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Home Explore SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - December 2004

SDA Kinship - CONNECTION - December 2004

Published by Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc., 2016-11-01 21:20:00

Description: The Newsletter of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.


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The Journal of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. December 2004 Vol. 28 No. 10 For, unto us a Child is born. Unto us a Son is given And the government shall be upon His shoulders. And His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor The Mighty God The Everlasting Father The Prince of Peace

KINSHIP BOARD Who we are... Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc. (Kinship) is aPresident: Bob BouchardVice President: Taylor Ruhl non-profit support organization which ministers to the spiritual,Secretary: Bruce Harlow emotional, social, and physical well-being of Seventh-dayTreasurer: Karen Wetherell Adventist lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and intersexConnection Editor: Catherine individuals and their families and friends. Kinship facilitates and promotes the understanding and affirmation of LGBTI Adventists Taylor among themselves and within the Seventh-day AdventistMarketing & PR Webmaster: Robb community through education, advocacy, and reconciliation. Kinship is an organization which supports the advance of human Crouch, Dave Gilsdorf rights for all people.Church Liaison: Leif LindWomyn’s Coordinator: Yolanda Founded in 1976, the organization was incorporated in 1981 and is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in the US. Elliott Kinship has a board of up to 15 officers and 13 regionalKampmeeting 2004 Coordinator: coordinators. The current list of members and friends includes several thousand people in 26 countries. Isis Montalvo SDA Kinship believes the Bible does not condemn, or evenBOARD MEMBERS AT LARGE mention, homosexuality as a sexual orientation. Ellen G. White does not parallel any of the Bible texts, which are often used toKinNet Coordinator: Floyd Poenitz condemn homosexuals. Most of the anguish imposed upon God’sOffice Manager/Member Services: children who grow up as LGBT has its roots in a misunderstanding of what the Bible says. Fred Casey Support KinshipDiversity Issues: Elena Kinship operates solely on contributions from its members and Thomas-Blough friends. Help us reach out to more LGBT Adventists by making aTransgender Issues: Sandra tax-deductible donation to SDA Kinship International. Please send your check or money order to the address below. (You can also Hoffecker donate, using your Visa or Master Card, by contacting Karen Wetherell at [email protected]. She will phone you so thatEXECUTIVE COMMITTEE you can give your credit card information in a safe manner.)Bob Bouchard, Taylor Ruhl, Bruce SDA Kinship, P.O. Box 49375, Sarasota, FL 34230-6375, or call Harlow, Karen Wetherell, toll-free in the U.S. 866-732-5677 or toll from outside the U.S. 01 Samuel Pang, Catherine Taylor (941) 371-7606, or visit SDA Kinship’s Web Site at: www.sdakinship.orgREGIONAL COORDINATORS–USA Region 9 (So. CA, AZ) Bruce Boyd Germany: Roy RatzerRegion 1 (PA, NJ, NY, CT, RI, 818-708-7448 [email protected] MA,VT, NH, ME) Catherine [email protected] Taylor 802-885-6050 Michelle Cornwell Central & South America: [email protected] 760-320-1853 Alexander Gomez Pasco [email protected] [email protected] 2 (WV, VA, NC, DE, MD,DC) Yolanda Elliot AFFILIATED INTERNATIONAL Philippines: Jonathan Coo 410-531-5382 REGION COORDINATORS [email protected] [email protected] Australia: Noel Thorpe Uganda: Joseph BrownRegion 3 (TN, AL, MS, GA, SC, FL) [email protected] [email protected] Brenda McColpin N2pepsi@aol Brazil: Itamar Matos de Souza OTHER COORDINATORSRegion 4 (MN, IA, MO, WI, IL, [email protected] MI,IN, KY,OH) Darin Olson Intersexed: Carolyn Parsons 612-870-8199 [email protected] Canada: Brent Lehmann 425-917-0842 [email protected] [email protected] 5 (TX, OK, KS, AR, LA) Floyd Poenitz 972-416-1358 Europe: Ruud Kieboom Transgender/Transexual: Sandra [email protected] [email protected] Hoffecker [email protected] 6 (ND, SD, CO, NE, Older Adult: Ren Reynolds WY,UT, NM) Robb Crouch [email protected] 402-438-0883 [email protected] 7 (AK, WA, OR ID, MT) Betty Hale 503-794-0110 [email protected] 8 (No. CA, NV HI) Elena Thomas-Blough 480-272-7168 [email protected]

Midnights I’ve noticed He often arrives in the darkest times. only from a Deity and you will give birth to a ChildMost Biblical chroniclers don’t believe He was born in whose very name means ‘Salvation’”. There were noDecember. Many of them calculate the time His other immediate signs of a miracle. Well, maybe yes. Iministry began, the years He worked here, the season don’t think it can be anything less than manna fromwe humans chose to put Him on a cross and have come supernatural realms feeding the soul that could causeto believe that He was conceived during the time of this young woman to respond to an event that wouldyear in a place on this planet where darkness covered probably lead to her death by stoning, for supposedthe light. Or so it seemed. adultery, with “Here I am. I am the Lord’s child. As you have spoken, so will it be.” Herod was king of Judea. He had ruled for thirtyyears and now, in the last days of his life, a And so, another stream of light began to flowdegenerative illness left him prone to delusions of through golden portals, down starlit corridors, throughpersecution and increasing acts of intrigue, violence nebula the color of the sanctuary curtain, to this tinyand murder. A reign that had been threaded with fear planet. That light filled Elizabeth’s home. It lit the dustyand shed blood now became steeped in it. paths on the way to a tax assessment in Judea. Its beams illuminated the cave creatures and their Baby’s birth. The Jews had lived without a prophet four hundred The song of that light flooded hillsides and the oftenyears. Many of them believed the voice of God no denigrated shepards. It became the map for Persianlonger spoke to them. The Pharisees and Sadducees astronomers. It gave glory to John at a baptism. Itbickered among each other. Worldwide Hellenism blinded the Pharisees and gave vision to the woman atclashed with ancient traditions and practices. Hebrew the well. It hid Itself on Golgotha and it thundered thecommentaries, designed to illuminate the Torah, had grave door open three days later.become the very burden and yoke decried by Isaiah.People could not use a handkerchief to blow their nose Our time is not so different. We fear our rulers.on the Sabbath Day without being accused of law Religious leaders have given such burdens that peoplebreaking. bend and often break under their yoke. People we love say they can no longer hear the voice of God. We see Politically, Zealots and other groups fomented daily effects of political and religious unrest. We buryrebellion against hated Roman oppressors. Galilee, a our young in the midst of it. If we follow the visionluxurious and productive area of Israel, known for olive God has given us and become the people God hasgroves, oaks, terebinths and international trade had called us to be, we can genuinely watch for the flyingbecome so infused with gentile immigrants that their stones of others. It is winter in Israel.accent was despised by less assimilated Jews, theirlifestyle considered loose by almost everybody, and This holiday season does not deny any of thosetheir religious observance believed polluted by those realities. It is indeed based in them and designed forwho went carefully to the temple in Jerusalem. them. Our work, our calling, our opportunity, is to see Heaven’s moonbeams in the darkness, to hear the It was under this tetrarch, at this point in religious angel’s voice in dark walls or among fire fights, to turnand political history, in this Galilee, in the dark of a our faces and our hearts into the wind of the Spirit, andwinter evening that Heaven sent the angel who stands to travel a road mined with danger and cushioned byon the right hand of the throne of God to an adolescent the light of God, to Bethlehem.woman with no rights or privileges, living in a workingclass town. CT “Greetings. You are the most favored one. The Lord iswith you. You will conceive with the DNA that comes 3

Celebrating the HolidaysRomilda (Virginia) Roy (Germany) One of my favorite Christmas traditions is something Usually I celebrate Christmas with my parents withI do with my friend Denise, rather than with my dear whom we share a house in different apartments. Onpartner of 20+ years. We're not sure how it began, but Christmas Eve my parents prepare a traditional Christmasfor several years we have gone to the \"Mitten Tree dinner with sausages, meat, ‘Sauerkraut’, potatoes andService\" on Christmas Eve at the Unitarian Universalist compote. We have a lovely time together. Because myChurch of Arlington, Virginia. There's always a parents are not Christians, we don’t go to church. OnChristmas Pageant (Unitarians suspend their disbelief a Christmas day my sister and her children come to joinfew days each year and even sing the carols without us. Usually we have Christmas cake and other sweets.changing the words!!!) -- with Wise People (not always On the second day of Christmas we invite our parents toboys), angels (not always girls), and shepherds (yes, have dinner with us.mixed gender there also). I suppose for some peoplethis is a serious evening. For us it became something Pieter (Germany/South Africa)our funny bones have looked forward to with pleasure. When I lived in South Africa the 24th of December There was the year the Mitten Trees just did NOT was the most important day for us. Everyone gathers towant to stay upright even before they were laden with spend the entire evening together. This is a real familynew mittens, hats, and scarves for the homeless. Strong day. We have a buffet instead of sitting down dinner. Atteenagers did Their Part by keeping the “the trees” from midnight we give each other presents. The nextlanding on the first row of people (um, make that the morning everyone works together on a big lunch withfirst 6 rows). One year a particularly saintly looking turkey, salads, savouries and lots of snacks. It stays onangel came up the aisle and I noticed she had on high the table during the afternoon for people to eat whentopped black tennis shoes. I guess she put her foot they want. I am a charismatic believer that doesn’t go todown when the admonition to appear angelic came to church but I have loved spending time with my family.her shoes. One of my favorite years was when theshepherds (who were watching their sheep by night) Jörg and Thomas (Germany)had trouble with their crooks and somehow managed On Christmas most of the family members gather atto knock down every cardboard animal, save one cow,which bit the dust during the processional. I can't my parents place. It’s usually a real family reunion. Myremember if it was an accident or if an 8 year old mother always surprises us with something different forshepherd didn't want him to feel embarrassed being the dinner; usually something made with poultry. Theonly animal still standing. The church has since second day we stay at home around our own Christmasreplaced the animals, and I must admit the pageant tree! Sometimes it happens that Jörg has to work ondoesn't have quite the same sparkle it did when there Christmas, because he is a doctor. Then I have to spendwas a chance of a cow diving off the stage. the day by myself. Following the services, after we've fortified ourselves Stephan und Joachim (Germany)with cookies, Denise and I head out and find Christmas One day we stay with Stefan’s stepmother in Brementree lights to admire. From the elegant two story homewith a simple candle in each window -- to the lawn and the other day withwhere the Disney characters were too numerous to Joachim’s family. We enjoycount, we’ve enjoyed the lights. that very much. On Christmas Eve we always go to the There's something magical about Christmas lights SDA-church for a specialand Christmas Trees. service. This is rare in Germany, where SDA They remind me of one of my favorite quotes: churches hardly have services on Christmas Eve. It is always “She asked me when the very special to us. season of joy was supposed to end & I said I didn't really think there was an exact date, so we left the tree up till June that year.” Brian Andreas <>4

Andreas 1 (Germany) Willie (Norway) On Christmas Eve my partner Kristof and I spend time When it comes to celebrating Christmas, I normallytogether with my girlfriend. It is always a surprise what hang out with my family. The big event here iswe prepare for dinner. The other Christmas days we December 24. After two or three in the afternoon evenspend separately with our own families. We give each buses stop driving and everybody is at home withother lots of presents and we eat a lot! There is always family or friends. Many go to church in the latepoultry. My mother-in-law is from England. She always afternoon, even if they never attend any other time ofmakes a Christmas pudding (but I stopped eating it 10years ago). She usually tries to prepare a real German year. The local cathedral, nextmeal (but I don’t eat that anymore either! Ha ha ha!) door to us, always reminded my family that Christmas wasAndreas 2 (Germany) beginning because the bells Mostly I stay with my parents at Christmas Eve; except began to chime…and went on and on for a considerablewhen it falls on Thursday. Then I go to my Gay Club. length of time. The small SDAThere is always a lot of fun at the club and the church where I grew up didatmosphere is totally different. The other Christmas days not have Christmas Eveare spent with my family. We eat and walk and enjoy services. We just stayed homeourselves. It is a wonderful time. and changed into nice clothes around four or five o'clock. The Christmas tree is normally decorated on theAndrea (Germany) evening of December 23rd. Early on Christmas Eve day To be honest, I never know how I am going to we eat rice porridge in which there has been hidden a single almond. The one who gets the almond in hisspend Christmas. I'm always glad when it is over. Last portion will have a treat; chocolate or something like it.year I was on the island of Mallorca in Spain where we As evening approaches, we go and find the wrappedlit a hundred candles on the beach and made a gifts which we have hidden in cupboards or other secretwonderful walk. This year I haven’t a clue of how I am places and put them under the tree. Each year thegoing to spend Christmas. presents reach high up under the tree or out onto the surrounding floor, even now that there are no childrenRuud and Kees (Netherlands) in the family. In the countryside families leave a big Although we don’t buy presents and lots of food, the portion of porridge in the barn for the many small Christmas men. Over here they are something betweendays before Christmas are always hectic. Ruud does a lot St. Nicolas and elves. (Rats and mice are the ones to eatwith the church. Christmas Day, to us, is rest and peace it of course). Norwegians also have a tradition ofof mind and no unwanted obligations. Christmas Eve hanging some sheaves on a pole to feed the birds.we usually spend alone with At six or seven we have the main Christmas meal.each other. For us the most Many people have a tradition of reading the story ofwonderful way to start Christ’s birth at the table before the meal begins.Christmas is listening to the Because our family did not share a Christian belief, weChristmas concert at didn’t have this ritual. Norwegians alternate betweenCambridge Cathedral sung by four or five traditional dishes. Most people have pork.the Male and Boys’ Choir, We don’t, of course. Some eat lamb, some even eatbroadcasted on BBC turkey. Many families eat a special kind of fish dish,television every Christmas Eve where the poor cod has been treated with someat 6 o’clock. It’s like a taste of heaven. The other chemical to make it become more or less like a jellyfishChristmas days we usually spend with our mother (in instead of a cod. I like it. We serve vegetarian dishes forlaw) and one of our best friends. We talk, play games or those who would prefer them. For dessert there is alwayswatch television. It is also a nice time to read a book, or some creamy, delicious stuff. We have cake or ice creamthe papers we didn’t have time to read yet. or many cakes and different ice creams one after the other. It’s difficult to move after that meal so weDecember Holidays in the Netherlands normally wait for the gifts while the dishwasher takes 5 December - This is important for children as they care of the plates. THEN comes the opening of the gifts. This can happen in a variety of ways. Where therereceive gifts from Saint Nicholas and his helper, Black are small children some uncle or older sibling willPiet. Saint Nicholas was a real person; Bishop of Myra. knock on the door and come in dressed like St. Nicolas. That happened only once when I was a child. I got so 25 December - Christmas - This is more of a religious scared that I ran upstairs as fast as I could and hid underholiday rather than gift giving. the bed all the way next to the wall for quite a while. My cousin took off the mask and explained that it was 26 December - Second Day of Christmas (Boxing only her, but it still took quite a while to calm meDay in England and Canada) 5 Many thanks to C. Edwin Baer-Kaagman for thisholiday calendar.

down. Gifts may be opened one by one for everyone to Ren (California)see, or people may open their presents at the same time. It is wonderful to have a family with whom we canIt goes on for a couple of hours. We listen to the boy'schoir singing on the television in the background. share holidays. For some of us however, that is no longer an option. I think it is important to build family Much later the coffee table is put up. Every self from a group of friends who may be in similarrespecting cook or host brings out at least the required positions. We built a substitute family for all theseven small homemade cakes (Some of them are more holidays from Thanksgiving through Super Bowl. I dolike cookies.) My mother still bakes at home but many not like to travel during the holiday sprint. There is justhardworking career people buy pastries at a bakery. too much hustle bustle for me. The tule fog here is aSome families make a pepper cake house covered with weather worry. I have decorated trees, put together adifferent kinds of sweets and frosting. rehearsal and then gone out to sing two or three Christmas Carols on Christmas morning. We’ve done The children often bring their gifts with them to bed similar things on other holidays at a nursing home orbecause they are sooo happy with them. The adults assisted care facility. These days I plan for a meal or tworelax for a few hours before they go to sleep. at home with football, order my turkey and trimmings from Whole Foods, light a fire in the fireplace and The following morning we normally have a very rich voila, everything is ready for celebration. Tralala, Bonbreakfast, filled with foods that we hardly see the rest of Appetite and Happy Holidays!the year. Afterwards people go for walks, to churchservices or visit with relatives. Both December Peter: (Ontario, Canada)twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth are celebrated properly When I was younger, we celebrated Christmas at mywith very nice food in the evening. Then, that is theend of Christmas. Grandmother’s home in northern Ontario. Christmas Eve we would pile into the car and head north. With ourRon: (Maryland) heads filled with the story of the Christmas miracle, we For the past 12 Thanksgivings I have gone to the all held our breath and waited for our own Christmas miracle. Ours was always the same. It involvedhome of friends who have included me in their family. I surviving the mandatory winter storm with whiteouts,have always taken a special corn dish. This year I am black ice, and finding that one open gas station in thegoing to be south of the border with my son. I haven’t middle of nowhere, as the gas gauge on the car readseen him in three years. We will be enjoying good empty. At the end of the adventure my grandmother’sMexican food for Thanksgiving dinner. home had a pot of stew staying warm on the woodstove, a warm fire, the joy of family at Christmas, Christmas is usually quiet because I do not have and the coldest bed sheets you have ever in the area. A couple of years I volunteered witha local restaurant that had a big feed for anyone whowanted to attend. They had a toy table for the kids. Oneyear I worked with that. Other times I worked in thekitchen preparing food. We had an average of 300 ormore people, including volunteers, who showed up forthe event. This year I am thinking of checking with mychurch for names of people who might not have aplace to go for Christmas. I would like to invite themover for the day. Holidays should be special and no oneshould be alone during them. Tangier Corn Pudding 2 eggs 2 tablespoons flour 3/4 cup sugar 17 oz can cream corn 17 oz can whole corn, drained 1/4 tsp vanilla 1/2 stick melted margarine or butter. 1 cup evaporated milk Beat eggs, add flour, mix well. Add remainingingredients and mix well. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour Enjoy the holidays!6

When Wil and I were married, Christmas was a big so I’ll be able to eat both Christmas meals.gathering at my mother’s home. Wil and I would cook Between the good, the bad, and the ugly I amthe Christmas turkey at our house, then, drive it over.We tried not to get turkey drippings on my Christmas finding a place of inner joy in my heart this year. I amduds. Each year the turkey got bigger and bigger, as remembering the childhood experiences. I ammy mostly veggie family began to indulge in this most remembering hearing the Christmas story read aloud.popular of Christmas traditions. The last year we were As I remember the excitement I felt when I heard thoseresponsible for the bird, it took two 20 pounders to feed ancient words, my heart is once again filled with hope.the multitudes. I believe, no matter how old, sick or cynical I have become. Somewhere deep inside me, there is still that In the years after Wil’s death Christmas became a little boy who loves Christmas, knows that a Savior waslonely, reflective time that I spent alone. born, and believes there is a better life to come. When Keith and I formed our relationship and moved Jeremy (Vermont)north to the Christmas Tree Farm, the magic of I transitioned to my own independence within theChristmas returned. We spent long days trampingthrough the snow looking for that one perfect last couple of years and have begun to create traditionsChristmas tree in the150 acres from which we could with my partner Tom. We continue our familychoose. With Keith I now began to include the Christmas rituals with his folks here in Vermont andcelebration of Yule. We would sit in the snow around a dividing my attention between my divorced parents.roaring campfire. Temperatures dropped to – 40. Trust We have managed to create a nice tradition of focusingme; that was magic. On Christmas Day, we would our attention on the New Year. It is the only time wejump into the truck and drive south, through the snow don't need to feel pulled in any direction, feel like anystorms. The first stop came in two hours with a huge gifts need to be purchased, and can just focus on eachveggie-Adventist Christmas lunch with my family. (Pass other. In the past we have made a dinner at home orthe Worthington Dinner roast, and save me the end made a small picnic to eat as the fireworks are displayedpiece.) By the time we were loosening our belts from over the lake. The weather that night was f-r-e-e-z-i-n-geating too much, it was time to drive 2 more hours while we were sitting outside and eating. But, it wassouth for Christmas dinner with Keith’s family; turkey, memorable and romantic! We also say a prayer for thestuffing, and all the fixings! About the moment the following year to bring blessings on our relationship,tryptophan from the turkey started to kick in, it was time family and friends. Until we have our own family,to drive 4 hours back north to get the fire going in the although the Christmas family traditions are great,wood furnace at the farmhouse so the pipes did not merging the two can be hard, if not impossible, tofreeze. share between the two of us! My favorite Christmas was in 2000. Keith and I had Naveen: (California/Maryland/India)moved from the farm house to a 100 year old two room The holiday season has always been magical for me.log cabin an hour north of the tree farm. There were noneighbors for 10 miles. This was as close as I have ever It is my favorite time of the year. Traditions in my familycome to Heaven on earth. Martha Stewart would have incorporate both our Indian and American heritage. Thebeen proud. I decked out the cabin in all forms of Christmas season beginsgreenery and red ribbons. Two days before Christmas, officially on December 1,Keith was released from a hospitalization. We picked up with a special dinner,our cats, who had been visiting my family and drove followed by fruit cake thatthree hours home, in a gentle magical snow fall. The my mother makes fromcabin was truly glorious when we got there. However scratch. The family decorateseverything, and I do mean everything, was frozen solid. the house and ChristmasWe fired up the cook stove and huddled around it to tree. Then they sit back,keep warm. It took two days for the place to warm up. listen to Christmas carols,When the temperature finally became bearable, the drink coffee and hotcouple of plants we had, that had been frozen solid, chocolate, and enjoy thewent from frozen solid to wilted mass. It was quite magic of our decorations.funny to see. We were home, had a cheery fire and were The next weeks are crammedtogether. That was all that mattered. with writing, stuffing and mailing Christmas cards to our family and friends who During the last few years, here in Peterborough, I live all over the world. Our family also goes carolinghave had a struggle finding a meaningful way to spend with the local Indian SDA Association. They go to theChristmas. Keith and I are now best friends. We still visit homes of our friends and family each night, singingboth families on Christmas Day. Living in the city with carols in English and in many of the Indian languages.its commercialism has been difficult for me. For me the Finally, the week before Christmas, everyone gathers inChristmas miracle this year is surviving a 3 weekhospitalization for Toxemia. I have found out that my Continued on page 12mouth surgery has been postponed until the new year 7

Interview with Joseph Brown In October 2004, Joseph Brown, She would still love me. I don’t ‘frequented by gay people’. But asfrom Uganda, was invited to feel the need to tell her that I am long the rumour cannot be proved,attend a congress on HIV/AIDS in gay. I think she suspects it already. the police will not act on it.Amsterdam, sponsored by the Every time she comes to our placeDutch Humanistic Organisation on she finds me with this friend and ChurchDevelopment and Cooperation she has never seen me dating a(HIVOS). Joseph took this woman! We are having a very difficultopportunity to meet with Kinship time with both Seventh Daymembers in The Netherlands. From The difference between Uganda Adventist churches and otherSabbath, October 23, till Tuesday and Europe is that we don’t live in denominations. Homosexuality ismorning, Joseph stayed with us. I separate apartments or homes, condemned almost every day!had a chance to interview him where we can live our own People think the church has beenabout his work for a group of gay lifestyles. We live in close families infiltrated by gay and lesbianand lesbian Christians in Kampala, and communities. If they find out members. Congregations havethe capital of Uganda, and about that we are a gay person, become aware that there arehis work for women and children somebody might insult you in homosexuals in the church andof AIDS victims. front of others in the middle of the have decided that the only way to street. If they find out we are gay, address the issue is to talk about itSociety and Family we have to leave the community. in a negative way. That’s one of In my country people risk life the reasons many gay and lesbian It is hard to live as a gay or imprisonment if they are openly people don’t attend church serviceslesbian person in Uganda. Our gay. The Ugandan law forbids anymore, even as they are unablecultural background; our society’s homosexuality and criminalizes to give a reason for their absence.refusal to believe that one can be a homosexuals. Nevertheless there is In the past the church neglectedgay/lesbian and black and some kind of gay life in Uganda. the issue, believing homosexualityUgandan is oppressive and There is a ‘gay bar’ in Kampala. Of did not exist. But it seems that thedestructive. Of course sexuality is course it is not officially a gay bar, word ‘homosexuality’ (abisiyaga innot related to nationality or race, but rumours say that it is the Ugandan translation) isbut to our nature. It is not a choice mentioned in the Bible, so theyor a dress that we put on. We are must admit it existed alreadyborn with our orientation, no thousands of years ago. If thematter what our background. Often church gets to know thatpeople in Uganda know that we somebody is abisiyaga they willare gay, but they don’t /can’t talk exclude this person. The pastor willabout it. We can’t admit our talk to this person and leaveorientation, unless we are very her/him the choice: stop being gayclose to our relatives and friends or leave the church. This is theand know that we can trust them. I opposite of what Christ wouldhave not told anybody in my have done. Christ loves the sinner;family that I am a gay person, the church sends the one shebecause I know they will never thinks is a sinner, away! The sameaccept it. I am living with my thing happens to married couplespartner, but we never express that get divorced. The church isourselves as gay persons. We never very harsh to them. In that aspecthug or kiss when others are there is no love in the church inaround. I always take him to my’s home as ‘a friend’. It is notdifficult for me to act that way. I When I realized I was anam sure that if I would tell my abisiyaga (gay person), I went tomother that I am gay, she would my pastor to confess this to him.find it difficult to accept, but she He didn’t reject me. Soon I foundwould not reject me as her son. out he was a gay person too and he knew other gay Christians!8

Through him I got into contact answers in the Bible and on the Kinship’s website! I hope thatwith them. Unfortunately the internet. But most people in Kinship can help us. People inpastor was married. When they Uganda don’t have access to the Uganda are very spiritual and theyfound out about his World Wide Web. For them it is are in need of scripturalhomosexuality, the church difficult to find an answer to their interpretation aboutex-communicated him. He had to questions once they realize they are homosexuality. It looks like theleave the church and go into exile. homosexual. I share the text in the Bible tells us that homosexuality isSince he left Uganda I haven’t Bible that consoles me. It is in the forbidden. How do we deal withbeen able to contact him. I think book of Romans: ‘we are all this when we are gay and we longhe lives in the United States sinners’! I am not a sinner because to go to Heaven after this life! Wenowadays. I am gay; we are all sinners, gays are in need of books and leaflets and non-gays! I know that whoever that help us to understand thisA Gay and Lesbian Group in condemns me and says I am a issue from a Christian point ofUganda sinner is a sinner too. Their view. We need somebody who is condemnation is on their own able to come to us, to explain When I began to contact other heads too. We both are only saved these issues. And here, I think,gay and lesbian Christians four by Christ Jesus. Kinship can be of great importanceyears ago, I found that there are to us. Maybe we can be of help toquite a number of us! We were not At this moment I am considered Kinship as well! We can givean organized group but people the leader of our group. People information about gay Adventistsknew each other and I got to know want someone they trust and can in Africa and how people strugglemany of them. I used to be a turn to with their questions. with it on our continent and in ourteacher/electrician and I always culture.have had compassion for people. I “I don’t fear anylike to help where there is a need. I difficulties.” ‘Open Door Counselling’started to organize all of us into agroup. In those days the president Sometimes I feel overwhelmed. We Apart from my interactions withof Uganda, who strongly opposes have almost 100 members. They our Kinship group, I work for ahomosexuality, said that all gay come from Kampala and from the non profit organization calledand lesbian people in the country gay and lesbian communities in ‘Open Door Counselling’ that Ishould be arrested. Soon after he other regions. Because I am more founded five years ago. The aim ofsaid this, a group of gays, who or less open with my orientation, this institution is to help childrenwere hiding in the suburbs of many turn to me for help. I keep a and widows of AIDS victims find aKampala, were mentioned in a low profile and don’t talk about home within their family. In ournewspaper, arrested and jailed. homosexuality in public. I don’t country it is common for men toBecause of this atmosphere many fear I will be arrested as long as I leave home for days at a time inhomosexuals left the country. work only within this group. order to work. While they areUganda was arresting people During my time in The Haag, I gone, they have sexual intercoursebecause of their orientation! I was interviewed by Radio with other women and often bringcalled all the gay and lesbian Netherlands World Service. AIDS into their families. If apeople I knew, to come together to Because this is a foreign radio husband dies, (in Uganda mendiscuss the situation. We decided station, I don’t fear any difficulties. usually die earlier of AIDS thanto form a group that would meet At this point in time, I have never women) the children are dividedon a regular basis. These days we had a problem in my country. among relatives. Widows whomeet once or twice a month. The have no income after the husbandmain purpose of our meeting is to Kinship has died are sent away by her lateshare encouragement and husband’s family. Open Dooracceptance. My emphasis for the Catholic homosexuals have their Counselling wants to be a placemeetings is to build acceptance of organization called Dignity; where these women can turn forbeing both gay and Christian. I Anglicans have Integrity. When help and support. We try to preventhave found that we are strongest Integrity made some news in the separation of mothers andwhen we accept who we are. Uganda, I wanted to know if there children. If both parents have died,When we are strong, we are free. was a similar organization for gay we try to have the children placedThere is no more bondage. We are and lesbian Seventh Day Adventists in their own family and not inno longer imprisoned in ourselves. where we could connect. I institutions. When they are placedNone can emotionally abuse or searched the internet and found within their family, we try tothreaten us because we are gay. support them psychologically and materially. We give clothes. When After accepting myself I beganto wonder how homosexuality and Continued next pageChristianity fit together. I found my 9

Joseph Brown Kinship Newsnecessary and possible we try to Brazil: Itamar should go on with HAD as apay for their school fees. Another In São Paulo members have had government registeredaim of this organization is to open organization or reconfigureup a discussion on HIV and AIDS. their second meeting. In the ourselves in another way. We stillIN Uganda people don’t talk about morning they went to church want to remain a group becausethese issues. If somebody dies of together. Then they went to our people are still searching. We hadAIDS, nobody will admit it large city park and shared a picnic a new guy visiting our meetingpublicly. A victim of AIDS will be lunch. They studied about last month. Over the weekend weconsidered an outcast. People are homosexuality, the Bible and had more than twenty membersafraid to talk about it; they don’t Adventism. The leader of the Sao and guests. On Friday we hadwant to admit it. I started this Paulo group is Cristiano Valério, a dinner and made sure everyoneorganization, because I saw there 28 year-old man, responsible for was introduced. On Sabbathwas a need for it. I lost five of my the creation and maintenance of a morning we attended the churchbrothers and sisters to AIDS. Their website totally in Portuguese, services in Marienhoehe. Duringchildren were divided among my Some of our afternoon discussion we askedother brothers and sisters. the content of our website is people how they pictured the translated and put on the official future of HAD. Most attendees At the moment we are allowed SDA Kinship website. It talks about were clear they do not have contactto work in two districts with a high our faith and beliefs, our activities, with the church any more. Somepopulation density. Most of the and our plans for our first struggle with their beliefs, evenpeople working for ‘Open Door Kampmeeting next year. Cristiano with the existence of God. ItCounselling’ are volunteers. Of designed shirts with the Kinship's became clear that there is interestcourse we can’t help everybody, Logo, and with our Web address. in keeping the group alive but notbut we do what we can. We have He adapted the logo of SDA as the \"eingetragener Verein\"contact with organizations that Kinship, translating everything for (registered organization) that wework in other districts. The work the Portuguese. We also have a had until then. On Sunday werelies on donations given by discussion group called Gays decided to de-register HAD as suchHIVOS in the Netherlands. I don’t Adventistas in the MSN and go on as the German group ofhave an income from my work for SDA Kinship. Now, we don’t have‘Open Doors Counseling’. I tistas with more than 240 to report to the tax office anymoresupport myself with a little grocery members. Here in Brasília I think or prove that our actions areshop and with being a taxi driver we have more than 20 gay and charitable. The downside of thisusing my own car. I also saved lesbian Adventists. We will be shift is that donations towards thesome money from my former job planning our first meeting very group cannot be deducted fromas an electrician. My partner went soon. I don't know if the members individual taxes anymore. With ourback to university to study. of São Paulo programmed decision we now have to find ways something for the holidays of to work more closely with SDAThe future December. Usually, here in Brazil, Kinship as well as working the people prefer to pass the together better as a group. It was It is my wish for our group in festivities together with our decided that we keep our websiteUganda to become part of Kinship. relatives. On January I will be alive (maybe under a new name). ItWe need Kinship. We want to going to São Paulo, to participate was also decided that Roy willmove hand in hand with Kinship. in one of the meetings and to get continue as webmaster and contactWe need a meeting place, where to know the members there. person with SDA Kinship. We willwe can meet in a safe environment. meet again in April 2005 in eitherUntil now we have gathered at Blessings. Erfurt, Thuringia or Eisenach,someone’s home. Now our group Thuringia. Joachim will organizeis too large for such small spaces. I Germany: Roy this next meeting. After the legalknow of a gay group in Kenya and burdens are gone, we hope this isin Tanzania. I hope that one day November 12-14, the Germanwe can make contact with themtoo, and that they become groups group of Kinship, HAD, met inwithin Kinship as well. To have ourown Kinship Africa with our own Darmstadt for their first meeting inAfrican Kampmeetings! But now Ithink I start dreaming of the future. almost two years. A few membersIf only this dream may come true! have stayed in contact with each RK ! other. We wanted to get together10 to decide if we should see if we

a new chance for all of us to work Kinship Health Notestogether and keep the group alive. Noel ThorpeThe Netherlands: Ruud Types of drug use Ruud has been very busy in hisrole as correspondent for Kinship At a time when the crystal debate is running hot and people areEurope. You’ve read his interview re-examining how our community uses drugs, it is important to look at theabout Joseph’s work in Uganda. different types of drug use that exist in order to make sense of the issue.He also spoke to members at the Essentially there are six types of drug use. People may move in and out ofHAD meeting in Germany to these types at different stages in their lives. Therapeutic use describes thecollect their stories of holiday situation where a drug is given by a medical practitioner or used to treat ancelebrations. illness. This also covers “self-medication,” i.e. smoking cannabis to assist with pain relief. Experimental use is when someone may try a drug forUganda: Joseph whatever reason and then choose to discontinue it after a short period of time. Ecstasy is a drug that is usually used in a specific social situation. This Kinship is quite excited to is referred to as recreational use. Drug use of this type may occurannounce that our members in infrequently. The person makes a choice to use the drug and suffers few, ifUganda have joined us en mass as any, withdrawal symptoms. Sometimes this drug use can move intoour newest region! We have becoming intensive use. “Bingeing” is another term for this type of drugmailed pounds and pounds of consumption. It occurs when a person uses a drug heavily over a shortliterature about the Bible and period of time. This use may continue for hours, days or even weeksHomosexuality. Each month we depending on the drug and the situation. We currently see this form ofwill ship 25 copies of the substance consumption with many crystal users. Situational use is where aConnection to the post office box drug is used to cope with a particular situation. A good example of this typein Kampala. We welcome you and of drug use is when students use speed in order to stay awake to study.we look forward to hearing news Finding yourself smoking when you have a drink in your hand is also anabout your members and your example of this type of drug use, when certain situations (e.g. drinking in ameetings each month! pub) trigger particular drug use behavior (e.g. smoking). Finally, we have our most problematic type of drug use – dependent use. This describes aUnited Kingdom: Mike situation where a person uses a drug regularly for so long that the drug-induced state feels normal to them and they feel compelled to use the Mike has embarked on a year drug in everyday life, even though it could be causing them greatlong project to help Seventh Day problems. There is lots of talk about members of our community becomingAdventist pastors in the UK dependent or being “addicted” to crystal. There is the belief that somehowbecome acquainted with Kinship. this drug is so much worse than any other. Obviously there are many whoHe plans to mail are having problems with the drug. However, not all crystal users are theholiday cards in same – each user is unique, with different motivations for use and their ownDecember, set of problems, if any. Equally as damaging, but much more sociallyliterature acceptable, is alcohol. This drug leads to dependence (about 10 percent ofdescribing all drinkers), violence, emotional, financial and relationship problems and,Biblical of course, unsafe sexual behavior. Sound familiar? We, as a communityperspectives on should also be concerned with this.homosexualityin February, the Remember: if you do not want any negative consequences, do not use aEuropean issue drug. No matter how many times you have used a substance, never be blaséof the Connection in May, an about it. !announcement of EuropeanKinship Meeting 4 in July and a planning a meeting at Bob and everyone to bring $100 worth ofreport of the meeting in Vince’s home in New York City for food for the church because theyNovember. Our prayers will be the last weekend in February. feed 20 families every month andwith you in this outreach project. even more over the holidays. The REGION 2: Yolanda church allows us to use theirRegion 1: Catherine sanctuary for our vespers every Region 2 conducted their 2nd month absolutely free so this is one Plans are definite for our annual $100 worth of way in which we can give back tomeeting at Samuel and Andrew’s non-perishable food drive to a very generous church! Last yearhome on December 11. Even benefit the Oaklands Presbyterianthough it may be too late to order Church. The challenge was for Continued on next pagetickets for the Boston Gay Men’schorus, please feel free to contact 11Catherine at [email protected] ifyou would like to join us. We are

we raised over $750 worth of food Celebrating the Holidays (Cont.) a BBQ. Not long ago the suburbsand money. I'm not sure of the around us were threatened byexact amount this year, but it was the kitchen and makes delicious wildfires. We had a very smokywell over $600. Here is a picture Indian desserts. These desserts are holiday. Here in Sydney, lots ofof the group with the mountain of for our immediate family and for people go to our local beachesfood that was brought in to the all the friends and family who are and celebrate Christmas lying inchurch. Next year we'll reach for going to receive gifts. On the sun or enjoying the surf. In thethe sky! Christmas Eve our family piles into evening other family members and our car and delivers the gifts and friends will call by and enjoyRegion 5: Floyd desserts to all our friends and another meal together. family. I have warm memories of Region 5 just had a gathering... doing this in my childhood. Now Andrew (Moscow)I had company from out of town that I live on my own, I continue Santa Claus, Rudolph, Frosty,so I couldn't attend, but I here some of these traditions.there were 10 friends gathered for red-striped candy canes ... Yeahthe evening. I don't think that we Bob: (New York, New York) right. Christmas is the mostare going to have another meeting Because neither my partner, gloomy time of the year. Maybethis year with all the holidays Vince, nor I that's because my first memories ofcoming up I doubt there will be have family in Christmas, from when I was six, aretime for anyone to get together... the immediate of my little sister and me eagerlyhopefully January will be \"slower\". vicinity of NYC, sneaking into the living room after we have the bedtime to plug in the ChristmasRegion 9: Bruce wonderful tree lights. We had to feel our way over-a-decade-lo around in the dark, and my finger Region 9 Kinship members ng tradition of somehow found its way into theattend the Glendale, California spending the electric socket before the plug;Central Church regularly. There three times. Mom and Dad heardare always at least five or six day with friends and members of my screaming and angrily tuckedmembers attending the church their families. Ron and Ira host us back into bed.service; sometimes there are fifteen everyone and we all share someor twenty of us. This past Sabbath, good food, some fun gifts and lots Christmas depression stuckthe Pastor, in enumerating the of conversation. Usually, we play firmly when I was 13. The upsidevaried groups who attend services some board or card games later in about the holiday was comingthere, mentioned that there is one the afternoon. We learned a long home from Far Eastern Academy ingroup of members who attend time ago that a loving family is Singapore, where I was constantlythere because they often felt not just a function of blood homesick. The downside was thatunwelcome anywhere else. We are relations. You can create kinship my missionary parents werean accepted part of the with your friends! sleeping in separate bedroomscongregation in Glendale. ahead of an ugly divorce. Kevin (Australia)Inland Empire: Taylor and Leif Christmas downunder isn't that As an adolescent I went to Gem State Academy in barren Idaho. The Southeastern California much different from everywhere There were two homes to visit over(formerly Inland Empire) Chapter of else. Trees are decorated with tinsel Christmas -- not to mention theKinship has been reactivated. and imitation snow. Holiday carols culture shock of living in AmericaWe've had two functions this fall are played in department stores. for the first time and a lot ofwith a Christmas party scheduled Santa and his reindeer decorate our name-calling from classmates whofor early December. Response has shopping areas and our homes. were more accustomed to huntingbeen enthusiastic! ! The only difference is, for us, rifles and beef jerky than a soft Christmas arrives in the middle of spoken redhead used to holding12 summer. When I was a child, my hands with male friends. I quickly parents would often take us to the learned two new words -- gay and beach and enjoy our Christmas fag. Since moving back home was dinner by the sea. Other years, we not an option (picking a parent would open our presents on was too difficult) and nobody Christmas Day and have a wanted to be associated with the traditional hot Christmas dinner fag, my senior year was largely even if the weather was scorching spent in boys' restrooms. The ouside. Sometimes we would have mission: scrubbing \"Andy = Fag,\" \"Call Andy for head\" and accompanying cartoon drawings

off toilet stalls. Although the Kampmeeting Corner…bathroom back at Mom's didn't The Road to St. Louis (USA)drive me to tears, the lack ofholiday cheer did. Dad had moved Isis M., Kampmeeting Coordinator 2005 (USA)across the country, and my dearestrelatives, an aunt and uncle, The results are in! The following is a brief summary of the results,celebrated my 17th Christmas Eve however the comments are still being tabulated and summarized. Once thein our living room by fighting in comments have been summarized, all of the results will be posted on KinNetthe twinkle of the Christmas treelights. They soon divorced. Total Completed Surveys Submitted: 108 (Close to a 10% overall response rate) Several months later I heardabout Kinship at the nursing home ! # Who attended 2004 Kampmeeting (%): 44 (40% Response Rate)where I emptied bedpans and ! # Who attended previous Kampmeeting/never attended Kampmeeting: 64convinced 12 residents every day ! Overall Rating of Kampmeeting 2004: 4.32 (Out of a possible 5)that they wanted to eat sticky ! Top 3 Priorities for Topicsoatmeal and runny mashedpotatoes. Somehow, one resident 1. Spiritualsaw right into me and offered me 2. Relationshipshis Playgirl magazine. When he 3. Homosexuality and The Biblelearned I was 17, he turned red and ! Keep Talent Show: 94% Yes, 6 % Nooffered me Kinship's phone ! Setting Priority: #1 Retreat, #2 Hotel/Motel, #3 University/School.number. He wasn't a member of However, the difference between #2 & #3 was very small and only by 0.3Kinship, but I soon started meeting points.people who were. ! Bed Priority: #1 Queen, #2 Double, #3 Twin, #4 Bunk. Similar to the setting priority, the difference between #1 & #2 was negligible and only Kampmeeting 1993 and 1994 by 0.03 points.were fantastic -- and took place in ! Bath Priority: #1 Private, #2 Semi-Private. The difference between the twothe summer. Christmas was far being very close again (0.3 points)away from any Kinship chapter and ! Non-Bunk Beds: 77% were willing to pay morewas at Dad's, where I moved for a ! Cruise: 90% were interested if it cost the same as Kampmeeting. Thanksfresh start. I threw myself into again to all who completed the survey online or mailed them in! Thiscollege studies and the welcome information was recently shared at the November Kinship Board Meeting,distraction of editing the so it can be utilized for planning Kampmeeting in St. Louis and futureConnection. Kampmeetings. My site visit to St. Louis several weeks ago was also very productive, and I’m excited to inform you that we have almost finalized Two years later I graduated and our accommodations…stay tuned!abandoned both the Connectionand the United States to move to Have you found a baby picture of yourself? Oh come on, I’m sure youRussia. My new surroundings can find at least one! Keep it in a safe place and set it aside! I’ll provide moresuddenly seemed familiar and information in the future!comfortable. Like the places I livedin my childhood, finding St. Louis Trivia: Did you know that the ice cream cone was invented at thecornflakes or tacos in a store was 1904 World’s Fair (held in St. Louis) along with iced tea? The soft drink Dr.reason to celebrate. Things like Pepper was also introduced at the 1904 World’s Fair, and 7-Up and peanutvanilla extract and measuring cups butter was also invented in our host city!were not on sale anywhere. Moreimportantly, December 25 came Plan on Meeting Me in St. Louis – July 10-17, 2005.!and went with no brightlywrapped presents or long-winded shoulder. His granddaughter Snow champagne. As we toast 2005, Icarols. Thank goodness. Maiden, wearing a gorgeous will be unabashedly holding light-blue robe, will help hand out Sasha's hand. Last year it was Seven years later, however, I am the presents. Before the fireworks Igor's, and before that it wasfinally going to buy a fir tree, not start in my courtyard, a small Alyosha's. But no big deal. Whatfor Christmas -- which is celebrated group of friends will come over for counts is having a hand to hold, aon January 7 -- but for New Year's, a midnight feast of potato salad, man to love and, I hate to admit, athe biggest holiday in Russia. carrot and cabbage salad, caviar, holiday to celebrate with friends.There will be gifts, not delivered pickled cucumbers and tomatoes,by a rolly-polly Santa but the cheese, black bread and So bring on the Christmas, er,slender Father Frost, who swings New Year's lights! !into apartment windows clutchinghis long, red robe in one hand and 13carrying a sack of surprises over his

The Miraculous Story of Moses Titan, the Christmas Pup Elena Davis-Stenhouse is a traffic speeding by a few yards out in clumps. He clung to me likeKinship member from Colorado, away - without expression on his an infant and was docile in mywho makes her living as a hospice face. As I reached under his arms arms. I wrapped him in a soft towelsocial worker. She and her wife, and lifted him into the air, I saw and cradled him in my arms. IErin will be featured in next his leg beaming with red blood cleaned and bandaged his legmonth's Connection but we and two deep gashes that went wound. I took him to the livingthought this story would a perfect down to the bone. I was sickened room and sat on the floor in frontaddition to our Kinship collection by this sight, and knew from that of my gas fireplace, letting himof holiday tales… point that I had to help him. I feel the warmth of the fire and cradled him by my side and safety of our home. It was a cold Christmas Eve walked back to my Jeep. As Iafternoon. I was heading into the placed him on the passenger seat, Soon, I decided to offer him acity to meet a friend when he looked up at me with a look of bowl of milk. He gobbled it upsomething happened that changed gratitude, his tail wagged once, like he had not eaten in a month asmy life. I was running late, as and then he crawled onto the floor he did the second bowl of milk Iusual, speeding along at about 55 and did not move a muscle for the put down. After he kept that downmiles an hour. Somehow, out of next several hours while I drove a while, I got him a bowl ofthe corner of my eye, I noticed a where I needed to go and back kibble, which he noisily devouredfamiliar shape on the side of the home again. I figured the thing he and begged for another bowl,road. It appeared to be the outline needed most at this point was rest which was quickly produced. Ourof the top of a dog's head! The and protection from the cold. As I mysterious puppy fell asleep with aimage was barely visible down the stared down at him and the extent full belly, warm, and dry for theslight embankment by the side of of his injuries, I was absolutely first time in who knows how long.road and in the tall grass. I went by amazed. It felt surreal and felt likeso quickly that I thought surely I fate. It was one of those feelings of We sat together as a family thatcouldn't have seen what I thought being in the exact right place at Christmas eve, nestled around theI saw. I reflected on needing to the exact right time, as if by divine fireplace and pouring our love outhurry on in order to not be late for intervention. to this puppy as we debated whatmy appointment, but something to call the little guy. We finallytold me I just had to turn back to He was at first unable to drink decided on the biblical namesee if I really saw something. I water - did not seem to understand \"Moses\" because he too had beenpulled over onto the dirt and the concept. He was so weak he found as a baby in the tall grass.backed up about 50 feet. With cars could barely move and seemed so There was also a strong vote for thespeeding by me, I walked back to dazed and disconnected from the name \"Titan\", which was added aswhere I thought \"it\" had been. To world around him. I finally cajoled his middle name, to reflect that hemy amazement, I was looking him into drinking a little water and was found close by Titan Road. So,down into the most pitiful face I he then immediately fell back into little Moses Titan became ourhad ever seen. This was no dog -- motionlessness. When I got him Christmas miracle, bringing ourthis was a puppy! He was very tiny, home, the first thing I had to do family close and making us reflectless than ten pounds, and was was give him a bath. He was on the true meaning of Christmas.completely emaciated. He was absolutely disgusting. As I gentlyliterally just skin and bones with washed him with soap and warm The day after Christmas, we tookpatches of black hair missing from water in my utility sink, his hair fell him to see our vet, a wonderfulall over his body. His nose was woman by the name of Paulacrusty and green slime oozed out Bumpers at Canyon View Animalof each nostril. He had a Hospital…horrendous, hacking cough andscabs all over his body. It was One may wonder what effectchilling to see such a sight and yet this traumatic beginning had onmy heart immediately went out to little Moses Titan. He definitelythis poor, pathetic pup. As I was delayed in many ways. Hereached down to pick him up, he could not even make eye contactwas motionless - sitting facing the the first few weeks and he was unable to bond. He was very slow14 moving and slept an incredible amount of time. He loved to stare

into our gas fireplace, motionless The Journal of Seventh-day Adventist Kinship International, Inc.and mesmerized. Today, a largescar on his back left leg is the only Editor: Catherine Taylor publication to the Connection Editorevidence that this is even the same Circulation: Fred Casey at [email protected] who survived such a traumatic European Editor: Ruud Kieboombeginning. He is very calm for a Photography: Karen Wetherell The mention or appearance ofone year old lab and still loves to Production: Ted Compton any names, organizations orsleep. From the beginning, I knew Printing: Doolittle’s PrintServe photographs in this publication isthat Moses was special and that he not meant to imply a fact orhad a special gift for the world. I The Connection is published by statement about sexual orientationknew he had a calling in life and Seventh-day Adventist Kinship or activity.that I had to help him fulfill it. It International, Inc. Principal office:was then that I decided that Moses P.O. Box 49375, Sarasota, FL Subscription requests or addressshould become a therapy dog! I 34230-6375; 866-732-5677. changes may be sent to:took great pride in teaching this Submissions of letters, articles, Subscriptions, P.O. Box 49375,little guy and he has proven to be pictures, art work, and graphics are Sarasota, FL 34230-6375, or call tolla great student. He is my pride and welcome. Include your name as you free from inside the U.S. at 866joy and I love to take him with me want it published, address and 732-5677 or toll from outside theeverywhere I go. I work as a telephone number. If an item is to U.S. at 01-941-371-7606, or emailHospice Social Worker, doing be acknowledged or returned, [email protected]. The Kinshiphome visits and so Moses became please include a self-addressed, mailing list is confidential and usedmy little copilot -- and a source of stamped envelope. Some only by Kinship officers. Thegreat joy to the patients I visit! In Connection contributors have mailing list is not sold, rented, orAugust 2004, Moses and I chosen to remain anonymous or use exchanged for any purpose.completed and passed the Denver pseudonyms.Pet Partners examination. He was © 2004 Connection. All rightsapproximately one year old at that The Connection reserves the right reserved. Reproduction in whole ortime and even passed as able to to edit manuscripts for length, in part without permission isvisit \"complex\" environments. I syntax, grammar, and clarity. prohibited. OPINIONS EXPRESSEDbelieve that his temperament is so Submit articles or letters for HEREIN ARE NOT NECESSARILYgood because of his tragic THOSE OF SDA KINSHIPbeginning. He is so happy to be INTERNATIONAL.warm and safe that nothing fazeshim. Not loud noises, not Member of the Gay and Lesbianvacuums, nothing! We are still Press Association.waiting for his formal registrationmaterials to come in the mail and Connection Corner: Treasurer’s Corner:look forward to getting assignedto a site. Moses has a great affinity Each month I write a couple of Don’t forget to get yourfor children and I am hoping that e-mails to our regional donations in for income taxhe can do visits to Denver coordinators, all over the world,Children's Home or other similar asking them to ship me news of purposes by thefacility for abused or neglected their area. If your area is not end ofkids. Moses would certainly be a represented, please feel free to ask December. Anydog they could relate to - he has you local coordinator if they might envelopealso suffered a traumatic like you to help them by sending postmarked bybeginning. I love to share Moses' your local news our way. We also December 31story because I believe he is an want to hear stories of your lives; as will be countedinspiration to all who struggle individuals, groups, and as towards 2004through adversity. He is my true couples. This means those of you donations. Thank you for yourChristmas miracle! who live in Pretoria, London, Sao generosity throughout this year. Paulo, Brisbane, and Toledo. You We will send you your receipts for Elena and Moses have been can feel free to e-mail me at 2004 as soon as all donations cannamed \"Team of the Month\" for [email protected]. Our copy be processed. Your donations canDecember by Denver Pet Partners deadline is the 23rd of every be mailed to the office in theand are featured on the Denver Pet month. We would also enjoy enclosed envelopes.Partners website at being able to use your photos, Next month, we will give you a recipes, etc. ! year end statement so you can see! how your donations have been appropriated this year. You can also see how much money is in the individual funds that are important to you. ! 15

Drought It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. We had not seen rain in almost a month. The crops were dying. Cows had stopped giving milk. The creeks and streams were long gone back into the earth. It was a dry season that would bankrupt several farmers before it was through. Every day, my husband and his brothers would go about the arduous process of trying to get water to the fields. Lately this process had involved taking a truck to the local water rendering plant and filling it up with water. But severe rationing had cut everyone off. If we didn't see some rain soon...we would lose everything. I was in the kitchen making lunch for my husband and his brothers when I saw my six-year-old son, Billy, walking toward the woods. He wasn't walking with the usual carefree abandon of a youth but with a serious purpose. I could only see his back. He was obviously walking with a great effort…trying to be as still as possible. Minutes after he disappeared into the woods, he came running out again, toward the house. I went back to making sandwiches; thinking that whatever task he had been doing was completed. Moments later, however, he was once again walking in that slow purposeful stride toward the woods. This activity went on for an hour: walk carefully to the woods, run back to the house. Finally I couldn't take it any longer and I crept out of the house and followed him on his journey (being very careful not to be he was obviously doing important work and didn't need his Mommy checking up on him). He was cupping both hands in front of him as he walked, being very careful not to spill the water he held in them…maybe two or three tablespoons were held in his tiny hands. I sneaked close as he went into the woods. Branches and thorns slapped his little face, but he did not try to avoid them. He had a much higher purpose. As I leaned in to spy on him, I saw the most amazing site. Several large deer loomed in front of him. Billy walked right up to them. I almost screamed for him to get away. A huge buck with elaborate antlers was dangerously close. But the buck did not threaten him...he didn't even move as Billy knelt down. And I saw a tiny fawn laying on the ground, obviously suffering from dehydration and heat exhaustion, lift its head with great effort to lap up the water cupped in my beautiful boy's hand. When the water was gone, Billy jumped up to run back to the house and I hid behind a tree. I followed him back to the house to a spigot to which we had shut off the water. Billy opened it all the way up and a small trickle began to creep out. He knelt there, letting the drip, drip slowly fill up his makeshift \"cup,\" as the sun beat down on his little back. And it came clear to me: The trouble he had gotten into for playing with the hose the week before. The lecture he had received about the importance of not wasting water. The reason he didn't ask me to help him. It took almost twenty minutes for the drops to fill his hands. When he stood up and began the trek back, I was there in front of him. His little eyes just filled with tears. \"I'm not wasting,\" was all he said. As he began his walk, I joined him...with a small pot of water from the kitchen. I let him tend to the fawn. I stayed away. It was his job. I stood on the edge of the woods watching the most beautiful heart I have ever known working so hard to save another life. As the tears that rolled down my face began to hit the ground, they were suddenly joined by other drops…and more drops…and more. I looked up at the sky. Tears from the clouds joined those running down my face. Some will probably say that this was all just a huge coincidence. That it was bound to rain sometime. And I can't argue with that…I'm not going to try. All I can say is that the rain that came that day saved our farm…just like the actions of one young creature saved another. !16

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