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Home Explore nursery english sample design (1)

nursery english sample design (1)

Published by Swet Ketu, 2023-02-16 14:08:52

Description: nursery english sample design (1)


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Color it Trace And write b A F a gFind and Circle H A Pc Aa AJ a Beginning Sound Apple Alligator Astronaut

Color it Trace And write Gc aFind and Circle E d BD BJ B k b Vb Beginning Sound Bee Bear Banana

Color it Trace And write c B X C cFind and Circle C L P d Cs MZ c Beginning Sound Cat Cow Carrot

Color it Trace And write D e D dFind and Circle Q D d Gb AH f Pd Beginning Sound Deer Dice Dinosaur

Color it Trace And write Q e A J i eFind and Circle F E m Eo EK e Beginning Sound Eggplant Eagle Envelope

Ff Color it Trace And write x Y F f iFind and Circle Wf Fr Pf SFb Beginning Sound Feather Flower Fox

Color it Trace And write Hg g Find and Circle gA k NG i G J A mI Beginning Sound Giraffe Grapes Gorilla

Color it Trace And write h A H F L hFind and Circle H p z Ha hJ H Beginning Sound Horse Hedgehog Helicopter

Ii Color it Trace and Write i i c T IFind and Circle z UI f R xa Iy W Beginning Sound Ice Cream Iguana Igloo

Jj Color it Trace And write Z g L eFind and Circle A j a Oq UD a Jh Beginning Sound BERRY Jellyfish Jacket Jam

Color it Trace And write k KF kFind and Circle Km s Gg D Qk Kz Beginning Sound Kiwi King Koala

Ll Color it Trace And write t l P x aFind and Circle Ll L u Sl G Mn Beginning Sound Lobster Llama Lollipop

Color it Trace And write o V w m zFind and Circle Ma NM Xr V eY Beginning Sound Monkey Magnet Mermaid

Color it Trace And write Np NFind and Circle rt qA cD S VN no Beginning Sound Nest Notebook Nose

Color it Trace And write C B Q O f PFind and Circle O H s xc Eo i Beginning Sound Octopus Owl Ostrich

Color it Trace And write l N P r pFind and Circle D p p m Su QP e Beginning Sound Pumpkin Pig Penguin

Color it Trace And write R u Qq W yQ x wf q QhFind and Circle m T I Beginning Sound Question mark Queen Quail

Color it Trace And write Y s V RFind and Circle HK R Ds R Or Fh Beginning Sound Reindeer Rainbow Rocket

Ss Color it Trace And write S a S I k LFind and Circle S Z h Ss Bs x Beginning Sound Snake Squirrel Spider

Tt Color it Trace And write l T R m f jFind and Circle yT P tz X Mu Beginning Sound Turtle Teddy Tiger

Color it Trace And write b u aFind and Circle U A U c FU Au a Aa Beginning Sound Umbrella Unicorn UFO

Color it Trace And write F v w d u AFind and Circle I Gv U Vv Vh Beginning Sound Vulture Violin Vase

Color it Trace And write q W H n xFind and Circle WV we Wz AJm Beginning Sound Whale Wand Walrus

Color it Trace And write v mB XFind and Circle JV x Wf D OX Rx Beginning Sound X-ray Xylophone X-Mas

Trace And write Color it Color it Trace And write QX eFind and Circle Y M yz Yh L s Dy T Beginning Sound Yo-yo Yarn Yak

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