunity Pandor’s dedication and the remarkable The National Development Plan (NDP) to discuss how to further promote and projects planned, it is going to be a nurture this industry. very successful term for the science industry. ⚛
6 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 News | International & LocalHach - Moving On UpAfter 15 years in Kya Sands in Johannesburg, the Hach SA family has found a new home in Fancourt Office Park. Their new office, whichis conveniently situated just off Northumberland Drive, provides easy,safe and convenient access to all visitors. On the 1st June 2014, the Hach SA team officially moved into their new400m2 premises, which boasts an open plan sales office and a labo-ratory for all practical training and applicationdevelopment that needs to be done. Management and staff at Hach SA agree thattheir new location will provide easier accessibilityfor their clients as well as their distributors whoattend ongoing product training sessions at thepremises. With the move of the company, Hach SApart of the Danaher group, still maintains theirproduct portfolio. The core of their businessis the water, food andbeverages and powerand mining indus-tries, which includesa range of test kits andreagents for testing thequality of water andaqueous solutionswith products for lab,process and field. ⚛And the NSTF - BHP Billiton Award Winner is....On Thursday, 3rd July 2014, the 16th annual National Science and engineering, technology and innovation evening were presented by the new Min- Keertan Dheda - Award for an out-Technology Forum (NSTF) - BHP Billiton as well as to promote and encourage ister of Science and Technology, Naledi standing contribution to SET throughAwards Gala Dinner was held in Gauteng. future science research and technological Pandor, who was also patron of the event. research and its outputs over the lastThis prestigious event, which celebrates advancement. In 2011, the NSTF partnered five to 10 years.the South African science community, with BHP Billiton to create the NSTF - BHP Some of the award winners ·· Professor Azwinndini Muronga -was held to announce and celebrate the Billiton Awards, which has proved to be a included: Award for an individual or a teamwinners of the 2013/14 NSTF - BHP Billiton great success. ·· Professor Eric Bateman - Award for an for an outstanding contribution toawards. science, engineering, technology and This year the gala dinner was held at outstanding contribution to science, innovation through communication Since 1998, the NSTF have hosted these Emperors Palace and attended by approxi- engineering and technology (SET) for outreach and creating awarenessawards to honour and reward science, mately 600 guests from throughout the over a lifetime. science community. The awards for the ·· Professor Lyn Wadley and Professor over the last five years. ⚛ Congratulations! Huge congratulations to Alex Wagner around the Wild Coast and is part of the from Wirsam Scientific & Precision World Series. Teams of four, cycle, trek and Equipment, and Team Olympus who kayak on an unmarked route through the finished in 6th place overall at Expedition wilderness. This is a non-stop adventure Africa 2014 in May. Expedition Africa race on an epic course. Team Olympus was is a 500km expedition adventure race the second of all the SA teams. ⚛
8 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 News | International & LocalCabinets Find a New Home Metrohm Extends into DurbanEsco Technologies (Pty) Ltd was awarded a tender through the including ANSI-ASHRAE 110 -1995.University of Pretoria for the instal- Leading edge computational fluidlation of 94 fume cabinets as part of an dynamics software is used to visualiseupgrade of the Chemistry Department. and analyse the airflow pattern in the ducted cabinet, producing an optimum The project runs over a 10-month product with effective airflow design.period. Esco customised the popularFrontier Duo model to offer an auxiliary Esco Global designs and manufac-air module, full stainless steel 316 fin- tures fume hoods for the most deishes and distillation grids. Esco Fume manding applications, ranging fromHoods are certified to comply with basic units to application-specific fumethe stringent international standards hoods such as Perchloric acid, acid digestion and radio-isotopes. ⚛ Metrohm SA is pleased to announce training courses. The building is ideally that it has acquired its own located in the Westway Office Park, premises in Westville Durban. opposite the Pavilion shopping centre, which allows both staff and customers The Durban branch has experienced quick access to the building. fantastic growth over the last few years and in order to keep pace with Metrohm would like to thanks their the growing market, the company has customers for their loyal support over decided to invest in bigger premises. the years, which has made this acqui- In addition to housing fully-equipped sition possible. service and laboratory facilities, the premises has a fully equipped conference They also look forward to welcoming room for seminars and customised their customers to the official opening later this year. ⚛More Coal in Wirsam’s StockingChangsha Kaiyuan Instruments Co. Ltd (CKIC) and Rigaku hosted a The first part of the seminar, hosted From left to right: Vicky Wagner (GM, Wirsam), George van der Walt (Productone-day Coal Seminar in association by Susan Wang Overseas Director of Manager, Wirsam), Susan Wang (Overseas Director, CKIC), Clyde Porter (Branchwith Wirsam Scientific & Precision CKIC, brought the delegates up-to-dateEquipment (Pty) Ltd on 15 May 2014 at on some of the latest developments in Manager, CT), Justin Chen (Account Manager, CKIC)the Protea Hotel Highveld in Witbank. coal quality control. The second part was hosted by Laura Oelofse, the Global XRF More than 34 delegates from various Product Marketing Manager for Rigaku,coal sectors participated in this seminar. and addressed the aspects of coalThis seminar was unique and a first of its analysis for P and S on XRF. Justin Chenkind in SA. Mrs Vicky Wagner, General the Account Manager for CKIC discussedManager of Wirsam Scientific, presided sampling preparation and analysis.over the programme and said, “Thisseminar will help the coal industry meet The seminar was a great success andthe emerging challenges.” updated the coal industry with the latest developments in coal quality control. ⚛
10 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 News | International & LocalIt’s All About Fusion Cuisine INTEGRA Wins AgainLabotec teambuilding took up a INTEGRA Biosciences has received different challenge this year with complicated than usual. Fortunately, they a Red Dot Design Award for its Following the award announcement, the took to the challenge with gusto and innovative Viaflo Assist. This is a new Viaflo will be put on display in the Red laboratory device that, in combination Dot Design Museum in Essen, Germany.the staff being lured out of their offices enthusiasm, which was further enhanced with the Viaflo II electronic handheld “Handheld pipettingwith the promise of delicious food. The by the lovely surroundings of Bundu pipette, enables the requires practice to pipette’s protocols to be achieve steadytwist was that they had to create and Kitchen in Chartwell. performed automatically. reproducible With its origins dating pipetting results,”cook it themselves. Labotec Staff had to In addition to the teambuilding back to 1955, the Red said Juerg Dot Design Awardproduce a delicious fusion of Afro-Euro activities, top performers at Labotec ranks among the Bass, Marketing and Communications most renowned Manager for INTEGRA. “Typicalcuisine in a Masterchef style competition. were rewarded for their performances design parameters influencing competitions in performance are tipThis took most of the staff out of their over the past year, with the prize for the world. immersion depth and pipetting angle.comfort zones since the suggested menu sales person of the year being awarded INTEGRA received Its automated the prestigious Red Dot Design Award pipetting capabilityto be created was significantly more to Natasha Malan. ⚛ for the innovative design and function of the Viaflo Assist pipetting assistant, which ensures that these parameters are alwaysLabotec team enjoying their teambuilding event at Bundu Kitchen, Chartwell reduces the need for traditional handheld the same, resulting in increased repro- pipetting to a minimum, relieving lab ducibility. This prestigious design award personnel from activities that may cause underlines how INTEGRA strives to provide repetitive stress injuries. ergonomic laboratory tools to customers that help improve the ease with which The instrument met the Red Dot they can undertake their working practices Design Award jury’s criteria of degree of and also increase productivity.” innovation, functionality, formal quality, ergonomics, durability, symbolic and The Assist works with all Viaflo II multi emotional content, product periphery, channel pipettes enabling precision self-explanatory quality and ecological pipetting throughout the volume range of compatibility. Some 4815 products were 0.5 - 1250µl. To use the instrument, simply submitted in 23 main categories and mount a Viaflo II electronic pipette onto have been evaluated by the international the pipette adapter, choose a protocol jury comprising 40 renowned designers. and press the run button. Viaflo Assist will then obtain the protocol by Bluetooth from the Viaflo II electronic pipette and automatically execute it. ⚛Esco and Basan Host First Joint ForumsJohannesburg-based Esco Technol- ogies (Pty) Ltd and Basan, with offered presentations by international to gain insight into the latest thinking, pharmaceutical industries attended.complementary product lines, joined and local specialists on the various topics trends and technology in controlled Country Manager of Esco, Sonjaforces and hosted two forums in Cape related to biological and chemical con- environment management. A total of 135Town and Johannesburg (Midrand). tainment solutions, process upgrades guests involved in production, quality Strydom said, “It was an honour to plough and validation methods. assurance, procurement and all aspects back to the companies who support our These forums ran over two days and of operations from biotechnology and Industry and we look forward to host This unique event was an opportunity many more of these events in future.” ⚛Attendees at the forum enjoying one of the presentations Neal Horobin, Engineering Manager, Esco UK with Sonja Strydom, Esco SA
Specialising in: diIsnroywdoanutiran?glabChromatography Consulting, ● S ave time and improve accuracy Maintenance and in the lab with powerful Supply of Laboratory reporting and instrumentConsumables and Equipment integration capabilities. Tel: +27 11 476-8065 ● E njoy quick and easy access Fax: +27 11 478-3489 from any smart device with a web Cell: 082 789 6923 browser. Web: Email: [email protected] ● Traceability and access control functions support your regulatory requirements. ● Ensure maximum system uptime with built-in remote support and data backup facilities. ● Cost-effective customisation to suit your needs. Versatile, affordable LIMS 011·792·1094 [email protected] I’d like to LMS is the informative journal to the general laboratory industry with a genuine news section. Actively edited to appeal to senior * This option will allow us to send you LMS as well as information relevant to your industry.keep getting managers, specifiers, buyers and lab personnel in general, LMS is distributed to labs across the spectrum, including Industrial, Analytical, Testing and QA, Mining, Pharmaceuticals, Engineering, Municipalities and Research Institutes. this title We’d like to continue sending you FREE copies, but we need to confirm your details. Fax this card to 086-732-7121 or mail to: LMS, Box 784698, Sandton 2146, South Africa ü Dr/Mr/Ms: ........................ Surname: .......................................................................Name: ............................................................. FREE Company Name:......................................................................................................Designation / Position: .................................... Postal Address: ............................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................. Post Code:. ....................... Tel No (essential): (....................) ................................................ Email Address: ............................................................................ Please remove me from your mailing list (PLEASE NOTE, ticking this box will result in you NO LONGER RECEIVING LMS).
12 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 News | Benchtop BitesDiaryMetrohm SA Seminars28-30 July: Africa Corrosion conference (CSIR)31 July: Metrohm Autolab seminar/ Nova workshop (Woodmead)1 August: Metrohm Autolab seminar/ Nova workshop (UCT)16-18 September: Lab Africa, stand #10 (Cape Town)6-8 October: Wastecon Expo, stand M4 (Cape Town)10 October: Oktoberfest and General seminar (Woodmead)14 October: Oktoberfest and General seminar (Durban)17 October: Oktoberfest and General seminar (Cape Town)Email [email protected] for more info. Test-Tube TidbitsLab Africa 2014 Get the full stories at www.lmsmagazine.comLab Africa will be taking place in Cape Town this year. The Cape Townexhibition will be from the 16-18 September 2014 at the Good Hope Centre « Allergic ReactionsVisit for more info. Scientists at EPFL have developed a novel test that can detect the exact protein,MTCE 2014Microsep will be hosting their Technology Conference and Exhibition at the which causes an allergic reaction in a person. The researchers documented theirBirchwood Hotel and Conference Centre in Boksburg, Johannesburg fromthe 29-31 July 2014. findings in the prestigious journal Analytical Chemistry. This highly sensitive methodVisit for more info. ⚛ uses a patient’s IgE to determine the specific protein in a substance, which induces the allergic response. « Adding Checks Marcia McNutt, Editor-in-chief at the prestigious journal Science, recently announced that the journal would be adding an extra round of statistical checks to its current peer-review process. The additional checks are to ensure that the publication produces research that is accurate and reproducible, so that mistakes in data analysis can be avoided. « Different Methods, Different Stem Cells Scientists at UC San Diego School of Medicine, Oregon Health & Science University and Salk Institute for Biological Studies recently showed that different methods for creating stem cells produce different stem cells. They found that the current methods, somatic cell nuclear transfer and induced pluripotent stem cells produce vastly varying products. ⚛ Sudoku The object of this puzzle is to insert numbers from 1-9 into the empty boxes to satisfy only one condition. • Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the digits 1 through 9 exactly once. Solutions to this Sudoku puzzle will be available on
14 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsAdvance Microbiological Control of ProductsSartorius Stedim Biotech, rep- is required prior to filtration. For sample is the ideal device and larger sample need to optimise their work flows and resented locally by Natsep, has volumes up to 100ml, the @filter 100 sizes could be easily filtered by the increase efficiency without compromis-launched the Microsart® @vance @filter 250. Marked graduations allow ing their level of safety. The Microsartproduct line, developed for micro- accurate sample volumes. @vance product lines not only save timebiological applications in the pharma- and labour costs but minimise the riskceutical and biotechnology industries. The Microsart @filter unit combined of secondary contamination, resultingThe @vance offers an intelligent and with the @media agar cassettes andfunctional design, enhanced safety and ready-to-use agar plates allows easy in advanced colony counting. ⚛more reliable results. transfer of the filter membrane directly onto the agar cassettes without the use National Separations The Microsart @filter unit is a ready- of forceps. Contact: Frances Renwickto-use, sterile filter unit that combines Tel: 011-553-2300a funnel and a gridded membrane The process of producing pharma- Email: [email protected], and can be disposed of in an ceuticals and bringing new drugs toenvironmentally friendly manner. No the market is becoming an increasinglysterilisation of any filtration equipment costly business. The pharmaceutical and biotech industries are driven by theHigh Quality Results - The Easy WayNear-infrared spectroscopy has calibration model for caffeine on the AN-NIR-008: Determination of coatings on nylon fibers by near- long been one of the most ver- NIRS XDS Rapid Content Analyzer lignin in wood pulp infrared spectroscopysatile analytical techniques as it can AN-NIR-010: Process monitoring in AN-NIR-007: Near-infrared analysis AN-NIR-004: Determination of addi-handle any sample matrix, requires a butyl acetate production stream using of polyols: process monitoring in rough tives in polymer pellets by near-infraredno sample preparation and provides near-infrared spectroscopy environments spectroscopyreal-time results for multiple param- AN-NIR-009: Determination of AN-NIR-006: Near-infrared analysis AN-NIR-003: Analysis of copolymereters at the push of a button. The latest hardwood/softwood content in wood of polyols levels in polymer pellets by near-applications are available for free from products by near-infrared spectroscopy AN-NIR-005: Determination of infrared AN-NIR-002: Nondestructive, single tablet analysis using the NIRS XDSThe latest applications are: RapidContent Analyzer AN-NIR-001: Determination of activeAN-NIR-018: NIR samples and ingredients in solid dosage forms usingcontent uniformity of samplesAN-NIR-017: NIR “predictive model” solid-state standard additions. ⚛for the release of pharmaceutical activeingredients from solid dosage forms Metrohm SAAN-NIR-016: NIRS for monitoring a Contact: Ravi Issarisingle-pot granulator Tel: 011-656-2686AN-NIR-014: Following the progress Email: [email protected] pharmaceutical mixing studies usingnear-infrared spectroscopyAN-NIR-011: Transferability of aAnalysing Dissolution MediaThe Electrolab Dissolution Media the dissolution bath. The Electrolab • Special nozzle design that allows the Preparator allows for the deaera- has a multi-function single hose for handling of surfactants like sodiumtion, preheating and precise dosing dispensing, aspiration, cleaning, rinsing lauryl sulphateof dissolution media. This instrument and drainage. It is also has an ergonomi-allows volumetric dispensing with cally designed nozzle with embedded • Programmable deaeration time andaccuracy better than ±1% as per USP and dispense switch for ease of operation. temperature for effective deaerationPh. Eur. It is a mobile unit that allows of different mediamedia filling in the test vessel within The Electrolab features: • Maintains media under vacuum at Wirsam Scientific • Volumetric dispensing with accuracy desired temperature while in idle Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 / better than ±1% as per USP and Ph. condition 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731 Eur. requirements Email: [email protected] • Easy access for manual cleaning of • User-friendly calibration and valida- vessel tank tion of media volumes • Automatic rinsing and cleaning cycle • Report printout • Virtually no dead volume • Batchwise dispensing and stores last • Programmable dispensing volumes 10 batch information of media from 200ml to 2l • Dispensing rate 900ml/min. ⚛
16 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsCelebrating 40 Years in Sterility TestingIn 2014, Steritest™ systems celebrate used for the safe, uniform transfer of The innovative hardware design and for product exposed to the environment. 40 years in sterility testing. drug samples from various packaging control software offers an easy-to-use, A pressure control system constantly Sterility testing is one of the most formats through the Steritest sterility intelligent system.crucial steps in pharmaceutical product testing devices. The Equinox pump and monitors the pressure inside both Sterit-release. False positives, false negatives, Steritest devices deliver sterility testing From a computer, standard operating est canisters ensuring that the systemequipment failure and human error can consistency and reliability. The develop- procedures (SOPs) can be developed and is running within acceptable pressurecost time, money and the product. ment of the Equinox pump is the result of then loaded onto the Equinox Pump. In limits at all times. An alarm informs the years of customer collaboration and com- automated mode, an analyst simply selects operator of any pressure increase above The Steritest Equinox pump is a munication as well as testing experience. the appropriate SOP for the sample to specifications. An external foot switchsoftware-controlled peristaltic pump test from the Equinox control panel. The operates the pump in either ‘continuous’ pump will then walk the analyst through or ‘two-way’ operation mode. each step, acting as a training guide, thereby supporting good manufactur- Ergonomically designed for easy oper- ing practices. The various steps in the ation and cleanability, the Equinox pump procedure, corresponding pump speed fits in both glove and half-suit isolators. and related information are displayed Its profile ensures perfect decontamina- on the control panel, improving repeat- tion inside isolators, eliminating the ability and reliability. Analysts can then risk of false-positives. Its unique design select either manual or automated mode. makes it easy to connect to an isolator In manual mode, the pump will prompt table during maintenance. The drain tray the analyst to enter data at each step of as and the 316l stainless steel surfaces of the procedure. the pump, pump head and bottle holder are easily cleaned using most standard Designed for use with Steritest EZ devices, the automatic pump head makes decontamination agents. ⚛ it easy to load and unload unit tubing without the risk of damaging the isolator Merck Millipore gloves. The pump is also equipped with Field Marketing Manager: Melanie May a precision ‘stop control’ for low volume Tel: 011-372-5027 sampling. A built-in timer enables ana- Email: [email protected] lysts to preset the time for the transfer of product into both canisters. This is critical Cool Off with the F SeriesJulabo’s F series of Compact Recir- stability ±0.5°C and the filling port for slits and permit placement right next to Labotec culating Coolers are ideal for simple the bath fluid is easily accessible. The one another or other laboratory units. Tel: 011-315 5434cooling tasks in laboratory. The smallest integrated display shows the fluid level Fax: 011-315-5882recirculating cooler of this new family, at a glance, while the compact, space- Thanks to their efficient, energy- Email: [email protected] F250, was technically upgraded to saving design permits flexible position- saving operation, the F series are idealprovide a wider temperature range from ing on or below laboratory benches. to replace cooling water and the price-10°C to +40°C. Like every Julabo instrument, the sides is just right, making the purchase of a of recirculating coolers have no venting Julabo F series Recirculating Cooler a The new F500 and F1000 recirculat-ing coolers feature even higher cooling cost-efficient investment. ⚛capacities and stronger integratedpumps. The pump of the F500 delivers24l/min at 0.5bars and the strongerpump of the F1000 delivers 23l/minat 1.0bar. These systems can be used in con-junction with rotary evaporators, bio-reactors/fermenters, Soxhlet apparatus,distillation systems, spectrometers,diffusion pumps, mass spectrometersand electron microscopes. All units of the F series featureimpressive product benefits. Set pointsare easily entered via a three-key controlpanel. Temperatures are easy to readfrom a distance on the large, brightLED display. The PID temperaturecontrol guarantees a temperature
18 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Biotechnology & PharmaceuticalsThree Lasers Flow cytometry is a technology used to measure and analyse the properties of cells as they flow in a stream of liquid through a laser. This technology is used to perform several procedures, including cell counting, biomarker detection, protein engineering and cell sorting. A flow cytometer allows one to analyse thousands of particles in real time, with the ability to separate specific particles. The guava easyCyte™ 12 flow cytometer uses three lasers (488, 642 and 405nm) to achieve up to 12 simultaneous detection parameters, including 10 fluorescent colours plus forward and side scatter. In the two and three laser systems, the lasers overlap spatially and are modulated out of phase at high frequency so that each particle is sampled many times as it travels through the overlapped beams. Modu- lation is particularly important for identifying dyes, which have overlap- ping emissions such PE-Cy7 (blue laser excitation) and APC-Cy7 (red laser excitation). Unlike spatially separated beams, modulation eliminates the need for time-delay calibration, simplifying the overall operation of the instrument. Their micro-capillary flow cytometry systems are simpler to operate and easier to maintain. They utilise small sample volumes, generate minimal waste and have lower operating costs. Thus, guava easyCyte™ flow cytometers are uniquely amenable to on-demand use in the laboratory and have helped many scientists achieve insightful cellular analysis since 1998.These cytometers provide the analytical power needed to expand research horizons. The easyCyte family also meets sample throughput needs by offering both single sample and multi-sample processing. The guava easyCyte HT instruments provide high throughput analysis with a robotic sample tray that automatically handles a 96-well microplate and up to 10 sample tubes. ⚛ Merck Millipore Field Marketing Manager: Adele Heath Tel: 011-372-5129 Email: [email protected]
Biotech & Pharma 19LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Be Confident in your ResultsFor biopharmaceutical organisations address regulatory requirements. challenged to deploy high-reso- At the heart of this platform is thelution analytics across the innovativebiotherapeutic or biosimilar devel- UNIFI Scientific Information System,opment process, Waters’ Biophar- which is the first software to mergemaceutical Platform Solution with LC and MS data in a single solutionUNIFI® integrates robust UPLC/MS that encompasses data processing, visu-characterisation technology with com- alisation, and reporting and configu-prehensive software for applications rable compliance tools. The GlycoBasein bioseparations, intact protein mass database of glucose unit values is nowanalysis, peptide mapping and released integrated as a library within UNIFI. Theglycan analysis. platform supports a mix of quadrupole time-of-flight MS and optical detection The platform enables a laboratory to instruments within a networked labora-comprehensively acquire process and tory LC and MS characterisationdata throughout a biotherapeutic’s The ability to deploy UNIFI-baseddevelopment lifecycle. From biosepara- systems within regulated or non-tions to LC/MS characterisation, the regulated laboratories provides com-Biopharmaceutical Platform Solution panies the flexibility to employ highprovides detailed workflows that enable resolution UPLC bioseparations andresults to be readily shared from dis-covery to development to GxP quality high performance mass analysis. ⚛control laboratories. Microsep The platform increases confidence Contact: Louis van Huyssteenin the results - confidence that one has Tel: 011-553‑2300obtained the best results for develop- Email: [email protected] decisions, and confidence thatone has the information necessary toElectrolab 14The most effective and perfect tool • Complies with USP, IP, Ph. Eur. for R&D, QC and BE studies specificationsis the Electrolab 14 place dissolutiontester. According to the South African • Supports USP I, USP II, USP V andFDA regulations this tester should be USP VI test methodsused so that there is no need to makebio-availability studies again. • 20 programmable protocols • 24 programmable sampling intervals The dissolution tester includes tem-perature monitoring of all 14 vessels for each protocolwith motorised driving manifold and • Requirement for ANDA testsa tablet input device as an option. Oneof the most advanced dissolution testers • Requirement for bio-waivers. ⚛for the pharmaceutical industry today, italso facilitates online/offline automation. Wirsam Scientific Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /Additional features include: 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731 Email: [email protected]• Time saving tool for S1, S2, S3
20 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Biotechnology & Pharmaceuticals Real Time - Real ResultsThe technology everybody was system within IP 65/NEMA 4 compli- temperature control system and compo- Anatech Instruments waiting for is here. Instant ant enclosure for WFI and Purified nents are able to support input sample Contact: Hein VenterBioScan’s Rea l-Time Monitoring Water installations. This thermoelectric temperatures up to 90°C. Tel: 011-462‑6776Systems™ detect and quantify micro- Email: [email protected] in purified water, water for The RMS-UM portable analyserinjection instantly and continuously. combines automated continuous onlineThe RMS systems are non-growth monitoring capabilities with the flex-based real time microbial and inert ibility of single sample processing.particle monitoring systems for aqueous This system has an optional batteryproducts. This is a direct detection power supply, HEPA filtration and istechnology and requires no reagents, able to connect directly to point of usechemicals, stains or secondary process-ing of samples. sampling ports and WFI hoses. The RMS OperatingTwo systems are available: Software is CFR 21 Part 11 RMS-ON90 is used for online con compliant, ethernet and WIFItinuous monitoring of bioburden in capable, and has SCADA con-water systems. It is also a fully automated nectivity via Modbus communica- tion protocol for immediate control of water for production systems. ⚛Perfect Dosing with Quantos Illuminating SpecimensMettler Toledo’s Quantos dispens- ing modules for powder and dispense the required amount of powder. Using the liquid module with theliquid can be added to all XPE analytical XPE balance allows one to prepare thebalances. The Quantos® powder (Q2) solution in any target container, onlyand liquid (QLB) dispensing modules make up the required solution necessarycan be retro-fitted to the XPE Excel- and eliminate the need for volumetriclence series analytical balances. flasks or weighing papers, which sup-The addition of automated powder ports Green Chemistry initiatives.and liquid dispensing functionality to Out-of-specification results requirethe balance allows the easy preparation resources and time to resolve. Automat-of samples and standards, eliminates ing the solution preparation process sig-weighing and dilution errors, and sim- nificantly reduces these sources of errorplifies the weighing of toxic substances. and the risk of these results. ⚛Both modules can be added to thebalance to dispense powders and liquidsto a required target weight or concentra- Weiss Umwelttechnik GmbH has enlarged its product port-tion with just a touch of a button. Bal- Microsep folio with the new Pharma 250-L. area is achieved.ances can still be used manually with Contact: Sandra Reid The Pharma 250-L photostability test This system can be equipped withthese modules present to weigh sub- Tel: 011-553‑2300 cabinet is characterised by an idealstances that are not suited to automated Email: [email protected] light, UV, temperature and humidity corresponding light and UV sensors,dispensing. The Q2 can automatically distribution and hence guarantees so that light and UV integration can absolutely reproducible light, UV and be displayed both graphically and climate conditions. The lighting instal- numerically. By upgrading of the lations used correspond to the ICH system, entering the target values is guideline Q1B Option 2 and permit possible both in Lux hours and in Wh/ photostability tests to be carried out m². Moreover, warning and alarm limit within less than 100 hours. values can be specified for all param- eters. The required relative air humid- One of the most important require- ity is generated with a patented steam ments with regard to photostability humidification system (sterile steam testing is the homogeneous illumina- system) in which the water introduced tion of the specimens. Due to this, the into the system is sterile evaporated at distance to the source of the light is constant throughout the entire storage 140°C. ⚛ area. In addition, the inhomogeneous emission of light by fluorescent tubes is Labotec balanced by special patented light and Tel: 011-315-5434 UV filter systems, therefore homoge- Fax: 011-315-5882 neous illumination of the entire storage Email: [email protected]
22 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Education & ResearchEverything You Need To Know About MSSince the development of alu- chromatography (LC), thin layer chro- Many sophisticated, affordable avoided regardless of the LC-MS minium oxide for adsorption matography, gas chromatography (GC) systems are available for various appli- technique.chromatography in 1904, Merck Mil- or inductively coupled plasma. cations, including quantification andlipore has offered chromatography Of these LC-MS is the most The compendium also includesproducts of excep- prevalent qualification analyses. various current topics, such as:tional, application- • Solvent purity and MS sensitivityoriented quality. method, and Tips for MS • Dirty sample analysisNow, they have con- usually the • Column robustness and lifetimedensed over a century most sensitive. The choice of an • Sensitivity and column selectionof expertise into one compendium. MS setup, • Speed and sensitivity in GC-MSSolutions for Mass Spectrometry (MS) including • Bioanalysis and packed with essential information theabout this analytical field. Read on for Download at www.merckmillipore.a sample of what it offers. detector and source type, com/mass-spectrometry ⚛Mass spectrometry: depends onFull of possibilities the application Merck Millipore and the properties Field Marketing Manager: Gregory Deysel MS is a well-established detec- of the sample. Hence, Tel: 011-372-5023tion method that can be coupled to MS technologies can Email: [email protected] techniques, such as liquid differ from lab to lab. However,there are various typical problems that can be easily Balancing EducationStudent laboratories involve experi- one to define the correct gravitational These portable balances are battery effective for improving techniques and ments and research activities with acceleration according to location. The operated and ideal for field experiments practical skills but these mistakes cantasks such as weighing, preparing buffer internal adjustment offers the highest and for quick classroom setup. Learn- take their toll on equipment.ingredients and other chemical solu- possible measurement accuracy. ing from occasional mistakes may betions. These tasks require a precise and Therefore, a quality balance thatrobust balance that provides fast and performs well under varied conditionsreliable results. is not only just what students’ need, but it also gives laboratory technicians Mettler Toledo’s range of Edu- and administrators less to worry about.cational Line balances offer reliable Therefore, the Educational Line ismeasurement performance and easy indeed a source of confidence and peaceoperation. They have been specifically of mind for teachers, staff and studentstailored for the needs of classrooms,to make teaching and learning as easy alike. ⚛as possible. Microsep The Educational Line offers a broad Contact: Sandra Reidportfolio of analytical, precision and Tel: 011-553‑2300portable balances. Useful and easy-to- Email: [email protected] functions are built into thebalance, such as recall value and theunique Newton Factor, which allowsA Motorised Microscope that MattersThe New Olympus BX63 research & Z, the BX63 has been engineered to • Y-shaped frame for the ultimate in FL shutter, FL turret, observa- microscope can be configured with meet the most challenging life science stability tion method and illumination. Thean encoded motorised objective turret, research applications. controller can be detached from thean encoded motorised eight-position • Eight-position motorised f luores- microscope and placed by an acquisi-fluorescence filter turret, a motorised The BX63 features: cence turret with Fly’s Eye technol- tion computer to create a customisedattenuator wheel and a motorised ogy to ensure flat-field fluorescencecondenser. • The fixed stage (nose- illumination work environment. ⚛ piece focus) of the upright • A touch panel con- The BX63 can also be outfitted research micro- troller that manages Wirsam Scientificwith a motorised stage powered by an scope provides every motorised Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /ultrasonic motor with a drive resolu- precise control of component integrated 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731tion of 0.1µ. Controlled remotely by Z by separat- into the microscope Email: [email protected]® software or via the touch panel ing the focus • A hand controllercontroller that manages every motorised mechanism from the that operates finefeature of the microscope, including XY XY drive and coarse focus,
24 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Education & Research In Heavy WaterDeuterium oxide, also known as and pH, deuterium oxide and hydrogen the presence of deuterium oxide helps refractive indices may be used for con- heavy water, is used as a modera- oxide differ slightly in their chemical to ensure the primary coolant system of centration and purity measurementstor in nuclear power plants to maintain and physical properties. As they have a reactor is not leaking. of heavy water within the reactor asthe nuclear chain reaction. The purity different refractive indices, refractive well as for wastewater control in heavyand concentration of heavy water index measurement allows for fast and Heavy water analysis with water reactors.can be analysed with refractive index accurate determination of purity and Abbemat Refractometersmeasurement. concentration. Testing wastewater for The refractive indices of hydrogen Highly accurate determination of oxide and deuterium oxide differ byHeavy water in research approximately 0.004nD at 598.3nmand nuclear power plants wavelength. Heavy water is used in about 5% of all Anton Paar´s Abbemat refractom-nuclear reactors as a neutron moderator eters operate with an accuracy of upto maintain a nuclear chain reaction in to 2 * 10-5nD, allowing highly preciseheavy water reactors. Apart from that, it determination of deuterium oxideis used in research as solvent in nuclear concentrations in aqueous solutions asmagnetic resonance spectroscopy. accurate as 0.44%. ⚛ In heavy water, hydrogen is replacedby deuterium, a heavier isotope of Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltdhydrogen with an additional neutron Contact: Andre van Zylin its core. The name ‘heavy water’ Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7derives from approximately 11% higher Email: [email protected] of deuterium oxide comparedto hydrogen oxide. Except for density Determining Different Educating theSpecies of Compounds Microscopy MassesCoupling ion chromatography to an in several forms, particularly as elemen- The new Olympus CX22 microscope The CX22LED provides a long inductively coupled plasma mass tal mercury (Hg0), inorganic mercury provides a variety of benefits to service life and offers low power con-spectrometer (IC-ICP/MS) is a power- (Hg2+) and biologically active organic maximise ease of use. It is ideal for teach- sumption and natural colour tones.ful tool to determine different species mercury (methylmercury CH3Hg+). ing laboratories. Objectives and speci-of organic and inorganic compounds mens can be protected from any damage Both systems have the added benefitunambiguously in one single run. By introducing enriched isotopic of employing objectives, eyepieces andHowever, during sample preparation, species spikes into the analytical process, during focusing observation tubes that have all under-some of these species undergo inter- one can correct for and measure those gone anti-fungus treatment, whichconversion. These interconversions can interconversions to derive true concen- by a lock is of particular importance when thebe reliably monitored using speciated trations of the species. While arsenic in the upper stage microscopes are used in hot humidisotope dilution mass spectrometry compounds can be analysed without and significantly(SIDMS), a method recently described applying SIDMS, several commonly smoother operation EPA method 6800. used extraction techniques used for is achieved by On top of all these benefits, mercury speciation in biological samples utilising a wire- the Olympus CX22Monitoring interconversions (for example, tuna fish tissue as in EPA driven stage. The series has alsoto derive true 6800) are evaluated by applying both eyepieces, objectives been designed toconcentrations of species and condenser are all secured to deliver ongoing SIDMS and external calibration. ⚛ the microscope frame, performance, even Depending on the pH and the redox preventing the in harshpotential, chromium, for example, can Metrohm SA accidental loss environments andinterconvert bi-directionally between Contact: Ravi Issari or damage that under rigorousCr3+ and the highly toxic and carcino- Tel: 011-656-2686 could occur to use. The newgenic Cr6+. Similarly, mercury tends to Email: [email protected] the components microscopesundergo various transformations when if they were loose. providereleased into the environment. It is found exceptional The Olympus CX22 series includes both the CX22 and CX22LED micro- performance and usability. ⚛ scopes. The CX22 also utilises a halogen lamp, which enables easy Wirsam Scientific intensity adjustment and facilitates Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 / the observation of images with faithful 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731 colour reproduction. Email: [email protected]
26 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Education & ResearchConsistent ChromatographyWith an ever-increasing emphasis universities and technikons who place the best price/ be accommodated. The system can be also on the need to produce suitably emphasis on providing students with performance ratio ofskilled analysts and research scientists, high quality training instruments. this market segment. customised for anion or cation analysis. ⚛Metrohm is proud to release its latest In addition togeneration ion chromatography system. The 883 IC takes up very little tertiary institutions,The 883 BASIC IC plus is ideal for bench space, yet still includes all the this system is also same intelligent IC features of more suitable for routine Metrohm SA advanced professional IC’s. The system applications in the Contact: Ravi Issari is controlled by MagIC Net™ Basic, water, food and Tel: 011-656-2686 which is custom-written software by chemical industries. Email: [email protected] chemists for chemists, and enables analyses in the ppm range. In certain cases where multiple analyses The low running costs and the unique are required the 883 can be coupled to the 10-year warranty on the chemical sup- 863 Autosampler, where 36 samples can pressor results in the 883 IC havingKeeping Museum Specimens FreshMuseum specimens are frequently This makes it difficult to check many • Stores results and allows for print • EX certification (EX marking II 2 housed in industrial methylated jars containing smaller specimens such • Displays results in other measuringspirits at solution strength of 70% to as worms or spiders, which are housed G EX ib IIC T4) for alcohol checks80%. The alcohol concentration in in only 50 to 200ml of solution. unitsthe jars decreases considerably over in EX-protected zones. ⚛time due to evaporation. Too low The portable densityalcohol concentrations can result in meter DMA 35 features:fungal infestation of the specimens andosmotic fluctuations and allow bacteria • Automatically determines and dis-to flourish in the jars. These conditions plays result in % v/v alcoholmay also lead to degradation of thespecimen’s DNA. Thus, regular checks • Uses only 2ml of solutionon the percentage of alcohol in the jars • Requires less than a minute for aare essential. measurement, including filling and cleaningLooking after 200-year- Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltdold specimens Contact: Andre van Zyl Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7 Using a glass hydrometer to measure Email: [email protected] concentration is tedious, time-consuming and requires a minimumsample amount of 50ml. Precision AnalysisMilestone’s DMA-80 is a direct with traditional mercury techniques, Gas analysis for mercury content can The compressor features: mercury analyser that uses the such as CV-A AS, ICP-A ES or also be done with the use of the DMAprinciple of thermal decomposition, ICP-MS. 80 by using sorbent traps attached to • Lower running cost compared toamalgamation and atomic absorption. flow meters from any gas line. This oxygen tanksThe DMA-80 can analyse both solid The typical applications that the technique can also be used for environ-and liquid matrices with equal precision. DMA-80 is used for include environ- mental air analysis or samples. • Safety of 6 bars only mental, geochemical, petrochemical, • Reliability All mercury is released from the food and feed, clinical and polymer The DMA-80 Air Compressor is also • Silent runningsample through thermal decomposi- samples. available with the mercury analysers. • Mercury- and oil-free compressortion. This eliminates the need for any • Clean and dry airsample preparation and, subsequently,purchasing, handling and disposing • Easy to maintain. ⚛of hazardous chemicals. No samplepreparation is required, thus the typical Magna Analyticalbottleneck in the analytical laboratory Contact: Tjaart Willemseis eliminated. Tel: 011-892-4584 Email: [email protected] Therefore, analysis is reduced toonly five minutes per sample, and at afraction of the cost typically associated
28 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 LIMS SolutionsLabInfo Transforms the PPECB’s Laboratory ProcessesTechnology Systems Integration unnecessary paperwork. It uses internet Dr Dharmarai Naicker, the General for identified employees on how to use (TSI) recently implemented their technology and can be operated from any Manager: Laboratory at the PPECB, LabInfo. Their after-sales service isLabInfo laboratory information man- PC using a web browser. It comes with a explains further, “Central to our value excellent too and there is a maintenanceagement system (LIMS) for the Perish- number of functions to help laboratories proposition is our fast turnaround time plan in place that ensures any issues willable Products Export Control Board conform to regulatory requirements. and we pride ourselves on producing be addressed promptly, as downtime is(PPECB). TSI has been involved in results within 24 - 48 hours. To deliver something we cannot afford.”the support, development and integra- The PPECB is a parastatal, governed on this promise and further reduce leadtion of LIMS for more than 10 years. by the Agricultural Products and Stan- times, we felt the need to align with She summarises the benefits asLabInfo is a flexible and affordable dards Act, which certifies perishable advances in technology so that we could follows, greater efficiency, traceabilitysolution for managing information in products for export. A laboratory testing work more effectively and also reduce our and cost-effectiveness. “Turnaroundthe laboratory with a highly modular facility, based in Centurion, is one of its extensive manual paper trail.” and processing times have decreased andinstrument integration framework. service offerings. Products such as feed productivity has increased. LabInfo hasThis makes it straight forward to inter- and foods are tested for, inter alia, myco- Prior to installing the LIMS, the also ensured significant savings on paper.face with any instrument. It operates a toxins, moisture content and rancidity. A PPECB had been using Excel and Word TSI has been very forthcoming, address-multi-user database running on a central new service offering, due to start shortly, to manage its data and generate reports, ing our needs promptly and effectively.server, which enables multiple users to is testing for pesticide levels, which need a system that was becoming increasingly Going forward, we will continue towork on the same data, thus reducing to meet the legal requirements of both cumbersome. A number of different improve and expand the system to keep SA and the importing country. products were investigated before TSI’s pace with changing technology.” LabInfo solution was chosen. “We chose it for a number of reasons,” continues TSI’s Neill Rosenthal confirmed Naicker. “It’s cost-effective and, criti- that his company is delighted to have cally, it’s customisable, which meant that partnered with the PPECB. “We are it could be tailored to our specific needs.” looking forward to a long, mutually beneficial and rewarding relationship,” She has nothing but praise for TSI’s professionalism and service across the he says. ⚛ board. “They devised a project plan for the implementation and liaised Technology Systems Integration (Pty) Ltd effectively with our centralised ICT Contact: Neill Rosenthal department in Cape Town to make it Tel: 011-792-1094 happen. Everything went very smoothly Email: [email protected] from receipt all the way through to implementation. TSI provided trainingA Nu Lab Management SolutionWaters® Corporation has intro- “The NuGenesis Lab Manage- class, combining new improve- Mullen, Senior Product Marketing duced the NuGenesis Lab Man- ment System is more compre- ments with key existing Manager at Laboratory Managementagement System, an alternative to a tra- hensive than anything in its capabilities,” said Garrett Informatics at Waters (USA). “Itditional laboratory information man- readily adapts to existing informaticsagement system (LIMS) that enables environments, smoothly linking datadeeper insight into scientific challenges, from the lab to the business opera-accelerated decision-making, better tions of a company, so science-drivenbusiness results and compliance with organisations can see more, know moregovernment regulations. and do more.” The NuGenesis System offers high The NuGenesis system enablesimpact functionality with a high chemical, environmental, food anddegree of flexibility. New advancesinclude SampleShare, an optional, beverage, and pharmaceutical com-secure web client for sample panies to connect across theirsubmissions and results man- laboratory operations, and maxi-agement; Stability, a complete mise consistency and efficiencystability protocol management and across products.testing solution to facilitate a consis-tent regimented workflow across lab It facilitates compliance with regu-operations; Connectors, a bi-directional latory requirements such as the Foodlink between lab systems and businessapplications and Paradigm™ Scientific Safety Modernisation Act. ⚛Search. This management system isa user-centric platform that encom- Microseppasses a scientific data management Contact: Louis van Huyssteensystem, electronic laboratory notebook Tel: 011-553‑2300and laboratory execution system. Email: [email protected]
LIMS Solutions 29LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Data Management SimplifiedA Laboratory Information Management System(LIMS) is an information management system thatsupports the daily operations of a laboratory.Mettler Toledo’s LabX® instru- Microsep ment software allows one to Contact: Sandra Reidfully control measurements from any- Tel: 011-553‑2300where in the laboratory or office. LabX, Email: [email protected] smart software platform, comprisesseveral modules designed to accompanyMettler Toledo instrumentation andoffers complete instrument control,user-friendly data management, andintegration into LIMS. LabX software brings power to thelaboratory bench with automatic data-handling, high process security andfull SOP user guidance. LabX can beinstalled on a computer or server andcan be connected via Ethernet to avariety of instruments, such as precisionand analytical balances, density meters,refractometers, autotitrators, KarlFisher titrators, melting point instru-ments and Quantos dosing systems. Utilising the instrument’s touch-screen, LabX allows one to perform alltasks and locally manage applicationmethods, instruments, products anduser-rights on the instrument itselfeliminating the need for a computernext to an instrument. This means nomore computers throughout the lab,which in turn means more space andextended uptime in an environmentgenerally accepted as unsuitable tocomputers. Individual process appli-cations are implemented in LabXand provide full workflow coverage(enforced guided SOPs) directly onthe instrument, significantly reducingtraining requirements and increasingdata consistency. Automatic data capture and power-ful search features allow one to quicklylocate specific data and reports. With avariety of licensing options, the LabXsystem provides f lexibility to meetindividual system and user needs, and iseasily integrated with existing informa-tion systems. LabX increases laboratory productiv-ity and allows one to achieve a higherlevel of quality and regulatory compli-ance. The design tools are used to createapplication methods and reports inaccordance with SOPs. Secure resultsand electronic signatures assist in com-pliance with regulations, including 21CFR Part 11. ⚛
30 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Liquid Handling/AnalysisAutomatic PCR Wave Goodbye to Inaccurate Measurements A&D recently developed the sine- between the sensor plates and the wave vibro viscometer SV series sample fluid. with tuning-fork vibration method, which promises high accuracy and The coefficient of viscosity is obtained a wide measurement range without by the correlation between the driving replacing the sensor plates. electric current and the magnitude of viscidity. The SV series has two thin sensor plates that are driven with electro The SV series features: magnetic force at the same frequency by vibrating at constant sine-wave • High measurement accuracy v ibration in reverse phase like a tuning • Selectable wide measurement range fork. • Real-time measurement • Temperature measurementSay goodbye to hours of pipetting delivered with all accessories for prepar- • Continuous measurement with the new epMotion®. The ing PCR samples. Only consumables • Viscosity calibrationepMotion P5073 is a tailored worksta- need to be ordered separately. • Non-Newtonian sample viscositytion for automated PCR set-up in 96 or384 plate formats. It is an open platform The easy-to-use epMotion lends measurementthat simplifies all routine pipetting itself to most laboratory environments. • Foaming sample measurementtasks. Whether it is PCR set-up or The epBlue software can be learned in • Flowing sample measurementgeneral liquid handling, the automation just one morning and will be up and • Separated type modelyields reliable and reproducible results running protocols that same afternoon. • Vacuum fluorescent displaywith more precision and safety. • Small sample size These systems cover a pipetting range • Easy cleaning The EasyCon control panel and PCR of 1 to 1000µl. The accuracy of Eppen- • Solid and gel measurementassistant software provides simple oper- dorf pipetting technology enables usage • Standard RS 232C interfaceation by guiding one through various of smaller reaction volumes. The unit • Data collection and graphing soft-preparations step-by-step. It is a flexible can be ordered with an optional UVsystem for automating time-consuming ware. ⚛and complex pipetting procedures with lamp and HEPA filter. ⚛the epBlue software, making many The electromagnetic drive controls Wirsam Scientificroutine liquid handling tasks easier Merck Millipore the vibration of the sensor plates to Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /than ever. The pipetting procedure is Field Marketing Manager: Adele Heath maintain a constant amplitude of 1mm 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731more precise, reproducible and fully Tel: 011-372-5129 and a constant frequency of 30Hz. Email: [email protected], making the workplace Email: [email protected] The driving electric current, which issafer and more ergonomic. The P5073 is an excited force, will be detected as the magnitude of viscidity producedDispensing with a DifferenceThe MultiFlo FX is a modular The MultiFlo adds a new dimension assays, it can be integrated with the Handling Control™ PC software is reagent dispenser for 6 to 1536- to routine liquid handling operations new BioStack4 to handle lidded plates. also available. MultiFlo FX allowswell plates, offering BioTek’s unique with its 6 to 384-well plate washing The system is computer-driven with scientists to generate more high qualityParallel Dispense™ technology. Up module, bringing multi-purpose func- extensive onboard software accessedto four independent reagents are dis- tionality to this compact system. from the large, high-resolution colour data faster. ⚛pensed in parallel without potential touchscreen display.carryover. A fully configured MultiFlo FX Analytical & Diagnostic Products replaces up to five liquid handlers, Pre-defined protocols are available Tel: 011-794‑5959 / 021-975‑6390 The choice of peristaltic or syringe saving space, time and instrumentation from the easy-to-navigate menu and Fax: 011-794‑5963 / 021-975‑6390pumps allows reagent conservation budgets. Its small footprint is ideal in two integrated USB ports make file Email: [email protected] fast unattended operation down to a biosafety cabinet or an automated transfer quick and easy.500nl with low maintenance and low robotic system.consumable costs. For additional flexibility and 21 CFR To automate sensitive cell-based Part 11 compliance, BioTek’s Liquid
32 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Liquid Handling/AnalysisThe new Eppendorf Multipette® Count on it! filling. The integrated ‘sleep’ function M4 is simple, stress-free and ergo- switches off when the M4 is not beingnomic. It reaches beyond traditional cushion, ensuring the correct volume used, thus reducing energy consump-pipette limitations. Even liquids that is always dispensed regardless of the tion and saving battery life. The centralare difficult to pipette are no match density, viscosity and volatility of the Combitip ejector ensures full emptyingfor the M4. The Multipette M4 makes liquid. In addition to serial dispens- that can easily be ejected with one handperforming long pipetting series faster ing, the Multipette is also the perfectand easier. The aspirated liquid can instrument that is able to go beyond using the operating lever. ⚛be dispensed up to 100 times without the limitations of a standard pipette.refilling the tip and it has a volume Merck Milliporeselection range of 1μl to 10ml. The instrument produces stress- Field Marketing Manager: Adele Heath free work via an integrated step Tel: 011-372-5129 On the Multipette/Combitip system, counter. Dispensing procedures can Email: [email protected] are dispensed using the posi- be continued error-free after an inter-tive displacement principle. The liquid ruption or distraction. The clearlyis directly dispensed without an air arranged and easy-to-read display guarantees intuitive operation. The step counter supports error-freeGuidelines for Good Density MeasurementHelpful tips for accurate density the measuring cell does not help.results with DMA M density meters 3 Sample preparation: To get Follow five guidelines for accurate reproducible results prepareand reproducible density results: samples with care, and the same way every time.1 Water check: Perform a water check every day before measure- 4 Sample filling: Fill the mea-ments. Only use ultra-pure (for example, suring cell very carefully andbi-distilled or de-ionised) water. witho ut bubbles. Use automatic sample filling devices to eliminate filling errors2 Adjustment: An adjustment due to the operator. changes the instrument con-stants. For the consistency and compa- 5 Cleaning: Remove the samplerability of results, an adjustment should from the measuring cell imme-only be performed if the water check diately after the measurement and cleanfails and using fresh water and cleaning the instrument regularly.All in all, what makes for good density measurement? Awareness of the entire Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltdmeasurement workflow, from start to finish – from the moment one starts Contact: Andre van Zylworking in the lab to the moment they are cleaning the equipment. Just Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7 Email: [email protected] a trained eye on the five basic areas and you will be well on your way. ⚛ It’s all in the LiquiPhysicsMettler Toledo’s LiquiPhysics™ with a refractometer, pH meter, titrator, that need to be accurately determined. Excellence Systems conveniently density meters provide accurate spectrophotometer or polarimeter into Often, the colour or the optical rota- manages measurement results, offersresults for quality control checks in a multi-parameter system. Density, tion of the samples also needs to be full support to comply with the 21liquid analysis applications. Their range refractive index and pH of raw material measured. CFR 11 regulations, enables smoothof digital benchtop and portable density and products are important parameters and seamless LIMS/SAP integration,meters measure density and specific LabX™ software for LiquiPhysics and organises comprehensive samplegravity with high precision and a short lists. No computer is required. LabX,measuring time. The benchtop density connected via ethernet, utilises theinstruments have a built-in Peltier instrument’s terminal so an operatorthermostat to control the temperature. can continue to run the instrumentThese meters have a rugged design andErgoSense™ for touch-free operation. locally in an efficient manner. ⚛The portable density meters provideautomatic temperature compensation Microsepfor Brix%, alcohol, Plato, API and % Contact: Rudy Maliepaardsulphuric acid or user-defined tem- Tel: 011-553‑2300perature correction coefficients to suit Email: [email protected] samples. LiquiPhysics meters can be upgraded
34 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Liquid Handling/Analysis The Water Analysis SolutionFor over 17 years Eutech Instru- They have a comprehensive product analysis. This includes continuous research-grade benchtop meters and ments has been a leading ISO9001- line as a result of the creation of a online process instruments for the industrial process controllers, packedcertified company dedicated to the unique line of microprocessor-based monitoring and control of pH, con- with advanced user-friendly and manufacture of sensor-based instruments and chemical sensor ductivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), This company has gained internationalinstruments for water quality analysis. systems that feature signature Eutech redox potential (ORP), dissolved recognition for its achievements in sensorUnderlying Eutech’s objective to be intuitive designs that set it apart from oxygen (DO), temperature, ion con- technology, software programming anda world leader in the field of water other brands on the market. centration analysis, chlorine and other product design. The extensive productanalysis instrumentation, the company water quality parameters. line also includes instruments withadopts a proactive stand in anticipating They also offer a comprehensive rangethe needs of the industry. of laboratory and field instruments for Eutech products range from compact proprietary patents and trademarks. ⚛ electrochemical and photometric water pocket testers and portable meters to Wirsam Scientific Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 / 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731 Email: [email protected] in the Laboratory Pump up the LabBrand’s HandyStep® electronic ensures fatigue-free pipetting, reduces Heidolph offers an effective pump heads for low pulsation. adds ergonomics and ease-of-use the risk of repetitive motion injuries and pumping solution for all labora- Tubing and cassette changes are doneto repeat pipetting. It is an electronic, tory needs. With flow rates from 0.005motor-driven repeating pipette compat- improves precision. ⚛ - 4.151ml per minute, their peristaltic quickly and easily, with separate meter-ible with most standard syringe tips, pumps are suitable for high viscous ing into multiple vessels with differentincluding Brand PD-Tip™ syringe tips, Merck Millipore media. feed rates in a single operation by usingEppendorf® Combi-Tips® and Combi- Field Marketing Manager: Russel Mills different tubing dimensions to adjustTips Plus, Fisherbrand dispenser tips Tel: 011-372-5059 In addition, there is a variety of the flow rate.and VWRbrand Combi-Syringes. Email: [email protected] tubing material to choose from so that the most appropriate variation Heidolph helps to reduce mainte- The HandyStep utilises a unique nance costs with a sealed housing thattip-recognition system that automati- can be matched to specificcally identifies the new encoded Brand research needs. protects the pump from internalPD-Tip syringe tips. corrosion. These pump drives can be config- This results The rugged mechanism reads the ured for multi-channel use to increase in an increasedspecially coded plungers and displays throughput by running up to 12 indi- lifespan of 10the nominal volume of the tip, the vidual cassettes on one single pump years on averagedefault dispensing volume and the drive and pump head system. at a reducedcorresponding number of dispenses maintenanceupon insertion. In addition to the standard pump and repair cost. heads, which feature a four-roller They also offer Due to its broad tip compatibility, it system, one can choose eight roller a three-yearcan dispense any volume between 1.0µl warranty.and 50ml, including non-standard The peristalticvolumes such as 9.2µl. pumps are self-priming The HandyStep electronic fea- and providetures three operational modes namely, care-freepipette, dispense and an ergonomic, operation.intuitive auto-dispense mode that The PD 5201eliminates up to 97% of repetitive and PD 5206motion from repeat pipetting. No time- offer differentinterval programming is needed. setting All aspects of operation are shown possibilities. ⚛clearly on a large LCD screen, whichfeatures a counter to assist users with Labotecrepetitive dispensing applications. It Tel: 011-315-5434also operates with a relaxed grip that is Fax: 011- 315-5882comfortable in either hand. Email: [email protected] A subtle squeeze of the controlbutton under the index finger actu-ates all aspirating and dispensing.The adjustable-speed motorised drive
Liquid Handling/Analysis 35LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Go with the Flow Why use rheology in mining? In the mining industry, the processing and transport characteristics of slurries are heavily dependant on their rheological properties. Knowledge of rheological parameters such as yield point and viscosity is, therefore, essential when transporting a large amount of slurry.Anton Paar’s range of rheometers include:The Slurry rheometer system This system is based on the RheolabQC, which is a robust, high precisionrotational rheometer. This systemallows for the comprehensive charac-terisation of slurries. The system is capable of measure-ments according to ISO 3219 as well assedimentations free measurement witha special vane measuring system. It canbe combined with an active temperaturecontrol. A Slurry software packageallows easy operation with automatedroutines for flow and viscosity curves,thixotropy measurements, yield stresscalculations and regression modelling.MCR rheometers The MCR range of rheometers opensthe door to a wider range of applica-tions. This wide range of accessoriesis capable of meeting all rheologicalrequirements. The ball measuring system in combi-nation with a MCR rheometer will allowthe measurement of flow properties ofslurries containing large particles. Themeasuring system is based on the prin-ciple by Mueller–Thyyrach and involvesan eccentrically rotating sphere. Due to the outstanding speed controlof the MCR series’ EC motor, a full flowand viscosity curve can be determinedwith one revolution of the measuringsystem. A dimentionless analysis is usedto correlate the measured values andthe relevant rheological parameters. ⚛Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) LtdContact: Andre van ZylTel: 011-021-5165/6/7Email: [email protected]
36 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Medical Lab DiagnosticsBehind Every Diagnosis there is a LifeIn current diagnostic laboratories, have developed the QuantStudio™ Dx specify user access to various software addition, the onboard software for this molecular tests are increasingly inte- Real-Time PCR Instrument, designed functions, record all actions completed instrument also assists with compliance.grated into standard practice for identify- to address the evolving needs of the by users and sign data electronically. Ining and managing disease, predicting the clinical laboratory. Flexibility as is neededrisk of developing disease or recurrence,and informing decisions that guide life- Performance to be trusted In test development mode, thestyle choices and behaviour. These tests Dx enables the creation of new assayshave become indispensable tools, both The QuantStudio Dx’s proven per- in 96- or 384-well plates and qPCRin the practice of modern medicine and formance, security and reliability com-the ongoing quest to positively impact bined with the outstanding sensitivity microfluidic card formats. ⚛patient outcomes. The use of molecular- and specificity of real-time PCR helpsbased assays will only continue to grow to deliver the right answers that result Thermo Fisher Scientificin number and importance. in better outcomes. Contact: Candice Johnston Tel: +27(0)83-293-7113 Building on an outstanding history Security on demand Email: [email protected] successful innovations and expertisein real-time PCR, Life Technologies QuantStudio Dx software enables one to maintain secure access to instruments,Freeze... Dryer!Designed for formulation, research develop recipes in pharmaceutical It also has a more extensive and development applications, the freeze-drying processes. This new range of interfaces to externalnew pilot-scale freeze dryer incorpo- instrument, which offers the flexibility, devices for monitoring andrates improvements in its control system performance and a small footprint, archiving purposes. Witharchitecture, management software, incorporates developments related to the improved SCADA-basedprocess control and interface features. process control, including a PLC-based management software, newTelstar’s Lyobeta range is specifically control system and improvements to options such as control of thedesigned for small scale formulation, control and programme capabilities, process by means of weightand research and development. management software and interface variation of the product are features. It is one of the most efficient available. It also has addi- The Lyobeta range is designed to and convenient pilot units on the tional temperature sensors market. Lyobeta bridges the gap in the and a simplified installation Labotec market that in the past was filled with procedure. The Lyobeta is Tel: 011-315-5434 large laboratory equipment. produced in batches as a series Fax: 011- 315-5882 product, but designed with Email: [email protected] The new series also offers a more numerous options to config- user-friendly interface, wider colour ure the product to customer touchscreen LCD, improved PLC control and programming capabilities. requirements. ⚛ Streamlining Quality ControlStreamlining is the business buzz many companies face a tighter budget for products that will meet these targets. and with open vial stability for seven word of the moment and the clinical and increasing pressures to deliver The market is also seeing an increase days laboratories.diagnostic industry is not immune. As accurate results quicker and against a backdrop of increasingly stringent in products to help laboratories stream- Laboratories can also combine the quality control (QC), the search is on line test results. QC providers, such benefits of consolidated controls with a as Randox, have invested significant web-based interlaboratory data manage- resources in developing multi-analyte ment system, which will aid in improv- quality controls to help laboratories cut ing analytical performance and enabling down on the number of single controls. them to identify trends or system errors. When used in conjunction with con- It is now possible to produce highly solidated controls, laboratories have a accurate test results using ten or less controls. By switching to consolidated powerful QC streamlining solution. ⚛ controls laboratories can now carry out highly accurate QC using just one Randox product. Contact: Jonathon Reid Tel: 071-470-2025 Randox’s Immunoassay Premium Email: [email protected] Plus control contains some 52 analytes, including fertility and thyroid hor- mones, tumour and vitamins. It is also manufactured from 100% human serum
Medical Lab Diagnostics 37LMS Issue 4 | 2014 All about Hygiene Click, Click - UpdateThe new Labotec laboratory trol- cleaning. The units are easy to assemble As the world of science speeds up, reference sources at no charge. Pub- leys have been crafted in stainless and two models are available, namely there are more breakthroughs lications include, The Lancet, Cell,steel, both the frame and shelves, for model 555 with two shelves and model happening than ever before, yet there Genome Web, Nature, PLOS Geneticsrobust construction and easy hygienic 556 with three shelves. All shelving has seems to be less time to keep up with all and PubMed among others. a carrying capacity of 50kg. of them. This is why Life Technologies Labotec has created Select Dx. Laboratory professionals and clini- Tel: 011-315-5434 The large cians are already using Select Dx to: Fax: 011- 315-5882 easy glide Select Dx monitors over 100 of • Keep up with the latest news in Email: [email protected] the leading diagnostic journals and castor their field wheels To set up an account • Cut down on time spent searching for with their vibration Just sign up online at the most recent research and papers absorbing tyres ensure • Discover valuable new resources. ⚛ ease of Choose between 17 different manoeu topic areas, select the email Thermo Fisher Scientific vrability. frequency and they will do the Contact: Candice Johnston These tyres rest. It’s that simple and you Tel: +27(0)83-293-7113 will not leave can change your subscriptions Email: [email protected] marks on the at any time. floors and, due to their size, there will be no snagging on floor joints or lift entrances. In addition, the shelves are situated at a convenient height for easy transfer of items from any laboratory workbench. ⚛
38 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Rapid TestingFood AdulterationConsumers should be aware of every contract laboratories of the tests are 0.05% and instrumentation for more than 70 years aspect of their food, including the and food 0.5% for raw meat and and remains on the forefront of foodingredients, processing and handling. manufacturers analysis. Their introduction of newThus, there is a need for testing to will find this processed meat respectively. technology such as the NexION® 300ensure peace of mind. PerkinElmer’s very helpful in PerkinElmer has been ICP-MS, AxION™ 2 Time-of-Flightporcine detection kits provide rapid, assessing the purity developing analytical mass spectrometer and Clarus® SQ 8on-the-spot screening for pork in other of meat products. gas chromatograph mass spectrometertypes of meat before sending samples to demonstrates continued commitment tothe laboratory for confirmatory analysis. The immunochroma the market to further develop technol- tography based test strips ogy to improve laboratory capability Two detection kits are now available, are easy to use with a controlone for raw and the other for processed to clearly indicate positive and productivity. ⚛meat, and they both deliver quick results or negative results withinwith high sensitivity. Certifying agencies, 15 minutes. The sensitivityHigh-performance Add sample Shake well Dip briefly Positive Result PerkinElmerextraction liquid and lay flat Negative Result Contact: Chris de Jager Tel: 011-564-2400 Preprocessing (5 minutes) 15 minutes Email: [email protected], Steady ... GO! Reliable Results in a FlashThe Multiwave GO presents a novel compact system (patent pending) The Eralytics EraFlash is the one of flavours and fragrances, cosmetics, concept in microwave-heated instru • Single and multi vessel mode the most flexible flashpoint testers paints and varnishes, and bitumen andments for fast and routine leaching and • Temperature programs such as non- for reliable measurements of all kinds asphalt industries.digestion applications. It is a compact of liquids and solids. A small footprint,instrument, combining the benefits of invasive temperature measurement and true portability and its rugged alumi- The display of the Combustionmultimode ovens (high vessel capacity) robust temperature control num design are ideal for stationary and GraphicsTM on the large colour touch-and mono-mode microwave systems • SMART VENT, which allows for mobile laboratories. It is also the instru- screen is ideal for research and develop-(small footprint) into one single device. temperature-independent, pressure- ment of choice for demanding tests, ment applications, and for the contami- activated venting including fresh and used oil analysis nation analysis of demanding samples The proven SMART VENT technol- • Easy handling through vessels with (fuel dilution curve measurement), that contain only small amounts ofogy using HVT50 vessels allows for the hand-tight closure (‘2 turns 2 tight- product specifications,digestion of high sample weights. ness’) and a light-weight fluoropoly- transport classifications, flammable compounds. ⚛ mer-coated aluminium rotor forensic analysis, FAME When operating in ‘multi vessel’ mode • Easy operation with intuitive software (biodiesel), recycled fuels Wirsam Scientificthe instrument automatically determines • Built-in-cooling system with silent and the hazardous waste Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /the number of used vessels and ensures (RCRA). 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731smooth operation. The new ‘single turbo cooling and guided airflow. ⚛ Email: [email protected]’ mode supports quick digestion of All Eralytics analysersindividual samples and facilitates method Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd use an intuitive menuoptimisation. Contact: Andre van Zyl structure that is easy to Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7 navigate. Samples needThe Multiwave GO features: Email: [email protected] no prior preparation and measurements are done• A directed multimode cavity, which fully automated. Data is a self-adjusting microwave field can be directly saved to for highly efficient turbo heating in a USBs for further pro- cessing. The data format is compatible with most PC spreadsheets, such as Microsoft© Excel, and customised print- out designs are available for easy direct printing. The cost savings for expensive samples and for waste disposal as well as the easy cleaning due to the small sample volume make the EraFlash the preferred flashpoint tester for the
Rapid Testing 39LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Rapid Quantum DetectionTo monitor product quality effectively, it is critical to test for microbialcontamination throughout the manu-facturing process. However, traditionalmicrobiological methods require severaldays to obtain test results. In order to keeppace with today’s increasing productiondemands, one needs to reduce the timeto result to be able to address contamina-tion events sooner, avoid line shutdowns,release product to the market faster andreduce warehousing costs. It also enablesone to improve control and understandingof the manufacturing process. Merck Millipore offers the solutionwith the Milliflex® Quantum system.It is a rapid fluorescent-based technol-ogy designed for the fast quantitativedetection of microorganisms over abroad range of filterable matrices. Thiseasy-to-use system uses industry standardmembrane filtration techniques to detectviable and culturable microorganismsdown to 1CFU per sample. The non-destructivenessof this method also allowsone to identify any microorganismsdetected during the initial fluorescentcount, using current ID methodology. This system can be used for raw mate-rial (media, buffers and water), in-processsamples (bioburden prior to sterilisation,CIP/SIP samples and cell culture/fer-mentation samples) final products andenvironmental samples.The Milliflex features:• Non-destructive method that enables reliable identification using any ID technology• Easy-to-use system that requires minimal training• Results comparable to compendia method, enabling faster validation• Compact hardware that fits on any laboratory bench. By combining the Milliflex® prod-ucts, accessories and services, one canimmediately streamline their microbialcontamination testing workflow, leveragetheir quality assurance level by avoidingrisks of exogenous contamination andensure compliance to all GMP/GLPrequirements. ⚛Merck MilliporeField Marketing Manager: Melanie MayTel: 011-372-5027Email: [email protected]
40 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Rapid TestingPortable FTIR Oil Analysis in SecondsEralytics ERASPEC OIL is the first Lubrication is a vital component results and the large amount of informa- portable, stand-alone FTIR oil anal- of machinery. Early detection of lube tion it generates from the IR spectrum.yser on the market. It is the ideal solution oil degradation and engine wear is With its patented FTIR spectrometerfor onsite measurements, as it provides essential for avoiding unnecessary ERASPEC OIL offers highly reliableimmediate feedback about the status of maintenance, while reducing the risk lubricant oil condition monitoring in fullthe oil. It is also optimal for use in remote compliance with the latest ASTM, DINareas. With its compact (weighing just of breakdowns. Infrared (IR) anal-8kg) and full metal housing, this analyser ysis is an inexpensive test that and JOAP methods. ⚛brings lab quality results to the field. Its can provide information aboutbuilt-in PC and the colour touchscreen the chemical condition of the Wirsam Scientificallow the direct display of the oil spectra lubricating oil and also provide Tel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /as a graphic chart. As several thousands inferences about the state of 031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731of spectra can be saved in the instrument the machine component. IR Email: [email protected], the samples can be analysed and analysis has become a routineimmediately compared with other spectra. method of oil analysis because of its speed, reliability ofThe Solution to Investigating Oxidation Stability When in contact with atmospheric It is based on their patented mea- a very fast oxidation process that is oxygen, the chemical decom- suring principle of ASTM D7545, displayed at the end by a typical pres- position of samples containing natural which is an accepted method to test the sure drop of 10% or defined by the user fats or other lipids begins. Oxidation oxidation stability of diesel, biodiesel application. stability characterises the resistance of and blends. the sample to oxidation. It is a necessary The RapidOxy also comes with a requirement for shelf-life investigations, RapidOxy works directly on the safety and isolation hood. The instru- quality control and product development. whole sample, making preliminary ment is approved by the Federal Insti- sample preparation unnecessary. It Anton Paar’s RapidOxy oxidation requires only small sample volumes tute for Materials (Germany). ⚛ stability tester accelerates the oxidation (5ml - 10ml). Solid samples and semi- process by increased temperature and solid samples are just put into a PTFE Anton Paar Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd oxygen pressure. RapidOxy represents dish and placed inside the stainless Contact: Andre van Zyl an alternative test method to determine steel test cell with excellent chemical Tel: 011-021-5165/6/7 the oxidation stability of cosmetics, resistance. Email: [email protected] vegetable and animal oils and fats in a minimal test time. The sample is pressurised with pure oxygen and heated, which initiatesRapid Micro Release with CelsisProcess manufacturers have unique With faster results from Rapid micro-detection challenges when it comes to rapid microbial testing, is best for processproduct quality. Testing for microbial companies reduce the timecontamination is an important step products must be held in manufacturers whoin assuring a product leaves the facil- quarantine. Less warehouse expect their products toity free of unwanted bacteria, yeast space is needed. Since be free of microbiologicaland mould. Celsis rapid detection is products are produced anda quality solution that provides test contaminants.results needed to release It is a fast, yes-or-no,the product quickly. absence/presence primaryThe Celsis rapid micro micro-screening assaysystems have definitive that gives the actionablemould detection in 24 information needed to releasehours to help reduce costs the product to market fasterand release products faster. or take action on a potential These systems can be contamination in the plant. ⚛used for personal careand beauty cosmetics, shipped faster, Microsepdairy, food and beverage, inventory and Contact: Frances Renwickpharmaceuticals and medical Tel: 011-553‑2300devices, chemical industry, contract safety stock Email: [email protected], and packagers. levels can be lowered. Thus, reducing manufacturing costs, while improving customer and market responsiveness.
Rapid Testing 41LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Balancing CubesA laboratory/analytical balance is an instrumentused for the accurate weighing of substances ormaterials within a scientific environment.The Sartorius Cubis balance with Pipette Tracker soft ware wasrecently installed by Labotec at theSouth African National Control Labo- Labotecratory (NCL) for Biological Products Tel: 011-315-5434at the University of the Free State. The Fax: 011- 315-5882aim of the new system is to make the Email: [email protected] of calibration-checks ofpipettes more manageable. The NCLperforms testing, evaluation and releaseof all batches of vaccines for human usein SA and is the only vaccine testinglaboratory of the SA Medicines ControlCouncil accredited to do vaccine testingfor the World Health Organization.The NCL ensures that SA receiveshigh quality and safe vaccines, makingit imperative that the pipettes used inthe process are repetitive and accurate.Marlena Visagie, QA Manager at NCLexplains, “The new Cubis balance andtracker software system calibrates thepipettes used for vaccine testing. Atthe NCL we have about 50 pipettesto perform calibration-checks on.The system currently in-use was timeconsuming. This system will allowus to perform pipetting repetitionsfaster and generate electronic reportsautomatically. It will also allow for aquality assurance trail that is storedelectronically.”These balances are designed forindividual integration into a specificapplication and are able to schedulecalibrations, automate data collec-tions during calibration, perform allcalculations and corrections as well asproduce reports. It is suitable for singleand multi-channel pipettes and liquiddispensers of fixed or variable volumes.The software in the balances has aselection of 1100 pipettes. The CubisMSU225S - 100DU model, which theNCL chose allows automatic levellingand environmental self-adjustments.This system also meets GLP and ISOrequirements and will enable anycompany to meet their accreditationrequirements, and at the same timeallow for custom protocols based oninternal SOPs to be configured, savedand used at run-time. To ensure that thestaff at NCL were equipped to managethe system, Labotec also provided onsite training. ⚛
42 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Thermal Analysis Get the AdvantageDVS Advantage combines the best may speed up the analysis time as in the ensuring that a true p/pº zero is always controlled by the DVS Advantage soft- in microbalance, gas flow and case of bulk absorption or the drying of obtained. The incredible sensitivity and ware through a smart operator interfacevapour measurement technologies to inorganic hydrates. This heating can be precision of the Advantage enables the that meets the highest standards of datadeliver supreme performance, accuracy as a single step or at a controlled ramp use of very small samples (typically 1 - integrity and security. A full suite of dataand repeatability. rate of temperature. 30mg) thus allowing equilibrium to be analysis modules running under Excel® reached more quickly. allow one-click calculations and reports The Advantage uses a dry carrier The temperature of the whole systemgas and the user can select one of two is user-selectable and precisely con- There is a fully automated inert gas to be generated. ⚛vapour sources. Precise control of the trolled under closed loop conditions to purge facility and organic leak sensorratio of saturated and dry carrier gas ensure that the solute vapour pressure at system shut down inter-flow is enabled with mass flow control the sample is constant. Isolation valves lock in the case of ancombined with the use of unique real- at the solvent reservoirs ensure there is accidental organic vapourtime vapour concentration monitoring no solute contamination of the sample release. The instrument isfor both water and organics. A known area when p/pº of zero is requested, fully programmable andconcentration of the selected vapourthen flows over a sample suspended froma recording ultra-microbalance, whichmeasures the weight change caused bysorption or desorption of the vapourmolecule. It is these dynamic flow condi-tions that enable the sorption/desorptionprocess to be so rapidly studied. The specific sample may be pre-heated if desired as a further experi-mental option, which in some casesWirsam ScientificTel: 011-482‑1060 / 021-386‑9020 /031-709-0199 / 041-365‑2060 / 016-931‑1731Email: [email protected] in DSC Sensor TechnologyDifferential Scanning Calorimetry number of important characteristics play unattainable by conventional sensors STARe software offering unique flexibil- (DSC) is defined as the measure a pivotal role to guarantee highly accu- • Excellent temperature resolution in ity and unlimited evaluation possibilities.ment of the difference between the heat rate, precise and reproducible results. The new DSC 2 has a variety of accessoriesflows from the sample and order to separate close-lying or over- and crucible options and offers amazingreference sides of a sensor as a These include: lapping effects from one another – sensitivity, outstanding resolution andfunction of temperature or they set high performance standards efficient automation with a reliable sampletime. Differences in heat flow • High sensitivity to measure weak due to their high thermal conductivity robot for high sample throughput. It alsoarise when a sample absorbs effects – the unique design of ceramic sensor material with its low offers small and large sample volumeor releases heat due to thermal the patented MultiStar® sensor thermal mass compatibility, a wide temperature range ofeffects such as melting, provides supreme sensitivity that is • A perfectly flat baseline to ensure -150 to 700°C within the same measure-crystallisation, chemical reproducible measurement results – ment, an ergonomic design for simplicityreactions, polymorphic their star-shaped arrangement of and a modular tailor-made concept totransitions or thermocouples around the sample accommodate current needs.vapourisation. and reference crucibles completelySpecific heat capacities compensates any possible temperature DSC 2 is the best choice for manualand changes in heat gradients to guarantee flat baselines or automatic operation, from qualitycapacity, for example • Robustness – their new more robust assurance and production through toduring a glass FRS 6 sensor ceramic with improvedtransition, can also reproducibility is the right choice for research and development. ⚛be determined from standard applications, high heatingthe difference in heat rates and difficult peak separations. Microsepflow. To measure very weak thermal effects Contact: Rudy Maliepaard on microgram sample amounts, even Tel: 011-553‑2300 The sensor forms at low heating rates, the HSS8 pro- Email: [email protected] heart of the DSC vides incredible sensitivity.instrument and a The instrument is equipped with versatile
44 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Thermal Analysis Hyphenated Solutions PerkinElmer has been pioneering hyphenated solutions through a comprehen- sive range of thermal, spectroscopy and gas chromatography solutions. Evolved Gas Anal- ysis (EGA) involves understanding how materials respond to non-standard test envi- ronments, how they degrade or what gases evolve when these materials burn. PerkinElmer’s thermogravimetric instruments can be coupled to Fourier Transform-Infrared spectroscopy (F T-IR), mass spectrometry (MS), or gas chromatography (GC)/MS to help advance the power of analysis in laboratories. The combination of a thermogravi- metric analyser (TGA) with an IR is the most common type of EGA in use today. A sample, which has been heated on the TGA, will release vola- tile materials or generate combustion components as it burns. These gases are then transferred to the IR cell, where the components can be identified. IR analysis allows greater understanding of the processes seen in the TGA because of its ability to detect functional groups. The PerkinElmer TL 8000 transfer line is a state-of-the-art system designed to make sure every component evolved in the TGA is transported to the IR. Combining a TGA with a MS will allow the detection of very low levels of impurities. By heating a sample on the TGA, it will release volatile materials or combustion components as it burns. These gases are then transferred to the MS for identification. Although TG-MS allows real time monitoring, it can be confusing due to overlapping events and higher mass ions obscuring those of lower mass. By adding GC to the system, these events can be cleanly separated and very low levels of impurities detected. ⚛ PerkinElmer Contact: Chris de Jager Tel: 011-564-2400 Email: [email protected]
Product Review 45LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Total Eclipse of the LaboratoryNikon recently released the Eclipse unit and displayed on the monitor The episcopic LV100ND industrial microscope through the intelligent quintuple illumination models ofwith optional DS-Fi2 high-definition universal nosepiece and the intelligent the Eclipse LV-N seriescolour digital camera head and DS-L3 nosepiece adapter. When the magnifi- allow for bright-field, dark-field,digital camera control unit. cation is switched, the appropriate cali- simple polarisation, differential bration data is automatically selected. interference epifluorescence andThe models available With the LV150NA (motorised nose- two-beam interference microscopy.include: piece type), objectives can be switched The episcopic illumination/diascopic using the camera control unit to detect illumination model supports• Episcopic illumination: LV150NA/ the objectives’ information. diascopic phase contrast and diascopic LV150N/ LV150NL (motorised nosepiece and manual control types) By incorporating the newly developed differential interference microscopy. ⚛ CFI60-2 objective series, high-class• Episcopic and diascopic illumination: performance in terms of long working IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment LV100ND (manual control type) distances and chromatic aberration is Tel: 011-916‑5000 / 031-764‑2821 / 021- When combined with Digital Sight achieved. The result is further advance- 852‑6133 / 041-364‑0159 / 018-293‑3333 ment of the CFI60 optical system, which Email: [email protected] digital cameras, even LV150N/ has been highly-valued because of Nikon’sLV100ND manual microscopes will concept of ‘offering both high NA andallow the currently used objectives’ long working distance capabilities’.magnification information to bedetected by the digital camera control The HighlanderDurable and nimble, the Highland calibration without using external smooth and simple. It also includes levelling bubble, stainless steel pan portable precision balance is weights, ensuring consistent measure- features such as capacity tracker, and a weigh-below hook for densitypacked with built-in, practical features ments each time. zero tracking and and specific gravity measurements arethat make laboratory weighing easier full-range tare, standard on the balance. Availableand more efficient than other balances All the models along with RS 232 in eight models, the Highland boastsin its category. come equipped with and USB interfaces capacities from 120g to 3000g, and a built-in security slot to facilitate speedy Highland’s innovative design ele- for a Kensington- communication up to 15 different units of measure. ⚛vates it to a level of durability and type lock and with computersfunctionality previously seen only in cable. A sealed, and printers. Adam Equipmentmore expensive balances. Its internal colour-coded A recharge- Tel: 011-974‑9745ShockProtect® feature helps prevent keypad with able battery, Fax: 011-392‑2587damage from overloads if heavy items large, backlit removable draft Email: [email protected] placed on the balance. The standard, LCD and dual shield, adjust-patented HandiCal® is an intuitive tare keys make able feet,feature that offers quick and effortless operation Adding More Fizz to Fizzy Drinks Afrox has invested R4m to increase its storage and in the head space to give strength and supply capacity of food grade carbon dioxide (CO2) support to a thin-walled can or PET and liquid nitrogen (N2) to Wadeville-based Coca-Cola bottle. Canners of Southern Africa. This investment supports the expansion of this plant, which is the largest beverage “Rigidity of non-carbonated prod- canning facility on the continent. ucts is addressed at the plant by dis- pensing metered quantities of Afrox “We have a longstanding supply agreement with Coca- food grade liquid nitrogen into cans and Cola Canners and we are currently installing additional bottles just prior to sealing,” Townsend CO2 and N2 tanks at the site,” says Afrox’s Kevin Townsend. says. “After the container is sealed, the “Carbon dioxide is used in carbonated soft drink canning liquid N2 gasifies, expanding its volume operations at the plant, while nitrogen is used in the pro- and providing accurate liquid head duction of non-carbonated products to provide packaging rigidity and create an aseptic head space in the finished pressure.” ⚛ product.” Afrox Beverage manufacturers rely on polyethylene terephthal- Contact: Kevin Townsend ate (PET) to produce their drinks bottles. Recently, plastic Tel: 011-490-0400 bottles have become thinner and this has reduced the Email: [email protected] weight of PET polymers in the bottles, while steel cans have been replaced by softer and lighter-walled aluminium cans. Carbonated drinks supply their own internal gas pressure
46 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Product Review Speciation Analysis Solves ProblemsWith the incorporation of Thermo quantification using IC – inductively ICP/MS with the iCAP Q , it becomes feasible to ICP/ICPMS/AAS and Dionex coupled plasma mass spectroscopy measure every element in the periodicion chromatography (IC) instruments, ICP/MS. Thermo Scientific’s iCAP Q™ ICP/ table. Both techniques successfullyAnatech are able to solve the most MS system represents a unique platform provide a complete picture when it comescomplex problems. This is a solu- Using ICP/MS with a selective to determine total elemental concentra- to analysing total elemental concentra-tion for the speciation of toxic versus separation technique such as IC provides tion. The iCAP Q allows for high sen- tion and the ionic state of the elementnon-toxic metals. complete information on an element’s sitivity that can provide single figure ppt chemical form. detection limits for low mass elements. of interest. ⚛ The need to distinguish between Additionally, the iCap Q series provideschemical forms of elements has become Ion chromatography a low mass cut off so unwanted species Anatech Instrumentscritical for food, environmental and do not pass through the quadrupole Contact: Vanessa Bunnpharmaceutical analysis. Previously, For ion analysis, the Thermo mass filter. Tel: 011-462-6776measuring the total amount of an Scientific™ Dionex™ IC solutions Email: [email protected] was sufficient. deliver uniquely beneficial technology, Complete inorganic namely Reagent-Free™ IC (RFIC™) elemental analysis However, different forms of an systems. These systems use electrolyticelement can exhibit distinct levels of technologies to generate eluents and When coupling a Dionex IC systemtoxicity. Separation and quantification of regenerants from de-ionised water,different oxidation states of an element which decreases time spent on equilibra-(speciation analysis) can be utilised to tion, calibration and method verification.determine an element’s chemical form. Minimising the unintentional variations in the preparation of eluents and regen- Speciation analysis can be split into erants discards the need for requiredseparation of individual ionic species by consistence checks.IC and trace elemental detection andElements currently speciated using IC and ICP/MSArsenic As+3, As+5Chromium Cr+3, Cr+6Mercury Hg+2, EtHg+, and MeHg+Selenium Se+4, Se+6 Get Skinny Sections Be CoolStruers offer a wide range of equip- Labotec’s own range of laboratory ment and consumables designed New grinding and polishing con- fridges, called Labocool has been hygienic and rust-free. An automatic sumables have also been introduced to defrost minimises any trace amounts offor the preparation of mineralogical compliment the SystemAbele acces- growing in popularity since they were frost build-up. Other optional compo-samples. Expanding their offering, theywould like to introduce sories. ⚛ launched in 2011. This freshly branded nents that can be fitted on request are athe new SystemAbele. and attractive range is available in three lock, digital thermometer and electronic sizes to suit different lab refrigeration requirements and has been packed voltage protection. ⚛This instrument con-sists of a unique set of with features and quality componentsaccessories developed to ensure smooth running for years ofspecifically to make the dependable service.preparation of thin sec- The Labocool fridges have an operat-tions faster and easier. ing range from +1°C to +8°C. They areFor mounting of rock manufactured in accordance with ISOsamples there is the new 9001 (quality management systemsStruers EpoSpeed UV certified) and ISO 14001 (environmen-bonding resin, which tal management system compliant),cures in a matter of and come with a two year warranty forminutes compared to added peace of mind. The range is ideallythe usual hours taken suited for general storage and typicallyin the traditional epoxy can be used for reagents and kits, wholeresins. blood chromatography apparatus, testA new bonding jig is samples, biological, culture media,also available, which applies pressure patient medication and vaccines. Theto the samples while the resin cures glass door is double tempered for safetyensuring that a perfect bond is achieved. and the magnetic door gasket promotes Grinding and polishing of thin sec- IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment stable temperature within the cabinet. Labotections can be carried out manually with Tel: 011-916‑5000 / 031-764‑2821 / 021- Shelving is adjustable so it can be Tel: 011-315-5434precise material removal and with very 852‑6133 / 041-364‑0159 / 018-293‑3333 Fax: 011- 315-5882little user training, which saves time Email: [email protected] moved around for optimal usage of the Email: [email protected] money. cabinets’ capacity. The shelves are also plastic-coated to ensure that they stay
Refer to Company Directory for contact details Product Directory 47LMS Issue 4 | 2014 AMINO ACIDS ANALYSIS BIOTECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT CEMENT TESTING CIRCULATORS & CONSUMABLES• AE Solutions • Grabner Instruments • AE Solutions• Anatech Instruments • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• Shimadzu South Africa • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Magna Analytical • Air Filter Maintenance Services• The Sepsci Group • Anatech Instruments • Monitoring & Control Labs • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Bruker South Africa • PANalytical • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies ANAEROBIC WORKSTATION • Bruno Steiner (Kuhner) • SMM Instruments • Labchem • Esco Technologies • Spectro • Labotec• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Ilex South Africa • Magna Analytical• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment CENTRIFUGES • Monitoring & Control Labs• Anatech Instruments • ITP Analytical • The Sepsci Group• Labotec • Labchem • AE Solutions • Thermo Fisher Scientific• Merck Millipore • Labotec • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Magna Analytical • Air Filter Maintenance Services CLEAN ROOM EQUIPMENT AROMA & TASTE ANALYSIS • Merck Millipore • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Analytical Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• The Sepsci Group • National Separations • Anatech Instruments • Air Filter Maintenance Services • SMM Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Clean Room Maintenance ATOMIC ABSORPTION • The Scientific Group • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Esco Technologies • The Sepsci Group • Labchem • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Anacon • Labotec • Labotec• De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions BITUMEN TESTING • Merck Millipore • Micron Scientific• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Monitoring & Control Labs • Microsep (Lighthouse)• Merck Millipore • Anton Paar Southern Africa • National Separations • The Sepsci Group• Shimadzu South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Scientific Group• SMM Instruments • Labotec • The Sepsci Group CLEANING AGENTS• The Sepsci Group • Micron Scientific • Thermo Fisher Scientific• Thermo Fisher Scientific • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Anatech Instruments• Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (GBC) • Monitoring & Control Labs CERAMICWARE • Merck Millipore • SMM Instruments ATOMIC FORCE MICROSCOPY • Air Filter Maintenance Services CLIMATIC CHAMBERS/ BLOOD GROUPING • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment ENVIRONMENTAL• Carl Zeiss • Labchem• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Davies Diagnostics • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• Shimadzu South Africa • Ilex South Africa CERTIFIED REFERENCE • Air Filter Maintenance Services • The Sepsci Group MATERIALS & STANDARDS • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment AUTOANALYSERS & CONSUMABLES • Labotec BLOOD TESTING/BLOOD GAS • Anatech Instruments • Magna Analytical• AE Solutions • Davies Diagnostics • The Sepsci Group• Anatech Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Espec)• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Ilex South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• ITP Analytical • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Industrial Analytical CLINICAL ANALYSERS• Labchem • The Sepsci Group • Labchem• The Sepsci Group • Merck Millipore • The Sepsci Group BLOOD TRANSFUSION • Microsep (Waters, ERA & Romil) AUTOCLAVES EQUIPMENT & ACCESSORIES • The Sepsci Group COAGULATION• AE Solutions • The Sepsci Group CHEMICALS & REAGENTS • The Sepsci Group• Air Filter Maintenance Services• Analytical Solutions BLOOD VIRUS • Air Filter Maintenance Services COAL ANALYSIS EQUIPMENT• Anatech Instruments • Anatech Instruments• Celsius Scientific • Anatech Instruments • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • Anatech Instruments• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Ilex South Africa • Hach South Africa • Anton Paar Southern Africa• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • The Sepsci Group • Industrial Analytical • Bruker South Africa• Labotec • Labchem • Carl Zeiss• Thermo Fisher Scientific BLOT KITS • Merck Millipore • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• The Scientific Group (SOUTHERN, NORTHERN, WESTERN) • Microsep (Waters, Romil & Recipe) • Labotec• The Sepsci Group • Monitoring & Control Labs • Magna Analytical • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • SMM Instruments • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) AUTOIMMUNE • Anatech Instruments • The Sepsci Group • Monitoring & Control Labs • Merck Millipore • PANalytical• The Sepsci Group • National Separations CHEMILUMINESCENCE CONSUMABLES • SMM Instruments • The Scientific Group AUTOMATION • The Sepsci Group • Anatech Instruments COD ANALYSERS • Microsep (Hygiena International)• AE Solutions CALIBRATION SERVICE & EQUIPMENT • The Sepsci Group • AE Solutions• Bruker South Africa • Anatech Instruments• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • AE Solutions CHROMATOGRAPHY • Hach South Africa• Metrohm SA • Advanced Laboratory Solutions DATA SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE • Labotec• The Sepsci Group • Archimedes Laboratory Solutions • Magna Analytical• Thermo Fisher Scientific • Clean Room Maintenance • Anatech Instruments • Merck Millipore • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Chemetrix • Metrohm SA BALANCES/COUNTING SCALES • Labotec • LabDynamics • Magna Analytical • Metrohm SA COLD FLOW PROPERTIES• AE Solutions • Merck Millipore • Microsep (Waters)• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Microsep • The Sepsci Group • SMM Instruments• Analytical Solutions • Monitoring & Control Labs • Trilab Support cc• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Scientific Group COLONY COUNTERS• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • The Sepsci Group CHROMATOGRAPHY ION/• Labchem • Trilab Support cc GAS/LIQUID/THIN LAYER • AE Solutions• Labotec • unitemp • Anatech Instruments• Merck Millipore • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies• Microsep (Mettler Toledo) CALORIMETERS • Analytical Solutions • Labchem• Monitoring & Control Labs • Anatech Instruments • Microsep (Interscience)• Shimadzu South Africa • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Bruno Steiner (Camag) • National Separations• The Sepsci Group • Hach South Africa • Chemetrix • SMM Instruments• Trilab Support cc • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • The Scientific Group• Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (A&D) • SMM Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group • LabHouse BATTERY TESTING • Labotec COLOUR MEASUREMENT CAMERAS (See Digital Cameras) • Merck Millipore• Bruno Steiner (Bio-Logic) • Metrohm SA • AE Solutions • AE Solutions • Microsep (Waters) • Advanced Laboratory Solutions BIOHAZARDS (see Laminar Flow) • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • National Separations • Anton Paar Southern Africa • SMM Instruments • Shimadzu South Africa • Hach South Africa• Air Filter Maintenance Services • The Sepsci Group • Merck Millipore• Alphalab Engineering CC CARBON/HYDROGEN/NITROGEN • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Poretech• Clean Room Maintenance SULPHUR ANALYSERS • Trilab Support cc • SMM Instruments• Esco Technologies• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • AE Solutions COLUMNS• Labotec • Anatech Instruments• The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anatech Instruments• Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies • Labotec • Chemetrix • Magna Analytical • LabHouse • Merck Millipore • Merck Millipore • SMM Instruments • Microsep (Waters) • The Sepsci Group • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • Thermo Fisher Scientific
48 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Product Directory Refer to Company Directory for contact details COMPRESSORS DERIVATIZING AGENTS DISSOLVED OXYGEN ELISA EQUIPMENT & REAGENTS/TEST KITS• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Anatech Instruments • AE Sol utions• Labotec • Merck Millipore • Anatech Instruments • AE Solutions • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Analytical & Diagnostic Products COMPUTER EQUIPMENT, DESSICATORS • Labchem • Anatech Instruments SOFTWARE & REPAIRS • LabHouse • Davies Diagnostics • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Labotec • Merck Millipore• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Millipore • Microsep (Mabtech)• LabInfo (TSI) • Labchem • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • SMM Instruments • Labotec • Monitoring & Control Labs • The Scientific Group CONCRETE TESTING EQUIPMENT • Merck Millipore • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group• Bruker South Africa DETECTORS EM SAMPLE PREPARATION• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment DISTILLATION• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Anatech Instruments • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• Monitoring & Control Labs • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• SMM Instruments • Bruker South Africa • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • Magna Analytical• Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Toni • Metrohm SA • Grabner Instruments • SMM InstrumentsTechnic) • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment DEWAR FLASKS • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies EMBEDDING MEDIA CONDUCTIVITY • Labchem • Labotec • Labotec • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Anatech Instruments • Magna Analytical • Labotec• Hach South Africa DIABETES MONITORING • Merck Millipore • Merck Millipore• Labchem • SMM Instruments • SMM Instruments• LabHouse • The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group• Labotec ENVIRONMENTAL• Merck Millipore DIAGNOSTIC STANDARDS DNA TESTING MONITORING/EQUIPMENT• Metrohm SA• Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Anatech Instruments • Anatech Instruments • AE Solutions• Monitoring & Control Labs • Ilex South Africa • Davies Diagnostics • Bruker South Africa• The Sepsci Group • Industrial Analytical • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Eutech) • Microsep (Recipe) • Ilex South Africa • Labotec • The Sepsci Group • Merck Millipore • Magna Analytical CRUCIBLES • Shimadzu South Africa • Merck Millipore DIAMOND KNIVES • The Sepsci Group • Metrohm SA• Anatech Instruments • Micron Scientific• De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions DRUG TESTING • M icrosep (Waters, Mettler Toledo, ERA, Horiizon• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • SMM Instruments• Industrial Analytical • AE Solutions Technology & Lighthouse)• Labchem DIFFRACTOMETERS • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Shimadzu South Africa • Bruker South Africa • SMM Instruments CRYO EQUIPMENT • Bruker South Africa • Davies Diagnostics • Spectro • Magna Analytical • The Sepsci Group • unitemp• AE Solutions • PANalytical• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Shimadzu South Africa DRYERS EXTRACTION SYSTEMS• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • SMM Instruments• Labchem • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Air Filter Maintenance Services • AE Solutions• Labotec • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Rigaku) • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Air Filter Maintenance Services• Magna Analytical • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Anatech Instruments• The Scientific Group DIGESTION • Labotec • Esco Technologies• The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • AE Solutions ELECTROCHEMICAL ANALYSERS • LabHouse CULTURE MEDIA & ACCESSORIES • Analytical Solutions • Magna Analytical • Anatech Instruments • Analytical Solutions • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Anatech Instruments• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Labotec • Bruno Steiner (Bio-Logic) FAT DETERMINATION• Anatech Instruments • Magna Analytical • Hach South Africa• Davies Diagnostics • Merck Millipore • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • AE Solutions• Merck Millipore • Labotec • Analytical Solutions• Microsep DIGITAL CAMERAS • Metrohm SA • Anatech Instruments• National Separations • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Eutech) • Bruker South Africa• Quantum Biotechnologies • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Labotec• The Scientific Group • Analytical & Diagnostic Products ELECTRODES • Magna Analytical• The Sepsci Group • Carl Zeiss • SMM Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Analytical Solutions CUVETTES & CELLS • SMM Instruments • Anatech Instruments FERMENTORS - LAB • Hach South Africa• Anacon DIMENSIONAL MEASURING • Labotec • Analytical Solutions• Anatech Instruments • Merck Millipore • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Metrohm SA • Labotec• Labchem • SMM Instruments • Microsep (Mettler Toledo)• LabDynamics • The Sepsci Group FERMENTORS - PROCESS• Labotec DISCRETE ANALYSERS • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment (Eutech)• Merck Millipore • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• SMM Instruments • AE Solutions ELECTROLYTE ANALYSERS • Labotec • Analytical Solutions DATA LOGGERS & SYSTEMS • Anatech Instruments • Ilex South Africa FIBRE OPTICS • ITP Analytical • The Sepsci Group• Monitoring & Control Labs • LabHouse • Bruker South Africa• unitemp • Labotec ELECTRON MICROSCOPES, • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment EQUIPMENT & CONSUMABLES • Labotec DEIONISERS DISINTERGRATION • Advanced Laboratory Solutions FILTERING EQUIPMENT• Air Filter Maintenance Services • PA Cuthbert • Bruker South Africa & CONSUMABLES• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Carl Zeiss• Labotec DISPENSERS/DOSING • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anatech Instruments• Merck Millipore • SMM Instruments • Clean Room Maintenance• Microsep • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Millipore• National Separations • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Microsep• The Sepsci Group • Analytical Solutions ELECTROPHORESIS • Monitoring & Control Labs • Anatech Instruments • National Separations DENSITOMETERS • Hach South Africa • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • The Sepsci Group • Labotec • Anatech Instruments• Anton Paar Southern Africa • Merck Millipore • Labotec FINE CHEMICALS• SMM Instruments • Metrohm SA • Merck Millipore• The Sepsci Group • Microsep (Interscience, Mettler Toledo & Rainin) • The Scientific Group • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • Thermo Fisher Scientific • The Sepsci Group • Industrial Analytical DENSITY SPECIFIC • Labchem GRAVITY METERS & SCALES DISSOLUTION ELEMENTAL ANALYSERS • Merck Millipore • Monitoring & Control Labs• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • LabDynamics • AE Solutions• Labotec • Merck Millipore • Anatech Instruments FLASH CHROMATOGRAPHY• Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Microsep (Hanson Research) • Bruker South Africa• Shimadzu South Africa • PA Cuthbert • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anatech Instruments• SMM Instruments • SMM Instruments • Magna Analytical• The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group • PANalytical FLASH POINT TESTERS • Shimadzu South Africa • SMM Instruments • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Spectro • Grabner Instruments • Thermo Fisher Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Monitoring & Control Labs • SMM Instruments • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment
Refer to Company Directory for contact details Product Directory 49LMS Issue 4 | 2014 FLOW INJECTION FUEL CELL GENETIC DISORDERS HOMOGENISERS• AE Solutions • Bruno Steiner (Bio-Logic) • Anatech Instruments • AE Solutions• Analytical Solutions • Davies Diagnostics • Anatech Instruments• Anatech Instruments FUME HOODS/CUPBOARDS • The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• ITP Analytical • Labotec• LabHouse • Air Filter Maintenance Services GENOMICS • Merck Millipore • Alphalab Engineering CC • Monitoring & Control Labs FLUORESCENCE • Clean Room Maintenance • Anatech Instruments • National Separations • Esco Technologies • Labotec • PA Cuthbert• AE Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Millipore • The Scientific Group• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Labotec • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group• Anatech Instruments • Magna Analytical • The Sepsci Group• Bruker South Africa • The Sepsci Group HOT PLATES/STIRRERS• Davies Diagnostics • Thermo Fisher Scientific GENOTYPING• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies • AE Solutions• LabDynamics • Anatech Instruments • Air Filter Maintenance Services• PANalytical FURNITURE • Bruker South Africa • Anatech Instruments• Shimadzu South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• SMM Instruments • Air Filter Maintenance Services • The Sepsci Group • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies• The Scientific Group • Alphalab Engineering CC • Labchem• The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment GERMINATORS • LabHouse • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies • Labotec FOOD ANALYSIS EQUIPMENT • Labotec • Magna Analytical FUSION EQUIPMENT/CONSUMABLES • Merck Millipore• AE Solutions GLASSWARE/GLASS BLOWERS • Monitoring & Control Labs• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Scientific Group• Analytical Solutions • Industrial Analytical • Labchem • The Sepsci Group• Anatech Instruments • Magna Analytical • Labotec • Thermo Fisher Scientific• Anton Paar Southern Africa • The Scientific Group • Trilab Support cc• Bruker South Africa GAMMA COUNTERS • Thermo Fisher Scientific• Chemetrix HPLC/GC/MS EQUIPMENT• Davies Diagnostics • Bruker South Africa GLASSWARE WASHERS & CONSUMABLES• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group• Labchem • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Analytical Solutions• Labotec GAS ANALYSERS • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Anatech Instruments• Magna Analytical • The Scientific Group • Bruker South Africa• Merck Millipore • AE Solutions • The Sepsci Group • Chemetrix• Metrohm SA • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Microsep (Waters, Mettler Toledo, Vicam, Hygiena • Bruker South Africa GRAIN GRADING EQUIPMENT • LabDynamicsInternational & Interscience) • Chemetrix • LabHouse• National Separations • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • AE Solutions • Merck Millipore• Shimadzu South Africa • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Microsep (Waters)• SMM Instruments • Labotec • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • National Separations• The Sepsci Group • Magna Analytical • Shimadzu South Africa• Thermo Fisher Scientific • Scientific Supply Services GREEN HISTOLOGY SOLUTIONS • The Sepsci Group • SMM Instruments • Thermo Fisher Scientific FRACTION COLLECTORS • The Sepsci Group • SMM Instruments • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment HPLC/MS• Anatech Instruments GRINDING VESSELS• Labotec GAS GENERATORS • Anatech Instruments• The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Bruker South Africa • Afrox • Magna Analytical • Chemetrix FRIABILITY • Anatech Instruments • LabDynamics • Davies Diagnostics HAEMATOLOGY EQUIPMENT • LabHouse• PA Cuthbert • Merck Millipore GAS TESTING • Davies Diagnostics • Metrohm SA FREEZE DRYERS • Merck Millipore • Microsep (Waters) • Anton Paar Southern Africa • SMM Instruments • Shimadzu South Africa• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Bruker South Africa • The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group• Esco Technologies • Microsep (Lighthouse) • Thermo Fisher Scientific• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment HARDNESS• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies GC/GC-MS HUMIDITY MEASUREMENT• Labotec • AE Solutions• PA Cuthbert • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Analytical Solutions • Hach South Africa • Labotec FREEZERS/ULTRA LOW FREEZERS • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • unitemp • Bruker South Africa • Labotec• AE Solutions • Chemetrix • Metrohm SA HYDROMETERS• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • PA Cuthbert• Air Filter Maintenance Services • LabHouse • SMM Instruments • Air Filter Maintenance Services• Analytical Solutions • Merck Millipore • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anton Paar Southern Africa• Anatech Instruments • Microsep (Waters) • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Esco Technologies • Scientific Supply Services HEADSPACE ANALYSERS • Merck Millipore• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Shimadzu South Africa • Monitoring & Control Labs• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • The Sepsci Group • Analytical Solutions• Labotec • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Anatech Instruments HYGROMETERS• Magna Analytical • Chemetrix• Monitoring & Control Labs GEL PERMEATION CHROMATOGRAPHY • LabHouse • Air Filter Maintenance Services• The Scientific Group • Shimadzu South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• The Sepsci Group • Anatech Instruments • Labotec• Thermo Fisher Scientific • Chemetrix HEATING & COOLING BLOCKS • Monitoring & Control Labs • Micron Scientific • Trilab Support cc FRIDGES • The Sepsci Group • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies ICP & CONSUMABLES• AE Solutions GEL TESTING HEATING MANTLES• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Anatech Instruments• Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • AE Solutions • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions• Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Esco Technologies • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • ITP Analytical• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment GENE TRANSFER • Labchem • Merck Millipore• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Labotec • Shimadzu South Africa• Labotec • Anatech Instruments • Thermo Fisher Scientific • SMM Instruments• The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group • Spectro• Thermo Fisher Scientific HISTOLOGY EQUIPMENT • The Sepsci Group GENERAL LABORATORY & CONSUMABLES • Thermo Fisher Scientific FTIR CONSUMABLES • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Analytical Solutions • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Labotec ICP-MS• Bruker South Africa • Anatech Instruments • Merck Millipore• Grabner Instruments • Davies Diagnostics • Microsep (Mabtech) • Bruker South Africa• Metrohm SA • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • SMM Instruments • Chemetrix• Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions• Shimadzu South Africa • ITP Analytical HOLLOW CATHODE LAMPS • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• SMM Instruments • Labchem • Merck Millipore• The Sepsci Group • Merck Millipore • Anacon • Microsep (Waters)• Thermo Fisher Scientific • The Scientific Group • De Bruyn Spectroscopic Solutions • Shimadzu South Africa • The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Spectro • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Labchem • The Sepsci Group • SMM Instruments • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment
50 LMS Issue 4 | 2014 Product Directory Refer to Company Directory for contact details IMAGE ANALYSIS/DATA PROCESSING KJELDAHL MASS SPECTROMETERS MICROSCOPY• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • AE Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • AE Solutions• Carl Zeiss • Analytical Solutions • Anatech Instruments • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anatech Instruments • Bruno Steiner (Advion) • Analytical Solutions• Labotec • Anton Paar Southern Africa • Bruker South Africa • Carl Zeiss• Micron Scientific • Labotec • Chemetrix • Chemetrix• Microsep (Interscience) • Magna Analytical • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Davies Diagnostics• SMM Instruments • Metrohm SA • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• The Scientific Group • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • Labotec • Merck Millipore• The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group • Microsep (Waters) • Micron Scientific• Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Shimadzu South Africa • SMM Instruments LABORATORIES - ACCREDITATION • Thermo Fisher Scientific • The Sepsci Group IMAGING INSTRUMENTS • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Hach South Africa • Trilab Support cc• AE Solutions MATERIAL SECTIONING • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment• Analytical & Diagnostic Products LABORATORY EMERGENCY• Anatech Instruments BODY & EYE SHOWERS • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment MICROTOMES & ACCESSORIES• Bruker South Africa • SMM Instruments• Chemetrix • Alphalab Engineering CC • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Walker Crosweller MATERIALS TESTING • Carl Zeiss• Micron Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• SMM Instruments LABORATORY & GMP TRAINING • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Labotec• The Scientific Group • Anton Paar Southern Africa • SMM Instruments• The Sepsci Group • Bruno Steiner • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Thermo Fisher Scientific • The Sepsci Group • Metrohm SA MICROWAVE• unitemp • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) LABORATORY/SALES RECRUITMENT • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anton Paar Southern Africa IMMUNO-HAEMATOLOGY • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group MELT FLOW INDEX • Magna Analytical• Davies Diagnostics • SMM Instruments• Ilex South Africa LABORATORY FITTINGS/VALVES • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Bruker South Africa MICROWAVE DIGESTION• Labotec • Walker Crosweller • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Merck Millipore • Magna Analytical• SMM Instruments LAMINAR FLOW/BIOHAZARDS MELTING POINT APPARATUS MICROWAVE TISSUE PROCESSORS IMMUNOLOGY EQUIPMENT • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Air Filter Maintenance Services • Labotec • Anatech Instruments• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Alphalab Engineering CC • Microsep (Mettler Toledo) • SMM Instruments• Merck Millipore • Clean Room Maintenance • SMM Instruments• Microsep (Mabtech) • Esco Technologies MIXERS/BLENDERS• SMM Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment MERCURY ANALYSERS• The Sepsci Group • Labotec • AE Solutions • The Sepsci Group • AE Solutions • Advanced Laboratory Solutions IMPACT TESTING • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Anatech Instruments • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Umoya Laboratory Extraction Technologies • Magna Analytical • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Metrohm SA • Labchem• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment LASER S=YSTEMS • Shimadzu South Africa • Labotec• Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • SMM Instruments • Merck Millipore • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Microsep (Interscience) INCUBATORS • Labotec METALLURGICAL SAMPLE • PA Cuthbert (See Ovens, Furnaces & Incubators) • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment PREP/METALLOGRAPHY • The Sepsci Group• AE Solutions LEAK DETECTORS • Advanced Laboratory Solutions MOISTURE ANALYSIS• Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Anatech Instruments• Air Filter Maintenance Services • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • AE Solutions• Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Labotec • Magna Analytical • Analytical Solutions• Anatech Instruments • Anatech Instruments• Esco Technologies LEAKWISE OIL-ON-WATER MICROANALYSIS • Bruker South Africa• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Anatech Instruments • Advanced Laboratory Solutions • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies• Labchem • SMM Instruments • Bruker South Africa • Labotec• Labotec • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Magna Analytical• Monitoring & Control Labs LIMS • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment • Metrohm SA• National Separations • Microsep (Mettler Toledo)• The Scientific Group • Bika Lab Systems MICROARRAY • Shimadzu South Africa• The Sepsci Group • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • The Sepsci Group • LabInfo (TSI) • Anatech Instruments • Trilab Support cc INFRA-RED SPECTROSCOPY • Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Hach South Africa • SMM Instruments • The Scientific Group MORTUARY EQUIPMENT• Analytical Solutions • The Sepsci Group• Bruker South Africa LUMINOMETERS & REAGENTS • Anatech Instruments• Grabner Instruments MICROBIOLOGY • Labotec• IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Analytical & Diagnostic Products• Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Analytical & Diagnostic Products MYCOTOXIN ANALYSIS• Shimadzu South Africa • Ilex South Africa • Anatech Instruments• SMM Instruments • Microsep (Celsis & Hygiena International) • Davies Diagnostics • AE Solutions• The Sepsci Group • The Sepsci Group • Dehteq (Pty) Ltd • Analytical & Diagnostic Products• Thermo Fisher Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Anatech Instruments MACRO DIGITAL SYSTEMS • Labchem • Microsep (Waters & Vicam)INTEGRATED CHEMISTRY ANALYSERS • Labotec • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Merck Millipore NANOTECHNOLOGY• AE Solutions • SMM Instruments • Microsep• LabHouse • National Separations • Advanced Laboratory Solutions• The Sepsci Group MAGNETIC STIRRERS • Quantum Biotechnologies • Anton Paar Southern Africa • SMM Instruments • Bruker South Africa ION ANALYSIS • AE Solutions • The Scientific Group • Bruno Steiner (Bio-Logic) • Air Filter Maintenance Services • The Sepsci Group • Carl Zeiss• Anatech Instruments • Anatech Instruments • Thermo Fisher Scientific • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment• Hach South Africa • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Labotec• ITP Analytical • Instrulab - A division of Air & Vacuum Technologies MICROFILTRATION • Micron Scientific• Labotec • Labchem • Microsep (Waters & Lighthouse)• Merck Millipore • Labotec • Anatech Instruments • PANalytical• Metrohm SA • Magna Analytical • Hach South Africa • SMM Instruments• Microsep (Waters & Mettler Toledo) • Merck Millipore • IMP Scientific & Precision Equipment • Wirsam Scientific & Precision Equipment• Shimadzu South Africa • Metrohm SA • Merck Millipore • Monitoring & Control Labs • Microsep (Nanosurf & Horiba) JOB C=OSTING • The Sepsci Group • National Separations • Thermo Fisher Scientific • The Sepsci Group NEAR INFRA-RED ANALYSERS• The Sepsci Group MAGNETIC TEST EQUIPMENT MICROPLATE READERS/ • AE Solutions HARVESTERS/WASHERS • Analytical Solutions • Hach South Africa • Bruker South Africa • SMM Instruments • Analytical & Diagnostic Products • Labotec • Anatech Instruments • Metrohm SA MAGNETS • Bruker South Africa • SMM Instruments • Davies Diagnostics • Thermo Fisher Scientific • Bruker South Africa • Merck Millipore • Labotec • SMM Instruments NMR • SMM Instruments • The Scientific Group • The Sepsci Group • Advanced Laboratory Solutions MAGNIFIERS • Bruker South Africa • Merck Millipore • AE Solutions • SMM Instruments • SMM Instruments