6 Parts that Make a Proper Pilot UniformWhen having a pilot uniform customized, it easyto get swept away by beautiful designs. If,however, youe using the uniform for an actualflight, make sure that it not only designedaccording to your aesthetic preferences but alsoaccording to comfort, safety, and performance.SHIRTS ?As they serve more as an undershirt inthis case, it must be made of lightweight dry-fitmaterial so you can wear it comfortably andprevent you from sweating too much during casesof extreme heat and humidity.
JACKETS ?They must be an exact fit without makingit hard for you to move. It must be made ofconsiderably thick and durable material so it canserve as cushion for your fall during accidents.They should have the necessary epaulettes orbadges sewn on the shoulder and breast area tomake you easily identifiable. Buttons must be bigso that theye easy to use. Sleeves must beproperly sized or one that you can roll up to yourelbows without difficulties when necessary.Jackets must also be chosen according to theirability to provide heat and insulation. If youcrash during the winter and you need to wait forhelp, a thin jacket would serve as poor protectionagainst the cold.TIES ?In terms of practicality, your necktiewonot be of much use except perhaps to bind thehands of a hijacker or for knotting broken partstogether. Whatever design you end up choosing isokay, but just make sure that it at least made from
durable fabric.TROUSERS ?For uniformity, it must be made ofexactly the same color and fabric used for yourjacket. It must also be the proper fit ?one thatallows you to move with maximum ease without beingtoo bulky. Durability is a must as it will serveas cushion for your legs.GLOVES ?Again, choose one with the perfect fit orone that allows your fingers to move efficiently.Secondly, choose gloves made from durablematerial so they can serve as adequate protectionagainst heat and sharp objects. Ideally speaking,gloves should at least end a couple of inchesbeyond your wrist bones for additional protection.Make sure theye easily removable as well just incase you need to take them off.PULLOVERS ?These aren't worn as frequently asyour pilot jacket and trouser but consider themas part of your uniform as well. These should be
made from extremely durable materials becauseyoul use them when youe fixing the plane or youein unsafe conditions.And there you have it: a proper pilot uniform.Style it anyway you want, just as long as theyeall included!
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