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SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - December 2006

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2016-11-01 20:58:35

Description: The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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The Journal of the Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. December 2006 Vol. 30 No. 10

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Bearing Gifts Kenneth D. James - Maryland, USA “ … bearing gifts, we traverse afar…” gifts to tickle the sweet tooth and weigh on the hips. Gifts were gaily wrapped with impeccable I imagine that many members of the Kinship precision by the Marthas of the world. Gifts wereCommunity experience some mix of memories or haphazardly encased with the bulging paper andfeelings at the sound of these words. sticky tape of the gift-wrapping-challenged yet spiritually astute Mary’s of the world. I hold the I remember running through the snow from memory of a gift that was slowly becominghouse to house. I remember being afraid that the unwrapped.little blue can with the funny Aladdin-looking-lampsymbol on the side would slip out of my thick I bear the memories of a massive sanctuary,mitten. I remember seeing the sheaf of combined choirs, stressed soloists and the brilliancegospel-to-the-world papers, getting crushed by the of the Casavant pipe organ. I can still hear theother mitten. I can feel the frozen cheeks, the thunderous dynamics of “Wonderful.” “Counsellor,”immovable jaw, the numb lips. I tried to blurt out to “Prince of Peace,” “Hallelujah,” “Like Sheep,” “Gonesome astonished, balding, beer-belly, peeking out Astray,” “Trumpets raging,” and an antiphonalof a cracked-open door, the reasons why we were chorus of “Hallelujah Amen.” My synapses can stillcollecting money, “ingathering,” “carolling,” for feel the vibrations of the sounds of the gifts, thethe “poor and needy” of the world. I can still hear, in glory, the inspiration, the orgasmic power of themy background, the never-ending loop of Voice of gift of “The Messiah”. The memories bear throughProphecy quartet voices with “ We Three Kings, my ears a gift to humanity. They bear though myfrom Orient are, bearing gifts, we traverse afar . . .” I soul the gift to a college student that was terrible tostill wonder how the precariously balanced speakers hold.didn’t fall off the roof of the car. Like the little child, angry with Santa Clause, I was the peri-pubescent 13 year old standing in a because the expected gift did not make it down thebathrobe; head draped in a towel. A stringy piece of chimney, we recipients of another special gift canrope attempted to hold the entire costume together. be angry, frustrated, hurt, exasperated, bitter. We canThe horizontal side of a refrigerator carton deny our gift, stomp on it, bury it, hide it, curse it,transformed a box into the silhouette of a camel. shame it, damn it, jam it into the family closet likeChristmas Concert parents crammed into the some crazy aunt. Our gift can become brilliantlydarkened church-school basement hall, gawking invisible. It can become impossible to bear.with admiration at their precious little performingroyalties. My one-third of the travelling kings was For me, with time, the brilliantly invisible becameover-whelmed with panic; my throat had a spasm brilliant. My spiritual journey moved on. My giftheading for paralysis. My solo of the king was so became bearable. I can see the value now. Notlow it didn’t even exist. I was incapable of bearing a gold. Not frankincense. Not myrrh. I cangift. Be it gold. Be it frankincense. Be it myrrh. acknowledge that I was chosen by the Soul-Maker toOr be it an emerging mystery deep within my very be the fiduciary of a rare and special gift indeed.being. Now I can pray the words – “Thank You, for selecting me as a custodian of this precious gift.” I hold the memories of “… over the river andthrough the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go And I can hark with the angels and herald to the…” I can sense the near insanity of bearing the world. “I am gay.”gifts of commerce; big toys, puppy dog tails. Therewere gifts to warm the body. Sometimes there were [email protected] to warm the soul. Almost always there were ! 3

Room At the Inn November 3-5, Vermont Mini KampmeetingCatherine Taylor – Vermont, USA no worries. I know my area. This Robert is a gay interior decorator was a mix of requests impossible turned loose in a Georgian I really do think Yolanda to honour. Silly me. Revival house listed in the USasked me. But she says that Eric National Registry. We could dothought it would be a good During a conversation with worse; we have done worse. Iidea. I didn’t think I wanted to one of my staff people, she met with them to talk about thedo it. But then, I don’t like to suggested I check out the weekend and the cost. I took therefuse Yolanda…even if …nah… Juniper Hill Inn on top of a hill numbers back to Karen. She said in Windsor. “Why?” “I don’t “Cut the price in half”. I thought However the idea to have a know. I just thought you might I wasn’t going to have to haveRegion 1 Mini Kampmeeting like to have dinner there or this weekend. Robert cut thearrived, I thought I could hand something”. I researched them price in criteria about my and decided to at least giveparticipation in the process to them a call. The miracles never reallythe Heavenly Ones. Silly me. I ceased. At the January workshophave read about Gideon and I said I was looking for a I felt impressed to ask SherriJonah. Even so, when I prayed retreat centre with the above Babcock if she would speak.about this adventure I told God I criteria. Robert laughed softly Sure. Free that weekend? Yes. Iwould like a location within and said that he and his partner asked Ted if he would betwenty minutes drive from my Ari had a dream to focus on willing to do a flier in exchangehouse. I wanted a place that both GLBTI groups and those for chocolates. Yes. Bless you. Iwould cushion and nourish who were involved in education knew we had to fill this placeanyone from our Kinship or spirituality. Diet? Well, they’re and had no idea how we wouldcommunity who could make the part of the Mrs Smith’s Pie do it. But, as Reino has saidjourney. I wanted this place to Company but they like to focus about something completelybe open to and willing to enjoy on local foods, whole grains different, “If God has made thisa spiritual Christian group that and fresh fruits and vegetables. happen, it’s up to Him to takewas also a mix of GLBTI folk (Mrs. Smith had a life long care of things.” We handed outand our allies. They had to be female companion by the way). our first fliers in April at theable to negotiate our usual mixof quirky diets. And and 4and…the price had to be in arange that our budget and ourtreasurer would approve. I had

Rehoboth Beach Mini not to be surprised) that she reserving at the last minute, withKampmeeting. We began to get used to be an Adventist but had ten of the sixteen rooms alreadyreservations. No Seventh Day left the church because there chosen with deposits. Go figure.Adventist Gay group gets wasn’t room “for people like A year in advance.reservations that far in advance. me”. As she saw who we were,Every time someone cancelled, she began to say “Maybe there is I am floored by the miraclessomeone else would call up and room for me.” We gave her the that led into, filled up, and ledsay “Is there room for me?”. We contact information for sanctuary out of this weekend. I nevercould always say “yes”. churches. One of our beloved considered the possibility thatAmazing. members from another part of we could be filled to the country began to talk about overflowing. Even so, after this We thought we had our hope and worship in the same year, I can tell you withschedule full. It changed in a voice. As Sherri was walking certainty; if the Spirit moves youmajor way, three weeks before toward her sermon, she said, to make the journey to join usthe event. I was learning to just maybe we should have a next year; God will make surewait to see what surprises God discussion about it afterwards. there is room for you at the Inn.had in store. That’s how we got After her sermon the wholeour wonderful full moon group talked for thirty minutes, !magical mystery tour and full of heart and tears andwagon ride. One speaker …Three straight members of mycancelled ten days before the local congregation joined us.weekend. That’s how we made The Juniper Hill staff said theyroom to have a leisurely have never had a group that wasThanksgiving banquet, two so easy to work with and soworkshops, and still time to noticeably able to fill a roomchange clothes to go outside. with joy and power. I don’t haveWe just could not, could not, room to tell you everything thatcould not find a sign language happened. This truly was a timeinterpreter for Denise. Karen was and a place where you had to bedoing some very interesting there. I can say, that as we werenegotiating. Five days before the leaving, people began to ask ifevent we found one. The they could reserve their roomsdifficulty was, she was travelling for next year. So here we are; aand needed a place to spend the community often known fornight. Someone cancelled.There was room at the Inn. 5Because of this, Denise got anunusual amount of time toconverse with Lesley. Turns out(by now we should have known

Claiming Christ’s BodySabbath Sermon at the Vermont Mini Kampmeeting, November 6, 2006Sherri Babcock – Ohio, USA desire to claim and care for the broken body of the Jesus he knew and loved. According to Webster, “queer” primarily means“deviating from the expected or normal.” Although What about us? Are we some of the “secretmany of the young people in our community have disciples” of Jesus? How far are we willing to go outembraced this adjective to describe themselves, it is on a limb to claim and care for the body that Jesusone I resisted for several years. However, while I was has left to us? Paul called it the “Body of Christ”.trying to write this sermon, I discovered that the Some call it the “Fellowship of Believers”. In hisadjective “queer” actually is more inclusive and a typical fashion, Jesus stretched beyond believers,whole lot easier to say than GLBTI plus whatever and called it “The Least of These.” To be blunt, howother initials we decide we need to append as we much are we willing to risk for a broken churchcome to a deeper understanding of our diversity. body that is often attempting to amputate us?So, if you, like me are uncomfortable with the term,let’s try to get over it! It only means we’re different To help us ponder that question, let’s turn to 1than the normal, which, we are! Corinthians 12. While it is obvious that this chapter was originally penned by Paul in an attempt to Jesus had been dead only a few hours before answer specific questions regarding the hierarchyJoseph of Arimethea, a wealthy member of the and importance of various spiritual gifts, it alsoSanhedrin and secret disciple of Jesus, prevailed gives us a broader insight into Paul’s vision for howagainst the religious vindictive hatred of his the body of Christ, the followers of Jesus, shouldcolleagues and obtained Roman permission to function in the world. Paul’s vision of a highlyremove and inter the body of Jesus in a prestigious diverse and fully functional body of believersburial location. This was a highly unusual exception performing the work of Christ and modelling theto normal practices surrounding crucifixion. principle of unconditional love in the world is soThroughout the Roman Empire, crucified men were pervasive that parallel passages to 1 Corinthians 12usually left to hang and to be torn apart by vultures. appear in almost all of Paul’s letters.This was the ultimate warning to any who woulddare to defy Caesar’s authority. However, in Jewish Let’s start with how we become a part of theprovinces, where people considered dead bodies to body. 1 Corinthians 12:13 says, “for we were allbe ritually unclean and went to great lengths to baptized with one Spirit into one body.” Inprotect the Sabbath from contamination by the Galatians 3:26 Paul says “You are all children ofthings of daily life, the Romans agreed to remove God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you whothe crucified before Sabbath began and dispose of were baptized into Christ have been clothed withthe bodies, or the maimed who were not quite dead, Christ.” In the Great Commission, Jesus said, “Goin a mass grave designated for the purpose. No and make disciples, baptizing them…and teachingself-respecting Jew would ritually contaminate them to obey everything I have commanded you.”themselves or risk public association with someone So, if you have felt the conviction of the Spirit andwho had been sentenced to death in this manner. accepted the salvation which God provided in JesusThe personal risk of receiving the same label as the (faith), you have been baptized, and you arecondemned was far too high. learning to obey the teachings of Jesus, you ARE part of the body of Christ. We don’t know exactly how Joseph obtained thisunusual burial dispensation. Perhaps, Pilot, This level of belonging is so basic that there areovercome with guilt for the role he played in no other propositions to which credence must beacquiescing to the Jewish leaders, saw this as a way given. To paraphrase Romans 8:39, “Neither the 27of assuaging his conscience. We also don’t know Fundamental Beliefs nor the Seventh-day Adventistwhat the future implications of Joseph’s action were. Church Manual will be able to separate us from theWas he shunned by his colleagues? Did he lose his love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” So,seat on the council? Did he lose a significant belonging is a reality, and it lives at an incrediblyamount of business and have a reversal of fortunes deep spiritual level. As C.S. Lewis says in theas a result? Nothing is conveyed to us about the Chronicles of Narnia, “It is the deep magic.”outcome of these personal risks, and the boldness ofhis action is downplayed against his overwhelming So now, let’s come up to the community level, the world in which we live our daily lives. In 1 Corinthians 12:12, Paul talks about how the body has many parts with completely different functions. 6

These functions are so radically different that it is righteous anger instead of self-condemnation!sometimes easy to forget how tightly the parts of the Paul’s summary response to this behaviour reads,body are bound together. He acknowledges thatsometimes individual parts get so wrapped up in in verse 25, “There should be no division in thetheir own roles or perceived level of importance that body, but…its parts should have equal concern forthey lose sight of the whole body. Then, he each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers withspecifically addresses two types of conflict within it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it.the body of Christ. As queer Christians, we have Now you are the body of Christ, and each one ofintimate experience with both conflict types. you is a part of it.” In other words, “Stop trying to amputate others. You are hurting yourself!” The first type of conflict is initiated by a part ofthe body claiming not to belong to the body. In Now let’s move to the level of how this getsverse 15, the foot says, ”Because I am not a hand, I applied at the individual level. How can we as queerdo not belong to the body.” Do you get angry with Christians make a meaningful contribution to theGod for making you the way you are? Do you ask well-being of this body? I believe that we have aGod why he made you a queer person instead of a special role to play in two areas. Dr. H. Darrellstraight person? Do you wonder if only straight Lance, Professor Emeritus of Colgate Rochesterpeople, or celibate people, belong in the body of Divinity School, has written “Potentially the mostChrist? Have you decided that the community of profound gift from gay theology to the church as abelievers is not a good fit for you and left, only to whole will be nothing less than the recovery of thefind a different kind of discomfort apart from the gospel itself, the good news.” He goes on to talkbody? Have you ever felt like the Holy Spirit is a pit about how queer Christians are proclaiming theirbull that just won’t let you go? …Can you tell these trust in that Good News, thereby becoming livingquestions reflect my own experience? examples of justification by faith. Those of us who were blessed enough to be at the January Workshop I imagine many of you can totally relate to these felt the moving of the Spirit and the power of gracequestions. It is only natural. They are the questions that weekend. Many attendees were basking in thethat many of us process as we deal with our honest dialog and talking about how this Spirit ofinternalised fears of being different; our own being One in Christ could be spread through thefeelings of inadequacy, of not being enough, of not Adventist church at large. It is clear that queerbeing “normal” as the world around us defines it. Christians have a special role to play in refocusingPaul’s raw response to us is, “Trust God, and stop the church on the good news of the gospel. Dr.trying to amputate yourself!” Saying “I don’t Lance discusses how the church has often twistedbelong” does not cause you to cease being a part of the concept of sanctification from “How can Ithe body. “In fact God has arranged the parts of the become a loving disciple of Jesus Christ” to “What isbody, every one of them, just as he wanted them to the correct behaviour or ritual that will make mebe.” (v.18) morally superior to my neighbour?” This theological twist results in separation between The second type of conflict is initiated by one members of the body, a false sense ofpart of the body declaring another part of the body self-righteousness, and ultimately to a denial of ourto be unnecessary. Verse 21 counsels, “The eye salvation through Christ. I believe queer Christianscannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you”. Have have a role to play in demonstrating how theyou sat through self-righteous public unconditional love of Jesus Christ can have acondemnations of your personhood? Have you healing effect in our own lives and through us, tobeen forced out of a congregation? Have you had the lives of those around leave a job or your entire profession? Has yourfamily turned their backs on you? This is how many In moving these two roles forward in the church,of us have experienced our deepest pain. The it will be helpful for us to keep a few things inSeventh-day Adventist Church, and the modern mind. First, we need to remember that it’s not allChristian community in general, often make it about us. In fact, most of what we experiencedifficult for us to have a sense of belonging. Many during our interactions with others has far more topeople, calling themselves Christians, spend large do with what is going on in their own lives andamounts of energy trying to emphasize our than it has to do with us. My pastor, Loren Seibold,differences and choose to distance themselves from once went back to visit his alma mater, the Sanus. All the while, they ignore the huge base that we Francisco School of Divinity, which is renown forhold in common and the ways in which they the high percentage of queer graduates. Whiledirectly benefit from our talents, time and energy. making small talk with a former professor, he asked,It’s often enough to make us feel like going back to “Are you having good success at getting yourthe first type of conflict, separating ourselves. But seminarians placed into congregations?” Thethis time we’re talking about leaving out of professor responded, “You know, Loren, we really 7

are doing pretty well. Our only struggle is that I This sensitivity should never be a barrier tohave never had a pastoral search committee contact serving the body of Christ. There are always plentyme and say, “Could you please send us an angry of tasks to be accomplished within the church thatlesbian minister?” Are we surprised or insulted no one wants to do. For the first several years at thebecause congregations are looking for a minister Worthington church, I simply attended church andthat is more interested in the lives of their Sabbath school with my family and served as aparishioners than they are in a minister that is still junior member of a hospitality team where I broughtoperating from a base of anger over past injustice? food, washed dishes and vacuumed the floor. NoNot that the anger isn’t fully justified. But unless one ever said, “You are a lesbian, you can’t wash thethat anger is focused to constructively build up the dishes!” Once they got to know me and my abilities,body of Christ, we are not ready for ministry to I was asked to chair the facilities committee. True,others. Keeping this concept in mind is not easy to it’s still a behind-the-stage leadership role, but itdo. Most of us have a history of past abuse, definitely uses some of the abilities I’ve developedtheological struggle, and epiphany breakthroughs. throughout the years. Now a few people areWe are angry about injustice, and we are excited cautiously asking if I might be interested in playingabout insights we have been given about what the rhythm guitar for the praise team on a fill-in could be like. But the humbling fact is that We’ll see if that leads anywhere. Frankly, for theour personal experience cannot be transferred to present, I am quite content at not playing the role ofanother person. It is only the ideas that resonate a lightning rod. The higher in leadership and thewith the existing experience of others that can be more visible our roles become in the church, theeffectively shared. Even then, the fruit that those more we need to be prepared for some sparks to fly.ideas produce in the life of the listener may look I believe that we SHOULD move into thosenothing like the results that those same ideas positions as the Spirit leads others to ask us, but toproduced in our own life. So we need to focus on take the lightning rod analogy further, beforebeing with people where they are at far more than stepping into those positions, we need to be wellwe try to relate our life lessons to their lives. Dale grounded in our relationship with Jesus. Then,Carnegie gives us the following advice, “You can when the sparks fly, we can let all that negativemake more friends in two months by becoming energy flow directly through us and dissipate in theinterested in other people than you can in two years ground of our trying to get other people interested in you.” If we can avoid storing up that negative energy, We need to remember how we are perceived by it will allow us to be sensitive about when it is timeothers. Regardless of what role we are really suited to weather the storm and when it is time toto play in the body of Christ, society generally sees withdraw from a particular congregation. Thatqueer folk as a symbol of the sexual parts of the decision depends on whether the pain is creating abody. Since sexuality is not openly discussed in constructive force for growth in the church orpolite company, they often consciously or whether it is simply causing general destruction tounconsciously try to cover us up in an attempt at the church or to your own relationship with Jesus. Ifmodesty. Paul talks specifically about this in verse you find yourself in the position of having to22. And, while he acknowledges that some parts of separate from a church, it is helpful to rememberthe body do need special treatment, he emphatically that while we may grieve losing that relationship,affirms that all the parts are indispensable. What I Christ’s body is bigger than a single church familyam trying to say, is that we need to be sensitive to or even a single denomination. Jesus reminded histhe discomfort of others. It may take them time to disciples of this in John 10:16 when he said, “I haveget used to us and to become comfortable other sheep that are not of this sheep pen.”discussing topics that are not normally discussed. Ifthat means that we play a backseat role within the We need to remember that if we desire to bechurch, then that is what we need to do until they honored parts of the body, like Paul mentions in 1are more comfortable. I am not saying that we Corinthians 12:26, we need to behave honorably.should try to remove the discomfort of others by Behaving honorably can mean many things onbeing invisible. Discomfort is an essential motivator many different levels. As queer people, we usuallyfor change. What I am saying is that we need to be do not have a lot of healthy dating and relationshipsensitive. Sensitive to those who may have qualms role models to follow and we often find ourselvesabout us leading out in children’s programs. coming out later in life and the process ofSensitive to those who need time to get to know us terminating unhealthy relationships and finding thebefore they feel comfortable with us taking a right soul mate can be a messy one. What we needleadership role that showcases our individual gifts to encourage in one another is to act with the mostand abilities. honesty and integrity available in our individual situations. 8

I want you to remember: 21st century? Here We Come!!1. If you believe in Jesus, are baptized and are Scott Tetley – London, England learning to follow the teachings of Jesus, you are part of the body of Christ. In John 6:35-40 –Jesus As an organization, we are about to ‘change’ our declared, ‘whoever comes to me I will never drive face and the way we operate. No, I’m not talking away… For my Father’s will is that everyone who about plastic surgery. The Internet has dramatically looks to the Son and believes in him shall have changed the landscape in which we live and eternal life. operate. It defies national borders, time zones and languages – connecting the world together at a2. Once you are joined to the body of Christ, you fraction of a second. While the internet, as we know have not been given permission to separate it, only began gaining popularity in the early 90’s, yourself from the body, and no one else has been its current use and penetration is over 70% in many authorized to separate you from the body. of the industrialised countries. For those without access, libraries and internet cafes have sprung up to3. As queer Christians, we have two distinct roles to meet the need in even the more remote spots of the play within the body of Christ. Helping the world. church recover the Good News of justification through Christ, and reclaiming the true meaning Traditionally the use of the Internet was limited to of sanctification, “becoming a loving disciple of viewing static web pages and emailing. However Christ.” now many of us book holidays, undertake research, listen to music/ radio stations, watch TV and movies,4. Three tips for us to remember while playing shop for gifts and groceries, complete our banking, these two roles, include: pay bills and chat to family or friends, etc. It’s not about us Be sensitive to the needs of others We want SDA Kinship International to utilize this Behave honorably resource to its fullest. In the last 3 years, our community has experienced dramatic grown as a I pray that as we claim our place in the body of result of our current website. However InternetChrist, rejoice in the fact that we have been technology has growth past what we currently use.reconciled to God through Jesus, and learn to Because we are a volunteer organization, as we havebecome spiritual disciples of Jesus that we will be reached people locally, regionally andable to say with Paul, in 1 Cor 15:10, “By the grace internationally, our resources have become stretched.of God I am what I am, and His grace to me was All the current technology uses have a purpose butnot without effect.” May it be so. we are using outdated, cumbersome systems that are not user-friendly. This has lead to a reduction in! usage. Because we use different systems with different login details, Kinship needs to manually move information around the different systems. This takes time that then can’t be spent effectively connecting with you, our members. We want to make sure that member needs will be filled. Here is a breakdown of a shift we are making. Kinship Technology use: Current Technology Use New Technology Direction Kinnet One combined site, KOL Yahoo groups for IMRU and Board Email Continued on page 10… 9

21st Century… More specific details will follow. 2. Kinship would like to mail a For those without access to copy of the book mentioned The new direction is about above to Seventh Daybringing all the technology the Internet, you will still get Adventist thought leaders allonto one website, utilizing one The Connection and be able to over the world.login/password with a more call or write to us to update youruser-friendly interface. Here’s a membership details using 3. We would like to continue tobreak down. traditional methods of build our Kampmeeting communication such as mail or scholarship fund so that1. The public site (any area of telephone. I want to make sure everyone who wishes can the website that non members that our web strategy meets the attend our annual gathering can view) redesigned and majority of our member’s needs. each year. updated to reflect our If you have any suggestions or mission, regions, activities comments please email me at 4. We would also like to build etc. [email protected] before the scholarship funds for January 15th 2007. international Kinship2. The member site – Login and meetings so that members in password system which ! individual areas can get the includes regional specific support and nurturing found pages, calendar and Kinship News in those gatherings. resources, chat room and message board facilities. Board Meeting 5. As you read in Scott’s article, we are working to make our3. The admin site – Regional The SDA Kinship internet capacities more user coordinators, group leaders, International board met over the friendly and accessible. board member will be able to weekend of October 30th to change specific pages, finish up their strategic planning 6. We are working to support update calendars and project (which will be covered in our volunteer office communicate with their more detail next month), plan coordinator so that group with ease. for next year’s Kampmeeting in membership services can be San Francisco, develop ways to even more efficient and I estimate that the new advertise and market the book accessible.system will cut down our Homosexuality and Christianity:administrative time by about Seventh Day Adventist All donations postmarked by80%. It will give members more Perspectives, plan ways to December 31, 2006 will becontrol over what information support regional coordinators in included in year end donations.they get from Kinship, what the US and internationally, If you would like to make ainformation they allow to be develop ways to strengthen our donation for this year by creditshown to other members etc. financial base, and consider card, please feel free to call meMembers will also be able to ways to support other projects by December 26th at 802search, post messages and chat such as the Pastoral Retraining 885-6050 so I can have itto members more easily without Initiative. processed by December 31. Yougoing to different sites. can mail your donations to Vision Building – Karen Kinship -90 Putnam Road, The implementation program Springfield, Vermont 05156.approved by the October Board Wetherellmeeting will see our new Public Kinship as a Resourcewebsite going live in March and As you consider yourour new member site in July. donations for tax exempt Kinship has been added to theWith the one “address” different purposes at the end of this year, list of organizations on thesections will be password here are some of the projects home page of Straight Into Gayprotected. Members will only Kinship is working to support: America.have to remember one login andpassword. Our mission is about 1. Each month the Connection www.straightintogayamerica.commaintaining a safe community. goes to more than 1,200Your personal details are very homes, Adventist school Researchimportant. Confidentiality and libraries, and other GLBTIsecurity of the new website will organizations around the Recent studies reported by theremain our number one priority. world. American Academy of Pediatrics showed that children raised by 10 same-sex parents are just as happy, well-adjusted socially, developmentally, and

psychologically as children the attendees, and to learn from Europe – Ruud Kieboomraised by heterosexual parents. us. Not everyone had such(Pediatrics, 2002;109:341-344). negative experiences to share, We have picked ourBoth groups however, fared but the few who did found conference centre for EMK6 nearbetter than children raised by a support from the Kampmeeting Paris! We would like to have yousingle parent. attendees. The Saturday sessions, take a look at it so you can were held at a Golf Course begin to make your plans to joinIMRU? – Suzy Wise Conference Centre at West Ryde. us for the weekend of 7-10 In Sydney it is a privilege to be September. In the next few The weekend of November able to get such nice bushland Connection issues we will be3-5 was spent fellowshipping at type surroundings. One of our giving you more informationthe Juniper Hill Inn in Windsor, Pastoral guests spoke on \"Living about our programme, speakersVermont for the Region 1 Waters: Good News for Thirsty and our now traditionalMini-Kampmeeting. Unlike Souls.\" This was on the woman holiday/vacation time thatmost Mini-KM gatherings I've at the well. We showed the follows.attended, this group was Open Heart, Open Hand DVD. by 5 regions, Dr Wendell Rosevear talkedincluding 6 IM RU? members about Acceptance and Self US Region 1 – Catherineand many str8 allies! Few can Esteem. There was also a day-tripresist autumn in New England to Canberra to see the Annual Taylorand we even had a little Floriade display and the New We attended the PFLAGsnow! We were royally Parliament House.pampered by the owners and presentation on Homosexualitystaff. We were treated to November 27: Adelaide’s and the Bible at the Oldwonderful historical tales of the Feast GLBTI picnic in the park Arlington Street Church with it’sinn, scrumptious food and fun on Sunday was a success for Tiffany stained glass windows.activities like Catherine's Kinship. We had a very good The Boston Gay Men’s Chorusmagical mystery tour. I enjoyed response to the display marquee. was wonderful. We think youseeing old friends, meeting new The day was hot and most might find the speaker’s bookones, seeing new places and people were able to get into the interesting: The Children arebeing spiritually renewed. I can't shade or by the pond that is in Free, Miner and Connoley.wait to go back next year! Rymill Park. December 16th – Potluck For more information about Brazil – Marcos Apolonio supper at Samuel, Andrew andthe IMRU? young adult forum, Warren Pang’s home followedplease contact us at Kinship members are going by the Boston Gay Men’s [email protected]. to begin having meetings each holiday concert. Sabbath at 9AM in theVice President Jeremy Brown Metropolitan Community We would like to invite Church of downtown Sao Paulo. anyone from any region to join I am working on giving The Kinship website has being us for the 5PM seating atKinship greater visibility within translated to Portuguese. Our Christiana Campbells inthe Adventist church. I will be goal is to have it completely in Colonial Williamsburg oncontacting our international Portuguese soon. December 31. Let Catherineregional coordinators to talk know quickly if you areabout ways I can give them 11 interested because reservationsmore support. are necessary.Australia – Noel Thorpe We would also like to invite any of you to join us for our September 29-October 1: SDA January 13 Regional Meeting inKinship Australia’s first NYC. We will gather at St.Kampmeeting Entitled \"Health Mary’s on 126th for worship,and Well Being,\" was held. It share a lunch, have some time tostarted with a getting to know talk about Kinship plans andyou on the Friday evening at the adventures and then share anMetropolitan Community afternoon activity. Kevin, weChurch in Petersham. A number would love to see you ?!of Adventist Pastors andcounsellors came to listen to the Continued on page 12…meeting, provide information to

Kinship News… US Region 9 – Dave away. Maria Crosman, minister from the George School run byUS Region 2 – Yolanda Elliott Fergusson the Quakers, perfomed the Sabbath December 30 there ceremony. Victor and I wrote our December 16th. – We will vows. I sang my favorite song:have our annual Christmas party will be an annual Luncheon for You are the Wind Beneath Myat Stacy and Greg’s home. Kinship members and other gay Wings. My heart lept with joy, supportive friends at the home of when I looked out at the In November many regional Dave and Peter in Glendale, audience and saw my sister Kimmembers brought an average of following the church service at and my nieces Lauren and Terry100.00 per person worth of non Glendale City. The basic items in attendance. The reception hadperishable comestibles for the for the lunch will be provided, a wide variety of food. Ourfood closet of the Presybyterian but everyone is welcome to scrumptious wedding cake hadChurch that lets us use their bring a favourite holiday dish to been designed with pride colors.sancturary for vespers. They use share. This is about the 8th year Carl Williamsthis food to feed the homeless that we have had this luncheonover the holidays. and each year more supportive Kinship Voices members of the congregation Denise – On November 18 and pastoral staff join us for My blessings over the yearRegion 2 had a surprise party to fellowship. 2006 include having one of mycelebrate Yolanda's 50th research studies published forbirthday. She thought she was ! the first time in my life. I wascoming to Stacy and Greg’s blessed to be offered a new jobhome for a Kinship meeting. We Kinship Weddings as a school counselor out in theall hid our cars on another street. desert here in SouthernJoyce fooled her by saying she Germany - Alex and I got California and am loving everyneeded to shop at Costco for moment of every day that I go tosomething before coming to the married on October 21st. We work there. My blessings alsomeeting. Yolanda said she had a super nice Protestant include reaching a moreneeded her pulse to be checked Pastor perform the ceremony in a peaceful, happy and contentedbecause she was so shocked and cute little Chapel in Bodenheim, place in my life and walk withsurprised. Germany. It was really God. Naveen wonderful. TanjaRegion 5 – Floyd Poentz USA - October 14th, 2006. Our Brrrrrr. It’s cold here in Texas!This year is packed full of committment ceremony wasthings, so I wasn’t able to plan a held at the 17th century Quakerholiday party. Patch (my dog) Meeting House of Bristol,being old and now blind and Pennsylvania. As I stood at thedeaf, he stays downstairs in the altar waiting for Victor to arrive,den. It just isn’t conducive to I looked out the window andhave a party. We did have a saw that he was crying tears ofgathering for Halloween joy. I started to cry as well. Theweekend. ceremony was intimate; just close friends and family.Victor's brother-in-law Andy gave Victor away. My poppa Aaron gave me 12

I am grateful for our book My best blessings were beingbuilding workshop on with my Kinship friends at ourHomosexuality and the Seventh Florida Kampmeeting, theDay Adventist Church in Rehoboth Beach MiniOntario last January. I celebrated Kampmeeting and the Vermontboth my 70th birthday and my Mini Kampmeeting. Denise50th wedding anniversary. I gotto have visits with mygrandchildren. Carrol I enjoyed Kampmeeting in Greetings. All has been well Well, I lived through a seriousOrlando Florida this last July. I here in Uganda. We had our car accident and an armedam grateful for my involvement Second Kampmeeting, and we robbery this week. My car iswith Kinship after being kicked expect to have the third one in totalled and the credit union wasout of church leadership the Last week of January 2007. I held up but we are all okay. Myposition for being gay. I got to was able to travel to Europe and mother’s health has improved.go home to Australia in July and I met with Kinship members like Our family here in BurlingtonAugust. Scott Ruud and Kees although I missd has grown by three pet: our dog the Kampmeeting in Sweden. Annabelle and two kittens, This past year has been We have had a wondefull year Henry and Oliver that Tom gavenothing but wonderful. I've with many blessings of the lord, me on my birthday. I am glad Icompleted school and I'm now We hope next year will be more have this opportunity to be moreworking at a department store of the same. I send all my warm involved with Kinship. I am gladwhere the management wants greetings to Kinship members to have people who will pray forme to move on from lowly all over the world with Good me. Jeremyseasonal hire to supervisorial news of Christ Jesus. Josephposition. But most of all, I'm Brownblessed to be part of Kinship andglad to have such wonderful My dad, I think, will be finefriends in the group. Ruben after his radiation is done. Everyone is sort of healthy and happy. I hit fifty and I am doing fine. I don’t feel as old as fifty used to look to me. I feel young. Everything is good. For now I have a full house. I have a good group of ladies now. This is not as hard as last year where I had four people die. Yolanda 13

Whew, blessings. The she had already gone to the God has blessed me withconference in Ontario about main office to sign up for two getting thru a few healthHomosexuality and the Seventh more! It has been a blessing to problems, with great neighboursDay Adventist Church. Being go to the numerous Kinship and a wonderful church to go to Sweden. What a functions throughout the year. I May this coming year be full ofgift. I fell in love with Reino and enjoy being able to worship blessing to all as we face theIngemar’s part of their country. God in an environment where I challenges of life. RonAlways my time in Cornwall. am accepted and understood. IGetting to edit the Connection must also say that one of my One of my biggest blessingsand be in contact with so many blessings is to be able to this year is my friends and myremarkable people. Karen is a worship each week with an SDA job. Jonblessing. Oh yes..the miracles of congregation that also isthe Vermont Mini Kampmeeting accepting of us and encourages One of the peaks for this yearand the pleasure of Rehoboth. us to in leadership roles. It has is a new friend. It is veryCloser relationships with my been a blessing to go through important for me to have closefamily. Wandering through New this year with my 4 daughters intimate friends and she cameYork with Bob and Bruce and and the challenges each one has into my life at an importantEddie. Being able to supervise experienced. I am grateful to time. We share a lot of similarthe most remarkable team of watch them grow in maturity interests. She is an artist andpeople. All my dogs, cats, wild and in their relationship with melted my heart when she gaveturkeys, wandering coyote and God. I have been blessed in my me a beautiful painting of sheepmigrating birds. Having some job this year with deeper in the marshlands at noontime. Iextra time off this December to relationships with my co-workers know that God sent her to meenjoy the holidays. Catherine and I have watched some grow and I am thankful. I am glad I closer to God. I was just blessed got to attend Kampmeeting in It is hard to remember all the this week with the best massage Sweden and see Karen,blessings in a year where we I have ever received in my life. Catherine, Ruud and Kees. I amexperienced so many gifts each This person is only fifteen glad we got to spend some timeand every week. I was extremely minutes from my house. One of and talk to each other. Nextblessed to spend my first year my blessings is that I can share week my husband Jørgen and Iwith my wife, Catherine at my all of this with you, my family. are going to Madeira Island. Weside. In February she agreed to Karen are more than happy to seego with me on a cruise of the beautiful places, have the sun inWestern Caribbean even though I am very blessed and often our eyes and feel the warmth.she was sure she would be forget how blessed I am and Friends, if you want to visitseasick and bored. We had such take things for granted. This past Denmark, you are heartilya wonderful trip full of year has been a fairly good year. welcomed! Nomiblessings; many aspects of I was able to travel back to thenature we enjoyed and the Midwest for my high schoolpeople with whom we came in reunion. I got to visit with acontact. By the end of the cruise number of classmates. What was interesting is that some of the classmates I did not really care to see were the ones with whom I ended up with having the best conversations. Ahhh maturity does make a difference. Was also able to spend time with my grandson; nothing like those hugs from a little child. And of course I was especially blessed with the Kampmeeting in Florida. The interesting topics of discussion and the inspirational morning walks and devotionals were a great way to start the day. 14

It has been a wonderful The Journal of the Seventh-Day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.blessing to me to see firsthandthe wonderful growth of Kinship Editor: Catherine Taylor The mention or appearance ofthis year. It has been wonderful Circulation: Fred Casey any names, organizations, orto work on a book that will rock European Editor: Ruud Kielboom photographs in this publicationthe church, see a new Photography: Karen Wetherell is not meant to imply a fact orgeneration of leadership added Production: Ted Compton statement about sexualto the Board; travel to Brazil to Printing: Doolittle's PrintServe orientation or new members and find myministry expanding as more The Connection is published Subscription requests orpastors are needing retraining. by Seventh-day Adventist address changes may be sent to:Dave Kinship International, Inc. Sublscriptions, P.O. Box 49375, Principal office: P.O. Box Sarasota, FL 34230-6375, or call I have been incredibly blessed 49373, Sarasota, FL toll free from inside the U.S. atthis year with an academic 34230-6375, 886-732-5677. 866-732-5677 or toll fromprogram I love so very much at Submissions are welcome and outside the U.S. atthe Institute for Integrative may be directed to the editor at 01-941-371-7606, or emailNutrition. I have a great job and [email protected] [email protected]. Theworking environment that g or mailed to the principle Kinship mailing list issupports me, the best friends a office address above. Include confidential and used only bygirl could ask for, a great your name as you want it Kinship officers. The mailing listroommate, a wonderful published, address and is not sold, rented, or exchangedbio-family and extended Kinship telephone number. If an item is for any, and two cats that never to be acknowledged or returnedcease to amuse. Suzy please include a self-addressed © 2006 Connection. All stamped envelope. Some rights reserved. Reproduction in It’s a blessing to know that Connection contributors have whole or in part withoutGod is with us every day. The chosen to remain anonymous or permission is prohibited.days we spent with everyone at use pseudonyms. OPINIONS EXPRESSED HEREINEKM5 had an atmosphere of love ARE NOT NECESSARILY THOSEand encouragement. We are The Connection reserves the OF SDA KINSHIPproud of the environment in right to edit manuscripts for INTERNATIONAL.which we live in and we are length, syntax, grammar, andhappy that all of you enjoyed it. clarity. Member of the Gay andBlessings to all of you in the Lesbian Press Association.Kinship family. Reino andIngemar through. Even though they are difficult, they are helping me grow, mature, and learn. I am glad that I’ve been able to be more in touch with Karen and Catherine. This is big for me right now. Katie I've had a number of Continued on back cover… blessings this year. The most important is that my grandmother made it through a very tricky operation. I'm also very blessed to have a new job which is allowing me to learn new skills and greatly improve the ones I already have. Travis Lisa and I got back together. My mom is enjoying her new place. I appreciate the experiences I am going 15

A Passing YearSeen in 2006…Kinship Voices… visit to the local old folks' home. minutes! A miniature I can't put my finger on exactly Dachshund who lives next door After many not-so-good years, why, but I think it has to do with and spends a lot of time with us.2006 wasn't so bad! The recent the sheer amount of living Romelection was the icing on the concentrated in one place.cake. Maybe we'll change Navigating life for seven or My blessing is that my momdirection in ways that will result eight or nine decades is a has accepted me being gay. Shein fewer people dying profound comes to visit. She loves myneedlessly, and more \"deserving\" accomplishment. Nothing tops partner. She welcomes him intopoor being able to make a the blessing of having someone her home. Carlliving wage for their 40 hours of new in my life. TiJuan and Iwork... Although I'm not much celebrated the first year together This year we got to go toin touch with Kinship anymore, in our home in November—and France to see our family. Myit is a blessing to know old that's the thing that really made Mom had successful heartfriends are still there, and to 2006 special for me. Can an surgery. We're also getting aremain in touch with them, and agnostic call these things deeper understanding of God'sto stay in touch with still others \"blessings\"? Let's see: (blessing love and character. Tamiin small ways such as this. A bighighlight and great blessing of noun [in sing. ] “ a beneficial Last April Faith was born tothe year for me was the two thing for which one is grateful; Sherrie and Jill. She is our thirdweeks I spent volunteering at a something that brings grandkid and what a delightfulhospital in Peru last May in a well-being” child! Our grandchildren areproject to help the indigent. My such a blessing! I enjoyedthanks go to David Wong for Yep, I guess so! Larry spending a month with Sherriedonating most of the travel. My and Jill and their family this yearmost treasured memory was a A yellow lab with ears softer when Faith was born. Fern than velvet whose tail wags her body in excited greeting if ! you've been gone. Even for five 16

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